Business Partnerships as a Force for Good | Case Study 4: Management case study

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Key messages (COVID context applies to all) VSCF business partnerships modality

Greener, responsible trade with the UK

Transparency of supply chains for building back better


BP4GG learning and comms products used to amplify Case Study Learning Briefs

• FCDO-business Roundtable • High Level Event: Partnerships for building back better and greener from the Pandemic • End of project event

• Partnering for • Partnering in a pandemic: progress: How can Embracing uncertainty the FCDO work with • High Level Event 2: Partnerships business to deliver for building back better and the SDGs? greener from the Pandemic

• High Level Event 2: Partnerships for • How sea freight • Kenyan flower farms view sea building back better and greener from offers the Kenyan freight as a promising opportunity the Pandemic flower industry for greener growth • Global Green Growth Institute Event an opportunity • Diversifying income streams is • A Sustainable Trade Route for Kenya: for greener an effective resilience strategy for Unlocking opportunities for greener trade growth African farms and farmers growth through sea freight and increased employment • X-Garments event on transparency in • Building Back Better • Improving occupational health and RMG supply chains in Bangladesh in the Garment safety in ready-made garment • High Level Event 2: Partnerships for Industry factories during COVID-19 building back better and greener from the Pandemic • X-Garments Event – operational health and safety in factories

Using digital • X-Agriculture Event – use of digital innovations tools in African agriculture in supporting vulnerable workers in supply chains Climate change: • High Level Event 3: Business climate resilient Partnerships Tackling Climate farming, Change: Summary Briefing decarbonising trade

Women’s • HLE1 Partnerships empowering empowerment: women during the pandemic (Mar) increasing vulnerable women’s voice and agency within supply chains

Video End-of-project video

Short video

Short video – Supply chain transparency (August – ADP)

• Building Back Better • Leveraging Digital Tools to Support in the Garment Factories and Garment workers Industry • Remote survey tools for capturing farmer and worker information are here to stay • How sea freight • Business Partnerships Tackling Short video offers the Kenyan Climate Change flower industry an opportunity for greener trade growth and increased employment • Three lessons for empowering women during the pandemic (International Women’s Day Learning Brief)

Table 2: VSCF Strategic Messaging Matrix which mapped dissemination of learning in key themes to events and products.

Using a range of communication tools on the principles of the ‘attention economy’. The Facility Manager produced a variety of communication products, suited to different audiences, and to communicate in different ways. The different events and products were convened under the title ‘Business Partnerships as a Force for Good’ learning series. This ‘brand’ not only ensured coherence across diverse communication outputs. It was identified as the specific communications niche occupied by the programme at the outset. “The value of the programme was that learning was led with purpose – not just a learning event for the sake of it.” Kate Cooper, Impact Investment Adviser, FCDO

A range of products in the ‘Business Partnerships as a Force for Good’ learning series included quarterly newsletters providing updates on progress to a very wide audience, short videos on very specific topics, Case Studies which presented research and learning by the Facility Manager (either across a portfolio, or the whole facility) and a business case that provided more technical detail on evaluations of the sea freight pilot. Learning events were followed by learning briefs which captured key lessons learned and shared at events so that stakeholders had a ‘takeaway’ document capturing salient points. Learning briefs also captured findings from field visits or insights from the processes and systems that BP4GG put in place, such as the impact performance management model, and how these insights could be considered by brands and retailers, donors or other stakeholders for similar initiatives or in similar contexts. All products were posted on social media, and over 178,000 people engaged with the 35 products shared this way. The Facility Manager organised learning events that provided opportunities for VSCF projects within a sector to share learnings on specific topics. For example agriculture sector partners met to review lessons learned about diversification as a strategy for resilience for African farmers, agricultural workers and suppliers; garments sector VSCF partners convened to discuss how digital tools were used to support factories and garment workers in a time of crisis. 16

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