7 BEST FOODS THAT ARE HIGH IN VITAMIN C Vitamin C, which is also referred to as ascorbic acid, is an essential vitamin present in numerous foods and is a highly beneficial element required to support your immune system. Your body also uses vitamin C to extract the iron you receive from food. Not to mention, Vitamin C promotes collagen generation that is a connective, springy tissue containing healing agents that are effective in healing wounds and injuries. Vitamin C is vital for all our diets; it ensures protection against cell damage and several chronic illnesses. The daily recommended intake for vitamin C is 90 milligrams for men and 75 milligrams for women. Taking vitamin C supplements is undoubtedly an easy way to fulfill the required daily dose; however, it is better to consume organic and natural foods that are abundant in vitamin C. While citric fruits and vegetables are known to be rich in Vitamin C, there are several other foods you can consume that contain sufficient amounts of this miraculous vitamin. Read through the rest of this article to know more about them.
Bell Peppers ½ cup of bell peppers contains up to 90 milligrams of vitamin. Additionally, bell peppers are rich in folate, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamins A, B, E, and K. Whether you choose to dice it and incorporate it into a salad or scoop it into a dip, bell peppers can be your go-to vitamin C source.
Oranges A medium-sized orange contains up to 70 milligrams of Vitamin C; however, this varies as per the orange size. Oranges are known for being abundant in ascorbic acid. Additionally, they also contain Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), potassium, and folate.
Kiwifruit Kiwi fruits can be even greater in providing vitamin C as it contains 70 milligrams of the vitamin per medium-sized kiwi. It happens to be more than oranges, ounce for ounce in some cases. Kiwifruit can contain flavonoids, carotenoids, and fiber, which are essential for cell protection.
Strawberries One cup of bite-sized strawberries contains up to 85 milligrams of vitamin C. They contain minimal calories while being high in numerous fibers and antioxidants. Bright and plump strawberries with fresh green tops are the ones to keep an eye out for.
Broccoli Cooked broccoli amounting to ½ a cup can possess about 50 milligrams of vitamin C. Broccoli is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is abundant in fibers and antioxidants that assist in toning down inflammation.
Cantaloupe This melon is not only delicious; it can also be super healthy. Apart from containing 30 milligrams of vitamin C per ½ a cup, it also contains flavonoids, magnesium, copper, and potassium.
Potatoes Baked potatoes that weigh medium size can bring you up to 20 milligrams of vitamin C. They can be beneficial in several other ways as they are excellent sources of fiber and potassium. It is best to oven roast them in olive oil or bake them rather than frying them and loading them with unhealthy toppings like cheese. Feel free to mix and match these fruits and veggies and make the most out of your Vitamin C intake!