PRIME March 2020

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PRIME March 2020 I 5



any of you may be living with pain or physical limita¬tions caused by repetitive use or lack of use. This type of discomfort can often be lessened or alleviated with the simple tools of yoga and mindful breathing. If you are dealing with limited range of motion or protecting any areas of injur y, then stepping into a fundamental practice that addresses your individual needs within a gentle yet strengthening process can do wonders. The key is to start from the beginning and progress slowly. First, you want to learn basic postural alignment principles to pinpoint your key areas of concern. Secondly, you want to address the benefits

of slow, deep, even breathing to bring your nervous system into the relaxation response. These first two steps are imperative to experience effective results without causing any harm. Often times the simplest actions create the most profound outcome. For example, try this now:

silently to yourself, “I’m breathing in, ten. (inhale) I’m breathing out, ten. (exhale) “I’m breathing in, nine. I’m breathing out, nine.” Continue through number one and then notice. How do you feel in your body? Your mind? Your emotions? I’m willing to bet you feel different. When you pay attention to sensations

The Joy of Living is body inside of You. in the it increases awareness. In Place your feet squarely on the floor turn, stress levels decrease, the mind Come breathe, move, relax, andandrenew. with your legs hip distance apart. Level

becomes calm. Yoga is meant to instill the your hips and bring a slight anterior curve relaxation response of the parasympathetic to your lower back (lumbar vertebrae). nervous system. This helps tremendously Lengthening the sides of your torso by with sleep disorders, pain management, lifting from hips to armpits. Relax your depression, and anxiety so prevalent in our shoulders back and down to expand your society today. Encouraging the relaxation chest. Lift from the crown of your head response also aids in healthier digestion with and level your chin level. YOGA FUNDAMENTALS Nancy Ruby and a strong gut-brain connection leading 31 Tuesdays - noon Relax your hands in your lap,March close your 3 - to a clear mind and 11am stronger immune eyes, and take 10 slow, deep breaths saying system.

Yoga truly is beneficial for all ages. You

simply need to apply the practice that

is just right for you. Now, set down this paper, and gift yourself two minutes to

practice this relaxation technique. Do this

daily for the health of it.

Nancy Ruby runs YogaMotion Wellness Academy in Bozeman and describes herself as an educator, joyologist and lifestyle engineer. She has been sharing her teachings in yoga and wellness education for the past 40 years. Ruby currently specializes in supporting the health and wellbeing of Baby Boomers and beyond.

YOGAMOTION.COM • 521 EAST PEACH • 406.581.5041

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