FSK eLearning guideline final version

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TAL Apparel


FSK Training

TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

Table of contents Introduction


eLearning development guideline

1. Screen size

2. eLearning slide

3. Font


4. Graphic design


5. Graphic animation


6. Course character


7. Narration / Voice over


8. File type and file name format


6 7-13

31 32

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

eLearning Introduction Presently, eLearning has become essential in today’s training method. TAL Apparel is one of among other companies which adopts this trend. By using this online platform, it is more convenient for learners to access training materials 24/7 with internet coverage. Additionally, eLearning can help each learner to get engagement to the content through various interactive media such as gamification, animation, and video. Besides, this trendy format allows learners the ability to absorb information more effectively due to the fact that it can provide the knowledge and skill sets in a “bite-size� without overwhelming learners at once. This guideline is basically aimed to support all Instructional designers (IDs) in TAL Apparel to construct a new training material or to transfer an existing training material into eLearning format consistently. The standardized eLearning format can enhance effective learning, create a sense of credibility and build a brand identity to TAL and FSK team. IDs in each country can also apply topics listed in this guideline to customize to their own development conditions.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

What’s the trend and forecast for eLearning? 1. Collaborative and social learning

• By online (LinkedIn or Twitter) or offline (group discussions or during the


The essence of 70:20:10 framework is that learning occurs through a range of approaches, being rough :

70% From real life and on the job experiences tasks and problem-solving

20% From feedback and from observing and working with others

10% From formal training such as classes or courses (both face-to-face and online) and reading

70+20+10=100 The Evidence behind the Numbers, Towards Maturity, 2016

2. mLearning or Mobile learning

• Run seamlessly on desktops, laptops, tablets or smartphones


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

3. Microlearning and learning paths

• Short, focused learning nugget (offer 3-5 min session)

4. Gamification

• The application of game design elements and game principles to engage learners


5. Videos and interactive videos

• Flip conventional videos to interactive experience


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

eLearning development guideline 1. Screen size

• Screen size should be 800 X 600 pixel. • This display resolution is the most common when applying to devices,

company projectors.

600 pixel

800 pixel


• The screen size should be aligned among IDs and set up before developing.

• IDs should test screen size with the training devices (projector, mobile,

notebook, etc.) before starting to develop eLearning.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

2. eLearning slide

• Slides in eLearning should include 8 steps of the organizational model and

suggest adding 5 more sections to make eLearning experiences smoothly.

2.1 Opening

• This is the first slide to welcome learners to eLearning. So, IDs should introduce the course in

a meaningful and impressive


2.2 Objective

• To acknowledge learners what

they will be able to do after finishing

this module

2.3 WIIFM / Payoffs

• To highlight the benefits to learners, in order to engage them to buy-in


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

2.4 Content

• Content should be designed as the

visual communication which

combines information, graphics

Instructional Design

Visual Communication for eLearning

and instructional designs properly to achieve learning goal and engage learners.

Information Design

Graphic Design

• Content should be created as

• Realistic activities with the

consequences will help learners to

dig to their pre-existing knowledge,

presentations. Forcing learners to

identify their own gap, and draw

memorize contents that they don’t

the conclusion based on

challenging simulations / realistic activities, not information

need to in real life in order to pass

consequences. This will help

the test is not recommended

learners to process things deeply

and have better retention of



like the SOP, policy that learners

who have less experience can click

to check the information or learners

who have already known can skip it

when doing realistic activities.

This will help learners to have the

because it will be just short-term

• IDs should provide real-life job aids

• Recommend to create the script for learners to read in case they

cannot catch up the whole content.

autonomy in their learning



TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

2.5 Practice and Feedback

• Practice in eLearning must have

• Present feedback slide on the

clear instructions.

same slide with the question

redo the practice until they can

answer all correctly.


reasons for correct and incorrect


• Provide the chance for learners to and choices to avoid leaners to

click back and forth in the learning

• Provide feedback to explain

2.6 Skill Check / Test

• Skill Check / Test in eLearning

• After learners submit and go back

to review their answers, the

feedback slide should be on the

questions, total time, the criterion

same slide with the question and

of this skill check, what is the next

choices and it should not provide

thing if learners fail this test.

the correct answer, only guide

learners to review the content or

must have clear instructions e.g. how to do the skill check, amount

• It should have the remaining time

for learners to see and manage the


consult with SMEs.

• Skill Check session should have the result on the last slide.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

2.7 Content summary

• Recap key points / main ideas of each topic

2.8 Closing

• Inform learners what is the next

thing for them after finishing this



TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

Besides the above 8 steps, eLearning should include 5 sections as below :

Section A : Pre-Test

before going through the eLearning result on the last slide.

• Assess learners’ prerequisite skills • Pre-Test session should have the


• Learners need to do Pre-Test

before access the content.

instructions, e.g. how to do the

• Pre-Test must have clear

Pre-Test, amount questions, total

time, the criterion of this Pre-Test,

what is the next thing if learners


contain the correct answer.

at the upper right corner for learners

• The feedback slide should not • It should have the remaining time to see and manage the time.

Section B : Introduction page

their backgrounds

• Introduce course characters and


• Engage learners with a

work-related story

TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

Section C : Help Page and Navigation

• Introduce learners how to use eLearning course navigation as below details












1. Next button

8. Notes tab

• Go to the next slide

• Show the dialogues of course

2. Previous button


• Go to the previous slide

9. Help

3. Mute / Unmute

• Jump to eLearning course

• Adjust the level of the sound


• Mute / Unmute the sound

10. Glossary

4. Play / Pause button

• Search terms and definitions

• Pause the content anytime

in the eLearning

5. Replay button

11. Download

• Replay the slide again

• Download documents for

6. Seek bar

• Drag or click to forward or

learners’ references

backward of the slide 7. Menu tab • Show the main topic • Click the desired topic


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

Section D : Glossary

to search the definitions of used

• This session will help the learners terms in eLearning.

Section E : Download

links to websites for learners to

access reference materials, job

aids, and other helpful information.

and file size, but IDs need to

• IDs can include file attachments,

• There is no limitation for file type consider the total project size.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

3. Font 3.1 Font rule

• Do not use more than 3 different fonts • Should choose fonts that can be read on any devices • Keep sticking to the standard fonts and make sure that the learners’ devices

have standard fonts installed

• Do not mix 2 different serif fonts or 2 different san-serif fonts 1. Serif

2. Sans Serif

• Cambria • Garamond • Lucida Bright • Times New Roman

• Arial • Calibri • Gotham • Franklin Gothic Book • Lucida Sans • Tahoma • Verdana

Two fonts are selected for TAL eLearning development.

• Iris UPC (Serif) is selected for heading. (TAL standard font for name card) • Arial (Sans-serif) is selected for the content. (FSK standard for materials) Heading font = Iris UPC Style = Bold Size = 40

Content font = Arial Size = 16-20 depending on its appropriateness


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

3.2 Not recommend the shadow text

• IDs can use bold text to emphasize.

Topic 1 3.3 No full stop (.) in the dialogue box / speech balloon

• It is not a complete sentence.

No full stop

3.4 Keep consistency

• Text layout font size, grammar,

usage of abbreviations, and

hyperlink needed to be consistent so IDs can use grid / guideline to keep the position of the text.

3.5 Aim for readability

• Proper contrast between

background and font




TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

• Suitable line length should not be over 75 characters. • Left alignment is the best. Center makes difficult to read. Do not adjust text as

justify (distribute your text evenly to keep left and right alignment) because the gap between words will be more than 1 spacing.

Left alignment Purchasing Executive must not open the quotations before the set deadline date and keep proper records of all quotations received.

Center alignment

Justify alignment

Purchasing Executive must not open the quotations before the set deadline date and keep proper records of all quotations received.

Purchasing Executive must not open the quotations before the set deadline date and keep proper records of all quotations received.

• Should avoid Italic font type

because it is difficult to read.

Purchasing Executive must not open the quotations before the set deadline date and keep proper records of all quotations received.

3.6 Typography etiquette

• Underlining with blue color = signifies hyperlinks


So, you should avoid underlining text with blue color if you don’t mention

to link.

• After a period (.) or end of a sentence, it must be one space before the next


• Bold text is often used for heading. • Use red text only when necessary, usually it implies danger, warning and

serious error.



TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

4. Graphic design

4.1 Use graphic and text rather than just text alone

4.2 Stay away from decorative graphic as it can hurt the learning process.

• Use the low-fidelity graphic to maintain an object shape to allow the learners

to recognize what it is

• The details of the left-side battery image can distract learner’s attention. • Suggest to use the middle or the right-side graphics to represent the battery



TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

• Furthermore, there are 4 rules when using graphics for IDs to follow : Don’t



1 • Busy background will draw the learner’s attention. It is difficult to read texts.

• Transparent / Blurred background

creates less distraction to the learners. Background is related to content / context. Texts are readable.

• •


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training



Content and Graphic

1 • Use scroll bar for long content because • Break content into 2 slides learners might miss the bottom content or cannot see the whole content.

Learners might not see this content, if learners didn’t scroll down

Break content to 2nd slide

• Or write only key points to keep in 1 slide


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training



Content and Graphic

2 • Separate the practice instruction from

• Combine the practice instruction and

the practice slide

the practice slide on the same slide so learners can see the big picture. Instruction and practice are in the same slide

Instruction and practice are separated

3 • Separate the feedback from the question slide

• Combine the feedback and question

slide on the same slide so learners can see the question, their answers, and feedback at the same time.

Cannot see the feedback, answer and question at the same time

Show the feedback in the same slide with the question and answer


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training



Content and Graphic

4 • Cover main screen with linked


information screen

• Show linked information with the main slide

TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

5. Graphic animation The use of animation in eLearning is a powerful way to create learning experiences; however, it can be distracting when used poorly. Here are tips for using animation in eLearning. 5.1 Use animation to reduce the amount of wording

• IDs can communicate ideas

visually by replacing unnecessary on-screen texts with a series of images or icons that animate in / out and sync with the audio narration.

5.2 Use animation with a purpose

• The animation in eLearning must be applied with intention and purpose. • Don’t use unnecessary but simply fun animation or transition as it doesn’t help learners to understand the content.

There are three types of animations which have different purposes. 5.2.1 Directional animation

• Guide learner to focus or proceed things that IDs plan for them.

For example, IDs want them to click next or enter the course. If it is clear enough, IDs don’t have to put any word.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

5.2.2 Transitional animation

• Guide learners through changing the content. The transition will mentally guide learners to focus or learn from point A to point B. Each object will

animate in one by one, so learners can focus on the first object to the last object.

5.2.3 Instructional animation

• Use as nonverbal communication. When verbally explaining some concepts to learners, they may have different interpretations and ideas.

• The instructional animation will help to put the ideas on the screen, so learners have a consistent idea.

There are two types of the instruction animation.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training Conceptual instruction animation

• Explain a concept or idea. Below is to explain the conceptual idea of how

to submit the form 5266 by using animation. It is easier to understand than text.

Original text

Animation Technical instruction animation

• Explain some physical or technical process and synthesis that are real in life. For example, steel reinforced concrete, IDs used animations to show how it is flexible. It helps learners to understand more than only showing pictures.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

5.3 Be consistent with animations

• Consistency in design prevents animations to distract learners. Whole ID

team should plan and define the set of directional, transitional, and instructional animations. If it is in doubt, use fade-in and fade-out animation.


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

6. Course character eLearning characters guidelines are as below : 6.1 Choose the character by considering from Target Population (TPop)

• Always do a research on TPop to survey their culture, age range, educational

background, gender, etc.

• Choose characters which match with your TPop e.g. • TPop is CS which age range is between 23-30 years old, 95% female;

so the character should be a woman aged between 23-30 years old.

• TPop is mechanic which age range is between 25-45 years old,100% male;

so the character should be a man aged between 25-45 years old whom dresses in a more casual attire because the mechanic usually does not wear a suit.

6.2 Photographic vs illustrated character

• Better use real-life image or photographic character in serious and formal

context rather than to use illustrated or animated character, which is more appropriate with fun, playful and whimsical content. Real-life image or photographic character


Illustrated or animated character

TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

6.3 Resolution is proper with your screen size (after publishing)

• Use pictures with proper or high resolution with your canvas size • Make sure when learners zoom the picture, the picture is still clear and not


• File JPEG picture has finite resolution. It can be reduced resolution by

reduction size, but when scaling up again, its original resolution has been lost.

• Vector picture has better quality than jpeg / bitmap picture; however, you

should concern the final file size. So, choose the best quality with

the least file size.

Bitmap picture


Vector picture

TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

6.4 Make character realistic

• Place the character with the proportion that looks the most realistic

Proportion of character looks bigger comparing to the nearby table


Proportion of character looks smaller standing on the table

TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

7. Narration / Voice over Narration / Voice over guidelines for eLearning are as below : 7.1 There are 3 types of narration. Select the proper one for your eLearning 7.1.1 Verbatim (narration + text = same) 7.1.2 Elaborative (narration provides details) 7.1.3 Descriptive (narration explains visuals)

• Verbatim is not recommended in eLearning. Using text on-screen which is

identical to narration is not effective for the learning process as each learner has different reading speed and perception level.

• Words should be spoken at the same time with represented graphics. • Always use high-quality audio with the right tone, jargon, and pace

7.2 Voice over sounds like natural as you can

• Avoid using voice over with a robotic voice. It should have high and low

pitches and emphasize of some words like natural speaking. Robotic sound

Natural sound

• Speed of voice over should not be too fast or too slow. The perception of each

people is different. So, you should choose the pace of voice over which is proper for the majority of learners.

• Pause a little bit like people’s breathing before continue speaking


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

7.3 Avoid using “you” in a commanding tone

• Improper : Once completed, you must click on the next button. • Proper : When you complete this practice, click on the next button. 7.4 Keep away from “everybody, everyone, every …”

• Improper : Has everyone ever seen this machine? (eLearning is an individual

learning experience instead of learning with a group of people)

• Proper : Have you ever seen the machine?

7.5 Avoid using condition word such as “if”, “when”, “under the condition that / of” after an action as learners may take action before listening to the completed sentence.

• Improper : Click the “Next” button when you’ve completed the exercise.

(Some learners might press the button before hearing the condition)

7.6 Better use “active voice” to tell learners what to do rather than use “passive

• Proper : When you’ve completed the practice, click the “Next” button.


• Improper : Fabric shrinkage test needs to be done before sending fabrics to

the cutting department. (There is no subject in this sentence so this can make

learners confused whom should be accountable to conduct fabric shrinkage


• Proper : LAB technician tests fabric shrinkage before sending fabric to the

cutting department. (This sentence uses active voice. This sentence identifies

the test person clearly.)


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

8. File type and file name format

• If eLearning will be used offline (not LMS), all saved files should be published

in CD format.

before publishing. (see below example)

• Full title and description should be provided to match with the module name

• File format after publishing should be presented in a zip file to allow other

parties’ viewing as per requirement.

Example: Fabric knowledge_woven_01_Fabric category.zip

Program name Product / category name (if any) e.g. shirt / blouse Module no.(with 2 digits) and module name

Example: Purchasing_01_PSOP.zip




TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel

FSK Training

References DoceboÂŽ. (2016). eLearning market trends and forecast 2017-2021. [online] Available at: https://eclass.teicrete.gr/modules/document/file.php/TP271/Additional%20material/docebo-elearning-trends-report-2017.pdf G, Sravanthi. (2017). 6 eLearning templates that speed up your course development. [online] Available at: http://blog.commlabindia.com/elearning-development/elearning-templates-for-course-development?utm_campaign=elearningindustry.comutm_source=%2Ffactors-consider-choosing-elearning-templatesutm_medium=link Legault, Nicole. (2017). 5 tips to choose characters for eLearning. [online] Available at: https://community.articulate.com/series/41/articles/5-tips-to-choose-characters-for-e-learning Stanic, Tadej. (2014). 4 rules for using graphics in eLearning. [online] Available at: https://elearningindustry.com/4-rules-for-using-graphics-in-elearning Pappas, Christopher. (2015). Typography in eLearning: 5 key tips for eLearning professionals. [online] Available at: https://elearningindustry.com/typography-in-elearning-5-key-tips-for-elearning-professionals Jennifer and Stephen. (2014). Top tips for producing better eLearning audio. [online] Available at: https://www.learningsolutionsmag.com/articles/1484/top-tips-for-producing-better-elearningaudio Nemesh, Ann. (2017). 7 tips to use audio narration in online training. [online] Available at: https://elearningindustry.com/audio-narration-online-training-7-tips-use Slade, T. (2016). 3 Tips for Using Animations in eLearning. [online] Available at: https://timslade.com/blog/using-animations-in-e-learning/ Slade, T. (2016). How to Use Animation in E-Learning. [online] Available at: http://elearninguncovered.com/2016/08/how-to-use-animation-in-e-learning/ Moore, Cathy. (2018). [online] Available at: http://blog.cathy-moore.com


TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

TAL Apparel


FSK Training

TAL Building, 5/F, 49 Austin Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2738 6211 Website: www.talapparel.com

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