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Scott’s Spot

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From the President

From the President

Hello all and welcome to the July edition of Scott’s Spot. This month’s edition is a little shorter due to some R&R for me, however, I will cover the usual short stories and photos that have occurred over the last month.


Once again, we had two incredibly well attended regional meetings by both our members along with our valued corporate partners. The Yorke Peninsula meeting was held at The Marion Bay Tavern with attendance for the region the highest seen for several years, I was reliably told. The Eyre Peninsula meeting was held at the Cleve Hotel Motel with once again a fantastic turnout by Members within this region, which covers such a vast area. Massive thanks to both venues for hosting.

I would like to acknowledge retired publicans in excess of 15 years at the Royal Hotel in Moonta alone, Jenny and Dennis Liddy. Enjoy guys.

While on the Cleve Hotel Motel, a massive congratulations to Benny Shannon who was recently announced as SA Country Bartender of the year. Super result and Ben’s service throughout the regional in Cleve lived up to his lofty reputation.


I just wanted to share a story regarding our very own Ian Horne. I’m not exactly sure which journalist this came from, however have a read and make your own mind up!

Some companies worry that their CEO is spending too much on “ivory castles” in their offices.

During a recent podcast interview in Ian Horne’s office, the journalist became very concerned about Ian’s squeaky office chair. So much so that the interview was paused and he was moved to a lounge chair. It seems the squeak was so loud it was affecting the audio recording.

When the journo returned for the second half of the interview a week later, he brought a can of good old RP7! Here’s a photo of the front of Ian’s office chair. Not a pretty sight! He reckons there’s at least two years left in it!

In this month’s edition of, “Interview with the AHA|SA”, have a look and see what Simone from the Duke of Brunswick and Damian from the Exchange in Gawler, have to say answering some hard hitting questions.

Simone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLnLXe6z9Bo&t=111s

Damian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh64impzXjM&t=4s

Following are a few quick snaps over the last few weeks. As always, plenty of renovations and alterations happening across the state.

The picturesque Novotel Barossa.

The newly renovated and almost unrecognisable Stockwell Hotel which is now fully operational. Thanks to Laura for allowing me to take some snaps. You will notice the tin Gazebo where only tinnies are able to be consumed.

The Stockwell Hotel.

Edithburgh Hotel publicans, Sonja and George.

Edithburgh Hotel - the Monday arvo locals hamming it up for the camera.

Lovely shot of publicans, Tracey and Ed from the Melville Hotel. Wine glasses were polished to perfection!

I was fortunate to meet publican Annie at the Darke Peake Hotel...

..Couldn’t help but notice their competition the Hellbent Hotel across the road.

Marieta striking a pose in the Hooked and Hunted which is part of the newly and beautifully renovated, Hotel Boston. Jump on Facebook and have a look, as this venue is spectacular, with more to come.

Nice shot of the Franklin Harbour Hotel in Cowell. I could not convince Sue to be in the photo!

To finish off - and this is hot off the press - I have just been advised that Greg and Judy Fahey have held a liquor licence for 50 years as of the 28 June 2021. A remarkable achievement to a wonderful and remarkable couple. Let’s raise a glass.

Bye for now.

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