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Part of the glue that binds together our industry, British Photographic Industry News has been with you through the thick and thin of the past 40 years, covering seismic shifts for the trade; including the transferal from film to digital and the changing face of retail, as the high street presence has expanded to involve a more multi-platform sales push.
With a lot of misinformation out there, a curated approach to the developments of the day and exclusive input from industry leaders is what continues to ensure the relevance of a trade-focused magazine. As we seek to guide you through choppy waters, you in turn can lend your support from just £30 per year. Simply click through to www.paypal.me/bpinews to send your £30 subscription direct, or get in touch via gavin@bpinews.co.uk or info@bpinews.co.uk if you’d prefer to pay via bank transfer.