Hilltopics Spring 2009

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Bradley University Spring 2009 bradley.edu/hilltopics


TOGETHER LaHood joins Cabinet page 19 Switching gears page 12 Riding the recession wave page 3

p residen t ’ s p rel u de

i met cullen hesterberg ’12 at our first Rising Star Banquet that recognized first-year students who show leadership potential. The 44 students were selected from EHS 120 classes, a course that nearly all freshmen and transfer students take; it introduces them to the community and the University. The dinner on January 23 was a wonderful event, an opportunity to hand out Outstanding First-Year Student Awards. I am so glad that the Alumni Association and the Center for Student Development and Health Services created and sponsored the evening. It is the beginning of a new Bradley tradition. Cullen was one of the freshmen honored, and I thought you’d want to know his story because it really exemplifies the Bradley Experience. Cullen grew up outside Ogden, a small town just east of Champaign-Urbana. Planning to study engineering, he always thought he’d attend that blue and orange state university nearby. As valedictorian of his high school, he had many good choices. But the University of Illinois was, in his words, too large and impersonal. He wanted something smaller, a college with a family atmosphere where he would develop strong ties with faculty, staff and students. He found all that and more on the Hilltop. In his first days on campus — before classes started — he and some buddies were enjoying Taste of Bradley, a great outdoor picnic that introduces our students to dining options in the community. On that warm summer afternoon, “two good-looking cheerleaders” grabbed his arm and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. They were looking for cheerleading candidates to fill out the squad, and Cullen looked like the type. In high school, he played football and baseball but had never cheered. While apprehensive at first, Cullen told me he couldn’t turn the girls down. Now he says he is looking forward to cheerleading for three more years and more basketball games. “The squad just clicked with me. I instantly had 15 or 16 friends before classes even started. They are a great group and my closest friends.” The chance meeting on the Quad led Cullen to join Delta Upsilon and get deeply involved in campus life. Now he says coming to Bradley was the best choice he’s ever made. “I feel it was meant to be,” he says. Cullen is just one story, but there are many, many more on our campus. Our own Ray LAHood ’71 continues his distinguished career in public service. He served us with distinction in the U.S. Congress for 14 years, and in December was nominated as U.S. secretary of transportation by President Obama. Ray has been a great friend to his alma mater; he was named Bradley’s Distinguished Alumnus of 2008. We highlight Secretary LaHood in this issue, along with his successor, Aaron Schock ’02, and his predecessor, Robert Michel ’48 HON ’81. Congratulations to all. We are continuing to teach and nurture another generation of engineers, businesswomen, teachers, community leaders and, yes, cheerleaders. I am so proud of the education we provide and the guidance and mentoring we give our students. And I am so excited about our future and humbled to have a small part in the coming successes. The University — your university — continues to do wonderful work every day for our students. This edition of Bradley Hilltopics tells some of those stories — about students past and present. I hope you enjoy reading it. Thank you for the honor and privilege of serving as your president. Go Braves.


Warm regards,

First-Year Student


Visit bradley.edu/hilltopics/go/ofysa for a list of the award winners.

cullen hesterberg ’12

Spring 2009

Volume 15 Issue 2

Riding the recession wave


Should you be spending or saving? Brushing up on macroeconomics helps consumers better understand the current recession.

Switching gears


Sticking with one career in a lifetime may be a thing of the past. Meet four alumni who made dramatic changes in their work that also had a positive effect on their personal lives.


Fifty-two years and counting


A single seat in Congress has been held by two Bradley alumni for the past 52 years — now there is a third. All three were honored the day Aaron Schock ’02 was sworn in. His predecessor, Ray LaHood ’71, is the nation’s new secretary of transportation.

On the right track



Crediting Bradley with his success, the editor-in-chief of Road & Track shares his thoughts about great cars and the automobile industry.



ViewPoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

ClassNotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

NoteBook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

InMemory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

SportScene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

AlumniNews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30


CampusView. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32




Karen Crowley Metzinger, MA ’97 editor

Joanne K. Glasser president

Nancy Ridgeway associate editor

shelley epstein assistant vice president for university communications

Gayle Erwin mcdowell ’77 associate editor Justin Phelps ’05 assistant editor sarah dukes designer


Duane Zehr university photographer

Kathy Fuller assistant vice president for university relations

Student Staff Assistants Abby Wilson ’10 tyler fox ’10 kristin muckerheide ’11

On the cover: Ray LaHood ’71 accompanied President Barack Obama when he spoke at a Caterpillar plant in East Peoria on February 12. LaHood is the President’s secretary of transportation. Story on page 19. AP Photo/Charles Dharapak.

ViewPoint Send your letters & e-mail

I received Hilltopics and what a grand-looking student recreation center with a beautiful pool. I assume that it is a regulation-size pool and not the short one we had under the old gymnasium. As I was on the swimming team back in the late ’30s, I was disappointed when Bradley discontinued the program. The cost of a swim team was such a small cost that it seemed rather ill-advised. Now that we have a beautiful facility, I would hope that a swim team would be back in the picture to enhance Bradley’s image and to provide a well worthwhile activity. Robert N. Cooper ’46 Seminole, Fla. Thank you for the stunning pictures of Bradley’s newest wonder, the Markin Center. To say that this was a huge act of generosity by DAVID MARKIN ’53 would be an understatement. As a former BU swimmer, I was amazed by the picture of the pool. One of my biggest disappointments at Bradley was the decision to dissolve the swim team at the end of the 2002 season. One reason given was that a new pool could not be afforded. My hope is that this gift will be used for good. Swimming strengthens the lives and health of so many people, and I hope that competitive swimming can return to Bradley. SHAWN FRIEDMAN JOHNSON ’02 Waukesha, Wis. Editor’s note: Bradley University is committed to providing support and facilities to allow our intercollegiate teams to compete in a very competitive league. An assessment of intercollegiate sports programming was completed in the early 2000s and, in part, based on that review, the swimming teams were discontinued. There are no current plans to reinstate them. Wow is right! I used to work in a computer lab near the back of Bradley Hall. The view sure has changed from those windows. I look forward to getting the next issue.

Bowling story brings back memories I found the fall issue of Hilltopics to be very good, as usual. You are to be complimented for the diversity and quality of topics covered, especially the article on Camp Big Sky. Kudos to BRAD GUIDI ’71 and all involved. Of personal interest to me was the SportScene article on bowling. I was a bowling alley rat when I was in high school in Chicago, and an automatic pinsetter mechanic. During orientation in 1960, I stopped in the Student Center and told Jerry Hinds (assistant director) that I knew how to repair the automatic pin spotters (at that time there were six bowling lanes). He hired me on the spot. I started at 85 cents/hour. After one year, E.J. RITTER ’50 MS ’51 (director) promoted me to Student Center supervisor, but I was frequently called on to help with pin spotter repairs. Bradley also had a bowling team that participated in the University Association of Student Centers. Our teams were good, not great, but we enjoyed the opportunity to represent Bradley and to bowl for free. It’s my understanding Bradley does not have a bowling alley anymore. Keep up the good work with Hilltopics.

Cohen’s story applauded The recent Hallmark Hall of Fame movie Front of the Class didn’t directly address the education department at BU, but the staff at the time Brad Cohen ’96 attended must have been very caring and loving to nurture such a talented, young teacher. I applaud them. I graduated in 1969 when children with Tourette syndrome were not included in the regular classroom. In 1984, I was fortunate enough to obtain a job in gifted education. During my 20-year position, there were students in my classes with Tourette syndrome, OC (obsessive-compulsive), or ADHD behaviors. Fortunately, before I had the first child in class, the boy’s parents taught me what to expect. I was very grateful to them for preparing me before he was actually enrolled. From the classes listed for teachers, it looks like the fairly standard core classes I took. If there is already a section of a class that includes learning about Tourette syndrome, Asperger’s, OC, autism, and related neurological disorders, then I am impressed. If there is not, I recommend that these topics be added to the curriculum. Jeanne Rosenbohm ’69 Fort Worth, Texas

LYLE CARLSON ’64 Chocowinity, N.C.

Help Hilltopics go green! The White House / Chris Greenber

Markin Center makes a splash

Let us know if you receive duplicate or unwanted copies of Bradley Hilltopics. Please e-mail pthomas@bradley.edu or call 309-677-3628. Brad Cohen ’96 and his wife Nancy were invited to the White House to meet President George W. Bush and his wife Laura the week after the airing of the Hallmark Hall of Fame film, Front of the Class, based on Brad’s life with Tourette syndrome.

STEVE OSTROWSKI ’91 Tiverton, Ontario

© Bradley University 2009 Bradley Hilltopics is published in winter, spring, summer, and fall by Bradley University for alumni, faculty, staff, parents of students, and other friends of the University. Send letters and address changes to: Hilltopics, Bradley University, 1501 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61625. 309-677-2249 fax 309-677-4055 e-mail: hilltopics@bradley.edu Web site: bradley.edu/hilltopics campus information: 309-676-7611 Bradley University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and the promotion of equal opportunities for all persons regardless of age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The University also is committed to compliance with all applicable laws regarding non-discrimination, harassment, and affirmative action. Bradley Hilltopics reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor based on length and content.



NoteBook BU news, views & updates

Riding the recession wave By Dr. Jannett Highfill Do you remember when you first figured out the “miracle” of compound interest, how $1,000 lent at 10 percent interest for say, 36 years, will turn into $30,000? On the other hand, it may have occurred to you that it’s crazy to pay $29,000 to borrow a measly $1,000, even though the interest is paid out over many years and mostly at the end. Well, suppose that crazy guy takes your money (and a lot more), invents a product, figures out how to get it produced, and who to sell it to. He does so well that he can pay the interest and still have money left over. He looks like a genius, and you do alright too. Usually, of course, both parties actually deal with a bank or one of the various Wall Street institutions we collectively call the financial system. You have participated in the most important thing financial markets do: channel funds from savers to those businesses best able to invest them. That’s the way it’s supposed to be. As it is, with many people all over the world feeling burned or frightened, and the financial institutions themselves frequently in disarray, it hardly needs saying that the global financial system is in crisis, and many countries are in recession. The factors behind the crisis are considerably more complicated than just Googling a compound interest calculator, or even understanding and valuing a smorgasbord of financial assets, bonds, equities, mortgages, and the various packages of these. A major sea change in financial markets has been the extent to which the value of financial assets depends on how many other people are willing to buy those assets, now and in the future. In the language of economics, asset prices are subject to network effects. When people believe other people will buy an asset, its price goes up; when they don’t, its price falls, regardless. Network effects explain why the stock prices fell so dramatically over the last year, not only for firms with poor performance, but for those with excellent past performance and reasonable prospects for the future. Network effects also increase the riskiness of financial assets. When the players in the financial markets, both sellers and buyers, don’t understand the risks of the assets, a financial crisis is just waiting for a trigger. For the U.S., the trigger was the bursting of the housing bubble, although it should be noted that countries without a housing bubble did not escape. Likewise, the crisis and subsequent recession have hit “saver” countries like Germany and China just as hard as “debtor” countries like the United States. Apportioning the blame for allowing/ encouraging/not prohibiting buyers and sellers from dealing with financial assets whose risk they didn’t understand will be a task for economists for many years, just as understanding the Great Depression was for most of the 20th century. The more immediate problem is the painful but obvious effects of recession: businesses shut their doors, and people are out of work. Fortunately, the macroeconomists in the econ department, Dr. Raymond Wojcikewych and Dr. Joshua Lewer, forecast the economy out of recession and observing positive economic growth sometime in the second half of 2009. The government has passed a sizeable fiscal stimulus package which will increase household income either directly or indirectly. How the fiscal stimulus affects the economy is a question of how we use the increased income. We might use the money to save or retire debt, say pay down a credit card; that might be responsible household decision-making, but it would do nothing to provide customers for business — the thing they most need and upon which the recovery depends. For any stimulus package to bring us up and out of the recession, households need to buy something, anything, a Disneyland vacation or a new refrigerator. And remember that as bad as a recession is, the great risk is that problems in the financial markets persist, causing a Japanese-type “lost decade” with stagnant economic growth. The probability of that outcome is not insignificant. Macroeconomics has two fundamental principles: (1) The prosperity of each individual cannot be divorced from the prosperity of the larger world; and, (2) what is good for an individual may be detrimental for society at large, and conversely. Sobering principles in the best of times; heartbreaking now. Dr. Jannett Highfill is a professor of economics and editor of the Global Economy Journal. A more extended treatment of the crisis can be found in “The Economic Crisis as of December 2008: The Global Economy Journal Weighs In,” Global Economy Journal, 8(4), article 4: http://www.bepress.com/gej/vol8/iss4/4. Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


NoteBook BU news, views & updates

New VP arrives from Iowa State

pat vickerman Vice President for Advancement

Pat Vickerman was named Bradley’s vice president for advancement in January. He supervises development and alumni relations. “I am excited that Mr. Vickerman has accepted this challenge and look forward to working with him,” said Bradley University President Joanne Glasser. “He shares my passion for students and creating the best educational environment to serve them. He possesses the ability and professional skills to coordinate the University’s $150 million Renaissance Campaign and our advancement effort.” Vickerman comes to Bradley from Iowa State University at Ames where he most recently served as associate vice president for development and campaign director for Iowa

State’s ongoing $800 million campaign. Vickerman had primary planning responsibility for the campaign, the largest in the university’s history. Before joining Iowa State in 2002, Vickerman held executive development positions at the University of Iowa, where he was gift planning director during its $1 billion campaign, and at Butler University, where he served as associate director of annual giving. Vickerman holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from the University of Iowa. He and his wife Tracey are the parents of three children.

ROTC returns to campus

duane zehr

by abby wilson ’10

Lt. Col. James Keith, left, is the ROTC Recruiting Operations Officer for Bradley, Illinois State, and Illinois Wesleyan. Maj. Paul Freeland is the Battalion Executive Officer.



The Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program has returned to Bradley after a 10-year hiatus. According to ROTC scholarship and enrollment officer Lt. Col. James Keith, programs were eliminated at Bradley when the Army downsized in the ’90s. While military science classes continued to be offered through Bradley, students needed to cross-enroll and commute to Illinois State University, an ROTC partner campus, to attend. More personnel were assigned to ISU last year, however, and after numerous inquiries about an ROTC program at Bradley, ROTC personnel decided to return. ROTC eventually plans to offer eight leadership courses on campus. Two are currently available to all interested students. Some later courses will be available for students who have made a commitment to the Army and plan to be commissioned upon graduation. “ROTC is multi-faceted,” says assistant professor of military science Maj. Paul Freeland, “and we are a premier leadership development program.” Matthew Bradley ’10, one of the first recruits on campus, contacted Keith about ROTC at Bradley. He knew he wanted to join ROTC for college, but that he also wanted to attend Bradley University, so he found the nearest ROTC campus. “Lucky for me, they ended up coming here,” Bradley says.

“A lot of students like the leadership development that we do,” adds Keith. “It’s very hands-on; you become good at being a leader by practicing leadership activities.” While there is not yet a permanent cadre presence on campus, officers from ISU are frequently on campus to teach and hold office hours. When leadership labs begin, they will be offered in the Markin Family Student Recreation Center. Keith says ROTC is looking for “scholar-athlete leaders.” They are most interested in students who have GPAs of 3.0 or higher, are involved in some form of sport or exercise, and are leaders in a campus, community, or church organization. ROTC has a recruitment goal of commissioning five to 10 soldiers by 2013. Upon commission, an officer accepts an eight-year commitment to the Army. The officer can serve that term as a three- or four-year active duty assignment and then spend time in the National Guard, Reserves, or the Individual Ready Reserve. Keith encourages interested students to try the program. “Students may find it’s not a fit for them, and that’s OK. They can at least go through life knowing they gave it a shot and it wasn’t for them, as opposed to going through life saying, ‘I wish I would have.’” Share your memories of ROTC by writing to the editor at bradley.edu/hilltopics. Visit rotc.ilstu.edu for more information on the ROTC program.

Dorm floor promotes the positive Students sign on for leadership opportunities

duane zehr

By nancy ridgeway Creating a positive environment that cuts down on the prevalence of alcohol in college is one goal of the Leadership Lifestyles Floor (LLF) in University Hall. The brainchild of Melissa Sage-Bollenbach ’94 MA ’97, director of wellness, and Sara Ray O’Shea ’04 MA ’07, director of the Lewis J. Burger Center for Leadership and Community Service, the LLF welcomed its second group of residents in August 2008 after showing marked initial success. Hannah Antonacci ’12 was drawn to sign up for the floor because she thought there would be other female students who were similarly dedicated and motivated. “We all get along really well. If there is a problem, it is handled constructively,” she notes. O’Shea and Sage-Bollenbach looked back to their own freshman experience as they created the floor. “I remember coming as a freshman, and most of the women on my floor did not have the same values and background that I did,” says O’Shea. The LLF, located on the fourth floor of U-Hall, gives students a good avenue to meet others who are committed to making healthy choices, developing leadership skills, and participating in service projects. While themed living is not new, Bradley’s LLF has two added components. Research is ongoing to determine whether living on a leadership floor impacts choices that students make about alcohol. In 2007–08, living on the floor seemed to have been a positive influence. In addition to conducting the research, O’Shea teaches a one-hour course, ELH 381 The Leading Edge.

An extension of EHS 120 (the freshman experience course), it focuses on leadership development. “It helps set the tone for a college career and what is expected of students as leaders. I want to make a deeper connection between social and academic life,” says O’Shea, noting that only residents of the floor are eligible to enroll in the course, which counts toward a minor in leadership studies. The LLF has been a dream of the two Bradley program directors ever since O’Shea was a student at Bradley, and Sage-Bollenbach was her adviser. When a small grant opportunity arose, Nathan Thomas, executive director of residential life and leadership, gave the green light for the floor. “There’s a big push for environmental change and cultural changes [in college], but no one is looking at where students are living and being. We want to create an environment that gives students the tools to stand up and say alcohol isn’t part of what I want my college experience to be,” says Sage-Bollenbach. Students learn about the floor on campus tours and through mailings sent after they commit to Bradley. Freshmen may request to live on the LLF, and so far, space has been available for the 40 or so who wanted to participate both years. Many students who lived on the floor last year are living in blocks of rooms in other dorms. The current assistant residence hall adviser (ARA) for this year’s floor lived there last year. Some male students have expressed interest in living on a LLF, and both women hope to eventually see an entire residence hall focused on leadership and service.

fitzgerald addresses grads In the keynote address at Bradley’s mid-year commencement, U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald spoke about the importance of public service. Fitzgerald was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree. Just 11 days earlier, his office had arrested Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich for allegedly trying to sell President-elect Obama’s U.S. Senate seat. Previously, Fitzgerald was Special Counsel in an investigation that led to the indictment and conviction of Lewis “Scooter” Libby. He also supervised Operation Safe Road, the corruption investigation that led to the conviction of 75 people, including former Illinois Gov. George Ryan. Also speaking at the morning ceremony were President Joanne Glasser and Julius Collins Jr. ’08. Formerly held at Robertson Memorial Field House, the December 20 commencement was the first mid-year ceremony staged at the Peoria Civic Center. More than 225 bachelor’s degrees were awarded in December, and 122 students received master’s degrees. Visit bradley.edu/hilltopics/go/dec08grad to view a slideshow and video.

BU International Print and Drawing Exhibition “A Tornado Watch,” by Cameron University professor of art Katherine Liontas-Warren of Lawton, Okla., is among the 126 artworks included in the 32nd Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition. An open biennial competition, the exhibition runs March 6 through April 16. The exhibition showcases a selection of art by 120 artists from the United States and Canada. Lynwood Kreneck, the exhibition’s juror, narrowed the field from about 600 pieces. Kreneck is the founder and director of Colorprint USA, a national print exhibition established in 1969, and has been a visiting artist at more than 80 colleges and universities. He received the Lifetime Achievement for Excellence in Teaching Printmaking award at the Southern Graphics Conference in Madison, Wis., in 2006. The exhibition is the secondlongest-running juried print and drawing competition in the nation. Visit bradley.edu/ hilltopics to see selected works produced by Bradley alumni. Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


NoteBook BU news, views & updates

A scientific look at religion by nancy ridgeway

duane zehr

Taking a scientific look at why humans become religious is the focus of Dr. Robert Fuller’s 12th book, Spirituality in the Flesh, his fourth published by Oxford University Press. Fuller was inspired by leading biologists Richard Dawkins of Cambridge University and E.O. Wilson of Harvard, both of whom have published books on religion. Fuller, Caterpillar professor of religious studies and director of Bradley’s Honors Program, saw that many of his religion colleagues have not grasped the connection between science and religion, and he wanted to be a frontrunner in studying the relationship. Explaining the correlation, he comments, “You can only think and feel what the brain allows. Therefore, religious feelings have to be anchored in the physiology of our bodies.” Fuller differs from Dawkins, in that the Cambridge professor argues against religion. Fuller comments, “Humans are social organisms. We are not faster or stronger than other animals, so we had to cooperate. Humans formed tribal units. Religion fits into that. Tribal identities are defined by religion.” As he researched his book, Fuller discussed the psychology of emotions with Bradley psychology professors Dr. Derek Montgomery and Dr. David Schmitt. “Emotions straddle psychology and biology. In the ’60s and ’70s, psychologists believed we came in as blank slates, and everything was a result of our social environment. Since then, psychologists have become knowledgeable about genetic, biological influences.” Fuller’s book also investigates how studying the body can help answer spiritual questions, such as why some religious traditions connect spirituality and pain, how emotions like fear shape religious actions, and what impact chemically altered states of consciousness have on religious experiences. Commenting on the chemistry of consciousness, Fuller says, “By wiring people to EEG’s during mystical experiences, we see part of the brain being activated. I look at how altered brain states give rise to religious experience.” Spirituality in the Flesh also explores sexuality and religion. “Our most powerful urge is to repopulate. I’m interested in the sexual desire to unite with a person and the religious desire to unite with our Lord and Savior. I try to show underlying sexual dimensions in religion. It’s an obvious topic, and so many spend two to three sentences with it and drop it.” He continues, “Then come emotions. The main difference among religions is whether they are based on fear or on wonder. If your beliefs are based on fear of hell or damnation, your behavior is more likely to be modified by religion.” Another chapter of the book looks at pain and illness. “When pain breaks down the normal sense of self, we hear about born-again experiences. Pain and illness can lead to profound religious re-orientation.” He adds, “The last chapter deals with the spirituality in and of the flesh. There are a lot of spatial relationships in religion: ‘Jesus lifted me up;’ ‘the left hand of God.’ If we start with the standpoint that life is a miracle, then religion is more of a celebration of our physical existence.” Last summer, Fuller was interviewed in Halifax for the Canadian cable television series, “What I Believe.” The host of the series conversed with religious authorities to discern what he believes. As the author of Naming the Antichrist, his sixth book, Fuller was chosen to be interviewed. He was also interviewed on this topic for the History Channel, which continues to air.

What is a Caterpillar Professorship? Caterpillar Professorships recognize extraordinary scholarship among full professors who hold tenure. The professorships were established in honor of Caterpillar with monies raised during the Centennial Campaign. Faculty members apply for the professorships, and selection involves an extensive review process with external peer evaluations and the deliberation of an internal advisory committee.

6 bradley.edu/hilltopics

In campus construction news • About

600 cubic yards of concrete were poured in February for the first floor of the Athletic Performance Center. Visit explore.bradley.edu/construction to view construction of the APC and the Puterbaugh Men’s Basketball Practice Facility. Both are slated for completion next spring.

• The

emergency notification public address system has been installed in 17 campus buildings, and exterior speakers have been placed on the roofs of Bradley Hall and the Student Apartment Complex on Underhill Street. Visit emergency.bradley.edu for more information.

Research with a twist By Nancy Ridgeway

duane zehr

When it’s time to turn in grades, Dr. Sherri Morris is looking at more than student achievement. She is assessing teaching effectiveness. Morris, associate professor of biology, is one of 20 teacher-scholars nationwide chosen to participate in the Biology Scholars program, funded by the National Science Foundation. The three-fold program involves faculty evaluating their own teaching, publishing results, and leading colleagues in national efforts toward undergraduate biology education reform. Scholars, chosen from a highly competitive pool that includes all biological disciplines and institutional types, attended a three-day seminar in Washington, D.C., last summer. Workshops focused on using the tools these scholars use in scientific research to measure teaching effectiveness. “We are shifting to teaching science as a process, but is this shift achieving what we want in the classroom?” wonders Morris, who is collaborating with fellow biology professors Dr. Kelly McConnaughay, Dr. Erich Stabenau, and Dr. Nicholas Stover. The title for the research project is, “The Effectiveness of Early Core Curriculum in Biology at Bradley University in Building Science Process Skills.” The professors specifically are assessing the team-taught course, BIO 223 Organismal Biology. Explaining the course she chose is part of the core curriculum, Morris comments, “This should be a course students are building on, so we can get a better understanding of how our students are developing. Many of the components of this course are meant to develop skills so students can enter the rest of our curriculum.” Morris says, “We won’t change the course, but it is different in terms of how we evaluate it. What changes is the information I collect and keep after each activity.” Commenting on the research project, she says, “I’m a scientist, but I never thought of using research tools as a means to assess what I do in the classroom. We want to devise a method to see what students have learned. We can make changes in the classroom, but they may not be better. This will help assess if we are effective.” Morris concludes, “The scholarship of teaching is not new, but now it has moved into areas other than teacher education. The goal is to increase the number of people who are scholars of teaching and learning and allow people to see the depth and breadth of those activities.”

BU librarian lauded Barbara Galik is most proud of bringing the Cullom-Davis Library into the digital age and providing library hours more conducive to student life in her almost 12 years as executive director of the library. The Alliance Library System (ALS) recognized Galik’s efforts by naming her Librarian of the Year last fall. “It acknowledges the work I’ve been doing not only at Bradley, but beyond Bradley,” Galik said. ALS is one of nine multi-type library systems in Illinois. It provides support and services to all types of libraries in 60 counties. To be considered for the award, an individual must

be an outstanding risk taker, innovator, or change-agent contributing to the field. Galik, who has been involved with ALS for 10 years, including the last three as president, moved Cullom-Davis Library into the digital age by transitioning microfilm and paper to electronic media. She spearheaded a dynamic Web site with 2.0 technologies, blogs, and wikis. Galik extended operating hours until 4 a.m. “Students don’t come in until 11 or 12 o’clock,” she said. “When you close at 1, that’s not enough time. So we adjusted our hours to 4 a.m. Sunday–Thursday to suit their needs.”

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Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


NoteBook BU news, views & updates

New master’s for teachers promotes math, science education

pointofpride Placement rate in ’08

“ We need to refocus on science, mathematics, and innovation in order to compete effectively with other nations.” — Dr. Kelly McConnaughay the highest degree attainable in this field, designed to address specific workforce and educational needs. Bradley’s program was developed to help increase elementary teachers’ knowledge and skills in those disciplines, enable them to better prepare students for success in science and math, and to develop a cadre of teacher leaders in elementary-level STEM education. The master’s degree program is for teachers currently licensed to teach in elementary schools in Illinois. The PMA program was developed through a collaboration among Peoria School District 150, external consultants from NASA, the Illinois State Board of Education, the International Society for Technology in Education, the Illinois Math and Science Partnership, and Bradley faculty and staff in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering, teacher education, and the Graduate School.

The program requires 33 hours of coursework taken over 32 months. Most is completed in three successive summers, and teachers take one course per semester during the two intervening academic years. They are also required to complete a capstone project. Much like an executive MBA, the rigorous courses focus on building content expertise so teachers can make applications to K-5 learning, and build knowledge and skills to meet specific educational needs in the context of the professional discipline. The program is designed to meet the accreditation standards of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and is approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education. All courses are taught by members of the graduate faculty from the colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Technology, and Education and Health Sciences. The inaugural group of 25 teachers began classes last June. A second PMA program in environmental science education that is geared toward middle school and high school teachers is slated to start this summer. “We are very impressed by the dedication to improving student learning that the teachers demonstrated in their first summer’s work,” states Dr. Bob Wolffe, professor of teacher education. The National Academy of Sciences, the National Governors Associations, and other groups have issued reports stating that America’s ability to succeed in the global economy is lagging. Dr. Kelly McConnaughay, associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and professor of biology, stresses, “We need to refocus on science, mathematics, and innovation in order to compete effectively with other nations.” Visit bradley.edu/academics/grad/programs/ STEM.shtml to learn more about the new Professional Master of Arts degree.

duane zehr

The overall placement rate for 2007–08 Bradley graduates is 94 percent, reports the Smith Career Center. This figure represents the percentage of August 2007, December 2007, and May 2008 bachelor’s and master’s degree recipients who are employed, continuing their education, or engaged in other activities of their choice. It is based on 94 percent of bachelor’s and 58 percent of advanced degree recipients. Graduates accepted positions with 572 employers in 30 states. More than 75 percent are employed in Illinois. California, Florida, Missouri, and Wisconsin are also attracting a number of Bradley graduates. The National Association of Colleges and Employers reported in the Job Outlook 2008 that there would be increased opportunities for new grads because of growing demand for products and services and the retirement of baby boomers. However, the economic recession later in the year adversely impacted those who had not secured employment soon after May commencement. Visit explore.bradley.edu/ scc for more information.

Bradley has a solution to recent reports calling for increased science and math preparation in K-12 schools across America. One of only five such programs in Illinois, the University now offers a Professional Master of Arts degree (PMA) in science, technology, and elementary math education (STEM). A PMA is a terminal degree,



SportScene Broadcast professionals

Training the voices of the next generation by justin phelps ’05


flickr.com / wallyg

the first of many young sports broadcasters to come out of Peoria. At one time the connections to Bradley and sports broadcasting were as close as they come with the likes of Chick Hearn, Tom Kelly, Lorn Brown, and the late MORT CANTOR ’49.

Charley Steiner ’71 resume: L.A. Dodgers broadcaster on KABC-AM and KCAL-TV and FSN Prime Ticket. Concentration: Speech, journalism and political science triple major Notable: Arguably the most nationally recognized sports communicator from Bradley, he worked at ESPN from 1988 to 2002. “Whether it’s happenstance, harmonic convergence, or serendipity, the sheer number of sportscasters who have come out of Peoria or Bradley is astonishing. And it’s such a high-profile industry. It’s one thing to have a great engineering school or business school, and there are just a handful of schools around the country that can make that claim. Here’s a chance for us to play with the big boys at our own level and, in many ways, define our own terms.”

Before universities sold exclusive rights to broadcast athletic events, three Peoria radio stations competed for ears listening to Bradley hoops broadcasts. There was a time in the 1980s when turning the dial to sports broadcasts in The late jack brickhouse ’37 Los Angeles meant there was a good chance hon ’90 was No. 13 on the of hearing someone who launched a career American Sportscasters in Peoria, either at Bradley or covering Bradley Association’s “Top 50 sportsbasketball. casters” list, released in And then there are Bradley’s graduates. January. Brickhouse broadcast Some of the alumni with careers in sports Cubs games for 33 years. broadcasting are featured here. Soon, they will have competition from fellow alumni, who will be trained specifically in sports delivery. The Department of Communication announced last year it will offer a sports communication concentration beginning this fall. “It is gaining traction as an academic discipline,” said Dr. Paul Gullifor, chair of the communications department. “Suddenly, journals are popping up devoted to sports-related themes and communication.

Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


SportScene Broadcast professionals

continued from page 9

Panels and conferences are being organized. There’s suddenly a level of scholarship in sports communication. We are responding to the need for professional communicators in the context of sports.” To be clear: It’s a sports communication concentration. It’s more than just broadcasting play-by-play. The unique program — developed over six years by Gullifor, associate chair Dr. Greg Pitts, and associate professors Dr. Ron Koperski and Dr. Chris Kasch — includes course subjects in broadcasting, print and digital journalism, international issues and ethics, and promotion and publicity. One of the largest and fastest growing industries in the United States, the sports business industry made $213 billion last year, according to Street & Smith’s Sports Business Journal. “Just look at the incredible emphasis put on sports in this culture,” Gullifor said. “It seems today — with the number of channels available through the Internet, cable, and satellite — almost every athletic contest finds its way on the air anymore.”

What makes up the sports comm concentration?


COM 160 Sports, Media and Society COM 260 Sports Writing and Announcing COM 265 International Issues and Ethics and Sports

Visit bradley.edu/hilltopics for media clips from these sports broadcasters. Visit bradley.edu/hilltopics/go/ ortegel to read about Dallas Mavericks broadcaster BOB ORTEGEL ’62, who was featured in the winter 2009 issue.

Visit com.bradley.edu for more information.



resume: Sports director at WKRC-TV in Cincinnati, Bengals play-by-play at WCKY-AM, Xavier University play-by-play at Fox Sports Ohio.

resume: Reporter/ weekend sports anchor at WDIV-TV in Detroit, host of Sports Final Edition on Sunday nights at WDIV

resume: Television and radio broadcaster for the L.A. Clippers on Fox Sports, KTLA-TV, and 710 ESPN Radio.

Notable: He was the first pentathlon national champion at Bradley. “I was one of those freaks who knew from third grade on that this is what I wanted to do. I was interviewing kids with a shovel in the sandbox and taking tape recorders on family trips in the station wagon, interviewing my family and driving people nuts. I didn’t necessarily want to be one of the athletes, but I knew I wanted to be interviewing the athletes.”


COM 360 Digital Journalism COM 460 Sports Promotion and Publicity


Concentration: Speech production management and broadcast journalism; theater minor


While other sports comm programs exist, Bradley’s is unique. The architects of the program built it from the ground up with five new courses. In addition, local professionals in radio, TV, print journalism, marketing, and promotion have shown an interest in contributing. The Peoria Chiefs (Class A affiliate of the Chicago Cubs), Peoria Rivermen (AHL affiliate of the St. Louis Blues), and Bradley’s athletic department have shown interest in providing internships. “I’m almost overwhelmed by the community’s support,” said Gullifor, who has seen interest in this type of program ever since he came to Bradley 21 years ago. The response from students — current and potentially future — is equally impressive with more than 80 applying for admission to the program. “I think this program will set us apart nationally,” said DAVE SNELL ’76, the voice of Bradley men’s basketball for 30 years. “Pretty soon, instead of saying, ‘Oh, you went to Syracuse,’ it’ll be, ‘Oh, you went to Bradley.’ ”

Concentration: Electronic media

Concentration: Radio/TV

Notable: Her major was pre-med for five years before completing a communications degree in one year.

Notable: He transferred from business administration to communications in his junior year and credits Henry VanderHeyden ’50 MA ’51, associate professor of communication emeritus, for his career, which has included 30 years with the Clippers.

“DAVE SNELL ’76 had interviewed me and knew me as a basketball player. He came up to me after a game and asked what I was doing with my life. I told him I had taken the MCAT and was getting ready to apply to medical school. He suggested I do sports broadcasting. I took all my classes concurrently, I graduated, and three weeks later I had my first job in Wyoming.”

“That city and that school, for reasons that no one can understand, have turned out just an extraordinary number of people who have gone on to professional broadcast careers.”



resume: Bradley Braves men’s basketball radio broadcaster on WMBD-AM

resume: San Diego Padres radio broadcaster on XX Sports 1090-AM

Concentration: Radio/TV

Concentration: Radio/TV

Notable: Worked his 900th consecutive Bradley men’s basketball radio broadcast on January 6.

Notable: He started as a top 40 DJ in Peoria, then a morning-drive traffic reporter in Chicago before landing in sports broadcasting.

“The Midwest is a real fertile ground for outstanding broadcasters, because outside of Chicago, Midwesterners have no accents. You don’t have to worry about southern accents, or sounding like you’re from Boston, New York, or the West Coast. I think that has a lot to do with Peoria’s rich history of broadcasting legends. And the success of the basketball team, transcended over the decades, made this a great place to come.”

“When I first started at Bradley in ’85, you had to get creative within your major to make it work. We didn’t have the Global Communications Center at that point; we didn’t have the concentration. They have really grown, and I’m happy to see that.”



resume: Part-time high school sports broadcaster for 96.5 FM ESPN Radio in Peoria. By day, he works in development for the Salvation Army.

resume: Sports reporter and fill-in anchor/ producer at WEEK-TV in Peoria.

Concentration: Broadcast journalism Notable: He broadcast his first game for WTAZ-AM in Morton when the lead play-by-play broadcaster fell ill. Eager for a chance behind the microphone, he was given the opportunity to work the Friday night contest. The next Monday he was named the color commentator for the remainder of the season. “It’s great that they’re going to involve several different areas. When I started in broadcasting, you couldn’t go out and do the one thing. You can’t go to a small station and say, ‘I want to be your play-by-play guy.’ They’ll ask what else you can do, like sales or production. In my case, I did news. If you have a well-rounded curriculum, it does give you a more realistic approach of what to expect when you get out there.”

Concentration: Radio/TV Notable: He started as a part-time video editor and held positions as part-time photographer, and full-time news photographer before landing in current role. “I’m kind of the do-it-all utility guy,” he said. “I was able to show sports is my passion, and it helped me obtain this position.” “Look at the list of sports broadcasters who have gone through Bradley and Peoria. To be included in the discussion is kind of ridiculous to me. It’s a huge honor. Chick Hearn, Jack Brickhouse … my name doesn’t belong in the same sentence. It probably won’t be, but if it’s in the same article, that’s a nice touch. That comes from being a part of Bradley.”




resume: Sports reporter/producer at KTVI Fox 2 in St. Louis.

resume: Peoria Chiefs’ assistant director of broadcasting/ media relations

resume: Sports anchor/reporter at WLFI-TV in West Lafayette, Ind.

Concentration: Radio/TV; history major Notable: He came to Bradley with an academic scholarship and to play baseball as a walk-on. “The business is changing. They’re looking for people who can wear a lot of hats. At the station now, I produce, edit, report, and anchor. You need people who can do everything. The days of the anchorman who comes in to just read the news are over. The next big wave is the video journalist.”

Concentration: Electronic media; marketing minor Notable: He has attended Major League Baseball’s Winter Meetings the last two years to network and find employment with a team. “I’ve always wanted to do this since I was a kid. I grew up listening to Harry Caray. He was a little older at that point, but you could tell just how much fun he had and how much a part of the game he was. He changed a lot of people. I guess I wanted to follow in those footsteps.”

Concentration: Electronic media Notable: He interned for a year and was a part-time sports photographer at WMBD-TV in Peoria while earning a bachelor’s degree. “The sports world is incredibly dynamic and interesting. There are a lot more jobs in sports than just athletes, from the people who work at the stadiums to the people who build the stadiums to the people who make uniforms and fan gear, to the people who work in corporate communication with sports teams. A lot of people working in sports aren’t even sports fans. It’s a huge industry.”

Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


Switching gears When it comes to career paths, people are more likely than ever to travel down more than one. Meet four brave Bradley alums who really switched gears.

by gayle erwin mcdowell ’77 illustration by sarah dukes

“ At this point, I live in a place where I’m really grateful for the life I have.” – C. McKeon



Sticking with one lifetime career, and often the same employer, was the norm for decades. Now it’s not unusual for individuals, especially baby boomers, to reinvent themselves — or at least try a new path. Why? Some people are looking for a greater challenge while others are happy to trade a higher paycheck for a low-stress lifestyle. Some workers want to have more fun while they earn their living, possibly turning a hobby into a career. Maybe their dream is to live by the ocean, mountains, in a metropolitan area, etc. Some want to leave their “employee” status behind and become their own boss. It’s not uncommon for workers to regret or tire of their original career choice. Maybe they tried to follow in a parent’s footsteps or to meet someone else’s expectations. Especially after 9/11, many people want to go home at the end of the day, feeling that their work has made a difference in the lives of others. One growing Web site, encore.org, focuses on “finding work that matters in the second half of life.” Often, however, people don’t decide to rearrange their lives on their own. Instead, unforeseen circumstances nudge them toward searching for new lines of work. Job loss — and the fear of job loss — are common reasons to shift gears. Health issues and concerns also instigate new careers. Bradley Hilltopics has been on the lookout for alumni who made drastic career moves — not the teacher who advanced to become the school principal or the graphic designer who opened her own firm — but rather alums who switched gears entirely (some more than once). Meet a former truck driver who became a doctor in his fifties, an engineer-turned-swing dance instructor, a singer who is now an award-winning filmmaker, and a former Caterpillar employee who became a successful potter and business owner — with a couple of stops along the way.

“ The hardest thing is if you don’t work, you don’t get paid. There is the fear of financial failure.” – J. Plys

“ I think most people change because they are forced to. You just have to move on.” – R. Sutter

“ I found something I should have tried 30 years ago.” – L. Kruzan

Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


Bradley at 47. Doctor at 52. A glance at Randy Sutter’s lifetime resume reveals three major and lengthy career paths: truck driver, photographer, and doctor. Doctor? At age 54, Sutter is in the second year of a four-year residency in pediatrics and internal medicine at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria. Asked if he ever wakes up, surprised to realize he is now a physician, Sutter says with a smile, “I do that everyday.” The road to donning a doctor’s coat began about 10 years ago when Sutter’s successful photography business took a sudden downturn. His top client moved its publications out of state, and with the magazines went the bread and butter of his business. From serving as a volunteer fireman in Germantown Hills, as well as an EMT in Metamora, Sutter had discovered an interest in medicine. He had just applied to nursing school when a family friend blurted out, “Why would you want to be a nurse when you could be the doctor?” That casual remark led Sutter to check out degree requirements at Bradley. To his credit, he already had an associate’s degree and a whopping 128 semester hours from Illinois Central College. Over the previous 25 years, he had been taking classes like calculus and data processing. “It made me mad,” Sutter admits, when a career counselor dismissed his new plan with the words: “You’ll never make it.” His professors at Bradley offered a great deal of encouragement, however, as did Bradley’s financial aid office. Sutter’s two daughters and his wife Ann were also supportive. Tao Sutter Searle ’02, his oldest daughter, was at Bradley at the same time. After two years of nonstop classes, Sutter received his degree in cellular molecular biology in 2003. His minor was philosophy. “I really had great instructors,” says the grandfather of seven. “With Dr. (Erich) Stabenau, you really know your physiology.” Then it was on to medical school at the University of Illinois. The fact that he was a recent college grad helped Sutter be admitted to the program. His degree was a good indicator that he could handle the rigors ahead. He scored 100 percent on his first genetics exam, thanks to his Bradley course. His first year was spent in Champaign. For the final three years, Sutter was able to live at home. “There is a lot of stress in medical school. Most of the students are used to being the best in their class, so you’re up against that. It was definitely hard, but I had made it this far. I was also amazed I was in medical school.” Studying seven or eight subjects until 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. taught Sutter how to prioritize. He would stack his textbooks, spend an hour on a subject, close that book, and move on to the next one. Maintaining that pace isn’t something that most 50-year-olds would embrace, but Sutter had built stamina from his previous career. Hundred-hour weeks had not been unusual in his photography business. According to Sutter, that career had “started by accident.” After taking a couple of photography courses, he was asked to shoot a wedding. Then he did some portraits. By 1988, the business was a full-time family operation. After a difficult Teamster’s strike, Sutter wasn’t sorry to leave his 14-year career as a truck driver. “I think most people change because we’re forced to. You just have to move on,” he says. For now, a 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. shift is a short day. He is on Limestone High graduate Randy Sutter ’03 call for 30 hours at a stretch. “I’m tired sometimes, but I love my job. was a cadet at the Air Force Academy in I walk in in the morning, and I’m happy to be here. It’s a fantastic learning Colorado Springs until deciding it wasn’t for environment,” says Sutter, who plans to be a hospitalist, a doctor who specializes him. Now 36 years and a few careers later — in taking care of hospitalized patients. He and his fellow U of I School of Medicine not to mention a lot of hard work — he is a residents make the most of their time. At the daily noon conference, for instance, resident in pediatrics and internal medicine. they eat lunch while listening to a speaker. “Retirement” is not part of Dr. Sutter’s vocabulary. “I come from the old school,” he says. “I’ll work as long as I possibly can.” And then with a boyish grin, he adds, “I’ll have to live long enough to pay off my student loans.”

14 bradley.edu/hilltopics

duane zehr

Randy Sutter ’03

Dancing to a different tune Joel Plys ’93 You might bump into Joel Plys ’93 and his wife Alison in San Diego. Or Cleveland. Or France. Or Australia. And you’re likely to find them having a swell time teaching the Lindy Hop or the Balboa — or another dance from the swing era. What you won’t find Plys doing is consulting on engineering projects. The San Diego resident left those days behind in the late ’90s when he got caught up in the swing dancing craze. It happened quickly, and no one was more surprised than Plys. Technically, the business of teaching swing dancing was Plys’ third career before age 30. Active in Sigma Phi Epsilon at Bradley, he had been elected to almost every office in the chapter, including president, vice president, and pledge educator. The national fraternity selected him as a traveling regional director for his first year out of school. Driving his Ford Escort, he visited colleges in southern California, Las Vegas, Arizona, and New Mexico. He helped establish the first Sig Ep chapter in Hawaii that year. In 1994, it was time to put his mechanical engineering degree to good use. He was hired by Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) as a programmer and analyst, and then worked in business process re-engineering. His first project, from 1994 to 1996, was in Rockford at Thrall Distribution. The following year, Andersen sent him to Peoria to work on a project for Caterpillar. “After Cat was completed, I went back to the office in Chicago, and they didn’t have a client for me,” Plys recalls, looking back to ’98. “About the same time, I went on a date, and we went to a club where there was swing dancing. I got the bug, as they say, and went a little nuts with the dances and workshops.” The next assignment from Andersen landed him in Cleveland. “It was the time of the Gap commercial (featuring swing dancing). There were lines out the door of the clubs every Thursday night,” he says. In terms of dance moves, the Chicago scene was ahead of Cleveland. It was only natural for Plys to begin competing and teaching classes. With dancing as his focus, he made the pivotal decision to leave the corporate world behind. “Andersen was a fantastic job — financially and everything else,” says Plys, adding that his decision to leave was much to the dismay of his father. “The hardest thing is if you don’t work, you don’t get paid. There is the fear of financial failure.” Plys began his first dance instruction company, Get Hep Swing, eventually teaching classes in three locations. “We built up a nice dance community in Cleveland,” he notes. In 2001, the Lansing, Ill., native courted Alison Scola, an instructor for his company, and the two were married in 2002. “She didn’t want to see snow ever again,” he jokes. The couple moved to San Diego later that year and started another dance company, 2PlySwing. “We started traveling to different cities and it really started to take off.” Weekend workshops have sent them to more than 25 states, as well as abroad. “We focus on being upbeat, energetic, fun teachers. I’m really proud we’ve been hired because of our teaching skills.” Their company also organizes major dance events, such as the Balboa Rendezvous and the Catalina Jazz Dance Festival. This year, Plys hopes to devote more time to event planning and less to travel. “I would like to actually live in San Diego. We have been here maybe only 50 percent of the time.” Just like the vintage dances they teach, the couple’s life is happily less Joel Plys ’93 said goodbye to the structured than if Plys worked in business or engineering. “I’m amazed corporate world in 1999. Now he and at the end of the year when I do the books. I think, ‘We just spent a year his wife travel the world teaching dances teaching people to jump around.’” Visit 2plyswing.com to learn more.

Doug silton

like the Lindy Hop and the Jitterbug.


Lost and found in Manito Larry Kruzan ’07

duane zehr

During the first two decades of their married life, Debbie and Larry Kruzan ’07 moved 13 times in 13 years. Small wonder that Kruzan, a missionary-turned-professional potter, refers to his wife of 31 years as “Durable Debbie.” After his career choices took their family to Germany, Texas, and Mexico, the Kruzans landed only a dozen miles from where Larry grew up. In 2005, they bought the shuttered train depot in Manito, a village of less than 2,000, and set out to turn it into Lost Creek Pottery. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a decade earlier, Kruzan admits, “My biggest hurdle was that I don’t like asking for help.” As it turned out, he seldom needed to ask. Village residents had a knack for appearing just when the talented potter, who relies on a wheelchair, needed a hand with certain construction tasks. “The folks here have been really supportive of what we’re trying to do,” he says. Lost Creek Pottery has three “public firings” each year. After a week-long firing, more than 100 shoppers have crowded into the tiny business on a Saturday morning for the opening of the kiln. Because Kruzan mixes his own specialty glazes, there is always “an element of surprise” about how the pots will look. As he pulls pottery from the kiln and prices it on the spot, buyers call out for the pieces they want. Inspired in the 1970s by the Foxfire book series that focuses on Appalachian folk crafts, the Lost Creek kiln is one of a kind. Outfitted with a wench system he designed, Kruzan is pleased to be able “to roll the cart in and out quite easily with one hand.” Earlier careers gave Kruzan the know-how to tackle such a project. He was hired in 1977 as a machinist at Caterpillar and eventually became an electrician there. Fearing layoffs in the early 1980s, he attended Bible college preparing to be a minister. When Kruzan enlisted in the Army in 1983, he hoped eventually to become a chaplain. Instead, he worked with a multiple-launch rocket system while stationed in Germany. Touring European castles was a favorite weekend activity for the family of four until two years later when Kruzan was injured. He fell 12 feet from a missile launcher, breaking a hip and damaging his lower spine. After retiring from the military in 1987, Kruzan worked in computer sales back in Pekin, but only for a short time. A chance meeting with an employee of Bearing Precious Seed, a ministry that prints and distributes millions of Bibles in dozens of languages, led to another line of work. “Two months later we sold everything and went to El Paso, Texas,” he explains. Kruzan’s job involved printing support, and he frequently went to Mexico to distribute Spanish scriptures. “It was an unbelievably varied sort of work.” It took almost two years to diagnose, but Kruzan learned in 1994 that his problems with balance and vision were due to MS. Once again the family returned to Pekin, and Kruzan’s medical needs were skillfully met at the VA Hospital in Iowa City. A lifelong learner, the 53-year-old explains his 2002 decision to enroll at Bradley as an art major. “Wherever we lived, I always went to classes. I was always enrolled in something.” Kruzan had wanted to try his hand at pottery, but had trouble finding the kind of courses he wanted. “I was excited to learn that Randy Carlson taught with a potter’s wheel,” he recalls of his early days at Bradley. In May 2007, Kruzan was awarded two bachelor of fine arts degrees — in ceramics and photography. “I found something I should have tried 30 years ago,” comments the owner of Lost Creek Pottery, who seems anything but lost. “We get to come here and play,” Kruzan says of the fulfillment he and his wife have found working and teaching in an old train depot.

Larry Kruzan ’07 operates Lost Creek Pottery in Manito, where he and his wife have found a sense of community. They co-chaired the village’s sesquicentennial celebration last year. Manito is about 25 miles south of Peoria.

sarah dukes

View some of Kruzan’s work at lostcreekpottery.com.



Preserving Florida’s heritage Caroline McKeon ’72

barbara banks

Growing up in faraway places like Iceland and Japan, what could be a better dream job than working for the Travel Channel? Born in Puerto Rico to an Army colonel and his wife, it might be easiest to list the places where CAROLINE McKEON ’72 has not lived. She has worked in Chicago, New York, Washington, D.C., Miami, and, midway along her career path, in Atlanta as program acquisitions manager for the Travel Channel. McKeon graduated from high school in the U.S. — in a small town near Niagara Falls. She fell in love with Bradley during a campus visit. A psychology major with an English minor, it was a by-chance, extracurricular activity that led to her first real career. “I wasn’t sleeping very well at night, and there was a woman down the hall, JULIE RADER SCHONBRUN ’72, who played guitar,” says McKeon, recalling junior year when she and some sorority sisters lived in Williams Hall. “Julie and I would sing together, and she had a second guitar so I learned to play. The next year Williams started its coffeehouse in the basement, so that was our debut.” Planning to delay graduate school, McKeon accepted a job working for a Chicago media director in the Loop. That first blizzardy Chicago winter became her last — she packed her bags for Florida where her parents had retired. “It turned out to be a wonderful switch in terms of the way my life unfolded,” says McKeon. It was there, in the Sarasota area, that she became a performer. “I was doing Joni Mitchell, Bonnie Raitt, and Dan Fogelberg. By 1979, I had grown more as an artist and started writing a lot more material, so I went to New York,” McKeon explains. “I worked in a health food store and then did Showcases at night. You meet so many people with such incredible talent. After a year, I realized that living there was a whole different ballgame than living in Florida.” When she returned to Sarasota, the Magic Moment nightclub asked McKeon to put together a house band. The group, Eclipse, drew a large following and almost landed a record deal, but McKeon was the first member to depart. “I was 35, and I remember having a flash of ‘I don’t want to be 40 and be playing in a club somewhere.’” Leaving the music business proved to be an uneasy transition. “Music was my passion. It was almost like going through a divorce,” McKeon shares. Moving on wasn’t a breeze either. As an entry-level employee at subsequent jobs, McKeon was older than her bosses and coworkers. She worked for an advertising agency in Miami for awhile and, in 1988, moved to Washington, D.C., after visiting her brother there. Television production was the focus of her next career. During the making of a music video for Eclipse, McKeon’s interest in filmmaking had been piqued. She landed a job in post-production, but persisted in applying at the relatively new Discovery Channel. Eventually she was hired and became senior coordinator of development and co-production. “It really is a fine organization. I learned so much there,” she remarks. From there, McKeon moved on to the Travel Channel. Shortly after returning to Sarasota again in 1995, her life changed once more after reading a magazine article about Florida “saving its sense of place.” “I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit,” she says. Using her communications background, McKeon made it her goal to promote the “preservation of the natural and cultural gems of Florida’s heritage.” When the Florida State Park System was named best in the nation in 2000, it credited McKeon’s video with securing the honor. Her company, Florida Journeys Communications, also has a video for Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute to its credit. It has a three-year contract with the Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program. Recently reconnecting with old college friends —“people I knew when life was all a possibility”— has been gratifying for the 58-year-old filmmaker. Just a couple of blocks from Sarasota Bay, she has turned the front yard of her small house into a butterfly garden. “It feels really good to be here. I don’t look back wishing there were things I would have done,” she reports. “Life is good.”

Singer Caroline McKeon ’72 performs with her band, Eclipse, in 1984. Now her work is behind-thescenes as a filmmaker drawing attention to Florida’s ecosystem. View some of Caroline McKeon’s work at floridajourneys.com.

Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


by brad mcmillan

Since 1957, a succession of three outstanding Bradley alumni from Peoria have held the same seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. All were present in January for the swearing-in of Aaron Schock ’02. There must be something in the water on the campus of Bradley University that produces outstanding congressional leadership. For 52 years and counting, an alumnus of Bradley University has represented the 18th Congressional District in Illinois. On January 6, Aaron Schock ’02 was sworn in as the youngest member in the 111th Congress. Schock, age 27, succeeded Ray LaHood ’71 who served the 18th District for 14 years. Before him, Bob Michel ’48 HON ’81 served the heartland for 38 years with great distinction in Congress. U.S. Rep. Schock’s swearing-in reception and dinner celebration was held in the Member’s Room in the Library of Congress, one of the most beautiful and stunning public buildings in all of America. More than 100 family, friends, supporters, and dignitaries attended. Schock welcomed everyone to the celebration and spoke of previous Illinois representatives in Congress — from Abraham Lincoln to Everett Dirksen to Bob Michel to Ray LaHood. He acknowledged how the responsibility of representing this legacy with integrity weighed heavy on him, thanked Bob Michel for joining him on the House Floor for his swearing-in, and then invited him to say a few words. To enthusiastic applause, Bob Michel, who served with 10 Presidents and had a front-row seat to the last 50 years of U.S. history, approached the podium. With deep emotion, he said that the “experiences of the day and evening brought exuberance to my heart…over 50 years ago, I took my first oath as a new member of Congress.” He joked that he holds the record for losing the most elections for Speaker of the House (seven times). Bob Michel was the longest-standing Minority Leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, serving in that capacity with the highest integrity and honor for 14 years. He then spoke of the great qualities he sees in Aaron Schock, including the ability to work well with others across party lines and his obvious ability to connect with people. “Shoot, Ray and I never had so many folks from central Illinois



Brad McMillan is executive director of the Institute for Principled Leadership in Public Service at Bradley University. He serves on the new Illinois Reform Commission. Before coming to Bradley in 2007, he was District Chief of Staff for U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood.

journal star / fred zwicky

come out for our swearing-ins.” With tears beginning to form in his 85-year-old eyes, Mr. Michel closed by saying, “This is the culmination of so many good things in my life.” He wished Rep. Schock all the best in his new position. The audience gave him a long and well-deserved standing ovation. Congressman Schock then introduced Ray LaHood, praising him for doing a great job of representing the 18th Congressional District. He said he was thrilled that LaHood would be serving our country as the new secretary of transportation. As he headed to the podium, Mr. LaHood, the first Bradley alumnus appointed to a Cabinet post, received an enthusiastic standing ovation. He praised his successor as a very smart, hard-working young man who will do great things for the 18th District and for our country. Mr. LaHood also asked the audience to put aside partisan leanings and pray for President Barack Obama to be successful, saying, “If he succeeds, America succeeds.” Finally, LaHood pointed to the U.S. Capitol Building that was illuminating through the eight-foot arched windows and said, “The Capitol is the beacon for freedom, hope, and opportunity, and our democracy is the best in the world. I predict Aaron Schock will become one of the brightest stars.” The program ended with the new congressman asking for our prayers and asking us to keep him humble. “The country faces big challenges and the responsibility is great. I will try to find common-ground solutions for the people I represent,” said Schock. It was truly a historical evening — a passing of the congressional baton to the next generation of leadership. The Bradley University family should be proud of the legacy of principled congressmen that the Hilltop has produced.

Cabinet post caps lahood’s career by karen crowley metzinger, ma ’97 RAY LAHOOD ’71, the 16th United States secretary of transportation, is the first Bradley University alumnus to hold a Cabinet position. A full Senate confirmed LaHood by voice vote on January 22, and the Peoria native, who retired from his 14-year Congressional career by not running for re-election in 2008, now finds himself back at work on Capitol Hill, leading an agency of more than 55,000 employees, with a $70 billion budget. President Barack Obama, the former Illinois Democratic senator who chose the experienced Illinois Republican said, “Few understand our infrastructure challenges better than the outstanding public servant that I’m asking to lead the Department of Transportation.” Secretary LaHood went straight to work. On February 4, he announced the creation of a new team, TIGER, at the Department of Transportation (DOT) to coordinate the department’s role in the economic recovery program. The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery team’s purpose is to ensure the DOT’s recovery funds are distributed quickly to immediately create jobs, strengthen the economy, and improve the transportation system. The team will identify, prioritize, and track highway, bridge, transit, rail, and aviation spending, while ensuring accountability. “I am thrilled to be part of the Obama team to help the President carry out his agenda on an infrastructure stimulus plan to create jobs,” said LaHood. “I hope this summer we see a lot of people out building bridges and roads using Caterpillar equipment.” The 2008 Distinguished Alumnus/Bradley Centurion and his wife KATHY LAHOOD, MBA ’87, have four children and seven grandchildren. They plan to keep residences in Peoria and in the Washington, D.C., area. Visit fastlane.dot.gov to read the secretary of transportation’s blog. Visit www.dot.gov to read more about the Department of Transportation.

Visit bradley.edu/hilltopics to view a slideshow of the legislators.

Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


InMemory 1930s

NORMAN SCHLEGEL ’36, Nov. 19, 2008, Chicago. He joined Cory Corp. in 1945 and became chief managing officer of the food services company. Norm was in charge of a section of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. He served on numerous corporate and not-for-profit boards. During World War II, he was an assistant regional director of the War Department. His wife Bette, two children, two granddaughters, and three great-grandchildren survive. LEROY SWANSON ’37, Oct. 12, 2008, Coronado, Calif. An admiral in the Navy, he served in three wars. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, he skippered the USS Independence. In 1969 he became deputy commander-in-chief of U.S. Naval Forces in Europe. His awards included a Bronze Star, Distinguished Service Medal, and the Gray and Golden Eagle Awards. He enjoyed golf and was active in his community. Survivors include his wife Margaret, four children, eight grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. LESTER GETZ ’38, Jan. 18, Naples, Fla. He was an auto dealer in Iowa before retiring to Florida. Considered the leader of the “Famous Five” basketball team that played in the NIT, Les had been inducted into the Bradley Athletics Hall of Fame. A member of Sigma Phi at Bradley, he was a World War II Navy veteran. Surviving are two children, four grandchildren, and his companion Eileen Scanlan.


ELIZABETH “BETTY” MORTON CLEAVER ’41, Sept. 25, 2008, Pekin. A member of Chi Omega, Betty served on the boards of the Bradley Alumni Association, the Friends of the Cullom-Davis Library, and Peoria Players. DOUG BARNETT ’42, Feb. 19, 2008, Denver. He was an architect, designing homes and commercial structures. He helped design a renewable-energy development center in Morocco in the 1970s. Doug was a World War II Navy veteran. He and his wife Marjorie enjoyed dancing and competitive swimming. She survives, along with three daughters and four grandchildren. CARL GRIMM ’44, Nov. 29, 2008, Peoria. He and his siblings operated Grimm Brothers Market on Main Street until 1971. He later worked at Central Fixture until 2004. A World War II Navy veteran, Carl enjoyed woodworking. His daughter and two sons, JIM GRIMM ’68 and C.J. GRIMM ’74, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren survive. DALE HEITZMAN ’49, Oct. 29, 2008, Moline. He began working at the Rock Island Arsenal in 1955,

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continuing at Headquarters ARCOM until 1980. Earlier he worked at Keystone Steel & Wire. Dale enjoyed golf. Surviving are his wife Robbie, five children, 14 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren.


JACK BRADSHAW ’50, Dec. 6, 2008, West Dundee. He worked in sales for Central Steel & Wire. A World War II Navy veteran, Jack was active in the VFW. His wife BETTY HARNEY BRADSHAW ’49, five children, and 11 grandchildren survive. RICHARD W. CORDELL ’50, April 14, 2006, Lake Forest. The food and beverage industry was the focus of his career. He collected model trains and was an accomplished builder. He was a World War II Navy veteran. His wife Katie, three children, and seven grandchildren survive. MAURICE “MORT” ENNIS ’50, Oct. 26, 2008, Peoria. He was an optometrist, first practicing in Marshall and then in Peoria. He enjoyed bowling and golf. His three daughters, eight grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren survive. RUDOLPH JUNGST II ’50, Dec. 19, 2008, Morton. He was a long-time school band director in Morton. Rudy played in the Peoria Municipal Band for 58 years, and performed with or directed many other orchestras and choirs. He was a World War II veteran. He was active in his church and the Morton Rotary, where he was a Paul Harris Fellow. His wife GRETCHEN RETTBERG JUNGST ’37, three sons, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren survive. SALLY JACOB WILSON ’53, Dec. 23, 2008, Peoria. She was a teacher in District 150 for 38 years, retiring in 1992. Sally was a member of Pi Beta Phi. Surviving are her husband Phillip, daughters ANN WILSON ’87 and MOLLY WILSON ’85, and sisters JEAN JACOB WELCH ’42 and MARILYN JACOB ARNHOLT ’44. PASCAL “PAT” NAPLES ’54, Oct. 31, 2008, Crest Hill. Known as “King of the Pumpkins,” he operated a produce stand across from Maywood Park racetrack. The market, begun by his family in the 1920s, was a popular destination for school field trips. An Air Force veteran, Pat served on the board of Triton College in the early ’80s. His wife Leda, three sons, and four grandchildren survive. CLIFTON WATERS ’54, Oct. 25, 2008, Peoria. He was an insurance broker for 40 years, retiring in 1990. He was an Army veteran. Surviving are his wife CLAUDETTE KITCHELL WATERS ’54, two children, two grandchildren, and his sister BARBARA WATERS MARCUS ’49. RICHARD HARRISON ’55, Nov. 9, 2008, Glen Carbon. He was a computer systems analyst for Granite City Steel. He enjoyed gardening and

woodworking. Survivors include his wife Virginia, three children, eight grandchildren including JENNA HARRISON ’08, and a great-grandson. JOHN G. LARSON ’55, Jan. 16, Galesburg. He retired from General Motors in 1995 as head of the physical chemistry and physics department. His group was responsible for such scientific breakthroughs as the catalytic converter. John held a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. An Air Force veteran, he was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha at Bradley. Previously he lived in Pittsburgh and in Birmingham, Mich. Surviving are two sons including BRAD LARSON ’82, five grandchildren, and his companion Joan Carlson. RALPH STEVENSON ’55, Sept. 19, 2008, Peoria. He retired as a CPA for Clifton Gunderson in 1996. A Navy veteran, Ralph was active in the community and First United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife Barbara, three children including WILLIAM STEVENSON ’85, 14 grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. DONALD BRIAN ’56, Dec. 1, 2008, Melbourne, Fla. A recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross, he was a major in the Air Force and served two tours of duty in Vietnam. He had been Optimist of the Year in Colorado. Don was a member of Theta Chi and president of the Student Senate at Bradley. Survivors include two children, his sister LYNNE BRIAN PUCCI ’59, and a grandson. JAMES ERWIN ’56 MA ’57, Dec. 24, 2008, Derby, Vt. He was a founder of Northeast Kingdom Mental Health Services in 1967, and retired in 1999 as executive director. Jim served on the school board and on two state boards, including the board of psychological examiners. He enjoyed gardening and sailing. Survivors include his wife MARGARET BEVENCY ERWIN ’61, two children, and several grandchildren. ROSEMARY CLINEBELL THOMSON ’57, Jan. 19, Marion, Iowa. With a special interest in substance abuse prevention, she served in the Iowa General Assembly from 1995 to 2001. Rosemary held several positions in the U.S. Department of Education. Previously she was a teacher in Peoria and also wrote for Christian publications. In 2002, she received a national award for outstanding public service from Gamma Phi Beta. Surviving are her husband JIM THOMSON ’57, two sons, 12 grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. JOHN DANIELS ’58, Nov. 25, 2008, Charlotte, N.C. He was a salesman and manager for Scott Graphics and Homelite. Later he was a certified drug treatment counselor. John was a Navy veteran. His two daughters and five grandchildren survive.

JOHN HLAVACH ’59 MBA ’65, Nov. 20, 2008, Peoria. He was superintendent of schools in Bartonville. He was an Army veteran. His wife Jane, three children, and eight grandchildren survive. JERRY LATTA ’59, Aug. 14, 2008, Los Altos, Calif. Jerry worked for electronics publications until becoming a financial adviser in 1975. Most recently he was a senior vice president for the Smith Barney division of Citigroup. He served on the local school board. A member of Sigma Chi at Bradley, Jerry was a Marine Corps veteran. Survivors include his wife Betty, three sons, and four grandchildren.


DONALD UPHOFF, MA ’60, Dec. 15, 2008, Washington. He was president of First National Bank in Chillicothe and then Heartland Bank in Washington. Earlier, Don was an elementary school teacher, principal, and coach. Active in the community and the early development of Five Points Community Center, he received the Washingtonian Award in 1995. Don was an Air Force veteran. Surviving are his wife Betty, their daughter, and four grandchildren. CHARLES BRADSHAW ’61, Nov. 30, 2008, Bellingham, Wash. He had lived in Phoenix where he worked with Equitable Life of New York. Chuck was a Marine Corps veteran and was involved in Masonic work. He was a member of Theta Chi. Surviving are his wife Carolyn, three sons, three stepdaughters, and many grandchildren. ARNOLD JOHNSON ’61, Oct. 26, 2008, Englewood, Ohio. Arnold was inducted into the Dayton Hockey Hall of Fame in 2004. He co-owned the Dayton Bombers from 1990 to 1998. He also owned tool and machine shops in Troy, Ohio. Survivors include his son, stepdaughter, and companion Carol Short. DAVID VANCE ’61, Dec. 23, 2008, Dallas, Texas. He was employed by Austin Industries, a large construction firm. David held an MBA from Southern Methodist University. He enjoyed working on inventions for automobiles. He was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha at Bradley. His two brothers survive. EDITH HALPIN MINGUS ’63, Dec. 7, 2008, Phoenix, Ariz. She was an elementary school teacher in the Peoria area for more than 30 years. Edith was active in the Child Evangelism Fellowship of Illinois for many years. Her daughter, granddaughter, and two great-grandsons survive. RALPH BRAY ’65, Oct. 21, 2008, East Peoria. VIOLA HINTON ’65, Nov. 1, 2008, Peoria. She was an RN for many years, last working at East Peoria High School for 20 years. Vi was a member of

United Presbyterian Church and the Eastern Star. She was 98. CAROL BOWEN PENCA ’67, Dec. 2, 2008, Peoria. She was principal of Trewyn Middle School, retiring in 2006. Survivors include her husband JAMES PENCA ’63 MA ’66, three children, and two grandchildren. RAYMOND “GENE” BUCKMAN ’68, Oct. 28, 2008, Pekin. He retired from Caterpillar in 1990 as a buyer after 40 years of service. A Korean War Army veteran, he enjoyed golf and dancing. His wife Lori and their son and granddaughter survive. WILLIAM “BILLY” HORK ’68, Nov. 18, 2008, Winnetka. The president of Billy Hork Galleries in Chicago, he opened the first of five stores in 1972. His original gallery on Oak Street remained until 2006. Billy enjoyed introducing new artists to Chicago and was known for making original art affordable. He is survived by his wife Monica and two sons. PETER MOESSNER ’69, Oct. 6, 2008, Buckingham, Pa. His career was in insurance, most recently with Esurance. An Army veteran, Peter enjoyed coaching the Ukrainian travel soccer team. Surviving are his wife Rose, his son, and mother.


MICHAEL K. BLAIR ’74 MA ’78, Dec. 2, 2008, Peoria. He was a high school teacher for 35 years in Washington, where he had served as president of the teachers’ union. He was a baseball umpire in the summer. His father and mother BONNIE ECHARD WATSON ’51, two brothers, and two sisters survive. RUSSELL BUCK ’75, Sept. 2, 2008, Edwards. He joined the Peoria Police Department in 1967 and retired as a lieutenant in 1995. Russell received an award for valor in 1987. He was an Air Force veteran. His wife Liz, six children, 18 grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren survive.


AMY BOSCH RUDOLPH ’81, Aug. 21, 2008, Wake Forest, N.C. She sang in the Bradley Chorale as a student. Surviving are her husband MICHAEL RUDOLPH ’81 and three children. PATTI JO LINDAHL ’83, Nov. 23, 2008, Columbus, Ohio. She was a sales rep for the Junior Library Guild. She had been admissions director for a private school in California. Patti was a former volunteer with the Sun Foundation. Surviving are her parents, seven sisters and brothers, and her fiance, David Gill. LISA DiVERDE HILL ’86, Dec. 3, 2008, Naperville. She was an RN in the neonatal unit of Loyola

University Medical Center in Maywood for 19 years. Previously she worked at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. Survivors include her husband BRYAN HILL ’84, three children, her parents, and 11 brothers and sisters, including DAVID DiVERDE, MBA ’93.


MICHAEL R. SMITH ’95, Dec. 30, 2008, Washington. He was vice president of sales at Morton Metalcraft. He held an MBA from Regis University. Michael was an avid duck hunter. Surviving are his wife Angela, two children, and his parents.


RACHEL HIGGINS ’06, Jan. 14, Mount Zion. She was a caseworker for the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services in Pekin. Rachel was president of Common Ground at Bradley. She was superintendent of the Heart of Illinois 4-H horse show in Springfield, and volunteered with a riding therapy group. Surviving are her parents, her partner Donna Van Dyke, and two daughters.


JOEL T. WILSON ’12, Nov. 23, 2008, Morton Grove. Joel was majoring in actuarial science. His parents and brother survive.

Staff DAN ALLAR ’93, technical director at Hartmann Center from 1991 to 1994, died January 10. He lived in Westchester. Dan appeared onstage in Chicago in Shakespeare productions, dramas, and comedies. He performed at Carnegie Hall in 2006. Dan also appeared on television as Avocado in Prison Break, and on Early Edition and What About Joan? Survivors include his wife Gwen, two children, his mother and father MICHAEL ALLAR ’56 MA ’67, and brothers STEPHEN ALLAR ’87 MBA ’00 and ROBERT ALLAR ’95.

“In Memory” Guidelines: In Memory is written from newspaper clippings, as well as published obituaries supplied by friends and family. Bradley Hilltopics attempts to identify spouses, parents, children, and siblings who are also Bradley alumni. Submit an obituary by mailing a newspaper clipping or memory card from the funeral home to Bradley Hilltopics, 1501 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61625. Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009


AlumniNews people & events

D irec t or ’ s C orner Alumni Events April 2 Peoria Young Alumni University: Investing for Your Future, Founder’s Room, third floor, Hartmann Center, 6 p.m. April 14 Milwaukee President’s reception, Pfister Hotel, 424 W. Wisconsin Ave., 6–8 p.m.; $22 May 1 Rockford alumni reception, home of Ted and CHERI NORDENBERG GREENLEE ’71, 982 Driftwood Court, Belvidere, 5:30–7:30 p.m.; $10 May 1-3 Chicago Gamma Upsilon Chapter of Theta Chi, 60th anniversary, Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles May 8 Peoria CIBAC wine tasting and alumni art exhibit, Prairie Center of the Arts, 1506 S.W. Washington Ave., 5:30 p.m.

Throughout the pages of this and every Bradley Hilltopics magazine, you can find reasons to celebrate the strength and success of our University, our fellow alumni, faculty, staff, and students. But these are difficult times, and we are not immune to today’s economic challenges. Employers have fewer jobs to offer our graduates, alumni face layoffs, and prospective students are postponing college decisions. But the bonds to our alma mater remain strong, and we will weather this storm together. Alumni resources — time, talent, and treasure — are more important than ever before, and the Bradley University Alumni Association (BUAA) is committed to putting those resources to good use for the benefit of the institution, its alumni, and future alumni. Is your company hiring interns, part- or full-time employees? Post positions, search for employees, or upload your resume free on eRecruiting (for students & new grads) or eRecruiting Alumni (for positions requiring more than three years’ experience). Contact the Smith Career Center at bradley. edu/scc to sign up for upcoming career fairs, find out about additional resources, or take advantage of career testing services from the Center for Testing. Network, network, network! Attend or host alumni events, search the Alumni Online Community, join the BUAA Facebook group, LinkedIn, or other social networking sites created for Bradley alumni and friends. Mentor current students while hosting a Dinner for Ten. Help young alumni and build your business by sponsoring a Young Alumni University event. Bradley needs you…and perhaps you need Bradley during these challenging economic times. BUAA can provide resources, volunteer opportunities, and other ways to help your alma mater. Visit our Web site at bualum.org or call 800-952-8258.

May 9 St. Louis A Celebration of Bradley University, St. Louis Club, 7701 Forsyth Blvd., Clayton, Mo., 6 p.m.

lori winters fan executive director, alumni relations

May 21 Chicago North Shore wine tasting, Cellar Gate Wine Market, 524 Sheridan Rd., Highwood, 6:30–8:30 p.m. May 28 Chicago Lincoln Park networking reception, Trattoria Roma, 1535 N. Wells St., 5:30–7:30 p.m.

Submit nominations for alumni awards

June 4 Chicago Joliet Bradley Day, lunch, golf, and dinner, Joliet Country Club

July 23 Chicago A Celebration of Bradley University, Medinah Country Club, 6N001 Medinah Rd., Medinah; 6 p.m.

June 6 Washington, D.C. A Celebration of Bradley University, Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., 6:30 p.m.

August 9 St. Louis annual picnic and student send-off, Stacy Park, 9750 Old Bonhomme Rd., Olivette, 1–3 p.m.

June 9 Chicago Kane County Cougars vs. Peoria Chiefs baseball game and pre-game party, Elfstrom Stadium, Geneva; tent party, 4:30–6:30 p.m.; game, 6:30 p.m. June 29 Chicago Chicagoland golf outing, Royal Fox Country Club, St. Charles, 11:30 a.m. lunch, 12:15 p.m. shotgun start



Race for the Cure Join Team Bradley in honor of President Joanne Glasser and all our survivors. Find out how at bualum.org.

For more information, visit bualum.org or contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 309-677-2240 or 800-952-8258.

The Bradley University Alumni Association seeks nominations for three annual awards: the Distinguished Alumnus/a Award, the Outstanding Young Graduate Award, and the Lydia Moss Bradley Award. For information about criteria or to receive a nomination form, call 800-952-8258 or 309-677-2240 or visit bualum.org. The deadline for nominations is April 15.

Searching for a job? The Bradley University Alumni Association and the Smith Career Center are offering a free online job search tool targeted for alumni professionals with a minimum of three years’ experience. Alumni may upload resumes, search for jobs, or post job openings. In addition, career resources such as hoovers.com, salary.com, and others are available. Visit bradley. edu/scc and click on the “alumni” link. Recent graduates may still utilize their student eRecruiting accounts.

Visit our online photo gallery at gallery.bualum.org ! BUAA Board The Bradley University Alumni Association board of directors met during Alumni Weekend. Seated, from left, are DAVE MAINELLA ’91 MA ’96, MICHELLE NOE ’98, President Joanne Glasser, KRISTIN CLARK MILLER ’97, MICHELE MORGAN RICHEY ’74 MBA ’77, SHANTAYE WONZER ’10, ROXANE STANFIELD CERDA ’96, SHELLY HEIDEN ’85; standing, LORI WINTERS FAN ’80, ED TRUE ’54, PHIL BACH ’96, AARON FREEMAN ’01, GARRETT WILLIAMS ’92, GLENN ROSS, MBA ’87, KRISTIN SMITH LADEWIG ’93, AMY TURK ’97, MIKE DAVIS ’75, BRIAN MILLER ’79, GARY PEPLOW ’62, REGGIE BUSTINZA ’03, MATTHEW NOE ’02, and JULIE PFLEEGER HOLMES ’06.

Alumni Weekend Hundreds of alumni returned to campus for Alumni Weekend, January 23–24. Shown at the post-game party at the Hotel Pere Marquette are from left, front row, MICHELLE NOE ’98, ANGELA STUFFLEBEAM POTTER ’97, KRISTIN CLARK MILLER ’97, AMY TURK ’97; back row, Luke Potter, JENNIFER HIGHCOCK CLARKE ’98, IVY ELMORE GRASHOFF ’96, and MATT GRASHOFF ’96.

Houston MARIA SOARES DE SOUSA KAMINSKY ’84, President Joanne Glasser, DEE DEE DETWILER ACKLAM ’72, and EINAR SAMUELSEN ’54 were among 32 alumni and friends who enjoyed a reception at the Daily Review Café on November 5.

BU Outstanding First-Year Students President Joanne Glasser, the Bradley University Alumni Association, and the Center for Student Development and Health Services recognized 44 outstanding first-year students at the first annual Rising Star Dinner on Friday, January 23.

San Antonio MARTIN NOTE ’02 and KERIANN THOMPSON ’05 were among 35 alumni who met President Joanne Glasser on November 6 at The Club at Sonterra. The event was hosted by Peggy and DONALD MAISEL ’55.

St. Louis Twenty-one alumni and friends gathered January 18 at Indigo Joe’s Sports Pub, owned by JEFF WIESS ’92 and BRETT BEITER ’93, where they watched the Bradley vs. SIU men’s basketball game. Bradley Hilltopics Spring 2009



Home sweet home

duane zehr

Football, baseball, and track athletes played for decades on what is now Olin Quad. Today, students read, relax, and throw Frisbees there. Since 2006, a bronze marker has identified the location of home plate on the old field. Donated by the 1956 champion Bradley baseball team, it was created by a company owned by player LANNY LAMONT ’60. After moving off campus, baseball games were played at Meinen Field (current location of Shea Stadium) near the USDA Lab. Since 2002, the team has played downtown at O’Brien Field.

meinen Field 1970–2002

O’brien Field 2002–Present



shouse signs with tampa bay rays by Justin Phelps ’05

duane zehr

BRIAN SHOUSE ’90 enters his 19th season in professional baseball with a challenge. That’s nothing new for the 5-foot-11, 180-pound left-handed pitcher. Now, seven years after reworking his throwing motion to “reinvent himself,” Shouse has joined the American League champion Tampa Bay Rays at age 40. “People would tell me I couldn’t do something; I wanted to prove them wrong,” Shouse said. “That was a lot of my motivation throughout my career. I set high goals, but that drives me — a good challenge. And I’m going to have a challenge this year being 40 and still pitching, but I’ll enjoy it.” In a profession where players are often evaluated on two subjects — throwing hard and throwing strikes — he has maintained his place in the Majors despite losing velocity on his pitches after he changed his throwing motion from overhand to sidearm seven years ago. “I’m able to get more movement and sink,” he said. “My job is to come in and get a ground ball for a double play. It really saved my career. Who would have thought that at age 33 that I’d get seven more years in the big leagues? It was a blessing. And it feels like it has been easier on my arm.” Shouse credits longtime Bradley baseball coach Dewey Kalmer for preparing him for the Majors. Shouse came to Bradley because Kalmer offered him a scholarship and the chance to pitch as a freshman. “I was eager to get the ball and pitch,” said Shouse, who majored in education. What he also learned was how to survive in pro baseball. “What was great about Bradley was that Dewey ran the program in a sense of how a professional program is run,” Shouse said. “You have to do a lot of it on your own.” Kalmer gave players guidelines and expected them to maintain their own workout regiment. “There was nobody there to babysit you and tell you what to do,” Shouse said. “You had to do it. If you didn’t, you’d be left behind. That was great. It developed me into the person I am, my work ethic, my character, what I expect from myself.” ESPN lauded Tampa Bay for signing Shouse in February. The network reported he would be a welcome addition because of the quality lefthanded batters in the AL East, the Rays’ division. Shouse is excited to be reunited with pitching coach Jim Hickey, who suggested and helped Shouse rework his throwing motion. The former Milwaukee Brewers pitcher had his first experience with the playoffs last season. He compared it to a Bradley-Illinois State basketball game. “When you go, there’s the intensity and hype,” he said. “You’re always on the edge of your seat for every basket and play. That’s kind of how it was, but magnified even more. You’ve got butterflies, your heart is pounding, and you’re wondering how guys can handle the pressure. Then you wonder, ‘If I get in there, how am I going to handle it?’ To have 45,000 fans backing you up, screaming, living on every pitch, it’s indescribable. Unless you’ve actually experienced it or have been there, you really don’t know. It’s breathtaking.” Right: Tampa Bay pitcher Brian Shouse ’90 works out at Bradley during the offseason. He lives in Washington with his wife Trisha Whittaker Shouse ’90 and their three children.

Bradley Hilltopics 1501 West Bradley Avenue Peoria, Illinois 61625

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

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AARON SCHOCK ’02, the youngest member in the 111th U.S. Congress, follows BOB MICHEL ’48 HON ’81 and RAY LAHOOD ’71 in filling Illinois’ 18th Congressional District seat in the House of Representatives. Bradley alumni have served in that seat for 52 years and counting. See page 18.

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