API Job Growth Report

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Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate American

Economic and Job Growth Vendor Survey Findings Report

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

America is blessed with abundant oil and natural gas resources.




America’s Oil and Natural Gas Economy This report presents the findings of a 2014 survey of U.S. businesses that constitute America’s domestic oil and natural gas supply chain.1 The survey was undertaken by the American Petroleum Institute (API), the only national trade association that represents all segments of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Its more than 600 members produce, process, and distribute most of the nation’s energy. Included in the survey are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or other vendors. Over the past decade, America has undergone a major energy revolution, rapidly shifting from an era of energy scarcity to an era of energy abundance. Advances in the proven process of hydraulic fracturing—or “fracking”— in conjunction with horizontal drilling have allowed the United States to emerge as the number one producer of natural gas in the world. By 2015, America is also projected to become the world’s number one producer of oil. These new resources have driven the economy forward, resulting in new jobs, higher revenues, and lower energy costs. Abundant oil and natural gas resources have also dramatically strengthened America’s energy security, once considered one of the country’s most alarming economic vulnerabilities. Domestic energy abundance has provided U.S. consumers with critical insulation against price spikes and supply disruptions due to turmoil overseas. The key to this success, according to a study sponsored by the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, has not been the efforts of “a handful of ‘Big Oil’ companies.” Instead, it is “a broad array of small and midsize oil and gas companies that are propelling record economic and job gains.”2


merican Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” (Washington, D.C., 2014). The survey A was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013.


ark P. Mills, “Where the Jobs Are: Small Businesses Unleash America’s Energy Employment Boom,” Manhattan Institute’s M Power and Growth Initiative, 4 (February 2014). See Key Findings, i.


Overall, as of 2011, the oil and natural gas industry supported 9.8 million full-time and part-time U.S. jobs and 8 percent of the U.S. economy.3 Of that total, energy development utilizing hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling supported more than 2.1 million jobs in the U.S. economy. By the year 2025, that number is projected to rise to 3.9 million jobs.4 The top 15 states, in terms of the total number of jobs directly or indirectly attributable to the oil and natural gas industry in 2011, were, in order of number of industryrelated jobs, Texas, California, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Florida, New York, Illinois, Ohio, Colorado, Michigan, Kansas, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Georgia.5 The total number of jobs directly or indirectly supported by oil and natural gas industry operations ranged in that year from 13,700 in the District of Columbia to 1.9 million in Texas. This report provides a list of nearly 30,000 American businesses, located in every state and the District of Columbia, that are contributing to and benefiting from the U.S. energy revolution. Oil and natural gas development relies upon a diverse array of businesses across the economic spectrum, including small equipment suppliers, warehousers, large container makers, real estate companies, wild land restoration companies, modular laboratory and housing manufacturers, uniform suppliers, port-o-john rental companies, administrative support firms, and many more. In fact, the nearly 30,000 companies included in this report provide a mere sampling of the diversity, scope, and economic impact of today’s oil and natural gas industry businesses. The actual number of such businesses within the industry supply chain is in reality much higher. For example, whereas this report includes the names of more than 600 businesses operating throughout every Congressional district in Ohio, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has reported that the state actually has more than 13,000 shale-related (oil and gas drillingrelated) business establishments in the state.

State Profiles Beyond the thousands of Americans directly employed by large oil and natural gas companies, the energy revolution has yielded major gains throughout the economy, stimulating the growth of countless businesses, small and medium-sized, private and public, in every state in the nation. As part of the 2014 survey, this report’s state chapters provide a tally of industry vendors operating in each state and the District of Columbia, listed by congressional district. Also included is a map of each state and the District of Columbia showing the location of industry vendors within congressional districts. Many of the state chapters also include vendor profiles. Of the 50 states and the District of Columbia, 14 are considered top energy producers. That means that statewide production of oil or natural gas (or both) is among the 10 highest in the country.6 These states, in alphabetical order, are Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The top energy-producing state in the country is Texas, first both in oil and natural gas development. Colorado, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Wyoming also rank within the top 10 in terms of both oil and natural gas production. However, as this report shows, states at the lower end of the production spectrum are not excluded from the economic benefits of the energy revolution. Residents in these states continue to enjoy strong employment and revenue gains tied to the oil and natural gas industry. For example, in Indiana, which ranks 24th in oil production and 25th in natural gas production, the average annual oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is $80,512 – significantly higher than the state average of $41,792. Overall the oil and natural gas industry contributes $16.6 billion to the Indiana economy, 6.3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. In Delaware, which does not produce any oil or natural gas, the average annual salary across all industries and sectors


4 5

PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011 (Washington, D.C., July 2013), pp. 6, 7. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. IHS, America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy, Volume 3: A Manufacturing Renaissance (Washington, D.C., September 2013). PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Economic Impacts, E-2.


I nformation cited in this paragraph and the next three comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); U.S. Energy Information Administration; and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Economic Impacts, 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).


is $52,026. However, the average annual salary for jobs related to the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is $77,876. Overall the oil and natural gas industry supports $2 billion of the Delaware economy, or 4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Given the widespread economic benefits, it’s not surprising that Americans strongly support energy production. A 2014 telephone poll of 1,003 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, answered that they support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located here in the United States.7

Conventional and Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas Development Historically, most oil and natural gas development in the United States can be considered “conventional,” utilizing methods pioneered more than 150 years ago. Conventional resources can be extracted by drilling, through the pressure of the wells and pumping, or compression operations. However, conventional energy resources have become harder to extract, resulting in less production, and that lower production has driven the development of “unconventional” sources of energy.


the methods necessary to extract them have been referred to as “unconventional.” While the process is more difficult and more costly, most of the recent growth in energy production has been the result of extracting resources from these unconventional formations. Technological breakthroughs in fracturing— pumping water, sand, and chemicals into the ground at high pressure to hydraulically fracture or “frack” shale rocks and extract trapped oil and gas— and steerable horizontal drilling (in contrast to the vertical drilling of conventional energy development), as well as sensing and control information technology, have made it commercially viable to “follow the richest seams to release tightly bound oil and gas.”9 It is these technological breakthroughs that are responsible for revolutionizing America’s energy future, making the development of these resources commonplace, and as a result, much more “conventional.” And the industry has made great strides in advancing the environmental safety of fracking and horizontal drilling. The 20 largest shale formations or “plays” are located in some 16 states. These plays include the Bakken and Marcellus Shale, as well as other emerging oil or natural gas plays. The states that are home to these formations are Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Conventional and unconventional oil and gas come from the same original geologic formations, where sediments accumulated in multiple layers of the earth over millions of years.8 Over time these sediments formed sedimentary rocks. Ground pressure and extremely high temperatures transformed the organic matter contained in these rock layers into oil and gas. As long as the oil and gas can flow easily through porous rock, the reservoir and its associated oil and gas, as well as the methods for extracting it, are considered conventional. When the oil and gas are locked in “tight” formations of impermeable rock, the resources and

Three of the best known shale formations are the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas, the Marcellus Shale in the Northeastern United States, and the Bakken Shale, centered in North Dakota.


“ What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/ news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-large-majorities-support-us-investments-in-oil-and-natural-gas, the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API April 3-9, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

The Marcellus Shale is named for a distinctive outcrop near the village of Marcellus, New York. In this region, five states are considered to have the greatest potential for economic benefits, due largely to untapped natural gas reserves close to high-demand markets on the East Coast. These states


ackground information on conventional and unconventional B energy development comes from http://www.2b1stconsulting.com/ conventional-oil-and-gas/ and http://www.capp.ca/canadaIndustry/ naturalGas/Conventional-Unconventional/Pages/default.aspx.

Mark Mills talks about the impressive economic results associated with the Eagle Ford Shale: “In the 23 counties atop the Eagle Ford Shale, average wages for all citizens have grown by 14.6 percent annually since 2005, compared with the 6.8 and 6.3 percent average for Texas and the U.S. respectively over the same period. The top five counties in the Eagle Ford Shale have experienced an average 63 percent annual rate of wage growth.”10

9 Mills, “Where the Jobs Are,” p. 4. 10 Mills, “Where the Jobs Are,” p. 8.



Total Number of Vendors – 29,839 Value Added

Number of Vendors

Industry Annual Pay

Average Oil and Natural Gas Industry Annual Pay

($ Million)





















Percent of State Total
























Connecticut Delaware






District of Columbia

























































































4.1% 5.0%





























5.4% 3.8%






New Hampshire






New Jersey






New Mexico






New York






North Carolina






North Dakota











5.7% 23.1%

















Rhode Island







South Carolina






South Dakota





























Vermont Virginia












West Virginia


















š Data includes NAICS code 324 which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs. Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013, accessed July 2014); PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Economic Impacts, 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database)


are Maryland, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Similarly, the Bakken Shale formation ranks as one of the largest domestic oil developments in the past 40 years. In 2012, North Dakota became the country’s second largest oil producing state, behind only Texas. As a result, the state enjoys widespread economic growth and the lowest unemployment rate in the country—2.6%.11 However, the economic benefits of unconventional energy development can also be seen in states such as Indiana and Delaware, where little or no energy production takes place. In Indiana, for example, the total number of jobs supported by unconventional activities was 15,973 in 2012. That job total is expected to climb to 27,303 in 2020 and to 33,366 in 2035. In Delaware, the total number of jobs supported by unconventional energy activities reached 2,195 in 2012. That job total is projected to rise to 3,841 in 2020 and to 4,907 in 2035.12

Job Opportunities for Minorities and Women in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry Employment opportunities in the oil and natural gas industry are projected to expand dramatically in the coming years for African Americans, Hispanics, and women, according to a new study undertaken for the American Petroleum Institute.13 This study projects that the oil, natural gas, and petrochemical (chemical products derived from petroleum) industries will generate 955,000 new direct job opportunities through 2020 and nearly 1.3 million through 2030. African American, Hispanic, and women workers are expected to represent a vital portion of this projected growth in the labor force. Notably, 23 percent of new opportunities through 2030 are projected to be in scientific and managerial positions, requiring training in fields such as engineering, geoscience, management, business, finance, and technical skills. Within the industry, the share of African American and Hispanic employment is expected to rise from one quarter

11 B ureau of Labor Statistics, May 2014, http://www.bls.gov/web/ laus/laumstrk.htm. 12 IHS, America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy (Washington, D.C., December 2012). 13 IHS, Minority and Female Employment in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemical Industries (Washington, D.C., March 2014).


in 2010 to one third through 2030. This shift will translate into nearly 408,000 minority jobs—32 percent of the new job opportunities projected through 2030. Among jobs in management, business, and finance, African American and Hispanic workers are expected to fill nearly 20 percent of new positions. In 2010, women working in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries totaled 226,000, representing 19 percent of the workforce. Based on current and projected trends in workforce participation rates and educational attainment, women are expected to fill 185,000 of the projected job opportunities through 2030. And these will be good jobs—many as petroleum engineers, managers, and other professionals. In addition to white collar jobs, blue collar positions are expected to constitute 63 percent of new job opportunities in the industry through 2030. This rapid growth represents an enormous opportunity for workers with high school diplomas and some post-secondary training (for example, certificates or community college education) in skills related to the industry.

Vendor Highlights Vendor profiles received in response to the 2014 survey provide a glimpse into the rich variety of businesses that are part of the oil and natural gas supply chain. Most are small and midsize businesses, the backbone of the energy revolution. For example, one vendor in Georgia manufactures environmentally friendly “combustion solutions” that reduce emissions and increase efficiency. A vendor in Florida specializes in the design and construction of mobile/ modular laboratories and primary containment equipment. These mobile laboratories enable companies to perform complex analyses, helping customers to be more efficient in field operations. In Massachusetts, another vendor helps clients develop geomechanical models to minimize operational risk when drilling and developing new reservoirs. In North Carolina, a vendor that manufactures industrial work gloves focuses on impact-resistant hand covering, contributing to a safer work environment for drillers. And in Louisiana, a vendor helps clients achieve an injury-free work environment by providing on-site safety technicians, industrial safety training services, and Health, Safety, and the Environment (HSE) consultants. A number of companies in the survey offer services and


products to support hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. One vendor in Michigan offers coating and manufacturing expertise that greatly increases the life of fracturing pump components. In Kentucky, another vendor restores used fluids to customer-specified performance levels, making possible high-yield waste recovery and lower unit costs. And in Pennsylvania, a vendor has treated and recycled more than one million barrels of flowback water. In addition, the number of companies in the oil and natural gas supply chain that focus on environmental concerns is

striking. A Nevada vendor tests water, soil, and air to ensure environmental compliance, health, and safety, and provides field test equipment and supplies, such as sampling pumps, air gas monitors, water quality meters, and safety supplies. And in Alaska, a vendor associated with the IĂąupiat tribe describes the company role as follows: “As stewards of this land, we are able to provide clients with personnel who are extensively trained to prevent or mitigate damage to the environment. Our sense of stewardship and our training make us uniquely qualified to assist with responsible development.â€?


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Alabama Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Alabama, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 101 businesses, spread across the state’s seven congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Alabama supports some 103,300 jobs, which is 4.2 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Alabama labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.9 billion annually. That’s 4.2 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Alabama is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of

Alabama enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Alabama across all industries and sectors is $41,399, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is significantly higher—$63,832 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $11.3 billion of the Alabama economy. That’s 6.4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Alabama also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs.



60k 50k


40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Alabama Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Alabama

Alabama Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Grand Total

District 05

District 04



District 06

District 03

District 07




District 02

District 01

Top City Birmingham = 37 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Alabama reached 9,064 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 15,512 in 2020 and to 18,615 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Alabama, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012

registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



ALABAMA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Transportation Safety Services

Intergraph Corporation

Aaron Oil Co, Inc

Vulcan Utility

Lynd A. Johnson Mav-Con Oilfield Services, Inc

B&W Drilling Tools

Congressional District 2

Maverick Aggregates, Inc

Fire Sprinkler Supply, Inc

AAA Cooper Transportation

Midway Oilfld Constructors, Inc

Greater Mobile Urgent Care PC

Govdeals, Inc

Parker Hannifin Corporation-Ipd

Greenes Synergy Services Division of Greenes Energy Group, LLC

Sabel Steel Service

Perfection Equipment, Inc

Thornton Farish, Inc

Pierce Mfg Consulting

DRC Logistics, Inc

Rush Truck Centers of Ok, Inc

Gulf Coast Emergency Response

Congressional District 3

Hale Consulting, LLC

Barbara Chesser Johnson

Industrial Valve Sales & Service, Inc

Metal Samples Corrosion

Interstate Battery

Congressional District 4

Isam North America Corporation Marine & Industrial Supply Martin Energy Services, LLC MDL Contracting, Inc

Kappler T&K Leasing, LLC

Moody’s Electric, Inc

Congressional District 5

Precision Engineering, Inc

Caltex Water, LLC

RD Midwest, LLC

Centro Resources, LLC

RDA Service Co, Inc

Circle C Services, Inc

Ronbeck Enterprises, Inc

Global Technical Services, Inc

Skelton’s Fire Equipment, Inc

Goss Electric

The Embroidery House, Inc

Intergraph Corporation

Sewell Ford, Inc

Asset Management Services, LLC

McGiffert & Associates, LLC

Boyd Logisitics, LLC

Metal Samples Co

Buddy Moore Trucking Chet Morrison Contractors, LLC Consolidated Pipe & Supply Co, Inc Diamond Displays, Inc Diversified Well Logging, Inc Ebsco Industries, Inc Energen Resources Corporation

Congressional District 6

Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories, Inc

Alabama Line Location Ctr, Inc

Greenbrier-Pa, LLC

Amerex Corporation

Guardsmark, LLC

Contrec-Usa, LLC

Industrial Health Council

Key Fire Hose Corporation.

Interstate Properties An Alabama General Partnership

Motion Industries, Inc Occupational Health Dynamics SCM E&P Solutions, Inc. Spoc Automation, Inc Trimec, LLC

Medjet Assist. Motion Industries, Inc Music Mountain Spring Water North American Construction Oil Mop, LLC Orcutt, LLC P&S Transportation Plaza Investments II Holdings Quinn Pumps, Inc Ram Tool & Supply Company, Inc Regions Bank RMS Texas Timberlands I LP STI Trucking, LLC Stone Trucking Co

Jay Electric Co, Inc

Terra Renewal

John Plott Company, Inc

Tommy Beasley Construction Co, Inc

Kathryn Flournoy Nicholson & John Nicholson

Tri Element, Inc

L&L Oil & Gas Services, LLC

TTL, Inc

Lancaster Laboratories, Inc

USA Environment LP Video Industrial Services, Inc

Adams & Reese LLP

Law Office of John Foster Tyra PC

Alabama Power Co

Martin Energy Services, LLC

Congressional District 7

Vulcan Utility Signs & Product



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Alaska Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Alaska, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 505 businesses, spread across Alaska’s at-large congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Alaska supports some 56,600 jobs, which is 11.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Alaska labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.5 billion annually. That’s 12.6 percent of the state’s total labor income.

Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Alaska, in

addition to total employment and labor income, is in terms of salary.3 While the average annual salary in Alaska across all industries and sectors is $50,624, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$125,794 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $19.3 billion of the Alaska economy. That’s 34.7 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Alaska ranks 4th in oil and 11th in natural gas production.5 That makes it one of the nation’s top energyproducing states.






120k 110k 100k

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs. 5. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

90k 80k 70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Alaska Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Alaska

Alaska Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


At Large Congressional District


Grand Total


At Large District

Vendor Profile7 ASRC Energy Services, Inc ASRC Energy Services is Alaska’s leading provider of comprehensive oil and gas services. It offers a wide spectrum of services for all phases of the oil field life cycle, from exploration, permitting, and field development, to production optimization and decommissioning. In addition, the company provides offshore oil response equipment and resources, as well as marine services. More recently, ASRC entered the shale gas market in North Dakota, providing transportation and operations, as well as maintenance services, to operators in the Bakken formation. The parent company of ASRC Energy Services, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, is owned by and represents the business interests of its 11,000 Iñupiat Eskimo shareholders in eight villages across the North Slope of Alaska. As an Arctic Slope subsidiary doing business in the oil and gas industry, ASRC Energy Services has contributed greatly to the financial success of the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation. More important, this success has made it possible to give back to the company’s tribal shareholders, the Iñupiat, through village and community economic development and job opportunities, as well as shareholder dividends that help offset the extremely high cost of living that comes with residing in a remote region of Alaska. The Iñupiat people own title to nearly five million acres of land on the North Slope of Alaska that contains a high potential for oil, gas, coal, and base metal sulfides development. Although oil and gas development has financially benefited the region, a traditional subsistence lifestyle is heavily dependent on a healthy marine and terrestrial ecosystem unaffected by the activities of the oil and gas industry. As the company sees it, “As stewards of this land, we are able to provide clients with personnel who are extensively trained to prevent or mitigate damage to the environment. Our sense of stewardship and our training make us uniquely qualified to assist with responsible development.”

Top Cities Anchorage = 355 Kenai = 38

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

And the people of Alaska get it. A statewide telephone poll of 601 registered Alaska voters, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found

that 83 percent, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

6. “What America Is Thinking On Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/may-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-alaska-voters-support-increased-production-of-domestic-oil-and-natural-gas, the results of a state poll conducted by Harris for API May 14-15, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



ALASKA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District (at Large)

Alaska Roteq Corporation

Bare Threads

CVS, Inc

Glacier Services, Inc

Alaska Rubber & Supply, Inc

Beacon Occupational Health

Dans TV & Appliance, Inc

GLM Corporation


Alaska Safety, Inc

Becker & Associates, LLC

Davis Block & Concrete

Global Asset Technologies, LLC

A.T. Publishing, Inc

Alaska Services & Technology, LLC

Best Transit Mix, Inc

Deborah L. Ajango Delta Chamber of Commerce

Global Engineered Products, LLC

Alaska Steel Co

Beyond Borders, Inc Big G Electric & Engineering, Inc

Delta Constructors, LLC

Black Gold Oilfield Services, LLC

Delta Leasing, LLC

Blazy Construction, Inc

Delta P Pump & Equipment, LLC

Bob’s Services, Inc

Denali Crane Inspection, LLC

Boynton Office Systems

Distributed Data Systems

Bradley Reid & Assoc, Inc


Alaska Trucking Association, Inc

Breaux Leadership Solutions, LLC

Document Storage, Inc

Alaska Valve & Fitting Co

Brice Equipment, LLC

Alaska Warehouse Specialists, Inc

Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations

Douglas J. Hanson

Alaska Waste

Bristow Alaska, Inc

Alaska Weather Operation Services,

Brooks Range Supply, Inc

Alaska Winter, Inc

Builders Choice, Inc

AAA Alaska Cab, Inc ABR, Inc ABS Alaskan, Inc Accel Fire Systems, Inc Accupoint, Inc Action Security, Inc Acuren USA, Inc Advanced Diagnostics, Inc Advanced Supply Chain International Aecom, Inc Aero Metric, Inc AES Electric Supply, Inc Afognak Leasing, LLC Air Liquide America LP Air Liquide America LP Airgas Nor Pac, Inc Airgas USA, LLC Airport Equipment Rentals, Inc AIS, Inc AK Supply, Inc Alaska Archives

Alaska Steel Company Alaska Support Industry Alliance Alaska Sure Seal Alaska Tent & Tarp Alaska Textiles, Inc Alaska Toolroom & Design

Alaska Yellow Dispatch, LLC Alaskan Energy Resources, Inc Alaska’s Best Water & Coffee Alsco, Inc Alutiiq General Contractors Alutiiq Oilfield Solutions, LLC

Alaska Boiler Treatment

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company

Alaska Bolt & Chain, Inc

American Marine Corporation

Alaska Challenger Center For Space


BT Oilfield Products Bulletproof, Inc CAC Plastics, LLC Captain Cook Hotel Carlile Transportation Company CCI Industrial Services, LLC Central Environmental, Inc Central Plumbing & Heating, Inc Central Recycling Services, Inc

Doors & Windows Dowland Bach Corporation Doyon Associated, LLC Doyon Remote Facilities Doyon Universal Services, LLC

Hasco, Inc

Enstar Natural Gas Co Entech Alaska, LLC

Apple Nine Hospitality Management

Chugiak Fire & Rescue

ERM Holdings Ltd

Alaska Crane Consultants


Expro Americas, LLC

Alaska Diesel Electric, Inc

AQ Alaska, LLC

City Electric, Inc

Exxam Systems, LLC

Alaska Electric Light Power

Architectural Supply Co, Inc

Classic Alaska Trading

Fairbanks Daily News Miner

Alaska Emergency Medicine Corporation

Arctic Business Park III

Coast Crane Company

Fairbanks North Star Borough

Alaska Environmental Resources, LLC

Arctic Catering, Inc

Coastalaska, Inc

Fairbanks Precast & Rebar

Arctic Center VIII

Coffman Engineers, Inc

Fairweather, Inc

Arctic Controls, Inc

Coldwater Survival Egress Training

Far North Supply

Arctic Fire & Safety, Inc Arctic Foundations, Inc

Columbia Sussex Corporation

Arctic Fox Environmental, Inc

Colville, Inc

Fasteners & Fire Equipment, Inc

Arctic Mats, LLC

Commercial Appliance & Refrigeratio

Alaska Hydraulics, Inc Alaska Industrial Coatings, Inc Alaska Industrial Hardware, Inc

Arctic Office Machines, Inc Arctic Office Products Arctic Slope Regional Corporation

Communication Software, Inc Conam Constructors, Co. Conoco Phillips Corporation

Alaska Radiology Assoc, Inc Alaska Railroad Corporation

Home Depot Homer Electric Association, Inc Hoth, Inc Hutchings Auto Group, LLC Hydril Distribution, LLC Ice Services, Inc Image Plastics A to Z, LLC Independent Lift Truck of AK Industrial Boiler & Controls, Inc Industrial Instrument Service, Inc Ingaldson Maassen & Fitzgerald PC Inlet Petroleum Company Integrated Systems Group, Inc International, LLC Invensys Plc J&M Ventures, LLC

James P. Sheldon Co, Inc

Frigid North Company

JB2, Inc

Army Navy Stores

Cook Inlet Spill Prevention

Frontier Paper, Inc

JHR, Inc

Asrc Energy Services Response

Copas of Anchorage

Frontier Supply, Inc

Joanne Proefrock

Associated Services, Inc

CR Pipe Steel, Inc

Futaris, Inc

Joseph A. Gross


Craig Taylor Equipment Co

Garness Industrial, Inc

Judy Patrick Photography

Atigun, Inc

Crane & Lift Technology, LLC

Garys Auto Electric

Kakivik Asset Management, LLC

Auto Electric Sales & Service, Inc

Crescent Electric Supply Co

Gas Drive Global Us, Inc

Kathy Day Public Relations

Aware Consulting, LLC

Crowley Marine Services, Inc

GBR Equipment, Inc

Kenai Neon Sign Co

B&T Oilfield Products

Cruz Construction, Inc

GCI Communication Corporation

Kenai Peninsula Borough

Baker Professional Services

Cruz Energy Services, LLC

Geonorth, LLC

Kenworth Northwest, Inc

Alaska Laminated Signs

Alaska Pure Water Products

First National Bank.

HMH Consulting, LLC

Cook Inlet Environmental, Inc

Arkansas Fire Protection

Alaska Pump & Supply, Inc

Fire Control Systems, Inc

Hilti Aktiengesellschaft

Jaffa Construction, Inc

Arctic Wire Rope & Supply, Inc

Alaska Process Industry

Fine Line Interiors

Heat & Frost Insulation, Inc

FR Bell & Associates, Inc

Container Specialties of Alaska

Alaska Premier Closets

Fessler Equipment Services, Inc

HDR Engineering, Inc

Flowline Alaska, Inc

Alaska Interstate Construction, LLC

Alaska Oil & Gas Association, Inc

Ferguson Enterprises

Hayden Electric Motors, Inc

Jackovich Industrial & Construction

Construction Machinery & Spares Ltd

Alaska Metrology & Calibration

Fastenal Company

Hawk Consultants, LLC

Florcraft, Inc

Arctic Slope Telephone Association

Alaska Instrument Co, LLC

H&H Equipment, Inc

Harbor Enterprises, Inc

ERM Alaska, Inc

Alaska Heater Rentals, LLC

GV Jones & Assoc, Inc

Engineered Equipment Company

Chevrolet of South Anchorage

Alaska Heart Institute, LLC

Guardian Security Systems, Inc

Hamilton Oilfield Services, LLC

Anixter International, Inc

Alaska Frontier Constructors, Inc

Greer Tank & Welding, Inc

Emerald Consulting Group, Inc

Equipment Source, Inc

Alaska Flag & Flagpole

Great Northern Engineering, LLC

Halliburton Company

Champion Technologies, Inc

Alaska Fitness Equipment

Graybar Alaska

Emerald Alaska, Inc

Epperheimer, Inc

Alaska Fabrics, Inc

Graphicworks, Inc

Haas Consulting, LLC

Environmental Management, Inc

Alaska Container Cache, LLC

Grainger, Inc

Eagle Enterprises, Inc

Ch2M Hill International Ltd

Anchorage Radiator Service, LLC

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company

Dukowitz Machine, Inc

Ch2M Hill Alaska, Inc

Alaska Communications Systems

Goldstein Improvement Co, Inc

H&K Sheet Metal Fabricators, Inc

Certified Stainless Service, Inc

Alaska Clean Seas

Golder Associates, Inc

DU Alaska, Inc

Environmental Compliance Corporation

Anchorage Audiology Clinic

GMW Fire Protection, Inc



Nana Construction, LLC

Petroleum News

Shred Alaska, Inc

TTT Environmental, LLC

Kinnetic Laboratories, Inc

Nana Development Corporation

Sistech, Inc

Tubular Solutions Alaska, LLC

Klimowski Edward

Nana Management Services, LLC

Petrotechnical Resources of Alaska Pickle Hill Public Broadcasting, Inc

Situs Ergonomics, LLC

Tundra Expediting Co.

Six Robblees,Inc

Tuttu Equipment Rentals, LLC

Six States Distributors of Alaska

Udelhoven Oilfield Services

Six-7 Strategies, LLC

Umiaq, LLC

SMG of Alaska, Inc

Unique Machine & Welding

Snowshoe Gun Club

Unisea, Inc


Software North, LLC

Unisource Worldwide, Inc

PND Engineers, Inc

Solstenxp, Inc

Unitech of Alaska

Polar Supply Co, Inc

Spenard Builders Supply

United Rentals Northwest, Inc

Polar Wire Products, Inc

Spenard Builders Supply, Inc

United Rentals, Inc

Potelcom Supply A Div of

Sprocketheads, LLC

United Technologies Corporation

Power Assurance, Inc

Stanley Ford, Inc

Univar USA, Inc

Precision Cranes, Inc

Steel N Iron Equipment, LLC

Universal Welding & Fabrication

Preferred Plumbing & Heating


University of Alaska Fairbanks

PRL Logistics, Inc

Stinebaugh & Company

University of Alaska System

Procomm Alaska, LLC

Strike The Box

Professional Administrative

Stusser Electric Co

University Redi Mix Concrete Producers

Prudhoe Bay Hotel

Summit Logistics, Inc

Puget Sound Pipe & Supply Co

Sunshine Custom Promotions, LLC

Kodiak Area Native Association Kuukpik Arctic Catering

Nana Regional Corporation, Inc

Kuukpik Carlile Transportation, LLC

Nana Worleyparsons, LLC

L&J Enterprises Excavating, Inc

Nanuq, Inc

Laker Electric

National Oilwell Varco LP

Laymon Fine Arts & Design

NC Machinery Co

Levenson Brown Consulting, Inc

NC Machinery Co

Lewellen Arctic Research, Inc

NC Power Systems Co

Lewis & Lewis Computer Store

Nicolai-Alaska, LLC

LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc

Norcon, Inc

Lithia of Anchorage, Inc

North Coast Electric Company

Little Red Services, Inc Lonewolf Interactive Lounsbury & Associates, Inc LTR Training Systems, Inc Macchello Laurie Mag Tec Alaska, LLC Marine Exchange of Alaska Mark D. Anderson P.E. Mark J. Schindler Mark W. Kaminski Marketing Solutions, Inc Marsh Creek, LLC Matsu Water, LLC Mcarthur, Alan McJunkin Red Man Corporation Mcjunkin Redman Corporation McKinley Service & Equipment, Inc MDK Consulting, Inc Metal Magic, Inc Michael Baker Corporation Minn-Alaska Morgan Steel, Inc Motion Industries MRO Sales, Inc MSI Communications MTA Communications, Inc Multi Med Municipality of Anchorage MWH Americas, Inc Nabors Alaska Services Corporation Nabors Industries, Inc

Nanacolt Engineering, LLC

Norgasco, Inc North Slope Borough North Slope Telecom, Inc North Star Terminal & Stevedore North West Handling Systems Northcoast Electric Co Northern Electrical Engineering

Pioneer Door, Inc Pioneer Supply, Inc PIP Printing & Document Services

Northern Enterprises

Puget Sound Pipe & Supply Company

Northern Industrial Training, LLC

QL Printing

Superior Mach & Welding C

Northern Printing Co, Inc

Superior Electric Motor Services

Qub’d International, Inc

Surveyors Exchange Co, Inc

Northern Solutions, LLC

Quest Dignostics

Sweeney’s Clothing

Northland Wood Products, Inc

Qwick Construction Co, Inc

Tank-O Alaska, LLC

NTL Alaska, Inc

R&R Scaffold Erectors, Inc

Nu Solutions Consulting, LLC

Randy’s Glass, Inc

Tauriainen Engineering & Testing In

Oasis Environmental, Inc

Reco, LLC

Offshore Systems Kenai

Rediske Air, Inc

Oil & Gas Supply Co

Reeves Amodio, LLC

Old Harbor Native Corporation Olgoonik Fairweather, LLC

Refrigeration & Food Equipment, Inc

Olgoonik Oilfield Services, LLC

Refrigeration Supplies Distributor

Tesla Electric, LLC

Oliktok Pipeline Co

Relo Information Management

TH, Inc

Paragon Properties, Inc

Rent A Can Toilet Company, Inc

The Chariot Group, Inc

Paramount Supply Company

Resolution 3D, LLC

The Growth Co, Inc

Paula Phillips

Resource Data, Inc

The IRF Group, Inc

Payzone, Inc

Resource Solutions, LLC

The Nerland Agency, Inc

Peak Oilfield Service Company

RM Lipchak & Associates

The Printer, Inc

Peninsula Auto & Truck Parts, Inc

Ronald W. Bennett

The Schaaff Company, Inc

Royal Business Systems, Inc

The Welding Shop, Inc

Peninsula Clarion Printers Ink

Safway Services, LLC

Thomas Vaughn

Peninsula Pumping, Inc

Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc

Three Mile Creek Services, Inc

Petro Star Lubricants Div

SCN, Inc

Trailercraft, Inc

Petro Star, Inc

Seekins Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc

Trane Company

Seibert & Associates, LLC

Truckwell of Alaska, Inc

Petroleum Equipment & Services, Inc

Taylor Fire Protection TDX Power, Inc Techstar, Inc Tern Technologies, Inc Terrasond Ltd

Triangle Recycling, LLC

US Bearings & Drives US Travel Alaska, LLC Valley Community For Recycling Solu Vantage Parts & Service, LLC W.W. Grainger, Inc Warning Lites of Alaska Washington Crane & Hoist Co Waste Connections of Alaska, Inc Waters Petroleum, LLC Weatherford US LP Weaver Bros, Inc Weller Consulting Wells Fargo & Co Wesco Distribution, Inc Wesley G, Tonkins Weston Solutions, Inc White Environmental Consultants, Inc White Spruce Trailer Sales, Inc Willar Corporation, World Wide Movers, Inc Worthington Ford of Alaska, Inc Xerox Corporation Your Leadership Matters, LLC Yukon Equipment, Inc Yukon Fire Protection Services, Inc


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Arizona Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Arizona, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 124 businesses, located across all nine of Arizona’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Arizona supports some 97,100 jobs, which is 3 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Arizona labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.65 billion annually. That’s 3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Arizona is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Arizona enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Arizona across all industries and sectors is $45,525, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$56,822 annually. Overall the industry supports $9 billion of the Arizona economy. That’s 3.4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Arizona also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Arizona reached 11,698 in





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



60k 50k


40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Arizona Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Arizona

Arizona Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Grand Total


District 01

District 04

District 06

District 08

District 07

Top City Phoenix = 52

District 09

District 05

District 03 District 02

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

Vendor Profile6 User Centered Design Services User Centered Design Services focuses on enhancing situational awareness of control room operators during abnormal situations. Operators must control the process and maintain normal safe operations. The company also addresses the contribution of human factors and human error to such situations. All of these issues are addressed in the implementation of best practices in the control room. When the company designs a control room or an operator graphics for a refinery control room or a pipeline control center, a culture change takes place. Operators like their jobs more and feel more appreciated.

2012. That job total is projected to climb to 20,924 in 2020 and to 26,340 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Arizona, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

Forty years of research have equipped the company to identify what causes incidents and which incidents can be prevented. That research has been put to good use in educating the industry on the best practices to use to prevent incidents.

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



ARIZONA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Congressional District 6

Bank of America


Environmental Energy Innovations, LLC

Applied Process Equipment, Inc

Congressional District 7


Citation Technologies, Inc

Air Comm

Altitude Analysis, Inc

Concur Technologies

Aire Filter Products New Mexico

JPMorganChase Commercial Card

EOS Group, Inc

Airgas On Site Safety Services, Inc

Juanita Frank

Thomas Folkestad

Mobile Mini, Inc Personnel Safety Enterprises Robert W. Clements

Four Peaks Environmental & Engineering, LLC

William J. Petko Sr Family Trust

Industrial Evolution, Inc

Congressional District 8

Infosol, Inc

Advantedge Technologies Group, Inc

Knox Company

Allied Waste Services

Law Offices One Arizona Center

Audrey L. Munkres Family Trust User Centered Design Services, Inc

Congressional District 2

Govig & Associates, Inc

American Fence Company

Lawlogix Group, Inc

Greenes Consulting

Gregg Family Trust Dated March 10,

American Fire Equipment

Lin & Associates, Inc

Congressional District 9

Arizona Department of Revenue

Loftin Equipment Co

AIT Business Solutions, LLC

Informative Graphics

Atmos Energy Corporation

Mobile Mini, Inc

ATC Assoc, Inc

Marine Preservation Association

Bank of America

NGH Power Systems, Inc

B&W Distributors, Inc

Oklahoma Plains Ent, LLC

Bechtel Hydrocarbon

Oilind Safety, Inc

Caps Research

Panola Price Partners, LLC

BFI Waste Services, LLC

Quadna, Inc

DAP Technologies Corporation

Phyllis A. Wilson

Cable One, Inc

Qwest Corporation

The University of Arizona Geoscien

Premium Power Solutions

Century Link

Geotechnical Consulting & Testing

Sally Owens Ratkovic

Cintas Corporation

Republic Services National Accounts, Inc

University of Arizona

Salt River Materials

Clean Harbors Environmental

Yasawa Group Ltd

Sheryl L. Damico

Consolidated Disposal Service

Shortridge Instruments, Inc

Corporationedia Corporation

Signal Bridge Communications, Inc

DirecTV, Inc

Congressional District 3 J. K. Wolf Margaret E Mooney Foundation, Inc PV Recycling, LLC

Congressional District 4 Baker Arizona 2010 Acquisition Co

The Alexander Group, Inc

Cintellate USA, Inc

The DMH Family Group LP

Kenneth Hixson

The Legacy Gallery The Rowell Group, LLC

Congressional District 5 Equipment Safety Services, Inc

The Sally Ann Ratkovic Revocable Trust Thermo Fluids, Inc Transolutions, Inc Venicom, Inc

DL Sales Corporation Duncan Disposal Embarq EMR Corporation Flow Management Devices, LLC Gruber Technical, Inc Hamilton Sundstrand Honeywell, Inc Industrial Electric, Inc

Insight Direct USA, Inc

Republic Services of Texas Ltd

Instrumentation & Controls, LLC

Republic Services, Inc

JWMS Enterprises, Inc

SCF Arizona

Kayenell, Inc

Seal Systems, Inc

Marianne M. Jennings

Snell & Wilmer LLP

Medaire, Inc

Sunstate Equipment Co

Mobile Mini, LLC

Thermo Fluids, Inc

Offshore Manufacturing & Design

Thunderbird School of Global

Result Group, Inc


Risk Assessment Group

United Site Services

Satcom Global, Inc

University of Phoenix

Soilworks, LLC

Waste Management of New Mexico

Western Refining Wholesale, Inc

Western Process Computers, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Arkansas Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Arkansas, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 225 businesses, spread across all four of the congressional districts in Arkansas, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Arkansas supports some 92,500 jobs, which is 5.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Arkansas labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.22 billion annually. That’s 6.3 percent of the state’s total labor income.

state’s salary statistics as well.3 Thus, while the average annual salary in Arkansas across all industries and sectors is $38,623, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is very substantially higher—$67,962 annually. Overall the industry supports $8 billion of the Arkansas economy. That’s 7.8 percent of the state’s total economic activity.

These job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Arkansas enjoy significant benefits from energy development. The benefits show up in the

Arkansas particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight fomations,” energy development that uses the proven

Although Arkansas ranks 18th in oil production, it is 8th in natural gas production.4 That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states.





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



60k 50k 40k



Avg. Annual Arkansas Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Arkansas

Arkansas Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Grand Total


District 03

District 01


District 02


District 04




Top Cities Conway = 30 Searcy = 26 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Arkansas reached 33,100 in 2012. That job total is expected to rise to 52,539 in 2020 and to 56,418 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of

Arkansas, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



ARKANSAS - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

B Bar T Liquid Solutions

International Testing and

Suviaz Oilfield Services, LLC

Quick Construction, LLC

American Oilfield Services, LLC

B&G Pipeline Co

T&T Equipment Company, Inc

Quick Lay Pipe, LLC

Amerigas Propane LP

Be Dozer, LLC

J&J National Oilfield Solutions, Inc

Rayco Tool Company

Bobby Kennedy Construction Company,

Berry Welding & Fab.

Jay Bartley Oilfield Services

TC Oilfield Services Think Advertising, Inc

Sedna Energy, Inc

Triple Transport, Inc

Stephens Production Company

C. Robert Handford

Blaine Services, Inc

Tristate Transport, Inc

Strainer Pros, Inc

Center Vac, Inc

Blaine Services, Inc. Bruce Oakley, Inc

Mckinney & Mckinney P, LLC

The University of Arkansas

Dacus Fence Co., Inc

United Rentals (North America), Inc

Dave’s Sales & Services, Inc


McSheer Truck’in, LLC

VUE, Inc

Cassady & Company, Inc

Millar Jiles Cullipher LLP

Waste Services, Inc

Wesley Wayne Wiechman

Daystar Environmental Services, LLC

Mitchell Williams Selic Gates

Wetlands Consultings, Inc

MJ Communications, Inc

Will Hold Welding & Oil Field

MRO Resources, LLC

William C. Cheek

National Fluid Carriers, Inc

Windstream Corporation

Fire Protection of Arkansas, Inc G&K Services, Inc Hardhat Oilfield Services, LLC James Lynn Franks Attorney At JM Oilfield Services, Inc JT’s Washout Facility, LLC Lancer Energy, LLC Mid-Ark Utilities & Rig National Fluid Carriers, Inc Nitrogen Solutions, LLC Pressure Trucks, Inc Progressive Waste Solutions of AR, Razor Gas & Oil Services Richard Mays Law Firm PLLC Rio Rig Services WCA Waste Corporation of America Wybran, Inc

Congressional District 2

Best Crane & Rigging, Inc

Center For Toxicology Center For Toxicology and Central Arkansas Professional Champion Technologies, Inc Christopher Porta Privies, Inc Cimarron Collective, LLC Clairday Electric, Inc Command Construction, Inc Coney’s Garage Door, Inc Convington Sturgis Rd Complex, LLC Conway Corporation Coorstek Crafton Tull & Associates, Inc Cross Auto Supply, Inc David Thompson

NLS Construction, LLC Northwest Controls Systems, Inc

Congressional District 3

Occupational Health Solutions, Inc

ABF Freight System, Inc

On-Site Dust Control, LLC Ozark Oilfield Services, Inc PB Welding Browning Perkins & Trotter, PLLC Petit Jean Electric Cooperative PPGMR Law PLLC Price Machine & Tool Process Valves

DMC Carter Chambers, Inc

Ratliff Oilfield Services, Inc

Eagle Ford Reclamation Company, LLC

Rig Service, LLC

Elston Enterprises, LLC

A Isaacson Plumbing

Exploration Geodesy, Inc

Adams Pest Control of White County

First Electric Cooperative

Air Power

Frank Gardner Construction, LLC

American Management Corporation

M&M Environmental Oil Field

Denham Welding & Steel Sales, Inc

ESS Transportation, Inc

American First Response

L&W Development

Quaility Bop Services, LLC

1st Class Portable Facilities, LLC

All-Clean USA of Central Ark,Inc

Kenney Oil Field Services, Inc

Four Mile Hill Water Association

Frank Gardner Construction, LLC

Quest Energy Services, LLC

Rineco Chemical Industries, Inc Robert Hamm Rockcomm Telecom, LLC Roughcut, LLC RSM Enterprises, Inc Rush Wellsite Services, LLC Safety Source Sam Mcfadin Searcy Cleaning, Inc

Arkansas Valley Communications Armstrong Tool, LLC Arrow Bolt & Screw Co, Inc Arvest Mortgage Co Baldor Electric Company Bedford Camera & Video, Inc Cintas Crafton, Tull & Associates Daily & Woods PLLC Dearmond’s Bit Service, Inc

WTB Services, Inc

Congressional District 4 Aaron Lunsford B&D Electric, Inc Center Vac, Inc Chrisman, Inc Cossatot Rock, LLC David Willis Dodson-Tye Machine Works, Inc Fikes Truck Line, LLC Hydrostatic Oilfield Testing, Inc J French Drilling Consulting Jea Lands Limited Partnership Jerry Preston Littlefield Propane, LLC Magnolia Consulting Firm, Inc

Eagle One Shuttle Service, LLC

Murphy Exploration & Production Co

Eastern Tank Services, Inc

Norwood Consulting, Inc

Fedex Freight, Inc

Parnell Consultants, Inc

Frost Oil Company

Precision Rathole, Inc

FSC Properties, LLC

Premier Well Services, LLC

Gary A. Monroe & Associates

Production Services, Inc

Hanna Oil & Gas Company

Quality Industrial Construction, LLC

Herschelle Dell Wood Holmes Erection, Inc Interstate Battery System of JBL, LLC KPR-LLC

Friday Eldredge & Clark LLP

Searcy Water Utilities

American Safety Suppliers, Inc

FTN Associates

Security Zone

American Tool & Machining Co., Inc

Genesis Datacom, LLC

Sherwood Urgent Care, Inc

Applied Inspection Systems, Inc

Gibraltar Lubricating Services, Inc

Siemens Water Technologies, LLC

Arkansas Electric Cooperatives, Inc

Grubbs, Hoskyn, Barton & Wyatt, Inc

Simon Electric, Inc

Majestic Chemical Supply, Inc

Sky King Logistics, Inc

Multi-Craft Contractors, Inc

Arkansas One Call

Guy Water Works

Arkansas Reclamation Company, LLC

Haynes Machine Shop, Inc

Softmart Computers & Electronics

Murdock Portable Toilets & Septic

Highpoint Park Apt, LLC

Southern Pipeline Construction

New Prospect Company

Arkansas Resources Management, LLC

Hugg & Hall Equipment Company

Southern Torque & Test

Ozark Meter Service, LLC


Steve A Salter Consultants, Inc

Infectious Disease Resource Group

Steve Simon Tax Collector

Parker Energy Services Company

Artexoma Logistics, LLC

WalMart Stores, Inc

Land Farmers, Inc LandS Supply, Inc Littlefield Oil Company LS Supply

Pruitt Tool & Supply Co, Inc

Raggio Excavating, Inc Red Dog Oil Tools, Inc Reliance Well Service, Inc RWB Construction, LLC S&M Hotshot Services, Inc Sam Morris Consulting Schoeffler Energy Group, Inc. Southern Mud Company, LLC Southern Perforators, Inc Sterling Machinery TAW, Inc Amegy Bank Business Credit Weiser Brown Operating Co Willroth’s Backhoe & Field Ser Zachary Graves



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

California Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of California, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 1,980 businesses, spread across all 52 of California’s Congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in California supports some 793,200 jobs, which is 4.1 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of California labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $58.9 billion annually. That’s 4.9 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of California, in addition to total employment and labor income, is in terms of salary. Thus, while the average annual salary in California

across all industries and sectors is $56,590, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is very substantially higher—$120,802 annually. Overall the industry supports $131.4 billion of the California economy. That’s 6.7 percent of the state’s total economic activity.3 California ranks 3rd in oil and 13th in natural gas production.4 That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states. California particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.





120k 110k 100k 90k 80k 70k 60k


50k 40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual California Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: California

California Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District Congressional District 1 Congressional District 2 Congressional District 3 Congressional District 4 Congressional District 5 Congressional District 6 Congressional District 7 Congressional District 8 Congressional District 9 Congressional District 10 Congressional District 11 Congressional District 12 Congressional District 13 Congressional District 14 Congressional District 15 Congressional District 16 Congressional District 17 Congressional District 18 Congressional District 19 Congressional District 20 Congressional District 21 Congressional District 22 Congressional District 23 Congressional District 24 Congressional District 25 Congressional District 26 Congressional District 27 Congressional District 28 Congressional District 29 Congressional District 30 Congressional District 31 Congressional District 32 Congressional District 33 Congressional District 34 Congressional District 35 Congressional District 36 Congressional District 37 Congressional District 38 Congressional District 39 Congressional District 40 Congressional District 41 Congressional District 42 Congressional District 43 Congressional District 44 Congressional District 45 Congressional District 46 Congressional District 47 Congressional District 48 Congressional District 49 Congressional District 50 Congressional District 51 Congressional District 52

Grand Total

Total 7 23 51 12 20 20 10 6 7 7 19 74 22 25 28 21 21 25 26 13 32 12 492 115 22 51 64 10 7 18 16 25 27 145 13 2 2 46 29 19 4 8 20 25 49 33 140 46 31 13 2 25


Vendor Profile6

Top Cities Bakersfield = 456 Los Angeles = 145 Long Beach = 89 San Francisco = 74 Pasadena = 58

District 01 District 02

District 03 District 06 District 07

District 05

District 09 District 04

District 10 District 16 Districts 11-15, 17-19

District 20

District 22 District 21

District 23 Districts 25-35, 37-49

District 08

District 24

District 36 District 50 District 52

District 51

District 53

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in California reached 96,553 in 2012. That job total is projected to rise to 153,658 in 2020 and to 187,270 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of California, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

Valley Power Systems Valley Power Systems has branches in San Diego, City of Industry, Ontario, Mira Loma, Bakersfield, Fresno, Sacramento, and San Leandro, California. The company distributes emission-compliant diesel and natural gas reciprocating engines to the oil and gas market. Valley Power has also sold oil-field-ready power units in this particular market because it understands the environment in which the equipment must operate. Another facet of the company’s work is providing onhighway truck service and repair, as well as field service for the company’s own and others’ equipment.

Valley Power Systems has new Tier 4 Final Engines that can be inserted into heavy capital oil and gas equipment, replacing the fleet of old, polluting diesel engines currently in the field. Ultimately, required replacement will take place on a timetable to be determined by the Environmental Protection Agency.

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



CALIFORNIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Iris Maxine Westerdahl Estate

Gollan Consulting Services, Inc

Congressional District 9

Business Wire, Inc

BW Consultants, LLC

JC General Engineering, Inc

Herguth Laboratories, Inc

Capital Credit, Inc

Claiborne Ventures, Inc

Lakeview Petroleum

Hughs David C.

Clark Pest Control

Dales Mechanical Service

Liras Welding Service & Machine Shop

Marc B. Victor

M&J Well Supply

N.D.T. Electronics

Eco-Shell, Inc Martin Crane & Rigging Plumas Sierra Telecommunications SMT Plus, Inc

Maintenance Connection McPherson Crane & Rigging, Inc Meridian Supply Mike Mcanally

Congressional District 2 Alliance Cooling Products & Construction, Inc Allied Seals International, Inc American Construction & Supply, Inc Autodesk, Inc Biomarker Technology

Nelson Drilling Tools, LLC Noble Methane, Inc Nor-Cal Construction

Marshall Steven E.

Delta Scrap & Salvage NC Brun & Son

Cleantech Group, Inc Club One, Inc

Pacific Drilling Consultants

Connell Bros Company Ltd

Preferred American Instrument, Inc

Cooley LLP

Nova Display, Inc

Cornerstone Research

Osha Compliance Services, LLC

Stanley Electric Motor Co, Inc

Cummins West

Powerhouse Diesel Services, Inc

Valley Pacific Petroleum Services, Inc

Dialtone Services LP

Rawhide Leasing Co Remote Satellite Systems Int, Inc Western Oil & Spreading

Northern Pipe Storage & Supply Corporation

Congressional District 6

Oilwell Materials & Hardware Co, Inc

BandT Rentals, Inc

Paul Graham Drilling & Service Co

California Independent Petroleum Association

Powell Trucking

Day Carter & Murphy LLP

PPC Land Consultants

Board of Equalization

Congressional District 10

Embarcadero Technologies, Inc Executive Networks, Inc Farella Braun & Martel LLP

Bay Area Coating Consultants, Inc

Fitness Anywhere, LLC

Clearpath Workforce Management

Future 500

International Wood Industries, Inc

Flightapps, LLC Github, Inc Google, Inc

Lock N Stitch, Inc

Gordon & Rees LLP Hudson Valley Welding and

Dmv Renewal

Northwest Industrial Engine & Compressor Co

Quality Tong Service, Inc

Galati & Blek LLP

Teledyne Risi, Inc

Interior Architects, Inc

Randy’s Wireline Service

Geological Logging, Inc

Visualware, Inc

J.T. Thorpe & Son, Inc

Rio Vista Muffler Hitch & Welding

ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc

Robert A Booher Consulting

Irani Engineering, Inc

Congressional District 11

Jones Day

Samuel Welding Service

Nielsen Merksamer Parrinello

AEI Consultants

Kennedy Jenks Consultants


Pacific Gas & Electric Company

Bovo-Tighe, LLC

Landor, LLC

Squeaky Clean

Robert J. Jenkins & Co

Cardno Entrix


Stewart Industrial Supply, Inc

Scott & Sons Weed

Littler Mendelson, P.C.

Stoney Creek Production, Inc

Sierra Engineering, LLC

ChevronTexaco Financial Ctr - North

Remedy Interactive, Inc

Transformer Testing & Repairs, Inc

SWRCB Accounting Office

DC Frost Associates, Inc Ecolab Pest Elin. Div.

Mobile Modular Management Corporation

Renner Petroleum

United Wireline Services

Thomas Law Group

Edna Carolyn Dillard Mccombs

Warren E Gomes Excavating, Inc

Wantz Equipment Co, Inc

Moxie Oilfield Services, LLC

Robert A. Anderson Property Trust

Weidmann Diagnostic Solutions, Inc

Family Bypass Tr Under The Buechy Fam

MTS Stimulation Services, Inc

Western States Petroleum Assoc

Glynn & Finley

Netapp, Inc

Xyratex Intl, Inc

Lance & Rensahan, Inc McCombs Family Trust

Online Computer Library Center, Inc

Nunns & Rogan, LLC

Open Text, Inc

Philip Jenkins

Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Raven Ridge Pipeline Co

Pacific Gas & Electric Co

Southwest Connection Call Center

Prophet Brand Strategy, Inc

The Avogadro Group, LLC

Ready Maid Cleaning Services 1

Underground Service Alert

Regulatory Economics Group, LLC

Brenda J Scarborough Denbeste Transportation, Inc Drivesavers, Inc Dry Creek Enterprise, Inc Eel River Disposal & Resource Etrac Engineering, LLC Humanconcepts, LLC Humboldt Bay Forest Products Leadership Landing, Inc North Coast Laboratories Ltd Officework Software, LLC Ralph M. Wolfe

Rutchik Jonathan S Md Mph

Western Plant & Pipeline Products, Inc

Taylor Enterprise

Williams Mobile Service, Inc

Transpara Corporation

Congressional District 3

Congressional District 4 Ben Grimes Whipple

AA Production Services, Inc

Charles Terry Edwards

Abel Chevrolet Pontiac Buick

Comerit, Inc

AR Service

Donna Rose Cales Tste

Asta Construction Co, Inc

Enterprise Rent A Car

Bob Oshinns Oilfield Services, LLC Butte Sand & Gravel Cabral Production Christopher Cerney Resource Mgmt Clark Construction, Inc Cogco, Inc Coughran Mechanical Services Delta Well Service, LLC Dick Browns Technical Service Dos Rios, Inc Facilities Support Services FMC Technologies Fulton Reclamation Facility, Inc Gallery One Gas Patch Service Co Instrat, Inc

Hewlett-Packard Company Industrial Control Links, Inc L&H Airco LKJ Consulting, Inc Maureen Young Fralick Mike Huang Tri Pacific Supply, Inc

Congressional District 5 Benicia Fabrication & Machine, Inc Biomarker Technologies, Inc Clement Fitzpatrick & Kenworthy Contra Costa Electric, Inc Davitz Kit Robin

Congressional District 7 ACM Machining Chicago Title Co Clean Energy Systems, Inc DD Jorz & Associates, Inc Gaines Well Service, Inc Lacroix Davis, LLC Onshore Leasing Corporation Tri Tool, Inc Trimark Associates, Inc Zee Medical Co

Congressional District 8 Action Response Team, LLC Apex Logistics, LLC Elco Filtration & Testing, Inc. Margo Interior Plant Design Mobile Pipe Wrappeers & Coaters, Inc Munger Oil Information Service, Inc

Jane Capital Partners, LLC

US Ultratek, Inc

Maximize Events

NCC Group, Inc

Ramos Oil Co

Woodbridge Marine

Reliance Globalcom Services, Inc

Congressional District 12

Research Data Group, Inc

Adler Tank Rentals, LLC Agilent Technologies, Inc Alcantar & Kahl LLP American Gilsonite Company Anritsu Argent Group Ltd Autonomy Bal Corporate Immigration LLP Bay Alarm Co Bear Data Solutions, Inc

Delta Tech Service, Inc

Berry Appleman & Leiden, LLP

Eco Global Solutions, Inc

Bingham Mccutchen Client Trust Account

Global Portable Buildings, Inc

Idex Global Services, Inc

Riverbed Technology, Inc Rogers Joseph Odonnell Saba Software, Inc Sedgwick LLP Sky King Logistics, Inc Splunk, Inc Stakeware, Inc Stanford University Strategic Project Solutions, Inc Streamsim Technologies, Inc Sumtotal Systems, Inc Symantec Corporation Trimble Navigation Limited


CALIFORNIA - VENDOR LIST URS Corporation Valley Power Systems, Inc Visage Mobile, Inc Wells Fargo Financial Leasing

American Petroleum Labor Lawyers

Aruba Networks

Esther Georgia Pohl Rochelle

Vargas Cristina H.

Avanquest North America, Inc

Aveox, Inc

Imerys Perlite USA, Inc

West Coast Pipe Inspection

Aviat Us, Inc

Informatica Corporation

West Hills Machine Shop, Inc

Centrify Corporation

Interwoven, Inc


Digia USA, Inc

ITB consult, Inc

Donald R. Lowe


Congressional District 22

Expertus, Inc


Bmi Mechanical, Inc

Hitachi Data Systems Corporation

NCC Group, Inc

California Boiler, Inc

KWJ Engineering, Inc Pragmatics Division

Pacific Ark, Inc

California Cartridge Co

Rae Systems, Inc

Control Components, Inc

Shirley Ann Haggin

Krazan & Associates, Inc

Super Micro Computer, Inc

National Oilwell Varco LP

Transpak, Inc

Overhead Technology, Inc

United Site Services of NV, Inc

Petroleum Land Mgmt, Inc

Chemical Data Mgmt Systems

Wiley X, Inc

Chevron Corporation Ltd

Congressional District 13

EMC Corporation

Berkeley Research Group Bigge Crane & Rigging Brown Eassa & Mcleod LLP Chevron Federal Credit Union Dynamic Graphics, Inc EMC Research, Inc Filice Brown Eassa & McLeod LLP

Chevron Environmental Equest Full Spectrum Analytics, Inc IC Engineering Imanami Corporation Lawrence Livermore National Materials Data, Inc Megapath Networks, Inc Neos Geosolutions, Inc

Herbert Abs Software Solutions, LLC

Netwoven, Inc

Industrial Safety Supply

Pilothouse Consulting, Inc

LN Curtis & Sons

RF Macdonald Co

Meyers Nave

RKI Instruments, Inc

Michael N. Difilippo Consultant

Smallwood Photo

Michel G. Mccoy

Smart Erp Solutions, Inc

New Insights Consulting

Sybase, Inc

Norcal Moving Services

Vindum Engineering, Inc

Osisoft, LLC

Waste Heat Solutions

Peterson Power Systems, Inc

Western Pacific Distributors, Inc

Pitney Bowes Global Financial

Xmatters, Inc

Pitney Bowes Purchase Power

Zoho Corporation

Osisoft, LLC

Reed Smith LLP

Melbourne It Dbs, Inc Netapp, Inc Safechecks Siemens Water Technologies, LLC

Quad Knopf, Inc

Star Microwave

Congressional District 20

Supersonic Geophysical, LLC

A&G Pumping, Inc

RLD Trucking, LLC

Trimble Navigation Limited

Casa of Monterey County

Simmons Logistics, LLC

Congressional District 18 Advanced Information Mgmt Boardvantage, Inc Expressworks Intl, LLC Flashbay, Inc Gregory Jenkins Hewlett-Packard Co Intellectual Assets, Inc Leland Stanford Junior University Linked In

Central Coast Hospice Foundation Fluid Systems Monterey, LLC

Resources Global Professionals

Congressional District 23

Food Bank For Monterey County

1675 Chester Avenue Associates

Groupmind Solutions

A1 Battery Co

JSG Properties, LLC

AB Automation, Inc

Kings Oil Tools, Inc

Abate A Weed, Inc

Kurz Instruments, Inc

Ability Answering Service

Maureen Wruck Planning

Ability Stainless Fabrication

Monterey Bay Unified Apcd

Absher Title Services

Robert J Davies

AC Electric Co

Sierra Instruments, Inc

Accuflow, Inc

SendMail, Inc

Congressional District 16

Third Sky, Inc

American Cancer Society

Manpower Professional Servicesinc

Associated Compressor and

Noren Products, Inc

Congressional District 21

BSK & Associates

Oil & Gas Innovation Center, Inc

Aconex (North America), Inc

American Refuse

Adamson Electric, Inc

Chicago Title Co

Pacific Imperial, Inc

Actian Corporation

Atlas Crane & Rigging, Inc

Enterprise Rent A Car

Pierce Robert C

Advance Communications Consulting, Inc

Ares Project Management, LLC

Bear Mountain Fence Co

Floway Pumps


Badgeville, Inc

Belridge Water Storage Dist

Forklift Specialties, Inc

Reservoir Engineering Research

Composite Software, Inc

BPOE Elks Lodge 1613

Health Metrics, Inc

Stanford Center For Induced

DC Systems

Buena Vista Water Storage Dist

Iisco, Inc

Stanford University

Enfos, Inc

Central California Power, Inc

Jorgensen & Sons, Inc

Advanced Geomatics Engineering

Strategic Decisions Group

Equilar, Inc

Coalinga Community Foundation

Meeder Equipment Co

Aeros Environmental, Inc

Symantec Corporation

Guckenheimer Enterprises, Inc

Code Precast Products, Inc

Mid Valley Disposal, Inc

Air Control Services, Inc

Tibco Software, Inc

IC Compliance, LLC

Cranston Michael D.

Alan Crane

Tintri, Inc

Informatica Corporation

Professional Asbestos Removal Corporation

Cummings Transportation

All Pilot Car Service

TR Engineering, Inc

Jameco Electronics

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution

Def Con Security, Inc

Alpha Power Systems, Inc

Legacy Partners II

Silvas Oil Company

Vayusphere, Inc

Demand Pest Control

AM Tech Electric, Inc

Lucidworks, Inc

Teter LLP

VMware, Inc

Doby Hagar Trucking

Amber Chemical, Inc

Oracle America, Inc

Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments

General Testing Services

Congressional District 19

American Cancer Society

Gregs Petroleum Service, Inc

American Digitizing

Valley Fleet Clean

Adobe Systems, Inc

Hewitson Farms

American Fabrication

West Coast Bio-Tech, LLC

Apx Environmental Markets, Inc

American Filing Systems, Inc

Westlands Water District

Author It Software Corporation

Hills Welding & Engineering Contractor, Inc

WM Lyles Co

Autograph International, Inc

Congressional District 14

P&F Distributors Pressure Piping Engineering Project Partners, LLC Qualys, Inc Software Pursuits, Inc Successfactors, Inc Synactive, Inc The Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay WEG Service Co Xignite, Inc

Congressional District 15 Adler Tank Rentals, LLC

Congressional District 17 Advanced Chemical Transport, Inc Advanced Resources & Risk Agilent Technologies, Inc Apple Computer Ariba, Inc

Brocade Communications Systems, Inc

JD Rush Company, Inc Johns John W. Lost Hills Union School District

Aceves Irma Action Response Team, LLC

Advanced Combustion & Process Controls, Inc Advanced Distribution Co

American Pipe & Tubing American Refractory Service, Inc American Safety Services, Inc American Society of Safety

Business Resource Group

Lost Hills Utility District

Cisco Systems, Inc

Martinez Testing Service

American Well Control & Safety, LLC

Clean Source

Norcal Well Supply, Inc

Anatesco, Inc

DC Fabrication & Repair, Inc

Odell Katie

Anderson Land Services, Inc

Dharanet, LLC


Anthony Welded Products


Reese Sales Co

Applied Technology Group, Inc

Doreen M. Goscila

Tryad Service Corporation

Aramark Uniform Services



CALIFORNIA - VENDOR LIST Argo Chemical, Inc Asbestos Services, Inc Asbury Transportation

California Safety Training Corporation

Donavan D Judkins Trustee Uta

Gilliam & Sons, Inc

California State University

Doubletree Bakersfield

Global Elastomeric Products

Douglass Truck Bodies, Inc

Global Operators, LLC

KS Fabrication & Machine, Inc

Downhole Stabilization, Inc

Golden Construction & Excavation

KS Industries, LLC KSI Engineering, Inc

Golden Empire Gleaners

Kudu Pumps, Inc

Golden State Drilling, Inc

KVS Transportation, Inc

Got Safety Provision First Aid

La Frenz Mechanical, Inc

Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce

Lamont Fence Co

Aspect Engineering Group

Callahan Construction

Associated Builders & Contractors

Calpi, Inc Cande Man Plumbing Co

Automated Controls & Equipment, Inc

Carneys Business Technology Center

Automated Mechanical Process Systems, Inc

Carnie Kettle Corn, Inc


Casing Specialties

B Line Sales & Service Co B&B Surplus, Inc B&G Machine Welding B&L Casing Service, LLC B&L Equipment Rentals, Inc B&T Vacuum Service B.I.S. Technologies Bakerfield Association of Professional Landmen Bakersfield Air Conditioning Supply Co Bakersfield Building Maintenance Co

Cash William Castle Print & Publication, Inc

Dresser Services, Inc Drill Cool Systems, Inc Driller Printers Driltek, Inc Dry Creek Enterprise, Inc Dunbar Electric Sign Co Eagle Trucking & Crane Services, Inc

Krummrich Engineering Corporation

Guardian Safety Services

Landmark Surveying & Engineering


Laris Jose

H Squared Holdings, Inc

Lawst N Found Investigations

Central California Instruments

Earthquest Technical Services, LLC

H&B Equipment Co, Inc

LDL Service Co, Inc

Central Valley Occupational

EIU of California, Inc

Harbor Investment Co

Lees Printing Center

Certified Backflow Services

Elco Filtration & Testing, Inc

Hathaway, LLC

Leo Black Electric, Inc

Cesmat Service Co, Inc

Electrical & Instrumentation Unlimited of California, Inc


Lewis Barricade

Henry Leasing & Manufacturing, LLC

Leza L Hatch

Hodels Country Dining

Lincolns Fluid Level Service

Cawelo Water District

CG Promotions, Inc Chancellor Oil Tool, Inc Cheeseman Consulting, Inc Cintas Corporation City Neon Sign Systems

Electrical Power Services, Inc Electrical Systems & Instrumentation, Inc Elite Site Services

Hogg Drilling Specialty Construction, Inc

Energy Link

Hot Taps Service

Engineered Air, Inc

HPS Mechanical, Inc

Engineered Well Service Intl

Huddleston Crane Service, Inc

Enhanced Petroleum Technology, Inc

Hytech Energy, LLC

Enova Solutions, Inc

Imke Consulting, Inc

Limousine Scene Linder Backflow Service Lost Hills Water District

Bakersfield Californian

CK Consulting & Inspection Corporation

Bakersfield College

CL Knox, Inc

Bakersfield Electric Motor Repair, Inc

Clark Pest Control

Bakersfield Golf Cart Co

Coastal Netting Systems

Bakersfield Inn, Inc

Comerica Bank

Bakersfield Machine Co., Inc

Ensign United States Drilling Cal, Inc

Communication Enterprises, Inc

Bakersfield Rubber Stamp

Environment Control Building

Compliance Services, Inc

Banks Pest Control, Inc

Environmental Safety Solutions

Independent Oil Producers Agency

Compressor Parts Unlimited Conservation Committee of

Inner Bodyworks Yoga Studio, Inc

Mcintosh & Associates

Barc Mobile Shredding

Environmental Services & Testing, Inc

Basin Valve Co

Envirotech Consultants, Inc

Innovative Engineering Systems, Inc

McMor Chlorination, Inc

BC Administrative Services Co

Construction Specialty Service, Inc

BC Laboratories, Inc


Esys Energy Control Co

Beggs Joyce

Creative Concepts

Benny L. Parlan

Creative Results

Excalibur Well Services Corporation

Berry & Associates

Curtis Catering Affairs

Excellent Fire Protection

BG Oil Tool, LLC

D Krause Machine Specialty

Farrington Robert J. Jr

Biking For Fun, Inc

Daniel R. Mckeel

First Energy Service, Inc

Bill Nelson Media Group

Darrell Thompson Tank & Construction, Inc


David Janes Co

Four Points By Sheraton

Davidson Enterprises, Inc

Fraver Co., Inc

DC Fabrication & Repair, Inc

Fred C. Gilbert Co

DC Inspections, Inc Dee Jaspar & Associates, Inc

Freds Barbecue Factory Catering and

Delaney & Ahlf, Inc

Functional Ergonomics, Inc

Delano Petrophysical Consulting Services

Garriott Melodie M

Delta Power Systems

Gas Turbine Systems Services

Delta Pump Systems

Gassco, Inc

Delta Testing Services, Inc

Gazelle Transportation, Inc

Bills Hot Oil Service Blueprint Enterprises, Inc BMC Industries Bonander Featherlite Bonander Trailer Bowman Asphalt, Inc BR Sales Brad Modlin Brandco Bright House Networks, LLC Brighton Beach Enterprises, Inc Brocks Trailers, Inc

Coalinga Cogeneration Co

Essential Safety Resources, Inc

Foster Alldredge & Foster, Inc

Gary Ammeraal Meter Proving

Dewalt Corporation

Gene Watson Construction

Diesel & Auto Machine Shop, Inc

General Production Service, Inc

Dinger Yates Backhoe Service

General Scales, Inc

C&H Testing Service, LLC

Diversified Project Services International, Inc

General Tree Service Co

Cal Valley Equipment, Inc

Diversified Utility Services

California Drilling Fluids

DMW Industries, Inc

California Highway Patrol


Brown & Reich Petroleum, Inc Browns Backhoe Service, Inc Bruce Enterprises

Geo Drill Services Geo Drilling Fluids, Inc Geoguidance Drilling Services, Inc

IFG, Inc Independent Living Center of Kern

Insight Environmental Consultants, Inc Instant Storage Integrated Sciences Group James Doyle Barlow Jameson Specialties, Inc JB Digitizing Jims Supply Co, Inc JoAnn Engberg Trst Joronco Rentals, Inc Journey Air Conditioning Co JP organ Chase Comm Mtg Sec Corporation Junior Achievement KBA Engineering, LLC KCSI Aerial Patrol, Inc Keigley & Associates Kern Bros Trucking, Inc Kern Electric Distributors Kern Forms, Inc Kern Plumbing & Backflow Kern River Cogeneration Co Kern Steel Fabrication, Inc Kern Trophies Klein Denatale Goldner Cooper Knights Pumping & Portable Services, Inc Knights Services, Inc

M&S Security Services Se Machine Support Technologies, Inc Madruga Electric, Inc Mashburn Transportation Matthew Oakes Consulting Maverick Petroleum, Inc Maxsights Av, LLC Mccormick Biological, Inc McKee Electric Co Merriman Hurst & Associates, Inc Merritt Enterprises, LLC Mershon Consulting, LLC MHA Petroleum Consultants Midas Pump & Supply, Inc Midset Cogeneration Co Midway Driller Midway Laboratory, Inc Mikes Asphalt Construction Mikes Wireline Milazzo & Associates Mission Uniform Service MMI Services, Inc Mobile Equipment Co, Inc Modern Office Environments Monroe Construction MP Environmental Services, Inc MSD Wireless N.B. Sales & Service, Inc Nelson William H. Jr Nichols Tina Marie Norman Wireline, Inc North of The River Northern Digital, Inc Northspur Properties, LLC NTS, Inc Oildale Mutual Water Co


CALIFORNIA - VENDOR LIST Oilfield Rental Equipment

Rabobank Arena

Sunshine Metal Clad, Inc

West Kern Water District

Crystal Engineering Corporation

Oilfield Safety Anchor Service, Inc

Rain For Rent

Superior Propane Service

Cygnet Automation, Inc

Olearys Office Products

Ram Environmental Engineering Services, Inc

Superior Sanitation Service, Inc

Western Oilfield Supply Company

Open & Shut Enterprises

Ramsgate Engineering, Inc

P&F Cleaning Service

Randy’s Trucking, Inc

Swarbrick Consulting, Inc

Pacific Gas Technology, Inc

Rap Services

Pacific Perforating, Inc

Rayne of Bakersfield

Pacific Process Systems, Inc


Pacific Section Aapg

Reece Production Co

Packer Service, Inc

Remedial Transportation Services

Surface Pumps, Inc Sweet Oil Tool Rental SWS Supplies, Inc Sycamore Cogeneration Co Technical Services & Mgmt, Inc

Western States Instrumentation

Draganchuk Security & Patrol, Inc

Western States Petroleum Association

Drewisch Robert

Western Valve, Inc

Earth Systems So Ca

Western Wireline, Inc Westside Waste Mgmt Co, Inc

Dyno Tech, Inc Electrical Solutions Corporation Fence Factory

Technical Wireline Services, Inc

Wheeler Ridge Maricopa Water Storage

Tel Tec Security Systems, Inc

Whispering Meadows Apts


White Wolf Land Service, Inc

Terra Novo, Inc

Wholesale Fuels, Inc

Rhino Valve USA, Inc

Terrachem, Inc

Williford General Contractors

RK Power Engineering, Inc

Thermal Tech

RL Environmental, Inc

Tiger Tanks, Inc

Wise Electric & Communications, Inc

RLS Industries

Titan Oilfield Services, Inc

Witcher Electric, Inc

Greeneridge Sciences, Inc

Robert B. Moss Jr

Titleworks Corporation

Wood Michelle

Harmsen Randy

Robins Envirovac

TJ Cross Engineers, Inc

Zalco Laboratories, Inc

Hepp Fred

PCL Industrial Services, Inc

Ron Morse Consulting, Inc

Tom Conner

Zim Industries, Inc

Hepp Jeff

Pence Petroleum Co

Rosedale Ranch Improvement District

Tom Mcclure Welding

Pac-Pow, Inc Pacseis, Inc Palmetto Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc Pan Pacific Petroleum Pape Jane Paradigm Hydraulics, LLC Payzone Directional Services, LLC

Pengo Wireline of California, Inc Pensinger Trailer Rental, Inc Peterson Services Petrol Production Supply, Inc

Reservoir Management Services, LLC

Roy Davies, Inc Rwd Drilling Consulting, Inc S&S Sprayers, LLC

Petroleum Club of Bakersfield

Safety Tek Industries, LLC

Petroleum Production Testing, Inc

San Joaquin Bit Service, Inc San Joaquin Fence & Supply

Petrotech Resources Company, Inc

San Joaquin Geological Services, Inc

Plantel Interior Plantscaper

San Joaquin Safety Shoes

Plcs Plus International, Inc

San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution

Pneumatic Control, Inc

SC Anderson, Inc

Powell Jim

SC Communications, Inc

Power Technician, Inc

Separation Specialists, Inc

Precision Air, Inc

Serbans Background Music, Inc

Precision Analytical

Shar Craft, Inc

Precision Pump & Machine

Sharp Neil

Premier Crane & Transportation Service, Inc

Sierra Printers, Inc

Premier Equipment Rentals, Inc

Sierra Recycling & Demolition, Inc

Premier Oilfield Service, Inc

Snow Well Service, Inc

Price Disposal, Inc

Society of Petroleum Engineers

Primewest Warehousing, Inc

Soils Engineering, Inc

Pro Tech Safety Consulting

Soli Bond, Inc

Pro Tool Services, Inc

SOS Crane & Trucking

Process Instruments & Controls, LLC

South Valley Biology Consulting, LLC

Processes Unlimited International, Inc

Southwest Contractors

Production Data, Inc

Spartan Technical Services, Inc

Progauge Technologies, Inc Project View Prologix Software & Automation, LLC Pros, Inc Quality Mud Service, Inc Quality Tubular Services, Inc Quantum Land Services, LLC Quantum Safety Consulting, Inc Quinn Lift R&O Fishing Tools, Inc

Southwest Signs Spicer Wireline, Inc Steves Oilfield Service, Inc Stockdale Optical Stockdale Tile Stotler Co, Inc Sturgeon & Son Sturgeon Services International, Inc Subsurface Oilfield Specialists Suburban Propane Sully & Son Hydraulics, Inc

Towery Construction Services, Inc Trans West Security Services, Inc Transcanada Turbines, Inc TRB Oilfield Services, Inc Tringen Corporation Trinity Safety Company Truitt Oilfield Maintenance Corporation Tubular Inspection Tubular Sales & Equipment Turner Trans Lift, Inc Uniglobe Golden Empire Travel, Inc Valley Industrial X Ray

FH Pumps, Inc Flir Commerical Systems, Inc Floatograph Technologies, LLC Futurelaunch Global Power Supply, LLC Gorgita Manuel A. III Gorgita Manuel A. Jr

Horizon Well Logging, Inc

Congressional District 24 1000 Louisiana LP Lhr1 16th District Agricultural Assoc A1 Coatings Co A1 Truck & Equipment Ace Pump Testing Advantage Telcom Airx Testing Services, Inc All Signs & Graphics, LLC Alpha Fire & Security Alarm Corporation Andrews Keith Aqua Flo Supply Atlas Copco Mafi-Trench Company, LLC

Industrial Bolt & Supply Instrument Control Services Instrument Service, Inc Interact Pmti, Inc Jack L. Collison PC Jean Marie Tykeson Jetair Technologies, LLC Joint Oil Fisheries Committee Joy Equipment Protection, Inc Kenai Drilling Ltd Kings Oil Tools, Inc Krummrich Engineering Corporation Land Services of Ca, LLC Lewis & Lewis Ent

Avenue Hardware, Inc

M.F. Strange & Associates, Inc

BandR Supply, Inc

Margaret A. Youngman

Barnett Cox & Assoc, Inc

McCorkle Mike

Blackjack Power Swivels, LLC

McCormick Michael D. & Friedl

Bramel Bruce

McGraw Tool Co, Inc

Variance Reduction Intl, Inc

BSI Operating, LLC

Varner Bros, Inc

Bugle Group

Metson Blue Water Navigation, LLC

VC Contracting Design

Burke Gary

Vector Environmental, Inc

Buynak Fauver Archbald & Spray LLP

Valley Instrument Service, Inc Valley Perforating Co, LLC Valley Valve Valley Water Management Company

Ventura Compressor & Pump Repair, Inc

Milton Family Partnership Ltd Mission Uniform Service Nilsen Geir

Cal Coast Acidizing Service

Numeric Solutions, LLC

Vertical Tank, Inc

California Mechanical Co

Offshore Crane & Service Co.

Video Memories

Cannon Corporation

Oilfield Electric & Motor

Virgil L. Bell

Capco Analytical Services

Volvo Rents

Carpinteria Valley Water

Oilfield Environmental & Compliance

Walker Lewis Rents

Casmite Corporation

Wastewater Solutions, Inc

Castagnola Morgan

Wattenbarger Do It Center

Castagnola Tim

Well Analysis Corporation, Inc

CD Lyon Construction, Inc

Wendell L. Weller Trustee

Central Coast Industries, Inc

West Coast Casing, LLC

Central Coast Remedial

West Coast Land Service

Clean Seas, LLC

West Kern Community

CMC Rescue, Inc

West Kern Environmental Consulting, LLC

Conaway Ice, Inc Crowder Backflow Services

Ost Trucks & Cranes, Inc Pacific Petroleum of California Padre Associates, Inc Paso Robles Tank, Inc PC Mechanical, Inc Powercom Production Tool Specialties Project Engineering USA Corporation Quality Machine Shop



CALIFORNIA - VENDOR LIST R&R Pumping Unit Repair & Service

Canteen of Coastal California, Inc

Aramark Uniform Services

Congressional District 28

Raymundo Ruvalcaba Gardening Servic

Cheetah Software Systems, Inc

Autonomy, Inc

Acco Engineered Systems

Axiom Global, Inc

Ace Industrial Supply, Inc

Congressional District 30

Rising Media, Inc

Consolidated Electrical

Bluebeam Software, Inc

Act 1 Group, Inc


Building Safety Solutions

Appleone Employment Services

Cargill, Inc

Aramark Uniform Services

Calamp Wireless Data Systems, Inc

Coastal Industrial Services, Inc

Bright & Brown

Chemeor, Inc

CSC Consulting, Inc

Lasater Linda

Colorado Uregent Care, LLC

Evergreen Oil, Inc

Linda M. Lodge Rev Trust

ERM West, Inc

Federal Express Corporation

P. Murphy & Associates, Inc

Farmer Brothers

Fedex Freight

PEB, Inc

GBH Communications, Inc

Robert Heely Construction, Inc Russell’s Mobile Truck Repair Santa Clara Waste Water Shaffer Environmental Consulting Sharon Rae Fesbinder

Coastal Frontiers Corporation Dangelos Delta Liquid Energy Dewey Thompson Auto Parts Dial Communications

Steam Testing Solutions, LLC

Fairweather Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc

Steins Bbq & Catering Co

FGL Environmental

Sullivan Oilfield Services, Inc

Frank’s Paint & Hardware

T&T Truck & Crane Services

Gas Control Technologies, Inc

Tempest Telecom Solutions, LLC

Horizon Air Measurement Services, Inc

The Wharf

Geoisochem Corporation

Floway Pumps GE Capital General Electric International, Inc General Petroleum Corporation

Voyager Search

Congressional District 29 California Contractors, Inc GHG Climate Team, LLC

Hydro Fitting Mfg Corporation. JD Rush Co Jeffrey L. Washington Kimleyhorn & Associates, Inc

Thomas & Beers

Instant Auto Lube

Gerard Daniel Worldwide

University of California Santa Barbara

Integrated Control Systems, Inc

GRE Shoreline Square LP

Moore Industries International, Inc

Lindsay Engineering 1

Parero Design Group, Inc

Newegg, Inc

Ventura Air Conditioning Co

MG Taylor Equipment, Inc

Hitachi Transport System America Ltd

Paulsson, Inc

Onquest, Inc

Ventura Hydraulic & Machine Works, Inc

Michl Gauge Sales & Service

Unicom Systems, Inc

Pacific National Group

Vossler & Co, Inc

Plastic Express

Ventura Rental Center, Inc

PF Hofmeister Construction, Inc

Visual Systems, Inc

Pacific Landscape Services

Wall Robert Iii F

Proactive Printing & Promotions, Inc

Ward William T.

Puretec Industrial Water

Western Wireline, Inc

PW Environmental Quality AG, Inc

Congressional District 25

Reliance Cleaning Service

Abolish Pest Control

RM Automation, Inc

Andy Gump, Inc

Robert William Co, LLC

Certified Thermoplastics Co, Inc

Safer Systems, LLC

Cintas Corporation

Santa Clara Waste Water

Compression Source, Inc

Santa Paula Chevrolet, Inc

CSI Services, Inc

SuLPhur Crest Electric, Inc

Day Gerald Don EAG


Delta Scientific Corporation


Environmental Alliance Group

Thrasher Farms, Inc

Extreme Plastics Plus, Inc

Tran Gioi

Kings County Development Limited

Transportation Specialties of Vta Co, Inc

La Turbine Corporation

Ventura Crane, Inc

Mechanix Wear, Inc

Ventura Valve Service, Inc

Phase-A-Matic, Inc

Verizon Communications, Inc

Photo Scan of Los Angeles, Inc

Well Data Resources

Pro Mark Utility Supply, Inc

West Coast Air Conditioning

Rihua Shipping USA, Inc

West Coast Water Services, Inc

Selltech Compressor Pumps & Engine Products, Inc

Western Resources Engineering

Superco Specialty Products

Zee Medical Service

Workrite Uniform Company

Torque Tools California

Honeywell International, Inc Innovative Turnaround Controls Ltd Iron Mountain

Quality Cleaning

Jack Nadel Intl

Aircraft Cleaning Service, Inc

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc

Alaska Airlines

Jacobs Field Services North America

Alcatel Lucent USA, Inc

Jankovich Co

California State University

John P. Grotzinger

Coastal Frontiers Corporation

JV Industrial Companies Ltd

Communication Development

Kaykiakas Investment VI, LLC

Don Wolf & Associates, Inc

Congressional District 33

KM Industrial, Inc

Enviroaqua Consultants, Inc

3 Phases Renewables, LLC



Advanced Electronics, Inc

Linde, LLC

Helium Leak Testing, Inc

Ardelle E. Ford

Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC

J&L 713 Market

Cellular Accessories For Less

Matheson Tri Gas, Inc

Logicube, Inc

Continental Computers

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

Obryant Electric, Inc

Crescent Consulting, Inc

Mobile Mini, Inc

On Assignment Lab Support

Dels Truck Wash

Ncm Demolition & Remediation LP

Reliable Monitoring Services

E&S Grounding Solutions

Royal Systems Group

Enviro Solve Corporation

US Seismic Systems, Inc

Environmental Compliance Solutions, Inc

Novell, Inc Orkin Pest Control Otis Elevator Co Praxair Distribution, Inc Quinn Pumps California, Inc Red Man Pipe & Supply Co RR Donnelley S&S Portable Services

California Hse Group, Inc

Congressional District 31 Aatech, Inc Carol C. Jackson & Richard E. Jackson Douglas Wilmer Hart

Safety Kleen Systems, Inc

Environmental Systems Research

Southern California Edison Co

Iron Mountain Records Mgmt

Congressional District 27

Wiztec, Inc

Southern California Gas Co

Monoprice, Inc

ADP, Inc

V 1 Propane

Pacific Section Sepm

Airgas Intermountain, Inc

Valin Corporation

Property Insight

Airgas West

Vialogy, LLC

Roke Technologies USA, Inc

American Reprographics Company, LLC

Vortex Industries, Inc

Spectra Sensors

Applied Partners 1

Amerigas Propane LP

Wesco Distribution, Inc

Superior Tank Co

Bakersfield Drilling Consultants

Superior Tank Co, Inc

Behavioral Science Technology, Inc


Wesco Receivables Corporation X1 Technologies, Inc

Thompson Industrial Supply

C3 Intelligence, Inc

Applied Industrial Technologies Ca, LLC

Xerox Corporation

Trl Systems, Inc

Anterra Energy Services, Inc

California Muscle Parts & Service

Aon Consulting

Quality Glove, Inc

J.G. Boswell Company

Congressional District 30

US Postage Meter Center, Inc

Congressional District 26

Liberty Gloves

Voyager GIS

TRC Companies, Inc TRC Environmental Corporation TRC Solutions, Inc United Rentals Northwest, Inc Waste Management 1 Worley Parsons Group, Inc

Everspring Corporation Four Seasons Hotel Houston Gladstein Neandross & Assoc GT Analytical Service, Inc Hopper Engineering Associates, Inc Jay A. Conger Jung Novikoff Bellanca & Co Michael Domanski Petroland Services Precision Filter Products Robert E Bush Corporation Sentinel Ave One, LLC SKM Systems Analysis, Inc Steve & Kristin Austin The Burke Group The GC Net Lease (Houston Enclave) Investors, LLC TSR Oilfield Rentals


CALIFORNIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 34

Glaser Weil Fink Jacobs Howard

Rohrback Cosasco Systems, Inc

Congressional District 37

Bucc Industries, Inc

ABM Janitorial Services

Globalstar Usa


Cortech Engineering, Inc

Abreon, Inc

Globe Wireless, LLC

Roll Real Estate Development, LLC

Thompson Industrial Properties

CTE Systems, Inc


Graybar Electric Co, Inc

Aecom Technical Services, Inc

Great Place To Work Institute

Agilent Technologies, Inc

Guardsmark, LLC

Success Factors, Inc

Airborne Survey, LLC

Halco Services Corporation Amps Dms

Sulzer Ems, Inc Sybase, Inc

Hewlett Packard Co

Symantec Corporation

Alaska Airlines, Inc

Horiba Instruments, Inc

Talley Communications Co

American Express

Jefferies & Company, Inc



Johnson Lift Hyster

Teledyne Analytical Instruments

Ancon Marine

Kaiser Permanente

Telogis, Inc

Andrews International, Inc

Kaman Industrial Technologies Corporation

The Bank of New York Trust Co NA

Kimco Staffing Services, Inc

The Industrial Co


Thomson Elite

Kofax, Inc

Thomson Reuters

Korn Ferry International

Timec Company, Inc

Kuehne Nagel Services Ltd

Trench Shoring

Laurance Enterprises, LLC

Unisource Worldwide, Inc

Lewin Robin P.

United Equipment Rentals Gulf, LP

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Applied LNG Technologies, LLC Asbury Environmental Services Baker Corporation Bakersfield Pipe & Supply Battery Systems, Inc Benjamin Charles Kneller Bently Nevada Brenntag International Chemicals Gmbh


Self Insurers Security Fund Smart & Final

Congressional District 38 A&G Compressor Parts, Inc Accurate Air Engineering, Inc Advanced Filtration Concepts, Inc Advanced Sealing & Supply Co Allen Corporation Supply Co, Inc American Engraving Co Argo Spring Mfg Bennett Bowen Lighthouse Bermingham Controls, Inc

Don Clarke

SKC-West, Inc

Doty Bros Equipment Co

Sonic Air Systems, Inc

Electronic Chrome & Grinding

Southern California Security Sys, Inc

United Parcel Service

Empire Transportation, Inc

Univar USA, Inc

Griffith Air Tool, Inc

USDA Forest Service

Guardian Fence Co

M. Chemical Company, Inc

Volt Management Corporation

Icon Safety Co, Inc

Majestic Glove

Waste Management 1

Johnson Peltier

Managed Health Network

Waxie Sanitary Supply

Kelly Pipe Co, LLC

Mcmaster Carr Supply Co

Western Oilfields Supply Company

King Data Services

Theta Oilfield Services, Inc TMG Transportation, Inc Trimax Systems, Inc West Coast Energy, Inc Yorba Linda Electric

Congressional District 40

Manufacturers Financing Services

Western Refining Wholesale

McMaster-Carr Supply Company

Advanced Process Services, Inc

Worldwide Corporate Housing LP

Monroe Laboratories

Bodycote Thermal Processing

Pacific Mechanical Supply

Bottlemate, Inc

Zep Sales & Service

Paramount Can Co, Inc

Burlington Northern & Santa Fe

Zoho Corporation

Parker Supply Co

Compressor Components of Ca

PFR Engineering Systems, Inc

Compressor Man

Pioneer Business Forms, Inc

Electra Bond

Precision Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Electro Systems Electric

Printing Management Associates

Ice Machines Sales & Service Co

Mitchell International, Inc

Cisco Systems Capital Corporation

Monarch Laboratories

Citibank West Fsb Citrix Online, LLC

Motion Picture Licensing Corporation

Clayton Industries

National Sandblasting Co

Control Components, Inc

Nelson Nameplate

Copper & Brass Sales

Nomadic Land Services, LLC

Congressional District 35

Crystal Engineering Corporation

Nossaman LLP

Advanced Instruments, Inc

Cummins Southern Plains, Inc

NRC Environmental Services, Inc

Danari Bakersfield, LLC

Office Depot

American Heavy Moving & Rigging, Inc

Dial Communications


Directv, Inc

Oldcastle Precast, Inc

ECDC Environmental LC

Onesource Distributors

Edey Mfg Co, Inc

Pasternack Enterprises, Inc

Emily Owens

Pelican Products, Inc

Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Ernst & Young US LLP

Positive Lab Service

ESRI Holdings Limited

Potter Roemer Fire Pro

ESS Support Services Worl

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, Inc

Ferguson Enterprises, Inc

Proforma Progressive Marketing

Financial Engineering Assoc, Inc

Quinn Company

First National Center

RA Reed Electric Co

Flow International Corporation

Rain For Rent, Inc

Fluke Networks, Inc

Resources Connection, Inc

Foodcraft Coffee Service

Resources Global Professionals

GE Mobile Water, Inc

Robert Half Finance & Accounting Robert Half International, Inc

Sully-Miller Contracting Co

Western Refining Southwest, Inc

Chicago Title Co

Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP

NCM Demolition & Remediation LP

Sacher Lasertechnik, LLC

LRN The Legal Knowledge Comp

General Monitors, Inc

Nationwide Environmental Services

Project Navigator Ltd.

Cahill Davis & Oneall LLP

Motion Industries, Inc

Litterbox Containers

Cintas Corporation

G&E Janitorial, Inc

Mindjet, LLC

JPR Systems, Inc

Ozarka Water Comapany

United Rentals, Inc

Chemical Waste Management, Inc

Green Tech Coast, LLC

California Hall Service

Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC


Geoisochem Corporation

California Arborist Companies

Little John Reuland Corporation

Camp Dresser & Mckee, Inc

G&W Builders

Obriens Response Management, Inc


Caltrol, Inc

EDS Stinger Crane Service, Inc

Brenner Fiedler & Associates, Inc

Brenntag Pacific, Inc

California Portland Cement Co

Diversified Communications Services

Cameron West Coast

Pump Engineering Co

Camguard Systems, Inc DSPM, Inc

Raymond Handling Solutions, Inc

Esab Welding & Cutting Products

Rohrback Cosasco Systems, Inc SC Field Technical Services, Inc

Ferguson Fire & Fabrication, Inc

Seah Steel America

Generation Equipment Services Co

Sinclair Well Products, Inc

Myers Power Products, Inc

Sunset Industrial Parts

Patterson Motor Freight, Inc Quality Aviation, Inc Shaffer Oil Tool Services, Inc West Coast Energy, Inc

Southern California Valve, Inc Surface Modification Systems Vision Communications Walter Stupin West Coast Switchgear, Inc

Congressional District 36

Congressional District 39

Imperial Western Products, Inc

Affordable Tank Rentals

Shepherd Risk & Safety Advocates

All American Crane Maintenance Ascon Remediation Fund Bear Welding, Inc

Ace Crane Service, Inc

Flowtrace MGM Transformer Company Online Power Precision Babbitt Co, Inc Raycom RK Controls, Inc Soffa Electric, Inc Total Western, Inc Vaughans Industrial Repair Co, Inc

Congressional District 41 Double Barrel Environmental Services Hunsaker & Associates Industrial Oil Recovery Corporation Silver Creek Industries, Inc



CALIFORNIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 42

Southern California Edison Co

Congressional District 46

Approved Fire Pumps

Wilmington Instrument Co, Inc

Adwest Ceco

Electrical Systems Limited

Wilmington Propeller Service, Inc

Atmos International

Emission Compliant Controls Corporation

Wilson Supply Co

Calfirst Leasing Corporation

Ironman Parts & Service

Congressional District 45

Center Laboratories, Inc

Advanced Filtration Concepts, Inc

Certified Records Management

Process Equipment Co Select Fabrications Co Ultra Seal Underground Service Alert

California Electric Supply

Advanced Workplace Strategies, Inc Alexanders Mobility Services

Congressional District 43 A1 Coast Rentals Act 1 Personnel Services Agile 1 Analysts, Inc Arena Painting Contractors, Inc ASA Sales, Inc Behrens & Associates, Inc Cerenade Chem Pro Laboratory, Inc Discount Two Way Radio Corporation Ecology Control Industries En Pointe Technologies Enterprise Holdings, Inc Farwest Corrosion Control Company Freedom Works Staffing, Inc Iesco, LLC Petroland Services Stellar Technical Product Toyota Motor Credit Corporation West Sanitation Service, Inc

Allied Components Intl

Cintas Corporation Corelogic, Inc Dalton Enterprises, Inc Electronic Meter Calibrating, Inc

Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, Inc

Central Fishing Tool

Monroe Tractor Service

Century Calibrating Co

MW Bit Service

CM Ward Corporation

Neil Kupchin

Cmac Construction Co

Occupational Safety Councils

Coast Range Trucking

Oil Operators, Inc

Boot Barn, Inc

Industrial Shoe Co

Core-Rosion Products

Patriot Environmental Services, Inc

Brownfield Redevelopment Group

Kinsbursky Brothers Supply, Inc

Crosby & Overton, Inc

Lindy Office Products

CW Welding Services, Inc

CG Tech

Measurement Control Systems, Inc

Dawson Enterprises

Control Components, Inc

Midcom Corporation

Cyberlease, LLC

Dickson Technical Services

Monroe Tractor Service

Displayworks, LLC

Dion & Sons, Inc

Performance Sealing, Inc

Emission Compliant Controls Corporation

Dynatron Electric Co, Inc

Pipeline Software, Inc

Earth Science Associates, Inc

Prudential Overall Supply

Edison ESI

Quantum Automation

Electronic Solutions 1

Royal Wholesale Electric


SC Fuels

Envirocon Contracting, Inc


Field Technology, Inc

Southern Counties Oil

Flowers By Vickie

SSD Systems


PPE Suppliers, Inc

Inovx Solutions, Inc

Storms Consulting Engineers

Kofax, Inc

Gem Mobile Treatment Services, Inc

Prindle Amaro Goetz Hillyard

United Fuel & Energy Corporation

Prindle Decker & Amaro LLP

Gemini Forest Products

Production Logging Services, Inc

Globe Gas Corporation

Professional Bearing Service, Inc

Goldsmith Construction Co, Inc

Pure Process Filtration, Inc

Grating Pacific, Inc

Quality Sprayers

Gridley Letter Co

Queen Mary

H&H Casing Service, Inc

R&T Controls, Inc

H. Roberts Construction, Inc

R&T Pacific Associates

Harbor Custom Canvas

Richard Behl

Hawk Industries, Inc

Roccos Deli Italiano

Health Science Assoc, Inc

Ross Fire Extinguisher Co, Inc

Hotel Maya

RP Vititow Construction Corporation

Caliber Environmental Services

General Monitors, Inc Gunther & Assoc, LLC HillCrest Horiba Instruments, Inc Hunsaker & Associates, Inc Hydraulic Rod Pumps International

M. Leroy Perry & Associates

Neudesic Newtech Resources

California Spectra Instrumentation, Inc

Oleumtech Corporation

Congressional District 47

Onquest, Inc

ABM Parking Services

Operation Technology, Inc

AC Pipe & Equipment Co

Phillips Williams & Associates

AC Pumping Unit Repair

Polytec, Inc

Advance Mechanical Contractors, Inc

John Guzman Crane Services, Inc

MIG Sales Co

Cavanaugh Machine Works, Inc

Parker Diving Service, Inc

BHL Industries, Inc

Industrial Maintenance

Castle Car Wash

Connolly Pacific Co

Alexander Andrew,Inc

Industrial Electric Machinery, LLC

Memorial Medical Center Foundation

Hill Brothers Chemical Co

Yellow Pages, Inc Corporate Billing Center

Five Star Legal & Compliance


Blytheco, LLC


Extreme Safety, Inc

Powerpd, Inc PTS Staffing Solutions RailPros Field Services, Inc Refrigeration Supplies Distributor Resources Global Professionals Risk Management Professionals, Inc

Delta Motor Co, Inc

Howell Drilling, Inc

Petros Energy Products, Inc Petros Tubular Services, Inc Pft Alexander, Inc Phillips John M Phillips Steel Co Pizza Place Platt Security, Inc Port of Long Beach Port Petroleum, Inc Powerflo Products, Inc

Sawyer Petroleum

American Substance Abuse

Ireland, Inc

Sir Speedy Printing

Ampco System Parking

Island Express Helicopter Service

Smith Paint Strata Analysts Group

Java Junction

Sudduth Tire Co, Inc

Jay’s Catering

Swann & Associates

John M Phillips Oilfield Equipment

System Maintenance

Kelty Co, Inc

Taurus Engineering, Inc

Appleone Employment Services

Smithtrager PC

Babette Bakery

Spectra Learning Group

Basin Valve Co

Mckenna Engineering & Equipment Co, Inc

Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs

Berg-Nelson Co, Inc

Time Value Software

BK Thorpe Co, Inc

Quality Refrigeration Co, Inc

Trace3, Inc

Black Gold Pump & Supply, Inc

Quantum Analytical Services, Inc

World Environmental, Inc

Blair Martin Co, Inc

Zee Medical, Inc

Bragg Investment

Long Beach Hose & Coupling Co, Inc

Broadway Locksmith Shop

Long Beach Water Department

So Cal Ship Services

Petroleum Solids Control, Inc

IQA Solutions, Inc

Industrial Tire Service

B&B Pipe & Tool Co


Petroleum Club of Long Beach

Allied Packing & Rubber, Inc

Saddleback Realty Analysts, Inc

Maintenance Turnaround Services

Perrymans Valve Service

Industrial Equipment Service

Rosemount Analytical, Inc

Mainfreight, Inc

Pcam, LLC

Advanced Technology Laboratories

Asap Drug Solutions, Inc

Lacy Oil Tool Co

Mechanical Seal Repair

Coast To Coast Safety, Inc

Aguilar Testing Service

Earle M. Jorgensen

Car Ber Testing Services

George T. Hall Co, Inc

Western Exterminator Co

Dresser Rand Co

Mangan, Inc

C&C Automotive Distributors

Mail Delivery Service Co

Avanti Environmental, Inc

MCR Technologies, Inc

De Leons Transport, Inc

C B Tang Md, Inc

First American Title Insurance Company

VFS Fire & Security Service Bernel, Inc

Coordinated Wire Rope & Rigging, Inc

Lyon Supply Co

ARB, Inc

Maher Corporation

Congressional District 44

Burlington Safety Laboratory of California

La Seismic, LLC Long Beach Compressor, Inc Long Beach Family Optometry

Seaport Marina Hotel Sinclair Drilling Fluids

Taurus Control Corporation The Estes Group Thermo Power Industries Tidelands Employee Association Tiger Cased Hole Service Trophies, Inc



Graco, Inc.

Congressional District 49

Thomson Reuters

Western Exterminator Co

Harbor Resources

TXD Transport LP

Western States Oilfield Products, Inc

International Design & Marketing, Inc

3E Company Environmental Ecological & Engineering

WEP Transport Holdings, LLC

Congressional District 52

Accurate Measurement Systems

Westside Truck & Auto Supply

Jaelin Proffit

Whitetail Transport

ASM Affiliates, Inc

Active Network, Inc

Whacheon USA, Inc

JDL Design

WSK Welding

Bachelder Associates

Anchor Global, LLC

Witten Engineering, Inc

Jones Cahl & Associates, Inc

Yorke Engineering, LLC

Bluegreen Geophysics, LLC

Caterpillar, Inc

Ketter Tool, Inc

Chandler Energy Services, LLC

Congressional District 48

Lawson E. Mcclung MD

Com Sec, Inc

Advanced Micro Instruments, Inc

Lifecom, Inc

Dove Trucking, Inc

Arc Imaging Resources

Marmac Field Services

Enviance, Inc

Atlas Copco Mafi Trench Co, LLC

Mechanical Seal Repair

Eynon Management, Inc

Nikki’s Flag Shop

Fox Chapel Oilfield Services


Pacific Corporate Housing, Inc

Brinderson LP

Congressional District 50

South Bay Salt Works

Cireson, LLC Cirrascale Corporation

Cassidian Communications, Inc

Continental Controls

Definitive Energy Solutions, LLC

Drown Consulting, LLC

Downstream Services, Inc


Flowserve Fsd Corporation

Hotel Del Coronado

Generatione Technologies, LLC

Fluid Components International, LLC


Pacific Life Insurance Co

Geosoils, Inc

California Boiler, Inc

Interconex, Inc

Patten Systems, Inc

JWS Drilling Consulting, Inc

Kore Technologies

Call & Jensen Apc

Quest Software, Inc

Integrated Network Systems Corporation

Chrysalis Studios, Inc

Restaurants On The Run, LLC

Cla Val Co

Safety Supply America, Inc

Copyfax Communications, Inc

Sensonetics, Inc

Dell Software, Inc

Spandex Usa

Digital Networks Group, Inc

Spec Services, Inc

Elmcot, LLC

Specter & Willoughby LLP

Energy Tubulars, Inc

Stephen T. Harris

Epoxy Pax, Inc

Telogis, Inc

Fluor Corporation

Thomas Crane & Trucking

Fluor Transworld Services, Inc

United Industries Group, Inc

Genie Scientific

Zamborelli Enterprises

Glenns Vacuum Trucking

Integrated Protection Services, Inc J&J Transport Services, LLC Legacy Flowback Services

Quakehold Industrial, Inc R&R Paper & Packaging Supply Co Survival Systems International, Inc

Interocean Systems, Inc Mir3, Inc Ninyo & Moore Occupational Services, Inc On Ramp Wireless, Inc PR Electronics, Inc Regents of The University of

Mitigo Partners, Inc

The Ken Blanchard Companies, Inc

Newport Strategic Search, Inc

Top Promotional Products

Solimar Systems, Inc

Pacific Tank & Construction, Inc

Transducer Techniques, LLC.

Syntergy.com, Inc

Lucast Nancy


Rosemary Womack

Tax Compliance, Inc

Precise Drilling Concepts, LLC

Congressional District 51

Teledyne Instruments, Inc

Quality Fuel Trailer & Tank, Inc

National Mechanical Services, Inc

Waxie Sanitary Supply

Regatta Solutions

Zisser Customs Law Group, Inc


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Colorado Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Colorado, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 1,198 businesses, spread across Colorado’s seven congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Colorado supports some 213,100 jobs, which is 6.7 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Colorado labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $14.1 billion annually. That’s 8.1 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Colorado,

in addition to total employment and labor income, is in terms of salary.3 While the average annual salary in Colorado across all industries and sectors is $51,124, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$105,025 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $25.8 billion of the Colorado economy. That’s 9 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Colorado ranks 9th in oil and 6th in natural gas production.5 That makes Colorado one of the nation’s top energy-producing states. Colorado particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,”





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs. 5. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

80k 70k 60k


50k 40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Colorado Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Colorado

Colorado Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Grand Total

District 02 District 06

District 07

1,198 District 01

District 03

District 04

District 05

Top Cities Denver = 264 Grand Junction = 72 Vendor Profile8 Smith LaRock Architecture PC Smith LaRock is an architectural consultancy specializing in the design of facilities for refineries, petrochemical plants, and other oil and gas processing clients, as well as for process- control clientele in other markets. The company specializes in the integration of architecture and pertinent human factors (technology, process, and people) for 24/7 Command and Control centers. Smith LaRock Architecture also designs blast and non-blast structures for those same clients. The client facilities served include production buildings, office buildings, warehouse and maintenance shops, EMS/Fire buildings, and laboratories, as well as Collaboration/Visualization Centers for today’s global integration and collaboration needs. Smith LaRock works entirely in 3D BIM CAD. The goal of the company is to help clients develop safer mission-critical facilities within typically high-risk areas. Smith LaRock Architecture’s products enhance vigilance and increase situational awareness. Making plant control operators more vigilant in their control rooms and putting them in a building that is designed to protect them from potential blast risks near the refinery units enhances safety for the entire facility.

8. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Colorado reached 77,622 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 121,398 in 2020 and to 175,363 in 2035.6 And Americans, including the people of

Colorado, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.7

6. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 7. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



COLORADO - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Columbine Logging, Inc

Grand Mesa Radiator

LD Meckel & Co

Plotter Supplies, Inc

23 Ltd

Contex Energy Co

Great Denver Iron

Lee S Silensky

Ponderosa Construction, Inc

475 17Th Street Co., Trust Acc

Contoural, Inc

Leed Energy Services, Inc

Poseidon Concepts, Inc

A&W Water Service, Inc

Coorstek, Inc

Greystone Environmental Consultants

Poulson Odell & Peterson, LLC


Corporate Communications

Level 3 Communications, LLC

Power Controls, Inc

Advanced Hydraulics & Machine, Inc


Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc

Legacy Partners II Lincoln Energy, LLC

Power Engineering Company

Linhart Public Relations,LLP

Power Services of Colorado

Air Drilling Associates, Inc

Crown Energy Partners, LLC

Premier Community Homes Ltd.

Aircell Business Aviation Services, LLC

CTAP (Colorado Tubulrs/Aztec Pipe)

Lohf Shaiman Jacobs Hyman & Feiger

Amec Environment

Cummins Rocky Mountain, LLC

Long View Systems Corporation Usa


American Geophysical Corporation

Cummins Southern Plains, Inc

Anschutz Exploration Corporation Antero Resources Corporation Anticline Disposal, LLC Apex Instruments, Inc Apex Petroleum Engineering

Creekside Nursery, LLC

CVL Consultants of Colorado, Inc Davis & Davis Company Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP DCP Midstream, LP Denver Fence Construction

Applied Computer Solutions

Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce

Applied Control Equipment, LlLP

Denver Scholarship Foundation

Aramark Refreshment Services, LLC

Discovery Group, Inc

Arcadis US, Inc Band-It Idex, Inc Barree & Associates, LLC Barree & Associates, LLC Barry W. Spector Beatty Wozniak & Reese Bentek Energy Bill Barrett Corporation Bjork Lindley Little PC, Inc Blankenship Consulting, LLC Bonnie Roerig & Assoc, LLC Border States Electric Supply Border States Supply Chain Solution

Hannon & Associates, Inc Harbert Castings Repair Service Co. Harris Group, Inc Harris Oil & Gas Company

LSSI Ltd Luis Tenorio M2M Data Corporation

QED Denver, Inc

Hendricks & Associates, Inc

Marquis Alliance Energy Group Usa

QEP Field Services Company

Hensley Battery, LLC

Marshall Mayer

High Country Sales & Trading, Inc

Mary Kaye Smith

R&W Rental, Inc

High Plains, Inc

Hein & Associates LLP

Mayo Aviation

Eaton Metal Products Company, LLC

Holland & Hart LLP

Melissa M Crowley

H-S Testing, Inc

Metal Finishing Systems

Echo Geophysical Corporation

Hudspeth & Associates, Inc


Ecocion, Inc

Hunter & Geist, Inc

MG Trust Company, LLC

Electric Utility Consultants, Inc

HydroDig USA, LLC

MGA Communications

Empire Metal Spray

Hyland Enterprises, Inc

Enduring Resources

IHS Energy Group

MHA Petroleum Consultants, LLC

Energy West Controls

IHS Global, Inc

Engineering Fluid Solutions, LLC

Imperial Drilling Fluids

Enserca Engineering, LLC

Indigo Injection 3-1, LLC

Ensign Opsco Energy Industries

Industrial Distributors, Inc

Ensign United States Drilling, Inc

Industrial Specialties Manufacturing

Erick Flowback Services, LLC

Burns Wall & Mueller PC

ERO Resources Corporation

Calfrac Well Services Corporation

Essential Safety Products

Cannon Land Company, Inc Cap Air Freight

Everbank Commercial Finance, Inc

Cartasite, LLC

Fairfield & Woods PC

Cascade Tanks, LLC

Famco of Denver, Inc

Cat The Rental Store

Ferrellgas LP

Cathedral Energy Services, Inc

Fidelity Exploration & Production

Ced, Inc

Fiore & Sons, Inc

Ch2M Hill Engineers, Inc

First American Title Insurance


FMC Technologies Completion Services, Inc


Forest Oil Corporation Front Range Resources, LLC

Pure Brand Communications, LLC

Marketpay Associates, LLC

Heat Waves Hot Oil Service, LLC

Meagher Energy Advisors

Brock Easley, LLC

Public Lands Advocacy

Pynergy Petroleum Company, LLC

Hill Petroleum

Bri-Chem Supply Corporation.

Pro-Gas Services, LLC

Mak-Tek Sales & Service, Inc

HBC Denver, Inc

High Sierra Energy Lp

Envirotech Services, Inc

Clean Harbors Environmental Services Inc

Hach Company

DTC Energy Group, Inc

Dorado E&P Partners, LLC

Bradsby Group

Claire L. Bray

H&W Enterprises

Mcelvain Energy Fund 2011, LLC

Environmental Logistics, Inc

Cintas Fire Protection

GWD Design, Inc

Information Handling Services, Inc Integrated Petroleum Tech, Inc Integrated Power Services, LLC Integrated Research, Inc Integrity Control, Inc Interpretation Services, Inc Jacques S. Ruda James D. Hanegan Trustee Jess E. Lange JMC Instruments, Inc

Sanjel USA, Inc

Mountain Man Welding & Fabricatio


Mountain States Engineering & Controls

Sierra Electric Enterprises, Inc

Mountain West Moye White LLP New Mexico Gas Company Newport Land Services Newsgator Technologies, Inc Nitec, LLC North Park Transportation Co Northern Electric, Inc.

Journey Energy ServicesLLC

Palmer Drives Controls & Systems

Colorado Oil & Gas Association

GCC of America

Krendl, Krendl, Sachnoff & Way

Colorado Petroleum Association

General Electric International, Inc

Kuhn Carnes & Anderson PC

Colorado School of Mines

Geotech Environmental Eq, Inc

Land Title Guarantee Company

Columbine Control Company

GMG/Axis, Inc

Larco Ltd

Rocky Mountain Oil & Gas, LLC

RTS Corporation

Oniqua, Inc

Kleen-Tech Services Corporation

Rocky Mountain Hydrocarbon, LLC

Mountain Air Consulting, LLC

Jost & Shelton Energy Group PC

Gas Drive Global (US), Inc

Rocky Mountain Fire Specialist

RPM Completions, LLC

OJ Watson Equipment

Colorado Filter Company, Inc

RMS Cranes, LLC

Monument Well Service Co

John Paul Seman Jr

Kens Reproductions

Rivet Software, Inc

Rogue Wave Software, Inc

Ogborn Mihm LLP

Kenny Electric Service, Inc

Rio Grande Co

MJ Systems, Inc

Northstar Energy Co, LLC

Gas & Oil Technology & Services, LLC

Rigeye, LLC

MJ Systems

John Jaquish Heavyweight Construction, LLC

Colorado Department of Revenue

Rexel Electronic & Datacom Supplies

Rocky Mountain Power Generation, Inc

Northern Plains Trucking

Julius A. Pluss

Redco Tire, Inc

Missouri Basin Well Service, Inc

John J. Atencio

Frontier Petroleum Services, LLC

R&S Steel Co

Sequel Energy, LLC Sitewise, LLC SM Energy Co Smith Larock Architecture PC Spectraseis, Inc SST Energy Corporation Standard Parking Corporation Stantec Consulting, Inc Starrs MIHM LLP Strad Energy Services USA Ltd Strad Oilfield Services, Inc Summers Group, Inc Teton Aviation Group, LLC Tetra Tech, Inc The Corporate Source The Denver Athletic Club

Patricia & Frank Tirpak

The Industrial Company Wy, Inc

Patrick Currey

The Jones Realty Group, Inc

Patterson-UTI Drilling Co LP

Tiburon Resources, Inc

PCS Mobile

Time Warner Telecom Holdings

Petroleum Field Services, LLC

Tracom Group A Colorado Corporation

Petroleum Software Technologies, LLC Petroweb, Inc

Trane Co Transcontinent Oil Co


COLORADO - VENDOR LIST Transport Clearings

Colorado Construction Safety

Transport Leasing, LLC

Colorado Heli-Ops

Peterson Energy Management, Inc

Barbara Jean Uhlman Testamentary

Eagle Well Services, Inc

Transwest Freightliner, LLC

Colorado Mineral Partners, LLC

Platte River Associates, Inc

Bartlett Power & Automation

Transzap, Inc

Colorado Precast Concrete, Inc

Poudre Valley Rural Electric Assoc

Basin Cooperative, Inc

Ed Bozarth Chevrolet Pontiac & Buick, Inc

Tricon Geophysics, Inc

Colorado Valve & Controls

Precision Industrial Applicator

BC Excavating, Inc

EIS Solutions

Quest Integrity Group USA, LLC

Bellson Pipeline Integrity Group In

Triple O Slabbing, Inc

Compliance Partners, Inc

United Power, Inc

Confluence Energy, LLC

EKO Corporation

Valvesystems, Inc

Connell Resources, Inc

R Hoffman’s Electric, Inc

Betz Transformers, Inc Bikis Water Consultants, LLC

Elite Field Services, LLC

Ctap, LLC

Rally Software Development Corporation

Vantage Energy Management Vector Seismic Data Processing, Inc

Dave’s Flow Measurement

Regents of The University of

Wagner Equipment Company

DEP Mineral Services, Inc

Robert P Messana P C

Black Mountain Glass

Dolan Integration Group, LLC

Robert Wilson

Earth Science Assoc Consulting

Robine Gis, Inc

Bolton Fencing & Construction, LLC

EBC Enterprises, Inc

Safe Site, Inc

Bos Solutions, Inc

Effective Compensation, Inc

Salget Solutions

Brads Electrical Service, Inc

EIS Solutions, Inc

Seistronics, Inc

Bradshaw Excavating, Inc

Elna Jane Wood

Servtech, Inc

Brady Construction, Inc

Environmental Risk Sciences LLP

Shawn Powers

Brennan Oil, Inc

Shirley Walters

Brimhall Industrial Machine Service, Inc

Wagner Rents, Inc Wazee Companies, LLC Webster Associates, Inc Welborn Sullivan Meck & Tooley P.C. Welch Equipment Co, Inc Western American Resources, LLC Western Energy Alliance Western Storage & Handling, Inc Whitewing Resources, LLC Whiting Oil & Gas Corporation Wilbanks Reserve Corporation Windmill Energy Services, LLC Winn Marion, Inc Wire To Wire, Inc Wl Plastics Corporation WM Automation Service, LLC Workplace Elements, LLC Wright Water Engineers, Inc Xcel Energy Xtreme Coil Drilling Corporation Zap Engineering & Construction Services, Inc

Congressional District 2

ESC Engineering, Inc Exponential Engineering Co Ge Analytical Instruments, Inc Geological Society of America Geosurv, Inc Gerrard Family Limited Partnership Gruber Farms LlLP Hach Company High Pointe, LLC

Spatial Energy, LLC Stantec Consulting Services, Inc Steele Land & Inspection, LLC Stickman, Inc. Tanco Engineering, Inc Team Industrial Service, Inc Telesto Solutions, Inc Terma Software Labs, Inc Terraspark Geosciences LP

Blac Frac Tanks, Inc Bobs Johns, Inc

Brooks Welding, Inc Buds Signs, Inc Cascade Tanks, LLC Catch 22 Hot Shot Ced, Inc CHC Engineers, LLC Chuck Whiteman & Associates Clean Works, LLC

Ecosphere Environmental

Elder Weed Spraying, Inc Energy Design Consulting Energy Group, LLC Extinguisher Solutions, Inc F&M Construction, Inc Fasttrack Communications, Inc FCI Constructors, Inc Finney Land Co First National Bank of The Rockies Flat Tops Fuel Flow Data, Inc Foundations, Inc Four Corners Geoscience, Inc Fraley & Company, Inc Frontier Paving, Inc Galiso, Inc Garmesa, LLC Girardis Crane & Rigging, Inc Go & Flow Water Service, LLC GPI Western Diverter Co, Inc Grand Junction Pipe & Supply Co

Texsight Automation, Inc

Colorado Customs, LLC

The Group Guaranteed Title, LlLP

Colorado Document Security Colorado First Soil Conservation

Toodle Oo Welding, Inc

Colorado River Water

Grand Valley Rural Power Lines, Inc

Intec Services, Inc

Walsh Environmental Scientists & Engineers, LLC

Commercial Specialists, Inc

Grand Valley Security, LLC

Interface Communications Company, Inc

Wasson Ece Instrumentation

Commonwealth Title Holding

Great Divide Cleaning Service

Construction Surveys, Inc

Great Divide Disposal

Control Products Co

Green Analytical Laboratories

Cook Chevrolet

Greenergy Systems Ltd

Corporationstrength, Inc

Harbison Auto Sales, Inc

Craig Fire & Safety, Inc

Helmur Corporation

Crossfire, LLC

Henry L. Espinosa

Hovey Law Firm PC IES Technologies Inquiry & Initiative, Inc Insight Technical Services, Inc

International Ventures, Inc

Western Cultural Resource Yes Energy, LLC

Grand River Institute

2534 Retail Phase II, LLC

James & Wilma Mcdonough Co-Trustees

5 Diamond Lodging, Inc

Jelts, Inc

A2 Land Resources, LLC

JRP Group

Congressional District 3

Advance Fire Extenguisher Serves

Judith Elaine Folley Family Trust

4P Entertainment Group, Inc

Current Solutions, LLC

Herod Industries, Inc

Julie K Palmer, LLC

Abadie & Schill PC

Currey Tim

Hez Trucking, LLC

Advance Tank & Construction Co

Lasercycle USA, Inc

Accurate Construction & Excavation

D&J Gardner Excavation, Inc

High Desert Outdoor Power

DAK Drilling

Himes Drilling Company, Inc

Daub & Associates, Inc

Hocker Construction LLP

Dean Davis Consulting, Inc

Holiday Inn Craig

Del Mont Consultants, Inc

Horizon Environmental Services, Inc

Aecom Technical Services, Inc Air Resources Specialists, Inc Alpine Security, LLC

Level 3 Communications, LLC Lightning Eliminators & Consultants

Zayo Group, LLC

Ace West Gravel Action Drain Service, Inc ACZ Laboratories, Inc

American Express Company

Loveland Ready-Mix Concrete, Inc

B&J Hot Oil Service, Inc

Lynch Material Handling Co, Inc

Advanced Oilfield Services, Inc

B&J Septic Services, LLC

Magnetic Variation Services, LLC

Air Compressor Service, Inc

Bentek Energy

Mairi Jane Venesky Fox

Airtek Filter & Supply

Blackeagle Energy Services

Manley & Mcadam, Inc

Alliance Energy Service Co, LLC

Boss Onsite Safety Services Ltd

Maximum Safety, LLC

Diesel Performance of Grand Junction, Inc

Allied Pipeline Technologies

Micro Motion, Inc

Diesel Services, Inc

Buck Research Instruments, LLC

All-Terrain Motorsports, Inc

New Century Software, Inc

Diversion Technical Service

Burgener Trucking, Inc

Always Done Right

Down Valley Septic, LLC

Caldwell Hathcoat, LLC

Occupational Health Centers of The Southwest,P.A.

American Spirit Shuttle

Driven Services, LLC

Cap Excavating & Demolition

Open Automation Software

Amerigas Craig

Ducey’s Electric

Carol Anderson

Parsifal Corporation

Anson Excavating Nad Pipe, Inc

Duco, Inc

Cartopac International, Inc

Paul Rehrig

Axis Steel, Inc

Dugan & Associates P C

Cato International

PE Intl, Inc

B & B Welders Supply

DW Metal Works, Inc

Backcountry Vegetation

Eagle Crane, LLC

Adkins Consulting, Inc

Dennis G. Espinosa Dia Construction, Inc Diamondback Excavation, Inc

HRL Compliance Solutions, Inc Interconnect Telecommunications Corporation Intermountain Technical Solutions Iron Specialties, Inc J&A Service, LLC Jacksons Office Supply JD Ritter Construction, LLC JFH & Associates, LLC John Dahl Johns Welding, Inc Johnston Land Co, Inc




Rapid Hot Flow, LLC

Julius Ag, Inc

Raptor Industries, Inc

Karl L. Bowers

Raptor Industries, Inc

Kelmac Industries, LLC

RBW, Inc

Kenneth Townsend & Louise Townsend

Reams Construction Company

Kirkpatrick Environmental

Red Dog Enterprises

Knowles Enterprises, LLC Koserca, Inc KT Geoservices, Inc Kuenzel Co, Inc Kuersten Construction, LLC

Red Deer Ironworks USA, Inc Resource West, Inc Respond First Aid Systems Richard E. Larese Richard William Nuzum

Total Compression & Operations Ll

Becker Safety & Supply

GW Land & Cattle, LLC

Town of Rangely

Bella Farms, LLC

GW Road & Snow Service, LLC

Benjamin B. Beltz Living Trust

Halde Sand & Gravel, Inc

Bestway Concrete & Aggregates

Halker Consulting, LLC

Bravo Services, Inc

Herbert Acord

C&K Construction

Heritage Title Company, Inc

C&M Rodriguez Services, Inc

Herman Farms, LLC

Cammie Jayne Gabel J/T

High Plains Disposal, Inc

CDI Watersaver

High Sierra Water Services, LLC

Cementers Well Service, Inc

Hill Land Services, Inc

Centennial Tools & Services, LLC

Hillside Rental

Charlotte Lynn Harkis

Houndawgs Hotshot Trucking

Cimarron Garden Center & Nur

Hyland Enterprises, Inc

CJK Ranch

In & Out Oil Field Services, LLC

Clark Well Service, Inc

INB Land & Cattle, LLC

Colorado Engineering Experiment

Inspection Specialties, Inc

Colorado Lining Construction, Inc

Intermountain Rural Electric Association

Tri Star Construction, Inc Tri State Supplies Triple A Drilling Co, LLC Twin Landfill Corporation Two-Way Communications, Inc United Pipeline Systems, Inc United Sply of The Rockies, Inc Universal Inspections Ltd

Ridgeline Seeding & Reclamation, Inc

Urie Rock Co

La Plata Archaeological Consultants

RJ Consulting, Inc

Usc, Inc

Lightworks Fiber & Consulting

RMWS Swabbing Division, LLC

Ute Mountain Ute Tribe

Robert Costello

Vitusa Products, Inc

Rocky Mountain Electric, Inc

Waci-Ci Trading Company

Magney Grande Distribution, Inc

Rocky Mountain Well Service, Inc

Walck Consulting, Inc

Maid 2 Impress

Rocky Mountain Wireline Service Rogers Equipment Sales, Inc

WC Striegel, Inc

Colorado Seals, Inc

Man Tex Mfg & Welding, Inc

Concord Well Services, LLC

Marc Laird Construction

Roustabout Specialties

Weeminuche Construction Authority


MB Construction Services, Inc

Rt Welding & Construction, LLC

West Valley Developments, LLC

D&D Water Service, LLC

MCC Drug & Alcohol, Inc

Rusty Roberts

Western Colorado Waste, Inc

D&J Services, Inc

McIntyre Construction, LLC

Sally Marie Debeque Smith

Western Industrial Insulation, Inc

D&J Weed & Turf Mowing

Mechanical Electrical and

SandT Enterprises, Inc

Western LCM, Inc

Dale L. Boehner

Meeker Sand & Gravel, Inc

Schmueser & Associates, Inc

Western Pump & Dredge, Inc

Mesa Propane

Schmueser Gordon Meyer

Western Water & Land, Inc

Daniel L. Von Feldt Revocable Trust

Miller Pumps, Inc

SD Hauling Co

Westwater Engineering

Misty Mountain Services, Inc

Severson Supply Co, Inc

White River Electric Assoc, Inc

MJK Sales & Feed, Inc

Shand Newbold & Chapman PC

White River Safety, Inc

Moody Construction & Sons, Inc

Single Jack Testing & Services, Inc

Williams Turner & Holmes PC

Site-West Development, LLC

Window Pros, Inc

Kustom Express.Com

Liquid Level, Inc Liquidlogic & Sales

Mountain High Communications Mountain Message Service, Inc Mountain States Hotshot, LLC Muratides Carol Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply Newby Electric, Inc Northstar Surveying & Mapping, Inc Northwest Machine Works, Inc Northwestern Air Services Northwind Operating, LLC NRG Services, LLC Office Outfitters & Planners, Inc Parker Oilfield Consulting, Inc Parkerson Construction, Inc Peak Texas Resources, LLC Perry French Petrographic Services Petty Construction Co Pevey Consulting, Inc PK Verleger, LLC Power Zone Equipment, Inc Precision Air Drilling Services, Inc Precision Instrumentation & Control Pure Automation, Inc QMI Environmental, Inc R&T Oilfield Services, Inc Rangely Trash Service, Inc

Sme Environmental, Inc Smiling Lake Consulting, Incorporate Softrock Geological Service, Inc Southern Ute Indian Tribe Southwest Measurement, Inc Southwest Statistical Consulting, LLC Spatial Energy, LLC Specialized Automation Services, LLC

Urie Trucking, Inc

Walkers True Value Hardware

Wilton Earle & Sons Wolcott, LLC WPX Energy Yampa Valley Electric Association, Inc Yviik Venture, LLC

Danish Flats Environmental Services, Inc Dave Dechant Debra Wirkner Vance Dechant Farms Partnership Dehaan Management Ltd Des Energy Services Corporation Devoe Contracting, LLC Diana Lee Spurling Doris L. Dreiling Dove Meadow Dairy, Inc

Zircon Container Co

Downhole Tool Service, LLC

Congressional District 4

Eastern Colorado Well Ser, LLC

2936, LLC

East Quincy Holding, LLC EB Trucking, Inc Edith Jean Chavers

Sterling Construction

A Colorado Limited Liability Compa

Sterling Crane, LLC

A&W Water Service, Inc

Energes Services, LLC

Stewart Welding & Machine, Inc

Ace Energy Services

Explore Land Company, Inc

Storms Specialty Services, Inc

Adj Cattle, LLC

Fidelity Land

Suncloud Estates Homeowners

All Around Roustabout, LLC

Fired Up Welding

Sunflower Plant Service, LLC

American Agcredit PCa

Fisher Pumps, Inc


Andrea G. Vertner

Forever Green Lawns, Inc

T&H Parts, Inc

Apex Hipoint, LLC

Foster Trucking, Inc

Talkington & Jones, Inc

Arnold’s Custom Seeding

Front Range Landfill, Inc

TCB Contracting, Inc

Avalanche Energy, Inc

Gas Equities, Inc

Terra Guidance

Banko Petroleum Management, Inc

George E. Espinosa

The Locksmith

Barbara J. Von Feldt Revocable Trust

Glenn D. Miller

Tiara Rado Ladies Golf Club

Barclay Farms, LLC

Timberline Land Corporation

Barron Services, Inc

Tom Williams & Assoc

Barrons Oilfield Service, Inc

Torro Field Services, Inc

Baumberger & Associates, Inc

The Heller Corporation

Ellis & Associates, Inc

GKM Services, LLC Global Mapper Software, LLC Goldmans Trucking, LLC Gray Oil Co, Inc Green Earth Environmental, Inc Gusher Oil Field Services, LLC

Integrity Trucking, LLC

Isabel P. Zimbelman J&F Services, Inc J&M Machine, LLC Jamm Power Service, LLC JB Services, LLC Jean Kaye-Wilson Jeffrey A. Holligan Jessica Gefre Joe Adam Martinez Estate Joel E Ritchey & Angela L Ritchey John O’Connor John R. Moser Joshua Cole Pralle JZM, LLC K2 Custom, LLC Kathleen Gittlein Kathryn M Litzenberger Kauffman Brothers Limited Partnersh Keefe Construction Services Kenneth Pennington Kerri Jo Brewer Kevin Moser Kim A. Thomsen KR Fishing Kunzman Family, LLC L’Air Liquide Landmark Builders, Inc Lasalle Oil Company Laser Oilfield Services Libco Enterprises, Inc Linda Lee Amerin Longacre Trucking Lot Holding Investment, LLC LPGI & Affiliates LRM Pipe, LLC Ludwig Family Farms, LLC Lundvall Enterprises, Inc Luster Trucking Company M&M Pipeline Services, Inc Madsen Industrial Coatings, LLC


COLORADO - VENDOR LIST Maintenance & Turnaround Resource


Congressional District 5

C2Q Partners, LLC

Mark Schell

Runray, LLC

Acorn Petroleum, Inc

Ruth V. Hause

Aqua Solutions, Inc

Colorado Abstract Company, LLC

Sara M. Kinnison

Ashley Lott

Savant Alaska, LLC

Carlsbad Current Argus

Meadowstar Consulting, Inc

SDC Construction Managemnt, Inc

Chandler Services, LLC

Melbon Ranch, Inc

Serious Systems, Inc

Melissa D. Crowder

Sharp Bros Seed Co

Melvin Dinner H Michael Miller Tru

Shorty’s Oilfield Services, Inc

Melvin Geib, Inc

Skillshop 360

Martin Oilfield Service, Inc Master Magnetics, Inc MBL, Inc

Mesa Wireline, LLC Miller Family Farm, LLC

Signs Now 295 Southeast Networks & Support, LLC

Mountain States Casing Company, LLC


Mountain States Rig Wash

Stanley F. Gingerich

N Line Electric, LLC Naill Services, Inc Nathan Naill, LLC

Stacy Kaye Perlet Stateline Energy, LLC Stellar Teams Stored Energy Systems

Cherwell Software, Inc Christopher Berisford Coburns Machine Shop Colorado Machinery Convergent Performance Eastex Tower, Inc First Logistex, Inc Graves Analytical Services, LLC High Country Valve & Controls J&M Ventures Jesse Arlin Powers K Allred Oilfield Services, LLC Michael A. Mcnulty Miller HFI, LLC

Nick’s Welding, Inc

Superior Janitorial Services of Col

North Office

Swims Disposal Service, Inc

Orkin, LLC

Northern Colorado Constructors, Inc

Teresa RH Dudden

Paradox Group, Inc

TGS Welding, LLC

Pipeline Strategies & Integrity

The David M. Mcdonough Trust

Porter J. Wayne

Thomas B. Mansfield Co

Robert John Powers

Parsifal Corporation

Thompson Ranch Development Company

Sater Tools & Service, LLC

PCS Ferguson, Inc

Tjornehoj & Hack, LLC

Southern Cross Enviromental Services, LLC

Peacock Electric, Inc

TLC Dispatch Service, LLC

Springs Fabrication, Inc

Peak Production & Well Services, LLC

Tlm Constructors, Inc


Petroleum Education Workshops

Tointon 2, LLC

Two Birds One Stone, LLC

Total Concrete Services, Inc

Warehouse Supply, Inc

TR Denner Enterprises

Wells Fargo Consumer Credit Group

Next Generation Solutions, LLC

Northern Plains Trucking, Inc Oilfield Tubular Inspection Paragon Farms, LLC

Pick Production Equipment Corporationorati Pick Testers Platteville Energy Partners I, LLC Precision Data Acquisition, Inc Precision Oilfield Tools Premier Oilfield Equip Co Produced Water Solutions, Inc Production Control Services, Inc Pumpkin Buttes Wastewater Treatment Facility, LLC Quality Well & Pump Ray M. Thomason Reck Flyers, LLC Reliable Field Services Renewable Fiber, Inc Resource Services Riata Roustabout & Backhoe Service, Inc Richard I. Robertson Ricway Environmental Const RJM Consulting Service, LLC RM Construction, LLC Road Runner Four, LLC Road Runner Service & Supply Road-Runner One, LLC Robert E. & Lavenia Temmer Rocky Mountain Inspection Ropken Systems Integration Co

TR Robel Services Trucking Services, LLC Ultimate Services, LLC

NRG Assoc

Western Control Systems, Inc

Congressional District 6

United Ready Mix, LLC

A Colorado General Partnership

United, LLC

A Team, Inc

Varra Companies, Inc

Access Resources, Inc

VIP Signs

Acklam, Inc

Wamsutter Wastewater Treatment Faci

Advanced Exercise Equip, Inc

Wells Whisper, LLC

Aisa Civil, Inc

Wellsite Services, Inc

Allen & Kirmse Ltd

West Services, LLC

Antoine Wright

Advantage Security, Inc

Western Oilfields Supply Company

Apex Instruments, Inc

Western Refractory Construction, Inc

Applied Control Equipment

Apex Petroleum Engineering

Western Sling Co

Arcadis Us, Inc

Western States Reclamation, Inc

Arnheim, LLC

Westward Fence, LLC

Aspen Prep Academy

Westwater Energy, LLC

Autonation Ford Littleton / Go Courtesy Ford

Wet Oilfield Service, LLC Wilkerson Consulting, LLC William A. Meguire Jr Wireless Advanced Communications, Inc

Beabout Company Big Sky Energy Equipment, Inc Brock Easley, LLC Buckhorn Energy Services, LLC Business Solutions International, Inc

Platteville Vista, LLC

Colorado Filter

Pro Gas Services, LLC

Columbine Control Co

Protech Sales, Inc

Columbine Logging, Inc

Quadco, Inc

Comanche’s Construction, Inc

Richard S Ralph

Compliance Automation

RJ Mann & Associates, Inc

Cover All Services, Inc

Rosemount, Inc

D&C Farms LlLP

Rothwell Group L.P.

D. Gary Howard

Samuel Engineering, Inc

Dane Chemco, Inc

Select Oil Tools, LLC

Deister Ward & Witcher, Inc

Shannon Pipeline & Fabrication, Inc

Devicetec, Inc Diana G. Howard Dmb Resources DNR Oil & Gas, Inc E&M Sales, Inc EC Power Systems of Colorado Elite Services, Inc Emerson Process Mgmt LlLP Empact Analytical Systems, Inc Energyiq, LLC Energyiq, LLC EPC Energy Services, LLC Farmers Reservoir & Irrigation Co Fisher Controls Graebel Commercial Services, Inc Headscratchers, LLC Hoff Company, Inc Hole Seekers Instrument & Valve Services Co Integrity Solutions Ltd IQnavigator Iron Canyon Holdings, LLC Jcomm Group, LLC

Ultrasonic Guided Wave, LLC

Petroleum Software Technologies, LLC

JM Electric, Inc JMC Instruments, Inc John E. & Laura L. Underhill John William Weigandt Karen E. Traeger Esq Larkspur Associates, LLC Leed Fabrication Services, Inc Lesair Environmental, Inc Lillian J Musick Lion Prints Lonetree Energy & Associates, LLC Long Building Technologies, Inc Loren M Korell Michael Owens Mile HI Measurement, Inc MKK Consulting Engineers, Inc

Shelly Gay Luman Sterling Engineering Sterling Seismic Services Ltd Stormo Reporting, Inc Sunny Communications Systemation TCI USA, Inc Team Industrial Services, Inc Terra Sciences, Inc TForce Energy Services, Inc The Beabout Co Tracom Group Transform Software & Services Tri State Insulating of Colorado In Turner & Townsend Larkspur, LLC TW Telecom Holdings, Inc Tyco Valves & Controls LP United Power Valvesystems, Inc Vanderpool Pipeline Engineers, Inc Vortex Tools, LLC Wagner Equipment Company Webb Consulting, Inc Winn Marion Barber, LLC

Congressional District 7 Accent Alarms, Inc Advanced Systems Group Air Pollution Testing, Inc Allied Recycled Aggregates Alpine Site Services, Inc American Millennium Corporation, Inc Anchors Plus, LLC Arvada Pump Co. Barree & Associates, Inc Baseline Engineering Corporation


Blackhawk Equipment Corporation

National Technology Transfer, Inc

BPI Direct

National Valuation Consultants, Inc

BT Conferencing Video, Inc

Nichols-Given Associates, Inc

Ceavco Audio Visual

P2 Energy Solutions

CM Mitchell Consulting Corporation

PCD Sales

Colorado School of Mines

PCI Sales, Inc



COLORADO - VENDOR LIST Conocophillips Company

Enserca Engineering, LLC

John F. Simpson Jr

Paleoresearch Institute, Inc

Tarpon Energy Services, LLC

Contractors Equipment Center, LLC

Extex Land & Administration, LLC

Kahuna Design, LLC

Pason Systems USA Corporation

Tasman Geosciences, LLC

Cooling Tower Depot, Inc

Fiero Fluid Power, Inc

Petes Panels

Coors Ceramics

Five Star Rv Center, Inc


The Whitestar Corporation

Council of Petroleum Accountants

Four Corners Petroleum, LLC

Crane & Hoist Sale, Inc

Geospatial Experts

Cummins Rocky Mountain, LLC D&B Drilling, Inc Denver Fluid Systems Technologies Denver Industrial Pumps, Inc Digital Petrodata Eagle Creek Modular Solutions, Inc EAI, Inc

Gea Heat Exchangers, Inc Gibson Arnold & Associates, Inc Goolsby Brothers & Associates, Inc Grasslands Consulting, Inc Hicks Health & Safety, LLC Honnen Equipment Co Implementation Mgmt Associates

Easter Owens Electric

Integrated Petroleum Technologies

Eastern Colorado Well Service

Interep, Inc

Eastern Colorado Well Services, LLC

International Reservoir Technologies, Inc

Edwin Westergaard

Investment Evaluations Corporation

EG Power Engineering, Inc EHS Documents, Inc

Jan Pro Cleaning Systems of

Klein Trucking, LLC Lefever Building Systems Lewis Point Resources, LLC Linc Energy Systems LT Environmental, Inc Master Tech Services, Inc MDL Innovative Services, Inc Mesa Oil, Inc

Premier Data Services, Inc Promoad, LLC RBS Family Company, LLC Revolution Advisors, LLC Richard Horn Richard J. Griffiths Robine Gis, Inc

Metcalf Archaeological Consultants

Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Fdtn

MI3 Petroleum Engineering Corporation

Safway Services, LLC Salient Power Engineering, LLC

Michael D. Wilson

Shirley Guthmueller

Micropath Corporation

Smartzoft Decision Tools, LLC

Mtarri Varani Emissions Treatment L

Sterling Crane, LLC

NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc

Stoner Engineering, LLC

Northern Electric, Inc Oilfield Tubular Inspection Ottertail Environmental, Inc

Stewart & Stevenson Summit Scientific Sundyne Corporation Systems Buildings, Inc

Technical Marketing Mfg, Inc Trench Shoring Services Triskelion, Inc UE Compression, LLC Universal Digitizing, Inc Urban Tropics, Inc US Digitizing, LLC Utility Control & Equipment Corporation Utility Notification Center VAF Filtration Systems Ltd Vaughn Energy Services Vicki Eileen Hutchinson Well Master Corporation Whitestar Corporation Wildcat Minerals, LLC Williams Associates Williams Scotsman, Inc Zap Engineering & Construction Service



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Connecticut Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Connecticut, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 73 businesses, spread across all five of Connecticut’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Connecticut supports some 59,400 jobs, which is 2.7 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Connecticut labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.2 billion annually. That’s 2.8 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Connecticut is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the

people of Connecticut enjoy significant benefits from energy development. The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well.3 Thus, while the average annual salary in Connecticut across all industries and sectors is $63,169, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is higher—$72,071 annually. Overall the industry supports $7.68 billion of the Connecticut economy. That’s 3.3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Connecticut also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).


$72,071 $63,169

60k 50k 40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Connecticut Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Connecticut

Connecticut Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Grand Total

District 01

73 District 05



District 02

District 03 District 04



Top City Stamford = 11

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Connecticut reached 8,262 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 13,392 in 2020 and to 14,119 in 2035.4 And the people of Connecticut get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters

across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



Congressional District 1

Trevisan USA, LLC

MDP Research, Inc

Aecom, Inc

USI, Inc

Neopost Orange Research, Inc

Ardent Companies, LLC Bombardier Aerospace Corporation Carrier Corporation Clearspan Fabric Structures Enflo Plastics Global HeLP Desk Services, Inc Infotech Enterprises America, Inc

United Rentals North America, Inc


United Rentals, Inc

International Assoc For Contract

Vesta Partners, LLC

King Canyon Buffalo, Inc

Vineyard Vines

Living Abroad, LLC

Xerox Corporation Xtract Research, LLC

Congressional District 2

Seton Identification Products

Bulk Connection, Inc

Sperian Protection

Faria Watchdog, Inc

Tangoe, Inc

Leslie F Brown

Transact Technologies, Inc

Michael Page International, Inc

Congressional District 4

Omega Engineering, Inc

Congressional District 5

Perkinelmer Health Sciences, Inc

Cantor Colburn LLP

Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services, LLC

Cartus Corporation

Pitney Bowes, Inc Winzip Computing, LLC

Intertek Westport Technology Center

Congressional District 3

Kahn & Company, Inc

Airgas Southwest

Royal Machine & Tool Corporation

APS Technology, Inc

Stratos Global Corporation

Farrel Corporation

Tomel Machine Tool Srvcs

Georgia M Wilkinson Wilco Ndt, LLC

Trc Environmental Corporation

Horseheads Energy Rail Terminal, LLC

Ashcroft, Inc

Maco Machinery Co, Inc

Castleton Commodities Merchant Trad Conner Group, Inc Connolly, Inc Cummings & Lockwood Frontier North, Inc Gartner, Inc General Electric International, Inc Harrier Technologies, Inc

Oceanweather, Inc

Recipe For Success, LLC Relocation Taxes, LLC Rivel Research Group, Inc RSC Equipment Rental The Royal Bank of Scotland Triple Point Technology, Inc

Chemtura Corporation Genpact International, Inc Global Med Industries, LLC Lane Construction Corporation Praxair, Inc Tetra Engineering Group, Inc Trumpf, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Delaware Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Delaware, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 22 businesses, located across Delaware’s at-large congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Delaware supports some 16,100 jobs, which is 3 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Delaware labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $957 milion annually. That’s 3.2 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Delaware is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Delaware enjoy significant benefits

from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Delaware across all industries and sectors is $52,026, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$77,876 annually. Overall the industry supports $2 billion of the Delaware economy. That’s approximately 4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Delaware also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these






80k 1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k


50k 40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Delaware Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Delaware

Delaware Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


At Large Congressional District


Grand Total




AT Large District




Top City Wilmington = 13 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in Delaware reached 2,195 in 2012. The job total is expected to rise to 3,841 in 2020 and to 4,907 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Delaware, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American

Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



DELAWARE - VENDOR LIST Congressional District (at Large) Agilent Technologies, Inc Ametek Process Instruments Ashland Specialty Ingredients G.P. Bank of America Brennan Michael Mckone Conexiam Solutions, Inc Dell Direct Sales Directory Wizards, Inc DL Peterson Trust EI Dupont De Nemours & Company Harbor House Seafood of Ok Hoopes Fire Prevention, Inc Labware Lefevre Mark Morris Nichols Arsht & Tunnell Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP Rosenthal Monhait & Goddess PA Strategic Solutions International, Inc Teksolv, Inc The Delaware Counsel Group LLP UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc Wilmington Trust Company



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

District of Columbia Economic and Job Growth

Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Washington, D.C., supporting business activity across the District. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 49 businesses in Washington, D.C.’s at-large delegate district are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain.

The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Washington, D.C., supports some 13,700 jobs, which is 1.7 percent of the District’s total employment. The amount of Washington, D.C.’s labor income supported by the oil and natural gas

industry comes to $1.4 billion annually. That’s 1.3 percent of the District’s total labor income. Although Washington, D.C., is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of the District enjoy significant benefits from energy development.

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014.The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included in the survey are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data.

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.






State: Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Delegate District (at large)


Grand Total


Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

And Americans, including the people of Washington, D.C., get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent

of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.3

3. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - VENDOR LIST Delegate District (at Large) 116, Inc ACLI Services, Inc AJW, Inc Alliance For PE Pipe, Inc Aspen Institute Atlantic Council of The Us B&B Duplicators, Inc Baker Botts LLP Washington Beveridge & Diamond PC

Center For Strategic & Intl Studies

FHI Development 360, LLC

Melcrum Publishing, Inc

The Duberstein Group

Cogent Communications, Inc

Groom Law Group Chartered

Michael Sheehan Associates, Inc

The International Foundation

Hogan Lovells Us LLP

National Fish & Wildlife Foundation

Thycotic Software Ltd

Intellectual Property Owners


White House Historical Association

Delta Strategy Group

International Tax & Investment Center

Realcourier, Inc

Wiley Rein LLP

Economic Analysis Group Ltd.

John & Hengerer

Schagrin Associates

Williams & Connolly LLP

Employment Advisory Services, Inc

Keller & Heckman LLP

Steptoe & Johnson

Witt Group Holding, LLC

Equal Employment Advisory Council

Kenrich Group, LLC

Styrene Information & Research


Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP

Leading Authorities, Inc

Sytech, Inc

Committee on Pipe & Tube Commodity Weather Group, LLC Covington & Burling LLP

Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP

Washington Gas Light Co



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Florida Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Florida, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 183 businesses, located across nearly all of Florida’s 27 congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Florida supports some 286,800 jobs, which is 2.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Florida labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $12.9 billion annually. That’s 2.8 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Florida is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Florida enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Florida across all industries and sectors is $42,896, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$64,463 annually. Overall the industry supports $23.2 billion of the Florida economy. That’s 3.1 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Florida also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “ tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Florida reached 36,532 in





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).


70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Florida Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Florida

Florida Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 13


Congressional District 14


Congressional District 15


Congressional District 16


Congressional District 17


Congressional District 18


Congressional District 19


Congressional District 20


Congressional District 21


Congressional District 22


Congressional District 23


Congressional District 24


Congressional District 25


Congressional District 27


Grand Total


Vendor Profile6 Germfree Laboratories (GERMFREE) Germfree Laboratories, located in Ormond Beach, Florida, specializes in the design and construction of mobile/modular laboratories and primary containment equipment. The company provides products to a variety of industries, including oil/gas, public health, environmental, mining, and government. Germfree has been in business for more than five decades and has installed laboratories globally. The company recently expanded its role in the oil and natural gas sectors. It offers its laboratory technology in response to industry needs, both domestically and internationally. Additionally, a wide range of prospective oil and natural gas industry customers have expressed interest in the company’s mobile and modular labs. The laboratories make possible complex analyses, enabling customers to be more efficient in their operations out in the field.

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

District 01 02

04 03 05



07 10

12 13 14



08 17








23 24 27 26

Top City Tampa = 17

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. That job total is projected to rise to 65,063 in 2020 and to 79,499 in 2035.4 And the people of Florida get it. A statewide telephone poll of 614 registered Florida voters, conducted on behalf of the

American Petroleum Institute, found that 73 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United State.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues“ “http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/aug-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-florida-voters-support-increased-investments-in-us-energy-infrastructure” the results of a Florida poll conducted by Harris for API July 29-August 3, 2014. Click on “new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



FLORIDA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1 A&A Transfer & Storage, Inc American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Inc Earthsoft, Inc

Impact Entertainment Services, LLC

Lightning Master Corporation

Congressional District 19

RTP Corporation

Kamel Software, Inc

Paradyne Credit Corporation

4What, LLC

Siboney Energy Services, Inc

Phasetronics, Inc

Data 2 Logistics, LLC

Signature Consultants, LLC

Lee Hecht Harrison, LLC Power Pro-Tech Services

James William Hooton W. T. Deshotels, Inc

Congressional District 8 4G Unwired, Inc

Congressional District 2

Dr. Laurence Barton

Bay Walk In Clinic, Inc

Hills, Inc

Bugware, Inc

Ocean Motions Co

D Y Perez, LLC

Satcom Direct, Inc

DW Drilling & Blasting, LLC

SimplexGrinnell LP

Congressional District 14


Spherion Corporation


Flightdocs, Inc

Standing Ovations

Atkins North America, Inc

Louis A. Simpson

Staples Technology Solutions

Audio Visual Innovations, Inc

Munters Corporation

Thales E Security, Inc

Big Dog Trucking

Patience B. Rockey

The CEO Group, Inc

Faircount, LLC

Wicklund Petroleum Corporation

The Mergis Group Voiceinterop, Inc

Gerdau Ameristeel Us, Inc Jackson Transformer Company

Congressional District 20

Metrohm USA, Inc

Event Decor Direct

Neofunds By Neopost

G Neil

Armstrong Service, Inc

Paradigm Learning, Inc

Congressional District 3



PDMA Corporation

Anderson Columbia Co, Inc

Blake & Pendleton, Inc

Proctek, Inc

Imgrail Consulting, Inc

Daniels Mfg Corporation

QC Energy Resources, Inc

Pragmatic Works Software

Data Graphics, Inc

Quality Lease Rental Service

Gmpcs Personal Commumnications, Inc

Quasius Investment Corporation

Denali Consulting Group

HD Supply Construction Supply Ltd

Tampa Brass & Alum

Earth Systems, Inc

HD Supply Electrical

Shipxpress, Inc

HD Supply Power Solutions Ltd

Florida Department of Revenue James R. Ashlock

Congressional District 4

Congressional District 10

Laser Institute of America

Congressional District 5

Masthead Industries, Inc

Accounting Principals, Inc

Mcconnell & Co, Inc

Allied Safety Systems, Inc

Siemens Energy, Inc

Beeline, Inc

Techsherpas Technical It Services

Earth Systems, Inc Environmental Consulting and Inspired Perspectives, LLC

Vitesse Solutions, LLC

Sunview Software, Inc Technology Transfer Services, Inc The Anvil Group, LLC

Congressional District 15

Congressional District 21

Wearcheck Lubrication Services, LLC

Congressional District 23 Electronic Computer Services, Inc Hunter & Hunter Recruiting, Inc

Blue Dot Energy Services

Knowledge United

Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc

Witt Group Holding, LLC

Congressional District 22

Congressional District 24

Air Dimensions, Inc

AF Technipark Ten, LLC

American Express Company

Best Web Resources, Inc Best Flowers Worldwide Bestflowers. Com

Brooks Livingston Bureau Veritas North America, Inc

Butch’s Backhoe Service, Inc

CDA InterCorporation

DET Norske Veritas (U.S.A.), Inc

Rev1 Power Services, Inc

Chapman Freeborn Airchartering, Inc

Electronic Computer Services, Inc.

United Rentals Northwest, Inc

CIM Concepts, Inc

Genevieve Cavaliero

Wilkerson Instrument Co, Inc

Citrix Systems, Inc

Global Risk Solutions, Inc

Credence Corporation

Guardian Fire Equipment, Inc

Bulk Resources, Inc

MCI A Verizon Company

Congressional District 11

Congressional District 16

DHL Express USA, Inc

Kaba Workforce Solutions


Donald L. Taylor

Codeware, Inc

Embraer Aircraft Customer

Nancy L. Thomas

Onlinelabels, Inc

Flair Corporation

Corticorp, LLC

Fam Intl Security, Inc

Ryder Integrated Logistics

Survitec Survival Products, Inc

SPX Flow Technology Usa

Grant Aceto Geraldine Patricia

Geosyntec Consultants, Inc

S&S Works

Interstate Products, Inc

Global Tower Partners

Sevanta Systems Corporation

White Pine Farm, LLC

Gmpcs Personal Communications, Inc

The Hackett Group, Inc

Transquip USA, Inc

Congressional District 12

Congressional District 6

Amerer, Inc

Germfree Laboratories, Inc

Betty J. Shaw

Congressional District 17

Jarek M. Aloysius

Hydrozonix, LLC

Caroline Csavas

Katherine Hooton Standing

Open Spatial Corporation

Ross J. Kasparek Liv Tr

Thunderbolt International, Inc

Sumbry Solutions & Services, LLC

Zeppelin Systems USA, Inc

Congressional District 7 Absorbent & Safety Solutions, LLC

Congressional District 13 Depco Pump Company

Australian American Chamber of

Equant, Inc

IBM Corp

Hilda Pearl Briceland Trust

Congressional District 18

James L. Wolff

Congressional District 25

Katheryn K. Buhle

American Welding Society, Inc

Mix Telematics North America, Inc MMI Engineering, Inc Modcomp

Breakwater Consulting, Inc

NI Satellite, Inc

CSA Ocean Sciences, Inc

Partsbase Com

G4S Secure Solutions USA, Inc

PS Analytical, Inc

Nuco2, LLC

Repliweb, Inc

Ultimate Washer, Inc

University of Miami

Hoerbiger Service, Inc

Lawrence Factor, Inc Legend Aerospace, Inc Ludeca, Inc

Congressional District 27 Southwest Connection Call Center



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Georgia Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Georgia, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 349 businesses, spread across all 14 of Georgia’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Georgia supports some 141,600 jobs, which is 2.7 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Georgia labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $6.76 billion annually. That’s 2.5 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Georgia is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of

Georgia enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Georgia across all industries and sectors is $47,515, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$61,239 annually. Overall the industry supports $12.9 billion of the Georgia economy. That’s 3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Georgia also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



60k 50k


40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Georgia Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Georgia

Georgia Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 13


Congressional District 14


Grand Total

District 09

District 14

District 11

District 06 District 07

District 05 District 04 District 10

District 13 District 03

District 12

349 District 02 District 08

District 01

Top Cities Atlanta = 247 Alpharetta = 14 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

Vendor Profile6 ABUTEC ABUTEC, an acronym for Advanced Burner Technologies, manufactures environmentally friendly combustion solutions. Headquartered in Kennesaw, Georgia, ABUTEC specializes in offering high-efficiency, low-emission burners and flares to various industries, including oil and gas (upstream and midstream), biogas, landfill gas, waste-water treatment, mine gas, and many more. The burners, enclosed combustors/flares, vapor combustors, incinerators, and thermal oxidizers that ABUTEC manufactures are all aimed at reducing emissions and increasing efficiency.

activities in Georgia reached 18,505 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 32,458 in 2020 and to 38,771 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Georgia, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

The company continually adapts its products to the changes in both production and regulations facing the oil and gas industry. This enables ABUTEC to remain highly qualified as emissions control specialists for the industry.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



GEORGIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

BCD Travel

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation

Beecher Carlson Insurance

Philip Leahy Hooton

BNSF Logistics International, Inc

SNF, Inc

Bell South BP America Production Co BP Amoco

Congressional District 2

BP Lubricants USA, Inc


Bright Horizons

Ricoh USA, Inc

Bulldog Environmental Services

Riverview Plantation

CA, Inc Carter Chambers, LLC

Congressional District 3

Chromalox, Inc

Bellwether, Inc

Citrix Systems, Inc

Bennett Motor Express, LLC Charlotte C. Thacker Elsyca, Inc

Coca Cola Enterprises, Inc Comcast Compressor Controls Corporation

Georgia Tech Research Corporation

Moody’s Investors Service

Global Knowledge Training, LLC

Netjets Aviation, Inc

Global Tower, LLC Godwin Pumps of America, Inc

Neff Rental, Inc Netjets International, Inc

Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Spacenet, Inc Sparkletts

Newport Group, Inc

Spartan Oilfield Services, LLC

Norfolk Southern Railway Company

Sperian Fall Arrest Systems Inc

GP Strategies Corporation

Spirax Sarco, Inc

GTP Infrastructure Issuer, LLC

North American Salt Co

SPX Corporation

GTP Towers Issuer, LLC

North Highland

SPX Transformer Solutions, Inc

GXS, Inc

Northern Tool & Equipment Co, Inc

Staffing Solutions, Inc

Nucor Steel

Stuart C. Irby Co

Golder Associates Corporation

Hagemeyer North America, Inc HCC Life Insurance Company Heatec, Inc Hewlett Packard Company Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Hiller Offshore Services

O’Brien’s Response Management, Inc Occidental Permian, Ltd Occupational Health Centers of Arkansas, P.A.

Stand In Line Consulting, Inc Sulzer Pumps Solutions, Inc Sulzer Turbo Services Sunbelt Rentals Industrial Services, LLC Take Care Employer Solutions

Hoover Precision

Occupational Health Centers of Georgia, PC

Hychem, Inc

Officemax, Inc

Technetics Group Daytona, Inc

CP Kelco Specialty Chemicals Co Ltd

IBM Corporation

Oliver H. VanHorn Co, Inc

Tek Systems, Inc

Ice Data LP

Omega Engineering,Inc

Tensar International Corporation

Crown Castle USA, Inc Global Signal Acquisitions II

Ice OTC Commodity Markets, LLC

O’Neal Metals Company

Terrago Technologies, Inc

Congressional District 4

Cyviz, LLC

Ice Trade Vault, LLC

Oneal Steel

Tessco Technologies, Inc

D&D Power, LLC

Ikon Office Solutions

The Hackett Group, Inc

Decker Technology, Inc

Optech Environmental Services

D&H Oil & Gas Services, LLC

Inland Environmental & Remediation LP

Orasi Software, Inc

The Wackenhut Corporation


Thompson Tractor Co

Pinnacle Towers, LLC

Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corporation

Gardner Denver Nash, LLC Rescue Technology Richard D. Rye Yokogawa Corporation of America

Control Risks Group, LLC Corrpro Companies, Inc

Congressional District 5

Dell Marketing L.P.

AAA Cooper Transportation

Delmar Systems, Inc

Access America Transport, Inc

Det Norske Veritas USA, Inc

Innovative Service Technology Insight Global, LLC

Dimension Data North America, Inc


Aerotek Energy Services / Aerotek Professional Services

DMC Carter Chambers, Inc

Intercontinental Exchange, Inc

Donovan Marine, Inc

Intermoor, Inc

Afterburner, Inc

Dreyfus Cortney Lowery

Airgas Specialty Products, Inc

Ebix, Inc

International Business Machines Corporation

Airwatch, LLC

Electric Machinery Co, Inc

International Sourcing Co

Alere Wellbeing, Inc

Energy Fishing & Rental Services, Inc

Intertek Testing Services Na, Inc Inveshare, Inc

Enterprise Holdings, Inc

Jessica Gabel

Environmental Resources Management

JW Williams, Inc

EPI Use Labs, LLC

Kesselrun Corporate Travel

Advantage Amec Plc Human Resourcing, Inc

Allegiance Crane & Equipment, LLC Alston & Bird LLP American Arbitration American Cast Iron Pipe Compan Ametek Process Instruments Amsan Manny’s Sanitary Supply Aquitas Solutions, Inc Aramark Sports Service of Texas ASCAP Ashland Hercules Water Technologies Ashley Sling, Inc Ashtead Group Plc AT&T AT&T Club Service AT&T Corporation AT&T Mobility AT&T Services, Inc Automationdirect Com, Inc Autonomy, Inc Azonix Corporation Bank of America Leasing & Capital Barfield, Inc

Equifax Information Services, LLC ERM CVS, Inc Express Employment Professionals


Kelly Services, Inc Kevin Seaman Kforce, Inc King & Spalding LLP Kirkland, Inc

Express Services, Inc

Laird Plastics, Inc

Fisher Scientific Co, LLC

Lanxess Sybron Chemicals, Inc

Flint Energy Services, Inc

Laz Parking Mid Atlantic, LLC


Learning Tree International

G4S Secure Solutions USA, Inc

Legalink, Inc

GE Capital

Lucas Group

GE Commercial & Industrial Finance

Marriott Business Services

GE Fleet

Marsh USA, Inc


Meadwestvaco Corporation

GE Packaged Power, Inc

Metrix Instruments Co

Gelco Corporation

Metso Automation USA, Inc

General Electric Company

Mistras Group, Inc

General Physics Corporation

Momentive Specialty Chemicals, Inc

General Supply & Services, Inc

Marriott International

Moodys Analytics, Inc

Powersat Communications USA LP

TB&D Construction, Inc

Thyssenkrupp Steel Usa

Pratt Industries Usa

Tigerdirect, Inc

Praxair Surface Technologies

Total Service Supply LP

Precyse Technologies, Inc

Towers Watson Invest Services, Inc

Prescott Legal Search, Inc PRGX Commercial, LLC Protech Oil & Gas Services, LLC PVR Midstream, LLC Randstad Professional Us Red D. Arc, Inc Reliance Trust Co Resource Mfg Ricoh USA, Inc Rockwell Automation Royal Service & Rentals, Inc RSA Security, LLC Sam’s Club San Joaquin Valley Railroad Co Sas Institute, Inc SBA Towers II, LLC SBA Towers III, LLC Searles Valley Minerals Sebench Engineering, Inc Secureworks, Inc SGS North America, Inc Sigma Aldrich, Inc Signup4, LLC

Tri Global Technologies, LLC Triple J High Pressure, Inc Turn Around Trucking, Inc U.S. Healthworks Med Grou U.S. Security Associates, Inc Unimin Corporation United Rentals North America, Inc URS Corporation URS Energy & Construction US Healthworks Medical Group US Security Associates, Inc US Silica Company UTC Fire & Security Valueoptions, Inc Viatran Corporation Volvo Construction Equipment Voorhies Supply Company Waste Management Weston Solutions, Inc Williams & Williams WM Sustainability Services

Sitrion Systems Americas, Inc

Worthington Cylinder Corporation.

Skillsoft Corporation

WSI Corporation

SNF, Inc

Xceleration, Inc

Solvay, Inc (Rhodia, Inc)

Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc

Southern Cathodic Protection Co

Yokogawa Corporation of America


GEORGIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 6

Congressional District 7

Congressional District 8

Congressional District 11

Tec Automation, Inc

Amec Plc

Ace Industries, Inc

Adapco, Inc

Abutec Industries, Inc

Zwick USA LP

Colonial Pipeline Company Co

Airgas Specialty Products, Inc

Cleaver-Brooks, Inc

Applied Technical Services

Hagemeyer North America, Inc

Allen Precision Equipment, Inc

Emicc, Inc

Beamex, Inc

Congressional District 12

Honeywell Enraf Americas, Inc

Aquilex WSI

Godwin Pumps of America, Inc

Bradley Morris, LLC

ADP, Inc

Hopewell Designs, Inc

Assessment Plus, Inc

Kelly Services, Inc

Thermal Ceramics, Inc

IBA America, LLC

Audio Visual Innovations, Inc

Klein Trucking, LLC

Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services

Imerys Oilfield Minerals, Inc

Cables & Kits

State Farm Insurance

Brand Energy Solutions, LLC

Congressional District 13

Integrity Inspection Services, LLC

CollComm, Inc

Congressional District 9

Dekomte De Temple, LLC

Kemper America, Inc

Gail Hooton Global Equipment Company

Atlanta Rod & Mfg Co, Inc

Hoover Precision Products, Inc

Ecom America Ltd

Itk Technologies, LLC

Elastrotech, Inc

Laserxv, LLC Pentagon Publishing, Inc

Mycelx Technologies Corporation

Precyse Technologies, Inc

Phillips & Associates, Inc

Recall Secure Destruction Services, Inc

Polymer Aging Concepts, Inc

LexisNexis Screening Solutions, Inc Liaison Technologies, Inc Parkway Pipeline, LLC Pro-Chem, Inc Rolta International, Inc Siemens Industry, Inc Smart Scouter Verizon Wireless Services, LLC Wood Group Power Plant Services, Inc

Wilton Rooks

Southern Cross Corporation Syncroflo, Inc Wika Instrument LP

Congressional District 10 ULM Corporation Valve & Actuation Services, LLC

Bruce B & Judith A & Michael C Dickow Pump Company, Inc Erb Industries, Inc Frank P Mccoy

DS Waters of America, Inc Pangborn Corporation Red-D-Arc, Inc URS Energy & Construction, Inc

Laminar Engineering (Jakie Nesler)

Congressional District 14

Omniware, Inc

CCH Small Firm Services

Orasi Software, Inc

Cimbar Performance Minerals

Oversight Systems, Inc

DXP Enterprises, Inc

Parts Provider

GS Putman & Associates

Python Safety, Inc

Neil Richardson

Sigma Thermal, Inc Strategic Contract Resources, LLC


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Hawaii Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Hawaii, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least four businesses, located across Hawaii’s single congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Hawaii supports some 20,500 jobs, which is 2.3 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Hawaii labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $1.04 billion annually. That’s 2 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Hawaii is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income

figures demonstrate that the people of Hawaii enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Hawaii across all industries and sectors is $41,492, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$65,853 annually. Overall the industry supports $2.2 billion of the Hawaii economy. That’s approximately 3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. And Americans, including the people of Hawaii, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Hawaii Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Hawaii

Hawaii Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Grand Total


District 02

District 01



Top City Honolulu = 4

Note: The rest of the Hawaiian islands are all part of District 2. Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production

of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.4

Vendor Profile5 American Marine Corporation and Pacific Environmental Corp. This vendor has two fields of operation. American Marine Corporation operates in the Alaska Region and works directly with many of the region’s oil and gas companies. The focus is on marine construction, commercial diving, tugs, and barges.

4. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

The Pacific Environmental Corporation (PENCO), located in Hawaii, specializes in oil and hazardous materials emergency response and remediation cleanup: “We provide the oil and gas industry with the highest levels of productivity, combined with assistance in achieving excellent safety and compliance records.”

To find out more, visit API.org

5. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



HAWAII - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1 Actionpacked! Networks Facts, Inc KPMG LLP Pacific Environmental Corporation



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Idaho Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Idaho, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 34 businesses, located across both of Idaho’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Idaho supports some 27,000 jobs, which is 3.1 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Idaho labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $1.04 billion annually. That’s 2.9 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Idaho is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Idaho enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Idaho across all industries and sectors is $36,751, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$46,471 annually. Overall the industry supports $1.8 billion of the Idaho economy. That’s nearly 3.1 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Idaho also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k


50k 40k



To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Idaho Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Idaho

Idaho Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Grand Total


Vendor Profiles6 Perma-Rail International Inc. Perma-Rail International Inc. benefited early on from the opportunity to develop products for the major players in the oil and natural gas industry, products that these players needed to make their businesses safer, more cost-effective, and more predictable. The solutions reached at the expense of these private companies were applied to problems in the state and federal highway systems. The federal government and all of its entities (including the Federal Aviation Administration, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the Interstate Highway System), as well as State Departments of Transportation, have all utilized and specified as required the systems learned from these private industries.

District 01

In addition, Perma-Rail International notes, “All of the engineering, surveying, development, manufacturing, marketing, analysis, and documenting performed to keep the snow off the well pad and the railroad track have benefited the public tremendously.”

Conservation Seeding and Restoration, Inc. Conservation Seeding and Restoration, Inc., is a fullservice wild land restoration company that specializes in restoring native habitats in the Western United States. The company provides seeding, weed abatement, infield monitoring, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), and Bureau of Land Management/ state compliance reporting. The oil and gas industry has facilitated the growth of CSR, Inc., and has comprised roughly 80 percent of its gross revenue annually for more than a decade. CSR, Inc. developed the land restoration curve for its oil and gas clients. In this process, surface stabilization timelines dropped from 10 to 5 years or less.

Kodiak America Kodiak America is a manufacturing company that builds primarily snow removal equipment for airports, state departments, oil and gas companies, mines, ski resorts, and others. The company also performs side-steel fabricated jobs in niche industries. The company is currently making steel filters capable of removing 100 percent of the oil and hydrocarbons out of the flow-back water that results from fracking. This will lead to a significant reduction in the need for fresh water in fracking. The new technology can filter out oil at high flow rates, it uses completely gravity-fed filters, the filter elements never need recharging, and the energy costs are low. This is a new product and the company has exclusive rights to fabricate it for the l part of the oil industry that engages in fracking operations. It is expected that the product will lead to the creation of hundreds of jobs. In addition, oil and gas companies purchasing snow blowers and snow blower parts comprise about 20

District 02

Top City Idaho Falls = 6 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in Idaho reached 3,052 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 5,344 in 2020 and to 6,327 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Idaho, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

percent of the company’s sales. The equipment is used to keep roads open so that wells can remain in operation.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



IDAHO - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Intermountain Specialty Gases

Alex Macdonald

Guy Nielson Co Ind Div, Inc

MBA General Contracting, LLC

4 Seasons Technical Services

Newvision Energy

Ibex, Inc

Mullen Crane & Transport, Inc

Bolken Cherry Creek RV Park

The Dillon Group, Inc

Basin Wastewater Solutions, LLC

Norco, Inc

Bosque Disposal Systems, LLC

Tiller Well Services, LLC

Kaman Industrial Technologies

Perma Rail International, Inc

Commercial Newspaper Service, Inc

US Ecology Idaho, Inc

Conservation Seeding & Restoration, Inc

Idaho Valve & Fitting, Inc Kickback Rewards System

Richard W. Leavitt Irrevocable Trust

Drilling Services Intl, Inc

Congressional District 2

High Tech Sports Therapy Associates

AG News

Data Solutions Deer Valley Trucking, Inc Eagle Rock Timber, Inc Eaton Towing

Kodiak America, LLC M J O’Malley Trucking, LLC Mark Turner, Inc

Western Mountain, Inc Wyoming Valve & Fitting Co



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Illinois Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Illinois, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 932 businesses, spread across all 18 of Illinois’ congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Illinois supports some 263,700 jobs, which is 3.6 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Illinois labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $15.7 billion annually. That’s 3.8 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Illinois is not a top U.S. energy producer these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Illinois enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Illinois across all industries and sectors is $52,625, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$81,633 annually. Overall the industry supports $33.3 billion of the Illinois economy. That’s 5.1 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Illinois also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight fomations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Illinois reached 38,652 in






80k 1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k


50k 40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Illinois Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary



State: Illinois

Illinois Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 13


Congressional District 14


Congressional District 15


Congressional District 16


Congressional District 17


Congressional District 18


Grand Total

District Location ●

District 14 Districts 01, 3-11 District 02

District 17 District 16

District 18

District 13 District 15


Top Cities Chicago = 559 Carol Stream = 60 Palatine = 59

District 12

Vendor Profile6 Grainger At 2013 sales of $9.4 billion, Grainger is North America’s leading broad-line supplier of maintenance, repair, and operating products, with operations in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Grainger partners with oil and gas customers by supplying more than 1.2 million available products to help them explore, extract, produce, process, transport, and refine their goods. Grainger also provides a comprehensive set of services and solutions in the realm of safety, inventory management, and eCommerce, to help save time and money and ensure a safe work environment in potentially tough hazardous conditions. Grainger offers industry-leading safety service through a team of specialists who focus on everything from technical expertise to training and services, helping companies achieve compliance. “We are our customers’ primary safety supplier.” Grainger has been in business for nearly 90 years. The company’s leading supply chain is supported by 18 distribution centers and nearly 400 branches. More than 4,000 knowledgeable sales and customer service team members help serve more than 1.4 million U.S. customers through a deep network of global sourcing capacities.

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. That job total is expected to climb to 66,604 in 2020 and to 82,817 in 2035.4 And the people of Illinois get it. A statewide telephone poll of 602 registered Illinois voters, conducted on behalf of the

American Petroleum Institute, found that 79 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located here in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-large-majorities-of-illinois-voters-support-us-investments-in-oil-natural-gas, the results of a statewide poll conducted by Harris for API April 2-9, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



ILLINOIS - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Congressional District 6

Grainger, Inc

Techmar Engineering, Inc

Action Automation, Inc

Accellion, Inc

Greene, Tweed & Company

Tenaris Coiled Tubes, LLC

Affiliated Steam Equipment Company

Accelrys, Inc

High Sierra Water Services, LLC Hydril Co

Alar Engineering Corporation

Access Data Group, LLC

Tenaris Global Services USA Corporation

Accounting Principals, Inc

IMG College, LLC

Adecco USA, Inc

Independence Plaza Investment

Thomson Reuters, Inc

Advanced Disposal Services

Innovative Environmental Solutions

Toyota Financial Services Triple Shot Express

Intermec Technologies

Truist, Inc

Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc


IR Engineering, Inc

TXD Transport LP


JD Factors, LLC

Tyco Fire Suppression & Bldg

Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc

Aramark Management Services LP

Arcadis U S, Inc

Keyence Corporation

Unique Logistics, Inc

Pumping Solutions, Inc

Associated Spring Raymond

Arcellormittal Usa

Koflo Corporation

United Parcel Service

Starcon International, Inc

AT&T Advertising & Publishing

Arctic Fox

Kuehne & Nagel, Inc

Vanda, Inc

Sterling Lumber Company

AT&T Alascom

Armstrong Tool, LLC

Lee Hecht Harrison, LLC

Veolia ES Chestnut Valley

Tuthill Pump Division

AT&T Corporation

Arthur Harris & Company


Veracode, Inc

Vaughan Consulting Group

AT&T Datacomm

Arthur J Gallagher Risk

Lignotech USA, Inc

Vibrant Enterprise Associates

AT&T Global Network Services

AT&T Capital Services

Magnetrol International, Inc

Vmware, Inc

Congressional District 2

AT&T Long Distance

Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC

Mauser USA, LLC

W.W. Grainger, Inc

AT&T Mobility, LLC

Atlas Material Testing Technology

Alloy Sling Chain Industries, Inc

Micro Focus Us, Inc

B&B Instruments, Inc

AT&T Services, Inc

Msc Industrial Supply Co, Inc

Waste Management Service Center, Inc

Austin & Northwestern Railroad Texas New Mexico Railroad

Calumet Carton Company

AT&T U-Verse

Nalco Company

Waste of PA, Inc

Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC

Carrier Oehler Company

Atc Assoc, Inc

Newark Electronics

Webtrends, Inc

Badger Daylighting Corporation

Federal Signal Corporation

Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC

Nexant, Inc

Wells Fargo Financial Leasing

Baldor Electric Co

Gasvoda & Associates, Inc

Autodesk, Inc

Nextel Communications

West Payment Center

Baldwin Filters, Inc

Harold B. Levy

Avaya, Inc

Nextel of Texas, Inc


Bank One/Mci Verizon Business

Lynn Cartwright

Aviat Networks

Nextel Partners, Inc

Wex Bank

Basic Fire Protection, Inc

M&O Insulation Company


Parker & Lynch

Wex, Inc

BCR Services, LLC

Meccon Industries, Inc

Beckman Coulter, Inc

Parker Concrete Placement, Inc

Womack Machine Supplies Co.

Bearing Headquarters Co

National Tube Supply, Co

Best Access Systems, Inc

Pinnacle Sales, Inc

XRS Corporation

Beg Liquid Mud Services

Robert F Levy

BT Americas, Inc

Praxair Distribution, Inc

Butterball Turkey Gift Program

Quill Corporation

Congressional District 7

Belcan Services Group LP

Carrier & Sandstedt Enterprises, Inc

Rae Systems, Inc

2XL Corporation

Beta Lasermike

Redback Drilling Tools

A Schulman, Inc

BFI Tower Road Landfill


A T Kearney, Inc

Rotork Controls, Inc

A. Finkl & Sons Co.

Black Industrial Supply Corporation

SBC Long Distance, LLC

AAF International

Schneider Electric USA, Inc

ABB, Inc

Scott Instruments

Accenture Group

Select Staffing

Addison Group

SGS North America, Inc

Addison Search, LLC

Sick Maihak, Inc

Adjustable Clamp Co

Siemens Energy, Inc

Adlib Software

Siemens Industry, Inc

Aecom Technical Services, Inc

Siemens Plm Software, Inc

Agilent Technologies, Inc

Siemens Water Technologies Corporation

AIA Corporation

Simplex Grinnell LP Smalley Steel Ring Co.

Air Liquide America Specialty Gases, LLC

Smartsignal Corporation

Airgas Great Lakes, Inc

BTG Americas, Inc

Sourcecode North America, Inc

Air-X-Changers A Harsco Co

Buehler Ltd

Specialty Gases of America, Inc

Akzo Nobel Polymer Chemicals, LLC

Byron D. Thomas

Alco Spring Industries, Inc

C&H Distributors, LLC

All Electric Motor Repair & Service

Calamp Wireless Networks

Alar Sales, Inc Heartland Controls Enterprise, Inc Instrument Associates, Inc James P. Burke Neda Anne Sawyer

Congressional District 3 A Warehouse on Wheels Charles J. Heagney Imperial Crane Services, Inc Lifting Gear Hire Corporation Maxi Signal Products, Inc Meade Industries, Inc Salco Products, Inc Stars & Stripes Silk Screening, Inc TDW Services, Inc

Congressional District 4

Ambitech Engineering Corporation

Catalytic Products CCH, Inc Centurylink Ceva Freight, LLC Ceva International, Inc Chase Card Services Clariant Corporation Coastal Training Technologies Corporation Commercial Card Solutions Computershare CT Corporation

Bodycote Thermal Process, Inc

Daido Corporation

Powell Electrical Systems, Inc

Dapra Marking Systems Dell Direct Sales

Congressional District 5

Deloitte & Touche

Advent Systems, Inc

Deloitte Financial Adv Service LLP

Allen Consulting, LLC Applied Geometrics Blac, Inc Continental Electrical Mcmaster Carr Supply Company Morgan Madison & Co Patten Industries, Inc Professional Service Industries, Inc

Deloitte Tax LLP Diligent Board Member Services Dish Network, LLC Dover Energy, Inc EFD Induction, Inc Electron Beam Technologies, Inc Federal Express Corporation Frontiermedex, Inc

Semler Industries, Inc

Giddings & Lewis Machne

The NRM Company

Globalview Software, Inc

Spencer Turbine Company Spraying Systems Co Sprint Corporation Sprint Spectrum LP

The Plexus Groupe, LLC

American National Red Cross & Its Anesi Ozmon Rodin Novak & Kohen L Antea USA, Inc APC Sales & Service Corporation Apex Systems, Inc


AIA Services, LLC

Allied Valve, Inc

Blue Dot Completions BMP Enterprises, LLC BMT NW Acquisition, LLC BNSF Logistics International, Inc Booz & Co NA, Inc Boston Consulting Group, Inc Bound Tree Medical, LLCi Brady Worldwide, Inc Brand Energy Solutions, LLC Brand Scaffold Services, Inc Brandenburg Industrial Brock Easley, LLC Brookfield Global Relocation

C&D Technologies, Inc

Canadian National

Amec Earth & Environmental, Inc

Canadian National Railway Company

Stanley Security Solutions, Inc

Amec Environment & Infrastructure, Inc

Canon Solutions America, Inc

Stericycle, Inc

Amega West Services, LLC

St. Mary’s Phy. Billing Stanley Convergent Security

Strategic Staffing Solutions LC

Car Ber Testing Services Carbon Limestone Landfill


ILLINOIS - VENDOR LIST Cardiac Science Corporation

DGI Supply - A Doall Co.

Flexicraft Industries

Honeywell International, Inc

Lee Wayne Corporation

Careerbuilder, LLC

DHL Express USA, Inc

Flowserve Corporation

Horwood Marcus & Berk

Leica Microsystems, Inc

Carl Zeiss Industrial

Diagraph Corporation

Fluke Electronics Corporation

Hospitality Group of America


Carrier Corporation

Diagraph Label Group

Houghton Intl, Inc

CCP Bcsp 410 Property, LLC

Diagraph Msp Group

FMC Technologies Measurement Solutions, Inc

Lhoist North America of Texas Ltd

CDW Direct, LLC

Dice Holdings, Inc

Forrester Research, Inc

Huron Consulting Group, LLC

Century Spring Corporation.

Dickie Safety Products

Ceridian Tax Services

Diversified CPC Intl, Inc

Ceva Freight, LLC

DL Peterson Trust

Frank Consolidated Enterprises, Inc (Del)

Ceva International, Inc

Donaldson Co, Inc

Free Motion Fitness, Inc

IBC Construction

CGI Technologies & Solutions

Donlen Corporation


Idera, Inc

CH Robinson Worldwide, Inc

Draka Cableteq USA, Inc

FT Interactive Data

Charles Holston, Inc

Drilling Solutions, LLC

Fuchs Lubricants Co.

Indiana University Health Workplace

Chart Cooler Services Co, Inc

Duff & Phelps, LLC

G&C Energy Services, LLC

Chemical Specialties, Inc

Dun & Bradstreet, Inc

Gai-Tronics Corporation

Chempoint Com, Inc

Dura-Line Corporation

Cimarex Energy Co

Dynamic Services

Garlock Sealing Technologies, LLC

Cintas Corporation

Eaton Corporation

Gas Analytical Services, Inc

Cisco System

Eaton Hydraulics

Gas Technology Institute

Cisco Webex, LLC

Ecolab, Inc

Cision Us, Inc

Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen & Loewy

Humanscale Corporation Hurricane Hydro Services Hydro Performance Test Lab, Inc Hydroaire Service, Inc

Liebert Corporation Liebert Services, Inc Linde Electronics & Specialty Gases Linkedin Corporation Lo Transport, Inc Logical Operations, Inc Lone Star Industries, Inc

Industrial Lift Truck & Equipment, Inc

M Bar D, LLC

Industrial Specialty Services, LLC

Magid Glove & Safety Mfg Co, LLC

Ingersoll Cutting Tools

Magnetrol International, Inc

Ingersoll Rand Co.

Mahle Engine Components Usa

GE Analytical Instruments, Inc

Instrument & Valve Service Company

Manpower Temporary Services


GE Betz, Inc

Intel Americas, Inc

Edwards Vacuum, Inc


Clyde Union Pumps

Electric Motor Corporation

GE Energy Altair Filter Technology

Map, Inc

Cit Technology Financial

Marubeni-Itochu Steel America, Inc

Cole-Parmer Instrument Compamy

Electrical Reliability Services, Inc

GE Inspection Technologies LP

Intercat, Inc Intergraph Corporation

Matco Services, Inc

Invensys Plc

Maxim Crane Works LP

Command Transportation, LLC

Electromark Co

Invensys Systems, Inc

Mayflower Transit, LLC

Isco Industries, Inc

Mcafee, Inc

JB Development Group, LLC

Mccrometer, Inc

Jenner & Block LLP

Mcdermott Will & Emery LLP

JM Catalysts PCt

MCI Comm Service

JM Eagle

Mcjunkin Red Man Corporation

John Crane, Inc

Mcmaster-Carr Supply Company

Graebel Companies, Inc

Johnson Matthey, Inc

Meade Electric Company, Inc

Graebel Movers International

Jones Lang Lasalle Americas, Inc

Medic First Aid

JPMorgan Chase Bank

Meridian Compensation Partners

Commercial Forged Product Communications Supply Corporation Compression Systems Compsych Comsearch Concur Technologies, Inc Conduit Staffing, LLC Conocophillips Alaska, Inc Conocophillips Company Constellation New Energy, Inc Constitution State Service, LLC Conventus Corporation

Electro Rent Corporation Elkhorn Construction, Inc EMC Corporation EMD Millipore Corporation Emed Company, Inc Emerson Electric Company Emerson Network Power Liebert Services, Inc Emerson Process Management Enbridge Offshore Facilities, LLC Energy Alloys, LLC Energy Systems Enersys, Inc

Convergint Technologies LP

Enerven Compression Services, LLC

Cook Compression

Engineered Spring Products, Inc

Corporate Executive Board

Enpro, Inc

Corporate Express

Environmental Resources Management

Cotta Transmission Company Countywide Landfill 3684 Coverall of Sacramento Crain Communications, Inc Cranel, Inc Crst Malone, Inc Custom Alloy Corporation D&B Daewoo International (America) Corporation Dale Prentice Co, LLC Daniel J Edelman, Inc Databank Imx, LLC Davis & Santikos Oilfield Service, LLC Davis Instruments Defiance Energy Services, LLC Desert Ndt, LLC Detector Electronics Corporation

Gems Sensors, Inc GGB Global Knowledge Training, LLC Global X Ray & Testing Corporation Globalview Software, Inc Graco, Inc Graebel Commercial Services, Inc

Grain Processing Corporation Grant Thornton LLP Grinding & Sizing Co, Inc Guardian Equipment Guidance Software, Inc Hach Company Hagemeyer North America, Inc Halo Branded Solutions, Inc Hanson Aggregates, Inc

Ernst & Young LLP

Harsco Corporation


Harsco Industrial Air-X-Changers

Essintial Enterprise Solutions

HBR Consulting

Exel Transportation Servi

Heidrick & Struggles, Inc

Exelis Visual Information Solutions

Henry Howard Services, LLC

Exova, Inc Exp U S Services, Inc

Heritage Environmental Services, LLC

Experis Us, Inc

Hewitt Associates

Factory Mutual Insurance Company

Hewlett Packard Co

Fairbanks Morse Engine FBE Construction Ltd

Hines Interests Limited Partnership

Federal Signal Corporation

Hireright, Inc

Fisher Controls International, LLC

Hispanic Alliance For Career

Fishnet Security

Hoerbiger Corporation of America

Flexera Software, Inc

Heritage Crystal Clean, LLC

Hexagon Metrology, Inc

Hoad, Inc

Kaman Industrial Technologies Corporation Kansas City Southern Lines Katko Ltd Kcura Corporation Kelly Services, Inc Kema, Inc Kidde Fire Fighting Kidde Safety Kidde-Fenwal, Inc Kirkland & Ellis LLP Kleinfelder West, Inc KnowledgeAdvisors, Inc Konica Minolta Business Solutions

Magellan Corporation

Map Communications, Inc

Mercuria Energy Group Holding Message Technologies, Inc Michelin Tire Corporation Michigan Seamless Tube, LLC Micro Motion, Inc Microtek Midwest Inspection Services Mile High Solutions Modspace Corporation Modular Space Corporation Moore Medical, LLC Morningstar Commodity Data Morton Salt, Inc Motion & Flow Controls Products Motion Industries, Inc


Motorola Solutions, Inc

Kreher Steel Company, LLC

MPW Industrial Services

Krueger International, Inc

Mueller Brass Co

Labelmaster An American Labelmark Company

Munters Corporation

Lakeland Industries, Inc

Naylor, LLC

Landauer, Inc

Neopost, Inc

Landes Hotshot Service, LLC

Network Services Company

Landstar Inway, Inc

Newark Inone

Lawson Products, Inc

Nexeo Solutions, LLC

Layne Christensen Company

Notifier Fire Systems

Nalco Company




Red Cedar Partners

Sturgeon Electric Co, Inc

Ventyx, Inc

MBC Composite Bearings

Oakwood Corporation Housing

Red Sky Technologies, Inc

Sun Microsystems

Veolia Environmental Services

Midwest Valve Services, LLC

Occunomix International, LLC

Red Wing Brands of America, Inc

Sungard Availability Services LP

Veolia West Operating Services, Inc

Motorola Solutions, Inc

Regional Oil Field Services, LLC

Sungard Energy Systems

Verizon Wireless Services, LLC

Novaspect, Inc

Office Depot, Inc Officemax, Inc Offshore Cleaning Systems, LLC Ohio Cat Ohio Machinery Company Oklahoma Rig & Supply Okonite Co Omnova Solutions Opentext, Inc Orc International Orion Mobility Solutions, LLC Orr Safety Corporation Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe Pace Analytical Services, Inc Pac-Van, Inc Palmer Mfg & Tank, Inc Parker Hannifin Corporation Particulate Solid Research, Inc Pctel, Inc PDI Ninth House Peak Technologies, Inc Peak-Ryzex, Inc Pecofacet Oklahoma Pennwell Corporation Pentair Filtration Solutions, LLC

Remote Automation Solutions Ricoh Corporation Rig Cleaners, Inc Rig Tools, Inc Right Management, Inc Rigzone.com Robert Half International, Inc Rockbestos Surprenant Cable Corporation (Rssc Wire & Cable) Rolls Royce Corporation

PQ Corporation Praxair, Inc Precision Connecting Rod Preheat, Inc PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Inc Pro Staff Professional Association For SQL Server

TCI America TCI Business Capital, Inc TE Connectivity Networks, Inc

Wachs Subsea Walgreen Co Watlow Electric Mfg. Webco Industries, Inc

Pump Supply, Inc Quality Float Works, Inc Safety Kleen Corporation Siemens Industry, Inc Stanley Machine & Tool Corporation

Westerman, Inc

The Flolo Corporation TKT Enterprises, Inc

Ryder Transportation Services

Tennant Sales & Service Company

Wex Bank Wheels, Inc

Trainsmart, Inc

S&P Dow Jones Indices, LLC

Teradata Operations, Inc

White & Case LLP

Univa Corporation

Saf T Gard International, Inc

Texas Transco, Inc

Whittier Filtration, Inc

Sapa Extrusions, Inc

The Carter Group, Inc

Williams Scotsman, Inc

Veolia Environmental Services North

Schindler Elevator Corporation

The Hartford Steam Boiler Insp

Windrock, Inc

Schneider Electric USA, Inc

The Jellyvision Lab, Inc

Winston & Strawn LLP

Schwerman Trucking Company

The Oilgear Company

Woodford Excavating, LLC

Seacoast Electric Company

Thomas & Betts Power Solutions, LLC

World Fuel Services, Inc

Congressional District 9

Worthington Industries, Inc

Anixter, Inc

Thomson Reuters Property Tax Services, Inc

WPX Energy Production, LLC

August C. Sievers Jr., Trustee

WPX Energy Rocky Mountain, LLC

Challenger Grayand Christmas, Inc

Wylie Bice Trucking

Ece Solutions, LLC

Xerox Corporation

Gas Technology Institute

Zodiac Services Americas, LLC

Geo. T. Schmidt, Inc

Zurich North America

Global Industrial Products, Inc

Ryder Integrated Logistics

Seyfarth Shaw, LLP

Teledyne Monitor Labs Telvent USA, LLC Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

Toshiba International Corporation Total Filtration Services, Inc

Shaw Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc

Tower Road Landfill

Shaw Global Energy Services

Tramco Pump Company

Shaw Maintenance, Inc

Transcat, Inc

Shaw Naptech, Inc

Tranter, Inc

Short Creek Landfill


Sidley Austin LLP

Trelleborg Sealing

Simplomatic Mfg

Tri State Environmental, LLC

Sirva Relocation, LLC

Trussco, Inc


Turbo Components & Engineering

Skm Oilfield Services, Inc Snap On Tools Industrial Snr Denton US LLP South Side Control Supply

Professional Services Industries, Inc

Southern Clay Products, Inc

Proquest, LLC

Spraying Systems Co

Protiviti, Inc

SPX Flow Technology Usa

PSI Group, Inc


Purdue University

Stamos & Trucco LLP

QC Energy Resources, Inc

Standard & Poor’s Financial

QSA Global, Inc

Standard Register

R&H Supply, Inc

Stantec Consulting Services, Inc

Spartan Steel Products, Inc

R3 Safety

Staples Advantage

Rainin Instrument, LLC

Staples Contract & Commercial, Inc

Rand Mcnally

Tata Steel International


Process Sales, Inc

Teng & Associates, Inc

Rotadyne, Inc

Sensing & Control

Powerplan, Inc

Targa Midstream Services LP

VML, Inc

P&P Industries

Tempco Electric Heater Corporation

Personnel Decisions Intl Corporation

Pioneer Pipe

Talx Corporation

Viking Supply Net

Oxford Instruments

Wendt & Sons Oilfield Service

Rosemount, Inc

Select Staffing

Pinnacle Performance, Inc

Talent Technology

Vibration Technology, Inc

Wells Blair Ltd

Rolta International, Inc

Perkinelmer Life & Analytical

Pink Elephant Corporation

Sunrise Oilfield Supply, Inc

Vertex, Inc

Steiner Electric Company

Securitas Security Services USA, Inc

Physio-Control, Inc

Sungard Kiodex, Inc

Nefab Companies

Wego Chemical & Mineral Corporation

Rolls Royce Energy Systems

Perkinelmer Health Sciences, Inc

PHH Vehicle Management Services

Sungard Avantgard, LLC

Ratliff Oilfield Services, Inc

Staples Print Solutions

Recall Total Information Management, Inc

Strategiq Commerce, LLC

Staples Technology Solutions

Toyoda Machinery U.S.A.

Swca Environmental Consultants

Yorke Printe Shoppe, Inc Zurich American Insurance Co

Grainger, W.W., Inc

Congressional District 8

Gss Infotech, Inc

Affiliated Control Equipment

John Crane, Inc

Balzers BCE Nexxia Corporation Blue Star Lubrication Tec Case Foundation Company

Louisiana Manufacturers Register Maintenance Assistance Program, Inc Maintenance Management Solutions, Inc

Turpen & Associates, Inc


UGL Unicco Unicco Service Company

Chicago Fluid System Technologies

Nelson Heat Trace

Uline, Inc

Chicago Roll Company

Piercegray, Inc

Ultimate Oilfield Services

Comtelco Industries, Inc


Underwriters Laboratories

Daiichi Jitsugyo America, Inc


Unico, Inc

Edwards Engineering, Inc

Union Pacific Railroad Company

EMJ (Earle M Jorgensen)

Smithereen Pest Management Services

Union Tank Car Company

Enpro, Inc

Smiths Group PLC

United Van Lines, LLC

Flexera Software, Inc

Snk America, Inc

Unitedhealthcare Insurance

General Controls Electronics

Univar USA, Inc

Groot Recycling & Waste Services Inc

Solid Waste Solutions Corporation

UOP, LLC UPS Freight UPS Supply Chain Solutions, Inc UTI, United States, Inc Valley Industrial X Ray Vectora Transportation


Sunergos, LLC

Helukabel U.S.A., Inc

The Journal of Commerce

Iphorgan Ltd


Kiene Diesel Accessories, Inc

Ward Mfg

Lesman Instrument Company

Wheels, Inc

Lilly Engineering, Inc

Wm. W. Nugent & Co

Major Prime Plastics, Inc


ILLINOIS - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 10

Uline Enterprises

Nicor Gas Co

A&K CNC Machining

Underground Devices, Inc

Alchemy Management Consulting, LLC

Underwriters Laboratories, Inc

Standby Power System Consultants Inc

AON Fire Protection Engineering Corporation

Utopia Global, Inc

Block Consulting For Managing Change, Inc Blue Soda Promo Overture, LLC Buehler Ltd CDW Direct, LLC Cole-Parmer Instrument Company Corporationtax, Inc Davis Instruments Donata B. Banduch Trust Donlen Corporation E.H. Wachs Company F. E. Moran, Inc First Bank of Highland Park GCI Live, LLC Honeywell Analytics, Inc ID Label, Inc Illinois Tool Works, Inc Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc Natura Products Set Environmental, Inc

USA Blue Book Varilease Technology Finance Group W.W. Grainger, Inc

Congressional District 11 Antarctic Mechanical Services, Inc Apex Engineering Products AT&T Datacomm AT&T Global Services, Inc Atlantic Holdings II, Inc BallCo Manufacturing Bronson & Bratton Corrosion Materials Covenant Aviation Security, LLC Covenant Security Services Ltd

TDC Filter Mfg, Inc

Superior Industrial Equipment, LLC TC Industries Theadora Bureau United Laboratories

Congressional District 12

USA Blue Book


Verkamp-Joyce Associates, Inc

Cope Plastics, Inc Illini Environmental, Inc

Congressional District 15

Simmons Firm

Bradford Supply Co Herman L. Loeb, LLC

Congressional District 17 Advanced Machine BUWW Coverings Crescent Electric Supply Co Dial Machining, Inc Hamilton Sundstrand Heyl Royster Voelker & Allen PC Illinois Machine Tool

Mt. Carmel Stabilization Group

Air Caster Corporation

Plant Maintenance Services, LLC

Clifford-Jacobs Forging

Vanseal Corporation

Michael Garrett West & Associates

Isotech Laboratories, Inc

Congressional District 16

Parr Instrument Co

Robert T. Varney & Associates

A&R Logistics, Inc

Schmidt Construction of Stanley

Aux Sable Midstream, LLC

Simplex Onsite, Inc

B&B Electronics Mfg Co, Inc

Illinois Environmental Protection

Cleo Communications, LLC Dekalb Forge Company

Fluid Process Control Corporation

Anthony N. Dragon

Evac North America, Inc

Compass Instruments, Inc

Horrie Heirs Trust

Fox Valley Forge

Henderson Engineering Co, Inc

Kendall Preferred Industries

Gooding Rubber Company

Parent Petroleum, Inc

Manley Bros of Indiana, Inc

Raymond Rarey

Northern Illinois Steel

Hayden & Company

Styrolution America, LLC

Congressional District 13

Congressional District 14

Digital Tek Strategies, Inc

Prairie Transportation, Inc

John Deere Consumer Products, Inc

Robert Rauh Roth Pump Co.

Congressional District 18 Compucom Systems, Inc Enercon Engineering, Inc Enviro Buildings Merrill M. Knight Modular Space Corporation Stantec Consulting Corporation Wesley M. Knight Childrens Trust


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Indiana Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Indiana, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 133 businesses, located across all nine of Indiana’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Indiana supports a total of 136,400 jobs, which is 3.8 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Indiana labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $6.7 billion annually. That’s 4.1 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Indiana is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Indiana enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Indiana across all industries and sectors is $41,792, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$80,512 annually. 4 Overall the industry supports $16.6 billion of the Indiana economy. That’s 6.3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Indiana also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight fomations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Indiana reached 15,973 in






80k 1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs.

70k 60k 50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Indiana Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Indiana

Indiana Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Grand Total

District 02

District 01

District 03

District 04

District 05


District 07 District 06

District 08

District 09

Vendor Profile7 Kaufman Global Leveraging a process called “Lean Continuous Improvement,” as well as proprietary change management techniques, Kaufman Global delivers structured implementation and transformation projects that result in sustainable operational and financial results. The company has driven enterprise-wide change initiatives and cultural transformations within organizations for 20 years. Work in oil and gas for the past nearly 10 years has taken the company around the world with projects on five continents. Recognized for its ability to develop sustainable, results-driven continuous improvement systems for large organizations, Kaufman Global focuses on issues critical to the oil and natural gas industry. There are a number of main issues. The first is Asset Utilization and Asset Velocity: Efficiently managing assets in the form of equipment, consumables, and people is essential to returning these to a revenue-generating position. Second is Service Quality Improvement: Effectively delivering value and reducing nonproductive time are all-important. Third is Organizational Engagement and Change Management: Not only describing and improving process, but getting everyone to participate in the process improvement—that is key. And last is Procedural Adherence: Improving efficiency and reducing the likelihood of catastrophic events grows out of adhering to procedures.

Top Cities Indianapolis = 18 Hammond = 17 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. That job total is expected to climb to 27,303 in 2020 and to 33,366 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Indiana, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

The company is very focused on the interface between people and process. The oil and gas industry tends to seek technological solutions first. When Kaufman Global gets involved, it delivers sustainable solutions by connecting people to the processes they control.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



INDIANA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

GM Safety & Supply, LLC

Steel Cities Steels, Inc

ACMS Group, Inc

Gregory Claussen

Superior Construction Co, Inc

Acuren Inspection, Inc

Hessville Cable & Sling Co

Superior Engineering, LLC

Adco Preventive Security Systems, Inc

Indiana University

The American Group of Constructors

Purdue University College

Aeromet Industries, Inc

Industrial Tool & Mfg Co, Inc

The Pangere Corporation

Congressional District 5

Allard Rental Corporation

Insulation Fabricators, Inc

Tradebe Industrial Services, LLC

Austgen Equipment, Inc

Vidimos, Inc

Blues Brothers of In, Inc

Interstate Power Tools & Machining

Barbara Pesut Hanley Energy Services

Vinzant Software

Infosys Technologies Ltd.

Budget Maintenance & Construction Inc

J&L Fasteners & General Maintea

Walsh & Kelly, Inc

Katherine Rosback Enterprises, Inc

Calumet Blue Print, Inc

J&M Industries

US Oilfield Company, LLC

Congressional District 8

Calumet Lumber, Inc

JV Crane & Engineering, Inc

Congressional District 2

Wipro Ltd

DXP Enterprises

Central Rent A Crane, Inc

KM Plant Services, Inc

Chart Pool USA, Inc

Lithographics Communications, Inc

Christopher Linn Cintas Corporation #319 Consolidated Fabrication Cornerstone Electrical Consultants Craig A. Martin Crown Corr, Inc Dillabaugh, Inc DLZ Industrial, LLC DocuTech Services, Inc Dwyer Instruments, Inc Dwyer Products Corporation Dyer Vault Company, Inc Edward Yinquez Elegan Sportswear Endustra Filter Manufacturers Flame Resistant Garments, Inc Fresh Apparel Printing, LLC George Odays, Inc

Industrial Rents, Inc

3M Company AOP Village Concepts, LLC Indiana Air Power, Inc

Geologic Timescale Foundation, Inc

Rolls Royce Corporation

Pearson Education, Inc

Stanley Security Solutions, Inc

Congressional District 6 Blue River Technologies

Madden Mfg, Inc

Marshall II Enterprises, Inc

New Energy Corporation

Masterlink Concrete Pumping, LLC

North Central Electric Coop, Inc

Mcshanes, Inc

Torrent Engineering

Precious Technology Group, LLC

Northwest Industrial Specialists

Congressional District 3

Sherry Laboratories Louisana, LLC.

Pinkerton Oil Co, Inc

Benjamin Francis Dattilo

Mersino Dewatering, Inc

Primet Fluid Power Company, Inc PWS Hammond Truck Wash, Inc Region Signs, Inc Ridge Cyclery, Inc Sargent Electric Company Security Industries, Inc Service Sanitation, Inc Simko Industrial Fabricators, Inc Solid Platforms, Inc

Too Tall Welding & Fbabrication US Oilfield Company, LLC Veolia Water North America Weidner & Associates Wheaton Van Lines, Inc Zee Medical Services Co

Energy Landmen, Inc

Manta Industrial, Inc

Topps Safety Apparel, Inc

Sherry Laboratories LA, LLC

Comnet, LLC Kelmar Safety, Inc Maxon Corporation

Evergreen Drilling Glas Col, LLC Hydrocarbon Acquisitions, LLC Industrial Filter Manufacturers, Inc Lewellyn Technology, LLC Mcgeough Land Services, LLC Mountain Glacier, LLC Powell Systems, Inc

C&A Tool Engineering, Inc

Congressional District 7

Congressional District 9

General Electric Company

Bmw Constructors, Inc

Chryso, Inc

Hoseandfittings.com, Inc

Calumet Lubricants Co LP

Cook Compression

Kuntry Kustom RV

Cornerstone Controls, Inc

Petroleum Traders Corporation

Element Materials Technology

Cornerstone Information Systems, Inc

Xena, LLC

Endress & Hauser, Inc Gilchrist & Soames

Congressional District 4

Kaufman Global, Inc

Badger Daylighting Corporation

Pac-Van, Inc Polaris Laboratories, LLC

Endress & Hauser, Inc Hetsco, Inc Indiana University Skyline Communications, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Iowa Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Iowa, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 38 businesses, spread across all four of Iowa’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Iowa supports some 65,100 jobs, which is 3.3 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Iowa labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $2.57 billion annually. That’s 3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Iowa is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Iowa enjoy significant benefits from energy

development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Iowa across all industries and sectors is $40,489, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$59,273 annually. Overall the industry supports $4.4 billion of the Iowa economy. That’s 3.1 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Iowa also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Iowa reached 8,751 in 2012.



65,100 IOWA JOBS


1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



60k 50k


40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Iowa Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Iowa

Iowa Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Grand Total


District 04



District 03

District 01

District 02




Top City Des Moines = 7

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

The job total is expected to rise to 14,631 in 2020 and to 18,320 in 2035.4 And the people of Iowa get it. A statewide telephone poll of 602 registered Iowa voters, conducted on behalf of the American

Petroleum Institute, found that 80 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located here in the United States.5

4. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-iowa-voters-support-investments-in-oil-natural-gas, the results of a state-wide poll conducted by Harris for API April 3-9, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and the other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



IOWA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Fisher Controls Intl, LLC

Congressional District 2

Advanced Heat Treat

GMT Corporation

Allied Valve, Inc

Airgas North Central, Inc

Great America Financial Services

Linda L. Geer

Cellsite Solutions, LLC

Great America Leasing Corporation

Marco Group Intl, Inc

Crescent Electric Supply Co. Emerson Process Management LlLP

James Ernst Lattice Communications, Inc

Epmco Holdings, Inc

Limolink, Inc

Esco Electric Co.

Mary K. Egan


Stoneriver, Inc

Pipeline Cleaners, Inc Real Asset Management

Congressional District 2 Chippewa Resources, Inc

Compressor Controls Corporation


Diane D. Gregg

Congressional District 4

Dice Holdings, Inc Electrical Power Products, Inc

Advanced Analytical Technologies

Great Iowa Treasure Hunt

Concrete Foundations, Inc

Iowa Tanklines, Inc John Deere Credit

Sabre Communications Corporation

Kriz Davis Company, Inc

Sioux City Foundry Co

Office Depot

Webfilings Igc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Kansas Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Kansas, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 245 businesses, spread across all six of the state’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Kansas supports some 148,300 jobs, which is 8.1 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Kansas labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $7.2 billion annually. That’s 8.6 percent of the state’s total labor income.

average annual salary in Kansas across all industries and sectors is $42,294, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is significantly higher—$66,918 annually. Overall the industry supports $12.9 billion of the Kansas economy. That’s 9.5 percent of the state’s total economic activity.

Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Kansas, in addition to total employment and labor income, is in terms of salary.3 While the

Kansas particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven

Kansas ranks 10th in oil and 12th in natural gas production.4 That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states.

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.






70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Kansas Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary



State: Kansas

Kansas Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Grand Total

District Location ●


District 03

District 01

Vendor Profiles7 River City Engineering, Inc.

District 02

River City Engineering, Inc. (RCE) provides process engineering services to the oil and natural gas industry. The company’s services include providing an unbiased perspective on plant design and operation, as well as designing and troubleshooting primarily natural gas processing facilities worldwide. River City provides similar services to the upstream industry (oil and gas production), both onshore and offshore. “Most companies have licensed technology they are pushing or they are trying to reduce bid costs at the expense of functionality and operability. We do not have any licensed processes. Instead we possess an expert understanding of most of the licensed processes used in the industry. We are able to provide objective cost comparisons as well.”

Jacam Jacam is a chemical sales and service company that provides problem-solving technology and superior service to the oil and gas industry. Jacam works with its customers to analyze well and pipeline data, precisely diagnose problems, and develop tailored solutions to increase efficiency, productivity, and profits. Jacam’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Sterling, Kansas, has an annual production capacity of more than 70 million gallons of its patented products. Jacam was founded in 1982 in the Sterling garage of founder and CEO Dr. Gene Zaid. The company now employs more than 400 people nationwide. Jacam Carriers, the company’s freight shipping and trucking company, transports company products from the Kansas manufacturing facility to more than 20 warehouses across the United States. The company has a number of innovative products that contribute to enhanced safety and environmental protection in the oil and gas industry. The development of the SuperCorr® binary corrosion inhibitor has made it possible to help customers maintain a higher degree of pipeline integrity. Solid Chemistry products eliminate the environmental risks associated with spills during application.

District 04

Top Cities Wichita = 45 Liberal = 31 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Kansas reached 11,032 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 25,340 in 2020 and to 43,959 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of

Kansas, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

In short: “Jacam’s products are designed to increase the productivity and efficiency of oil and gas wells, making oil and gas a more cost-effective and sustainable energy choice.”

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



KANSAS - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

J&J Services

Southern Pioneer Electric Co

Congressional District 3

Hoidale Co., Inc

Alejandro Gallardo

J&R Sand Co, Inc

Southwest Energy Products

Barr Thorp Electric Co, Inc

I-Con Repair Solutions, LLC

Alliance, Inc

J&S Trucking, Inc

Spare Closet

BB Colorado Holdings, LLC

Invena Corporation

Alpha Services & Production, Inc

Jacam Chemicals, LLC

Big Star Trucking, LLC

ISI Environmental Services

American Warrior, Inc

JGS Pumping, LLC

Stanion Wholesale Electric Company

Caravan Ingredients, Inc

Jayhawk Oilfield Supply, Inc


Jim Wilson Crane Service

Celeritas Works, LLC

Jayhawk Oilfield Supply, Inc

B&K Consulting

Jomax Construction Co, Inc Just A Second Ago

SWG Southwest Gas Propane

Chemtrade Refinery Services, Inc

Jeffry L. Base

Baker Petrolite BG Consultants, Inc

JV Energy Services, Inc

Danco Systems, Inc

Juriko Technology, LLC

Brady Fluid Service, Inc

KBK Industries, Inc

Tanking Compressor Services, LLC

Elecsys International Corporation

Kanokla Networks

Brent Services

KBK Industries, LLC

Kansas Corporation Commission

Brian Mulcahy

Kynco, LLC

Tex Ok Kan Oil Field Services, LLC

Fishnet Security, Inc GE Energy

Kansas Fence Co

Brian’s Hot Oil Service, LLC

Lathem Water Service

TM Roustabout Service

Industrial Medical Supply, Inc

Kansas Geological Survey

Brown & Dupree Oil Co, Inc

Liberal Gasket Mfg Co, Inc

Treco, Inc

Jennings Tool & Mfg.

Kiowa Welding, LLC

Brown Dupree Oil Co, Inc

Liberal Magneto Company

Trinidad Drilling LP

Jimmy Gowens

Koch Glitsch LP

Bultman, Inc

Liberal New Iron & Metal, LLC

Kansas City Valve & Fitting

Marietta (Snider) O’Neil

CF Service & Supply, LLC

Log-Tech of Kansas, Inc

Underground Vaults & Storage, Inc

Kaw Valve & Fitting Co, Inc

Mary June Riggenbach

Chaosland Services, LLC

Madden Oil Co

Unifirst Corporation

Layne Christensen Co

Mid West Oilfield Services, Inc

Chase Tubing Testing

Maxs Water Service

Victory Electric Cooperative

Petroexergy, LLC

Mid-Continent Safety, LLC

CMS Electric Cooperative, Inc

MBC Well Logging & Leasing, LLC

Wellhead Systems, Inc

Robert J. Wilson

Midwest Single Source, Inc

Wheatland Electric Cooperative

Rozel, LLC

Mercy Regional Health Center


S&A Mfg

Mickey & Amanda Stout

Wireless Data Communications, LLC

Morris Laing Evans Brock and

Midwest Electric, Inc

Murfin Drilling Company

Crown Consulting, Inc

Wranglers, Inc

Sor, Inc Staples Promotional

Midwestern Well Service, Inc

Nicholas Water Service, LLC

C-T Machine Shop

Mikes Pipe Inspection, Inc

Ninnescah Rural Electric Coop

Curtis Machine Company, Inc

Congressional District 2

The Triple I Corporation Xact Data Discovery

Monster Pump Operations, Inc

Oil Producers, Inc of Kansas

D&D Roustabout Services

Acme Foundry

D&K Oilfield Services, LLC

National Compliance Mgmt Service, Inc

Aqua-Dyne, Inc

Congressional District 4

Paradigm Liaison Services, LLC

Ash Grove Resources, LLC

A Box 4 U, LLC

Paragon Geophysical Services, Inc

Collectia Ltd CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc

Dale Fullerton Dans Oilfield Service & Supply, Inc

Nichols Fluid Service, Inc Nusser Oil Company

Double T Industries, Inc

Oilfield Machine & Repair, Inc

Eatherly Constructors, Inc

Palmer Mfg & Tank, Inc

Electric Motor Service, Inc

Panhandle Oilfield Service

Elkhart Hot Oil Service, LLC

Panhandle Oilfield Service Co, Inc

Elkhart Lumber Co Exact Well Service, LLC

Passmore Brothers, Inc Peters Management Trust

Sublette Cooperative, Inc Sunflower Electric Supply

Teeter Irrigation, Inc

Atec Steel, LLC Atkinson Industries, Inc Bartlett & West, Inc Bnsf Railway Company Bruest Catalytic Heaters Carl R. Deepe & Julia E. Deepe Consolidated Oilwell Services, LLC

Jerry Colborn Mechanical

Paradigm Alliance, Inc

Air Capital Equipment, Inc Alliance Well Service, Inc Alltite, Inc Andale Ready Mix Central, Inc Asbestos Removal & Maint, Inc Bakken Oil Express, LLC Beneterra, LLC Berexco, LLC

Patrick Butler Trust Patriot Roustabout Service Pizza Hut Prairiefire Coffee Roasters Pratt Oilfield Service, Inc Pratt Well Service, Inc Reliable Power Products Group

Pioneer Electric Coop, Inc

Crossland Construction Company, Inc

Prairie RV & Car Wash

Fairview Mills, LP

Central Electropolishing

Precision Wireline & Testing

Chieftain Supply, LLC

Pro-Tech Spraying Service

Improved Hydrocarbon Recovery

Quality Integrated Services, Inc

Industrial Sealing & Lubrication I

Ralphs Hot Oil Service


Depew Gillen Rathbun & Mcinteer LC

Raquel Nieto

Lakeside Cedar Lodge, LLC

Doris E. Ames

Riley Ford Mercury

Michael Charles Thorp

Dreiling Consulting Services I

Hancock Electric, LLC

Robertson Tank Service, Inc

Harder & Associates

Rowley Pumping Service

Mid West Fire Training Associates

Edward J. Starnes

Harris Engine & Compressor

S&S Meter Shop & Weed Control

Patricia O’Neil

Exact Inspection, LLC

Sales & Excise Tax

Foley Equipment Co

Taylor Forge Engineered Systems, Inc

Foley Equipment Company

Waste Connections of Kansas, Inc

Foster Design, Inc

Wilko Paint, Inc

Garret Burkhardt

Wilmore Oil Company

Gateway Wireless Services

Woolsey Operating Company

Exline, Inc Farrar Corporation Flinthills Trading Company Flowtech Energy Services, LLC Francis Casing Crews, Inc Gabel Lease Service, Inc Geres, LLC Gilmores Roustabout Service, Inc

Hess Services, Inc High Plains Energy, LLC Howco Oilfield Service Hub of Syracuse, Inc Innermotion Engine Rebuilding, Inc

Satanta Auto & Tire Center Scantlins Mini Storage Scott’s Welding Service Janitorial Supply, Inc Sign Pro Smyth Oil & Gas Services, Inc

University of Kansas Watco Transportation ServicesLLC Whitaker Aggregates, Inc

Carolyn A. Langenwalter

Dark Oil Co, Inc


Great Plains Fluid Service, Inc Hinkle Law Firm

Rob Denton Rockwell Collins, Inc Russell O & Lorene Rauh Fam Tr Saundra A. Smith Trust Sentry Pumping Units Intl, Inc Slawson Exploration Company, Inc Star Lighting & Supply Sumner Cowley Electric Coop, Inc Truck Parts & Equipment, Inc Waste Connections



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Kentucky Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Kentucky, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 74 businesses, spread across all six of Kentucky’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Kentucky supports some 94,700 jobs, which is 4 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Kentucky labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.054 billion annually. That’s 3.8 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Kentucky is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Kentucky enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Kentucky across all industries and sectors is $40,589, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$65,495 annually. Overall the industry supports $7.9 billion of the Kentucky economy. That’s 4.6 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Kentucky also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Kentucky reached 9,614 in





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).


70k 60k 50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Kentucky Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Kentucky

Kentucky Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Grand Total


District 03

Vendor Profile6

District 06

Genscape Genscape is the leading global provider of real-time data and intelligence for commodity and energy markets. With thousands of patented monitors strategically deployed worldwide, Genscape is unique in its ability to collect and report proprietary market fundamentals in real-time or near real-time. The company delivers innovative solutions across a number of asset classes, including oil, power, natural gas and liquefied natural gas, agriculture, petrochemical and natural gas liquids, maritime, and renewables. Market participants in the financial and commodity markets, particularly in the oil and gas industry, have benefited from Genscape products and services. These markets were much more opaque before Genscape began delivering real-time, proprietary data and intelligence on the oil and gas industry. Previously, traders, analysts and other market participants relied on delayed or inaccurate data from the government or other public sources. Now they have the ability to make more informed trading decisions, improve risk management, and increase operational efficiency with a much higher degree of visibility. In sum: “Genscape’s activities to help the market become more efficient and transparent ultimately benefit the entire global oil and natural gas supply chain, from exploration and production companies to refineries, storage owners, and end users, including companies and individuals alike.”

CRS Reprocessing Services CRS is a global provider in fluid reprocessing management, offering people, technology, and services to efficiently handle industrial fluids for manufacturing facilities. Headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, the company has more than 30 years of expertise and operations in the United States, Europe, and Asia. CRS provides custom-built, on-site reprocessing and mobile facilities that economically restore used fluids to customer-specified performance levels, making possible high-yield waste recovery and lower unit costs. CRS thus provides environmentally friendly and highly efficient “green” recycling for drilling operations, maximizing the recovery of valuable materials while dramatically reducing waste and disposal costs.

District 04

District 02 District 01

District 05

Top Cities Louisville = 21

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. The job total is projected to climb to 16,595 in 2020 and to 20,243 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Kentucky, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

Although CRS is a U.S. company, prior to the shale gas boom the employee base was predominantly in Europe and Asia. Since 2012, however, with the growth of the Oil & Gas Services Division, the company’s U.S. employment has increased by 51 percent.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



KENTUCKY - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Denios, Inc

Congressional District 4

Curtis Marvin Tackett

Smith Oilfield Service, Inc

David L. Goeson

Envapower, Inc

Cincinnati Ventilating Co

Daniel C. Carlisle

Stephen Cornett

Royster’s Machine Shop

Genscape, Inc

Health & Safety Sciences, LLC

David Eller

Tri-Span Construction, LLC

ICAP United, Inc

James Cook

Gregory Howell

Western Construction, Inc

Isco Industries, LLC

Jordan Technologies, LLC

GRO Enterprises, LLC

Willie Thompson

Jordan Technologies, LLC

James Hopper

Congressional District 2

Nestle Pure Life

North Second Street Smithfield, LLC

James Maynard

Congressional District 5

R. Scott Spidel

ORR Safety Corporation

Opell Excavating, LLC

James Ray Cyrus II

Ozarka Spring Water Company, Inc

Starrag Hecket, Inc

Big Ass Fans Research Facility

Southern Tank & Mfg, Inc

Jason Stidham

Trenwa, Inc

Century Exploration Resources, LLC

Pitney Bowes, Inc

Jennifer Marie Klein O Keefe

Vanantwerp Monge Jones

John & Shelia Denise Isaac

Cortland F. Eble

John Gilbert

EMS Land Services, LLC

Congressional District 5

Joshua Hicks

EMS Quality Control, LLC

A. Risner

Marvin Shepherd

Anthony Lafferty

Mikes Sealing & Striping, LLC

Energy Management & Services Co

Baige Casto

Morehead State University

Cantrell’s Consulting, LLC (David K. Cantrell Jr)

R&J Well Service, Inc

Charles T & Janet Vance

Russell Kidd

Kentucky Underground Storage, Inc

Congressional District 3 Allied Waste Services, Inc

Waste Management of Baton Rouge

Ally Financial, Inc

Waste Management of Michigan

American Air Filter Company Arrowhead Atmos Energy Cook Compression CRS Reprocessing Services

Waste Management of Mississippi Windstream Communications, Inc

Ronald Addington

George Mason Law Firm Psc Home City Ice Co Hotwork Usa James T. Baker



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Louisiana Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Louisiana, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 1,711 businesses, spread across all six of Louisiana’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Louisiana supports some 412,600 jobs, which is 16.2 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Louisiana labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $24.2 billion annually. That’s 19.4 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Louisiana, in addition to total employment and labor

income, is in terms of salary.3 While the average annual salary in Louisiana across all industries and sectors is $44,332, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$87,929 annually.Overall the industry supports $73.9 billion of the Louisiana economy. That’s 35.5 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Louisiana ranks 8th in oil and 2nd in natural gas production.4 That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states. Louisiana particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

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90k 80k 70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Avg. Annual Louisiana Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Louisiana

Louisiana Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Grand Total


District 04

District 05

District 06

District 03

Vendor Profile7 Safety Management Systems, a division of Acadian Companies Safety Management Systems, LLC (SMS) helps clients and partners in the oil and natural gas industry achieve an injury-free work environment by providing a variety of specialty-skilled personnel solutions. These include remote paramedics, on-site safety technicians, industrial safety training services, and Health, Safety, and the Environment (HSE) consultants to the upstream, midstream, refinery, and petrochemical markets. Currently, the primary responsibilities of Acadian’s remote paramedics are on-site health care and pre-hospital emergency medical care. In 2013 alone, the Safety Management Systems Training Academy trained more than 34,000 workers and SMS employees performed more than 13,000 hours of additional training. SMS can help reduce injury rates, improve training compliance, and assure successful pass rates of all contractor and compliance audits. “We aim to make the industry as a whole a safer place.” Safety Management Systems’ parent company, Acadian, has more than 40 years of medical response experience. Acadian Ambulance, Acadian Monitoring Services, and Acadian Air Med are sister divisions.

Top Cities Lafayette = 265 Baton Rouge = 227 Shreveport = 162 Broussard = 102 New Orleans = 90

District 01 District 02

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Louisiana reached 78,968 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 97,418 in 2020 and to 150,903 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of

Louisiana, get it. A random interactive telephone poll of 1,014 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions..

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



LOUISIANA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Environmental Enterprises USA, Inc

MG&G Pump & Supply Company, Inc

T Baker Smith, LLC

Easterling Trucking

Environmental Resource Management

Michael Kinsella

T3 Energy Services, Inc

EDG Consulting Engineering

Tagco, Inc

Electrical Consultants, Inc

MMR Offshore Services, Inc

Energy Data Solutions, LLC

Alford Services, Inc

Environmental Safety & Health Consulting Services, Inc

Tarpon Rental, Inc Techniques USA, Inc

Entergy Gulf States, Inc

Alpha Rental Tools, Inc

Equilibrium Catalyst, Inc

Ergonomic Accessories

Ardent Companies, LLC

Evergreen Working Capital, LLC

Terrebonne Insurance Agency, Inc

ASAP Industries, LLC

Executive Oil Field Services, LLC Expert E&P Consultants, LLC


Fastorq, LLC

Asap Industries, LLC

Thomas A Galloway & Associates, LLC


Express Energy Services

Torq/Lite, Inc

Audubon Engineering Co, LLC

Falck Safety Services

Occupational Medicine Services, LLC

Total Rentals, Inc

AWC, Inc

Felicity Company, Inc

Offshore Suppliers

Trinity Tool Rentals, LLC

Axis Oilfield Rentals, LLC

Fleetcor Technologies, Inc

Offshore Support Services, LLC

Tri-Parish Sales

B&J Martin, Inc

Four Star Marine Fuel, Inc

OMI Environmental Solutions

Tri-Star Supply Co, Inc

B&N Contractors, Inc

Francis Torque Service

Omni Systems, Inc

V&M Tube-Alloy (Houma)

Bags Unlimited, Inc

Freight Managment Logistics, LLC

Orkin Pest Control

Vanguard Vacuum Trucks, Inc

Pacific Gulf Wire Rope, Inc

Vision Communications

Parish Sales Tax Fund

Wechem, Inc

Performance Energy Services, LLC

Well Control School

Acousticomm Administrators of The Tulane Agility Project Logistics

Baker Marine Solutions Benoit Machine, LLC Benoit Premium Threading, LLC Benton Energy Service Co Bilco Intl, LLC Blackhawk Specialty Tools, LLC Bluewater Rubber & Gasket Co Borehole Control, LLC Bourgeois & Associates C Logistics, LLC C Port 2, LLC C&D Prod Specialist Co, Inc Cajun Cutters, Inc Cetco Oilfield Services Company Checkpoint Systems ChiLLCo, Inc Cimation, LLC Clean Tank, LLC C-Logistics, LLC C-N-O I & E, LLC Cortec, LLC Cor-Valve Components Council Development Corporation Council Development Corporation, Inc Craig Forshag

G&W Construction Co, Inc Gas Measurement Services, LLC Grand Isle Shipyard, Inc Greater Lafourche Port Gulf Crane Services, Inc Gulf Island, LLC Gulfstream Services, Inc H&S Oilfield Services, Inc Hardin International, Inc IMC Designs Industrial Safety & Rehabilitation Innerfuse Id Welding, LLC ISR Institute IV-Aga, LLC J B Services, Inc Jacobs Linder Jan Baggerman, LLC Jani-King of Lafayette/Lake Charles Janke & Associates A Jaztek Services, LLC JJ TN Enterprises, Inc John David Malone Iii & Patricia J Malone JPP Enterprises, LLC K&B Machine Works, Inc

Cudd Pressure Control (D/B/A Thru Tubing Solutions)

Keystone Engineering, Inc

Cudd Pressure Control, Inc

LA Norm Joint Defense Group

D.A. Melancon & Associates, Inc

Lamp Environmental Industries, Inc

Danos & Curole Marine Contractors, LLC Dawson Geophysical Deligans Valves, Inc DirecTV, LLC

L&L Oil & Gas Services, LLC

Legacy Leader, LLC Lightning Elimination Systems, Inc Louis Gilbert & Associates, Inc

Minerals Management Service Nautical Solutions, LLC Neo Products, LLC Nolan Power Group, LLC

Petroleum Laboratories, Inc Phoenix Safety & Logistics Personnel, Inc

Galloway Johnson Tompkins Geo Tape Ltd Gieger Laborde & Laperouse, LLC Gly-Tech Services, Inc Gordon Arata Mccollam Gulf Coast Companies, Inc Gulf Marine Fabricators Halliburton Energy Services, Inc Hammerman & Gainer, Inc HandS Machinery Corporation. Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation Hornbeck Offshore Services, LLC

Plaquemines Parish Sales Tax

Acme Freight Logistics

Hose Specialty - Lafayette

Pot -O- Gold

Acme Truck Line, Inc

Hudson Services, Inc

Power Torque Services, LLC

Action Oilfield Services, Inc

Industrial Analyzer Services, LLC

Preheat, Inc

Adams & Reese LLP

Industrial Blasting Services, LLC

Priority Energy Services, LLC

Administrators of The Tulane

Industrial Industrial Equipment

Pro Oilfield Services, LLC

Apollo Marine Specialties

Insulations, Inc

Project Consulting Services, Inc

B&W Realty

Iqas, LLC

Quality Energy Services, Inc

Bayou Engineering Company

Jacobi Carbons Reactivation

Quality Preheat & Pressure Washers

Blowout Tools, Inc

Jones Walker Waechter

Boh Bros Construction Co, LLC

JRJ Alum Fab, Inc

R&R Energy Services, LLC

Brand Energy & Infrastructure

King Krebs & Jurgens PLLC

Right Hand Oilfield Associates, LLC

Carter Chambers, LLC

Kuchler Polk Schell Weiner and

Catalyst Construction, LLC

Laborde Marine Management, LLC

RJ Tricon Co, LLC Robert A. Schroeder, Inc Roberts Repair Rental & Retail, Inc RT Casey, Inc RWO, LLC Ryno Production Service, LLC Saia Motor Freight Line, Inc Sea Safety & Survival, Inc Seal Tite, LLC SOS Survival Craft Offshore Services Southern Fabrication, LLC Southern Guard Service, Inc Southland Oilfield Services Southland Rental Tools, Inc

Lyons Consulting Services, LLC Maddens Cable Service, Inc

Southworth Consulting, LLC

Downhole & Design International Corporation.

Mandinas Inspection Services, Inc

Spot, LLC SPT Energy Group, LLC

Dual Trucking & Transport, LLC

Massco, Inc


DXP Enterprises, Inc

Maxx Oilfield Services, LLC

Stim, LLC

Eagle Consulting, LLC

Mechanical Equipment Co, Inc

Stranco, Inc

EDG, Inc

MG Automation & Controls Coporation

Supreme Service & Specialty Company, Inc

Enviro Tech Systems, LLC

Congressional District 2

Frilot, LLC

Accent On Arrangements, Inc

Pipeline Construction & Maintenance, Inc

Dishman & Bennett Specialty Co, Inc

Elos Environmental, LLC

Worksaver Employee Testing Systems

Falk Renew Prager

Swire Oilfield Services, LLC

Central Dispatch, Inc Cetco Energy Services Co, LLC Clean Gulf Associates Clean Gulf Associates

Lafayette-Pinhook, LLC Lanier & Associates, Inc Lard Oil Company, Inc

Coastal Cargo Co., Inc

Liskow & Lewis A Professional Law

Community Coffee Company,LLC

Louisiana Machinery Company, LLC

Computrols, Inc

Louisiana Recycled Aggregates, LLC

Cooling Tower Technologies C-Port/Stone, LLC C-Port/Stone, LLC Cranford Equipment Company, Inc Crescent Drilling Foreman, Inc Crossover, Inc CSI Inspection, LLC Del Tech Controls, LLC Diversified Well Logging, LLC Dixie Mill Supply Co, Inc Dolphin Energy Equipment, LLC Doyle Land Services, Inc Drive Systems, Inc Dynamic Energy Services, LLC Dynamic Industries, Inc Eagle Consulting, LLC

Louisiana Workforce Commission M.G. Maher & Company Martzell & Bickford Master Vac Industrial Services, LLC MBLX, Inc Mcdonough Marine Service Michael Kinsella Michael Pisani & Associates, Inc Mid-South Control Line, LLC Milling Benson Woodward LLP MMR Constructors, Inc MMR Group, Inc MMR Offshore Services, Inc Nalco Energy Services LP



Congressional District 3

Newell Normand Sheriff & Tax

111 Airport, LLC

Newpark Environmental Services, Inc

A & E Consulting of La, LLC

Auto-Comm Engineering Corporation

Channel Specialty Co., Inc

Dooley & Assoc, Inc

Automation USA, LLC

Chapman & Associates

Down Hole Pressure, Inc

Chavez Calibrations International

Downhole Drilling Services, LLC

B&B Janitorial, LLC

Chemical Waste Management, Inc

Drill Cuttings Disposal Co, LLC

B&M Oilfield Supply

Cherokee Services, Inc

A&P Electrical Service, Inc

Baker Hughes Inteq

Cintas Corporation

DriLLChem Drilling Solutions, LLC

A+ Cajun Answering Service

Baker Petrolite

Classic Petroleum, Inc

Drilling Services of America

Aaron Dodge Electrical Service, Inc

Bayou Cajun Environmental Soil and

Clayton Petroleum Ltd

Drilling Solutions, LLC

Bayou Coating, LLC

Drinkwater Products

ABL Industries, LLC

Coastal Chemical Company, LLC

Abney Enterprises, Inc

Bayou Companies, LLC

Comm Engineering, Inc

Paleo Data, Inc

Belaire’s Welding, Inc

Commercial Coating Services

Dupont Building, Inc

Acadia Parish Sales & Use Tax Dept

Petronyx, LLC

Bentech, Inc

Acadian Ambulance Service, Inc

Phoenix Safety & Logistics

Acadian Contractors, Inc

Berry Bros General Contractors, Inc

Complete Oilfld Mgmt & Maint, Inc


Acadian Land Services, LLC

Beta Land Services, LLC

Platinum Parking

Acadiana Ctr Ortho & Occup Med

Bill Poole Valves & Controls

Priority Energy Holdings, LLC Priority Production Services

Acadiana Office Products

Blanchard Elec. of New Iberia

Process Pumps & Equipment, Inc

Acadiana Safety Association

Blue Fin Services, LLC

Accel Protection & Technologies

Production Managment Industries, LLC

Blue Ox Environmental Planning

Ace International Machining, LLC

Blue Sky Environment, LLC

R&D Enterprises, LLC

Ace Machine Fabrication & Construction, LLC


Rieth Corporation


Roper Industries, Inc

Action Specialties, LLC

Ruelco, Inc

Advanced Corrosion Technologies

Newpark Mats & Integrated Services, LLC Offshore Oil Scouts Associationinc OFS, Inc One Shell Square Otto Candies, LLC Owensby & Kritikos, Inc Packard Truck Lines, LLC


A Gallery of Flowers & Gifts A&B Valve & Piping Systems, LLC

AX Energy, LLC

BIS Salamis, Inc

Bobby Knott Consulting, LLC

Complete Tool Services, LLC. Construction Safety Professionals, Inc Control Concepts & Technology Control Fire & SafetyInc Copy & Camera Technologies, Inc Core Process & Compression, LLC Core-Tech Wireline Services, LLC

Drill String Services, Inc

DTS Data Technology Solutions Dura-Splice, Inc Dwights Restaurant Dynamic Industries, Inc Dynamic Production Services, Inc Eagle Oilfield Inspection Services, Inc Eagle Oilfield Services Eagle Pest Control & Chemical, Inc Eastern Oklahoma Fabrication Eaton Oil Tools, Inc EBR Services, LLC

Cornay Lowry Land & Abstract, Inc

Eddie Bowden & Associates, Inc

Corporate Machine & Equip

Electronic Protection

Bourque’s Lawn Service, Inc

Coy Myers

Elite Communication Services

Boyd’s Rental Properties, LLC

Craig Simon

Energy Battery Corporation

Crown Oilfield Construction Crown Oilfield Serv, Inc

Energy Solutions Technology, LLC

BOP Ram Rentals, Inc Bourque Petroleum Consulting, LLC

EDI Environmental Service, Inc

Schonekas Evans Mcgoey & Mceachin, LLC

Advanced Fluid Technologies

Scott Armature

Advanced Logistics, LLC

Seismic Exchange, Inc

Bradley Broussard Land Services, Inc

Advanced Machine, LLC

SGS Intech, LLC

Brask, Inc

CSI Inspection, LLC

Enerjetex Technology, LLC

Aerion Rental Services, LLC

Siemens Industry, Inc

CST Drilling Fluids, Inc

Enviro Resources

Aggreko, LLC

Brewster Procurement Group, Inc

Solar Turbines, Inc

Bristow Alaska, Inc

Cudd Pressure Control, Inc


AGI Industries, Inc

Southern Electronics, Inc

Aim Directional Services, LLC

Broussard Brothers, Inc

Custom Automated Controls, Inc

Environmental Drilling Solutions, LLC

Southern Steel & Supply, LLC

Air Pollution Controls, Inc

Stewart Construction Co

Air Power Services, Inc

Built On The Rock Constuction Co.

Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann, LLC

Airgas USA, LLC

Superior Energy Svcs, LLC Taggart Morton, LLC The Mud Masters Group, LLC The Tim Johnson Consulting Thompson Equipment Company, Inc Tidal Tank, LLC Tierra Resources, LLC Tiger Athletic Foundation Tiger Industries, Inc Universal Personnel, LLC Up Professional Solutions, LLC Versa Tech Automation Services, LLC Vision Communications

Advanced Legal Video

Environmental Sampling, Inc

Burner Fire Control

D&D Fuel Dock, Inc (D/B/A Miguez Fuel, Inc)

EPS Flowback Serivces, LLC

Business Health Partners

Daigle’s Crane Service, Inc

Butler Inspection, Inc

ESP Petrochemicals, Inc

Daley Tower Service, Inc

C&B Sales & Service, Inc

Essi Corporation

Dart Energy Services, LLC

C&C Technologies, Inc

Data Technology Solutions, LLC

Evans Equipment & Environmental, Inc of Lafayette

Cajun Company, Inc

Datacom, LLC

Evans Rentals, Inc

Cajun Compliance Consultants

Dc International, Inc

Cajun Well Service, Inc

Dealers Electrical Supply

Expeditors & Production Services, Inc

Cal Grevemberg & Assoc

Deep South Chemical, Inc

Calcasieu Parish

Deep South Containers, LLC

Cal-Tec, Inc Cameron Measurement System

Deep South Energy Consulting, LLC

Cameron Telephone Co

Deepwater Rental & Supply

Fairway Logistics, LLC

American Polymer Products, Inc

Canal Petroleum Products

Delahoussaye Water Well Drilling

Fairway Transport, LLC

American Safety & Ind Supply

Capasco, Inc

Della Resources, LLC.


Angelle & Donohue Partnership

Cargill, Inc / Nova International Shipping Services

Delmar Systems, Inc

Fastenal Company

Delta Gulf Rental Tool Co

Fire & Safety Specialists

Casey Simon

Devin International, Inc

Fire Boss of Louisiana, Inc

CDH Rentals, LLC


Fire Foam Services

CE Herpin Welding

DGI Supply

Firetrol Protection System, Inc

CF&S Tank & Equipment Co, Inc

Directional Rentals, Inc

First Alert Sling Testing

CH Fenstermaker & Associates, Inc

Dolphin Energy Equipment


Don Mashburn, Inc

Flow Control Equipment, LLC

Alamo Hydraulics of Louisiana Alert Systems Technologies, LLC All Phase Electrical Service, Inc Allen & Kirmse Ltd Alliance Transportation Group Allstar, Inc Alpha & Omega Tent Rentals Alpha Con, Inc American Eagle Logistics, LLC American Fire & Safety, LLC American Pollution Control Corporation

Waldemar S Nelson & Company, Inc

Anna L. Smith

Warrior Energy Services Corporation

Aqueos Corporation

Weeks & Gonzalez Aplc

Custom Hydraulic Equipment Company (Checo)

Appalachian Oilfield Services Arc Energy Equipment, LLC

Wild Well Control, Inc

Arthur C. Leblanc Jr & Assoc, Inc

William S. Nadler Jr, Inc

Atchafalaya Measurements, Inc

Chalmers Collins & Alwell, Inc

Erso, Inc

Exploration Land Services, LLC Express Supply & Rental, LLC Extreme Energy Services, LLC Extreme Trucking, LLC

Flow Petroleum Services, Inc



LOUISIANA - VENDOR LIST Flow Services & Consulting, Inc

HPS Oil & Gas Properties, Inc

Lafayette Threaded Products

Mikes Pipe Inspection, Inc

Power Cleaning Solutions, LLC

Fluid Technology Service Intl, LLC

Hub International

Lake Charles Reporting Service, Inc

Miller Engineers & Associates In

Power Rig Rental Tools, Inc

Force Well Services, LLC

Power Specialities, LLC

Hunter SPS

Lake City Trucking

Milling Benson Woodward LLP MKM & Associates, Inc

Power Up Rentals, LLC

Moncus Energy Group, LLC

Precision Pump & Valve IL, Inc

Monster Heavy Haulers, LLC

Preheat, Inc

Moody International, Inc

Premiere Rental & Supply, LLC

Moody-Price, LLC

Premiere, Inc

Levingston Group, LLC

MP Mayeux Surveying & Boundary Consulting, LLC

Prentice Training Company, Inc

Liberia Properties, LLC

MWD Solutions, Inc

Life Line Technologies, LLC

My Vac, LLC

Life Saving Equipment Repair Co, Inc

National Inspection Services, LLC

Liskow & Lewis

National Welding Supply Co, Inc

Living Quarter Technology, Inc

Newlin Wireline

Lonestar Corrosion Services, Inc

Newpark Environmental Services, LLC

Francis Drilling Fluids Ltd Franks Casing Crew & Rental Tools, LLC Frank’s International, Inc Frederick’s Machine & Tool Shop Fred’s Plumbing & Electric Fremin General Contractors, LLC Fruge Seafood Fuelquest, Inc Furman Enterprises, Inc G Triple M Services G&L Well Service, Inc Gachassin, Inc Gardemal Welding Service Garden Center Landscaping, LLC Gator Valve, Inc Gauthier Homes, Inc GE Energy Oilfield Technology Geo Environmental Gerald Trahan Welding Service, Inc

Hubbard’s Creative Art & Signs Hydra-Lube, Inc I&E Technologies, LLC Iberia Parish School Board Ikon Financial Services Ilandman Independent Mud Consultants Industrial Solutions Group, LLC Industrial Welding Supply Co Industrial Wood Products of Louisiana, LLC Infinity Valve & Supply, LLC Inspection Oilfield Services Instrumentation & Electrical Integricert, LLC

Lanchbury Consulting, LLC Landtel Communications, LLC Leam Drilling Systems, Inc Lefty Lafferty Leon E Comeaux & Associates

LOS, Inc Louisiana Cajun Machine, Inc

NGE Techs, LLC

Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exposition

Nico Supply Company, Inc Nitro Rentals, LLC

Louisiana Radio Communications

Nitro-Lift Technologies, LLC

Intertek Consulting & Training (Usa), Inc

Louisiana Safety Systems, Inc

Nov Tuboscope

Integrity Supply, LLC International Snubbing Services, LLC International Trucks of Acadiana, LLC

Louisiana Valve Source, Inc

Intertek Technical Services, Inc

Lousiana Tank

Global Chemical, LLC

Intracoastal Liquid Mud, Inc

LQT Industries, LLC

Global Data Systems, Inc

J Schneider & Associates Ltd

Lycon, Inc

Global Logistics, LLC

J. Edward Collins & Associates

M&J Valve Services, Inc

Global Vessel & Tank, LLC

J.A. Davis Properties, LLC

M&M International, LLC

Good Idea Consulting

J.B. Mouton, LLC

M&M Marine Services, Inc

Goodwill Ind of Acadiana

J.D. Leach & Assoc, Inc


J.P. Hesterly Jr

M.P. Mayeux Surveying & Boundary Consulting, LLC

Green Field Energy Services, Inc

Jackson Bulk Haulers, LLC

Greene’s Energy Group, LLC

James H. Boyd

Guardian Global Technologies Ltd.

Jason P. Frederick

Guichard Operating Company, Inc

Jem Products, Inc

Guico Specialty Co, Inc Gulf Coast Machine Service, LLC

JCB Services, LLC Jeremy Carl Pye Jim Camel Specialty

Machine Specialty & Mfg, Inc Machine Tech Services Machine Tools, Inc Macro Environmental Specialties, LLC Magnolia Torque & Testing, Inc Major Equipment & Remediation

Nolan’s Machine Shop, Inc Nutec, Inc Nxt Oilfield Rental,LLC O J Broussard O.S. Scouting Service Occupational Medicine Clinic Offshore Energy Services, Inc Oil Center Research of Texas LLC Oilfield Innovators Limited, LLC Oilfield Instrumentation Oilfield Surplus, LLC Oilquip, Inc Olympic Cranes, Inc

Pressure Control Specialties, LLC Process Solutions & Products, LLC Procor Chemicals, Inc Production Enhancement Systems, LLC Production Rental & Supply, LLC Production Wireline & Cased Hole Professional Fluid Services, LLC Professional NDT Services, Inc Professional Technical Consultants, Inc Progress Machine, Inc Pro-Log, Inc Proserv Offshore, Inc Protechnics International, Inc PSC Supply, Inc Quail Tools, Inc Quality Inspection & Testing, Inc R&H Supply, Inc R360 Environmental Solutions, Inc Ralph’s Industrial Electronics Randazzo Giglio & Bailey, LLC Randy Smith Training Solutions, Inc

Omega Waste Management, Inc

Rapid Robert Construction & Tree Service

Onebane Law Firm

Rapidmeq, LLC

Otis Roberts, Inc

Ray Oil Tool Co, Inc

Ottinger Hebert, LLC

Raymond’s Pest Control, Inc Recon Management Services, Inc

JMI Manufacturing, Inc

Manufactured Products & Supply, Inc

Gulf Coast Monitoring & Elec

Johnson Gray Mcnamara, LLC

Marine Corporation League

Overhead Door Co. of Lafayette

Gulf Land Fire Safety, Inc

Jory L. Bernard, LLC

Marine Industrial Fabric, Inc

Pathfinder Energy Services, Inc

Gulfside Fabricators

Kaplan Telephone Co, Inc

Marine Survival Training

Patterson Rental Tools

H. Allen Stuart Jr & Wife Stuart

Keeton Services, Inc

Maritime International, Inc

Payzone Energy Services

H2O, Inc

Keith & Celeste Properties, LLC

Mark B. Oliver

Pearly Romero

Hadco Rental Tools, Inc

Ken-Vac Corporation

Mark Tool & Rubber Co, Inc

Pelican Oilfield Rentals, LLC

Reliable Power Systems of Louisiana, LLC.

Hadco Services, Inc

Kevin Duhon

Mason Specialty Tools, LLC

Hadco Services, Inc

Keystone Energy Tools, LLC

Master Kutz Lawn Maintenance

Pencor Reservoir Fluid Specialists

Renegade Performance Motors, LLC

Hb II Environmental Resources

Kidder, Inc

McCoy Global USA, Inc

Penterra Services, LLC

Resource Transportation of

HB Rentals LC

Knight Fishing Services, Inc

Mckay Equipment, LLC

People Haulers

Rig Tools, Inc

Health Testing Solutions LP

Knight Manufacturing, Inc

McLaughlin Mediation

Peopleworks Plus Tascs

Ringuet & Collier

HEP Energy, Inc

Knight Oil Tools, Inc

MDM Tool Supply, LLC

Petro-Land Resources, Inc

RJ Hebert Investments, LLC

Hick’s Machine Shop

Kraemer Shows Oilfield Services, LLC

Medi-Chest, Inc

Petroleum Coordinators, Inc


Petroleum Solutions International, LLC

Robert P. Bertrand Interest, Inc

Hidalgo Ouellet Holdings, LLC High Tech Components, LLC

L&R Logistics

Menard Oil Company, Inc

La Ash, Inc

Merit Energy Services BonusPaid Draft Acct

LA Merryman, Inc

Metal Coatings, LLC

Lacassine Oilfield Services

Meyer Technologies, LLC

HLP Engineering, Inc

Lacassine Oilfield Services

M-I Swaco

HMS Supply & Rentals, Inc

Lafayette Consolidated


Hoist & Crane Service Group, Inc

Lafayette Steel Erectors, Inc

Miguez Fuel, Inc

Hiller Offshore Services HIS Fire & Safety Equipment, LLC

Petroquip Energy Services Petrotechnologies, Inc

Red Wing Perforating Service, LLC Rel Enterprises

Robichaux Mize & Wadsack, LLC

PHI, Inc

Robin Instrument & Specialty, LLC

Philco R&D, LLC

Ron Williams Construction, Inc

Pneumatic & Hydraulic Co, LLC

Rope Soap N Dope, LLC

Point to Point Directional Drilling

Rosenberger Leoni Site Solutions LLC


LOUISIANA - VENDOR LIST Royal Service & Rentals, Inc

TCB Fabrication, Inc

Waste Auditors, Inc

Bayou Swabbing, LLC

David Madison Cox


Tech Mud & Engineering, Inc

Water Transport

Bear Creek Services, LLC

David W. Crews

Rusco Services, Inc

Tech Oil Products, Inc

Watson Electric Co, Inc

Bearing Service & Supply, Inc

Dayliter Rental, LLC

S&W Machine

Tech Service Products, Inc

Weatherford Us LP

Beaty Logging Co, Inc

DCW Transport, LLC

Safety Management Systems, LLC

Teche Electric Supply

Webco Coating, Inc

Beck George, LLC

Deborah White

Teche Occupational Medicine Clinic

Welding Specialist, Inc

Bellevue Timberlands, LLC

Deep South Welding, LLC

Techneaux Technology Services, LLC

Whitco Supply, LLC

Benchmark Services, LLC

Delores M Bowers

Whitliejo Specialty Company

Benton Johnson

Dependable Pump & Supply, Inc

W-Industries of Louisiana, LLC

Blackco, Inc

Diamond Construction, Inc

Wireline Control Systems, LLC

Blanchard Walker Oquin

Directional Service LLC

Wireline International, LLC

Blazer Construction, Inc

Ditch Witch of Louisiana


Bobbie Ann Bowers

DMC Carter Chambers, Inc

Wood Group Production Services, Inc

Boggs Oilfield Services, Inc

Doc Energy Services, Inc

Workstrings International, LLC

Bossier Optical, Inc Bossier Parish Tax Collector

Dogwood Clubhouse Corporation

Sam Broussard Trucking Co, Inc Saxon Energy, Inc Schoeffler Energy Group, Inc Schoeller-Bleckmann Energy Seka Brokers, LLC Setac Chemical Corporation Shannon Hardware Co., Ltd. Sherwin-Williams Co Slemco Lafayette SMI Companies Global, Inc Society of Petroleum Engineers South Louisiana Oil Scouts Association Southern Flow Companies, Inc Southern Rental Services, LLC Southern Steel & Supply, LLC Southwest Oilfield Product Southwestern Louisiana Electric Membership Corporation Sparkhound, Inc

Technical Industries, Inc Technical Resource Services Templet N Templet Terra Source, LLC Terrence G. Frith The Law Office of Jacob L. Johnson L. Thibodeaux Scrap/Demo Thomas Development TX & PA, Inc

Wyatt Compressor Services, Inc Young Oilfield Services Zedi US, Inc

Thomas Interest of Sunset, LLC 2G Services, LLC

Bulldog Oilfield Services, Inc

Thru Tubing Systems, Inc


Burgess Welding and

Tim Supple Corporation

A Professional Law Corporation

C. Gary Mitchell

Timco Services, Inc

Aaron & Heidi Naquin

Caddo Shreveport

Tools International Corporation

Accurate Lab Audits, LLC

Camelot Services, Inc

Total Energy Solutions, LLC

Cannisnia Plantation, LLC

Total Safety

Ad Sign Service, Inc

Spartan Thru-Tubing Services, LLC

Total Service Supply LP

Adams Superior Services, LLC

Specialty Equipment Sales, Inc

Total Valve & Equipment, LLC Totaland Technologies, LLC

Aeon Process Equipment & Control Solutions, Inc

Trahans Welding & Ironworks, LLC

Aeropres Corporation Alfred Glassell Comegys

Trans Tech International Chemicals, LLC

Alfred L. Dinkins Jr

St. Mary Parish Water and Sewer Commission

Trend Communications, LLC

Allens Electric Motor Service, Inc

Trend Services, Inc

Angel Safety Supply, LLC

Stabil Drill Specialties, Inc

Tri Drill Services, LLC

Apeck Aggregate Supply, LLC

Stabiltec Downhole Tools

Triple S Marine, LLC

April Wright-Kelly

Standard Shelving, LLC.

Tripoint, LLC

Arcadia Oilfield Supply, Inc

Star Measurement Sales & Service

Tri-State Tools & Inspection, LLC

Stella Maris, LLC

True Grit Consulting, LLC

Argus Fire & Safety Systems, LLC

Trussco, Inc

Ark La Tex Forklift

Tuboscope Nov

Ark-La-Tex Association of Professional Landmen

SPT Energy Group, LLC St. Martin Parish School

Stelly Construction, Inc Sterlings Upholstery & Fabrication, Stokes & Spiehler Onshore, Inc Strata Control Services, Inc Stratagraph, Inc Stratos Offshore Service, Inc Stress Testing, Inc Sub-Surface Tools, LLC Suncoast Land Company Superior Energy Services, LLC Superior Inspection Services, LLC

Bright Star Janitorial, LLC

Thomas Tubing Specialists

Total Rebuild, Inc

SPL, Inc

Branton Tools, LLC

Thomas Tools

Spartan Flow Control Services, LLC

Spiller Family, LLC

Branco Tools, LLC

Congressional District 4

Action Machining & Pump Service, Inc

Spartan Energy Services, LLC

Brammer Engineering, Inc

Tubular Services, Inc Turbo Chem International, Inc Turnkey Cleaning Services, LLC

Allen Bryan Bagley

Ark-La-Tex Construction, LLC Arklatex Gyro Services, LLC

United Rentals, Inc

Ark-La-Tex Injection Services, LLC

Universal Equipment, Inc

Ark-La-Tex Oilmen’s Golf Assoc

Universal Labor, Inc

Ark-La-Tex Wireline Services, LLC

US Computer Corporation US Liquids of LA LP UV Logistics, LLC VA Machine & Tool, Inc Vanoil Completion Systems

Superior Performance, Inc

Variable Bore Rams, Inc

Tadlock Pipe & Rentals, Incorporate

Vector Graphics, Inc

Tanks-A-Lot, Inc

VIP Advertising Specialties, Inc

Taylor Oilfield Manufacturing

Vox Rental Tools

Taylor Tool & Supply

Warrior Energy Services

Vermilion Parish School Board

Broadmoor Florist

Carlos Anderson Cassandra Atkins Brown Catalyst Construction, LLC

Double B Petroleum Works, Inc Double Eagle Energy Services, LLC Dove Contractors, LLC Drill Pro Consulting, LLC Dunahoe Law Firm Dusonn Contract Services, LLC Dykes Oil Company Eagle Specialty Service, LLC Edwin Gant Barnhill El Farms, LLC Elite Coil Tubing Solutions, LLC Elliott Ryan Beavers Elm Springs, Inc

CBC Supply, Inc

Encore Environmental & Safety, LLC

CDR Oilfield Services, LLC

Engage Energy, LLC

Cellxion, LLC

Etheredge Electric Company, LLC

Central Bossier Water System, Inc

Fairview Trucking, Inc

CGS Rentals, LLC

Fast Line Services, LLC

Charles Cloud

Fernandez Graham

Childress Fishing & Rental Christopher L Daniel Sr

Fleaux Services of Louisiana, LLC

Claiborne Electric Co-Op, Inc

Floyd E. Volentine & Son, Inc

Clark Energy Company, Inc

Fluid Disposal Specialties, Inc

Classic Trucking & Construction, LLC

Fowler & Covington Co, Inc

Claude Mccarty

Frances Townsend Flournoy

Clerk of Court Parish of Caddo

Freedom Oilfield Services, LLC

Cobra Oilfield Services, LLC

G&B Works, LLC

Cocos Frog Pad, LLC

G. Warren Thornell

Comland, LLC

Gene Durr Consulting

Construction Safety Products

George P. Moore, Jr

Construction Safety Professionals I

George Perry Moore, Sr

Cook Pumping Services, LLC

Frac Lights & Equipment, Inc

Gladiator Energy Services, LLC Gray Investments LP

Arthur N. Sample Properties, LLC

Cook Yancey King & Galloway Covington Co, Inc

Automotive Solutions

Greater Bossier Economic Development Foundation

Coyle Engineering Co, Inc

Awes, LLC

Greers Welding & Contracting

Craig C. Barclay

Ayres Warren Shelton and

Gregory Construction

Crane Services, LLC

B. Rose Catering

Gregory Sims

Custom Heat Treating, Inc

Baker Machine Co, Inc

Gremillion & Pou & Associates

Cypress Operating, Inc

Bass Oilfield Sales & Service, Inc

GSS Construction & Oilfield

D&R Bayou Investments, LLC

Baxter Hot Oil Service, Inc

Gulf South Energy Services, LLC

Danny Haynes Contracting Services, Inc

Gulf States Environmental

Bayou Rouge Land & Cattle Co

David Jay Nance

Gulf States Oilfield Services, LLC




LTG Shreveport Truck Center LP

Red River Containment, Inc

The Flower Pot

Cal-Chlor Corporation

H & B Services Bridges

Lutke & Associates, Inc

Red River Louisiana I LP

Central Louisiana Electric Co

Hargrove, Smelley, Strickland & Langley

Madden Contracting Company, Inc

Red River Oil & Gas, LLC

Thomas Cole Flournoy & Annis Rushing Flournoy Tim Smith Construction, LLC

Harrah’s Louisiana Downs

Malcolm Laing


Harvill Sales & Equipment, LLC

Marcus Green

Red River Sanitors, Inc

Haynes Chemical Services, Inc

Markita Melton Russell

Haynesville Wire Line Service Co

Marlin Resources, LLC

High Capacity Coil, LLC

Matthews Landscape

Holley Consulting, Inc

Mcclendon & Associates, LLC

Hoogland’s Nursery, LLC

McDonald Industries, Inc

Horizon Land Works, LLC

McGoldrick Investments, LLC

Hydrotek Resources, Inc

Mcinnis Brothers Construction, Inc

I-49 International Coalition Icenhower Oil & Gas, Inc Independence Bowl Foundation Industrial Electronic Supply, Inc Industrial Supply & Service, Inc Inferno Mfg Corporation IOG Rental Division J W Porter & Assoc, LLC J&B Fencing Hindsman J&J Technical Services, LLC J&N Leasing, LLC Jack Moorman Electrical Jacob Adams James A. Widmer Jamie Riepe Jason Edwards

Merritt B. Chastain, Jr. Metalcraft Manufacturing, LLC MHR Land Services, LLC Minden St. Jude Auction MK Hauling, LLC ML Bath Co Ltd, Inc Moore Wireln of Shreveport, Inc Murphy Bros Trucking and Muslow Forestry, Inc N&A, Inc Nabors Properties, LLC Nancy Elizabeth Moore Natchitoches Parish Nathan Aaron Wesson Ninock Land Company, LLC

JC Fodale Energy Services, LLC

Nixon Engineering Solutions

Jean Simpson Personnel Services, Inc

NTB Associates, Inc NW Area Special Olympics

Jeff Merchant, LLC

Oilfield Comfort Services, LLC

Jellum Fence Co

Oilfield Industrial Supply of Louisiana, Inc

Jimar, LLC JL Rhodes Construction, Inc Joetta Lacobee Waterman John C. Ellis Jr John R Bowman & Assoc, Inc Jones Environmental, Inc

Oilfield Supervisors, Inc Oliphint Investments, Inc On Time Hotshot Onsite Provisions, LLC P Towns Services, LLC

Red River Pump Specialists, Inc Red Tiger Energy Services, LLC Reliance Industrial Products Ripley Scott Comegys Ron Tuminello Ronald Lee Powers & Bradley Ronnie D. Smith Rose M. Reliford Roy Sattler Construction, Inc Ruggie Bowers Jr Ryan Lowell Koontz S-3 Pump Service, Inc Sabine Parrish Sheriffs Office Seabaugh & Joffrion Sealy Heart of Bossier, LLC Security Pro Service Experts of NW Louisiana Sharon Lee Nance Avant Sheriff & Ex-Officio Tax Collecto Shiloh Cattle & Land, LLC Shred-It Shreveport, Inc Shreveport Communications Shreveport Petroleum Data Assoc, Inc Sky Lin Services, LLC Sky Vacuum Service, LLC Smitheys Heating & AC, Inc Smith’s Towing & Recovery Snodgrass Welding Services, Inc

Timothy S. Farrington TNK Enterprises, Inc Toledo Mudlogging Services, Inc

Central Oil & Supply Corp Cleco Power, LLC Cornerstone Pumps & Service, LLC

Tommy Richard Roll-On Intercom Rentals, LLC

Cotton Plant Water System

Tremario Lewis

Cross N Consulting, Inc

Tri State Energy Services, LLC Tri State Wireline, LLC True Turn Machine, Inc Twin Cities Technologies UNI Plantation

Crest Natural Resources, LLC Dane’s Tractor Service Darryle Kitterlin Consulting Decal Shop Dewey Deville

Valveworks Usa

Dis Tran Packaged Substations, LLC

Van Portable Well Testing, Inc

Discovery Group USA, Inc

Verna Dean Jenkins

Double D Energy Services, LLC

Vernon Parish Sheriffs

Enbridge Energy Partners LP

Vibration Technology, Inc

Fredericks Maintenance Service, LLC

Vincent Jackson W.B. Shetley Jr Walkmar Resources, Inc Walter Fletcher Waveland Services, Inc Weatherby Land Services, LLC Webster Machine Works, LLC Wendell Scott Moore Whiteds Wash Pit, Inc Wiggins Specialty Company Willbros Construction Us, LLC Will-Drill Operating, LLC William Andrew Yarbrough

G&C Energy Services Glen Peppers Consulting, Inc Grainger, Inc Greater Ward 1 Waterworks Dist Gulf Coast Tmc, LLC Hatten Oilfield Service, LLC Hercules Transport, Inc Herring Gas Company, Inc HGA Pipeline Services, LLC Holtzclaw Contracting Service Hunt Guillot & Associates, LLC Indian Village Water System J&C Oilfield Rentals, LLC

South Bossier Equipment

Williams Land & Cattle, LLC

Southern Comfort Portable Toilets

Wolf Petroleum Services, LLC Work Kare of Willis-Knighton

JC Maxwell Consulting, Inc

Southern Sales & Service, Inc

Young S. Welding & Fabriction, LLC

JCJ Co, Inc Jerry L. McCarthy Ltd

Zee Medical Service Co, Inc

Jims South Butane Propane, Inc

Southern Soil Environmental, Inc Southwestern Electric Power Co Sparks Hot Shot Service, LLC

James Machine Works

JT Wein, Inc

Specialty Pump Co, Inc

Congressional District 5

Konecranes, Inc

SRP Environmental, LLC

A&M Consultants, LLC

Stateline Vacuum Services, LLC

Abell Corporation

Lamp Environmental Industries, Inc

Steel Forgings, Inc

ABL Land Service, Inc

Steve Douglas

Ameripride Services, Inc

Stonewall Auto Investments, LLC

AP Lenard, LLC

Storm Oilfield Services, LLC

Avoyelles Parish Tax Collector

Sue Young Investments, LLC

B&J Oilfield Service

Sullivan & Sons, Inc

Barnhill Consulting, Inc

Synapse Multimedia

Mckinney Honda John Deere Kawasaki

Tactical Oilfield Products

Bayou Engineering Co Dept 1289

McZayde, LLC

Talco Energy, LLC

Ben Christmas Catering, LLC

Meyer Meyer Lacroix & Hixson, LLC

Tanmar Rentals, LLC

Benny Hailey Consulting, Inc

Michael L. Murphrey

Tanner Services, LLC

Brent Engles Enterprises, Inc

Mineral Springs Water System

Target Oilfield Services, LLC

Brian L. Mitchell, LLC

Moore Fire Extinguisher Service

TCP Specialists, LLC

Builders Supply of Ruston

Odorization Technology, Inc

Raburn & Associates

TDJ Oilfield Services, LLC

Bumper To Bumper

Onealgas, Inc

Louisiana Liquid Services, LLC

Ramson Edgar Cason

Ted Snodgrass Welding Service

Burnham Construction, Inc

Parkmans Painting

Louisiana Oilfield Equipt Co

Rancho Pacific Commercial, Inc

Testament, LLC

C&S Oilfield Services, LLC

Patton’s Service Company, Inc

Louisiana Thermal Spray, LLC

Red Ball Oxygen Co, Inc

Tforce Energy Services, Inc

C&S String Up Services

Patton’s Western Wear, LLC

JPM Energy Services JW Porter & Associates, LLC Keithville Well Drilling & Service, Inc Kelvin E Douglas Kent & Associates, Inc Kevin D Harris Koopman Consulting, LLC L.H. Williams LA Chemical, LLC Landpoint, Inc Lawrence & Antoinette Gutman Gutman Properties, LLC Lead Dog, Inc Lesco Oil Field Contractors, Inc Louises Personal Touch Cleaning, LLC Louisiana Crane & Construction, LLC

Padco Energy Services, LLC Parker Brothers Electrical Contracting, LLC Party Express Catering Pat Eddings Consulting Patricia Ann Scott Penn Transport, LLC Petrotech Solutions, LLC Phoenix Water Transfer, LLC Planning Thru Completion, LLC Plaza Investments II Predator Pressure Control & Crane Services, LLC Progressive Metal Service R&O Energy R&R Power Services, LLC Rabb Trucking & Oil Field Services, LLC

Atmos Energy

Laydown Services of Lasalle LC Barnett Construction Lee Consulting, Inc Luke Bird Consulting, Inc Martin Welding & Construction Mccullin, LLC


LOUISIANA - VENDOR LIST Peregrine Corporation

Baker Printing Company, Inc

Pioneer Consultants, Inc

Baker True Value Hardware

Precision Torque Systems

Baton Rouge Community College

R&R Contractors R&S Supply, Inc

Baton Rouge Industries, Inc

Deep South Crane & Rigging, LLC

Herb’s Trailers, Inc

Malcolm Travel & Cruise

Dennis Bates & Bullen LLP

Hidalgo Health Associates

Manooch Services, LLC

Hinojosa Consulting, LLC

Margot, Inc

Home Oil Company, Inc

Marine Industrial Supply

Industrial Controls & Access.

Massengale Grounds Management, Inc

Dennis Stewart Equipment Rental, Inc

Baton Rouge Magnet High

Dexter Field Services LP

Baton Rouge Packaging & Shipping, Inc

Distributed Control Systems, Inc DMC Carter Chambers, Inc

BBP Sales, Inc

Don Lyn Florist

Bear Industries, Inc

Doug Olinde, LLC

Ronald Brown Consulting, Inc

BFI Waste Systems of Louisiana, LLC

Downtown Business Association of Baton Rouge, Inc

RVT Services (Joseph Wilson Lindley Jr.)

Big Sky Acquisitions, Inc

Downtown Physical Therapy

Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University

Drilltech Enviromental Service, Inc

Real Vision Software, Inc Red Rock Rentals, LLC Red Stick Armature RM Fire Protection Robert M Consulting, LLC

S&S Services Smith Oil Service, Inc

Industrial Design & Construction In

Mcdonald Bottom Hole Pressure

Industrial Machine Works, Inc

Mcdonald Sanitation Services

Industrial Plastics

Mega Fluids, LLC

Internal Medicine & Pediatric

Menard Electronics, Inc

ISC Constructors, LLC

Metallurgical & Materials Technologies, Inc

J&C Auto Parts, Inc J. Schneider & Associates Ltd

Bozeman Distributors & Manufacturers

Dub Johnson Paving Contractor, Inc

J.M. Test Systems, Inc

Steel Fabricators of Monroe, LLC

Brunson Safe & Lock

Eagle Envir Services of Shrev, Inc

John H. Carter Company, Inc

Buffalo Electric, Inc

Stout Consulting, LLC

John L. Lowery & Associates,Inc

C.K. Associates, LLC

East Baton Rouge Council On Aging

Stringer Contracting, Inc

Caillouet Land Corporation

Strong Oil & Gas Consulting

Cajun Crawlers Catering, LLC

Southern Mud-Logging, Inc

TA Bradford Consulting, LLC

Capital Area United

Tomahawk Resources, LLC

Capital City Press

Tool City Sales, Inc

Capital Valve & Fitting Co, Inc

Trey Drewett Consulting, Inc

Capitol Ultrasonics, LLC

Urena Consulting, LLC

Capitol Welders Supply

Wayne Acree Pls, Inc

Carmouche & Associates, LLC

WB McCartney Oil Co, Inc

Central Plumbing Company

Westco Contracting, LLC

Champion Technology Services, Inc

Congressional District 6 A Plus Corporation, LLC AAE Acquisition, LLC ABB, Inc Air & Process Services, LLC Airtech AKM, LLC Albemarle Corporation Alberty & Associates, LLC Alberty & Blakeney, LLC Alberty Additives, LLC Alliance Safety Council

Charlie Steeles Custom Built Chem Spray South, Inc Chustz Construction Cinch Energy Services, LLC C-K Associates, LLC Clay Mcafee Flournoy Coastal Corrosion Control, Inc Coastal Marine Services Coca Sales, Inc Cody’s Transportation Systems, LLC Commercial Tire

Allied Systems, Inc

Computerized Business Solutions, Inc

American Claim Sreivces, Inc

Conestoga Rovers & Assoc

East Baton Rouge Parish Sherriff Eaton Corporation Edgen Murray Corporation Electronic Maintenance Co, Inc Emco Emery Equipment Sales & Rentals, Inc Empire Scaffold, LLC Emsco Energy Services, LLC Entergy Environmental & Safety Excel Contractors, Inc Excel Midstream Solutions, Inc Fabricated Pipe, Inc Farmer & Associates, Inc FAS Environmental Services, LLC

Asset Security Assumption Parish Office Atlas Hose & Gasket Co, LLC Atlas Optical Dispensary, LLC AWC, Inc AWC, Inc Baker Glass Works, Inc

KK Properties, LLC

Neese Industries, Inc Newpark Drilling Fluids, LLC Non Destructive & Visual Inspection

L&B Transport, LLC

Nvi, LLC Nondestruction & Visual Inspection

LA Norm Joint Defense Group

Office Direct

Lacy Howe

Office of Workers Compensation

Lafourche Parish School Board

Orion Instruments, LLC

Lagniappe Steak & Seafood

Orkin Pest Control

Lamar Advertising

Parish of East Baton Rouge

Landtel Communications, LLC

Parish Water Company, Inc

Lane Regional Medical Center

PBC Industrial Supplies, Inc

Lantec of Louisiana, LLC

Pentair Valves & Controls Us LP

Petrin Corporation

Lightning Bolt & Supply, Inc

Petro Chem Equipment Co, Inc

Location Water Systems, LLC

Phuel Oil Tools Us, LLC

Furnace & Tube Service, Inc


Pied A Terre, LLC

G.T. Michelli Company, Inc

Logistics Management Resources, Inc

PL Midstream, LLC

Louisiana Association of Business & Industry

Precision Industries, Inc

Gator Environmental & Rentals GCI, Inc

Greater Baton Rouge Clean Cities Coalition

ASM Catalysts, LLC

K-FX2, Inc

National Electric Motor Service Co

Frazee Recruiting Consultants, Inc

Contractors Supply & Equipment

ASI, LLC Professional Systems Intergration

Kelly’s Industrial Services, Inc

Mr. Fixit’s

Perry Dampf Dispute Solutions

Gourrier Construction Co, Inc

Corrosion Materials

KeepSafe, Inc

Mougeot Architecture, LLC

Learning Sciences, LLC

GM Cable Contractors, Inc

Arthur Joiner, Attorney For Willie Tate

Kean Miller LLP

Moore Construction, LLC

Ford Gelatt & Associates, Inc

Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc

Corporate Services, LLC

Katoen Natie Louisiana, LLC

Moody Price, LLC.

Performance Contractors, Inc

Connector Specialists, Inc

Arrow Pest Control

Kantrow Spaht Weaver & Blitzer

Mobile Services & Equip., Inc


American Radiation Services, Inc

Controlworx, LLC

JW Toups, Inc

MMR Offshore Services, Inc

Lasie Membership Committee

Gisclair & Associates, Inc

Arcco Power Systems

James Construction Group, LLC

MMR Constructors, Inc


American Peak Production, LLC American Rigging & Supply Company

Mayhall & Blaize, LLC

Industrial Electric Motor Service

Louisiana Fire Extinguisher Louisiana Oil & Gas Louisiana One Call System, Inc Louisiana State University

Plant Machine Works, Inc Prime Occupational Medicine Procon National, LLC Providence Engineering Providence Photonics, LLC Q-Dent

Gulf Coast Analytical Laboratories

Louisiana Tool Repair & Sales, Inc

Gulf Coast Manufacturing, Inc

Louisiana Vegetation Management

Quave Office Services

Lo-Vac, LLC

Rail Techincal Services

Gulf Coast Vacuum Services Site

LSU Feti

Rainbow Refrigeration & AC, Inc

Cross Country Contractors, Inc

Gulf South Safety Consultants, LLC

LSU Foundation

Rancher Oilfield Pipe & Supply, LLC

Custom Security

H&E Equipment Services, Inc

Cypress Energy Corporation

H&K Engineering, LLC

D&R Equipment Rental & Sales

Hammerhead Contractors, LLC

David Bowman Consulting

Harrison Paint Co, Inc

Dayspring Group, LLC

Hebert Steel Co, Inc

Court Reporters of Louisiana, LLC Crawler Supply Co, Inc Creative Video Productions

Gulf Coast Office Products of Baton Rouge

LSU Petroleum Engineering Research

QDS Systems, Inc R&D Consulting, Inc

Rebel Stamp & Sign Co, Inc

LWS Location Water Systems, LLC

Red Wing Shoe Store

M Tec Rise, Inc

Republic Valve Service, Inc

Maid 4 U Cleaning Services

Reliant Technologies, Inc



LOUISIANA - VENDOR LIST Richard D. Bankston, Attorney For Tower Credit, Inc

Scaffolding Rental & Erection

Southern Packaging, Inc

Tea, Inc

Trans-Gulf Constructors, Inc

Ricky Boudreaux

Scientific Supplies, LLC

Southern Power Systems, Inc

Team Oil Tools LP

Triad Electric & Controls, Inc

Scott Construction Equipment

Southland Fire & Safety

Tex-Star Water Services, LLC

TSC Logistics, LLC

Scott/Toyota Lift

Specialty Alloys, Inc

The Barnett Company

Turner Industries Group, LLC

Seale Smith Zuber & Barnette

Stanley’s Electric

Turner Specialty Services, LLC

Robert L. Davis Ltd

Setpoint Integrated Solutions, Inc

Star Service, Inc

The Office of Workers’ Compensation Admin. Fund The Park On Bluebonnet

Robison Fence Co., LLC

SGS North America, Inc

Utility Payment Processing

Rockies Construction, LLC

Shaw Environmental, A Division of Cbi

Steam & Process Repairs, Inc

Riverside Welding, Inc. RJC Investing, LLC RJT Industrial, LLC

Roco Rescue, Inc Roland J. Robert Distributor, Inc Rotary Club of Zachary Roy Chenevert RPS Cemeting Co, LLC Rubber House of B.R., Inc Rust Busters Painting, LLC Safety Connection, Inc Sage Environmental Consulting LP Salmon & Associates, Inc

Shaw Fabrication & Manufacturing Sigma Engineers & Constructors SJB Group, LLC Smith Tank & Steel, Inc Sochem Solutions, Inc Solarcraft, Inc Soundtite Solutions, Inc Southeastern Overhead Door Co, Inc

Star Service, Inc of New Orleans Steve Kent Investments, Inc Steve Kent Trucking, Inc Stewart & Stewart Properties, LLC. Stupp Corporation Suarez Bros Crane & Heavy Haul, LLC Success Labs Superior Ford, Inc Sylvia Earline Mills Taylor, Porter, Brooks, & Phillips LLP

Theophilus Oil Gas & Land Services, LLC Thermal & Process Sales, Inc Thermon Heat Tracing Services II Thraco Industrial, LLC Tim Marioneaux Tom Waters Clothes & Acadian Optical Topcor Services, Inc Traffic & Transportation Club of Baton Rouge Trailer Management International Ll

Tyco Valves & Controls LP Webb-Rite Safety, Inc Weber Services, Inc Wedling Testing X-Ray, Inc West Sanitation Service, Inc Wheatco Industrial Supply & Equipment, Inc Wholesale Battery Co, Inc William S. Strain & Associates Woods Machine Works, Inc Workforce Med Center WS Promotions Zachary Lumber



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Maine Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Maine, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 11 businesses, located across Maine’s two congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Maine supports some 28,800 jobs, which is 3.6 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Maine labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $1.15 billion annually. That’s 3.2 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Maine is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Maine enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Maine across all industries and sectors is $38,782, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is higher—$45,861 annually. Overall the industry supports $2.4 billion of the Maine economy. That’s 4.2 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Maine also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Maine reached 2,769 in 2012.





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k


50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Maine Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary



State: Maine

Maine Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Grand Total

District Location ●


District 02



District 01



Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

The job total is projected to climb to 4,571 in 2020 and to 5,007 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Maine, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MAINE - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1 Blue Marble Geographics Delorme Publishing Co, Inc Forristall Ocean Engineering, Inc Kardexremstar Kepware Technologies Nestay, Inc Strategic Maintenance Solutions, Inc

Congressional District 2 Aerohydro, Inc Robichaud Alberic Jr Senior Flexonics Pathway Metroflex Dampers Wisco, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Maryland Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Maryland, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 94 businesses, spread across all eight of Maryland’s congressional districts, are a part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCooper study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Maryland supports some 75,400 jobs, which is 2.2 percent of the state’s total employment. The Maryland labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.2 billion annually. That’s 1.9 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Maryland is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Maryland enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the

state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Maryland across all industries and sectors is $51,928, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$60,903 annually. Overall the industry supports $7.08 billion of the Maryland economy. That’s 2.2 percent of Maryland’s total economic activity. Maryland also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Maryland reached 11,749 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PWC, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k

$60,903 $51,928

50k 40k 30k

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Avg. Annual Maryland Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Maryland

Maryland Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Grand Total


District 06

District 08 District 07

District 02

District 03

Vendor Profile6

District 04

Williams Scotsman

District 05

Since 1955, Williams Scotsman has offered mobile and modular space solutions for the construction, energy, industrial, commercial/retail, healthcare, and government markets, with operations in the United States and Canada. As part of the Algeco Scotsman network, Williams Scotsman provides turnkey office, accommodations, and storage solutions (modular units that come fully equipped with technology solutions, kitchen equipment, office furniture, etc.) to the energy market. Williams Scotsman’s services range from equipment rental to the design, build, and management of workforce housing solutions to support the development of remote energy resources. The company services projects in North America and around the globe. Domestically, William Scotsman delivers turnkey modular solutions across numerous North American energy fields, ranging from the Permian Basin and Eagle Ford Shale in Texas, to the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania, to the Bakken Shale in North Dakota, to the Alberta oil sands, and even the North Slope of Alaska. In the company’s modular spaces, contractors meet and review work documents, discuss project progress, and have a break area away from the job site. Turnkey housing and catering solutions enable workers in remote areas to rest, refuel, and recuperate after long, demanding workdays in extreme climates. In addition, the inherent nature of temporary modular solutions is safer for the environment, as it reduces the need for permanent construction and allows equipment to be reused as development activity inevitably migrates to new areas. The ever-growing oil and gas business is also driving the company’s overall growth in non-residential construction. With many of the shale projects located in isolated areas, there is a ground-up need for infrastructure development. As workers move into these areas to develop the energy side of the industry, families follow and need schools, hospitals, housing, and recreational facilities.

District 01

Top Cities Baltimore = 28

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

20,059 in 2020 and to 22,241 in 2035.4 And the people of Maryland get it. A state-wide telephone poll of 602 registered Maryland voters, conducted on behalf of

the American Petroleum Institute, found that 81 percent of voters, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of domestic oil and natural gas resources located here in the United States.5

4. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-marylandvoters-support-lng-exports-investments-in-oil-and-natural-gas, the results of a state poll conducted by Harris for API April 9-16, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MARYLAND - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Veil Environmental, LLC

Optical Scientific, Inc

Kaydon Ring & Seal, Inc

Williams Scotsman, Inc

Calgaz, LLC

VIM Technologies, Inc

Pillar Innovations, LLC

Kentucky Berwind Land Co

WR Grace & Co Conn

Georgia Steel & Chemical Co

WSI International, LLC

Premia Relocation Mortgage, LLC


Spirit Services, Inc

Logic Solutions Group, LLC

Congressional District 8

Congressional District 4

Maxim Health Systems, LLC

A. Morton Thomas & Associates

Miller & Chevalier Chartered

Bregman, Berbert, Schwartz & Gilday

Omega Steel Company

Congressional District 2

Eric Jones

Air2, LLC Allegis Group Services, Inc

Congressional District 5

Ancile Solutions, Inc

Patent Reproduction Co

CH IV International, LLC Chesapeake System Solutions

Congressional District 6

Emerson Electric Company

Axxis Software

North Dakota One Call, Inc One Call Concepts, Inc Structural Preserations Systems, LLC

Congressional District 3 Compass Lexecon Frontiermedex, Inc HDH Construction Consultants, Inc Sclogic, LLC Trace International

David Owens Edith M. Powers Equant, Inc. Fugro Earthdata, Inc Infrared Predictive Surveys, Inc Integrated Environment MDA Information Systems, Inc Meggitt, Inc NPA International, Inc Oil Price Information Service, LLC Opis Energy Group

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc

Congressional District 7

MK Technology Data, LLC Penn Schoen & Berland Associates

Columbia Books, Inc

Acton Mobile Industries American Lubrication Equipment Corporation

PHH Vehicle Management Services

Democracy Data & Comm, LLC

Audio Visual Innovations, Inc

Railinc Corporation

Aviation Spectrum Resources, Inc

Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc


Signal Perfection Ltd

Foster Associates, Inc

Carol J. Reynolds

Smith System Driver Improvement Institute, Inc

Gexcon US, Inc

Society For Human Resource Management

Jason R. Warran

Cogent Communications, Inc Cort Business Services Corporation Crowell & Moring LLP DLA Piper LLP Easylink Services Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc Insite Towers, LLC Kastle Systems

Standard Industries, LLC State Power & Lighting, LLC Tessco Technologies, Inc Titan Engineering, Inc

Computer Packages, Inc Digging & Rigging, Inc Fidelis Security Systems, Inc Floatograph Technologies, LLC

Greenspace Unlimited Kruger Environmental Strategies Network Service Solutions, LLC The Growth Group, LLC The Sans Institute

Transcat, Inc

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Vangard Wireless

W. Devier Pierson

Venable LLP



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Massachusetts Economic and Job Growth

Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Massachusetts, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 209 businesses, spread across the state’s nine congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Massachusetts supports some 106,300 jobs, which is 2.5 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Massachusetts labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $7.12 billion annually. That’s 2.6 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Massachusetts is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Massachusetts enjoy significant benefits

from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Massachusetts across all industries and sectors is $62,317, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is significantly higher—$75,687 annually. Overall the industry supports $12.6 billion of the Massachusetts economy. That’s approximately 3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Massachusetts also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).


$75,687 $62,317

60k 50k 40k 30k

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Avg. Annual Massachusetts Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Massachusetts

Massachusetts Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Grand Total

District 06

District 03 District 01

District 02

District 05 District 08


District 04

District 07

District 09

Vendor Profile6 Plumb Geomechanics, LLC Plumb Geomechanics was founded in 2010, after the company’ principal retired from Schlumberger: “[My goal was] to transfer my knowledge to the next generation of geoscientists working in the petroleum industry.” A small business located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Plumb Geomechanics provides consulting services to the upstream oil and gas industry. The company aims to help clients develop geomechanical models for regions where exploration wells will be drilled. The models are used to help plan the wells and to manage drilling risk while the wells are being drilled. Plumb Geomechanics also provides basic training in borehole geomechanics. The company teaches 3-day and 5-day courses on the foundations of applied borehole geomechanics. The course covers basic concepts used in geomechanics, the workflows for building geomechanical models using conventional oilfield data, and application of the models for the life of a field. The founder of Plumb Geomechanics helped create the geomechanics services business in Schlumberger. “Over a period of 30 years, I helped develop the science, measurements, workflows software, and business models that underpin the geomechanics services business. I offer my clients a deep understanding of what is known and what is not known about the state of stress and rock mechanincal properties at great depth in sedimentary basins. I help them develop new geomechanics information in their exploration wells and apply it to minimize operational risk when drilling and developing new reservoirs.”

Top Cities Boston = 87 Woburn = 10 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in Massachusetts reached 15,896 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 26,446 in 2020 and to 28,090 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Massachusetts, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MASSACHUSETTS - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Thermo Orion, Inc

Diamond Water Systems, Inc

Zoll Medical

Stainless Source Treeage Software, Inc

Congressional District 4 Cyber Ark Software, Inc

Congressional District 2

Glanz Associates

Acumentrics Sofc Corporation

Industrial Video & Control Co, LLC

AIW, LLC Aternity, Inc Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc Coler & Colantonio, Inc Computershare Technology Services

Invensys Systems, Inc Retele Communications Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc Wamit, Inc

PC Connection Sales Corporation

AW Chesterton


Plum Geomechanics, LLC

BA Insight, LLC

L Com Global Connectivity

Bayou Swabbing, LLC

Labvantage Solutions

Best Doctors

Locator Services Group Ltd

Bloomberg Finance LP

Lux Research, Inc

Broadridge ICS

MathWorks, Inc

Carousel Industries of North America, Inc

Measurement Specialties, Inc

CDM Smith, Inc

Oliver Wyman, Inc

Process Software, LLC Rightanswers, Inc Ryan E. Katofsky Sodexo, Inc & Affiliates Staples Contract & Commercial, Inc Staples, Inc Telerik, Inc The Mathworks, Inc Tower Numerics, Inc

Clean Harbors Surface Rentals

Verdasys, Inc

Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co, Inc

Congressional District 6

Copyright Clearance Center

Power Advocate, Inc

Corven, Inc

PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc

Crosby Legacy Company, LLC

Praxair, Inc

Dassault Falcon Jet Corporation

Public Company Accounting

Dionex Corporation

RBS Asset Finance, Inc

Edgerock Technologies, LLC

Reagent Chemical & Research, Inc

Congressional District 5

Dresser, Inc

A.W. Chesterton Company

EMC Corporation

Altova, Inc

Feazel Geoconsulting, LLC

American International Chemical, Inc

Fiba Technologies, Inc

Associates For International

Aspen Technology, Inc

GZA Geoenvironmental, Inc

Beacon Hill Staffing Group, LLC

Comsol, Inc

Hydrotest Products, Inc

Bottomline Technologies, Inc

Copyright Clearance Center

Instron Corporation

Bruker Daltronics, Inc

Emptoris, Inc

Malvern Instruments, Inc

CDM Smith, Inc

Entegee, Inc

Mott Macdonald, LLC

Celerant Consulting, Inc

Flir Systems, Inc

National Fire Codes

Christopher J. Drew

Foresite Energy Services, LLC

National Fire Protection

Dassault Systemes Americas Corporation

GE Infrastructure Sensing, Inc

Enterprise Information Resources, Inc

QSA Global, Inc

Olav & Co, Inc Peak Energy Services USA, Inc The Training Associates Corporation Trainright, Inc

Congressional District 3 Armon Technologies, LLC

Fastners & Metal Products Corporation

Options For Change, LLC

Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc

Cyalume Technologies, Inc

NFPA International

Channing L. Bete Company, Inc

Mentor IMC (USA), Inc

Andrew Dejarnette Light

M.M. Newman Relion Industries RSA Security, LLC

ESAB Group Canada, Inc ESI International, Inc Flir Commerical Systems, Inc Foley Hoag LLP Friedman Electric Supply Co FTI Consulting, Inc GE Mobile Water, Inc Granite Telecommunications, LLC

Oxford Global Resources, Inc Peak Energy Services Peak Scientific, Inc Pennsy Supply, Inc

Sparrows Offshore, LLC Staples Advantage Stratos Global Corporation Stratos Offshore Services Co Survivair Target Logistics Management, LLC Target Oilfield Services, LLC Tech Depot

Forrester Research, Inc

Skipping Stone, LLC

Great Lakes Carbon Treatment, Inc

Hitachi Consulting Corporation

Thermo Scientific Portable

Harvard Business School

Thermo Scientific Portable

IHS Cera, Inc

Truepoint, LLC

Health Resources

Thomson Reuters, LLC

IHS Global, Inc.

Unifirst Holdings, Inc

Honeywell Safety Products


Visualization Sciences Group, Inc


Veson Nautical Corporation

IDC Research, Inc

Vocus, Inc

Interaction Associates, Inc

Technip E&C, Inc

Arnzengroup, LLC

Invention Machine Corporation

Birddog Solutions

Ipswitch, Inc

Congressional District 7


Webject Systems, Inc

Blackstone Instruments

Lewa Nikkiso America, Inc

Financial Accounting Standards

IHS Global, Inc

Cybergrants, Inc

Maintenance Reseller Corporation

Pepperdash Technology

Wolters Kluwer Financial Services, Inc

Datawatch Corporation Dawn Laboratories, LLC Hottinger Baldwin Measurements Lawrence Pumps, Inc Oxford Instruments America, Inc Progression, Inc Rob Hartz Consulting Seavus USA, Inc Spectro, Inc Syncopation Software, Inc

Mason Brown Oil & Gas, LLC Massachusetts Institute of Technology Metalogix International Methods Machine Tools, In Michael A. Roberto Monitor Company Group, LP NWN Corporation Oil Combinations, Inc Olympus Ndt, Inc

Industrial Solutions Group, LLC

Wood Mackenzie, Inc

United Rentals (North America), Inc

Inmarsat Solutions US, Inc International Human Resources Development

Congressional District 9

Congressional District 8

Intertek USA, Inc

Acorn International, LLC

Invention Machine Corporation

Aecom Environment

Iron Mountain, Inc PA ISS Corporate Services, Inc

Brookfield Engineering Laboratories

Jackson Lewis LLP

Fiberspar Corporation

Jeol USA, Inc

Horizon Marine, Inc

K2 Partnering Solutions West, Inc

Level Negotiations, LLC

Abbott Ball Achieveglobal ADP, Inc Advantage Tech Resourcing, Inc American Tower Corporation Anaqua Services, Inc Andrews International, Inc

Zapp Precision Wire, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Michigan Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Michigan, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 295 businesses, located across all 14 of Michigan’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Michigan supports some 182,000 jobs, which is 3.6 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Michigan labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $8.81 billion annually. That’s 3.5 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Michigan is not a top energy producer these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Michigan

enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Michigan across all industries and sectors is $46,673, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$75,492 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $15.8 billion of the Michigan economy. That’s 4.1 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Michigan also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs.






80k 70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

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Avg. Annual Michigan Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Michigan

Michigan Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 13


Congressional District 14


Grand Total

District 01

District 05

District 04


District 02

Top Cities Traverse City = 36 Kalkaska = 29

District 10 District 11

District 03

District 06

District 07

Vendor Profiles7

District 12

Plasma-Tec, Inc. Plasma-Tec is a precision machining, turning, grinding, and thermal-spray coating shop. The company’s niche is round, turned, ground, and coated wear components, usually for severe environments, such as high-wear or corrosion applications. Plasma-Tec’s sweet spot is 1”– 8” in diameter and up to 60” in overall length of tightly toleranced, engineered wear or perishable components that are bought in small to medium-sized batches. Pump components are a specialty. Plasma-Tec’s coating and manufacturing expertise has doubled the wear life of fracturing pump components.

Hemco Gage Hemco Gage designs and manufactures thread, cylindrical, and pin gaging, with a specialty in American Petroleum Institute threading. The company is API-licensed to manufacture masters, one of only two so licensed companies in the United States.

District 09 District 14 District 13

District 08

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Michigan reached 37,848 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 64,551 in 2020 and to 78,632 in 2035.5 And the people of Michigan get it. A telephone poll of 600 registered Michigan

voters, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

4. “IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-michigan-voters-support-investments-in-oil-natural-gas, the results of a state poll conducted by Harris for API April 2-8, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

In sum: “We provide needed gage engineering talent, knowledge, and application know-how, allowing the oil and natural gas industry to move forward with new thread forms. These allow for faster piping, casing, and tool changeovers.”.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MICHIGAN - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

IDC Industries

Stephens Lynnwood C.

Coil Drilling Technologies, Inc

Congressional District 9

1st Choice Trucking & Rental, Inc

Independent Oilfield Services, Inc

Sturgeon Point Development Company

Dubar Drilling Fluids, LLC

Advanced Manufacturing Group, LLC

Integrity Business Solutions

Superior Inspection Services, Inc

Great Lakes Central Railroad

SWD Specialties, LLC

H&M Investment Properties, LLC

Barnes Industry

J&N, Inc

Systems Control

Lf Batterbee Excavating, Inc

Dell Marking Systems, Inc

J&R Well Service, Inc

Element Material Technology

Jasper Kevin M

Target Oil Tools, LLC

M&L Services, LLC

Filtration Services Group

Jet Subsurface Pump, Inc

Team Services, LLC

McLachlan Drilling Company

Flood Law PLLC

Johnson Oil Company of Gaylord

Tech Services, Inc

Mears/Hdd, LLC Merrill Tool & Machine

Inductoheat, Inc

Kinnco Services, LLC

Invecast Corporation

TNT Oilfield Products

Mill Brook Water Co, Inc Minnesota Life

Knoll America, Inc

Navigator Wireline Services, Inc

Knowledge Transformation Partners

Ackerman Blaine W. Acuren Inspection, Inc Advanced Energy Services, LLC Advantage Electric Services Alpena Power Co Alpena Supply Alpine Auto Shine Alpine Electric Corporation American Waste Arrow American Waste, Inc Antrim Processing Co Archer Contracting Archer Directional Drilling Arrow Energy Services, Inc Bach Services & Manufacturing Co Beckman Production Services, Inc

Kodiak Group, LLC L&KJ Enterprises, LLC

Thorsen Jack Todds Welding Service, Inc

L&R Well Drilling, Inc

Top of The Line Crane Service, LLC

Land Services, Inc

Treetops Acquisition Co, LLC

Laser Printer Tech

Trend Services Co

Lees Instrumentation

Van Den Berge Peter D.

Leibenguth Boos & Associates

Weaver Services, LLC

Loshaw Brothers, Inc

Wendel Construction, Inc

Magnum Solvent, Inc

West Bay Professional Centre, LLC

Beckman Production Services, Inc

Maintenance Contracting, LLC

Bengal Industries

Manistee Co Register of Deeds

Bronco Oil Co

Maximum Oilfield Services, Inc

Bush Jon F.

McCarty Leathel W.

Cantoola, LLC

McLeans Hardware Home Center, Inc

Great Lakes Energy

Mid American Inspection Services

Kuka Robotics Corporation

Cherryland Electric Coop Clark Manufacturing Co Clhowser, LLC CVK Energy Services, Inc D&W Flow Testing, Inc Daves Dust Control, LLC Destination Unknown Trucking, Inc Diamondback Directional Drilling Double Check Services, Inc Dougs Welding Dunns Office Supply & Machines, Inc

Mancelona True Value

Midwest Bit Service, Inc Mikes Steamer Service, Inc MOA Solid Waste Management Nash Melani Sue Natural Gas Compression Systems, Inc North Central Production, Inc

Congressional District 2 J&J Springs Enterprises, LLC Ottawa Gage, Inc

L&L Machine Tool, Inc Soli-Bond, Inc Stone Well Service, LLC

ILM Systems Lube Power, Inc Lumco Manufacturing Company

Congressional District 11 ABC Rental Tool Co

Congressional District 6

Reid Safety Supply

GAL Gage Company

Snow Protect, LLC

HBE Engineering, Inc

Steelcase, Inc

Leco Corporation

Trendway Corporation

Vickers Engineering, Inc

Western Land Services, Inc

Ebbco, Inc

Congressional District 7

Acro Service Corporation Acro Staffing, Inc Altair Engineering, Inc Aristeo Construction Company Articulus, Inc Boll Filter Corporation Casper Corporation Cavaloz Energy, Inc

Jan X-Ray Services, Inc.

Cummins Bridgeway, LLC

Knickerbocker Daniel R.

Energy Services, LLC

Clyde Union, Inc

Liebherr Aerospace Saline, Inc

Form Tech Concrete Forms, Inc

Crisis Care Network, Inc

Premier Corporate Security, Inc

G&T Machine Company

Custer Office Environments, Inc

RMS Enterprises

Integrated Security Corporation

Great Lake Fasteners

Spection, LLC

Mika, Meyers, Beckett & Jones Plc

Vanex Fire Systems

Jacob & Son Operating Company, LLC

Worth Surveying

Kelly Services, Inc

Peter M. Windsor Sr Phoenix Operating Co, Inc Pittman Richard W.

Extreme Truck Wash

Presque Isle Electric & Gas

Field Tech Services, Inc

R.L. Morgan Co, Inc

Flowtek, Inc

RC Safety

Fortis Energy Services, Inc

Reimer Travis A.

Gosling Czubak Engineering Sciences

RF System Lab

Grand Traverse Resort & Spa, LLC

Rock Oil Co

Horizon Geologic, LLC

Daniels Septic Services, Inc

Don Yohe Enterprises, Inc

Carr Brothers & Sons, Inc

Northern Machine & Repair, Inc

Excel Site Rentals, LLC

Harbor Pipe & Supply, Inc

Bay Plastics Machinery Company, LLC

CKS Precision Machining

Corrosion Fluid Products Corporationoratio

Evans Geophysical, Inc

Hague Equipment Company

Congressional District 5

Cedarline, LLC

Clayton Energy Company

Patrick Hejl

GT Rubber Supply, Inc

Wilson Lawn Care

Congressional District 10

20 20 Technologies Commercial Corporation

Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc

GT Profile, LLC

Wildcat Buildings, Inc

Northern Fire & Safety

Energy Quest, Inc

Grush Surveying & Mapping

Warner Petroleum

Advanced Heat Treat

Oil Niagaran, LLC

Great Lakes Wellhead, Inc

The Dow Chemical Company

Systems Integration Specialists Co, Inc

Congressional District 3

Northern Seal, Inc

Great Lakes Hydraulics

Zaremba Walter

Premier Casing Crews, Inc

North Pine, Inc

Earthworks Enterprises, Inc

Graywind, Inc

Wilber Automotive Supply, Inc

Nocti Business Solutions

Roadrunner Hotshot, Inc Safety By Design, LLC Safety By Design, LLC

Netapp Plasma-Tec, Inc Radley Corporation Rosler Metal Finishing USA, LLC Rush Petroleum, Inc Seiler Tank Truck Service, Inc Textron, Inc Varnum Riddering Schmidt Howelett

Safety First Silvarado, Inc Silversmith, Inc Siwecki Construction, Inc SJL Well Service, LLC Skoglund Enterprises, LLC

Congressional District 4 Axflow S.P.A. B&B Oilfield Equipment Corporation

Smetzer Land Services, Inc

Central Michigan Cementing Services

Smith & Johnson Attorneys PC

Chad M. Thelen

Michigan Steel

Congressional District 8 Consumers Energy Co Continental Production Dry Coolers General Machining

Nextep Systems, Inc Plunkett Cooney PC Professional Engineering Associates, Inc Qualigence, Inc

Heck Industries

Resource Development Company, LLC

Loomis Ewert Parsley Davis and

Roger Zatkoff Co, Inc

Meridian Energy Corporation

Roush Industries, Inc

Michigan Salt Products, LLC

Rubber Stamps Unlimited, Inc

Schlaybaugh Susan

Ryder Integrated Logistics, Inc

Sterling Commercial Credit, LLC


Techsmith Corporation

Sample Webtrol, Inc

Worman Dixon & Manis PLC

Summit Health, Inc TR Encoder Solutions Trubiquity, Inc


MICHIGAN - VENDOR LIST W. Dan Wiersig Waste Management of Michigan, Inc

Congressional District 14

Compuware Corporation

Michcon Lateral Co

Alro Steel

Crain Communications

Altair Engineering, Inc

Domino’s Pizza Dominos Pizza

Occupational Health Centers of Michigan, PC

Anxe Business Corporation

DTE Energy Co

Bunting Bearings Corporation

Guideware Systems, LLC

CA, Inc

John O. Dilland

Congressional District 13

Chemtrade Refinery Services, Inc

J-W Measurement Company

The Environmental Quality

Comerica Bank

Master Data Center, Inc

Composite Forgings Ltd

McNaughton-McKay Electric Company

Royal Arc Welding Engineering & Fabrication Division The Trenton Corporation Trenton Corporation

Congressional District 12

University of Michigan


Zoller, Inc

Horn Land & Energy Acquisition Merit Network, Inc Mode2 Consulting, LLC Omni Metals Laboratory, Inc

LMT - USA, Inc

Pro-Seal, Inc Radview Software, Inc Resource Development Co, LLC The Environmental Quality Thomson Reuters, Inc Unifirst Corporation Vox Mobile, Inc


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Minnesota Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Minnesota, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 189 businesses, located across all eight of Minnesota’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Minnesota supports some 122,100 jobs, which is 3.5 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Minnesota labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $6.02 billion annually. That’s 3.4 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Minnesota is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Minnesota enjoy significant benefits from




energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Minnesota across all industries and sectors is $50,475, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$76,853 annually. Overall the industry supports $14.3 billion of the Minnesota economy. That’s 5 percent of the state’s total economic activity.


Minnesota also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these



100k 90k


80k 1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k

$50,475 50k 40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Minnesota Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Minnesota

Minnesota Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8 Grand Total

10 189

District 08 District 07

Vendor Profile

District 06


Xcel Energy Xcel Energy is a regulated major U.S. electricity and natural gas company, headquartered in Minneapolis, with regulated operations in eight Western and Midwestern states. Excel Energy provides a comprehensive portfolio of energy-related products and services to 3.4 million electricity customers and 1.9 million natural gas the business, the company is involved in generation, transmission, and local distribution. For natural gas, the company is primarily a local distribution company with some intrastate pipeline. Xcel Energy is a significant purchaser of natural gas for use in its electric and natural gas businesses and, to lesser degree, for steam and chilled water production. Considerable volumes of production of natural gas are utilized, both at the company’s natural gas generation power plants and as part of the company’s local distribution to end-use residential and business customers.

Fastenal Headquartered in Winona, Minnesota, Fastenal is a full-line industrial and construction supply distributor with more than 2,600 store locations in all 50 states and across multiple countries. Fastenal also has an oilfield sales team that focuses directly on supplying products to drilling sites. In addition, the company supplies custom-manufactured bolts and other intricate parts to original equipment manufacturers in the oil and natural gas industry through its world-class manufacturing services.

District 04 District 05

District 03

Top Cities Minneapolis = 70 Saint Paul = 17

District 02 District 01

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in Minnesota reached 19,103 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 34,815 in 2020 and to 42,691 in 2035.4 And the people of Minnesota get it. A statewide telephone poll of 604 registered

Minnesota voters, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 80 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located here in the United State.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-minnesota-voters-support-investments-in-oil-and-natural-gas, tthe results of a Minnesota poll conducted by Harris for API July 29-August 3, 2014. Click on “new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions..

With a broad range of store locations, there is a store very close to all of the shale plays across the United States. And the company’s automated supply (industrial vending) solutions make it possible to provide state-ofthe-art inventory control solutions.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MINNESOTA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Patriot Technologies, Inc

Ashley R. Iverson

Concepts & Designs, Inc

Power Process Equipment, Inc

Black Box Network Services

Fastenal Company, Inc


Boart Longyear

Fire Safety Usa

Rosemount, Inc

Braun Intertec Corporation

Minnesota Valley Testing

Satellite Shelters, Inc

C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc

Paul Hinski

Structural Anchor Supply, LLC

Capital Safety USA

Scholarship America, Inc

Swanson Flo-Systems Company

Congressional District 2 Applied Air Systems, Inc Charnstrom Concrete Mobility, LLC Despatch Industries LP Durag, Inc Fox-1 Drafting & Design, Inc Genave/Nrc, Inc Greystone Construction Company

Open Access Technology International, Inc

US Water Services

Pace Analytical Services, Inc

Wolters Kluwer Financial Services

Personnel Decisions International

WCE, Inc

Regents of The University of Minnesota

WSI Industries

Chemstar Products

Rhino Marking & Protection Systems

Congressional District 7

T-Chek Systems, Inc

CHS, Inc

S&S Sales, Inc.

Alpha Oil & Gas Services, Inc


Cohasset Assoc, Inc

Satellite Shelters, Inc

Americinn of Crookston

Westwood Professional Services, Inc

Comsys Information Technology

Selkea Systems, LLC

Charles R. Hicks

Sick Maihak, Inc

CHS, Inc

Wigen Companies, Inc

Cutsforth, Inc Detector Electronics Corporation

Southwestern Public Service Co

Clark D. Cvancara & Kathleen

Detronics Detector Electronics

Tenenz, Inc

Digi Key Corporation


Tennant Sales & Service Company

Dwyer Instruments, Inc

The ALS Association

Fultz Contracting, LLC

The Great Lakes Construction Co.

Garden Valley Telephone Co

Congressional District 4 111 Realty Investors LP

Engineered Sales Co

3M Company

Environmental Systems Corporation

6NN Land Trust Andrew A. Stohler

Farmer’s Union Oil Company

Amy L. Frandson

Ernst & Young Product Sales, LLC

Briggs & Morgan PA

Farstad Oil

Truenorth Steel, Inc

Burlington Northern & Santa Fe

FEI, Inc

TSI, Inc

CHS, Inc

Filtration Systems, Inc

United States Postal Service

Sarah M. Owens

CMS Heat Transfer Division, Inc

Fredrikson & Byron PA


Sarah Stokes

Corval Constructors, Inc

Graybar Electric Company

Voice & Data Networks, Inc

Thomson Legal & Regulatory Ltd

Ecolab, Inc

Health Fitness Corporation

WCL Interiors, Inc

Engineering America, Inc

Help Systems, Inc

WD Larson Companies Ltd, Inc

Gagnon, Inc

Hirshfield’s, Inc

WEG Service Co

Sanford Medical Center Thief River Falls

H.R. Peterson Company

Interstate Companies, Inc

Wells Fargo Equipment Finance

Sparboe Summit Farms, Inc

Karges Faulconbridge, Inc

Interstate Detroit Diesel, Inc

Winsted Corporation

Steins, Inc

Merrill Brink International Corporation

Interstate Power Systems, Inc

Superior Lamp, Inc

Journal Record Publishing Co

Wunderlich Malec Engineering, Inc

Pentair Filtration Solutions, LLC

Judy A. Frandson

Xcel Energy

Plum Company

Korn Ferry International

Xerxes Corporation

Porous Media Corporation

Lacrosse Footwear, Inc

Spartan Promotion Group, Inc

Leonard Street & Deinard

Congressional District 6

Engineered Sales Co

Team Industrial Services

Lewis Mckay LlLP

ATS Specialized, Inc

Gerald Duffy

TSI, Inc

Lindquist & Vennum PL LP

Border States Electric Supply

Harvey & Elizabeth Thompson Revocab

US Bank

Lominger Limited, Inc

Carlson Mccain, Inc

Marsh USA

Herc-U-Lift, Inc

Juno, Inc

Congressional District 5



Action Marketing Research, Inc

Midco Supply

Merrill Communications, LLC

Jasper Engineering & Equipment Co

Alfredos Trucking

Mid-State Supply

Minnesota Limited, LLC

LW Survey Co

American Colloid Company

Minco Products, Inc


Minnesota Propane Gas Assn

Aruba Networks, Inc

Morsekode Ltd

Scott Builders, Inc

North Shore Metal Products

Jane M. Maclennan Norex, Inc North Dakota Safety Professionals

Congressional District 3 Appdev Products, LLC Carlson Wagonlit Travel Convey Compliance Systems, Inc Cuts Forth Products, Inc Digital River, Inc Emerson Process Mgmt Value Automation, Inc

Instrument & Valve Services Co J&B Equipment Company, Inc Korterra, Inc Mcquay Factory Service Open Systems International

MTS Sensors Division

Tioga Air Heaters, Inc

Harry B. & Phyllis P. Brown HCB, Inc Lester Christensen Trust Locators & Supplies, Inc Napa Auto Parts Northern Fire Equipment Service Northwest Beverage, Inc Otter Tail Power Company

Usbef Exchange Co

Congressional District 8 Bendtec, Inc Consolidated Title & Abstract Co Cope & Peterson Ltd First American Title Co, Inc Fryberger Buchanan Smith GPM, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Mississippi Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Mississippi, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 80 businesses, located across all four of Mississippi’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Mississippi supports some 97,800 jobs, which is 6.6 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Mississippi labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.53 billion annually. That’s 7.4 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Mississippi is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of

Mississippi enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Mississippi across all industries and sectors is $35,885, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is very substantially higher—$66,281 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $9.1 billion of the Mississippi economy. That’s nearly 9.4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Mississippi particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included in the survey are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. P, prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs.


70k 60k 50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Mississippi Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Mississippi

Mississippi Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Grand Total


District 01


District 02


District 03




District 04

Top Cities Jackson = 11 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Mississippi reached 5,082 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 8,887 in 2020 and to 22,441 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Mississippi, get it. A telephone poll of

1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” ”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “a new national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MISSISSIPPI - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Congressional District 3

4-County Electric Power Assoc Payment Processing Center

American Warrior, Inc

Black Warrior Wireline Cor

Bradshaw Consulting, LLC

Golden Triangle Waste Service Hyperion Technology Group, Inc Jonezy Hot Shot Service MSC Pipeline, LLC Mudman Consulting, Inc Superior Energy Services, LLC SVI Security Solutions, LLC Warrior Energy Services Corporation

Bomgar Corporation Brunini Grantham Grower & Hewes Copeland Cook Taylor & Bush PA Daily Equipment Company Dee W. Layman Evergreen Industries, Inc Forman Perry Watkins Krutz and Harlan R. King Harveston Consulting

Natchez Electric & Supply Company, Inc Partridge-Sibley Industrial Services, Inc Premier Pump & Supply, Inc

Watkins & Eager PLLC

Mack Murry Consulting, LLC

Waycaster Oilfield Consulting

Mike Murry Consulting, LLC

Congressional District 4

Pure Water Solutions, Inc

Airgas USA, LLC

R.W. Delaney Construction Co

Beacon Supply Co, Inc

Radzewicz Expl & Drlg Corporation

Boots Smith Oilfield Services LLC

Ranger Label & Distributing, Inc

Bracey Drilling Consultants, Inc

Rawls Consulting, LLC

Brooks Livingston

Rebel Testers, Inc

Dalemud Consulting, LLC

Ronderio Hunt

DF Consulting Services, LLC

SeCorporation Industries Partnership

Dixie Mat & Hardwood Co F-S Prestress, LLC

Congressional District 2

Headwaters, Inc

BWM Consulting

Hi-Speed Industrial Service

Security Solutions & Communications

Hood & Pyle PLLC Attorneys

Inland Kenworth, Inc

Sunbelt Resources, Inc

Moeller Products Co., Inc

Jeffery P. Reynolds PA

Tellus Operating Group, LLC

Joes Consulting, LLC

Total Exploration, Inc

Logic Solutions Group, LLC

Vic Welch, LLC

Floore Industrial Contractors Gravin Consulting, LLC H&H Welding, LLC Jones Brothers Trucking Kelley Brothers Contractors, Inc

Nabors Completion & Production Services Co PSL North America, LLC R.L. Hilburn Consulting, Inc Reynolds Consulting Riley Services, Inc Scott Blackwell Drilling Consultant, Inc Signal International, LLC Stevison Drilling Consulting Stringers Oilfield Service, Inc T&T Welding Service T.K. Stanley, Inc Thermoprobe, Inc Thompson Brothers Drilling, Inc TriState Environmental, LLC Turnco Enterprises, Inc Union Supply



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Missouri Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Missouri, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 189 businesses, spread across all eight of Missouri’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Missouri supports some 118,800 jobs, which is 3.4 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Missouri labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $5.53 billion annually. That’s 3.3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Missouri is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Missouri enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Missouri across all industries and sectors is $43,441, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$70,637 annually. Overall the industry supports $9.8 billion of the Missouri economy. That’s 3.8 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Missouri also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Missouri reached 37,716 in





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. The survey identifies companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” July 2013, prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).


70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Missouri Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Missouri

Missouri Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Grand Total

District 06

District 05


District 01

District 03 District 04

District 02

District 08 District 07

Top Cities Saint Louis = 74 Kansas City = 56 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. The job total is projected to climb to 64,228 in 2020 and to 70,794 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Missouri, get it. A statewide telephone poll of 614 Missouri registered voters,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 81 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues” “http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/aug-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-missouri-voters-support-increased-investments-in-us-energy-infrastructure” the results of a Missouri poll conducted by Harris for API July 29-August 3, 2014. Click on “new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MISSOURI - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Labarge / Stc, Inc

A Box 4 U


Congressional District 5

Regal Graphics

Access Advertising, LLC

American Railcar Leasing, LLC

Legacy Reserves Operating LP

Rockhurst University Continuing

Congressional District 2

Alexander Open Systems, Inc

Andria M. Wallace

Shook Hardy & Bacon LLP

Luby Equipment Services

American Piping Products, Inc


SkillPath Corporate Strategies

Aramark Uniform Services

Materials Technology Institute

Environmental Restoration, LLC

Baldor Electric Company

Sooner Sports Properties, LLC

Ark Land Company

MC Industrial, Inc

Experitec, Inc

Belger Cartage Service, Inc

SOR, Inc

Ash Grove Cement Company

Minding Moments, LLC

Hydrocat Industries

Motion Industries, Inc

Preston Publishing Company

Burns & Mcdonnell Engineering Co, Inc


Atlas Van Lines, Inc Atmos Energy

Netelligent Corporation

Rose International

Casema, Inc

Stinson Leonard Street LLP

Atmos Energy Corporation

OBcorporation, LLC

Certified Safety Manufacturing

Stonebridge Acquisition, Inc

Automation Service

Oklahoma Safety Equipment Co, Inc

Checkered Flag Trucking, LLC

Terracon Consultants, Inc

Clifford Power Systems, Inc

Texas Gas Service Company

Computer Engineering, Inc

Underwood Hotshot Service

Cooling & Herbers P C

University of Wyoming Sports

Trinity Products, Inc

Enterprise Fleet Management, Inc

VML, Inc

Process Controls International, Inc


Examinetics, Inc

Production Castings, Inc

Congressional District 4

Fairbanks Service

Schneider Logistics, Inc

Abbie J. Burton Trust

Fast Freddys Hot Shot, LLC

Sigma Aldrich, Inc

Cabell Gillespie Rev Trust

Fike Corporation

Solutia, Inc

Claudia Kenyon Floyd Trust

Forbush Linda Lea

Southwest Steel Casting

Frontier Services, Inc

St. Louis Metallizing Company

Community Bank of Raymore As Ttee Laura E Couch Under Trust


Danah H. Fayman Trust

Grainger, Inc


David L. Fayman Revocable Trust

Hampel Oil Distributors, Inc

BHS Marketing, LLC Carboline Company Central Parking Corporation Central Parking System CMS Communications, Inc Consolidated Communications Continental Disc Corporation Continental Fabricators, Inc Continental Resources, Inc Corporate Express Corporate Payment Systems Digital Partners, Inc DS Waters of America, Inc EBC Industries Emerson Process Management Lllp Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company Environ International Corporation Experitec, Inc Faithful Gould, Inc Federal Communications Commission Ferry Cap & Setscrew Co Fleishman Hillard, Inc Gardner Denver Machinery Graybar Electric Company, Inc Hartwig, Inc

Ontracks Enterprises, Inc Paul Mueller Co Petro Amigos Supply, Inc Petro Amigos Supply, Inc

Stan Gellman Graphic Design Standard Coffee Service Staples Promotional Products Stemmerich, Inc Tech Electronics, Inc

Yellowstone Valley Railroad, LLC

Congressional District 3 Chemtron Supply Corporation Citibank Na Micrologic

Express Hotshot, LLC

Deborah B. Miller Trust Faith Fayman Strong Revocable Trust Great Western Dining Service, Inc

Geotechnical Engineering Group

Holland 1916 Inland Kenworth, Inc

Stanion Wholesale Electric Co

W.W. Grainger, Inc Wachter, Inc Wifco Steel Products Willis Oilfield Trucking, LLC Windstream Communications, Inc

Congressional District 6 Barnett Power Line, LLC Continental Disc Corporation Martin Construction, Inc. Mastio & Co, LLC

Kansas City Southern Railway Co

Congressional District 7

Lathrop & Gage LLP

Blueascent, LLC Gilbert Industries, Inc

Harry T. Abernathy Trust

Lindley Transport

THF Firestone Development, LLC

Keri Cowart Trust Fbo Keri Gillespie

Lynch Bryan Consulting, LLC

Newman Oilfield Consulting

M&M Supply Co, LLC

Panera Bread Catering

Toshiba Financial Services

Kern E. Kenyon Trust

Mid States Crane & Hoist, Inc

Tubular Steel, Inc

Laura E. Couch Trust

Russell S Mcaffrey Gd Construction

Tueth Keeney Cooper Mohan and

Milus D. Scruggs Trust

National Assn of Division Order Ana

Robert J. Brandom Trust

Oil City Hotshot, LLC

Thomas Mitchell Scruggs Jr Trust

OK Natural Gas Company

Thermadyne Industries

Heat Transfer Systems, Inc

U.S. BanCorporation Equipment Finance, Inc

Husch Blackwell LLP

United Pipeline Systems, Inc

IBT, Inc

Walmart Stores, Inc


William Tao & Assoc, Inc

Jacobs Engineering Group

Windstream Communications

King Filtration Technologies, Inc

World Wide Technology, Inc

Polsinelli Shughart PC

Klozure Dynamic Seals

WS Atkins, Inc

R.M. Trucking, LLC

Timothy S. Brandom Trust

Oklahoma Natural Gas Company

W.D. Johnson Jr Trust

Penn State Sport Properties

William S. Brandom Jr Trust

Performance Contracting, Inc Pipeline Testng Consortium, Inc

Sho-Me Fiber Turbo Supply, Inc

Congressional District 8 Cape Electrical Supply, LLC Executive Air Care Missouri University of Science Pense Bros Drilling, Inc Transitsecurityreport.com, Inc Upland Services, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Montana Economic Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Montana, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 226 businesses, spread across Montana’s at-large congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Montana supports some 43,100 jobs, which is 6.7 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Montana labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $2.01 billion annually. That’s 7.7 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Montana is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Montana enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Montana across all industries and sectors is $36,499, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is very substantially higher—$81,226 annually. Overall the industry supports $4.5 billion of the Montana economy. That’s 10.8 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Montana also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Montana

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included in the survey are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).






80k 70k 60k 50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Montana Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Montana

Montana Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District (At Large)


Grand Total



At Large District





Top Cities Billings = 56 Havre = 51 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

reached 9,634 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 16,799 in 2020 and to 18,811 in 2035.4

Vendor Profile6

And Americans, including the people of Montana, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

Geo-Link, Inc. Geo-Link, Inc., is a geological consulting company that provides services such as mud logging, geosteering, and wellsite geology to various operators in the oil field and throughout the Rocky Mountain region. Growth in the oil and natural gas industry has enabled the company to continue to hire new employees in and around the region.

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-sayus-should-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions..

The services provided to the oil and natural gas industry include safety services, such as gas detection, and services that help make possible the profitable and timely completion of individual wells.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



MONTANNA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District (at Large)

Doorbust N Portables & Septic

4P Catering

Drake Water Technologies

A Excavation

DXP Enterprises, Inc

A Tool 4 U Mac Tools Distributor

Dyann Otto

Ace Hardware

Eagle Leasing, LLC

ADH Wyoming

Empire Steel Manufacturing Co

Advanced Technical Sales, Inc

Energy Equity Co

Alarm Service, Inc

Energy Job Solutions

American Pipe & Supply Co, Inc

Energy Laboratories, Inc

American Steel, Inc

Envirocon, Inc

American Welding & Gas, Inc

Environmental Materials, Inc

Anvil Corporation

Environmental Solutions Resource, Inc

Automatic Vending & Coffee Service

DPHHS Environmental Lab

Excel Drilling, Inc

Havre Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co

Mt. Marian Enterprises

Scada West, Inc

Havre Muffler & Brake

Nancy K. Vermeulen

Schine Electric

Navigator Direct, Inc

Schroeder Land Co, Inc


Shawn Nystrom

NFB Excavation, Inc


Normans Ranch & Sportswear

Sidney Cleaners & Laundry

Norse Well Services, LLC

Sidney Rental

North Central Auto Parts

Sign Products, Inc

Northern Consulting Services

Smith Equipment Company, Inc

Northland Corrosion Services Ltd

Spencer Fluid Power, Inc

Northwest Industries, Inc

Sunburst Consulting, Inc

Havre Rental Highland Projects Hi-Line Audio & Video Ho Auto & Paint Havre Holden’s Hot Wheels, Inc Holt Plumbing & Heating Hurley Enterprises, Inc Industrial Measurement and Control, Inc Integrated AG Services, Inc Interstate Industrial Steam J&L Fencing & Pitliners, Inc

Northwest Security Services, LLC

Jane Schultes

Northwestern Energy

Jares Fence Co, Inc

Nuwave Oil Tools, Inc

JC Energy, LLC

O’Donnell Pumping

Jerrys Services of N.Dakota, Inc

Office Equipment Co

Jet Heat Nw, LLC

Pacific Steel & Recycling

Josh Elliott Fine Art, LLC

Pardee Excavating, LLC

KC Harvey Environmental, LLC

Parka, Inc

Kenneth D. Tate

Patrick Trucking, LLC

Kenneth L. Holmlund

Paul Vosters Consulting

Kirst Engineering Company

Pauper Industries, Inc

Lambert Saltwater Disposal, Inc

Peak Supply Co, LLC

Lamp Recyclers of Montana, LLC

Performance One, LLC

Lancasters Pressure Testing

Peterson Quality Office

Baker Boy Bakery

Executive Lawn Service

Baker Metal & Recycling

Extreme Ice, Inc

Barkus Home Center

Ezzies Wholesale, Inc

BC Energy, LLC

Farstad Oil, Inc

Bear Paw Lumber, Inc

Ferguson Enterprises, Inc

Bergren Transmission

Fickler Oil Company, Inc

Big R Stores

Finest Boot Repair

Bighorn Ag Services, Inc

Fire Suppression Systems, Inc

Bill Baltrush Construction, Inc

Fleet Warehouse Supply

Bill Chupp

Florens Printing

Bison Engineering, Inc

Flowmark Hightech Co

Black Butte Electric, Inc

Franz Construction, Inc

Blue Rock Products Co

Funchaser, LLC

Bosserman Meter Proving

G&G Garbage, Inc

Brenntag Pacific, Inc

Gaila Consulting

Brock Easley, LLC

Garbage, Inc

Bruco, Inc

Gary & Leos Iga

CAD, Inc

General Distributing Co

Cal-Kern, LLC.

Geo-Link, Inc

Cayman Holdings, Inc

Georgia Fair Trust

Central Machine & Welding, Inc

Gerald W Brewer

Checkers, Inc


Chinook Disposal Service, Inc

Gliko Aviation, Inc

Combustion Service

Gray & Johnson PlLP

Coopers Consulting LLP

Graybar Electric Co, Inc

Mid Rivers Telephone Cooperative

Crowley Fleck PlLP

Great Northern Consulting, LLC

Milam Floral


Green River Enery Resources, Inc

Millers Garbage Service, Inc

D&D Oilfield Service, Inc D&M Water Service, Inc Dak Tana Wireline, Inc Dan’s Auto Parts Dick Irvin, Inc Dicks Heating & Cooling, LLC

Griffith Excavating, Inc Griggs Printing & Publishing Gtuit, LLC Havre Heating & AC, Inc

Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc

Landtech Enterprises, LLC Las Vegas, LLC LCC Properties, LLC Liquid Gold Well Service, Inc Loenbro, Inc Louis Iverson Jr Master Sports, Inc Mathews Answering Service, Inc Max Mart, Inc Metals Testing Services, Inc

Mitchell’s Oilfield Service, Inc Mk Weeden Construction, Inc Montana Seals & Packing

Pete Clausen & Sons, Inc Pioneer Technical Services, Inc Plant Services, Inc Planteriors Power Service of Montana, Inc Prairie Fuels Priority Communications, Inc Pro Energy, Inc Pro Pipe Corporation Probuild R&R Welding, LLC Rainbow Irrigation, Inc Range Telephone Coop, Inc Rasmussen Janitorial Service, Inc Rick Partin Trucking Rieger Fencing & Contracting, Inc

Stidham Computer & Security Ll T.P. Construction, Inc T.W. Enterprises, Inc Tailwind Transport, Inc Target Pest Control, Inc Taylor Aviation, Inc Terracon Consultants, Inc The Duck Inn, Inc Thielen Welding Thomas E. Ebzery PC Three Rivers Well Service, Inc Thunderbird International Tilleman Motor Co Timothy S Herron Tire Rama Havre TNT Diversified, LLC Top Dog Performance, LLC Torgerson’s Triangle Telephone Cooperative Triple J Dirt Works, LLC Triple S Disposal, Inc Triple T Sales TriState Services, LLC Truenorth Steel TW Enterprises, Inc UELS LLC Up 5 Welding & Fabrication, LLC Vac-U-Jet Septic & Sump Service, Inc Valerie L.Abbott Valley Motor Supply Carquest Waggoners Trucking Watson Trucking Wild Horse Seeds LLP

Montana Self Insurers Guaranty Fund

RM Reps Co

Wildcat Trucking, LLC Wtc, Inc

Montana Tech

Rockmount Research Alloys In Safety1 Enterprises

Wyo-Ben, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Nebraska Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Nebraska, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 37 businesses, spread across all three of Nebraska’s congressional districts, support the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCooper study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Nebraska supports a total of 47,200 jobs, which is 3.8 percent of the state’s total employment. The full Nebraska labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry totals $2.69 billion annually. That’s 4.7 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Nebraska is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Nebraska enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Nebraska across all industries and sectors is $39,358, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is very substantially higher—$68,848 annually. Overall the industry supports $4.7 billion of the Nebraska economy. That’s 5.4 percent of Nebraska’s total economic activity. Nebraska also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCooper, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).


70k 60k 50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Nebraska Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Nebraska

Nebraska Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Grand Total



District 03 District 01


District 02




Top Cities Omaha = 16

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in Nebraska reached 6,261 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 10,483 in 2020 and to 11,287 in 2035. And Americans, including the people of Nebraska, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

Vendor Profile6 Teledyne Isco Teledyne Isco, based in the Lincoln, Nebraska, area, manufactures high-pressure/high-performance syringe pumps for core analysis and pressurevolume-temperature (PVT) studies. Syringe pumps are increasingly used for laboratory support of oil production and research, and for development for enhanced oil recovery and hydraulic fracturing.

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-sayus-should-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions..

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NEBRASKA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Congressional District 2

Magnolia Metal Corporation

Doing Better Inspections, Inc

AT&T Teleconference Service

Market Sphere Consulting, LLC

Duncan Aviation, Inc

Brady Land Company LLP

Mcardle Grading Co

Linoma Software

Eric J. Haug

National Equity, Inc

Congressional District 3

Olsson Associates

Harland Technology Services

Omaha Steel Castings

Adams Trucking, Inc


Pivotal Guidance, Inc

HDR Engineering, Inc

Precision Industries, Inc

Blackburn Manufacturing Co, Inc

Smeal Fire Apparatus Co

Heat Waves Hot Oil Service, LLC

Prodata Computer Services, Inc

Castronics, Inc

Western Pathology Consultants, Inc

Teledyne Isco, Inc

Intersystems Internation, Inc

Scantron Corporation

Device Disposal & Consulting

University of Nebraska

Jet Cattle, LLC

Union Pacific Railroad

Goodwell, Inc

US Army Engineer District Omaha

JCM Consulting Services, Inc Metalquest Unlimited, Inc Strobel Starostka Construction Teresa M. Sullivan, CPA



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Nevada Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Nevada, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 40 businesses, spread across all four of Nevada’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Nevada supports some 48,600 jobs, which is 3.2 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Nevada labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $2.43 billion annually. That’s 3.2 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Nevada is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Nevada enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Nevada across all industries and sectors is $42,941, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is significantly higher—$57,722 annually. Overall the industry supports $4.5 billion of the Nevada economy. That’s 3.8 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Nevada also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Nevada reached 6,295 in





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



60k 50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Nevada Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Nevada

Nevada Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Grand Total


District 02



District 04




Top Cities Las Vegas = 15

District 01

District 03

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

Vendor Profile6 Silver State Analytical Laboratories, Inc. Silver State Analytical Laboratories is an environmental and chemical testing, lab, and field equipment supply company. Services provided include testing water, soil, and air to ensure environmental compliance, health, and safety; and testing materials to ensure high levels of quality. The company also provides field test equipment and supplies, such as sampling pumps, air gas monitors, water quality meters, and safety supplies. “We are a critical support organization to ensure that oil and gas work is done in an environmentally responsible way.”

2012. The job total is projected to climb to 11,270 in 2020 and to 13,867 in 2035.4 And the people of Nevada get it. A statewide telephone poll of 603 registered Nevada voters, conducted on behalf of the

American Petroleum Institute, found that 80 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located here in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” ” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-nevada-voters-support-us-investments-in-oil-natural-gas”, the results of a Nevada poll conducted by Harris for API April 3-9, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

These testing and supply services add a dimension of independent checks and balances to ensure that development and production are done with the proper permit compliance and unbiased testing reports. The company offers a degree of expertise and objectivity in this industry that satisfies both the producers and the regulators.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NEVADA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

John M. Pinckney IV

Congressional District 2

Microsoft Licensing Group

David A Miler Consultants

Ahern Rentals, Inc

Marietta Sironen

Bently Nevada, Inc

Multi-Phase Technologies, LLC


American Institute of Formation Evaluation, LLC

Nevada Unclaimed Property

Castagra Products, Inc

Enerspect Medical Solutions

QED, Inc

Att Infrared Services

Frontline Systems

Neilsen Barnard Drilling & Blasting, Inc

Refining Systems, Inc

SSD, Inc

Reed Gary J.

Brady Industries, LLC

Haws Corporation

River Basing

Emicole Land Services, LLC

Internetwork Expert, Inc

Taney Engineering, Inc

Energy Electrical Distribution Co

James K. Kanekoa

Vision Building Systems

Jensen Precast

Green River Enery Resources, Inc

Tidelands Energy Co, LP Universal Analyzers, Inc

Nationwide Power Solutions, Inc Sage Consulting, LLC Silver State Engineering & Testing, Inc

Lake Tahoe T&W

Congressional District 3

Connie F. Munoz

Manpower Professional

Cresta Land Services, Inc

JCH Wire & Cable



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

New Hampshire Economic and Job Growth

Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of New Hampshire, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 20 businesses, located across New Hampshire’s two congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in New Hampshire supports some 24,900 jobs, which is 3 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of New Hampshire labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $1.25 billion annually. That’s 2.8 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although New Hampshire is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people

of New Hampshire enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in New Hampshire across all industries and sectors is $49,433, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is higher—$60,369 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $2.3 billion of the New Hampshire economy. That’s 3.3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. New Hampshire also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs.






60k 50k


40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual New Hampshire Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: New Hampshire

New Hampshire Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Grand Total






District 02

District 01

Top Cities Nashua = 5

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in New Hampshire reached 3,070 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 5,138 in 2020 and to 5,693 in 2035.5 And the people of New Hampshire get it. A

state-wide telephone poll of 601 registered New Hampshire voters, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 84 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located here in the United.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” . ” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/large-majorities-of-new-hampshire-voters-support-investments-in-oil-and-natural-gas” the results of a New Hampshire poll conducted by Harris for API April 9-15, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NEW HAMPSHIRE - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Glenn Wiggin

Alcumet, Inc

Globalsign, Inc

Bottomline Technologies, Inc

International Business Machines Corporation

CHI Engineering Services, Inc Freudenberg Oil & Gas

Mbraun, Inc

Metropolitan Telecommunications

Relyco Sales, Inc

Parkside Village, LLC

Congressional District 2

PD Solutions LLC

Convertertechnology, Inc

Pfeiffer Vacuum, Inc

Flir Commercial Systems, Inc

Skillsoft Corporation Bank of America

PC Connection Sales Corporation Red Desert Reclamation, LLC

Microdesk Page Belting Company



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

New Jersey Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of New Jersey, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 177 businesses, spread across all 12 of New Jersey’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in New Jersey supports some 143,900 jobs, which is 2.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of New Jersey labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $10.12 billion annually. That’s 3.3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although New Jersey is not a top U.S. energy producer overall, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of New Jersey enjoy significant benefits

from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in New Jersey across all industries and sectors is $58,998, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$88,205 annually. Overall the industry supports $19.9 billion of the New Jersey economy. That’s 4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. New Jersey also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these






90k 80k

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k


50k 40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual New Jersey Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: New Jersey

New Jersey Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Grand Total

District 05

District 09

District 11

District 08

District 07

District 10 District 06

District 12 District 04

177 District 03

District 01

District 02

Top Cities Newark = 18

Vendor Profile


Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

OLI Systems, Inc. OLI Systems is an electrolyte simulation software company. OLI develops thermodynamic models and software that predict the physical-chemical behavior of water and electrolyte solutions. OLI software is used, among other things, to optimize chemical processes, predict mineral scaling during production, and compute the potential for corrosion in refining operations. The need of the production and refining industries to predict scaling and corrosion during operations has created an opportunity for OLI to develop its technology. OLI’s many scientific advances in electrolyte theory were made in response to demand from the oil and gas sector. OLI represents a team of electrolyte thermodynamicists, scientists, chemical engineers, and software developers. “Our technologists continue to improve upon and deliver scientific models that meet the challenges arising both from the increasingly extreme conditions of oil and natural gas production and from the relentless demand to optimize refining processes.”

activities in New Jersey reached 19,753 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 34,455 in 2020 and to 40,537 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of New Jersey, get it. A statewide telephone poll of 602 registered New Jersey voters,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 70 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues” “http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/aug-2014/poll-large-majorities-of-new-jersey-voters-support-increased-investments-in-us-energy-infrastructure” the results of a New Jersey poll conducted by Harris for API July 29-August 3, 2014. Click on “new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NEW JERSEY - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Amfine Chemical Corporation

Coworx Staffing Services, LLC

Visual Graphic Systems, Inc

MI Group, Inc

Clean Harbors Catalyst Technologies

Arcadis US, Inc

G.J. Oliver, Inc

Waters Mcpherson Mcneill PC

Microstrategies, Inc

Cellebrite USA Corporation

Hatch Mott Macdonald, LLC

Edmund Industrail Optics George G. McComb Jr

Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation

Hewlett-Packard Financial Services

Johnson Matthey Plc

Hytorc Wind, LLC

Joseph A. & Mary T. Wadsworth

KPMG Peat Marwick

Hitachi Power Systems America Ltd

Pentair Valves & Controls Us Lp

Leistritz Corporation Pearson Education, Inc

Congressional District 2 Haines Fire & Risk Consulting Corporation

RSD America, Inc RTP Technology Corporation Rubachem Services, Inc

Hart James T.

Stealthbits Technologies, Inc

Monk Irrevocable Grantor Trust

The Okonite Company, Inc

Partec North America, Inc

Vincent Lupiano

Intertek Kira Land Management, Inc Lexis Nexis Martindale Hubbell, Inc

Oli Systems, Inc

Congressional District 10

OLI Systems, Inc

Alliance Advisors, LLC

Ricoh Americas Corporation

Aqueous Process Simulations, Inc

Robert A. Seijas

Capgemini U.S., LLC

Skyline Steel, LLC

Ceridian Tax Services

Sonneborn, LLC

Eagles Talent Connection

Sungard Avantgard Receivables, LLC

Linde, LLC

Eppendorf North America, Inc

Mel Chemicals, Inc

Federal Bronze Casting In

Nitech, Inc

FES Systems, Inc

Pilat North America, Inc

Kessler-Ellis Products

Savage Assoc., Inc

Lafarge North America, Inc

Setaram, Inc

Latham & Watkins Attorney Trust

Verizon Wireless Services, LLC

Mahle Engine Components Usa

Russell A. Berner

Tension Technology International, LLC Testo, Inc Tower Performance of Texas, Inc Water Mark Technologies, Inc Weichert Corporate Housing Co, Inc

Congressional District 3

Congressional District 6

Canon Financial Services,

Air & Gas Technologies, Inc

Vitusa Products, Inc

Mendes & Mount LLP

Claudia B. Mcnamara

All American Poly

Walter L. Sharpe

Energy Management Institute

Commvault Systems, Inc

Congressional District 12

Ziegenfuss Drilling, Inc

Mercer Human Resource Consulting

Haas Environmental, Inc

Croda, Inc

Accutest Spl Environmental

Hill International, Inc

Falbo Industries, Inc

Milton Roy Company (Corporation) Flow Control Division

Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Holtec International

Hess Bakken Investments I Corporation

New York State Electric & Gas Corporation

Daido Corporation

Interocean American Shipping Overall Supply, Inc Transaxle Axle, LLC

Congressional District 4

Hess Bakken Investments II, LLC Hess Bakken Investments III, LLC Hess Corporation Hess Trading Corporation

Congressional District 8 Avepoint, Inc Kuehne + Nagel, Inc Sg Equipment Finance USA Corporation. Sims Pump Valve Company, Inc Society of Naval Architects and

Turtle & Hughes, Inc

Infragistics, Inc

Twitter, Inc

JHP Consultants, LLC

Lloyd’s Register Drilling Integrity

B&R Business Solutions, LLC

NCS Technologies, Inc

Congressional District 9

Capgemini US, LLC

Satyam Computer Services Ltd

Acrison, Inc

McMaster-Carr Supply Company Programmer’s Paradise Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Berlin & Munchen Sparta Systems, Inc

Argo International Corporation

Congressional District 7

Biwal Manufacturing

All State Legal

Corporate Jet Support, Inc

Avaya, Inc Barworth, Inc Becht Engineering Co, Inc Brittingham Software Design, Inc Carbon Express, Inc Confidential Communications

Congressional District 5

Connector Technology, Inc

Aero Tec Laboratories, Inc

Connell Equipment Leasing Company

The Bank of New York Mellon

Hermann Services Southwest, Inc Hermann Warehouse Corporation

Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd

ICD Holding Corporation

SP Industries (FTS Systems)

Filter Technologies, Inc

Travers Tool Co., Inc

Atlas Insight, LLC

Deutsche Telekom Aktiengesellschaft

R.R. Donnelley Receivables, Inc

Dataram, Inc

Tullett Prebon Information, Inc

Alan E. Colletti

Dataram Corporation

Nurses Service Organization

Berlitz Languages, Inc

CRS Facility Services, LLC Direct Freight Express Ltd, Inc Relational Security Corporation Sandy Alexander, Inc SGS North America, Inc SGS Societe Generale De Surveillance Holding Sika Corporation Stealthbits Technologies, Inc

Kepner Tregoe, Inc

Congressional District 11

Miele, Inc

Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC

Mistra’s Group

Basf Corporation

Mistras Group, Inc

Collabera, Inc

NRG Power Marketing, LLC

Coughlin Duffy LLP

NTT Data Enterprise Application

D&J Transport, Inc

Parkway-Kew Corporation

Drew Marine / Ashland, Inc

Physical Acoustics Corporation

Ground/Water Treatment & Technology

Pine Environmental Services, LLC

Honeywell International, Inc

Princeton University

Impact 4 Good

SHI International Corporation

Jet Care International, Inc

The Mayflower Group

John C. Ernst & Co, Inc

Wipro Limited



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

New Mexico Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of New Mexico, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 902 businesses, spread across all three of New Mexico’s congressional districts, support the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCooper study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in New Mexico supports some 105,600 jobs, which is 9.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The full New Mexico labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry totals $5.35 billion annually. That’s 10.3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of New Mexico, in addition to total employment

and labor income, is in terms of salary.3 While the average annual salary in New Mexico across all industries and sectors is $39,660, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$71,5054 annually. Overall the industry supports $11.3 billion of the New Mexico economy. That’s 14.2 percent of the state’s total economic activity. New Mexico ranks 6th in oil and 7th in natural gas production.5 That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states. New Mexico also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs. 5. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.



70k 60k 50k 40k



Avg. Annual New Mexico Salary

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: New Mexico

New Mexico Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Grand Total


District 03

District 01


District 02




Top Cities Farmington = 227 Hobbs = 191 Artesia = 68 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in New Mexico reached 23,625 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 29,849 in 2020 and to 58,466 in 2035.6

Vendor Profile8 Mesa Verde Resources Mesa Verde Resources provides lignite—a type of coal made from naturally compressed peat that can be used for fuel—to drilling mud suppliers for the oil and gas industry. While advancing sustainable agriculture naturally is Mesa Verde’s overall focus, the oil and natural gas industry is a significant part of the company’s business.

And Americans, including the people of New Mexico, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.7

6. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 7. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” ”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “a new national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

8. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NEW MEXICO - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Advanced Energy, LLC

Brandon Ripley

Dirt Works Services, Inc

Hobbs Rental Corporation

Air Power Southwest, Inc

AKM Measurement Services

Branson Rentals, LLC

Diversified Field Services, Inc

Horizon Trucking, LLC

Betatron Electronics, Inc

Akome, Inc

Brininstool Xl Ranch, LLC

Divine Energy Services, LLC

Horizon Well Service, LLC

BMT Acquistion, LLC

Alfredos Trucking & Backhoe Services In

Bronco Services

Double R Pipe & Supply, Inc

Hudson Packer Co, Inc

Alliance Flow, LLC

Brown Oilfield Service

Doug Northcott Consulting, Inc

Hungry Horse, LLC

Bryan Printers & Stationers, Inc

Dudley Sales & Service

Hydrostatic Pipe Service, Inc

Bull Rogers, Inc

DXP Energy Services, LLC

Hydrotech Services, LLC

Bullseye Construction, LLC

Dynamic Heating & Cooling

IBS of Pecos River Valley

C&C Transport, LLC

Eades Drilling & Pump Service

Inch To It, LLC

C&R Oilfield Services, LLC

Eagle Eye Excavation, LLC

Indian Fire & Safety, Inc

Cable Repair of Hobbs, Inc

Edmondson Services, LLC

Industrial Electric Motors, Inc

Cable Service Company

E-Frac Co2 Separaton Systems, LLC

Ingram Professional Services, Inc

El Fogon Trucking, LLC

J Bar C Trucking

Brian D. Castillo Brown Minneapolis Tank Co Casino Dealer School Chatham Partners, Inc Compliance Services & Testing, LLC Cooper Geological Consulting, LLC Fracture Studies Crane Service, Inc CSI Acquisition Company, LLC Cyveillance, Inc Fracturestudies Franks Supply Co, Inc G&K Services, Inc Geolex, Inc Hall Environmental Analysis Lab, Inc

Alliance Trucking, LLC Allied Digital Security, Inc American Medical Group, Inc American Valve & Meter Service, Inc Andrews Pump & Supply of New Mexico, Inc Angel Kenneth D. Angell No 2 Family Limited APAC Arapahoe Oilfield Services, LLC Arbor Care, Inc Arc Powerline Construction, LLC Aries Well Service, Inc Artesia Field Service

Honeywell Industry Solutions

Artesia Fire Equipment, Inc

Hull Consulting, LLC

Artesia Janitorial Service, Inc

Improve Group

Artesia Lock & Key

Industrial Water Engineering, Inc

Artesia Rural Water Co-Op

J Mar & Assoc, Inc

Artesia Soft Water & Water Shoppe

John Lorenz John Shomaker & Assoc, Inc Leadership New Mexico Lone Mountain Archaeological

Asel Surveying & Consulting Assurance Fire Safety & Training, LLC

Cain Electrical Supply Corporation Calpet, LLC Caprock Air Conditioning Caprock Communications Caprock Consignment Co Caprock Water Company, Inc Cardinal Hardware & Lumber Cardinal Laboratories Carlsbad Valve Co Carriaga Machine & Supply Cave & Karst Surface Evaluation Caveman Electric Center of Excellence For Hazardous Central Valley Electric Coop, Inc Cetane Energy, LLC

Auxiliary Energy Services, LLC

Chisos Ltd

B&H Maintenance & Construction, Inc

Choice Oilfield Services, LLC

Mary Lois Friday Hulsman Mesa Equipment & Supply Co

B&J Wholesale

City Glass & Mirror Company

Mesa Verde Resources

B&L Satellite Rentals, Inc

Clean Slate Services, LLC

Michael Pierce

B&R Trucking, Inc

Clifford Electric, Inc

Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris

Backhoe Services, Inc

Closed Loop Specialties, LLC

Murchison Drilling Schools, Inc

Banta Oilfield Services, Inc


New Mexico One Call, Inc

Basin Surveys

Portable Micrographics

Marks Crane & Rigging

Chris Hall / Cooling Tower

Battle Energy Services, LLC

Connection Inspection Services, LLC

Read & Stevens, Inc

BBC International, Inc

Coombes Trucking, Inc

Roger O. Mcclellan

BDS Enterprises, LLC

Crain Hot Oil Service, Inc

SLK Consulting, Inc

Bearing Supply Co.

CRI Holdings, LLC

Sound & Signal Systems of NM, Inc

Bennies Western Store

Crouch Phac, Inc

SuAnne Faklis

BES Rentals & Sales

Cuatro Transportation, Inc

Big Bear Services, LLC


Big Time Roustabout Service, LLC

Currier Abstract Co

Billy R. Medlin

Custom Welding of Hobbs, Inc

BK Resources, LLC

D&C Electric, LLC

Black River Trucking & Hotshot Services, LLC

D&D Magneto & Pump

Summit Electric Supply Company T.E. Mitchell & Son, Inc TP Pump & Pipe Co, Inc Western Disposal Systems LP Williams Scotsman, Inc

Blaine Industrial Supply, Inc

Curtis Machine Shop, Inc

D&D Pipeline Construction, Inc

Congressional District 2

Blair Machine, Inc

D&L Meters & Instrument Service, Inc

3J Trucking, LLC

Blair Tool, LLC

Dales Auto Paint & Supply

A&M Machine Works, Inc

BMB Rentals, LLC

Daniel Marin

A1 Janitorial

Bo Monk Pipe Testing Company, Inc

Daniel’s Sandblasting, LLC

Abbott Bros Rathole Service, Inc ABC Rental Tool Company, Inc Abernathy Welding

Bob M. Moorhead Bond Ice Co

ACD Oilfield Services, LLC

Boone Arch Services of NM, LLC

Advanced Archaeological Solutions

Bowman Maintenance, Inc

Electric Supply Co of Carlsbad, Inc Electronic Solutions, LLC Elite Well Services, LLC Elliott & Waldron Title and Empire Services, LLC Energy Electrical Distrb Environmental Plus, Inc EOS Rentals, LLC Eunice Pump & Supply, LLC Eunice Well Servicing Co, Inc Excalibur Corporation Excellence In Sales & Service, LLC

Integrity Well Services, LLC J&J Rentals, LLC J&L Landfarm, Inc J&M Welding & Fabrication, Inc Jaco Bit, Inc Jade Construction, LLC Jaimes Welding Service, LLC Janitor Service of Lea County Jarrel Services, Inc JC Septic Tank Service JC Services, LLC J-Cap Manufacturing, LLC JD Hot Shot Service Jet Laboratories, Inc

Extreme Services, LLC

Jex Quinton Jensen

Ferguson Construction Company

J-II Consulting, LLC

Forklift Enterprises, Inc

Jim’s Lubrication Service, Inc

Francos Trucking, LLC

J-K Services, LLC

Fuson Industrial Maint, LLC

Joe Arandas Welding

Gandy Corporation

Joe R. Stewart

Gandy Marley, Inc

Joe’s Pump & Engine Repair, Inc

Gas Well Services

John R. Wolflick & Assoc

Gas Well Services, Inc

John West Surveying Co, Inc

Gasco Manufacturing Corporation

JR Engineering & Construction

General Welding Supply, Inc George Young Sales Co, Inc Get A Grip Supplies, Inc Glenns Water Well Service, Inc

Jim Pierce Consulting

K&P Catering, Inc K&S Electric Company Kam Security & Sound, Inc KC Light Towers, LLC

Goliath Excavation Services, LLC

Kelly Maclaskey Oilfield Services, Inc

Got Safety, LLC

Kenco Oil Tools, Inc

Graphic Safety, LLC

Klein Automation & Electric, Inc

Green Guys Landscaping, Inc

Kodiak Oilfield Services, LLC

Gregory Rockhouse Ranch, Inc

KW Fuels, Inc

Gutierrez Trucking, LLC

L&C Safety Consulting, LLC

H&K Pest Control Co

L&E Services, LLC

H&L Pumping Service

L&J Services

Haarmeyer Electric, Inc andy Haarmeyer

L&R Well Service, Inc

Haller-Phillips, Inc Henry’s Barbecue Heredia Trucking

Laboratory Services, Inc Lacey Kenneth Lact Service Company, Inc

Hill Engine, Inc

Lasen Advanced Laser Technologies

Deans, Inc

Hinkle Hensley Shanor & Martin LLP

Lays Roustabout Service

Desert Hills Electric Supply

HL Trucking, LLC

Diamondback Disposal Services, Inc

Hobbs Anchor, Inc

Dan’s Janitorial Service De La Sierra Trucking, Inc

Lee Blevins Lee Cattle Co Ltd


NEW MEXICO - VENDOR LIST Legacy Light Tower Services, LLC

Oilfield Equipment Rental, LLC

Ryan Hawkins

Legacy Safety & Consulting, LLC

Ryder Services, Inc

TMI Field Services Sales & Leasin

Ace Services, Inc

On The Mark Oilfield Services

Safety & Environmental Solutions, Inc

TNT Oilfield Supply

Legendary Services, LLC

Onos Sandblasting & Painting, LLC

Top Notch Cleaning Service

Advance Supply Co

Lejeune Larry

P&D Petroleum, Inc

Sani Tech Rentals, Inc

Torch Oil & Gas Co

Lightning Industries, Inc

Pacesetter Pressure Pumping, Inc

SB Weed Control, LLC

Tri-Allies Services, LLC

Advanced Wireless Communication, LLC

Palomino Fiberglass & Refinishing

Scarbrough Enterprises, Inc

Triple S Electric, Inc

AG New Mexico Fcs PCA

SD Services, Inc

Triple Ts Linings, LLC

Agua Moss, LLC

SDT Consulting, LLC


Air Drilling Associates

Security Fence, Inc

Trucking & Contracting Services, LLC

Air Star, Inc

Trucking & Contracting, Inc

Alpha Bioscience Co LP

Limestone Livestock, LLC Lobo Nut & Bolt, Inc Lobo Trucking, LLC Lois Oliver Real Estate, Inc Longhorn Tubular Services, LLC Lopez Julian D Loudon Electric, LLC Lucky Health & Safety, LLC Lucky Rental Tool, LLC Lucky Services, Inc M&M Excavating, Inc M&N Services M&S Service, Inc Mack Energy Corporation Maclaskey Oilfield Services, Inc Madron Surveying, Inc Man Welding Services, Inc Marker Services, LLC Marthas Cleaning Services Martin Gonzales Maverick Services, LLC MBF Inspection Services, Inc McBride Supplies It All McCasland LP Lea 1 McNabb Services, Inc McVay Drilling Company (Corporation)

Par Five Energy Services, LLC Parker Energy Support Services Parker Tool, Inc Pate Trucking Co, Inc Patriot Pipe & Supply, LLC Patron Services, LLC Patterson Welding Works, Inc Pecos Valley Consultants, Inc Penasco Valley Telecommunications Permian Basin Regional Training Center Permian Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc Pettigrew & Associates Plains Welding Supply, Inc Plains Welding Supply, Inc Precision Gas Measurement, Inc Precision Valve Services, LLC Premier Electric Pressure Services, LLC Prestige Equipment Rentals, LLC Prestige Oilfield Services, LLC Pro Well Testing & Wireline, Inc Quality Transport, Inc

Select Well Service, LLC Shaners Pumpjack Repair, LLC Sharp Comm & Consulting, LLC Silver Oak Drilling, LLC

TWS, Inc Tyler Well Service Co

US Postmaster - Artesia

Smith Engineering Co

Utility Service Account

Southeast Readi Mix Products, Inc

Valderaz Services, LLC

Southern New Mexico Archaeological Services, Inc

Victory Energy Services, LLC

Animas Environmental Services, LLC

Viper Services, LLC

Animas Well Pro, LLC

VMJ Oilfield Service, Inc

Antelope Sales & Service, Inc

Wakefield Oil Co, Inc

Armondo E. Espinosa

Wallach Concrete, Inc

Automation Consulting Engineering

Southwest Safety Spec, Inc Southwest Transportation, LLC Southwestern Communications Southwestern Trailer Equipment Co, Inc

Watson Construction Company Watson Truck & Supply, Inc

Southwestern Wireless

Wesson Electric

Special T Permitting


Spectra Oilfield Services, LLC


Standard Oilfield Supply, Inc

Wilbanks Trucking, Inc

Steel Depot

Wildcat Measurement Service, Inc

Stephen E. Poe Jr Steve Kent Trucking Nm, LLC

Williamson Consulting Wind Mountain Consulting

Merryman Construction Co

Raging Bull Oilfield Services, LLC

Mesa Well Servicing LP

Ramirez & Sons, Inc

Mesquite Services, Inc

Ramirez Roustabout

Sullivans Crane & Rigging Co, Inc

Michael Scott Sankey

RDL Excavation & Construction

Sundance Services, Inc

Wrightway Express, LLC

Mico Oilfield Services, LLC

Red Lake SWD, LLC

SWC Ranches, Inc

Xcel Energy

Mico Rentals, LLC

Redbird LP Gas Company, Inc

Sweatt Construction, Inc

Xcel Energy

Mico Services, LLC

Reeco Well Services, Inc

Sweatt Construction, LLC

Yates Petroleum Corporation

Mikog Operating Services

Regal Manor Apartments, LLC

T&J Valve

YMH, Inc

Milford Pipe & Supply

Reno Equipment

Tascosa Office Machines

Youngs Manufactured Home

Mobile Safety & Consultation, LLC

Rex Glenn, Inc

Tate Branch Dodge

Youngs Mobile Home Sales

Stone Oilfield Service Stone Rentals II, LLC Strata Production Co

Windmill Spraying Service Wingmaster Sales Co, LLC Witmac Oil & Gas, LLC Workhorse Boots & Jeans

TDM Leasing Ltd

Morco Geological Services, Inc

Rice Environmental Consulting & Safety, LLC

ZH Services, Inc

Murdock York Tire Company

Rice Operating Co

Tex Mex Services, LLC

Zia Lact & Controls, Inc

MVA Trucking & Rentals, LLC

Richards Energy Compression, LLC

Texas Lobo Trucking, LLC

Nelles Floral New Mexico Rentals, LLC New-Tex Rentals, LLC Nolan H. Brunson, Inc Nova Hardbanding, LLC Nova Mud, Inc Nunez Backhoe Service O’Briens Welding Ochoa Trucking, Inc Oil Reports & Gas Serv, Inc

Riolada Surveying, LLC Roadrunner Environmental, Inc Roadrunner Inspection Service, LLC Robs Trailers, LLC Rockin 8 Services & Swd, LLC Rojo Supply, LLC Romo Dirt Service, LLC Rotary Wire Line Service, Inc Rustler Hills Ii Ltd

American Signs

Unifirst Holdings, Inc

R&M Trucking & Backhoe

Rio Tanks, Inc


Smith & Sons Construction Welding, Inc

Meridyth Resources

Najeras Trucking, LLC

All American Technical Team

Ultimate Trucking, LLC

Quinn Pumps, Inc

Ricky H. Waggoner

Advanced Safety, LLC

Slick Rod Systems, LLC

MDP Consulting, Inc

Nadel & Gussman Heyco, LLC

Aces, Inc

AMW Oilfield Services Anderson Field Service, Inc Andes, Lang & Andes Animas Bearing & Oilfield Supply

Automation X Corporation Aztec Archaeological Consultants Aztec Auto Supply, Inc Aztec Excavation Co Aztec Feed Aztec Machine & Repair, Inc Aztec Media Corporation Aztec Municipal Schools Aztec Well Servicing Co, Inc B&B Cleaning Services, LLC B&B Portable Firefighting Units B&B Vac Services, Inc B&R Service, Inc Baileys Welding Service, Inc Barter Equipment Co, Inc Basin Disposal, Inc Basin Perforating, Inc Basin Tire & Auto, Inc Bear Ventures Benchmark Equipment & Tank, Inc Best Communications, Inc Bill Moss Excavation, Inc

Tex-Mex Rentals

Congressional District 3

TFH Ltd Company

24 7 Supply & Rental Co


Bima Diversified Services, LLC

4 Corners Power Generator

The Colborn Company, Inc

Black Gold Consulting, LLC

4 States Construction & Field Services

Black Rock Crude Oil Services, LLC

The Gasco Manufacturing Corporation

Billings Electric, Inc

505 Performance

The Supply House, Inc

Blacks Janitorial Service

A 1 Machine, Inc

The Supply Store

Blagg Engineering, Inc

A Plus Well Service, Inc

The Water Works

Blanco Consulting, Inc

A Sign Worx

Thompson Michael L

Bloomfield Florist

Aaladin Southwest, Inc

Three Amigos Rentals, LLC

ABC Canvas, Inc

Bloomfield Machine & Welding, Inc

Timberline Pump & Lease Service

ABC Concrete Manufacturing Co, Inc

Bloomfield Oil & Gas Supply, LLC

ABC Sweeping & Landscaping

Blue Jet, Inc



NEW MEXICO - VENDOR LIST Bobby Emery Welding

Dugan Production Corporation

Gobernador Canyon Ranch

L&R Swabbing, LLC

Paul & Son Construction, Inc

Bolt Masters, Inc

Dunson, Inc

Gomez & Gomez

La Familia De Los Candelaria

Broten, Inc

Dust Control, LLC

Gomez Consulting, Inc

La Plata Construction, Inc

Petes Plumbing & Mechanical, LLC

Buchanan Consultants Ltd

Eddie Fierro

Gomez Family Property, LLC

Lane Electric, Inc

Buddys Consulting, Inc

Elder Engineering

Guardian Abstract & Title Co, Inc

Largo Tank & Equipment, Inc

Bullet Compression Services, Inc

Elite Energy Services Co

H&H Wireline Service, Inc

Lawley Consulting

C&D Electric, Inc

Elite Swabbing Service, Inc

H&M Precision Products, Inc

C&J Equipment Manufacturing Corporation

Emery Welding Service & Supply, Inc

Halo Services, Inc

Lindrith Backhoe & Oilfield Service, Inc

Calder Services, Inc

Energy Pump & Supply, Inc

Campbell Trial Law, LLC

Engineered Concepts, LLC

Haywire, LLC

Carey Carr Drilling Consultant

ENMR Telephone Coop., Inc

Carls Repair, LLC

Enviro Co Oilfield Services, Inc

Carter Services, Inc

Environmental Protection Co

Cascade Bottled Water Company

Envirotech, Inc

Cashon Consulting, Inc

Expert Downhole Services, Inc

Centerline Door & Security CF&M Oil Field Service, Inc CGM Petroleum Technology Chaco Concrete Co, Inc Chama Title Co, Inc Chenault Consulting, Inc

Ernies Pilot Service, LLC F. Don Schreiber Fabtec Solutions, LLC Farmington Courtyard-Marriott Farmington Desk & Derrick Club Farmington Echo Ditch Co

Cimarron Oilfield Service Co

Farmington Electric Utility System

Clay-Groomer Machine Shop, Inc

Farmington Fire Equipment & Safety

Complete Fire & Safety, Inc

Farmington Heating & Metal Co, Inc

Compliance Equipment & Testing, LLC

Farmington Safe & Lock Co

Compression Systems

Federal Abstract Co

Consolidated Constructors, Inc

Ferrari Gas Measurement, Inc

Consolidated Electrical Distributor

Fidel Candelaria

Construction Supply Co, Inc

First Baptist Church

Continuous Connections Answering Couder Consulting, LLC Coyote, Inc Cranes & Material Handling, Inc Crazy JJJs Hot Shot Service Cross Chemical, Inc Curtis & Curtis, Inc Custom Machine & Fabrication, LLC CY Cooper Co D&D Corrosion, LLC Dash Hot Shot Service, Inc David R. Catanach Dawn Trucking Corporation DDH MRK, Inc Desert Mountain Corporation Desert Sage Pest Management Dewees Tool & Supply Co Diamond Derrick Engineering Digiinet Farmington DNH Tools, Inc

Filter Supply Fisheads San Juan River Lodge Flowcon, Inc Four Corners Association Four Corners Cooling Systems, Inc

Hartley Construction, LLC Helene L Mangum Henry Production, Inc Herberts Welding, Inc High Desert Industrial, Inc High Mountain Consulting, LLC High Tech Rental Tools Hopkins Map Service Co, LLC Hopper Specialty West Horizon Power Systems, Inc Howell Winters Consulting HSE Consulting, LLC Hurricane Air & Swabbing Service, LLC

Longhorn Land & Cattle M&M Trucking Services

Phelco, Inc Philip N. Asprodites Phoenix Services, LLC Piedra Vista Girls Soccer Booster Pinnacle Propane, LLC

M&R Trucking, Inc

Pinon Hills Community Church

Maintenance & Compression Cleaning Services, LLC

PLC Consulting Polaris Services, LLC

Management, LLC

Poor Boys Hot Oil Service

Mark Byars

Poquito Compression, Inc

Materials Design, Inc

Power Innovations, LLC

McClellan Vick Consulting, Inc

Precision Fitting & Gauge Co

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

Premier Ndt Services, Inc

Mcnaghten Construction, Inc

Process Equipment & Service Co, Inc

Medallion Heating, Inc Mesa Verde Resources Michael & Patricia Fitzgerald Microbial Engy Enterprises, Inc

Ice Electric

Microservices, Inc

Independent Pump & System Management, LLC

Miller & Sons Trucking, Inc Mo Te Drilling, Inc

Industrial Cooling Exchanger

Modern Iron Works, Inc

Industrial Ecosystems Soil, Inc

Monarch Hot Shot

Industrial Mechanical, Inc

Montgomery & Andrews P A

Inland Kenworth US, Inc

Montoya Cattle Co

Integrity Pipeline Services

Mo-Te, Inc

Intermountain Construction, Inc

Motor Medic Machine Shop, Inc

Intermountain Processing

Mountain Tech Service, Inc

International Metrics Co

MR Mobile Communications, Inc

Iron Eagle

MVCI Energy Services, Inc

J&D Potable Water

NCE Surveys

J&J Chemicals

Needham Services Industrial Coating

J&K Espinosa, Inc

Petroleum Accountants Society

Nelson Consulting, Inc

Productive Outcomes, Inc Professional Well Services, Inc Protocom Consulting, Inc Pueblo Electric Pumps & Service, Inc Quadco, Inc Quay Rent-A-John RA Biel Plumbing & Heating, Inc Rahm Co, Inc Ralph Stevenson Fencing Ralph W. Miller, Inc Ram Studios, Inc Raye The Welder, LLC Reliable Compression, LLC Reliance Medical Group Industrial Resource Production Company Rig Equipment & Supply Co Riley Industrial Services, Inc

Four Corners Electric Co, Inc

J&S of Aztec

Four Corners Filtration, Inc

JA Drake Well Service, Inc

Four Corners Ice

Jade Sales & Service, Inc

Four Corners Pre Cast, Inc

Jalu Fasteners, Inc

Four Corners Propane

Jasco, LLC

Four Corners Service Co, Inc

JC1 Services, LLC

NM Dhsem

Four Corners Testing Service, LLC

Jemez Mountains Electric Coop, Inc

Noels, Inc Noels, Inc

Four Corners Weed Control, Inc

Jerry’s Welding & Dozer Service

Nol X Ndt Service

Four Corners Welding & Gas Supply

Jet West Geophysical Services, LLC

Oil & Gas Equipment Corporation

Four States Communications, Inc

Jicarilla Apache Nation

Oil Lift Technology, Inc

Johnnys Radiator Service, Inc

OMI, Inc

Four States Equipment & Service, Inc

K&C Transport, LLC

ORE Systems, Inc

San Juan Landscaping

Kelco, Inc Kellahin & Kellahin

Osborne S. Industrial Engineering, Inc

San Juan Quality Parts, Inc

Four States Gasket & Rubber, Inc

San Juan Reproduction

Pacheco Construction & Trucking, Inc

San Juan Signs, Inc

Kelley Oilfield Services, Inc

Donald & Sue Yocum

Foutz & Bursum Construction Co, Inc

Donald R. Candelaria

Full Circle Compression, Inc

Keystone Oilfield Services, Inc

Double Dog Water

Fyke Enterprises, Inc

Kopy Rite Printing

Double M Sales & Service Co, Inc

Garricks RV Repair & RV Rentals, LLC

Kyvek Energy Services, Inc

Double S Hot Shot

Gas Analysis Service LP

L&L Oilfield Service, Inc

Downhole Service Center, Inc

Geomat, Inc

L&R Oilfield Service, Inc

Kenneth L. Lingo

L&K Construction, LLC

Nelson Revegetation, LLC Network Cabling, Inc New Mexico Oil & Gas Assn New Mexico Taxation & Revenue

RLR Consulting, LLC Roadrunner Car N Truck Wash Rocket Industries, Inc Rockies Construction, LLC Rosemont Wtc Denver Operating, LLC Ross Wes Electrical Services, Inc S&S Engine & Machine, LLC Sams Club 6347 San Juan Casing Service, Inc San Juan College San Juan Compression, LLC

Paradise Village

San Juan Soil & Water Conservation

Parkers Office Products

Scada Products

Parker’s, Inc

Scada Services, Inc

Parkway Mini Storage

Scada Source

Patricia L. Smith Trustee of The

Schutz Abstract Co, Inc

Patti L. Warren


NEW MEXICO - VENDOR LIST SCorporationion Survey & Consulting, LLC

Stevenson & Stevenson

The Graphic Designer

Tri Energy Services, Inc

Wavco Pipe & Steel, Inc

Serco Fencing, Inc

Suburban Propane LP

The Water Machine, Inc

Triple Cross

Waybourn Mike

Sun Glass, LLC

Thomas C. Turney Pe

Triple F Construction & Field

WCA Transit Waste

Sevss, LLC

Superior Hydrovac Solutions, LLC

Three Rivers Trucking, Inc

Triple S Trucking Co, Inc

Wellhead Compression, Inc

Sierra Chemicals LC

Sylvia T. Magallan

Tierra Corrosion Control, Inc

Trout Unlimited

Wellsite Solutions, Inc

Sierra Oilfield Services, Inc

Synergy Consulting

TNT Environmental, Inc

Twin Stars Compression, LLC

Synergy Operating, LLC

Twin Stars Limited, Inc

West States Energy Contractors, Inc

Silver Star Corporation

TNT Fence Co, Inc

Sooner B&B II, Inc

Tafoyas Pumping Service, Inc

Todd Conklin

Two Cross Production Services

Sooner B&B, Inc

TCT Construction

Totah Rental & Equipment Co, Inc

Ultra Form, Inc

Southwest Assn of Lease & Title

Technical Compression Services, LLC

Town & Country Car Wash

Valerie L. Sackett

Tefteller, Inc Teton Energy Consulting, LLC

TR Well Servicing & Swabbing, Inc

Springer Electric Cooperative, Inc

The Bug Masters

Tracy Williamson

The Cleaning Lady

Transportation & Production

Steel Heating Cooling & Electric, Inc

The Ditch Company, LLC

TRC Construction, Inc

Serrano’s, Inc

Southwest Power Tools Southwestern Electric Coop, Inc Specialty Banding Services, LLC


United Services Assn, Inc Vector Surveys, LLC Vescen Consulting Victech Services, Inc Walker Agency War Consulting, Inc Water Creek Consulting, LLC

Westates Supply, Inc Western Refining Southwest, Inc Western Technologies, Inc Wilson Service Co, Inc Wireline Specialties, Inc WSI Enterprises, Inc WSI Machine & Supply, LLC Y&M Cleaning Services Young Environmental Services, Inc


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

New York Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas development are driving the economy through a major energy boom nationwide and that boom is rippling through the economy of New York, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 392 businesses, spread across nearly all of New York State’s 27 Congressional districts, support the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCooper study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in New York supports a total of 270,600 jobs, which is 2.4 percent of the state’s total employment. The full New York labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry totals $20.42 billion annually. That’s 2.7 percent of the state’s total labor income. Despite the fact that New York is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures show that New Yorkers enjoy significant benefits from energy

development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in New York across all industries and sectors is $64,197, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is significantly higher—$80,843 annually. The industry contributes $35.2 billion to New York’s economy. That’s 3 percent of New York’s total aconomic activity. New York also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in New York reached 44,429 in







80k 1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. The survey identifies companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors 2. PriceWaterhouseCooper, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” July 2013, prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



60k 50k 40k 30k

To find out more, visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual New York Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: New York

New York Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 15


Congressional District 16


Congressional District 17


Congressional District 18


Congressional District 19


Congressional District 20


Congressional District 21


Congressional District 22


Congressional District 23


Congressional District 24


Congressional District 25


Congressional District 26


Congressional District 27


Grand Total


District 21 District 25 District 26

District 24 District 20

District 27 District 23

District 22 District 19

District 16 District 03

District 18 District 18

Top Cities New York City = 163 Rochester = 14

District 01

Districts 04 - 15 District 02 District 04

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. The job total is projected to climb to 74,007 in 2020 and to 78,645 in 2035.4

And New Yorkers get it. A random interactive telephone poll of 601 registered New York State voters, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 70 percent

of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5 And New York stands to enjoy potentially far greater benefits if it chooses to move forward with natural gas development at the Marcellus Shale site that stretches across the region.

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-minnesota-voters-support-investments-in-oil-and-natural-gas, the results of a Minnesota poll conducted by Harris for API April 9-15, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NEW YORK - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1


Dow Jones & Co, Inc

ASR International Corporation

Investment Arbitration Reporter

Duff & Phelps, LLC

Carco Group, Inc

Jeffrey Ranch Trust

EG Bowman Company, Inc

Cosa Instruments Corporation

Lee Spring Co

Egon Zehnder International, Inc Elsevier Bv

Enviro Trac Ltd

Mitsubishi International Corporation

White & Case LLP

Napoli Bern Ripka Shkolnik LLP

Young Samuel Chambers Ltd

Nasdaq OMX Corporate Solutions, LLC

Global Business Relations, Inc

Congressional District 10

Emmet Marvin & Martin LLP

Natural Resources Defense Council

Ice Systems, Inc

3E Company

Netcom Learning


ABI Marketing Public Relations

Empsight International, LLC Murry Hill Station

Whatnot Ltd

ABT Limousine Service, Inc Akamai Technologies, Inc

Congressional District 2

Alvarez & Marsal Business

CA, Inc

Alvarez & Marsal Taxand, LLC

Computer Associates

American Arbitration Association

Enerac, Inc

American Express Company

Fabrotech Industries, Inc

American International Group, Inc

Koehler Instruments Co

Energy Intelligence Group, Inc ETG Capital Advisors, LLC Etrali North America, LLC Factiva, Inc Fitchratings Four Seasons Hotel New York Frederic W. Cook & Co, Inc Fried Frank Harris Shriver

Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Congressional District 11 Mary Elizabeth Sesny SK Cabling Systems

Nextsource, Inc Nimbo Technologies

Congressional District 12

Nirvanasoft, Inc

Carthago International Solutions

Ny League of Conservation Odyssey Transportation Olo Brand Group, LLC One Allen Center Co., LLC Pars International Perfect Building Maintenance

Industrial Rhythm, LLC

Congressional District 15 Wildlife Conservation Society

Congressional District 16

American Management Assoc International

FTI Consulting, Inc

American Metal Market

Hess Corporation

American Society of Composers

Hogg Robinson USA, LLC

Andrianna Shamaris, Inc

Horizon Client Access, Inc

A&M Badging Supplies, Inc

Appsense, Inc

IIX Insurance Information


Ariel Muller

Ale System Integration

Articulate Global, Inc

Innovative Communication Concepts

Ale System Integration

Atmospheric & Environmental

Intermedia Group, Inc

American Casting & Manufacturing Corporation

Avaya, Inc

International Institute For Learning, Inc

Russell Reynolds Associates, Inc Sandy Fiechtner Consulting, LLC

Intesa Sanpaolo Spa

Sard Verbinnen & Co, LLC

Intralinks, Inc

Send Word Now

IPC Information Systems, Inc

Shearman & Sterling LLP

Ipreo Holdings, LLC


International Business Machines Corporation

BGH Edelstahlwerke Gmbh

Ipswitch, Inc

Shred It USA, Inc

ITT Corporation

Iron Mountain Information Management, Inc

Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP

Integrated Control Corporation

Black Diamond Oilfield Rentals, LLC

Macsteel International USA Corporation

National Car Rental Tolls

Bloomberg LP

Standard Chartered Bank

Madison Davis Group, Inc

Procalc, Inc

Brian M. Fino

Iron Mountain Intellectual Property

Sloane & Company, LLC Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP

MCI International, Inc

Vandis, Inc

Brine Service Company

Svenska Handelsbanken

Metallized Carbon

SWN Communications, Inc

Mitsui Chemicals America, Inc

Talkpoint Communication

Mitsui Plastics, Inc

Tata Group

Pka Technologies, Inc

Taxi, Inc

School Choice International

TCC Group, Inc

Sy Schnur, CPA

Texas Eastern Transmission LP

TRC Engineers, Inc

The Ayers Group

UE Systems, Inc

The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc

Wichler & Gobetz PC

Thomson Reuters Markets, LLC

Zayo Group, Inc

Nighthawk Transportgistics, Inc

Congressional District 3

Analysis & Design Analysis & Design Application Co Ltd Canon, Inc CMS Innovative Consultants East Hills Instruments

Congressional District 4

B&H Photo & Video BA Insight, LLC Barclays Capital, Inc BGC Environmental Brokerage Services LP

Brookfield Commercial Properties

Harvard Maintenance, Inc

ISO Services, Inc ITG Investment Research, Inc Jan X-Ray Services, Inc

Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft

Japan Steel Works America, Inc

Carthago International Solutions, Inc

Jibe, Inc

Changing Our World, Inc

K&L Gates LLP

CHI America Partners, Inc

Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

Citibank NA

Kelly Services, Inc


Knovel Corporation

Coenterprise, LLC

Labrador Regulated Information

Cohen & Gresser LLP Consentini Information Tech

Larkin Communication Consulting

Consortra Translations

Leadership Directories, Inc

Continental Industries Group, Inc

Linium, LLC

Covenant Review, LLC

Loeb & Loeb LLP

Coyle Hospitality Group

LT Tax, Inc

CR Cushing & Co, Inc

Lumentus, LLC

Congressional District 8

Cravath Swaine & Moore LP

M. Franklin Associates

Worksman Trading Corporation

Credit Risk Monitor Com, Inc

Marsillo Limousines, Inc

Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Mediant Communications, LLC

Congressional District 9

Deloitte Tax LLP

American Stock Transfer

Deutsche Bank Trust Co Americas

Michael Stapleton Associates Ltd

EC Infosystems, Inc Exergy, LLC Future Digital Scientific Corporation James Christmas Northfield Precision Time Warner Cable of NY

Congressional District 5 Professional Sports Publications

Congressional District 6 CVision Technologies, Inc

Estuary Branding, LLC Five Star Field Services Appalachia, LLC

DF King & Co, Inc Discover Ready, LLC


Microedge, LLC Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy

Pira Energy Group Portfolio Media, Inc Poten & Partners, Inc Practical Law Co, Inc Proxy Advisory Group, LLC

Barsa Consulting, LLC Gap Us, LLC Gas Turbine Materials Associates

Rapid Ratings International

Congressional District 17

Ricoh Usa

Abovenet Communications, Inc

Robert Derector Associates

American Compensation Resources, Inc

Three Allen Center Co, LLC

Ascometal North American, Inc Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC General Post Office Flaregas Corporation

TPG Architecture LLP

Congressional District 18

Transperfect Document Management, Inc

Dow Corporation

Transperfect Translations International, Inc

Congressional District 19

Tri Star Construction Corporation

Flexim Americas Corporation

TSG Reporting, Inc Tuthill Pump Division

Congressional District 20

Um Ny

Accumetrics Associates, Inc

UMT Consulting Group, LLC

ADC Acquisition Company

Uptime Institute, LLC

Alliance Fire & Rescue, Inc

Vincent J. Intrieri

Bullex, Inc

Vitiello & Co

Clifford B. Hannay & Son

Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz

Deloitte Consulting LLP

Weather 2000, Inc

General Electric International, Inc


NEW YORK - VENDOR LIST Jpmartin Energy Strategy, LLC

Smith Site Development, LLC

Leisure Time Powersports

Pitney Bowes Software, Inc

Teracai Corporation

Lindhome & Songster PC

Sabre Energy Services

Texan Gas Production Services

Long Consulting Group, LLC

Congressional District 25

GP:50 New York Ltd

Toussaint Consulting, LLP

Tim K. Lowenstein

Palisade Corporation

4X Diagnostics, LLC

Graphic Controls, LLC

Verizon Wireless Services, LLC

Tri City Highway Products, Inc

Parmenter, Inc

Advantech Ind, Inc

Kom Automation, Inc

Wercs Ltd

Vestal Asphalt, Inc

Penn York Abstract Corporation

Bergmann Associates, Inc

Metlab Corporation

West Firm PLLC

W&D Smith & Sons Construction

Penn-York Insulation, Inc

Beryle Demyer Trst of The

RB Robinson Contracting, Inc

Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Enterprise Services

Congressional District 23

Choice Forest Products, LLC

Sandburg Oil Co, Inc

Frontier Communications

National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation

DK Machine

Argentierri Bros, Inc

Steven David Clarke


ASR Groundworks, LLC

The Hilliard Corporation

Niagara Blower Co

Langevin Learning Services, Inc

Gina Campbell

North American Field Services, LLC

Brico Technologies, Inc

TMT Gravel & Contracting, Inc

North Forest Office Providers, LLC

Whittington Mary L.

Paul Mitchell Logging, Inc

Cameron Manufacturing

Global Crossing Telecommunications

Capstream Technologies, LLC

Congressional District 21

Young & Franklin, Inc

Espernanza, Inc Gateway Consulting Group, Inc

Quality Inspection Services, Inc


Sihi Pumps, Inc

Chemung Landfill, LLC

Congressional District 24

Omni ID USA, Inc

Sodexho, Inc & Affiliates

Collector of Taxes


Paetec Software Corporation

St. Gobain

Cornell University

Clay & Domingue, LLC

Pulsafeeder, Inc

Sure Flow Equipment, Inc

Ajax Integrated, LLC

D. Michael Canada


Rotork P.L.C.

Valutis Consulting, Inc

BK Energy Services, Inc

Daniel Lopata

D&W Diesel, Inc

SPX Corporation

Wet Oilfield Service, LLC

Chentronics Corporation

DC Rauscher, Inc

Datacom Systems, Inc

William S. Hein & Co, Inc

Christopher B. Wallace

Demuth Electric, Inc

Construction Safety

Dimon & Sons

Environmental Products & Services

Superior Plus Energy Services, Inc

Ross Taylor

Congressional District 22

Cook Brothers Truck Parts

DLH Energy Service, LLC


Doug Gross Construction, Inc

Esterline Sensors Services Americas

Dresser Rand Co

FS Lopke Contracting, Inc Goodrich Corporation Jones Specialty Services Group JRG Transport, LLC Knovel Corporation Marcus Cole Construction, Inc Northern Safety Supply Riverhawk Company LP School Tax Collector

Dresser-Rand Company

Environmental Resources Management GE Inspection Technologies LP International Fire Shield, Inc

Total Information Transcat, Inc Western New York Fluid System Tech

Congressional District 27 American Coatings Technologies CP Ward, Inc Graham Corporation

Congressional District 26

Ioga of New York

ACI Controls, Inc

J.M. Canty, Inc

Edger Enterprises of Elmira

Liftech Equipment Companies, Inc

EE Root, LLC

Palmerton Group- Environmental

API Heat Transfer

Kent Lewis

Godwin Pumps of America, Inc

Riccelli Enterprises, Inc

Caplugs, LLC

McGard, Inc

Gough Holding Corporation

Statewide Aquastore, Inc

Optimation Technology, Inc

Goulds Pumps, Inc


Synapse Sustainability Tr, Inc

Patriot Forge Co.

John C. Smith

Syracuse University

Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Inc

Kayden Industries USA, Inc

Tracey Packaging, Inc

Derrick Corporation

Lechase Construction Services, LLC

Vermont, Inc

Emed Company, Inc

Rubberform Recycled Products, LLC

Riverhawk Company

Weber Hydraulics, Inc


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

North Carolina Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of North Carolina, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 137 businesses, located across nearly all of North Carolina’s 13 congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in North Carolina supports some 146,100 jobs, which is 2.8 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of North Carolina labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $6.76 billion annually. That’s 2.6 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although North Carolina is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of North Carolina enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in North Carolina across all industries and sectors is $43,758, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$51,651 annually. Overall the industry supports $12.5 billion of the North Carolina economy. That’s nearly 3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. North Carolina also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k 50k

$51,651 $43,758

40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual North Carolina Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: North Carolina

North Carolina Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Grand Total

District 04 District 06

District 05

District 01 District 13

District 11

District 12

District 10

District 08


District 02 District 07

District 03

District 09

Top City Charlotte = 64

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

Vendor Profile Southern Glove Manufacturing Company, Inc. For more than 68 years, Southern Glove has been manufacturing industrial work gloves. The company provides innovative solutions for hand protection for the oil and natural gas drilling industry, with a focus on impact-resistant gloves. The gloves contribute to a safer work environment for drillers. In fact, the oil and natural gas drilling industry has proven to be a valuable partner in the development of new hand-protection technologies.

activities in North Carolina reached 18,665 in 2012. That job total is projected to rise to 32,477 in 2020 and to 37,439 in 2035.4 And the people of North Carolina get it. A state-wide telephone poll of 600 registered

North Carolina voters, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 76 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of domestic oil and natural gas resources.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” ”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/june-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-north-carolina-voters-support-investments-in-industry-offshore-development”, the results of a North Carolina poll conducted by Harris for API May 14-17, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

Southern Glove partners with many different companies in the oil and natural gas drilling industries in an effort to improve their safety records. One customer experienced a 70 percent decrease in the severity of hand injuries after using the company’s glove.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NORTH CAROLINA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1 American Institute of Certified Cormetech, Inc Duke Occupational Health Services

Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings Laura Wimbish Lord Mechanical Products Div Marshall Institute, Inc

Fuji Silysia Chemical Ltd

Micro-Epsilon, Inc

General Industries, Inc

Orion Ics, LLC

International Society of Automation

Prometheus Group

Steven L. Schwarcz

Red Hat, Inc

TransTech Energy, Inc

RTP Environmental Assoc, Inc

Rail Inc Corporation

Suntechpros, Inc

Congressional District 2

Syncfusion, Inc

Coleman Technologies, Inc DandR Enterprises

TA Cook Consultants, Inc

Congressional District 3

USAT Corporation Workplace BenefitsLLC

Caribbean Evaporation & Pump

Congressional District 5

Quality Mat of North Dakota, LLC

JMS Southeast, Inc

Congressional District 4 ABB Ltd

Lowes Home Centers, Inc

Congressional District 6

Congressional District 9

Bank of America NA Charlotte

Amiad Filtration Systems

Bernard Hodes Group, Inc

Controls Southeast, Inc

Brooks Equipment Co, Inc

CSB Associates, Inc

CA Short Co

Jarek Richard G.

Carrier Corporation

Liburdi Turbine Services, LLC

Central Carolina Seeding, Inc

Robert S. Hudgins Company


Scalable Software, Inc

Clariant Aktiengesellschaft

Software Toolbox, Inc

Comsys Information Technology

SQL Sentry, Inc

Control Engineering, Inc

Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc

Corporate Employment Resources, Inc

Orion ICS, LLC Palmer of Texas

CSC Consulting, Inc

Rosemount Analytical, Inc

Dimension Data Holdings Plc

Schneider Electric Engineering Services, LLC

Congressional District 10 Bobby Hooton Buckeye Fire Eq Deborah Hooton Hartsock Gene Hooton Industrial Distribution Group, Inc Res Energy Solutions, LLC William D. Hooton

Congressional District 11 Equilibar, LLC

Duke Energy Generation Services Emerson Network Power Surge Protection Emerson Process Management LlLP Energy Business Network, LLC Environment One Corporation ERM NC, Inc ERM-Southeast, Inc

Abb, Inc

Advanced Electronic Services, Inc

Advantco International, LLC

Apex Analytix, Inc

Alliance International, Inc

Center For Creative Leadership

Congressional District 12

Aspe, Inc

Shamrock Environmental

Findly Talent, LLC

Dataflux Corporation, LLC

Truflo Pumps, Inc

Activate Promotional Marketing, LLC Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals, LLC

General Dynamics Satcom Tech

Der Hua Edward Tang Eskaton Seismic, Inc FM Systems, Inc GK Holdings, Inc Global Knowledge Training, LLC Harry Hutson Intelligent Access Systems of NC, LLC

Congressional District 8

Master Workholding, Inc

Aon Consulting, Inc

Aster Group, Inc

Appalachian Pipe Distributors

Fisher IT, Inc

Aramark Uniform Services

Goodrich Operating & Maintenance

Associated Substation Engineering, Inc

Spiroflow Systems, Inc

Aubrey Silvey Enterprises, Inc

Experis Us, Inc Fia Card Services National Assoc Flightsafety International, Inc Honeywell International, Inc Innospec Active Chemicals, LLC Integrated Power Services, LLC Lee Var, Inc Lockheed Martin Corporation Mackay Communications

Marianna & Scenery Hill Telephone Mec-Tric Control Company Mercer Health & Benefits, LLC Mercer Human Resource Moore & Van Allen PLLC Naturchem, Inc Navex Global, Inc Newcomb Spring of Texas

Shared Data Networks, LLC Southern Glove Spectrasite Communications, Inc State Electric Supply Co, Inc Tapfin, LLC TCG Consulting Partners, LLC Timken Training The Street UPS Freight USA Canoe Kayak Veritrust Corporation Wells Fargo Bank NA Wika Instruments, Inc Xylem Water Solutions USA, Inc Yokogawa Corp of America

Congressional District 13 East Coast Electrical Equipment Co Siemens Industry, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

North Dakota Economic and Job Growth

Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of North Dakota, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 876 businesses, located across North Dakota’s at-large congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in North Dakota supports some 64,000 jobs, which is 12 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of North Dakota labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $3.8 billion annually. That’s 13.1 percent of the state’s total labor income. These job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of North Dakota enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in North

Dakota across all industries and sectors is $48,740, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is very substantially higher—$90,171 annually. Overall the industry supports $6.6 billion of the North Dakota economy. That’s 12.3 percent of the state’s total economic activity.





North Dakota ranks 2nd in oil production, though 15th in natural gas production.4 It is one of the nation’s top energy-producing states.


North Dakota particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs


1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.



90k 80k 70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

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Avg. Annual North Dakota Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: North Dakota

North Dakota Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District (At Large)


Grand Total


At Large District





Top Cities Williston = 179 Dickinson = 96 Minot = 93 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

supported by these activities in North Dakota reached 71,824 in 2012, and that job total is expected to rise to 114,240 in 2020.4 Precisely because of industry development at the Bakken Shale formation, located in the western part of the state, North Dakota is second only to Texas in terms of oil production and boasts the lowest unemployment rate in the country—2.6%.5

And Americans, including the people of North Dakota, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2014, http://www.bls.gov/web/laus/laumstrk.htm. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



NORTH DAKOTA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District (at Large)

Baranko Bros, Inc

Burke-Divide Electric Coop, Inc

CS Mechanical, Inc

Destrie Mcmilan

Barry Dean Ramberg

Butler Machinery Company

Curt Meyer

Dhani Alamsyah - Sakura

3Chem, LLC

Basic Energy Services

C&C Ornamental Iron Works

Curtis & Sharon Anderson

Dickinson Catholic Schools

3-D Specialities, Inc

Basin Brokers, Inc

C&C Rentals, LLC

Curtis Sorenson

Dickinson Ready Mix Co

5 Star Contracting, LLC

Basin Concrete, Inc

C&D Water Services

CWC of Minot, Inc

Directmed, Inc

A1 Quality Cleaning

Basin Filtration Systems & Tubin Testing, Inc

C&J’s NDT, Inc

D&J Transport, Inc

Diverse Energy Systems, LLC

Basin Oil, Inc

C&S Stringup, Inc

D&L Paraffin, Inc

Dixie Chapin

Cal-Kern, LLC

D&T’s Quality Cleaning Service

Dixie S.

Calmer Overlee

Dakota Carrier Network

Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis

Canary Drilling Services, LLC

Dakota Fence Company

Donald & Bonnie Lovaas

Capital Lodging, LLC

Dakota Fire Extinguishers, Inc

Donald C. Knox

Carl Perdue

Dakota Fire Protection, Inc

Donald J. Hickel

Carla Kay Hodenfield

Dakota Fire Station

Donald Nelson

Carla Vigested

Dakota Gold Manufacturing

Donald W. Smedberg

Carlson Well Service, Inc

Dakota Hotshot Express, LLC

Donald W. Will

Carole A. Haug

Dakota Land Services, Inc

Dongmei Wang

Carrier Welding

Dakota Outerwear Co.

Donna Larson

Carrier Welding & Pipefitting

Dakota Production Service, Inc

Doran Louis Fosburgh

Cary Longie

Dakota Quality Grain Coop

Dorinne Haug

CBM Services Ltd

Dakota Realty & Leasing, Inc

Double Diamond Transport, LLC

CCP Properties, LLC.

Dakota Rubber Stamp

Double EE Service, Inc

Cecil Wilson Jr

Dakota Sandblasting & Painting

Douglas Feiring

Central Trenching, Inc

Dakota Soil Sterilization, Inc

Douglas G Kjos

Challenger Industries, Inc

Dakota Staffing Solutions, Inc

Douglas Meyer

Champion Township

Dakota Supply Group, Inc

Dresser Oil Tools, Inc

Charlene Bjornson

Dakota Transload

Dry Bulk Rentals, LLC

Charles & Marlys Juma Jr.

Dallas Knudson

Dry Fork Township

Charlie Sorenson

Dallas Sailer Enterprises

DTE Truck Equipment

Charlies’s Angels Cleaning, Inc

Daniel Garaas

DTE, Inc

Cheetah Services, Inc

Daniel J. Bata Welding

DTM, Inc

Chippewa Resources, Inc.

Daniel S. Long

Duane Roller

Chris Bristol

Daniel T. Mcginnity

Christensen Consulting, LLC

Darby’s Welding & Machine, Inc

Dukes Welding & Fabrication, LLC

Christopher Kjorstad

Daren’s Welding, LLC

Christopher Nelson

Darrin Hauge

Circle Sanitation Service

Daryl & Bette Belik

Circle T Transport & CoastInc

Daryl Edwards

Clara Dowhaniuk

David & Nancy Carlson

Clayton Brenna

David A. Iverson

Clean Energy Fluid Systems, LLC

David Alan Foss Trustee of The

ABC Building Concepts, LLC ABC Fencing & Oil Field Services Acme Electric Tool Crib Adams, Inc Advanced Business Methods Advanced Engineering Advanced Filtration Technologies After Hours Welding & Repair, Inc Agri Industries, Inc Air Dakota Flite, Inc Alan J. Bergstrom Albertson Consulting, Inc Alice Alexander Alistair Bruce Scott-A.B. Fleming All Seasons Sport About, Inc All Seasons Water Users District Allan L. Bergan Allen Lund Allguard Security, LLC Alliance Drilling Tools, LLC Allstate Tower Service, Inc Almer S Construction Alternative Sanitation Alvin Stockert Alwin C Carus Family Trust American Colloid Company American State Bank Ameripride Linen & Apparel Ameripride Linen & Apparel Servic

Basin Printers, Inc Bauer Property Management, LLC BCI Construction, Inc Beau Wisness Bee Line Service, Inc Benjamin E. Svihl Benjamyn Miller Benz Oil Co, Inc Berger Electric, Inc Bernard F. Wright Berniece Olson Berthold Farmers Elevator Beverly Fretheim Big K Industries, Inc Billings County Rural Fire Binstock Service Black Gold Contractors, LLC Black Gold Pumping Service Black Hills Trucking, Inc Blackrock Drilling, Inc Blair Hynek Bobby D. Iverson Bob’s Oilfield Service, Inc Boespflug Trailers Boiler Inspection Program Border States Electric Supply Border States Electric Supply Borsheim Builders Supply

Ameritest, Inc

Borsheim Crane Services

Anita F. Rohde

Bottineau Lumber, Inc


Boyd A. Anderson

Arlan Anderson

Braaten Plumbing, Inc

Arlene Overlee

Brad Allen Hingtgen

Arlo Moberg

Brad Lee Hodenfield

Clemetson Food Productions, LLC

Armada Pressure Control, LLC

Braun Distributing, Inc

Clifford Iverson

Armstrong Corporation

Braun Intertec Corporation

Clyde Vinger

Armstrong Sanitation Plus, Inc

Braun Trucking, Inc

CM Clean Laundry

Arnegard Booster Club, Inc

Brenda R. Jorgenson

Cobra Trucking

Arnt S Electric, Inc

Brent J. Thomas

Coca-Cola of Williston

Arrow Roustabout Service, Inc

Brent Kjorstad

Cole Papers, Inc

Astro-Chem Lab, Inc

Brent Matthew Gawryluk

Companions For Children, Inc

Automated Maintenance Service, Inc

Brian Hove

Connie Rosencrans

Brian Rosencrans

B&B Hot Oil Service, Inc

Brian Skaar

Consolidated Communication Corporation

B&P Painting

Brien Dennis

Badlands Cleaning Service

Brooksfield Farms, Inc

Badlands Environmental Consultants

Brosz Engineering, Inc

Badlands Hardware Badlands Power Fuels, LLC

Bruce A. Bergstrom Bryan J Oyloe

Construction Service, Inc Contex Energy Co Cora Weyrauch Coyle Electric, Inc Crafty Hands Craven-Hagan Clinic

Badlands Steel, Inc

Buckhorn Measurement Services

Bakken Housing Services, LLC

Bud Chapin Trust

Crosby Creek Consulting LLP

Crew Cut Lawn Service

David Bartenhagen & Associates, LLC David Bergstrom David Brenna David Davidson David Rolfson DC Entertainment DC&B Hotshot Dean Anderson, Inc Dean Olson Deborah Baklenko Dennis & Rebecca Edwards Dennis A. Rehak Dennis Bice Dennis L. Johnsrud Dennis Rohde Denny’s Electric & Motor Repair, Inc

Dunn Spraying, LLC Eagle Construction, LLC EAPC Earl Rennerfeldt Earthmovers, Inc Ebel Integrators Edith Ann Joyce Edward H Schwartz Construction Edward L. Will Trust Electric Scientific Company, Inc Elkhorn Well Service, LLC Elsie Gilbertson Empire Oil Company Energy Systems Industrial, Inc Entrec Cranes & Heavy Haul, Inc Enviro Shield Products, Inc Environmental Abatement Services Environmental Materials, Inc Equality Farms, Inc Ernest Trampe Estvold Consulting, LLC Eti Ewer Testing & Inspection, Inc Eugene & Beth Dahl

Deon M. & Shana Ray Iverson

Eugene C.Vandeberg

Design Solutions & Integration, Inc

Extreme Energy Services, LLC

Evitt Operating & Consulting Co



H&L Rental, Inc

Jennifer Sorenson

Farden Construction, Inc

Halliburton Energy Servicesinc.

Jensen Oil Field Services, Inc

Farmers Union Lumber

Harley’s Arrowhead, Inc

Jerry Blada - J.B. Express

Farmers Union Oil Company

Harold Olson

Jerry’s Services of N.Dakota, Inc

Farstad Oil, Inc

Hazel Ramberg

Jesse Monson


Heggen Equipment, Inc

Jesse’s Pumping

Ferguson Enterprises, Inc

Heide Transport, LLC

Jessie J. Stenberg

Fiberone Tank, Inc

Helen Anderson Real Estate Trust

Kuntz Sandblasting & Painting, LLC

MBI Energy Services, Inc

Lafarge North America, Inc

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

Larry Haug Larry Jones

McCody Concrete Products Mckenzie Building Center, Inc

Larry Signalness

Mckenzie Co Water Resource Dist

Laura A. Weinmann

Mckenzie County Fair

Jet Pre-Mix, LLC

Laurie K. Hamre

Mckenzie Electric Cooperative, Inc

Lawrence Widdel

Fireside Office Products, Inc

Hell Creek Environmental, LLC

J-N-T Security Services Corporation

Lawrence A. Hoiby

First Choice Physical Therapy, Inc

Helping Hands Cleaning Service

Joe’s Casing & Drilling, Inc

Layne Daniel Ferguson

Hickman Sales & Service, Inc

John Bang Construction, Inc

LB Tioga One, LLC

Fisher Sand & Gravel Company

Holly Wheeler

John C. Parton Welding and

Ldl Clean, Inc

Fisher-Theis Partnership

Home of Economy

John D & Cleo M. Kirkland

Lee Davidson

Flint Energy Services, Inc

Horab Transport

John David Tank Trust & Mary

Leif Jellesed

Flora F. Davidson

Horgan Surveying

John H. Vachal

Len’s Midnite Repair

Floyde Syverson

Horizon Resources

John’s Welding, Inc

Leon A. Vandeberg

Forward Communication

Hotshot Welding & Rental Services, Inc

Johnson Controls, Inc

Leroy Seaton

Hotsy Equipment Co

Johnson Oilfield Service, Inc

Lignite Oil Co, Inc

Johnson Supply Company, Inc

Linda G. Mogen

Jorgenson Lumber

Lindbo Welding Sales & Service

Joseph Schettler

Logo Magic, Inc

Joshua D. Smith

Loren & Lori Jepson

Journey Energy Services, LLC

Loretta Schroeder

Joyce Aslakson

Lowe’s Printing, Inc

Joyce Family Farms

Lund Oil, Inc

J-S Sanitation

Lyle A. Leiseth

Minot Area Homeless Coalition, Inc

Judith H. Stenehjem Ltd Partners

Lynd A. Johnson

Minot Commercial Properties

Lyndon C. Hoiby

Minot Family Ymca

Lynn Brodal

Minot Gun Club

M&H Carwash

Minot Indoor Rodeo, Inc

M&K Hotshot & Trucking, Inc

Minot Plumbing & Heating Co.

M&K Rig Service, Inc

Minot Public School Foundation

Mac, Inc

Minot Restaurant Supply Co.

Mach I Lab Rental

Minot Shrine Club/Northwest

Mackoff, Kellogg, Kirby, Kloster

Minot State University

Madalyn C. Helland

Minot Vocational Adjustment

Magic City Figure Skating Club

Minot’s Finest Collision Center

Magic City Music Factory

Missouri Valley Petroleum

Make A Wish Foundation

Mitchell James Moe

Mandan Steel Fabricators, Inc

MLB Consulting, LLC

Maribeth Bergstrom

Modern Machine Works, Inc

Marilyn Holly Archer

Monarch Products Company

Mark Wold Marlow Nelson

Mon-Dak Water & Septic Service Ll

Marlys Hartsoch

Monkota Disposal, Inc

Marsha or Gary Paul

Montana Dakota Utilities Co

Marta-Co Control, Inc

Morelli’s Distributing, Inc

Marten’s Welding, Inc

Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative

Fire Extinguishing Systems, Inc

Fox Hills Fencing Francis & Erma Franson Fred Roberts Fred Sorenson Frontier Hot Oil, LLC Frontier Precision, Inc Frontier Wellhead & Supply, Inc

Howard D. Rehak Hydro Hotshots, Inc Icy Industrial Services, LLC Ideal Oilfield Solutions LLP IHD Solids Mgmt, LLC

Gaffaney’s Total Office Source, Inc

Indian Hill Electric, Inc

Galvanizers, Inc

Indigo Signworks

Gary D. Summerfield

Industrial Electric Service, Inc

Gary J. Skarda

Industrial Equipment Sales & Service, Inc

Judy Vinger

Industrial Lubricant Company

K&R Roustabout

Gary Levang Gary Swenson Gayne L. Meiers GC Products Gene F. Harris

Indian Hill Electric, Inc

Industrial Measurement & Control Ink Spot Printing

K&R Ajax Division Kadrmas Lee & Jackson, Inc Kadrmas Lee & Jackson, Inc Karen Ruud

General Equipment & Supplies

Integrated Production Services, Inc

General Trading Company

Interstate Power Systems

Kaye Gudbranson

Gene’s Plumbing Service, Inc

Irby Tool & Safety

KD Rentals, LLC

George D. Summerfield

Iret Properties A Nd Limited

Keene Township

Gerald Dilland

Iron Works Welding, Inc

Keith Meiers

Gerald Douglas Neset

J&J Oilfield Services, Inc

Keith Rice

Gjovig Consulting, LLC

J&T Services, Inc

Keith Signs

Go Wireline, LLC

Jack & Jill

GP Trucking & Services, Inc

Jack’s Family Restaurant

Keitu Engineers & Consultants, Inc

Grand Dakota Lodge

Jafco, Inc

Grand Forks Fire Equipment Co

James Brodal

Grand International Inn, Inc

James Hegland

Granite Springs Water & Ice

James Oil Well Service, Inc

Gravity Rental & Consulting, Inc

James T. Iverson

Great Plains Technical Services

Janell B. Vandeberg

Greater Minot Zoological Society

Janice Becker

Greater North Dakota Chamber of

Jared Iverson

Greenergy Systems Ltd

Jason Iverson

Gregory L. Larson

Jay R’s Auto Body & Sandblasting

Grimestad Farm & Ranch LLP

Jeff & Eva Hepper

Grimestad Partnership

Jeff Hartsoch

Guardian Safety Systems

Jeffrey Knox

Gustafson Septic Service, Inc

Jeffrey L. Meiers

Gymnastics, Inc

Jeffrey Ruud

H&K, Inc

Jelean Braaten

Kathleen M.Dahl

Kenneth A. Mogen Kent Pedersen Kevin & Dalaine Uran Kevin & Joan Lapica Key Rocky Mountain, Inc Kinetic Leasing, Inc Kirkland, Inc Kjck Inc Knife River Fencing, LLC Knutson Flying Service, Inc Kohler Communications of Williston, Inc

Martin Construction, Inc Marty Jorstad, Inc Mary Ellen Iverson Mary Soine Materials Testing Services, LLC Matthew D. Johansen

Kohler Communications, Inc

Maverick Hauling, LLC

Konrad P. Norstog

Mavis Johnsrud

Kranks Landscaping & Dirtworks, LLC

Maxine Nelson

Kristi Hager

MBI Energy Logistics, LLC

Kuhr Trucking, LLC

MBI Energy Rentals, Inc

Mayer Electric

Measurement Services Meesters Welding, LLC Message Center, Inc MGM Rural Sanitation, LLC Michael E Desautel Michael E. Brunelle Michael Hynek Midland Atlas Company, LLC Midstate Telephone Company Midwest Crane Service, Inc Midwest Hose Miller Insulation Company, Inc Milo Iverson Milo Wisness Minot Area Development Corporation Minot Area Dollars For Scholars

Mulligans Catering Murray Consulting, Inc Myron J. Iverson Nakota Clean Nancy Snyder Napa Auto Parts Nathan Brenna ND Tax Commissioner Neff Eiken & Neff P.C Neil R. Thomas Nels Norstedt



NORTH DAKOTA - VENDOR LIST Nelson Farms Partnership

Penkota Wireline Services, Inc

Richard Skor

Sharon M. Norstog

Tioga Chamber of Commerce

Neset Consulting Service, Inc

Pepsi Cola

Richard Weinmann

Shay L. Scanlan

Tioga Hardware

Nevin Dahl

Petroleum Experience, Inc

Rig Anchors, Inc

Tioga Machine Shop, Inc

New Orleans Sand, LLC

Petroleum Services, Inc

Rink Construction Inc

Sheldon Welding & Construction, Inc

Newkota Services & Rentals, LLC

Phillys Hanson

Riverside Welding, Inc

Sherwin Williams

Tioga Parts Supply, Inc

Niess Impressions

Phyllis M. Iverson

Robert Olson

Pioneer Well Services, LLC

Rock Solid Pro Services, Inc

Polar Refrigeration & Heating, Inc

Rocky Mountain Reclamation

Portal Service Co, Inc

Rodney G. Dahl & Kathleen

Prairie Disposal, LLC

Rodney Miller

Prairie Engineering PC

Rods Hot Oil Service, Inc

Prairie Ford

Roger Brenna

Prairie Mountain Electric Motor, Inc

Roger G. Halverson

Prairie Rentals, LLC

Roland Panjaitan

Noble Casing, Inc Norman Hanson Norman Sondrol North Central Electric Coop, Inc North Central Rental & Leasing, LLC North Country Sportswear North Dakota Industrial Commission North Dakota Petroleum Council North Dakota Propane Gas Assn North Dakota Public Service Commission North Dakota State Fair Association

Prairie Truck Equipment Prairie Welding Pre-1, LLC Precision Machine & Welding, Inc Pro Auto Body, LLC

Roland Heiser Rolfson Oil, Inc Roloff Auto Body Ronald & Carole Haug Ronald Anderson Ronald Duane Anderson Ronald Pedersen

North Dakota Tax Commision

Pro Earth Products

North Plains Consulting Services, Inc

Pro Frac Heating & Trucking, LLC

Northeast Mckenzie Community

Pro Pipe Corporation

Ron’s Sandblasting, Inc.

Northern Elite, Inc

Production Analysis, Inc

Rose Slette

Northern Energy ServicesLLC

Pump Systems, LLC

Northern Exposure Sign Company

QC Energy Resources, Inc

Roughrider Electric Cooperative, Inc

Northern Fuel Partners

Quality Cleaning

Northern Plains Safety

Quality Insulation, Inc

Northern Pump & Compression, Inc

Quality Mat of North Dakota, LLC

Northern Services

Quest Engineering, Inc

Northern States Completions, Inc

Quinn Pumps North Dakota, Inc

Ronald Viall Ronnie Iverson

Sievers Enterprises Sigrid Loomer Family Irrevocable Six Gun Hotshot, LLC Sleep Inn & Suites Slope Electric Coop, Inc SM Fencing, Inc Snyder Repair & Service Souris River Coop Souris Valley Animal Shelter Souris Valley United Way Southwest Water Authority Southwestern District Health Unit Special Olympics North Dakota Specialized Technological Threading Spiffy Biffs Sportsman Cafe & Steak House Squeaky Keene, LLC SRT Communications, Inc Stallion Oilfield Services Steffes Corporation Steier Oilfield Service

Roughrider Picker & Trucking Service, Inc

Stephanie Blegen

Roustabout Service & Insulating

Steven D. Nelson

Royce Aslakson

Steven Overlee

RSC Equipment Rental

Steven Perdue

Rud Transportation, LLC

Steven W. Anderson

Ryan Davidson

Stevick Business Forms

S&S Motors

Strata Corporation

S&S Sales, Inc

Sun Tubular Testing Services, Inc

S&W Portable Storage, Inc

Sun Well Service, Inc

Sackman Electric & Controls, Inc

Sund Manufacturing Co, Inc

Railroad Museum of Minot

Saddle Butte Tower

Sundhagen Sand & Gravel, Inc

Rare Earth Consulting, LLC

Safe Com, LLC

Sunland Field Services, Inc

Ray School Capital Development Fund

Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc

Superior Endeavors, Inc

O’Brien Oilfield Services, LLC

Saf-T-Corporation Co.

Sure Sign

Oilfield Safety, Inc

Raymond Anderson

Safway Services, LLC

SWCA Consultants

OK Implement Co/Napa

Raymond Gilstad

Sally Iverson Living Trust

Sweet Crude Oilfield Services

Old Keystone, Inc

Raymond Iverson RBJ FarmsInc

Saltwater Disposal of North Dakota

Sysko Business Solutions

Omar Hanson On Site Safety, Inc

Rdo Equipment Co

Sam J. Sagaser Sr.

Red River Oilfield Services, Inc

SandK Stack Testing, Inc

T&T Measurements

One Stop Trailerz O’Neil Rentals, LLC

Red River Supply, Inc

Sanford Health Occupational

Opportunity Foundation, Inc

Red Wing Shoe Store

Satermo Trustworthy Hardware

Outlaw Services

Sathe Analytical Laboratory, Inc

Overhead Door Co of Minot

Red’s Welding & Backhoe Service

Owen Hamre

Regina P. Jardee

Savanna Well Servicing Corporation

Oz Hotshot / Braden Overson

Reiter Welding, Inc

SBG 1804 Facility, LLC

Pamela Evoniuk

Rena Nelson

SBG Grassy Butte, LLC

Panther Pressure Testers, Inc

Renegade Rentals, LLC

SBG Manning Facility, LLC

Parkway Ford Sales, Inc

Reservation Telephone Cooperative

Schantzen Welding

RGD Trucking, Inc

Schmidt Electric, Inc

Rice Consulting, Inc

Schmidt Enterprise, LLC

Richard Johnson

Schmidt Repair, Inc

Richard Regeth

Shanon Hodnefield

Northern States Fishing Tool Co Northern Water Works Supply Northwest Communications Coop Nov Tuboscope O Day Equipment, Inc

Pat’s offroad, Inc Paul Weyrauch Paul Wisness Pearce & Durick

Quale Trucking, LLC

R&J Technical Services, LLC R&T Water Supply Association Raging River Water Transfer Service, Inc

Schmidt Construction of Stanley

Stephen T. Meyer

T&K Inspection, Inc Tarpon Energy Services, LLC Taryn Lumley Taylor Crane Service, Inc Technetics Group, LLC Temp Right Service, Inc Terry Anderson The Computer Store The Drive Inn The Laundromat Thomas John Halverson Thorfin Slette Timberline Service & Repair, Inc Time, Inc Timken Company

Tioga Medical Center Clinic Tioga Ready Mix Company Tioga Tribune Titan Machinery, Inc Titan Oilfield Service, LLC Today’s Machine, LLC Tom Meyer Enterprises, Inc. Too Tall Welding & Fabrication Tool Contracting, LLC Tooz Construction, Inc Total Control, Inc Total Depth Rentals, Inc Tractor & Equipment Company Train ND Transfield Services Oilfields, LLC Travis Lesmeister Triangle Electric, Inc Triple Aaa Safety/Training, Inc Triple Aggregate, LLC Trotter Construction, Inc Troy Donnelly TRS Industries, Inc True North Steel United Prairie Cooperative United Rentals Northwest, Inc University of North Dakota Upper Missouri Valley Fair US Pressure Test, Inc Vachal Family LLLP Valley Rental Service, Inc Van Lynn Rice Vector Construction, Inc Verendrye Electric Cooperative Vern H. Sherven Vernon Nelson Viall’s Golden Valley Acres LLP Village Laundry Violet L.Thomas Vision Oil Tools, LLC Wanzek Construction, Inc Watford Express Laundry Center, LLC Watson Well Solutions, LLC Wayne Hauge Wayne’s Trucking WBI Energy Corrosion Services WBI Energy MidstreamLLC WellPro, Inc Wellsite Leasing, Inc West Dakota Oil, Inc West River Community Center Westcon Industries, Inc Westlie Motor Company Westside Machine Shop, Inc White Earth Valley Saddle Club Wholesale Supply Company, Inc Wick Communications


NORTH DAKOTA - VENDOR LIST Wickum Construction

Williston Basin Inspection, Inc

Williston Tank Rental, Inc

Wise Services, Inc

Wyoming Casing Service, Inc

Wilcox & Wonser Heating Service

Williston Basin Skating Club

Wilson Supply

Workforce Safety & Insurance

Yankee Fishing & Rentals, Inc

Wildfire Hyperheaters, LLC

Williston Boys Baseball

Winn Construction, Inc

WW Oilfield Services, LLC

Zee Medical Service

Williston Fire & Safety, LLC

Wisco, Inc

Wylie Bice

Zimny Oilfield Services, LLC

Williams Water District


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Ohio Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Ohio, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 636 businesses, spread across all 16 of Ohio’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. And this is clearly a small snapshot of the vast number of business throughout Ohio who are benefitting from shale development, with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services reporting that there are more than 13,000 shale-related business establishments in the state.2 The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.3 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Ohio supports some 255,100 jobs, which is 3.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Ohio labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $12.7 billion annually. That’s 4.1 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Ohio is not a top U.S. energy producerthese job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of

Ohio enjoy significant benefits from energy development.4 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Ohio across all industries and sectors is $44,059, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$72,238 annually. Overall the industry supports $28.4 billion of the Ohio economy. That’s 5.7 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Ohio particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic

1. Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, “Quarterly Economic Trends for Ohio Oil and Gas Industries”, April 2014, http://ohiolmi .com/OhioShale/Ohio%20Shale%20report-April2014-2013Q3.pdf 2. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included in the survey are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. All information cited in this paragraph comes from http://www.api.org/~/media/Files/Policy/Jobs/EnergyWorks/EnergyWorks_OhioAPI.pdf. Data based on Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2012 accessed 7/18/2013); U.S. Energy Information Administration; and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

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255,100 OHIO JOBS



70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Avg. Annual Ohio Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Ohio

Ohio Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 13


Congressional District 14


Congressional District 15


Congressional District 16


Grand Total

District 11

District 14

District 09 District 05

District 13 District 16

District 12

District 04

District 07

District 08 District 03

District 10


Top Cities District Cincinnati = 64 01 Cleveland = 59 Columbus = 56

District 06 District 15

District 02

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Ohio reached 38,830 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 143,595 in 2020 and to 266,624 in 2035.5

Petroleum Institute, found that 79 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located here in the United States.6

And the people of Ohio get it. A state-wide telephone poll of 600 registered Ohio voters, conducted on behalf of the American

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.””http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-ohio-voters-support-investments-in-oil-natural-gas”, the results of an Ohio poll conducted by Harris for API April 3-7, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



OHIO - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1 Cincinnati Heat Exchangers, Inc Cintas Corporation Hendersons Greenpro Hubert Company Kelchner, Inc

Congressional District 2 Advanced Technologies Support Grp Al Neyer, LLC Anchor Fluid Power Appalachian Wireless Argus International, Inc Automated Packaging, Inc Baerlocher Production USA, LLC Baro Controls, Baro Process Baro Holdings, Inc

Richard Industries Jordan Division

Ohio Transmission & Pump

Betty Blazer

James O. Moats

Safelite Fulfillment, Inc

Ohio Transmission Corporation

Jefferson Investigators and


Bishop John King Mussio Jr. High Borden Office Equipment Company

John E. Riley Jr

Sensidyne LP Telvent Dtn, Inc Terminix Processing Center The Pilcher Group Thermo Electron Corporation Thermo Environmental Inst Thermo Labsystems, Inc Thermo Process Instruments LP T-Mobile USA, Inc Total Quality Logistics, LLC Total Safety, Inc Ungers & Associates, Inc Vega Americas, Inc Wesco Distribution, Inc

Profound Logic Software, Inc Sarcom, Inc Sea Ltd Shell

Belcan Corporation BHS Marketing, LLC

Ajax Tocco

BMI General Licensing

Allied Corporation, Inc

Broadcast Music, Inc

Alro Steel

Carey Digital

Ametek Solidstate Controls

Carlton E. Bertt, PhD

Atos Origin It Services I

Carmeuse Lime & Stone, Inc

Battelle Memorial Institute

Cast-Fab Technologies, Inc

Blue Dot Energy Services, LLC

Champion Optical Network Engineering, LLC

Blues For A Cure Bolttech Mannings

Chemical Associates, Inc

Bricker & Eckler LLP

Cintas Corporation

Burgess & Niple, Inc

Cintas Document Management

BW Rogers Company Canton Drop Forge

Brian Wagner Bryan Eureka Buckeye Local School District

Jefferson Landmark, Inc John F. Fuchs & Marcia R. Fuchs John N. Balik John Neider John P. Dutton

Shelly Materials, Inc

Buckeye Water Service Company

Solidstate Controls, LLC

Cadiz Food Pantry

Jonathan A. Bedway

Spellacy, Inc

Cadiz Lions Club

Joseph B. Fillipovich

Strategic Public Partners, LLC

Calvin & Tyra Pethtel

JW Stenger Trucking, Inc

Supply Technologies, LLC

Calvin E. Reed

Keith & Judith Burgett

TFL Distribution, LLC

Capstone Holding Company

The Home Depot

Carl Westover

Ken Miller Supply of West Virginia

The National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors

Carol Goff

United Controls Group, Inc

Congressional District 3

Cintas First Aid & Safety

Primatech, Inc

Vorys Sater Seymour & Pease LLP

Congressional District 4

Carroll Electric Cooperative Catholic Central High School Charles Culler Cort Business Services Corporation.

John R. Mrugala

Kinferco, LLC Kirke B. Porterfield Lansberry Properties, LLC Lanzer Excavating, LLC Lash Paving, Inc Maan Power Services

Crystal Clear Window & Gutter

Marietta College

3Circle Partners, LLC

Cumberland Trail Fire District #4

Mary Ruth Kidd

Atlas Industries, Inc

Dale Henceroth

Middleton Township

Beckett Jeffrey M.

Dannie & Judith Baker

Mingo Business Association

Clifford R. Goytowski

David Bodo & Associates, Inc

Modular Security Systems, Inc

Elyria Foundry

David Irvin

Morsheiser Family Rev Liv Tr

Enercon Systems, Inc

David R. Miller

LP Hoying, LLC

Dennis Bogdan

Motorcyclist Memorial Foundation

Nachurs Alpine Solutions

Doris L. Burkhart

St. Marys Foundry, Inc

Dorsey Oil & Gas, LLC

Univenture, Inc

Drew & Christine Riffle

Wilson Bohannan Padlock Co

Dusti R. Pickens

National Aggregates, Inc Nicholas Richards Off The Wall Signs Ohio Water Haulers, LLC

Columbia Gas of Ohio

Capital City Group, Inc

Crane 1 Services, Inc

Chase Equipment Finance, Inc

CSX Transportation

Circle S Transport, Inc

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP

A Gas Remtec

DTE Energy

Continental Message Solution, Inc

Effox - Flextor

CTL Engineering, Inc

Daymark Safety Systems

Erwin Septic Service, LLC

Quaker City Septic Tank

Emery Oleochemicals, LLC

Dependable Power Systems

FCX Performance

Engineering and Technical Association

Fairfield Machine Co., Inc

Edison Equipment, LLC

Fairview & Community Volunteer

Ray H. Thomas & Suzi A. Thomas

Fifth Third Leasing Company

Edison Welding Institute, Inc

Ground Control Erosion Control

Fire Protection Service Ltd

Fisher Scientific Co


Jerl Machine, Inc

Franciscan University of

Five Machining System, Inc

Exco Resources Pa, Inc

Kenton Iron Products, Inc

Full Circle Oil Field Services, Inc

Global Crossing Telecommunications

Exponentia US, Inc

One Aquasource, Inc

Gary A. & Debra Staten

FCX Performance, Inc

Reclamation Technologies, Inc

George Moser

Hydrotech, Inc

Fire-Dex, LLC

Remtec International

Grae-Con Construction, Inc

Informatica Corporation

The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc

Green & Associates, LLC

Internal Revenue Service

Fives North American Combustion, Inc

The National Lime & Stone Co

Gregory Fisher

J Flow Controls

Home Depot Credit Services

ACI Services, Inc

Guernsey County Agricultural

Kratos Public Safety & Security

IRTH Solutions, Inc

Louisiana Transportation, Inc

Joe Knows Energy

Mazak Corporation

Kimball Midwest

Micro Motion, Inc

Lapham-Hickey Steel

Mobile Mini, Inc

Lehigh Heavy Forge Corporation.

Ohmart Vega Corporation

Mayfarm International

Panelmatic Texas, Inc

Mettler Toledo, LLC

Pierce Pump Company, Inc

Miba Bearings Us, LLC

Pilsen Imports, Inc

National Pump & Process

PME of Ohio

Ochmanek Group, LLC

Raco Industries, LLC

Ohio Association of Foodbanks

Recruitmilitary, LLC

Ohio State University

Congressional District 5 Bunting Bearings Corp

Congressional District 6

Dynamic Structures, Inc Eastern Automated PipingInc Electronic Design For Industry, Inc

Guernsey Muskingum Electric Coopera

Paul W. Gross Piergallini Catering Premier Services, Inc Providence Minerals, LLC

Raymond Burkey RCE Heat Exchangers, LLC Renee Lamp RF Linx, Inc Richard Morrison Richland Township Trustees Robert L. Stewart Rock Ridge Properties, Inc S.T.A.R.T., LLC. Salvus Trucking, LLC Shannon Glancy

Harcatus Tri County C.A.O., Inc

Shecklers Excavating, Inc

Herbert D. & Linda S. Mcclain

Short Creek Township

Hopedale Softball Associaton

Shortcreek Sportsman Club, Inc

American Cancer Society

Hopedale Volunteer Fire Department

Smithfield Volunteer Fire

American Legion Argonne Post

Horner Excavating Ltd

Apex Environmental, LLC

Spring Valley Finishers

Howard L. Bowers Contracting

Apollo Pro Cleaning

St. Clairsville Municipal Utilities

Hunter Kirkwood Farms, LLC

Barclay Rolls

Stateline Paving A Lindy

James & Vickie Herold

Beatrice V. Allensworth

Storm Ross

James C. & Velma .F Booth

Stratagraph NE, Inc

Adena Lions Club Advanced Landscaping Afcom

Belmont College Foundation, Inc

Spectrum Metal Working, LLC



Fives Bronx, Inc

Numerics Unlimited, Inc

BW Rogers Company

Waste Management of Ohio

The Henderson Family Rev Trust

Gail L. Troyer

Panelmatic Cincinnati, Inc


West Penn Power Co

The Mable J. Pittman Trust

Gambier Welding

Turn All Machine & Gear Co

Cleveland Gear Company

Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway

The Pest Detective

Gary R. Ross

Yost Superior Company

Computer Task Group, Inc

The Safety Group, LLC

Grace Automation Services, Inc

Circle A Welding

Constant Aviation, LLC

Winncom Technologies Corporation

The Salvation Army Cadiz

Hammon Tree & Associates

The Scio Dining Fork Ruritan Club

Hampton Inn & Suites-Canton

Congressional District 9

Hartville Kitchen

Ferry Cap & Setscrew Co

Hilscher-Clarke Electric

The Kent Group

Holiday Inn Canton

The Mack Iron Works Company

Innis Maggiore Agency

Tomlin Toledo Co, Inc

Isqr Power Cable Co

United States Steel Corporation

Therapeutic Connections Charitable Thomas E. Mitchell TK Gas Services, Inc Triangle Production Systems, Inc Triple J Oilfield Services United Chart Processors United Way of Guernsey County United Way of Jefferson County Valentine Troyer Village Lore City Village of Wintersville Warren Drilling Co., Inc Water Transport Waterford Tank & Fabrication Wickham Electric Co Willa Jean Linn William & Connie Miller William Ryan Watson

Dow Cameron Oil & Gas, LLC

Batteries Plus

Hahn Manufacturing Co

Eaton Hydraulics

Blanchard Grinding Services, Inc

Inforad, Inc

Electrical Reliability Services, In

Ceso, Inc

Infosight Corporation

Elite Seismic Processing, Inc

Commercial Metal Fabricators

KLM Controls, Inc

Elledge Gasketing & Supply Co

Mckinley Grand Hotel

Dayton Forging & Heat Treating Co

Medcor, Inc

Emerson Network Power

Middaugh Enterprise

Dayton Superior Corporation

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc

Hercules Industries, Inc

Mid-East Truck & Tractor Service, Inc

Dimcogray Corporation

Mon Power

Hull & Associates, Inc

Ninesigma, Inc

Kenton Iron Products, Inc

Occupational Health Centers of Ohio

Kiefner & Associates, Inc

Kimble Clay & Limestone Kimble Recycling & Disposal Knox Machine & Tool, Inc Krugliak Wilkins Griffiths and Mansfield Electric Supply

Miller & Company Sanitation

Ferguson Construction Company

Miller Septic Tank Cleaning & Porta Jon Rental

Hargo Corporation

Ohio Land & Cattle, Inc

LexisNexis Lucy Carolyn King Perez Miami Cast, Inc

Patriot Forge Co

Mid Atlantic Storage Systems, Inc

Precision Geophysical, Inc

Mutual Tool

Pride of The Hills Manufacturing, Inc

Owens Roy L.

Pro Football Hall of Fame Public Service Company of Oklahoma

Sogeti USA, LLC Stanco Precision Manufacturing Teradata Operations, Inc United Grinding Technologies, Inc

Robert & Marilyn Bergmeyer Robert B. Putnam

Ariel Corporation Beaver Excavating Company

Rolls-Royce Energy Systems, Inc

Bella Vista Landscaping, LLC

Sancast, Inc

BHR Realty, LLC

Sandra Knowles Rev

Congressional District 11

Branam Fastening Systems, Inc

Schmuck Farms, LLC

A Firstenergy Company

Brett Berisford

Services Acquisition Co, LLC

A Schulman, Inc

Buckeye Council Boy Scouts of

SML Contracting, Inc

A&M Green Properties, LLC

Canton Drop Forge

Southwestern Electric Power Co

Acme Industrial Company

Canton Erectors, Inc

Stark Community Foundation

Advanced Fire Co, Inc

Canton Hauling

Terra Star, Inc

AEP River Operations, LLC

Canton Regional Chamber of

The Beaver Excavating Company

Aero Controlex Group, Inc

The Weekender Ltd

American Waste Management Services

Central Allied Enterprises, Inc Central Ohio Fabricators Craig Stasser Rev Trust Custom Cutters D&K Supply & Equipment, Inc

Center For Reliable Energy Systems

Environmental Management

Dixie Medical, Inc

AMG Industries

Carole R. Niederkofler

Broderick Data Systems

Envantage, Inc

Guild International

Congressional District 10

American Electric Power Co

Carlyard, LLC

Applied Industrial Tech

Elliott Co

4 Paws For Ability

Oxford Mining Company, LLC

AEP Ohio

Congressional District 12

Edward W. Daniel Co

Gateway Safety, Inc

John J. Dempsey

Womens Health Center of Jefferson

Abco Services, LLC

Eaton Corporation

Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

James Alan Epley

Multi Products Co

Congressional District 7

Wodin, Inc

Fibergrate Composite Structures, In

Jack E. Martin, Attorney At Law

Women In Action Against Cancer

Young Womens Christian Association

Development Dimensions International, Inc

Timken Bearing Division Total Lubrication Mgmt Co United Way of Greater Stark Weaver Express Yankee Wire Cloth Product

Dansco Manufacturing & Pumping Unit Service

Congressional District 8

Dilly Michael W.

CM-Tech, Inc

Dover Chemical Corporation

IDM Computer Solutions, Inc

Five Star Fence

Kone Cranes, Inc

Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition Ohio Desk Co Ohio Transmission & Pump Oil Skimmers, Inc Penelec Pipe Line Development Co Plidco International, Inc Presrite Corporation. QPS America, Inc Quality Resources, LLC Roll-Kraft Root, Inc

WCR, Inc

Rose Metal Industries

Xenia Foundry & Machine Co

Santrol, Inc SAP Ag

Akron Childrens Hospital Fdn

Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc Asko, Inc Baker & Hostetler LLP Barnes Group, Inc Berwyn Group Bico-Akron Brost Froundry Company Buckeye Rubber & Packing

Shin Etsu Silicones of America, Inc

CM-Tech, Inc

Kincaid Taylor & Geyer Kinetics Noise Control, Inc Law General Contracting, Inc Leppert Machine Co., Inc Liberty Casting Co MHS Industrial Supply Nelson Tool Corporation Nexeo Solutions, LLC NGO Development Corporation Ohio Oil & Gas Association OOGA Producers Service Corporation Ramah Oil Co, LLC Resource One Solutions, LLC Rock Iron Corporation Rumpke of Northern Ohio, Inc Scioto Valve & Fitting Co

Sifco Forge

The Gorman-Rupp Co


Xcelerate Media

St. Marys Foundry, Inc Standard Energy Sales, Inc

Congressional District 13

State Chemical Manufacturing

Ansco Machine Company

Steam Systems, Inc


Summitville Tiles, Inc

Evets Electric, Inc

Supply Technologies, LLC

Geiger Teeple Smith & Hahn LLP

Tank Services Taylor Leasing Corporation

Heavy Duty Industrial Services LLC

The Equity Engineering Group, Inc

Iron Eagle Enterprise, LLC John E. & Carla Welling Jr

The Garland Company, Inc

Logic Plunger Lift

The Hellan Strainer Company

Mimi B Limited Partnership

URS Corporation

Mohawk Disposal Management

Vector Security, Inc

NSK Industries, Inc

Veritext Records

Ohio Utilities Protection Service

Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP

Pennsylvania Tool Sales & Service



OHIO - VENDOR LIST Pettigrew Pumping Service, Inc

Bridgeway Search Group, Inc

Vox Mobile, Inc

Atlas Energy Resources, LLC

Lytle Const, Inc

Polymer Machinery Co, Inc

Carl E. Maltba

Wiegand Custom Watch, LLC

Baaron, Inc

Mellott Bronze, Inc

PSK Steel Corporation

Curtiss Wright Flow Control


Melvin H Miller

R&J Trucking, Inc

Enpac, LLC

Congressional District 15

Bocor Holdings, LLC

Railworks Track Services, Inc

Ferro Corporation

BBU Environmental Services Ltd

Merit Pump & Equipment Company, Inc

Ready To Haul, LLC

Gold Key Processing, Inc

Foundation For Appalachian

Champion Combustion Corporation

Republic Services, Inc

Great Lake Fasteners

Kilbarger Investments

Sanders Excavating, Inc

Hexpol Compounding

Lean Enterprise, Inc

SD Myers, Inc

Independence Excavating, Inc

Locher, Inc

The Dearing Compressor & Pump Com

Milyo Kristine G.

Memac Industries, Inc

Milyo Michael D.

Miba Bearings Us, LLC

Monode Marking Products

Ohio University

MR Excavator

R&L Carriers, Inc

Northeast Filter & Equipment

South Central Power Company

Ohio Lumex Co, Inc

Telesis Technologies, Inc

Pepperl & Fuchs, Inc

Hawthorne Bolt Works Corporation

Titan Industrial Supply

Rea Elektonik, Inc

Horizontal Wireline Services, LLC

Tubular Techniques

Rosemount Analytical, Inc

ICI Metals, Inc

Tunnel Hill Reclamation, LLC

J.R. Johnson Engineering, Inc

US Safetygear, Inc W. Pol Contracting, Inc William R Pitoscia Youngstown Hard Chrome Plating

Congressional District 14 AB Resources, LLC ABB, Inc Association of General Counsel Baldwin International

Rosemount, Inc The Rovisys Company The Shelly Company

Congressional District 16 Akron Brass Manufacturing

Miller Supply of WV, Inc

Clark-Reliance Corporation

National Lime & Stone Company

Concrete Controls of Ohio

Petroset Cemeting Services, Inc

Corrpro Companies, Inc

PJ Operating Corporation

Fedex Truckload Brokerage, Inc

S&H Oilfield Services, LLC

Georgia K. Bailey


Gregory Rogers

Testamerica Air Emission Corporation

H A D, Inc Hammontree & Associates Ltd

Ken Miller Supply, Inc Lindsay Precast, Inc Logic Plunger Lift, Inc

Testamerica Analytical Testing Corporation Testamerica Laboratories, Inc The Great Lakes Construction Co TJC Enterprises, Inc Tru-Cut Saw, Inc Ultimate Jetcharters, LLC Yxlon Feinfocus, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Oklahoma Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Oklahoma, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 2,513 businesses, spread across all five of Oklahoma’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Oklahoma supports some 364,300 jobs, which is 16.8 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Oklahoma labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $23.3 billion annually. That’s 22.9 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Oklahoma, in addition to total employment and labor

income, is in terms of salary.3 While the average annual salary in Oklahoma across all industries and sectors is $42,733, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$93,992 annually. Overall the industry supports $39 billion of the Oklahoma economy. That’s 23.1 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Oklahoma ranks 5th in oil and 4th in natural gas production.4 That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states. Oklahoma particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.





100k 90k 80k 70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Avg. Annual Oklahoma Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Oklahoma

Oklahoma Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Grand Total

District 01


District 03

District 05

District 02

District 04

Vendor Profile7 Mercer Valve Company, Inc.® Mercer Valve Company has been engineering and manufacturing safety relief valves since 1985. The company’s patented Auto Seat Technology® has placed Mercer at the forefront of today’s relief valve industry. The technology will provide an extended seat life, which allows the valve to consistently open, close, seat, and seal time and time again. “Whether it is our deliveries, valve shop, or mobile repair, Mercer always puts safety first. Both the manufacturer and the consumer can benefit from Mercer’s product.”

Check-6 Check-6 is an international solutions company comprised of former military pilots and special operatives who bring crews working in high-risk environments to a very high level of reliability. The company provides rapid results through coaching, training, and simulation, aimed at instilling best practices and lessons learned from the military backgrounds of the people who work for Check 6. The company goal is to keep crews safe and rigs operational, onshore and off, while reducing training time. Check-6 was founded in 2007 in order to bring the oil and gas industry to the same consistent, reliable safety standards as military and commercial aviation. It now has more than 400 employees and contractors worldwide, helping oil and gas companies implement best practices for safer, more efficient energy production.

Top Cities Oklahoma City = 635 Tulsa = 353 Edmond = 118 Elk City = 103 Woodward = 69 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Oklahoma reached 65,325 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 149,617 in 2020 and to 225,387 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people

of Oklahoma, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” ”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-sayus-should-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Bartlesville Regional Chamber

CRS Proppants

Fisher Scientific Co, LLC

1999 Enterprise Plaza

Berendsen Fluid Power, Inc

Cust-O-Fab, Inc

Flameco Industries, Inc

3C Logistics, LLC

Bertrem Products, Inc

Flint Energy Services, Inc

4K Spooling Banding Sales & Service, Inc

Best Well Services, LLC

Custom Chemical Solutions, LLC Cyclonic Valve Company, Inc

Fluid Specialties

A Max Sign Co, Inc

BKL, Inc


BNSF Railroad Company

Abb, Inc

Boo Boos Clown Shoppe

Aberdeen Dynamic Supply, Inc

Borets-Weatherford US, Inc

Accel Financial

Braden Manufacturing, LLC

AcctKnowledge Financial Staffing

BRG Production

Ace Air Cooled Exchangers, Inc Adams Blvd Church of Christ

Billy Kevin Holland

Brock & Associates, LLC Brothers & Co

Adplace Solutions, LLC

BS&B Pressure Safety Management, LLC

Advanced Hydrocarbon Stratigraphy

BSB Limited

Advanced Industrial Devices, LLC Advanced Plastics, Inc Advantage Graphics, Inc AG Equipment Company Air Cooled Exchangers, LLC Air Hygiene International, Inc Air X Limited Airflo Cooling Technologies Airgas USA, LLC All Consulting, LLC Allied Electronics, Inc Ambler Architects American Association of Petroleum American Piping Inspection, Inc Anchor Drilling Fluids USA, Inc Anixter, Inc Apex Remington Pipe & Supply Co Arrow Tool & Gage Co, Inc Arvest Asset Management Arvest Bank Associated Resources, Inc Association For Women Geoscientists

Cactus Drilling Company, LLC Cagle Oilfield Services, Inc Callidus Technologies, LLC Canada Co

Cypress Energy Partners Pecos Swd, LLC D&L Oil Tools Daniel Melcher Darlys J. Lickliter Data Management, Inc Datapages, Inc Dave Allert Company Dave E Reese Consulting, LLC David C. Smith Davis Bros, LLC DC & Michelle Smith DD Frederick Co Devco USA, LLC Dewey High School

Jiffy Wash Laundromat

Furmanite America, Inc

Jo Rhone

Galaxy Limousine & Executive Charter, Inc

John Crane Lemco John Zink Company, LLC

Gas Processors Association

JW Williams, Inc

GDH Consulting, Inc

Kaiser Francis Oil Company

Gea Rainey Corporation

Katies Kitchen

Gemini Medical Group

Kenco Engineering Company, Inc

Geoffrey K Simpson Gerhold Engineering PC Glenn Security Systems, Inc Golden Field Services, Inc Graebel Oklahoma Movers, Inc

Kenneth Alan Weikel Kenneth F. Wantland Key Personnel Kimery Painting, Inc

KSW Oilfield Rental, LLC

Grisham Services

Kyle Cumings

Division Order Beginnings

Groendyke Transport, Inc

Landmark Outdoor Services, LLC

DJ Shubeck Co

Hall Estill Hardwick Gable Golden

Doerner Saunders Daniel

Hambrick Ferguson, Inc

Laredo Petroleum, Inc

Don Cavin Services

Hammco Air Coolers

Larkin Products, Inc

Doubletree Hotel Warren

Hammco Corporation

Latshaw Drilling Company, LLC

Douglas J. Flint

Harsco Industrial Air-X-Changers

Laurel Mountain Midstream, LLC

Check Six, Inc

Dover Resources, Inc

Hatfield & Co, Inc

Leadership Vision, LLC

Cherokee Measurement & Control, Inc

Downtown Design Services, Inc

Health Zone

LEF, Inc

DRD Technology Corporation

Linde Process Plants, Inc

Chevalley Moving & Storage of

Dresser Rand Co

Helmerich & Payne International, Inc

Cimmaron Field Services, Inc

Drew Veitch

Herb Moore, Inc

M&D Controls

Cisco Eagle

E Consulting, LLC

Cleveland ConsultingLLC

Eagle Chief Midstream, LLC

Cliffs Flooring & Windows, Inc

Edward White Consulting

Cline Machine

Element Integrity Group

Cloud Nine Productions, Inc

Elliott Precision Prod

Carrolls Commercial Floors, Inc CEI Petroleum, Inc Centimark Challenger Technologies, Inc Chandler Engineering Co, LLC Chart Cooler Service Company, Inc Check 6 Logistics Solutions, Inc

Enardo, LLC


Condit Company, Inc

Enduro Pipeline Services, Inc

A-Tech, Inc

Conestoga Rovers & Assoc, Inc

Energy Products, Inc

Atkinson Haskins Nellis

Conocophillips Outside Operated Ji

Energy Services Group, Inc

Constien & Associates, Inc

Engineering & Consulting Services, Inc

Construction & Turnaround

Engineering Technology, Inc

Continental Wire Cloth, LLC

Englobal Us, Inc

Control Devices, Inc

Entertainment Specialties, Inc


Cooling Products, Inc

Epumps, Inc

Avaya, Inc

COP Heritage Museums, Inc

Evans Enterprises, Inc Tulsa

Azure Environmental Ltd

Countryside Flowers & Gifts

Excellence Engineering, Inc

Badger Meter, Inc

Covenant Idell

Fabwell Corporation

Baird Manufacturing

CP Well Testing, LLC

Family Healthcare Clinic, Inc

Barkley House II, Inc

CPL Retail Energy

Fammco Manufacturing, Inc

Bartlesville Community Center

Craters & Freighters of Greater Tulsa

Federal Corporation

Crest Resources, Inc

Fireco of Oklahoma, Inc

Bartlesville Community Foundation

Jessica Bowden

Digital Publishing & Scanning, Inc

Career Employment Service, Inc

Elynx Technologies, LLC

Automatic Protection Systems Corporation

Jennifer B. Galvin

Kraftours Corporation

Diane K. Miller

Communication Graphics, Inc

Automated Mail Service

Frontier Field Services, LLC

JD Young Co, Inc

Green Country Petrophysics, LLC

Capital X Ray Services, Inc

Colt Services & Insulation, LLC

Austin Daniels

Frank W. Murphy Manufacturing.

Jason Turner


Diane Bewley

Astra Solutions

Audiomatrix, Inc

Fluid, Inclusion Technologies, Inc

Jan Myers


Cantu Strategic Services, LLC

Dewey Ironworks, LLC

Flow-Quip, Inc

James O. Folsom & Associates, Inc

Bartlesville Indian Womens Club

Crockett Royalty, LLC

Bartlesville Public Schools

Crow Creek Operating Co III

Fin X, Inc Fisher Products

HilCrest Country Club

Lansing NGL Services

Linen King, LLC

Hillary Enloe

Magellan Midstream Partners, LP

Hilti, Inc

Magnesium Products, Inc

Hogan Assessment Systems, Inc

Marine Design Technology, Inc

Hogan Taylor LLP

Mazzios Corporation

Honeywell Process Solutions

Mark A. Nagley

Horizon Well Logging, LLC

McAfee & Taft Client Trust Account

Hoss, LLC

McDaniel Technical Services, Inc

Hydro Quarry, LLC

McDonald, Mcann, Metcalf

III Thax Productions

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

Imperial Coffee Service

Memorial Machine

Inceed, LLC

Merit Advisors LP

Inco Electric, Inc

Mesa Products, Inc

Indel Davis, Inc

Meter Check Measurement

Indian Coatings, Inc

Meter Provers, Inc

Industrial Piping Specialists, Inc

Metrosoft, LLC

Industrial Splicing & Sling, LLC

Michael Nicholson

Institute of Internal Auditors

Mid First Bank A2R Partners, LLC

Interface Flooring Systems, Inc Interstate Tool & Manufacturing Irisndt Matrix Corporation ISTI Plant Services J.W. Williams, Inc Jacobi Kelley Search, LLC 1 James D. Smith

Midstates Petroleum Co, LLC Midwestern Mineralogy, Inc Mingo Manufacturing, Inc Miratech Corporation Modular Space Corporation


OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST Moylan Staffing, Inc MRW Technologies, Inc Murphy Industries Myers-Aubrey Company Nadel & Gusman Permian, LLC Nameplates, Inc Network Enhanced Training New Prospect Company Norberta Surratt Nsi Solutions, Inc Nsi Technologies, Inc

Quality Material Handling Co LLC

Steel Service Oilfield Tubular, Inc

Unit Texas Drilling, LLC

Brent Mabray

Quicksilver Graphics & Printing, Inc


University of Tulsa

Bumpers Const & Trucking Co

Steeltek, Inc


BW & Assoc

Steidley & Neal PLLC

Uplands Resources, Inc

C&C Equipment Rental

Sterlings Grille

US Post Office

C&S Roustabout Service, LLC

Steven K. Nida

US Safety Sign & Decal

Canadian Valley Telephone Co

Stone Trucking Co

Vanco Equipment Co.

Strat Land Exploration Company

Vanguard Environmental, Inc

Carl Fords Backhoe & Roustabout

Structural Petrophysics & Micro

Vicky Crews

Sulzer Chemtech USA, Inc

Vintage Petroleum, Inc

Summit Esp, LLC

Warren Cat

Sundance Office Supply

Webco Industries, Inc

Superior Specialty Gas Service, Inc

Western Filter Company, Inc

Swagelok Oklahoma

White Buffalo Environmental, Inc

Deans Casing Service, Inc Dougs Welding Service

T Bird Engineering

Wicks & Associates Industrial Services, LLC

Doulos Consulting, LLC


Willbros Downstream, LLC

Dutton Welding & Construction

Tax Executives Institute, Inc

Willbros Engineers Us, LLC

Eagle Environmental Consulting

TD Williamson, Inc

Williams Field Services Co

Eastok, Inc

TDW Services, Inc

Wilson Supply

Elmer Ardese

Team Oil Tools LP

WL Walker Company, Inc

Fidgets Oil Field Services

Tech Head Systems

Wood Machine Co

Flow Testing, Inc

Technical Programming Services, Inc

Workspace Solutions, Inc

Gas Turbine Applications

Temco, Inc

Wrb Refining LP GQ

George Ronald Loman

WSA Sales Company, Inc

GH Electrical & Roustabout, Inc

Xerox Corporation

Global Pipeline Construction, LLC

R&R Engineering Co, Inc Ray Hildreth Redhawk Distribution Service Refinery Supply Co, Inc Reliance Pressure Control, LLC Remco Supply, Inc Rexel of America

NWE Consultants, LLC

Reynolds French & Company, Inc

Oaktree Software, Inc

Riverside Counseling

OCV Control Valves, LLC

RL Fabrication

OGCI Training, Inc

Robert Lovelace

Oil Capital Electric, LLC

Robinson Manufacturing Co, Inc

Oilfield Pipe & Supply, Inc

Ron Adams

OK Fabricators, LLC

Rose Rock Midstream Crude LP

Oklahoma Assoc of USA Track & Field

Roto Hammer

Oklahoma Fluid Solutions, LLC Oklahoma Magazine Oklahoma Natural Gas Co Omni Packaging Corporation. On The Rock Ministries, Inc Oneok Field Services Company Oneok Rockies Midstream, LLC Oneok Westex Transmission, Inc Onepetro (Society of Petroleum Engineers) Orca Media Orion Instruments, LLC Pam Distributing Park Centre Building, LLC Paso Tulsa Patricia Isbell Photography

RW Holland, Inc S&R Compression, LLC Sagebrush Pipeline Equipment Samson Lone Star, LLC Samson Resources Company Sanguine Gas Exploration, LLC Schnake Turnbo Frank, Inc Scott Rice Seahawk Manufacturing Search Engine Seg Advanced Modeling Corporation Select Engineering, Inc Seres Smith Consulting, LLC Service & Technology Corporation

System Scales

TES Productions The Box Brokers The Canada Company, Inc The Corser Group, Inc The Etiquette School of Oklahoma The GC Broach Co

Westside Community Assoc

York Plumbing Zeeco, Inc Zenergy, Inc

Congressional District 2

Cecco, Inc Central Communications Contract Manufacturer, LLC David Mabray Davis Buildings, Inc DB Wireline Services, Inc

H&R Dozer & Welding Service Hard Rock Leasing, LLC Holden Inspection & Technical Service Home Propane, Inc

The Terry Company

4S Field Services, Inc

Horizon Well Testing

The University of Tulsa

A.E. Glover Consultants, Inc

HRT Transport, Inc

Theta Oilfield Services, Inc

Aaron Jones

HTMI Inspection Services

Thomas Energy Systems, Inc

Admont Oilfield Services

Hydro-Link Manifold, LLC

Peak Uptime

SGS North America, Inc Industrial Di

Pennwell Publishing Co

Shermco Industries, Inc

Thorco Holdings, LLC

Allen Rathole, Inc

Jake Mabray

Petrolab Company, LLC

Sherrie Garcia

Thrifty Dtg Operations, Inc Bok

Amplified Sound & Security

JAX Consulting, LLC

Petroleum Abstracts

Sidney Williams

Anglen Crane, Inc

Jaycomp Development, Inc

Petroleum Accountants Society

Sigma Technology Solutions, Inc

Timco Machine Tools & Tooling, Inc

Answer Service of Mcalester

Petroskills, LLC

Timmons Sheet Metal, Inc

Jer-Co Industries

Signal Communications, Inc

AOK Construction, LLC

Skyworthy Interiors, Inc

Arkoma Resource Management, LLC

Jim Wood Refrigeration, Inc

Phillips Gas Co, LLC

Smithco Engineering, Inc

Total Energy Fabrication Corporation

Jerry Thomas Consultant, Inc

Phillips 66 Co Parking

Around The Curve, LLC

Phoenix Ind Insulation Corporation

Society of Exploration

Total Radio, Inc Transco

Array Products Co., LLC

Pipeline Equipment, Inc

Solaeris Corporation

Tri County Technology Center

B&B Gas Well Services, LLC

Plymouth Exploration, LLC

Solarc, Inc

Truity Credit Union

Barcheers Consulting

Pods Association, Inc

Soli Con, LLC

Tulco Oils

Barnett Oil & Gas Constrtn, Inc

Power & Control

Sooner Assn Division Order

Tulsa 66Ers

Bates Instrumentation, LLC

Prairie Song Museum

Sooner Lock & Key, Inc

Tulsa Air Specialists, Inc

Bear Transports, LLC

Pray Walker PC

Sooner Pipe, LLC

Tulsa Assn of Lease & Title

Bended Knee Construction, LLC

Precision Fitting & Gauge Co

Southwest Filter Company

Tulsa Cash Register

Big Iron Crane & Trucking, LLC

Precision Inspection Consultants, Inc

Spartan Engineering, Inc

Tulsa Chapter of IMA

Bill A. Roberts

Tulsa Gamma Ray, Inc

Blake Trucking, LLC

Tulsa Public Schools

Blake Trucking, LLC

Tulstar Products, Inc

Blue Valley Water Co, LLC

TW’s Afab Catering

Bo Daniel

TXD Trucking LP Unipro Business Resources

Booth Environmental Sales & Service, LLC

Unit Drilling Company

Bowen Energy Services, LLC

Unit Petroleum Company

Bravo Construction, Inc

Primary Natural Resources III Process Manufacturing Co, Inc Professional Fabricators, Inc Progressive Machine Tools Proserv Business Products, LLC Purple Plum Deli

Solaeris Corp

Spears & Associates, Inc Specific Systems Ltd Spectrum Tracer Services, LLC Springpoint Technologies, LLC Stanley Filter Co, LLC Staples Print Solutions Statsoft, Inc

Jim Wynn, Inc Johnny R. Stanford K Bar Crane Services, LLC Kevin Agee Kiamichi Electric Cooperative Kirkpatrick Scales, Inc Klean R Us Service, Inc L&Z Enterprises, LLC Lineworks M&M Portable Toilets & Septics Mark K. Cornell Marks Construction, LLC Marvel Pipeline, LLC Marvin L. Banduch Jr Mcalester Chamber of Commerce Mcalester Country Club McClary Trucking, Inc Michael W. White



OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST MTK Precision, LLC Murdaugh Cleaning Service Muskogee Communications, Inc OKassessor.com Okie Pipe Finders, LLC Parker Oilfield Services, LLC Pillars Construction, LLC Pinkys Flowers Planning Thru Completion, LLC QwikGro Erosion Control, LLC Randy Cantwell RCW Consultants, Inc Repair Processes, Inc Rippee Pumping Service, LLC Robinson Construction Rock Construction, LLC Rotary Air Services

Ambrose Construction & Roustabout, LLC

Boom Test, LLC

Cheyenne Technical Services, Inc

Daughety Brothers Propane, Inc

American Manifold, Inc

Boomer Well Service, LLC

Chief Drilling Services

Dave Lundy Propane

American Measurement Services

BOP Ram Block & Iron Rentals, Inc

Christine Loosen Richardson

Davey Maynard Arndt

Amerigas Propane LP

Boral Aggregates

Christopher B. Unwin

David A. Wiist, Jr

Anadarko Dozer & Trucking, LLC

Bostick Services Corporation

Cimarron Acid, Inc

David Bell

Angora 6S Ranch LP

Brad & Crystal Snider

Cimarron Directional Drilling, LLC

David Higgins

Appel, Inc

Brad Rieger

Cimarron Electric Coop, Inc

David L. Bay

Archie Manske

Bradley Gordon

Cimarron Gas Processing Equipment Co, Inc

David Mcdannald

Arden & Associates

Brandis Cleaing & Roustabout

Cimarron Ridge Apartments

Area 4 Enterprises, LLC

Brents Tank Trucks

Circle A Welding, LLC

Davis Spraying

Armada KDE Energy Services, LLC

Brian Beatty

Circle H Land & Cattle

Arthur & Johnnie Ruth Welty

Brian Garrison, LLC

Circle L Fencing, LLC

Brickman Oilfield Services, Inc

Circle S Paving Co, Inc

Dedicated Transportation System, Inc

Brower, Inc

Circle W Services

Delores Love

Bruce Daniel

CL Keahey, Inc

Dennis & Karen Bittman

Bruce Electrical Solutions, LLC

CL Wood Consultants, Inc

DHP Services

Bryan Covalt Trucking

CLC Enterprise, LLC

Diamond Services Company

Bryan W. Potter

CLUU Environmental Services, LLC

Dixie Wireline, LLC

Cobra Welding & Manufacturing

Dobbs Welding Services, Inc

Arthur E. Shephard Arthur Gale & Zoe Ann Barker ASAP Energy, Inc

Rural Water District No 5

Aspen Energy Sales & Service, Inc

Sherra Kay Banduch Coker

ATI Light Towers

Special Parts Manufacturing, Inc

Audie Price Inspection, Inc

Standard Machine, LLC

Auto FX Stores

Stinson Materials

Autobath, Inc

Tetrachem Seal Co, Inc

B&B Hydroseeding, LLC

Tims Cleaning Service

B&K Cattle

Tom F. Cosner

B&R Construction

TSI Oilfield Services, Inc

B&W Ready Mix

Turnkey, Inc

Back Wood Oilfield Services

Valley Electric Services, LLC

Badger Pressure Control, LLC

Varnell Consulting, Inc Weldril Holdings, LLC

Baker Hughes Pipeline Management

Well Completions, LLC

Banner Sales & Service, LLC

White Electrical Supply Co

Banner Service Company

William D. Sharp

Barry & Nancy Lucas

WM Consulting

Bass Fishing & Rentals, LLC

Wright Rig Watching, LLC

Bayless Sales & Service

WWJB Contracting

Bearing & Allied Supply Co, Inc Beaver Express Service

Congressional District 3 3 G Manifold, LLC 3-B Pumping Services, LLC 7 Mile Mine, LLC A Rental Company, Inc A&H Maintenance & Service Aaron Buchanan Acidizing & Cementing Services, Inc

Beck Oilfield Supply, Inc Beck Trucking, LLC Ben Branson Trust of Ben & Kay Benjamin Koch Bennett Construction, Inc Best Oilfield Service, Inc Betty Borchers Living Trust Betty Jo South Trustee Beverly Gail Keathley Davis

Bryant Oilfield Services BS&W Solutions, LLC Buckles Family Trust No 1 Bud Clark Buesings Pump & Supply, Inc Bulldog Services, LLC Bullets Hotshot Service, LLC Burgess Manufacturing of Oklahoma, C Bar 4, Inc C Harris & Carol Mccracken C&M Hauling C&S Transports, Inc C&W Construction, Inc C.L. Hostetter Jr Caddo Electric Cooperative Caltech Global, LLC Calumet Chamber of Commerce Calvin & Verna Graybill Calvin Mays Oilfield Services, Inc

Cobra Welding & Manufacturing, LLC Cody Cook Cojo Industrial Sales Comstock Oilfield Supply Connie Phillips Consolidated Oilfield Rentals Consulting & Field Services, LLC Continental Resources, Inc Copeland Hot Oil Service Copperhead Energy Services, LLC Corbin Tarrant Cornerstone Oilfield Group, LLC Cor-Tech Corrosion Control Cosset Enterprise Coughlin Equipment Co, Inc Cowboy Appraisal Service

David Shepard DBR Construction, LLC Deborahs Cleaning Service

DJS Rentals & Sales, Inc Dobson Ranch, LLC Don Rodolph Donald E. Williamson Trust Donald K. & Jo Nell York Donald York Donna Lessert Doris Schupbach Rev Trust Double H Services, LLC Double L Welding & Construction, LLC Double T Veterinary Clinic, LLC Doug E. Fowler & Gay A. Fowler Doug Haffner Douglas & Kay Bowles Douglas Ritter Dowell Energy Services Downhole Oilfield Services Dr Swab Service, LLC

Canyon Oilfield Services, LLC

Cowboy Pumping Unit Sales & Repairs, LLC

Cargill Valve, LLC

CP Masters, Inc

Drill Fast, LLC

Carlos Carrillo

CR Oilfield Services, Inc

Drumright Oilwell Service, LLC

Carls Backhoe & Roustabout Service

Crossfire Production Services, LLC

DS Welding

Carrillo’s Painting

Crown Electric, Inc

Case Wireline Services, Inc

Durango Services, Inc

Crown Geochemistry, Inc

Casedhole Solutions, Inc

Dustin Donley Construction

Crown Oilfield Rental, LLC

Casing Crews, Inc

Dwaine J Allen

CTC Janitorial

CDL Construction, LLC

Dwayne Joe & Juhretta Anne

CTM, Inc Valve Lubrication

Dynaflo, LLC

Culligan Water Conditioning

E&K Oilfield Services, Inc

Culver Electric, LLC

Eagle Propane Co

Curco, LLC

Eagle Pump & Supply, LLC

Curtis & Jennifer Newlin

Earth Tech Ogl, Inc

CWS Wireline, LLC

East-Co Rental Tools, Inc

D&J Oil Company, Inc

Easter Machine & Tool Co

D&S Agstar, LLC

Eco-Tech, Inc

Dacoma Farmers Coop

Eddie Max & Susan E Miller

Dakota Moore Consulting, LLC

Edge Services, Inc

DandG Trash Hauling, LLC

Edith Margaret Melvin

Danlin Industries Corporation

Edward Puffinbarger

Danny James Meek

El Reno Tribune

Action Plumbing Service, LLC

Big Dog Oilfield Services, LLC

Adam Gaskill

Big M Construction, LLC

Adam Hohmann

Big Mac Tank Trucks, LLC

Adams Electric, LLC

Bigby Energy Services

Central Rural Electric Cooperative

Agusta Resources, LLC

Bill Simon

Chad Blevins

Albert Christopher Bouziden

Bill Thomason Consulting, Inc

Champion Energy Services, Inc

Albert’s Truck Service andSupply

Billy Goodnight

Charlene Newkirk

Albert’s Wrecker & Tire

Billy R. Tomberlin

Charles Keahey

Alfalfa Electric Cooperative

Bird Equipment, LLC

Charles T. & Brenda J. Clark

All Star Water

Black Gold Consultants

Charlotte Jean Wright

Allen Hada

Black Jack Rentals

Cheatham Janitorial, LLC

Allen Miller

B-Line Trucking, Inc

Chem-Can Services, Inc

Alliance Oilfield Services

Blue Sage Services

Cherokee Hose Supply

Alva Golf & Country Club

BM Power Up, Inc

Cherokee Messenger

Bobby Elliotts Dozer Service

Chester W. Jr & Tammy E. Davis

Danny’s Oilfield Trucking, LLC

DRC Service Co, Inc

Duane C. Frech Rev Trust


OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST Eldred O. & Mary Ann Stigleman

General, Inc

Hutson Real Property FLP

K&S Snow, LLC

Levi Jackson

Elite Drilling, LLC

Gerloff Land & Cattle, LLC

Hutton, Inc

K&S Tire, Inc

Lil Badger, LLC

Elk City Trucking Services, Inc

Gilchrist Construction, Inc

Impact Casing Services, LLC

K&S Tire, Inc

Linda Lou Payne

Ellis Consulting Co, LLC

Gilliam Consulting

Independent Oil Tools, LLC

K&S Tire, Inc

Lindel Mccollum

Elnora Janice Thompson

Glen & Frankie Cockrell

Indian Electric Cooperative

K&V Services, LLC

Little Living Trust

Elvin R Bates Land & Cattle

Gordon Thomas

Industrial Ignition & Engine

Kalamar, Inc

Litzenberger Construction, Inc

Encompass Technical Design, LLC

Gore Nitrogen Pumping Service, LLC

International Seismic Co

Kathy L. Bell

Lloyd E. Benson Revocable Trust

Engius, LLC

Gores Gotta Go

Ira M. Fariss Trust

Katrina Labude

Lojo Disposal, LLC

Entz Oilfield Chemicals, Inc

GPS Pipeline, LLC

Irrevocable Trust of Morice

Kauk Construction, LLC

Lone Tree Oilfield Services

Envirotech Engineering & Consulting, Inc

Gray Mud Disposal

J Bright, Inc

Kautz Pumping Services, Inc

Lonestar West Enterprises, LLC

J&B Oilfield Construction

Kay Electric Cooperative, Inc

Long Gas Co, Inc

Erick Flowback Services, LLC

Gregory S. Baker

J&J Solutions, LLC

Kay Electric Motors, Inc

Longhorn Service Co

J&L Oilfield Services, LLC

Kay Keasler Casper

Lopp Construction, LLC

J&R Transport, Inc

KC Electric Co

Loren E. Angle

Jack Parr Living Trust

Keith & Jerri Baker

Lovelace Weed Control

Jack Sawatzky

Keith A. Rasmussen

Loy Sawicki

James & Karen Barber

Kelby Chace

LP Production Services, Inc

James D. Reeder Jr

Kelli Litsch

Lubriflange, LLC

James L. & Linda Kay Summers

Kenneth K Knowles

Luckinbill, Inc

James L. Jacobs

Kenneth Mcguire Sr

Lugreg Trucking, Inc

James M. & Carol A. Guffy

Kenneth R. Cole

Lumber Mart

James O, Puckette, PhD

Kenny Rounds

LWH Revocable Trust

Janet Brown

Kent & Casey Moore

M Wright Services, LLC

Janning Welding & Supply, LLC

Kent Kisling

M Wright Services, LLC

Jared Howerton

Kerr Construction, Inc

Maahs Brothers Welding, Inc

Jarrod Lee Esparza

Kevin & Marilyn Schoenhals

Magnet Trucking, LLC

Jason Glassey

Kevin Nightengale

Main Electric, Inc

Jason Lierle

Kevin R. Murrow

Major Gas Company, Inc

JC Services, LLC

Key Welding, Inc

Maple Rwd

Jedd Industries, LLC

Kilhoffer Propane, Inc

Mark Harold Dubben

Jeff Mcintosh Trucking, Inc

King Electric

Mark Loveless

Jeff Sawatzky

Kinnunen Sales & Rental, Inc

Mark Ramy

Jeffers Oil Field Services, LLC

Kirkham Farms, Inc

Marsau Enterprises, Inc

Jeffery L. White

Kirkpatrick Farms, Inc

Martin Broadcasting Corporation

Jennings Trucking Service, Inc

Kiwash Electric Cooperatives, Inc

Martinez Lucas J. Jr

Kline Contracting, Inc

Matt Rockers

Erick Mashaney Contract Pumping Service Erikson Limited Partnership Ernest Currier Estate of Garnie Lee Rhodes Esther Stelling Eugene & Pamela Mcentire Eugene & Sherri Carlson Eureka Logging Co Eve Bit Sales Evolve Energy Services, LLC Ewing Trenching Service, Inc Excel Cementing Services, LLC Excel Stimulation, LLC F&S Trucking, Inc Fabsco Fin Air, LLC Fabsco Shell & Tube, LLC Farm Bureau Properties No 1, LLC

Great Plains Well Logging, Inc Gregs Equipment Rental Grizzs Trucking, LLC Guard Drilling Mud Disposal, Inc Gungoll Jackson Collins Box and Guymon Standard Supply, Inc GW & Karen A. Harrel H&C Services & Supply H&J Services, Inc Hale Hall Contract Pumping Hamilton Investment Group, Inc Harmon Production Services, Inc Harold G. Ferguson Hawk Haven River Ranch LC Hawley Hot Oil, LLC Hawley Services, Inc HB Solutions, Inc HDC AG, LLC Heaston Rural Water Dist

Farmers Supply

Heath Person

Fechner Pump & Supply, Inc

Heather Davis

Firsthand, Inc

Helen S. M. Beisel Rev Trust

Flat Mountain

Henry’s Contracting, LLC

Flex-Chem, LLC

Henshaw Compressor & Engine

Flyine Productions


Jeremys Roustabouts & Backhoe

Ford Well Ops

HG Company

Jericho Services, Inc

K-Mac Construction, LLC

Fort Cobb Fuel Authority, LLC

High Plains Wireline Services, Inc

Jericho Well Testing, LLC

K-N-S Flow Service, LLC

Fox Rental & Supply, LLC

Hiland Partners LP

Jerry Aebi

Koda Services, Inc

Frances Butler

Hinton Chamber of Commerce

Jerry Dunkin Well Services

Kopf Construction, Inc

Francis Enterprises

HL Nighswonger Farms, Inc

Jimmy Alexander

Kris Black

G Mac Consulting

Holloway Partnership

Jimmy Emmons

KRS Services

G Roberts Consulting

Horizon Valve Services, Inc

JM Water Hauling, Inc

Kryco, LLC

G. Dwight & Kathie R. Wessels

Hoskins Gypsum Company, LLC

Joe M. & Sue Ellen Farris

Kula Rae York

Gail Lovell

Hoskins Trucking, Inc

Joes Hotshot & Trucking, LLC

Kwick Rentals, LLC

Galmors G&G Steam Service, Inc

Hoskins Wireline, LLC

John D. Groendyke

Kyle Steven Johnson

Hot Oil Units, Inc

John Dixon

L&L Backhoe Service, Inc

Garrison Brothers Oilfield Services, Inc


John L. Myers

L&M Supply Corporation

Hotsy of Okla, Inc

John Patton

Hough Oilfield Service, Inc

John Thompson Enterprises, Inc

L&R Enterprise, LLC LandR Tire & Truck Center

Howard Drilling Company

Johnny Wayne Harris

Howard Fuel TX, LLC

Josh Bryant

Howell Oilfield Enterprises, LLC

Joshua M. Mccollom

HRT Service Company

Journey Oilfield Equipment, LLC

Hughes Specialty Services, LLC

JR Bit Services

Hughes Specialty Tools, Inc

JRC Services

Hull Transports, Inc

Judith & Larry Schoenhals

Hunny’s, LLC

Justin Anderson

Huster Oilfield Service & Supply, LLC

Justin Dean Stinson

Gary & Marlene Leddy Gary Carter Gary Don Robbins Gary Johnson Gary L. Parks Gary Lott Rev Trust No 1 Gateway Pipeline, LLC Gateway Services Group, LLC Gefco, Inc Gene Burden Trucking Gene Carlson

K&S Pumping Unit Repair, Inc

Larry J. & Linda J. Wright Larry W. Imke Le Ann & Jack Wheat Lee Mackey, LLC Lee Nelson Leland Murray Leola White Meyer Leon & Donna Erikson Leonard W. Blackwill Leslie Family Trust

Mathena, Inc Mayco Chemical Products, Inc Mcintyre Transports, LLC McJunkin Red Man Corporation MDM Transport, LLC ME Services, LLC Measurement Control Specialists Menasco Enterprises, LLC Meredith E. Hadwiger Est Merrifield Office Supply Mertz Manufacturing Metco, Inc M-I, LLC Michael & Brenda Gross Michael & Carol Switzer Michael Chester Michael Kauk Michael Lee Martin Michael S. Terrel Michael Walters Midamerica Field Services, LLC Mid-Continent Equipment Midway Midwest Casing Services, LLC



OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST Midwest Machine & Welding, Inc

Panther Leasing, LLC

Raydell Schneberger

Sagebrush Oilfield Services

Testco, Inc

Mike Arnold Trucking

Parsons Welding, Inc

Red Bone Services, LLC

Sam Long

Texco Energy Solutions

Mike Clinton

Patriot PCs, LLC

Red Carpet Landfill, Inc

Sammys Transport Services

Mike D. Mcguire

Peggy Litsch

Red Dirt Oilfield Services

The Edna Mae Lambert Rev Trust

Mike Mackey Farms, LLC

Permian Well Service

Red Hill Trust

Sargent & Lillard Casing Pulling, Inc

Miller Truck Lines, LLC

Perry Electronics Lab, LLC

Red Hills Hotshot, Inc

Miracle Production, Inc

Phils Cycle & ATV, LLC

Red Hot Steamers


Pioneer Cellular

Reed Dozer Serivce

Mitch Mcneill

Pioneer Telephone Cooperative

Regal Oilfield Supply, LLC

MK Crushing, LLC

Pipehandlers, LLC

Reichert Service

MLB Consulting, LLC

Pipeline Maintenance Services

Renegade Consulting, Inc

MLS Trucking

Plains Nitrogen, LLC

Rent To Store, LLC

Monster Energy Services

Plains Partners

Resistol Services, LLC

Moore Dale

Platinum Express, LLC

Reynolds Propane

Moran Equipment, LLC

Poage Services, LLC

RH Horton Et Al

Morgan Family Revocable Trust

Poly Pipe, Inc

Richard C. & Phyllis Brown

Morgan Well Service, Inc

Powells Service, Inc

Richard Stewart

Morris Welding

Power Components

Rick Caruthers Construction, Inc

Moyer Electric

Power Towers, LLC

Rick Petty

Mud Trans, Inc

PPS Trucking

Rig Chasers, LLC

Sonya Kay Pearson Revocable Trust

Mudslingers, LLC

Precision Fitting & Gauge Co

Sooner Backhoe Service, LLC

Murray Services, Inc

Preferred Containment Services

Right of Way Compliance Services, Inc

Musick Farms, Inc

Premier Chemical & Oilfield Supply, LLC

Rigid Oilfield Services, LLC Rimrock Services, LLC

Preventive Maintenance Service

Rite-Way Construction, LLC

Price Weed & Pest Control

Ritter, Inc

Southwinds Inspection Corporation

Primos Catering

RJ Fencing & Decks

Special Energy Corporation

Travis Long

Nite Brite Light Towers, LLC

Pritchett Contracting

RK Oilfield Services, LLC

Northfork Electric Cooperative, Inc

Pro Power, LLC

RNCC Cleaning, Inc

Spicers Emergency Vehicle Repair

Tri County Electric Cooperative, Inc

Production Specialists, Inc

Roach Body Shop & Wrecker

Spur Services, LLC

Tri-Lift Services Trinity Services & Consulting

Napa of Kingfisher, Inc Nashs Consulting, LLC Nicholas Goldman Nichols Water Service, Inc

The Links at Mustang Creek ALP

Scott G. & Teresa A. Smith

The Paige Co Containers, Inc

Servicemaster Clean of Western Oklahoma

The Railroad Yard, Inc

Sharon Brandt Trust

The Tank Painter

Shaws Trash Trailers Shebester-Bechtel, Inc Sheldon Mills Sherwin Williams Sherwin Williams Co Shirley Ann Pendleton Simmons Machine Works, Inc Sims Electric of Oklahoma, Inc Skinners Welding & Fabrication Smittys Welding Service, Inc

Sooner Oilfield Rental Sooner Resources, Inc Southern Works, LLC

The Sydco System, Inc The Western Store Thurmond McGlothlin, Inc Tim’s Trucking, LLC Titus Services, LLC TLC Rentals, Inc TLR Well Services, Inc TLR Well Services, Inc Todd Ice Tom & Ricky Ingram Tom Corley Tom Dearing Tom Esparza Tommy Foust Tom’s Hot Shot Service, Inc Tony’s Pump & Supply, Inc Tools Plus, Inc Trans Pecos Well Logging, Inc

Northwest Crane Service, LLC

Production String Services, LLC

Roach Services, Inc

Staci Wechsler

Northwest Line Const, Inc

Prohaul Transports, LLC

Robert Scott Baker

Stacy Lee Photography

Triple B Oilfield Service, Inc

Northwest Steam Way

Pronto Chemical SLS & Service, Inc

Roberta Jean Patton Rev Living Trust

Stacy Settles

Trouts Disposal Well, Inc

Stanford Enterprises, LLC

Propane Direct

Roberta Lee Starks

Stephen A. Brady

Troy Jones Equipment Rental and

Northwestern Oklahoma Railroad Co.

Protective Shooting Solutions

Roberta M. Mosser Trustee

Steve & Debra Lippencott

Quality Completion of Arkansas

Roberta Patton

Steve King

Nu-Era Farms

Quarter Turn Resources, Inc

Robinson Brothers Construction

Steve Lambert Trust

NW Sales & Rental

Quick Movers, LLC

Rocky D. Hodgson

Steve Riley Cntrct Pumping

Odis Crane & Equipment, LLC

Quick Pump Service, LLC

Rod Ewbank Water Well Drilling

Steven Littlefield Rev Trust Armt

OEM Systems, Inc

Quick Transport of Arkansas

Roland Pederson

Steven T. Bouziden


R&C Moore Enterprises, Inc

Rolling Thunder Oilfield Services

Stevens Trucking Co

Oil Country Pipe & Supply, LLC

R&L Hydrostatic Tubing Testing, LLC

Ron Dooley

Steves Welding & Construction

R&R Well Service, Inc

Ron Dooley

Stockton Transports, Inc

Ronald Eugene Munyon

String Up Machine

Rossers Drill Collar

Strobel Starostka Construction

Rough Riders, LLC

STS & Associates, Inc

Roy Funck, Inc

Super Heaters, LLC

RR Oilfield Rental Services

Superior Fabrication Company

RR Water Truck Services, LLC

Superior Oil Field Consulting

RR Workover Rigs, LLC

Superior Trucking Services, Inc

Rusty’s Hotshot Service, Inc

Sweets Well Testing

RW Wilson Consulting

Sweetwater Frac Services, Inc

Ryan Parman

T. Rowe Pipe, LLC

S&B Transport, LLC

Tammy L. Treece

S&K Rentals

Tank Painter

S&S Services, LLC

Tapping Solutions, LLC

S&T Oilfield Services LLP

Ted Thimling

Saber Roustabout Services, LLC

Teddy Ray & Terry Lea Miller

Safety Flow Supply

Terra Renewal, LLC

Safety Plus USA, LLC

Terry L. Imke

Northwestern Electric Coop Northwestern OK St University

Oil Field Pump Specialist OK Hydrotesting, LLC Oklahoma Environmental Mgmt Authority

R&T Services, LLC

Oklahoma FFA Foundation, Inc

R&W Oilfield Services, LLC

Oklahoma Shelters

R. Ross, Inc

Oklahoma State University

R.G. Morgan & Son

Old Republic Title Co of OK

Rambler Energy Services, Inc

Omega 1 Networks, LLC

Ramies Contract Pumping

O’Neil Farms, Inc

Ramon & Bennett Roustabout

Orion Construction Services Corporation

Randall Bergen

OTI Operating, Inc

Randy L. & Crystal M. Mcentire

Outlaw Oilfield, LLC Ozark Foam Insealators of P. Deryl Parker Paige Cross Panhandle Construction Services, Inc

R&T Steamers

Randall Lee Lancaster Randy Wayne Knowles Randy’s Backhoe Service Ranger Oilfield Services Rauh Oilfield Services Co Ray Smith

Troy Jones Rental, Inc Tubeco Services, Inc Tuff Fire & Safety, Inc Turbines, Inc Turner Energy Services, LLC TWAG, Inc Twister Backoff Service Co Two Bulls, LLC Unipro Industries, Inc United Services Limited United States Gypsum Company Universal Oilfield Equipment University Cleaning Services, LLC V. Burns Hargis Valve Tech Laboratory, Inc Vantage Services, LLC Vaughn Good Oil Co, LLC Verle Brady Vesco, Inc Viking Pipe & Suppply, LLC Vinces Lease Services, Inc VIP Security & Surveillance Wages Slickline Service, Inc Ward Petroleum Corporation Warren & Christian, Inc Warren Burleson


OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST Waterdogs Pumping Services, LLC

Big Land, LLC

Fluid Disposal Services, LLC

Marriott Hotel Services, Inc

Safety Plus USA, LLC

Wayde Lyon

Big River Sales

Fogle Enterprises, Inc

McCord Testing Equipment, Inc

Safety Plus USA, LLC

Big State X Ray, Inc

Fred Brewer Sales, Inc

McDonald Land Services, LLC

BK Equipment, LLC

Fred’s Rat Hole Services, Inc

Mel Sparks Designs, Inc

Saic Energy Environment & Infrastructure, LLC

Blackbird Environmental, LLC

Garrett Trucking

Meroda Resources, LLC

Blackhawk Wireline Service, Inc

Garrett Tubular Services, LLC


Blake Fast

Garys Concrete Sawing & Drilling, Inc

Michael Coles

Shane Smith

George Lamprecht, LLC

Mickey Young Construction Mid Cont Well Logging Services, Inc

Sonny’s Tank Trucks, Inc South Lake Soccer Club Divas

Mid-Continent Equip Services, Inc

Southwest Paraffin Service Co

Midwest Waterproofing and

Steagall Oil Co

Wayne O. Schupbach Living Trust Weamco, Inc Weed Control Specialists, LLC Weeks Blade Services, Inc Welchem, LLC Werner Don Wes Auto Wesner Wesner & Rainbolt PLLC West Oak Industries, Inc West OK Disposal, LLC West OK Trucking, Inc Western Lawns Western Oklahoma Auto Parts, LLC

Blankenship Service Co Blue Star Land Services, LLC Bobs Trucking, Inc Bonham Consulting LLP Brad Bryan Consulting Brady Welding & Machine Shop Brainstorm Network, LLC Brandt’s Trucking, LLC Brian Simmons Bulldog Frac Rentals, LLC

Great Plains Eq Sales of Ada Gunter Services, Inc Halliburton Energy Services, Inc Hallmark Property Development Hammer Construction, Inc Harden William A. Jr Harold Hamm Diabetes Center Harper Services, LLC Harrison Supply & Rental, LLC

Mike Berry Consulting, LLC Mike Knight Consulting, LLC Mikes Engine Service, Inc Moes Portable Steam Co Morgan Electric Enterprises, Inc

Western Workstrings, LLC

Bullet Energy Services, LLC

Western X-Ray Company

Burns & Stowers PC Client Trust

Weston Hamilton

Byng Public Works Authority

White Fields, Inc

BZ Solutions, LLC

White’s Equipment Rental, LLC

C Bar 4, Inc

White’s Welding, Inc

Caffey Trucking, LLC

Whitson Services, LLC

Callahan Steel Buildings

Hoss Consulting Service, Inc

Wildcat Drilling Services, Inc

Cameron Measurement Systems Div

Hulls Oilfield, LLC Industrial Hydro Services, LLC

Canok Oil Field Services, Inc

Ironwolf Manufacturing, LLC

Capital Group, LLC

Irrigation Consulting Service

CCI Services

J&P Consulting

Cesi Chemical, Inc

Jack Bobier Trucking, LLC

Chase Dwiggins

Jackson Tool Co, Inc

Chickasha Oilfield Supply, Inc

James Don Reeder

Cimarron Energy, Inc

James P. Stacey

Clarita Operating, LLC

James Supplies & Rental Co

Clingman Electric Services, Inc

Janice Graham

Cnet, Inc

Jason Ille

Coil Chem, LLC

JCCA Consulting, Inc

Cotton Electric Cooperative, Inc

Jeanette Coker

Cozart-Perry Industries, Inc

Jenkins Oilfield Supply, LLC

Craddock Service Company

Jenkins Pump & Supply, Inc

A.D. Lynn, Inc

Crosstimbers Hotshot Service, LLC

Jerod Wright

People’s Electric Cooperative

Accurate Safety Compliance

Custom Trucks & Equipment

Jimmy Chatham Dozer Serv, Inc

Performance Consulting, LLC

Action Petroleum Services

Dales Tank Service, Inc

John M. Campbell & Company Ltd

Phoenix Testing, LLC

Advanced Pumping Unit Services

Dan R. Abney

John Nimmo

Davis Machine Shop

John Qualls

Plaster & Wald Consulting Corporation

Digital Networks, LLC

Johnsons Wreckers & Cranes, Inc

William Hale Simon (782018) William Joseph Lansdown Willow Springs Boys Ranch Wilson Electric, Inc Wilson Welding Works, LLC Winter Mud Company Wirtz Lumber & Supply, Inc Woodward Wash On Wheels Yandy Yarbrough YT Welding, LLC ZZW Global, Inc

Congressional District 4 A 1 Answering Service A&A Tank Truck Co

All Terrain Environmental, LLC American Tank Gauge, Inc Arbuckle Wireline Ardmore Electric Supply, Inc Ardmore Institute of Health Arkoma Tanks, LLC Associated Wire Line Service, Inc

Donathan Oilfied Services, LLC Donathans Contract Pumping Duncan Regional Hospital Dunns Tank Service, Inc Dutton Rent-All E&S Equipment, LLC

Hijet Bit, LLC Hines Location Lighting, Inc Homer Rinehart Company, Inc Hoppe’s Construction, LLC Horn Equipment Company

Josh Walker K&M Pump Co, Inc Kellpro Kelsey Swinford Ken’s Oilfield Service, Inc

East Central University

KSW Oilfield RentalLLC

Eddie Johnsons Welding & Machine Co

Kurt J. Marfurt Land Services, Inc

Elite Tank, Inc

LBH Oil & Gas, Inc

Bellis Resources Corporation

Energy Construction Specialties, Inc

Lindsay Gauge & Instrument

Benji Doucet Roustabout and

Estate of Lois Mable Gates

Benvenutis Ristorante

Fair Wind Cleaning Solution

Lynn Wolfe Consulting

BH Weed Control

Firestone Trucking, Inc

Atlas Pipeline Aztec Consulting, LLC B&C Backhoe, LLC Ball & Morse PLLC

Lynn Boyer, Inc Mallard Oilfield Equipment

Mt. Dora Mudhopper Oilfield Services Murray Services, Inc Natural Water Company, LLC New Spin 360 North American Hydrocarbon O Tex Holdings, Inc

Sam R. Stark Sam’s Packer & Supply, LLC Sesco Electric Supply Co, Inc

Stampede Energy Services, LLC Stephens County Rural Water Steves Transports, LLC Stim Lab, Inc Stringer Transports, Inc Super Flow Testers, Inc Superior Spooling, LLC Swabbing Johns, LLC T & T Forklift Service, Inc Telco Supply Company Terraco Production, LLC Terraco Soilfarming, LLC

Oilfield Disposal Service, LLC

Texoma Pumping Unit Service, Inc

Oilfield Disposal Services

The Harvey Sisters

Oilwell Cementers, Inc

The Tesco Corporation

Oklahoma Electric Cooperative

Thomas Acid & Tool Service, Inc

Oklahoma Geological Survey

THT Trucking, LLC

Omni Construction, LLC

Tilley Pressure Test, Inc

Onsite Oil Tools, Inc

Tilley Trucking, LLC

Orr Enterprises, Inc

Tillman & Associates Consulting, LLC

O-Tex Pumping, LLC Owen Lee Anderson P&C Services, Inc Pacesetters Consulting Group Parks Oil Tools, LLC Patco Electrical Services, Inc Paul Munding Pelagic Tank, LLC

Trans Tel Central, Inc Trinity Tool Rentals, LLC Triple T Hotshot Troglin Tank Gauge Services, LLC True Grit Sandblasting Co, Inc Turner’s Welding, Inc Tyanne Chandra Bruce Tyler Wilson University of Oklahoma University Silkscreen Vanbuskirk Consulting, LLC

Pro-Tech Hardbanding Services, Inc

Velma Baptist Church

Pumping Unit Service, Inc

Velma Public Works Authority

Quadco Oil Tools, LLC

Venture Pipe & Supply, Inc

Quest Consultants, Inc

Vernon L. Smith & Associates, Inc

Ranger Welding PC Rock Hound Well Logging, Inc Ronald Howell Rose Rockinr, Inc Rumley Oil & Gas, Inc Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc Rural Water District #6 Russell Streeter S&H Tank Service, Inc S&T Rose, Inc S&W Transports, Inc

Velma Engine Sales & Supply

Vickers Construction, Inc Volvo Rents, Inc Washita Flow Testers, Inc Waste Connections Western Fuel Co, LLC Whitten Jerry D. Jr Wilco Machine & Fab, Inc Wildcat Swabbing, Inc William Dewain Logue Woods Rig Leveling, Inc



OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST WT Energy Services, Inc

Congressional District 5 1601 Tower Properties, LLC 2 Hot Shots, LLC 3Nines Technologies

Audio Link, Inc Automated Building Systems, Inc Automatic Fire Control, Inc B&R Pump & Equipment, Inc Bachman Services, Inc Baja Services, LLC

CH Guernsey & Company Engineers Architects Consult

Creative Solutions Install

Energy & Environmental

Champion Hi-Tech Manufacturing of Ok, Inc

Crescent Consulting, LLC

Energy Fluids, Inc

Crescent Services, LLC

Energy Machine, LLC

Crime Prevention & Investigations

Engineered Equipment, Inc

Crossroads Fitness, LLC Crowe & Dunlevy

Enterprises Products Operating, LLC

Chappell Supply & Equipment Co Cheek Properties, LLC

Enogex Gas Gathering, LLC

Balon Corporation

Chemical Products Industries, Inc

Crown Paint Company

Enviro-Clean Services, LLC

A Weldors Supply Co, Inc

Barbara Bowersox

Chemoil Corporation

Crystal Mountain

Environmental Testing, Inc

A-1 Freeman Relocation, Inc

Barcas Water Service, LLC

Chemstation of Oklahoma

Cusack Meat Company

Ethics Commission

AAA Fiberglass Repair, LLC

Basin Engineering, LLC

Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Eureka Water Company

Aaron Bush

Basin Environmental & Safety Technologies, LLC

Chesapeake Exploration, LLC

D&D Equipment & Supply Co

Evans Enterprises, Inc

Chesapeake Operating, Inc

D&J Sports

Eve Tool Rental, Inc

Childrens Hospital Foundation

D&M Distribution Services

Eventures, Inc

Christopher H. Lee

Dane & Assoc Electric Co, Inc

Experis IT Services Us, LLC

Cintas Corporation

Daniel 7 Drilling, Inc

Exploration Plus, LLC

Circa, Inc

Danny’s BOP, LLC

CL Boyd Company, Inc

Danny’s Oilfield Trucking I

Express Employment Professionals

Clampitt Paper Co Oklahoma

Darrell Lee Dollens

Express Fire Protection, Inc

Clearwater Enterprises, LLC

Daugherty Fowler Peregrin Haught

Express Services, Inc Falcon, LLC

Daves Window Cleaning

Fashion Cleaners

David F. Milnes

Fast Signs

David Fitzgerald & Assoc

Federal Corporation

Deadcenter Film

Federal Service, LLC

Deep Well Tubular Services, Inc

Fentress Oil Company

Designer Hardware, Inc

FER, Inc

Devon Gas Services LP

Fighting Addiction Through

A Real Home Away From Home, LLC

Accurate Laboratories, Inc Ace Aerial, LLC Ackerman Mcqueen Action Spring Company Addtronics Business Systems Advanced Pressure, Inc AG & Oil Agustinus Setiadarma Air Compressor Supply, Inc Air Power Equipment Co Airgas Mid South, Inc Airport Express Airport Ground Transportation

Bass Pro Shops Bauman Machine, Inc Bearcat Land, Inc Beau M. McMillin Beau’s Wine Bin & Spirit Shoppe Beaustack Enterprises, Inc Belter Construction Corporation Ben E. Keith Foods Berry Software, Inc Beta Oil Company Big Dog Power Washing, LLC Bio Tech, Inc

Clifford Power Systems, Inc CMP Corporation Cochran Chemical Co, Inc Cody’s Construction Collision Clinic

Albright Steel & Wire Co.

BIS, Inc

Alex Mccalmont

Bistro Tech, Inc

Alfredo’s Mexican Cafe

Black Gold Painters

Comanche Exploration Company

All Star Moving & Storage, LLC

Blackmon Mooring of Oklahoma

Commercial Floor Care Services

Digital Land Consultants, Inc

Filtration Services Group

All Things Artsy, Inc

Blackrock Services, LLC

Commercial Law Group PC

Digital Media Warehouse


Allegiant Marketing Group

Blind Squirrel Tech, Inc

Commissioners of Land Office

Digital Networks, LLC

First National Mgmt, Inc

Allied Arts

Bloom Electric Services, Inc

Compass Manufacturing

Directional Fluid Disposals

Five Star Rig & Supply

Allied Custom Gypsum

BMI Systems, Inc

Comprehensive Production

Disa Goff, Inc

Fleischer Law PLLC

Allstates Production Equip Co

Boardman, LLC

Compressco Partners, L.P.

Discovery Oil Company, Inc

Florene Coffey

Ameri Resource Group, Inc

Bob Albauer Welding Co.

Comtec Electronic Systems, Inc

Diversified Construction, Inc

Ford Audio Video Systems, LLC

American Fence Company, Inc

Bonnie Jan Schomp

Connie S. Mace

DLB Personnel Services, LLC

Fox Building Supply

American Fire & Safety Co

Boomer Environmental, LLC

Contemporary Cabinets, Inc

Dobson Telephone Co, Inc

FPS Technologies, Inc

American Heart Association

Boulder Energy Solutions, LLC

Dolese Bros Co

Frankfurt Short Bruza Assoc PC

American Red Cross

Boys & Girls Club of Oklahoma

Continental Land Resources, LLC

Donaldson Law PLLC

Fratastrat, Inc

Ameriflow Energy Services, LLC

Bradford Industrial Supply

Continental Resources, Inc

Dot Pipeline Safety Program

Fried Kilpatrick Guinn, LLC

Anadarko Minerals, Inc

Brian P. Wasinger

Control Fire Systems Co

Double B Trailers, LLC

Anchor Freight, LLC

Brooks Hot Shot Service, Inc

Conventions & More

Doug Howeth

Frontier City Theme Park Group Sales Dept.

Anchor Paint Co of Oklahoma

Brower Family Ltd Partnership

Coolgreens, LLC

Douglas L. Ruhl

Angela Ibara

Brown Integrity

COPAS - OKC Society

Dowley Security Systems, Inc

Angelyn Bennett, LLC

Browns Driving School

COPS Products, LLC

Downing Wellhead Equipment

G&C Holdings, LLC

Anville D Francis

Burleson Pump Company

Applied Industrial Coatings

Downtown Goodyear Tire & Automotive Service Center, Inc

Gaillardia Country Club

Burton Controls, Inc

Corporate Accommodations, LLC

GE Oil & Gas Esp

Applied Industrial Machining, LLC

Cactus Drilling Company, LLC

Corporate Tower

Downtown OKC, Inc

General Compressor, Inc

Dump Depot, LLC

Geosearch Logging, Inc

Archer Directional Drilling

Calverts Plant Interiors, Inc

Cory’s Audio Visual Services, LLC

Dustin Kurtz

GET Imaging, Inc

Archer Pressure Pumping, LLC

Canary Wellhead Equipment, Inc

Dwiggins Consulting, LLC

Gilcrease & Partners, LLC

E&P Wireline Services, LLC

Gill Reprographics, Inc

E. Turner Davis III & Georganna

Global Production Solutions

Earls Rib Palace

Good Printing

EDI Investments, LLC

Gooden Group, Inc

Edinger & Blakley

GPSdiscount Com

Edward Birdshead


Elliott & Associates

Grand Machine & Manufacturing

Emergent Fulfillment Solutions

Grand Machine, Inc

Enable Gathering & Processing

Greasebook, LLC

Enercon Services, Inc

Great Plains Coca Cola, Inc

Armstrong Relocation Arnold Oil Properties, LLC

Cajun King, LLC

Canyon Oilfield Services, LLC Capitol Lift Truck, Inc

Colorado Electric Supply Ltd

Cos Housing Cos Training Cote Rite Cougar Drilling Solution USA, Inc

Arrow Pump & Supply of Ada Lc

Cardinal Engineering, Inc

Art Form

Casa of Oklahoma County, Inc

Arts Council of Oklahoma City

Casey Mcdonough

Council Stainless & Sheet Metal, Inc

Catalyst Consultant Group

Cox Communications

Cecil Barrett Crane Inspections, Inc

Cox Systems Technology, Inc

ASA/USA Softball Asher Oilfield Specialty, Inc

Central Glass & Mirror

Associated Resources, Inc

Central Park On Lincoln, LLC

Arturo Alarcon Arzo, Inc

Cougar Tool Americas, Inc

CPP Properties, LLC Craig Staley Creative Oklahoma, Inc

Frontier Drilling, LLC Frontier Tubular Solutions, LLC


OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST Great Plains Construction, LLC

Interstate Oil & Gas Compact

Great Plains Oilfield Rental

J & B Graphics, Inc

Great Plains Rebar, LLC

J A Oilfield Manufacturing, Inc

Great White Directional Services LLC

J Matthew Devilliers

Great White Pressure Control, LLC Greg Drwenski Greg J. Dean Gregory A. Mckenzie PC Grooms & Pollard Utility Grooms Irrigation Company Grubbs Consulting, LLC Gum, Puckett & Mackechnie LLP

J&E Supply & Fastener Co.,Inc J.C. Morris JA Oilfield Manufacturing, Inc Jack Pratt Screen-Ad Co Jackfork Land, Inc Jacks Backhoe Service, Inc Jacobs General Contracting Jamars & Long, LLC James E. Kifer James F. Cotter

H&L Rentals & Well Service, Inc

James Fields & Associates, Inc

Hagar Restaurant Service, Inc

James R. Reisch

Haggard Land Company

January Transport, Inc

Hammons Gowens & Associates

Jason Smith

Harding & Shelton, Inc

Jatco, Inc

Harms, LLC

JC Land Management, Inc Land Invoices

Harrison Orr Air Cond, LLC Hartzog Conger Cason & Neville LLP

Jeneyco, Inc Jereme Cowan

HD Supply Power Solutions Ltd

Jeremy Cox

Head Country Catering, LLC

Jeremy James

Heartline, Inc

Jerry L. Morris

Heather Morgan

Jividen & Company PLLC

Henry Hood


Hilarie H. Blaney Etiquette Consulting

Joe Creech

His Paint Manufacturing Co

Joe Mills Well Service, Inc

Hodges Trucking Company, LLC

John Romine Trucking, Inc

Holt & Wilhoit Horizon Cable Service, Inc

Johnsen Corporate Services, LLC

Horizon Fleet Services

Johnson & Associates, Inc

Howard Brothers Florist

Johnson Controls, Inc

Howard Russell Smith

Johnson Crating

Howsco Oilfield Supply

Jon F. Stromberg

HSPG & Associates PC

Joseph Valerio

Hudiburg Auto Group

Joshua Deal

Hunzicker Brothers, Inc

Journey House Travel, Inc

Hypertitle, LLC

Justice Alma Seeworth Academy

IBC Bank

Justice Golf Car Co, Inc OKC

Ice Maker Sales & Service, Inc

Kams, Inc

ID Specialists, Inc

Kathryn Vaught Interiors, Inc

Imagenation Promotional Group

Keith Cornman

Imagenet Consulting, LLC

Kimberly Dawn Henderson

Imagenet Office Systems of Houston, LLC

Kimray Oil & Gas Equipment

Impressions Printing & Copying Services, Inc

Kipp Reach College Preparatory

Indian Exploration Company Industrial Rubber, Inc Industrial Truck Equipment Industrial Weld Supply Infosys Limited Integrated Environment, Inc Integrated Fluid Systems, LLC Integris Health Pacer Fitness Center Internal Revenue Service International Pipe & Supply, LLC

Joe L. Perez

L&L Engine & Compressor Service, Inc

Meter Check Measurement Services, LLC

Oklahoma Electrical Supply Company

L&O Pump & Supply, Inc

Metro Business Supplies

Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co

L. McBride Engineering, Inc

MG Allenbach Living Trust Dtd

Oklahoma Heritage Association

L. Wallace Construction

Michael G. Harris

Oklahoma Hot Shot Service, Inc

Lacey Wright

Michael Rogers

Ladd Equipment, Inc

Michael Shanbour

Oklahoma Law Enforecemnt Museum & Hall of Fame

Landes Engineering, LLC & Assoc

Mid-Central Energy Services, LLC

Landvest Company, Inc

Midcon Compression, LLC

Larry Hart Consulting, Inc

Midcon Data Services, LLC

Laura M. Block Mt

Midcon Data Services, LLC

LCM Solutions, LLC

Mid-West Hose & Specialty, Inc

LE Norman Operating, LLC

Milam Tool Co

Lea Land, Inc

Miller-Norris Services

Leadership Oklahoma City, Inc

Misti Sloan

Legacy Cleaners & Laundry

Mitchell D. Rozin

Legacy Sports Productions, LLC

MK Holdings, LLC

Legend Energy Services, LLC

Mock Schwabe Waldo Elder

Liaison Technology

Moore’s Painting

Lindsey Hall-Wiist

Moricoli & Schovanec PC

Liquid Mud Co, LLC

Morris Instruments & Controls

LL Jackson Consulting Service

Motion Industries


Mr2, LLC

Lowry Land Co, Inc

MSM Environmental, LLC

Lubrication Services, LLC

MTM Recognition

Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma, Inc

Myriad Gardens Foundation

M&M Insulation

Nadoa National Association

M&M Supply Co

Naifco Realty Co.

Mac Systems, Inc

Nancy Pees Coleman

MacKellar Services, Inc

Neighborhood Alliance

Madison’s Detail Services

New West Group, Inc

Magic Linen & Scott Cleaners

Newark Electronics

Magnolia Midstream Gas Marketing

Newpoint Midstream

Magnum Diversified

Nicholas Terech

Mark Patton Market SLB, LLC

Newpoint Technologies, LLC Nomac Drilling, LLC Noodlestream.com, LLC

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Oklahoma Natural Gas Co Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association Oklahoma One Call System, Inc Oklahoma Tax Commission Oklahoma Tower Realty Oklahoma Turf Specialists Oklahoma Water Resources Board Oklahoma Youth Expo Oklahomans For The Arts Okland Oil Company Olsen Consulting Co Olsen Consulting Services Onelink Wireless, Inc OPECO, Inc Open Range Archaeology, LLC Opubco Communications Group Oseberg, LLC Oswalt Restaurant Supply Ota/Pikepass Overhead Door Co. of OK City Owen M Barnhill P&H Construction, Inc PAAL, LLC Pacific Blue Learn To Swim Paddock Enterprises Paladin Surface Logging, LLC Pallet World, Inc Pangaea, Inc

Nordic Energy, LLC

Panhandle Oilfield Service Co, Inc

North Robinson Investments, LLC

Paul Spoon

Mason Pipe & Supply Co

Occupational Health Centers of The Southwest Pa

Peake Fuel Solutions, LLC

Mathena, Inc

OG&E Electric Services

Matrrix Us Energy Technologies

Oil Law Records Corporation

Matt Buchheit

Oil States Energy Services, LLC

Matt Holland

Oilfield Affiliates Ltd

Maverick Technologies, LLC

Oilfield Plastics, Inc

Max Lift, Inc

Oilfield Technical Services, LLC

Mayco, Inc

Oilfield Trucking Solutions

McAfee & Taft

Oil-Law Records Corporation

Petroleum Accounting Consultants

McBride Clinic Orthopedic


Petroleum Club of Okc

Knights of Columbus Oklahoma

McClure Engineering, Inc Metalab

OK Aids Care Fund

Pinnacle Business Systems, Inc

Koby Frac Tanks, LLC

McNeese Fitzgerald Associates

OKC Association of Petroleum

Pinnacle Energy Services, LLC

Koby Oil Tools, LLC

Meadows Oil & Gas Corporation

OKC Athletic Club Ltd

Pinson Well Logging, Inc

Koby Oilfield Service, LLC

Medley Material Handling Co

OKC Musuem of Art

Piper Oilfield Products

Konecranes, Inc

Pirates Alley, Inc

KP Supply

Mee Mee Hoge & Epperson PlLP

Oklahoma Bar Association Oklahoma Center

Kurt’s Complete Pest Cntrl, Inc

Melissa Gardner

Plaster & Wald Consulting Corporation

Kyle F. Thomas

Mercer Valve Company, Inc

Kimray, Inc Oil & Gas Equipment Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc Kirkpatrick Oil Company, Inc

Marriott Waterford Martindale Consultants, Inc Mary J. Kenley Trustee of The Kenley Living Trust

Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Oklahoma Corporation Commission

Payne Exploration Co Penn Square Mall Pennington Tubular Products, LLC Pentro Services, Inc People Source Staffing Peppers Ranch Performance Technologies, LLC

PML Exploration Services, LLC Postmaster PR Fitness Equipment, Inc



OKLAHOMA - VENDOR LIST Precision Wireline, LLC

Rent-A-Crane of Oklahoma, Inc

Scott Rice Co Okc

Sunwalk Investments, LLC

Tri-State Electrical Contractors, I

Premier Downhole Tools II, LLC

Republic Gastropub

Scott Robertson

Superior Fence Construction, Inc

TS Dudley Land Company, Inc

Premier Downhole Tools, LLC

Resource Manufacturing.

Scudder Service & Supply, Inc

Superior Optimization Ltd

Turbulator Co, LLC

Premier Natural Resources II


Sean S. Murphy

Superior Supervaks, LLC

Turner Bros Trucking, LLC

Presort First Class, Inc

RGateway Land Services

Shannon T Self

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer

Turner Oil & Gas Properites

Print Finishing Systems, Inc

RI Dempsey Trucking, Inc Tbs Factoring Service, LLC Mc 505082

Shores Lift Solutions Rod Lift

Swadleys Catering

Twister Mixer, LLC

Shores Oilfield Equipment, Inc

Synergy Datacom Supply, Inc

Shores-Sentry, LLC Pump Unit

Tall Grass Environ Solutions

Unified Martial Arts Training Educational Training

Signs Now

Tara Voth

Simons Petroleum, Inc

Tasie Dahl

Sjb Linings, LLC

Taylor Valve Technology, Inc

Skirvin Plaza Hotel

Tcowan, LLC

SMG Cox Business Services Convention Center

Tech-Lock, Inc

Urban League of Greater

Technogenia Lasercarb Oklahoma, Inc

US Fleet Tracking US Postmaster

Ted’s Cafe Escondido #68

Valve Sales, Inc

Terrence Leroy Rice Rev Trust

Versateq, LLC

Testers, Inc

Vets Septic Service, Inc

Texoma Trucking, LLC

Vinyard Fruit & Vegetable Co VK Enterprises, Inc Walker Stamp & Seal Co

Printing Products, Inc Pro Graphics Probata Corporation Producers Cooperative Oil Mill Production Engine & Pump, Inc Production Wireline & Cased Hole Services Group, LLC Pro-Fab, Inc Professional Basketball Club Propane Direct

Richard K. Books Richard M. Hall & Associates Richter Enterprises, LLC Rickey Avery Ricoh USA, Inc Riteway Shredding Rite-Way Shredding, Inc RK Black, Inc

Smith & Pickel Construction

Unit Liner Company, Inc United Construction & Resoratio United Mechanical Service, Inc United Rentals

Pro-Tech Hardbanding Services, Inc

RKI Exploration & Production

Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts, Inc

Road Runner Trucking, LLC

Sodak Properties II, LLC


Rob Ford

Sooner Completions, Inc

Pumps of Oklahoma, Inc

Robert A. Schmicker

Sooner Lift, Inc

QB Johnson Manufacturing, Inc

Robert C. Bradley

Soto Lawn Care

The Centennial Loft Owners Association, Inc % Cres

Quality Machine Services, Inc

Robert C. Erler Trust

Southeast OKC Landfill

The Coach House Restaurant

Quantem Laboratories, LLC

Robert Martin

Southern International, Inc

The Education & Employment

Ralayna D. Kennedy

Robert Pettit

Southwest Electric Co

The Hertz Corporation


Robert Wilson

Southwest Electric Company

The Landrun Group, LLC

Randal L. Voight

Robin Wood

The Other Place

Randy B. Herring

Robyn Promotions & Printing

Southwest Trailers & Equipment, LLC

Waste Connections of Oklahoma, Inc

RB Akins Co

Rod Lift Consulting, LLC

Southwestern Stationery & Bank

The Research Institute Thompson Diesel, Inc

Water4 Foundation

RD Davis & Assoc, LLC

Rodolfo E. Molina

Thru Tubing Solutions

Wayest Safety, Inc

RD Rogers Co Fit Corporation, Inc

Rome Nichols

Tim Melton

Weatherford Laboratories, Inc

Reagan Resources, Inc

T-J Inspection, Inc

Wellsite Automation, LLC

Ross Electric, Inc

TK Systems

Western Avenue Association

Tom Pepper

Western Industries

Star Pipe Service, Inc

Topographic Land Surveyors of Oklahoma Co

Western Oil & Gas Development

State Beauty Supply NW 1800

Topographic Mapping Company

Whirlwind Methane Recovery Systems, LLC

Statewide Painting Contractors

Total Beverage Services, LLC

William Daniel Independent

Stephen M. Morris

Total Environment, Inc

William J. Wiggins

Stephen Smith

Total Wireless Data

William S. Boyd, Inc

Stephen W. Miller

TP Environmental & Pipeline Service

William S. Sanders PC

TP Machine & Tool Co, Inc

Williams Box Forshee

Reagan Smith Energy Sltns, Inc Rebecca Brittain Recon Petrotechnologies, Inc Red Brick Designs, LLC Red Carpet Charters Red Earth Desk & Derrick Red Earth Systems, LLC Red River Geoservices, LLC Red Rock Ranch Redback Coil Tubing, LLC Redback Energy Services, LLC Redbud Foundation, Inc Redland Resources, Inc

Ronald Mcdonald House Ross Engineering, LLC RSI, Inc Rust’s Interiors For Business, Inc Ryan Stricklin Ryan Whaley Coldiron Shandy S&C Gliders, LLC S&W Power Systems & Engine Sagac Public Affairs, LLC Saints Medical Group Sasco Rental Tools and Sawatski Secure Solutions, LLC Schardt Enterprises, Inc

SPE POS Registration St. Anthony North Score Stacy & Associates Stantech Environmental Services Staplegun Design, Inc Star Geophysics, Inc

Steve Barwick Stevens Trucking Company, Inc Streets, LLC

Trenching For Less

Stump & Associates

Tres Management, Inc

Sullivan & Ezell General Partnershi

Tri Corporations Security Triad Operating Corporation, Inc

Sullivan Land Resources, Inc

Triangle A&E, Inc

Redsky Land, LLC

Schlumberger Completion Systems

Rees Assoc, Inc

Schmidt Resources, Inc

Reese Energy Training, Inc

Schonwald Land, Inc

Summa Engineering, Inc

TriCorporations Security

Regional Food Bank of OK

Scientific Environmental Construction & Safety, LLC

Summit Supply

Triman, Inc

Summit Supply, Inc

Triple H Industries, LLC

Scott Crim

Sunbelt Oilfield Supply, Inc

Tri-State Electrical Contr, Inc

Renaissance Oklahoma City Hotel

Walker Companies, Inc Wal-Mart Warren Cat Washita Valley Enterprises, Inc

Williams Automatic Sprinkler Wireless Solutions, LLC Wolf Underground, LLC Workspace Solutions, LLC Wright Properties YDF, Inc Young Professionals in Energy Yousef Essaili YWCA Oklahoma City Zee Medical Service Company



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Oregon Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Oregon, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 58 businesses, located across all five of Oregon’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-bystate activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Oregon supports some 60,400 jobs, which is 2.8 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Oregon labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $2.81 billion annually. That’s 2.8 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Oregon is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income

figures demonstrate that the people of Oregon enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Oregon across all industries and sectors is $44,383, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$55,472 annually. Overall the industry supports $5 billion of the Oregon economy. That’s 3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Oregon also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic






1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



60k 50k 40k 30k



State: Oregon

Oregon Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Grand Total


District 01 District 03 District 05 District 02

District 04

Top City Portland = 31

Vendor Profile6

Note: The rest of the Hawaiian islands are all part of District 2. Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

FEI Company FEI Company designs, manufactures, and supports a broad range of high-performance microscopy workflow solutions that provide electron microscope images and answers at the micro-, nano- and picometer scales. For the oil and gas industry, the company combines multi-scale imaging capability with mineralogy and 3D flow modeling software to provide next-generation digital rock technology solutions for reservoir characterization. Headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon, FEI has more than 2,600 employees, as well as sales and service operations in more than 50 countries around the world. Numerous industry participants have used FEI’s DualBeam systems in their research laboratories to improve their knowledge of and yield from unconventional sources of oil and gas, including shale reservoirs. Key industry participants use the company’s 3D modeling software and mobile reservoir characterization solutions. As the use of digital rock technology for reservoir characterization spreads, FEI believes it can significantly improve the recovery rates from both existing and new fields.

fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Oregon reached 8,912 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 15,620 in 2020 and to 18,472 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Oregon, get it. A random interactive

telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of domestic oil and natural gas resources.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “National poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions..

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



OREGON - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Pacific Crest Transformers, Inc

Alaska Tanker Company, LLC

Sat-Pak Communications, Inc

Cobb Deedra

Tucker Sno-Cat Corporation


UTI Transport Solutions

Graphic Products, Inc

Express Employment Professionals

Safety In Motion, Inc

Mpulse Maintenance Software


Sause Bros Ocean Towing

RER Enterprises, Inc

Spence & Company, LLC

Labarre Machine Lower Willamette Group Mascott Equipment Co

Sheldon Technical Services, Inc

Congressional District 3

US BanCorporation Equipment Finance

Abbottsfield Industrial

Northwest Pump & Equipment Co

Alaska Valve & Fitting Co

Pacific Power

Calhoun & De Jong, Inc


Zapproved, Inc

Cartographics, LLC

Pape Material Handling, Inc

BTL Sales, Inc

Children’s Creative Learning Center

Paul Brong Machine Works

Electrain, Incorporation

Con Way Freight, Inc

Office Pavillion

Corvel Corporation

Congressional District 2

Cummins, Inc

Pre-1, LLC

Standard Life Insurance

Congressional District 5

Sulzer Pumps Us, Inc

Easypower, LLC

VGO, Inc

ESA International, LLC

Webtrends, Inc

Ethicspoint, Inc


Gasgun, Inc


Mobile Radio Engineers, Inc

Zick Technologies, Inc

Navex Global, Inc

Congressional District 4

Rocky Mountain Power

Champion Technologies, Inc

Rogers Machinery Company, Inc

Mei Rigging & Crating, LLC

PMG Enterprises, Inc Structured Communication Systems In The Portland Group, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Pennsylvania Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Pennsylvania, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 1,347 businesses, spread across all 18 of Pennsylvania’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Pennsylvania supports some 339,000 jobs, which is 4.7 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Pennsylvania labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $19.5 billion annually. That’s 5.1 percent of the state’s total labor income. These job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Pennsylvania enjoy significant benefits from energy development.The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well.3 Thus, while the average annual salary in Pennsylvania across all industries and sectors

is $48,785, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$78,898 annually. Overall the industry supports $34.7 billion of the Pennsylvania economy. That’s 5.8 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Although Pennsylvania ranks 19th in oil production, it is 3rd in natural gas production.4 That makes it one of the nation’s top energyproducing states. Pennsylvania particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Pennsylvania






80k 1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Avg. Annual Pennsylvania Salary

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 13


Congressional District 14


Congressional District 15


Congressional District 16


Congressional District 17


Congressional District 18 Grand Total

District 03

District 11 District 17

Vendor Profile7

District 15

District 14

District 08

District 12

161 1,347

District 05

District 09

District 18

District 16

District 02

District 04 District 07

District 13

District 06

District 01

Top Cities Pittsburgh = 196 Philadelphia = 119 Williamsport = 34

RETTEW Associates Inc. Ranked No. 206 on Engineering News-Record’s list of Top 500 design firms, RETTEW has a 45-year history of commitment to provide expert engineering and consulting solutions to local, regional, and national clients in the energy, transportation, government, and industrial markets. For the oil and gas industry, RETTEW provides services in the areas of engineering, surveying, environmental consulting, and water treatment. RETTEW has designed and issued permits to thousands of pads, impoundments, and water sources. RETTEW has also designed and permitted thousands of miles of pipelines and treated and recycled well more than 1 million barrels of flowback water. Since 1969, RETTEW has grown from a single fourperson firm to more than 350 dedicated professionals in nine offices throughout the Northeast and Midwest. The company offers more than 100 different services, including engineering designs, regulatory expertise, site investigations, environmental investigations, community planning, safety consulting, and construction oversight. Since RETTEW’s strategic entry into the oil and gas market in 2008 as the Marcellus Shale Play began to boom, and during subsequent shale development across the country, the firm has doubled its staff and opened four new offices. Most of the company’s staff are white-collar, technical experts. RETTEW aims to hire more staff from the local pools of talent, stabilizing and growing communities as it benefits from the oil and gas market growth in these communities. RETTEW supports long-term strategies for both

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

reached 102,668 in 2012. The job total is expected to rise to 220,635 in 2020 and to 387,360 in 2035.5 And the people of Pennsylvania get it. A statewide telephone poll of 608 registered Pennsylvania voters, conducted on behalf of the American

Petroleum Institute, found that 72 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues” “http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/aug-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-pa-voters-support-increased-investments-in-us-energy-infrastructure” the results of a Pennsylvania poll conducted by Harris for API July 29-August 3, 2014. Click on “new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

economic gain and environmental health, and uses its expertise in regulations, environmental investigations, and geology to ensure that oil and gas companies are preparing their sites and water sources in the safest way possible.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



PENNSYLVANIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Judge Technical Services, Inc

United Parcel Service

Lindy Paving, Inc

Congressional District 5

Abovenet Communications, Inc

Kaplan Eduneering

University Services

Marcellus Gasfield Services, LLC

A&A Construction Co, Inc

Ace American Insurance Co

Kelly Services, Inc

UPS Freight

Maxpro Technologies, Inc

A&P Support, Inc

Aera Energy, LLC

Kenexa Compensation, Inc

US Cargo Management, Inc

ADM Welding & Fabrication

Alexander Utility Engineering, Inc

Leaf Financial Corporation

Vaisala, Inc

Mcclymonds Supply & Transit Co In

Alfa Laval, Inc

Lexisnexis Risk Data Management, Inc

Volvo Financial Services

Liberty Mutual Insurance Group


Alliedbarton Security Services, LLC

Waste Management

Mccullough James L. Mccullough Wayne L. Mccutcheon Enterprises, Inc

American Stock Transfer

Magna Legal Services, LLC

American Tower Corporation

Margolis Edelstein

Ametek, Inc

Matlack Leasing, LLC

AMS of Houston, LLC

Matthew Bender & Co, Inc

ATC Tower Services, Inc

Mckinsey & Company, Inc

Automotive Rentals, Inc

Millward Brown, Inc

AWS, Inc

Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP

BDP International, Inc

My Linh Giang

Bentley Systems, Inc

NAO, Inc

Blank Rome LLP

Nasdaq OMX Corporate Solutions

Congressional District 3

Penn United Carbide

NES Rentals

Accents On Apparel, LLC

Peoples Twp, LLC

NRC Environmental Services, Inc

Allegheny Mineral Corporation

O’Briens Response Management, Inc

AM Gard, Inc

Olympus NDT, Inc

Ameridrives International, LLC

BTS USA, Inc Caprock Communications, Inc CDI Corporation CDI Engineering Group, Inc Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy Chubb & Son Cohen Seglias Pallas Greenhall Comcast Corporation Corporation Service Co Cozen Oconnor

Ontrack Staffing Panalpina, Inc Pay Governance, LLC PC Helps Support, LLC

Xerox Corporation

Congressional District 2 Associated Controls, Inc

Moose Larry

Mount Corporation PC Helps Support, LLC

National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation

Team Concepts Projects, Inc

Nicodemus Michael J. Parker Hannifin Corporation

AM Gard, Inc Applegate Services, Inc

Saint-Gobain Performance

Equant, Inc

Saint-Gobain Plastic Corporation

FCC Environmental

Sap America, Inc

Federal Mogul, S.A. De C.

Seacor Marine, LLC

Foster Wheeler USA Corporation

Shell Pipeline Co LP

Harris Caprock Communications, Inc

SHI International Corporation

Harris Corporation Hartford Hatch Mott Macdonald, LLC Hay Group, Inc Highland Tank & Manufacturing Co ICF Jones & Stokes, Inc ICF Resources, LLC Icis Pricing Institute of Terrorism Research & Response International SOS Assistance, Inc

SKF USA, Inc Smiths Detection, Inc Starcite, Inc Sulzer Chemtech USA, Inc Swepi LP JV Receipts Tessco Tibco Software, Inc Tinius Olsen

Cannon Instrument Co Carole J. Asper Cedar Run Environmental Services Inc CH&GM Francis, Inc

Clearwater Trucking, LLC

Walsh Equipment, Inc

Colt Cooney

Washington Township

Commercial Radio Systems, LLC

Deep Well Services, LLC EBC Industries Ellwood Crankshaft & Machine Environmental Coordination Fairview Township First National Bank of PA First National Bank of Pennsylvania

West Penn Aggregates, Inc

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dawood Engineering, Inc Fallen Timbers, LLC FES Systems, Inc Herbert Rowland & Grubic, Inc Honeywell Sensing & Control

Forta Corporation

Hunters Sharing The Harvest


Jackson Farms

Gilpin Township

Lane Enterprises, Inc

Glenn Shick Jr

Lees Plumbing & Excavating, Inc

Hagg Lee Raymond

Noble Ronald

High Pressure Equipment Co.

Odyssey Environmental Services

Holman Leasing Systems, Inc

Pennsylvania Fish & Boat

Hunter Truck Sales & Service, Inc

Pennsylvania Hazardous Material

Jackson Center Borough Jim Bourbeau Land Service, Inc Kingsly Compression, Inc

Towers Perrin Towers Watson Pennsylvania

Kypa Enterprises, LLC

TRC Companies, Inc

Langer Material Handling, Inc

TRC Environmental Corporation

Leonhard Richard A.

Charles G. Lang

DBI, Inc

Congressional District 4

Fmc Technologies Measurment Solutions, Inc

Kitchens Power Tong Service, Inc

Trinity Rail Management, Inc

Brownlee Land Ventures LP

Clearwater Trucking, LLC

East Coast Pallets

Environ International Corporation

Brookville Hospital

Vavco, LLC

Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc

Rtis Reedfax

Bradford Pipe & Supply, Inc

Cintas Corporation

Danieli Corporation

Elyria Foundry

Boylan Garage

Van Air, Inc

Philadelphia Mixing Solutions, Ltd

Reed Smith LLP

Borough of Bellefonte

Choice Forest Products, LLC

Deloitte Consulting LLP

Elsevier BV

Big Woods Properties, LLC

Tyco Integrated Security, LLC

Cimarron Energy, Inc

Purolite Co

Best Line Leasing

The Sloan Brothers Company

People Click, Inc

Efector, Inc

Best Line Equipment

Bison Grove, LLC

Deloitte & Touche LLP


Benson W Probst Excavating, LLC

Chestnut Ridge Radio Communications

Buchanan Shannon K. Esq

Eduneering, Inc

Sewage Enforcement Agency

Belser Hale, Inc

Steve Waldman Electric

Pennzoil-Quaker State Company

Presidio Networked Solutns, Inc

Rosebud Mining Company

Beimel Transportation, Inc

SMS Meer Gmbh

De Lage Landen

Precision IR, Inc

R Nesbit Portable Toilets

B&T Contractors, Inc

Beran Environmental Services, Inc

Pennoni Associates, Inc

E.I. Dupont De Nemours Company

PMF Rentals

AR Trucking, Inc

Shaaban Hadi F.

Cvent, Inc

Port Authority of NY & NJ

Piedmont Crane, Inc

Appalachian Drilling Services


Bruce & Merrilees Electric Co, Inc

Duane Morris LLP

Mitcheltree Bros Moody & Associates, Inc

Penn Detroit Diesel Allison, LLC Western Energy Systems

Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Mine Safety Appliances Company Ltd

Aqua Resources, Inc

CSC Cybertek Corporation

Dresser Rand Company

Mecco Partners, LLC

All In Haulin, LLC

Huhn James O.

Penrac, LLC Schaedler Yesco Distribution, Inc Southwest Regional Services SRBC General Fund SRBC Water Management Fund Susquehanna River Basin Commission

Dirt Excavating, LLC Duane R. Cizek Dyne Excavating, LLC Energy Rentals, LLC Environmental Coordination EWD Enterprises, Inc F&B Services Faber Fab Federal Carbide Femco Holdings, LLC Fluid Engineering Fox Hollow Construction, LLC Fye Gilbert L. G. Thomas Trucking, LLC Garner Larry L. Garner Lawrence A. Gas Field Specialists, Inc Girard Township Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc Gongaware Environmental Gun Three, LLC Haslett Jeanna Marie Hawbaker Engineering, LLC


Hepler Matthew W.

Windy Hill Farms, Inc

HRI, Inc



Taylor Tharp Water Treatment

James B. Maguire


John A. Melville


John E. Riddle Brian J. Riddle

TJM Ventures, Inc

Kane Lawn & Garden

Tobias Machining & Welding, Inc


Troutman & Troutman

Keane & Sons Drilling Corporation

Troutman Sanitation

Honor Resources Company

Keane Frac LP

United Electric Coop Services, Inc

Johnson Matthey, Inc Modular Space Corporation

Keister Miller Investments, LLC

Utilities & Industries

Ohio Oil Gathering

Kessel Leasing Company

Vicere Associates, Inc

Oxford Economics USA, Inc

Kitchen Elmer E.

Washington Township Board of

Pikes Creek Site Contractors

Koleno Randall Peter

Wayne Township Landfill

Preferred Rocks of Genoa, LLC

Kooman Heeter & Gulnac PC

Welding & Fabrication

Sales Tax Clearinghouse, Inc

LG Dickey Contracting

West Branch Limited, LLC

Siemens Industry, Inc

Logsdon Joshua Eric

Western Pump & Dredge


Lori J. Bendik

WHM Solutions, Inc

Susanin Widman & Brennan, PC

Love Disposal, Inc

E Finity Distributed Generation, LLC

Bill’s Bit Services, LLC

German Township

Eastern Controls, Inc of PA

Blout Paving Co, Inc

Global Spectrum LP

Blower William E.

Greene Township

Bob’s Plumbing & Excavating

GRS Services, Inc

Botsford Surveying, Inc

Gypsy Geans Graphics & Apparel

Excellence Engineering, Inc Freedompay, Inc Gai-Tronics Corporation

VWR International, Inc

Mac’s Welding Shop

Congressional District 6

Mast Levi E.

Alliance Integrated Systems, Inc Allied Wire & Cable, Inc Ann C. Good

AIP BI Holdings, Inc

McCleary Business Machines

Bay Technical Associates, Inc

Air Liquide America Spec Gases

Mcfarland Phyllis Jean

Bentley Systems, Inc

Alfa Laval, Inc

McKissick Trucking, Inc

Dynacore, LLC

American Industry Partners

MCM Trucking, LLC

Elemica, Inc

Brooks Instrument

MGK Technologies, Inc

Environex, Inc

B-Tec Solutions, Inc

Midstate Closing Company

Environmental Materials

E Instruments Group, LLC

Minitab, Inc

Environmental Standards, Inc

Earle M. Jorgensen

Morgan AM&T

Groundwater & Environmental Service

Earthres Group, Inc

Morrisroe Services Myers Trucking, Inc

IFM Efector, Inc

Northwest Savings Bank

Industrial Waste Group

On Site Field Supply

Modular Space Corporation

Outman Equipment, LLC

Netzsch Pumps North America, LLC

Pennsylvania General Energy Company

Peoplecore, Inc Polyflow, Inc

Peterson Refrigeration & AC, Inc

Potters Industries, Inc

Pitt Industrial

PQ Corporation

Plants & Goodwin, Inc

Precision Filtration Products

Portville Truck & Auto Repair, Inc

Prime Technologies

Puretech, LLC


Quick Shot Trucking, LLC

QC Energy Resources, Inc

R&R Ventures Ltd


Ram Septic Service, Inc

Training Specialties, Inc

Reisinger Construction, LLC

Transrail North America, LLC

RJB Well Services, Inc

Vertex, Inc

Robert A. Maguire

VWR International, Inc

Robinson Portable Toilets

Weston Solutions, Inc

Roe-Ada Well Support, LLC

White Pines Corporation

Safety Products of Ny

Zeolyst International

Scott’s Landscaping, Inc Shortfuse Gasfield Trucking, LLC

Congressional District 7

Sigma Aldrich, Inc

Airgas, Inc

Silverado Springs, LLC

Allan A. Myers LP

Smith Fire Service, Inc

American Crane & Equipment

Stahl Sheaffer Engineering, LLC

Assetworks, Inc

Steve White Electric

Baur Electric, Inc

Sunrise Drilling Supply, Inc

Darlene Warren

C&C Backhoe Service, LLC Canary Labs, Inc

Epam Systems, Inc Exclamationsoft Corporation Exida Consulting, LLC Expansion Seal Technologies Gamry Instruments GE Betz GE Betz, Inc Gehring-Montgomery, Inc Gelest, Inc JL Watts Excavating, Inc Meeco, Inc PDC Machines, Inc

Hall Teddy J. Harmony Gas Oil & Timber Co Harris Brian K. Harrold Robert John

Cantoni Farms LP

Hart Cheryl

Capture, Inc Photographic Services

Heitger Gerald F. Highridge Water Authority

Carmichaels Cumberland Joint Sewer

Hillsdale Pallets

Carry All Products, Inc

Honsaker Farms

Center Rock, Inc Centerville Borough

Chico Kelley L.

Matric Limited

Pennsylvania Power Corporation

Burrell Township Sewer

Central Hydraulics, Inc

Congressional District 8

Pelcatch Suck It Up, Inc

Brown Dorothy E.

Wilson Supply

Masters Excavating, LLC

Paul Gable & Sons Electric, Inc

Brand Builders, Inc

Chico Donna C. CHPHC Hotel X Pa Citro Bobbi Dale Coleman Mark Coolspring Stone Supply, Inc Coontz Excavating, LLC Craig Fencing, Inc Croftcheck Family LLP Cumberland Township

Holchin Robert M. Hranec Sheet Metal, Inc Huey Brothers, Inc Indiana Recorder of Deeds Indiana Regional Medical Center Jefferson Township Johnson Darla M. Juart Brothers Excavating , Inc K2 Engineering, Inc Karadon Corporation Keith’s Industrial Welding Kikta Joseph Kinkead Aggregates, LLC

Curry Supply Co

Kirk’s Auto Bady & Portable Steam

Dancho Edward J.

Kurutz Robert J.

Davis Robert A.

Lakeside Party Center, Inc

Deemston Borough

Lang Tower Services, Inc

Diamond Alvin L.

Lee Floyd

Diamond Jr A. Louis

Lester Harold E.

Diamond Turf & Landscape, Inc

Lester William

Dorsey Electric

Luckasevic Alex G.

DRA Surveyor, Inc

Luzerne Township

Dunkard Township

Macar Paul R. Sr

Durant Excavating

Marilungo Disposal, LLC

Enviro Spud & Drilling, LLC

MAS Supply, LLC

Environmental Land Surveying

McCullough Electric & Security, LLC

Penn E&R, Inc

Environmental Service Laboratories, Inc

Pressure Products Industries

Fairchance Georges Sewage

Miller Charles C.

SAP America, Inc

Fastenal Company

Mon River Aggregates LLP

Steven R. Slattery

Fayette Coal & Coke, Inc

Morris Excavating, Inc

Synergis Technologies, Inc

Fayette Engineering Co, Inc

Morris Trucking & Excavating, Inc

Teikoku USA, Inc

Fayette Hazardous Material

Myers Catering & Decorating

United Drilling, Inc

Fayette Parts Service, Inc

Nemacolin Woodlands, Inc

FCB Trust Division

New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co, Inc

Congressional District 9

Federal Carbide

AC Moyer Co, Inc

Feniello Enterprises, LLC

Addison Township

Fisher William F. Jr

All Around Fence Co, Inc

Force, Inc

Allison Custom Fabrication, Inc

Francy Kenneth Ira

Appalachian Water Services, LLC

Franczyk Peter John Jr

BAK Contracting, Inc

Franklin Township

Baker Trucking, LLC Bergen Power Pipe Supports, Inc

Frankhouser Gilbert W. Franks Dennis W. Gardner Denver Nash, LLC

MGK Technologies

New Pig Corporation New Pig Energy Corporation Nicholson Township Panzella David Penn Line Service, Inc Penn Mechanical Group, Inc Pierce Hot Shot, LLC Pleasant Valley Water Porter Charles A. Porter Evelyn



PENNSYLVANIA - VENDOR LIST Porter Kevin S. Prewett Adaline Pritts Betty Sue Quality Truck Service, LLC R&D Walters Septic Service, Inc R. Murphy Service, Inc Redman Donald D. Redman Donald D. Redstone Excavating, LLC Redstone Township Renze Cindy Ritter Technology, LLC Russ Industrial Solutions Ryan Oil Co Sanfilippo Joseph A. Sczerba Excavating, Inc

Advance Professional Cleaning Servi

ECM Rentals, LLC

Magna Solutions, LLC

Wats Broadcasting, Inc

Alberts Spray Solutions, LLC

Elbow Fish & Game, Inc

Wel-Cup Energy Corporation.

Elcon Services, Inc

Mansfield Crane Service Corporation Mark Updegraff Trucking, Inc

Allison Crane & Riggins

Energy Construction Management, LLC

Mary Galant

White’s Welding

Allmon Services, LLC

Enviro Tek, LLC

Mathers & Stapp PC

Alva Hatch

Eureka Resources, LLC

Memorial Hospital Auxiliary

Always Ready Excavating

Fenton Welding, LLC

AP Cleaning, Inc

Fishlips, LLC

Mid-State Occupational Health Service

Appalachian Utilities, Inc

Flynn Energy Transport, Inc

Appellation Pre-Fab, LLC

Frank D. Jr & Connie M. Carr

Appellation Pre-Fab, LLC

Fred Isbell

Apple Hill 4X4, Auto & Collision Ll

Gambal Printing & Design, LLC

Astonville Limited Partnership

GE Inspection Technologies LP

Allison Crane & Rigging

Augustus N. & Madalene M.

Gas Well Services 24-7, LLC

Mildred V. Holdren

Wenger Well Services, Inc William B. & Anna D. Freed Williams Oil & Propane Williams Oil Company, Inc Williamsport Municipal Water Author

Minuteman Spill Response, Inc

Wolfe Communication Systems, Inc

MK Contractors, Inc

Wysox Sand & Gravel, Inc

Mobo Services, LLC

Xtreme Truckin

Montour Home Comfort Service Nortech Energy Solutions, LLC

Congressional District 11

Gerald A. Sick

Nuweld, Inc

Agchoice Farm Credit FLCA

Grant Production Testing Services, Inc

Outman Equipment, LLC

Alderdice, Inc

P. Stone, Inc

Grant Smith Trucking

Palcon, LLC

B. Tomlinson & Ruth R. Tomlinson Rlt

GW Rowe & Son Dev Co, Inc

Penn-Troy Machine Co, Inc

Bouwe Aukema

Hanson Aggregates, Inc

Petroleum Products, Inc

Columbia Excavating, LLC

Holdren Hauling, Inc

Petta Enterprises

Deangelo Brothers, Inc

Honey Dippers of Lyco, LLC

Pfleegor Enterprises, LLC

Deer Head Camp Resources LP

Pfleegor Enterprises, LLC

Domestic Casting Company, LLC

Pipeline Ridge, LLC

Shallenberger Construction, Inc

B&K Construction Equipment, LLC

Shallenberger Properties, LLC

B&L Portable Toilet Rental, Inc

Shallenberger Rentals, LLC

B. Matthews Trucking, LLC

Shallenberger Trucking, LLC

Baker Gas Field Construction

Sheperd Rebecca

Barbara K. Hartley

Sickle Robert J.

BC Technologies

Skywater Development, LLC

BCF Family Trust

Smith Timothy M.

Bearings & Drives Unlimited

Huge Asset Management Corporation

Southwestern Pennsylvania Water

Belcher Enterprises, LLC

HydroRecovery LP

Betty M. Chambers

Infinity Oilfield Services, LLC

Bills Electronics

Insinger Excavating, Inc

Billtown Pumps, Inc

J. Edward Sick

Bishop Brothers Construction

J.B. Gibbons Construction, LLC

Bishops Full Time Portables

Jackie L. Tuttle II

Brian Taylor

James W. Barber Trucking

Brooks Site Services, LLC

Jasper Steel Fabrication, Inc

Canton Borough Authority

Jeanetta A. Brannaka

Carrs Trailers & Supplies

Jeanine D. Edler

Casale & Bonner

Jeff Liddic

Cases Auto Service

Joe Hunt & Associates, Inc

Central Penn Oil Company

John Voda

Uniontown Industrial Equipment Co

Charles W. Brown Jr

Johnson Quarries, Inc


Joseph L. Miller, LLC

US Natural Resources, Inc

Christopher A. Logue

JRG Transport, LLC

Vibostak Edward P.

Claverack Rural Electric

Julie K. Williams

Washington Township


Justin D. Raynor

Stuart Lisowski Excavation & Gara

Watters Enterprises, Inc

Cole’s Excavating

K.C. Larson, Inc

Superior Heating Solutions

Tom Bowman Trucking, Inc

Waynes Wire Rope

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Kevin A. Borden

Tank Top Trucking, LLC

Varsity, Inc

Well Service Group, Inc

Compass Welding, LLC

Tara A. Kieser

Wellspring Environmental

Wendell H. Stone Co, Inc

Complete Fluid Control, Inc

Koberlein Environmental Services

Zwiebel EHS For Energy

Whipstock Natural Gas Services

Consolidated Resource, LLC

Konkle’s Lawn & Landscape

TC Water, Inc

William G. Satterlee & Sons, Inc

Cuz Excavating, LLC

Kourt Security Partners, LLC.

Terraqua Resource Management, LLC

Williams Susan J.

D&B Industrial Leasing

KS Drilling, LLC

Terry Taylor

Wirsing Evelyn E.

David E. Baltzley

Landon Irrevocable Grantor Trust

Tforce Energy Services, Inc.

Wise Mining Co

David E. Juser

Larson Design Group, Inc

The 2008 Saltsgiver Family Trust

Young Frederick A.

Dean Puderbaugh Trucking

Laura S. Winters

Young William E.

Deljanovan Trucking, LLC

The Metropolitan Aviation Group, LLC

Zone Construction & Excavation

Denney Electric Supply of

Zone Gas Field Services

Dirt Excavating, LLC

Springhill Township Sunyak Mark A. Superior Well Services, Inc Susick Mary Anne Sveda Thelma T&B Excavating, Inc Tas Messaging, LLC Ted Moreau Garage Door Sales & Service Teslovich David Thorpe Christine Thunder Valley Excavating, Inc

Donald B. Millard

Leroy Community Association Leroy W. Himmelberger Light Line Energy Services, Inc Linda L Greene

Congressional District 10

Doris Vandemark

Linde Corporation

A&P Support, Inc

Down Under Transportation Corporation

Lundy Industrial Realty, L.P. Lyco Hot Shot

Drug Testing Centers of America

Lycoming Water & Sewer

Eastern Industries, Inc

M&M Frac Tanks & Oil Field

Aa&P Support, Inc

Pinebrook Minerals, LLC Plants Evergreen Farms, LLC Principle Enterprises, LLC QBF Well Site Services Rays Roll-off RCH Services, LLC Real Estate Protector Trust Regscan, Inc Richard & Katherine M. Carr Rigmaids, LLC. RLE Enterprises Safeguard Structures LLP Scott Gore Softronics, LLC South Avis Realty, Inc Steve Twigg Trucking, Inc

The Sign Shop Theodore L. Dehaven Timothy D. Robinson Tobin Testing Services, LLC Toolpushers Supply Company Tri State Trucking Company Vassallo Engineering & Surveying Wallis Run Hunting Club, Inc

Don E. Bower, Inc Equipment Transport, LLC Hazleton Oil & Environmental, Inc Hometown Disposal,LP Jill Ann Porter Joan R. Kupetsky Keller Crushing & Screening Leonard Crawford Electric, LLC Manglaviti Hvac, Inc Meshoppen Crushing, LLC Michael A & Nicole L. Tinna Mountain Energy Services, Inc RG Electric, LLC Ricky D. & Vanessa Place Gowin Rutkoski Fencing, Inc Shey M. & Heather Sterling Susquehanna Gas Field Services Susquehanna Services

Congressional District 12 Adams Charles N. Alan Hodgdon Allegheny Crane Rental, Inc Barron Trucking, LLC Beaverun Education & Training Center Brendle Michael W. Brighton Twp Municipal Burkett Robert L. Cambria Somerset Authority Carol Kirkwood Castelli Development Corporation


PENNSYLVANIA - VENDOR LIST Coal & Environmental Services, Inc

West & Zuberbuhler PC

Casper Colosimo & Sons, Inc

General Electric International, Inc

Oil Service, Inc

West Penn Energy Services, LLC

CDI Energy Products

General Monitors, Inc

Omni William Penn

Center For Sustainable Shale

Generator & Motor Services of


Congressional District 13

Centimark Corporation

Gilco Div of Gilson Engr Sales

Panopto, Inc

Allen & Goel Marketing Co

Champion Processing, Inc

Gleason & Associates

Patriks Water Hauling USA Ltd

Arkema, Inc

Chester Engineers

Goehring Rutter & Boehm

Brookfield Global Relocation

Chromalox, Inc

Golen Mark

PC Connection Sales Corporation

Dillan Well Drilling, Inc

Commonwealth Trucking Company, LLC

Chwmeg, Inc

Goulds Pumps, Inc

DJM Commercial Properties, LLC

Cimarron Energy, Inc

Greer Industries, Inc

Four Mile Resources, LLC

Civil & Environmental

Hollenbeck Marilyn J.


Heckmann Water Resources Cvr, Inc

Innovation Tap, LLC

Cohen & Grigsby PC

IBM Corporation

Paratherm Corporation

Industrial Controls & Equipment

Timken Gears & Services, Inc

Columbus Mckinnon Corporation

Industrial Scientific Corporation

Triad Systems Group, Inc

Comcast Corporation

URS Corporation

Common Plea Catering, Inc

Innovative Municipal Products US Inc

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Conemaugh Township Control Analytics, Inc Dalton S. Service Company Darlington Township Deuce Transport, LLC

EA Fischione Instruments, Inc Earthtech, Inc Echelon AGC Echelon Applied Geochemistry Edgeworth Club Elite Gasfield Services, LLC Ellwood Safety Engleka Farms FS Compression Co, LLC

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Congressional District 14 A-1 Wire Tech, Inc

Gentile & Associates, Inc

Abco Fire Protection, Inc

Geological Engineering Services, Inc

Abreon, Inc Accu Trex

Gotham Group

ACL Services Ltd

Gould Kramer, Inc

Action Supply Products, Inc

Guardian Protection Services, Inc

ADT Security Systems, Inc

Component One, LLC Contact Pointe Control Chief Cooper Medical

International Business Machine Corporation Intertech Security, LLC Ipass, Inc Joshua Lewis

Pennsylvania American Water Co Pennsylvania One Call Systems, Inc Pennsylvania Soil & Rock, Inc Peoples Natural Gas Company Perficient, Inc Petroleum Products, LLC Piping & Equipment, Inc Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services, LLC Pittsburgh Geological Society Pittsburgh Grand Hotel, LLC Pittsburgh Pirates

K&L Gates LLP

Pittsburgh Valve & Fitting Co Porada Electric, LLC

Crane Pro Services

Kerotest Manufacturing Corporation

Portland Forge

CS B2 Investments, Inc

Keystone Drill Services, LLC

Cummings Riter Consultants, Inc

Konecranes, Inc

Postage By Phone Reserve Account

Direct Energy Business, LLC

Lanxess Corporation

Division of The BCMJ Group

LDC Funding, LLC

Docufax Solutions, Inc

Leidos Engineering, LLC

Double Tree

Lewis-Goetz & Company, Inc

Draeger Safety, Inc

Liberty Center Venture

Duncan Land & Energy, Inc

Marcellus Shale Coalition

American Transport, Inc

Easton Telecom Services, LLC

Mason Dixon Energy, LLC


Eat N Park Hospitality Group, Inc

Massmutual Financial Group

Amerigas Propane LP

EGC Critical Components, LLC

Matheson Tri Gas, Inc

Ametek, Inc

EGC Plastics

Anthony Crane Usa

Ellwood City Forge

McClymonds Supply & Transit Co In

API Heat Transfer, Inc

Ellwood Crankshaft & Machine

McCutcheon Enterprises, Inc

Marcellus Service & Supply, LLC

Apple Ridge Funding, LLC

Marcheleta Ralph F.

Ariba, Inc

Emerson Process Mgmt / Rosemount

MCI Communications Services, Inc

Moran Transportation Mgmt Group

Arkadin Collaboration Services

Emery Oleochemicals, LLC

McJunkin Redman Corporation

Engine House 25

McKnight Robinson Plaza, LLC

Morris Knowles & Associates, Inc

Ayco Company LP

Equipment & Controls, Inc

Mercer Transportation Co

Evco House of Hose

Meyer & Associates, Inc

Excalibur, Inc

Michael Baker Jr, Inc

Badger Industries, Inc

Export Boxing & Carting, Inc

Microedge, LLC

Bank of America Leasing

Exxonmobil Chemical Company

Bank One/Mci Verizon Business

Fairmont Supply Oil & Gas, LLC

Mine Safety Appliances Company

Benshaw, Inc

Farris Engineering Services

BIW Connector Systems, LLC

Federal Express Corporation

Black Box Corporation

Fenner Drives

Bolttech Mannings

Highland Tank & Manufacturing Co Hurrt Dorothy Hytorc Jackson Township JB Myers Ent, Inc Jefferson Township Lawrence D Brudy & Associates, Inc Lincoln Township Maintenance Equipment & Chemicals

Myers Well Service, Inc Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum USA, Inc Parker Surveying, Inc

Air Compliance Consultants, Inc Allegheny Conference On Allegheny Crane Rental, Inc Allegheny Metals & Minerals, Inc American International Relocation

Aspen Technology, Inc Babst Calland Clements & Zomnir PC

Cooper Power Systems, LLC

Potelcom Supply, Inc PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc Praxair Distribution Mid-Atlantic, LLC Predictive Services Corporation Printing Post Printscape, Inc Purchase Power Quality Aggregates, Inc Recommind Redrock Fence, Inc Reed Smith LLP Regency Transportation Group Ltd Rejiss Associates Renaissance Electrical Renegade Services RJ Lee Group, Inc Rockwell Automation, Inc Rockwell Equipment & Supply Co Ruthrauff Service, LLC

Montour Heights Country Club

Safety Kleen Systems, Inc

Morgantown Machine & Hydraulics

Securities & Exchange Select International, Inc

Fenner Dunlop Americas, Inc

Mosebach Manufacturing Company

Seneca Resources Corporation

Brenntag Northeast, Inc

First River Consulting

MS Jacobs & Associates, Inc

Brian Kaldorf Photography

Fisher Scientific Company, LLC

Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc

Brighton Resources, Inc

Franklin Interiors, Inc

Nabors Completion & Production Service

BRM Holdings

Gaffey Overhead Cranes, Hoists

NHH CMS Pitthsburgh LP

Bruker AXS, Inc

Gateway Clipper, Inc

NMHG Financial Services, Inc

Siemens Water Technologies Corporation

Bulldog Office Products, Inc

Gateway Engineers, Inc

North Penn Pipe & Supply, LLC

Silverpop Systems, Inc

Trienergy Holdings, LLC

Business Records Management, Inc

GE Energy Power Conversion USA, Inc

NYSE Market, Inc

Steelworkers Health & Welfare Fund

Weikel Engineering Solutions, LLC

Calgon Carbon Corporation

GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc

Office Furniture Warehouse of PGH I

Carnegie Institute Pittsburgh


Office Supply Solutions

Pennsylvania Game Commission Pennsylvania Horticulture PM Supply, Inc Powell Larry G. Powertrack International, Inc Precision Laser & Instrument Regional Aviation Conservation Reltney Consulting, LLC RNDT, Inc South Beaver Township Stor Tech, Inc

Sherrard German & Kelly PC

Siemens Industry, Inc.

Stockdale Mine Supply, LLC Szuhay David




Congressional District 16

Ansys, Inc

Gurki Gladas Henriette

Premier Safety & ServiceInc

TDK Lambda Americas High Power Division


Arch Rentals, LLC

Hartman & Hartman, Inc

Producers Supply Company, Inc

Dawn to Dusk Hunting Club

AVT, Inc

Henry John Charles

Pryor Lee A.

EJ Breneman LP

Babich Angeline

Hilton Garden Inn Pittsburgh

Qual Tech Engineers, Inc

Elk Environmental Services

Bear Construction, Inc

Horizontal Wireline Services

Elk Transportation, Inc

Bell Supply Co

Huber Margaret A.

Range Resources - Appalachia, LLC

Entech Engineering, Inc

Black Bear Energy Services, Inc

Hursen Glenn J.

Hope E. Hiestand

Black Box Corporation of Pennsylvan

Ice Qube, Inc Industrial Scientific Corporation

Rimel Owen

Boord Benchek & Associates, Inc

Information Technologies Services, Inc

Ritter Keith R. RMC Sanitation, Inc

Jennison Corporation

Robinson Township Washington

JMD Company

ROC Service Company, LLC

John P. Gerecke

Rosul Daniel C.

John T. Boyd Co

SAH Services, LLC

Johnson Lois H.

Salem Township

Johnston Morehouse Dickey Co

Salmen Tech Co, Inc

Jon Firestone Electric, LLC

Sancast, Inc

Kalsey Joan

Sargent John R.

Kennametal, Inc

Schinkovec William J.

Keystone Consultants, Inc

Sean Cassidy & Associates P C


Select Physical Therapy Holdings

Testex, Inc Tetra Tech, Inc TRC Tri State Supply Company Tri-State Office Furniture, Inc Trumbull Corporation TSA Advet Tudi Mechancial System, Inc Tyco Fire & Security Us Management Unifirst Corporation

JC Ehrlich Co, Inc John C. Martin Associates, LLC Lancaster Laboratories Liberty Environmental, Inc Optimum Controls Corporation

United Steelworkers Political Action Fund

Restek Corporation

Universal Pipeline Partners

Rettew Engineering & Surveying PC

Unum Life Insurance Co US Steel Oilwell Services, LLC Verizon Business Services, Inc

Rettew Associates, Inc

Rettew Flowback, Inc

Borough of Marianna Bruno Ralph W. Bullskin Stone & Lime, LLC Burns Drilling & Excavating, Inc Center Township Chester Engineers, Inc CJL Engineering Cleaveland Price, Inc CNX Gas Corporation

Rau Jocelyn Jill Reamer Todd R.

VF Imagewear, Inc

Congressional District 17

Voyager Jet Center, LLC

Appalachian Services, LLC

VWR International, Inc

Biscom, Inc

Wesco Distribution, Inc

Borton Lawson Engineering, Inc

Countrywide Energy Services, LLC

Wolseley Industrial Group

Brucelli Advertising Co, Inc

Creehan Investments 151, LLC

Younkins James Mickey

Day Timers, Inc

Crown Communication, Inc

Zorosak Joan

Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply

Crown Drilling of Pennsylvania, LLC

Environmental Materials, Inc

Dale Property Services Penn LP

Ligonier Construction Co

GDF Suez Energy Resources Na

Deans Water Service, Inc

Ligonier Stone & Lime Co

Dermotta Daryl L.

Ligonier Trucking

Medico Industries, Inc

Development Dimensions International, Inc

M&T Sleith Farm

Murphy Piazza & Genello PC

Diamond L Enterprise, LLC

Matty Tom

Myers Brier & Kelly LLP

Donahoo Dairy Farm

Maxim Crane Works LP

Petroleum Services, Inc

DPS Land Services LP

MEC Construction, LLC

Ems Environmental, Inc

Reading Anthracite Company

Durkin Brian J.

Mendenhall Law Offices

Environmental Waste Minimization, Inc

Reliable Hauling & Equipment

Ealy Melissa Ann

Mobile Medical Corporation

Second Decimal, LLC

EAP Industries, Inc

Flagger Force

Software Consulting Services, LLC

Elliott Company

Municipal Authority of Westmoreland

Enerflex Energy Systems, Inc

Myzak Hydraulics

Spectrasite Comm, Inc

New Elliott Corporation

Stafursky Paving Co, Inc

Environmental Compression Services

Tellie & Coleman PC

Equipment & Controls, Inc

Northstar Chevrolet, Inc

Horwith Trucks, Inc


Equipment Rental Services, LLC

NVP Systems

Jean D. Saufley

Unifirst Corporation

Fairmont Supply Company

Online Storescom

Verizon Wireless Services, LLC

Feanx, LLC

PA American Water Company

Forejt Greg

Palco, Inc

Forest Land Services, Inc

Paxton Randy James

Frank R. Beatty, Inc

Weavertown Transport Leasing, Inc

Peacock Keller & Ecker LLP

Free Erik

West Bethlehem Township

Petromax Ltd

Gallaway Glove & Safety

Phoenix Specialty, Inc

Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research, Inc

Geomechanics, Inc

Pittsburgh Hotel, LLC

White Susan K.

Goughenour James M.

Plassio Bruce

Wicks Douglas A

Green Township

Plum Contracting, Inc

Yost Drilling, LLC

Greenawalt Douglas B.

Precision Pipeline Equipment, Inc

Yost Drilling, LLC

Zorosak Pauline

Congressional District 15 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc ARM Geophysics ARM Group, Inc Benchmark Analytics, Inc Crawford Technical Services, LLC

Hanger Consulting, LLC Hanover Engineering Associates Hanson Aggregates Pennsylvania, LLC

Julabo USA, Inc Keystone Clearwater Solutions, LLC Larry L. & Lois N. Silfies Lehigh Heavy Forge Corp. MJ McTish & Associates, Inc Olympus PPL Electric Utilities Corporation SKF USA, Inc Strahman Valves, Inc Wendy Stickler

Keystone Sanitary Landfill, Inc Latona Trucking, Inc

Congressional District 18 7Line Media, LLC Abby Services, Inc Advanced Oilfield Services Alex E. Paris Contracting Co, Inc Allegheny Power Co American Well Service, LLC Angelcyk Stanley F.

CNX Water Assets, LLC Comtech Industries, Inc

Guardasoni Harry R.

Lane Construction Corporation Lash Craig A. Latrobe Pallets, Inc Lee Randy Levines Iron & Metal, Inc

Markle Frank B.

New Stanton Developers

Shannon Optical Co, Inc Shuglie Adam Jr Shuglie Sally L. Shychuk Paul J. Smith Connie Smouse Robert G. South Hills Movers, Inc South Huntingdon Township Southpointe Energy Resource Group Southpointe Hotel & Conference Summit & Plaza II Holdings LP Superbolt, Inc Tedrow Thomas W. TEI Analytical Services, Inc Ten Plus Universal Ensco, Inc Verichek Technical Services, Inc Verichek Technical Services, Inc Volvo Construction Equipment Wachs James H. Wagner Linda C. Weavertown Environmental Group

Young John F.



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Rhode Island Economic and Job Growth

Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Rhode Island, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 11 businesses, located across Rhode Island’s two congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Rhode Island supports some 15,100 jobs, which is 2.5 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Rhode Island labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $934 million annually. That’s 2.8 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Rhode Island is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Rhode Island enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Rhode Island across all industries and sectors is $45,770, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is higher—$47,055 annually. Overall the industry supports $1.7 billion of the Rhode Island economy. That’s 3.2 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Rhode Island also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Rhode Island reached 2,257 in





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k 50k 40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.




State: Rhode Island

Rhode Island Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Grand Total


District 02 District 01

District 02

Vendor Profile6 parsonsKellogg parsonsKellogg is an industry leader in helping Fortune 1000 companies secure positive consumer impressions through the use of impactful promotional products. Services include e-commerce solutions, golf and other sporting event sponsorships and co-branded focused programs, sporting goods, day-to-day promotional products, gift cards, offshore sourcing, and custom packaging. For the oil and natural gas industry, the company helps set up sponsorships of sporting events. For example, parsonsKellogg worked on the Valero Texas Open golf tournament on behalf of the Valero Energy Corp. In 2010, parsonsKellogg partnered with the Valero Benefit for Children (BFC), the Valero Energy Foundation’s annual charitable fundraiser for children in need, which raises more money on the PGA Tour than any other charitable event. By providing a turnkey merchandise website at which participants could redeem gift cards as part of the Pro-Am packages, the company helped BFC/Valero save money while enhancing the participants’ experience.

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. The job total is projected to climb to 3,708 in 2020 and to 3,804 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Rhode Island, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

parsonsKellogg also helps its partners by providing materials for safety and wellness programs within their companies. These programs bring down costs and promote a safer and healthier workplace.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



RHODE ISLAND - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Magnetic Seal Corporation

Congressional District 2

Durant Tool Company

Avtech Software, Inc

Parsonskellogg, LLC

Applied Science Assoc, Inc

K2 Partnering Solutions, Inc

Lasater Angie M.

QV21 Technologies, LLC

Duggan & Associates, Inc

Provant Health Solutions

Strauss Factor Laing & Lyons



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

South Carolina Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of South Carolina, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 40 businesses, located across all seven of South Carolina’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in South Carolina supports some 67,700 jobs, which is 2.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of South Carolina labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $2.63 billion annually. That’s 2.4 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although South Carolina is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of South Carolina enjoy significant benefits

from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in South Carolina across all industries and sectors is $39,131, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is higher—$49,801 annually. Overall the industry supports $4.7 billion of the South Carolina economy. That’s 2.8 percent of the state’s total economic activity. South Carolina also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in South Carolina reached 9,131





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k


50k 40k



Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual South Carolina Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: South Carolina

South Carolina Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Grand Total


District 04 District 05 District 03

District 07

District 02

District 06

Top Cities Greenville = 14

Vendor Profile

District 01

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

AMECO AMECO, a unit of Fluor Corporation, is a full-service, global supplier of construction equipment, vehicles, tools, common services, and asset management solutions. In addition to the power, heavy industrial, mining, manufacturing, construction, and government sectors, AMECO’s client base includes the oil and natural gas industry. Many of the industry’s largest companies are clients. AMECO has been a direct supplier and subcontractor of mobile equipment, small tools, consumables, and safety supplies to oil and natural gas industry site owners and their capital contractors since the mid-1970s. In addition to supplying these products, AMECO is also a direct distributor for Dynamic Air Shelters, Inc., selling and renting these proprietarydesigned safe harbors for use in places where gas vapor explosion risks exist.

in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 15,905 in 2020 and to 19,032 in 2035.4 And the people of South Carolina get it. A statewide telephone poll of 602 registered South Carolina voters, conducted on behalf

of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 80 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”, http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-south-carolina-voters-support-investments-in-oil-natural-gas”, the results of a South Carolina poll conducted by Harris for API April 9-15, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

AMECO has the best safety record of any supplier supporting the oil and natural gas industry in the United States today.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



SOUTH CAROLINA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Basic Concepts, Inc

Baldwin Aviation, Inc

Group of Patriots

Congressional District 5

I&M Industrials

Atlas CoPCo, LLC

Speedwell Weather Corporation

Congressional District 4

Integrated Power Services, LLC

Baja Broadband

Taxsearch, Inc

AE Solutions Alaska, LLC

Joseph Martial Robichaud

Medlock Ralph E.

Wonderlic, Inc

American Equipment Co, Inc

Merus Refreshment Services, Inc

Applied Engineering Solutions, Inc

Milliken & Company

Sunbelt Rentals Oil & Gas Services

C Edward & Brenda L Matkin

Patriot Solutions, LLC

Ch2M Hill Alaska, Inc

The Print Machine, Inc

Compass Group USA, Inc Customer Effective Solutions, Inc

Total Maintenance Solutions South

Gower Corporation

Windstream Nuvox, Inc

Congressional District 2 Blanchard Machinery Company

Congressional District 3 Allegro Industries ASAG Energy, LLC

Palmetto Engineering & Consult

Transcend Trailer Leasing & Rentals

Congressional District 6 Columbia Fluid System Technologies Hagemeyer North America, Inc

Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Smoak & Stewart PC Southeastern Freight Lines, Inc

Congressional District 7 Agru America, Inc Carbis, Inc R. Scott Howard Esquire Tilley Mechanical Technologies, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

South Dakota Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of South Dakota, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 36 businesses, spread across South Dakota’s at-large congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in South Dakota supports some 22,500 jobs, which is 3.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of South Dakota labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $857 million annually. That’s 3.5 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although South Dakota is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of South Dakota enjoy significant benefits

from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in South Dakota across all industries and sectors is $37,086, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$55,257 annually. Overall the industry supports $1.5 billion of the South Dakota economy. That’s 3.9 percent of the state’s total economic activity. South Dakota also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).



60k 50k 40k



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Avg. Annual South Dakota Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: South Dakota

South Dakota Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District (At Large)


Grand Total



At Large District




Top Cities Rapid City= 15

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in South Dakota reached 2,013 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 3,477 in 2020 and to 3,937 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of South Dakota, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



SOUTH DAKOTA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District (at Large)

Carr Coatings, LLC

Interstate Batteries of Rapid City

Northern Plains Safety

Sturgis Meats

Chris Supply

Jeffrey A. Tennyson P C

Pacer Corporation

Thermo Bond Buildings, LLC

Anders Trucking, Inc

CTC Engineering & Design Co

Journey Energy ServicesLLC

Tim W. Olson Construction, Inc

Armstrong Extinguish Service, Inc

Dakota Fluid Power, Inc

LG Everist, Inc

Eagle Sky Patrol, Inc

Matthew Oakes Consulting

Besler, Inc

Pete Lien & Sons, Colorado Lien Company, Dakota Block Company, Birdsall Sand & Gravel, Trans Colorad

Electro - Test & Maintenance

Matthew Oakes Consulting

Black Hills Energy

Rush Wellsite Services, LLC

H2E, Inc

MG Oil Company

Brown & Saenger, Inc

Servall UniformandLinen, Inc

Hauck Electric & Controls

Midcontinent Communications

CAJ Enterprises, Inc

Shirley A. Martinez

HillCrest Spring Water, Inc

Muth Electrical

Timothy Swenson Warne Chemical & Equipment Co Waynes, Inc Xiaoqian Ma



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Tennessee Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Tennessee, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 82 businesses, spread across Tennessee’s nine congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Tennessee supports some 111,500 jobs, which is 3.2 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Tennessee labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $5.09 billion annually. That’s 3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Tennessee is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Tennessee enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Tennessee across all industries and sectors is $44,273, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$62,435 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $8.9 billion of the Tennessee economy. That’s 3.4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Tennessee also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs.



60k 50k


40k 30k

Avg. Annual Tennessee Salary

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Tennessee

Tennessee Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Grand Total


District 02

District 05 District 08

District 06

District 03

District 01

District 07 District 04

District 09

Top City Memphis = 18

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

Vendor Profile7 SCADA Design Specialists, Inc. SCADA Design Specialists, Inc. is a pipeline automation consultancy. The consultancy provides Allen-Bradley PLC and human machine interface (HMI) programming support for many of the major pipeline companies. The firm also has extensive experience with Allen-Bradley DF1, Ethernet/IP, and Modbus communications to peripheral devices. All of SCADA’s work is done 100 percent in the oil industry. The consultancy provides automation services for crude oil, refined product, and carbon dioxide pipelines. SCADA has not only provided programming support, but has also designed Allen-Bradley PLC and HMI standards for numerous major pipeline companies. PC programming knowledge and experience enable SCADA to create simple and well-documented PLC programs. The consultancy pushes the limits on HMI screens to provide systems that are colorful and easy to understand and use.

activities in Tennessee reached 13,516 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 23,310 in 2020 and to 27,702 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Tennessee, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.


To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



TENNESSEE - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Congressional District 3

Kristin Knoll

Aquaeter, Inc

Congressional District 9

American Hardbanding

GMB Consulting & Training Services

Scout Check Report, Inc

Cassidian Communications


System Scale Corporation

Conestoga Rovers & Assoc, Inc

Heatec, Inc

Baker Donelson Bearman

Tennessee Steel Haulers, Inc

Datasource Mobility, LLC

Techsoft USA

Testamerica Laboratories, Inc

Dennis F. Dycus

Delta Foremost Chemical Corporation.

VF Imagewear, Inc

Exterra Resources, LLC

Federal Express Corporation

FDR Safety

Floied Fire Extinguisher George R. Douglas & Assoc, LLC

Fiber Innovation Technology, Inc Lisega, Inc McKinnis & Scott Resource Paper & Plastic Summers Taylor, Inc

Congressional District 4

Wilhoit & Kaiser

Corrosion Testing Services, LLC

Congressional District 6

Leverage Creative

Hayes Instrument Co, Inc

Alex Henning

Premier Forest Products

Congressional District 2

Industrial Data Systems, Inc

Commercial Credit Reports

Scada Design Specialists, Inc

Hydrozonix, LLC

Sitehawk Industrial Data

Eggers Family Revocable Trust

The Lampo Group

ESC Lab Sciences

Vaco Houston, LLC

Congressional District 5

Global Business Management

Wright & Co, Inc

Perma Fix Environmental

Acme Truck Lines, Inc

Kodi Klip Corporation

Phillips & Jordan, Inc

Bridgestone Americas, Inc

Paul Eggers Trust

Congressional District 8

Power Systems, Inc

Carl Koontz Assoc

Tinsley Asphalt, LLC

Langley Wire Cloth

Pyramex Safety Products, Inc

System Improvements, Inc

Deep South Equipment Company

Online Fm, LLC

Radians, Inc

Congressional District 7

Quad Industries

Sedgwick Claims Management

3SAE Technologies, Inc

Rapac LP

Terminix International Company

Industrial Psychologists, Inc John R. Frazier PhD CHP

Thomas E. Midyett Waste Disposal, Inc Windrock, Inc

Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Hercules Bolt Co K2 Environmental, LLC

Acme Truck Line, Inc

Guardsmark LSI Mahaffey Tent & Awning Company, Inc Mudhorse Systems Nexair, LLC PMC Biogenix, Inc

Tristate Transport, Inc Trivantis Corporation



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Texas Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Texas, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 11,033 businesses, spread across all 36 congressional districts in Texas, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Texas supports some 1,938,700 jobs, which is 13.6 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Texas labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $144 billion annually. That’s 18.7 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Texas, in addition to employment and labor income, is in terms of salary.3 While the

average annual salary in Texas across all industries and sectors is $52,146, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$117,272 annually.3 Overall the industry supports $308.3 billion of the Texas economy. That’s 23.2 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Texas ranks 1st in oil and 1st in natural gas production.4 That makes it the nation’s top energy-producing state. Texas particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.


1,938,700 TEXAS JOBS


120k 110k 100k 90k 80k 70k 60k


50k 40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Annual Texas Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Texas

Texas Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Congressional District 12


Congressional District 13


Congressional District 14


Congressional District 15


Congressional District 16


Congressional District 17


Congressional District 18


Congressional District 19


Congressional District 20


Congressional District 21


Congressional District 22


Congressional District 23


Congressional District 24


Congressional District 25


Congressional District 26


Congressional District 27


Congressional District 28


Congressional District 29


Congressional District 30


Congressional District 31


Congressional District 32


Congressional District 33


Congressional District 34


Congressional District 35


Congressional District 36


Grand Total

Top Cities Houston = 2,518 Dallas = 1,382 Odessa = 532 Midland = 527 Fort Worth = 209

District 13

District 26

District 19

District 16

Districts 24, 30, 32, 33

District 04

03 12

District 25

District 11

District District 05 06

District 17 District 31

District 23 District 21 District 20


District 08

District 01 District 36

District 10

14 22

District 27

Districts 2, 7, 9, 18, 29 District 28 District 15

District 34

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Texas reached 576,084 in 2012 and the total is expected to rise to 929,482 in 2020, before leveling off at 733,179 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Texas, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012

registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6


Vendor Profile7

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

On Duty Tree & Landscape Service On Duty Tree & Landscape Service does landscaping and fencing around gas and oil pads. This work has been a big part of the company’s business for the past seven years.

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Big Tom Construction

Crown Pine Timber 1 LP

Frank Fite Tiller

John D. Boigk

248 Disposal, LLC

Bill Whitehurst Law

CW Ford Rentals

Freeman Mills PC

John Robert Allison

3D Security, Inc

Bills Meat Market

CW Ford Rentals LP

Full Boar Oil Tools, Inc

Jonathan Pierce

4R Construction Company, Inc

Billy S. Glenn

D Courtney Construction, Inc

Gabs Tree Service, Inc

Joyce Steel Erection, Inc

8N Energy Solutions, LLC

Black Cypress Services, LLC

D&D Fluids, Inc

Gary Natural Gas System

JTK, Inc

A&R Enterprises, Inc

Blocker Flowback Services, Inc

D. Gale Simmons

Gary Water Supply Corporation

Juanita G. Peterson

Abc Auto Parts Ltd

Bob Davis Sales, Inc

Dailey’s Fencing Company, Inc

Gateway Tire & Service Center

K Flow Water Transferring, LLC

ABL Land Services, Inc

Bobcat Specialities, LLC

Gator Services, LLC

K&B Oilfield Services, Inc

Abney & Warwick

Bolt Fuel Oil Company, Inc

Dan Blocker Petroleum Consultant, Inc

K&L Contractors, Inc

Ace Consulting Services, Inc


Danny Kee Consulting, Inc

General Insulation, Inc General Shelters of Texas, Ltd

Kaiser Pump & Valve, Inc

Ace Hardware of East Texas

Broome Tom

Kaja Enterprises, Inc

Acuren Inspection, Inc

Brown Downhole Tools, LLC

Geo Logic Environmental Services

Advanced Industries

Buteo Enterprises

Geonix LP

KBSR, Inc Servicemaster Prof

Advanced Pest Tech

C&C Oilfield Services, LLC

Advanced Temporaries, Inc

C&C Sales

AE Jake Whitton Surveying & Mapping

C&S Designs

Deh Environmental Tank Wash, Inc

C&S Lease Service LC

Deadwood Water Supply Corporation Debbies Best Water Store Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc

Gibbs Construction

Kane Security Company

Gill Water Supply Corporation

Kelley’s Carthage Collision Center, Inc

Gillam & Smith LLP

Kenneth W. Ragle

Delta Construction Co, Inc

Gil-Tex Lease Service, LLC

Key Building Systems, Inc

Cain Hardware & Lumber Co

Dennis Blevins Consulting

Global Tanks & Vessels

Kingelin & Associates, Inc

Cain Surveying

Dependable Pressure Testers, Inc

Goar Allison & Assoc, Inc

Kitchings Services Kleen Sweep

Dialog Wireline Services, LLC

Graham Oil & Gas Consulting, LLC

Diamond Wire Spring Co

Greg & Dovie Champagne Gunnels Consulting Serv Ltd

KSA Engineers, Inc

Dixon Services, Inc Dodson Trucking, Inc

H Force

Car-Tex Transport & Vacuum Service, Inc

Donnell Pipe & Supply Co

H W Services, LLC

Double R Construction, LLC

H&R Auto Supply

Carthage Discount Tire & Brake

Dover Resources, Inc

H. Lorimer Corporation

Carthage Office Supply

Drillsite Acquisition & Supervision

Hagemeyer North America, Inc

Carthage Title Company

Duoline Technologies LP

Harrco Lease Operating Co, Inc

Cates Machine Shop, Inc

Eagle Eye Services

Harris Fence, Inc

CB&L, Inc

Earth Management Services, Inc

Harrison Cad


Hayward Paint Company

CDI Energy Services & Fiberod

East Texas Asphalt Company Ltd

CGC Fluids, Inc

East Texas BOP Service, Inc

Helms Packer Service, Inc

Challenger Process Systems Co

East Texas Oilfield Service

Hemco, Inc

Applied Consultants, Inc

Champion Packaging

East Texas Radiator, Inc

Henry Howard Services, LLC

Ark La Tex Electric, Inc

Chaney - Yoder #2 LLP

Ark-La-Tex Safety Showers, LLC

Cheyenne Electirc, Inc

East Texas Salt Water Disposal Co

Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation

Ark-La-Tex Shredding Co, Inc

Chili Peppers Hot Shot Services, LLC

Eastex Telephone Cooperative, Inc

High Plains Disposal, Inc

Air Liquide Advanced Techno Us, LLC Air Quality Associates, Inc Alford Welding Alinet Oilfield Services Corporation All Battery Centers, Inc Alliance Electric, Inc Allied Waste Services of Corsicana Allied Waste Services of Kilgore Almeida Jonathan B. American Communications Answering Service, LLC Ana Lab Corporation Anderson Fertilizer & Milling Co Anderson Mud Logging Services Applied Consultants Field Services, LLC

Ark-La-Tex Surveying Co, Inc Arnold Trucking, Inc Arpco Valves & Sign Control Aspen Demolition Construction Auto Glass Averitt Consulting Services, LLC B&B Locksmith B&P Engines, Inc Barracuda Rentals & Safety Solutions, LLC

Camterra Resources Ptrs, LLC Canon Safety Services, Ltd Capco Contractors, Inc Capps Construction & Gas Co, Inc

Circle Z Pressure Pumping, LLC Clary E&L Services Clary Services, Inc Clary Services, LLC Clements Fluids Buffalo Ltd Clements Fluids Henderson Ltd Clements Fluids Louisiana Ltd Clements Fluids South Texas Ltd Coastal Chemical Co, LLC


Coldwell Banker Commercial

Bass Corrosion Services, Inc

Commander Consulting, LLC

Bass Engineering Company

Commiatos Machine & Repair Service

BB Answering Service Beckville ISD Bees Oilfield Services, LLC Bergfeld Land & Minerals Group, LLC Best Equipment Service & Sales Co Bethany Pro-Lube Plus

Eaton Oil Tools, Inc Eco-Chem Oilfield Solutions Edwin R. Garner Elite Field Services, LLC Elliott Electric Supply, Inc ELS Surveying & Mapping, Inc Elynx Technologies, LLC Energy Weldfab, Inc Enersafe, LLC Enviropave, LLC Eri Consulting, Inc ESA Consulting, LLC ETOS, Inc

Heckmann Water Resources, Inc

High Roller Wells, LLC Hi-Tech Testing Service, Inc Honeywell International, Inc Houston Drilling Mgmt, LLC HW Services, LLC Imperial Maintenance Independent Propane Co Inland Products, Inc Interstate All Battery Center Ireland Carroll & Kelley PC J&D Enterprises Jack & Janis Robertson Trust Jack Alexander, Inc James E. Smith & Assoc, Inc

Common Disposal, LLC

Extreme Rig Cleaners, LLC

Complete Pipe Services, LLC

Fasline Hardband

Connie D. Hagen, Inc

Fas-Line Services, Inc

Conrad J. Allison

Fieldco Energy Services, Inc

Consolidated Tax Service LLP

Fire & Safety Equipment

Courtney Construction, Inc

Firmin’s Office City

Jimmy A Langston et al Partnership

JC Fence Company JCS Services JDW Services, Inc Jean Allison Bunyard Jerry Ainsworth & Liza Ainsworth

Cox Creek Town Homes

Flanders Electric, Ltd

BHL Boresight, Inc

Craig Electric Co

Flowers Davis PLLC

Jim’s Rental Services

BHL Consulting, Inc

Crest Process Systems, Inc

Foley Rentals, Inc

John Crane Production Solutions

Kruebbe Valve & Control Co KSL Engineering & Design, Inc Largo Gas Compression Larry D. Davis Larry R. Dixon Services, Inc Larry W. Fields Iolta Account Latx Operations Ltd Laverne S. Mercer Leah S. Glenn Legacy Pressure Control, Inc Lighthouse Oilfield Services, LLC Lilly Sanitation Little Nutt Oil Co, Inc LOMC Lone Star Outfitters Lone Star Pump & Valve Co, LLC Longview Asphalt, Inc Longview Tank & Valve Lowe’s Services, Inc LTW Services LP, LLC Lufkin Industries, Inc Luminant Mining Company, LLC Luper Self Serv Storage M&D Companies, Inc M&D Oilfield Supply Mac Douglas McGuire Margaret Ann Keasler Hogan Marshall Welding Supply, Inc Martex Well Services LLP Martin Transport, Inc Matex Company Ma-Tex Wire Rope Company, Inc Maverick Oilfield Services May Oilfield Pipe, Ltd Mayo Dozer Service McAdams Propane Company McClain & Associates McCrary Trucking Company McKenzie Transportation Co, Inc


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST McKinney Measurement & Control, Inc

Pro Flo Water Transfer, Inc

McNeely Service Co, Inc

Pro Tec Inspection, Inc

Mega Lift Systems, LLC Mewbourne Oil Company MG Cleaners, LLC Mid-South Consultants Mike E. Miles Modisette Welding & Supply Corporation Monroe Brothers Paint & Body Shop LLP Monte Levi Gordon Mountain Supply & Service, LLC Mr. Pando Trucking, Inc MTA Consulting, Inc MW Smith Equipment, Inc Nacodoches

Pro Sales & Service, Inc

Triple J Well Service, Inc

Blue Star Mwd LP

Tuboscope Vetco International LP

BWFS Industries, LLC BX Energy, LLC

Pump Masters, Inc of Texas

Smires Scanning, LLC

Unified Oilfield Group, LLC

Byrd Land Service, Inc

Pumps Pump & Valve Repair, LLC

Smith Contract Pumping, Inc

Calmena Drilling Services, LLC

Smith Oilfield Rental, Inc

Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation

Quality South Texas Trucking, Inc

Snubco USA, LLC

Vernon E. Faulconer, Inc

Central Hydraulic, Inc

Quality Weed Control & Quality Foamer

Sone Energy Services, LLC

R&H Machine

Southern Utilities Co

Pro-Test, Inc

R&J Recycling & Disposal Ransom Drilling Services, LLC Red Diamond Oilfield Services, LLC

Red Zone Coil Tubing, LLC Redco Pallets, Inc

Nexus Land Services

Rex Morgan Welding, LLC

Noe Delgado Consulting

RHI Company

Non-Typical Oilfield Services

Rhoads Oilfield Services LP

Norman Electric, Inc

RHW Metals, Inc

North American Reserve Corporation

Richardson Charles N. Richardson Enterprises Rick Bagley Riddles Dehi & Chemical Service Co, Inc

Showcase Systems, Inc

Blowout Tools, Inc & Wild Well Cont

SLP Backhoe Service

Pro-Swab, Inc

Nash Trucking & Construction Ltd

Oil States Energy Services LLC

Sherwin Williams Co

Triple J Energy Pipe & Supply LP

Bulldog Chemicals, LLC

Nacogdoches Central Appraisal

North East Texas Communications

Triple F Oilfield Service, LLC

Truelove Law Firm PLLC

Pro-Stim Services, LLC

Red Diamond Pressure Control, LLC

North American Tubular

Shepperds Cleaning Services, LLC

Sierra Frac Sand, LLC

Southern Transport, Inc Southland Safety, LLC

Villarreal Production Service Virgil Ray Wedgeworth W. Joe Shaw, Inc Waller’s Welding Services


Walpole Company

Specialty Electric & Instrumentation

Waskom Hwy & Feed Waskom Rural Water Supply

Sphere 3 Environmental, Inc

Watergator, Inc

Stanger Surveying Tyler, LLC

WC Welding Services

Steele Land & Inspection, LLC

Well-Pro Services LP

Steve Simpson & Associates, Inc

Wendy B. Coats

Stream-Flo USA, LLC

Wesco Valve & Manufacturing Company

Stream-Flo USA, LLC Strong Services LP STS Consulting Services, LLC Stutes Cafe & Catering Suburban Propane LP Summit Water Transfer Sunland Field Services, Inc

White Oak Radiator Service, Inc Whitlock Enterprises, LLC Wholesale Supply, Inc William Grant Tank & Vessel, Inc William Pinnick William R. Alexander Williams & Twomey Resources

CDI Energy Products, Inc Cole Enterprises Combined Refrigeration Resources In Continental Alloys & Services, LLC Craig S. Charbonnet, Inc Cudd Pressure Control, Inc Cudd Pumping Services, Inc Custom Kitchen Equipment Co., Inc Dalton Logistics, Inc David B. Johnson Designbyone.Com DGJM, Inc Diamondhead Land Services, LLC Diversified Projects, Inc Donna K. Arriola The Portrait Eagle Reservoir Services Edinburgh Petroleum Services

RJR Land Services, Inc

Surface Rental Equipment

RKT Operating, LLC

Susan B. Soape Pro Signs

RMC Surveying, LLC

Tammye J. Hudson

Ro Cip Equipment Specialists

Taylor Safety Consulting, LLC

Roan & Hoffpauir Surveying Co

TEC Well Service, Inc

Robert Allen Smith

Ted W. Walters & Assoc LP

Woodmark Energy Services, LLC

Robert’s Coffee & Vending Service

Tejas Hydraulics, Inc

Woolley Fishing Tool, Inc

Texas Flood LLP

Panola Company Jr Livestock Show

Rodney K. Hughes

Worthington Plumbing Co, Inc

Texas Glacier Rentals, LLC

Panola-Harrison Electric Co-Op

Rodney L. Wooten

WPI Consulting, LLC

Texas Pipe Works, Inc

Ronny E. White

Wrapmaster, Inc

Texas S&D Construction, Inc

Ronny’s Welding

WRC, Inc

Texoma Corrosion Services, Inc

Forge Systems, Inc

Ruiz Enterprises

Wren Oilfield Services

Texun Inspection

Forrest K. Foley

Rushing Machine Shop

The Bake Shoppe

Xpat Xtreme Pump & Testing, LLC

Frank J. Rosie & Associates PC

Russell Drilling Co, Inc

The Seasons

Youngblood Oil Co, Inc

Franklin Machine & Gear Co

Ruth Anne Lothrop Plemmons

Thed Easley’s, Inc

RWC Construction

Thomas E. Devaney

Congressional District 2

Geosight, LLC

Sabine Mud-Logging, Inc

Three D Janitorial Services, Inc

A2D Technologies

Geosystems LLP

Sabine Pipe, Inc

Advanced Integration Services

Sam L. Allison

Tico-Technical Installation Co, LLC

Greater Houston Limousine Service

San Augustine Tribune

TID Properties

Sand Hill Foundation, LLC

Toby Clabaugh

Sanford & Sons, Inc

Toledo Auto Care & Machine Shop

Oilfield Service Old School Services, LLC Omega Oilfield Services P&W Sales, Inc P6 Creations, LLC P6 Logistics, LLC Palmetto Services, LLC

Parko Consulting Pats Roustabout Service Paul D. Sparks Pbm Environmental Services Petro Safety Services, LLC PFM, LLC Phil Harris Consultant Pierce Construction, Inc Pilgrim Oil & Gas Technical Pipe Maintenance, Inc Pippen Motor Company PJ Petro Plemmons Family Investments Ltd Popcorn Place Port A Cool, LLC Potter Minton A Professional Predator Oil & Gas Services Premium Valve Service, LLC

SBL Systems, LLC Schlumberger Technology Corporation

Toledo Automotive Supply, Inc Tool & Hoist Specialties, Inc

Scott Enterprises

Torch Wireline, LLC

Scruggs, Inc

Torqued Up Energy Services, Inc

SD Twomey Trucking

Total Energy Heavy Haul Corporation

Winston Royal Guard Corporation Wireline, Inc Woodgate Centre, LLC

EGC Critical Components, LLC EGC Plastics Electra Link, Inc Electrotech Emissions Group, Inc Empra Entertainment Corporation Enviro Clean Ecs Envirosolutions Engineering LLC ETSG, LLC Faith Manufacturing. Co., Inc

Fusion Petro Technologies, Inc

Aitken, Inc Alitek Consulting All Microwave Center, Inc Allen Machine ATR, Inc Attoyac Construction, LLC Avasthi & Associates, Inc Axiom Medical Consulting, LLC Axiom Technologies, LLC

Gulf Coast Alloy Welding, Inc Gulf Packaging Hanks Oilfield Consultants, LLC Hawk Valve, Inc Helen Terry Henley & Associates, Inc Houston Barricade & Supply, LLC

Barringer & Assoc, Inc

Houston Drilling Management, LLC

Pressure Pumping Services

SDS Petroleum Consultants, LLC

Townley Lumber Co, Inc

BB&G Consulting, LLC

Houston Scale Co

Prime Tubulars, Inc

SEI General Contractors Ltd

Travis L. Booher

Bd Drilling Consultants, LLC

Humble Machine Works, Inc

Princess Three Operating, LLC

Sepra-Chem Corporation

Trendsetter Construction, Inc

Ianadav, LLC



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Infrastructure Networks, LLC

Seal Tech, Inc

Enerquest Corporation

Soil Express Ltd

Titan Downhole Tools LP

Inland Geoservices, LLC

Secure Confetti Shred

Fidelis Companies, LLC

Stackmatch Flare Ignition, Inc

TRC Rod Services of Oklahoma

Integrated Drilling Equipment

Secure Data Solutions, Inc

Foundation Fighting Blindness

Summit Controls, Inc

Trevor Boles

Intertek Resource Solutions, Inc

Shale Supply & Logistics, LLC

Future Energy Services

System Warehouse, Inc

Vaughan & Associates

Intertek Technical Services, Inc

Shear Bits, Inc

Genesis Systems, Inc

Tech Plan

Virginia Pat Keasler Taylor

I-Quantum Solutions

Southwest Impreglon, Inc

Geomap Company

The Center For American

J&W Engineering, Inc

Special Quality Alloys, Inc

Graco Oilfield Services

Tidelands Geophysical Co, Inc

W Wayne Reeves Independent Petroleum Landman

Jacqueline A. Powell

Specialty Oiltool Business

Hall 3011 Internet Ii Ltd

Turbotrac Systems

Jaynee Griffin

Steve Johnson Strike, LLC

Hardin International Processing, Inc

Votronics, Inc

Jeffcote Industrial Sales Co, Inc

W&M Environmental Group, Inc

Congressional District 5

John R. Farina

Swire Oilfield Services, LLC

Holubar Properties, Inc

William C. Long Jr

5J Oilfield ServicesLLC

JPL ConsultinglLP

Tartan Enterprises

K&M Technology Group

Team Oil Tools LP

Kane Environmental Engineering, Inc

Technical & Quality Solutions, Inc

KRJ Investments, LLC

Tetra Applied Technologies, LLC

Innovative Management Solutions, Inc

American Rail Service, LLC

L&S Cryogenics, Inc

Tetra Production Test Services, LLC


Billy Timmons

Larry Mcconnell

Texas Mastr Pump

Integrated Environmental

Bowie-Cass Electric Co-Op

Legacy Property Management, LLC

TGS GeologicaLProd & Services

Isc Sales, Inc

Dolan 717 Refrigeration Services, Inc

Mark A. Terry

The Metal Shop

John Flournoy Clifton & Sherry R. Clifton

Tobin & Associates, Inc

Kwik Kopy Business Center

Tessellations, Inc

Infosys Innex California, Inc Innovative Controls Solutions, Inc

James A. Hoffman

Washington Iron Works, Inc

Acid & Cementing Service, Inc

Congressional District 4

Adams Consulting

Aaron Huffman

Advantage Chemical, LLC

Bertrand Services, LLC

Affiliated Surveyors, Inc Air Chiller, Inc Anderson Hot Shot & Trucking, LLC Andrew Morris Barr Air Patrol, LLC

Duhon Consulting, LLC

Barron Consulting, LLC

Dun Transportation & Stringing, Inc

BC Henderson Construction, Inc

Ken Stubbs Consulting

Blake Well Logging, Inc

Torque Tools, Inc

Lasater James D.

Envir-Rowe Services, LLC

Bob Mitchell, Inc

Total Corrosion Service, Inc

Latitude Technologies, Inc

Ermentru Jenkins

Bullard , Inc

Transliquid Technologies, LLC

Madeline Bailey

Gap Solutions, Inc

C&R Machine, Inc

Tri Star Protector Service Co

Hatfield & Company, Inc

Canaday Jimmy

Trinidad Drilling LP

Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc

Cayuga Isd

TSPTP Company, LLC

Mario Sinacola Energy Services

Huffman Petroleum Engineering Services LP

Ultrafab Industries, LLC

Martin E. & Becky Shelton

Impact Selector, Inc

Nippon Engineering Products of

Micronet Communications, Inc

Industrial Electric

Chief Power & Drilling, Inc

USA Cross Energy Services, Inc

North American Survey Corporation

Variance Reduction Intl, Inc

New Paradigms Consortium, Inc

Intetech Consultancy, Inc

Venture Crew

North Texas Pipe & Steel, Inc

James J. Keenum

North Houston Valve & Fitting

Viking Oil Tools, LLC

Odyssey Information

James Michael Nelson

Nova Tech International, Inc

Warrior Technology Services, Inc

Panther IT

Lartex Services, LLC

Nudatum Software

Well Lifecycle Resources, LLC

Lone Star Tubular Service, Inc

Nutech Energy Alliance Ltd

Wellhead Water Solutions, LLC

Pattern Recognition Technologies

OD Inspections, Inc

Western Falcon, Inc

Paul A. Strief

Omicron Controls, Inc


Mainline Models (Thomas Bartzen)

Merit Oilfield Services Ltd Mid South Fabrication & Welding Mission Well Services, LLC Monico Moody International Americas, Inc NedCorporation New Tech Carr Environmental Group

The Global Edge Consultants

Pathfinder Navigation, Inc Performance Fluid Management USA Corporation Petracat Energy Services, LLC Pettigrew & Pettigrew Land Services

Pearson Watson Millican & Co, LLC

M/D Totco A Division of

Matthew A. Simpson PLLC

Performance Pipe Div

Mozelle Keasler Bicknell

Petro Harvester Operating Company

Multiphase Solutions Kenny, Inc

American Parks Company Americhem International, LLC

Petrotel, Inc

Congressional District 3

Applied Seismic Research

Phonenix Petro

PHK Consulting

Aquatic Recreational, Inc

Pickett Systems

Avatar Systems, Inc

Physical Systems Integration, LLC

Power & Compression Systems

Blade Energy Partners

Praxair Services, Inc

Blade Energy Partners Ltd

Precision Metal Components

Blue Star Pipe Ltd

Precision Solids Control, Inc

Burnett & Thomason

Precision Tubular Services, LLC

CDM Automation

Premier Corporate Housing

Collis & Company, Inc PC

Proforma Safety Internatioanl, LLC

Compass Partners, Inc

R.B. Machine Works, Inc

Contek Solutions, LLC

Redstone Golf Club

Coronado Minerals, LLC

Reese Colston Training, LLC

Dell Marketing LP

Repsol Services Company

Denbury Onshore, LLC

Respirex NA, Inc Safetech

Elite Construction & Fabrication, LLC

Scan Systems Corporation

Emerson Process Management

Comstock Oil & Gas LP

Plano Data, A Record Management Co

Olson Land Development OMI Crane Services Patricia Pillard Paul Ray Vititow Trucking Pinnacle Materials, LLC Pinnacle Recycling, LLC

Plano Petroleum, LLC

Queen Dorothy W

PQD International

Reliant Technologies, Inc

R.D. Installations, LLC

RW Shelton Services, LLC

Rapid Fire Transport, LLC

RWC Construction, LLC

Risktech-Hse, LLC.

Safety Mgmt Systems

Rockfluid Systems, Inc

SBM Farms, LLC

Running Gear Transportation

Scanalog, LLC

Safety Kleen Systems, Inc

SOS Consulting, LLC

SBS Security

Stevens Oilfield Services, LLC

Shelton Land & Cattle Company

Terrell Jenkins King

Sigmaflow, LLC

Terry L. Pillard

Six & Mango Equipment LLP

Tex Trail, Inc

Slate Creek Resources, LLC

The Thomas R. Brannon Trust

Cherokee County Appraisal Chris Mobley Coherent Technologies, Inc Compliant Paint Booths, LLC Convergent Results, LLC Curtis Glenn & Sherrie Thurman Custom Hose, LLC D&D Swabbing, LLC D&G Directional Drilling, Inc Davis Consulting Double B Hotshot Service, Inc Easley Oilfield Consulting East Texas Fire Extinguishers Ltd East Texas RW & Claims Services Effective Environmental, Inc Epic Industrial, Inc G&G Equipment Co, Inc GTI Energy Services, LLC Halloway Dan Haning Farm, LLC Hatfield & Company, Inc Hilton Services, LLC Horizon Petroleum Land Howard Measurement Co, Inc J&M Premier Services, Inc Jack L. Ward & Associates Jacobra Energy Services, LLC JMW Oilfield Consulting, Inc John M. Martin Jonathan Pierce


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Kenner Well Service of Palestine, I

E-Mc Electrical Contractors


Colston Safety & Training, Inc

JC Inspection


Excell Machine Co., Inc

Renee Koch

Conroe Pipe, Inc

JD Burks, LLC

Fluidic Techniques

Roywell Services, Inc

Conroe Welding Supply, Inc

Jes & Assoc, LLC


Specialty Maintenance Products, Inc

Cormorant Engineering, LLC

JK Protector Recovery Services, LLC

TPS Enterprises, LLC

Corporate Health Services Country Cousins Barbecue & Catering

John Bertling John D. Kievit

Craig S. Charbonnet, Inc

John Snook Consulting

Cru Logistics

Jones & Zwiener, Inc Broker Payment Professional Land Service

Measurement System Division Micar Transportation, Inc Michael O’Shaughnessy MKS Services, LLC NBR Sand, LLC Norman Lewis Barnhart

Furniture Solutions Gas Clip Technologies, Inc Indian Industries Indian Rubber

Whole Insights Psychotherapy Services W-Industries, Inc

P&L Rentals

Industrial Cleaning & Degreasing LP

Parker Petroleum Pros, Inc

Insala, LLC

Patrick Welding Shop

J&H Oilfield Services, LLC

Congressional District 8

PBMC Welding Services

Jacob Adams

5L Energy Services


Jesse David Crouch

A-1 Smiths Septic Services, Inc

Peer Pressure Washing

Mark Johnson

Accelerated Pump Services, Inc

Peoples Communication, Inc

Milton K. Weikel Jr

All American Wildcatters

Pioneer Well Services, LLC

Mycoskie Mcinnis Associates

Alliant Environmental, LLC

Potts Welding & Fabrication

National Pump & Compressor Ltd

Alltech Systems, Inc

Navarro County Electric Cooperative, Inc

American Well Control, Inc

Pumping Services, Inc QEC RNR Indstrial Services Sage Geodetic, LLC Sara Keasler Barnett Schiller Consulting, LLC Scott Andrews, Inc Surface Well Control, LLC T&R Services Telephone Directory of Tex, Inc Texas Cnc Machinery Sales

Northeast Service, Inc Northland Communications Oil City Iron Works, Inc Pan Tech Controls Co Payne Concrete Petroleum Graphics Premier Flow Control Schrickel Rollins & Assoc

Worleyparsons Group, Inc

CSC Interests, Inc Cudd Pressure Control, Inc Cude Oilfield Contractors, Inc Cylindrical Corrosion Barriers Intl, Inc

Derrick O. Watson

Kingsley Constructors, Inc

Detcon, Inc

Kirkland Crane & Rigging, Inc

Deyo Consulting Services, LLC

Knewman Engineering

Diamond Fab

Knights Inspection Services, LLC

Diamondback Service Management

Kodiak Gas Services, LLC

Aradia Consulting

Dixie Environmental Service Co LP

L&L Supply

Archer Directional

DJ Energycom Broker Fees

Argen Polymer, LLC

Drilbert Engineering, Inc

Art Architecture & Interior Design

Drilformance, LLC

Ashmin LC

Drilling Specialties

Assured Management Services

DSAL Consultants, LLC

Avante Services, LLC

Eagle Downhole Solutions

Axiom Medical Consulting, Inc

East Texas Oilfield Supply Co

American Maid AMS Par Consultants Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Toro Energy Services, LLC

Southern Oilfield Services, LLC

Axiom Process, LLC

Efird Corrosion Intl, Inc

Univar USA, Inc

Southern Packaging LP

BAQ, Inc

Ellwood Texas Forge Navasota

Wes Killion Construction, Inc Wkc, Inc

Spiral Binding Company, Inc

Barr Air Patrol, LLC

Entech Consulting Corporation

T&B Boiler, Inc

Bayer Engineering & Technical Sales

Epic Integrated Services, Inc

Beaver Pipeline Constrctn, LLC

Ergogenesis Workplace Solutions

Benge Consulting


Congressional District 6

The Pinnacle Corporation (Afallon)

ADI Services Ltd

Trac Work, Inc

Bertling Adventures LP

Flares & Stacks, Inc

Alpha Material Handling

Twisted S Services, Inc

Betsco, Inc

Ford Steel, LLC


Valley Roller Company, Inc

Big Dog Oilfield Services, LLC

Fossil Energy Services, LLC

Aqua Transfer & Energy Service, LLC

Waterborne Pumps, LLC

Bio Tech, Inc

Gauntt Earl Binney & Koen LLP

Watkins Construction Co, Inc

Bourque Data Systems, Inc

Arlington Utilities

Wear Master

Bourque Logistics

Global Fire Response & Safety, Inc

Armstrong Forensic Laboratory, Inc

Well Seals, LLC

Brianna Masterson

Williams Fire & Hazard Control

Buchanan Quality Services, LLC

Work Wear

Bulldog Wireline, Inc

Augustus Painting Co, Inc Blackmon Mooring Co Bradshaw Industries Bridgeport Switching, Inc Chalk Mountain Services of Chemguard, Inc Chemical Reclamation Services Christopher R. Scotese Clean Blast Services, Inc Computer Numerical Consulting ControLPower Products, Inc Corsicana Sign & Crane Corporation Cummins Southern Plains, LLC Dallas Cowboys Ticket Office Diammondback Industries, Inc Edward F. Janak Jr Cpss

Burnett Consulting, Inc

Congressional District 7 AA Consultant Amdur Law Office

Katch Kan USA, LLC Katch Kan USA, LLC

Thurman Transportation, Inc

T&S Products, Inc

Katch Kan USA, LLC

D&M Creative Custom Builders, Inc

Smith System Driver Improvement Institute, Inc

Will Parker Consulting

K&M Technology Group

Calscan USA, LP Campbell Security Solutions Canrig Drilling Technology Ltd Cas-Tech

H&H Services Helical Pier Systems, Inc Hi Tech Seals Higdon Construction, Inc HMT, Inc Hoss Cooley Construction Houston County Electric Cooperative, Inc

KB Wellbore Solutions, LLC

Kwik Kut, Inc Lariat Construction Services, Inc Larry G. Pichotta Leroy L. Manka Lewco Integrated Technical Lillian L. Yancey Linda R. Fox Long Air Conditioning, Inc Madisonville Service Contractors LP Mask International, Inc MGM Aurora Northstar, LLC MGM Northstar, LLC Mid-South Synergy Midway Oilfield Constructors, Inc Minco, Inc Moulinex Business Services, LLC Mpact Motors Mud Check, Inc National Oilwell Navasota Oilfield Services, Inc New M group, LLC Newalta Environmental Services, Inc Newfield Exploration Co Newfield Production Co Newpark Drilling Fluids, LLC NM Enterprises, Inc Nov Ctes LP

CB&L, Inc

Houston Drilling Management, LLC

CCB Intl

ICU Environmental Health

On Site Safety, Inc

Centex Supply

ICU Environmental Health

OWP Services

Chevron USA, Inc

Central Hydraulic, Inc

People Positive, Inc

Gotham Image Works, Inc

Chad & Adri Levang

ImperiaLPetroleum Recovery Corporation

Kenneth W. Cory Ltd

Chart Energy & Chemicals, Inc

Issga, Inc

Performance Fluid Management USA Corporation

Liebert Corporation

Chemtec Energy Services LLP

J&B Propane

Petrodaq, Inc

Moeller Mark S. MD

Chennault Services, Inc

J&W Engineering, Inc Jada Valve Service

Petroluem Measurement Equipment Company, Inc


Chevron Phillips Chemical Co LP

Petrostream LP

Cole Enterprises

James L Sharp III

Bridgeway Software, Inc Bud Griffin Customer Support Centerpoint Energy Houston Electric

OGC Consulting

Pettigrew & Pettigrew Land Services



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Phoenix Instruments

Technical Response Planning

Emtuk, Inc

Anthony E. Bellamy

Dolphin Resources, LLC

Polaris E&E Services, Inc

Tetra Technologies, Inc

Energy Power, Inc

AOI International, Inc

Doodie Calls Portable Toil

Ponds Welding Service

Texas Traditions Catering

Enerteck Corporation

AP Land Services, Inc

DPB International, LLC

Porous Media Corporation

The Aim Group, Inc

Envent Technologies, LLC

Aqua Texas, Inc

Dr. Clean Ice Machines

Poseidon Rentals, LLC

The Compliance Group, Inc

Associated Supply Company, Inc

DTI Diversitech, Inc

Praxair Services, Inc

The Directional Drilling Co

ESP Completion Technologies, LLC

Earthfield Technology, Inc

Precision Welding & Fabrication

The Global Edge Consultants, LLC

Firetron, Inc

Aubaine Supply Company, Inc Austin Chalk Petroleum Services

ECC Assn

The Oaks Group

Frontline Data Solutions, Inc

Autonation Ford Katy / Autonation Collision Center Katy


The Pride Services Co, Inc

Global Geophysical Services, Inc

Baggett Debbie Gene

Thigpen Energy L L C


BCD Inspection Services, LLC

Energy Operators LP

TJ Properties LC

Indepth Utility Solutions, LLC

Bestest, Inc

Total Depth Supply

Inova Geophysical, Inc

Total Energy Services, LLC

ITT Goulds Pumps, Inc

Beta Machinery Analysis Solutions LP

Tractbuilder, LLC

Jay Sutaria

Blue Sky Gas Treating, LLC

TRC Rod Services of Texas, Inc

John T. Jakubik & Associates, LLC

Bluebonnet Electric Coop, Inc BMP Enterprises, LLC

Tres Nueces Land Company, LLC

Legacy Landscape Management, Inc

Bobby Lehmann, Inc

Library Update Services

Regina Efferson Shealy

Tri Star Protector Service Company

Brad & Sons Construction Company, Inc

McCalvin Enterprises

Brent Tipton

Renegade Torque & Test

Trinity Steel Fabricators, Inc

Melancon Energy Products, Inc

Bridwell Limited

Richard Wayne & Roberts

Triumph Downhole Services

Neuralog, Inc

Bulls Eye Services, LLC

Rig QA International

Triumph Downhole Services

Nick Ochoa Jr

Cantu Strategic Services, LLC

Rigaku Americas Corporation

Tryco Machine Works, Ltd.

Puffer Sweiven LP

Carlton Industries, Inc

Rigqa International

Tubel, LLC

Pump Energy, Inc

Carmen Tyler

RJ Hopkins Consulting, LLC

Turbo Drill Industries, Inc

Roy J. Lecompte

CGG Services (US), Inc

Gregg Valdes & Associates Limited


United Casing Tubular Services

Ruhrpumpen, Inc

Chemily Management Company

Gulf Coast Measurement, Inc

Roadtran Express

Universal Inspection Group, LLC

Safety Tech Global Training

Cherie Salinas

Hathcock Trucking

Robbin & Meyers Energy Systems


Sage Rider, Inc

Hero Equipment, LLC

Vance Land, Inc

Shead Bren

Chris Saiz Point The Way Foundation

Vaught Investments Ltd

Straus Systems, Inc

Christine S. Reyna

Houston Tubular Service

Veriforce, LLC

Texas Analytical Controls, Inc

Verity Services, LLC

The Ammerman Experience

Waskom Well Service, LLC

Tracy Evans Productions

Savanna Energy Services USA Corporation

Weatherford Laboratories, Inc

Vanco Ring Gasket

Wellbenders Directional

Virgo Engineers, Inc

Schultz Geomatics

Wenzel Downhole Tool US, Inc

Watts & Allen, Inc

Score Solutions, LLC

Wilks Oilfield Products

Weinman Geoscience, Inc

Scout Downhole, Inc

Wrights Media, LLC

Wenaas AGS, Inc

Sep Texas Energy Services, LLC

Zekes Trucking Company, Inc

Shared Solutions & Services, Inc

Zoch Construction, Inc

Prodigy Staff Advisors, Inc Production Facilities Production Sciences, Inc Professional Directional Ltd Pro-Ject Chemicals, Inc Pro-Seal Lift Systems Protect Controls, Inc Ptech Drilling Tubulars, LLC Quality Consultants Quality Safety Edge R&M Energy Systems R360 ES Holdings, Inc

Rockwell Automation RoyaLPurple, Inc Ryler & Associates Satellite Data Communications, LLC

TRC Services of Texas, Inc

Shining Light Oilfield Services

Forum US, Inc.

CK Rental, LLC Clean Tank, Inc Comancheros Intl Consulting, LLC Commercial Electric Co Corporate Waste Solutions, LLC

STS Products

Communication & Emergency Prod

SVM Energy, LLC

Cougar Land Services, LLC

Swire Oilfield Services, LLC

CVI Solutions

Team Oil Tools LP

Dynamic Flow Computers, Inc

Inland Environmental & Remediation LP

Jayel Enterprises, LLC

Alan Wiggins

Coltec Industrial Products, LLC

Infinity Lock Systems, LLC

Jamison Products LP

Baro Holdings, Inc

Stringup Machine, Inc

Imagevision, Inc

James Tyler

Danette Ann Canion Separate Trust

Cheryl Victoria

Hunting Specialty Supply

J. Irwin Company Ltd

Alan Morgan

Strike, LLC

Hotcoat Systems Alaska, Inc

Cydell Pecht

Dalila Torres Martinez

Charlotte M. Strom

Golden Hawk, Inc

A&L Hot Oil Service, Inc

Air & Vacuum Process, Inc

Strategic Gaming Group LLC

GMS Contract Services, LLC

J&S Water Well Service

Barclay Wholesale Div. Brice Company

Carlton Staffing

Geophysical Explorer Ltd

CTI Oil Field Services, LLC

Dagen Personnel

Straight Shot Trucking Co

Gas Odorant Service & Supply LP

3D Technical Services, LLC

Advanced Graphics

Cannon Services Ltd

Gandy & Sons, Inc

ITS Engineered Systems, Inc

B&A Laboratories

Stooss U.S.A.

G&S Manufacturing, Inc

CS&P Technologies, LP

Congressional District 10

Ad Display Sign Systems, Inc

Brooks Instrument

Fraziers Aircraft Cleaning

Irma A. Flores

Ashcraft European Bakery

Stemcor AG

Flow Process Technologies, Inc

Courtney Timm Communications

Cypress Engine Accessories, LLC

Barry D. Payne & Associates, Inc

Financial Interfacing Solutions, Inc

IPT Global, LLC

Abrahamson Consulting, LLC

Steel Pointe Partners

E-Vironment LP

Country Waste, Inc

AMS of Houston, LLC

Startex, Inc

Eventsia Group, Inc

Cotton Logistics, Inc

Southwind Freight & Global Logistic

Stacie Bohn

Estate of Wayland W. Oatman

Integrity Inspection Services, LLC

Congressional District 9

Spectrum Sales & Services, LLC.

Ess Group, LLC

Cot Oil Tool, Inc

Sooner Container, Inc

Spartan Energy Services, LLC

El Rancho De Robertos LP

Aledo Environmental Services Alpha Services, LLC Altus Well Experts, Inc Ameresco Solar Solutions, Inc American Disposal Services, Inc Analytical Applied Sltns, LLC Andalusia Petroleum Services, Inc Anderson Lease Operating, LLC Anderson Oilfield Specialty LP Anderson WP, Inc

Data Workflows Corporation DBI Denise Mazurek Det Norske Veritas USA, Inc Diamond P Lease & Well Service, Inc

Jan Electric, LLC JDM Consulting, Inc Jennifer Rucker Jesse Allen Jim Gandy Rig Welding, LLC Joe Killins & Assoc, LLC John LPerez Jordan Team Jurat Software, Inc

Diamond W Production Services

JW Williams, Inc

Diamond W Trucking

Karen E. Narum

Digital Well File, LLC

Katy Spring & Manufacturing, Inc

Dimensional Prod and Serv

Kirie Martino

Discovery Acquisition Services, LLC

Krista Goodwin Ladonna M. Barnett


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Lake Laminating & Binding Co

Resolve Geosciences, Inc

Congressional District 11

Alor Trucking

Awesome Blossoms

Lampe Surveying, Inc

Response Group

1St Staffing Group USA


Aztec Metal Fabricating Co

Larry J. Seydler

Rex C. Griffin Griffin

24 7 Welding Services, Inc

AMA Manufacturing

B Line Filter & Supply, Inc

Larry R. Keller

Rhodes Performance Maintenance, LLC

2-Ds Oilfield Services, Inc

American Cleaning Systems, Inc

B&B Roustabout, Inc

3 Star Daylighting LP

American Compression

B&D Logging

3H Trucking, LLC

American Crane & Equipment

B&H Associates, Inc

3N Oilfield Services, LLC

American Legion

B&L Energy Services

4D Excavating, Inc

American Patrols, Inc

B&L Equipment, Inc

4Kings Vacum Trucking

American Production Services, Inc

B&L Oilfield Construction

American Rental

B&M Tool Company

Lesbia Desiree Ochoa LF Manufacturing, Inc Ligia Henriquez Lisa Kubiak Lola Ortiz Los Ambros Ranch LP Lost Circulation Spec, Inc Lynco, Inc Lyons Forge Innovations, Inc M&J Land Services Maleta Technologies LP Mangum’s Oilfield Services Ltd

Rhos, Inc Richards Hot Oil Service Robert C. Douglas RTS Marketing Research, LLC S&A Well ServicesInc Safe Case, LLC

8 A Professional Cleaning Services, LLC

San Bernard Electric Cooperative

A Bartlett Group LP

American Safety Services, Inc

A&A 1 Trucking, LLC

American Sales & Service, Inc

A&B Transport

American Wellhead Services, Inc

A&F Welding Supply, Inc 1

American X-Ray & Inspection Services, Inc

Santex Solutions Saturn Machine, Inc Scott J. Gordon Consulting, LLC

A&P Services, Inc

Mark III Plant Constrction Ltd

Shale Rental Equipment & Services

Marva Renee Lott Clack

Sharp-Rock Technologies, Inc

Maverick Field Services

South Texas Oilfield Service, LLC

Maxpro South, Inc

Star Concrete Pumping Co, Inc

AAA Septic Tank Cleaning

Miesner, LLC

Statewide Materials Transport Ltd

AAA Steam Service Aardvark Janitorial, Inc

Misley PC

Stuart Petroleum Testers, Inc

AAW Services, LLC

Mohawk Machine & Welding, Inc

Sulzer Pumps US, Inc

Abacus Computers, Inc

Moore Control Systems, Inc

Superall Environmental, LLC

Abbott Building Company

Morgan Petroleum Testers, Inc

Superior Power Solutions, Inc

National Welding Inspection School

Superior Safety Vision

Absolute Filtration Industries Corporation

NBC Oilfield Equipment, Inc

TCB Rental

Neac Compressor Service USA, Inc

Tecpac Plastics & Seals, LLC

Medford & Associates, LLC

Neal’s Dirt Construction Neumann & Esser USA, Inc Newpark Drilling Fluids, LLC Off Duty Services, Inc Omega Safety Training, Inc Orizon Industries, Inc P&L Testing, LLC Pathfinder Energy Services, Inc Patricia Schrum Patton Myhre Sourcing LP

Supreme Source Energy

Texas Geologic Services Texas Hot Oilers, Inc Tex-Brit Corporation Tex-Fab, Inc TGM Services, Inc The Response Group, Inc Thomas J. Pickens Tierra Fluids, LLC Titan Corrosion Services, Inc TJP Petrophysical Ventures LP

PDL Environmental, Inc

Tornado Combustion Technologies, Inc

Peerless Pump Company

TT Ranch Corporation

Peloton Computers Enterprises, Inc

TTI Marketing, Inc

Persohn Hahn Assoc, Inc Petrofitz Recruiting & Hr Pipeline Consulting Corporation of TX Platron Manufacturing Powerohm Resistors, Inc Precision Design Plus, Inc Precision Urethane Machine, Inc ProfessionaLProjects, Inc Proptester, Inc Pruitt Production Services, Inc Pumpco, Inc Quality Inspection Consultants, Inc Rayford E. Cooks Jr Rebecca T. Ricketts Refinery Specialties, Inc

A-1 Gasket & Industrial Supply A-1 Sign Engravers, Inc AAA Screw Machine Products

Absolute Fire Protection Absolute Investments, Inc Accel Compression, Inc Ace Specialties, Inc ACS Electric Act Equipment Company, LLC Action Energy Services, Inc Action Service & Electric Adobe Oilfield Services Ltd Adolfo Sanchez Welding Service Adrian Rios Cabello Adroit Welding, Inc Advance Cooling Towers Advance Fabrication & Measurement Advance Fabrication & Measurement, LLC

Americrane & Eqiupment, Inc Ameriflush Portable Sanitation Rentals

Amy Herring Anchor Bolt & Supply Co Andrews Bancshares, Inc Andrews Iron & Supply Andrews Safety Anchors, Inc Andrews Tire Service, Inc Angelo Pellets, Inc Angus Measurement Services LP

Basin Oilfield Sales & Supply Basin Safety Services, Inc Basin Testers, Inc BC Operating, Inc Bcck Engineering, Inc BCM & Associates, Inc B-Dun Trucking, LLC Bear Aggie Tech Belarco Industrial Cleaning, LLC

Annamerican Fasteners

Benmark Supply Company, Inc

Apex Signs

Benro Pump & Supply Co

Apollo Perforators, Inc

BHD Trucking, Inc

Apple Electrical Contractors, Inc

Big 3 Tire, Inc

Applied Industrial Technologies

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Applied Plastics

Big D Construction Company, Inc

Aprotex Corporation Aquariums By Sissy Arcadis U.S., Inc Arco Mobile Fire Extinguisher Arden Road Water Station Arguijo Oilfield Services, Inc

Asbestos Removal, Inc

Velocity IT Group, LLC

Assembly Tools Co

Advanced Stimulation

W.W. Oatman

Associated Supply Co, Inc

Affirmed First Aid & Safety

Walter Palen

Associated Well Services

Agri-Empresa, Inc

Web Fueled Technologies, LLC

Air Compressor Solutions, Inc

Auburn Operating Company, LLC

Welltec, Inc

Albritton Machine, Inc

Auden Ortega

West Engineering Services, Inc

Alex Navarrete

Aurora Cooperative Elevator Co

Whole Earth Environmental, Inc

Alexander Pest Control, Inc

Auto-Dril, Inc

Workstation Intergrations, Inc

Alford Water Cond, Inc

Worldwide Deepwater Solutions, LLC

Allbright & Associates, Inc

Automotive & Industrial Products Co

Allied Equipment, Inc

Basin Engine & Pump

Ann McGuire

Advanced Measurement Co

Zoch Consultants, LLC

Basin Energy, LLC

Bee Gee Construction

Advance Kwik Lube

Alliance Machine & Specialties, Inc

Basic Energy Services LP

Angus Proving Services, LLC

Urban Seismic Specialist, Inc

XPI, Inc

Basco Supply Co, Inc

Basin Machine & Manufacturing Co, Inc

Turnco, LLC

Alliance Field Services, LLC

Barnco, Inc

Basin Family Care, Inc

Aries Well Service, Inc

Wyatt H. Williams

Ballenger & Associates, Inc

Amtex Energy, Inc

Advance Fabrication Services, LLC


Bad Boy Express, LLC

Ameripride Services

Turboflex, Inc

Alliance Drilling Fluids, LLC

B&L Oilfield Construction, Inc

Armando Lara

Big D Equipment Company Big O’s Hot Shot Big Tex Trailer Manufacturing, Inc Bill Williams Tire Center, Inc Billy I. Gordon Billy Kidd Billy Morgan / Morgan Construction Bird Electric Enterprises, LLC BJ Electric Motor Service, Inc BJB Co BL Dale Black Pearl Energy, LLC Blackstar Energy Services Blakely Construction Co, Inc Blazin’ Safety & Consulting, Inc B-Line Filter & Supply Co, Inc Blue Quail Energy Services, LLC

Aveda Transportation & Energy Services

Blue Sky Agrisource, LLC

Averitt W T III

Blue Sky Weed & Pest Control

AVS Backhoe Service, Inc

Bob Gorman

Awalt Hot Oil Service, Inc

Bob Muncy Welding Service & Const, Inc

Blue Sky Energy Services




Catfish & Company

Cooks Engine Service, Inc

Decoty Coffee

Electronic Data Devices Co, Inc

Boomerang Trucking Diversified Lenders, Inc

CD Transport, LLC

Copeland Land & Cattle, LLC

Deer Services, LLC

Corchem Corporation

Delavergne Plumbing

Electronic Software Solutions, LLC

Boots & Coots HSE Services, LLC

Cecil Parker CED

Corey Sly Electrical Service, Inc

Del’s Fluid Calipers, Inc

Center Line Machine

Cornett Lease Operating

Delta Industrial Services


Corona Services

Delta Tech Automation Services

Elite Tool Rentals, LLC

Century Graphics & Sign, Inc

Corrosion Eliminators, Inc

Elizabeth M. Brown Trust B

Chad Jongeling

Corrosion Ltd

Des Desert Energy Services, LLC

Ellison Fluid Calipers, LLC

Chama Oil & Minerals

Cosi Energy Services, LLC

Desert Equipment, Inc

Emiliano Trucking

Chambers Delton

Cotton Bledsoe Tighe & Dawson

Desert Industrial X Ray LP

Encore Oilfield Services, LLC

Champion Hi-Tech Manufacturing, Inc

Cotton Keith

Desert NDT, LLC

Endeavor Energy Resources LP

Desk & Derrick Club of Midland

Endura Products Corporation

Channel Safety

Cottons Inspection Service, Inc

Desta Drilling LP

Energy Electrical Distribution Co

Chaparral Industries, Inc

Cottonwood Flats Fresh Water Station

Diamond Fleet Parts, Inc

Energy Worx, LLC

Chapman Services, Inc

Cougar Cleaning Equipment

Enerserv Services, LLC

Charts Ltd

Cowboy Capital

Diamond Pump & Transport, LLC

Chemical Service Co

Cox Services, LLC

Diamond Tank Rental, Inc

Engine Service & Supply Co

Cherokee Rental, Inc

Cox Water Services, LLC

Cherry Roy L III

CPS Welding Service

CHI Operating, Inc

Craft Office Systems, Inc

Discovery Logging, Inc

Chick Elms Grand Entry

Craig’O Services Diversified Lenders, Inc

Ditch Witch Southwest Diversified Solutions, Inc

Crane Tech

Dixie Electric, LLC

Circle C Trucking

Cresson Crossroads, LLC

D-Jax Corporation

Circle E Prod Sales & Service, Inc Security Business Capital

Crockett County Mining

DK Boyd Oil & Gas Co, Inc

Cross Plains Oil Field Supply

DLC Consulting, Inc

CJ Cleaning

Cross Texas Land Services, Inc

Donaldson Fire & Safety, Inc

CJ Energy, LLC

Cross Texas Supply, LLC

CJB Construction, Inc

Cross Timbers Fine

Don-Nan Pump & Supply Co., Inc

Classic Chevrolet Buick Pontiac GM Ltd

Crosshair Ltd

Byron Patterson Pump & Equipment

Classy Cleaning

Crude Consulting, Inc

C Hinton Enterprises Fishing & Rental Tools, Inc

Clydes Refrigeration

Border States Electric Bosque Enterprises, Inc Bosworth Co Ltd Bowden Construction Co Ltd B-P Supply, Inc BP Surface Solutions, LLC Brace Tool USA Corporation Brakes & Wheels, Inc Brenda J. Kyer Britt Trucking Co, Inc Brock Fresh Water Transport Broncs, Inc Brooks Ricky Brosigs Custom Taxidermy, Inc Browns Permian Elec Co, Inc Browns Training & Compliance Services, LLC Brunette Consulting, Inc BTA Oil Producers Buckeye, Inc Bulldog Specialties, Inc Burdett Trish Burn’s Welding Works Busta Transportation, Inc Busy Bee BW Industries, Inc

C&A Fabrication, LLC C&C Trucking, Inc C&L Answering Service C&R Oilfield Services, Inc Cabrito Ltd Cactus Tank Rental, LLC Cagle Fishing & Rental Tools Ltd Callender, Inc Cam Logistics Camellia Land, LLC Cameron Compression Systems Cameron International Corporation Cameron Measurement Systems Div Campbell Testing Co

Chick-Fil-A Christi’s Cleaning, Inc

Claydesta Buildings LP CM Webco, LLC Cmerek Supply, Inc CNL Services, Inc Coastal Valve Sales, LLC Cobos Electric Cobra Packers, Inc COG Operating, LLC Collier Consulting, Inc Com Pac Systems, Inc Commercial Ice Machine Co Commercial Radio Systems Complete Oilfield Services, LLC Composite Lining Systems LP Compressor Components, Inc Compressor Products International

Crown Equipment, Inc CSA Materials, Inc Culberson Construction, Inc Culligan Water of West TX, Inc Curt Doyle Welding Custom Cabinets of Stephenville Cutter Drilling Systems LP CVA Advertising & Mktg Ltd Cynthia Jean Charles Cynthia O Caldwell D&D Machine D&G Machine D&JD Services Ltd D&K Oilfield Services

Doug York Consulting Downhole View, LLC Drehy Ltd DRM Services, Inc DRP Dubose Drilling, Inc Duncan Disposal Duoline Technologies Lp DWC Consultants, Inc E&A Welding & Oilfield Service, Inc

Epic Well Services, LLC Erath County Livestock Erath County United Way Erath Iron & Metal, Inc Ervin Plumbing & Supply, Inc Ervin Well Site Consultants, LLC ESI Supply Esquaredi, Inc Etech Environmental & Safety Evans Joseph E III EXL Petroleum LP Exploration Geophysics, Inc Explosion Oilfield Vacuum Service, LLC Extreme Well Testing, LLC F&W Coatings F&W Coatings, Inc Fab Tech Drilling Equipment, Inc Fabco Industries, Inc Fabelas Restaurant Family Powersports Farmers Propane Fasken Oil & Ranch Ltd Fastenal Ferguson Douglas Fife Services

Dan H. Brown, Inc

Eastern Oil Well Service Company

Finish Master

Daniel Miller Danny’s House of Carpets


First Service Air Conditioning Contractors, Inc

Darville Air Conditioning

Eco Drip Irrigation Supply, Inc

Fisher Construction

David W. Rodgers

Eco-Logical Environmental Services, Inc

Fishing Tool Repair

Ecowaste Enterprises, LLC

Fitz Torque Convertors, Inc

Ed Jordon Painting

Fitzco Sound, Inc

EE Partners Ltd

Flatland Trucking, Inc

EE Partners Ltd

Flexrod, LLC

Eggelhof, Inc

Flotek Industries, Inc

EIG, Inc

Flow ControLProducts

EL Farmer & Company

Flozone Measurement Ltd

Conestoga Rovers & Assoc, Inc

Davis Gerald & Cremer PC

Caprock Laboratories, Inc

Consolidated Electrical Distributor

Dawson Geophysical Company

Consulting Environmental

DBI Sales & Service, LLC

Continental Products of Texas

DC Construction

Control Equipment, Inc

Dean Gillespie

Cook Compression A Dover Co

Debbie Bergen PromotionaLProducts

Cook Compression Ltd

Doug Ferguson Landman

Enviro Vat LP

Earl Weber

Caprock Communications

Catalyst Oilfield Services, LLC

Double Rocking S Services, LLC

Ensure Data Solutions, LLC

Dan Dudley & Associates

Capitol Oil Well Service, Inc

Caribbean Evaporation & Pump, LLC

Double R Oilfield Suppy & Repair

Engineered PL Systems, Inc

Eagle 731 Trucking, LLC

Concho Valley Electric Cooperative

Cardinal Surveys Company

Double R Instrumentation

Engineered Pipeline Services

DAJW Investments Ii Ltd

Canon & Sumner PC

Carbery Fabrication Co, Inc

Double H Services

Enertia Software

E&C Lopez Professional Janitorial

Compressor Systems, Inc

Caprock Title Midland, LLC

Dickson Process Systems Ltd

Elite Pipeline Services, Inc

D&R Windmill

Canada & Associates Safety Training, LLC

Concho Propane Co

Dickey Analytical Laboratory, Inc

Eli’s Trucking

DB Bits, LLC


Fite Fire & Safety


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Fluidic Technologies, Inc

Guyco Equipment, Inc

Hydraulic Sales & Service, Inc

Johnson Flying Service, Inc

Laser Depot

FMC Technologies, Inc

H&B Energy Services, LLC

Hydrotx Cleaning Services, LLC

Johnson Sheet Metal

Laughlin & Browder, Inc

Fort Land Services

H&H Field Services, LLC

I&A Oilfield Service, Inc

Johnsons Inspection Service, Inc

LCM Industries, Inc

Foss-Oil Energy Services

H&H Valve Services, Inc

I-20 Swd, LLC

Johnsons Urethane Foam

Leach Jim

Foster & Harvey PC

H&S Valve, Inc

Ignition Systems & Controls, Inc

Jolley Castillo Drennon Ltd

Lee M. Stratton Living Trust

Foster Water Station, LLC

H20 Mobile Wash

Impact Chemical Tech, Inc

Jonell, Inc

Lee Trucking

Four J’s Sales & Service Co

H2Oil Recovery Services

Impulse Electric Ltd

Four States Filtration Sys, Inc

H4 Construction, Inc

Indeco Industrial Electric Co

Jones Auidology & Hearing Center

Leek Fire & Safety Equipment, Inc

Frac Tank Rentals, LLC

Habitat Protection Fund

Jonezy Hot Shot Service

Lee-R’s Enterprise, Inc

Frac Tech Services Ltd

Halfmann Water Station

Industrial Automation Services, Inc

Jordan Wire Rope

Lenco Industrial Services, Inc

Frank Begley

Halili Properties, Inc

Industrial Communications, Inc

Jorge Sanchez Ley

Leonard Thomas Mcpeters

Freedom Tank Rentals

Hall Electrical Services

Josephine Lanelle Ard

Leo’s Window Cleaning

Freedom Tank Rentals & Manufacturin

Hamilton Oilfield Services, Inc

Industrial Insulation & Sheet Metal, Inc Industrial Parts Service Supply, Inc

Joy To The World Clown

Lewis Casing Crews, Inc

JRJ Transportation

Lewis Shirley

Jr’s Fresh Water Station

Lewis Trailer Ranch

JSJ Lee Trucking, LLC

LG Pump, Inc

JT West Texas Fence & Welding

LH Cathodic, LLC

Justin J Johnson Jr

Liberty Bit Service, Inc

JW Enterprise

Liberty Fishing & Rental Tools, Inc

Freeman Digahole, Inc

Hammerhead Oilfield Rentals, Inc

Freeman Trucking

Handy Randy Services

Frontier Mobile Housing, Inc

Hard Band Industries, Inc

Frost National Bank Trustee

Hard Eight Pit BBQ

FS Trucking, Inc

Hardwood Pallets of Odessa

Fts International Services, LLC

Harmony Home Childrens Advocacy Center

Fuel Mark, Inc Fullco General Machine Works G W Wireline, Inc G&H Controls, Inc G&K Trucking, Inc

Harris Christerfer C. Hart Construction, LLC Hatfield & Company, Inc Havara LP

G&RG Trucking

Hawk Portable Buildings, Inc

Gabes Casing & Laydown Service, Inc

Hayes Filtration Systems, LLC Haynes Consulting Service, LLC

Gaines Industrial Water, Inc

HBFMBG Energy Services, LLC

Garner Pump & Supply, Inc

Heap Eqiupment Company, Inc

Gary Hogg

Hebbronville Lone Star Rentals, LLC

Gasco Manufacturing Corporation

Hebna Corporation

Inter-American Oil Works, Inc Intrepid Directional Drilling J&B Trailers & Equipment, Inc J&J Oilfield Electric Co, Inc J&J Steel & Supply Co J&L Equipment J&P Trucking, LLC J&S Oilfield Services J&T Energy Services, Inc J&W Casing Inspection J&W Services & Equipment Co, Inc Jackie Wicks Jackson Hot Oil Service Jam Construction Jasper Engineering, Inc Jay Cooper Wilson Jaycar Energy Group, LLC Jaz Searchware Systems

Gasket Service, Inc

Hector M. Carrasco

Gate Link Services, LLC

Hector Sanchez Jr

GDL Industrial Electronics, Inc

Henderson & Erickson, Inc

GE Oil & Gas Esp, Inc

Hennessey Group
Hensleys Computer Cabling

Jennifer Parras

Hernandez Mike

Jerry’s Windshield Repair

Hexad Oil Company

Jesus Arias

Hi Tech Production Systems, Inc

Jet Specialty, Inc

Highland Artificial Lift Systems

JGT Construction Services

Highlander Environmental Corporation

Jimmy J Morris

Gemstar, Inc George Brothers Fabrication, Inc Gforce & Associates, Inc Gibson Oilfield Services, Inc Gifford TV & Electronics GlobaLPersonnel, Inc Gloria L. Gothard Estate Glover Service Co Golden Brew Coffee Service Gonzales Septic Service Gorilla Inspections GP II Energy, Inc Grabeth Sales & Service, LLC Grace Oilfield Services, LLC Grady Rentals, LLC Grand Rental Station Gray Surface Specialties & Consulting Ltd

Jean Burkholder Family Limited Jennifer Schlicke Carey

Hilliard Energy Ltd

JIS Measurement & Operating, Inc

Hill’s Kwik Printing

JJ’s Welding

Hinderliter Consulting

JK Red Dirt Rentals, Inc

Holloman Corporation

JL Henry Corporation

Hollowell W L

JMR Industries Ltd

Holy Moly, LLC

Jo Ann Pouns Boulter

Homestead Properties

Jodys Oilfield Service, Inc

Horizon Mud Co, Inc

John E. Teinert Performance Car & Truck

Hose Connections Hose Products, Inc Hot Lights, LLC

Great Basin Petroleum Service LP

Hot Rod’s Hot Shot Services

Greenergy Construction & Maintenance, LLC

HPF Consultants, Inc

GTG Automation, Inc

Hughes Oilfield Transportation, Inc

Guardian Wellhead Protection, Inc


Howard Casing & Tubing Huffman Company

Hy-Bon Engineering Co, Inc

John R. Leazar John Seifert Lawn Sprinklers John W. Caldwell Jr John W. Caldwell Sr Johnco Sales Co, Inc Johnson & Johnson Oilfield Services, LLC Johnson Bros Oil Co Johnson Clay

JW Powerline Construction JWB Consulting Services, Inc JWS Fabrication K Nevaeh Trucking K&S Electric K&V Water Services, Inc

Light Tower Rentals, Inc Lighthouse Energy Solutions Limestone Exploration II, LLC Liquid Energy Solutions, Inc Lizard Oil Field Services

Karon Allen, Inc

Lobo’s Services, Inc

Kathy Reeves Tax Assessor/ Collector

Logan Transportation, Inc Lone Star Gasket & Supply, Inc

Kay & Co

Lone Star Instrumentation & Electric

KC Engine & Pump, Inc Kelleys Controls, Inc Kelly’s Pipe Inspection

Lone Star Oil & Gas, Inc Lone Star Services

Kel-Tech, Inc

Lone Star Tank Rental LP

Kendrick & Son Inspection Co, Inc

Lone Star Trucking Lone Star USA Safety Showers

Kenneth B. Nolen

Lonestar Distribution, Inc

Kenneth R. Poole, Inc

Lonestar USA Safety & Training, LLC

Kenworthy Tank Rental, Inc Key Energy Services, Inc KHM Rentals, LLC Kinneth Doyle Welding Kinney, Inc Kiwanis Club of Stephenville Klassen Backhoe & Ditching Service KLP Blue Ridge LP KMI Fabricators, Inc Knighten Machine & Service, Inc Knox Oil Field Supply, Inc Kristyn Rose Photography KRP Rentals Kuykendall Bottom Hole Pressure, Inc KV Power L&R Bit Co Lacy & Co Property Mgmt Larry Baxter Larry Branch Consulting, LLC Larry D. Ballard Consulting, LLC Larry G. Phillips Larson & Associates, Inc Lary Archer & Associates, Inc

Long Ranch Long Star Trucking & Field Services Longhorn Custom Coating Co Longhorn Insulation Lonnie Burcham Lorettas Answering Service, Inc Los Caballos Veterinary Clinic LLP Lotus, LLC Lovell Lawn & Landscape, Inc LSIS, Inc LTD LTR Shelters, Inc Lubrication Service, Inc Luis Montoya Lynch Chappell & Alsup Lynco Distributing, LLC M&F Gauge Machine Shop Div M&H Installation&Service M&J Hotshot Service M&L Valve Services, Inc M&M Energex, LLC M&M Meter Service, Inc




Mid West Transport, Inc

Net Source, Inc

Palmer of Texas

Petroplex Acidizing, Inc

M. L. Phinney Distribution

Mid West Truck Center, Inc

NH Communications, Inc


Petroplex Heating & AC

Mack Energy Corporation

Midessa Consulting, LLC

Nicholas Consulting Group, Inc

Papasan Sally B.

Petroplex Pipe & Const, Inc

Madden Sales & Service

Midkiff John

Nicholas Melanie M.

Paper Trail

Phillips Larry G.

Magnolia, LLC

Midland Central Appraisal District

Nickell Lawn Care Service

Parks Water Station, LLC


Main Event Sports

Midland College District

Pate’s Hardware, Inc

Pierce Metals, LLC

Major Electric Co, Inc

Midland Energy Library, Inc

Nimbus Drinking Water Systems Ltd

Pinnacle Management LP

Manley Gas Testing, Inc

Midland Fire Extinguisher Co, LLC

Nipco, Inc

Pathtech, Ltd Patrick S. Duffy PC

Pinnacle Propane, LLC

Midland Lock & Safe, Inc

North 49 Band

Patriot Automation & Control, Inc

Pinnacle Seismic Ltd

Midland Map Company

North Texas Pressure Vessels, Inc

Patriot Premium Threading Services, LLC

Piper Surveying Co

Payton Plumbing, Inc

Platinum Pipe Rentals, LLC

Marcelo Bernal Marco Steel Maria Lusia Medrano Mark Mabe

Midland Pipe & Equipment, Inc

Norm Decon Services, LLC

Plains Enterprises, Inc

Midland Rockhounds Professional Baseball Club, Inc

Northwest Insulation Co, Inc

Midland Roustabout Service, Inc

Nspect D, LLC

Marks Water Well Service, Inc

Midland Safety & Health Sales & Service, Inc

Ntact Constructors Ltd

Martel’s Machine Shop, Inc

Midland Sample Library

Ntact I & E Ltd

Peak Completion Technologies, Inc

Martin Water Laboratories, Inc

Midland Shuttle Services, Inc

Oasis Fresh Water

Peak Pressure Control, LLC

Martins Gas Testers & Rental

Midland Winnelson Co

Oasis Weed Control, Inc

Pecofacet US, Inc

Pradon Construction & Trucking, Inc

Martins, Inc

Midwest Inspection Services

Ocean Blue Commercial Cleaning Service

Pelican Bay Trading Co, Inc

Pre Mac, Inc

Master Corporation

Mid-West Trust

OD Rental

Pennell & Marlowe Land Surveyors, Inc

Precision Coatings, Inc

Master Pumps & Equipment Corporation

Miguel Ronquillo

Odessa Concrete Properties, Inc

Mike A. Burkholder

Odessa Fence Company

Performance Chemical Company

Precision Flow, Inc

Mike Hancock

Odessa Nut & Bolt, Inc

Mike Mitchell Petro Communications, Inc

Odessa Packer Service, Inc

Markco Machine Works, Inc Marks Crane & Rigging Co Ltd Marks Hot Shot Service, Inc

Master Truck & Trailer, LLC Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc Matthew W Faudree Jr 2001 Trust Maverick Field Service, LLC Maverick Testing Laboratories, Inc McAfee Family Limited Partnership McAfee Machine, Inc McClatchy Brothers, Inc McCreless Co McCW Services, LLC McDonald 7V Ranch, LLC McDonnold Operating, Inc MCF Maintenance McGuire Industries, Inc McJunkin Red Man Corporation McKay Equipment Co McKinney Machine MCM Elegante MCO Construction Measurement Testing Service Mechanical Equipment, Inc Mechanical Seal & Service, Inc Medley Material Handling

Nova Training, Inc

Mike Taylor

Odessa Pumps & Equipment, Inc

Milco Real Estate LP

Odessa Separator, Inc

Miller Safety Consulting Services, LLC

Officewise Furniture & Supply

Mims Plant Leasing

Oil Lift Technology, Inc

Mineral Wells B & PT, Inc Mitchell Analytical Laboratory, Inc Mobile Analytical Laboratories, Inc Monroe Properties, Inc Morco At Mortex, Inc Morenos Welding Moroles Consulting, Inc Motion Industries Motley Services, Inc MPS Enterprise, Inc MTN Energy Operating, LLC Mudsmith Ltd Multi-Chem Group, LLC Mustang Equipment LP Mustang Hot Shot Mustang Mud Company Mustang Well Service, LLC

Oil Dog Pipe Rentals LP

Permian Anchors, Inc Permian Basin Area Foundation Permian Basin Geophysical Society Permian Basin Metallurgical Laboratories

Portable Mud Systems, Inc Power Line Infrastructure Services

Precision Controls & Fabrication Precision Hydraulic Technology, Inc Precision Lining Systems, LLC Precision Pipe Coatings Precision Pressure Data, Inc Preferred Personnel, Inc Premac, Inc

Oil Works Supply, Inc

Prestigious Event Rentals

Oilwell Hydraulics, Inc

Permian Bit Service, Inc

OK Trucking

Permian Demolition Services, Inc

Olivas Electric

Permian Enterprises Ltd

Omega Production Service

Permian Equipment Rentals, LLC

Omega Treating Chemicals, Inc OMI LP Onda Lay Pipe & Rental, Inc One Star Trucking, Ltd Onyx Contractors Operations, LP Optical Depot Original Services, Inc Orkin Orlando Hernandez Ortloff Engineers Ltd

Out Yonder, LP

Napa Auto Parts

Outpost Communications, Inc

Metal Fab Products, Inc

Napa Auto Parts Cleburne & Hood County

Overhead Door Co of The Permain Basin

Metal Specialties, Inc

National Heating & Plumbing, Inc

Overhead Door Company

Meter Proving Service, Inc

National Ms Society

Owen Surveying Company

Metering & Testing Services, Inc

Natural Gas Services Group, Inc

Ox Bow Ranch Ltd

MH Reed Trust 3

P&P Oilfield Services

Mica Tool & Turbulator

Natural Gas Society of The Permian

Michael Cisneros, Inc

Neal Guthrie Companies, Inc

Michael V. Shelton, Md, Pa

Neal Pool Rekers

Pace Oilfield Services, Inc

Mid Tex of Midland, Inc

Neff Rental, Inc

Metal EFX, LLC

Performance Lift, Inc

PM Trucking

Permian Basin Petroleum Association

Oil Raiders Logistics, Inc

Nabors Well Services Ltd

Mesquite Oasis RV, Inc

Peak Commuications & Security

Plungers & More, LLC

Premier Parking Company, Inc

MW Fab Ltd

Mesa Irrigation Co

PBP Fabrication, Inc

Permian Basin Office Products, Inc

Otis Opportunity To Improve Standards

Meister Industries


P2 Construction, Inc Pal-Con, Ltd

Permian Machinery Movers, Permian Petroleum Services, Inc Permian Power Tong, Inc Permian Premix Pits LP Permian Production Equipment, Inc Permian Pump & Supply Permian Rig Components, LLC Permian Rod Operations

Premier Wire Fence Ltd Price Petro Services, Inc Price-Tac Insulation Pridemores Oilfield Consulting Primivito Valdez Printer Solutions Priority Power Management, LLC Pro-Communications Prod Specialty Services Production Lift Systems, Inc Production Specialty Services, Inc Professional Communications Professional Drafting Service

Permian Sales, Inc

Professional Janitorial Services of Midland, Inc

Permian Submersible Equipment, LLC

Progressive Controls

Permian Tank & Manufacturing, Inc Permian Tank Company Permian Trucking & Hot Shot, LLC Permian Valve Repair, Inc Perry Equipment Corporation Personnel Service Petro Communications, Inc Petroleum Club of Midland Petroleum Educational Services Petroleum Strategies, Inc

Progressive Sales, Inc Progressive Waste Soluctions of Tx Propane Direct Enterprises, LLC Propetro Services, Inc Pro-Velocity Energy Services, Inc Puckitt Drilling & Supply, Inc Pump Energy, Inc Pyote Water Systems, LLC Pyramid Industrial Supply Pyramid Instrumentation & Electric Corporation QPC3 LP


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Quail Energy Services LP

Robert Novak

Shaneda, Inc

Stephenville Lions Club

Testamerica Laboratories, Inc

Quality Logging, Inc

Rock Falls Trucking,Inc

Stephenville Medical


Quality Tubular Inspection

Rock Tool Co

Sharon K. Eady Succ Ttee of The Eady Family Trust

Tetraco, LLC

Quantum Machining, LLC

Rockin D Hydraulic Services

Sharyland Utilities, LP

Stephenville Printing Co Stephenville Recreation D

Quantum Sales, Inc

Rockpointe Resources, Inc

Texas Communications of San Angelo, Inc

Quickshot, Inc

Rod J. Macdonald

Quinn Pumps, Inc Div Quinn Oilfield Supply Ltd

Roel Rogelio De Los Santos

Quiroz Construction R&D Vacuum Service, Inc R&V Cleaning Services Raider Electric Feed Thru

Rolltex, Inc Romtech Services Roper, Inc Rose Plumbing & Septic

Shaw Interests, Inc Shawn Cason Welding Shelton Oil & Gas Co, Inc Sherri D. Searcy Sherwin Williams Co Shoe Bar Ranch, Inc Shores Lift Solutions, Inc Siana Operating, LLC

Ramos Trucking

Rosses Hotshot & Forklift Service

Ramos Tubing Testing, Inc

Rotary Equipment Sales

Sierra Petroleum Services Ltd

Rance & Breanna Barnes

Roundhouse Electric & Equipment Co, Inc

Silvas Roustabout Services

Ranch & Oilfield Construction, Inc

Sierra Engineering, LLC

Stewart Tank Stewart Welding & Machine, Inc Stockman Seed Stoehr Wire Rope Stone Welding, Inc Stubbeman McRae Sealy Submersible Technical Service Subsurface Library Sulzer Aktiengesellschaft Sun Electric Services, Inc

Texas Fabco, Inc Texas Pest TG Tanks The Airport Service The Bosworth Company Ltd The Cleaning Lady The Darville Company The Pipeline Liner Company Ltd The Shoe Department

Sun Tubular Services, LLC

The University of Texas System

Sunbelt Rentals Oil & Gas Services

The Water Shop Thermal Scientific, Inc

Sunset Well Services, Inc

Third Hand Field Services

Superior Controls, Inc

Thomas R. Craddick

Superior Powder Coating

Thompson Field Services, Inc

Superior Welding, Inc

Thompson Laydown Machines

Sure Shot Hot Shot, LLC

Three Cowgirls Cafe

Surface Oilfield Rentals, LLC

Tier Services, LLC Tindol Construction, LLC TMP Truck & Trailer

Roxwell Downhole Tools

Silverado Contractors Corporation

Ranger Field Services, LLC

Roy Lacy

Sivalls, Inc

Raslers Range LP

RR Service Co., Inc

SIW Pipe & Supply, Inc

Rawson, Inc

R-S Swinney, Inc

SKG Engineering, LLC

RB Inspection, Inc

RTC Consulting

Slater Controls, Inc

RB Testers of Big Spring, Inc

RTO Sales & Leasing, Inc

Slingshot Supply, Inc

RBJ & Associates, LLC

Rudy Ortiz Welding Service, LLC

Slough Equipment Company

Recip Service & Supply

Russell K. Hall & Associates

Smith Cattle Co

Red Dirt Rentals, Inc

Rusty’s Oilfield Service Co, Inc

Smith Industries, Inc

Surf-Frac Wellhead Equipment Company, Inc

Red Stone Operations, Inc

RWI Construction, Inc

Smith Pulsation Equipment Co

Suttles Logging, Inc

Red-D-Arc, Inc

Rybree Services, Inc

Smith Resources

SV Reliable Transport

Reed Boyd Enterprises

S&S Gate Services, LLC

Smith Stanley T.

SV Reliable Transports, LLC

Reed Fiberglass, Inc

S&T Enterprises

Smith Supply

SW Fluids, Inc

Reef Services, LLC

S&T Janitorial Service, LLC

Snelling Staffing Services

Swabbing Services, Inc

Ref-Chem LP

Saddle Rags

Snelsons Natural Gas

Swagelok West Texas

Relay For Life

Safety Automation Technology, LLC

Sodexo, Inc


Safety Instrumentation, Inc

Solar Injection Systems, Inc

Sweet Shindigs

Sonco Electric Company, Inc

Symco Structural, Inc

Sonic Petroleum Service

Synergy Pump & Equipment LP

Southwest Disposal Service, Inc

Synergy Services, LLC

Total Electrical Service & Supply Co Tessco

Southwest Linen Service

Synetra, Inc

Total Field Services, LLC

Southwest Microbial Solutions, LLC


Total Logistics Corporation

Southwest Specialty, Inc

T Verne Dwyer T&C Wholesale, Inc

Total Office Solution of West Texas

Remote Gas Analysis & Logging Remote Safety & Recovery Sys Renegade Well Services Ltd Resource Mgmt Grp Reveal Inspection & Services, Inc Revolution Industrial Services, LLC Reynolds Brothers Reproduction Ltd RF Dump Truck Service, LLC RF Oil & Gas, LLC Rhino Rentals, Inc Rhodes Operating, Inc Rhombus Operating Co Ltd Ricardo Ortega Ricky Carrasco Ricky Estoll Ricky L. Cunningham Ricky New Tanco Construction, Inc Rig Power, Inc Riggs Machine & Welding Ringo Drilling I LP Rino K&K Compression Ltd Rio Services Rising 7 Logistics, LLC Rising Star Services LP RK Pump & Supply Robbins III WB Robert Hart

Safety Solutions, LLC Salazar Services & Trucking Corporation Sals Automotive Repair Saltel Industries, Inc Samson Corporation Sanjan Hot Shot & Transport, LLC Sanjan, LLC Santa Rosa Fresh Water, Inc Santo Water Supply Corporation Saulsbury Industries SBC Energy Services, LLC Scott Measurement Service, Inc SD Baker Company

Soza Construction, Inc Sparks Engine Service Spearman Radiator Supply, Inc Special Core Analysis Laboratories, Inc Specialty Equipment Co Speed Specialty Spencer Clyde T

T&E Services, Inc T&G Oilfield Consulting, Inc T&N Trucking, Inc T&T Transports, Inc Talajak, Inc Tall City Well Service Co LP Tank & Vessel Builders LP Tarleton State University

Seaboard Oil Co.

Spirit Global Energy Solutions, Inc

Secured Document Shredding, Inc

Sport Environmental Services PLLC

Tartan Controls Corporation

Security Business Capital

Square One Machine

TC Consulting, Inc

Selman & Associates Ltd

Star Electric Company of Texas

TC Consulting, Inc

Sergio Cervantes Sr

Stark Surveying, LLC

TC Safety, Inc

Sergio Rodriguez

Stealth Completion Services, LLC

TCT, Inc

Service Office Supplies, Inc SES Oilfield Acquistionsinc Sewell Ford, Inc Shade Shop Shale Energy Specialties Shamrock Steel Sales, Inc

Stealth Oilwell Services, LLC Stellar Oilfield Rentals, LLC Stephenville Economic Stephenville Empire Tribune Stephenville Floral

Tarpon Pipe & Supply LP Taurus Manufacturing

T-Dub Trucking, LLC Teague Welding

TKB Sales Toc Trucking Todpat, LLC Tom Claybrook Consulting, LLC Tom E. Lee Trucking Tom Thorp Transports, Inc Tommy White Supply Co, Inc Tonys Welding Top Roustabout & Backhoe

Total Operations & Production Services, Inc Tracer Inspection Co Tracon Enterprise, Inc Trans Pecos Trucking LLP Transglobal Services, LLC Trans-Pecos Electric Coopertive TRC Rod Services of Texas Treadwell Photography T-Rey Properties, Inc Tri M Investments, LLC Tri R Services, Inc Trinity Co2 Supply, LLC Trinity Pipeline LP Triple D Rental Tools, LLC Triple L Service Triple M Machine

Team Co2 Holdings, LLC

Triple S Oilfield & Construction, LLC

Team Management

Tripp Construction, Inc

Techwell Surveys Corporation

Trnco Petroleum Corporation

Tessco Energy Services, Inc

Troy Vines, Inc



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Truesdell Equipment Co

Walters Metals

William J. Edwards

Bodycote Fort Worth

Double C Services

Tucker Water Pump Sales & Service

Warren Cat

William P. Jones

Bopco LP

Downtown Fort Worth, Inc

Tumbleweed Express

Warren Power & Machinery, Inc

Williams Paving & Excavation Inc

Bosque Disposal Systems, LLC

Dralco Systems, LLC

Water Cleaning Services, LLC

Wilson Land Surveying, Inc

Brashier Crosby P LLC


Water Logistics, LLC

Wilson Systems, Inc

Brazos Rock, Inc

Dunaway Associates LP

Water Tech, Inc

Wireline Services, Inc

Bryan Trucking

Ecolab Food Safety Specialties

Waters & Waters Services, Inc

WLP Energy Services, LLC

Buffalo Oilfield Supply, LLC

Edge Barnett Operating

Watkins Metal Fabrication, Inc

WLP Rental LP

Buffalo Oilfield Supply, LLC

Eggleston Flowers & King LLP

Watson Packer, LLC

WLP Well Service LP

Burnett Oil Co Custody

Elton M. Hyder Corporation

Watson Professional Group, Inc

Wolf Bone Ranch Partners, LLC

C&A Contractors, Inc

WC Hamilton Engineering, Inc

Workhorse Manufacturing, Inc

C&C Gates

Emergency Fire Protection Systems, Inc

Weamco, Inc

Wrights Ice Service

Weatherford Surface Logging Systems

WTG Fuels, Inc

Cain Electrical Supply Corporation

Txam Sales

Weir Mesa Odessa Plunger Service Division

WTH, Inc

Tyco Petroleum Services, LLC

Well 2 Web, Inc

Tylpropance, Inc

Well-Foam, Inc

Tyner Land Solutions, LLC

Wellhead Works, LLC

Ultra Premium Oilfield Services Ltd

Wellsite Automation, LLC

Umc Automation

Wesley Hodges Ranch

Turbine Meters & Kits Turbines Inc Odessa, LLC Turf Specialties, Inc Turner & Fuller Turtle Dirt Works, Inc Twilight Services, Inc Twin Cities Technologies Two R Farms, Inc Two Rivers Pipeline & Construction TX Industrial Automation

UMC Automation & Compression Unicom Services, Inc Unifirst Unifirst Holdings, Inc United Cooperative Services United Drilling Fluids, LLC United Fuel & Energy Corporation United Industries, Inc United Pump & Supply, Inc Unitex Wireline Service Universal Valve Co, Inc University of Texas University of Texas System

Wes Tex Vacuum Service, Inc Wesley Overton

Venture Mud LP Venture Services, LLC Veritas 321 Energy Partners LP Versatile Oil Tools, LLC Vico Safety Solutions Viking Coil Tubing, LLC Villa & Sons Construction, Inc Vince Daddio Construction, Inc Vista Sand Vital Signs Viva Well Servicing Co LP Vuelvas Johnny J. VVP Trucking, LLC W&W Energy Services, Inc Wadeco Specialties, LLC Waldrop Construction Co, Inc Walsh Equipment Co, Inc

Xtreme Hotshots

Cantey Hanger LLP Caprock Energy Services, LLC Cardinal Custodial Service Central Parking System Challenger Process Systems Co Chappell Supply of Texas

YT Ranch

Charles Minze

Congressional District 12

City Center Development Co LP

2010 Midland Properties Jv

West Texas Boring Co, Inc

4A Energy Advisors, LLC

West Texas Consultants, Inc

Charles R. Meeker Trust Cobb Rental & Equipment Collins Window Cleaning

Envirocleanse Operating, LLC Equipment Depot Ltd ERAD, Inc Extreme Engineering Extreme Engineering F B Mcintire Equipment Co, Inc Fas Line Sales & Rentals, Inc Fas-Line Fluid Services, LLC Fifth Avenue Greenhouses, Inc Finley Resources, Inc Five Star Measurement

Communication Concepts

Fort Worth Bolt & Tool Co Fort Worth Crushed Stone, LLC

4L Oilfield Services, LLC

Completion Industrial Minerals, LLC

Fort Worth Gear & Axle, Inc

West Texas Drum Company, Inc

A Ary Co

Conatser Site Services Tx LP

Fort Worth Water Department

West Texas Fire Extinguisher, Inc

A&P Painting

Fossil Creek Realty, Inc

West Texas Gas, Inc

AAA Well Service, LLC

Consolidated Electrical Distributors

West Texas Industrial Engines, Inc

Absolute Noise Control, LLC

Con-X-Tions Answering Service Cooper Supply, Inc

Frisbie Electric Co, Inc

Acme Tent & Awning

West Texas Inspection Services

Affordable Fencing

West Texas Oilfield Trucking Co, Inc

Agvantage Farm & Ranch

Core Well Consulting Group, LLC

West Texas Safety Training Center

Westair - Praxair Dist

Vaughan Consulting Group

Xpress Trucking, Inc

West Texas Abstract & Title Co

US Postmaster - Midland Mailing Requirements Clerk

Vaquero Services LP

X Stream Manufacturing

1St Propane North Texas, LLC

West Texas Water Well Service

Van Corporation

Wyze Solutionz

West Company of Midland, Inc

US Chaparral Water Systems, Inc

Utex Industries, Inc

WTG Gas Marketing, Inc

Energy Construction Management

West Texas Windshields Westech Seal, Inc

Allied International Emergency, LLC Allied Waste Services of Fort Alpha Omega Water Well Alpha Tank & Pump American Assn of Professional

Creek Oilfield Services In Crest Pumping Technologies, LLC Crestview Farm 250 LP CRR Communications, Inc CTI Energy Services, LLC Cummings Electrical, Inc

Western Cathodic, Inc

Anne Evelyn Swenson 2006 Trust

Western Falcon

Aramark Uniform Services

Cynthia Siegel

Western Repair Service

Armada Pressure Control, LLC

D&D Power, LLC

Western Slope Oil Services, LLC

Armet Dale Street LP

D&G Enterprise

Wes-Tex Vacuum Service, Inc

D&G Enterprise

Westex Well Service LP

Ashley Automation & Technology, Inc

Whirlwind Trucking, Inc

Atlas Barnett, LLC

Daniel L. Penner

Whiteye Enterprises

B&B Gas Well Services, LLC

Danny Ratliff & Suzan C. Ratliff


Bar S Dozer Service, LLC

Davids Western Store

Whitlock Instrument

Base22, LLC

Dawson Energy, LLC

Wide Open Trucking, LLC

Baseline Energy Services LP

Wight Bill

Basic Energy Services LP

Deborah Jackson Revocable Trust

Wilco Building Partners, Ltd

Bat Custom Trailers, Inc

Decatur Civic Center

Wildcat Oil Tools, LLC

Bettis Environmental

Decatur Tire Store, Inc

Wildcat Operating

BH Planning & Design, Inc

Wildcat Services, Inc

Billy J. & Ernestine Graham

Dec-Dunns Electrical Construction

Wilkerson Hot Shot Service

Black Diamond Hot Shot, LLC

Wilkerson Oilfield Service, Inc

Blackheart Consulting, LLC

William C. Humble & Barbara Humble

Bobby Odell Ralls Jr

William Cummins Cole

Bobwhite Service, LLC

Bobby Watts Excavating, Inc

Cyclone Services, LLC

D. Reynolds Company, LLC

Freese & Nichols, Inc Ft Worth Star Telegram Ft. Worth Aluminum Foundr FTS International Services, LLC FX5 Construction & Excavation, Inc Geo Exploration Service, Inc Geomatic Solutions, Inc Gl Seaman & Company Green Equipment Company Guerra Sherwood Ward & Ylanan H2X, LLC Hall Sons, LLC Halo Coatings, LLC Harbison Fischer Hecate Software, Inc Higgs Electric Ltd High Plains Services, LLC Hi-Tech Inspection Services, Inc Holland Services Holmes Auto Supply Hose Tech Howard Supply Company Howell Oilfield Enterprises, LLC Icopy Print & Office Supply

DEI Transportation

Ideal Pest & Lawn

DFW Movers & Erectors, Inc

Iesi Justin

Diamond Food

Integrity Directional Services

Diverse Transportation, LLC

International Wood Industries

Dot Solutions, LLC

J.P. Bowlin Company, LLC Jamie French Construction, LLC



Platinum Control Technologies

Spm Flow Control, Inc

V&V Labs, LLC

B&B Safety Services, LLC

JDJH Enterprises

PMI Pump Parts, LLC

SPM Flow Control, Inc

Van Z&T Supply Ltd

B&C Portable Toilets, LLC

Jea Hydrotech Engineering, Inc

Polaris Services, LLC


Vanderra Resources, LLC

B&G Electric Company

Jeramy Brent Barrett

PPI Technology Services

Steel Inspectors of Texas, Inc

Vann Energy Services, LLC

B&G Power Equipment

Jetta Operating Company, Inc

Precision Audio

Stultz Oilfield Services, LLC

Vaprox, LLC

B&R Machining Services, Inc

JK Enterprises

Precision Energy Services, Inc

Summit Casing Equipment

Veracity Land Services, LLC

Bar H Land & Title Services, LLC

JMB Cruz Trucking

Principal Environmental, LLC

Summit Energy Services, Inc

Victory Awning, Inc

Bartlett Lumber

JMB Transport

Principle Energy Services

Summit Laydown Services, Inc

Viking Family Partners LP

Basic Energy Services

Joseph Robert Keasler

Probe Technology Services, Inc

Superior Optimization Ltd

Vural Law Firm PLLC

Basin Tool

Joslin Consulting, LLC

Production Services Group

Superior Plastics

VZ Environmental

Basin Tool Co

Judd & Jacks PLLC

Professional Polish, Inc

Supreme Parts Washer, Inc

Wahl Co, Inc

Beautech, Inc

Junction Industries, LLC

Progressive Waste Solutions of TX, Inc

T.G. Mercer Consulting Services

Walnut Creek Special Utility District

Beckman Well Servicing Company

Protect Environmental Services, Inc

Tarrant Construction Services

Waples Manufacturing

Bell Supply Co, LLC

Warner Radio & Communications, Inc

Biffle Water Well Service

Weatherford Truck Equipment

Bills Pest & Termite Ctrl, Inc

K&N Electric, Inc Kastner Land Services, LLC KCNKC, Inc Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP Kingdom Manifestors Intl Kleenco Services Kuykendall Enterprises, Inc Land Staff Associates, LLC Lenox Energy Services, LLC Lhoist North America of Missouri Inc Little Hoss Ranch Partners LP Logan Wilson Lone Star News Group Lone Star Transportation, Inc Longhorn Locksmith Maalt Transport Maalt LP MAH Maloney Technical Products Mary Frances Turner Trust Maverick Tractor Services, LLC Mazurek Alford & Holliday PC McCrory Oil Co, Inc McMaster New Holland Co, Inc Metroplex Products, Inc Metroplex Service Welding & Industrial Supply

Purple Land Management, LLC Purple Land Management, LLC Purvis Bearing Q Max America, Inc Qtran Corporation Quicksilver Resources, Inc Radio Shack Rainbow Chemicals, Inc Range Resources - Appalachia, LLC Raymonds BBQ RDA Solutions, LLC Reasons Group, Inc Recon Petrotechnologies, Inc Red Oak Water Transfer, LLC Red River Oilfield Services, LLC Reeder Distributors, Inc Rental One Rexel USA Rigdata Right Track Drug Screening Robert Melvin & Sheila Woody Rocking KT, LLC Rodeo Land Services, Inc

Midland Manufacturing Company

Roy F. Cole

Modern Heat Treat

Ryan Bose

Montex Drilling

Safeguard Data Storage

Morrison Supply Co

Sandford Oil Co, Inc

Morrison Supply Company, LLC

Schlumberger Technology Corporation

Motion Industries Mouser Electronics Murphy Mahon Keffler & Farrier MWS Electric, Inc NAC Services, LLC National Bolt & Industrial Supply NDE, Inc Nexeo Solutions, LLC Noise Attenuation Construction Norse Technologies, Inc Obrien Realty Advisors, LLC Ogburn’s Truck Parts Oil & Gas Information Systems Patriot Industrial Supply

Royer & Schutts, Inc

Schmalz Consulting Screens Plus, Inc Seely Oil Company Shield Engineering Group PLLC Shoppa’s Material Handling Ltd Silver Creek Materials Saltwater Disposal Well LP

Talem, Inc Tarrant Regional Water District TAS Environmental Services LP TC Casing Inspection, Inc TCP Services, LLC TD Oilfield Services, Inc Tdindustries, Inc Terminix International Co LP Teskeys Circe T Saddlery LLP Tex Air Filter Manufacturing Co Texas Crude Operator, Inc Texas Energy Control Products, Inc Texas Motor Speedway, Inc Texas Pythian Home, Inc Texas Refinery Corporation

Black Gold Pump & Supply, Inc

Wendy Terry

Black Sheep Oilfield Services, LLC

Western Exterminating Co, Inc

Blue Flame Rental, LLC

Whitney Smith Company

Blue Ridge Oilfield Rental, LLC

Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc

BMR Trucking

Wise-6 Enterprises Ltd

Bourland & Leverich Supply Co Ltd

Woolsey Oilfield Electric, Inc Work Wear Shoe & Safety XTO Energy, Inc

Boydston Oilfield Service Co Brammer Pipe & Steel, Inc

Texland Great Plains Water Supply Ltd

Congressional District 13

Bridgeport Automotive Supply

Texsand Energy Resources, LLC

3T Drilling

The Community News

7B Roustabout

The Marcuse Companies, Inc

A&T Yard Service, Inc

The Sherwin Williams Co

Ace Commercial Radio

The Strickland Group, Inc

ACS Cleaning Solutions, LLC

Thomas Ed Cole

Alan Ritchey, Inc Tank Truck

Throckmorton Properties, LLC

Bridgeport Tank Trucks, LLC Rentals

Alexander’s Grocery & Deli

Tim Morton DVM PLLC

Brocks Weed Control, Inc

Allied Production Solutions LP

Tim Spoonemore

Bruckner Leasing Co, Inc

TJ Machine & Tool Ltd

Allred Construction Company, Inc

Busy Bee’s Cleaning Services

TLC Landscape & Irrigation

Allstate Security Industries, Inc

TNT Industries, Inc

Always Unique Floral & Gifts Teehee, LLC

Topographic Land Surveyors Trac-Work, Inc Transglobal Services, LLC Tri-County Electric Coop Trident Water Services, LLC Trinity Safety Supply Triton Water Transfer, LLC TSD Crane & Rigging TXD Transport LP

South Texas Syndicate

Ulterra Drilling Technologies LP

Southwest Air Equip

Underground Products of Texas

Southwest Gloves

United Cooperative Services

Southwest Gloves & Safety

United Electric Coop Services, Inc

Specialized Controls, Inc

Weld-Done Construction, Ltd

Bishop Energy

Brantley Consulting

Six Flags Over Texas

Performance Elastomers, Inc

Weir Spm Oil & Gas


ZNT Thread Protectors LP

TX Energy ControLProducts, Inc

Paula Bailey Donaldson

Weir SPM

Texas Turbine, Inc

Sitton Enterprises, LLC

Southwest Metal Treating Corporation

Wedge Energy Services, LLC

Big Bull Ranch Partnership

United Way of Metropolitan Upper Trinity Ground Water Conservation District

Amarillo Bolt Amarillo Fire & Safety, Inc American Peak Production, LLC Anderson Dozer Service, Inc Anderson Measurement Apex Materials Aquaone

Bret Goad Bridgeport Building Center Bridgeport Fishing & Rental Tools Bridgeport Pump & Supply, Inc Bridgeport Road Constructn, Inc Bridgeport Steel Chico Hwy

C&C Enterprises C&N Rathole Service Canadian Contract Pumping, Inc Canadian Oil & Gas Company LC Canadian Supply & Redi Mix Canadian Water Well Rental Canatxx Services Co Caprock Supply Company Carl Fennell

Arkoma Machine & Fishing

Carl Smiths Oil Field Consulting, LLC

Armstrong Oil Directories

Carter Sand & Gravel, LLC

Armstrong-Culligan Coffee Service

Casey Wade Welding

Arrow Manufactoring Products Arthur Leon Bagwell Ashley A. Williams Ashley Electric, LLC Ask Laboratories, Inc Atherton Family LP

Catering By Sagebrush Cafe Cavely S Pest Control CD Consulting & Operating Co CDK Perforating, LLC Champion Automation & Measurement Services



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Charles Jowell Consulting

Dex Services, LLC

Grable Oil Company

Junior Lusby Cats, Inc

National Fluid Power Institute

Chico Auto Parts & Services, Inc

Diadem Enterprises, Inc


Justin Rader

NGS, Inc

Chico Butane Gas Company

Diamond W Oil & Gas, Inc

Greenbelt Electric Coop, Inc

K&C Services, Inc

Niccum Electric, Inc

Chico Limestone, Inc


Greenergy Construction

K&K, Inc

Nichols Oil Tools, LLC

Chief Plastic Pipe & Supply, Inc

Diversified Industrial Service Co Disco

GSM, Inc

K&L Oilfield Services

Nls-Ntx, LLC

Donnie L. Johnson Trust of The

H2 Sudds Rig Washing & Construction

Kathy L. Duggan

North Central Tank Trucks, Inc

Dos Chiles Grande Cafe

Haley Flats Land Services, LLC

Kens Apls Lawn Garden

North Plains Electric Coop, Inc

Hamilton Oilfield Consultants, Inc

North Texas Meter Service

Chuck Nichols, Inc Boots Jackets Jeans

Dovie M. Poole

Kevin Pewitt

Drilling Fluids Technology, Inc

Hansford Appraisal District

Kim Evans Kidd

North Texas Tubular & Equip, LLC

Circuit Breaker Sales Co, Inc

Duke Electric Co, Inc

Hart-Well Services, LLC

Clarence E Karnes Rev Trust

Dumas Air Conditioning

Harveys Electric

Clark Well Servicing, LLC

Dumas Pumping Service

Hawkins Industrial Resource

Classic Florist & Gifts

Duncan Oilfield Construction & Equipment Sales, Inc

Haynes Fire Extinguisher Serv

Choate Consulting Chris Burns Welding, LLC Chrome Machine & Castings, Inc

Clear Fork Fresh Water Station Cleveco Consulting Clifton Supply Co CNH Paving Cody Quillin Coffee Heat & Air

Eagle Oil & Gas Co Echometer Company Echometer Company

H-Brand Livestock, Pet & Garden Supply, LLC HC Investments, Inc

King Well Service, Inc Kyle Erwin Construction, LLC Ladonna June Morrow Lake Steel Landers Oil & Propane Company Lane Electric, LLC Larry D. White LDI, LLC

Edward O. Longhofer

Hemphill County Abstract Co, Inc

Electric Motor Sales

Herzfeld Fabricators, Inc

LO Transport, Inc

Hi Plains Filtration & Supply, Inc

Lobo Petroleum, Inc

High Plains Safety Training Center

Lone Star Hydrostatic, LLC

Lewis Technology

Northwest Insulation Co, Inc Norvill Construction Co LP NTH Construction, LLC O&B Tank Co, Inc Ochiltree Cad Officewise Furniture & Supply Oloughlin Center On Duty Tree Service, LLC One of A Kind Cleaning & Maintenance Service

Coffman Tank Trucks, Inc

Electrical Manufacturing & Distributors, Inc

Colbert Resources, Inc

Elite Oilfield Services, LLC

Comac Well Service, Inc

Elite Transmission & Distribution Electric, Inc

Hi-Plains Auto Supply

Lowery Wholesale Supply

Energy Service Company of Bowie

Hi-Plains Hull Company

Loyd Jones Well Service

Hi-Plains Measurement, Inc

Lusby Junior Cats, Inc

Hodges Welding Hollitex

M&G Roustabout & Backhoe Service, Inc

Holman Well Service, LLC

M&H Leasing Co, Inc

Fire & Safety, Inc

Host Equipment Ltd

M&M Auto Parts, Inc

Firehawk Safety Systems, Inc

Howard Electrical Ltd

M&M Ice Houses

Five Boys Ranch

HRM Enterprises

M&W Service Tools, Inc

Flogistix LP

Hurd Oil Field Service, Inc

Mac Supply, Inc

Patterson Welding & Supply

Fluid Compressor Partners Ltd

Industrial Supply Solutions, Inc

PCS Oilfield Service

Fluid Disposal Services, LLC

Ink N Stitch, LLC

Madison Avenue Temporaries, Inc

Pennington Ranch LP

Crown Supply Co

Foresee Consulting, LLC

Integrity Well Servicing, Inc

Makings Consulting, Inc

Perfex Energy Consultants, Inc

CSO Consulting

Fort Elliott Cisd

Ion Protective Services, LLC

Mann Refrigeration, Inc

Persimmon Creek Partnership

Cunningham & Company Printing & Business Forms


Irrigation Shop

Mark Gunter Oilfield Conslt

Peyton Ranch, LLC

Forum Production Equipment

J&E Valve Service

Mark Kleeb Consult Firm

Phil Dollar Oilfield

Curtis Joe Vandt

Foster Testing Co, Inc

J&K Services, LLC

Martin Truck Services, Inc

Phillip F. & Ann R. Burandt

Curtis L Wilton, LLC

Fowler Access Controls, LLC

J&L Equipment

Mary Evans Greenshields Trust

Pinnacle Propane, LLC

Custom Hose, LLC

Frank Phillips College

J-A-C Electric Cooperative

Matthews Drilling Consltng, Inc

Custom Propane Service, Inc

Frank Pittman

Jack Moorhouse

Pioneer Fishing & Rental Services L

D Todd Carter Consulting, LLC

Fronk Oil Company, Inc

Jack Oldham Oil Co, Inc

D&F Fam LP

Frontier Fluid Service, Inc

Jag Properties

D&G Dozer Service, LLC

Fros Advanced Safety Team, Inc

D&R Transports

Fuzzys Industrial Maintenance

James Oren Price Residuary Trust

D&S Supply

G&R Services

DA Criswell Sales, Inc

G&S Family Land & Mineral LP

Dale Ann Co, Inc

Gallagher Welding & Construction, LLC

Completion Snubbing Services Congress Materials, LLC Consolidated Distributor Construction Bolt & Fasteners Courtney Janes Flower Shop Cox Ready Mix Concrete, Inc Craig Moss Backhoe Service, LLC Crall Products Co CRL Pump & Supply Crowley Pipeline & Land Surveying, LLC

Dale Miller Independent Consultants

Engine & Compressor Services Fenco Environmental Services, LLC

Gasket & Packings, Inc

Dale Sprinkle, Inc

Gaye Whitehead, Tax Assessor

David & Maureta Croslin

George Benjamin Mathers Jr

David Mann Welding

Gilbow Tank Truck Services, Inc

David Pond Well Service, Inc

Glenn Gentry Excavating

David Richey, LLC

Golden Spread Sales Co

DE Chase, Inc

Goldsmith Thomas

DE Rice Construction Co, Inc

Goldstar Land Services, LLC

Deakin Electric, Inc

Good Aim Safety, LLC

Dealers Electrical Supply

Got To Go Solutions

Densel M. Reed & Fern Reed


Lott Family LP

McJunkin Red Man Corporation McLean’s Cp Installation, Inc ME Read Construction, Inc Medley Material Handling Melody Goad

James R. Wilson

Mercer Well Service

James W Clark Dirt Contractor, Inc

Michael A Kelln

Orkin Exterminating Co, Inc Otra Industries, Inc P Leasing, Inc P&H Supply Company, Inc Pampa Machine & Supply, Inc Panhandle Anchors, Inc Panhandle Line Service Panhandle Meter, LLC Panhandle Perforators, Inc Panhandle Steel Buildings, Inc Panhandle Transfer

Pipeline Land Services, Inc Plains Plugging & Well Service, Inc Platinum Oilfield Services Polypipe, Inc Power Pipe & Tank, LLC Precision 3D Data


Michael Drennan Consulting, LLC

Jet Oilfield Services

Michaels Contract Services

Jims Bearings & Supply

Midwest Inspection Services

JL Bryan Equipment & Lease Service, Inc

Midwest Precision Testing, LLC Midwestern Mud Service, Inc

John Brady

Process Solutions Integration, LLC

Ml Clay Consulting, LLC

John Floyd Earth Moving, LLC

Production Machine & Tool, LP

Moore Auto Parts

John Oates Co, Inc

Prontos Italian Restaurant

Moxie Disposal Systems, LLC

John Pletcher

Prospect Oilfield Services LP

Mudup Drilling Fluids, Inc

JP Industries

Public Steel, Inc

MWS Construction Services, Inc

Judith Rader Mann

PumpCo Energy Services, Inc

N5 Wireline Service, LLC

Julie Frost

Quality Manufacturing, Inc

Nash True Value Hardware

Quasar Energy Services, Inc

Precision Wellhead Services, LLC Premier Well Service, Inc Presser Construction, Inc


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST R&R Sheet Metal&Machine

Stansbury Equipment Co, Inc

Walters Permitting Services, LLC

Coastal Industrial Services, Inc

Infinity Construction Services LP

RAID Corporations Southwest, Inc

Steel & Alloy Specialists, Inc

Wasteco, Inc

Cobia Controls, LLC Compliance Assurance Assoc

Stephens & Johnson Operating

Waters AG Storage Containers, Inc

International Property Developments

Ray Mac Energy Ltd

Stephen G. & Olinda Rader

Wells Whisper, LLC

Creative Micro Solutions

RE Waldrip & Co, Inc Recovered Water Industries, LLC Reliable Wellsite Consult, Inc Renco Tool Co, Inc Rich Consulting, LLC Rick Fenlaw & Associates, Inc Rick Pattersons Auto Service

Stephens Charles Steven Lynn Hale Stiles Land Assets Ltd Stockard Johnston & Brown PC Stride Well Service Co, Inc Summit Metals Corporation

West Fork Enterprises, Inc West Texas Gas, Inc West Wise Rural Water Supply Corporation Western Hot Oil Service, Inc Western Supplies, Inc

Ricks Satellite & Electronics

Supertherm Fluid Heating Services L

Riggle Seal Shop

Susan Cole Byars

Riney & Mayfield LLP

Swearengen Johnnie Lynn

Rita Blanca Electric Cooperative

T&R Engine & Compressor Service

William Robert Hext III

T&T Oilfield Services

Willis Boyd Dirt Service, Inc

TA Wellhead, LLC

Wills Machine Shop, Inc

Talon LPE Ltd

Wise Ready Mix Concrete, Inc

Taylor Made Consulting, Inc

Wise Service Company-Fuel, Inc

Texan Tubular Services

WT Services, Inc

Texas Ces, Inc

WT Worth Tex, Inc

Texas Pipe & Metal

Wylie Sprayers

The Bucket

Xcel Energy

The Extra Closet

Xit Communications

The Rustler Embroidery, Inc

Young’s Trailer Sales

THI Water Well

Zachry Engineering Corporation

RJ Cleveland Trucking, Inc RK Smith Consulting, Inc RK&R Dozer Service Rl Case Consulting Rl Darden Consulting, LLC Robbins True Value Hardware Roberson Wireline, Inc Robert Jason Hink Roberts Truck Center Roc Service Company, LLC Roden Oilfield Services Ronald & Catherine Barney Ronnie Parker Welding Service Rory & Denise Wilmoth Rowdy Hopson Welding Royce Wade Zybach Rudd Welding, Inc RWI S&S Magneto, Inc Samco Anchors Schafer Services Schiffman Machine Co Schlumberger Technology Corporation Coil Tubing Services Select Energy Services, LLC Self Radio, Inc Serva Group, LLC SES Holdings, LLC Shale Tank Truck, LLC

Wichita Falls Manufacturing Willen Electric Company William Pletcher Williams Boyce Agency LLP

Thurman Horn Thurmond McGlothlin, Inc

Congressional District 14

Tindell Electric

Advanced Refrigerant Technologies

Titan Tanks & Vessels, LLC TLC Cleaning Topographic Land Surveyors Total Wellhead & Rental Tools, LLC Trainham Ice Distributors Tranter, Inc Trencor Enterprises, Inc Tri State Recycling Triangle Well Service Co Trio-Communications Triple I Co Tryer Process Equipment Ltd TSI Oilfield Services, Inc

Shamrock Gas Analysis Company, Inc

TSWS Well Service, LLC

Shooks Welding, Inc

Turner Energy Services, LLC

Silletti Welding Service

Ultimate Oilfield Service, Inc

Site Safe Solutions, LLC

Underwood Attorneys

Skinner Tank Trucks, Inc

Universal Electric Motor Service

Smart Chemical Services LP

Urnet, Inc

Smith Oasis Creek Ranch

US Postmaster Bridgeport

Smith Oilfield Services, Inc

Utility Engineering Corporation

Snappy Services, Inc

Venable’s Construction, Inc

South Plains Communications

Vigil Petroleum Management, Inc

South Plains Electric Coop

Vinyard Water Service, Inc

Southwestern Public Service

Voltpotential, Inc

Southwestern Public Service Co

Voyager Energy Services, LLC

Specialty Compressor & Engine

W&W Fiberglass Tank Co

Sprouse Shrader Smith PC

Wally Gentry Trucking

St John Backhoe Service

Walsh & Watts, Inc

Tubing Testers, Inc

Almac Environmental Services, Inc American Crane Rigging Annie Truitt Associated Builders & Contractors Aztec Bolting Services, Inc Bearden Ranch Properties Ltd Bebco Industries, Inc BGI Contractors, LLC

Contractors Safety Council of Crenshaw Enterprises Ltd Curran International, Inc Dana Ernst Data Functions, Inc

Intertek Asset Integrity Intertek Technical Services, Inc J&D Trucking James P. Mccarey James R. Garrison Jr Jeffrey Campbell

Dave Ward Resources, Inc

Johnson Controls, Inc

Denice Kay Lambert Separate Trust

Judices French Market, Inc JZ Russell Industries, Inc

Diamond Hydraulics, Inc

Kane & Associates

Done On A Handshake, Inc

Kathryn Thomas

Donna LPowell

Kay Electronics, Inc

Dragon Products Ltd

Kenneth P. Smallwood

Dransco Wireline Specialties

Kilgore Construction, LLC

Dransco, Inc

KT Maintenance Company, Inc

DSI Thru Tubing, Inc

L&L Oilfield Services

Dunn Heat Exchangers, Inc

Lamar Institute of Technology

Eastham Forge, Inc

Leaseall Rentall, Inc


Lester J. Allen

Echo Maintenance, LLC

Liberty Tower & Flare, Inc

Element Materials Technology

Lone Star Wireline

Elizabeth R. Atherton

Louis A. Hernandez, Inc

Emmert International Division

Lower Neches Valley Authority

Energy Land Resources

LSMB Partners LP

Englobal Engineering, Inc

Mammoet USA, Inc

Entact Environmental Services, Inc

Mason Construction, Inc

Epic Wireline Services, LLC

Mejia Industrial Supply Company

Ergonomic Office Solutions, Inc EVCO Industrial Hardware, Inc Farmers Copper Ltd

Maverick International Ltd. Metalforms, Inc Mildred J. Baker

Firetrol Protection Systems, Inc

Moody International Asset Integrity Services

Fishbone Safety Solutions Ltd

MSR Houston, LLC

Flowserve Fsd Seal Group

Munro’s Safety Apparrel LLC

G&L Maintenance

National Pump & Compressor Ltd

Genesis Real Time Systems Global Welding Service

Nederland Avenue Apartments

Golden Triangle Hot Shot & Courier

Nell Mccallum & Assoc Houston, Inc

Golden Triangle Title Services, Inc

Newtron Beaumont, LLC O’Day Drilling Co, Inc Offshore Rentals Ltd

BP Equipment Company, Inc

Groves Equipment Rental Co, Inc

B’Port Sand & Trucking

Gulf Coast Brokerage, LLC

Ohmstede Industrial Services, Inc

Brazoria Valve & Fitting Company

Gulf Coast Sales & Services, Inc

Oil Patch - Brazos Valley

Gulfcon, Inc

Brazos M&E Ltd

Gulfspan Industrial, LLC

Optimized Pipeline Solutions, LLC

Brazosport Health Foundation

H&H Well Services, LLC

Brothers Produce, Inc

Harris Galveston Coastal

Burrow Global Services, LLC

Hickey Enterprises, Inc

Calculated Controls

Holy Trinity Catholic Church

Caliber Solutions

Howells Bushhogging

CD Collins Electric

Hydrotex Golden Triangle, Inc

Chem Fabrication, LLC

I&S Technical Resources, Inc

Chemtex Environmental Lab, Inc

Industrial Apparatus Servic

Performance Blasting & Coating LP

Chemtrade Refinery Services

Industrial Safety Training Council

Performance Party Rents, LLC

Chester A. Barger Jr

Industrial Scaffolding, LLC

Piping & Equipment, Inc

Christophers Copy Service, Inc

Industrial Specialists, LLC

Port Iron Ltd

Coastal Field Services LP

Ineos USA, LLC

Big City Manufacturing, Inc Blind Specialists, LLC Bob Smith Air Conditioning, Inc Boumans & Associates, Inc

Orcus Fire Protection, LLC Overnite Software, Inc Oyster Creek Community Volunteer Fire Dept Paragon Fabricators, Inc Parker Business Forms, Inc Pat Tank, Inc



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Proactive Diagnostic Services, Inc

WM Warner Transport Service, Inc

Quality Mat

Genco Energy Services, Inc

Pamela Ann Hartman Estate

Wireline Truck Fab, LP

Genco Services, Inc

Panna Maria Hall

WM Tractor Service, Inc

Gisler Brothers Logging Co, Inc

Panna Maria Investments II LP

Wolverine Construction, Inc

Gladys K. Moy Trust

Patrick W. & Lana G Keller

Wood Group Duval, LLC Ygriega Energy Company, Inc

Raymond & Connie Dilland

Congressional District 15


1St Call Hot Shot Service

Rhymes Industrial Filtration

Goodwyn Trailer Sales

Petroleum Solutions, Inc

4-J Land Ltd

Richard Automation & Electric, LLC

Philip Mika

4M Energy Services, LLC

Hebbronville Lone Star Rentals, LLC Heina Automotive

Pin-Point Hotshot Service, LLC

Congressional District 16

AC Mconald Alan Younger

Horizontal Rentals, Inc

PMI Oil Tools

Geo S. Thomson Co, Inc

Albert M. & Gilda A. Ruiz

James R. Williams

Pogue Agri Partners, Inc

Longhorn Construction

Jasmin, Inc

NW Oil Service, LLC

RT Technical Solutions

Alois L. Linhart & Georgia E. Linhart

Professional Gas Measurement Services

Sabine-Neches Navigation District

Jeff Spendlove

Pump Thru Services, LLC

Als Welding

Jerry & The Ruf Nex

R&D Gauging, Inc

Safety By Design

Alvin Lee Greaves Family Limited Partnership Ltd

RAK, Inc

Sagerider, Inc

Jerrys Rentals & Specialties Co, Inc

Anthony Kruciak

Saladin Pump & Equipment

Jorge Luis Herrera

Aranda & Associates, Inc

Renegade Water Transfer, LLC

Samuel Dwight Thomas

Joseph J. & Mary Ann Dragon

Ben Jerome Pawelek

Sanserve Building Services

Joyce A Rives

Bottom Line Services, Inc

Sar Solutions, Inc

JPS Property Investments, LLC

Brush Country Catering, LLC

Scallon Controls, Inc

Judy Ann Banduch Wisener

Buford M Dugger

Script Care

Karnes Electric Co-Operative

Buss Mechanical Service, LLC

Sentry Systems, Inc

Katco Vacuum Truck Service LP

Butchs Oilfield Service, Inc

Service Janitorial, LLC

Kristy Hahn Serold

SES Consultants, Inc

Champion Corrosion Products, Inc

Krystal Ice & Water

S&S Contract Pumping Service, Inc Safety Medics, LLC

Shoreline Services

Chapa Gate Guard Service, LLC

L&G Engineering Laboratory, LLC

Schneider & McWilliams PC

Songwon International Americas, Inc

Chemical Weed Control of S Texas

L&P Children’s Trust

Silvia Ramirez Smith

Soutex Surveyors, Inc

Clementson, Inc

Lacross Oilfield Services, LLC

Solar Turbines, Inc

South East Texas Regional

Cloteal Lott

Larisa Oilfield Service, LLC

Southeast Texas Building

Collinsworth Well Treating, Inc

Laura Burney

South Texas Oilfield Solutions, LLC

Specialties Company

Leonard C. Ables Jr & Eunice Ruth Ables

Southern Supply Company

Completion Equipment

Star Oilfield Services, Inc

Spidle & Spidle, Inc

Cornell Production Testing, LLC

Lisa A. Steenken

Stephany Rives

Standard Alloys, Inc

Cornell Solutions, LLC

Live Oak County Fair

Straight Line Construction, Inc

Starcom Solar, Inc

Cornell Wireline, LLC

Lone Star Industries

STX Process Equipment, LLC

Stellar Oilfield Rentals, LLC

Country Village of Kenedy

Lonestar Turbine Services, Inc

Submersible Pump Specialst, Inc

Strong Pipkin Bissell & Ledyard LLP

Cytech Heating & Cooling LC

Longhorn Ink

Supreme Vacuum Services

David D. Crews

Suntrac Services, Inc

Supreme Vacuum Services, Inc

David P. Banduch

Longhorn Paving & Oilfield Services, Inc

TD Completion Fluids, LLC

Diamond M Field Services, Inc

Longhorn Supply Co

TD Water Transfer Templeton & Brinkley

Duval Lease Service Partnership

Louis P. Dziuk Jr & Christy L. Dziuk

Tank Partners, LLC

Digital Board Repair, LLC

The Crew Law Firm PC

Dynasty Enterprises, Inc

The Fidelis Group, LLC

E&R Vacuum Truck Service, LLC

Tiger Industrial Rentals

Edna Marie Dragon

Tiger Safety Titan Controls, LLC

Elite Oil Field & Construction Services, LLC

Top Coat, Inc

Ellis Koeneke Ramirez & Bishop

Michael Banduch

Total Inspection Services, LLC

Enhanced Contract Gauging

Michael J. Janysek

Triad Electric & Controls

Estate of Frances P. Ckodre

Mid Valley Const Co, Inc

Triangle Metals, Inc

Ewald Tractor, Inc

Mik Multiple Services, LLC

Triangle Waste Solutions LP


Mike Hartsfield Consulting, LLC

Trinity Industrial Services, LLC

Freer Iron Works, Inc

Trinity Mechanical & Electrical

Richard Construction, Inc Richard Design Services, Inc RR Ramsower, Inc

Magic Valley Electric Co-Op Marciel Soechting Fam LP Martin Pena Matthew James Crisp Jr

RC Lubricating Services

Sahara Transport Services, LLC Southwest First Aid & Safety Spartan Oilfield Services, LLC Stagecoach Cartage & Distribution

RJ Hale Consulting, Inc

The University of Texas at ELPaso

RMR Oilfield Services, LLC

VVP Trucking, LLC

Robert Nelson

WCT Cowboy Country Ranches, LLC

Roel Garza Rowdys Runners Oilfield Services, LLC

Taek Kim Tejas Lease Service, LLC Terra Group Ltd

Zee Medical Service ZH Services, Inc

Congressional District 17 A&A Welding Services A.I.P., Inc A-1 Fire & Safety Equipt C Abu Rashid Hasan Advanced Hydo Aip Safety Division, Inc Al Helmcamp, Inc Ama Nystrom B&B Inspections Barrilleaux, Inc Bar-T Trucking, LLC Bassler Energy Services Baylor University Bearkat Oilfield Services, LLC Blue Sky Midstream, LLC Bohler Fishing & Rental Tools, Inc

Terra Point Petroleum, LLC

Brazos Valley Oilfield Sales & Services, LLC

Texas Dehydrator Service, Inc

Brenda Floyd

Texas Industrial Engine, Inc Oilfield Equipment, Inc

Bryan Brown Consulting, LLC

Tflow Measurement

Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc

The Gravel Company, LLC

Bryan Texas Utilities

The Schuenemann Office


Thelma R. Banduch

Buffalo Isd Tax Ac

Thomas Moy & Sons, Inc

Buffalo Leasing, Inc

MJ Services

Thomas W. Schleier & Associates

BWS Services, LLC

Freer ISD

Mo Vac Environmental

Tomas Gonzales

Troop Industrial

Freer Water Control

Transtx Oilfield Services, LLC

Turbo Power Systems, Inc

French Ellison Truck Center, Inc

Moralez Shredding Disking & Landscaping Services

Vernor Material & Equipment Company

Full Circle Soaps & Services

Mountain Logging Service

Tristar Aggregates 1, LLC

VRI Corporation

Galvotec Corrosion Services, LLC

Waldenreynard PLLC

Gar Energy, Inc

WB Supply Company

Gas Measurement Services, Inc Gateway Printing

Mesquite Rental Services, Inc

Mo-Vac Service Co, Inc Moya Fence Company Newman Operating Company, Inc P&J Electric, Inc Pablo Paul Villarreal Jr Rta

Tri Tech Production Services, Inc Valley Boring Service, LLC Valley Vessel Fabrications, Inc Vantage Pump & Compressor Ltd VH Moy Individually and as Trustee For The G.K. Moy Trust

C&H Welding & Fabricating, Inc Calf Creek Oilfield Services Cameron Capsher Technology, Inc Carrabba IndustriaLPark Carrie M. Berger Casey Propane Cedar Creek Stone Company Ltd Cessac Welding Service, Inc


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Choice Safety Services, LP

Lockard & White

TLC Rentals, LLC

Aclaro Softworks USA, Inc

All About Talent

CM Land Solutions

Long Industries, Inc

Tom Blasingame

Acme Architectural Hardware

All American Trucking

Cold Creek Construction, Ltd.

Lynnie Lane

Townsend Oilfield Services LP

Communications Technology

M&B Swd, Limited

TP Services, LLC

Action Petroleum Services Corporation

All State Pipe Testers of Texas, Inc

Conners Crush Stone

Marlin Holding II, Ltc

Tracy Craig Consulting, Inc

Acuren Inspection

All Team Staffing

Cotton Valley Distributing

Mar-Max Consulting, Inc

Turbomachinery Laboratory

All World Security, LLC

Cotton Valley Distributing, Inc

Marthas Florist

United Rentals

Acute Technological Services, Inc

Custom Hose

McCurdy Services, Inc

Vaquero Energy Services


Allen Williford Seale, Inc

D&M Septic & Portables, LLC

Mehrdad Fazli

Virgil Thompson

Daniel & Son

Mercury Tool & Machine In

Waco Carbonic

David Walker

MF Construction

Wal Mart Store, Inc

Dealers Electrical Supply, Inc

Mine Services Ltd

Water Wagon Express, LLC

Domestic Techniques

Monocor Energy Systems, LLC

Welch Bros Electric, Inc

Double J Drilling Co

Moore Plumbing & Repairs, LLC

Whitmire Land Services


Mustang Oilfield Services, LLC

Wil-Call Services, Ltd.

Engelmann Land Services, LLC

Myron Ely

Wilsons Lawn Service

Equipment Depot

Navasota Valley Electric Co-Op

WL&T Services

Eric Ashmore

NDE Solutions, LLC

Ernest Grantier

Neutral Posture, Inc

Woodson Lumber & Hardware, Inc

Ethan L. Grossman PhD

Northpoint Business Park

Fibertown DC, LLC

Novosad Enterprises, Inc

Franklin Isd

Orkin, Inc

Frost Crushed Stone Co, Inc

Otis Instruments, Inc

Gaas Refrigeration, Inc

Parker M. Baker

Gate Rental Services, Inc

Phillip Lacy Energy Consulting

Goodman Heating & AC

Preston J. Ruffino, III

Greg Weinschnk

Pruitt’s Frac Tanks, LLC

Groesbeck Mini Storage

Quality Automotive Services

Hallsburg Fabrication

R Construction Company, Inc

Harvey Daco, Inc

R&H Electric Motor

Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative

Raider Pumping Services LP

Heatly & Doan, Inc

Robert E. Buckbee

Heliodor Solutions LP Hewitt Machine & Tool, Inc J&W Hotshot Services. J. L. Wright Consulting, Inc James Head JC’s Cleaning Service Jerry Allen

Ramirez Janitorial Service Robert Lee Scasta Rod & Tubing Services, LLC Royal Rentals Rustex, Inc Rustys Boot Outlet S Con Services, Inc


S&S Machining & Fabrication, Inc

JMS Electric & Services, Inc

Saenz Cleaning Service, Inc

Johns Hot Oil Service

Safety Kleen

Jose Paredes

Scott Construction, Inc

Karen H. Grantier


KD Timmons, Inc

Sherrod Services, LLC

Keeton Services, Inc

Snoe Machining & Welding

Kent Trucking & Construction, LLC

Sourcenet Solutions, Inc Utilities Only

Key Control Holdings

Student Engineers Council

Kleen-Air Filter Services & Sales

Summit Pump & Safety, Inc

Knife River

Superior Silica Sands, LLC

Kocurek Industries, Inc

Tax A/C Franklin Isd

Lake Creek Construction, Inc

TDI Brooks Intl, Inc

Larry T. Lero

Texas A&M University

Leon Isd Tax Collector

Texas AlLPoints Express, Inc

Leonell Grimestad

Texas Engineering Experiment Statio

Lide Industries, Inc Lide Steel Construction, Inc Linda J. Minor Lochridge-Priest, Inc

Texas Machine-Tool Intern Texas Meter & Device Co Thomas W. Brown III

You Name It Custom Embroidery, Inc Zachary Elliott

Add Energy, LLC Adhesive Services Co ADI Analytics, LLC Administrative Exchange, Inc Admiral Linen Service, Inc

Allen Austin Global Advisors Allendale Machine Co, Inc Allens Casing Crews Allen’s Casing Crews, Inc Alliance Technical Services, LLC

Admiral Transfer & Rigging, Inc

Alliance Wood Group Engineering

Admiralty Engineer

Allied Wireline Services, LLC

Adobe Equipment

Allocation Specialists Ltd

Adolph Locklar

Alloy Products Corporation

Advanced Building Services, LLC

Alonti Cafe & Catering

Advanced Computer Concepts, Inc

Alvarez & Marsal Business

Advanced Containment Sys, Inc Advanced Fabric Technologies

Alta Always In Season, Inc Amacs Ambassador Limousine and

Congressional District 18

Advanced Indicators & Manufacturing

2020 Exhibits, Inc

Advanced Piping Products, Inc

Amci Medical Imaging, LLC

20K Group, LLC

Advanced Rupture Disk Technology

Amec Plc

Advantage Industrial Solutions, Inc

Amegy Bank of Texas

212 Oil Recovery Services, LLC 24 Hr Safety, LLC 2DM Associates, Inc 2H Offshore, Inc 30P Minerals Ltd 3Gig LP 4H Flowback Services, Inc 5 Elements Drilling, LLC 808, Inc A Division of Varco LP A Donnel Consulting Services, LLC A Fare Extraordinaire, Inc A Rignet Company

Amber Green Corporation

Amega West Services, LLC

Advantage Interests, Inc

American Air Liquide Holdings, Inc

Advantek International

American Assoc of Notaries

Advent Global Solutions, Inc

American Erecting Co

AES Drilling Fluids, LLC

American Leadership Forum

Affinity Management Group, LLC

American Mat & Timber Company

Afton Pumps, Inc AIMM Technologies, Inc AIPN Association of International Air & Gas Systems, Inc Air Liquide America Specialty Gases, LLC

American Photo Copy & Printing Co, Inc Americo Energy Resources, LLC Ameriforge Ametek Process & Analytical

Air Liquide Industrial US LP

Amog Consulting, Inc Ampair Eletric Heating Co, Inc

A&E The Graphics Complex

Air Liquide Large Industries US LP

A&J Fittings, Inc

Air Resources Ltd

Ams-Par Consultants

A2D Technologies

Air Texas Mechanical, Inc

Anadarko Petroleum Co

Aarthun Performance Group Ltd

Airdyne International Ltd

Analytica, Inc

AASP - The Palynological Society

Airdyne Service Ltd

Analytical Instruments Corporation

A&A Graphic Supply, Inc

Ampco System Parking

ABB, Inc

Aitken Div Schuff Steel Gulf Coast

Abbys Aircraft Catering Service

Aitken, Inc

Anderson Hot Shot & Trucking

Aber Fence & Supply Co., Inc

Ajilon Professional Staffing

Anderson Oil Ltd

Abercrombie Custom Homes LP

AJS Translations

Andon Specialties, Inc

ABM Janitorial Services

Aker Solutions, Inc

Andre W. Droxler

ABM Parking Services

Aker Well Service, Inc

Andrews Kurth LLP

Abric North America, Inc

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

Andrews Myers PC Attorneys At Law

Alamo Transformer Supply Co, Inc

Angella Dickson

ABS Americas ABS Nautical Systems Accenture LLP Access Chemicals & Services, LLC

Alan C. Mcclure Assoc, Inc Alart Tool & Die, Inc

Access Intelligence

Alco Valves Us, Inc

Accudata Systems, Inc

Aldine Isd - Tax Office

Accu-Test Labs

Alfredo Sarinana Jr

Anderson & Associates, Inc

Anixter Bros, Inc Ann Thomas Cpa PC Anne L. Mosk Anry Patricia Suarez Antina Cattle Co




Awty International School

Birkman International, Inc

BWFS Industries, LLC

Centerline Manufacturing, Ltd

Apache Corporation

Axiom Technologies, LLC

Bishop Lifting Products, Inc

Byron Baker

Centerpoint Energy Field

Apex Systems, Inc

Aztec Facility Management LP

Biznet Solutions, Inc

C Port Stone, LLC

Applied Field Data Systems, Inc

Bact Resources, Inc

BJ Services Company USA

C&C Reservoirs, Inc

Centerpoint Energy Resrc Corporation

Applied Machinery Corporation

Badley, Ashton & Associates Limited

Black Stone Minerals Company LP

C&D Electric

Bagby Sales Company, Inc

Blackhawk Specialty Tools, LLC


Bailiff Enterprises, Inc

Blackmon Mooring

C&J Spec-Rent Services, Inc

AR Safety Systems LP

Bain Geophysical Services, Inc

Blowout Tools, Inc

Aramark Refreshment Services, LLC

Baker & Botts

Blueback Reservoir Americas, LLC

Aramark Sports & Entertainment

Baker Communications, Inc

Applied Manufacturing Technologies

Aramark Sports Service of Texas

Baker Atlas

Blumenthal Sheet Metal

Baker Engineering & Risk

BMC Software Services, Inc BMP Paper & Printing, Inc

Arcade Games of Houston, Inc

Baker Hughes Business Support Services, Inc

Bob Hebert & Associates, Inc

Archer Directional Drilling Services, LLC

Baker Hughes Oilfield Operation, Inc

Boltex Manufacturing. Co

Arc Specialties

Boots & Coots Services, Inc

Archer Rental Services, LLC

Baker Hughes Petrolite

Archer Underbalanced Services, LLC

Baker Hughes Pipeline Mgmt Grp

Archer Well Company

Baker Oil Tools

ARD Distribution, LLC

Baldor Electric

ARG Drilling, LLC

Balfour Beatty Construction, LLC

Argonauta Drilling Services, LLC

Balmorhea Land Company, LLC

Argus Media, Inc

Barnes & Cascio LLP

BP America Production Company

Aries Logistics, LP

Barnet Levinson Design

BRACC Acc, Inc

Ark Energy, LLC

Baroid Drilling Fluids, Inc

Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

Ark-La-Tex Services

Baseline Apex Imaging, LLC

Brance-Krachy Co, Inc

Arkoma Energy Service, Inc

Basic Energy Services Lp


Aronstein Interests Ltd

Basic Equipment

Brask Diamond H. Ranches, LP

Array Holdings

Bass Oilfield Service

Brennan’s of Houston, Inc

Art Class & Wine Glass

Bay Area General Crane Service Co Bayou City Productions

Artifical Lift, LLC Artificial Lift Performance, Inc Arus Corporation Asco Freight Management Ashtead Technology, Inc Association of International Athletic Kids R Us, LLC Atig First Source LP Atlantic Holdings II, Inc Atlantic Trading & Marketing, Inc Atlantis E&P Services, Inc Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC Atlas Copco Mafi-Trench Company, LLC

Bayou Well Services, LLC Bayou Workover Services, LLC Bayside Printing Co, Inc BBB Tank Services, Inc Bedrock Petroleum Consultants, LLC Beicip, Inc Beirne Maynard & Parsons LLP Belden & Blake Corporation Bellinghausen Consulting I LP Belsim Production, LLC Benchmark Logistics, Inc

Borco LP Borets Weatherford Us, Inc Bornemann Pumps, Inc Boulware & Valoir Bowen Miclette & Britt Insurance Agency, LLC

C&J Cladding Cactus Oilfield Services Cactus Wellhead, LLC Cadre MateriaLProducts, LLC Caesar Systems, LLC Cafe Express Cal-Chlor Corporation Caldwell Boudreaux Lefler PLLC Calpine Corporation Calpine Energy Services LP Calsep, Inc Cam Environmental Services Cambe Geological Servicesinc Cambrian Consultants America, Inc Cameron Drilling Systems

CFI Mechanical, Inc CGG Services US, Inc CGG Veritas Land (US), Inc CGG Veritas Services(US), Inc CH&P Energy, LLC Chammas Cutters, Inc Champion Hi Tech Manufacturing Champion Technologies, Inc

Charles R. Anderson Charlie Hudson & Assocs, Inc Charter Capital

BRI Consulting Group, Inc

Cameron International Corporation Surface Systems

Chemcentric, LLC

Briarwood School

Cameron Solutions, Inc

Bright Star Productions, Inc

Cameron Technologies US, Inc

Britain Electric Co

Canam Energy Services LP

British School of Houston

Chep Catalyst & Chemical Containers

Cannonball Trucking, Inc

Broadleaf Antero Group

Cheryl Lyn Schell

Car Butler, Inc

Broadleaf Group, LLC

Chevron USA, Inc

Cardiology Associates

Brochsteins, Inc

Chicago Title of Texas, LLC

Cardno Entrix

Brock Holdings III, Inc

Chickasaw Distributors, Inc

Cargo Training International

Brookfield Heritage Partners, LLC

Childress Directional Drilling, LLC

Carol Lapin

Chingju Liu

Carrizo (Marcellus), LLC

Chroma Operating, Inc

Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc (Jib)

Cimation, LLC

Case Services, Inc

Cinco Energy Services

Casedhole Solutions, Inc

Cinco Pipe & Supply, Inc

Casetech International, Inc

Cintas Corporation, Cintas Fire Protection, Contas Document Management

Brookwoods Group Brunel Energy, Inc Buckaroo Fuel Company Buckley White Castaneda

Best Access Systems, Inc

Austin Charles William III

Beta International, Inc

Burckhardt Compression (US), Inc

Bettie K. Hammel

Bureau Veritas Marine, Inc


Bico Drilling Tools, Inc

Burleson Attorney & Advisors LLP

CCI Thermal Technologies, Inc CCL Contracts Consultancy, Inc

Burleson Cooke LLP

CD Language Solutions

Big Horn Energy Services

Burleson LLP Attorneys

CDI Engineering

Big M Constructors, Inc

Burly Shoes, Inc

Bighorn Energy Services II, LLC

Burns Electric, Inc

CDM Resource Management, LLC

Bill Spitzer & Associates

Burton Oil Service Operations

Billie J. Ledbetter

Business Training Associates

Bird Geophysical

BVI Machining

AWP 1983 Trust

Ceva Freight, LLC

Cameron International Corporation Process Valves

Audubon Engineering Company LP

AWC, Inc

CES Package Systems, Inc

Charlie A. Hudson

BES Engineering

Avanti International Transportation

Certus Energy Solutions, LLC

Cameron International Corporation Measurement Systems

Audio Video Solutions


Certified Safety

Charger Industries USA, Inc

Bernard Instruments, Inc

Automation Solutions, Inc

Certex USA

Channel Track & Tube Way, Inc

Audio Fidelity Communications Corporation

Automatic Power, Inc


Cameron International Corporation Compression Systems

Bergaila & Associates, Inc

Bico, Bafco International Company

Central Houston, Inc

Channel Steel

Audio Electronics, Inc

Australian American Chamber of

Central Delivery Service

Cameron Flow Control

Benchmark Rig Relocation

Austin Group Executive Search LP

Centerpoint Energy Services, Inc

Buffalo Land Services Buffalo Specialties, Inc Bullzeye Tank Service LP Bulsard Group, LLC

Casing Services & Equipment Castrol Offshore Catherine Staerker Cavins Corporation Cayro Engineering Co

Chase Bank of Texas Chemostrat, Inc Chemstations, Inc

Cintas First Aid & Safety Ciscon Services USA, LLC Claire M. Bresnahan Clampon, Inc Clare L. Sullivan & Associates Clarence E. Cook Jr Clark B. Herring Clay E. & Julie H. Edwards Clean Gulf Assoc Clean-Co Systems, Inc

Cenergy International Services, LLC


Center Point Energy Services, Inc

Climax Lubricants & Equipment Company

Clemtex, Inc



Corporate Staffing

Dannys Bop, LLC

DKC Catering, LLC

Economy Polymers & Chemicals

Clover Staffing LP

Cor-Pro Systems Operating, Ltd

Dara Childs, LLC

Dmar Engineering, Inc

Eddie W. Valchar

CM Service Company, Inc

Corpro, Inc

Dashiell Corporation

DML Techmical Search

EDF Trading North America, LLC

CMC Steel Fabricators, Inc

Corpus Optima

Data Display Audio Visual Co LP

Docu Center

EDG Consulting Engineers, Inc


Corrosion Materials

Data Logic Services Corporation

Don Howard & Associates, LLC

Edge Oilfield Services

CNC Manufacturing

Cot Oilfield Services, LLC

Data Retrieval Corporation

Don Patron Bar & Grill

Edgen Murray Corporation

Coastal Chemical Co, LLC

Cotech Irm Services, Inc

Datacert, Inc

Edmondson Consulting Group

Coastal Flow Energy Labs, Inc

Cotton Patch Cafe, Inc

Datavox, Inc

Don Sumners Tax AssessorCollector

Coastal Flow Field Services, Inc

Cougar Drilling Solutions

Daveport Law Firm PC

Donald Brent Smith

EF Non-Op, LLC

Coastal Flow Gas Measurement, Inc

Cougar Land Services

David Carson

Coastal Flow Liquid Measurement, Inc

Cougar Pallet, Inc

David E. Harvey Builders, Inc

Court Record Research, Inc

David Lyles Cruthirds Atty

Court Reporters Clearinghouse, Inc

Davis Lynch, Inc

C-Port/Stone, LLC

DCG Partnership I Ltd

Cobalt Intl Energy LP Coiling Technologies, Inc Collarini Energy Staffing, Inc Collins Leasing & Manufacturing Colt International, Inc Columbia Analytical Services Combat Marine Outdoors Commercial Interior Products, Inc Commercial Wireless Solutions LP

Crawford Electric Supply Co, Inc CRC Laguna, Inc Creative Interactive Ideas, Inc Creative Office Furniture, Inc Creative Systems International Crescent Directional Drill LP Crevalle Energy, LLC Crew Land Research Ltd

Commonwealth Engineering

CRI Catalyst Company LP

Competitive Management Systems, Inc

Crimson Service, LLC

Completion Consulting, LLC

Cristo Rey Work Study Program, Inc

Compliance Safety Consulting

Cromdane Steel, Inc

Compressor Engineering Corporation

Crowley Signs & Graphics

Compressor Systems, Inc

CSI Enterprises, Inc

Computer Modelling Group Ltd

CSI Inspection, LLC

Computex, Inc

CSI Technologies, LLC

Comsys Services, LLC

CT Corporation System

Conestoga Rovers & Assoc, Inc

Cudd Pumping Services, Inc

Connie Holmes

Curtis Kelly, Inc

Conocophillips Company

Custom Air Products & Services, Inc

Consolidated Oil Well Services, LLC Consolidated Pipe & Supply Co, Inc Construction Technical Services Inc Consumer Energy Alliance Continental Laboratories Contitech Beattie Corporation Contitech Oil & Marine, Inc Contract Resources Group Control Flow, Inc Controlworx Convergint Technologies, LLC Coolers, Inc Cooper Crouse Hinds Mtl, Inc Coordinated Moving Systems, Inc Copano Energy Copy Source 1, LLC Core Laboratories, Inc Corner Bakery Cafe Corporate Care Corporate Employment Resources, Inc

Crystaphase Products, Inc

Custom Threading, Inc Cutpoint, Inc Cutting Source Precision, Inc

Davison Industries, Inc DCP East Texas Gathering LP DCP Midstream LP DE Harvey Builders Dealers Electrical Supply Co Deandre Hutchison Debbie Dyanne Chenevert Debner & Company Deborah Asmus Deborah K. Kirk Decision Frameworks LP Decision Strategies, Inc Decker Operating Co, LLC Decorative Plants, Inc Deedee Ostfeld & Associates Delaware Production Services LP Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Tax LLP Delta / Seaboard Well Serv, Inc Depotexas, Inc Derek Mcleod Derrick Corporation Derrick Equipment Co Design Security Controls Ltd Det Norske Veritas (USA), Inc

Donovan & Watkins LP Doubletree Guest Suites Dow Golub Remels & Beverly LLP Dowell Schlumberger Dowley Security Systems Downhole Products USA DPC Industries, Inc Dr. John B. Anderson Dr. Michael J. Economides Draco Spring Manufacturing Co Draftit, LLC Drake Controls, LLC Dravis Geological Services

Education Rainbow Challenge Eggelhof, Inc EGS Systems, Inc Elan Meetings & Events, LLC Elantys Electro-Mechanical Industries, Inc Element Markets, LLC Element Materials Technology Elise P. Garrison Elizabeth M. Guffy Elizabeth W. Fossum Ellington & Associates, Inc Ellistaff Group

Dravis Interests, Inc

Ellwood Rose Machine Company

Dresser, Inc

Ely & Associates of Texas, LLC

Dresser-Rand Company Ltd

Embassy Suites Hotel

DRI Ltd Partnership

Emco Wheaton USA, Inc

Dril Quip, Inc

Emerald Bay

Drill-Chem, LLC

Empire Services & Rentals

Drilltec Technologies Corporation

Employers Flexible Recruiting, LLC

Drilltech Services USA, Inc DRL Engineering, LLC Dunbar Harder, PLLC Duron Systems, Inc DX Oilfield Products, Inc DXI Industries, Inc DXP Enterprises, Inc Dyadem, Inc Dynamic Precision, Inc Dynamic Specialties, Inc

EMS USA, Inc En Fab, Inc En Vogue Events Enaxis Consulting LP Enbridge Energy Partners LP Enbridge Pipelines (North Dakota) Endress & Hauser, Inc Enerflex Energy Systems, Inc Energists

Detechtion Technologies, LLC


Detection & Measurement Systems

E Paso CGP Company, LLC Eads Company

Detection & Suppression Intl Ltd

Eads Distribution, LLC

Dexa Systems, Inc

Eag Services, Inc


Eagle Construction & Utility

Energy Solutions International, Inc

DHL Express (USA), Inc

Eagle Ford Gathering, LLC

Energy Transfer

Diamond Bolt Co

Eagle Ford Midstream, LP

Energy Waste Rentals & Service

Diamond G Inspection, Inc

Eagle Ford TX LP

Enersafe, LLC

Diane L. Allen

Eagle Information Mapping, Inc

Enersight (Usa), Inc

Digital Air Control, Inc

Eagle Maritime Consultants, Inc

Enersight Corporation

Digital Legal Services, LLC

Eagle Rock Operating LP

Enersight USA, Inc

Directional Drilling Co

Eagle Software, LLC

Directional Personnel, LLC

Eagleton Engineering, LLC

Enervest Management Partners Ltd

Directional Rentals, Inc

Earle M. Jorgensen

Enervest Operating, LLC

Dirt Excavating, LLC

Earnest West

Engineered Valves Cameron

Distribution International SW, Inc

Eastern Oilwell Service

Diversitech, Inc.

EB Turner

Engineering Physical Services, Inc

Divisi Strings, LLC

Ebusiness Strategies, LLC

Dan-Loc Bolt & Gasket, Inc

Dixie Pipe Sales, Inc

EC Harris Us, Inc

Danmar Industries, Inc

DJ Precision Machine, LLC

Echo Communications, Inc

Cydney Jane Wright Cyltex, LLC Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. Cyrus Networks, LLC Cyrusone D&D Swabbing, LLC D&F Distributors D&I Silica, LLC D&P Technologies, Inc DA Mid South DAFS Transport Dagen Personnel Daily Instruments Corporation Daily Thermetrics Dan Herndon Flournoy & Ruth Eastham Flournoy Dan Orbeck & Associates Daneshy Consultants Intl, Inc Daniel Measurement & Control, Inc

Energo Engineering, Inc Energy Graphics, Inc Energy Oilfield Services, LLC Energy Sector Analytics, LLC

English & Associates Architects, Inc Englobal Us, Inc ENI US Operating Co, Inc



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Ensign US Southern Drilling, LLC

ExxonMobil Corporation

Four Seasons Hotel Houston

GE Oil & Gas Esp, Inc

Goldstone Exterior Services, LLC

Ensley Properties, Inc

F. Bruce Morris

Fowler Transportation Ltd

Enterprise Gas Processing

Fab Industries, Inc

Fox Metals & Alloys, Inc

GE Oil & Gas Logging Services, Inc

Goodrich Petroleum Company, LLC

Enterprise GC LP

Faith Ranch LP

Foxmark Corporation

Gordon Safe & Lock

Enterprise Jonah Gas Gathering Co LLC

Falcon Crest Accessories, Inc

Fracmaster, LLC

GE Oil & Gas Pressure Control LP

Falcon Crest Aviation Supply, Inc

Frank’s International, Inc

Grace Instrument Company

Enterprise Products Operating, LLC

GE Oil & Gas Wireline Services, Inc

Falcon Pump & Supply / Jerzy Supply

Franks Tong Service, Inc

Geller Translations

Farnsworth & Vonberg

Franks Water Pumping & Construction

Genco Energy Services, Inc

Fast Track Specialties, Inc

Franks Westates Services, Inc


Fred Burns

General Truck Body Manufacturing.

FCX Oil & Gas, Inc

Fred L. Ramsey

General Welding Works, Inc

Grayson L. Davis

Federal Flange, Inc

Freeport Mcmoran Oil & Gas, LLC

Generators of Houston

Great Western Supply Co

Fronterra Integrated Geosciences, LLC

Generon IGS

Great White Pressure Ctrl, LLC

Genesys Works Houston

Greater Houston Partnership

Genon Energy Management, LLC

Greater Texas Electric

Genuent, LLC

Greene Tweed & Co., Inc

Geo Tape Ltd

Greeni Recycling

Geocomputing Group, LLC

Greystar Corporation

Geoenergy, Inc

Griffin Dewatering Corporation

Geokinetics Processing, Inc

Griffith Land Services, Inc

Geokinetics USA, Inc

Grisell & Assoc LLP

Geomage, Inc

Ground Water Solutions Ltd

Geomap Co

Group 74 Warehouse, LLC

Geomark Research Ltd

Groves Supply Corporation

Geomark Rock Source, LLC

GSI Environmental, Inc

Geomechanics International, Inc

GTS Geotech Lp

Geomodeling Corporation

Guard 1 Services, LLC

Geophysical Pursuit, Inc

Guico Specialty Co, Inc

Geophysical Society of Houston

Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Co

George Kahle Group, LLC Geoservices, Inc

Gulf Coast Downhole Technologies, LLC

Geosociety at University of Houston

Gulf Coast Oil & Gas Industries, LLC

Geospace Technologies LP

Gulf Coast Oilfield Products

Geotape Ltd

Gulf Interstate Engineering Co

Geotech & Design Services

Gulf Winds International, Inc Gulfmark Americas, Inc

Enterprise Rent A Car Enterprise Texas Pipeline, LLC Enventure Global Technology, LLC Environmental Resources Management

General Electric Company

Gowan, Inc Grainger Grant Prideco LP Graphic Electricity, Inc Graybar Electric Co, Inc Grayloc Products, LLC


Feerer & Assoc, Inc

Envirotest Ltd

Fekete Associates, Inc

Epcon Intl, Inc

Fekete Corporation

Epic Integrated Services, LLC

Fernelius Alvarez PLLC

Epic Management Resources, LLC

Ferro Tech Industries

Epic Promotions

Filter Resources, Inc

Eproduction Solutions, Inc

Filter Technology Co, Inc

Equistar Chemicals LP

Finsystems, Inc

Equivalent Data

Fircroft Engineering Services Ltd


Fircroft, Inc

Erin Mcguire

Fugro Gravity & Magnetic Services, Inc

Fire Protection Service, Inc

ERM Information Solutions, Inc

Fugro Group

Firebus Systems, Inc

ERM Southwest, Inc

Fugro Jason, Inc

Firehouse Copy Service LP

Esimulation, Inc

Fugro Seismic Imaging, Inc

Firesafe Protection Services LP

Essential Logistics, LLC

Fulbright & Jaworski LLP

Firetrol Protection Systems, Inc

ESSS North America, Inc

Furmanite America, Inc

First Call Personnel Services, Inc

Etech International, Inc

Furmanite Corporation

Fishbone Solutions, Inc

Eurecat Us, Inc

Fusion, Inc

Fisk Electric Co

Euro-Mid, Inc

Future Pipe Industries, Inc

Fitness Unlimited

EV Downhole Video

Fyrsoft, LLC

Five Star Metals, Inc

Evergreen Tank Solutions, Inc

G&A Pallet Co

Flare Well Testers, Inc

EVO, Inc

Flatrock Compression Ltd

G&H Diversified Manufacturing, Inc

Evolve Partners, LLC

Flex Corporation

G&K Services, Inc


Flexible Lifeline

G&L Installations, Inc

Excalibar Minerals, Inc


G2 Partners, LLC

Geotrace Technologies, Inc

Excalibur Rentals, Inc

Flexpipe Systems (US), LLC

Gurrola Reprographics, Inc

Excel Engineering, Inc


GX Technology Corporation

Excel Midstream Solutions, Inc

Flexsteel Pipeline Technologies, Inc

Gables Corporate Accommodations

Gerry M. Wells

Gajeske, Inc

GHG Corporation

Gyrodata Services, Inc

Excell Battery Corporation

Flow Cal Measurement Software

Galena Park Isd Tax Assessor

GHX Industrial, LLC

H&H Seafood

Executeam Staffing LP

Flow Control

Gallery Sonja Roesch

GHX-All Hose Specialty

H.R. Wilkins Co., Inc

Executive Women Intl

Flow-Zone, LLC

Gammatron, Inc

Gibbs & Bruns LLP

Exhibit Network International

Fluenta, Inc

Gardline Comms, Inc

Gimmal, LLC

H2Oil Recovery & Disposal Services

Exlp Operating, LLC

Fluids Management II Ltd

Gardline Surveys, Inc

Gl Noble Denton, Inc

Exotherm Corporation

FMC Corporation

Gary E. Ellison PC

Global Artificial Lift

Expedited Logistics & Freight

FMC Subsea Service

Gary Turman

Global Business Management

Expeditors International

FMC Technologies Completion

Gas Innovations

Global Compressor LP

Experis IT Services Us, LLC

FMC Technologies Sep. Systems, Inc

Gas Supply Consulting, Inc

Global Energy Products, Inc

Gas Unlimited, Inc

Global Energy Services USA, Inc

Food & Beverage Managers Asso.

Gastar Exploration Texas LP

Global Geophysical Services, Inc

Gaston & Thanhieser PC

Global Nitrogen Services, LLC

Gateway Clearance Services, Inc

Global Oilfield Services, LLC

Gateway Intl Transport, Inc

Global Surveyors, Inc

Gaumer Company, Inc

Global Times, Inc

GBA Corona, Inc

Global Tubing, LLC

GBA-Corona, Inc

Globalogix, Inc

GCC Consulting, LLC

Globe Production Services, LLC


Glori Energy, Inc

Express Energy Services Operating LP Expro Americas, Inc Expro Americas, LLC Expro International Group Plc Exterran Energy Solutions LP Extreme Air Conditioning Services, Inc

Fiberspar Corporation

Formula Manufacturing, Inc Foroni Spa Forrest Hilton Lacy III Forum US, Inc Foster Fence Ltd

Extreme Rig Cleaners

Foster Findlay Associates, Inc

Exxiss Security, Inc

Foster Quan LLP Foster Wheeler USA Corporation

Frontline Group of Texas, LLC FSI Field Specialties, Inc Fugro Airborne Surveys Fugro Chance, Inc Fugro Consultants, Inc Fugro Data Solutions, Inc Fugro Geos, Inc

Greencare Interior Plants, LLC

Hacienda Lpg Brokerage, Inc Hager Machine & Tool, Inc Haggard Id Wiper, Inc Hahn & Clay Haldor Topsoe, Inc Hall Puckett Photographer Halliburton Energy Services, Inc Hallmark Fashion Kitchens, Inc Hallmark Office Products, Inc Halsm Hamilton Engineering, Inc Hamilton Metals, Inc Hammerhead Industrial Hose Hampson Russell Software Services Haney Worldwide Energy


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Hanna & Hanna, Inc

Houston Association of Division

In-Depth Solutions, LLC

Iron Horse Trucking, LLC

Jones & Smith LLP

Hanszen Laporte LLP

Houston Astros Baseball Club

Indigo Minerals

Iron Mountain Records Mgmt

Jones Gill LLP


Houston Bar Association/Cle

Industrial Air Tool

Irongate Rental Services, LLC

Joseph N Ledet Jr

Harris Caprock Communication, Inc

Houston Christian High School

Industrial Audio Video, Inc

Irongate Tubular Services, LLC

JST Global, Inc

Harrison Bettis Staff

Houston Commnty Newspaper

Industrial Casting Co

Irvins Quick Couriers

Jubilant Cargo Co

Houston Downtown Hotel, LLC

Industrial Equipment Company

Isotech Laboratories, Inc

Judith Fabela

Houston Dynamic Service, Inc

Industrial Fire Equipment Co, Inc

I-Tec Well Solutions, LLC

Houston Dynamo

Industrial Industrial Equipment

ITS Rental & Sales, Inc

Junior Achievement of Southeast Tex

Houston Energy LP

Industrial Information Resources

ITS Threading

Houston Grand Opera Association, Inc

Industrial Metal Fin

Itsquest, Inc

Houston Grinding & Manufacturing Co

Industry Express, Inc

J Connor Consulting, Inc

Information Development, Inc

J&B Pavelka, Inc

Information Network International

J&F Machine Shop, Inc

Information Store, Inc

J&J Machining, Inc

Infrasource Pipeline Facilities, Inc

J&J Sales

Houston NFL Holding LP

Ingrain, Inc

J&S Audio Visual, Inc J.D. Britton, M.D.

Hart Energy Publishing LLP Hartman Management Harvard Maintenance, Inc Hasco Consultants, Inc Hastik Baymont, Inc Hatfield & Company, Inc Hatfield Aviation, Inc Haynes Whaley Assoc, Inc Hays Mcconn Rice & Pickering PC Health Testing Solutions LP

Houston Habitat For Humanity Houston Inspection Field Services, LLC Houston Oilfield Equipmen

Inner Corridor Technologies, Inc

Heights Glass, Inc

Houston Pipe Benders, LLC

Insight Personnel Group, Inc

Jack Flannery

Hendrix Specialty Fabrication, Inc

Houston Products Procesing, Inc

Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc

Houston Ship Channel

Inspectorate America Corporation

Herring Design, Inc

Houston Symphony Society

Hess Bakken Investments Corporation

Houston Texans

Hess Corporation

Hov Services, Inc

Heath Consultants, Inc

HFP Acoustical Consultants, Inc HGI Consulting, LLC Hi Teck Valve, Inc Hi-Cad America, LLC High Tech Machine II Co., Highmount Operating, LLC

Houstonian Lite Wells Fargo Howard Supply Company, LLC Howco Metals Management

Instrument Repair & Calibration, Inc Insurance Alliance Intech Process Automation, Inc Intecsea, Inc Integrated Equipment, Inc

Jacobs Field Services of North America Jakes Inc James E. Copeland Jr James Howard Pouns James P. Barnett Jr & Associates PC

HTK Consultants, Inc

Integrated Geophysics Corporation

James Tinsley Rhodes & Midani

Huckster Packing & Supply

Integrated Health, Inc

Hufco, Inc

Integrated Informatics (USA) Inc

Jamison Products

Hunter Leasing LP

Integrated Production Services, Inc

James William Skogsberg Jarrett Pierce

Just In Time Sanitation Services Justin M Bender K&M Technology Group Kappa North America, Inc Karen Schnell Katalyst Data Management, LLC Kathryn C. Turner KBC Advanced Technologies, Inc KBSII Two Westlake Park, LLC Keane Frac LP Keith C. Cartwright Keith G. Simard Kellogg Brown & Root, LLC Kelly Services, Inc Kelsey-Seybold Medical Group Pa Ken R. Harry & Assoc, Inc Kendall Heaton Assoc, Inc Kenneth H. Turnbull Kenneth M. Duberstein Key Energy Services, Inc

Jason Cox Consulting

Keystone Resources, Inc

Jason’s Deli, Inc Deli Management

Kforce, Inc Kiersted Systems LP

Javelina Fluid Products

Kiewit Energy

JD Fields & Company, Inc

Kilburn Law Firm PLLC

JD Rush Corporation

Kinder Morgan Operating LP C

Hydraquip Distribution, Inc

Interactive Network Technologies, Inc

JDA Professional Services, Inc

King Ranch, Inc

Hydraulic Analysis, Inc

Interconex, Inc

JE Riseden PE

King Tool Company, Inc

Hydril Company

Interica, Inc

Jeanne Guerriero

Kinzelman Art Consulting

Hydrocarbon Data Systems, Inc

Intermar Products & Services

Jennifer Adams

Kirby Mathews & WalrathpLLC

International Association of

Hoerbiger Service, Inc

Hydrocarbon Recovery Services, Inc

Jenobi, Inc

Kit Industries

Holders Pest Solutions

Hytorc of Texas, Inc

International Oil Scouts Association

Jermaine T. Owens

KLB Consulting

Holloman Construction Company

I Tec Well Solutions, LLC

International SOS

Jerryco Machine & Boiler Works

Klotz Assoc, Inc

International Trucks of Houston

Knapp Polly Pig, Inc

Holloman Engineering, LLC

I.A.Naman Associates, Inc

Jerzy Industries, Inc


Interpretive Software Products, Inc

Jet Rubber, Inc

Knight Contracting, Inc

Jet-Lube, Inc

Knowledge Reservoir, LLC

JH Walker Trucking

Koch Heat Transfer Co LP

JH Walker Trucking

Koch Industries, Inc

Jim Lein Services

Komen Houston Race For The Cure

Highrise Electrical Tech, Inc Hilcorp Energy Co Hillary Durgin Harmon Hilton Americas - Houston Hilton Post Oak Hilton Worldwide Hi-Tech Crane Hitech Integrated Solutions HJR Consulting, LLC HMS Enterprises

Holloway Houston, Inc Homecorp Relocation Homer Edward Myers Jr. Honeybaked Ham Company, Inc Honeywell Building Solutions Honeywell International Honeywell Process Solutions Hoover Energy Texas, LLC Horizon Survey, Inc Hose & Fittings Hot Shot Delivery, Inc Hot Wheels Trucking Hotwell U.S. LLC Houston Air Service Interiors Houston Airport System Houston Armature Works, Inc

Hunter Moody Architects, Inc Hunting Energy Services, Inc Hunton Trane Services Hydradyne - Fluid Connectors Hydraquip Custom Systems, Inc

IA Naman & Assoc, Inc Ibex Chemicals, Inc Icon Information Consultants LP Idera, Inc IDS Engineering Group, Inc IE Smart Systems, LLC IHS Energy Group IHS Energy Log Services, Inc Ikon Science Americas, Inc Image Engine Impact Energy Services, LLC Impact Guidance Systems, Inc Impact Weather, Inc Imperial Linen Services, Inc Independent Professional Mgmt In-Depth Geophysical, Inc

Integrated Reservoir Solutions Integrity Delaware, LLC (Was Intergrity Industries, Inc Until 9/9/2009)

Interstate Batteries Intertec Instrumentation, Inc Intertek Group Plc Intertek USA, Inc Intertek Westport Technology Center

Jimenez Contract Services, LLC Jody Freeman Jogler, Inc

Intetech Consultancy, Inc

John Chance Land Surveys, Inc

Intex United, Inc

John H. Carter Co, Inc

Iorsim, LLC

John L. Wortham & Son LP

IPS Security Consultants, LLC

John Randall Shirley


John Shurtleff Company

I-Quantum Solutions

John W. Stone Oil Distributor

Ireservoir Com, Inc

John W. Williams Family Trust

Iriis, LLC

John Wood Group P.L.C.

Irisndt Matrix Corporation

Jon Abmeyer

Kongsberg Gruppen ASA Kongsberg Oil & Gas KP Surviellance, Inc Kratos Southwest LP Kristen L. Hooks Kronbergs Flags & Flagpoles Krueger Engineering & Manufacturing Co, Inc Kuehne & Nagel Kuhf FM Radio KW International KW International



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST La Maternelle French Academy Labor Law Compliance Center Lakeside Country Club

Lloyd’s Register North America, Inc

Mark A. Parsley

Microseismic, Inc

National Oilwell Tuboscope

LMK Resources, Inc

Mark L. Shidler, Inc

Micro-Smart Systems, Inc

National Oilwell Varco LP

Mark R. Hill

Micro-Strat, Inc

Marlin Midstream

Mid Central Energy Services

National Petrographic Service, Inc

Marnoy Interests Ltd

Mid West Electric Co, Inc

Marsh & Mclennan Agency, LLC


Marta Belforte

Midwest Steel Company, Inc

Martin Bode Werner & Man PC

Mike Hilton, LLC

Martin Energy Services, LLC

Mike Pass Weather Services

Martin Midstream Partners

Mike Sullivan, Tax AssessorCollector

Lamons Gasket Company

Loadmaster Universal Rigs, Inc

Lance Energy Services Holdings, Inc

Lobues Rubber Stamp Co Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP

Landers Consulting, Inc

Locke Lord LLP

Landmark Graphics Corporation

Locking Systems, Inc

Landrys Management LP

Lockwood International, Inc

Landtel Communications, LLC

Lodge Lumber Company, Inc

Landtemp, Inc

Logik Precision, Inc

Landworks, Inc

Logix Communications

Laroche Architectural Graphics

Lognormal Solutions, Inc

Larry North Fitness

Lone Star Exhibits, LLC

Marwell Properties Ltd Partnership

Larson Software Technology, Inc

Lonestar Fasteners

Master Flo Valve USA, Inc

Lassiter Industries, Inc

Lonestar Sealing Technologies

Master Machine, Inc

La-Tex Pump & Transportation, LLC

Looper Reed & Mcgraw Attorneys

Masterword Services, Inc

Latham & Watkins

Lorena Taleno

Laura Dickson

Louisiana Crane Co, LLC

Lauren Engineers & Constructors, Inc

LRQA Americas Sustainability, Inc

Laurence Dusaulx

LSS DigitaLPrint Finishing Systems

LCS Constructors, Inc LD Systems LP Leblanc Bland P.LLC Lee Graphics

LT Energy Services LTS Energy LTS, LLC

Martin Preferred Food

Nearterm Neos, Inc

Minuteman Press Westchase

Nes Global, LLC

Mirex Aquapure Solutions LP

Netapp, Inc


Netversant Solutions II, LLC

Matrikon International, Inc

Mitsui E&P USA, LLC

Network Cabling Services, Inc

Matrix Composites & Engineering

MK Tech Solutions, Inc

Network Embroidery Ltd

MK Transfer, LLC

Network International, Inc

Matrix Service Company

MMB Hunting, LLC

New Energy Transport, Inc

Matthiesen & Assoc


New Fluid Solutions, Inc

Maxoil Solutions, Inc

Moduspec USA, Inc

Maxwell Drummond, Inc

Mohawk Energy Ltd

New Tech Carr Environmental Group

MB Environmental Services, LLC

Monica S. Sauer

McClain Trailers

Monitoring Services

McCoy Workplace Solutions

Monte Carlo Plus

McGee Equipment Rental & Sales, I

Montgomery Machine Co, Inc Monti Tools, Inc

Nicklos Drilling Company

McGowen Landscaping

Moody National Weatherford Houston

Niobrara Geo, LLC Nixon-Dossy-Osgood, Inc

Moody-Price, LLC

NJ Resources Houston, Inc

Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP

Noah Consulting, LLC

Moss Seal Company

Norman R. Augustine

Mo-Vac Service Company-Alice

Norris Sucker Rods

MRE Consulting Ltd

Norriseal Controls

MTF Equipment Sales, Inc

North American Energy Standards

Material Mgmt Resources, Inc

Legacy Site Services

Lumina Geophysical, LLC

Legal Document Retireval & Research

Lundco Supply

Legal Media, Inc

LVI Facility Services, Inc

McKenzie Compressed Air Solutions

Lynx Information Systems, Inc

McLaren Software, Inc

M&H Energy Services

McNee Production

M&H Enterprises, Inc

MCV Consulting

M&P Flange & Pipe

Melissa Fitzgerald

M.S.O. Seals & Gaskets

Melton Electric, Inc

M/D Totco A Division of

Memorial Hermann Health Soultions

Letton Hall Group Levinthal Wilkins & Nguyen Lexco Data Systems LP

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

LF Manufacturing, Inc

Macamerica Professional Services

LF Manufacturing, Inc

Mach 5 Couriers, Inc

Mercury Signs & Display, Inc

Liberty Lift Solutions, LLC

Mackey & Tanner, LLC


Liebert Corporation

Madden Bolt Corporation

Merichem Company

Lighthouse Document Solutions

Madron Services, Inc

Merrick Systems, Inc

Lighthouse Energy Solutions

Maersk Drilling USA, Inc

Merrill A. Miller Jr

Lillian Sanchez

Maersk Oil Houston, Inc

Metal Coatings Corporation.

Lime Rock Resources Operating

Maggie L. Donovan

Metals Inspection Services, Inc

Limo Scene

Mahaca Corporation

Metarock Laboratories

Linden Professional Services, Inc

Mammoet USA, Inc.

Metrix Instrument Company

Link Project Services, Inc

Man Diesel & Turbo North America

Metromarketing Services, Inc

Manatee, Inc

Meyer & Assoc, Inc

Linrich Solutions, LLC Lipow Oil Associates, LLC Liquid Casing, Inc Liquidity Partners LP Lisa H Braly Trust Created LK Industries, Inc Llewellin Operating Co, LLC Lloyd Engineering, Inc Lloyd’s Register Drilling Integrity

Mandrels, Inc Manzanita Alliances, Inc Marek Brothers Systems, Inc Maria Delpilar Monsalve Maria Theresa Mazzarella Marianna Sviland Marine Computation Services Maripat Sexton

Navigate Energy Services, LLC

Miller Electrical Construction

Lufkin Industries, Inc

Letsos Company

Nautilus World Ltd

NDE Technical Services USA, Inc

Lubrication Systems Company

Lester Allison

Native American Marketing, LLC

NCI Group, Inc

Legacy Automation Power & Design, Inc

Lemond & Lemond, LLC

National Tank Co

Millennium-Windfall Partners, Bms Management, Inc

Lubrication Services, LLC

Legend Natural Gas Iv LP

National Recruiting Network Inc

Millennium Technical Consultants

Marubeni - Itochu Tubulars

Leeco Spring Internationa

Lutech Resources

National Pump & Compressor Ltd

Mercer Human Resource

Metropolitan Transit Authority Mhealth MI Swaco M-I, LLC Michael G. Kaldis Michael Randolph Michelle Gunnett Michelle Perez Microalloying International, Inc

MTL Engineering, Inc Mud Masters Group, LLC Mudlogging Co USA LP Mudtech Services LP Mueller Environmental Designs, Inc Murphy’s Corporate Lodging, Inc Mustang Engineering, Inc Mustang Power Systems

New Tech Global Ventures, LLC New York Pizzeria Newbart Products, Inc Nice USA, Inc

North Loop Storage LP North Shore Supply Company, Inc Northbelt Office Center V NOV Brandt Nov Fluids Services Nov Wilson LP Nova Instruments, LLC

My Luxury Gifts Com

NS Controls, Inc

N. Darlene Walker & Associates LP

NS Lifting America, Inc Nsynthesis

Nabors Completion & Production Services Co

Nuclear Sources & Services, Inc

Nabors Drilling USA, Inc

Nugen Automation, LLC

Nalta Nash Holdings, Inc Nathan Kennedy Nathaniel Vital National Assn of Lease & Title National Association of Lease National Gulf Ltd National MS Society National Oilwell

Nuevo Midstream, LLC Nunnally & Co O.E.M. Components, Inc Oaks Personnel Services, Inc Obsidian Technical Communications Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation Occupational Marketing, Inc ODL, Inc


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Odonnell Snider Construction LP Ods-Petrodata, Inc Oes Oilfield Services USA, Inc Office Furniture Connection Office Max Office Pavilion Officer & Associates Offshore Energy Center

Pacwest Consulting Partners, LLC


Painting Professionals, Inc

Philip Reclamation Services, LLC

Palantir USA, Inc Palmer Drug Abuse Program Pan Profile Productionsinc Panalpina Houston (US) Panmeridian Tubular

Philippe P. Theys Phillip Townsend Associates, Inc Phillips 66 Phoenix ATC Phoenix Lease Services, LLC

Precision Completion & Production

Quality Paper, LLC

Precision Drilling Company LP

Quantum Resources Mgt, LLC

Precision Drilling Transportation Precision Energy Services Precision Fluids, Inc Precision Powered Products Precision Well Logging, Inc

Quality Tubing, Inc Quick Connectors, Inc Quintus Consultants, Inc Qwik Pipe R Carson Llewellyn R&F Trucking

Phoenix MK Enterprises, LLC

Preferred Food Service Design

Phoenix Technology Services USA, Inc

Preferred Technologies, Inc Premier Directional Drilling LP

R360 Environmental Solutions, LLC

Phonoscope Cable

Premier Pipe, LLC

R4 Specialties, Inc

Phonoscope Communications

Premiere, Inc Presensoft, Inc

RAC Houston Conference Center

Parrott Sims & Mcinnis PLLC

Phonoscope Enterprises Group, LLC

Partners Electrical Services

Phonoscope Light Wave, Inc

Party Props, Inc

Phonoscope Services, Inc

PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP


Phonoscope, Inc

Patriot Petroleum Services, Inc

Pierce & O’Neill LLP

Oilware, Inc

Patterson Services, Inc

Old Republic National Title Insurance Company

Offshore Inspection Group, Inc Offshore Operations, LLC OFI Testing Equipment, Inc OGM Land Co Oil Distribution Services Oil Field Development Engineering, LLC Oil States Energy Services, LLC Oilfield Anchor Company, Inc

Pappas Restaurants, Inc

PGI International Ltd.

Paradigm Geophysical Corporation Parker Drilling Co Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Technology, Inc

Price Gregory International, Inc Priemere Geotechnology

R.E. Merrill & Assoc., Inc

Ralph Stockton Ram Capital Group, LLC Ram Winch & Hoist Ltd

Primary Services LP

Ramirez Precision Machine, Inc

Priority Artificial Lift Services, LLC

Ramrod Trucking, Inc

Pierce Gray, Inc

Ran Technologies, Inc

Paula Chamoff

Ping Yi

Prism Electric

Randolph Company

Paulin Research Group

Pioneer Contract Services, Inc

Pro Oilfield Services, LLC

Randolph Office Furniture

Old School Services, LLC

PCPC Direct, Ltd

Pipe Exchange

Pro Plus, Inc

Raw Materials Corporation

Oliver Equipment Company

PDL Environmental, Inc

Pipe Maintenance, Inc

Pro Sound

Rawson, Inc

OM Consulting, Inc

PE Moseley & Associates, Inc

Pipeco Services, Inc

Probe AKS, Inc

Raymond Leasing Corporation.

Omega Project Solutions, Inc

Peak Staffing, LLC

Pipeline & Gas Journal

RBN Energy, LLC

Omni Houston Hotel

Pegasus International, Inc

Omni Intercommunications, Inc

Pelletizer Knives, Inc

Pipeline Accident Prevention Service, Inc

Producers Assistance Corporation Production Testing Services, Inc

Peloton Computers Enterprises, Inc

Pipeline Products Specialty Co

Productionquest, Inc

RCP, Inc

On Site Partners

Piper Morgan Associates

Professional Janitorial Service

Pennum Industries, LLC

Piping Technology & Products, Inc

Professional Wireline Rentals, LLC

Pipingsolutions, Inc

Profire Energy, Inc

Pipkins Investigation Co

Prognost Systems, Inc

Pitch & Putt For A Cure

Progressive Equipment, In

Plains Exploration & Production Co

Progressive Global Energy A Trading

Plains Marketing LP

Progressive Pumps Corporation

Peritus International, Inc

Planning Design Research Corporation

Prometheus Energy Group, Inc

Permian Lodging, LLC

Plant Automation Services, Inc

Perry Scale Company Ltd

Platform Computer Teachers

Pros Revenue Management LP

Pete Dailey & Associates, Inc

Platinum Parking

Petrasoft Consulting, Inc

Platinum Pressure Pumping, Inc

Petris Technology, Inc

Platt Hardin, Inc

Petro Energy Group

PLS Marketing & Transaction

Otis Elevator Company

Petrochem Inspection Services, Inc

Polestar Service Corporation

Outsource Research Consulting, Inc

Petrochemical Feedstock Assn of The

Porter Hedges LLP

Ovation Data Services, Inc

Petrocomp Consulting, LLC

Overload Services, Inc

Petrofac Corporation Ltd

OVS Group, LLC

Petroleum Analyzer Company LP

Oxane Materials, Inc

Petroleum Engineers, Inc

Oxy USA, Inc

Petroleum Experts, Inc

P Squared

Petroleum Industry Data

P&B Testing, Inc

Petrolink Services, Inc

P&L Rentals

Petrolvalves Srl

Pac Geophysical, Inc

Petrophysical Solutions, Inc

Packers Plus Energy Services USA, Inc

Petroplan Ltd

Packet Security, Inc

Petrosys USA, Inc

Oilfield Services, LLC Oilfield Testing & Consulting, LLC

One Source Industrial Safety & Supply, Inc One Source Industrial Services, LLC

Pentagon Freight Services, Inc

One Way Hauling, Inc

Pentair Valves & Controls Us LP

Open It, Inc Opportune Oprona, Inc Optimized Gas Treating, Inc Orion Engineering Services Ltd Orion Marine Group, Inc Orion Project Services, LLC Oro Blanco Minerals Ltd O’Rourke Dist Co, Inc O’Rourke Petroleum Products Osage Environmental, Inc Oscar Associates (UK) Limited

Pentair Ltd Peopleworks Staffing Services Percheron Field Service Perdix Engineering, LLC Perigon Data Solutions, Inc

Petroquip Energy Services, LP Petroval LP

Polyhedron Laboratories, Inc Portfolio Decisions, Inc Portnoy Environmental, Inc Possible Missions, Inc Postmaster Window Service Unit Powell Electrical Systems, Inc Power Brown Architecture PPI Quality & Asset Management PPI Technology Services, LLC Practical Reservoir Solutions, LLC Prairie Disposal, LLC Praxair Surface Technologies Precision & Skills & New Century Financial, Inc

Propel Energy Services, LLC Pro-Script Rx, Inc Prosep Technologies, Inc

RCI Consultants, Inc Reach Group Readers Are Leaders Foundation Rebecca Thames Red Oak Water Transfer, Inc Red River Compression Services, LLC Reef Services, LLC Reel Group, Inc Regency Gas Services Lp Regester Larkin Energy North America, Inc Reliable Machinists Corporation Reliable Prime Movers Reliable Pumps, Inc

Proserv Crane Group

Remote Logistics International, LLC

Proservanchor Crane Group

Repss, Inc

Proske Plastic Products, Inc

RES Energy Solutions

Prosource IT (UK) Limited

Reservoir Development Solutions, Inc

Protechnics International, Inc Protect Controls, Inc Proterra Printing Concepts Providus Houston Ltd PSC Industrial Outsourcing LP PSRG, Inc PSS Companies PSTC Services, Inc PTS Laboratories, Inc Puffer-Sweiven LP Purchase Power

Resource Metal Co Resource Staffing Resources Global Professionals Resources2 Energy, LLC Revenew International, LLC Rex Supply Rexel, Inc RF Trucking Rhinokore Composites Solutions LP

Purvin & Gertz, Inc

RIBC (Captains Only Staffing Co.)

Pye Legal Group, LLC

Rice University

Pyramid Tubular Products LP

Richard L. Armitage

QO, Inc

Richard Roderman



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Richard Wayne & Roberts, Inc

S&B Engineers & Constructors Ltd

Seismic Exchange, Inc

Simplexgrinnell LP - Houston

Spirit Environmental, LLC

Simprentis, Inc

Spitzer Industries, Inc

Rider Hunt International (Usa), Inc

S&S Plating

Seismic Ventures, LLC Seismiccity, Inc

Sirius Solutions LlLP

Spring Engineers of Houston Ltd

Rig Runner’s, Inc

Sabine Oil & Gas, LLC

Seisquest Data Management LP

Sis Tech Applications LP

Sprint Energy Services LP

Rig2Rig Transportation, LLC

Sadler Law Firm LLP

Seisware, Inc

Sis Tech Solutions, LLC

Sprint Safety

Rigid Global Buildings, LLC

Safety Vision, LLC

Seitel Data Processing


Sprint Waste Services, LP

Rignet, Inc

Safoco, Inc

Seitel Solutions Ltd

SKC Gulf Coast, Inc

Spt Group, Inc

Rilco Manufacturing Co, Inc

Saf-Tech, Inc

Select Energy Services, LLC

Slingshot Supply, Inc


Ringers Technologies

Saltys Disposal Wells LP

Select Search Consultants LP

Slohat Hotels LP

SRO Land & Minerals LP


Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes

Seneca Resources Corporation

SME Products LP

Stacey Supply, Inc

Sentinel Integrity Solutions, Inc

Smith & Burgess, LLC

Stage 3 Separation, LLC

Sepm Foundation

Smith Commerical Contracting

Staging Solutions, Inc

Service Consulting & Management, LLC

Smith Equipment Rental & Services

Stallion Oilfield Construction, LLC

Service Star

Smith International, Inc

Stallion Oilfield Services, Inc

SES Holdings, LLC

SN Operating, LLC

Stallion Production Services LP

SGV International, LLC

SNC Lavalin Engineers and

Stallion Rockies Ltd

Shack Energy Services

Snelling Staffing Services

Stallion Solids Control, Inc

Shale Water Research Ctr, LLC

Snow Spence Green LLP

Stallion SWD LP

Shannon Gasher

Snowmass, Inc

Shaohai Zhang

Society of Petroleum Engineers -

Standard Automation & Control LP

Sharewell Energy Services, LLC

Sodexo Services of Texas LLP

Sharky Transportation, Inc

Sofec, Inc

Sharon Richardson

Solar Turbines, Inc

Sharper Translation Services, Inc

Solarc, Inc

Shawna Turner

Solids Seperation Solutions, LLC

Shea Writing & Training Solutions, Inc

Solo Engineering, Inc

Shear Bits, Inc

Sooner Energy Services

Ricoh USA

Risertec, Inc Risher Fitness Equipment Risk & Safety Institute, LLC Risktec Solutions, Inc Riversand Technologies, Inc RLG International, Inc RLM Data Review RMS Controls, Inc RN Motion Technologies, LLC Robert A. Niblock Robert J. Berteau Robert K. Wilson & Associates, Inc Robert L. Rowan & Associates Robert Roderman Roberts Law Group PLLC Rock Flow Dynamics, Inc Rock Solid Images, Inc Rockwater Energy Solutions, Inc Rockwell Automation, Inc Roger A. Soape, Inc Rolls Wood Group USA Rose & Associates LLP Rose Machine & Fab Rosemount Analytical, Inc Rosemount Tank Gauging NA, Inc Rosen USA Rotary Safety Systems, LLC Rotork Controls, Inc Rotor-Tech, Inc

S&S Professional Services LP

Sam Bassett Lumber Co Sam Houston Area Council Bsa Samco Enterprises, Inc Samson Project Engineering, Inc San Juan Compression, LLC San Luis Energy, LLC Sancudo LP Sandelius Instruments, Inc Sandra Zavala Sarah Hannegan Sasol Chemicals North America, LLC Savage Brands Saybolt LP Scandrill, Inc Scanwerks Scarlet Robinson Scheele Engineering Corporation Schiffer Odom Hicks and Schlumberger Technology Corporation WCP Schlumberger Well Services Schneider Energy Consulting Schoenmann Produce Co, Inc Schultz Process Services, Inc Scientific Data Systems, Inc

South Coast Products, Inc

Shell Energy North America (US) LP

South Coast Supply

Shelving Concepts, Inc

Southern Oilfield Service

Sherrariums Plantscaping Co Sherwin Williams

Shield Air Solutions, Inc

SCM E&P Solutions, Inc

Shipley Snell Montgomery Droog LLP

Scorpion Oil Tools

SCS Machine & Fabricating

Roxar Flow Measurement, Inc


Royal Purple, Inc

Seaboard International, Inc

Royal T Energy, LLC

Seaboard Wellhead, Inc

RPS Evans Hamilton, Inc

Seafood Wholesalers Ltd

RR&A Mail Services

Seal Solutions of Texas, Inc

RRC Leasing LP

Seamless Solutions

RSI Simcon, Inc

Seatrax, Inc


SEC Energy Products & Services LP

Screen Logix, LLC

Secor, Inc Sector Transport Logistics, LLC

Ryan Construction Services, LLC

Secure IP Solutions, LLC

Ryan Directional Services, Inc

Seebridge Media, LLC

Ryan, LLC

SEG Wavelets University of Houston

Ryder Scott Company LP

Sheldon Isd Tax Office

Scimatics, LLC

Roundtableau, LLC


Sooner Pipe & Supply Corporation

Scientific Drilling International

Scotia Waterous USA, Inc

Russell Swayne Williams

Sheila R Skidmore

Sherwood Forest Montessori School

Roto-Versal Compression Services, LLC

Russell Project Solutions Ltd

Sheffield Scientific, LLC

Securities, Inc


Solomon Edwards Group LLC

Shiv Om Consultants, Inc Shred Pro Services Shred-It USA S-I Intermediate Holdings, Inc Sidewinder Drilling, Inc Siemens Energy, Inc Siemens Industry, Inc Siemens Water Technologies Corp Sierra Engineering, LLC Siew Bee Hartman Sigit Automation Corporation USA Sigma Cubed, Inc Sigma Fasteners, Inc Signa Engineering Corporation Silixa, LLC Silversand Services, Inc Simons Catering Simons Homestyle Cafe

Southern Bay Operating, LLC

Standard Constructors, Inc Standard Industrial Structures Corporation Standard Parking Corporation Star Startex Title Co, LLC Statoil Gulf of Mexico, LLC Statoil USA E&P, Inc Stedman West Land & Cattle Company Stephen Harold Pouns Stephens Office Supply Sterling Relocation, Inc Steve A. Salge

Southern Petroleum Labs, Inc

Steven S. Toeppich & Associates Pll

Southern Specialties Transportation, LLC

Stewart & Stevenson Power Products, LLC

Southern Spring Manufacturing

Stewart Tubular Products, Inc

Southern Utilities

Stratagen, Inc

Southwest Airport Services, Inc

Strategic Career

Southwest Oilfield Products

Strategic IP Licensing, Inc

Southwest Stainless LP

Strategic Public Affairs, Inc

Southwest Valve, Inc Southwestern Controls

Strategy Engineering & Consulting, LLC

Southwestern Energy Co

Stratos Offshore Service, Inc

Sparrow off Shore, LLC

Streit Peterson Hall

Sparrows Group, LLC

Stress Engineering Services, Inc

Spartek Systems, Inc

Strike Constuction, LLC

Spearhead Services

Strom, LLC

Specialized Automation Services, LLC

Stroud Systems, Inc

Specialized Hydraulic Services, Inc

Stuckeys Specialty Tools

Stryve Advisors, LLC

Specialty Oilfield Solutions

Subsurface Consultants & Associates, LLC

Specialty Tank Services Ltd

Suhm Coil Spring Works

Speed Shore Corporation

Suhm Spring Works

Spencer Ogden, Inc

Sullair of Houston

Spencer Stuart

Summit Electric Supply

Sphere Offshore Solutions, LLC

Summit Signs & Designs

Spidle Turbeco

Sun Coast Resources, Inc

Spindletop Charities, Inc

Sunbelt Imports, Inc


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Sunbelt Stud Welding, Inc

Tendeka, Inc

The Reynolds Company

Sunbelt Supply Co

Teresa Lopez

The Rothschild Corporation

Sundown Machine Works, LLC

Terra Energy Co, LLC

The Rydberg Levy Group, Inc

Sunrise Petrosolutions Tech, Inc

Terra Firma Ventures, LLC

The Schumann Group

Sunsource Industries

Terraspark Geosciences, LLC

The Security Store

Supreme Source Energy

Terratek, Inc A Subsidiary of Schlumberger Technology Corporation

The Shred Guy, LLC

Surge Accelerator 2, LLC Susman Godfrey LLP Suternational SWA Enterprises, Inc Swepi LP Swift Energy Operating, LLC Swift Technical Services, LLC Swisher Drilling Solutions, LLC Sword, Inc Synchro Synergy Av, Inc Sysco Food Services, Inc System Development, Inc Systems Application Engineering, Inc T Rex Engineering T.I.E.C., Inc T3 Energy Services, Inc T-3 Pressure Control Group, Inc Tactical Oilfield Products, Inc Tagos Group, LLC Talance Group, LP Tam Completion Systems, Inc Tam International, Inc Tandem89, LLC

Terry Productions, Inc Tervita, LLC Tesco Corporation US Tesco Services, Inc Teton Communications Tex US Too Texans For Lawsuit Reform Texas Aromatics LP Texas Energy Network, LLC Texas Express Pipeline, LLC Texas Gauge & Controls Texas Oiltech Laboratories, Inc Texas Pipe & Supply Company Co Ltd Texas Reexcavation, LLC Texas Steam Equipment Tex-Brit Corporation Tex-Isle Supply, Inc TF Hudgins, Inc TF Hudgins, Inc TFI Resources TFI Services TGS Development LP

Tanya Deckard

TGS-Nopec Geophysical Company Asa

Tapco International, Inc

The Tagos Group, LLC The Village School Theatre Under The Stars Thermon Heat Tracing Services, Inc Thigpen Energy LLC Thistle International, Inc Thomas Energy Services, LLC Thomas J. Van Akkeren Thomas K. Bjorklund Thomas L. Ryan Thomas Oilfield Services, LLC

Training & Development Systems, Inc

Uinta Development Company

Tran Consulting, Inc

Unified Office Systems Ltd

Trans Global Solutions, Inc Transfield Services Oilfields, LLC Transocean Offshore Deepwater Transtex Hunter, LLC Treadwell Electric Contractors, Inc Treebeards Trees For Houston Tri Element, Inc Tri Energy Asset Management, Inc

United Steel Structures, Inc United Valve United Vision Logistics United Welding Supplies, LLC

Universal Ensco, Inc Universal Personnel, LLC

Thomas Tools

Triad Resources, Inc

University of Houston

Three-G Synergy, LLC

Trico Tower Service, Inc

URS Energy & Construction, Inc

Thrubit, LLC

Tricon Precast Ltd

US Metals, Inc

Tiandi Energy, Inc

Trident Crating & Services, Inc

US Postmaster

Tidal Energy Marketing

Trident Risk Management, LLC

US Well Services, LLC

Tidal Tank, Inc

Trinity Steel Fabricators, Inc

Utex Industries, Inc

Tiger Oilfield Services, LLC

Triple J Coil Tubing Products, LLC

V&M Tube-Alloy

Tikigaq Cenergy, LLC Timberline Service & Repair, Inc Timec Company, Inc Timec-Transfield Services Timeslice Technology, Inc Timken Boring Specialties, LLC

Triple S Steel Supply Co Triplex, Inc Tripoint, LLC

Vallen Safety Supply Company

TS Moly Lubricants, Inc

Vallourec & Mannesmann USA Corporation

T’s Technical Services


TSA, Inc

Valv Technologies, Inc

Tsi Flow Products, Inc

Valves & Industrial Resources

Tube Supply, Inc

Valves, Inc of Texas

Tuboscope Vetco International LP


Tubular Repair, LLC

Van Pham

Tubular Solutions, Inc

Vanguard Environments, Inc

Tucker Energy Services USA, Inc

Vanguard Permian, LLC

Tumey LLP

Vantageforce, Inc

Turbeco, Inc

Velocity Databank, Inc Velosi America, LLC

TNT Crane & Rigging, Inc

Target Hunger

The Barracuda Group

Toho Titanium America Co Ltd

Task Geoscience, Inc

The Broadleaf Group, LLC

Tolunay Wong Engineers, Inc

Tax Executives Institute, Inc

Tom Callins

Taylor & Hill, Inc

The Burnett Companies Consolidated

TD Fluid Solutions, LLC

The Carnrite Group, LLC

Top-Co Cementing Products, Inc

Team Industrial Services

The Cavins Corporation

Toshiba International Corporation

Tech Quip, Inc

The Document Group, Inc

Total Affiliates Capital USA, Inc

Tech Transfer, Inc

The Downtown Club

Total American Services, Inc

Techfests, Inc

The Eads Company

Total Cad Systems, Inc

Technical & Scientific Application

The Energists

Total E&P USA, Inc

Turbo Components & Engineering, Inc

Technical Toolboxes Consulting, LLC

The Fay School

Total Industrial Services

Turnaround Logistics, Inc

The Frontline Group of Texas, LLC

Total Lubrication Management Compan

Turnaround Managment Co

Technip Stone & Webster Process

The Goddard School

Total Safety US, Inc

The Mercury Baroque Ensemble

Technip USA, Inc

The Morrow Group

Towneplace Suites By Marriott Houst

The Mud Masters Group, LLC

Toyotalift of Houston

Teec Solutions, LLC

The Mudlogging Company USA LP

TPC Group, LLC

Tejas Office Products, Inc

The Oaks Group

TPS Enterprises

Tele Communication, Inc


Tracer Construction Company

Teledrift Company

The Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse

Tracer Industries, Inc

The Reach Group, LLC

Trademarks PromotionaLProducts LP

The Response Group, LLC

Trailers of Texas, Inc

Valco Instruments Co, Inc

TRS Services, LLC

The Awty International School

Trackwell Ads

Val Tex

Triumph Downhole Services

Targa Downsteam, LLC

Tpgtex Label Solutions, Inc

Vaco Houston, LLC

Valerus Compression Services LP

TIW Corporation

Tommy J. Mcnatt

Universe Technical Translation

Triton Data Services, Inc

The Angelina Group, LLC

Temporary Warehouse Structures, LLC

United Steel Fabricators

Triad Leadership Consultants, LLC

TH Hill Associates, Inc

Temp Financial Services, Inc

United Energy Rentals

Thomas R. Lambert

Tapfin, LLC

The Pride Services Co, Inc

United Business Forms, Inc

Universal Corrosion Specialist, Inc

Tri Tech Fishing Tool Services, LLC

Tischuk USA, LLC

Telvent USA, LLC

United Airlines, Inc

Univation Technologies, LLC

Ting-Chang Huang

Techwrite Associates

Unique Logistics, Inc

Tri State Tools & Inspection

TH Hill Associates, Inc

Technology & Calibration

Unique Digital Technology, Inc

Tri State Laser Systems, Inc

Taper-Lok Corporation

Techni-Kote, Inc


Turner & Townsend, Inc

Van & Sons Drilling Service, Inc

Verdande Energy As Verde Environmental, Inc Verizon Wireless

Turner Duran Architects LP

Versatech Automation Services, LLC


Versatile Hotels, LLC

Two Allen Center Co, LLC

Vetco Gray, Inc

TWR Lighting, Inc

Vicars Drilling Fluids, LLC

TX Screaming Eagle, LLC

Vicki E. Holmes

Txam Pumps, LLC

Vicki Perk Fields

TXG Industries, Inc

Vicon Equipment, Inc

Tyco International Ltd

Victor A. Rice

Tyco Valves & Controls LP


Tyrrell Data Services, Inc

Vidigation Services, Inc

U.S. Metals, Inc

Viking Engineering LC


Village Greenery & Flowers



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Vimark Services, Inc

Western Well Tool, Inc

Wyatt Field Service Company

B&J Welding Supply

Crenshaw Dupree & Milam LLP

Vinson & Elkins LLP

Westerngeco, LLC

X-Cel Superturn (US), Inc

B&P Oilfield Services, Inc

Crescent Supply

Vision Oil Tools, LLC

Westex Security Services, Inc

Xcution, Inc

Bailey Boiler Works, Inc

Cross Country Pipeline Service

Vision Quest Consultants Houston

Westney Consulting Group, Inc


Bald Bear Investments

Crystal L. Roach

Visual Systems, Inc

Westpost Berkeley, LLC

Xiaoqing Teng

Bar-Den Overnite Express, Inc

Custom Electronics

White Chemical Intl, Inc

Xl Multimedia

Barry & Diane Altman

Custom Welding Service

White Tucker Company

Xodus Group, Inc

Barton’s Welding Supply

CWH Water Services, LLC

Whitley Brumley (Welding)

Xxcell Freight Systems, Inc

Battery Joe

D&D Designtech, Inc

Wholesale Electric Supply Co of Houston, Inc

Xxtreme Pipe Storage, LLC

BCA Energy, LLC

D&D Pipeline Construction, Inc

Volvo Construction Equipment Rents

Wild Well Control, Inc

Yellow Cab Company

Big Bear Oilfield Services, Inc

D&R Casing Services, Inc

Yetter & Warden LLP

Big Country Bg

Daco Fire Equipment, Inc

W.D. Von Gonten & Co.

Wildhorse Resources, LLC

Yolanda West

Big Country Electric Coop

Dalia Suniga

Yorkshire Academy Foundation

Big Four Meter & Supply, Inc

Dandy Specialties, Inc

Willbros Construction, LLC

Young Men’s Christian Association

Bioremediation Contractors & Consultants

Danny’s Service Company Ltd

Willbros Downstream, LLC

Zabel Freeman

Bird Electric Enterprises, Inc

Willbros Engineers US, LLC

Zee Medical, Inc.

Black Diamond Inn

Dansco Manufacturing, Inc

Willey Edwards & Wright

Zencon, Inc

Black Jack Energy Services, LLC

William E. Pielop III

Zep Manufacturing Co

Black Watch Systems, LLC

William K. Reilly

Zephyr Gas Services, LLC

Blaine Industrial Supply, Inc

David R. Rogers Construction LP

William Morris Welding, Inc

Zeros Sandwich Shops

Blast Masters, LLC

Davila’s Welding

Williams & Lindahl LLP

Zeus Development Corporation

Boomerang Trucking

Day Dan Sr

Watt Beckworth

Williams Machine, Inc

Ziff Energy Group Limited

Boot City, Inc

Day Ross G.

Waukesha Bearings Corporation

Williams Scotsman, Inc

Zupt, LLC

Bos Service, Inc

Dayton Elam

Waukesha-Pearce Industries, Inc

Willis Group Consulting, LLC

Brandon & Clark, Inc

DC Meter Service

Way Service Ltd

Wilson Fire Equipment

Congressional District 19

Brazos Telecommunications, Inc

DC Welding Service

Wayne Enterprises, Inc

Wilson Industries LP

5 Star Donut & Deli 2

Brian Douglas Farley


Wayne Russell Search Consultants

Wilson Mohr

5L Sales & Service

Brownfield Irrigation Co, Inc

Deeco Rubber Company, Inc

Wilson Supply

Bryant Electric

Denver City Motor Parts, Inc

WDI-Acadiana, LLC

A1 Testers, Inc

W-Industries, Inc

Buckeye Disposal, LLC

Deweys Welding Works, Inc

Wearsox LP

Abco Fire Protection

Winne Land & Minerals, Inc

Weatherford (Homco International)

Abilene Environmental Landfill

Wireline Control Systems, LLC

Ajax Integrated, LLC

Buffalo Gap Instrumentation & Electrical Co, Inc

Diamond B Energy Services, LLC

Wixted Pope Nora Thompson & Assoc

Aleda International, Inc

Bulldog Services, Inc

Diamond B Operating, LLC

Weatherford Artificial CPS Weatherford Artificial Lift Systems, Inc

WM Dewey & Son, Inc

Aledo Energy Services

Butch’s Rat Hole & Anchor Service, Inc

Diamond D Slickline Service Co, Inc

Alexanders Pest & Weed Control

Butch’s Trucking, Inc

Dickey’s BBQ

Alicias Janitorial Service

Byrd Oilfield Services, LLC

Doyle Johnson

Wolitarsky Law Office PC

Allied Oilfield Machine & Pump, LLC

Byrd R&S Oilfield Services LP

Dunagin Transport Co

Womble Company, Inc

All-State Fence Company

C&G Buffalo Water Resources

E&H Fire & Safety, Inc

Weatherford International, Inc

Wonderware West

Alpha Construction Co

C1 Water Services

Eagle NDT, LLC

Weatherford Laboratories, Inc

Wood Group Light Ind Turb, Inc

Alpha Labs

Cabello Oilfield Service, LLC

Weatherford Rental Services TX

Wood Group Logging Services

Eagle Rubber & Supply Operating Services, Inc

Altman Barry

Weatherford SLS

Wood Group Mustang, Inc

Cain Electrical Supply Corporation

Weatherford, Inc Artificial Lift Systems

Wood Group Pac Inc

American Equipment & Trailer, Inc

Candy Kay Jones

Volant Solutions Volkswagen (VW) AG Volta, LLC Volunteer Houston

Wagner Media Wagners Fishing & Oilfield Services & Supply, Inc Wakefield Heritage, Inc Waller Marine, Inc Walter P. Moore & Assoc, Inc Ward & Ames Special Events Waste Management Water Standard Management, Inc

Weatherford Completion Systems Weatherford Gemoco Corporation

Wildcat Express, Inc Wilkens Weather Technologies

Wolar Industrial, Inc Wolf Pack Rentals, LLC

Caprock Golf Cars

Wood Group Production Services, Inc

Anastacio Moralez Jr

Web Devices Wedge Measurement Systems, LLC

Wood Group Wireline Services, Inc

Anderson Perforating Ltd

Wedge Production Services, Inc

Wood Mackenzie, Inc

Weisser Engineering Co

Woodco USA

Apache Packer, LLC

Churchwell Plumbing, Inc

Well Control School

Woodson Engineering, LLC

API Perforating

Circle S Water, Inc

Wellhead Distributors Int’l

Wooley & Associates, Inc Worldwide Inspection Services, LLC

Applied Environmental Services, Inc

CJR Contractors, Inc

Wellhead, Inc Wells Fargo Bank NA Welltec, Inc Wesco Distribution, Inc West Engineering Services West Houston Association West Texas LPg Pipeline Ltd Partner Western Atlas International, Inc Western Data Systms, Inc

Andeler Corporation Anthony Mechanical Services, Inc

Charlotte D. Terry Chemical Weed Control, Inc Cheryl’s Diner Choate Well Service, Inc


Dannys Trailer Sales Data-Line Office System David Mobley Welding, Inc

Ed Walton Construction Co, Inc Edge Production Equipment, LLC Electracom Supply, Inc Electric Motor Repair, Inc Elite Transports LLP Espinoza Services, Inc Falcon Tank Rental, LLC Fanning Fanning & Associates, Inc Farmer Brothers Co F-Bar Farms

Aqueous Operating, LLC

Worley Parsons Energy Services, LLC

Clear Fork Surveying & Mapping

Arrow Construction Company, Inc

Cline Oilfield Services, LLC

Fehr’s Metal Building Construction

Wrightway Presentations

Arthur Moralez

Commercial Tire Service, Inc

Firetrol Protection Systems, Inc

WS Atkins, Inc


Commercial Printing Co

First Class Awards

WS Bellows Construction Corporation

Associated Supply Company, Inc

Compliance 5

Five Area Telephone Coop, Inc

Construction & Turnaround Specialist, Inc

Five Star Consolidated Co Ltd

WSH Land, Inc

Atlas Oilfield Construction Co, LLC

WWT International, Inc

Austin King

Cougar Cleaning Equipment Craig O Services

Fletco Services Flores Backhoe Service


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Flo-Rite Fluids, Inc

JB Fluid Services, Inc

Musslewhite Trucking Co, Inc

RSI Inspection, LLC

Texas Rustic Metal Art

Fox Nde, LLC

JB Pipe Supply

Mustang Country

Russell Lonnie J.

Fox Tank

JC Instride, Inc

MV Roustabout

Texas Tech Energy Commerce Assoc

Friends of Gaines County

JCS Terminix, Inc

My Boot Store, Inc

Rustys Weigh Scales & Service, Inc

Frontier Tower Service, Inc

JDS Services

Nac Services, LLC

Ft Worth Pipe Services LP

Jed Services, LLC

Neal Montgomery

FWC Oilfield Services, LLC

Jeffrey Tolbert Martin


G&C Contracting Co, Inc

Jerry’s Waterline Service

New Spooling Service, LLC

G&W Trucking, Inc

Jesse L. Overton

Nix Electric Co, Inc

Gafford Pest Control Services, Inc

Jim’s Machine Service

Nobles Road Construction, Inc

Gage Van Horn & Associates, Inc

Joey Natividad Janitorial Service

North Basin Coating, Inc

Johns Pump & Supply, Inc

NTS Communications, Inc

Johnson Tool Co, Inc JR S Janitorial Service

Gaines County Appraisal Dist Galvan Janitor Garcia’s Oilfield Services, LLC Gasket Shop, Inc General Steel Warehouse, Inc Gibson Oilfield Service, Inc Glen Bielss Consulting, LLC Glen D. Bielss Globe Energy Services, Inc Gloria Dearing Gray Wireline Service, Inc Graybar Electric Co, Inc Greg Zielinski, Inc Gregory Noland King Griffin Plugging Services, Inc Griffith Coating Inspection & Consulting, Inc Grimmett Brothers, Inc H&H Water Station Hanco Handy Rental, Inc Hawks’ Steam Cleaning, Inc HC Oilfield Services, LLC Henry’s Welding Hicks Air & Appliances Higginbotham-Bartlett Co Ltd High Plains Industrial HLH Oilfield Construction, Inc Hollands Office Technologies Hollingsworth Construction Holloman Fire & Safety, Inc Horse Mountain Water Station Howard Smith Janitorial, Inc Hughes Meter & Supply Co, Inc Industrial Outfitters, Inc Infra Red Enterprises, Inc Instrument Maintenance Co, Inc Interwest Electric, Inc Ira Pump & Supply Co, Inc Itsquest, Inc J Two Partners Ltd J Williams Mgmt, Inc J&J Enterprises

JRJ Services, LLC JT Welding Just A Bite K&T Farms Kaman Industrial Technologies Corporation Kay & Kompany Electric I Ltd K-Bar Texas Electric, Inc Keep It Kleen Cleaning Service Kelley Read Kill Mud & Chemicals, LLC Kinsey Water Station

The CFP Group, Inc


The Conder Co

S&D Supply, Inc

The Gasket Shop

Safety Plus, LLC

The Pros Company

Samaritan Water, Inc

The Seminole Sentinel

Sandia Sprayers, Inc

Thomas Hicks Construction

Scarborough Specialties, Inc

THP Oilfield Services, Inc

Schlehuber Oil Tools, LLC

Thunderbird Services, LLC

Omega Oil & Gas Services, LLC

Scot Herrin

Thunderbird Tool & Rental, Inc

On The Spot Construction Services

Scott Box, LLC

Tina Schmitt

Seminole Hot Oil Service, Inc

Tombstone Welding, LLC

Onsite Oilfield Service, LLC

Seminole ISD

Tommy P. Loewen

Osage Environmental, Inc

Seminole Lions Club

Tonys Janitorial Services, Inc

Otis & Teri Johnson Farms

Seminole Printing Company

Tonys Oilfield Services, Inc

Overhead Door Co of Lubbock, Inc

Seminole Rotary Club

Toony’s Pizza & Pasta, LLC

Pantechs Laboratories, Inc

Seminole Thriftway

Tower Arms Apartments, LLC

Seven Hills Consulting

Trace Analysis, Inc

SFWQ Corporation

Transcend Drilling Company, Inc

SGS Engineering, LLC

Trumble Crane & Rigging

Shack Energy Services

TSG Distributors, Inc

Slaughter & Stanley Construction, Inc

Tucker Construction, Inc

Smartt Move, LLC

Turnco Enterprises, LLC

Pate Trucking Company, Inc Patterson UTI Drilling Company, LLC Paul Musslewhite Transportation Ltd

KK Norris Consulting, Inc

Paul Musslewhite Trucking Co, LLC


Permian Disposal Services, LLC

Smith Pipe

Kramer Construction

Petro Products Corporation

Smith Pipe of Abilene

Lariat Field Services, LLC

Petrolift Systems, Inc

SOS Waste Disposal, Inc

Lateral Exploration Labs, LLC

Pforym Business Solutions, Inc

South Plains Communications

Lauren Engineers, Inc

Pinkert Mark

South Plains Parts

Levelland Opportunity Center

Pippin Painting

Southern Rose Cafe

Link Field Services, Inc

Pizza Hut

Southplains Telephone Coop, Inc

Long Star Trucking & Field

Poka Lambro Telephone Coop, Inc

Southwest Integrated Enterprises, Inc

Post Montgomery

Southwestern Public Service Co


Southwestern Refrigeration & Repair

Longhorn Construction Lou Dee’s Floral Lubbock Electric Company Lubbock Gasket & Supply Lubbock Radio Paging Service, Inc Stenocall Division Ludlum Measurements, Inc Lusk Joe Lyntegar Electric Coop, Inc M&B Roustabout Service, Inc M&M Energex, LLC M&M Sprinklers M&Q Oilfield Service, Inc Mac Trucking, Inc Maloufs Jm Western Wear McCarty Equipment Co Ltd MDJ Minerals LLP Mesquite Oil Tools, Inc Michelle Chaney Midwestern Frac Tank Co, Inc

J&K Rentals

Midwestern Vacuum Truck Co, Inc

J&R Davila, Inc

Mike Womack, Inc

J&S Tubing Testing, Inc

Milsoft Utility Solutions

JA Consulting

MS Doss Fitness Center

Jack Co Auto Sup

Muleshoe Ranch Ltd

Texas Turf

RWE Services, LLC

Price Construction Ltd

Turnbow Welding Two State Oilfield, Inc Udawg Graphics Unified Oilfield Group, LLC United Machine & Tool Co Universal Oil Well Service Co Valley Irrigation Valor Energy Services, LLC Velascos Catering Vickers Pest Control Virginia L. King W. T. Fiber Link Co.

SPA Pipe & Supply LP

Wallys Equipment, Inc

Spires Land & Cattle LP

Waste Gas Flares, LLC

Standard Energy Services

Water Water, Inc

Production Pump Systems, Inc

Star Printing & Office Supply

WaterPro, Inc

Pros Co

Stellar Automation, Inc

WB Services

Pump Specialist, Inc

Stivers Consulting, Inc

Weaver Construction Texas, Inc

Quality Cleaners

Submersible Pump Specialist

West Texas Rehabilitation Center

Quality Truck Tires II, Inc


West Texas Rumble Strip

R&F Enterprises

Sundown Operating, Inc

Westair-Praxair Dist, Inc

Randy Lee

Sundown Tubing Testing

Western Marketing, Inc

Randy R. Allen, Inc


Red Diamond Energy Services, Inc

Susan Shaw Tac

Westex Document Destruction, Inc

Reese Technology Center

Swabco, Inc

Renegade Services

T L Griffin II Ranches Ltd

Rhino Trucking Richardson Connie L.

T&C Tank Rental & Anchor Service Corporation

Rig Testers, Inc

Tascosa Office Machines

Wilson Surveying Co, Inc

Rinks Lease Service, Inc

Taylor Electric Co-Op, Inc

Windstream Communications

Robert C. Wash, Inc

Teinert Metals, Inc

Wolfepak, Inc

Robert Mcham Ltd

Texas Battery Co, Inc

Worley Welding Works, Inc

Roland G. Martin

Texas Contract Spooling

WSI Cased Hole Specialist

Rose Equipment Co LLP

Texas Energy

WT Fiber Link Co

Pro Cleaning Production Downhole Services, Inc

Suzanne Graham

Westtech Enterprises, Inc White Face Farms, Inc Wild Horse Water Station William Caton Welding William Clements




CML Exploration, LLC

Insights North America, Inc

Opgrade, LLC

Success Paths

Xtreme Powder Coating, Inc

Construction Industry Institute

Internal Revenue Service

Overwatch Enterprises, LLC

Surveying & Mapping, Inc

Your Space Self Storage

Corelogic Flood Services, LLC

James W. Mathis, Inc

Paramount Field Services, LLC

Surv-Tech, LLC

Zachry Engineering Corporation

Crowther & Associates, Inc

Jamie Nielson Atty At Law

PDS Energy Information, Inc

Sylvia Hahn Imhoff

Crude Safety & Technical

Janet M. Keller

Pennpacific Onshore, LLC

Tactical Automation, Inc

Congressional District 20

Darin Banduch

Jet Speciality, Inc

Performance Tuning Corporation

Target Well Services, Inc

Adam Mika

Database Concepts, Inc

Jimmy Evans Company Ltd

Pervasive Software, Inc



David W. Benton

JMJ Associates, LLC

Petti Redding Otr

Texas Civil Justice League

Tanndee, LLC

Davis Water Co, LLC

John Christopher Merritt

Debra A. Smith

John Daly

PGH Petroleum & Environmental Engineers, LLC

Texas Commission On Environmental Quality

Dexter Field Services LP

Johnston & Cloud, Inc

Pinnergy Ltd

Texas Legislative Service

Diane Banduch

Joint TE GE Council

Platt Sparks & Associates

Texas Oil & Gas Association

Diane D. Banduch Life Est

Juler Group, Inc

Politechs, Inc

Texas Pipeline Assoc

DJH Energy Consulting

Kane Environmental Engineering, Inc

Popp Hutcheson PLLC

Texas Property & Casualty

Process Industry Practices

Texas Railroad Commission

KG Strategies, LLC

Promethean Technologies

Kimberly Clark

Pure Castings Co

Texas Taxpayers & Research Assn

KKL Partners LP

Quick Line Service Company

Congressional District 21 7K Investments Ltd ACI Consulting Acumen PM, LLC Air Liquide America Speciality Gase

Don Ray George & Assoc, Inc Donita Hunter

Ajilon Professional Staffing

Doug Maund

All-Clean Technologies

Drilling Info, Inc

Allen & Associates LLP


KWL Ranches Ltd

R&J Graham Energy, Inc

Alpha Omega Wireless, Inc

Duggins Wren Mann & Romero LLP

Laurent Tower, LLC

Radiant Rfid, LLC

Law Office of David Gross

Railroad Commission of Texas

DynaEnergetics Us, Inc

Layne Christensen Company

Elizabeth V. Shannon

Legal Partners LP

Rainmaker Document Technologies, Inc

Emerald Drilling Solutions, Inc

Leigh Ing Consulting

Emerson Process Management LlLP

Leonhardt H. Laubach & Cynthia E. Laubach

Energy Resources

American Innovations Ltd Amstar-Stacy 823 LP Apex Inspection, Inc Apple, Inc Applied Economics Consulting Arad Investments, LLC Arcos Films, LLC Arnold Oil Company of Austin, LP Arrow Global Asset Disposition, Inc Austin Geotech Services, Inc Austin White Lime Company Automated Concepts, Inc Behavioral Science Technology, Inc

Texas-Lehigh Cement Company Texchem Drilling Fluids, LLC The Access Partnership LP The Nicholas Charles Company, Inc Tier One Security, Inc

Rash, Chapman, Schreiber, Leaverton

Tier Two Registration Section/

Ratliff Law Firm PLLC

Tintera Energy

Linda Derryberry Consulting, LLC

Redhawk Energy Services


Rhode Partners, Inc

Towns & Hagemann, Inc

Lisa K. Anderson

Richard A. & Darleen M. Cobb

TRC Consultants LC

Local Positioning Systems, Inc

Richard K. Weikel

TRC Environmental Corporation

Estate of N.S. Marrow

Lognormal Solutions, Inc

Rita Juliwardani

Trimeric Corporation

Exceed Drilling Technologies, LLC

Lone Star Overnight

Robert Loucks

Trinity Environmental Services

Lone Star Trucking

Rocket Field Services, LLC

Trinity Storage Services LP

Falcon Containers

Lone Wolf Resources, LLC

Rocky Mountain PSI, LLC

Tripwire Agile Security

Farzam Javadpour

Lonquist & Co, LLC

Ron Lewis & Associates

Flare Industries, Inc

Manada Oil & Gas Consulting, LLC

Ronald J. Steel

United Rentals North America, Inc

Mark Shreves

RW Byram & Company

Epoch Performance Equal Justice Center Client Trust Equilibria USA Ltd

Ben F. Vaughan III

Flintco, LLC

Ben Knape PG

Frank Smith

Ben Nowotney

FW Ranches Ltd

Boundless Network

General Land Office


Geocosm, LLC

Brothers Lane, LLC

Geoprojects International, Inc

Brown Distributing Co Ltd

Goldsmith & Bogisch LLP

Buckeye Brine, LLC

Gregory Samuel Hurd

Buddy’s Septic & Water Well

Hall-Williams, LLC

Bureau of Economic Geology

Heartland Enterprises, Ltd

C3 Resources, LLC

HH&H Services, LLC

Capitol Services, Inc

Mason Research Consultants

Rose & Associates LLP

Timekeepers, Inc

University of Texas URS Corporation

Safesite, Inc

USA Compression Partners, LLC

Sage Environmental Consulting LP

UT Spe University of Texas Verde Creek Farm & Ranch

Sarah Rives Fossum

Waid Corporation

McGraw Equipment, Inc

Scott Douglass & Mcconnico LLP

Waid Environmental

Miller Consulting, Inc

Scott Wheeler Tinker

Mitratech Holdings, Inc

Sivells Brad D.

Work Steps

MLC Cad Systems, Inc

Sivells Jackoline C.

Hilty Interests, Inc

Monroe Nowotny Residuary Trust

Sivells Jalyn.

Carey Holtzendorf

Hiner Ranches

National Instruments Corporation

Carlos Torres Verdin

Hinklin Pressure Washing, LLC

Natural Resources Solutions Lc

SKF Bearing

Catarina Construction, LLC

Horizon Environmental

Neverfail, Inc

Caza Ranches, LLC

Hotsy Carlson Equipment Co

New Horizons of Oklahoma City

CCW Ranches Ltd

House Bible Study Group

New Shoes Music, LLC

Champion Oilfield Services, LLC

H-S Minerals & Realty Ltd

Chapman Engineering Charles Kerans

McElroy Sullivan & Miller LP McElroy Translation Co McGinnis Lochridge & Kilgore LLP

Sivells James E. Slack & Davis LLP

Willis Graves & Associates Worldwide Safety & Security, LLC Zephyr Environmental Corporation Zulu Helicopters


Congressional District 22

Solarwinds Net, Inc

Able Communications Co, Inc

New Spooling Services, LLC

Southwest Energy Consultants, Inc

Able Infosat Communications, Inc

Hwy 67 Water Company, LLC

Newfield Mid-Continent Jib

Southwest Geo Solutions, Inc

Acadiana Fittings & Supply, Inc

IBM Corp

Norman J. Banduch

Southwestern Bell Telephone Co

Chasse Consulting Sales Strategies

Ibridge Group, Inc

Specter Instruments

Advanced Litigation Solutions, Inc

ICRS Contracting, LLC

Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa

Cima Inspection, Inc

Ikard & Golden P.C.

Onepointe Solutions

Circle K Construction

Industrial Valuation Services, LLC

Clerk Supreme Court

Inline Fence & Fabrication, LLC

Onshore Quality Control Specialists, LLC

Stacey Rives

Operation Game Thief, Inc

Square Grove, LLC

Alamo Tubing Testers Corporation

State Bar of Texas

Alliant Keystone Consulting Partners, LLC

Storediq, Inc

Alpha Process Sales, Inc


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Altius Consulting, Inc

Infosat Communications, Inc

Production Wireline Cased Hole

7A Extreme Energy Services, Inc

Culligan Water Conditioning

Angela Jones

Inglenook Engineering, Inc Innovasoft

A Quiroz Trucking & Backhoe Service

Dan & Karl Kinsel Partnership

Assured Flow Solutions, LLC

Quantum Technical Services, LLC

Attest Inspection, LLC

Insight 3D Survey

A&D Services

David A. Smith

Axis Brokerage LP

Integrity Measurement & Control, Inc

Reliance Technology Specialists, LLC Research Partnership to Secure

Adt Systems, Inc

Baker Hughes Pipeline Management

Internal Medicine Associates of

Baker Petrolite Corporation


Beaed Corporation

J&L Distributors

Benchmark Wireline Products

Jam Distributing Co

BR Marketing, LLC

Jamie Crandall Equipment Corporation

Brand IQ, Inc Brightsmith, Inc BSD Consulting, Inc Caprock Oil Tools, Inc Cathy Burnett

Jeffrey Whitehead Jerry & Joanne Windsor Jim Burgin & Associates, LLC Jose Gabriel Vasquez

Champion Safety & Supplies, LLC

JYA Transport

Cheval Computing, LLC

KB Wellbore Solutions, LLC

Clark, Duncan & Morris, Inc

Knight Contracting, Inc

Consolidated Warehousing, LLC

Kurt N. Rathjen

Croft Production Systems, Inc

Laversab, Inc

Custom Specialties Co

Law Office of Gary C. Franks PC

Dalton Investments, Inc

Lazure Consulting, Inc

Dartcreative, LLC

LHR Services & Equipment, Inc

David Anderson

Lighting Wireline

Davis Lynch, LLC

LKCM WM Distribution, LLC

DCG Partnership 1 Ltd

Lost Circulation Management

DCI Resources, Inc

Maher Construction Company, Inc

Delta Rigging & Tools, Inc Dew Point Control, LLC Discovery Acquistion Services, LLC Dominion East Ohio Donald A. Herron Ed Cantebury Welding Service EE Reed Construction Evergreen Tank Solutions, Inc E-Z Line Pipe Support Company, Inc Fairfield Industries, Inc Fairfield Nodal Flow Zone, LLC Fluor Enterprises, Inc Four Eleven Solutions, LLC Frontline Data Solutions, Inc Gary Wayne Weikel Gemini Solutions, Inc Geomonitoring Services Geopropel, LLC Gerald Colca & Assoc Investigative & Infor Services Global Oilfield Services Gregg Engineering Services Ltd Gurecky Manufacturing Service, Inc Hanzik Hydraulics, Inc HCSS HE Halford Jr Welding Co, Inc Hirepower Personnel, Inc Horiba Instruments, Inc Hudson Products Corporation

K-3 Services LP

Reservoir Data Systems, LLC ReveneW International, LLC Rex D. Meyer Rhame Pump Repair & Supply, Inc Robert Jenkins & Company Rock-N V Corporation Ron Bridges Corporation Sanjeev Kumar Kapur Schlumberger Technology Corp Servomex Company, Inc Shankar Chellam Shelter Roofing LP Sintex Minerals & Services, Inc Solarcraft, Inc Specialty Rental Tools & Supply, Inc

AAA Testers, Inc Alan R. Zeman Alex Luna Alfredo Sarinana Jr Alpha Tanks & Pump II, LLC Alvin R. Nixon

Darvin C. Osina David Hartman Dayton Ray Armke DD Poynor Construction Co, Inc DEC Roustabout Delstar, Inc DHW Well Service, Inc

Amigo Chemical Control, Inc

Docs Reverse Units & Rental Tools

Anderson Ranch

Dolph Briscoe III

Angie’s Safety & Training

Donavon Unruh

Answering Service

Donnell Lands LP

Armstrong Gas Labs, Inc

Dorothy Kinsel Family Partnership

Arturo Martinez Jr Asap Rentals, LLC Aubrey Ray Radicke Aztec Air Heating & Cooling B&K Trucking Badger Bmb Services, Inc

Down Hole Inspection, Inc Dusek Carlos Dutcher-Phipps Crane & Rigging Company Eagle 731 Trucking, LLC Eagle Pass Isd Tax Assessor

Spectrum Batteries, Inc

Barrera Contractors, Inc

Stephen G. Dawson

Barrett Jr Ray R.

Steve Lieber & Associates, Inc

Bassler Energy Services

Sunrise Services, LLC

BDA Equipment Rentals, LLC

Sunset Oilfield Services, LLC

Big Bend Telephone Co

Taylor Technical Services, Inc

Big Tree Measurement

TDE Petroleum Data Solutions, Inc

Brantley Transportation, LLC

Team Industrial Services, Inc

Briscoe Ranch, Inc

Tex-Az Field Services, Inc

Bruce W Barker

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Burke Welding Supply & Tool Co

Mark Poley /Teeroo’s Private Label

Thermo Process Instruments LP

Busby Iva Ella

Thomas M. Duffy

Garland Pumping & Roustabout Service, Inc

C&N Trucking, LLC

Metrol Technology, Inc

Tony S. Smith

Garrison Contractors, Inc

C&R Keck Construction, Inc

Meyer Consulting Group

Treadwater Energy, Inc

Gator Oilfield Services, Inc

Carpet Cleaner

MI Logistics, LLC

Tri Sen Systems Corporation

Gator Trucking, Inc

Chance Tool Ltd

Michael Navarro

Trionics, LLC

George G. Mccarley

Charles Fred Hillje

Michael Orsak LP

Unicat Catalyst Technologies, Inc

George T Henrichson

Charles S. Harrison

Michael R. Nuckles

United Rentals Northwest, Inc

Gibsons Home Center

Charles W Wilson Jr

Murray Energy, Inc Div of Alpha Process Sales, Inc

Upstream International, LLC

Gilbert Ayala

Childs Corporation

Gilbert F. & Mulholland

Nalco Company

Viadata, Inc

Childs Leasing Service

Virtual Materials Group USA, Inc

Glover Co

Chuck’s Dozer Service, Inc

Guadalupana Ranch Rv Park

Oakwell, Inc

Welker Engineering Company, Inc

Cielo Energy Consulting, LLC

Guy Peacock

Oil Chem Technologies

Western Airways, Inc

Circle III Services, Inc

H&K Energy, LLC

Oil States Energy Services, LLC


Cleta Enloe

H2O Transports, Inc

Omni Flow Computers, Inc

Hanging H Ranch, Inc

Pad3 Oilfield Services, LLC

Wilson-Mohr, Inc Controls & Solutions

Cliff’s Welding CLT Electric

Hardcastle Ranch

Pan Tech Engineering Corporation

Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Collier Enterprises

Harold Lopez

Zee Medical, Inc

Colt Chevrolet

Harrison, Harrison & Harrison

Pem-Tech, Inc

Zetaware, Inc

Columbia Machine Shop

HE Cattle Co Water Station

Comfort Suites

Herbert L. Stewart & Diane Stewart

Management Systems Consulting, LLC Marathon Fitness Mark E. Johnson as Trustee

New Fluid Solutions, Inc

Percheron Energy, LLC

Bridget P. Potts

Eagle Pressure Washer Service EC Roustabout Service Elite Transports LLP Elliott & Waldron Abstract ERCO Eva Long Smith FJM Texas Gold Transport, LLC Flo Test, Inc Fort Davis Volunteer Fire Dept Frac Tank Rentals, LLC

Peter H. Griggs

Congressional District 23

Petro-Log International, Inc

Compressor Elements Service, Inc

1 Partners Enterprises, LLC

Petro-Tech Services

Cotulla Isd

2T Partnership

Holiday Inn Express & Suites

Poro Technology

3-S Services, LLC

County Line Fresh Water Station, LLC

Precision Products, Inc

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites

4L Oilfield Services, LLC

CPC Crozier Pipe Company

Process Resources, Inc

Hwy 163 Water Station

4-Star Tank Rental LP

Process Wise, LLC

Indian Creek Logistics, Inc

6126 Belmark Ltd

Creek Swabbing & Roustabout Service, Inc CRM Services

Hernandez Sanitation

Indios Roustabout Services, Inc



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST J F Ralston Company, Inc

MG Services

Safeteam Quality Services

We Mean Clean


J L Ice LP

Michael C. Whitwell

Samuel Urias

West of The Pecos Rodeo

Ican Energy Co

J&J Excavating&Materials Co.

Michel Real Estate

Sanco Oilfield Rentals

West Texas Anchor, Inc

Innovative Idm, LLC

Jacobs Ranch Ltd

Middle Rio Grande Development Foundation

Sandhills Concrete Company

West Texas Water Refiners, Inc

IPCelerate, Inc

ML & LL Construction, Inc

Sanford Waterworks & Landscaping

White Castle Rose


Ml Construction

Sarah Shuttleworth

William N. & Norma Wilson

James O Griffin

MM Services

Sharon Kay Hillje

Wink Loving Isd Tax

JP Morgan Chase Bank

Monahans Nipple-Up Service

Sheffield Rental, Inc

WM Carbide

J-W Measurement Company

Moran Construction

Slash Corporation

WM Oilfield Services, Inc

J-W Power Company

Morse Trucking, Inc

Slate Creek Ranch, LLC

Ysidro R Renteria

K-Flow Water Transferring, LLC

MTZ Vacuum Service, LLC

Sleeping Spring Ranch LC

Z&T Cattle Company

Kimark Systems, Inc

My Fabrication Oilfield Service

Small Compressor Sales & Rentals, Inc

Congressional District 24

Longrass Production LP

Smittys Heavy Haul

5J Oilfield Services, LLC

Lumenate LP

Sol Con Construction Co

Able Machinery Movers, Inc

Martin Business Products

Sonora Chemical Supply Co

Allied Oil & Gas Services, LLC

Martin Energy Services, LLC

Sonora Contractors, Inc

Altec Environmental Consulting, LLC

Martin Resource Management Corporation

Applied Energy Company, Inc

Martin Transport, Inc

Aquawest Management, LLC

Mid-Cities Patrol & Security

Aramark Refreshment Services

Norm Solutions

Armstrong Relocation

Norris Sucker Rods

Artesia Consulting, LLC

North Texas Commission

Automotive Rentals, Inc

Nvision Grafix, Inc

Basin Ventures, LLC

Occidental Oil & Gas Corporation

Janoe Flow Test Solution, LLC Javier Leija Jay H. Smith JD Crowder & Co Jemshaw Welding, LLC Jerry L. House Jess Anthony, LLC JF Ralston Co, Inc Jim Ed Miller Jim Kelly Jimenez Co, Inc

N&B Well Service, LLC Nibletts Oilfield Services, Inc

JLH Land Investment Corporation

Nicoles Weed Wash, Inc

John E. Meador Construction, Inc

Odie R. Quigley

Jones & Pool, LLC

OTG Services, LLC

Jo’s Anchor Service, Inc JP Construction Services JR Avant Ranch Ltd Just Trucking, Inc K&S Trucks, Inc

NJ Water Station Oliver D. Kiehne Owens Tommy Clint Ozona Fresh Water Station Ozona Weed Wash, LLC P&M Jones Family Ranch, Inc

Southwest Abstract & Title Co Southwest Texas Electric Coop SS Equipment Services, LLC Star Electric Co of Texas Steeple O Ranch, LLC Steven Crawford Superior Onsite Security, Inc

Kalind Properties, LLC

P&P Welding & Service Company LLC

Kenny Gage

Pappy’s BBQ

T Hill Production Services, Inc

Kermit Answering Service

Paul Skelton Jr

TC Oilfield Services, Inc

Keystone Pump & Supply, LLC

Paysinger Farm & Ranch, Inc

Terry B. Kirk

Krueger Interest Ltd Partner

Pecos Air Center

Texas New Mexico Power Co

La Bandera Ranch LP

Pecos Co Assessor Collector

Texas Swd Co, Inc

Larry Lane Carroll

Pecos Water Station, Inc

The Big Lake Wildcat

LC & HR Wright Ranch Ltd

Petro Stay Inn & Suites

The Crane News

Lehoski Welding

Pico Petroleum Products

The Glover Company

Leo & Sons LP

Pie Safe & More

The Monahans News

Liberty Pump & Supply Co

Ponderosa Water Station, Inc

The Shop

Lilly Construction Co

Proflow, LLC

Theresa Pawelek

Lindsay Water Sales

Pyote Disposal Company

Thomas E. Ledwig

Location Builders, Inc

Quell Petroleum Services, Inc

Thornton Ranch, LLC

Lone Star Services

R J Pipkin Co Ltd

Tim Ligocky

Lookadoo Welding Services, Inc

R&J Oilfield Services

Tim Radicke

Lowe-Donnell Cattle Co

R&M Trucking

Tims South Texas, LLC

M&M Truck Center, Inc

R&R Construction, Inc

Tim’s Welding, LLC

M&P Construction Co, Inc

R&R Implement

TMR Services

Man Lift Rentals

Rapid Transport Ltd

Trailways Corner Grill

Marian Clark

Ratliff Electric Co

Mays Welding Service, Inc


Trans Pecos Instrument & Supply, Inc

McCamey Volunteer Fire Dept

Ready Drill, LLC

McKinley Drilling Co

Red Bluff Water Power Control District

Sutton Pump & Supply, Inc

Lonewolf Interactive

Beckmen Cherkassky Dean Becky L. Branum

Occupational Health Centers of

Blackhawk Specialty Tools, LLC

Optical & Telecommunication Solutions, Inc

Booher Consultants, LLC

Orange Energy Consultants LLP

Bubba’s & Babe’s Catering

Oryx Oilfield Services, LLC

Cad & Graphic Supply, Inc

Pantech Design Ltd

Chemcal, Inc

Peggy Allyson Nance

Continental Reliability, LLC

Pel-State Services

Del Mar Scientific, Inc

Plexent LP

DPK Public Relations

Product Handling Design

Dresser, Inc

Randolph L. Marsh PC

Eagle Land Services, Inc

Randy Lockhart & Assoc

Edwards Green LP

Raymond New, Inc

El Milagro Mineral Ltd

RCW Energy Services, LLC

Enviroscience, Inc

RE Cupp Construction LP

Ergotech Controls, Inc

Red Hat, Inc

Farmer & Associates, Inc

Robert B. Clifton Jr & Stephanie S Clifton

Fastenal Industrial Fidelis Enterprise Sltns Fitco Fitness Center Outfitters G&K Services, Inc

Rutherford Equipment Services, LLC Sabre, Inc Shelby Group International, Inc

Treat-Em-Rite Pressure Pumping

Gas Well Supply

Trinity Eagleford Services, LLC

Gasearch Energy Data

Triple C Hardware & Lumber

Gasearch Energy Intelligence

Reddy Ice - Monahans

Unifirst Holdings, Inc

George B. Allan & Co.

MCR Contract Services, LLC

Rex H. Johnson, Inc

Unison Drilling, Inc

GPI Tollway - Madison, LLC

Medera Valley Water Supply Corporation

RG Hot Shot Services

Urban Electrical Services, Inc

Grapevine Colleyville Tax

Medina Electric Coop, Inc

Richardson-Whitehead, LLC

Uvalde Fire Equipment Co

Greenhunter Water, LLC

Rio Grande Electric Coop, Inc

Vicki Heflin, Rta - Ward County Courthouse

Hallwood Modular Buildings

VJ Services, Inc

Horizontal Solutions International

Vinson Process Controls Company LP

Waldrum Associates

Howard Data Comm,Inc

Voicedataware, Inc

Walsh Welding Walsh

Hunter Disposal, LLC

Water Works

Hurst Metallurgical Resea

White Top Oilfield Construction, LLC

Wayne’s Welding Service

Hutton Communications, Inc

Wilson Company

MCR Compression Services, LLC

Medina Electric Cooperative, Inc Megadyne Services Company, Inc Melanie Harper Mesquite Contract Pumping, LLC MG Sales & Service, Inc

RK Pump & Supply, Inc Roadrunner Energy, Inc Rock Star Trucking, Inc Rogelio D. Maldonado S&W Enterprises, Inc S&W Steel&Supply, LLC

WCC Energy

Harold W. Lockman

Sigma Valves Superior Concrete Products Tank Builders, Inc Trintech, Inc Valerus Compression Services LP Varel International Ind Lp Variosystems, Inc

Wingspan Portfolio Advisors


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Worksite Lighting, LLC

K-6 Machine Co.

Benchmark Metal Services, Inc

Superior Optimization Ltd

BC Oilfield Services, Inc

Worksoft, Inc

Kathy Kiel Johnson

Binswanger Glass #018

Texas Equipment Rental, LLC

Bellows Contract Gauging, Inc

Zackat, Inc

Kehoe Electronic & Electrical

Century Inspection, Inc

Trican Well Service LP

Best Chemical Corporation

Kountry Air Filter Manufacturing.

Cobra Turbine Services, LLC

Tri-County Electric Coop

Best Western Plus Victoria Inn

Congressional District 25

Layland Plumbing, Inc

Corelogic Spatial Solutions

TW Hicks, Inc

Big Six Torque & Test

3-16 Coatings, LLC

Leland A. Reinhard PC&F

Coserv Electric

Vangie D. Arthur

Black Angus Container

Advanced Construction

Lonestar Ranch & Outdoors

Crawford Consulting

Vector Automation Tech In

Black Gold Rental Tools, Inc

All About Mowing, LLC

Lonnie L. Lee

D. Bowman Consulting, LLC

Vineet Puri

Blackstone Systems Ltd

American Completion Tools

Lyness Construction LP

Danco Energy Services, Inc

Vinson Process Controls Co LP

Blairtown Energy Center, LLC

Angel Logistics, Inc

M&M Oilfield

David Boone Oilfield

Western Welding

BLD Inspection Services, Inc

Arnold Crushed Stone, Inc

M&R Industrial Services, Inc

Denton Landman, LLC

Wireline Solutions, LLC

Bobwhite Rentals, LLC

Atlas Machine & Welding Service, Inc

McAnear Machinery LP

Denton Publishing Company

Xerox Corporation

Bohls Bearing & Power

MD Abel Co

DFW Truck & Trailer Repair, Inc

B K Gibson

Murphy Scott Resources, LP

Douglas Crawford

Congressional District 27

Boss Oil Field Service, Inc

Bethesda Water Supply

Nell Christine Mccown


Brandt HHL Enterprises, Inc

Big B Crane, LLC

2-M Services

NTX Roadrunner Transportation

F2 Oilfield Services, LLC

Brent Kirkham

Bobcat Contracting, LLC

4Jlj, Inc

Old West Stitches

Fence Me In

A Cut Above Lawn & Landscape

Bridges Rental, Inc

Byford Machine Tool, Inc

Oliver B. Kiel III

Fountain Quail Water Mgmt, LLC

Briggs Family Properties Ltd

Cactus Equipment Rental, LLC

A&C Fire Equipment Co, Inc

Osvaldo Flores

Gaston Firm P.C.

Bronco Oilfield Services, Inc

Cactus Jacks

A-1 Shiner Fire & Safety, Inc

Owen Oil Tools

Geoforce, Inc

Brown Water Marine Service, Inc

Cactus Oilfield Services

Absolute Energy Solutions, LLC

Padgett Machine Tools

Grainger, Inc

Accurate Valve Services, Inc

Brush Country Hotshot, LLC

Carpenter Welding

Petro Rubber Products,Inc

Intellirent Co Ltd

Action Oilfield Supply, Inc

Bulldog Connection Specialists

Chisholm Restaurant

Pollock Water Well Drilling

Jim Cox Sales, Inc

Bush Hydraulics, Inc

Cleburne Area Relief Fund

Advanced Solids Control, LLC

Pressure Tek Oilfield Services

Josh Cain

C&E Hot Shot

Cleburne Welding & Industrial Supply

Aileen M. Manning

R Tex Services, LLC

Justin Seed Company, Inc

Ainsworth Trucking Lp

C&J Spec-Rent Services, Inc

Coastal Valve Sales, LLC Accounts Receivable

R.C. Testing

Kelsey, Kelsey & Hickey

Ainsworth Trucking, LP

C&K Builders Hardware

Reeves & Associates

Kenneth Marshall

Air Specialty & Equipment Co

Calhoun Port Authority

Renner Consulting

Kruse Energy Services, Inc

Airgas Southwest

Calvo’s Janitorial, Inc

Rmd Drilling Consultants, Inc

Laura Caldwell

Airgas Southwest, Inc

Caney Creek Refuse


Lewis Technologies

AJ Price Resources, LLC

Carroll D. Pitzer

Russell & Stott, Inc

LH Chaney Environmental Div of LH Chaney Materials, Inc

Alarm Security & Cntrctng, Inc

CC Battery Co, Inc

Alexander Tank Company, Inc

CC Disposal Services, Inc

Linda Suzanne Horton

Alice Rhea Wright Irrevocable Trust

Cessac Welding Service, Inc

Lonestar Shelter Manufacturing

All Seasons Guide Service

McDowell Safety & Health Services

Cheapside, LLC

All Tech Inspections, Inc

Chuck Johnson

Allan & Evelyn M. Lanik

Chuck Kelley Consulting, Inc

Allan Frazer Oil & Gas Well Allen J. Rather II

Churchwell Enviromental Solutions

Allgayer, Inc

Cinch Energy Services, LLC

Alpha Integration Systems

Cintas Corporation 083 Circle 8 Fluid Services, Inc

Cody Jones Confab Oilfield Contractors Corey D. Tanner Cynthia Arnold Materials, LLC Dallas Wood Darrell L. Stone Doc Holliday’s Discount Boots Dokir Construction Co, Inc Dorsal Services, Inc Doug Kathol Enhanced Control Solutions Ergoprise ES&H Consulting & Training Group

Sharon Fentress Simpson Crushed Stone, LLC South Texas Waste, LLC Spearhead Services, Inc Sure Cast, Inc Synergy Industries LP Tas H.P. Air Excavation, LLC TBM Heat Treating, Inc Texas Drillit, LLC TFW Industrial Supply

Lightning Oilfield Services, Inc

Mercuri International, (USA), Inc Metro Sanitation, Inc Mi-Sher Fleet Specialist, Inc National Switchgear Systems, Inc

Border Swabbing, Inc

Chappell Safety Services

Family Medicine Assoc. Pa

The Keep Company

North Texas Helicopters, Inc

Altech Inspections, Inc

Farm & Ranch Construction, LLC

Todd Dolan

Peloton Land Solutions LlLP

Alvin James Dragon

Circle Zebra Fabricators Ltd

Trinity Environmental Services, LLC

Precision Warehouse Design, LLC

American Compressor Equipment Co, Inc

Clay Shooters Supply

Fox Scientific, Inc Frazier Consulting

Trinity Storage Services LP

Prime Controls, LP


G3 Drilling & Blasting, Inc

Tutle & Tutle Trucking, Inc

Grady Rentals, LLC

Unique Machine Shop

Professional Development Institute

Amigos Recertification & Inspection

Harris Road Co, Inc

United Way of Johnson County

Red Wing Shoe Store

Armadillo Oilfield Services, LLC

Highland Lakes Castings

Warren R Pons

Reddirt Consulting, Inc

Artistic Flowers, LLC

Hilco Electric Coop, Inc

Wellhead Works, LLC

Reef Process Systems, LLC

Arturo Ruiz

HLI Energy Services

Westhill Construction, Inc

Reservoir Production Services

Atlas Tubular, Inc

Robert J. Wittman

B Enviornmental

Sam Karim Consulting, Inc

B&B Autoworx

Sammy Harwell & Kelley Kimmey

B&S Services, Inc

Sav-On Fence, Inc

Baker Oil Tool

Corpus Christi Coating & Machine

Scott Electric

Barbara Ann Kircher

Corpus Christi Electric Co, Inc

Self Opportunity, Inc

Barbee Services, Inc

Corpus Christi Gasket & Fast


Base Line Data, Inc

Corpus Christi Stamp Works, Inc

Stephens Pneumatics, Inc

Bay Coffee Services Co, Inc

Coyote Fuels, LLC

Steven Hartzler

Bay Ltd

Coyote Specialties, LLC

Hoot Johnson Construction, Inc Hundley Hydraulic Sales & Service Jeff England Motor Co Jennifer L. Balch Johnson Co Special Utility Dst Johnson County Emergency Mgmt JW Hughes Excavation, Inc

Congressional District 26 All Seasons Foam Insulation Ally Financial, Inc Arc Pressure Data, Inc Argyle Volunteer Fire Dept B&P Resources Barnard’s Transfer Services, Inc

Aqua Beverage Company

Clayton Directional Drilling Ltd CNB Equipment, LLC Coastal Coolers, LLC Coastal Tool & Supply Comfort Inn & Suites Calallen Cook Mfs, Inc Corner S Ranch Ltd Corpus Bayside Investments, LLC




Ginger Jill Baker

JMG Machine

Motion Industries

Robert D. Ramirez

Cross Roads Oil Field Supply Ltd

GKT Ranch LP

John J. Welder V

MTS Consulting, Inc

Rogue Trucking, Inc

Crosshair Energy Services, LLC

Glenda Kay Sparks

Johnson Oil Company

Multi Shot, LLC

RSK Transport, LLC

Cuatro Milpas

GMU Down Hole Tool Corporation

JST Global, Inc

Muniz Electrical Masters

Ryan Services, Inc

Mustang Farm Partnership Ltd

Samaripa Oilfield Services, LLC

MW Rentals & Services, Inc

Scott Electric Company

National Bugmobile, Inc

Scrappy Trucking, Inc

Neumin Production Company

Sentinel Integrity Solutions, Inc

Norman Shaheen

Serpa Fabrication, Inc

North Shore Corporation

Service Hydraulics, LLC

North South

SFI Hotshot

Nueces Components, Inc

Sharky Transportation, Inc

Nueces Electric Coop, Inc

Sherwin-Williams Co

Kenneth Robert Whitehurst

Ochoa Services, LLC

Sidney Smith Consulting

Kixx Rentals & Services

Office Systems Center

SNW Fabrication, LLC

KRM Trucking, Inc

Oil Patch Downhole Services, Inc

South Tech Supply

Kyle Chandler Services, LLC

Oil Patch Rental Services, Inc

South Texas Filter & Supply Co

L&P Pipeline Construction, Inc

Oil Patch Water & Sewer Services, LLC

South Texas Oilfield Maintenance In

OilPatch Petroleum, Inc Palacios Isd Tax Office

South Texas Overhead Cranes & Hoist

Palacios Marine & Industrial Coatings, Inc

South Texas Valve & Controls Southern Brush SW, Inc

Patriot Oilfield Services, LLC

Southern Cross Consulting

Pat’s Hot Shots

Southern Facility Services & Construction, Inc

Cullen Carsner Seerden & Cullen Custom Tinting & Truck Accessories

Grace Services

K&R Co Compl Compress Services, Inc


Kaylyn Griffin

CW Trucking, Inc

Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, Inc

KC Services

D&C Fence Co., Inc D&R Sales Co Dale’s Fun Center Dalton Crane LC Dalton Trucking, Inc D-A-M Services, Inc David E. Matney

Gulf Bolt & Supply

KD Buchanan Enterprises, Inc (Kevin Donald Buchanan)

Gulf Coast Acquisition Co, LLC

Kelly Thornton, Inc

Gulf Coast Crane Services, LLC

Ken Frankenberger

Gulf Coast Graphics & Signs

Kennedy Wire Rope & Sling Company

Gulf Coast Repair & Machine Gyro Technologies, Inc

David L. Kircher & Barbara Ann Kircher

H O Acres, LLC

David Longoria Trucking & Construction, LLC

H&S Constructors, Inc

Dickson Builders, Inc Directional Drilling Services, LLC Djon Smith Mobile Oilfield Trucking, Inc Donald A. Elder Donna Johnson Med LPC CRC PA Down Time Services Dru Chem, Inc Duke Controls, Inc Dustin Hicks DW Rentals & Service LP Dynamic Oilfield Services, Inc Eagle Acquisitions Eagle Automation Corporation Eagle Lock & Key Eby Survey, Inc Eco Mud Disposal

H&H Control Solutions, Inc Hardin Tubular Sales, Inc Harvey Rhea Wright Trust

L.K. Jordan & Associates

High-Brehm Hats & Western Wear

Laguna Crane Services, LLC


Lamberti USA, Inc

HMT Construction, Inc

Landshark Trucking

Hoelscher Electric Co

Larry Shafer

Hoisting Wire Rope & Sling

Lawrence Wayne Weigelt

Holt Cat

Liberty Swabbing, Inc

Hook N Bull

Lodestone Operating, Inc

Horizon Hotshot Breedlove

Lone Star Lease Service

Hose of South Texas, Inc

Lone Star Ranch & Cattle, LLC


Longoria’s Radiator & Muffler

Hunt Contractors Ltd

Louis R. Willeke

Hurt’s Wastewater Management Ltd

Lynco Oil Services, Inc

Hydro Tx Cleaning Services, LLC

Macgregor Services, Inc

ICWR & M, Inc Ideus Consultant, LLC

Lake Alexander Minerals Ltd

M R Ranch Services Magic Industries, Inc

Paul Radicke Paul W. Peeler Family LP Petroleum College Intl Pioneer Oilfield Trucking, Inc

Spur Trucking SRH Express, LLC SRM Equipment Lc

Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon

StarTex Gasoline & Oil

Precision Machined Components

Stephen M. Horner Phd

Premium Connection Services, Inc

Impact Hotshot Services, LLC

Margie Ann Dickerson

Impact Services

Martha Respondek

Industrial Corrosion Service, Inc

Martin Printing Company

Professional Safety Associates, Inc

Industrial Piping Spec., Inc

Mary Lynette Sutton

Pump Flow Services, Inc

Infinity Well Control, LLC

Matagorda Oilfield Specialty, Inc

Quality Vending

ETS Oilfield Services LP

International Energy Services Company

Maverick Engineering, Inc

R&F Industries, Inc

Exact Valve Solutions, Inc

Iron Horse Tools, LLC

Max-Vac Industries, Inc

R&S Transport

F S Jackson Co

J Reese Buchanan

McAda Drilling Fluids, Inc

R. Steven Johnson

Fastenal Company

J&B Pavelka, Inc

McWhorter Electric

R.G. & Associates

Felix Diesel Service

J&D Rentals&Services

Measurement Resources, Inc

R2 Fluids, LLC

First Rock I, LLC

J&J Pipe & Supply, Inc

Mechanix, Inc

Rabalais I&E Constructors

Fitzpatrick Tubing Services

J4 Fluid Services, Inc

Melanie McCollum Klotzman & Mark Klotzman

Ranly, Inc

Flo-Tech Equipment Specialty

J4 Oilfield Service Corporation

Mellinger Oilfield Trucking

Ransleben Senterfitt Sedwick & Co

Ford Surveying Firm

Jaco Industrial Supply, Inc

Menchaca’s Security Service

RBC Machine, LLC

Forney & Company

James Berger

Meyer Services, Inc

Rebel Pump Services, Inc

Frontier Surveying Company

James C. Meischen

Michael A Guerra

Refinery Terminal Fire Company

FS Jackson Co

James’ Trailer Repair

Mike Pozzi Catering

Reid Tausch

Full Hole Inspection Services, Inc

Janssen Lease Service, Inc

Milamore, Inc

Ren Services, Inc

G&W Production Company, LLC

Jerome Dragon Jr Jet Maintenance, Inc

Miller Environmental Services, Inc

Rental Xpress, LLC

Gary & Mary Cox Partners Ltd Gate Guard Services LP

JH & LG Construction, Inc

Gce Petroleum Consulting, LLC

Jim L. Turner Co

Get-R-Done Logistics

JM Oilfield Service, Inc

Elco Energy, LLC Elder Family Partnership Ltd Elite Toilet Rental Environmental Evolutions Energy Estate of Olivero Everett

MNB Welding Services, Inc Mobile Oilfield Trucking, Inc Moffitt & Associates, Inc

Spring Creek Place Event Center

Polk Production Technologies, Inc

Iesco, LLC

El Campo Refrigeration

Speer, Inc

Pipe Pros, Inc

Magnum Oil Tools International Ltd

El Campo Prod Serv

Southwest Land & Marine

Pro Field Services, Inc Production Equipment Company

RepCon, Inc Rex Reid Reyco Welding Rincon Water Supply

Stephanie Griffin Charbula Steven A. Svatek Stewart Title of The Coastal Bend STI Communications Stinger Transportation Storm Field Services, LLC Streamline Production Systems II, LLC Suemaur Exploration Sundance Services Superior Trailer Sales Supreme Production Services, Inc Suwannee Supply, Inc T2 Building LP Talon Energy Services, Inc Tank 1 Services, LLC TC Inspection, LLC TC Welding & Equipment Rental Tejas Production Services, Inc Tejas Transport Company, LLC Terra Group Ltd Texas Equipment Rental, LLC Texas Equipment Rental, LLC Texas Quality Gate Guard Service The Estate of Olivero Everett


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Thomas Edward Whitehurst Thomas Fuels Lubricants Thomas K. Rhein Thomas Petroleum, LLC Thomas Products, Inc Tim Janssen Tjett Ltd TNT Crane & Rigging, Inc Top Notch Energy Services, Inc Total Screen Solutions, Inc Toucan Sales & Service Travis Long Travis Salinas TSI Service & Supply TWM Oilfield Services, LLC Txam Pumps, LLC

Atkinson Transport Company, LLC

Jo Anez Wright

Rodney D. Blaha

Bendco, Inc

B.H. Trucking

Job Homestead Partners Ltd

Samuel Draper Vester

Joyce Ray Wood

Santiago Garza

Commercial Wireless Solutions LP

J-T Swabbing Services, Inc

Satco, Inc

Juan Serna

Scarlet Ann Moreno Testamentary Trust

Bbq Pits of Atascosa Bees Oilfield Services, LLC Benito Hernandez Trucking, LLC Benny Thomas Zavisch Jr Big Country Containers Billy Curry Border Lease Services, Inc Border Well Services, Inc Bridges Port-A-Potty, Inc Brush Country Pest Services Buenas Arenas, LLC Camarenas Backhoe Service Camel Logistics

Karen B. Wheeler Kasper L&M Border Services La Bonita Ranch Ltd La Contractors Ltd Laredo Alarm Systems, Inc Laredo Border Chapter Api Laredo Hydro Tec LP Larry L. Valchar Estate Lar-Tex Investments Ltd

Camino Agave, Inc

Laso Drinking Water & Tank Rental

Universal Wellhead Services, LLC

Campero & Assoc

LCA Oilfield Rental & Services

Carroll Joe Nichols

LCM Resources, Inc

US Safety & Promotional

Castillo Electric & Facility Services, Inc


Cenizo Slickline Services, Inc

LJ Petroleum Services, LLC

Unifirst Holdings LP

Valley Solvents & Chemicals Vaughn Energy Services, Inc Victor J. & Leala Kahlich

Charles R. Valchar

Lester-Powers Ranch, Inc Lobo Logistics, LLC

Schmidt Oilfield Services Secured Gates, LLC Slick Operating Services South Texas Food Bank South Texas Ice Southern Sanitation Services, Inc Spawglass Contractors, Inc STX Petro Properties, LLC Susan Blodgett Swenson Ranch Operations, LLC Systemtools Software, Inc Texas Chefs Association

National Hose & Accessories Newinn, Inc

Triple J Oilfield Services, Inc

Pasadena Trailer & Truck Acc

Turner Directional & Consulting

Petrochem Inspection Services, Inc

Double R Welding Services

Miracle Services, LLC

United Isd Tax Office

WE Hayden Lease Service, Inc

Double Rafter H Construction, LLC

Mission Vacuum & Pump Truck Service, Inc

United Way of Laredo, Inc Virginia R Cover

Welch Machine, Inc

E&S Oilfield Services, LLC

Monster Wireline, LLC

Voz De Ninos Casa

Wendel & Associates, Inc

Elenora Lange Energy Production Specialties, LLC

Morales Machine Shop & Transportation, LLC

Wade L. Blaha

Wet Washing Equipment of Texas

Mr Harlan, Inc

WFBT LLP Us Realty & Investment Co

Energy Pumping Specialties, Inc

Mustang Energy Services, Inc

Water Well Services, Inc

WFS Armadillo Limited

Eva K. Lowe Evergreen Underground

Mustang Production Services, Inc

Wilson Inspection X-Ray Services Inc Wilson Welder Qualification, LLC Wolfe Legal Services Young Heavy Haul, Inc Your Spotless Cleaning Service Zeke’s Construction

Congressional District 28 Acetylene Oxygen Co Adam J. Olivares Jr Agustin Luna, Sr. Alpha Machine & Repair, LP ANE Cleaning Service API Pipe & Supply, LLC

G&F Oilfield Services G&R Compressor Service Geronimo Espinosa Grande Garbage Collection Co Greg Johnston Guevara Ricardo Guy Jean Lowe GVASA, LLC H&R Lease Service, LLC Habitat For Humanity

Padilla Security Pas Welding Services Pennys Pantry, LLC Pinnacle Land Services, Inc Platinum Production Testing Premier Civil Engineering, LLC Presidio Swd, Inc Prime Materials Qhaul, Inc

Unifirst Holdings, Inc

Warren P. Wheeler Webb 4H Shooting Sports Club Webb Consolidated Independent Whitetail Transport, LLC

Petroquip International, LLC Pinnacle Industries, Inc Pinnacleais, LLC Plant N Power Services LLP Precision Structures, Inc Rapid-Torc, Inc Reagens USA, Inc Safety RX Services & Supply Corporation San Jacinto Community College

Wiley Lease Co Ltd

Southern Instrument & Valve Co, Inc

William A. Lowe III

St. James Rail Terminal, LLC

Willie Ranch Ltd

Star Oes Services, LLC

Wolverine Construction, Inc WW Wireline Co

Techcorr USA Management, LLC

Yolanda & Juan Perez

Tracerco USA

Zaffirini & Castillo LP

Valsource International, LLC

Zapata Feed & Ranch Supplies

VFP Fire System

Zavala IndustriaLPainting, LLC

Walk A Jam, Inc Wellhead Control Products, Inc

Congressional District 29

Hatec International, Inc

Quail Energy Services LP

ACN Burbank, LLC

Congressional District 30

Howland Engineering & Surveying Co

Rafael Guerra

Aero Lift

3M Company

Rail Link International, Inc

Air Liquide Employee Rec Fund

3M Purification, Inc

Rancho Colorado Ranch Holdings Ltd

Armor Plate, Inc

4 Star Hose & Supply, Inc

Aztron Chemical Services, Inc

401 K Vacuum Services

Raul Ruiz

B. L. Stanley Ltd

A Division of Rodan Transport

Raymond Bruni

Bandini Enterprises, Inc

A Shawcor Company

Ro Cha Construction Services, LLC

Bauer Visual Graphics, Inc

A Subsidiary of Core Laboratories I

Hyatt Family Ltd Interclean Janitorial Services, Inc

Aquapro Oilfield Services

J Moncivais Gauging Service

Arguindegui Oil Company Ltd

J&R Valley Oilfield Service

Asash Termite & Pest Control Co, Inc

Orozco’s, Inc

Johnson Matthey, Inc

Trinity Eagleford Services, LLC

Double Eagle Torque & Test, LLC

Opsco Energy Industries USA

Janyce Parmer

Microtec Services, Inc

Vi-Wolf, LLC

Fidelis Group, LLC

IWS Gas & Supply of Texas


Mesa Southern Well Servicing LP

Willoughby Trucking, Inc

Instrument & Valve Services Co

Medical Screening Services, Inc

Doris J. Naylor Family FLP

Newman Glass Co

Houston Plating Company

Thomas Edward Peeler

Victoria Oilfield Rental & Sales, Inc

Ferny S. AC & Refrigeration

Grayson Armature Works, Inc

Mayekawa USA, Inc

Dennis Energy Services, Inc

Willco Services, Inc

General Laboratory Supply of Housto

Texas Valley Crane, LLC

Victoria Fishing & Rental

Warrior Supply, Inc

Gayesco International LP

Lonestar Ecology, LLC

Daniel Munoz Gauging Service

Mesa Saftey Services, LLC

G&A Pallet Co

Texas Southern Wireline, LLC

Victoria Fire & Safety

Med-Loz Lease Service, Inc

Flange Protection & Gaskets

LG Manufacturing, LLC

Coyote Catering

Medina Electric Coop, Inc

Enrud Resources, Inc

Texas Premier Lease Services, LLC

Victoria Electric Cooperative

McMullen Tax Office

Elevator Transportation Services

Labcal & Repair Services, Inc

Cotulla Land & Investments, Ltd Cowboy Fellowship

Dorsett Brothers Concrete Supply In

Texas Community Bank Na

Victoria Communication Services, Inc

Macy’s Rentals, LLC

Debusk Services Group, LLC

Jaguar Hydrostatic Testing, LLC James Earl Wheeler Jr Jarrad Yaunt Moreno Trust

Robert Yeates Wheeler

Baysouth Maintenance Service, Inc

A&B Valve & Piping Systems, LLC




Anixter, Inc

Bellco Holdings, LLC

BW Technologies America, Inc

A2D Technologies, Inc

Apache Corporation

C&C Software

Abatix Corporation

Apache Shelf, Inc

Benchmark Energy Transport Services, Inc

Abraxas Petroleum Corporation

Apac-Texas, Inc

Benchmark Logistics, Inc

C&S Energy Services

ABS Quality Evaluations, Inc

Apex Petroleum Engineering

ABSG Consulting, Inc

Appco Aggregate Plant Products Co

Abtech Acap Health Consulting Accuvant, Inc Ace Machine & Fabrication, Inc Ace Transportation, LLC Acuren Inspection, Inc Adamandt Oilfield Services, LLC Aerial Photography of Dallas Aggreko, Inc Agrisource, Inc

Apple, Inc Aquire Solutions, Inc Aramark Uniform Services Archer Directional Drilling Archer Rental Services, LLC Archer Tubular Services, LLC Archer Underbalanced Services Ardent Companies, Inc Ardent Services, LLC

AIP, Inc

Argonaut Insurance Co

Air Liquide America Specialty Gases, LLC

Argus Media, Inc Arinc, Inc

Air Mac, Inc

Arista Network, Inc

Aircomp, LLC

Array Holding, Inc

Airgas Refrigerants, Inc

Arredondo Zepeda & Brunz, LLC

Airgas Safety, Inc

Arrow Engine Company

Airgas Southwest, Inc

Arrow-Magnolia International, Inc

Airgas Specialty Gases, Inc

Ashcroft, Inc

Airgas, Inc

Ashtead Technology, Inc


Aspire HR, Inc

Airgroup Corporation

Assess Systems

Alan D. Bell


Alcatel Lucent USA, Inc

Atkins North America, Inc

Aldinger Co

Atlas Oilfield Construction Co

Alexander Ryan Marine & Safety Co

Benchmark Research & Technology Benoit Premium Threading, LLC Bentek Energy Platts Best Pump Works BFI Houston Sort Center Bico Drilling Tools, Inc Biffle Water Well Service Big Mac Tank Trucks, LLC Bishop Lifting Products BKEP Services, LLC Black Box Network Services Black Rock Capital, Inc Black Warrior Wireline Bledsoe Living Trust Blue Knight Energy Partners LP Blue Star Materials, LLC

C&J Spec-Rent Services, Inc Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation Cal-Chlor Corporation Calmena Drilling Services, LLC Calpet, LLC

Chemical Waste Management, Inc Chemsearch CHEP Chevron Midcontinent LP Chevron Phillips Chem Co LP Chevron USA, Inc Chief Oil & Gas, LLC

Cameron Engineered Valves

Chieftain Sand & Proppant, LLC

Cameron International Corporation

CI Actuation Cinco Pipe & Supply, LLC

Cameron Measurement Systems

Cintas Corporation

Cameron Process Valves

Circor Energy Products

Cameron Solutions, Inc

Citation Oil & Gas Corporation

Cameron Surface Systems

City Wide Mechanical, Inc

Cameron Technologies US, Inc

Claudette Lohr

Cameron West Coast, Inc

Clear Channel Airports

Camin Cargo Control, Inc

Cmc Cometals Steel

Camino Agave, Inc

CML Exploration, LLC

Canary Drilling Services, LLC

Coastal Chemical Company, LLC

BMC Software, Inc

Canary Production Services, LLC

BMR Consulting, LLC

Canelson Drilling Us, Inc

COG Operating, LLC

BNSF Railway Company

Cannon Services, LLC

Collectia Ltd

Bob Sample & Associates, Inc

Canrig Drilling Technology Ltd

Colt International, LLC

Bobcat Pressure Control, Inc

Capstar Drilling, Inc

Bodycote Met Coatings

Carbo Ceramics (New Ibria)

Columbia Texas Park Ten Industrial, LLP

Bodycote Thermal Processing

Carcon Industries & Construction

Boeing 100 N Riverside, LLC

Cardno, Inc

Boltex Manufacturing. Co

Cargill, Inc

Boots & Coots Services, LLC

Carla Petroleum, Inc

Compass Cementing Services, LLC

Atmos Energy

Booz & Company, LLC

Carlton-Bates Company

Compass Fracturing Services

Carrier Enterprise, LLC

Alfa Laval, Inc

Audubon Engineering Company, LP

Boral Material Tecnologie Border States Electric Supply

Cased Hole Well Services, LLC

Compass Professional Health Services

Alice Southern Equipment

Audubon Field Solutions, LLC

Borets Us, Inc

Castle Metals

Competition Wireline Services

Alimak Hek, Inc

Automotive Fleetserve, LLC

Borets Weatherford Us, Inc

Caterig, Inc

Compressco Field Services, Inc

Allegro Development Corporation

Aveda Transportation & Energy

Bos Solutions, Inc

CB&I, Inc CBC Restaurant Corporation

AWC Frac Valves, Inc

BP America Production Company

Compressco Partners Operating, LLC

Allied Production Services, Inc

Aviall Services, Inc

BP Exploration Alaska, Inc

CDI Energy Services

Allied Waste Allis Chalmers Prod Services, Inc All-Pro Fasteners, Inc

AWC, Inc Bacon Equipment

Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

CDK Perforating, LLC

Brammer Engineering, Inc

CDM Resource Management, LLC

Bravo Technical Resources


Baker Botts LLP

Brenntag Southwest, Inc

Central Freight Lines, Inc

Baker Hughes Business Support Services

Bri-Chem Supply Corporation.

Central Oil & Supply Corporation

ALS Services USA Corporation

Briggs Equipment, Inc

Centreport Venture, Inc

Ambit Energy

Baker Hughes Inteq

Brigham Oil & Gas

Certex USA, Inc

Amerex Brokers, LLC

Baker Hughes Oilfield Operation, Inc

Bristow Group, Inc

Certified Laboratories Cetco Energy Services Co, LLC

American Association of Professional Landmen

Baker Hughes, Inc

Brock Services, LLC Bronco Oilfield Services, Inc

CGg Jason Us, Inc

American Express

Barbara Bender

Brooks Diversified Systems

CGG Services Us, Inc

American Fire Sprinkler Assoc

Basf Corporation

Browning Oil Company, Inc

CGGveritas Land Us, Inc


Basic Energy Services, Inc

BS&B Safety Systems, LLC

CH Fenstermaker & Associates, LLC

Amerigas Propane LP

Basin Tool Company

Ameripipe Supply Co

Bass Fishing & Rentals, LLC

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

Bassler Energy Services

Andon Specialties, Inc

Bayer Materialscience, LLC

Andrews & Kurth LLP

Baylor Health System Foundation

Allyn Media, LLC ALS Environmental ALS Group USA Corporation ALS Laboratory Group

America First Legal Services, Inc

Andrews County Waste Disposal, LLC

Badger Pressure Control, LLC

BP Exploration, Inc


Baker & O Brien, Inc Baker Atlas

Baker Petrolite

Bell Supply Company

Buckman Laboratores Bucks Engines LP Buffalo Gap Instrumentation

Ch2M Hill Engineers, Inc Challenger Process Systems Co

Bullen Pump, Inc

Champions Pipe & Supply, Inc

Bureau Veritas North America, Inc

Chandler Engineering Co, LLC Charles R. Flournoy

Burnett Staffing Specialists

Charter Waste Landfill

Butler & Land, Inc

Coca Cola Refreshments

Commerce Grinding Co, Inc Commercial Body & Rigging, LLC

Compressor Engineering Corporation Compressor Products Intl Compressor Systems, Inc Compucom Systems, Inc. Comware Concentric Pipe & Tool Rentals, LLC Connection Chemical, Inc Consolidated Casting, Inc Continental Operating Company Cooper Cameron Valves Division Cooper Clinic Cooper Compression Cooper Corporate Solutions Copsync, Inc Copy & Camera, Inc Core Laboratories, LP & Affiliates Corelogic, Inc Corporate Tax Mgmt, Inc Corrpro Companies, Inc Cotton States Life Insurance Co Ga CPI Lubrication-CC Technology



DPC Industries, Inc

Exco Resources, Inc


Greene’s Energy Group, LLC

Crain Chemical Co

Dresser Piping Solutions

Exco-Hgi JV Assets, LLC


Gretchen S. Henry

Crawford Electric Supply, Inc

Dresser-Rand Company

Exponent, Inc

Fritz Industries

Grinding & Sizing Co, Inc

Crescent Directional Drilling LP

Dril Quip, Inc

Frontier Fire Systems, Inc

GSE Lining Technology, LLC

Cresson One Minerals, LLC

Drilling & Production Systems

Express Employment Professionals

GST Manufacturing.

CRI Holdings, LLC

Drilling Info, Inc

Frontier Petroleum Services, LLC

Guard Drilling Mud Disposal

Cross V Ranch, LP

DS Waters of America, Inc

Express Energy Services Operating LP

Frontier Hot Oil, LLC Frontier Pressure Testing, LLC

Guardian Inspection & Tubular

Crosstimbers Hot Shot Service

Duoline Technologies

Frontier Wellhead & Supply, LLC

Crown Castle Towers 05, LLC

DXP Enterprises, Inc

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation

CSC Credit Services, Inc

Dyna Systems

CSI Leasing

Dynasty Transportation, LLC

CT Corporation System

E R Operating Company

Cudd Pressure Control, Inc

Eagle Rock Field Services LP

Cudd Pumping Services, Inc

East Texas Seals, LLC

Cudd Well Control

Eastern Reservoir Services

Cullen Allen Holdings LP

Eaton Corporation

Cummins Southern Plains, Inc

EB Technologies, Inc

Cyrusone, LLC

Edgen Murray Corporation

D. Mills Farm Partnership

El Centro Landfill LP

Falcon Technologies & Services, Inc

D. Reynolds Company

Electric Drilling Technologies

Fas-Line Fluid Services, LLC

GE Betz, Inc

Dahlgren Duck & Assoc, Inc

Element Materials Technology

Fastorq, LLC

GE Capital Information

Dale Operating, Inc

Elizabeth T. Calloway

FCC Environmental, LLC

GE Infrastructure Sensing, Inc

Dallas Production, Inc

Ellison Technologies

FCS Construction

GE Oil & Gas Logging Services

Dallas Security Systems, Inc

Ellwood Texas Forge Co

Federal Express Corporation

Dan H. Brown, Inc

Elm Ridge Exploration Company

Dana Corporation

Ely & Associates Corporation

Ferguson Beauregard Logic Controls

GE Oil & Gas Pressure Control LP

Daniel Measurement Services, Inc

Embraer Aircraft Holdings, Inc

Danlin Industries Corporation

Enable Midstream Partners LP

Dan-Loc Bolt & Gasket Co Daryl Flood Warehouse & Movers Dashiell Corporation Dataspan, Inc Davis Lynch, LLC DCP Midstream Partners LP DCW Transport, LLC

Emerson Process Management Enardo, LLC Encon Safety Products, Inc Energo Engineering Services, LLC

Enersys Corporation

Degolyer & Macnaughton Corporation

Enterprise Field Services, LLC

Dell Computer Corporation

Enterprises Products Operating, LLC

Denbury Onshore, LLC Derrick Corporation Devices, Inc Devon Energy Production Co LP Digital Litigation Services, Inc Dillco Fluid Service, Inc Direct Energy Business, LLC Disa, Inc Diversified Well Logging, Inc Dixie Electric, LLC Dnow LP Dolphin Services, LLC Dooley Tackaberry, Inc Double T Oil & Ranch Dover Resources, Inc

Exterran Holdings, Inc Exterran Partners LP Extreme Drilling Solutions, LLC ExxonMobil Corporation Fairfield Industries, Inc Falcon Pump & Supply / Jerzy Supply

Ferguson Beauregard, Inc Ferguson Enterprises, Inc Ferguson Fire & Fab, Inc Fiber Glass Systems Fibergrate Composite Structure Fiberod, Inc Fiberspar Corporation Firemaster Master Protection Corporation

Englobal Us, Inc

Delta Rigging & Tools, Inc

Exterran Energy Solutions LP

Energy Personnel International

Deep Rock Water Company

Delta Process Equipment, Inc

Exterran Abs 2007, LLC

Fibrebond Corporation

Dean Evans & Associates

Dell Software, Inc

Expro Holdings US, Inc

Energy Devices of Texas, Inc

Enerven Compression Services, LLC

Dell Marketing LP

Expro Americas, LLC

Enterprise Gc LP

First Choice Power Fisher Controls International, LLC Flexpipe Systems Flo Co2 Limited Flogistix LP Flotek Pump Services

Environmental Resources Management

Flow Control Products

EOG Resources, Inc

Fmc Technologies, Inc

EOS Group, Inc

Folse Oilfield Services, LLC

Epic Diving Services

Forest Oil Corporation (Jib)

Epic Integrated Services, LLC

Forms On-A-Disk

Epiq Document Review

Fort Smith Railroad Co

Epiq Ediscovery Solutions, Inc

Fortis Alliance

Equipment Depot

Forum Oilfield Technologies

Equitymetrix, LLC

Forum Production Equipment

Era Helicopters, LLC

Forum Spd, LP

ERM Southwest, Inc

Forum US, Inc

Escambia Oper Co, LLC

Foster Testing Co, Inc

Escreen, Inc

Foundation Energy Mgmt, LLC

Esquire Deposition Solutions, LLC

Four Star Oil & Gas Co

ETC Texas Pipeline Ltd Evergreen Tank Solutions, Inc Exco Partners Operating

Fluid Disposal Specialties, Inc

France Compressor Products Francis Drilling Fluids Ltd Fred E. Turner

Frontrange Solutions USA, Inc Fugro Earthdata, Inc

Gx Technology Corporation

Fulcrum Information Technology, Inc

Gyrodata Services, Inc H&E Equipment Services, Inc

Furmanite America, Inc

H2Oil Recovery Services, Inc

Gallatin Steel Company

Halcon Resources Operating, Inc

Gardere & Wynne LLP

Halff Associates

Gartner, Inc

Halliburton Energy Services, Inc

Gary N. Gross MD

Hameline & Eccleston LLP

Gas Equipment Company, Inc

Hamm & Phillips Service Co, Inc


Hampson-Russell Limited Partnership Hankinson LLP Harbison Fischer Manufacturing Co Hardin-Simmons University Harkins Instrumentation, Inc

GE Oil & Gas Wireline Services, Inc

Hart Energy Publishing LlLP

GE Oil & Gas, Inc

Haskel International/Butech

General Datatech LP

Hatfield & Company, Inc

General Supply & Services Company Inc

Haynes & Boone LLP

Genesys Works Houston

Headington Royalty, Inc

Gensler, Inc Gentzler Electrical Services Geodynamics, Inc Geomap Company Geomechanics Intl

Hartline Dacus Barger Dreyer

HB Rentals Limited Headwaters Resources, Inc Health Care Service Corporation Heckmann Water Resources Cvr, Inc

Georgia-Pacific Gypsum, LLC

Helmerich & Payne International Drilling Co

Geoscience Earth & Marine Services, Inc

Henjum Goucher Reporting Henrietta E Schultz Trustee

Geoservices, Inc

Heritage One Roofing, Inc

Geoshack, Inc

Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation

Geotrace Technologies, Inc Getconnect Gexpro Gibson Environmental Services Gimmal, LLC Glenmount Global Solutions, Inc Global Artificial Lift Goodman Factors, Inc Goodrich Corporation Gordons Specialties, Inc Graco Fishing & Rental Tools, Inc Graco Oilfield Services Grant Prideco LP Gray Wireline Service, Inc

High Plains Services, LLC High Pressure Integrity, Inc High Sierra Energy LP High Sierra Water Services, LLC Hi-Line Hill Oil Co, LLC Hilti, Inc Hireright, Inc Hitachi Consulting Corporation Hi-Tech Testing Service, Inc HLI Resources, LLC HLP Solutions, Inc HMT Tank Service, Inc

Graybar Electric Company, Inc

Holt Cat

Great America Financial Services Corporation

Honeywell Analytics - Repairs Honeywell Industry Solutions

Great Plains Oilfield Rental

Honeywell International, Inc

Great White Pressure Control

Hoover Container Solutions

Greater Houston Partnership



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Hoover Materials Handling Group, Inc

Iron Mountain Information Management, Inc

Kinder Morgan Production Co, LLC

Mathena, Inc

Nape Expo LP

Houston Armature Works, Inc

Iron Mountain Records Management

Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline LP

Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc

National Instruments Corporation

Matrix Service, Inc

National Oilwell Varco LP

Irongate Rental Services, LLC

Kinderhawk Field Services, LLC

Maverick Project Management LLC

National Pump & Compressor Ltd

Kip I Plankinton PC

Maxum Petroleum, Inc

Nearburg Producing Company

Knight Security Systems, LLC

Maxwell Paper Products

Knowledge Reservoir, LLC

MB Construction Services, Inc

Netherland Sewell & Associates, Inc

Koch Heat Transfer Co LP

McCamey Farm & Ranch LP

Koch-Glitsch LP

McClinton Energy Group

Konica Minolta Business

McCrory Oil & Fuel


McDowell Machinery & Supply

Kris Terry & Assoc, Inc


Kroll Assoc, Inc

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

KSW Oilfield Rental, LLC

Measurement Systems Division

KVA Supply Co

Media Management

Lakeshore Consortium, Inc

Mercer Human Resource Consulting

Houston Pipe Line Company LP Houstonian Campus Ltd Howard Supply Company HSB Solomon Associates, LLC Humphrey & Assoc Hunt Oil Company Hunting Energy Services, Inc Hunting Titan Ltd Hutton Communications, Inc Hyatt Corporation Hydra Rig, Inc Hydradyne Hydraulics, LLC Hydra-Rig Nitrogen Division Hydril Company LP Hydril USA Distribution Hydro Con, LLC Hydrotex I Tec Well Solutions, LLC IBM Corporation Icon Oilfield Services Ignition Systems & Controls, Inc IHS Global, Inc IHS Herold, Inc IHS, Inc Iisg Gulf Coast, LLC Ikon Document Services SW Division Ikon Financial Services Impact Energy Services Impact Weather, Inc Industrial Control Solutions Industrial Lift Truck & Equipment Co

Irongate Tubular Services, LLC Irwin Industries, Inc ISN Software Corporation Isotech Laboratories, Inc Itasca Landfill J&J Sales, Inc J&S Audio Visual, Inc J. Glenn Turner Jr, LLC J.A.M. Distributing Co JA Riggs Tractor Co Jackson Walker LLP Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc Jacobs Linder Jamex, Inc Jatasco, Inc JC Welding

Kinder Morgan Treating LP

Landmark Graphics Corporation Last Chance Trucking Lawrence & Partners, LLC

Nomac Services, LLC Nopec Geophysical Company LP

Jeffrey Lynn Crouch

Liaise Environmental, Inc


Jentek Water Treatment, Inc

Lincoln Electric Company

Michael E. Nugent

North Texas Sales & Distribution, LP

Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc

Linde, LLC

Michel Vetsuypens

Northern White Sand

Jet Specialty & Supply, Inc

Liquid Environmental Solutions

Microalloying Intl, Inc

NOV Brandt

John Chance Land Surveys, Inc

Livetv Airfone, Inc

Micro-Design, Inc

NOV Enerflow ULC

John Craig Flournoy & Nina Flournoy

Lloyd’s Register Energy Americas

Microseismic, Inc

NOV Fluid Services

John Crane Production Solutions, Inc

Locke Lord LLP

Microsoft Corporation

NOV Mission Valve Group

Microsoft Enterprise Services

NOV National Oilwell DHT, LP

John L. Wortham & Son

Lone Star Safety & Supply, Inc

Mid-America Pipeline Company

NOV Portable Power

Mindi L. Friese

NOV Tuboscope

Mission Well Services, LLC

Novatech, LLC

Mitcham Industries, Inc


Mix Telematics North America, Inc

Nueces Electric Coop, Inc Retail Division

Monahans Electric, Inc

Nuverra Environmental Solutions

Morgan City Rentals Mosaic Crop Nutrition, LLC

Occidental Chemical Corporation

Motor Controls, Inc

Oceaneering Intl, Inc

Mount Olympus Waters, Inc

Ogre Systems, Inc

Mountain Cement Company

Ohio Oil Gathering, LLC

MS Crescent One Spv, LLC

Ohmstede Industrial Services

MS Crescent Two Spv, LLC

Oil Patch Downhole Service, Inc

MS Energy Services

Oil Patch Rental Services, Inc

Mueller Water Conditioning, Inc

Oil States Energy Services LLC

Multi Chem Group, LLC

Oil Tool Rentals

Multi Shot, LLC

Oilfield Service Co, Inc

Mustang Gas Compression, LLC

Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc

Mutual Energy WTU LP

Olmsted-Kirk Paper Co of Houston

John Lee Turner John S. Lowe

Logan Oil Tools, Inc Lonestar Transport

Joseph T. Ryerson & Son

Lubrication Systems Co

Inspectorate America Corporation

Juan Madrigal Welding

Ludlum Measurements, Inc

J-W Measurement Company

Lufkin Automation

Integrated Navigation Data Services

J-W Operating Company

Lufkin Industries, Inc

Integrated Production Services, Inc

J-W Power Company, Inc

Lumenate Technologies LP

J-W Wireline Company

M Ulti-Shot, LLC

Kansas One Call System, Inc

M/D Totco Instrumentation, Inc

Katalyst Data Management, LLC

Machine Tech

Kayem Pipe & Steel, Inc

Madeline Puritan, LLC

Kellogg Brown & Root, LLC

Marathon Oil Company

Kelman Data Management, LLC

Marek Brothers Systems, Inc

International Paint, LLC

Kennametal, Inc

Marine Service & Supply Co

International Pipeline Consultants

Kentwood Spring Water Company

Marine Systems, Inc

Kerr Mcgee Corporation

Martin Decker Totco, Inc

Interstate Powercare

Kerr Mcgee Oil & Gas Onshore

Inthinc Technology Solutions, Inc

Kervin Hill Trucking, LLC

Intrinsic Safety Equip of Tx Magtech

Kew Drilling


Kimberly-Clark Corporation

Iqnavigator, Inc

Kimzey Casing Service, Inc

Iron Horse Tools, LLC


M-I Swaco

Inspection Oilfield Services

International Snubbing Services, LLC

Noble Americas Energy Solutions, LLC

Lenox Energy Services, LLC

Lubrication Management, Co

International Business Machine Corporation

Niels Fugal Sons Company, LLC

JD Rush Corporation

Loyd Jones Well Service, LLC

Interfaceflor, LLC

Nicol Scales & Measurement


Jones Day

Interconex, Inc

Nicholas Services

Legacy Measurement Solutions, Inc

Johnson Equipment Company

Integrity Delaware, LLC

Newpark Resources, Inc

JD Field Services, Inc

Lotus Oilfield Services, LLC

Insight Direct USA, Inc

Newpark Drilling Fluids, LLC

Mettler-Toledo, Inc

Johnson Controls, Inc

Ingersoll Rand Company

New Century Fabricators, Inc

Metroplex Battery, Inc

Longhorn Fabrication & Design, Inc

Inergy Services

Merrick Systems, Inc




John Zink Company, LLC

Industrial Specialties, LLC

Mercer Well Service, Inc

Netmotion Wireless, Inc

Key Energy Services, Inc

Marsh USA, Inc

N. J. Malin & Associates, Nabors Alaska Drilling, Inc

Norris A Dover Company Norriseal Controls North Star Well Services, Inc

Omimex Energy, Inc On Target Digital, LLC

Martin Marietta Materials, Inc

Nabors Completion & Production Services Co

Martin-Decker Totco

Nabors Drilling USA, Inc

Onda Lay Pipe & Rental, Inc

Mary D. Hughes

Nabors Industries, Inc

Ondeo Nalco Energy Services

Mary Hooton Hardin

Nabors Offshore Corporation

One Allen Center Co., LLC

Master Lock Company

Nabors Well Services Co

One Network Enterprises, Inc

Master Pumps & Equipment Corporation

Nalco Company

Operating LP

Nalco Energy Services LP

Optimized Process Designs, LLC

Oncor Electric Delivery Co, LLC


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Oracle America, Inc

Plant Maintenance Services

Osage Environmental, Inc

Plastomer Technologies

Oteco, Inc

Platts, A Division of Mcgraw-Hill

Otis Elevator Co

Polypipe, Inc

Owen Oil Tools LP

Portagas, Inc

Owl Cotulla Swd, LLC

Portal Service Co, Inc

Oxy USA, Inc

Powell Electrical Systems, Inc

Ozona Energy Corporation

Power Equipment International, Inc Fleetpride

P2 Energy Solutions, Inc Pace Industries Pacific Process Systems, Inc Panasas, Inc Par Electrical Contractors, Inc Parameter Woodland Park Plaza, LLC Partsmaster Pathfinder Energy Services, Inc Patricia Radbau Strief Wilshusen Patterson Rental Tools, Inc Patterson Services, Inc

Powersecure Pratt & Whitney Canada Praxair Distribution, Inc Praxair Services, Inc Precision Directional Services, Inc Precision Energy Services, Inc Preheat, Inc Premac, Inc Premier Lubrication Premier Pipe, LLC

R360 Environmental Solutions, Inc

Rosemont Warren One Operating, LLC

Shimadzu Scientific Instr, Inc

R360 Permian Basin Region

Rosemount Analytical, Inc

Railroad Management Company III LLC

Rosemount, Inc

Shrieve Chemical Products

Ranch Westex JV, LLC

Roxar, Inc

Rancho Encantado, LP Randolph L. Marsh PC Range Operating New Mexico, Inc Range Resources Corporation Raw Materials Corporation Rawson Energy Services Rawson, Inc RC Industries, LLC RDZ Oilfield Lease Service, Inc Rebecca Horan Strief Bain Recall Secure Destruction Recon Petrotechnologies, Inc Recovered Water Industries, LLC Red Cedar Gathering Co

Patterson-UTI Drilling Company, LLC

Premier Silica, LLC

Paul Mueller Co

Premium Valve Services, LLC

Red Hawk Fire & Security, LLC

Paul Transportation, Inc

Presidio Networked Solutions, Inc

Red Man Pipe & Supply Red Oak Water Transfer Ne, LLC

Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP

Red Wing Shoe Store

Prime Pack, Inc

Redbud E&P, Inc

Prince Ciples, Inc

Reddy Ice Corporation

Pecofacet US, Inc

Priority Energy Services, LLC

Reef Services, LLC

Peerless Manufacturing Company

Prism General Contractors, Inc

Regency Energy Partners LP

Pro Petro Services, Inc

Regency Gas Services LP

Pegasus International, Inc

Production Management Industries, LLC

Regio Express, Inc

Production Pump A DXP Enterprises, Inc

Regulator Technologies, Inc

PCS Ferguson, Inc Peak Oilfield Services, LLC Pearl Meyer & Partners, LLC Pec Minerals LP

Pembrooke Occupational Health, Inc Penn Transport, LLC Pentair Valves & Controls US LP Performance Pipe Perma Fix Environmental Perry Equipment Corporation Pervasive Software, Inc Peter E. Raad Petro-Hunt, LLC Petrolab Co, LLC Petroplex Acidizing LP Phelps Dunbar LLP Piedmont Operating Partnership, LP PII North America, Inc Pikotek Pinehill Landfill

Premium Oilfield Services, LLC

Simons Petroleum, Inc

RR Donnelley Receivables, Inc

Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc

RSC Equipment Rental

Sirius Solutions LlLP

Ruhter & Reynolds, Inc

Smith International, Inc

Ruston Industrial Supplies, Inc

SND Operating, LLC

RWI Construction, Inc


Ryan Directional Services, Inc

SNI Companies

Ryan Law

Sodexo Remote Sites Partnership

Ryerson & Son, Inc Joseph Safety International Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc Safeway, Inc Sagebrush Pipeline Equipment Saia Motor Freight Line, Inc Saint Gobain Proppants Salesforce.Com, Inc Samson Lone Star LP Sandford Fuels, Ltd. Sandford Oil Company, Inc Saulsbury Industries, Inc Saybolt LP Schlumberger Technology Corporation Schmidt & Holmes LLP Iolta

Software AG USA, Inc Solar Turbines, Inc Solarwinds Net, Inc Sooner Energy Services, Inc SOT Abrasvies & Equipment Source Gas Utility Payments Only Source, Inc Sourcegas South Coast Fire & Safety Southeast Texas Industries Southern Gas Association Southern Petroleum Laboratories, Inc Southern Plains Cummins

South-Tex Treaters, LLC

Schultz Management Ltd

Southwest Disposal Service, Inc

Reliant Energy Solutions, LLC

Scientific Drilling International, Inc

Southwest Electric Co

Renegade Automation, LLC

Sciquest, Inc

Professional Directional, Inc

Republic Services, Inc

Seaboard International, Inc

Progressive Global Energy

RES Energy Solutions, LLC

Seaboard Wellhead, Inc

Progressive Waste

Retco Tool Co., Inc

Seeco, Inc

Prohaul Transports, LLC

Rexel, Inc

Seismic Micro Technology, Inc

Propetro Services, Inc

Reynolds Company

Seitel Data Ltd

Protechnics, Inc

Ricoh USA, Inc

Seitel Solutions Ltd

Providus Houston Ltd

Rig Tools, Inc

Seldon Energy Partners, LLC

Puffer Sweiven, Inc

Rising Star Services LP

Select Energy Services, LLC

PumpCo Energy Services, Inc

Ritch Field Properties, LP

Select Field Services

Pumpelly Oil Acquisition, LLC

Riverbed Technology, Inc

Select Oilfield Trucking

Pursuit Energy Corporation

Robbins & Myers Energy Systems LP

Select Water Transfer

Robert E. Strief Jr

Servicenow, Inc

Production Pump Systems Production Services Network Professional Coring Enterprises, LLC

Quadna Pump Systems

Pitney Bowes Management Services

RPC, Inc

Southern Ute Indian Tribe

Pioneer Drilling Services Ltd

Pipeco Services, Inc

Sigma3 Integrated Reservoir Solutions, Inc

Schneider Well Testing

PWR Rentals

Pipe Exchange

Roy Lee Bowers

Schneider Field Services

Pioneer Coiled Tubing Services, LLC

Pioneer Wireline Services, LLC

Sigma Solutions

Southern Specialties Transportation, LLC

Purvis Bearing Service

Pioneer Well Services, LLC

Siemens Energy, Inc

Schneider Electric USA, Inc

Pinnacle Technical Resources, Inc

Pioneer Fishing & Rental Services

Red Hat, Inc

Round Trip Trucking

Shred It Dallas, Inc

Purvis Industries Quadco, Inc Quality Tubing, Inc Quartzdyne, Inc Quest Software

Registered Office, Hermeslaa Regus Management Group, LLC Reliable Steamers, LLC

Robert T. Keeley Roberts & Spencer Instrument Company Rockwater Energy Solutions Rockwell Automation, Inc Rockwell Collins, Inc

Select Well Testing SES Holdings, LLC Severstal Columbus, LLC Shale Tank Truck, LLC Sharps Compliance, Inc

Southwest Landfill TX LP Southwest Research Institute Southwest Solutions Group, Inc Sparklettes & Sierra Springs Special Fire Systems, Inc Specialist Staffing Solutions, Inc Specialized Products Company Spectrum Geo, Inc Spidle Sales & Service, Inc Spidle Turbeco, Inc SPL, Inc Spredfast, Inc SRH Express, LLC SSAB St. Joseph Regional Stabil Drill Specialties, LLC Stagen, LLC Standard Aero

Sharyland Utilities LP

Standard Automation & Control, Inc

Shaw Industries, Inc

Standard Coffee Service Co

Sheraton Oklahoma City Hotel

Standard Energy Services

Quinn Pumps, Inc

Rocky Mountain Phoenix Surveys

Quorum Business Solutions, Inc

Rocky Mountain Testers, Inc

Sheridan Production Co, LLC

Standard Register Company

R&G, Inc

Rods Production Services

Shermco Industries, Inc

Stanifer Creek Minerals Ltd

SHI International Corporation

Stanley Black & Decker



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Starplex Cinemas Kriston Wheaton Churchill Tower

Tesco Corporation

Trinity Consultants, Inc

Vanderra Resources, LLC

Womack Machine Supply Co.

Stevens Tanker Division, LLC

Testamerica Laboratories, Inc

Trinity Containers, LLC

Varel International, Inc

Wonderware West

Tetra Applied Technologies, Inc

Trinity Disposal & Trucking, LLC

Vector Controls, LLC

Wood Group Mustang, Inc

Stim Lab, Inc

Tetra Production Testing Services, LLC

Trinity Forge, Inc

Venture Transport Logistics, LLC

Tetra Technologies, Inc

Veritas Advisory Group, Inc

Wood Group Oil Gas & Industrial, Inc

Storage Equipment Co., Inc

Trinity River Mitigation Bank

Texas Barcode Systems Ltd

Trintech, Inc

Verizon Business Network Services, Inc

Wood Group PAC, Inc

Stratagen, Inc

Wood Group Pressure Control

Stress Engineering Services, Inc

Texas Disposal Systems, Inc

Verizon Southwest, Inc

Wood Group PSN, Inc

Stride Well Services Co, Inc

Texas Excavation Safety System, Inc

Verizon Wireless Services, LLC

Woodward & Shaw PC

Versado Gas Processors, LLC

Wright Trucking, Inc

Vetco Gray, Inc

WSI Total Safety

VF Imagewear, Inc

WTU Retail Energy

Vinson & Elkins

Wurzburg Brothers

Vinson Process Controls Company LP

Wynn-Crosby Operating Ltd

Stewart & Stevenson

Structure Tone Southwest, Inc Stuart C. Irby Co Stuart Viele Sub-Surface Tools, LLC Sulfatreat Summers Group, Inc Summit Controls, Inc Summit Electric Supply Co, Inc

Texas Industrial Equipmen Texas Nameplate Texas Northwestern Railway Texas Oil Tools Texas Pacific Land Trust Texas Pipe & Supply Co, Inc Texas Ten Ltd

Sun Coast Resources, Inc

Texas Valve & Fitting Company

Sun Drilling Products Corporation

Tex-Isle Supply, Inc The Eads Company

Sunbelt Supply Co

The McDaniel Company

Sunbelt Transformer

The Reynolds Company

Sundown Energy LP

The Waggoners Trucking

Sundyne Corporation

Thermon Heat Tracing Services II

Sunland Construction, Inc

Thermon Manufacturing Co

Sunland Field Services, Inc

Thomas Energy Services, Inc


Thomas Petroleum, Inc

Superior Energy Services, LLC

Thomas Tools

Superior Plus Construction

Thompson & Knight LLP

Superior Pressure Control

Tritex Technologies, Inc TRS Services, Inc Trunkline Gas Co, LLC Truth Products, LP TTS, LLC Tuboscope Vetco Intl LP Turbeco, Inc Turbo Drilling Fluids, Inc Turnbow Oilfield Services Turner Energy Services, LLC Turner Mason & Co Twin Cities Technologies TX Water Resources, LLC TXI Operations LP TXU Energy Retail Company LP TXU Energy Services Tyco Thermal Controls Gulf Coast UC4 Software, Inc UE Compression, LLC

Vision Comminications

Wyoming Waste Services Connections

Visual Systems, Inc

X Chem Oilfield Chemicals

Vulcan Construction Materials

X-Chem, LLC

VVP Trucking, LLC

Xerox Corporation

Waggoners Trucking

XTP Energy, Inc

Warren Cat

Yellowjacket Oilfield Services

Warren Power & Machinery, Inc

YRC, Inc

Warrior Energy Services Corporation

Zachry Industrial, Inc

Waste Connections, Inc

Zeeco, Inc

Zayo Group Holdings, Inc

UE Manufacturing, LLC

Waste Management of Texas, Inc

Uhy Advisors Flvs, Inc

Waukesha-Pearce Industries, Inc

Ulterra Drilling Technologies LP

Wayne Enterprises, Inc

Thorco Holdings, LLC

Ultra Premium Oilfield Services Ltd

W-B Supply Co

Superior Slickline Services

Three Allen Center Co, LLC

Unifirst Holdings, Inc

Superior Supply & Steel

Three Westlake

Union Drilling, Inc

Weatherford Artificial Lift Systems, Inc

Congressional District 31

SupplyOne, Inc

Throckmorton FW, LLC

Union Pacific Railroad Company

Weatherford International, Inc

Absolute Machine & Tooling

Surface Systems Cameron

Thru Tubing Solutions, Inc

United Centrifuge USA, LLC

Weatherford Laboratories, Inc

Accurate, Inc

Susman Godfrey LLP

Thrubit, LLC

United Engines, LLC

Webster Parish Landfill

Alpha 6 Security Consulting, LLC



United Refrigeration, Inc

Wellhead & Valve Services

American Fire & Safety, Inc

Sweet H20 Transfer Services

Timken Boring Specialties

United Rentals North America

Wesco Distribution, Inc

Arrow Land Group, LLC

Symantec Corporation

Timken Motor & Crane Services, LLC

United Salt Corporation

West Virginia Oil Gathering

Bill G. Spencer Consulting LP

Titan Liner, Inc

United Site Services of MS, Inc

Westair - Praxair Dist., Inc

Bill Messer PC

United States Environmental

Western Diazo

C Eiben, LLC

United Vision Logistics, LLC

Western Falcon, Inc

Charlotte G. Mashaw

Univar USA, Inc

Western Marketing, Inc

Complete Book & Media Supply

Western Petroleum, Inc

Dell Computer Corporation

Westerngeco, LLC

Dell Marketing LP

Wick Phillips Gould & Martin

Dennis Steel, Inc

Wildcat Electric Supply, Inc

Detection Services Intl, LLC

Wildcat Wireline, LLC

Energy Saving Stratgies Floyd Earl Lott

T D Williamson, Inc T Mobile T&W Tire


WB Supply Company, Inc

Zep Manufacturing Co ZEP Sales & Service Zephyr Gas Services LP ZIX Corporation Zytax, Inc

T3 Energy Services Wellhead & Production Systems

TNT Crane & Rigging, Inc

T3 Pressure Control Group, Inc

Toshiba Business Solutions, Inc

Universal Plant Services of California, Inc

Talco Midstream Assets Ltd

Total Compression Measurement

Universal Pressure Pumping, Inc

TAM International, Inc

Total Compression Systems LP

Universal Weather & Aviation, Inc

Taper-Lok Corporation

Total Lubrication Management Company

Universal Well Services, Inc

Total Safety US, Inc

US Foodservice

William M. Cobb & Associates, Inc

US Steel Oilwell Services, LLC

Williams Field Services Co

US Steel Tubular Products, Inc

Williams Four Corners, LLC

US Steel Tubular Products, Inc

Willis of Texas, Inc

Ilseng Engineering & Consulting, LLC

USA Compression Partners, LLC

Wilson Industries LP

Interactive Web Systems, LLC

USA Santos, Inc

Wilson Supply Company

J Clint Anderson Company

USX Corporation

Wilson TMS

Jack L. Garner Consulting, Inc

UV Logistics, LLC

W-Industries, Inc

Jag Geomatics, Inc

V&M Tube Alloy LP

Winstead PC

Valerus Compression Services LP

Wireline Control Systems, Inc

Jerome R. Wild & Margaret Kay Haas Co-Independant Executor


Johanna Wild

Vallourec & Mannesmann USA Corporation

WNS Holdings Ltd

June Wolfe III

Wolf Petroleum Services, LLC

Masterson - HCS, LP

Targa Liquids Marketing & Trade TBC-Brinadd TCsafety, Inc TD Williamson, Inc TDW Services, Inc Team Industrial Services, Inc Team Oil Tools LP Tech Quip, Inc Techcorr USA Management, LLC Teledrift Company Teledyne Isco, Inc Terra Terratek Tervita, LLC

Torqued-Up Energy Services, Inc

Towers Watson Delaware, Inc Toyota Lift of Texas TPRF/Oklahoma City Industrial, LLC TPS, LLC Tracer Construction Company Trane Company Trane Service Group A Div of American Standard, Inc Traveling Coaches, Inc Trican Well Service LP Tri-Ed Distribution, Inc Trimble Navigation Ltd

UPS Freight


Henderson Family Properties Hill Investments Ltd


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Mobile-Crete of South Texas, LLC

Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc

Saf T Glove, Inc

Carpentier & Mendez

H&S Constructors, Inc

National Oilwell Varco Lp

Southern Fastening Systems, Inc

Sap America, Inc


Hampton Inn Alice

Natural Resources Solutions Lc

Specialty Maintenance Supply

Shared Solutions & Services, Inc

CAW Plumbing Co, Inc

Hans Brothers Industries

Nordon Corporation

Techcorr USA Management, LLC

Shermco Industries

CC Forbes, LLC

Hartsfield Drilling Consultant

Signature Contracting Services

Certified Oilfield Rentals, Inc

Hat Creek Operating Company

Skyline DFW Exhibits & Events

Chachos Lease Service, Inc

Heartache Trucking, LLC

Source Energy Services Us Logistics LP

Chad & Kimberly Hahn

Hilmer E. Koopmann

Staples Technology Solutions

Chapas Pest Control

Hoff Hamilton Ranch Ltd

Charles Cole


Charles Striedel & Wife Joyce Striedel

HSSB Limited Partnership

Christopher Michael Ulrich

Hubetex LP

Pastor Behling & Wheeler, LLC Precision Tank Gauge, Inc Robert Thomas Rice Ronald G. Griffin

Texas Institute of Science Thermo Sensors Corporation Trifecta Oil Field Services, LLC

Round Rock Machine

Trileaf Industries, LLC

Ryan Family Ranch Investments LP

Tristar Compression LP

Strategic Systems & Products Corporation

University of Texas at Dallas

Telecool, Inc

Spawglass Contractors, Inc

Wing Aero Products, Inc

Teri Coburn Trustee

Sunbelt Transformer, Ltd.

Texas Airsystems, Inc

Cimarron Engineering Corporation

Teco-Westinghouse Motor Co

Congressional District 33

Tex-Star Water Services, LLC

Clarence R. Arndt & Arndt

Texas Crushed Stone Co

Akili, Inc

Thorn Network, Inc

Coastal Bend College

Texas Heat Treating, Inc

Alvy’s Trucking, LLC

Troy Johnson

Coil Solutions, Inc

Tips, Inc

American National Safety & Health

Vegas Concepts

Coonrod Electric Company, Inc

Verizon Business Ltd.,

CP&C Specialty, Inc


Waste Facilities, Inc

Crain & Sheppard

Congressional District 32

Arnold Brothers

X-Chem, LLC

Crazy Horse Consulting, Inc

Allied Intergrated Services

Baker Atlas

Venado Environmental, LLC

Cuero Community Hospital

Hub City Fire & Safety, LLC Industrial Site Services, Inc Innovative Energy Services, Inc Ivee Dawn Peterson J&B Septic Tanks Port-A -John Rental & Services J&J Transportation, LLC Jack Cowley Supply Co, Inc Jahn Refrigeration Co, Inc James D. Nelson Jeff Hodge

Congressional District 34

D&B Cleaning Services, LLC

7F, Inc

D&B Rental Services

Advanced Construction

David A. Warzecha

AJ Logistic Services, LLC

David Weikel

Jim Wells County Appraisal District

Albert Barnes

DD Catering, LLC

John Gerald Pokluda

Alice Pest Control, Inc

De Laune Drilling Service Ltd

John R. Blackwell

Alice Radiator & Muffler Shop, Inc

Dewitt Poth & Son

John R. Funk

DI Trol Systems, Inc

Johnnie Bednorz

Alice Witte

Dietze & Reese

Joseph & Ann Machalec

Alton R & Betty Ann Seifert

Journey Trucking, LLC

Alvin & Jo Ann Jendrzey

Don Brock Distributor Corporation

Alvin Jendzrey

DS Oilfield Construction, LLC Eagle Vacuum Services

Juan Madrigal Welding

Anaqua Management, Inc Appalachian Basin Services, LLC

Edge Specialty Services, Inc

Aqua Tech

Edward L. Butler

Arkansas Energy Services, LLC

Emil A. Manka Jr Energy Dynamics Ltd

Intertech Machine Tool

Arlen P. Mueller & Barbara E. Mueller

Irving Isd

Arlen Parma

Energy FishingandRental Services, Inc

Jeff Smith

Aycock, Inc

Exclusive Energy Services

Laroche Petr Consultants Ltd

Louise N. Wheat Trust

B&B Surplus, Inc

F&D Floor Covering & Janitorial

Lexisnexis Screening Solutions, Inc

Matheson Tri Gas, Inc

Fesco Supply, Inc

Maximum Industries,Inc

B&E Dragon Revocable Living Trust

Loma Rentals, LLC

Mazak Corporation

B&G Materials

Lone Star Forklift

Metal Works Functional Beauty

B&J Air & Pump Ltd Trucking

Frances Dilworth & Blackstone Dilworth

Lone Star Land & Energy II, LLC

Mix Telematics North America, Inc

Ball Montez Electric, Inc

Friedel Drilling Co

Bargmann Family Trust

Frontier Services, Inc

Murphy Technical, Inc

BC Billmanns Ltd

G&G Pest Control

MKS Instruments, Inc

MyOilPatch.com, LLC

BCI&E, Inc

Gage Measurement & Controls

Onepetro (Society of Petroleum Engineers)

Nape Expo LP

Bee County Expo Center

Gary A. Jarzombek

Phase Dynamics, Inc

NK Communications

Benavidez Welding Service, Inc

Northwest Technical Services, LLC

Big House Burgers

GE Contract Pumping & Gauging

Apache Industrial Painting Biostratigraphycom, LLC Blue Cross Blue Shield of TX Bonded Inspections C-Con, Inc Charlie R. Allison Childrens Choice Learning Devices, Inc Diem Technologies, Inc Donald E. Harman Co Florance & Associates Gulf Coast Welding, LLC Haas Machine Tools of Tex Heat Waves Hot Oil Service, LLC HLI Resources, LLC Human Dynamics, Inc Integra Realty Res Dfw LLP John Perez Graphics & Design, LLC KE Andrews & Co

Metallurgical Engineering Services

Protolink, Inc Quality Cases & Container

Cisco Systems Capital Corporation Cleannet of Dallas/Fort Worth CLT Industrial Services Consolidated Electrical Cooksey Communications, Inc Crane Pro Services Critical Site Solutions DK Controls, LLC Drawing Solutions, Inc Exxonmobil Corporation Flowserve US, Inc Fluor Enterprises, Inc Global Crane & Service Hannon Hydraulics Hanson Pressure Pipe, Inc Innowera, LLC

Onevision Solutions

Black Gold Surveying & Engineering, Inc

Foxco Supply Fire & Safety Ltd

Jerome Respondek Farms Ltd JGJCJ Rossett LP

JPS Completion Fluids, Inc K&S Thread Protectors, Inc K/C Livestock Kathryn Kaye Gips Keith R. Boysen Kermit C. Koehler & Doris Koehler Klein Two Bar Ltd LLP KR Ranches Ltd Lackey Land Limited Lagarto Rental Tools, Inc LC Seismic Services, LLC Leonard Hagens Leroy Ruppert Lewis’ Cleaning Service Lightning Rental Tools, Inc Linda Koenning Krause LMC Business Products Lopez Consulting, Inc Lozano’s Welding, LLC

Global Solutions & Innovations

LS Drilling Consulting Services In

GM Compressor & Pump, Inc

Luera’s Welding Service, Inc M&B Water Service, Inc

Rotaserv LP

OTA Compression, LLC

Blackstone Dilworth

Go Energy Services

Safety Kleen Systems, Inc

Pinnacle Propane, LLC

Blake Muir

Goliad Cad-Isd Tax Assessor

M&G Development LP

Sealco, LLC

Pioneer Natural Resources

Brandon Duncan

GTS Geotech LP

Manless Gates, LLC

C&D Welding, LLC

Gulf Coast Wireline Services, Inc

Marilyn Hamilton

C&K Rentals

Guyline Anchor Service, Inc

Mark Zgabay & Betty Zgabay

Carlette Winkler Hileman

Gyro Technologies, Inc

McDee Coating

Sherwin Williams Co Ship It Short Bit & Tool Co

Polymer Products, Inc Professional Acidizing & Cementing Enterprises, LLC



TEXAS - VENDOR LIST McMahan Welding Service Ltd

Superior Tubing Testers, LLC

Ambs Chemical Search

Globalscape, Inc

New Gulf

Meischen Family LP

Suzanne Solomon Kennedy

Anthony D Pieprzyca

Nnaeed, LLC

Michael V. Howett

Tasco Tool Service Ltd

Aparicion Minerals LP

Grande Ford Truck Sales, Inc Grande Truck Center

Milwhite, Inc

Taylor Bit & Rental SPCl, LLC

Greg Guerra

TCB Automation, LLC

Hardrock Directional Drilling, LLC

Office Furniture Interiors, Inc

MJS Partnership Ltd

Ashlee Technology, LLC & Far West Capital

Model Key Shop, LLC

Terry L. Reynolds

AT&T Services, Inc

Henry A. & Billie Lee Gray

Oliver Family Surface Investments Ltd

Morning Star Heating & Air Conditioning, LLC

Testco Well Services, LLC

Automated Cleaning Technologies, Inc

High Lonesome Ranch

O’Meara Consulting, Inc

B&A Laboratories

Holt Texas Ltd

Patrick Butler Trustee

Hotsy Equipment Company

Petty Family Limited

Howell Crane & Rigging, Inc

Pioneer Coiled Tubing Services, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Arndt Neff’s Plumbing Service Newton M. Warzecha Nitro Construction, LLC Nitro Fluids, LLC NNH Transport, LLC Nueces Water Supply Corporation

Texas Country Realty Texas Energy Services, LLC Texas Gas Service

Baker Engineering & Risk Consultants, Inc

Texas Outpost

Barcom Technology Solutions

Texas Perforators, Inc

Barnaby J. Moravits

Texas Southern Crane Services, LLC

Beth Bowman Harper

Thomas Duval Hamilton Trust

Bill J. Tidwell Blackstone Systems Ltd

Oilpatch Fuel & Supply, Inc

Tornado Production Services, LLC

Orkin, LLC

Total Graphics


Osage Environmental, Inc

Tres Lubrication Products A Leske Oil Co, Inc

Bruce Franks Rental, LLC Bruington Engineering Ltd

Tri Pinstallations

C5 Enterprises, Ltd

Tri-C Rental Tools, Inc

Calvert Brothers

Tri-Element, Inc

Capital Well Service, LLC

Trio Equip Rental & Services, LLC

Charles Rives

Otto Lee Koenning Owens Engineering Co Ltd Paschetag Limited Partnership Patsy Seidel Warzecha & Warzecha Pecan Valley Groundwater Penas Backhoe Service Petroleum Producing Services Petromanus Corporation Pittman & Davis Platinum Slickline Services, Inc Praxair Distribution, Inc Precision & Skills, Inc Professional Wireline Rentals (Pwr) Quality Energy Services, LLC R&C Cleaning & Janitorial R&V Transportations R&W Wireline Services, Inc R. Katz Tool & Supply Ramon’s Rental & Hot Shot Service Rathole Drilling, Inc Raymond L. Ibrom RC Electric, LLC Rem Torque Test, Inc

Brett Systems, Inc

Industrial Communications Inter Av, Inc Intercept Production Services Jabby D. Lowe Jack Hayter, LLC Jason Bunn JBGS LP John Arthur Whitehurst Trust


Pioneer Well Services, LLC Pioneer Wireline Services, LLC Plomero Ranches Ltd PR Limited, Inc Primo Gate Guard Service Quatro Strategic Solutions R&R Oil Company

Joseph B. Foegelle

Rancho San Pedro Joint Venture

Junior Achievement of South Texas

Richard George Towers III Ricoh USA Inc

Kahlig Ranches

Robert M. Gutierrez

Karen K. Conrad Rev Trust

Royston Rayzor Vickery

KN Energy, Inc

RS1 Holdings, Inc

La Rosita Ranch Co, LLC

Rush Truck Leasing, Inc

Lake Lawson Water Company, LLC

SAAPL Explorationist Golf Tournament

Laurie S. Zaiontz

Safzone Field Services, LLC

Law Offices of HL Blomquist Leak Location Services, Inc

Sage Environmental Consulting LP San Antonio River Authority

Triple C Production Service, Inc

Cisco Systems Capital Corporation.

Turn Around Trucking, Inc

Civil Engineering Consultants

TX Energy Services, LLC

Colorado Materials Ltd

Tyler Place MHP

Commercial Bat Control

Valley Telephone Cooperative, Inc

Concord Corporation

Vic Ice Company

Lee Roy Secrest & Wife Sarah Joan Secrest

Salof Refrigeration Co, Inc

Cotter Tower Oklahoma LP Cox Smith Matthews, Inc

Lewis Petro Properties, Inc

Sankey Equipment Co, Inc

Cue, Inc

Lino Liberatore


Louis Bauer

Screw Compressors Specialist, LLC

Daniel O. Pohl

LP Nance Land Surveying, Inc

Security General International

Data Optics Cable, Inc

Ltd Partnership William A. Beinhorn

Select Energy Services, LLC Senior Operations, LLC

M Lozano Construction, Inc

Sentient Technologies Corporation

Vicka Oilfield Services 2013 Vincent J. Warzecha & Barbara Warzecha VP Sales & Company LP VTX Communications, LLC Walter Fisher Warren Seidel & Jeannie Seidel Weeks Environmental, LLC Western Specialized Services, LLC

Corr Instruments, LLC

Dexter Field Services LP Diana M. Stumberg Diego A. Lopez Iolta Account Don Durden, Inc

M&M Crushed Stone Products, Inc

Serendipity Promotions

Mani Sloan & Little

Sigma Solutions, Inc Six Flags Fiesta Texas Southern Connections & Services, LLC

William Parker Frisbie

Dryland Energy Services, LLC

WL Flowers Machine & Welding Co, Inc

DS Anthony & Sons, Inc

Markle Manufacturing Co of San Antonio, Inc

Dynamic Downhole Services, LLC

Marriott Hotel Services, Inc

South Texas Energy & Economic

Rescue Heating & Air, LLC

Yoakum Area Chamber of Commerce

Robert Davis & Karla Davis

Younts Energy Services, LLC

Energy First Engineering & Consulting, LLC

Rodney L. Butler

Congressional District 35

Energy Transfer Technology Ltd

Roger Krause

1St Choice Filters

Ronald Blank

2-J Well Services, LLC

Sandra Buchhorn Oehlke

Acock Consulting, LLC

Sandy Hahn Schendel Family Partnership Ltd

Acock Engineering & Associates LP

Security Storage

Aggregate Haulers 1 LP

Flare Ignitors & Rentals, Inc

Select Technologies

Aileen H. Greaves Trust

Flat Creek Ranch LP

Mid-Coast Electric Supply, Inc

Sherwin-Williams Co

Alamo Filter Company, Inc

Midland Valley Exploraton Ltd

Sign Fx

Alamo Title Company

Flatrock Engineering & Environmental Ltd

Mo Vac Service Co, Inc

South Texas Cost Containm

Alamo Transformer Supply Co, Inc

Fluid Solution Technology, Inc

Modular Space Corporation

The Law Office of HL Blomquist III

Robert Deryl Hamilton Trust II

South Texas Oilfield Solutions, LLC Sunbelt Express Services, Inc

EBS Mineral Holdings Ltd

Engineering Dynamics, Inc Escheburg Group, Inc ETC Texas Pipeline Ltd Far South Mining, LLC Ferncliff Investments LP

Mary Lee & Richard Krawietz McCoy Corporation McCoy’s Building Supply MCFSA Ltd Medina Electric Cooperative Merch Media Mesa Equipment Co, Inc Micah D. Wilbur Michael A. Crook Michael J. Pawelek

Southwest Research Institute, Inc Southwest Texas Logistics, Inc Stag Energy Services, LLC Stanton P. Bell Stream Realty Partners Suarez Bros Crane & Heavy Haul, LLC Sysco Central Texas, Inc TC Consulting, Inc. Teresa George Zavisch Texas Purple Sage Services, LLC

G&K Services, Inc

Mo-Star Communications LP

Tornado Venture Quatro, LLC

Albert Wiley Blakeway

GE Reaves Engineering, Inc

Mo-Vac Service Company, Inc

Total Tank Systems, LLC

Allen D. Cummings

Gexa Energy LP

Nationwide Tank & Pipe, LLC

Transpecos Banks


TEXAS - VENDOR LIST Triple J Pumps & Well Testing, Inc

Critical Path Resources, Inc

TSJ Properties Ltd

Dashiell, LLC

Turbine Maintenance & Plant Services, LLC United Way of San Antonio Venue Creation Resources, Inc Vivian Perez Consulting, LLC Vulcan Construction Materials LP Wallace Rogers Weldon W. Dietz Successor Trustee of The John F. Dietz

Curtis Oilfield Services, LLC Deer Park Construction, Inc Deer Park Lumber Company Ltd DHI Services, Inc Diamondback Works LP Dominion Forms, Inc Dooley Tackaberry Systems, Inc Elliott Services, Inc

Mechanical Repair & Engineering, Inc

Texas Track Solution

MHC Datacomm, Inc

Total Safety US, Inc

Michael Todd Baxter Mobley Industrial Services, Inc Mullens Oilfield Services, LLC (Chris Mullens) Munro’s Safety Apparel New Hart Services, Inc Newton CAD Tax Collector

Emission Monitoring Service, Inc

Occidental Chemical Corporation

Whataburger Restaurant

Evergreen Environ Services, LLC

Olson Engineering, Inc

Will Alston Beinhorn

Filters Unlimited, Inc

William Joseph Moravitz

Fishbone Safety Solutions, LLC

Parks Lease & Vacuum Service , LP

Womack Mineral Holding Ltd

Fishbone Solutions, Inc

Paton Controls, Inc

Xenco Laboratories, Inc


Paul N. Smoke

Zachry Engineering Corporation

Frac Resources LP

Peebles Family

Zachry Industrial, Inc

Furmanite America, Inc

Petro Chem Refrigeration Corporation

GB Consultants International

Congressional District 36 24 Hr Safety, LLC Abc Nitrogen Service Corporation

Geophysical Land Services, LLC GK Techstar, LLC Global Tubing, LLC Glove Guard LP

Acuren Inspection, Inc

Golden Triangle Industries, Inc

Advanced Overhead Crane

Grayson Armature Works, Inc

Altairstrickland, LLC

Guardian Fe Moran, LLC

American Elevator Inspections

Gulf Coast Measuring Service, Inc

Arctic Pipe Engineering, Inc Arctic Pipe Inspection, Inc Austin Industrial Services LP Basil Oilfield Services, Inc Batavia Services, Inc Bay Area Electric

HASC, Inc HC Oilfield Services, LLC HD Pump & Supply, Inc Houston Creative Resource Group

Petroleum Consultants, Inc Pitts Gerald W PLC Construction, Inc PMI Specialists, Inc Power Feed-Thru Systems & Connectors, LLC Premium Valve Services, LLC Pro Star Waste, LLC R&C Enterprise, Inc R&W Rentals, LLC Reynolds Aviation Rural Pipe & Supply, Inc Sabine River Authority Safety First

Houston Regional Monitoring

Sam Houston Electric Coop, Inc

Hydratight Ltd

SCS Tools, Inc

Hydrobotworx, LLC

Seaware Logistics, LLC

IISG Gulf Coast, LLC

Seisborg Geophysical

Industrial Instrument Co

SGS Oil Gas & Chemical Division

Intrepid Industries, Inc

Shamrock Equipment Rental

ISM Industries, Inc

Shaver Contruction

J Bar Oilfield Services, Inc

Simmons Offshore Company

J Miller Electric, Inc

Sinor Engine Company, Inc

James Derrell & Alisa Marie Sheppard

Sirius Marine Consultancy, LLC Sonic Surveys Ltd

C&M Welding

James H. Jackson Industries, Inc

Car Ber Holdings, Inc

Jasper Newton Coop, Inc

Carrizo Verde Ranch, LLC

John L. Robertson, Inc

Cat Spec Ltd

Johnny Parker Consulting

CB & Associates

Katoen Natie Gulf Coast, Inc

Certified Safety, Inc

KDR Supply, Inc

Chromatograph Service Co

Kilgore Construction, LLC

Chubes Equipment Company, Inc

Leak Sealers, Inc

Cleveland Machine Company, Inc

Louisiana Chemical Equipment Co, LLC

Colt Group, LLC

M Simmons Consulting, Inc

Summit Seals, Inc

Complan USA, LLC

Martindale Land & Cattle

Target Consulting, Inc

Contract Data Services

Mass Flow Technology

Tech Star

Corsair Construction, LLC

Maverick Testing Laboratories, Inc

Technical Automation Services

Baytown Ace Machine Ltd Baytown Valve & Fitting Co Beaumont Machine Works, Inc Bell Engineering, Inc Bestway Oilfield, Inc Bestway Services, Inc Big H Transport, LLC Buna Electric Motor Srvc, Inc Burrow Global, Inc Byron Watson Trucking, Inc C&H Pipe Services, Inc

Corsair Well Service, LLC Cpress Bayou IndustriaLPainting

Lor Consulting

Smart Oilfield Services, Inc South Hampton Resources, Inc Southern Steel & Supply, LLC Specialty Steel Supply, Inc Springhill Oilfield Services, LLC Stanmar Manufacturing, Inc Steve M. Smith Streamline Production Systems, Inc Streamline Well Testing & Rental, LLC Stronghold Inspection Ltd

Texas Steam Equipment Company, Inc

Top Line Maintenance Tri-County Construction Co Trinity Bay Pipe & Supply, LLC Triple S Industrial Corporation Tubular Makeup Technology, Inc Ultra Con, Inc United Rentals North America, Inc United Shutdown Safety Universal Plant Services, Inc Vapor Point, LLC Vibration Monitoring Service, LLC Wayne Wicks Security Advisors, Inc Western Sales & Testing Wildcat Bulk Water Services Williams Fire & Hazard Control, Inc Windham & Sons, Inc Worthey Properties Ltd


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Utah Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Utah, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 498 businesses, spread across all four of Utah’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Utah supports some 79,600 jobs, which is 4.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Utah labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.1 billion annually. That’s 5.3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Utah, in addition to total employment and labor income, is in terms of salary.3 While the




average annual salary in Utah across all industries and sectors is $41,702, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is significantly higher—$78,730 annually. Overall the industry supports $8.4 billion of the Utah economy. That’s nearly 7 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Utah ranks 11th in oil and 10th in natural gas production.4 That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states. Utah particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal




80k 1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included in the survey are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

70k 60k 50k 40k



Avg. Annual Utah Salary

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Utah

Utah Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Grand Total

District 01


District 04

District 02

District 03

Top Cities Vernal = 146 Salt Lake City = 104 Roosevelt = 66 Vendor Profile7 VitalSmarts High-leverage skills for speaking up and confronting violations, mistakes, and safety oversights are vital to the success of oil and gas companies that live and die by their safety record. As an innovator in corporate training and leadership development, VitalSmarts combines three decades of original research with fifty years of the best social science thinking to help leaders and organizations (businesses large and small) change human behavior and achieve new levels of performance. Skills are taught through the company’s award-winning training programs and New York Times bestselling books: Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountability, Influencer, and Change Anything. VitalSmarts has consulted with more than three hundred of the Fortune 500 companies and trained more than one million people worldwide. VitalSmarts has worked with many companies in the oil and gas industry. The more the company works with the employees and leaders of oil and gas companies, the more apparent the impact for good they are having on the lives of millions of people becomes. This dovetails with VitalSmarts’ mission of changing the world for good by helping people acquire vital skills that dramatically improve results and lives.

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Utah reached 54,421 in 2012. That job total is expected to climb to 51,859 in 2020 and to 67,052 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Utah, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012

registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



UTAH - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

DCH Enterprises, Inc

Jim Nebeker Trucking

Paragon Oilfield Products, Inc

A1 Testing, Inc

Dedra Dietz

JM Oilfield Services, Inc

Payroll Advantage, Inc

Action Hot Oil Service, Inc

Deer Valley Luxury Resort, LLC

John Larson Sawmill

Pete Martin Drilling, LLC

Adler Hot Oil Services, Inc

Delsco Northwest, Inc

JRH Contracting, Inc

PGT Trucking, Inc

Advanced Fluid Containment, LLC

Desert Splash of Vernal, Inc

K Bar A Welding & Construction, Inc

Pipe Renewal Service Mgmt, Inc

AG Equipment, Inc


K&K Sanitation

PMI Equipment, Inc


Devier Ostler Dick Bess Plumbing & Heating

Kaufusi Excavating, Inc Kenweld, Inc

All Torqued Up, Inc

Donald L Snyder

American Gilsonite Co

Knight-Taylor-Wyatt, LLC

Angus Construction, Inc

Drilling & Completion Technologies

Arnie Powell Trucking

Earls Fence Company, LLC

Kristys Rentals, Inc

Asa’s Wireline Service, Inc

Electronic Funds Source (Efs), LLC

Kuhr Trucking, LLC

Erik Nelson HVAC, Inc

KW Crushing, Inc

Ashley Valley Water & Sewer Avalanche Answering Service B&C Quick Test, Inc B&G Crane & Oilfield Service, Inc B&K Tool, Inc Ballard Water Improvement Dist Basin Completion Systems, LLC Basin Drain & Sewer, LLC Basin I&E, Inc Basin Medical Clinic BC Services Benco Oil Services, Inc BH, Inc Big C Trucking, Inc Big Red Hot Oil Service, LLC Blue Mountain Services, Inc Bolt Action Field Services, Inc Brad Knight Construction, Inc Brennan Bottom Water Disposal Brenntag International Chemicals Gmbh Brenntag Pacific, Inc Brough Trucking & Crane Service, Inc Buggsys Water Service, Inc Bulldog Insulation C&C Supply, Inc C&S Swabbing Cad Answer, LLC Centerfire Trucking

Knop Consulting, LLC

Timberlane Pumps, LLC

Lapoint Recycle & Storage, Inc

Pumpers, Inc

TK Oil Field Services, Inc

G&H Garbage Service, Inc

Larose Construction Company, Inc

Quality Fence

Tri County Health Dept

Garys Insulation, Inc

Larose Welding, Inc

R Chapman Construction, Inc

Tri-County Concrete

Gateway Gourmet Catering, LLC

Leon Ross Drilling & Construction, Inc

R&B Slickline & Field Service, Inc

Triple H, Inc

Rafter Three Bars, Inc

Tu & Frum, Inc

Rawhide Roustabout, Inc

Turner Lumber, Inc

RBS Tools, Inc

Ubta-Ubet Communications, Inc



Richard R. Sutton

Uintah Basin Petroleum Days

Rig 1, Inc

Uintah Engineering & Land Surveying

Four Star Fish & Rntl Tool, Inc Frank’s Westates Services, Inc

GG Construction & Welding, Inc Glenns Wireline Services Goslin Services, Inc

Lexco Construction Corporation Lloyd Barton Construction, Inc

Grab-N-Growl/Dutch Oven Catering

Lonewolf Wireline, Inc

Graco Fishing & Rental

Marshall Field Services, Inc

Graco Oilfield Services

Marta Co Supply, Inc

Gross Foam, Inc

Matt Betts Trucking, Inc

GS Electric, Inc

McElroy Casing, LLC

Gudac Brothers, Inc

MCF Inspection

H&H Versatile Services, Inc

Merkley Oilfield Service, Inc

Hagman Trucking, Inc

Miles Well Service, Inc

Hammer Oilfield Service Company

Miller Pumps Packers, Inc

M&S Oilfield Service, LLC

High Voltage, Inc

Mirror Image Pressure Washing, Inc

Hose & Rubber Supply, Inc

MK Communications

Hs Rental’s, Inc

Montgomery Recycling, Inc

Icorr Technologies, Inc

Moon Lake Electric Association, Inc

Industrial Horsepower Plus

Dan Larsen Construction, Inc DC Welding & Construction

RM Rentals, Inc

Uintah Machine & Manufacturing Co

RN Industries Trucking, Inc

Uintah Paleontological Assoc, Inc

Robison Construction, Inc

Uintah Recreation

Rocks off, Inc

Ultra Classic Cleaning, Inc

Rocky Mountain Anchor, Inc

United Roustabout, LLC

Rocky Mountain Automation, LLC

US Recruiting

Rocky Mountain Drilling, Inc Rocky Mountain Welding Services, Inc Ross Sanitation & Services Royal Well Servicing, Inc

Utah Faults Fractures Utah Hunter Education Instructors Ute Indian Tribe Ute Oilfield Water Service, LLC

RW Jones Trucking Co

Vernal Field Office

Scan Tech, Inc

Vernal Fire Extinguisher, Inc

Shaw Naptech, Inc

Vics Load & Go Hot Shot

Signs & Lines

Von Fletcher Trucking, Inc

Simper Supply, Inc

Water Disposal, Inc

Single Shot Trucking, Inc

WE Machine & Welding (Cor)

Slaugh Fishing Services, Inc

Weldon George T.

South Slope Reclamation

Western Petroleum, Inc

Specialty Tools, Inc

J&L Cleaning Services, LLC

North Eastern Utah Office Supply In

Western Weed Service, Inc

Spencers Auto Parts

J&L Oilfield Service, Inc

Oilfield Construction, Inc

Westroc Oilfield Service, Inc

Split Mountain Pipe & Supply, Inc

J&R Construction, Inc

Oldcastle SW Group, Inc

Westroc Trucking, Inc

Spot Free For U, Inc

J. K. Wolf

Omega Pest Control, Inc

Wide Spread Services, Inc

Starting Solutions, Inc

JBH Contracting, Inc

OP Tanks, LLC

Winn’s Welding & Repair, Inc

Steam Trucks of Utah, LLC

JC Services, LLC

Outback Rentals & Landscape Supplies, Inc

WTG Services, LLC

Stewart & Stevenson Power Products,

Outlaw Consulting

Zimmerman Equipment Company, Inc

Stewart Machine & Welding, Inc

Outlaw Engineering, Inc

Zipps Greaser Laundry Drop off

Stewarts Ace Hardware

Zubiate Hot Oil, LLC

Intermountain Toxicology Collection

Dan Brown

RJ Taylor-Wyatt, LLC

Valerus Compression Services LP

Common Sense Inspection, Inc

Dalbo, Inc

Rita A. Hanson

RT Oilfield Service, Inc

Industrial Machine & Welding

Morcon Specialty, Inc

Nasco Swabbing, Inc

D&S Well Site Supervision, Inc

Team Oil Field Services, Inc

The Perforators, LLC

Intermountain Paleo Consulting

D&M Oilfield Services, Inc

Target Trucking, Inc


Circle D Services, Inc

Cutters Wireline Service, Inc

Tanklogix, LLC

La Rue Lamb Trucking

Flow Technologies

Musich Custom Spraying, Inc

Curt’s Tool Inspection, Inc

T&S Rentals, Inc

Tech Tac Company, Inc

Intermountain Construction & Materials

Curts Crane Service, Inc

T Thackers, Inc Napa Auto Parts

PRS Machine & Fabrication

Christofferson Welding, Inc

Crozier Oilfield Services, Inc

Prime Well Services, Inc

Systems Communication

L&S Trucking, Inc

Extreme Wireline, Inc

Mountain West Propane, Inc

Cross Girls, LLC

Price Water Pumping, Inc

Sweetwater Frac Fluid Solutions

Tech Swabbing

Mountain Insulation, Inc

Cornpeach Oilfield Services, Inc

Prestige Steam Cleaning

Swanberg USA, Inc

KW Trucking, Inc

Intermountain Concrete Company

Charlotte A. Johnson

Premium Thru Tubing, Inc

Sunshine Roofing Co

Tech Foam, Inc

Morton Electric, Inc

CG Power Rentals, Inc

Powell Enterprises, Inc

Strata Networks

Providia Management Group, LLC

Integrated Water Mgmt

CG Electrical Services Co, Inc

Ponderosa Oil Field Service, Inc

Stickman, Inc

Production Logging Services, Inc

Evco House of Hose

Kung Peter

Pluralsight, LLC

Stewarts Market/Stewarts Ace Hardware

Iowa TanklinesInc J&C Enterprises, Inc

JD Field Services, Inc JDM, LLC Jet Lift Systems

Naptech, Inc National Location Services NE Utah Office Equipment & Supply Company

Paragon Automation, Inc


UTAH - VENDOR LIST Zubiate Machine Works, LLC

Hatch James & Dodge

Questar Gas

Holbrook & Associates, Inc

Questar Infocomm, Inc

Congressional District 2

Hutchinson Oil/Lincoln Oil

Questar Pipeline Company

AJ Construction, Inc

Hydrapak Seals, Inc

R&R Machine Service, Inc

Alarm Control Co, Inc

Igage Mapping Corporation

Reagan Outdoor Advertising

Alpha Power Systems, Inc

Inland Kenworth, Inc

Rendezvous Gas Services, LLC

American Cancer Society,

Intermountain Farmers Assoc, Inc

Rocky Mountain Fabrication

Inthinc Technology Solutions Inc

Salt Lake Thermal Imaging, LLC

American Equipment, Inc American Express Travel Related Service

JMC Instruments & Controls

S&S Steel Fabrication, Inc Salt Lake Windustrial Co.

CA Johnson Rock Processing, LLC

Steven H. Clements

Castle Country Hydraulic & Supply

Summit Geological Services, LLC Summit Mudlogging Services

Castle Gate Posse

Talon Resources, Inc

Chute Supply

Targeted Learning

Codale Electric Supply

TKS Pro Shop, LLC

Cottage Signs & Creations

Tony Basso RV & ATV, LLC

Digicert, Inc

Tram Electric

EIS Environmental

Tri-J Services, LLC

Electrical Contractors, Inc

Utah Controls, Inc

Emery Co Recreation Special

Vital Smarts, LLC

Flowserve US, Inc

Wagner Petrographic, LLC

Goengineer, Inc

Waste & Water Logistics, LLC

Industrial Electrical Motor Service, Inc

We Mean Klean, LLC Willowstick Technologies, LLC

Apco, Inc

Jones Lease Service

APT Trucking, Inc

La Tech Equipment, Inc

Barco Rent A Truck

Labrum Pump Repair

School & Institutional, Trust Land Adm

Beijer Electronics, Inc

Latech Equipment, Inc

Sei General Acct

BHS Marketing, LLC

LBR Communications, Inc

Shop Services, Inc

Bodell Construction Company

Le Bus


Bott Enterprises, Inc

Lear & Lear LLP Law Offices

Six States Distributors, Inc

Innovative Automation & Control, LLC

Brahma Group, Inc

Legacy Equipment Rental, LLC

Smith Power Products, Inc

John A. Senulis

C.H. Spencer & Company

Lisa Stright

SOS Employment Group, Inc

Lazy S Storage, LLC

Cache Valley Electric Company

LN Curtis & Sons

Southern Cross Environmental

Maid 4 You, LLC

Cardwell Distributing, Inc

LTI, Inc

Structural Steel & Fabrication

Mine Systems Co

Cirrus Consulting, LLC

Lucille Caldwell

Terratek A Schlumberger Co

Montgomery Archaeological

Alpine Engineering, Inc

Classic Helicopter Service

Magna Sonic Stress Testers, Inc

Thatcher Company, Inc

Alpine Technical Services, LLC

Codale Electric Supply, Inc

Magnum Transport, LLC

Tramontane, Inc

Morgantown Machine & Hydraulics of

Control Equipment Co

Major Drilling America, Inc

University of Utah

Nelco Contractors, Inc

Brough Trucking & Crane Service

Corporation of The Presiding Bishop of The

Masterlogo, Inc

US Ecology Idaho, Inc

Nielson Construction, Inc

Cardwell Distributing, Inc

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

US Translation Company

Novatek, Inc

CO Sloan Grout

DCI Corporation

Mechanical Equipment, Inc

Wasatch Electric

Noyes Trucking, Inc

Enterprise Holdings, Inc

Diamond K. Gypsum, Inc

Meteorological Solutions, Inc

Water & Power Technologies, Inc

PDM Steel Service Centers

Escrowtech Intl, Inc

Dykman Electric, Inc

Midwest Office Furniture

Western Engineering, Inc

Pierce Oil Co, Inc

Granite Seed Company

Dyno Nobel, Inc

Mountain W Valve, Inc

Wheeler Machinery Co, Inc

Pinnacle Canyon Academy

Insideout Development, LLC

Eco Alliance, LLC

Namdar, LC

Wireline Technologies, Inc

Inthinc Technology Solutions, Inc

Energy & Geoscience Institute

Nationwide Shelving

Wyesaunt, LLC

Pinnacle Fire Protection Services, Inc

Energy Management Corporation

Northern Power Equipment, Inc

Savage Services Corporation

Norwest Corp

Congressional District 3

Norwest Corporation

A1 Rental & Sales, Inc

FC OrganizationaLProducts, LLC

OC Tanner Recognition Company

Accessdata Corporation

Fmc Mat. Handling Solutions

Oil Raiders Logistics, Inc

Foundation Specialist & Repair, LLC

Oilwell Lubricant Dispense Systems

Franklin Covey Client Sales, Inc

Peak Well Service, LLC

APT Trucking, Inc

Franklin Covey Company

Petroleum Systems Int’L, Inc

Blackout Energy Services, Inc

Franklin Covey Products, LLC

Prime Field Services

Blue Stakes of Utah

Frank’s Westates Services, Inc

Process Engineered Products

Booth Fire Protection, Inc

G&K Services, Inc

Progressive Machine

Brainstorm, Inc

Gramoll Construction Company

QEP Energy Company

Brainstorm, Inc

Great Lakes Service Co, LLC

Questar Energy Services, Inc

Gulf Coast Brokerage, Inc

Questar Exploration

Broken Tine Oil & Gas Consulting Inc

Energy Strategies LC Energy West Controls

Gulf Sulphur Services Ltd LlLP

Acumen Learning, LLC AJB Broadcasting, LLC American Environmental Testing

Price Field Office

Wilkinsons Trophy & Athletics Zenger Folkman Ziplocal LP

Congressional District 4

Brand Energy Solutions, LLC

J&M Steel Solutions, Inc

Prices Service Tech, LLC

JBR Environmental Consultants, Inc

Profire Energy, Inc

Nutech Specialties, Inc


Par Consulting, LLC

Quality Testing & Inspection

Petrochem Insulation, Inc

Red Tree Leadership

Redcap Construction, LLC

Renegade Industrial, LLC

Rocky Mountain Fabrication, Inc

Robinson Construction Group, LLC

Rocky Mountain Instrumentation, Inc

Rockies Standard Oil Company, LLC

Royce Industries LC

Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitati

Safway Services, LLC

Simplifile Southeastern Utah Energy Spra Wise, Inc Spring Glen Heating

Rust Automation & Controls, Inc Solar Turbines, Inc VRC Protx, LLC Water Recovery, LLC Weidner & Associates Western Petroleum, Inc


Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Vermont Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Vermont, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least seven businesses, located across Vermont’s single congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Vermont supports some 14,600 jobs, which is 3.6 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Vermont labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $567 million annually. That’s 3.1 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Vermont is not a top energy producer these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of

Vermont enjoy significant benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Vermont across all industries and sectors is $41,236, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is higher—$49,406 annually. Overall the industry supports $1 billion of the Vermont economy. That’s 3.6 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Vermont also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k 50k

$49,406 $41,236

40k 30k

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Avg. Annual Vermont Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Vermont

Vermont Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District (At Large)


Grand Total


At Large District





Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Vermont reached 1,458 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 2,456 in 2020 and to 2,583 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Vermont, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012

registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



VERMONT - VENDOR LIST Congressional District (at Large) Casella Waste Systems, Inc Hakes C&D Landfill Iron Horse Insurance Co Mairi Jane Fox New England Research, Inc Sooner Insurance Co Total Temperature Instrumentation, Inc



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Virginia Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Virginia, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 120 businesses, located across all 11 of Virginia’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Virginia supports some 141,600 jobs, which is 3 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Virginia labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $7.2 billion annually. That’s 2.5 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Virginia is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Virginia enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Virginia across all industries and sectors is $51,665, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is higher—$60,721 annually. Overall the industry supports $12.5 billion of the Virginia economy. That’s nearly 3 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Virginia also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Virginia reached 18,028 in





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k

$60,721 $51,665

50k 40k 30k

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Avg. Annual Virginia Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Virginia

Virginia Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Congressional District 11


Grand Total

District 10

District 11

District 08 District 06


District 07

District 05 District 09

District 01 District 03

District 02

District 04

Top Cities Alexandria = 12 Arlington = 12 Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

2012. The job total is projected to climb to 31,806 in 2020 and to 38,961 in 2035.4 And the people of Virginia get it. A telephone poll of 601 registered Virginia voters, conducted on behalf of the American

Petroleum Institute, found that 80 percent of them, regardless of party affiliation, support increased domestic production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.” http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/apr-2014/poll-largemajorities-of-virginia-voters-support-investments-in-oil-and-natural-gas”, the results of a Virginia poll conducted by Harris for API April 9-15, 2014. Click on “a new poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



VIRGINIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Congressional District 4

Capital Airspace Group, LLC


Air Systems

Capitol Advantage, LLC

Hilldrup Companies, Inc

Mobil Satellite Technologies

Chad Bradley & Associates, LLC

Kaeser Compressors, Inc

The Gartman Letter LC


Vibralign, Inc

Corporate Executive Board CYVIZ, LLC

Congressional District 2 Coastal Training Technologies

Congressional District 5

Ferguson Enterprises, Inc

Chemetrics, Inc

Tesoro Corporation

Elder Research, Inc Failsafe Network, Inc

E*Trade Financial Edwards & Floom LLP Environ International Corporation ESI International, Inc Famatech Corporation

Congressional District 3

GE Intelligent Platforms, Inc

Alfa Laval, Inc

John J. & Pamela J. Borek

Audio Fidelity Communications Corporation

Softwright, LLC

Auxiliary Systems, Inc

Congressional District 6

Bauer Compressors, Inc

Avaya, Inc

John F. Kennedy Center for the Arts

Detechtion Technologies, LLC

Kastle Systems

Failsafe Network, Inc

Mandiant Corporation

Gala Industries, Inc

Marine Corporations Scholarship Foundation

Fire Protection Equipment Co Frischkorn, Inc A Ferguson Enterprise GE Mobile Water, Inc McGuirewoods LLP Meadwestvaco Corporation Measurement Specialties, Inc

Virginia Transformer Corporation

Congressional District 7

Foodservice & Packaging Institute

Strategies For The Global Environment

Instant Transactions Corporation

Washington Speakers Bureau, Inc

Logistics Management Institute

Yellowbrix, Inc

Congressional District 9 Aegisound, LLC Appalachian Production Services Cleco Corporation Davis Consulting Rodney Friend Ultra Pipeline, LLC

Gnarus Advisors, LLC


Joe Ragans Coffee

Well Services of Virginia, LLC

Naesp Foundation National Energy Resources Org

Congressional District 10 ABZ, Inc Advocates Inc Dc Ltd

Congressional District 11 Acutech Group, Inc ASTD Bamboo Solutions Corporation C2 Technologies, Inc Capital Legal Solutions, LLC Deltek, Inc Eplus Systems, Inc Griggs & Adler PC

James D. Bain Consulting

DHL Sameday

Lead Star, LLC

Digital Intelligence Systems Corporation.

Liscr, LLC

Public Opinion Strategies, LLC

T Parker Host, Inc

Emergency Management Services International, Inc

Questel Orbit, Inc Ram SPV II, LLC

Epic Systems, Inc Foliofn Investments, Inc

Congressional District 8

Regulatory Economics Group, LLC

Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Approbatics Staffing, LLC

Sareth Loch

Independent Project Analysis, Inc

Armitage Intl LC

The Center For Management

Infoition News Services

Chemtreat, Inc

Western Branch Diesel, Inc

Silent Partner Services, LLC

Cvent, Inc

T Kevin Schwind

Vibralign, Inc



Pipeline Research Council International, Inc

Valueoptions, Inc

Orange Technologies, Inc

Hewlett-Packard Financial Services

Anton Paar USA, Inc

UPS Freight

Navitus Engineering, Inc

Cable & Wireless USA

Precisionir, Inc

The Whitlock Group

Intelligence Press, Inc

Enterprise Wireless Alliance

Research-Able, Inc Safety Focus Group, LLC Siber Systems, Inc The Capitol Connection XIGO, LLC XO Holdings, LLC



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Washington Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Washington State, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 185 businesses, spread across Washington State’s 10 congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Washington State supports some 104,300 jobs, which is 2.8 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Washington State’s labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $5.9 billion annually. That’s 2.7 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Washington State is not a top U.S. energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Washington State enjoy significant

benefits from energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Washington State across all industries and sectors is $52,869, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$87,333 annually. Overall the industry supports $14 billion of the Washington State economy. That’s 4 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Washington State also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal






90k 80k

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database).

70k 60k


50k 40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Washington State Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Washington State

Washington State Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8


Congressional District 9


Congressional District 10


Grand Total


District 02

District 01

District 07

District 05

District 06

District 10

District 09

District 08

District 04

District 03


Top City Seattle = 43

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

Vendor Profile6 Puget Sound Pipe and Supply Puget Sound Pipe and Supply, headquartered in Kent, Washington, is a family-owned company, started by the current owner’s great grandfather in 1917. With nine locations in Washington and Alaska, this small distribution house specializes in the distribution of industrial pipe, valves, and fittings especially for the oil, gas, and nuclear energy sectors. For the past 20 years, Puget Sound Pipe and Supply has conducted onsite material audits of the manufacturers the company represents and provided them with copies of the audits free of charge. “This has strengthened the relationship and trust between all parties, from the end users to the manufacturers, that the material will arrive correctly and on time and meet the specifications required to serve in the harsh conditions of the North Slope environment.”

drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Washington State reached 13,217 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 23,000 in 2020 and to 26,775 in 2035.4 And Americans, including the people of Washington State, get it. A telephone poll of

1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.5

4. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 5. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

6. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



WASHINGTON - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Praxair Services, Inc

Rhem, LLC

Harris Group, Inc

Alliedsignal, Inc

ADP-Univar USA, Inc

Proctor Sales, Inc

IHS Global, Inc

American Power Systems, LLC

Agile42, LLC

The Oeser Company

Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories

TK Lampe, LLC

Tillman & Associates Consulting

Industrial Ceramics, Inc

Alan A. Allen

Integral Consulting, Inc

Bay Valve Engineered Flowsolutions

Cardiac Science Corporation

Unit Process Co

CB Engineering Pacific, Inc

Viking Geosciences, LLC

Concentric Advisors, Inc

Congressional District 6

Lynden, Inc

Bainbridge Petroleum Consulting, Inc

Measurement Technology Northwest

Creative Systems, Inc

Modumetal, Inc

Data Logic Services Corporation


Jesse Engineering Company

North Coast Electric Co Perkins Coie LLP

Congressional District 3

Control Factors, Inc

5 Star Testing, Inc

Controls Programming

Airgas Nor Pac, Inc

Douglas S. Morrison

Conquest Consulting Group LP

Dunkin & Bush, Inc

Florence Sinkler

Engineered Process Controls, LLC

Greenberry Industrial, LLC

NW Subsurface Warning System Utilities Underground Loc Ctr

H&M Erickson Homestead Trust

Owens Coastal Consultants Ltd

Industrial Training Intl, Inc

Paramount Supply Co

Iron Guard Odessa, LLC

Spencer Fluid Power, Inc

JH Kelly, LLC

True Blue, Inc

Mediapro, Inc Microsoft Corporation MSR Northwest, Inc Nikiski Fuel, Inc

KEU, Inc

Nuovo Parts, Inc

Pacific Power Products Company, LLC

Paroscientific, Inc

Regulatory & Cogeneration

PCE Pacific, Inc

Sawyer Systems, LLC

Prometheus Energy Group, Inc

Valin Corporation

Recycle Systems, LLC

Westcoast Energy, Inc

Skoflo Industries, Inc SLR International Corporation

Congressional District 4

Stortec USA, Inc Unisea, Inc

Columbia Basin Consulting Group, LLC

Univar Corporation

Dan Fraser

Utilicast, LLC

Lampson International, LLC

Winshuttle, LLC

Paul A. Eide

Congressional District 2

Congressional District 5

ABW Technologies, Inc

Abco Recycling

Alaska Anvil, Inc

D&H Trucking

Anvil Corporation

Drilling Specialists, Inc

Cole Industrial, Inc

Ecova, Inc

Danaher Corporation

Edge Construction Supply

Fluke Electronics Corporation

EJ Bartells Co

Fluke Networks

Hotstart Sales, LLC

Maple Systems, Inc

James M. & Eunice Hepper

North West Instrument Services

Lodging Logistics

Patricia W. Walker

Prisem Geoscience Consulting, LLC

Lynden Transport, Inc

Aircraft Technical Support, Inc

Concur Technologies

Forrest Sound Products

Lane Powell PC

Congressional District 7 ACD Systems of America, Inc

PSF Industries, Inc Qwest Reanier & Associates, Inc Ryan Herco Flow Solutions Starbucks Coffee Company Tractor & Equipment Co Univar USA, Inc

Bay Valve Service & Engineering, LLC Ceramifrac Proppants, LLC Chempoint Com, Inc Clarice A Salverson Corrpro Companies, Inc FCI Consulting & Inspection Honeywell International, Inc Microstar Laboratories NC Machinery Co NC Power Systems Co Northwest Fluid System Technologies Puget Sound Pipe & Supply Co. Quest Integrity USA, LLC Rexel Seattle Industrial Motor

Avanade, Inc

Valley Power Systems Northwest, Inc

Bay Valve Service, Inc

Willis of Seattle, Inc

Beacon Occupational Health

Zones, Inc

Sterlitech Corporation

Cascade Safety Solutions, LLC

Congressional District 8

Tank Partners, LLC

Case Marine & Industrial

Eigenvector Research, Inc

Christine Jenkins

FMC Technologies Australia Ltd

Coast Crane Company

Harvey Rock Physics Pty Ltd

Coffman Engineers, Inc

Holsterguydotcom, LLC

Colbert Infrared Services, Inc

Industrial Bolt & Supply, Inc

Control Contractors, Inc

JMAC Resourecs, Inc

Daniel D. Eggers

Legacy Energy Ventures, Inc

Delta Western, Inc

PS Zone, LLC

Dennis L. Duffy

UU Mat Systems, LLC

Code Inspection

Docusign, Inc

Washington Crane & Hoist Co, Inc

Engineered Software, Inc JPN Service Co

Wheeler Farms A Partnership Dated

Montecito Oilfield Services

BMA Solutions LP

Dresser Rand Co Eeis Consulting Engineers, Inc Emerald Alaska, Inc Emerald Services, Inc Engineered Fire Systems, Inc Gallivan Gallivan & O’Melia, LLC Groff Murphy Trachtenberg Guardian FalLProtection

Congressional District 9

Source Code North America, Inc Specialty Wipers, Inc T&E The Cat Rental Store Tecplot, Inc Tractor & Equipment Co Tru-Tec Services, Inc Unified Logic, Inc

Congressional District 10 Aircare Crews, LLC Aircare International Ltd

Morr Pamela M. Oklahoma Hot Shot Service, Inc Phillip Glenn Humble Estate

ADP-Univar USA, Inc


Alamo Turbocharger Services, Inc

Rowsix, LLC Snell Crane Service



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

West Virginia Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of West Virginia, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 230 businesses, spread across all eight of West Virginia’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in West Virginia supports some 80,400 jobs, which is 8.9 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of West Virginia labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $3.64 billion annually. That’s 8.8 percent of the state’s total labor income.

Virginia across all industries and sectors is $39,519, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$74,450 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $5.8 billion of the West Virginia economy. That’s 8.7 percent of the state’s total economic activity.

These job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of West Virginia enjoy significant benefits from energy development. The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well.3 Thus, while the average annual salary in West

West Virginia particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or

Although West Virginia ranks 20th in oil production, it is 9th in natural gas production.5 That makes it one of the nation’s top energyproducing states.





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs. 5. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.


80k 70k 60k 50k 40k



Avg. Annual West Virginia Salary

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: West Virginia

West Virginia Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Grand Total


District 01


District 02




Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

“fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in West Virginia reached 11,884 in 2012. The job total is expected to rise to 29,656 in 2020 and to 58,244 in 2035.6

Vendor Profile8 Southern Hydrocarbon Corporation Southern Hydrocarbon Corporation is a drilling and completion consulting firm. The company offers services throughout the entire field-check, drilling-completion, and production process, with an emphasis on safety and budget. The company also provides environmental products, analytical services, soap sticks, and drilling foamers to the oil and gas industry.

Top Cities Moundsville = 31 Charleston = 27

found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.7

And Americans, including the people of West Virginia, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute,

6. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 7. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

To find out more, visit API.org

8. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



WEST VIRGINIA - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1

Hawkeye Research, Inc

RW Products, LLC

GA Covey Engineering PLLC

Security America, Inc

A&A Services, LLC

Hobbs John R.

Ryan Environmental, Inc

GAI Consultants

Shawn Tenney

A&A Supply, LLC

Howard Shackelford

Seneca Technologies, Inc

Gary Barnard

Signet Stone & Soil, LLC

A&P Trucking Heavy Hauling


Shelly A. & David W. Reinbeau

Hardman Trucking, Inc

Site Tech, LLC

Adkins Jeremy S.

Intelligencer & New Register

Snider Gregory A.

Advantage A-1 Cleaning

J&R Excavating, Inc

Solo Construction, LLC

Harrison Transport & Hot Shot, LLC

Southern Hydrocarbon Corporation

Albert & Mary Hohman

Jackson Surveying, Inc

Staley Communication, Inc

Hefners Dozer Service, LLC

Spilman Thomas & Battle PLLC

American Title & Land Services, LLC

Javins Corporation

Star Inspection, Inc

Helmick Bros Contracting, Inc

Staretts Well Service, LLC

JDS Investments, LLC

Steptoe & Johnson PLLC

High Point Construction Group

Anderson Excavating, LLC

Knabenshue Sarah J.

Stern Ronald

Steves Welding & Fabrication, LLC

Appalachian Mineral Title Co, LLC

Land & Resource Mgmt, Inc

Summit Environmental Services

Laurel Aggregates, Inc

Ten Mile Hot Shot & Transport

Laurel Oil & Gas Corporation

The Sherwin Williams Co

Laurita, Inc

Thrasher Engineering, Inc

Light Line Energy Services, Inc

Triple H Enterprises

Lightning Energy Services, LLC

United Electrical Services, Inc

Lightning Trucking Services

Vantacore Partners LP

Lori Michelle Druschel

Vucelick George E.

Lubbuck Energy, LLC

Wayt Gary L.

Mac Enterprises, LLC

Weekly Seth

Lewis Glasser Casey & Rollins

Margaret Sue Kelley

Wellington Development Wvdt, LLC

Manahan Group, LLC Marteney Dozer Service, Inc

Williams Excavating, LLC

McJunkin Red Man Corporation

Wood Gregory K.

Miss Utility of West Virginia, Inc

WVU Foundation

Montgomery David B.

Young Charlene S.

Mountaineer Metal Field Service

Balderson Law Office PLLC Beresford Randy Berryman Hall & Matheny PLLC Bethany College Blair Motor Supply Company Blake Robert D. Blue Dot Energy Services, LLC Blue Mountain, Inc C&S Land Services, LLC Central Environmental Services CM&I Products Cochran Diana Lynn Community Foundation For The Ohio Conner Howard T. Continuous Learning Group Cove Run Contracting, LLC Cramer Clifford R. Crow James E. David & Sharon Hall & Berry DDP Minerals, Inc Diannas Cakes & Catering Dieffenbauch & Hritz, LLC DOB, LLC Dobbs Daniel L. Dolgovskij Nikolaj Dominion Transmission, Inc E&S Contracting, Inc Ecologic Environmental Edgel Thomas Jr Estate of Hilda S. Lyons Extreme Plastics Plus, Inc. Fairmont Tool, Inc Gal Land Co, Inc Garcia Linda S. Gold Khourey & Turak LC Grose Kevin E. Hall Ora Lee

Marsh Ronald A. Mason Dixon Energy, LLC Mason Ronald D. Maysonet Jesus McGary Judith L. McGary Ricky Lee

Highlands Drilling, LLC HNH Trucking, LLC Hydrocarbon Well Service, Inc Ioga - WV Iron Mountain Specialized, Inc Jackson Kelly PLLC Jonn Parsons Kbash Hot Shot Service, LLC Kenneth Payne Latitude Land & Regulatory

Mountaineer Welding Services

Stewart Rhoades Teays Valley Engineering The Dickirson Corporation Triple E Services Triple J Contractors, LLC Viking Well Service, Inc West Virginia Division of West Virginia Insurance Commission West Virginia Land Trust Wetzel County Landfill William Richardson WV Service

Congressional District 3 ABB Process Analytics, Inc Appalachian Leadership Education

Melchiori Daniel G.

Congressional District 2

Mountainstate Power Tong, LLC

Michael Davis

Advanced Electric, Inc

Nathan Smarr

Champion Graphic Communications

Missys Hotshot Service, LLC

Aqua Clear, Inc

Nicholas Pottmeyer

Constance M

Monroe Towing & Excavating, LLC

Arnold L. Schulberg

Payzone Oil & Gas, LLC

DD&S Contracting

Bowles Rice LLP

Performance Energy Services

Doss Enterprises

Moundsville Daily Echo

Broken Spoke Welding

Petroleum Products, Inc

Eugene Roberts & Son, Inc

Mountain Service & Supply, LLC

Chad Satterfield

Potesta & Associates, Inc

Neels Chainlink Fence Co

Power Parts Supply, LLC

Gilbert Electrical Systems & Produc

Ohio River Aggregate, Inc

Clarence D. & Nancy C.T. Stamper

Pray Construction Company

GL Stone & Son, Inc

Olaf H. & Wanda M. Shafer

Clinton Salyers

Ralph Riffle

Harold Porter

Oliverio Matthew A.

Cox Well Service, LLC

Randall Orsburn

Jamie Adkins

Patriot Oilfield Services, LLC

Custom Wellhead Services, LLC

Raynes & Sons Excavation, LLC

Johnny May

Patterson Shirley L.

Daniel Moore & Son, Inc

Richard Chin

Kris Aldridge

Pearson Deborah Ann

Daniel Rucker

Ringers, Inc

Lorene Canterbury & William

Percheron Energy, LLC

Delmar & Alice Light

RL Laughlin & Company, Inc

Malcom Slone

Perkins Supply

Derow Enterprises, LLC

Robert A. & Cathy Campbell

Norfolk Southern Railway Co

Reilleys, Inc

Donald Cogar

Robert Schindler

Ray McCallister

Relyks, LLC

Elk Well Services, LLC

Robinson & Mcelwee PLLC

Richards Albert T.

Richardson Copy Concepts

Energy Corporation of America

Rodney Greathouse

Richwood Investment Castings

Ricochet, LLC

Environmental Construction, Inc

Ronnie Cunningham

Robert Marsh

Rine Paul W.

Francis Brothers, LLC

Roustabout Services, LLC

Terry & Dee Lambert & Hoover

Ritz Mark N.

Frontier West Virginia, Inc

Russell Robinson

WR Murdock & Sons, Inc WV Educational Broadcasting



Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Wisconsin Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Wisconsin, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 108 businesses, located across all eight of Wisconsin’s congressional districts, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 That study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Wisconsin supports some 103,300 jobs, which is 3 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Wisconsin labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $4.5 billion annually. That’s 2.9 percent of the state’s total labor income. Although Wisconsin is not a top energy producer, these job and labor income figures demonstrate that the people of Wisconsin enjoy significant benefits from

energy development.3 The benefits show up in the state’s salary statistics as well. Thus, while the average annual salary in Wisconsin across all industries and sectors is $42,572, the average oil and gas industry salary (excluding gas stations) is substantially higher—$69,083 annually.4 Overall the industry supports $7.9 billion of the Wisconsin economy. That’s 3.1 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Wisconsin also benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these





1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. Data includes NAICS code 324, which may count some coal product manufacturing jobs.


70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on


Avg. Annual Wisconsin Salary

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Wisconsin

Wisconsin Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District 1


Congressional District 2


Congressional District 3


Congressional District 4


Congressional District 5


Congressional District 6


Congressional District 7


Congressional District 8 Grand Total


District 07


District 08

District 03 District 06

Vendor Profile7

Top City Milwaukee = 30

District 05 District 02

District 04 District 01

Snap-on Industrial Snap-on is a leading global innovator, manufacturer, and marketer of tools, equipment, diagnostics, repair information, and systems solutions for professional users performing critical tasks. Products and services include hand and power tools, tool storage, diagnostics software, information and management systems, shop equipment, and other solutions for vehicle dealerships and repair centers. Industrial customers include aviation and aerospace, agriculture, construction, government and military, mining, natural resources, power generation, and technical education. Products and services are sold through the company’s franchisee, company-direct, distributor, and internet channels. Founded in 1920, Snap-on is a $3.1 billion, S&P 500 company headquartered in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Snap-on has served the oil and gas industry for decades. The company provides daily use and special one-of-a kind tools to refineries and equipment manufacturers. The company has also created and provided task-specific, custom-made tool sets for mobile service trucks and other needs, designed with varying degrees of tool control and asset management.

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

activities in Wisconsin reached 19,760 in 2012. The job total is projected to climb to 33,112 in 2020 and to 35,976 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Wisconsin, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012 registered voters across the country,

conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

In addition, Snap-on has created industry-specific safety and training programs.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



WISCONSIN - VENDOR LIST Congressional District 1 Aw-Lake Company Centrisys Corporation Cordstrap USA, Inc Drewco Corporation

Palmer Johnson Power Systems, LLC The Weir Group Plc

Congressional District 3

Johnson Controls, Inc

American Rotary

Michels Corporation

Manpower Professional Servicesinc

Bound Tree Medical, LLC

Neenah Foundry Company

Marking Services, Inc

Burrus Research Assoc, Inc

Oil Rite Corporation

Element Material Technology

Ram Tool

Expertune, Inc

Red Canoe Promotions, Inc

FCX Performance, Inc

Tab Products Co, LLC

Michael & Barbara Kraetsch

The American Club Transload Solutions, LLC

Milwaukee Consulting Group, LLC

Elwood Corporation Fluid Power Group

Atlas Resin Proppants, LLC Chart Energy & Chemicals, Inc

Midwest Air Parts, Inc

Milwaukee Electronics Corporation

Eileen Cvancara

Noble Diagnostics, Inc

Midwest Thermal-Vac, Inc

Milwaukee Forge

Lorman Education Services

OIP Holdings, LLC

Protect-All, Inc

Milwaukee Gear

McLoone Metal Graphics

National Business Furniture, Inc

PBBS Equipment Corporation

Congressional District 7

Runzheimer International

Nova Molecular Technologies, Inc

Sentry Equipment Corporation

Snap-On, Inc

Preferred Sands of Wisconsin, Ulc

Catalytic Combustion Corporation

Uline, Inc

Trane Company

Solutions Dynamics, Inc

PKware, Inc

The Ohio Bell Telephone Co

Mark Smugala

Ritus Rubber

T-Lon Products, Inc

Rosemary D. Schroef

Scot Forge

Trico Corporation

William C. Byram

Unit Drop Forgings

Wilson Hurd Manufacturing Co

Congressional District 2

Congressional District 4

Addison Machine Engineering, Inc

A&A Manufacturing Co, Inc

Sentry Equipment Corporation

Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc

Stroh Precision Die Casting, LLC

Cascade Asset Management, LLC

Benz Oil, Inc

Timothy Kraetsch

Conney Safety Products, LLC

Charter Communications

Fairbanks Morse Engine


Full Compass Systems Ltd

Fastrak Softworks, Inc

Gammex, Inc

Fei Behavioral Health

Gordon Flesch Company, Inc

Helwig Carbon Products, Inc

JT Packard & Associates, Inc

Hy Bon Engineering Co, Inc

Palmer Johnson Distributors, LLC


Bruker Axs, Inc

Brady Corporation Limited

Tapfin, LLC

Wisconsin Box Company

Congressional District 6 Above & Beyond, Incentives

Congressional District 8

Azco, Inc

Azco, Inc

Badger Mining

Erin Berns

EK Machine Co, Inc

Krueger International, Inc

GE Oil & Gas, Inc

Machine Service, Inc

JJ Keller & Associates, Inc

Mid-Valley Industries, LLC

3M Company

Kohler RentaLPower, Inc

Schneider Logistics, Inc

A&A Manufacturing Co, Inc

Marvel Manufacturing Company, Inc

Team Industries, Inc

Unit Drop Forgings Walker Forge WSA Engineered Systems, Inc

Congressional District 5




Oil and Natural Gas Stimulate

Wyoming Economic and Job Growth Oil and natural gas are driving the U.S. economy through a major energy boom and that boom is rippling through the economy of Wyoming, supporting business activity across the state. This finding grows out of a new American Petroleum Institute survey of domestic oil and natural gas vendors,1 which offers a glimpse into the job and business creation engine that is the current oil and natural gas industry. The survey shows that at least 1,081 businesses, spread across Wyoming’s single at-large congressional district, are part of the larger oil and natural gas supply chain. The survey’s snapshot of state-by-state activity reinforces the impressive level of industry success throughout the country that is documented in a recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study conducted for the American Petroleum Institute.2 The study found that the oil and natural gas industry in Wyoming supports some 80,000 jobs, which is 20.4 percent of the state’s total employment. The amount of Wyoming labor income supported by the oil and natural gas industry comes to $5.13 billion annually. That’s 21.3 percent of the state’s total labor income. Another way in which the oil and gas industry benefits the people of Wyoming, in addition to total employment and labor income, is in terms of salary.3 While the

average annual salary in Wyoming across all industries and sectors is $44,699, the average salary in the oil and gas industry (excluding gas stations) is very significantly higher—$84,994 annually.3 Overall the industry supports $13 billion of the Wyoming economy. That’s nearly 33 percent of the state’s total economic activity. Wyoming ranks 7th in oil and 5th in natural gas production. That makes it one of the nation’s top energy-producing states. Wyoming particularly benefits from the production of oil and natural gas from shales and so-called “tight formations,” energy development that uses the proven engineering technologies of hydraulic






90k 80k

1. American Petroleum Institute, “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey,” Washington, D.C., 2014. The survey was distributed to API members in January 2014 to collect information for the period October 2012 to September 2013. Included are companies that provide goods and services for onshore oil and natural gas development, whether as operators, contractors, service companies, suppliers, or vendors. 2. PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy in 2011,” Washington, D.C., July 2013. Prepared for API using the IMPLAN input-output modeling system, based on 2011 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data. 3. Information cited in this paragraph comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (preliminary data for 2013 accessed July 2014); and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, “The Economic Impacts of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry on the U.S. Economy: Employment, Labor Income and Value Added,” 7/12/13 (based on 2012 IMPLAN database). 4. EIA, “Rankings: Crude Oil Production, April 2014 (thousand barrels),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/ ranking/?sid=UA#/series/46. EIA, “Rankings: Natural Gas Marketed Production, 2012 (million cubic feet),” accessed 7/31/2014. http://www.eia.gov/state/rankings/?sid=US#/series/47.

70k 60k 50k


40k 30k

Avg. Annual Wyoming Salary

Visit API.org for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.

Avg. Oil and Gas Industry Salary


State: Wyoming

Wyoming Vendors by Congressional District

Vendors by Congressional District

District Location ●

Congressional District


Congressional District (At Large)


Grand Total


At Large District

Vendor Profile7 Big Horn Environmental Consultants Big Horn Environmental Consultants (BHEC) works with all the energy development stakeholders, including private landowners, companies, and land managers, in developing infrastructure plans that maintain compliance with existing federal and state wildlife regulations and encourage persistence of sensitive species, for example, the greater sagegrouse and raptors. Company planning helps to conserve important habitats, while achieving economically viable resource extraction, such as coal bed, natural gas, deep oil wells, and mining of minerals. Information collected during wildlife surveys provides key information to help land managers determine the best siting for infrastructure used by projects. Mapping of sensitive species’ nest locations and important seasonal habitats results in survey information that can also be useful for early-stage planning of potential lease holds. In addition, company data help identify additional costs and clarify the complexity of permitting for new projects. Company clients have benefited from survey information to become informed about locations that have sensitive wildlife issues, thereby avoiding costly delays while developing siting and construction plans. Big Horn has found that “The oil and gas industry people involved in permitting and developing locations genuinely strive to have the least possible impact on wildlife and other resources.”

Top Cities Gillette = 208 Casper = 197

Rock Springs = 105 Riverton = 76

Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS,FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community

fracturing, or “fracking,” and horizontal drilling. Total jobs supported by these activities in Wyoming reached 17,834 in 2012. That job total is projected to climb to 26,639 in 2020 and to 34,459 in 2035.5 And Americans, including the people of Wyoming, get it. A telephone poll of 1,012

registered voters across the country, conducted on behalf of the American Petroleum Institute, found that 77 percent of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, support increased production of oil and natural gas resources located in the United States.6

5. IHS Inc., “America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the U.S. Economy,” Washington, D.C., December 2012. 6. “What America is Thinking on Energy Issues.”http://www.api.org/news-and-media/news/newsitems/2014/july-2014/voters-say-usshould-do-more-to-develop-oil-natural-gas” the results of a national poll conducted by Harris for API July 10-13, 2014. Click on “national poll” to see how percentages of voters answered this and other questions.

In addition, Big Horn’s support of the oil and gas industry provides income for seasonal employees every spring and summer, when the majority of the wildlife survey work occurs.

To find out more, visit API.org

7. From the 2014 “API Onshore Oil and Gas Vendor Identification Survey” returns.

for more information and follow us on Twitter@EnergyTomorrow.



WYOMING - VENDOR LIST Congressional District (at Large)

Auto Service Excellence

Blakeman Propane, Inc

Casper Winco Supply Co.

DCT Energy Services, LLC

Automation & Electronics, Inc

Bloedorn Lumber

Castlebrook Welding & Fab, Inc

Dealers Electrical Supply Co

2 M Construction, Inc

Automation X Corporation

Bloedorn Lumber - Worland

CBM Associates, Inc

Deans Consulting

4U Fencing & Landscaping, LLC

Azix Data Systems, Inc

Bloedorn Lumber Riverton

CCC Services, LLC

Deep Sweep, Inc

609 Consulting, LLC

B&B Leasing Co

Blueline Rental, LLC

CDM Trucking, Inc

Delcon Serices, Inc

609 Consulting, LLC

B&B Tool & Supply Co, Inc

BME Industrial Companies, LLC

Cedar Rentals, Inc

Delta Power & Automation, Inc

A D Martin Lumber Company, Inc

B&G Roustabout Service

Bobetta Jean Etchemendy

Centaur Consulting L L C

Dennis Trucking Ltd

B&H Services, Inc

Bobs Fire & Saftey

Center Line Resource, Inc

Dennis W. Carter

A Star Contracting

B&S Hotshot, LLC

Bobs Truck Repairs, Inc

Central Truck & Diesel, Inc

A&D Oilfield Dozers, Inc

B&T Fabrication, Inc

Boelens Well Service, LLC

Cerento, Inc

Diamond T Welding of Wyoming, Inc

A&E Flow Testing, LLC

B&T, Inc

Boner Brothers Partnership

Chapman Contracting, Inc

A&S Water Service, Inc

Baby Doe Resources, Inc

Boones Machine & Rental

Childers Trucking Company

A&W Hotshot & Oilfield Service, LLC

Back Country Spraying, LLC

Borah-Borah Petroleum, Inc

Childs Play Entertainment

Badger, Inc

Boss Enterprises, Inc

Baggs Solid Waste Disposal Dst

Bottom Line Marketing, LLC

Choice Engineers & Surveyors, Inc

Baggs Testing & Rental, Inc

Bowden Management Company, Inc

Christian Lyda CL Consulting Services

Bowden Well Site Services, Inc

CL Well Service, Inc

Bower Petroleum Service, Inc

Claudes Welding Service, Inc

Bradley & Kristy Erdman

Clayton Glynn

Brandon Mitchell

Clean & Simple, LLC

Bar S, Inc

Brenda Hemberry

Clear Creek Well Service, Inc

Barlow Ranch Limited Partnership

Brennan Engineering, Inc

Climate Engineering Corporation

Bresnan Communications

C-M Environmental Group, Inc

Bas Services, Inc

Brewed Attitude Cafe

Cobb Electric, LLC

Bear Consulting Services, LLC

Brian Johnson

Cobra Well Testers, LLC

Bear Creek Originals

Bridger Crane & Rigging, LLC

Collins Backhoe & Water Service

Bridger Mechanical, Inc

Collins Communications, Inc

DR Griffin & Associates, Inc

All Service Lysite, Inc

Bear River Regional Joint Powers Bearpaw Survey, Inc

DRM, Inc

Allen Inspection Services

Beken, Inc

British Standards Institution

Communication Technologies, Inc

Drilling Tools, Inc

Allen & Crouch Petr Engineers

Bridger Valley Elect Assoc

DS Consulting

Alliance Drilling Tools, LLC

Belcher & Boomgaarden LLP

Compression Leasing Services, Inc

Alltrans, Inc

Benson Construction, Inc

Compression Systems

Dubois Telephone Exchange, Inc

Alsco American Linen Division

Berry Lubrication Service, Inc

Alta Construction, Inc

Best Out West Spraying, Inc

Altitude Land Consulting PC

BHS, Inc

AAA Services, Inc Aaron’s Water Services, Inc ABM Well Service AC Egbert Water Service, Inc Ace West N2 Pumping, Inc ACR Consultants, Inc Action Lock & Key Aero Plus, LLC Air Control Specialists Airgas On-Site Safety Services, Inc Alco Mobile Storage Alignment Pros, Inc All Around Field Services, LLC

Bailey Enterprises, Inc Bailey Oil Co Baker Hydro Excavating, Inc Balfour Beatty Rail, Inc Bar S Services, Inc

Always Be Clean

Big Co

Ameri Tech Equipment Co

Big D Sanitation

American Colloid Company

Big Dawg Enterprises, LLC

American Compressor Solutions, LLC American Filter Clean American Mobile Research, Inc

Big Horn Anchor Service, Inc Big Horn Co-Op Marketing Assn Big Horn Culligan Water

Britton Trucking, LLC Broken Arrow Field Services, Inc Brunson Enterprises, LLC BSI Services, Inc Buck Creek Freight, Inc Buffalo Field Office Build Rite Do It Center Bunot Rachel K. C Starks Refrigeration, Inc C&B Sand & Gravel, Inc C&S Oil Tools, Inc C&Y Transportation Co

Connies Answering Service

Dickau Grading, LLC Dilts Ranch Co Discovery Downhole Services, Inc DJ Consulting, LLC DL Naylor Service & Consulting DLC Trucking, Inc DO, Inc Donna L. York Rev Trust Dons Auto & Body Shop Don’s Supermarket Double D Hotshot, LLC Double Nicol, Inc Double Z Production, LLC Douglas Edward Wirth Douglas Exploration, LLC Downrite Pump Service, Inc

D’s Hot Oil, Inc

Continental Industries Field

Dubose Welding & Fabrication, Inc


Dunn Trucking, Inc

Craftco Metals Services, Inc

Dupree’s Welding

Craig Alan Kloahsen

Dustbusters, Inc

Croell Redi-Mix, Inc

Dynaflo, LLC

Crossroads Trucking, Inc

E2 Electrical Contractor, Inc

Crum Electric Supply Co

Eager Beaver Testers, Inc

CS Consulting, LLC

Eagle Electric, Inc

Custom Chemical Solution

Earl Bower Farms

Custom Fiberglass, Inc

Earth Work Solutions

Custom Graphix & Signs

Earthworks, Inc

Cyclone Drilling, Inc

Eastside Laundry

D&A Plumbing & Mechanical, LLC

Echo Transportation, LLC

Amigos Equipment Corporation

Big Horn Environmental Consultants

Anchor Environmental

Big Horn Heating & Cooling, Inc

Anchor Services, Inc

Big Horn Water Wagon, LLC

Anderson Seismograph Bit

Big West Oilfield Services

Anticline Disposal, LLC

Big Wyoming Trucking, Inc

Calibration Technicians & Supply Inc

Apex Surveying, Inc

Biggs Electric, LLC

Cameron Compression Systems

D&A Services, LLC

Apex Vista, LLC

Bighorn Construction

D&D Oilfield Service

Edgerton Services & Equipment, LLC

API Systems Integrators, Inc

Bighorn Gas Gathering, LLC

Cannon Oil & Gas Well Service, Inc

D&D Swabbing, LLC

Edison Family Trust

Arcadis US, Inc

Bighorn Hydraulics, Inc

Carey Properties, LLC

D&DJ Oil Tools, Inc

Edwards Fencing

Carlat Construction, Inc

D&L Excavation, Inc

Eidens Construction, LLC

Carol Chadwick Ms Pe

Dale Pentice Company

El Rio Restaurante, LLC

Carquest Auto Parts Stores Valley Motor Supply

Dale Weaver, Inc

Electrical Connections, Inc

Carroll Septic Service

Dan Hart Patrol Service, LLC Dan Taylor Trucking

Electrical Specialists, Inc of Wyoming

Archaeological Energy Consulting Arctic Oilfield Services Armor Services, LLC Arrowhead Lodge Wyoming, LLC

Bighorn Transport, Inc Binger Operations, LLC Bison Pump & Supply, Inc Bks Environmental Associates, Inc

Aspen Fabrication & Welding, Inc

Black Hawk Crane & Rigging, Inc

Aspen Water Technologies

Black Hills Bentonite

Aster Canyon Consulting

Black Hills Trucking, Inc

Atchison Ranch, LLC

Blairs Market

C2 Services, LLC CA White Wireline Services Cactus Springs Gas & Oilfield Services

Casper Field Office Casper Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc Casper Oil Tools, LLC Casper Tin Shop

Darryl’s Transport Company Daryls Electric, Inc Dave Norris Consulting, LLC Daves Flow Measurement, LLC Davis Construction

Ed Greenwald Construction, LLC

Electrofab, Inc Elite Cleaning, LLC Elkhorn Construction, Inc Ellis Public Affairs, LLC


WYOMING - VENDOR LIST Elmore & Elmore Wireline Service, Inc

G&J Hot Oiling, Inc

Heath Consulting, Inc

Infinity Power & Controls, Inc

KA Sullivan Welding

Emery Septic Tank Pumping, LLC

Gary Holsan

Henson Fencing & Construction

Insight Services, Inc

Gas Drive Global US, Inc

Heppner Consulting, LLC

Kaman Industrial Technologies Corporation


Hico, LLC

Instrument & Equipment Technicians, LLC

GCC Rentals

High Country Crane Service

Gene R. George & Associates, Inc

High Country Fabrication, Inc

Emily Shepperson, Successor Tste Emit Technologies, Inc Enerflex Energy Systems, Inc Energy Enterprise Services, Inc Energy Equipment & Supply, Inc Energy Transportation, Inc Engine Accessories & Controls Environmental Sales & Service, Inc ETO Corporation Evanston Park & Recreation District

Generators of Gillette, Inc George Etchemendy George Lebar Geotec Industrial Supply Gerald M. Morel Get Up & Go Hotshot Trucking, LLC Gillette Contractor Supply, Inc Gillette Gun Club

High Country Industrial Corporation High Country Oilfield Services, Inc High Country Welding, LLC High Desert Services High Desert Services, Inc High Desert Welding & Machine, LLC High Mountain Inspection Services, Inc

Exact Air Compliance Systems, Inc

Gillette Printing Co, Inc

Excel Drilling, Inc

Git-R-Done Sanitation, Inc

Exploration, Inc

Global Artificial Lift

Exterran Water Management

Global Propane of Wyoming

Extreme Pump Solutions, Inc

Global Specialized Services, Lld

Facts, Inc

GM Oilfield Services, Inc

Falcon Pump & Supply

Goat Green, LLC

Falcon Pump & Supply Far Out Weed Control, Inc

Goolsby Finley & Associates, LLC

Farmer Brothers Coffee


Farmers Cooperative Assn

Grease Wood Water Systems

Fencetrak, Inc

Great Basin Enterprises

FFC Fox Family Cleaning, LLC

Great Divide Consulting, Inc

Fiber Chem, Inc

Green Bit & Tool, Inc

First American Title Insurance Co

Greene Enterprises, Inc

First Place Cellular

Greene’s Energy Services, Inc

Five E’s Services, Inc

Greenline Equipment, LLC

Flanders Electric Motor Service, Inc

Greenway Parts Cleaning & Filtratio

Howards Tubular Service

Flightline Aviation Services, Inc

Greer Services

Hudson Contracting

Flogistix Wyoming, LLC

Gregory Lee Oertel

Huff Sanitation, Inc

Flower Exchange

Greg’s Welding, Inc

Hughes Enterprises, Inc

Floyd Land & Livestock, Inc

Greiner Motor Company

Hungry Dog

Fluid Pro, LLC

Grieve Enterprises, LLC

FMC Technologies, Inc

Grizzly Services, Inc

Hunting Energy Services Drilling Tools, Inc

Folsom & Associates, Inc

Grouse Mountain Environmental Consultants, LLC

Hurricane Enterprise, LLC Iberlin Ranch Limited Partnership

Guardian (A Division of Greene’s Energy Group LLC )

Ice House

Gyphaul Transport, Inc

IGO Oil Field Service, Inc

Food Science Club Four Spear Contracting, LLC Fox Field Services, LLC Frac Tanks By Bryson, Inc Frandson Safety, Inc Frear Consulting, Inc Fred Trujillo Freedom Oilfield Services, Inc Fremont Beverages, Inc Fremont County Community College District Freund Construction, Inc Frontier Compression Services, Inc Frontier Heat Treating, LLC Frontier Tire & Alignment, LLC Fuller Construction, Inc Fuller Construction, Inc Fuller Livestock

Gillette Steel Center, Inc

H&N Gold Field Service, Inc Hammer Electronics, Inc

High Plains Power, Inc High Plains Transport, LLC High Plains Weed Control High Plains, Inc Hildreth Well Service, LLC Hill Crest Auto Body Hladky Construction Corporation Hoerbiger Service, Inc Hoglin Engineering Holgates Backhoe Service, Inc Homax Oil Sales, Inc Honnen Equipment Co Hoover & Stacy, Inc Hoppermetals Hose & Rubber Supply, Inc Howard Inspection Service Howard Supply Co HR Moore Consulting

IGO Oil & Gas Services, Inc Inberg-Miller Engineers

Hansen Riverbend Ranch, LLC

Independent Automation & Control

Hardy Enterprises, Ltd

Indian Hills Apartments

Harlan’s Plumbing & Heating

Industria Planning & Consulting

Harns Tank Strapping Services, LLC

Industrial Alternator & Starter, Inc

Kauppi Wireline Service, Inc

Insulation, Inc


Insulation, Inc

Kennedy Ace Hardware

Integrated Production Services, Inc

Kenyon Trucking, Inc

Intermountain Electric Service, Inc

Kerry D. Hayden

Intermountain Motor Sales, Inc Inter-Mountain Pipe & Threading Co.

Kermit John Jess II Kerry Meznarich Key Energy Services, LLC Keyhole Technologies, LLC

International Technifab

Kilts Contracting, Inc

InternationaLPipeline Consultants

Kilts Trucking

Intertech Environmental & Engineering, LLC

King Electric, Inc

Irene Ranch, LLC Iron Man Anchor Service, LLC

Kimzey Casing Service, LLC Kissack Water & Oil Services, Inc Kkat Oilfield Service, Inc

Isenberger Land, LLC

Knecht Home Center of Gillette Wy

ITC Electrical Technologies

Knight Technologies, Inc

J Pro Cleaning, LLC

Koehlers Wild Game

J&A Enterprises, LLC

KR Training & Consulting, LLC

J&E Oilfield Service, LLC

Kraft Petroleum Services, Inc

J&M Enterprises

Kuhbacher Trucking, Inc

J&M Trucking, Inc

Kurt Lyman B&H Services, Inc

Jace Water Service, Inc

L&H Industrial

Jack’s Truck & Equipment, Inc

L&J Motor

Jadeco, Inc

L&L Electric

James H. Wolff

L&L Enterprises

Jasons Welding, Inc

L&L Oilfield Service, Inc

JC Energy Services, LLC

L&P Equipment & Repair

JC Well Service, LLC

L&W Janitorial

JDL Services, LLC

L.B. Putman

JDS Electric, LLC

Laird Sanitation, LLC

JD’s Pumping Unit Service, LLC

Lakeway Laundromat

Jeffrey C. Gosman

Land Surveying, Inc

Jerri Slocum

Lander Gourmet Catering

Jerry M. Brown, Inc

Lange Enterprises

Jerry’s Welding Service, Inc

Larry Brannan Trucking

Jet Services

Larrys Welding, LLC

JFW Corporation

Law Office of Craig Newman

JH Kaspar Oil Co

LD Contracting

Jiffy Rental Center

Lee Moore Land, LLC

Jim’s Water Service, Inc

Lees Operating Service, Inc

JJ Consulting

Leftovers, Inc

JL Pumping Unit & Crane

Legend Services Pressure Control, Inc

JN Field Services, LLC John Bunning Transfer Company, Inc

Lewis Surveying, LLC

John O. Christensen Johnson Controls, Inc

Linch Environmental Contractors, Inc

Industrial Co Wyoming, Inc

Josh Christianson

Lindsay Backhoe Service

Industrial Crating International, LLC


Lindstadt Construction

JR Trucking, Inc

Line Finders, Inc

Hawkeye Completion Services, LLC

Industrial Engine Service

JRB Trucking, LLC

Lintons Big R

JS Rankin Ranches, Inc

Little 58, LLC

Hawkeye Oilfield Supply, LLC

Industrial Hoist & Crane Industrial Measurement & Control, Inc

JTM Equipment, LLC

LL Kidd Drilling Consultants, LLC

JW Measurement Company

LNL Consulting

Industrial Screen & Maintenance, Inc

JW Williams, Inc

Lo Gear Trucking, LLC

K&M Energy Services, Inc

Loadout, Inc

Hasco Industrial Supply Hawg Tools

Hayden-Wing Associates, LLC Haygood, Inc Haystacks, Inc HB Lee Construction Co, Inc

Industrial Welding & Construction

Lewis Trucking, Inc

Lock Tite Anchor Company, Inc



WYOMING - VENDOR LIST Lockhart Federal Unit Service

MRF Consulting Group, LLC

Patterson Trucking

Quadna, Inc

Robert P Maser Consulting, Inc

Lost Circulation Spec, Inc

MRJ Consulting, Inc

PC Transport, Inc

Quality Agg & Construction, Inc

Robert R. Roush

Lowham Walsh Engineering & Environ Services, LLC

Murdoch Oil, Inc

PE Grosch Construction, Inc

Quest Coring USA, Inc

Robert Wallis

Ltd Energy Service, LLC

Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply

Pearson Oil Co, Inc

Quest Drilling Fluids, Inc

Robert’s Field Service

Lyn George Consulting

Nalco Fab Tech, LLC

Perry Brothers Trucking, Inc


Robertson Transportation, Inc

M&M Oilfield Service, Inc

National Oilwell Varco LP

Peterbilt of Wyoming

R Bar R Trucking, Inc

Robinson Energy, LLC

M&M Transport Hotshot Service

NE Wyoming Soil Treatment, LLC

Petroleum Association of Wyoming

R&G Electric, Inc

Robinson Ranch Co, LLC

Philips Welding Service, Inc

R&J Technical Services, LLC R&M Welding, Inc

Rock Hound Oilfield Services, LLC

M&M Well Service, LLC M&N Equipment, LLC M&T Cleaning, Inc Machine Products, Inc Maddock Enterprises, Inc Maggie’s Cafe Magna Energy Services, LLC Majors Equipment Matin Lumber Truss Plant Matthew Idler Photography MBS Daylighting Services, LLC MC Drilling, Inc McCumber Well Service, Inc McJunkin Red Man Corporation McKendree Trucking, Inc Mechanical Field Services, LLC Melgaard Construction Co, Inc Mels Water Services, Inc MG Oil Gillette Michaels Fence & Supply, Inc Midnight Oil Field Services, LLC Mike Toney Consulting, LLC Mike’s Bop Service, Inc Millennium Pump Repairs, Inc Miller Enterprises, Inc Millers Fabrication & Const, Inc Mining Electrical Services, LLC

Nelson Engineering Company NEW Electric, Inc

Phoenix Consulting, Inc

New Process, Inc

Pine Bluffs Gravel & Excavating, Inc

New Tech Inspection

Pinedale Auto Supply

Nicks Heaten & A Beaten Welding Service, LLC

Pinedale Properties, Inc

Nicro Plating

Pioneer Gasket of Wyoming, Inc

Nine Mile Land Company Niobrara Electric Association Nix Signs N-Line Service, Inc Noble Construction, Inc Nona D Montgomery Noonan Land Services, Inc Norco, Inc North Star Energy & Construction, LLC Northern Lights Energy Companies Northern Production Company, Inc Northrop Boiler Works, LLC Northwinds of Wyoming, Inc Norton Oil Tool Co Nosrod Services Nov Fluids Services, Nov - Md Totco

Pioneer Concrete Pumping, Inc Piping Specialties Co, Inc Pitmen Inspection Services Platte River Inspection Service Plus Electric, Inc

R&R Drill Bit Service, LLC R&R Investments, Inc R&R Rig Service, LLC R&R Services, Inc R&S Well Service, Inc Raine Welding & Fabrication Ranchhand Welding & Fabrication, Inc Randy R. Pitt Construction, Inc Rapid Wire, LLC Rat Hole Drilling

Rock Springs Field Office Rock Springs Grazing Association Rock Springs Winlectric Co Rocky Mountain Bank Rocky Mountain Casing Crews Rocky Mountain Envirotech, LLC Rocky Mountain Industrial Supply Rocky Mountain Oilfield Warehouse, Inc

Rat Hole Managers, Inc

Rocky Mountain Pre Mix Concrete, Inc

Rat Pac Enterprises, Inc

Rocky Mountain Propane

Rattlesnake Field Services, LLC

Rocky Mountain Wash, LLC

Rawhide Services, LLC

Rocky Mountain Wildcatters

Rawhide Well Service, LLC

Rosss Anchors Plus, Inc

Razor City Locksmith

Roundtop Pump & Supply, LLC

Razor City Rental

RP Oilfield Service, Inc

RC Lock & Key

RP Services, LLC

Ready Livestock, LLC

RR Services, LLC

Powder River Heat/Air Cond, Inc

Ready Oilfield Service, Inc

RT Communications, Inc

Powder River Office Supply, Inc

Ready Oilfield Service, Inc

RT Meter Service, LLC

Powder River Power, Inc

Real Kleen Janitorial Services, Inc

Rummel’s Oilfield Services, Inc

Rebel Testing, Inc

Ryan Sanitation Co, LLC

Record Supply, Inc - Napa Auto Parts

S&K Safety Tools, Inc

PMN Investments, Inc Poco Partnership Poke’s Mercantile, LLC Pokeys Barbque & Smokehouse Polar Bear Water Treatment, LLC Port A Pots By TDS Powder River Energy Corporation Powder River Energy Corporation

Power Service of Montana, Inc Power Service of North Dakota, Inc

RW Trucking, LLC

MJ Drilling, Inc

Nova Tuboscope, XL Hardbanding & Fabrication

Mobile & Dakotaland AutoGlass, Inc

NSA Excavating, LLC

Power Service, Inc

Oasis Emission Consultants, Inc

Precision Analysis, LLC

Occupational Health Testing

Precision Measurement, Inc

Office Outlet

Precision Well Service, Inc

Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

Premier Powerplants & Pumps, Inc

Oil & Gas Equipment Consulting

Pro Wireline, Inc

Remax Horizon Realty

Salt Wells Ranch & Prod Service, Inc

Oliver Rig Service, Inc

Process Power & Control, Inc

Renegade Services

Schneider Services, Inc

One-Call of Wyoming

Prod Systems Sls & Service, Inc

Research Factory, LLC

Schulte Ta

Onsite Services, LLC

Professional & Affordable Janitoria

Respond First Aid Systems of WY

Schultz & Belcher LLP

Professional Rig Services, Inc

Rexel, Inc

Project Works, LLC

Richard S. Logan Trucking, Inc

Schwitzers Night & Day Trucking, Inc

Pro-Kote Engineering & Supply Co

Richards Construction, Inc

Scott Hight

Richardson Trucking, Inc

Pro-Maac Systems, Inc

Scott Ranches, LLC

Rick Collier

Pronghorn Production Services

Scott’s Hot Shot, LLC

Rig Cleaners, Inc


Rig Transportation, LLC

Scott’s Welding & Fabrication, Inc

Propak Energy Services USA, Inc

Riverton Ace Hardware

Searle Bros Construction Co

Riverton Ready Mix

Sentry Services, LLC

Riverton Tire & Oil Company

Serel Kay Printing

RJ Oilfield, Inc

Sheehan Trucking, Inc


Sheet Metal Specialties, Inc

RMS Instrument & Electric, LLC


Road Runner Service & Supply


Mobile Concrete, Inc Moneyhun Equipment Sales & Service Moneyhun Field Services, Inc Monson Janitorial Services, Inc Montgomery Construction, Inc Moore Land Company, LLC Moose Creek Catering Morcon Industrial Specialty, Inc Morningstar Computer Services Moser Engine Service, Inc Motion Industries, Inc Motor Supply, Inc Mountain Mud Service & Supply, Inc Mountain States Oilfield Mountain States Pressure Service, Inc Mountain States Water Service Mountain Valley Livestock, Inc Mountain West Business Solutions MPI Warehouse Specialty Co, Inc

Outlaw Oil & Field Services, LLC Overhead Door Co of Gillette Overthrust Gun Club P&S Machine, Inc P. Seilaff Trucking & Oilfield Services, LLC Pacer Energy, LLC Pacific Steel & Recycling Page Plus Paintbrush Services Parkers Floor Service, Inc Pat Avery Real Estate Pathfinder Inspections & Field Services, LLC Pats Roustabout Service, Inc

Power Service of Utah, Inc

PS Services, LLC Pullen Services, LLC Pullmax, Inc Pump Pro, Inc Pumpkin Buttes Wastewater Quadna A DXP Co

Red Creek Corporation Red Desert Insta-Care Red Horse Oil Co, Inc Redi Project Services, LLC Reed J. Suchy Rellstab Services, Inc

Roaring Fork Corporation

S&S Contracting, Inc S3 Power Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc Saf-X, LLC Salt Creek Supply Salt Creek Welding, Inc

Schultz & Schultz LLP


WYOMING - VENDOR LIST Sherwin Williams

Susan K. Henry Revocable Trust

Tomart Enterprises

Walker Creek Ranch, LLC

Williams Porter Day

Sherwood Enterprises, Inc

Sweetwater County Solid Waste Disposal District #1

Tommerup Machine Shop, Inc

Walker Inspection, LLC Waller’s Trucking Co, Inc

Wind River Cathodic Services Cc

Sweetwater Energy Services, LLC

Toms Hvac, LLC Tooke Rockies, Inc

Wallis Land, Inc

Tool Pushers Supply Company

Wam Rock Springs, LLC

Top Office Products, Inc

Wamco Lab, Inc

Totem Construction Company

Wamsutter Trailer Court, LLC

Tower Comm & Automation, Inc

Warco Pump Service, Inc

Town of Baggs

Warrior Services, LLC

Wind River Welding & Machine, Inc

Trecoby Services, LLC

Washakie County Weed & Pest

Windcreek Services, Inc

Tri County Sanitation, Inc

Washakie Rural Improvement District

Windriver Testing, Inc

Shirts & More, Inc Short Powerline Service Shoshone Engine Exchange Shuck Brothers Sierra Construction Co Signboss, LLC Signs of Sutherland Auto Trim Silver Nail Construction, LLC Silvertip Electric, Inc Sims Ranches Sinclair Petroleum Engineering Sioux Ranch, Inc A Wyoming Corporation Skorcz Enterprises, Inc Sky Blue Enterprises, Inc Smith Oilfield Service, Inc Smith Sheep Company Snyder Partners Solvingtech, LLC Son of A Bee Trucking SOS Well Services LLC Sound & Cellular, Inc Source Equipment Special Olympics Wyoming Specialized Tubular Service, Inc Specialty Electrics, Inc Specialty EMS Spencer Fluid Power SS Consulting SST Energy Corporation Stack Devils, Inc Stage Stop Store Stainless Specialties, LLC Star Transit Star Trucking Starr Communication Steadfast Covergirls, Inc Stepp By Stepp, Inc Steve Bruce Brown Steve Nickson Stewart & Stevenson Power Products Stim Tech, Inc Stotz Equipment Straight Line Fencing Strata Services International, Inc Strohschein Diesel Repair, LLC Sublette Communications, Inc Sunrise Trucking, Inc

Swik Oil, LLC Swing Trucking, Inc T Cor T&C Industries, LLC T&S Service, Inc T&T Cranes, LLC Talco Trucking, Inc Tarpon Energy Services, LLC Tarufelli Construction TCB Contracting, Inc T-Chair Livestock Company TDS Collection Service, Inc TDS Fishing & Rental Tools, Inc Techwest Services, LLC Terminix Cloud Peak Terminix of Wyoming Terry R. Pitt Construction, Inc Teton Steel Div of Dalco Industries, Inc Thars Feed & Ranch Supply That Embroidery Place The Caterers The D’Elia Family Trust The Energy Enhancement Group, LLC The Fire Extinguisher Guy Gal, Inc

Tribcsp Company Trihydro Corporation Trilliant Oilfield Services, LLC Trinity Management International Triple J Oilfield Rental, LLC Triple L, Inc Triple R Welding, Inc Triple X Contracting, Inc Tristar Constructors, Inc Tri-State Industries, Inc TRK Enterprises, Inc True Drilling, LLC Electronic Data Processors Div Truflo Metrology, LLC Tru-Tech Products, LLC TT Welding & Fabrication, Inc Tucker Electric, Inc Tuff Enuff Anchors & Services, Inc Tweeds Wholesale Company

The Industrial Company Wyoming

Twin Peaks Pump & Supply, Inc

The Office Shop, Inc

Union Cellular

The Preserve At Greenway Park

Union Telephone Company

U-Know Service, LLC

The Prime Rib Restaurant

United Field Services, Inc

The Print Shop

Unitsource, Inc

The Rocky Mountain Group, Inc

Univar USA, Inc

The Tire Store Thomas A. Hill

University of Wyoming Foundation

Throne Law Office

US Bentonite Processing, Inc

Thunder Creek Gas Services, LLC

US Postmaster

Thunder Ridge Trucking & Filtration, Inc

V 1 Propane

Thunderhawk Ltd Co Tiger Production Service Tim Cantrell Consulting, Inc Timberline Service & Repair, Inc Timco Service & Supply Tire Den, Inc Tisdale Creek Ranch, Inc

USA Trucking, LLC Valserve, LLC Vaughns Plumbing & Heating Co Ventura Oilfield Tackle, Inc Viking Enterprises, LLC Virile Electric, Inc Vision Oil Tools, LLC Visionary Communications, Inc

Wind River Consulting Services, Inc Wind River Oilfield Service, Inc Wind River Power Sports Wind River Transport, Inc

Water System Drilling, Inc

Wire Brothers Roustabout Service

Waterworks Industries, Inc

Wise Services, Inc

Wayne Paris

Wizz Well Service, Inc

Waynes Hot Oil Service, Inc WBI Energy MidstreamLLC

WLC Engineering Surveying & Pla

Weber Brothers Construction

Wolfs Pinedale Dodge, LLC

Weed Busters, LLC

Wood Group Production Services, Inc

Weisgerber Consulting, Inc Welch Construction Well Water Solutions & Rentals, Inc

Wood Wireline Service, Inc Woodwards Floral Worland Cleaners & Supply

Wenck Associates, Inc

Worland True Value Hardware

West Mountain, LLC

Wrangler Well Service, Inc

West, Inc

Wright Auto Parts, Inc

Western Archaeological Service, Inc

Wright Water & Sewer District

Western Chemical Specialties

WY Rents, LLC

Western D-Rings

Wyoming Air Quality Division

Western Ecosystems Technology

Wyoming Analytical Labs, Inc

Western Environmental Services

Wyoming Casing Service, Inc

Western Field Services, LLC

Wyoming Earthmoving Corporation

Western Relief, LLC Western Sky Water, LLC Western Star Communications Western States Herbicide & Reclamation, Inc Western Sunset, LLC Western Waste Solutions Western Water Consultants, Inc Western Wyoming Community College Western Wyoming Range Co WFO Welding, Inc What A Wash White Mountain Operating, LLC Whitlock Trucking Wickersham Consulting, LLC Wild West Powersports Wilkins Evaporation, Inc Willard & Donna Mcmillen

WWC Engineering

Wyoming Energy Consultants, LLC Wyoming Fabrication & Machine, LLC Wyoming Health Fairs Wyoming Heritage Foundation Wyoming Lawn Pro Wyoming Machinery Company Wyoming Oil & Gas Conservation Wyoming Public Health Lab Wyoming Rents, LLC Wyoming Service & Supply, Inc Wyoming Smokehouse, Inc Wyoming Specialized Cleaning Wyoming Waste Services - Rock Dept Wyoming Water Service, LLC Wyoming Water Solutions

Titan Machinery, Inc

Vista Trucking & Water Service, Inc

TLC Oil Tools, Inc

Vista West Water Company

TLE Ranch, Inc

Volumetrics, Inc

TM Consulting, LLC

William Insulation Company, Incorporation

VRC Protx, LLC

Z Drilling Solutions, LLC

Superior Field Services, LLC

TM Mccoy & Co, Inc

William P. Maycock

Zane L. Fross

TNT Hydro-Line, Inc

Williams Consulting Service, LLC

Survey Rentals, Inc

Wagonhound Land & Livestock Co

Sunshine Office Supplies Sunshine Valley Petroleum Corporation Superior Corrosion Contrl Corporation

William H. Smith & Associates PC

Wyoming Work Warehouse, Inc Wyotana Oil Field Service Co Wyutex Energy Services Ltd

Zoco Unlimited, Inc

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