2 minute read
Scrap The Tax On Socialising!
from Hotel SA Dec 2024
by Boylen
It’s no surprise to those in our industry that pubs are hit with the alcohol excise every six months.
“Australia now has the 3rd highest rate of alcohol tax in the world," said AHA|SA President, David Basheer.
“As Treasury reaps in a whopping $8 billion of alcohol taxes a year, their tax is hitting pub patrons in the hip pocket at a time they can least afford it.
“Too many in Canberra fail to appreciate Aussie Pubs are the second lounge room for so many communities.
“This is also an insidious tax on socialising – and mental health.
“We all understand the devastating impact of loneliness and the positivity of mates talking to mates. For many, this means spending time at their local pub.
“Our ask is modest and achievable. We are calling for a 40% reduction on the tax levied on all keg beer and spirits served to a customer in the pub.
“That translates into a mere 2% reduction in the $8 billion annual excise receipts but will make a real cost of living difference to the customers at the pub, our family hoteliers, and our unfortunate young staff who constantly bear the brunt of patron frustration,” David said.
South Australian publicans and owners of the Terminus in Morgan, Heather and Phil, said. "The alcohol excise hurts."
"People only have so much money to spend - they can't come and have their social connection.”
Owner of the Earl of Leicester, Chris Farmer, said, "Passing costs onto people who are already stressed, goes very much against the ethic of the community institution such as pubs."
And the owner of the Kelly Hotel Group, Matt Kelly, said: "It's no secret to a lot of people that every six months there's an excise on alcohol and it's got to that point where it's becoming a bit problematic in my view. It's making it difficult moving forward and I think it's got out of kilter between off-premises to on-premises."