1 minute read

Life hacks

family life, but if you vet the room renter carefully, then you can end up with an income of as much as £500 a month. You can earn up to £7,500 a year tax free using the rent a room allowance and this can help offset the cost of mortgaging even if you’re a first-time buyer.”

5. Location, location, location


“Buyers need to not just focus on the property but also get to know the area you’re moving to – don’t just look at the unit, look at the site. If you’re looking at a new building, work out where all the other properties are going to be – are you going to be overlooked or does your property back onto a major road?

It’s important to understand what the levels of noise are likely to be in your area. You need to look at where the local amenities are – if you’re a first-time buyer and you’re thinking of starting a family, you need to consider where shops and schools are located and if they are commutable or within walking distance.” ctatax.uk.com boydens.co.uk

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