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Out Of Office Reminders

With so many folks using up their vacation time and for those that are participating in Bay Path summer hours, it is important to be mindful of staffing coverage when you and/or your teammates are taking time off.

We encourage you to work out your PTO with your supervisor and co-workers to ensure that your department maintains adequate coverage. This can be accomplished by rotating or alternating schedules. We also recommend marking days off on your Google calendar so others are made aware of your modified availability.

Be sure to remember to set your out-of-office messages and indicate who the best point of contact would be in your absence to keep the needs of your fellow community members in mind while you are away. This way we can maintain service standards during the slower summer months.


Departments' FY24 budgets are now available to cost center directors on the My Bay Path budget portal. FY24 requisitions can be processed at this time. Please note that FY24 purchases can not be received until July 1, 2023 or later. Note that certain line items may have been adjusted to bring expenditures in line with available revenues. If you have questions about adjustments to your budget, you may reach out to your divisional vice president or Mike Giampietro.

All goods to be expensed in FY23 should have been received. As the FY23 purchasing deadline has passed, FY23 requisitions can no longer be processed. If you have received an invoice for an FY23 expense that does not have a coordinating FY23 purchase order, please forward the invoice with a properly approved check request to Sally LaValley, Accounts Payable Specialist. Contract requirements remain in effect.

United Educators Training

Please be advised that the HR department has been sending out bi-weekly email reminders to employees regarding the mandatory bi-annual United Educators training: "Workplace Harassment PreventionFaculty and Staff." If you receive this reminder, we do not yet have record of your training completion. It must be completed by August 1, 2023.

If you already have a United Educators account, be sure to sign in and select "Forgot My Password" in the event that you need to reset it. If you have yet to make an account, please do so using your Bay Path email address as the user name For questions or concerns, please contact ccabral@baypath.edu.

Remaining FY23 invoices, check requests, and travel reimbursements should be sent to Sally LaValley by Friday, July 14, 2023. Invoices not submitted timely, may be charged to the respective department's Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Please review FY23 purchase orders to ensure that purchase orders with a remaining unspent balance are closed. Amanda Santos, Senior Accountant, can be contacted for questions regarding requisitions or purchase orders.

Requisitions for goods and services must be submitted and a purchase order must be issued, prior to ordering a good or service from a vendor. Service contracts, software agreements and other contractual agreements with terms and conditions must be reviewed in advance by the Finance Department and signed by the Chief Financial Officer.

Wex card purchases must be approved and reconciled within two weeks of a charge. June 2023 Wex charges must be reconciled by July 14, 2023.

Thank you for your attention and please contact jorourke@baypath.edu if you have any questions.

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