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Member News: Novita Mighty River Run

MTA member Todd Quigley recently took a break from his usual Monday to Friday to take part in the Novita Mighty River Run, boating up the Murray River from Mannum to Berri over five jampacked days. The event was a fundraiser for Novita – a charity which provides support services and equipment to kids, young people and adults living with disability in Adelaide and regional South Australia. The River Run is Novita’s once-a-year major fundraiser. This year has been the event’s most successful yet, with the participants raising over $700,000 through sponsors, donations, auctions and registration fees. Todd, owner of High Quality Car Sales at Somerton Park, was among the new participants this year, on board his own 2013 Supra speedboat, the ‘Knot For Sale’. “We chose to do it because it goes to a good cause. It’s for people who slip through the net – who don’t get NDIS funding. It’s a second stream to be able to help people who don’t get help,” Todd explained. Todd and his wife Ashley teamed up with friends from Trimboli Services and Valley Enterprises to form their crew of eight. “We decided that we enjoy the river, [the event] was right up our alley. “My wife and I entered the boat because registrations were about to cut off, and then one night we just mentioned it to a couple of friends, and we all decided it was a good idea. From there it all just came together. We stuck together and helped each other to make it happen,” Todd said. He and his crew raised an impressive $41,000 for the event, the highest amount out of the 32 teams.
His crew started fundraising in March 2021, and are thankful to their long list of sponsors, which includes some other MTA members.
On day four, the participants stopped in Renmark to see where these funds are being put to use. “You spend about four hours playing games with kids with disabilities. “You get to meet the people that it’s all about, and what the charity is about. That was probably one of the most special things – to see where your money goes,” Todd said. It was clear that one of the other event highlights was passing through each of the four locks between Mannum and Berri.
“There’s always a big water fight. When the boats go in and they close the lock it breaks out into a massive water fight where people have got pumps in their boat and big hoses,” said Todd.
“It’s just having a bit of fun with a lot of like-minded people on the water that are just trying to do the right thing, and help out the less fortunate.” The Quigley’s highly recommend this event to other MTA members but warn that registration may be competitive next year, as this years’ event was at capacity. “We were very proud to be a part of it, and will continue to do so every year to raise funds for young people living with disabilities and to help create a more fulfilling life for them,” said Ashley. If you are interested in participating in or donating to this event, please visit the event page mightyriverrun.novita. org.au