With summer, extra fun and a looser routine can mean letting dental health fall to the wayside. Being out of school, kids sometimes have extra access to snacking, and with bed times sometimes falling later, it can be easy to skip brushBY: ABBY LYNES ing teeth, said Joni Richmond Stevens, a dentist and Gallatin Valley pediatric dentistry.
With summer, extra fun and a looser
whenever they want.
brush and floss the next morning, and
routine can mean letting dental health
“The two combined can kind of gang up
maybe have kids swish around some
fall to the wayside. Being out of school,
on teeth and cause some potential con-
kids sometimes have extra access to
mouthwash to give their teeth an extra
cerns,” she said.
snacking, and with bed times sometimes
To combat those concerns, Richmond Ste-
falling later, it can be easy to skip brush-
vens said it just comes down to education
ing teeth, said Joni Richmond Stevens, a
and planning. Parents should teach their
dentist at Gallatin Valley pediatric den-
kids what good choices, better choices
and bad choices are when it comes to
do happen, often as a result of things like
It’s important to not let dental health fall
snacking. It also helps to make a plan. If
baseball, bikes and wrestling with friends.
by the wayside over the summer. With it
you know it’s going to be a busy day, may-
If kids are playing an active sport, she rec-
staying light later, kids are often out play-
be do a good brush and flossing routine
ommends always wearing a mouth guard.
ing and adventuring later, and it’s a rush
in the morning. Or if your child is going to
She also recommends talking to kids
to get into bed.
be going to a friend’s house after dinner
“I can speak from experience on that
and you don’t know if you’ll see them be-
one,” she said.
fore sundown, have them brush their teeth
You just look at the time, and bedtime
before they go.
routines like brushing and flossing can get
There are some nights where it’s maybe
skipped. There’s also more snacking hap-
just not going to happen. When those
“It can give parents a sense of calm,
pening in the summer, especially with kids
dental routines get skipped, Richmond
knowing a little more what they want to do
who have access to a pantry and food
Stevens said it’s good to make sure and
before it happens,” she said.
little boost the next morning. And while she doesn’t necessarily see more chipped teeth over the summer than other times of the year, those accidents
about dental trauma and what it looks like. It’s important to get on something like a bent back, chipped or completely removed tooth right away.