Example: Student Project

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Project Brief ARTS 224-002 Ashley Singleton & Elyssa Drexel

Background & Overview Mission: A toothpaste for every need. All of our toothpastes give you a healthy smile, with specialized solutions tailored to you. Background: Crest has been a leader in dental health innovations since its inception in 1955. In 2005, Crest was thrilled to celebrate its 50th year of providing healthy, beautiful smiles to families across the country. 0U :LW[LTILY *YLZ[ WHY[ULYLK ^P[O :JPLU[PÄJ (TLYPJHU THNazine to present the most comprehensive information and expert opinions regarding the relationship between oral health and whole body wellness, including potential implications for future health-care models. The partnership showed that Crest is committed to furthering research in this area. In 2008, Crest and Oral-B, in collaboration with the American Dental Association, sponsored a survey on America’s oral health care.

Advertisement Summary Purpose of Ad Series: The purpose of the series is to demonstrate why dentists recommend Crest. Dentist who do not recommend Crest use toothpastes that do not promote oral health in the same ways. The series will aim to discredit dentists who do not believe in Crest. Design Concept: 6\Y ÄYZ[ PKLH ^HZ [V [HRL WOV[VNYHWOZ VM [OYLL KPɈLYLU[ TLU PU KLUtist coats and use Photoshop to alter their faces. We decided to go against this idea and Photoshop animal heads onto a dentist ZV [OH[ ^L HYL MVJ\ZPUN TVYL VU [OL IHK [LL[O HUK UV[ THRPUN M\U of people’s physical appearance. This is also a more comical and eye-catching way to portray the message. Tone: Tone is lighthearted and a little sarcastic. Message: 4 out 5 Dentists use and recommend Crest, and this is the one who doesn’t. Style: The series will be done in the style of conceptual ads. A combination photography and typography will be used.

Crest Ad v. Competitor

Advertisement Plans Target Audience: The target audience is adults ages 25-34. They have purchasing power of which toothpaste they want to use. They are millennials who have a strong online presence and will appreciate the humorous side to the ad series. Schedule: ࠮ ;O\TIUHPSZ HUK :RL[JOLZ 4HYJO [O ࠮ *VTWZ 4HYJO [O ࠮ 9LÄULK +YHM[ 4HYJO [O ࠮ Z[ (K *VTWSL[L 4HYJO [O ࠮ UK (K *VTWSL[L 4HYJO [O ࠮ YK (K *VTWSL[L 4HYJO [O ࠮ -PUHS 4HYJO YK Display Location: The advertisement series will be displayed on social media since our target audience is very active among social media WSH[MVYTZ 0[ ^PSS HWWLHY WYPTHYPS` VU 0UZ[HNYHT HUK -HJLIVVR They could also be used as print ads in magazines.

Works Cited “Conceptual Ad Board.” Pinterest, 9 Mar. 2020, www.pinterest.com/edrexel1/conceptual-ad/. “Crest Toothpaste Collection.” Crest, crest.com/en-us/products/compare/crest-toothpaste?&utm_ source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=T_SERP_Non_Text_NOFRQNOVIEW_ OPT_Crest+Paste|Brand|Awareness|NA|EXT_C&utm_term=crest+toothpaste&gclid=CjwKCA iA-vLyBRBWEiwAzOkGVEbkVxymGG4HY2S_NXBrUYlI9Xs-WUOb7QDLO1I-bepVaFtZb5DM_ hoC6gIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds. “History of Toothpaste.” Crest, Crest, 18 Oct. 2019, crest.com/en-us/oral-health/why-crest/faq/historytoothpaste. “PRINT ADS: COLGATE OPTIC WHITE: SERIES.” Behance, www.behance.net/gallery/31945607/PRINTADS-COLGATE-OPTIC-WHITE-SERIES.

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