De-Stress Your Body - 4 Tips for Busy People
There’s good stress and then there’s bad stress. Do you know the difference? And how are you dealing yours? It’s important to be aware of what stresses you out, so you can build a relationship with your biggest stressors and manage the way you react to them. It can cause your body and mind to overreact to situations and a host of other issues that no one desires or deserves. Here are some tried-and-true ways to
manage your stress.
1. Make a list for yourself: Make a list of things that make you happy and optimistic. This technique will help to ease your stress in a positive manner. Also, make a list of work that you need to do or could accomplish in a day. The best suggestion would be to make a to-do list wherein you list all the activities, assignments or any other tasks that you need to complete. This is a good way of staying focused and organized and also completing all the tasks without thinking too much about them.
2. Achieve work-life balance: Working too much isn’t just stressful, it can be detrimental to your overall health. But, how can you achieve a work-life balance? There are some following suggestions; Prepare for the upcoming week.
Take vacations. Celebrate each holiday. Disconnect for a while. Designate specific work hours. Implement the Pareto Principle, also known as 80/20 rule. Automate as much as you can.
3. Limit Your Caffeine Intake and sleep: If you're one to grab a cup of coffee or can of cola when you need a little extra energy, you may be making yourself more tired in the long run! This is partially because caffeine can exacerbate your stress response and keep you from experiencing restful sleep at night, creating a cycle of chronic sleep deprivation. Learn more about the effects of caffeine and the advantages of limiting your intake,
and find ways to get more energy with less caffeine.
When your schedules busy, often sleep is the first thing to be cut back, either
intentionally or by default. This is unfortunate because it can leave you feeling lethargic and lead to errors that take more time out of your day to correct. Learn why it's important to safeguard your sleep, and how to actually get the sleep you need.
4. Stretch or Massage Your Body: Doing a few stretches relaxes your muscles and in turn, it relaxes your mind. You
can also massage your head, temple, hands, and neck with your fingers to relieve stress. Keep a tennis or golf ball under your desk and roll your foot over to get an instant foot massage. If you make it a habit, you’ll de-stress without even realizing it. Sports Massage also helps in relieving tension and triggers deep tissues of your body in relaxation and improves blood circulation. Sports Massage in Ashford is best in every regard. They have consultation sessions first and provides medical insurance for treatment.