7 minute read
Scott’s Spot
from Hotel SA March 2021
by Boylen
One for the Road with Vaughany
Hello all and welcome to the first edition of Scott’s Spot for 2021. This month’s edition will cover the usual short stories, photos and random observations over the last couple of months while sharing the story of Steph and Bach Tran, publicans at The Lord Melbourne Hotel in North Adelaide.
Heading back in time to December 2020 and having a quiet beverage at the beautifully renovated Strathmore Hotel after the President’s luncheon with Trevor “Seagull” Evans, publican of the Wombat Hotel. Anyway, up walked Trevor Evans, retired AHA|SA staff member to say hello when I had this awkward moment thinking that the Trevor’s knew each other, but I wasn’t sure. I introduced them waiting for the old “of course we’ve met” and to my surprise - they had never met! However they had spoken a number of times over the phone in the last dozen or so years.
Great opportunity to take a snap of the Trevors’ together at last!

Speaking of seagulls and without wanting to be too self-indulgent, I want to share a terrifying moment for me in Wallaroo before heading to the Weeroona Hotel late 2020.
Long story short, I was eating a healthy bag of hot chips on a park bench in the centre of town when my chips and I were attacked by what must have been 20 plus seagulls! In a state of shock and
panic, I wrapped the chips in a hurry and threw them straight in the bin while being crapped on.
After composing myself after a couple of minutes, I’ve reached for my pocket to grab my phone before realising it was on the bottom of the locked council bin, wrapped up with my half-eaten chips. At least the 18 year old duty manager at Foodland was amused and thankfully located a key for the bin.
See photo of Lucy Randall’s creation covering the event perfectly.

On a more serious note, Lucindale in the state’s South East was ravaged by a major bushfire in early January with homes and structures being lost.
As always in small communities, and with the Lucindale Hotel heavily involved with major fundraising events, in excess of $200k has been raised as at the 7th February with that figure likely to rise substantially. Thankfully, no lives were lost and hoping the region is now on the road to recovery.
Congratulations to all nominees, category winners and of course the Marion Hotel for winning Hotel of the Year in what was a spectacular evening with hosts, the Entertainment Centre, once again doing an amazing job under the COVID Safe Guidelines.
It was a massive relief to have the Regionals back and thanks to both the Westlands Hotel in Whyalla and the Highlander Hotel in Adelaide for hosting the meetings.
As expected, turnouts were strong with the importance of personal interaction on show.
There is a story regarding Brad Barreau’s arrival in Whyalla at 8am on the Monday before the Regional.
After messaging Stephen Firth at the Sundowner Hotel of his arrival for a prearranged pick up, there was no response so after a period of time, Brad decided “drifter” style to grab his back pack and trek the 2.2km, 27 minute walk which I checked on Google Maps.
I would have thought it was a 10km walk in the Desert listening to the story!!
Once out on the highway, a mature aged lady driving a delivery van stopped and asked Brad for a lift which was gleefully accepted, although he was squashed into the front seat surrounded by and holding boxes and could barely get his seatbelt on.
So where was Stephen? He simply thought the pickup was 8pm not 8am.
Here’s a photo of Brad waiting to be picked up.

As promised in the overview, here is the inspiring short story of Bach and Steph Tran.
Isn’t it every man’s dream to own their own pub one day? The dream came true for Bach Tran in March 2018 when he and his wife Stephanie took over the Lord Melbourne Hotel on Melbourne Street, North Adelaide. As a chef for another hotel in the area, Bach had always dreamed of running his own hotel one day. He sold the vision to his wife who wholeheartedly supported her husband’s dream.
Even with a toddler and an 8 month old baby at the time, with the supported of family, the couple was determined to take on the challenges ahead.
Not your ‘typical’ publican, Bach arrived in Australia in 1991 as a refugee with his family. His dad was a South Vietnamese Lieutenant in the Vietnam War. After the fall of Saigon and many years spent in a detention camp which almost killed him, his dad wanted a better life for his family. Bach was eight years old at the time and thought that they were going fishing until he realised that it was a fishing trip that would take him away from his mum and sisters and the place he called home. The journey took Bach and his dad to Thailand where they were found by local authorities and placed into a refugee processing camp. A year later, his mum and sisters followed the route that he and his dad had taken based on the directions in the letters his dad wrote to his mum; and his family was reunited once again. With family in France and America, the Trans had a choice to migrate to either of those countries, but his dad was determined to stand on his own two feet without the help of family. They were fortunate enough to be sponsored to Australia by a missionary church and have called Australia home ever since.
Bach and Steph inherited their strong work ethics from their parents.

As a refugee in a foreign country, their parents worked seven days a week to support the family. Now, with a young family of their own, they are determined to do whatever it takes to turn around the failing business they had purchased. The first step was to change the image of the hotel by creating a family friendly environment and providing exceptional service and great food.
Originally opened in 1851, the LordMelbourne is one of the few alongMelbourne Street and in North Adelaidethat are still operating today. Formerlyknown as Tavern 63 from the 70’s to 80’s,the pub was perceived as a ‘rough’ pub ofNorth Adelaide and that perception hascontinued today especially to the localsthat have lived in the area for a while.
“It is still a constant battle for us to try to change the local’s perception of our hotel but we are finally getting our message across. It’s great to hear stories from customers who were here 30-40 years ago when it was a night club but in order for any business to survive, we need their continued custom.”
Almost three years since the young couple took over the business, the business is growing strength by strength.
“The uniqueness of our pub is not only the locals that support us, many of our regulars are also from the regional areas of South Australia. With three hotels closed by, Melbourne Street is an ideal location for country folks to stay for a weekend away, sporting event or medical appointments. We are their ‘local’ when they are away from home. Our pub is like
a country pub in city and the country folks love it.”
“We have not only invested a lot of money in renovating the pub and creating private areas for functions but we have also spent a lot of time building relationships with different groups who use our function rooms on a regular basis. Not many city pubs people can gloat about their grassy beer garden and tall Ficus trees surrounding it, but we can!”
A classically trained chef with over 12 years’ experience in the industry, Bach’s skills and experience previously as a chef at the Adelaide Oval and the head chef for the British Hotel (2015-2018) has enabled him to develop a menu that emphasises the quality and freshness of the ingredients used.
Don’t be afraid to come up and have a chat with Bach in their open kitchen. You could ask him where he sourced his tender steaks from or how it should be cooked and see the passion he has for his meats. Also don’t be too surprised to see him serving drinks behind the bar – he can pour a very good beer!

The following are a few quick snaps over the last few weeks which starting with Paul from the stunning Magpie and Stump Hotel in Mintaro. Unfortunately, Amanda was down in Adelaide for the day so missed the photo.
Over the next few weeks, I will be looking at adding short videos to the article, to add more flavour. Something new and I’m sure the odd blooper will occur, however will be fun. Bye for now.

Revamped beer garden at the Willunga Hotel. Looking great with more to come.

Tysen, General Manager at the Barossa Weintal.