Jeff vs. Jane by Kaitlin Fiscus

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Jeff Vs. Jane: A Tale of Vengeance By Kaitlin Fiscus

Kaitlin Fiscus 135 Brownstone Drive (256) 653-­‐3431

FADE IN: INT. A DARK BEDROOM – MIDNIGHT A young boy sleeps quietly in his bed. The closet door creaks open as shadows dance around the room from the trees outside. JEFF slips out of the closet and slowly strides over to the bed. Moonlight reflects off the polished blade of the knife in his hand. JEFF leans over the boy, startling the child from his sleep. The boy sits up suddenly. He opens his mouth to scream, but JEFF covers his mouth. JEFF (Hushed) Go to sleep. The boy begins to sob and JEFF SHUSHES him. JEFF (Comfortingly) It will be over quickly; I promise. The gentle TAP of rocks hitting the window draws JEFF’s attention from the weeping boy. JEFF rushes over to the window and pushes the blinds out of the way. A ghost white mask glows in the moonlight, however the lips and eyes are black. JEFF grins as JANE picks up a large stone and hurls it at the window. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. OUTSIDE THE WINDOW - MIDNIGHT JEFF stumbles backwards afraid that the glass will break and rain on him. JANE (Yelling) I’ve finally found you, JEFF! Now come face me like a man! JEFF slides the window open and sticks his head out. JEFF (Laughing) Well well well, don’t you look lovely tonight, JANE. Have you come to thank me for making you beautiful? JANE SHRIEKS with anger and rushes at the window, reaching for JEFF. JEFF stumbles away from the window, and the boy is still weeping in his bed. JEFF (Irritated)

GO TO SLEEP, KID! JANE (Calmly) Don’t go to sleep, child. If you do, you won’t wake up JANE climbs in through the window and goes to comfort the crying child. DISSOLVE TO: INT. THE BEDROOM - MIDNIGHT JEFF Get out, JANE. JANE (Laughing) You seriously think I’m going to do what you ask? You must have some screws loose. JEFF backs into the shadows, LAUGHING, as JANE picks up the crying child. JANE (V.O.) Where did he go? I have to get this kid out of here. JANE lowers the kid out through the window, and then the window slams shut, locking. JANE GASPS and backs away from the window toward the door. As JANE turns to run out the door, a CREAK behind her catches her attention. She stops in place, as JEFF runs his fingers through her hair. JANE shudders as his fingers touch the exposed skin of her neck. JEFF (Whispering) I made you beautiful, JANE. Why can’t you just thank me, and stop this. JANE Stop what? JEFF Stop this petty fighting. Why must you fight me, friend? JANE (Angrily)

Why!? JANE turned sharply, catching JEFF off guard. This is why, JEFF! JANE rips the porcelain white mask from her face, revealing the grotesque, discolored flesh underneath. You did this to me, JEFF. This isn’t beautiful! This is disgusting! I can never take this mask off. It’s all your fault; friends don’t do this to each other. JEFF cringes at the sight of JANE’s terribly disfigured face. Her skin was charred and droopy, and her hair was burned off. JEFF (Stuttering) T-that’s w-why I g-gave you t-the presents. JANE GROWLS, swinging her fists at JEFF. JEFF backs away just before she makes contact. JANE (Yelling) I’ll kill you JEFF! No amount of presents could ever make up for what you’ve done to me! JANE reaches for his throat, but JEFF kicks her square in the chest, sending her out of the room. JEFF Janie, Janie, Janie. You really should know by now. You can’t win. I even beat your father, and he was a cop. DISSOLVE TO: INT. THE HALLWAY OUTSIDE OF THE BOYS BEDROOM – MIDNIGHT JANE slides across the floor of the hallway and catches herself on the doorframe of the opening to the living room. DISSOLVE TO: INT. LIVING ROOM – MIDNIGHT JANE forces herself up and GROANS from the pain her chest. JANE hurries through the living room to the kitchen.

DISSOLVE TO: INT. KITCHEN JANE searches frantically for a knife, or some other object to defend herself with. Before she can find anything JEFF is standing in the doorway. JEFF Looking for something? JANE (Frightened) Where did you put them? JEFF Put what? JEFF pulls knives out of his hoodie pocket. (Laughing) Oh you mean these? Now why would you need these? JANE lunges for one of the knives but JEFF flips it around, cutting her hand in the process. JANE SHRIEKS in pain and stumbles backwards, grabbing a towel and holding it to her bleeding hand. JEFF JANE, please just give up, friend. JANE runs at JEFF and he plunges the knife into her chest, just barely missing her heart. JANE falls to the ground with a THUD and COUGHS up blood. JANE (Sputtering) W-we aren’t f-friends, J-JEFF. F-friends d-don’t stab each other. Panicked, JEFF fleas from the scene. DISSOLVE TO: INT. HALLWAY – MIDNIGHT JEFF runs through the hall and out the front door as sirens and lights come down the street toward the house. DISSOLVE TO:

EXT. THE FRONT YARD AND STREET – MIDNIGHT JEFF runs into the woods as the police arrive. DISSOLVE TO: INT. THE KITCHEN – 1 AM Police enter the house to find the dead parents, and JANE, barely breathing. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CEMETERY – NOON JEFF kneels before a grave, and only the last name, ARKENSAW, is visible. He places a bouquet of black roses in front of the grave. The SNAP of twigs underfoot startles JEFF and he hides behind a tree. JEFF watches as a pale girl with shoulder length brown hair walks up to the grave. JANE (Gently) Hello, mother and father. JANE leans down the place the white roses she brought and GASPS at the sight of the black ones. JEFF accidentally steps on a stick, breaking it. JANE spins around to see who’s there, but JEFF moves out of sight and begins carving into the tree. JANE approaches the tree and looks around it only to find a kitchen knife stabbed into the ground. Beneath the mask, her face twists into a look of horror, but only a lone SCREAM gives away her fright. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. THE TREE IN THE CEMETERY – NOON Scrawled in the bark of the tree is four simple words. GO TO SLEEP FRIEND! FADE TO BLACK.

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