main street marketing assisting Internet marketing continues to broaden as many industries shrink and the aim of making money on the web has become more widely used. The great majority have attempted to succeed as an affiliate marketer or by designing a product themselves. It is not necessarily as easy as some will declare, and if you have discovered that your success has been limited, you might not realise that what you have learnt could be a valuable asset. read more... There is a market sector that needs help with online marketing and that is real world businesses. It may be that these companies either do or do not presently have an online presence yet they will be interested in customer leads. This will often be the case and if you can help them do that, you can build yourself a very nice business. The advantage of marketing in the offline world is that you have the potential to have more control over your final results. The person who manages an offline business will not come after you in the beginning so you need to be hands-on in contacting them if you are to succeed. In choosing how to do this, you need to think about what type of service you will deliver and this requires you to evaluate what your strengths are. A business desiring a website or better online search engine rankings have been the standard services being marketed. Despite the fact that these are still absolutely valid, there are now so many alternative options available and in certain ways it is a good idea to find your own area of interest at first before maybe expanding. In respect to solutions you could make available, here are some tips. Facebook and Twitter are right now probably names that nearly everybody is aware of including business owners. The idea that they are just for societal chit chat is a more widespread belief than you might assume. The manner in which social media can increase business is an area we have understanding of through marketing online. We can quickly have an offline marketing business by aiding owners in our localized area understand social media and establishing Facebook pages. If you can position yourself as an expert, it is very possible that a local business owner will look to contact you when they need advice for their social media marketing. Yet another way you can get into this market is by basically putting sites online yourself, generally a wordpress site and having these ranked for local keywords. If you purchase an exact match domain for your community and the business sector you are targeting, you can quickly get your website ranked on the 1st page of the search engines. [link] This gives you leveraging power as you can either rent the site out or charge for adverts to be inserted on it. Another option would be to get leads and sell these into the marketplace. An ongoing revenue stream can be generated if you follow through. Local business owners need your assistance and if you are prepared to take action, this can be a long term small business opportunity for you.