PRESS RELEASE Johannesburg 27 August, 2010
WHEN WOMEN WIN, SO TOO DOES THE WORLD Gone are the days when the rights of women were restricted and they were relegated to “second-class citizens”, expected only to tend to the domestic chores around their home and take care of their children. With the abolition of various Draconian laws and the abandonment of certain male-dominant perceptions regarding the role of women in leadership, we’re increasingly experiencing the positive effects women bring to business, sport, politics and religion. Says Toni Gomes, President of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women: “In a modern business world which espouses the values of fairness and equality, it’s essential that past prejudices against women’s abilities to lead and rule are eradicated and that key leadership positions are filled by women who have skills, ability and appropriate credentials which aren’t pre-determined by gender issues. “ In light of the importance attached to the role of women in corporate leadership (among their other positions), the International Federation of Business & Professional Women (BPW) is proud to announce a partnership with DESTINY, a unique publication for women who want intelligent, actionable and empowering business, career and entrepreneurship content presented in a feminine, lifestyle-orientated package. DESTINY is supported by DestinyConnect, an online business and social networking site for DESTINY readers, business professionals and entrepreneurs. Once every quarter selected BPW members will join DestinyConnect’s mentorship programme as mentors. Says Mandy Stobart, BPW member and Professional Training Manager at Webber Wentzel: “This is a wonderful opportunity for BPW members to mentor younger women into becoming well-rounded businesswomen at a faster pace than if they were left to carve out their careers without guidance.” Says Mbulu Nepfumbada BPW member and Senior Legal Advisor at the SABC: “The partnership between BPW and DESTINY will increase efforts to highlight the importance for companies to foster the development of women in the business arena, so that a greater number attain positions of higher responsibility. This important task can’t be successfully undertaken by one player alone, but together we can begin to make the transition from awareness of the situation to the implementation of change.” BPW is the largest international businesswomen’s network in the world and is the premier business network for women who want the professional edge. The first South African BPW branch opened offices in Johannesburg in April this year, with the aim of expanding its reach throughout Gauteng and South Africa. The networking initiative aims to develop the professional, leadership and business potential of women through advocacy, mentoring, networking, skill-building and economic empowerment programmes and projects. BPW International targets businesswomen from mid- to senior management and has over 90 branches on five continents, representing over 250 000 members who include leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, executives and professionals. BPW's aim is to encourage equal participation of women and men in decision-making roles through a combination of capacity and confidence-building. Through hosting events and aligning with partners such as DESTINY, the BPW is paving the way by enriching the knowledge base of women directors and stakeholders when it comes to taking responsibility in a corporate setting. “Forming this partnership with BPW is a natural and rewarding move for us, since both brands complement each other. We hope that our combined energies will serve to empower and encourage women in all walks of life to achieve their potential.” – Khanyi Dhlomo, MD: Ndalo Media and Founding Editor, DESTINY
ENDS WORDS: 513 Further Media Information: Toni Gomes : President Int. Federation of Business & Professional Women Office: (011) 794 4991 Cell: 083 212 9134 Email: