Connecting to Paris

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Connection to Paris

Written and Directed:

Bryan M. Pendzinski Connection to



location and context Connection to Paris Population Growth Centers Along the Spine

urban proposal Sustainable Approach Eco Spine Redeveloped City Centers

avenue henri barbusse Eco Spine Analysis Re-programming the Problem Balancing the Spine

place making Material Cooperative Functional Wall

la gare Growth of a City Station Analysis Transit Center

fosses_ location & context

Connection to Paris Fosses is known as a satellite town north of Paris. The town is separated by a “green corridor� between it and the suburbs and exists on a physical growth line that separates towns from agriculture further to the north. It is important to understand Fosses as a town that demands the retention of its identity; a town that remains independently sustainable from the growth of Paris. A town that can grow in density without compromising the natural landscape around it.





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Lille (190 km) 2h

Fosses - Accès et distances


Fosses - Acces and distances

Chantilly (15km)




Crépy-en-Valois Parc naturel régional Oise-Pays de France


Parc naturel régional du Vexin Français


FOSSES Saint-Witz Marly-la-Ville


Pontoise Goussainville Villiers-le-Bel

Cergy (41 km) 1h40


Aéroport Roissy - Charles-de-Gaulle


42 min

Roissy - Aéroport CDG (15km)


45 min


16 min

PARIS - Gare du Nord (36km)

PARIS 43 min

35 min

Fosses is a town connected to larger cities through a network of infrastructure including roads and rails. Both carrying goods, services and people from town to city. Fosses plays a major role in the transportation of food and manufacturing. It provides food for other cities, while stocking industrial materials until they need to be shipped. Aeroport Charles de Gaul is an important factor in the transportation of these materials.

gateway to agriculture La Chapelle-en-Serval(4km) 20 min

48 min

Survilliers (1,5km) 18 min


5 min

Plailly (6km) Lassy & Le Plessis(6km)


27 min

Bellefontaine (4km) 1h15

25 min 12 min

48 min

Saint-Witz (5km) 1h

20 min


Puiseux-en France(6km)


25 min




Fosses et ses alentours Louvres (7,5 km) 1h30

35 min

Fosses and neighbouring


Fosses is situated on the intersection of major north-south axis: RER D, and two highways (A1,D317)which connect Fosses to Paris and the airport. These axis intersected by a departmental road D922 which runs east-west through Fosses. This spine of infrastructure physically serves as “health line” separating constructed land to the south and natural agriculture to the north.

fosses_ location & context

Population Growth Fosses was first settled in “Vieux Fosses,� where the terrain was the lowest and most of the water was stored. Fosses was known for making pottery because the clay in Old Fosses was so rich. Over the years, the town grew east along the valley. Recently, the town has begun to radiate away from the valley.







population growth





peak population





population and terrain







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housing densities

Mixed Use High Density Medium Density Light Density RER D

Bus Route A Bus Route B Culture

Although the east-west spine of the city serves as a main connection for transportation and commercial activities, it is surrounded by low density housing. Therefore stressing the use of the car throughout the city.

urban construct

Mixed Use

RER D E’cole Stockage Urban Construit Bus Route A Bus Route B Culture

Much of the industry and stockage exist along the rail coming into Fosses. Some has developed along the spine, which increases the number of large vehicles through the town. Consequently decreasing the pedestrian scale and city development along the main avenue.

parks & gardens

RER D E’cole

One major park for the town is located on the intersection of the spine; however, the roads are dominated by vehicles and residents choose to drive rather than walk. It became apparent that the density of housing surrounding important nodes was a factor in how people moved and interacted throughout the town.

fosses_ location & context

Centers Along Spine

E 9 6




11 5 4









Vieux Fosses Market Mixed Use Pottery Co-op


Parc Community Jardin Artisan Shops Market

1 2 3 4 5


Ville Centre Parking Area


Bike Rental Bus Stop Ecole Jardin/ Market Pedestrian only

7 8

Community Garden

Bike Rental Bike Storage Bus Stop Mixed Use Job Training Programs




RER Gare


Education Center Jardin/ Parc

10 Cafe Restaurant 11 Performance Public Market

Cafe Restaurant Training Program Community Jardin

connecting the central nodes 10





FOSSES par les dĂŠpartementales (D922)

15000 habitants



5 000 habitants 1 100 emplois

10 000 habitants 2600 emplois

Cergy 60 000 habitants

Marly-la-Ville 5 600 habitants

Pontoise 30 000 habitants 15 000 emplois A1

The spine, Avenue Henri Barbusse, provided major nodes throughout the town. Each of these with existing program that promoted growth of activity and life along the spine. Additional program was developed to connect each of the nodes, creating a network of movement from the train station to Old Fosses. This concept would begin to spread to surrounding towns along the spine.


balancing population

Nanteuil-le-Haudoin 3 500 habitants

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The train station is a major transportation node. It is where all residents and visitors enter the city. This node should be thought of as the “Face of Fosses.”




city center


E RER Gare

F Ville Centre


G Parc

H Jardin

J Vieux Fosses









major nodes develop along the spine








The city center includes most of the “downtown” activities: library, recreation, post office. There is a new city hall currently being developed.

park The park is a main node for recreation and relaxation, it is connected to community gardens that serve the locals of Fosses and surrounding towns.

old fosses “Vieux Fosses” was once a thriving city center but since development has moved east it has lost its independent sustainability and has become more dependent on the car. Its connection to new Fosses is crucial to the survival of the town and its identity.

fosses_ location & context

Preserve local community and culture by mixing residential, commercial and businesses within the neighborhood.


a local perspective It became apparent after speaking with several of the locals in Fosses that there was a problem. Fosses was falling to the demands of growth outside of it. Slowly turning into a town where people only came to sleep, then leave for work and for leisure, and return only to sleep. It was important to re-establish its culture by preserving the community.

Localize markets and shops to walking distances for locals.

Local of Fosses

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Local businesses are disappearing because of big business and commercial groceries who get food from outside Fosses.

Local Farmer

More community gardens and infrastructure that promotes local agriculture.

Community Gardener

Fosses s’étale, ce qui crée une rupture entre les lieux de travail et de vie.


Etalement urbain


Utilisation de la voiture

Les commerces de proximité ferment Etalement des banlieues


Centre-ville désertés Démolition de la nature

Emission de CO2 Moins de communautés

Moins d’agriculture locale

= Quitter la ville et en faire une autre

= environnement pollué = augmente la criminalité = Environnement et éducation civique se dégradent

Urban Proposal: what is a sustainable city?

fosses_ urban proposal

Acheter et produire de la nourriture dans les mêmes lieux.

Une approche durable des bâtiments que nous habitons.

Buy and Grow food in the same places

Sustainable approach to buildings we inhabit.

Vivre, jouer et travailler dans les mêmes zones est durable et encourage la communauté.

Déchets de matériaux peuvent être recyclés ou compostés.

Living, playing and working in the same areas is sustainable and promotes community.

Material waste can be recycled or composted.

Densifier le centre-ville. Densify the city center.

Ce qui rend une ville durable?

Réhabiliter les bâtiments existants... les centres de recyclage, de compostage des centres Rehabilitate existing buildings... recycling centers, compost

What makes a city sustainable?

Localisé de transport sain et durable Localized healthy and sustainable transportation


Fournir une ligne de transport du matériel à d'autres villes durables. Provide a material transit line to other sustainable cities.

L'industrie et l'agriculture se développer de l'énergie durable. Industry and agriculture grow sustainable energy.

Augmenter l'agriculture locale Increase local agriculture.

Matériaux de jardin en excès peuvent être envoyés dans des zones qui en ont besoin. Excess garden materials can be sent to areas in need.

closed loop sustainable approach

A Sustainable Approach What are the components of a city? What does it need to function? The diagram was a guideline to develop a city that was independently sustainable that could link to other sustainable cities and share resources, ideas, culture, etc. The diagram starts with existing components of a city and questions the interconnectedness of each component.

Fournir une ligne de transport du matériel à d'autres villes durables. Provide a material transit line to other sustainable cities.

connecting cities A local public rail to connect other sustainable cities. This line would share people and resources to maintain a balance from city to city.

healthy transportation Localisé de transport sain et durable Localized healthy and sustainable transportation

Localize a variety of transportation hubs throughout the city. Promote sustainable healthy ways to move through the city, while decreasing automobiles through high density pedestrian traffic.

local agriculture Augmenter l'agriculture locale Increase local agriculture.

Increase the local system of growing food, create an intelligence on where products come from and the health of the town and people within it. Farms can grow energy and the waste can be recycled.

clean industry Réhabiliter les bâtiments existants... les centres de recyclage, de compostage des centres Rehabilitate existing buildings... recycling centers, compost centers

Use the archetypes of existing industries to manufacture power with solar panels on the roofs. Rehabilitate industries into “clean industries” that are used for recycling centers and compost storage. These programs facilitate each other and begin to work together.

mix uses

Vivre, jouer et travailler dans les mêmes zones est durable et encourage la communauté. Living, playing and working in the same areas is sustainable and promotes community.

Create places where people work, play and live in the same area. This will promote community and investment within the city. Update housing to conserve and create energy. Create restaurants and stores that grow there products locally.

fosses_ urban proposal

Eco Spine

Parking at the edge of the city to eliminate driving through Fosses.

City centers are connected through the Eco Spine and function as a dependent system

Re-route cars to the periphery and relieve dense traffic on the spine.



The train is an industrial spine, sending and receiving recycling, compost and food to other cities.

Acupuncture the spine with necessary program








Eco Spines grow from the main spine.

Re-locate industry along major truck highways and the train line.

Containing Sprawl_ Focusing Fosses on being an independent, self sustaining town. 0 km 0.5 km 1.5 km

N 2 km


Understanding Fosses’ location and context made it important to establish an urban-agriculture relationship within the town. Because the agriculture surrounding the town is so important, the residents need to participate in the function of the farm on a local level. This would provide an intelligence of the cyclical process of growing and buying food.

CrÊer une relation entre l’agriculture et la ville Develop an urban-farm relationship.

Directing local crops into the spine of teh city.

N 0 km

0.5 km

1.5 km

2 km

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growth boundary The internal agriculture of the city would allow population density to increase while diminishing the need to grow, overtaking the existing agriculture. For the future, Fosses would be a self sustaining city that provides food and products for other cities.

Stopper l’étalement de la ville Contain the existing city and stop urban sprawl.

N 0 km

0.5 km

1.5 km

2 km

infrastructure La “colonne vertébrale” traverse la ville et croise les routes principales. Promouvoir les transports propres. Vélorution ! The spine intersects with major roads. Allowing for sustainable transit stations. Bicycle intervention!

The infrastructure connecting Fosses becomes important in the role of connecting products and people. It is important to program roads and rails to serve for specific functions as they work congruently with the programs surrounding them. The main spine of Fosses will become an Eco Spine, placing emphasis on healthy and sustainable transportation

Le RER D relie Fosses à Paris. The RER D connects Fosses to Paris.

N 0 km

0.5 km

1.5 km

2 km

housing and industry Programmatic systems need to work together. As both housing and industry are woven into the Eco Spine, they need a positive impact on its development. This balance of harmonious production, use, and waste need to become a strategy for sustainability that promote the growth of the Eco Spine.

La monoculture de logement entoure les domaines de réaménagement. Monoculture housing surrounds the areas of re-development.

L'industrie est directement relié au Fosses. Industry is directly connected into Fosses

N 0 km

0.5 km

1.5 km

2 km

fosses_ urban proposal

reverberation nodes Each node was derived from existing city centers and has potential to reverberate life and ideas from the spine into the mass of the town.

Nœuds majeurs de la ville issus des intersections des infrastructures. Major city nodes devoloped from infrastructure intersections.

N 0 km

0.5 km

1.5 km

2 km

0 km

0.5 km

1.5 km

2 km

1.5 km

2 km

center development Each city center was analyzed according to existing program (black) and program that is needed (green) as a way to balance the spine and create functional nodes that supported the sustainability of each area.

Réhabiliter les centres avec le programme nécessaire.

Rehabilitate centers with needed program.


eco spine programs The Eco Spine will have a constant parallel stream of supporting program that help the development of the life line through the city. These programs would focus on, transportation, energy, recycling, water, health, industry and agriculture. Each becoming sub nodes that supported major city centers.

La D922 comportera les programmes nécessaires au développement et à la connexion avec les villes voisines Eco spine will carry the necessary programs to balance and connect the city.

N 0 km

0.5 km

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travel hierarchy

3 km

2 km

1 km

The train station to Old Fosses is a distance of 3km. The travel times for each mode of transportation through the spine allow cars to move quickly through the city while other public transit is slowed down. The spine will focus on eliminating cars and inserting healthy sustainable forms of transportation along the spine.

0.5 km

35 min

12 min

10 min

5 min Privatisée la route pour les transports propres, les voitures doivent être re-routé ! Privatized transit hogs the road, the cars must be re-routed!

car periphery Cars are directed away from the center of the city. Electric car parking/ charging areas are available on the periphery to eliminate the need to drive through the town. From these locations alternative transportation may be taken to move through the town.

Relocaliser les voitures à la périphérie pour soulager la congestion dans la ville. Relocate cars to the periphery to relieve congestion within the city.

N 0 km

0.5 km

1.5 km

2 km

local bus loop 3 km

2 km

1 km

0.5 km

Le bus formera une boucle autour de la ville depuis la gare, dekm kla départemental à la périphérie.


The bus loop will take traffic through the density of the city while connecting back to the periphery.

16 min

A local bus route will be added to the existing routes. This loop will include major nodes on the spine while gathering pedestrians from the interior of the town. The one-way loop decreases the area of road needed for traffic, giving back to the Eco Spine.

fosses_ urban proposal

Redeveloped City Centers

Il est grand que les systèmes de transport sont le soutien à notre agriculture locale de manière durable!

It is great that transit systems are supporting our local agriculture in sustainable ways!

Mon centre-ville a des systèmes vivants, commerciaux, d'affaires et de transit qui fonctionnent ensemble, le rendant facile à commuer durablement quand j'ai besoin de.

Contain the city

Um hasearchil ipis My city center living, commercial, businesssandae ne and transit systems that work together, making it quiat plandus, si denis easy to commute sustainably when i need to.

endit eum ex ea volecea rchillam, aut pa sapid molori sinciis accum volo-

rer transit center The transportation hub will become the “Face of Fosses” as it is renovated into a sustainable area for shopping, living and working. Parking on the periphery eliminates interior car congestion and promotes healthy alternative transportation. These new structures will grow energy and store water that will be used for the Eco Spine and local markets.

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Il Qué Grand Est Les Systèmes de transport sont le Soutien à l'agriculture locale de Notre Manière durable! Il est grand que les systèmes de transport sont le soutien à notre agriculture locale de manière durable!

My family is starting an urban garden at our house, this way we can grow food for our meals and for neighbors who cannot make it to the market.

Je peux charger ma voiture et à utiliser les transports en commun pendant que je travaille à Fosses. Quand je pars, ma voiture est chargée et je peux rentrer à la maison ou au bureau. I can charge my car and use public transit while I work in Fosses. When I leave, my car is charged and I can get home or back to the office.

new fosses The city center of Fosses includes primary activities for living and working, while also being located to schools. The area has a unique connection to industry in the ways that it is connected to work together as a system. Students learn to grow food, while others are employed at the recycling and compost centers, which grow energy for local homes and business.

fosses_ urban proposal

Il est grand que les systèmes de transport sont le soutien à notre agriculture locale de manière durable!

I buy my food from Fosses, because it is locally grown and locally owned!

Il est grand que les systèmes de transport sont le soutien à notre agriculture locale de manière durable!

The garden is a sustainable way of life, I grow food for local markets and restaurants in Fosses.

agricultural/ trade_ learning park

The park becomes a large market between Old Fosses and the station. The local community gardens provide food for events and holidays throughout the city. The park has a large emphasis on alternative transportation throughout the city and is known as the bike hub. At these events, local residents have the opportunity to meet the farmers and business owners of the community to share concepts and ideas of sustainable life.

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old fosses

The old city is a primary example of the organization and development of a sustainable city. In one center, the town offers local transportation, local agriculture for the restaurants and residents. It has a balance of industry to maintain the life cycle of products, while also providing areas to work, live and play. On a small scale, Old Fosses is the representation of a sustainable city.

! Ave.Henri Barbusse

fosses_ ave. henri barbusse

Eco Spine Analysis The existing spine of the city is a two-way road that connects the station to Old Fosses. It is also a departmental road that connects towns east to west of Fosses. The central portion of Avenue Henri Barbusse contains a mixture of low density housing, scattered commercial and other types of program. In many areas, it is common to see large set backs and pedestrian walk ways that are used for car parking. As a result, pedestrians are deterred from walking and all public function is turned away from the street, depleting any sense of community. The objective organize activities on the spine that promote community.

eco spine / avenue henri barbusse

! Health Espace Vert Ecole Abandone Parking Restaurant Maison Commerce Ave. Henri Barbusse Secondary Circulation Tertiary Circulation Superficie du B창timent Mix Use

pedestrian disconnect

multiple programs exist on the spine

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R AXE PRINCIPAL Avenue Henri Barbusse - D922




Végétation clairsemé




fosses_ ave. henri barbusse

sustainable transit opportunity

rehabilitate abandoned lots into markets

community gardens provide food for restaurant

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sustainable transit Along the spine there is a need for alternative transportation hubs, unnecessary car parking will be turned into energy growing bus stops and alternative transportation / storing facilities. These modes of movement will generate a sustainable growth throughout Fosses.

local markets Abandoned lots provide space that can be transformed into outdoor markets where locals can buy and sell food grown from the Eco Spine. This will support local business and decrease the energy used to ship and receive food products. This activity will reinforce the urban-agriculture relationship.

community garden Corner lots are a good resource for community gardens. Restaurant owners across the street can use the products grown here for their business. This example of “across the street connection� is a primary example of building a relationship and community throughout the Eco Spine.

fosses_ ave. henri barbusse

Material management and recycling to reduce the amount of trash produced from houses and restaraunts.

Sustainable restaurants grow food on the Eco Spine, minimizing transportation of food.

Abandoned lots renovated for recycling centers and stocking compost for the Eco Spine.

The Eco Spine acts as a closed loop sustainable system with many programs that simultaneously work together and support eachother

One way bus loop through Avenue Henri Barbusse to reduce traffic density.

Waste water management centers to reduce potable water consumption for housing and businesses.

Bike lanes for healthy and sustainable transportation.

N 0m

Re-programming the Problem Logement, commerce et des affaires travaillent ensemble dans un cycle durable avec la ferme urbaine Ă se dĂŠvelopper, produire et utiliser l'ĂŠnergie.

The primary focus of the Eco Spine is building a relationship across the street as a way to promote community. In the same sense, the section of the street needs to be thought of as a sharing mechanism as well. The whole process is a machine of sharing and recycling to build a sustainable health line through Fosses.

Housing, commerce and business work together in a sustainable cycle with the urban farm to grow, produce and use energy.

25 m

50 m

100 m

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avenue edges The existing Avenue Henri Barbusse uses alot of space for roadside parking which eliminates and public functions toward the street and neighbors.

The existing avenue provides valuable space for residents to park their cars. In return, the wall of cars diminishes community towards the street and residents turn there back on the public space.

reclaim parking By taking back space allotted by setbacks and roadside parking, it is possible to design an Avenue that services many public functions and promotes community across the street.

The avenue will reclaim areas used for car parking and program them as public park. These areas will reestablish focus on to the public avenue and promote community activities along the spine.

eco spine area

Avenue Henri Barbusse becomes a dynamic public route stitching together the programs on either side of the street.

Avenue Henri Barbusse becomes a dynamic public route, stitching together community on either side of the street all the way through Fosses. The concept is a sustainable approach meant to extend to neighboring towns.

fosses_ ave. henri barbusse




eco spine / avenue henri barbusse

Balancing the Spine The Eco Spine is dynamic within itself, already providing an array of program through it. The width of the spine changes at different points throughout Fosses and provides an opportunity for several variations and scale of program. Each section focuses on the relationships across the street.


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a 3m

2.5 m




b 3m



5.5 m

2.5 m


c 3m

15 m



2.5 m


d 2.75 m

7.5 m


2.75 m

2.75 m


N 0m

2.75 m

5.5 m

11 m

Place Making: sharing stairs

The concept of the project was to design a piece of architecture that would benefit an existing place. On the notion of conserving land, the project would exist on a previously constructed site. The program of architecture is within parallel thought of the urban project, as its purpose is to allow the growth of density, while decreasing the need for more space.

fosses_ place making

Material Cooperative

design theory


It is possible to decrease the amount of space we need for living by reducing the amount of materials we store. Materials that are rarely used can be publicly exchanged rather than privately owned. In return, it will decrease the energy needed to produce so many items, decrease the energy used to ship these items, decrease the amount of waste produced and decrease the area to store the waste.

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public stairs

The public stairs are the interstitial connective tissue between each neighborhood and street that runs parallel with Ave. Henri Barbusse.

u to t t rrai of oss s stair a s ist to o t i or oods up o t ill to u ri ar uss stairs ist p riodi all alo t o pi a d a a opportu it to o a protot p for pu li uildi s it a ffort to i pro t isti spa

3 x usse. nri Barb Ave. He

The stair becomes a prototype for public space making throughout Fosses.

N 0 km

.19 km

.375 km

.562 km

tertiary connections a stair ll s r s as a i t rstitial o ti tissu t ous s a d pro ot s pu li a ti it sid ts us t s i t rs tio s as ar as for i t ra tio o u i a tio stairs s r as a pri ar rout for p d s tria s to ui l a ss t o pi it out t us of a auto o il

se bus Bar ri Hen ue n e Av

0 m

11 m

22 m

44 m


visual connection




stairs pro id a rar la o r t to of oss s aus of t ariatio i t rrai or a i i t is spa ould pro id a sp ta u lar sit s i p ri for lo als a d isitors of oss s

fosses_ place making

Reflect 2 1

Rent Research






0 m

2.25 m

4.5 m

6.75 m


rental garden tools home repair computer recycling bicycle recycling



fosses_ place making

Functional Wall









e fo m of e il ing as e i e o of e necessi fo in e io space i o enc oac ing on e is al an p sical connec ion o g o e s ai s is as ac ie e fo ming e es faca e o mo e i e ensi of foo af c along e s eps eca se of e lack of in e io space nee e o s o e e ma e ials e all a o ecome comple el f nc ional in e a a i ispla e ma e ials p o i e sea ing con olle lig an op imi e ie ing e all s c e of e all is p e fa ica e i gl lam e oo is se f om local eno a e o s ing p o ec s



Research Drop Box

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1 garden_reflection 2 pre-fabricated rib structure


3 glulam structure frame 4 wood shelves 5 glass skin 6 polycarbonate panels



4 5



Glulam Structure Frame

fosses_ place making

29.5 m

4.5 m

Ave. Henri Barbusse 0 m

2.25 m

4.5 m

9 m


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function fu

tio o t st as d t r i d t ssit to o trol li t il also i a l to s t su s t i t aft r oo s d p all a ts as li t s l s to o trol t i t rior li t il allo i t all to still op for isual o tio all

interaction s l i ai tai s a isual i t r o t d ss fro i t rior to t rior il ai tai i a d a i surfa i allo s sta i a d stori for at rials all also tra sfor s i to ar as for ta l s a d s ati it i t spa all is a stat t for t pro t a out o s r atio of spa il ai tai i its fu tio a d i t ra tio

La Gare: mix-use infrastructure

Infrastructure is what connects our towns to our cities, it takes up a lot of natural landscape, and a lot of time is spent traversing these veins of our countries and states. Smart infrastructure can be programmed to contain multiple uses and functions, meeting needs of the various people and activities that use it.

fosses_ mix-use infrastructure

Growth of a City For each example, industry is located towards the edge of the city and adjacent to a transportation route. In each, the town is built on both sides of the rail. The industry starts to be perceived as a boundary, where housing and other functions are no longer built around it . Many of the edges are formed by transportation routes. Roads and rails define city edges, much like a river would define a border.


1 Breval Gousainville

2 proportion and planning Where should the industry be located so each town can maintain a central downtown and keep an identity without allowing industry to take over?




If roads and railways are perceived as physical edges, then how are these zones used? The lines should be designed for multiple uses and activities that stretch in a linear fashion from town to town.

growth boundary





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shopping and transit

Airports and major travel hubs are becoming centers for other activities, primarily commercial. These areas are programmed to work together and decrease travel from one activity to another.

mix use vehicles Vehicles have been used for multiple purposes as well. Food can be delivered hot and ready, this is different from the classical version of a family automobile .

program the road Roads have also been programmed to hold multiple functions. They are not only for cars, many different types of users exist within infrastructure.

fosses_ mix-use infrastructure




industry and housing share infrastructure

functions of a city working together The combination of industry and housing is necessary for cities. These functions need to be integrated so they are not opposite forces repelling one another, rather working together. By understanding the potential of mix use infrastructure, it is possible to imagine a way cities function seamlessly with housing and infrastructure working together without a positive and negative attraction.

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buildings and bridges

Historically there are examples of using infrastructure for multiple purposes. Some examples include housing on bridges, or restaurants on boats. In this case, Ch창teau de Chenonceau of France, explains the cleverness of a building on a bridge.

aquaducts Moving water created a type of infrastructure through a city. Infrastructure acts like a river through a city in the way it supplies food, people, supplies. Roads can begin to be designed like multi layered rivers supplying all necessities to a city.

fosses_ mix-use infrastructure



Roads are concentric circle limits that radiate from Paris and serve as percieved boundaries.

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Train lines spread lineraly from paris extending to neighboring towns and cities.

fosses_ mix-use infrastructure



Towns begin to grow where the circulation routes cross and provide movement of people and products.

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Green corridors separate urban construction and serve as a perceived limit.

fosses_ mix-use infrastructure



The circulation through the corridor needs to be programmed to meet the needs of transportation while also maintaining the corridor.


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The existing ralis are dead veins that weave through the existing landscape. There is a potential to re-program this space and provide multiple uses.

existing rail corridor


Lift the existing rail off the ground, allowing for area to insert new program below.

new rail


Industry on below the rail allows for simple cargo loading, while the new rail above maintains the visual connection to the corridor.


5 1

14 6

3 9


8 corridor

fosses_ la gare

Station Analysis two towns_ two functions Fosses and Survilliers are adjacent towns that use the station RER D. Between the two is a large block of industry physically and visually disconnecting them. The road that connects the two towns is primarily for vehicles. It is necessary to stitch together the two worlds over the boundary of the rail.



RER Station


circulation disconnection The primary fault of the site is the physical and visual disconnection from station to Survilliers. Due to the industry which rupture the programmatic connection between the two towns. The sole route that connects Survilliers and Fosses only promotes vehicles to enter and exit the station while lacking in pedestrian scale and function.

Indirect route for movement. The road only serves cars, lack of pedestrian movement.

The disconnection across the rail divides the balance between Fosses and Survilliers

paris studio_fall 2011

programmatic disconnect Housing and commercial exist on both sides of the rail, but pedestrians are deterred from walking or biking because of the dense car traffic. These programs need to be stitched together across the rail.

Disconnect along the commercial spine between towns.

Disconnect between residential neighborhoods. Lack of sustainable transportation

direct routes

Create routes that will support pedestrian traffic, connecting both sides of the train station.

New paths promote new urban typologies that create physical connections between towns.

New routes and bridges to generate a better connection between existing typologies.

There are a few routes leading to the station which should be taken into consideration for connecting over the rail. These circulation routes will help to promote interstitial activities along them, rehabilitating paths and roads which otherwise receive no attention.

fosses_ la gare

Station Analysis promoting paths

The existing paths through Fosses connecting pedestrian traffic to the station are used to strategically place the vertical circulation towers of the Transit Center. The towers help to spread out entrances down the rail and allow multiple access into the building. These selected paths will promote movement and activity which will reverberate back into the town.

Strategic paths activated by the vertical towers of the Transit Center.

weaving agriculture Connecting agriculture back into the station was an idea expanding from the Eco Spine. The concept promotes urbanagriculture activities around the station, consequently benefiting the market and the surrounding housing developments and commercial businesses. The Transit Center itself includes parks and agriculture testing areas as means for development of the Eco Spine, woven over the tracks.

Stitching agriculture into the transit center.

paris studio_fall 2011

connecting commercial

Weaving together commercial activities across the rail.

The Transit Center was specifically programmed to eliminate the disconnect of commercial activity from Fosses to Survilliers. The design promotes a consistent line of pedestrian traffic through the Transit Center.

housing over the rail Connecting residential areas over the rail.

Housing is connected through the Transit Center as a program woven over the tracks. The building is connected to the roof tops of existing industry east of the rail, which allows neighborhoods and gardens to exist above the industry. The concept connects existing housing of both Fosses and Survilliers.

fosses_ la gare

Transit Center The Transit Center was designed as a solution to stitch the gap over the rail, connecting Fosses and Survilliers. The center includes a train station, civic learning and research centers for students and residents, conference rooms for local businesses, apartments, restaurants, park space and research gardens for the Eco Spine. The program was conceived to weave from one side of the tracks to the other. Activities intersect in the middle over the tracks, allowing constant access to each floor and constant circulation throughout the building. Each bar of program has been lifted, allowing exterior terraces for parks and research areas for the Eco Spine. Vertical circulation towers extend through each floor and provide axis for the entire building. The facade and massing provide a dynamic and penetrable visual and physical experience.



roof top





paris studio_fall 2011



civic roof neighborhoods



parc commercial

residential parc la gare


fosses_ la gare

functions co-exist as a community “If you build the park they will come� -- but if they have to go to the station, why not put the park there?

The building integrates the fundamentals of increasing density to eliminate growth. The program includes focuses on living, working and playing in the same areas. A park was integrated into the transit center to combine travel with leisure. The building becomes a center for the market and several other public functions for Fosses.

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3 2



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

commercial park civic residential park station eco research vertical circulation rooftop neighborhoods

fosses_ la gare

vertical circulation acts as light wells to push light into the buidling.

roof top connections begin to build a community above the existing industry below.

growing a city above the industry g

e se a rogra of l gs fras r re s or s e o e al a o of s es g s e l g o e s o e e s g s r roof o gar e s eg o s rea allo g ore foo o e gro oo o es are o la e a a e or of s o s af s a o s g o l ros er a o e e s r o o e o ere e r s a a e r als o g o e gro elo

paris studio_fall 2011



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1 2 3 4

transit center circulation diagram vertical circulation floor 0_1 a. station b. commercial c. civic d. roof top park 5 facade panels 6 secondary structure grid 7 apartments roof top park



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