3 minute read
Ravo’s Bush Telegraph
from Hotel SA July 2022
by Boylen

By Ian Ravenscroft
Well this is my first Ravo’s Bush Telegraph contribution for a while, due mainly to the COVID-19 dramas we have all experienced in recent years. I chose to lapse this column for a while in respect to you all in the hotel industry who were undergoing enormous and unprecedented stress in our lifetime. Ravo felt for you all and hopes that we can soon get back to a normal and productive working life once again.
I recently attended an amateur league footy match at the Campbelltown Memorial Oval, between Rostrevor Old Collegians and Port Districts football clubs. I must say I was very surprised to notice an ex-Chief Executive Officer of the AHA, John Lewis, who was involved with the college team as the team manager. His son was playing in the side. On catching up later, he mentioned the coach was Tony Franzon (John’s brother-in-law) and the well-known owner of several pubs in Adelaide, including the Grange and Bath Hotels. In fact, I must say I was unaware Tony had been a footy player of some note, apparently playing around 240 games for the Old College team according to the honour board in the aforementioned club. Whilst there, the College team had a poor day with no wins, but both John and Tony enjoyed a beverage or two after the game and it was great to catch up with them.
The sporting facilities at that venue were fantastic and are shared with the Rostrevor College Club in winter and the SACA premier grade club, East Torrens, during the summer. Worth having a look at if you are passing by!

Campbelltown Memorial Oval
Earlier in the footy season I also noticed Martin Palmer assisting at his old scholars college game, who had two sons playing in the amateur league club. If I recall correctly, Saint Peters Old Collegians. It hit me this season, whilst supporting the Port Districts Football Club (my son Mark is on the senior coaching panel), and having witnessed the contributions by the hoteliers mentioned prior, that our hotels very generously sponsor, support and fund so many sporting clubs and charitable causes in SA. They also find the time to support the clubs that their children participate in. The hotel industry and operatives truly do their bit in supporting many areas of community life in SA.
While touring the modern complex at Campbelltown Memorial Oval, with its outstanding change rooms and general facilities, I thought back to the era of 1971 when I played football at the Moonta Football Club. The wood chip heater would be lit at ¾ time to make the water warm for both teams post-game. The teams would shower together under just two shower heads in a corrugated iron shed (our club room) at the completion of the muddy game of footy. How things have changed in society since that era!
Cheers from the Bush Telegraph, and I hope your sporting teams this winter have the success you all strive for at the conclusion of the current season.