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Thurcaston and Cropston Open Gardens

Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June 2023, 2pm - 6pm
The Coronation just a memory? The flags, bunting and picnic baskets returned to the back of the cupboard? Feeling in need of a weekend pick me up? Luckily for you Open Gardens is returning just in time.
Whatever the weather, gardeners in Thurcaston and Cropston will be throwing open their garden gates, pulling out the odd weed or two, topping up the pond and coaxing their most reluctant blooms into action. All for your delight.
Spend Saturday and Sunday afternoons sharing the trials, challenges and triumphs of local gardens; meet the enthusiastic gardeners who are opening their gardens for your pleasure. Come and chat, wander through paths and over lawns, seek inspiration and ideas or simply relax and enjoy the hidden treasures behind the garden gates.
For more than ten years gardeners in Thurcaston and Cropston have opened their gardens on the last weekend in June. Your £5 entrance fee will go straight to support The Air Ambulance Service - what tremendous value, £5 for two afternoon’s entertainment and interest!
Some gardens will have refreshments to offer; cake, books, and plants to buy; all supporting a range of charitable interests.
Come and join us, all are very welcome.
For more information please visit our website www.tcog.org. uk or contact Linda on 0116 2363872 or email linda@tcog. org.uk