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Brad is a LEED Accredited Professional and a CLARB certified Landscape Architect with 23 years of award winning projects. Currently licensed in four states, Brad was educated at the University of Missouri-Rolla Electrical Engineering School, and at Kansas State University College of Architecture. Brad brings great expertise in sustainable site technologies, construction documentation, fabrication techniques, specifications, and public involvement to manage projects from planning, to conceptual design and through to built completion. Working in a collaborative design process, Brad integrates best management practices in the public realm of the built environment, blending regenerative ecological principles into the urban infrastructure man requires.

Merit Award, Westside Creeks Restoration Master Plan, Colorado Chapter/American Society of Landscape Architects, 2011

Over the course of his career Brad has applied his skills across a broad variety of project types including stream restoration projects, transit related urban design, campus planning and design, urban alley pedestrian conversions, multi-use trails, and extensive greenroof projects. Common to all of these is his ability to plan within a broader context, and design to finite detail with cultural and environmental sensitivity. In addition to his landscape architectural skills, Brad has provided leadership in previous firms’ with national and global initiatives. Brad served on the steering committee for the Global ISO 9001 program to develop quality assurance policies for all offices worldwide in conformance with ISO standards, as well as serving as an ISO Compliance Officer. Brad also led an international team developing CAD standards for previous firms’ global operations. Mentoring junior staff is also an inherent role endemic with the way he works in a team setting. EMPLOYMENT 2010–present Azur Ground – Fort Collins Principal 1999 – 2010 AECOM | EDAW – Fort Collins, CO Senior Associate 1997 – 1999 EDAW – Seattle, WA Associate 1993 – 1996 Murase Associates – Seattle, WA Associate 1989 – 1993 EDSA – Fort Lauderdale, FL Landscape Architect

Honor Award, UPRR Trail Master Plan, Nevada Chapter/ American Society of Landscape Architects, 2009 Fort Collins Urban Design Award, Old Town Alleys Project, 2009 President’s Award of Excellence, America the Beautiful Park, Colorado Chapter/ American Society of Landscape Architects, 2008 Honor Award, Pittman Wash / Arroyo Grande / Project Green Master Plan, Nevada Chapter/American Society of Landscape Architects, 2008 Mason Bus Rapid Transit Corridor, Urban Design Award, City of Fort Collins, 2008 Design-Build Excellence Award, Longmont Water Treatment Plant, DBIA National Design-Build Award Competition, 2006 City of Redmond Excellence in Design Award, Microsoft Corporate Campus, Redmond, WA, 2001 AIA National Honor Award, Benaroya Hall, Seattle, WA, 2001 Commendation, AIA Washington Chapter, Reebok World Headquarters, Canton, MA, 2000 Downtown Seattle Association Horticulture Award, Most Unique Public Outdoor Space, Benaroya Hall Garden of Remembrance, Seattle, WA, 1999 AIA Award of Merit, Seattle Chapter, Microsoft Redmond West Campus, Redmond, WA, 1996 PUBLIC SPEAKING “Sustainable Sites Initiative” - Sustainable Landscapes Symposium, Denver, CO 2008 “Transit Oriented Design” - Florida Chapter ASLA Conference, Miami, FL, 2007 “Eco-Friendly Landscaping and Roof Gardens” - Green + Design Conference and Expo, Atlanta, GA, 2007

SELECT PROJECTS Warren Circle Campus Gateway, Denver, CO Managing Principal CLIENT: University of Denver In preparation for the 2012 Presidential debate scheduled for October 2012 at the University of Denver, Azur Ground was contracted for design of this ceremonial gateway to the campus. Work included conceptual design through construction observation for this historic gateway to Denver University. (Image Y)

Fort Collins Old Town Square and Alley Enhancements, Fort Collins, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: Fort Collins Downtown Development Authority Design and construction observation for the renovation of Old Town Square Plaza, upgrading pavement, drainage, lighting, plantings and irrigation system; and renovation of neighboring alleys to create festive pedestrian environments. (Image I)

CIU Arena Campus Improvements, Nicosia, Cyprus Managing Principal CLIENT: Cyprus International University Work consisted of site planning and landscape architectural design for four major campus areas, including the entry monument and roadway, residence halls plaza, Foundations Building plaza and arena forecourt. (Image R)

Mason Corridor Bus Rapid Transit, Fort Collins, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Fort Collins Bus Rapid Transit station and urban design for the Mason Corridor, a five-mile north-south guideway in the City of Fort Collins located within Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway right-of-way. (Image L)

East Capitol Campus Plaza Master Plan through construction, Olympia, WA Project Manager CLIENT: State of Washington Schematic design and studies for redesign of a 10-acre rooftop open space to better accommodate the aesthetic, functional and technical requirements of the East Capitol Campus. Lead project through first 3 of 5 construction phases as Prime for this $46M renovation.(Image S) I-25/SH392 Interchange, Fort Collins, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: Colorado Department of Transportation Lead designer and project manager for the bridge architecture and site design for this $27M gateway interchange connecting the I-25 corridor to both Windsor and Fort Collins. This project was designed to celebrate the natural setting of the plains and foothills as expressed through an abstracted sculptural form. (Image E) Westside Creeks Restoration, San Antonio, TX Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: San Antonio River Authority Master plan for 15 miles along four channelized urban drainage systems, through San Antonio’s Westside Community, addressing development of multi-use trails, parks, redevelopment opportunities, stormwater Low Impact Design, flood control, principles of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), and stream and habitat restoration. (Image A)

America the Beautiful Park, Colorado Springs, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Colorado Springs Winner of Colorado ASLA President’s Award of Excellence, this 12-acre urban park integrates new streetscape, a community-built playground, $1.2M sculptural water feature, advanced water quality treatment natural areas, low water use turf test plots, xeric planting, and energy efficient lighting into a design celebrating the history of Colorado Springs. (Image D,M) Reebok One Corporate Headquarters, Canton, MA Technical Director CLIENT: NBBJ, Inc. Master planning and landscape architectural services for new 40-acre headquarters campus, including sensitive integration of the new building and site features into the rural setting. The design provides extensive on-site storm detention, development of a full range of traditional and extreme sports facilities, preservation of a forest preserve and specimen trees, and integration of an historic manor house on the site. (Image B) Seattle Symphony Benaroya Hall + Garden of Remembrance, Seattle, WA Project Manager CLIENT: Seattle Symphony Foundation This $166 million project is entirely constructed upon the building’s underground parking structure and includes streetscape, retail plaza and a granite and water war memorial dedicated to Washington State’s fallen soldiers of the 20th Century. (Image H)



Herb Schaal, FASLA Vice President AECOM m 970.227.0448


Bradley Alan Smith


PO Box 210 Fort Collins, CO 80522






Adobe; Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

ARCOM: Linx, MasterSpec

Autodesk; AutoCAD, Map 3D

Microsoft; Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Word

Trimble: SketchUp


Photography, design, cycling, travel, woodworking

Kathleen Bracke Go Boulder Manager City of Boulder 1739 Broadway, 2nd Floor Boulder, CO 80306 o 303.441.4155 Jana McKenzie, FASLA Principal Logan Simpson Design 123 North College Avenue, Suite 206 Fort Collins, CO 80524 o 970.449.4100 Alan Eckman, P.E., PTOE Associate Vice President AECOM Transportation 717 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2600 Denver, CO 80202 o 303.376.2979 Colin Vandergaw Global Systems Engineer AECOM Technology Corporation m 970.231.0296




The City of Fort Collins contracted our design team to prepare ini al feasibility studies and an Environmental Assessment with the intent of submi ng for Federal Highways Agency “New Starts� funding for this $73M transit project. Subsequently, the City has recently received three transit grants totaling $63 million from the Federal Highways Agency, Colorado Department of Transporta on (CDOT) and the North Front Range MPO for work linking south Fort Collins, Colorado State University and Downtown via Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), a mul -use bike pedestrian trail and building a new south transit center. EDAW was chosen to prepare all sta on, mul -use trail and urban design master plan and conceptual designs for the Mason Corridor, a five mile north-south byway within the City of Fort Collins. The corridor is primarily within the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway property, located a few hundred feet west of College Avenue (US 287).

Redevelopment study - Oak Street Plaza

Integral with this transit project are two grade separated crossings of the BNSF rail mainline for bike/pedestrian access to the BRT sta ons. Ini al planning developed concepts for an underpass and an overpass at each loca on. A por on of the grant funding from CDOT and the North Front Range MPO is to design and construct a new pedestrian / bicycle trail overpass over the BNSF railroad at one of the sta on loca ons. This overpass project began in 2006 and construc on is expected to be completed in 2014. EDAW has completed construc on documents for the overpass, and the project has been bid, with construc on comple on scheduled for 2014.

Mason Transit Corridor Fort Collins, CO

Prime consultant - EDAW Client: City of Fort Collins Role: Project Manager / Senior Designer Construc on Budget: $73MM Awards: City of Fort Collins Urban Design Award, 2006

Redevelopment study - Troutman Plaza

Stair and elevator ver cal access at overpass

Mul -use trail approach to NRRC overpass Sta on design for the Mason Corridor began with a focus on the detailing and materials of the rail industry while integra ng interpre ve educa on. Transit sta ons u lize local and recycled materials, incorporate na ve and xeric plant materials along with stormwater harves ng and reuse to enhance plant growth and water quality. Wind and solar power is generated at each sta on to help power the transit telemetry, WiFi and message boards.

BRT Sta on Perspec ve

The 4th Street Bridge in Pueblo was determined to be func onally obsolete and structurally deficient. EDAW’s ini al role was to lead the urban design component of the public charre e and develop a preferred concept for bridge aesthe cs in response to func onal parameters and charre e poling. Project Considera ons • Railroad Coordina on • City Coordina on • U li es • Phasing / Maintenance of Traffic • Arkansas River & Recrea on Area • Access to Midtown Mall • Construc on Access and Staging Areas • Environmental Compliance Project Goals • Improve Safety for Motorists, Pedestrians, and Bicyclists • Improve Alignment and Profile • Increase Future Traffic Capacity • Provide Higher Func oning Level of Service • Provide RR Safety Clearances • Increase Load Carrying Capacity • Improve Drainage • Include Aesthe cs and Urban Design • Community Involvement Feature Priori za on

4th Street Bridge Pueblo, CO

Prime consultant - Figg Bridge Client: CDOT Region 2 Role: Project Manager / Senior Designer Construc on Budget: $27.6MM

Below is the order of importance determined from a feature priori za on vote taken a er all features had been presented, discussed, and vo ng results provided. Only those features whose implementa on is op onal were included. Feature Ver cal Monuments Pedestrian Railing Color Overlooks Sidewalk Treatment Plazas Aesthe c Ligh ng

Score 8.2 8.0 7.4 7.0 5.8 5.4 4.5

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

UPRR Trail Master Plan Henderson, NV

Illustra ve Bird’s-eye Perspec ve - Arterial Crossing

The goals of this corridor include extensive sustainability measures to create ecologically appropriate solu ons while crea ng a viable op on to the automobile for transporta on. Long range plans include integra on of light rail or bus rapid transit through Henderson and into nearby Las Vegas in concert with the mul -use trail within this corridor. Addi onal elements of the master plan include environmental educa on, recrea on, local materials use, stormwater BMPs, and innova ve arterial roadway crossings using HAWK and Pelican type signalized crosswalks.

Role: Project Manager / Senior Designer Prime consultant - EDAW Client: City of Henderson Construc on Budget: $42MM Awards: Honor Award, ASLA Nevada Chapter, 2009

Rest area

Located along Interstate 25 and providing access to both Fort Collins and Windsor, this interchange engages the public with its loca on at the juncture between the plains and the foothills, and the development grid and the Poudre River. As travelers head North they discover a striking vantage point along the highway with views for miles toward Wyoming. This concept is focuses on the beauty and value of this landscape, leaving the bridge to “tread lightly” across this view. The overall approach is to empower the landscape with a sculpted landform that becomes the gateway to Windsor and Fort Collins. The gesture is kept simple and broad, inspired by the flowing forms of the Poudre River winding its way across the plains of Larimer County, the scalloped edges of the Front Range’s upli ed geology, and the pa erns made by the wind across the Colorado grasslands. It is a sculpture that gives a single expression to the whole landscape. At highway speeds the traveler is given a metaphor for the region’s natural beauty.

Aerial View

SH392 - I25 Interchange design Fort Collins, CO

Materials are simple, cost effec ve, and will not require unusual maintenance prac ces. Plant materials focus on na ve plants suitable for this environment without regular irriga on. The landform will dictate the selec on of species and result in a miniature showcase of several naturally occurring plant communi es.

Context Map

Concept sketch

Southbound Visualiza on The bridge design was treated as a simple span with clean func onal lines to minimize the visual mass and emphasize the horizontal movement. Railings reinforce the horizontal lines and the beams are darkened and recessed to minimize their visual mass. Role: Project manager Prime Consultant - AECOM Client: CDOT Construc on Budget: $27MM

Design process examples

Process: 1. observing context 2. analyzing slopes 3. modeling & abstrac ng 4. grading & detailing






Westside Creeks Restora on Project - San Antonio, TX

Prime consultant - AECOM Client: San Antonio River Authority Role: Project Manager / Senior Designer Construc on Budget: $418MM Awards: Merit Award for Planning, Colorado ASLA, 2011

Urban rain garden strategy

Westside Creeks Restora on project is an ambi ous urban drainage master plan ini ated by the San Antonio River Authority. Working through an extensive public involvement process, issues addressed include the fundamental goals of reducing flooding and improving water quality, as well as bike, pedestrian and transit connec vity, redevelopment opportuni es, social jus ce, and provision of parks and open space in these severely under served lower income neighborhoods.

Park Shelter with neighborhood connec on

The final plan includes channel reconfigura on to more resemble natural drainage pa erns, habitat restora on, con nuous mul -use trail development, transit connec ons, water quality treatment strategies and prototypes, incorpora on of public art, signage and branding, and park facili es. In addi on, high value redevelopment opportuni es are iden fied for future public private partnerships or tax incen ve funding districts.

The City of Colorado Springs wanted to place the jewel of their park system along the Pikes Peak Greenway, and at the main entry to their downtown district. The site is on the east bank of Monument Creek, between I-25 and the central business core. This is one of the most significant image enhancements, urban recrea on improvements, and reinvestment in the core of the community in recent City history. The process included a series of public mee ngs, presenta ons and a 3-day public design charre e, providing programming, a framework plan for the en re redevelopment area, phasing, costs, and ul mately a master plan and three phases of construc on documents for this $14 million project. The design celebrates the history and future of Colorado Springs, telling the story of an economy founded on rail and mining and moving into a future of technology and finance. The site ecology blends restora on with urban character to develop an water sensi ve expression of Colorado’s delicate rela onship to this scarce resource. Balancing user needs and aesthe c aspira ons with environmental concerns and constraints, market economics, engineering, planning, and sustainability goals.

America The Beautiful Park Colorado Springs, CO Role: Project Manager / Senior Designer Prime consultant: EDAW Construc on Budget: $14MM (over 3 phases) Awards: Merit Award for Planning, Colorado ASLA, 2001 Presidents Award of Excellence, Colorado ASLA, 2008

Charre e Master Plan

The East Capitol Campus Plaza and Garage occupy the eastern half of the state’s capitol grounds. The Plaza was built in the early 1970s to provide parking, office, and open space for state tenants. It is surrounded on three sides by government office buildings, is immediately adjacent to the historic West Capitol Campus and serves as the primary gateway to the Capitol grounds. To repair chronic leaks and seismically upgrade the Plaza garage, the exis ng Plaza surface was removed, allowing the opportunity to redesign this large open space to be er accommodate the aesthe c, func onal, and technical requirements of the East Capitol Campus. Establishing design con nuity with the historic Olmstead West Campus was a primary design objec ve. The first phase of this process included ini al program planning, site analysis, user interviews, public workshops, and a design charre e, which led to the iden fica on of outstanding issues, cost es mates, phasing and the development of three preliminary plans and a final Prefered Master Plan as recorded in the 415 page Campus Master Plan Report.

Master Plan Bird’s-eye Perspec ve

The following 5 phases of construc on were preceded with exhaus ve forensic work, design development, cost

East Capitol Campus Plaza Olympia, WA

Master Plan with phasing overlay

and constructability analysis prior to prepara on of the construc on documents. Though ul integra ve design allowed for crea on of public spaces respec ul of the historic context while mee ng universal accessibility and sustainability objec ves where it had never exited before.

Role: Project Manager / Senior Designer Prime Consultant - EDAW Client: State of Washington Construc on Budget: $57MM Watercolor by Bill Hook

NASA -Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, AL Greenway One is the centerpiece to a 40-year plan for NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Over the years, the numerous buildings have been laid out without any overall plan. As structures become outdated, NASA chose EDAW to prepare a vision and comprehensive master plan to create a world-class campus environment while improving circula on and eďŹƒciency. Laid along a one-mile long landscape, future buildings will frame a restora ve green space that emphasizes walking, biking and electrical vehicles as mean of transporta on. The conceptual plan promotes water best management prac ces through a series of open swales, rain gardens and large meadows. The linear campus will provide a string of plazas, formal gardens and interpre ve design that celebrates the unique mission of NASA, with rockets, engines, and capsules displayed along the greenway.

Master Plan

At the North end of the mile long Greenway, the headquarters and administrave buildings frame an open lawn. The space is carved into the gentle slope and is ar culated as a series of overlapping rooms; from the square frame of the Cartesian representa on of the world, to the Copernican circle and the Keplerian ellipse.

Role: Project Manager / Senior Designer Prime consultant - AECOM Client: NASA Construc on Budget: Not available

Illustra ve Bird’s-eye Perspec ve, north terminus

Cyprus Interna onal University recognized the need for improvements to four prominent outdoor civic spaces on campus. Beginning with site analysis, site visits, faculty workshops and plan alterna ves developed over a 2-week period, a vision for enhancing the campus con nuity was created. While beyond our ini al scope, the client recognized our holis c, context sensi ve design approach and the value it will bring to the academic community. Central to all design solu ons created is a strong focus on contextual design drawing from the ecology, history and culture of Cyprus. Abstrac ng and celebra ng the Mediterranean plant communi es of maquis and garrique the designs present a unifying element to the campus and starts a dialog addressing sustainability and regionally appropriate design. The garrique landscape serves to connect the campus to the na ve surroundings while maquis references the distant mountains immediately north and south of the campus loca on. The maquis allows a variety of small informal spaces suitable for study, relaxa on and small group gatherings, while its’ pine canopy will ul mately be high enough to allow good observa on from the adjacent buildings while providing much valued shade. Local stone is used in new ways to evoke the geology of the surrounding mountains.

Cyprus Interna onal University CIU Campus Plan

Nicosia, Cyprus

CIU Arena Plan Role: Managing Principal Prime consultant: Azur Ground Client: Cyprus Interna onal University Construc on Budget: undisclosed

Sample details

The future children’s garden at Penn State will be nestled within the newly built arboretum. The arboretum’s gardens are laid as a series of garden rooms displaying large collec ons of plants. In contrast to the rela vely flat ground plane of the arboretum, the design of the children’s garden will take advantage of central Pennsylvania’s geomorphology, and celebrate the flora, fauna and culture which formed within its dynamic landforms. Ridges and valleys, including Mount Ni any, can be seen from the Garden. As children and families explore the garden, they engage the various spaces at their own pace, and learn about their regional landscape. They discover the processes of nature at various me scales, and understand the connec on between the subterranean world and the surface habitat it supports.

Role: Managing Principal Prime Consultant - AECOM Client: Penn State Construc on Budget: $2.3MM

Children’s Garden at Penn State University - State College, PA

‘The Children’s Garden is designed to be an outdoor classroom to teach local and visiƟng youth to love their green world in a fun and whimsical way. It is a place of unscripted play and spontaneous exploraƟon… provide a “hands-on” educaƟonal venue… such as the relaƟonship between insects and plants, the roles of plants in human history, and even the ability of plants to adapt (or not adapt) to changes in their habitat and climate.’ Excerpt from the Arboretum Master Plan

To celebrate its 20th anniversary, Botanica, The Wichita Gardens is expanding and adding addi onal themed gardens, including the Downing Children’s Garden. Located along the Arkansas River, the garden u lizes the exis ng riparian woodland and celebrates the cultural and agricultural landscapes of Kansas, integra ng stories and a magical children’s world. The first part of the garden welcomes children and families into Grandma’s miniature farmstead. The windmill is the beacon around which vernacular garden structures invite children to dig, get dirty, and learn the joys of gardening. Children and families can engage in numerous ac vi es involving watering, seeding, collec ng, coun ng, and raking. Following the sound of the waterfall, children discover a secret stream and enchanted woods with places to explore, climb, and learn. The Grandfather Tree inhabits this place and children can explore within its trunk and under its roots. Role: Managing Principal Prime consultant - Azur Ground Client: Botanica, The Wichita Gardens Construc on Budget: $2.2MM

Children’s Garden Illustra ve Plan

Downing Children’s Garden at Botanica Wichita, KS

Central Meadow Perspec ve

Central Meadow Plan

Group Visitor Drop-off Perspec ve

Children’s Garden Entry

The proposed Educa on Building is expected to be the next structure built at Botanica. Due to the building’s cri cal loca on within the gardens, it will become the nexus between Botanica’s exis ng gardens and the future development westward into the adjacent 27 acres. Currently two new gardens are being designed and built in this area: the Downing Children’s Garden and the Chinese Garden. In many ways, the Educa on Building will support these and future gardens, while providing addi onal space for the educa on program and staff at Botanica. In line with Botanica’s vision, the Educa on Building should become a place of demonstra on and educa on on sustainable architecture and the values of protec ng our environment. In its layout as well, the proposed design respects the landscape rather than domina ng the place with its presence. This is accomplished by placing it to the side of the central meadow while framing the views toward the new Botanica expansion area.

Illustra ve Bird’s-eye Perspec ve

Role: Project manager Prime consultant - AECOM Client: Botanica, The Wichita Gardens Construc on Budget: TBD

Educa on Building Design Study at Botanica Wichita, KS

Central Meadow Plan

Plaza Perspec ve



1 6

3 5 6

4 7

Floor Plan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Classroom / Conference and Events Room Lobby / Gallery Events Room OďŹƒces Classroom / Storm Refuge Area Catering Area Restrooms Storage / Mechanicals Outdoor Educa on Pa o

Located along Interstate 25 and providing access to both Fort Collins and Windsor, this interchange engages the public with its loca on at the juncture between the plains and the foothills, and the development grid and the Poudre River. As travelers head North they discover a striking vantage point along the highway and for miles toward Wyoming. The concept is focusing on the beauty and value of this landscape, leaving the bridge to “tread lightly” across this view. The overall approach is to empower the landscape with a sculpted landform that becomes the gateway to Windsor and Fort Collins. The gesture is kept simple and broad, inspired by the flowing forms of the Poudre River winding its way across the plains of Larimer County, the scalloped edges of the Front Range’s upli ed geology, and the pa erns made by the wind across the Colorado grasslands. It is a sculpture that gives a single expression to the whole landscape. At highway speeds the traveler is given a metaphor of the region’s natural beauty.

Intersec ng landscapes: SH392 - I25 Interchange design Fort Collins, CO Materials are simple, cost effec ve, and will not require unusual maintenance prac ces. Plant materials will focus on na ve plants suitable for this environment without regular irriga on. The landform will dictate the selec on of species and result in a miniature showcase of several naturally occurring plant communi es.

Upper plateau with grassland UpliĹŒed rocks Shadow line Eroded wall

Talus with plants

Op on A: ‘Plains meet the Front Range’ This concept highlights the intersec on of the two most significant landscapes that define our region: the agricultural plains to the east, and the Front Range geological forma ons to the west. The geometry is kept simple and subs tutes low cost materials to provide a locally relevant form within the physical requirements of the interchange geometry. The bu resses celebrate the dis nc ve profile of the upli ed strata associated with its talus and swales at the bo om, while extending the grid pa ern of development and agriculture found to the east.

The bu resses which celebrate the dis nc ve profile of the upli ed strata would be built as gravity walls with large boulders and concrete infill . Between each of the bu resses, gabion walls would retain slopes as needed while being pushed back in order to express the talus. Talus would be planted steep slopes made of a mix of soil, gravels, rocks and boulders.

This concept is the selected op on. It is inspired by the flowing forms of the Poudre River winding its way across the plains of Larimer County, the scalloped edges of the Front Range upli ed geology, and the pa erns made by the wind across the Colorado grasslands. The gesture is kept simple and broad like a sculpture in order to give a single expression to the whole landscape. It provides a clue of the natural beauty of the region while being perceived by the traveler at highwayspeed.

Op on B: ‘Sculpted landform’

Walls and steep slopes would be made of a combina on of gabion walls and piled stones of similar sizes and color as the ones found in the gabions. As shown on the examples presented on this board, the gabion baskets will be ar culated together to take on the very expressive nature of the sculpted landform.

sculpĆ&#x;ng ground process: 1. observing nature 2. analyzing slopes 3. modeling & abstrac ng 4. grading & detailing


reserva on in northwestern Montana. This work involves extensive environmental restora on, flora inventories, soil evalua on, visual impact mi ga on, wetland mi ga on, wildlife crossings and stream restora on.

North Nevada Urban Renewal Area Master Plan, Colorado Springs, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Colorado Springs Master plan for 390-acre blighted area that balances a diversity of uses, including ver cal mixed use, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs campus plan, research campus, commercial, a 4,000-seat arena, high density housing, retail and major arterial corridor improvements.

I-25/Prospect Road Rest Area, Fort Collins, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: Colorado Department of Transporta on Site circula on and landscape design for a new off-highway rest area adjacent to a sensi ve natural area and environmental learning center.

Nevada/Tejon Interchange, Colorado Springs, CO Project Manager/Designer CLIENT: Colorado Department of Transporta on Na ve landscaping and restora on of creek associated with reconstruc ng a major I-25 interchange.

Westside Light Rail Transit System, Portland, OR Landscape Architect CLIENT: City of Portland Corridor aesthe cs, planning and irriga on for three-mile corridor through west Portland.

Vandehei Traffic Calming Project, Cheyenne, WY Project Landscape Architect CLIENT: City of Cheyenne Plan ng and irriga on design and documenta on for traffic calming improvements on Vandehei Avenue.

Sunset Transit Center, Portland, OR Landscape Architect CLIENT: City of Portland Sunset Transit Center is a major transit mode in the Portland metropolitan area’s growing Westside transit system. It links auto, pedestrian and bicycle together with light rail and bus service, and it provides a park and ride facility and pedestrian connec ons to nearby suburban neighborhoods.

Longmont Streetscape Beau fica on, Longmont, CO Landscape Architect CLIENT: City of Longmont Construc on administra on for streetscape beau fica on and traffic calming for a six-block sec on of Main Street (SH 287). Robertson Road Bridge, Casper, WY Landscape Architect CLIENT: Wyoming Department of Transporta on Bridge aesthe cs and pedestrian/bicyclist ameni es for 200 foot long bridge over the North Pla e River. US Highway 93 Design Treatment, northwestern MT Project Landscape Architect CLIENT: Robert Peccia & Associates + Montana Department of Transporta on Detailed environmental design for a five-mile length of US Highway 93 through the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’

East Central Cheyenne Infrastructure Improvement Plan, Cheyenne, WY Project Manager CLIENT: City of Cheyenne Plan for a 12-square-mile study area that defined core of urban redevelopment. Fort Collins Downtown Alleys Concept Design, Fort Collins, CO Landscape Architect CLIENT: Fort Collins Downtown Development Authority Construc on feasibility and cost es ma ng review for concept design study that inves gated two alleys in Fort Collins’ Old Town and the poten al to create pedestrian-oriented environments.

Dubois Gateway Planning Study, Dubois, WY Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: Town of Dubois New master plan for the gateway to Dubois, Wyoming, a town with a popula on of 1,000, crea ng a mixed-use development and redeveloping a vacant lot in the heart of downtown into a pedestrian park. Fort Greely Installa on Design Guides and Implementa on Projects, Fort Greely, AK Landscape Architect CLIENT: U.S. Army Strategic Missile Defense Command Installa on Design Guides using the new Army Installa on Design Standards and Summary Development Plan addressing land use, circula on, security, visual quality and sustainable design for a military installa on that has undergone a change in missions. Implementa on projects include Access Control Point facili es, Headquarters site security, entry road roundabout, and a combined PX, post office, commissary entry upgrade. Magnuson Park/Sand Point Reuse Plan, Sea le, WA Project Designer/CAD Manager CLIENT: Sea le Department of Parks and Recrea on Future development op ons and design guidelines were created for 250 acres of the Sand Point Naval Sta on, adjacent to Magnuson Park. The enlarged park will include recrea on facili es, water access, an interim-use high school, a film studio, housing, scien fic research and restora on of a former wetland. Longmont Water Treatment Plant, Longmont, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Longmont Site inventory, threatened and endangered species report, jurisdic onal waters of the US determina on, and restora on plan for the 157 acre site in Boulder County. Habitat restora on; wildlife corridor enhancements; plant mi ga on; a mul -use recrea onal trail connec on; raptor nes ng; and USACE, CDOW, USFWS clearance were all elements to assure compliance with the Boulder County 1041 Permit. Construc on documenta on and bidding were the final step in this project.

Colorado Springs U li es Northern Water Reclama on Facility, Colorado Springs, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: Montgomery Watson Harza, Colorado Springs U li es Conceptual master plan through construc on documents for perimeter, streetscape, water ou all, park facility and pedestrian ameni es for the water reclama on facility and associated park and reservoir access. Warren Circle Campus Gateway, Denver, CO Managing Principal CLIENT: University of Denver In prepara on for the 2012 Presiden al debate scheduled for September of 2012 at Denver University, Azur Ground was contracted for design of this ceremonial gateway to the campus. Work includes conceptual design through construc on observaon for this historic gateway to Denver University. Visual Arts Center, Laramie, WY Technical Director CLIENT: University of Wyoming Visual Arts facility designed with outdoor social spaces for students and faculty including sculpture display area as well as bioswale treatment of parking lot runoff and water quality. Berry Center for Natural History, Laramie, WY Technical Director CLIENT: University of Wyoming Center for Natural History and Conserva on on the northwest campus edge design included a surface collec on of storm water and diversion through a dry stream channel that improves water quality and reduces runoff. Future diversion of this runoff is planned for re-capture into a campus-wide non-potable water system. Law School Moot Court, Laramie, WY Technical Director CLIENT: University of Wyoming

University of Washington Electrical Engineering + Computer Science Facility, Sea le, WA Project Manager CLIENT: University of Washington Schema c design and construc on documents for a building in the Rainier Vista, Sylvan Grove and Science and Engineering Quadrangle. An open green to the south func ons as a sunny gathering, sea ng and play area backed by the towering conifers of the historical Sylvan Grove. Olympic College/Poulsbo Campus, Poulsbo, WA Project Manager CLIENT: Olympic College Master planning and construc on documents for this 20-acre satellite campus. Fort Collins Amphitheater, Fort Collins, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: HOK-Venue Design of 4,000-seat, partly covered amphitheater within downtown Fort Collins. A main goal of the site selec on was to fit the new structure as naturally as possible within the exis ng urban fabric. Special a en on was given to respec ng the scale of the site and surrounding historic character of the area while crea ng an iconic structure – a combina on of landscape and architecture. Aztlan Northside Community Center, Fort Collins, CO Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Fort Collins Schema c site planning through construc on observa on for this Design/Build project addressing landfill issues, sustainability, outdoor play, asbestos in soil, and extensive mul -modal accommoda ons. Thornton Trail Winds Park and Open Space, Thornton, CO Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Thornton Master plan for undeveloped park site that will func on not just as a sports complex, but as a community park for the city and great amenity for adjacent neighborhoods.

Northwest Open Space Park, Northglenn CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Northglenn Redevelopment of 53-acre park site, including new pavilion center and athle c facili es for large-scale outdoor spor ng events. Centennial Park, Loveland, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Loveland Award winning renova on of deteriora ng ballfield complex located on former landfill site to improve accessibility, mi gate subsidence and restore a posi ve public image. Poudre River Master Plan - Linden To Lincoln, Fort Collins, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Fort Collins Stabiliza on, ecological restora on and recrea on master plan for a 1/3 mile reach of Poudre River near downtown Fort Collins. Poudre River Restora on, Fort Collins, CO Project Manager/Senior Designer CLIENT: City of Fort Collins The EPA emergency remedia on effort involved pre-disturbance riparian tree survey, site restora on documents, terrestrial and aqua c wildlife habitat features, mul -use trail alignment, and overview of a 3-year inspec on and weed mi ga on effort. Stanislaus River Parks - McHenry Avenue Recrea on Area, Escalon, CA Project Manager/Designer CLIENT: California Department of Correc ons Site inventory and trail plan for the 32-acre site adjacent the Stanislaus River. Habitat restora on and a mul -use recrea onal trail loop, as mi ga on for off-site disturbances, were the objec ves of the project with coopera on from the Army Corps of Engineers and The River Partners, a non-profit restora on organiza on. Country Fields Park Master Plan, Erie, CO Project Manager CLIENT: Town of Erie

A 34-acre park designed to meet growing recrea on needs while also sharing the needs of a future elementary school. Site features include sports fields, picnic facili es, trails and themed playground. Northridge Park Master Plan, Erie, CO Project Manager CLIENT: Town of Erie Site plan for 17-acre park site located close to downtown Erie and a future regional county trail, incorpora ng sports fields, off-street parking, themed playground, water feature and a regional trail connec on. Larimer County Jus ce Center, Fort Collins, CO Landscape Architect CLIENT: Larimer County Construc on administra on for civic site that includes a new courthouse, fountain plaza and urban park.

required the removal of the exis ng cable-stayed roof, demolion of the cast-in-place sea ng and excava on of 200,000 cy of soil to drop the basketball floor 35 feet. The new sea ng bowl is constructed of cast-in-place beams and columns with precast floor planks, concrete topping and precast sea ng. The mechanical/electrical systems are completely new including a thermal storage/recovery system and computer-controlled ligh ng. Three adjacent buildings are also being remodeled to contain concession support and Supersonics retail sales. USAA Phoenix Norterra Campus Phase 1A, Phoenix, AZ Role: LEED™ accredited professional CLIENT: HOK Houston Site planning, plan ng and irriga on for LEED™ cer fied campus. Prepared LEED™ submi al for the development density, alterna ve transporta on, reduced site disturbance and water efficient landscaping credits. * Work performed with previous employers

McKinley Village Resort Expansion, Denali, AK Project Manager CLIENT: Aramark Corpora on Site analysis, program development, physical planning, costing and phasing strategies were incorporated into construc on documents for this village resort property. Permanent Suppor ve Housing Development CLIENT: Fort Collins Housing Authority Azur Ground, in associa on with Studio Comple va assisted the Fort Collins Housing Authority in the prepara on of the site design documents for the grant applica on to CHFA. This process included two public charre es focused on community involvement and endorsement of this vital facility, site analysis and schema c design documents for site hardscape, grading and plan ng. Sited adjacent public designated open space, the design created a na ve plan ng with high visual and wildlife value while requiring low amounts of water and maintenance. Key Arena, Sea le, WA Project Manager CLIENT: NBBJ, Inc., City of Sea le This new 17,000-seat basketball arena for the Supersonics


Bradley Alan Smith


PO Box 210 Fort Collins, CO 80522





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