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Hotels Helping Hutt Street
from Hotel SA August 2021
by Boylen

Hotels Helping Hutt Street
On behalf of SA’s hotels, the AHA|SA has made the largest donation to a fundraiser for Catherine House and Hutt St Centre.
'Pubs with Heart' (formerly Hotel Care Community Projects) has contributed $10,000 towards FIVEaa’s David & Will's Undie Drive.
Catherine House offers crisis, longer term accommodation and support services for women experiencing homelessness.
Hutt St Centre aims to end homelessness and each year it serves up to 40,000 meals and offers social work and support services to nearly 2,000 people.
“Underwear… everyone wears them and we take it for granted that there will be a pair in your drawer each day,” according to the FIVEaa promotion.
“Your generous donations will go directly to Catherine House and the Hutt St Centre to purchase undies for men and women that are currently experiencing homelessness right here in South Australia.”
Pubs with Heart, through the Independent Gaming Corporation (IGC), was established in 1995 and has contributed over $10 million to 160+ South Australian charities and disadvantaged groups.
Hotels have a long and proud history of helping the community.
According to McGregor Tan research data, the support given to charities, sporting clubs and community groups by hotels in SA is more than $9 million annually (figure obtained from marketing data).
This could be anything from a small donation or meal voucher for a school raffle to more significant fundraising initiatives for particular charities. It could also be the pub being the major sponsor of the local football team - local hotels play their part at all levels.
- Will Goodings
- David Penberthy
On behalf of hotels with gaming machines in SA, the AHA|SA coordinates the Pubs with Heart funding program.
Since it was established in 1995, Pubs with Heart has poured more than $10 million back into the community. It has a particular focus on supporting charities, not for profit organisations and disadvantaged groups. Funding for Pubs with Heart is provided by the IGC.