Portfolio of bo zhang

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Union Pacific. 844 in 1863 - As a representative device of Industrialization

As said by Giambattista Vico, “VERUM EST IPSUM FACTUM” –truth through making. I believe architecture is about truth and honesty on its structure, material and program . Therefore the way a building is constructed is predominant in materializing our random sketches. In our current computer equipped world that puts so much emphasis on the virtual and the visual, the mind and the reality have become detached and ultimately disconnected. I tend to execute my design exploration from a more tectonic approach since many of our most crucial skills are internalized as automatic reactions that we are not consciously aware of.

[Gliding Steps]

Oct 2013

Saxophone is my best life companion and recreation in my spare time, aside of its power and adaptability in playing jazz and classical music, the instrument itself is a perfect master piece of art and metal. Its approximately conical tube of thin brass, sometimes plated with silver, gold, or nickel, flared at the tip to form a bell, speaker holes covered by pad cups, containing soft leather pads. All parts made from different material, are put together nicely and mechanically perform its unique invisible acoustic functionality. And the act of hand performance on it shows another appealing relationship between gestures and notes. I believe its exposure of structures and honesty in mechanical performance largely influenced my architectural design approach. Thus, applying various structure forms and material characterizations to play a tectonic concerto is my architectural objective.

[Outside the Temple Wall]

May 2012

[Colossial Array]

Dec 2010

[Waterfront Home]

Jun 2013

[City Beauty]

Dec 2010

With all my favor in “Duchampian device” , it is no wonder that Carlo Scarpa, whose work is deeply sensitive to the changes of time, from seasons to history, rooted in a sensuous material imagination, is my favorite architect. His honesty in exposed structure systems trademarked almost every work of his as “made by hand” . For instance his design of Tomba Brion’ s pavilion is accessed via the main entrance way along a thin dark corridor and then through a glass door which is opened with an elaborate system of pulleys which are visible on the other side of the wall to the glass door. While the rest of the world are doing their best hiding the technology to achieve architectural simplicity, the exposed vintage appeal of mechanism caught me and influenced deeply in my academic works. So in the summer of 2013 I collaborated with Miss Li Jialin from UCLA School of Civil Engineering on a mutable stair system proposal on an existing building facade in which we treated every single tread as a platform controlled by an elaborate height adjusting pulleys installed on the wall. Depending on the configuration of each individual tread, its collective quality forms not only means of various circulation solutions, but also opportunities in creating provisional platforms for many recreational programs like music show. Exposing the man power mechanism of the pulleys, the whole system is more understandable, rational, and fun for its users. In my senior year at Zhejiang University of Technology, the School of Architecture held an exchange workshop program with Fachhochschule Lübeck University of Applied Science from Germany. Our project was a renovation proposal for an abandoned light steel industrial plant, and during our collaboration and communications architecture was no longer the decoration of exceptional structural performance , nor structure was just making exceptional architecture work. It was made clear that only by an equality of architecture and structural engineering or by assigning the tasks adequately between the disciplines, a convincing result can be achieved. I believe these principles of honesty inspired my work later when I was refining my RV station design in which intense repetition of steel structural members were employed to amplify its heavy industrial architectural language.

--Building Construction Exploration Suspention Pedestrian Bridge Design

--3rd “CUC CUP” National University Students Architectural Design Competition Old Community Transformation

--Hangzhou Coach Station Design Creative Landscape Transoforming Design

--Graduation Project Riverside Urban Design

--Formal Exploration Project --Mordern Church In New York

[Other works] --Yingxian Pagoda Survey

[Gliding Steps] — Suspention Pedestrian Bridge Design Partner: Li Jialin Majored in Civil Engineering From University of California in Los Angeles Contribution to The Work: Joint Design of The Concepts/Individual Design&Drawing of Details and Different Functioning Forms/3D Model/Renderings October, 2013

Sketches at the Elevation

Used as Stage Steps are adjusted into a gentle height, then people could stay on them for a long time and carry on various activities.

Used as Stairway Steps are used to connect doors from different height. People walk through these ways quickly and they are used as only transportation tool.

Used as Bridge We aligner all the steps into an appropriate height and let them connect the left end and the right end. People can either pass quickly or stay for a while to enjoy the scenery

Structure Analysis

Form 1 Stage In this mode, steps are divided into some groups. They are adjusted to a suitable height by hand. Each couple of doors are linked by a series of steps, while they are disconnected to other doors. People can walk in these certain ways.

Form 2 Bridge In this situation, steps are connected together. They are adjusted to a suitable height by hand, and link the left end and the right end, simultaneously joint some entrance together. People can walk on them directly from the threshold to the end.

Materials Producing Assembling Working

Future Outlook

In order to express the working mode of our bridge, we use 9 cells to embody the connecting condition. The model is cut by layser-cut machine and assembled by hand. However, something that seems more interesting came into our mind when we really touch these steps in real. For example, what if the steps can be packed up when they are not used, or what if these steps can be rotated into a certain angle when they are unoccupied, and they can be used as shelters for people walking below. These are really interesting questions, and we will increase the application of this project given more specific site and situation. This device design is only an exploration of alterable construction now, but we find an extensive potential and can be improved into a more applied device in the future.

[Outside the Temple Wall] —The Old Community Transformation MERIT AWARD OF THIRD"CUC CUP" National University Students Architectural Design Competition May 2012 Individually Reworked in Nov 2013

Res ide nts live dh Th ere e no ca ise nn pr ot od re u ac


e monks. eres th terf s in l i ta re


houses stand idle

houses damage

The living condition of the community: Large amount of houses are in bad situation, together with a negative outerspace where nobody are in charge of the landscape management, which drives lots of residents moving out of the district. Now there are many houses standing idle.

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Multi Family

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too much noise in the commercial street

business depression

Improvements the commercial street need: The commercial street plays less a role today than it was in the past, due to its confined running space and outdated selling mode. In consideration of its noise, which produced a great interference to the monks, we suggest to relocate the retails to the empty buildings in the community. In addition, we need to fit the new commercial buildings to the religion-related need. Finally, we can transform the site of commercial street into an exhibition hall, which fulfill the need of people who in charge of the temple to exhibit its history

l an e


a ds nee e l p m Xiangji Te



need space to exhibit its history

no communication between monks&pilgrims

Aspirations the monks expressed: Although monks were limited in the temple in the past, they are more connected to the society than it used to be. According to investigations, many monks would like to communicate with the pilgrims outside the temple, if there existed some tranquil places. Moreover, since the Xiangji Temple has a history of 600 years, since Song Dynasty, people in charge of this place want to exhibit its long and unique history.

Problems have exist among the 3 parts of this region for a long time.

After all the investigations and researches, I tried to develop two clues in this project:

Monks from the temple have been here for quite a long time.Without being bothered by the outside ,they were used to pray to Buddha and sit in meditation quietly, peacefully.

In the retail street, where the building condition is very bad and does not worth being preserved, I decided to remove most of the houses. Meanwhile, I will build a gallery for Xiangji Temple, who wants to show its profound and lasting history. In memory of the old houses, the new gallery will reflect the the old houses’ spacial character.

Since the beginning of 20 Century, a great number of sailors and fishermen came here and settled down. At first most of them still lived on fishing, but then some of them began to run small stores and stalls. Things became worse and worse, as 3 groups of people interfere with each other.

In the multi family home area, where some the building condition is still good and deserve protection, I want to keep the general space pattern, while replace some part of the building with new ones.

Transformation Strategy of the Commercial Street

Transformation Strategy of the Multi Family Home

Transforming the dark and narrow attic into a gallery.Making connections between the three floors. section A: retail+storage+attic

Pedestrian Circulation in the Site

Pedestrian Connection Between the Temple&Clusters

Providing overhanging terrace as a extension from the old houses to the open air.

Program Transformation of the Ground Floor resident exhibition hall empty building entertainment retail hospitality

Analysis of needs Based on the reflection on the single-function residential district, we establish three behavior models by people’s hierarchy of needs. By analyzing the needs of three major groups- monks from the Xiangji Temple, local residence and visitors,we understand the distinctive need of religious aim and residential improvemental aim.These analysis help us decide which elements should be valued and expressed in design. Religious Needs


Residential Improvement

Residence Visitors

section B: porch+retail+storage

Religious Guide



normal diet



landscape view

daily retails

community service

traffic accessibility


public communication

hospitality for pilgrims

historical introduction

souvenior selling

Cultural Needs

Analysis of time distribution To decide the proportion of area and program segmentation by the distribution of time in different activities.

section B: path+steps+raised floor

community activity

buddish scriptures reading

cognitive identity

spacial diversity

public space


vegetarian food restaurant

chess room

waterfront recreation

spacial flexibility

Buddhist communication

cognitive to Buddhist theory

introduction to the temple

links to Xiangji Temple


budda music appreciation

Transform the old groundfloor of arcade into a new half-outdoor space. Use scuttle to illuminate the long-depth space,which is used as an exhibition hall

meditation environment

Break the boundarys between different floors, let the sunshine illuminate the groundfloor.

Physiological and Basic Needs



0% 0h




Public 24h

Private&Public prograom utilization ration in 24h

Make good use of the overstory. Combined oversotry are transformed into contracted terrace.

55% Public Space Else



45% Private Space





22% Tourism users time distribution

58% Public Space Else



42% Private Space





Hospitality 42%


Residence users time distribution Platform

Reading Room


Make good use of the space below stilts. Big steps can be utilized as a viewing seats. section B: balcony+retail+storage

Exhibition Hall Service



Hospitality Complex function proportion


1 2




5 7 8



4 9

4 4 9

4 10



4 4



Program Allocation 1. Waterfront Plaza 2. Square of Array Ginkgo Tree 3. VIP Boxes 4. Hospitality 5. Hospitality Service 6. Vegetarian Food Restaurant on Waterfront 7. Eating House of Local Specialities 8. Chess Club 9. Teahouse 10. Stage 11. Document Room of Xiangji Temple 12. Community Reading Room 13. Exhibition Hall of Xiangji Temple

[Colossal Array] — Recreation Vehicle Station Design Individual Work Site Located in East Hangzhou Studio Work Directed by Professor. Yu wenbo from Zhejiang University of Technology December, 2010

Conceptual Orientation In this project, I tried to make something simple, pure but strong. To make it simple, I chose a box-prototyped shape, which saves energy, owns an unbridged innerspace and fits into the site well. To make it pure, I used glass curtain wall and steel as two parts of our building- the one which is nonopaque and that which is opaque. To make it strong, I maked the main steel structure exposed to the outside and let all the floor, stairs suspended by it.

Passenger Personal Car Coach Staff Staff

Coach Parking Area

Dispatching Platform

Car Parking Area

Circulaion Diagram The commercial street plays less a role today than it was in the past, due to its confined running space and outdated selling mode. In consideration of its noise, which produced a great interference to the monks, we suggest to relocate the retails to the empty buildings in the community. In addition, we need to fit the new commercial buildings to the religion-related need. Finally, we can trans

Master Plan


Lounge Lounge



Meeting Room Waiting area


Medical Office


Ticket Office

Ticket Lobby

Information Desk





First Floor Plan





South Elevation

Structure Design As a regional transport hub, it is significant to provide an open space for the passengers and let them have a broad horizontal. In consideration of this, I worked out with a tilted roof structure, which could contain higher view of outside landscape. As for the supporting structures, I wanted to make them exposed outside to express its own strength but not interfere with the buildings's sense of transparent in the whole. Thus a series of steel frames are processed into my structure system. After the main structure completed, I used a double-facade curtain wall system to improve the air circulation in the building, to make it breath.

Exploded Structure Diagram

The main structure system can be divided into 4 separatly parts: Roof Structure, Supporting Steel Structure, Hanging Platform and Double Glass Curtain Wall. The roof deck is inserted with skylight bars, which are designed to be in coordination with the steel column system. To produce an open ground floor, I used a series of cables to suspend the hanging platform. As the outside "breathing system", each piece of glass is able to move in the verticle direction, which is supported by Prestressed suspended rod.

Side Elevation of Ventilation Blower

Side Elevation& Front View of Joint of Cable& Girder

Half Head of Glass Curtain Wall

Side Elevation&Front view of Handrail

Side Elevation& Top view of Suspension Rod

Cornice Wrap Angle Sealant

Glass Rainshed

Joint of Members& Girder B

Steel Column A

Joint of Cornice& Beam

Side Elevation of The Rainshed

Heel C

Steel Column B

Heel D

Steel Column C

Rain Shelter

Sealant Profiled Steel Sheet

Purline Skylight

Profiled Steel Sheet

Joint of Members& Girder A

Capital A

Detail of the Structure& Facade The steel structure unit is connected by semi-rigid connection, while the connection between column and base is hinge joint. Then I used joist steel to join every steel structure unit together. On top of the building I used profiled steel sheet to build the roof deck. And above the ventilation shutter I designed a flexible rain shelter to protect the shutters. The double-facade system is supported by pre-stressed hanging stick. Inside the building there is a hanging platform, which is suspended by cable connected to the girder.

Section of Roof Covering

Ventilation Shutter

Section of Skylight

Section of Air Outlet

sunlight of 12:00 in the summer solstice

reflected sunlight

Ecology Analysis Building The commercial System street plays less aAnalysis role today than it was in the past, due to its confined running space and outdated selling mode. In consideration of its noise, which produced a great interference to the monks, we suggest to relocate the retails to the empty buildings in the community. In addition, we need to fit the new commercial buildings to the religion-related need. Finally, we can trans In winter, sunlight could illuminate indoor space through skylight, and the baffle board outside could provide extra light if it needs. Outside curtain wallstreet will close heat preserved. The commercial playsand less get a role today than it was in the past, due to its confined running space and outdated selling mode. In consideration of its noise, which produced a great interference to the monks, we suggest to relocate the retails to the empty buildings In in summer, overmuch will be shelterd flexible shield on the top. air flow into thetobuilding, take extra heat and the community. In sunlight addition, we need to fitby thethe new commercial buildings toCold the religion-related its then leave from the top ventilation hole. Plus, the outside curtain wall will open and air flows on the surface of inner curtain wall, which will decrease the temperature.

warm air flow out of the building in the summer

warm air flow out of the outer facade

cold air flow into the outer facade

incident sunlight

cold air flow into the building in the summer solstice

cold air flow into the building in the summer solstice

reflected sunlight

[Waterfront Home] — Riverside Urban Design Individual Work Site Located in Hangzhou Dongnan Flourmill Graduation Project Directed by Zhu Yi in Zhejiang University of Technology June 2013

Community Balcony

Regional Lounge

Riverside Greenbelt

Waterfront Gallery

To build a waterfront residential area ,which is activated by large amount of riverside open space, and full of energy. Creating comfortable pedestrian environment. Let soclal contact come back to ground and street. Providing multiple outerspace-square, courtyard, platform, corridor and waterfront park. Making the former univocal functional site to be hybrid functional area.


1 Waterfront reservation

The public interest's dominant role makes the waterfront to be the city's corridor.

3 Enclosing

In each culster, enclosing surroundings are built, considering the sight.

Massing Strategy

2.1 Connections

Connections between the city and waterfront is the motivation on the subdivisioning

4 Stationing

After the cluster arrangement, we station the high-rises buildings and large ones.

2.2 Subdivisioning

Cut the site into smaller clusters that fits pedestrians

5 Integrating

Clusters are surrounded and connected by outward space,which is linked to the waterfront








1. Entrance of the Nursing Home




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2.Entrance of the Underground Parking Lots

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To Shang Tang River

3. Hall of the Office Building 4.Entrance of the Apartment 5. Activaty Room 6. Gathering Center

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11. Retails

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10. Shpping Mall

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9. Restaurants

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7. Entrance of the SOHO 8. Community Service



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Pedestrian and Cycling Transportation

Vehicle Transportation

Spatial Structure

Landscape Continuance

Other Works- Yingxian Pagoda Survey Curricular Assignment For Chinese Architecture History 6 People Group Work Directed by Chenwei From Zhejiang University of Technology Contribution To the Work: Survey Of the Object/ Section CAD Drawing/ Making Physical Model December, 2010






四铺作斗拱 The commercial street plays less a role today than it was in the past, due to its confined running space and outdated selling Limited by time and machine, we were not allowed mode. In consideration of its noise, which to fabricate all the bracket sets in the tower. Thus we produced a great interference the decided to chose 3 representative bracket to sets to make and letwe them replaceto some of the surbodinate monks, suggest relocate the retailsbracket to the empty buildings in the community. In addition,

Self-drawing CAD of Yingxian Fogong Temple Amuta

Yingxian Fogong Temple Amuta( 应 县 佛 宫 寺 释 迦 塔 ) , located in Ying County, Shanxi Province, was built in Liao Dynasty, 1056. Among the few wooden tower that has The commercial street plays less it a role been preserved hitherto all over the world, is the oldest and most complete today than it was one. in the past, due to its con-

fined running space and outdated selling Fogong Temple is typical Tower-Courtyard temple mode. consideration of itstower noise, style( 塔In 院 式 ), which means playswhich the most produced a ingreat interference to the significant role the whole temple. To prove it ,look no futher the utmost complicated form monks, wetosuggest to relocate thestructure retails to and delicated decoration both inside and outside. The the empty buildings in the community. In rational structure design explains why it underwent so addition, we need fit the new commermany damages but stillto stands. cial buildings to the religion-related need. The tower in the middlethe of gate a monastery Finally, welocated can transform sitetoof comand audience hall, which represents a canonical "Yard mercial street into exhibition on the front, Tower on an the back" layout. hall, It was which a 9-flloor(4 fulfill the need of people charge of blindstorys), octagonal woodenwho towerin built on the 2-layer brick-made octagonal stylobate, the temple to exhibit its history which reached a height of 67.31metres.

The less wrapped a role in The commercial columns on thestreet groundplays floor were adobe, between a past, winding corridor built, today than it waswhich in the due to itswas concalledrunning "Fu Jie Zhou Za"( 副and 阶 周 outdated 匝 ). Columnsselling inside the fined space tower were divided into 2 concentric circular group, mode. In consideration of itscalled noise, which was a representative layout "Jin which Xiang Dou produced a great interference toin temples the Di Cao"( 金厢斗底槽 ). This plan form is typical in Chinawe ,which is built to for relocate pilgrims to pay courtesy monks, suggest thearetails tocall on the figure of Buddha. To improve the rigidity of the the empty buildings in the community. In tower, a series of diagonal bracings were used between addition, weand need to on fit the theblindstory. new commerthe column beam Peripheral columns between every story were connected in the cial buildings to the religion-related need. way of "Chan Zhu Zao"( 缠柱造 ), that means the column Finally, we can transform the site of comabove was set on the cant beam extended from the mercial street into an exhibition hall, which under column. Inside columns between every story were fulfill the need people in charge connected in theof way of "Chawho Zhu Zao"( 插柱造 ),ofthat means the column above inserted into the bracket the temple to exhibit itswas history set of the chapiter of the under column. In every story there was a jetting-out corridor called "Ping Zuo"( 平 The street plays role 坐 ). commercial More than 60 types of bracket setsless were a used in the today whole than tower it was in the past, due to its con-

fined running space and outdated selling Although we have simplified many structural components mode. In consid it was in the past, due to its of the tower, it was still possible to recurrence the beauty confined running space and outdated of force. selling mode. In consid

Through all the process of making the physical model, we have learned far more than what we have read on the textbook. The way of connecting columns from different invented by our ancesters was very brilliant. At first I did not understand how did it work when I first read on the textbook. But when I started to use the stable beam to support the upper column and link all the column in the same position in plan, I realized it rational and good way of saving materials. Bracket set is the symbol of Chinese Architecture, but we did not realize its significance until we started our own project using it. For many people, there is a mistake cognition of this little constructional element. Many people see it as a decoration without real structural function. However, we found it convenient to produce and ensure overhanging distance of roof from different columns the same.

[Shanghai Vanke Qibao Plaza Interior Design Optimization]

[Shaoxing CBD Retail Complex( Construction In Process)]

3 People Group Work In MADA. spam Contribution To The Project: Design Concept/ 3D Model/ Interior Rendering

Group Work In MADA. spam Contribution To The Project: 3D Model/ Exterior Design

Project Type: Shopping Mall Interior Deisign Optimization Project Location: shanghai, China Size: 700 sqm Project Phase: Concept

Project Type: Shopping mall/Lifestyle retail/ Service Apartment/ Art Gallery Project Location: shaoxin, China Size: 170,000 sqm Project Phase: Concept/SD/DD/CD

Vanke Qibao Plaza locates in Qibao district of Shanghai. The design of the project was already been done by another design firm for its design development phase. The client asked us to think about some strategy that can improve the current interior quality of the mall, while still keep the major parts of the original design. Considering the mall was organized by two crossing corridors that are meeting in the center of the atrium of the mall, we decide to forcus on this space, by creating a post-classical vault form with a contemporary language, to lead the attention of people to the top zone of the mall, thus to increace the commertial value of the stores.

Textile City CBD is located at Shaoxing Keqiao, west of Hudong Road, east of CTPEC arts Greenland garden, and in between Chouduan Road and Xinghua Road. The plot takes into consideration of the surrounding natural environment and commercial towers and communities, and focuses on creating a commercial centre with the integration of commerce, culture, and arts. The overall positioning is based on textile arts and culture, and aims at forming an interactive commercial streets and shopping centre reaching larger urban areas and offering CBD surrounding commercial supporting. It is a new model of urban commercial complex combining the functions of commercial streets, shopping center, and service apartments.

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