3 minute read

Supporting local businesses a top priority

Chair’s Message

Mark McGuire, MTA SA/NT Chair

I am very humbled and honoured to be elected to the prestigious role of Chair of the Motor Trade Association SA/NT (MTA) Board.

My journey with the MTA began twenty-three years ago in 2001 when I joined as a member after starting my first automotive business. In 2015, I joined the MTA Board and have never looked back.

Four decades ago, I started my career in the automotive industry working in the parts department at Adrien Brien Ford at the age of 16. Back then, there was no such trade qualification as a parts interpreter, and I relied on learning on the job. However, I am pleased to see just how far the industry has come and thrilled to witness the exciting and diverse career opportunities in our sector open to today’s youth.

After twenty years in different roles at the Adrien Brien dealerships, I ventured out into starting my own business. Since then, I have grown several businesses with a focus on importing products to sell directly to market. Currently, I own and operate Zoot Scooters based in Lonsdale with a second store in Unley. This business has grown since 2018 with distribution in Western Australia and on the Gold Coast.

As a small business owner myself, I have a strong understanding and passion for seeing local and family run businesses thrive.

Times are tough for businesses. Local businesses owners in South Australia and the Northern Territory face a challenging environment. Operating a business has never been more challenging due to the escalating costs and growing compliance requirements.

Government needs to provide genuine support to local employers. When the conditions for small businesses to excel are met, we all win.

I have seen firsthand that the MTA is incredibly effective in advocating for the needs and interests of the automotive industry to all levels of government. Recent achievements include the Federal New Vehicle Efficiency Standard, reforms to the abandoned vehicles legislation and the nation leading mandating of the Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry Code of Conduct in South Australia.

As Chair, this is a legacy I will ensure continues.

The collective approach of the MTA means that members have a genuine say in policy decisions.

I would also like to note the incredible dedication and tireless work from outgoing Chair Frank Agostino. Frank has been a stalwart of the MTA and automotive industry for decades. I am truly thankful for his mentorship while I was Deputy Chair, and I welcome his continued service as an MTA Board Member.

I am looking forward getting to work as Chair to drive the MTA forward along with the new Deputy Chair Mark Flynn and the entire MTA Board.

As the industry continues to evolve, the one constant is the tremendous opportunity which abounds.

The automotive industry has given so much to me. As your Chair, it is my top priority to ensure the MTA gives back to our members, and protects and grows the industry as a whole.

A CEO Darrell Jacobs with outgoing chair Frank Agostino, new Chair Mark McGuire and Deputy Chair Mark Flynn.
New MTA SA/NT Chair, Mark McGuire

Chair’s Message

Mark McGuire, MTA SA/NT Chair
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