Volume 2, Issue 2. October - December 2011
From the President's Pen Hello and welcome to our
last Boyd Park Bulletin of 2011. Who would have thought the year would fly by so fast? We are almost half way through another Toastmaster year, so this is a good opportunity to look back on the goals we set for ourselves in July. Let's be kind to ourselves in the process: congratulate yourself on what you have done, and don't be afraid to adjust your plans going forward!
How do you feel you are doing in making progress towards
your personal development and educational goals? How can we help you maintain your momentum and continue to grow and feel supported? Help us to help you! I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. Until then, remember to keep smiling. TM Emma Banks Club President
President's Pen Educational: Gestures Club News Speech Contests Bird's Eye View Savvy Speaker's Toolkit Educational: Toasts Club Executive
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Key Dates
• 24 October: Meeting • 29 October: Area 19 Conference • 14 November: Meeting • 28 November: Meeting • 12 December: Last meeting of 2011 • 9 January: Meeting • 17 March: District Conference • 4 - 6 May: Division 69 Convention
Actions Speak Louder Than Words In public speaking, your body can be an effective tool for adding emphasis and clarity to your words. It’s also your most powerful instrument for convincing an audience of your sincerity, earnestness and enthusiasm. Here’s how you can incorporate appropriate body language into your speeches: • Start with eye contact. Don’t
just pass your gaze throughout the room; try to focus on individual listeners and create a bond with them by looking them directly in the eyes for five to 10 seconds.
for nervous expressions such as fidgeting, twitching, lip biting, key jingling, hands in pockets or behind the back.
• Express emotion with your facial muscles.
• Telling a story? Highlight the action verbs and look for ways to act out one or more parts. For example, if you are speaking about marathon running, run a few steps.
• Avoid distracting mannerisms. Have a friend watch as you practise and look
• Stay true to your personality. Don’t copy gestures from a book or other speaker, but
• Smile!
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(cont. page 2)
Boyd Park Bulletin. Volume 2, Issue 2. October - December 2011
DCP Progress 1/2
2 Competent Communicators
2 Competent Communicators
1 Advanced Communicator
1 Advanced Communicator
1 Leadership Award
1 Leadership Award
4 New Members
4 New Members
Training Winter/Summer
1/2 Officers/Semis
(cont. from page 1)
respond naturally to what you feel and say. • Make gestures convincing. Every hand gesture should be total body movement that starts
from the shoulder – never from the elbow. Half-hearted gestures
look artificial.
ask a question.
• Vary your speaking position by moving from one spot on the stage to another. For example, walk to the other side of the stage
© 2011 Toastmasters International. Adapted from Gestures: Get Moving! http://bit.ly/oOj7KN Accessed 10.10.2011.
as you move to a new topic or move toward the audience as you
(adapted for length)
Advanced Manual of the Month Speaking to Inform
Speech summaries:
A great manual to practise informationrich presentations, with five projects to help you deliver informative, relevant and interesting speeches using a range of effective techniques. A good one to tie in with your work goals.
1. Present new and useful information. 2. Develop and adapt material to suit your audience. 3. Clearly demonstrate a process, product or activity. 4. Present a factfinding report and answer questions. 5. Clearly explain an
abstract concept, theory, or historical/
social/ political issue. Order two Advanced Manuals for free when you complete your Competent Communicator manual, or at any time from Toastmasters International www.toastmasters.org.
Area 19 Contests 2011 Right: The Contest Chair presents certificates to
contestants in the Area 19
Humourous Speech Contest on
Saturday 29 October 2011. Well done to the speakers who
represented our club in all four
contests, and a big thank you to
everyone who helped out on the day.
(See Speech Contests 2011, pg. 3)
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Boyd Park Bulletin. Volume 2, Issue 2. October - December 2011
Speech Contests 2011 Speech contests are a chance to practise communication and leadership skills under a strict set of conditions. Each contest has its own set of rules, and a points system for various categories of skills. Check out the rulebook at www.toastmasters .org/rulebook .
We generally offer four contests at Boyd Park Toastmasters: Table Topics, Evaluation, Humourous and International. This year's winners at club level were: • Table Topics: Andrew C • Evaluation: Robert G
• Humourous: Geoff D • International: Andrew C
These intrepid speakers went on to represent Boyd Park and compete against winners from four to five other clubs at at area level on Saturday 29 October. All four contestants performed admirably on the day, and did themselves and the club very proud. Next up is division and district level, and while Boyd Park will not be represented at these levels this year, we encourage you to consider attending particularly if you would like to compete in the future.
The division contest will be held on 17 March, and the district contest at the District 69 Convention in Brisbane on 4 - 6 May 2012. More details will be available during club meetings.
Bird's Eye View
Members are at the heart of Toastmasters International. Here are the structures that are in place to serve us, and provide us with as wide a range of opportunities as possible.
Finally, none of this can happen without the teams of contest officials who organise each step of the way. Judges, contest chairs, tally counters, timers, sergeant at arms... you don't have to compete to practise your skills in a club contest. So pull up a chair or a lectern - and enjoy the contests as they unfold over the year.
The Savvy Speaker's Toolkit Check out these free online resources to help improve your speaking, thinking and leadership skills.
overcoming writers' block, by Toastmaster and professional speaker Robert Green. http://bit.ly/sqWoFY
1. Building Skills with Style: articles on choosing a topic, developing a presentation and
2. TED Talks: watch just one of the hundreds of talks on this site and forever change the way you
view public speaking - and quite possibly the world. Science, entertainment, business and technology are all covered in talks of 3 - 18 minutes each. http://bit.ly/tJtp2h
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© 2011 Toastmasters International. Extract from Toastmasters International Service Chart. http://bit.ly/nMQoj. Accessed 15 July 2011.
Boyd Park Bulletin. Volume 2, Issue 2. October - December 2011
Ensure Toasts Are Received in the Right Spirit These days, the tradition of toasting is as rare as place cards – useful for a few formal events, but rarely executed well.
To make sure you put your best foot forward and not in your mouth, ensure your toast is brief, personal and customised to the occasion. Most of all it should be heartfelt, so don’t try to copy an existing toast, but pick a topic that is personal but appropriate. • Keep it short – no more than a couple of minutes. Brevity is the soul of wit. • Practise. Think about what you want to say, and practise in advance. Use friends as sounding boards beforehand. • Speak slowly, clearly and loudly (if no microphone is available).
• Be positive. This is not the time to recite the groom’s college pranks.
• End on a bright note. Be sincere, be brief, be seated.
At a formal event, it is recommended the person offering the toast stand, get the guests’ attention, lift glass by the stem and say “I propose a toast.” Allow time for the guests to fill and lift their glasses and shift their attention toward you. Then offer your comments, take a sip, and invite others to do the same. At small dinner parties, however, there is no need to stand. Just lift your glass by the stem, speak and touch the glass of the person or persons involved.
• If you are on the receiving end of the toast, stay seated and don’t drink the toast to yourself. At the end of the toasts, it’s your turn to make some comments.
© 2011 Toastmasters International. Adapted from Toasting Tips http://bit.ly/oo4EzD. Accessed 10.10.2011 (adapted for length).
• Stay sober. Being coherent helps. • Dress your best. If you look good, you’ll feel more confident. • Use humour, but keep it clean. Don’t refer to “inside jokes” only a few people will understand.
• Don’t drink alcohol? No problem – you can still offer a toast with sparkling juice or
Your Club Executive 2011 - 2012 President
TM Emma Banks
VP Membership
Joe Skilton ACB ALS
TM Jean Katajamaki
VP Education
VP Public Relations Treasurer
Sergeant at Arms
Newsletter Publisher: Emma Banks
Geoff Dillon CC
Sarah Dillon CC CL
Andrew Cole ACS ALS Robbie Aquilina CC
Newsletter Editor: Sarah Dillon
For more information about Boyd Park Toastmasters Club, check out our website at http://www.bptmc.org.au
We meet in the upstairs meeting room of the Prince of Wales Hotel, on the corner of Sandgate and Buckland Roads, every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, from 7.15pm. Visitors are always welcome. If you are interested in Toastmasters, but our meeting location or time does not suit you, call our toll-free number on 1300 30 40 69 to find a more convenient club in your area. Page 4