2 minute read
from Hotel SA August 2023
by Boylen
Prior to commencing my role as Chief Executive Officer of the AHA|SA Branch I spoke about my intention that moving forward would be a process of evolution, not revolution.
At the same time as states across the nation propose and contemplate quite sweeping reforms, particularly in relation to gaming, we too have engaged in a process of far less revolutionary internal reform. Positive progress and growth are especially satisfying (and streamlined) when existing staff are identified as having skill sets that can be embraced and utilised for the benefit of both the organisation and our members.
I am happy to announce that several staff members will be expanding their roles to in turn optimise the service and support that we are able to deliver to industry and individual businesses.
Our Workplace Relations service will now incorporate both Liquor and Gaming services that we provide to members. In addition to existing staff we will grow the team with an additional recruit possessing skills across all three jurisdictions.
Our presence in the communications, social media and digital marketing space will substantively increase in order to grow the profile of the association, our individual members and our industry.
Finally additional resources will be injected into government relations and advocacy, stakeholder engagement and networking, providing greater connectivity with those that have the power to control our destiny as an industry.
To find out more about these changes and who will be doing what where tune into my short video for this month.
Further to the creation of Accommodation Australia, the result of a merger between the Accommodation Association of Australia and Tourism Accommodation Australia, our focus on the tourism sector will be enhanced and resourced accordingly.
Anna Moeller, AHA|SA CEO