Pre-Employment Tests
5 TYPES OF PREEMPLOYMENT TESTS The pre-employment method helps in getting the most efficient employees for the vacant post. It involves gathering data to screen job applicants in a standardised manner. Work skills, emotional intelligence, language proficiency, cognitive abilities, personality, measuring physical and motor abilities and testing the knowledge are all included in the pre-employment test. Preemployment tests help in recruiting the best-fit candidates and screen out those who are unqualified for the job after measuring the individuals through this process.
One of the most important aspects is pre-employment health screening which checks the in-depth health of the individual through these tests. According to these, if the individual is unfit or fails the test, he/she would have a lesser chance in getting selected for the job; however, if he/ she passed the pre-employment health screening, they might have a higher chance of getting themselves qualified for the job. That’s how it works!
TYPES OF PRE-EMPLOYMENT TEST There are 5 major types of pre-employment tests which are discussed in this article.
Personality Test In the pre-employment screening test, a personality test is a fundamental type. It involves accessing the emotional adjustment, interpersonal relations, motivation, emotional adjustment, and interest of an individual. If a candidate passes his personality test, then he might qualify for the job. Subsequently, Big Five personality traits: agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness (to Experience), and stress tolerance are major tests which are widely used by industrial organizations which are a better-accepted taxonomy.
Situational judgement Tests As the name suggests, situational judgement tests include the assessment of a candidate on how well he handles the situation around him. How he follows the instructions, handles unpleasant situations, and reacts in a certain situation. A company might give a sketch of different scenarios of a job to a candidate where he's applying for a job. For example, employers might want to examine how employees act with an absence of a boss around.
Cognitive Aptitude
Cognitive aptitude involves reasoning and knowledge of a job’s role, arithmetic skills, reading comprehension, measuring a candidate’s memory, etcetera. It indicates if the individual learns new skills, solves problems, and how critically a candidate thinks. Other significant skills might include creative problem solving, design thinking, communication, leadership, and management are several highest-priority skills. In fact, cognitive aptitude is one of the most important types of pre-employment tests which might help in hunting down brilliant candidates.
Physical Ability Tests The physical ability test is one of the most fundamental pre-employment tests so far. In physical labour sectors or for conducting a probable employee in the manual, it becomes crucial. Mental fortitude under physical strain, balance, cardiovascular health, stamina, flexibility, potential employee’s endurance may be the subject of examination for an employee before getting qualified for the vacant position. Moreover, by the end of this test, management makes sure either the employer would be the best fit for their company or not. Injury and any kind of disability is avoided in an employee, which might prove to be problematic.
Emotional intelligence tests The ability to understand and manage your and other people’s emotions is known as emotional intelligence. Boosting off your communication, management, improving problem-solving and much more are all included in EI. This valuable skill would help in stressful situations, meetings and in many more places. The 90% of what sets apart high performers are the skills and techniques of emotional intelligence, according to Harvard Business Review.
FINAL THOUGHTS There are 5 top class types of pre-employment tests: personality test, situational judgement test, cognitive aptitude, physical ability, and emotional intelligence test.