1 minute read

Congregation Beth Shalom

2021-2022 / 5782

November/December: Beit Midrash, Candle Lighting, Gamenight, Chanukah across Bozeman January: Beit Midrash, TU biSh’vat Seder February: Mental Health Awareness Concert March: Beit Midrash, Purim Party and Concert April: Beit Midrash, Pessach Seders; Yizkor Service; Yom haSho’ah Service May: Beit Midrash, LaG ba’Omer Party and Concert June: Shavu’ot Hike and Campfire Study August: Tisha b’Av Service September: Rosh haShanah Services October: Yom Kippur at the Synagoge; Sukkot Torah Bootcamp, Friday Night Sukkah Kumzitz; Simchat Torah Party and Concert Shabbat every week: Kabbalat Shabbat and Torah Study Every month: Women’s Group and Young Adults Contact us at: info@bethshalombozeman.org OR rabbisonja@bethshalombozeman.org, also if you need a ride!!!

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