3 minute read
Occupational Licensing & Compliance Team –Motor Vehicle Dealers
by Boylen
Dealings Register (Big Blue Book)
A Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealer (LMVD) must, within 2 working days, update the dealings register to reflect vehicles that are acquired, sold, demolished or placed on consignment.
The big blue book (dealings register) is no longer available for purchase. In August 2020 the Department transitioned to an electronic format. All new and existing dealers have been provided with the template via email. Alternatively, third party software programs may be used with approval from the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs. Once you complete your dealings register or wish to convert from the book to the electronic system you are welcome to contact the Compliance Team at associations.compliance@nt.gov.au.
The Compliance Team undertake audits of LMVD’s, this includes all the paperwork for acquiring and selling of vehicles and the dealings register.
Motor vehicle dealer licences | NT.GOV.AU
What We Look For
When conducting the audit of an LMVD, the dealings register is reviewed to ensure that the required information has been correctly recorded in the approved allocated time.
Information that is checked may include: odometer readings, VIN, engine numbers, purchaser and seller details. Supporting documents are also checked. These may include the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR), repairable write-off information, registration papers, notice of disposal and identification of the purchaser, including relevant contract of sale forms which must be completed correctly and signed by both the dealer and purchaser/appropriate witness.
Common Reasons For Non-Compliance
Since March 2022, the compliance team have audited 64 LMVDs across the Territory, with a number of dealers achieving compliance after assistance and education. In most circumstances the dealings register has not been completed correctly (or at all), information is missing or white out has been used.
Other common issues of non-compliance are the lack of PPSR checks, failure to notify purchasers that a vehicle has been a repairable write off, not obtaining a copy of identification of the purchaser and missing details on sale forms.
Our goal is to provide LMVD’s with the education and tools to be able to run your business effectively and efficiently. This provides safeguards for both you and your customers.
New Forms
New forms are on the website! The old Form 10 to 13 (various contracts of sale) have been revised and are now available for use on our website.
Licenced motor vehicle dealer forms | NT.GOV.AU
It’s Show Time!
Would you like to display vehicles at a location other than your premises?
Show/Expo/Open Day/Shopping Centres
Ensure that you have an exemption to display vehicles at any location other than your licensed premises by contacting ditt.occupationallicensing@nt.gov.au for further information.
As always, please visit our website for more information or contact us on 08 8999 1800 if you have any questions.