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PATIENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES STATEMENT We welcome you as a patient and those accompanying you. Since we believe you are entitled to expect informed, compassionate, respectful, dignified, confidential, and competent care, our staff and physicians are committed to providing notice of our patient rights and responsibilities in advance of your Center admission. When you are a patient* at the Center, you have the rights to: •

To be treated with respect, dignity, and consideration in a safe and private setting, without regard to age, race, color, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

To be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

To know the identity and professional status of the people treating and providing services to you.

To be fully informed about your health condition, possible treatments or procedures, and expected outcome, and to discuss this information with your doctor before treatment is performed.

To be free from any act of discrimination or reprisal.

To consent to or refuse a treatment. If you refuse a recommended treatment, you will receive other needed and available care.

To have an advance directive, such as a living will or health care proxy. These documents express your choices about your future care or name someone to decide if you cannot speak for yourself. If you have a written advance directive, you should bring a copy to the Center; if you do not have a form and desire one, we’ll provide one upon your request. Because we offer procedures that are considered to be elective, we will not honor a do not resuscitate directive while you are a patient at the Center.

To be provided appropriate privacy and security of self and belongings during the delivery of patient care services.

To be free of mental and physical abuse and exploitation. Drugs and other medications shall not be used for discipline of patients or for convenience of facility personnel.

To expect that treatment records are confidential, unless you have given permission to release information or reporting is required or permitted by law. You may review your medical records and have the information explained, except when restricted by law.

To expect that the Center will give you necessary services to the best of its ability. Treatment, referral, or transfer may be recommended. If transfer is recommended or requested, you will be informed of risks, benefits, and alternatives. You will not be transferred until the other provider agrees to accept you.

To know if the Center has relationships with outside parties, such as insurers or educational institutions, that might influence your treatment and care.

To consent or decline to take part in research affecting your care. If you choose not to take part, you will receive the most effective care the Center otherwise provides.

To receive information about Center guidelines that may affect your care and about charges and payment methods.

To arrange to have someone translate confidential, medical, and financial information for you. Please notify the center in advance if you need to have us provide a translator for you.

To change providers if other qualified providers are available.

To know how to voice concerns regarding treatment or care that is or fails to be furnished. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your care at the Center, we urge you to report this as promptly as possible to our Administrator. Pamela Simmons, R.N. 1349 S. Rochester Road, Suite 250 Rochester Hills, MI 48307 (248) 601-0040 • Fax: (248) 218-2523 You also may express a complaint to State officials by toll-free telephone, by facsimile, by mail, or by completing a complaint form-on line. Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Bureau of Health Care Services P.O. Box 30664 Lansing, Michigan 48909 Telephone: (800) 882-6006 Facsimile: (517) 241-0093 Additionally, satisfaction concerns of Medicare patients may be directed to the Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman, whose role is to help Medicare patients understand their Medicare options and apply their Medicare rights and protections.

As our patient, you can help us meet our care commitments by: •

Arranging for a responsible adult to accompany you to the Center, transport you back to where you live afterward, and be available for the day following your discharge to the extent your doctor recommends.

Accepting responsibility at registration for the cost of care not covered by your insurance or some other arrangement.

Informing us fully and accurately of your health conditions and habits, including any communicable diseases and any allergies and sensitivities, and the medications you take, including non-prescription remedies and dietary supplements.

Advising us of any living will, medical power of attorney, or other directive which might guide the care we provide to you.

Letting us know immediately of any change that you experience in your comfort and condition at the Center.

Telling us if any aspect of your treatment and care after discharge will be difficult for you, and helping us to discover any alternatives.

Following the care plan you and your doctor have agreed upon, including keeping follow-up appointments.

Observing Center policies adopted for patient safety and comfort and complying with applicable laws and regulations, such as our smoke-free building policy.

According respect to the Center’s other patients, its staff, and its physicians.

*Wherever the term ‘Patient’ exists in document, ‘Patient’s Representative’ or ‘Patient’s Surrogate’ may be substituted as applicable under state law.

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