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The NAACP Cleveland Branch –
Still Relevant, Still Resilient
Founded in 1909, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is one of the oldest civil rights organization in the United States.
Formed as an interracial venture to advance justice for African Americans, the charter group included W. E. B. Du Bois, Mary White Ovington, Moorfield Storey and Ida B. Wells.
After 100+ years, the NAACP expanded its mission, “To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.” Its mission in the late 20th century considers issues that include police misconduct, the status of Black foreign refugees and questions of economic development.
Q & A with Crystal Bryant-Agyemang Executive Director NAACP, Cleveland Branch
What is the mission of the NAACP?
Our mission is to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.
More than a century into the fight, how far have we come to eradicating racism, inequality and injustice?
There is no doubt that great strides have been taken in the political, social, and economic systems in eradicating racism. We benefit from them daily. The challenge for us as a generation is to always be fully cognizant that for every right afforded to us through the blood of our ancestors, there is someone on the other side proactively working to strip them back. We have yet to rec- ognize the full promise of American Citizenship even to this day.
What’s the outlook for the next generation of leaders?
I am in no position to speak for the next generation of leaders. I am responsible for speaking for myself and how I decide to show up as a “leader.” We have been fighting the same fight for the same things for over 50 years. We do not need any more research. We need to be organized. If we continue to fail in doing so with no vision of a collective promise, we as a generation will fail the next generation who will inherit the baton of marathon work with no reward for our children or their children.
What is NAACP’s role in policy making?
The NAACP is most impactful at national and local levels in fighting to change policy. We are committed to a world without racism where Black people enjoy equitable opportunities in thriving communities. Our work is rooted in racial equity, civic engagement, and supportive policies and institutions for all marginalized people. At the local branch, we have just recently finalized a policy agenda. No work is activated without its people! So please join us.
How does one become a member of NAACP?
To become a member of the NAACP you pay annual dues of $30. You can pay by check or online at clevelandnaacp.org. If you would like to become an active member, you join one of our committees and contribute your talents and labor to the fight.
Is all politics local? What does this mean and how has it impacted our community historically?
Politics and policies that discriminate against Blacks happen at every level. The saying that all politics or all voting is local stems from the idea that you as a citizen of your community have more power and influence in things that happen to you in your day-to-day lives by en- gaging and voting in local elections. Understanding the power that your local city and county council representative holds, as well as your mayor and county executive, is key.
How is a community political agenda created?
Interesting that you would ask this question. I literally received the same question last night on a panel.
A community political agenda is created when an individual or organization sees critical need and decides to organize behind this need to convene likeminded organizations who have similar interest in changes they want to see as a community. Egos must be removed; self-interest must be removed, and folks must understand their assignment and role in the process. That is how a strong political agenda is built.
Who creates a community political agenda?
The organization or individual who has the structure, capacity, resourc- es but most of all the willingness. Everything else but the willingness can be found.
Are there examples of community political agendas in Greater Cleveland for the Black community?
There are individual organization political agendas. I am not so sure a community political agenda exists here in Cleveland. Some examples of local community political agendas have been created by the City of Toledo, Columbus has a poverty agenda and here locally Policy Bridge has an urban agenda.
Final thoughts to students? To early career professionals?
Get in the fight in whatever system you believe God has granted you natural talent. The mechanism of “fighting” looks different in each system. Find what fits you. You will know because it will be natural. Be strong, be organized, be efficient and have vision. Children that you have never met depend on you to do so.