Bradley Works 2013

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2013 Research Collaboration Creativity at Bradley University

Partners in


Caterpillar-Bradley relationship stands the test of time, p. 14

From the President

In this edition of Bradley Works, we are proud to celebrate the enduring collaboration between Bradley University and Caterpillar Inc. For much of the 20th century, the world’s largest and foremost heavy equipment manufacturer and the University have been partners in progress. That relationship continues to thrive now that we are well into the 21st century.

Joanne Glasser President

With the company’s world headquarters in downtown Peoria, Illinois, just a mile from campus, Caterpillar employs more graduates from Bradley than any other university; hires scores of students each semester as interns; provides a multitude of experiential learning opportunities for students and faculty; partners with faculty members on research initiatives and senior capstone projects; enrolls its employees in various graduate and executive development programs; contributes financially to the long-term well-being of the University; and supports faculty and staff in innumerable ways both large and small. Last fall, the University named the Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology in recognition of this potent partnership. Simply put, the relationship between Caterpillar and Bradley is rare. Very few institutions have this kind of strategic and symbiotic alliance with a Fortune 50 company. We are tremendously fortunate that the company and the University have grown and prospered together for these many years, and we fully anticipate that this successful collaboration will continue well into the future. We are also pleased to highlight the work of several of our outstanding faculty members in Bradley Works. The following faculty members are dedicated to the kind of research, collaboration and creativity that are the hallmarks of the Bradley Experience:

Dr. Darrell Radson, dean of the Foster College of Business Administration, and Dr. Lex Akers, dean of the Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology, have a vision to create a cutting-edge convergence model that promotes intense collaboration between business and engineering students. The two deans discuss this distinctive educational initiative and how it will prepare Bradley students to succeed in the global economy. Dr. Stephen Heinemann explores the art of composing music, a personal creative outlet that provides a valuable learning experience for students. Two other Bradley professors, Dr. Todd Kelly and Dr. John Orfe, also discuss musical composition as an art form and teaching tool. Dr. Ed Bond and instructor Heidi Maurer Rottier ’98 MBA ’01 have created a social media marketing curriculum to prepare students for the quickly evolving industry. The social media courses are intended to change how students view the medium, moving their perspective from one focused on social interaction to one focused on business promotion. Dr. Mike McAsey and Dr. Jannett Highfill have joined together for the last 25 years to design various analytic models to solve realworld problems. Dr. McAsey, a mathematician, and Dr. Highfill, an economist, brainstorm and collaborate to develop formulas with practical applications.

Bradley’s learning community is populated with hundreds of creative and innovative faculty members who are dedicated to both research and instruction. Through their world-class teaching and committed mentorship, they are preparing our students to be leaders for generations to come. I am proud to share with you some of their outstanding accomplishments.

Warm regards,



Bradley Works, a publication of Bradley University, highlights the research, collaboration and creativity of Bradley faculty and students.


© 2013 Bradley University 1501 W. Bradley Avenue, Peoria, Illinois 61625 (309) 677-4961


Staff Erin Miller ’09 MA ’12, Nancy Ridgeway, writers Sarah Dukes, art director Duane Zehr, university photographer


Jacqueline Kelly ’07 ’12, Kaitlyn Sterr ’13, Elise Dismer ’13, interns

Administration Joanne K. Glasser, president David Glassman, provost and vice president for academic affairs


Shelley Epstein, associate vice president for university communications

Our Mission Inspired by founder Lydia Moss Bradley’s commitment to useful learning and ethics, Bradley University educates leaders, innovators, and contributors to the well-being of all humanity.

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research shows need 02 Entrepreneurship for strong pitch

Partners in progress 12 COVER Bradley has a long and rich relationship with

Management professor’s research shows entrepreneurs’ behaviors and credentials are key when seeking potential investors.

2 4 6 Partners Progress 8 9 10 11 12 13

brings fulfillment, joy to seniors 03 Volunteering Four professors and a graduate student explore


COVER: 1) Caterpillar’s predecessor, Holt Manufacturing Company, participated in the 1918 Tractor School on campus. 2) Michelle Gerrity is one of 2,100 Bradley graduates employed by Caterpillar. 3) Dr. Kyle Dzapo of the Department of Music is one of eight Caterpillar professors. 4) Students work in a robotics laboratory, learning skills valuable to the company. 5) Students get hands-on experience with a wind tunnel in a mechanical engineering laboratory. 6) Bradley Hall, the first building on campus, was refurbished after a devastating 1963 fire with the assistance of an initial gift from former Caterpillar chairman Louis Neumiller. 7 & 9) Students work in a modern engineering lab and one from the 1940s. 8) Dr. Joseph Chen oversees a student in an engineering lab. 10) Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman and Bradley President Joanne Glasser continue the strong relationship between the company and the University. 11) Caterpillar is a major presence at annual job fairs on campus, hiring more students from Bradley than from any other university in the nation. 12) Dr. John Engdahl holds the endowed Donald Fites Engineering Chair, named for a former Caterpillar chairman. 13) Caterpillar provided the lead $30 million gift for the Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance in 2008.

the impact of volunteering on older adults. opens doors for disadvantaged students 04 Grant High school students conduct clinical and scientific research through the aid of a grant. score golden Olympic internships 05 Students Ten Bradley students intern with NBC during 2012 Summer Games.


Engineers seek to reduce ATV injuries Mechanical engineering students collaborate with medical institutions to study the physics of injuries to children riding full-sized ATVs.

help court analyze DUI data 07 Students Psychology students and their professor apply research skills to help court officials analyze data on DUI sentencing. recognition, grants and external funding 08 Awards, Bradley University and its faculty members receive national and international honors and more than $2.4 million in external funding.

Caterpillar Inc. that has led to the naming of the Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology. art of musical composition 18 The Three professors discuss the benefits of composing music as a creative outlet and in their teaching. meets high-tech 22 History Historic Westlake Hall’s expansion and renovation melds 19th century architecture with 21st century technology. media: Reshaping the vision of marketing 27 Social Social media marketing curriculum places students in the forefront of the fast-growing marketing sector. formulas for the future 30 Creating Two professors in different disciplines collaborate to develop mathematical models to solve real-world problems. PERSON Initiative brings engineering 32 FIRST and business together Deans discuss Bradley’s cutting-edge strategy for an engineering and business convergence model.

IN PRINT and creative productions 36 Publications of Bradley University faculty and staff

Note Worthy

ABOVE: Steve Snyder, interim chair of the Department of Theatre Arts, left, acted out various levels of impression management behaviors on video for Dr. Brian Nagy, assistant professor of management, and his co-researchers studying how these behaviors affect entrepreneurial success.


Entrepreneurship research shows need for strong pitch Watching TV and conducting experiments are not methods typically used in entrepreneurship research. However, Dr. Brian Nagy, assistant professor of management, utilized these techniques to examine entrepreneurs’ behaviors. In two studies published in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Nagy and his co-researchers found evidence suggesting that entrepreneurs who are prepared, who demonstrate numerous credentials and who show themselves in a positive light through impression management behaviors fare significantly

better with potential investors, customers and employees than those who don’t. In “Preparedness and Cognitive Legitimacy as Antecedents of New Venture Funding in Televised Business Pitches,” the researchers examined data from two popular TV shows, Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den, which focus on entrepreneurs in search of venture capital. Results from this study suggest entrepreneurs who show clear signs of preparedness and understanding of their business ventures are perceived as significantly more legitimate and receive more funding than those who don’t, regardless of the project. The study is the first to use reliable data from an

unscripted TV show to evaluate entrepreneurs’ pitches. “Demonstrating preparedness and telling an interesting story allow entrepreneurs to indicate to potential investors that their new ventures are viable companies because they were founded by intelligent individuals who have done their homework,” Dr. Nagy says. In the second study, “The Influence of Entrepreneurs’ Credentials and Impression Management Behaviors on Perceptions of New Venture Legitimacy,” Nagy and his co-researchers examined data collected from an experiment in which they manipulated an entrepreneur’s presentation behaviors and credentials. Serving as a nascent

entrepreneur, Steve Snyder, interim chair of the Department of Theatre Arts, acted out various levels of three impression management behaviors: ingratiation, self-promotion and exemplification. Eighty potential investors watched one of three videos of Snyder and then rated the legitimacy of his proposed business and its worthiness of financing. “While we hypothesized there can be ‘too much of a good thing’ — too much flattery, for example — we never found that. The more of these behaviors the entrepreneur enacted during the few minutes allowed to pitch the business, the better the potential investors perceived him,” Dr. Nagy says. Results of this study also suggest potential investors pay close attention to entrepreneurs’ credentials, usually demonstrated using evidence of education, knowledge of the industry and work experience. “This study is unique because it is one of the first experiments published in the entrepreneurship literature,” Dr. Nagy says. “Everything was controlled except two factors: the varying levels of the entrepreneur’s behaviors and his credentials. By designing the study in this manner, we can begin to argue cause and effect.” The implications of the two studies for budding entrepreneurs, he adds, are that entrepreneurs must consider and hone their behaviors before interacting with potential investors and other potential stakeholders. In addition, “overdoing it” during the couple of minutes required to pitch a business may not be an issue.

“It’s of paramount importance for entrepreneurs to be fully prepared and also to shine a positive light on themselves through impression management behaviors during the short amount of time they are given to pitch their businesses,” Dr. Nagy says. “A good first impression is critical.”

Volunteering brings fulfillment, joy to seniors As baby boomers reach retirement, four Bradley University professors and a former graduate student set out to learn what gives America’s aging population fulfillment. Dr. Nancy Sherman and Dr. Christopher Rybak of the Department of Leadership in Education, Human Services and Counseling; Dr. Kevin Randall and Dr. Jeanette Davidson of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences; and counseling

BELOW: Dr. Nancy Sherman, a professor in the Department of Leadership in Education, Human Services and Counseling, and colleagues won the 2012 Outstanding Publication Award in the journal Adultspan for their work studying older adults and volunteerism.

graduate student Rebecca Michel explored how physical and mental health, and especially volunteerism, are associated with meaning in life among older adults. Meaning in life, according to the study, provides context for life events so people can develop connections between their experiences. A consistent, fulfilling existence helps older adults feel connected, focused and balanced. The researchers’ study, “Meaning in Life and Volunteerism in Older Adults,” won the 2012 Outstanding Publication Award in the journal Adultspan. They found

that older adults who are more physically and mentally fit experience greater meaning in life, but more significantly, those who volunteer report higher life regard than those who don’t. “It is important that throughout your life you feel as though you are here for a purpose,” says Dr. Sherman, the lead author on the article. “When we get older, there are many things that change our meaning in life, as we may no longer have careers or are raising families. Because there can be so many losses in such a short time period, it’s vital that older adults find something or

Bradley Works 2013


Note Worthy

right: High school student Kyle Mou presents his research on insecticide effectiveness in sunlight and rain as part of Bradley’s Building Excellent Scientists for Tomorrow (BEST) program.


continue to do something that gives them meaning. Without that, we see more cases of depression.” Dr. Sherman says that one common myth about aging is that older adults are inherently depressed. “But that shouldn’t be a given. There are steps counselors can take to help older clients and treat the whole person.” Some of these steps resulting from the study include appropriately identifying and treating depression, assisting older adults in developing appropriate coping skills to manage stressful life events and connecting clients with the right resources. Additionally, counselors should encourage clients to engage in their communities through volunteer activities to promote a healthy, more positive experience later in life. The researchers studied 147 participants ages 63 to 98 throughout central Illinois. They were recruited at community meetings, learning institutes for retired persons and social activities. Michel and others interviewed the participants and administered the Life Regard Index and Geriatric Depression Scale. The research showed that the 24.5 percent of participants who volunteered reported significantly greater meaning in life than non-volunteers. The study considered only the number of volunteer hours per week, not the type of volunteer work. “It would be interesting in the future to examine whether certain types of volunteering are more beneficial,” Dr. Sherman says. “We could then be even more proactive if we discovered certain activities have a greater impact.”

Grant opens doors for disadvantaged students Bradley University received a grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation to provide more traditionally underrepresented groups of high school students the opportunity to gain experience in clinical research. The Building Excellent Scientists for Tomorrow (BEST) program, now in its eighth year at Bradley, offers students the chance to work in scientific research fields for 10 weeks during the summer. For the first time, a subset of the program, Clinical Research Experiences for Students (CREST), provides those same opportunities for students interested in clinical research experiences. While any interested high school student is eligible to apply for the BEST or CREST programs, Bradley University has funding to make this experience affordable for students with high financial need. The Doris Duke grant is providing nearly $200,000 over three years, beginning in 2012, to enable Bradley to serve up to 10 students each year from low socioeconomic households, minority groups and high schools with fewer opportunities in math and science, as well as students

who will be the first in their families to attend college. “We’re building a cadre of students who have a focus in a research program, and we’re making that available to more students who could not participate in any other way,” says founding co-director Dr. Kelly McConnaughay. Each summer, students in the program spend between 200 and 300 hours learning research methods, research ethics, laboratory safety and research presentation skills. There also are opportunities to network with business leaders and participate in social events. “We want them to become a part of the larger community,” Dr. McConnaughay says. Last summer, CREST students researched human stem cells, clinical aging, robotics and prosthetics, among others. Bradley faculty members, as well as individuals from organizations in the community, serve as mentors to the BEST students and in the process enrich their own learning and research experiences. “We’re here because we love working with energetic, excitable students who love to learn,” Dr. McConnaughay says. “They bring a freshness and a challenge to our research program.” Bradley students also are enriched by serving as peer mentors in the program.

“The hidden benefit is the effect it has on your own undergraduate student colleagues. They have to step it up. They have to become peer leaders. It’s transformative for the whole lab.” Sometimes BEST students enroll at Bradley as undergraduates in science and math fields and are already well versed in research and lab procedures. That helps jumpstart their entire college careers, Dr. McConnaughay says. “I know students coming in will have experience and background in research,” she says. “I know that I can push them faster and farther. There’s more continuity.”

international sports gathering. “Everybody had his or her own part in a huge machine,” says Elise Dismer ’13, who interned as a runner in London. “I was sent everywhere — to aquatics, gymnastics, the Olympic Stadium — delivering packages or tickets. Even small tasks were important. Everybody was pumped to be there.” Prompted by the creation of Bradley’s sports communication major, Dr. Paul Gullifor, chair of the Communication Department, contacted NBC several years ago to request that Bradley students be considered for the internships. “We needed an international component to the sports


be a great opportunity for our students and asked how they could help,” Dr. Gullifor says. The Smith Career Center held resume writing and interview workshops; faculty members reviewed cover letters, resumes and video streams of interviews and offered advice. In an effort organized by the Alumni Relations office, local alumni conducted mock interviews with students. At the conclusion of the process, NBC chose 10 Bradley students for the internships. Faculty members then instructed the interns to develop goals and plans for their experience. “They asked us to think about what we want


3 Bradley ringside at the London Olympics

Students score golden Olympic internships Ten Bradley communication students and recent graduates felt like they had earned the gold medal of internships when they worked for NBC during the London 2012 Summer Olympics. Some interned in England and others were stationed at NBC headquarters in New York. All were thrilled at the opportunity to have a role in covering the quadrennial

communication major, and we set our sights on the Olympics,” he says. “I had a relationship with some folks at NBC, so I started knocking on doors and said we have the right kind of students for this work.” Persistence paid off, and eventually NBC officials agreed to interview Bradley students for the internships. Seventythree communication majors applied for the positions, and more than 40 were interviewed on campus. Dr. Gullifor was impressed with the campuswide interest in assuring that Bradley students would be successful. “The campus community knew this would



1 Intern Elise Dismer ’13 was one of 10 Bradley students to secure internships with NBCUniversal during the Olympics. 2 London’s Tower Bridge became a symbol of the Games. 3 Signed Summer Olympics logo wall at the International Broadcasting Center. 4 Student interns celebrated the Opening Ceremonies with Olympic donuts. 5 The Olympic Village where athletes lived during the games. 6 Two interns jump beneath the rings in Olympic Park. 7 Lee River flowing past the Olympic Stadium.



Bradley Works 2013


Note Worthy to accomplish. They wanted us to make Bradley proud,” Dismer says. While Dismer was in London, Miles Himmel ’14 was in New York City working as a production assistant for weightlifting segments. He worked with the play-by-play and color commentators and a statistician to produce five 25-minute segments a day. “I saw how it all works. Turnaround times could be anywhere from 45 minutes to eight hours.” He remembers seeing the final footage on the NBC Sports Network. “It was great seeing it and knowing we did it.” Himmel says the Olympic experience was a tremendous confidence builder. “It doesn’t get much bigger than this.” Mathew DeFreitas ’13 also interned in New York, where he worked as a logger. He watched live feeds of events, time-coded them and used a keyword so producers could quickly find the right spot on the tape when creating highlights segments. He logged a variety of events including the United States versus France women’s soccer opener and the gold medal basketball game between the U.S. and Spain. DeFreitas was most proud of “making a contribution to NBC and knowing the whole nation would see my work. It was a surreal experience, one I will never forget. I hope that one day NBC says, ‘You worked for us; come work for us again.’” Dr. Gullifor is pleased that the students represented Bradley so well. “I told them, ‘Do the best job of your life, because this is bigger than you.’” Bradley students have begun the application process


for internships at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Dr. Gullifor hopes the relationship with NBC will expand to internships in all areas of the NBCUniversal/ Comcast umbrella. “We have our foot in the door,” he says, noting an NBC official recently told him that whenever he needs interns, he is calling Bradley first.

Engineers seek to reduce ATV injuries Every year at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, doctors treat between 40 and 50 children who are injured while riding all-terrain vehicles that are designed for adults. Nationally, more than 115,000 ATV riders ages 16 and younger are hurt on adult ATVs every year, according to Those are numbers that Dr. John Hafner, an emergency room physician at St. Francis, set out to reduce. “We saw children getting hurt on adult-sized ATVs, but there hadn’t been a lot of work on the physics of why that happens,” Dr. Hafner says. “I thought this would be a valuable project for Bradley engineering students — to give biomedical answers to our anecdotal observations.” The resulting study, “Definition and Measurement of Rider-intrinsic Physical Attributes Influencing All-terrain Vehicle Safety,” published in the Journal of Neurosurgery, was a collaboration among Bradley, St. Francis, the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Peoria and the

Department of Neurosurgery at the Illinois Neurological Institute. Three Bradley mechanical engineering students, under the guidance of professors Dr. Martin Morris ’77 MSME ’79 and Dr. Julie Reyer, developed an apparatus to measure the forces that undersized ATV riders experience on full-sized ATVs. Those vehicles can weigh more than 600 pounds and can reach speeds of 60 mph. The researchers recruited a small adult to carry out controlled experiments on a closed course. What they found was that lightweight riders with small arm spans — primarily children — are under considerable risk of injury when operating an ATV due to lateral, longitudinal and vertical operational instability. “The implication for the average population is that full-sized ATVs are designed for adults,” Dr. Morris says. “Children don’t have the weight, height or range of motion required to control a large vehicle. They lose control, and that leads to collisions and injuries.” Dr. Hafner adds, “Most vehicles are passive, but ATVs require drivers to be actively involved in steering and shifting weight. Generally, the smaller the child and the larger the ATV, the more serious injuries we see.” As ATVs can cost several thousand dollars depending on the model, parents are reluctant to spend large sums on vehicles their children quickly will outgrow, Dr. Hafner says. But the researchers want parents and others to realize that appropriately sized ATVs

come with increased rider safety and peace of mind. “This study is important for consumers, doctors and engineers,” Dr. Hafner says. “It shows how collaborating with other disciplines can answer real-world problems.”

Students help courts analyze DUI data

ABOVE: Psychology student Anna Murr ’13 talks with Dan Hunt, director of Peoria County probation and court services, and Associate Circuit Court Judge Kim Kelley. Murr was one of six Bradley students who researched DUI records to help court officials better understand the problem of drunk driving.

Is court-ordered treatment effective for DUI offenders? Does the severity of a sentence have an impact on first-time offenders? These are among the issues six psychology students have been researching as they examine DUI records at the Peoria County Courthouse. The goals of the research are twofold: to help court officials gain a better understanding of DUI offenders and to provide students an opportunity to apply research skills they’ve learned in class to a real-world situation. Associate Circuit Court Judge Kim Kelley ’75 MA ’77, who presides over Peoria County DUI court cases, and Dan Hunt, Peoria County director of probation and court services, sought the help of associate psychology professor Dr. Dawn Roberts to initiate the research project. The courts implemented a more treatmentoriented sentencing process for DUI offenders during the past several years, and Judge Kelley wanted to assure that these sentences are effective. Senior Cody Maddock, a psychology major and criminal justice minor, says his research involves determining if

offenders had prior treatment, what treatment they received with their sentences and how successful the treatment has been. Treatments can include counseling, attending Alcoholics Anonymous and other therapy depending on the severity of the offense and whether the offender has an addiction to drugs, alcohol or both. “This is a great opportunity to observe behind the scenes in probation offices and to conduct research that will give me experience for grad school,” says Maddock, who plans to attend graduate school and is considering a career in the probation field. Dr. Roberts says, “The project is an exemplar of how persons with different pieces of information and skills can work together to solve an important issue. The court has years of data on DUI sentencing but neither the time nor expertise to analyze it. Students are reading through complicated records and extracting relevant information.” Dr. Roberts guided the students through data collection, management and analysis.

The students proposed research questions, decided what data to collect and determined how the data would be recorded and analyzed. They then examined years of court records, tracking the demographics of offenders, the details of their cases and the outcome of each case. “The most important thing our students learn, I hope, is how to make decisions based on empirical data, rather than opinion or anecdote,” Dr. Roberts says. “That’s the scientific method which permeates every single psychology course they take.” She hopes the students gain an appreciation for the complexities of research projects. “They’re learning that research isn’t quite as neat and straightforward as it might seem in some textbooks. They’re learning that no matter how well you think you’ve captured all possible levels of a variable, such as DUI sentencing, you’ll find a case that shows you something you didn’t consider.” Court officials hope the data reveals patterns that will help them determine the

effectiveness of certain types of punishments and learn how offenders’ backgrounds impact recidivism rates. “Students will see how their research is translated to the real world,” Dr. Roberts says. The Department of Psychology has increased its efforts to develop applied experiences for students. “When one says ‘psychology,’ many think the most appropriate internship might be one that involves counseling or psychotherapy. We do have those types of practica,” Dr. Roberts says. “However, the students have additional skills that could be helpful to a company or organization. Our students can process information and put it into a form that helps them answer an important question or make a decision.” Others students involved in the research project include Christina Carreno ’12, seniors Anna Murr and Alexis Small, junior Mackenzie Porth and sophomore Melissa Vance.

Bradley Works 2013


Note Worthy Awards and recognition Bradley creates entrepreneurship school

ABOVE: Pictured at the inauguration of the Turner School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation are, from right, Carolyn Turner, Robert Turner ’77 MBA ’78, President Joanne Glasser, and the Turners’ son Andrew ’11.

Bradley inaugurated the Robert and Carolyn Turner School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation last fall. The first of its kind in the nation, the school is a stand-alone academic unit open to students in all disciplines. Named for Bradley alumnus Robert Turner ’77 MBA ’78 and his wife Carolyn, the Turner School welcomed its first students during the fall semester. Students will learn how to start a business or social enterprise; network with colleagues, investors, employees and other stakeholders; evaluate opportunities and risks; develop products or services; and gain a global perspective on the business marketplace. Hills honored as creative pioneer Dr. Gerald E. Hills won the Karl Vesper Pioneer Award in September 2012, given annually by Oklahoma State University to a significant person in the entrepreneurship discipline. Dr. Hills, left, was recognized for overcoming obstacles in advancing entrepreneurship within the academic environment and pioneering significant change in the field.


Dr. Hills has written and edited more than 100 entrepreneurship articles and 25 books. He was the co-founder and first president of the U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and is president of the International Council for Small Business. Dr. Hills holds the endowed Turner Chair in Entrepreneurship, is a professor of entrepreneurship and is the founding academic and executive director of the Turner School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Students win Caterpillar forecasting competition Dr. Christos Nikolopoulos, professor of computer science and information systems, and his research team won gold in the International Demand Forecasting Competition sponsored by Caterpillar Logistics last June. The team competed against universities from around the globe to develop the most innovative solution to a Caterpillar consumer demand problem. Caterpillar’s contest focused on determining the consumption patterns of its randomly purchased parts. The team, above, included Dr. Ross Fink, professor of business management and administration, graduate students John Griffith, MS ’13 and Shashwati Ramteke, MS ’12 and Dr. Nikolopoulos. Team member Shua Murtaza ’12 is not pictured.

Speech Team wins two national titles Bradley’s Speech Team, above, won two national championships in 2012: the American Forensic Association (AFA) and the National Forensic Association (NFA) tournaments. The wins marked the 14th time the speech team swept both national titles in the same year. Speech team member Jacoby Cochran ’13 helped guide the team to victory, winning the title of national champion and taking first place in communication analysis, individual sweepstakes and duo interpretation with Justin Restaino ’14 at the AFA, and the pentathlon and rhetorical criticism titles at the NFA. Cecil Stark Blutcher ’13 won the poetry championships at both the AFA and NFA, and Camille Yameen ’12 took home the prose title. The most successful forensics program in the nation, the Bradley Speech Team has earned 39 national championships and 141 individual national championships since 1980. Service program earns national recognition The Jenzabar Foundation selected Bradley’s Lewis J. Burger Center for Student Leadership and Public Service as the winner of its Student

Leadership Award last September. Along with this honor, the Burger Center received a $5,000 grant to continue its work. Bradley student-volunteers distinguished themselves by raising $194,000 for more than 75 charities and spending more than 48,500 hours volunteering during the 2011–12 academic year. The Jenzabar Foundation, a public charity that aims to encourage humanitarian efforts of students worldwide, also invited the Bradley team to Boston in September to attend the Millennium Conference, where universities unite to end world hunger.

Bradley also earned an honorable mention on The Princeton Review’s list of the best undergraduate videogame design programs in the U.S. and Canada, and Animation Career Review named Bradley’s animation program among the 20 best in the Midwest. U.S.News & World Report’s annual publication America’s Best Colleges 2012 ranked Bradley sixth among Midwest regional universities, and Bradley moved up to fifth place for “best value,” according to U.S.News & World Report’s analysis on institutions’ academic quality, net tuition and housing costs.

Bradley ranked among the best universities Bradley received top praise in 2012 from The Princeton Review, U.S.News & World Report, Entrepreneur Magazine, G.I. Jobs, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and Animation Career Review. In its 2012 edition of the annual college guide The Best 373 Colleges, The Princeton Review named Bradley one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduate study, as it has done consistently for many years. Only 15 percent of America’s 2,500 four-year colleges are included in the guide. The Princeton Review also ranked Bradley’s athletic facilities among the top 20 in America. The Markin Family Student Recreation Center, opened in 2008, and Renaissance Coliseum, completed in 2010, provide students with large, modern fitness facilities for training, intercollegiate competition and leisure.

Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine ranked Bradley as the 86th best value in private education in its annual ranking of universities. Entrepreneur Magazine ranked Bradley’s undergraduate entrepreneurship program among the top 25 in the nation for the second consecutive year. The annual survey placed Bradley 23rd of 2,000 schools reviewed. G.I. Jobs Guide to Military Friendly Schools placed Bradley University on its Military Friendly School list, a designation honoring the top 15 percent of colleges, universities and trade schools that do the most to ensure America’s military service members, veterans and spouses succeed as students.

Student receives Fulbright to teach in Korea Bradley graduate Brittany Horton ’12 won a prestigious Fulbright Teaching Assistantship in the spring of 2012. Horton is teaching English in South Korea during the 2012–13 academic year as a part of the Fulbright program. The program brings approximately 80 Americans to South Korea each year, pairing them with a Korean instructor for an English class. An English and sociology major at Bradley, Horton, above, is spending a year in Korea, living with a host family. After completing her Fulbright, she plans to pursue a master’s or doctorate in education, sociology or business. Jazz ensemble, math professor bring skills to Italy Bradley’s 18-student Jazz Ensemble, below, played its way through Rome, Sienna

and Perugia on a 10-day tour of Italy in July. Under director Dr. Todd Kelly, the band performed six concerts. “The 2012 ensemble is one of the very strongest in my 14-year tenure at Bradley,” Dr. Kelly said. This trip marks the fourth time the Jazz Ensemble has traveled to Europe. For a video slideshow of their trip, visit Another Bradley faculty member, Dr. Herbert Kasube, associate professor of mathematics, went to Italy in June on his seventh study tour with the Mathematical Association of America, the nation’s largest mathematical society. Dr. Kasube is on the executive committee of the History of Mathematics Special Interest Group of the MAA. During his journey, Kasube researched Italian Renaissance mathematicians and the influence that mathematics has on art. On previous MAA study tours, Kasube visited England, Mexico, Egypt, Guatemala, Peru, Russia, Switzerland and Germany.

Bradley Works 2013


Note Worthy

Accounting professors win Lawler Award Dr. Coleen Troutman, associate professor of accounting, left; Gail Petravick, adjunct professor

Grants and External Funding

of business management and a bankruptcy attorney with Ostling and Associates Ltd.; and Dr. Mollie Adams, assistant professor of accounting, won the Journal of Accountancy’s Lawler Award for editorial excellence in 2012. Their winning article, “Advising Financially Stressed Clients,” advises CPAs what to do and what to avoid when assisting clients in financial crisis. The article focuses on the various options and alternatives available to a client in a variety of situations. According to the Journal of Accountancy, “The winning articles provide an interesting overview of the most important topics throughout the profession’s recent history and highlight some of the timeless themes that continue to resonate with CPAs today.” The journal is published

by the largest CPA organization in the country. Bradley takes silver at Case Competition Bradley University’s team of MBA students won second place at the Society for the Advancement of Management National Case Competition in Las Vegas last March. Jana Kotkova, MBA ’13, Veronika Koubova, MBA ’13, Candace Esken ’11 MBA ’13 and Kyle Malinowski ’11 MBA ’13 faced off against teams from 26 universities across the country. Their task was to create a strategic plan within two months for Tesla Motors, an electric car manufacturer based in California. A panel of business professionals serving as judges evaluated each plan. This is the fifth consecutive year that Bradley MBA students

During 2012, Bradley faculty and staff were awarded more than $2.4 million in grants and contracts from government agencies, nonprofit organizations, private foundations, corporate partners and other sources.

Foster College of Business Administration

College of Education and Health Sciences

James Foley Illinois Department of Commerce $376,000 and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) / Small Business Development Center & International Trade Center James Foley DCEO / Small Business Development $100,000 Center TIES (Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship Specialty) Grant James Foley DCEO / Procurement Technical $80,000 Assistance Center Bernard Goitein Caterpillar Firm Value Analysis $19,121 Bernard Goitein TerraCarbon $11,600 Total $586,721

Melissa Peterson National Multiple Sclerosis Society $99,420 Kathleen Buchko Central Illinois Agency on Aging $34,000 Patricia Nugent / PNC Foundation $10,000 Heljä Antola-Crowe Kara Wolfe Heart of Illinois Hospitality Association $1,386 Total $144,806

Slane College of Communication and Fine Arts Erin Buczynski / Illinois Arts Council Dianna Robb Total


$7,000 $7,000

Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology Julie Reyer David Zietlow / Steven Gutschlag Enad Mahmoud Jeries Abou-Hanna Kerrie Schattler Shannon Timpe

Caterpillar Inc. Caterpillar Inc.

$235,192 $146,142

Illinois Center for Transportation / University of Illinois Caterpillar Inc. Illinois Center for Transportation / University of Illinois Illinois Space Grant Consortium

$101,914 $92,900 $79,986 $79,300

have won first or second in the national competition. Dr. Larry Weinzimmer is the team’s faculty adviser. Jacobs earns award for weekly television series Dr. Bob Jacobs, professor of communication and director of Bradley’s John C. Hench Production Art Studios, earned a Silver Telly Award, the highest such award, in March 2012 for his local news feature story Postcards from Home: Little Big Man. The Telly Awards are an annual international competition for professional video and television artists. In June 2012, Dr. Jacobs won the Communicator’s Gold Award of Excellence for Postcards from Home, which also was nominated for an Emmy by the Chicago Chapter

of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in 2011. Dr. Jacobs produces and hosts the TV news feature weekly on WCIA (CBS) in Champaign-Springfield. Putting poetry to music Dr. John Orfe, assistant professor of music, was one of two composers to win the Pacific Chorale’s Young Composers Contest in January 2012. Dr. Orfe won for his a capella piece Fire! based on the poem by Langston Hughes. The piece was premiered by the John Alexander Singers on March 11, 2012, at California State University, Fullerton. Pacific Chorale’s 2012 Young Composers Competition, created to encourage the proliferation of America’s

Ye Li Iowa State University Enad Mahmoud Peoria County Highway System Joseph Chen Caterpillar Inc. Joseph Driscoll Illinois Space Grant Consortium Gary Lin Caterpillar Inc. Brian Huggins City of Galena, Illinois Shannon Timpe Endotronix Total

$48,985 $26,000 $23,784 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $1,000 $860,203

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Kelly McConnaughay Illinois State Board of Education Christos Nikolopoulos Caterpillar Inc. Nick Stover National Science Foundation Nick Stover National Institutes of Health Sherri Morris National Science Foundation Ed Remsen Cabot Microelectronics Corporation Kelly McConnaughay Illinois American Water Matthew Tennyson Illinois State University Subaward from National Science Foundation Ed Remsen Caterpillar Inc. Ted Fleming SC Johnson Dean Campbell Illinois Space Grant Consortium Total

$190,000 $100,000 $86,158 $28,191 $12,000 $8,542 $5,000 $5,000 $2,432 $1,250 $300 $438,873

choral music, was opened in fall 2011 to choral composers under the age of 35. Dr. Orfe’s works have been performed in Thailand, Canada, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Central and South America and throughout the United States.

Bradley’s Beta Alpha Psi chapter, below, has received the Gold Chapter Award three out of the past four years. The chapter is led by Dr. Simon Petravick, chair of the accounting department, and Dr. Stephen Kerr, associate professor of accounting.

Student accounting group takes national honors Bradley’s Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, a national honorary organization for accounting majors, was honored with the Gold Chapter Award at the national convention in August 2011 for its Books to Baskets service project and for showing outstanding leadership. Members collected textbooks from students and faculty and sold them to online buyers, with the funds going to local charities and schools.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences / Foster College of Business Administration Jiang Bo Liu / Central Illinois Radiological Bernard Goitein Associates, Ltd. Total

$12,499 $12,499

Academic Affairs Julie Schifeling United Way Total

$150,000 $150,000

Business Affairs LeRoy Neilson Ameren Illinois Total

$2,000 $2,000

Instructional Technology and Media Services Tom Hunt Corporation for Public Broadcasting Tom Hunt Illinois Arts Council Tom Hunt Illinois State Library Total

$115,709 $34,650 $27,550 $177,909

Student Affairs Dawn Koeltzow Illinois Board of Higher Education Lyndsey Hawkins Illinois Higher Education Center Total

$45,600 $9,000 $54,600

Bradley Works 2013


Partners in progress Caterpillar-Bradley relationship stands the test of time By Erin Miller Photography by Duane Zehr

Dr. Martin “Jerry� Abegg, then-president of Bradley, breaks ground on an expansion of engineering and technology facilities on campus in 1990. Caterpillar was among the corporate donors that funded the project.


Bradley University recently announced the naming of the Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology. The mutually beneficial relationship between one of the top universities in the Midwest and a global business leader not only enriches the lives of students and employees, but the central Illinois community as a whole.

When A.J. Rassi graduated from high school

Bradley Centurion, he is a living example of

in 1958, about 30 percent of his class went

the longstanding partnership between Bradley

to college. The others went to work.

and Caterpillar.

“My father said to me, ‘You know A.J.,

“Every business needs highly trained people

I will gladly help you go to college if that’s

— whether they are engineers or accountants —

what you want to do, but I’d like you to follow

to become major players in the company,”

in my footsteps and complete the Caterpillar

Rassi says. “Caterpillar is fortunate to have


an institution with such a strong reputation

Rassi found a compromise. After serving

right here in Peoria providing the next generation

six months of active duty in the Army Reserves,

of talent, and Bradley is lucky to have a Fortune

Caterpillar hired him in January 1959 to sweep

50 company providing real-world learning

floors. Rassi was quickly promoted to operating

experiences for students.”

a radial drill for two months before he entered the four-year machinist apprentice course.

Planting seeds

Following a layoff from 1960 to 1962, Rassi

Lydia Moss Bradley founded Bradley Polytechnic

was one of nine Caterpillar apprentices to join

Institute in 1897 with a mission to give students

Bradley University’s first co-op training program.

“the means of living an independent, industrious

In 1965, Rassi graduated with a degree in

and useful life by the aid of a practical knowl-

industrial technology and became a Caterpillar

edge of the useful arts and sciences.” The

engine plant foreman.

school’s first 350 students studied subjects

“Bradley provided me with the meat and

in science, languages and home economics.

potatoes of my field — physics, math, technol-

Bradley began offering bachelor’s degrees

ogy,” he says. “But as I rose through the ranks

in 1920, but it wasn’t until 1939 that it added

of management, classes such as psychology,

a four-year degree in engineering.

speech and English were just as helpful for my

In 1910, two years after Mrs. Bradley’s

work. You have to know how to speak and

death, Caterpillar’s predecessor, Holt Manufac-

write, and how to deal with people.”

turing Co., accepted the deed to a plant in East

After holding more than 20 executive positions in five cities, Rassi retired from Caterpillar in 2003 as vice president of the company’s track-type tractors division. A 2011

Peoria that had been home to a tractor company, Colean Manufacturing. At the company’s centennial in 2010, current Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman said,

Bradley Works 2013


“One hundred years ago, our company started

students to study industrial education, automo-

operations in East Peoria with 12 employees

biles, drafting, metalwork and electricity.

and a vision to build machines to better serve

Yet, the association between Bradley and Caterpillar stretches back to World War I.

customers in the Midwest.”

At that time, Holt donated tractors to the

Caterpillar Tractor Co. formed in 1925 and immediately acquired Holt and C.L. Best Tractor Co. The Caterpillar name, originating

Army Training Corps at Bradley. In 1951, Bradley founded a college of

from one of the company’s early steam tractors

engineering, and Caterpillar began providing

that appeared to crawl like an insect, was

cooperative education opportunities. Four years

trademarked in 1910.

later, the company donated $100,000 for the construction of an engineering building, Jobst

A relationship begins

Hall, about the same time Caterpillar started the

Situated just across the Illinois River from one

Educational Assistance Program to provide more

another, Caterpillar and Bradley began their

educational opportunities for employees.

official relationship in the middle of the 20


In the early 1960s, Caterpillar established the

century when Caterpillar gave Bradley a $70,000

co-op program that Rassi participated in, as well

gift. The donation coincided with the founding

as the visiting engineering professorship. In 1963,

of Bennett College at Bradley, which enabled

former Caterpillar Chairman Louis Neumiller

Through the years: Bradley and Caterpillar 1897

Lydia Moss Bradley founds Bradley Polytechnic Institute.


Holt Manufacturing Co., Caterpillar’s predecessor, opens a factory in East Peoria.


Holt Manufacturing Co. and C.L. Best Tractor merge to form Caterpillar Tractor Co.


Bradley integrates engineering concepts into curricula.


Bradley expands the two-year engineering program into four years.


Camp Bradley houses soldiers with the arrival of 400 men who came for engineering training through the Army Specialized Training Program.


Bradley offers a Master of Science in industrial engineering.


Bradley Polytechnic Institute becomes Bradley University.



Bradley offers a Master of Business Administration degree.


Caterpillar begins financial support of Bradley with a $70,000 gift.


College of Engineering forms, and Caterpillar provides co-op opportunities for students.

made the initial contribution in the fundraising

that they can implement,” Dr. Emanuel says.

effort to restore Bradley Hall, the oldest building

“Students gain confidence and field experience

on campus, after a devastating fire.

that often translates into full-time positions

Five years later, Caterpillar became involved with senior capstone projects in the industrial

after graduation.”

manufacturing and engineering departments.

Collaboration continues

During these semester-long assignments, students

When former engineering professor Dr. Martin

work in small groups to solve problems, such as

Abegg became university president in 1971, he

redesigning an engine assembly line or drawing

recognized the potential for more collaboration

plans for a more energy-efficient warehouse.

between Caterpillar and Bradley by establishing

Dr. Joe Emanuel, professor of industrial and

the Bradley-Caterpillar Conference, which

manufacturing and engineering technology, has

allowed company executives to spend time on

advised the senior capstone classes since the

campus while Bradley deans and faculty toured

mid-1970s. Caterpillar, he says, has consistently

Caterpillar facilities. In the late 1970s, the Caterpillar Foundation

provided real-world learning situations for

donated $300,000 to help transform Hewitt


Gymnasium into the Hartmann Center for the

“Caterpillar expects recommendations that are realistic, that will save money and

Performing Arts, and in 1979 the Caterpillar

This photo from 1918 demonstrates Bradley’s interest in tractor machinery and engineering from its earliest days. Writing on the photo reads, “Bradley Polytechnic Institute: Peoria, Ill., Tractor School, Photo by Bert C. Powers, 523 Main St.”


Caterpillar donates $100,000 for the construction of an engineering building.


Caterpillar initiates the Educational Assistance Program, offering continuing education opportunities to employees.


Caterpillar gives $50,000 for the addition to Jobst Hall.


Caterpillar begins the visiting engineering professorship at Bradley; Louis Neumiller, former Caterpillar chairman, leads a fundraiser to restore Bradley Hall after a fire. Neumiller Lecture Hall recognizes his $75,000 gift.


Caterpillar makes a $500,000 lead gift to the $5 million Bradley Campaign.



Caterpillar donates $300,000 to help transform Hewitt Gymnasium into Hartmann Center for the Performing Arts.


Caterpillar begins the matching gifts program.

Bradley President Martin Abegg inaugurates the Bradley-Caterpillar Conference.


Haussler Hall is dedicated, funded in part by a $250,000 gift from Caterpillar.

Bradley Works 2013


Foundation began its matching gifts program. The 1980s brought the Campaign for Bradley,

senior faculty. The eight current Caterpillar professors, like their predecessors, are model

during which the Caterpillar Foundation

teacher-scholars for their scholarly achievement,

donated $5.6 million to fund buildings, equip-

mentoring of colleagues, and national

ment and annual operations, and to endow the

contribution to the ongoing dialogue of

new Caterpillar Scholarships and Caterpillar

their discipline.

Fellows programs. George Schaefer, then-Caterpillar chairman,

21st century friends

noted, “Caterpillar has made a great many

As the new millennium came, Bradley and

investments over the years, and this is one

Caterpillar became founding members of Peoria

of the best.”

NEXT, a collaboration focused on local scienceThe 1990s saw the

“ Caterpillar has made a great many investments over the years, and this is one of the best.” — George Schaefer Former Caterpillar chairman

and technology-based economic development.

institution of a practicum

The three-story Innovation Center near

program in which Bradley

campus was completed in 2007.

students work on projects at

A year later, Bradley kicked off the largest

Caterpillar. The Bradley

fundraising campaign in University history,

Centennial Campaign

the Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance. The

benefited from a $20 million

Caterpillar Foundation’s lead gift of $30 million

donation; the gift established

set a University record and helped Bradley

the Caterpillar Lecture Series,

surpass its target, raising $161 million.

the naming of the Caterpillar

“As a Fortune 100 corporation with a vision

Global Communications

to be the admired global leader, we look to

Center in 1999 and creation

Bradley University as a premier source of talent,”

of other programs.

then-Caterpillar CEO Jim Owens said in 2008

Established in 1999, Caterpillar Professorships

at the campaign kickoff event. “As a citizen of

recognize and reward an exemplary level of

central Illinois, Caterpillar sees Bradley as a

scholarship and creative production among the

resource for economic development. … As a

Through the years: Bradley and Caterpillar 1981


The Caterpillar Excellence Fund is established for equipment and graduate assistantships.

Bradley students become involved in Caterpillar’s corporate internship program.


Caterpillar makes a $20 million pledge to the Centennial Campaign; Bradley establishes the Caterpillar Lecture Series.


The Caterpillar Fellows program provides support to junior faculty in engineering and business.


Bradley becomes one of three schools in the nation to offer a degree in manufacturing engineering.


1993 1986

The Caterpillar Scholars program is established for students majoring in engineering, business or one of the natural sciences; Caterpillar announces a $5.6 million lead gift to Bradley as a commitment to the $26 million Campaign for Bradley.

Newly expanded and renovated facilities for the College of Engineering and Technology are dedicated. Caterpillar was among the corporate donors.


Bradley begins the Caterpillar Dependents Scholarship Program for children of Caterpillar employees.

global citizen, Caterpillar appreciates Bradley’s

and mutually beneficial relationship,” Dr. Akers

broad impact, with educational outreach

says. “Caterpillar has been an influential partner

programs that touch six continents.”

in suggesting curriculum, providing real-world

Today, Caterpillar employs more graduates

projects, and practicum and internships for our

from Bradley than from any other university,

students. Bradley in turn produces graduates

with more than 2,100 active Caterpillar

who are knowledgeable in their fields, know

employees holding a degree from Bradley.

how to communicate and are prepared to

Since 1965, Caterpillar has hired an average

enter the workforce.”

of 46 Bradley graduates per year.

In addition to new curriculum and partner-

The Caterpillar-Bradley partnership led to the

ships between the two academic disciplines,

naming of the Caterpillar College of Engineering

the relationship will be further enhanced by

and Technology last year.

an engineering and business convergence center that is being planned.

Looking to the future

“Bradley’s Convergence Center will be the

Bradley now is pursuing an academic convergence

ideal laboratory for the next generation of

model between the Caterpillar College and the

thinkers and doers who will become the leaders

Foster College of Business Administration, an

of industry and the best prepared to address

initiative the company enthusiastically supports.

the biggest global challenges of the future,”

Founding dean Dr. Lex Akers and Dr. Darrell

Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman says.

Radson, dean of the Foster College, are leading Bradley’s convergence initiative. The distinctive educational plan promotes collaboration


between engineering and business students and faculty. Caterpillar, Dr. Akers says, has been a valuable and supportive partner in designing Bradley’s convergence model.

To read more about the innovative engineering-business convergence initiative, see the question-and-answer story with Dean Lex Akers and Dean Darrell Radson on page 32.

“Caterpillar and Bradley have a long-term


Bradley names new faculty teaching and research awards for Caterpillar.


Bradley initiates the Caterpillar Endowed Professorships Program, Caterpillar Graduate Fellowship Program, and Caterpillar New Initiatives Program, and names the Caterpillar Global Communications Center.



Caterpillar announces a $30 million gift to Bradley, the largest in the University’s history.

Bradley and Caterpillar are founding members of Peoria NEXT, a collaboration focused on economic development based on science and technology. The building opens in 2007.



The Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance concludes with $161 million raised.

Dr. Lex Akers is appointed the founding dean of the newly named Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology.

Bradley Works 2013



The art of musical composition By Jacqueline Kelly Photography by Duane Zehr

For three Bradley professors, composing music is a personal outlet for creativity and provides valuable classroom lessons for students.

Inspiration doesn’t come naturally to music

For Dr. Heinemann, the composing process

professor and composer Dr. Stephen Heinemann.

imitates the writing process used by authors.

Instead, inspiration comes from putting pencil

He never begins with the introduction to any

to paper for months at a time.

piece. That, he says, would be akin to writing

“Most artists, unless they’re working in a

the table of contents of a book before writing

form that provides instant gratification, like

a chapter. Instead, he gets notes down on paper,

photography, are more inclined to believe that

often hearing what they’ll sound like in his head.

inspiration comes from work,” Dr. Heinemann

The beginning of composing consists mainly

says. “A composition takes months and

of sketching or generating ideas and getting

months to put together.”

them in writing.

Dr. Heinemann is one of a handful

OPPOSITE PAGE: Music professor Dr. Stephen Heinemann prefers the traditional method of composing music — putting pencil to paper. ABOVE: Dr. Heinemann plays the clarinet but says it isn’t necessary to play an instrument to compose parts for it.

From there, he decides what the various

of Bradley music professors who not only

instruments will need to do, such as play a solo

teach, but also put together musical notes

or provide harmony. Once he has the different

that eventually become the melodies and

parts in place, he arranges the music in sections

harmonies of a composition.

and decides where each sounds best. Throughout

Bradley Works 2013


the writing process, he has an idea of how the

saxophone and says it isn’t necessary to play

piece will end.

other instruments to compose parts for them.

“The ending should be surprising — but not

of the piano to plunk out a tune while

composing to writing. But even after he writes


the ending and fits each section in its place, the piece may not be complete. “You print it out; it has the double bar signifying the ending. The parts are each printed

“You do have to know what each instrument is capable of, what is idiomatic about each instrument,” Dr. Heinemann says. Part of composing well is being able to play

out and it looks done,” he says. “I would be

at least one instrument masterfully. “It’s very

done if it were perfect. But it’s never perfect.

important to know how to play something very

There are no finished pieces. There are just

well, or you can’t relate to the best musicians

pieces you stop working on.”

or how to write successfully for them,” he says.

Take, for example, Dr. Heinemann’s

His primary instruments influence the way

composition Spirals. He wrote the piece several

he composes. The clarinet and saxophone are

years ago but revisited it when he was asked

single-line instruments and are predominantly

to add an orchestral composition. In the process,

used to play melodies. So his work has fewer

he changed a few details and pushed the creative

harmonies than other composers.

possibilities of the piece further. Though computers now allow for composing

While composing, Dr. Heinemann rarely thinks about the audience. He realizes some

without using pencils and paper, Dr. Heinemann

people will like his work and some will not.

prefers the traditional method. Music notation

“It’s the people who like it you were writing

programs are useful, he says, for separating parts

for all along,” he says.

of a composition and proofreading his work.

He considers his first audience to be the

But the music emerging from the computer is

musicians who will play the piece, and he finds

synthesized and doesn’t quite sound like the

it especially gratifying when the performers say

actual piece eventually will.

they enjoyed his work.

“It’s the difference between seeing a picture

As a young composer, Dr. Heinemann often

of a painting on TV and seeing the painting

found himself nervous before hearing his

in person,” he says. “As a composer, one of the

compositions performed live for the first time.

most valuable things I have is a fragile sense

“It was the biggest thing in my life, and it was

of how I want a piece to sound. You have

in the hands of someone else,” he says. “Now

to be careful not to let the synthesized sound

I know what the piece is going to sound like,

substitute for your own sense of sound.”

so there are very few surprises along the way.”

Dr. Heinemann plays the clarinet and


He does, however, use his cursory knowledge

to the author,” Dr. Heinemann says, comparing

Dr. Heinemann benefits from teaching

composition to his students. “Teaching

“As long as one does not allow one’s musical

composing is such a great way to clarify your

ideas to be shaped exclusively by one’s

thinking on composition,” he says.

instrument, performing is a wonderful

Nine of his students won the Slane College of Communication and Fine Arts Dean’s Award at Bradley’s annual student scholarship exposition for their project titled Enneapropae-

complement to composing.” However, “creating something from nothing” is always challenging, he adds. “I find the initial stages of composition the

deudodecaphonia, which means nine pieces for

most difficult because possibility is infinite. Once

the purpose of teaching twelve-tone composition.

those initial choices are determined and settled,

Campus composers For Dr. Todd Kelly, a professor of music who heads Bradley’s jazz band and performs

they usually inspire other choices, sometimes to the point where a piece seems to ‘write itself.’ But this varies from piece to piece.” Like Dr. Heinemann and Dr. Kelly, Dr.

in a jazz quintet, inspiration comes after

Orfe wants his students to benefit from his

listening to music.

experiences. “I see all of my musical work

“I’ll get a groove in my mind, and then I sort of fill in the blanks from there,” Dr. Kelly says. Because he is not a full-time composer, Dr. Kelly works in bursts. But composing affects

as being part of living cultural traditions — American, European and increasingly, global. I get to share lots of wonderful music with my students, and that’s exciting.”

all aspects of his life, including his teaching. “Composing has deepened my understanding of harmony, made me appreciate the difficulty of creating a memorable melody and tapped into a side of my creativity that would otherwise be untouched,” says Dr. Kelly, who plays trumpet and uses the piano when composing. “I feel that composing makes me a more complete musician, and while I often find the process grueling at times, it is ultimately rewarding.” Dr. John Orfe, assistant professor of music, has been called a “virtuoso pianist” by some of his colleagues, and playing the piano has a large influence on his composing. “I learn through practicing, performing, and making music with others,” Dr. Orfe says.

Bradley Works 2013


History meets high-tech By Jacqueline Kelly Photography by Duane Zehr

Melding 19th century architecture with 21st century technology, Bradley’s renovated and expanded Westlake Hall offers a state-of-the art, collaborative learning experience for students and faculty. In Dr. Jean Marie Grant’s class, students

math. “There’s so much technology out there,”

use clickers, iPads, Smart boards, interactive

Dr. Grant says. “The class lets students invest

calculators and blogs every day.

in technology for themselves, and then they

But Dr. Grant doesn’t teach a technology course. Rather, she leads a teacher education class designed to prepare her students to teach


own it.” A TI-Nspire graphing calculator, for example, features a colored screen and allows students to

ONLINE View six videos featuring Westlake Hall: a time-lapse video and photographs of the construction of the Westlake expansion; films about the clock faces and the copper dome of Westlake clock tower; a video featuring the placement of the final beam during construction; a historic look at Bradley’s Horology School located in what is now Westlake Hall; and a video from the dedication ceremony at works-westlakeplaylist.

Nursing instructor Joe Degitz ’97 MSN ’09 uses an interactive projection system controlled by an iPad to teach class in Westlake Hall’s fully wired 100-seat auditorium.

upload 3D photos and graph equations, which

Hall to six times its original size. The

can then be transferred to computers. Clickers

84,591-square-foot facility is now a center

enable students to submit survey answers and

of collaborative and project-based learning

then see them charted in real time.

in classrooms, laboratories and study areas.

Dr. Grant has always advocated greater use

“The whole idea of the project was to make

of technology, and the renovation and expansion

Westlake a very friendly learning environment for

of Westlake Hall has allowed her to continue

students and faculty,” says Dr. Joan L. Sattler, dean

to adopt the latest developments in the field

of the College of Education and Health Sciences.

of education to her classroom.

Westlake transformation

The renovation maintained the integrity of the 1897 building, the only facility in the nation built solely as a horology school. Westlake

The second oldest building on Bradley’s campus

has been updated to help students meet the

is now one of the most high-tech, thanks to a

technological challenges that await them in

$24 million renovation that expanded Westlake

their fields, while also being energy efficient.

Bradley Works 2013


Students can use dry-erase markers on writable surfaces such as tabletops and walls in Westlake Hall’s eight collaboration spaces. Technology allows students to videotape their presentations and display them on wall monitors.

The new Westlake Hall was designed to

nology environment that emphasizes collabora-

Environmental Design) certification, a standard

tive learning. Learning doesn’t stop with the

of high performance in sustainable site develop-

classroom. We want to try to emphasize that,

ment, water and energy efficiency, materials

and it starts with the environment we create.”

selection and indoor environmental quality.

The new technology and resources will not

For example, the hallway floors in Westlake

only prepare students to tackle their student

are made of energy-efficient bamboo and scores

teaching and clinical placements, it will also

of bamboo stalks live in the four-floor indoor

help them step seamlessly into the workforce.

atrium. “The bamboo in the atrium is part of it;

In teacher education courses, for example, students work with technology they’ll use in

it’s a healthy thing,” Dr. Sattler says. “Westlake

modern classrooms. “Our students make an

is a great place to think, work and learn.”

immediate impact,” Dr. Cantu says. “They are

The Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance, the University’s largest fundraising campaign at $161 million, supported the building project.

Modern technology

going out armed with the knowledge and skill sets they need to be effective in the classroom.” The facility is set up so that students can work and brainstorm together, even when they’re not in class. Large flat-screen TVs in student lounges

In the new Westlake Hall, Smart boards and

and on various levels of the building allow

projectors are available for student use in each

students to fine-tune and practice their presenta-

room. Wireless technology and numerous

tions. Special wall coverings permit students

electrical outlets are available in the auditorium,

to brainstorm and write on “idea walls” with

classrooms and hallways, so students can easily

dry-erase markers. Floor-to-ceiling corkboard

use laptops or tablets. Computer labs allow

walls give students a place to work out problems

students to plug their laptops into ports and

or post messages.

project their assignments onto a larger monitor in the center of computer desks. “We want to mirror the technology you see


broke down the walls. It’s a ubiquitous tech-

achieve gold LEED (Leadership in Energy and

“We teach students to be leaders and innovators because they’re going to need to be innovators in the world,” Dr. Sattler says.

in society,” says Dr. Dean Cantu, chair of the

“We want them to be entrepreneurs in the

Department of Teacher Education. “We really

classroom, or in physical therapy or in

A facility for the future counseling labs because things are changing


all the time. We need to be collaborative in our

• New Westlake Hall: 84,591 square feet

problem-solving. We need to work efficiently

• Original building: 13,386 square feet

with others and solve problems.”

• Cost of renovation/expansion: $24 million

Faculty members were instrumental in designing each classroom to meet their needs. The math classroom has clover-shaped tables that bring students close to the table surface

• Built to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold Certification standards


as they work with math manipulatives. The

• 16 teaching spaces: classes, labs and auditoriums

assistive technology lab caters to students with

• 8 student study areas

disabilities and has technology wired into the

• 5 counseling suites with observation rooms and electronic recording systems

walls for those with hearing impairments. “They took everything they knew from their research and put it in the rooms — things like furniture, tables, surface, storage, safety features and water stations,” Dr. Cantu says of the faculty and architects. “We counted on the faculty in their areas of expertise.” The college also offers students a teacher resource center. There, students find the space and products they need to create projects and instructional materials for their novice

• Teaching resource center • 135-seat professional development center

TECHNOLOGY IN USE: • 100-seat auditorium with wireless internet and power available for each student • 17 mediated classrooms with iPad-touch panels • 13 classrooms with advanced Smartboard technology • 13 classrooms for faculty to record audio and video for after-class review by students

or student teaching experiences and other

• 5 student lounges with LED displays to promote group collaboration and presentation review

clinical practicums.

• 4 miles of cable for audio and video sharing

“Students have a place to try things out and utilize equipment before they actually teach lessons. They didn’t have that before,” Dr. Cantu says. Each classroom has a camera and microphone to record teaching lessons. Students can use those videos to critique their performances and make adjustments before they head into a classroom with students. The videos are stored digitally and can be used for teacher certification portfolios. Students in special education courses now have access to assistive technology devices that

• Lecture streaming resources linked throughout the campus

HOME TO: • College of Education and Health Sciences • Department of Leadership in Education, Human Services and Counseling • Department of Teacher Education • Center for STEM Education • Center for Collaborative Brain Research • Institute for Principled Leadership in Public Service • Robert and Carolyn Turner School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

will prepare them to deliver those services in


their classrooms, says Dr. Hwa Lee, professor

• Constructed in 1897

of education. An assistive technology lab has technology devices that aid in reading, writing and math,

• Architect of original building: Henry Ives Cobb • Only building in U.S. constructed solely as a horology school

as well as hearing, learning and computer access

• 1946: Name changed from Horology Hall to Westlake Hall, in honor of Allen T. Westlake, dean of the School of Horology

for daily living. Dr. Lee was one of several

• 1961: Westlake became home of the College of Education

Bradley Works 2013


faculty members who

Counseling. “They can assess how they’re doing

made recommenda-

and what they’re doing well and build on it.”

tions about infrastruc-

mirror that allows for real-time observation

features for the lab,

of counseling sessions. Students can practice

which has acoustic

role-playing, while classmates or supervisors

panels and dim-glare

watch from another room. “We can watch

control lighting.

and eventually make suggestions to the student

Chairs and desks are

about how to handle something or approach

also accessible for

a situation,” Dr. Rybak says.

those in wheelchairs. The room will ABOVE: A computer lab offers individual and group workspaces and wall-mounted monitors on Westlake’s lower level. Smart board technology promotes an interactive learning environment for instructors and students. BELOW: The expanded Westlake Hall opened in the summer of 2012.

The rooms are particularly helpful for student interns who currently work with the

ensure that teacher candidates are provided

local nonprofit Central Illinois Agency on

with the most current technology to best

Aging. Caregivers of the elderly and grand-

serve their future students.

parents raising grandchildren can meet with

“The faculty continue to identify, add,

interns and receive counseling in private,

update and organize the materials in the room,”

comfortable rooms that overlook the grassy

says Dr. Lee, who is working to find assistive

quad or Westlake’s atrium. Two group therapy

technology devices that benefit students

rooms are sized for larger counseling sessions,

with Down syndrome.

and an area for children encourages play

For counseling students, therapy rooms are equipped with cameras and microphones that


Each therapy room also has a one-way

ture and accessibility

therapy with various items, like toys or sand. “This facility was designed for 21st century

record sessions with clients and upload them

learning,” Dr. Sattler says. “Students in the

to a server. Counseling students and professors

College of Education and Health Sciences now

can review the video files, noting areas of

have a state-of-the-art academic building that

strengths and those needing improvements.

is fully conducive to project-based learning and

“It will help the whole supervision and

collaboration across disciplines. Equipped with

learning process for the student,” says Dr.

advanced technology, the new Westlake Hall

Chris Rybak, chair of the department of

will enhance our students’ critical thinking and

Leadership in Education, Human Services and

creativity to be effective leaders in their fields.”

Social media:

Reshaping the vision of marketing

By Nancy Ridgeway Photography by Duane Zehr

As Facebook and Twitter revolutionize our culture, Bradley’s Foster College of Business Administration embraces the changing times to become a pioneer in offering social media marketing curriculum. Social media has changed the way individuals

Bradley University has responded with a new

interact with friends and family — and the way

social media marketing concentration. Marketing

businesses communicate with customers. With

instructor Heidi Maurer Rottier ’98 MBA ’01

Facebook users topping one billion last fall,

says Bradley’s marketing faculty noticed a shift

social media has become an important component

in 2009, as the number of individuals using

of corporate strategic plans and is the fastest

Facebook rose dramatically. About the same time,

growing area in marketing.

businesses and corporations began to promote

ABOVE: Marketing instructor Heidi Maurer Rottier ’98, MBA ’01 and Dr. Ed Bond, chair of Bradley’s marketing department, prepare students to market businesses via social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.

Bradley Works 2013


Job postings requiring social media skills rose 87% from 2011 to 2012.

Nearly half of all Americans belong to at least one social network, compared to 26% in 2008.

their brands through Facebook pages. As users made personal connections, they also began to “like” their favorite brands. “In the spring of 2010, we as a department recognized the growing influence social media was having on marketing and the impact our students could have if they were prepared in social media marketing,” Rottier says. Dr. Ed Bond, chair of Bradley’s Department of Marketing, says, “This concentration prepares

73% of Fortune 500 companies have Twitter accounts and 66% have Facebook accounts.

students and creates a buzz so more people are aware of the importance of social media marketing, whether they are directly involved with it or not.”

Facebook is “important or critical” to 75% more businesses in the last 3 years.

55% of consumers share their purchases socially on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social sites.

While students are familiar with Facebook and Twitter, most have used social networks for personal use only. The class introduces them to ways social media can be used in the business world. “Our students can prepare for careers that are really wide open,” Dr. Bond says. “Our graduates can get involved quickly and make an impact. They will have opportunities to do more and make their marks sooner.”

Social media influences the purchasing decisions of 38 million Americans.

77% of business-toconsumer companies acquired customers from Facebook marketing.

Bradley’s social media marketing concentration has nine majors and 17 minors. Fourteen majors and three minors have graduated. Most social media marketing graduates are involved in other aspects of marketing, as well, Rottier says, listing public relations, event planning, sales and market research. “We have a few graduates whose responsibilities are entirely Web-based — social media, online

53% of active adult social media networkers follow a brand.

advertising and database management,” she says. “We also have one alum who does freelance social media work for a promotional agency.” Bradley is a pioneer in offering a social media marketing concentration. When the department began researching social media marketing at other universities, Rottier says they found few

Companies have nearly tripled their spending on blogs and social media in the past 3 years.


undergraduate classes and graduate programs. Sources:;;; http://www.;

The first social media marketing class was

and Twitter in 2006. As the Internet and related

offered in spring 2011. With no textbooks

technology evolve, companies strive to keep

available, Rottier created the primary course

up with the latest trends.

from scratch, implementing social media tools.

“You don’t take away any online tools; you just

Students are required to blog and use Facebook

keep adding,” she says. “Most companies realize

and Twitter for class credit.

today that people don’t just do a search online;

“They have to interact with each other using

they look on Facebook first. Companies have yet

those tools,” Rottier says. “We have a class

another way to reach out. They can respond to

Facebook page, and they must post at least

a Facebook comment or tweet, or they can have

once a week. It keeps students tuned into the

specials for those who check in on Foursquare.”

world of social media. Students will talk about

Rottier appreciates the opportunities the

seeing a particular hashtag, and they post links

social media marketing class brings to her and

to stories they think classmates might like.”

her students. “They are learning how social

With social media marketing evolving, Rottier strives to keep the class current. “When Facebook announced its change to a ‘timeline’ format or

behavior influences the way we buy and why that is amplified through social media.” That awareness, in turn, will prepare students

when it reached 1 billion users, we talked about

to contribute to their employers’ marketing plans

it. We often spend several minutes talking

in the future.

about the latest news in social media.” To provide an experiential component to the course, students create social media

“This has been a fantastic opportunity for me,” Rottier says. “I’m working with the latest technology and engaging marketing skills in a way

marketing plans for Peoria-area companies.

I never have before. I took something I love to

“Local businesses have an opportunity to connect

do and made it that much more enjoyable.”

and really make social media marketing work

course are a consumer behavior course and an

a nice following,” Rottier says.

integrated marketing communication class. “We the buying side of marketing before they take a

“game changer.”

social media networking class,” Rottier says. Dr. Bond adds, “We want students who are

post on social media sites more often and are

interested in how they can use social media as

more likely to solicit feedback about brands and

marketing tools, rather than students who

services,” Rottier says. “If they are at a restaurant,

enroll because they think social media is cool.”

they may tweet, ask what’s good to eat and base

View a video of marketing professor Dr. Ed Bond discussing social media and the new social media marketing concentration at Bradley at works-bond

want students to understand the brand side and

popularity of mobile devices is going to be a “Buyers who have smartphones visit and

Visit the social media marketing Facebook page at groups/BUSMM

Prerequisites for the social media marketing

for them. If they are diligent, they can create Looking to the future, she believes the growing


Just as social media is revolutionizing the

their decisions on the responses. Smartphone

culture, the class is changing how students view

saturation has a ways to go, but it will only

the medium. “This class is reshaping their visions

grow from here.”

for how social media can be used,” Rottier says.

When Rottier began teaching in 2001, companies were discovering the intricacies of online marketing. Social media had not yet been born, with Facebook debuting in 2004

Bradley Works 2013


When you put a soda can in your home recycling

Highfill came to Bradley as an economics

reprocessed or who pays for it to be recycled.

professor in 1985, and they’ve worked together

Who decides how much trash to recycle, as

designing mathematical models ever since.

compared to landfilling or incinerating? Questions like these motivated economics professor Dr. Jannett Highfill and mathematics

ABOVE: Mathematics professor Dr. Mike McAsey and economics professor Dr. Jannett Highfill meet twice a week to brainstorm and work on mathematical models.

“It took us four years just to learn to communicate with each other,” Dr. Highfill says. Some scientists experiment in labs or

professor Dr. Mike McAsey to begin studying

by doing fieldwork. For Dr. Highfill and Dr.

noncommercial recycling in the early 1990s.

McAsey, however, experimenting means putting

At that time the only way to recycle soda cans

together a mathematical representation of what

was for individuals to take them to a commercial

they’re interested in and seeing what the math

recycler. So the professors began creating and

reveals. Their exploration now consists of

analyzing mathematical models for the optimal

meeting twice a week, developing ideas, asking

design of municipal recycling programs.

each other questions, brainstorming solutions

Does a recycling program that makes sense in

and tinkering with the mathematical model.

Peoria work as well for Chicago? “Not hardly,”

“Some people think collaboration is ‘you do

Dr. McAsey says. “Geographical footprint and

your homework, I’ll do mine, and then we bring

per capita income turn out to matter a lot.”

it together,’” Dr. Highfill says. “Although we

Watching the introduction and evolution of

each do our homework, that isn’t our idea of real

municipal recycling programs across the nation

collaboration. That happens when we’re in the

is interesting to Drs. Highfill and McAsey, but

same room at the same time. Neither of us could

it’s not as though the city of Peoria or other

do this work individually. We couldn’t do what

communities have directly adopted their ideas.

we do without collaborating.”

“We do basic research,” Dr. Highfill says. “We


Drs. McAsey and Highfill met when Dr.

bin, you probably don’t think about how it is

Dr. Highfill and Dr. McAsey currently are

contribute a piece or two to a large puzzle. The

investigating the research and development

idea is to provide a body of knowledge that the

strategies of businesses competing in world

applied economists and urban planners who

markets by focusing on product quality. They’re

actually design recycling programs can use.”

asking questions about whether a firm should

Creating formulas for the future An economics professor and a mathematics professor have spent more than 25 years collaborating to develop analytical models that one day can be used to solve a variety of real-world problems.

By Erin Miller and Jacqueline Kelly Photography by Duane Zehr outspend a competitor, or how fast it should

and Dr. Highfill as part of their senior theses

ramp up research and development spending.

projects, but the educational benefits extend

While they talk informally to business

to the professors as well. Dr. Highfill, for

professionals for modeling ideas, they are

example, talks about the strategic R&D

not focused on helping any specific business.

choices firms make in her Global Economics

One source of their ideas was the conversations at Bradley concerning an engineering and business convergence initiative. Many faculty

class. Additionally, research reminds the faculty members what it is like to be a learner. “This is work where you don’t know the

members and others were thinking about how

answer,” Dr. Highfill explains. “It’s really

engineers and economists might work together.

essential to the kind of teaching we do that

Studying R&D business strategies is one part

we remember a time when we didn’t know

of that effort, Dr. Highfill says. The mathematics

the answer. You’re reminded of what you

involved is called optimal control — a mixture

don’t know, how hard it is to learn technical

of optimization and differential equations.

subjects, and how long it takes.”

Economists can propose theories that

Dr. McAsey and Dr. Highfill consider their

may help engineers work more efficiently and

work successful if, eventually, other people

cost-effectively. Engineers can then test those

— economists and laypeople alike — find it

theories, find their strengths and weaknesses

provocative or find they can build upon it.

and send the economists back to the drawing

The goal is making people’s lives better, and


the professors plan to continue working

“We’d like to make a contribution to the larger world,” Dr. Highfill says. “Any given business needs to stick to its own knitting; it

toward that goal. “For now,” Dr. McAsey says, “We’re working on dynamic R&D games, and it’s a lot of fun.”

cannot attend too much to the wider economy. Since we are in academe instead of business, we can care about business success in the context of the entire economy.” Two students have worked with Dr. McAsey Bradley Works 2013



Initiative brings engineering, business together Bradley Works recently sat down with Dr. Lex Akers, dean of the Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology, and Dr. Darrell Radson, dean of the Foster College of Business Administration, to discuss Bradley’s cutting-edge convergence model. The distinctive educational plan promotes collaboration between business and engineering students and faculty to better prepare Bradley graduates to succeed in the 21st century global economy. The colleges’ collaborative efforts will be supported by a state-of-the-art facility constructed at LEED standards and equipped with the most modern technology.

Explain the concept of convergence between

educating both engineering and business students

the Foster College of Business Administration

who will capitalize on high-potential business

and the Caterpillar College of Engineering and


Technology from an academic perspective.

Dr. Akers: Convergence is absolutely critical and

Dr. Radson: Our vision for convergence is

that Bradley becomes a university of national distinction through leadership and innovation, engineering and business, and education and scholarship. Our definition of convergence is developing curriculum, forming industrial partnerships and faculty scholarships, and


will provide a wonderful competitive advantage for our students. To be successful in their careers, engineering students have to be solid engineers, but if they also learn to work with business professionals and gain certain business skills, they will have a faster path to corporate leadership, and that’s what we want. We want our students to be leaders.

How will a new building assist in fostering convergence between students and faculty members in those colleges? Dr. Akers: One way to enhance convergence

is by having a facility where we naturally interact with each other around the clock. Innovation is not sending an email or even video chatting. It is walking the halls, talking to somebody and getting the energy going. By good fortune, we have two buildings next to each other that need to be replaced. It is a unique and extremely valuable situation. Why has Bradley chosen to be a pioneer in convergence?

Dr. Darrell Radson, dean of the Foster College of Business Administration, left, and Dr. Lex Akers, dean of the Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology, are leading Bradley’s convergence initiative, in which business and engineering students and faculty will collaborate inside and outside the classroom.

Dr. Radson: The concept of convergence —

having students in engineering and business work together — is not a new idea. It’s been discussed in universities for years, but Bradley is bold and

corporate partners. Additionally, Bradley

visionary. We have the right leadership, the right

is the ideal size. This is the perfect storm, and

students, the right faculty and the right set of

our challenge is to seize the opportunity now.

Bradley Works 2013


What do engineering and business

collaboratively to look at both the engineering

students stand to gain from converging

and business aspects of moving these technolo-

the two disciplines?

gies into the marketplace.

Dr. Radson: Business students will learn how

What has been the response from students

to evaluate high-potential business opportunities,

to convergence?

especially those based on new technology. They will learn to integrate the functional areas of business and how to plan and grow these businesses, how to effectively communicate and work with people of other disciplines in a collaborative setting, and how to work with technical people on new product planning and development. Dr. Akers: When a Bradley student is several

years past graduation, employers will be able to look at that Bradley student and a student from another quality engineering college and tell a difference. Our student will always look at new

Dr. Radson: The response from students has

been overwhelmingly positive. They are curious, innovative and looking for ways to make themselves better. Dr. Akers: When I meet with parents, many of

them are successful business people, and they’re telling us our convergence model is terrific. They want their sons and daughters in engineering and business to have these skill sets because they realize how important they are. How have faculty members responded?

ideas and new technology, but he or she will also

Dr. Akers: Dr. Radson and I jumped on this train,

be engaged in the business of the corporation.

but the faculty is driving it. They created this concept of convergence, and they are passionate

What new experiential learning opportunities will

about it. We are eager to be involved, leading

be developed for students from the convergence

this and helping the enthusiasm grow.

initiative? Dr. Akers: We’ve worked with corporations

for many years, but now we are asking not just for an engineering challenge, but also business


How do you explain the increased interest in both the engineering field and the business field across the globe?

constraints. That changes the equation, and

Dr. Radson: I think there is eagerness in

I think it will revolutionize how we provide

this world to solve societal problems, to grow

experiential learning through corporate

sustainable businesses and to educate our


students differently to do that. There is also

Dr. Radson: Beginning this fall semester, we

awareness that we need to develop students

have three student teams combining engineering

who are highly energetic, proactive and looking

and business in convergence projects. One

for new opportunities and ways to do things

is an entrepreneurial endeavor, one is with a

differently than from what was done before.

company that has been in existence but needs

Dr. Akers: Engineers have to introduce new

technological and business help, and another is

products into the market more rapidly. The idea

with Caterpillar. These are two-semester projects

that they can sit in isolation and come up with

in which the students have to work together

great ideas doesn’t work anymore. They have

to work collaboratively with a three-month turnaround from an

Dr. darrell radson Dean of the Foster College of Business Administration

Dr. LEX AKERS Dean of the Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology

EDUCATION: PhD, industrial and operations engineering, University of Michigan

EDUCATION: PhD, electrical engineering, Texas Tech University

Dr. Akers: It is a process, something

MS, industrial and operations engineering, University of Michigan

MS, electrical engineering, Texas Tech University

we are going to continue to enhance

MA, statistics, University of Michigan

BS, electrical engineering, Texas Tech University

idea to production and understand the constraints that go into that. How long will convergence take, or is it an ongoing process?

and grow. We certainly hope that by the start of 2016 we have a building under construction. Dr. Radson: We continue to develop

specific goals and timelines with the understanding that convergence is evolutionary. Bradley is a pioneer of this, so we have to develop and experiment and move forward. We need to constantly learn and build upon what we have started. How does convergence build leaders? Dr. Akers: Leaders have to be able

to work in multidisciplinary teams. That’s a skill that is practiced and learned, and one that provides significant added value. Dr. Radson: I think there is a close

connection between experiential learning and leadership development. If you give students experiential learning challenges that they have to come together and work on, they will have to be inquisitive and communicate well. They will have to be creative, confident and bold enough to present their ideas, and I think those are all qualities of a great leader.

MA, political science, University of Michigan BS, political science, Northwestern University ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Bradley University, 2012–present • Dean, Foster College of Business Administration Michigan Technological University, 2008–2011 • Dean, School of Business and Economics • Professor, School of Business and Economics Drexel University, 2005–2008 • Department Head, Decision Sciences • Associate Professor, Decision Sciences John Carroll University, 2003–2005 • Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Business Programs • Associate Professor, Business Information Systems University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2000–2003 • Associate Dean, University Outreach • Director, Graduate Business Programs • Associate Professor, Management in Manufacturing Organizations • Assistant Professor, Management in Manufacturing Organizations SCHOLARSHIP: Dr. Radson has published research in the area of statistical methods for quality improvement and has received teaching awards at two universities.

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE: Bradley University, 2012–present • Dean, Caterpillar College of Engineering and Technology University of Missouri, Columbia, 2001–2012 • Associate Dean for Academic Programs • Adviser, Vice President of Academic Affairs • Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering • Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Texas, San Antonio, 1997–2001 • Director, Engineering • Professor, Engineering Arizona State University, 1987–1997 • Director, Center for Solid State Electronics Research • Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nebraska, 1976–1980 • Assistant Professor, Engineering SCHOLARSHIP: Dr. Akers is internationally recognized for his research of MOSFET (metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors) models and highly layered neural architectures. FAMILY: Wife, Sally; two children

FAMILY: Wife, Suzanne McDonough; two children Bradley Works 2013


InPrint Lessons in leadership Dr. Laurence G. Weinzimmer ’83 MBA ’85, Caterpillar professor of management, & McConoughey, J. (2012). The wisdom of failure: How to learn the tough leadership lessons without paying the price. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Philosopher George Santayana is credited for saying that those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it. In today’s culture, which urges people and corporations to put their best feet forward, past mistakes and failures are often swept under the rug. But without examining these unsuccessful, sometimes bitter topics, it’s impossible to grow from them. In Dr. Weinzimmer’s latest book, The wisdom of failure: How to learn the tough leadership lessons without paying the price, he and his co-author, Jim McConoughey, show readers the unvarnished truths they need in order to become successful leaders. “What we found was great leaders only make ‘original’ mistakes — that is, they don’t repeat the same mistake twice,” Dr. Weinzimmer says. Based on a seven-year study surveying nearly 1,000 managers from 21 different industries, Dr. Weinzimmer’s lessons on failure are rooted in research. The text includes material from small startup companies to large businesses like Caterpillar Inc. and Allstate Corp., and it provides readers with concrete examples of how not to lead. “We should learn from the mistakes of others in order to proactively avoid the predictable pitfalls that await every leader,” Dr. Weinzimmer says. He helps readers avoid the biggest mistakes by organizing the book into three sections, each of which addresses a different workplace problem. This first section covers strategic errors that result in the misuse of company resources. Part two addresses relationship dynamics in the office that lead to negative results, and the third section examines how personality issues get in the way of productive businesses. Through this text, Weinzimmer challenges readers to examine “the dark side of failure” in business in order to rise above it. “Having worked with hundreds of emerging companies, I have seen failure in all flavors,” says reviewer Larry Weber, chairman and CEO of marketing company W2 Group. “Finally we have, in one well-written book, the lessons learned from such experiences. The wisdom of failure is an instant business classic destined for the tablets and shelves of our innovation economy’s leaders.” The wisdom of failure debuted last October as No. 3 on the Wall Street Journal list of best-selling business books and appeared as No. 1 on the Barnes and Noble “Top 100 Best Seller List.” Dr. Weinzimmer has authored four books and more than 100 articles, and has been featured in several leading business magazines, including Fortune, Executive Excellence, Entrepreneur and Investor’s Business Daily.


ONLINE Watch a webinar led by Dr. Larry Weinzimmer in which he discusses his book, The wisdom of failure: How to learn the tough leadership lessons without paying the price. The webinar looks at the failure paradox, in which leaders learn their most important lessons from failure rather than success.

Accounting Bodtke, J. (2012) Social Security and retirement planning; Ethics; Health care reform; divorce. In Illinois Tax School workbook. (pp. A1–37; A39–88; A22– 267; B59–B102). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois ACES College. Kerr, S. (2011). Performance funding of public universities: A case study. Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education, 7(2), 47–59. Kerr, S. (2011). Using accounting reform to stimulate sustainability practices in higher education: A sociological analysis of financial storytelling. Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 7(2), 109–116. Kerr, S., Gillett, J., & Sandoz, N. (2012). International financial reporting standards: Specific challenges for readers. Journal of Financial and Economic Practice, 12(2), 52–65.

Johnson, K. A., Barkay, T., Fekete, F. A. (2012). Concomitant antibiotic and mercury resistance among gastrointestinal microflora of feral brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis. Current Microbiology: 65(5), 575–82. Morris, S. J., Herrmann, D. L., McClain, J., Anderson, J., & McConnaughay, K. D. (2012). The impact of garlic mustard on sandy forest soils. Applied Soil Ecology, 60(2012), 23–28.

Southern Illinois Law Journal, 36(Winter 2012), 317–334. Nagy, B. G., Blair, E. S., & Lohrke, F. T. (2012). Developing a scale to measure liabilities and assets of newness after start-up. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, February 2012, 1–19.

Business Management and Administration

Nagy, B. G., Pollack, J. M., Rutherford, M. W., & Lohrke, F. T. (2012). The influence of entrepreneurs’ credentials and impression management behaviors on perceptions of new venture legitimacy. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36(5), 941–965.

Marcum, T. M., Perry, S. J., Stoner, C. R. (2012). Reframing the mediation lens: The call for a situational style of mediation.

Pollack, J. M., Rutherford, M. W., & Nagy, B. G. (2012). Preparedness and cognitive legitimacy as antecedents of

Charles R. Stoner, professor of manage-


ment, & Stoner, J. S. (2012). Building

Coyne, R. S., Stover, N. A., & Miao, W. (2012). Whole genome studies of Tetrahymena. Methods in Cell Biology, 109, 53–81.

leaders: Paving the path for emerging

Faulkner, M. J., Ma, Z., Fuangthong, M., & Helmann, J. D. (2012). Depression of the Bacillus subtilis PerR peroxide stress response leads to iron deficiency. Journal of Bacteriology, 194(5), 1226–1235. Jost, J. A., Podolski, S. M., & Frederich, M. (2012). Enhancing thermal tolerance by eliminating the pejus range: A comparative study with three decapod crustaceans. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 444, 263–274.

Ladwig, L. M., Meiners, S. J., Pisula, N. L., & Lang, K. A. (2012). Conditional allelopathic potential of temperate lianas. Plant Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s11258-0120087-4 Meiners, S. J., Kong, C. H., Ladwig, L. M., Pisula, N. L., & Lang, K. A. (2012). Developing an ecological context for allelopathy. Plant Ecology, 213(8), 1221–1227.

leaders. New York, NY: Routledge. Leader coach Dr. Charles Stoner and his son Dr. Jason S. Stoner ’99 MBA ’02 co-authored this book, which guides emerging leaders to become respected difference-makers. The inspiration for the book came from a leadership workshop Dr. Stoner has run at Bradley for the past 10 years. Dr. Stoner enlisted the help of his son, an assistant professor of management at Ohio University, because the target audience for the book is emerging leaders in their 20s and 30s. The book also is helpful for people who accept leadership positions later in their careers. The book offers tools for developing leadership skills, handling problematic issues and dealing with issues such as interpersonal dynamics and relationships, organizational politics and creativity, and innovation. It includes real situations and offers pragmatic, action-oriented advice. Dr. Stoner has been on the Bradley faculty for 32 years and has been a consultant with various private industries for 25 years.

Meredith, M. M., Parry, E. M., Guay, J. A., Markham, N. O., Danner, G. R., Bradley Works 2013


In Print new venture funding in televised business pitches. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36(5), 915–939.

Chemistry and Biochemistry

Stoner, C. R., and J. Stoner. (2012). Building leaders: Paving the path for emerging leaders. New York, NY: Routledge.

Appell, M., & Bosma, W. B. (2011). Effect of surfactants on the spectrofluorimetric properties of zearalenone. Journal of Luminescence, 131(11), 2330–2334.

Weinzimmer, L. G., & McConoughey, J. (2012). The wisdom of failure: How to learn the tough leadership lessons without paying the price. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Behmke, D. A., & Atwood, C. H. (2012). IM-chem: The use of instant messaging to improve student performance and personalize large lecture general chemistry courses. Journal of Chemical Education, 89(4), 474–476.

Weinzimmer, L. G., Robin, J., & Michel, E. (2012). The measurement of strategic orientation and its efficacy in predicting financial performance. Journal of Business Strategies, 29(2), 167–185.

Campbell, D. J., Andrews, M. J., & Stevenson, K. J. (2012). New nanotech from an ancient material: Chemistry demonstrations involving carbon-based soot. Journal of Chemical Education, 89(10), 1280–1287.

Dr. Shari Britner, associate professor of education. (2012). Self-efficacy in school and community settings. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Virtually everyone has goals in life, but your ability to achieve these goals hinges on an important idea: your belief in your own capability to succeed. This concept of self-efficacy plays a large role in current theories on human motivation and accomplishment. In this edited volume, Self-efficacy in school and community settings, Dr. Britner and other researchers explore what factors influence a person’s self-efficacy and how it affects a person’s behavior. They present research on how self-efficacy impacts performance in various domains including high school mathematics and science, an undergraduate neuroscience research program, cultural intelligence education, computer use, courtroom behavior and the ability to stop smoking.


Campbell, D. J., Bosma, W. B., Bannon, S. J., Gunter, M. M., & Hammar, M. K. (2012). Demonstration of thermodynamics and kinetics using FriXion erasable pens. Journal of Chemical Education, 89(4), 526–528. Campbell, D. J., Villarreal, R. B., & Fitzjarrald, T. J. (2012). Take-home nanochemistry: Fabrication of a gold- or silver-containing window cling. Journal of Chemical Education, 89(10), 1312–1315.

Civil Engineering and Construction Abed, F., El-Chabib, H., & Alhamaydeh, M. (2012). Shear characteristics of GFRP-reinforced concrete deep beams without web reinforcement. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 31(16), 1063–1073. Elhouar, S., & Khodair, Y. (2012). A simplified approach for evaluating second-order effects in low-rise steelframed buildings. Engineering Journal, 49(2), 65–78.

Hanz, A., Mahmoud, E., & Bahia, H. (2011). Impacts of WMA production temperatures on binder aging and mixture flow number. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists-Proceedings of the Technical Sessions, 80, 459–486. Ibrahim, A., & Salim, H. (2011). Damage model of reinforced concrete slabs under near-field blast. International Journal of Protective Structures, 2(3), 315–332. Ibrahim, A., & Salim, H. (2011). Finite element analysis of reinforced concrete bridges under close-in detonations. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.19435509.0000360 Ibrahim, A., & Salim, H. (2012). Strengthening of concrete box girder bridges under close-in detonations. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6(6), 699–706. Ibrahim, A., Salim, H., & Eisa, A. (2012). Overview of analytical procedures to predict concrete damage under impulsive

Dr. Emily Gill, Caterpillar professor of political science. (2012). An argument for same-sex marriage: Religious freedom, sexual freedom, and public expressions of civic equality. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Diving into the heart of national controversy, Dr. Emily Gill makes a case for same-sex marriage. Her book examines the relationship between religious, sexual and civic freedoms surrounding same-sex marriage. She distinguishes between marriage as a religious ceremony and marriage as a civic institution. Through this civic lens, Dr. Gill argues that a citizen has a right to be wed, despite the popularity or conventionality of the union, just as a citizen has the right to practice a religion, despite its popularity or conventionality. The exclusion of some couples from a state institution, according to Dr. Gill, is a public expression of civic inequality. “[This] brilliant and sane book reminds us that the religion clauses of the First Amendment were the most radical and profound contribution of our founders to understanding and giving effect to the enduring values of our political liberalism,” says David A. J. Richards, law professor at New York University. “This book is a major contribution both to liberal political theory and constitutional law, and shows how the contemporary struggle for gay rights, including marriage equality, is at the very heart of the birthright of all Americans, our democratic constitutionalism, protecting, as it does, the basic human rights of all Americans.”

loads. Proceedings of the 2012 Structures Congress, 80–89. Ibrahim, A., Salim, H., & Rahman, N. A. (2012). Progressive collapse of post-tensioned box girder bridges under blast loads using applied element method. Proceedings of the 2012 Structures Congress, 2291–2300.

Johannes, P. T., Mahmoud, E., & Bahia, H. (2011). Sensitivity of ASTM D7000 sweep test to emulsion application rate and aggregate gradation. Transportation Research Record, 2235, 95–102.

Khodair, Y., & Ibrahim, A. (2012). Behavior of reduced beam section moment connections under fire. Proceedings of the 2012 Structures Congress, 2301–2305. Malek-Mohammadi, S., Tachiev, G., Cabrejo, E., Lawrence, A. (2012). Simulation of flow and mercury transport in Upper East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Remediation Journal, 22(2), 119–131.

fresh binder, low-temperature properties without extraction and recovery. Transportation Research Record, 2208, 48–55. Tietetjen, G. E., Khubchandani, J., Ghosh, S., Bhattacharjee, S., & Kleinfelder, J. Headache symptoms and indoor environmental parameters: Results from the EPA BASE study. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 15(5), 95–99.

Swiertz, D., Mahmoud, E., & Bahia, H. U. (2011). Estimating the effect of recycled asphalt pavements and asphalt shingles on

Bradley Works 2013


In Print Communication Bashri, M. (2012). An analysis of news sources used in reports on slavery in the Sudan in the New York Times and Washington Post between 1986 and 2001. South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, 38(2), 213–224. Bashri, M., Netzley, S. B., & Greiner, A. (2012). Facebook revolutions: Transitions in the Arab World, transitions in media coverage? A comparative analysis of CNN and Al Jazeera English’s online coverage of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research, 5(2), 19–29. Frazier, Jan. (2012). Pilgrims, Indians, Shakespeare, oh my! The time travelers’ saga. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press. Lee, T., Chung, W., & Haley, E. (2011). Adherence of retirement mutual fund providers to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s advertising guidance: Provision and readability of advertising disclosure. Journal of Consumer Policy, 34(4), 455–474. Lee, T., Chung, W., & Paik, C. (2011). Understanding your retirement savings: How the recent economic recession changed advertising in retirement financial services. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 16(3–4), 244–262. Netzley, S. B. & Hemmer, M. (2012). No experience necessary: The perceived credibility of citizen journalism. Newspaper Research Journal, 33(3), 49–61.

Computer Science and Information Systems Liu, J., & Tiwari, K. K. (2012). Web security vulnerability analysis using network and information security tools. 2nd International Conference on Electric and Electronics, 155, 77–84. Liu, J., & Vallabhaneni, K. K. (2011). A web-based visual display of business geographic information system. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applications, 153–157.


Sheehan, M., & Park, Y. (2012). pGPA: A personalized grade prediction tool to aid student success. Proceedings from the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 309–310. Uskov, A. V. (2012). Computer gaming technology education: Advanced 3D laboratory and courseware. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology, art. no. 6220738. Uskov, A. V. (2012). Information security of IPsec-based mobile VPN: Authentication and encryption algorithms performance. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 1042–1048. Uskov, V., & Mittal, K. (2012). Information technology and software project management: Advanced undergraduate/graduate laboratory practicum. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology, art. no. 6220773. Wang, Y., Kelly, B. M., & Dolins, S. (2012). Effective detection of a mobile intruder in a partially connected wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2012, 417–423. Wang, Y., Kelly, B. M., & Zhou, A. (2012). Hop distance analysis in partially connected wireless sensor networks. 20th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 161–168. Wang, Y., & Kutta, A. (2012). Joint and simultaneous K-sensing detection in deterministic and random sensor networks. 26th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, 1506–1511. Wang, Y., Leow, Y. K., & Yin, J. (2012). A novel sine-curve mobility model for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing, doi: 10.1002/wcm.1202

Economics Gretz, R. T., Highfill, J., & Scott, R. C. (2012). R&D subsidy games: A cost sharing approach vs. reward for performance. Journal of Technology Transfer, 37(4), 385–403. Highfill, J., & Wojcikewych, R. (2011). The U.S.-China exchange rate debate: Using currency offer curves. International Advances in Economic Research, 17(4), 386–396. Highfill, J., & Wojcikewych, R. (2012). A note on teaching the yuan-dollar market vis-a-vis China’s dollar holdings. Global Economy Journal, 12(1), art. no. 8.

Pacheco, G. A., Rossouw, S., & Lewer, J. (2013). Do non-economic quality of life factors drive immigration? Social Indicators Research, 110(1), 1–15.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Brady, C., Arbona, J., Ahn, I. S., & Lu, Y. (2012). FPGA-based adaptive noise cancellation for ultrasonic NDE application. IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology, art. no. 6220729. Pham, N., Malinowski, A., & Bartczak, T. (2011). Comparative study of derivative-free optimization algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 7(4), 592–600. Pham, N., Wilamowski, B. M., & Malinowski, A. (2012). Computing utilization via computer networks. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 98, 239–252. Sundaram, S., Sundaram, B., & Shastry, P. N. (2012). A novel tunable active duplexer MMIC. Seventh European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, 211–214. Ullom, J. S., Oelze, M. L., & Sanchez, J. R. (2012). Speckle reduction for ultrasonic imaging using frequency compounding and despeckling filters along with coded excitation and pulse compression. Advances in Acoustics and Vibration, art. no. 474039.

Dr. Jeffrey Bakken, dean of the Graduate School and Sponsored Research, is the author of numerous books, book chapters and journal articles. His area of expertise is special education, and he has been a member of research teams that have received more than $1 million in extramural funding. Dr. Bakken’s three books published in 2012 focus on methods of effectively educating a wide spectrum of students. Bakken, J. P. (2012). Response to intervention in the core content areas: A practical approach for educators. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. The key to educating students effectively has been sought throughout time. United with other educational experts, Dr. Jeffrey Bakken explores how to best teach groups of students using the Response to Intervention method. The text describes the RtI multi-tier system, which enhances learning by catering to students’ academic and social behavior levels. With concrete examples of how to implement this innovative system, Response to intervention in the core content areas: A practical approach for educators gives readers the means to teach diverse subject matters — reading, writing, math, science and social studies — efficiently to a considerable spectrum of students. Bakken, J. P., Obiakor, F. E., & Rotatori, A. F. (2012). Advances in special education: Behavioral disorders: Current perspectives and issues: Identification, assessment, and instruction of students with EBD (Vol. 22). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Many myths surround emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Several ideas about EBD are debunked in Advances in special education: Behavioral disorders: Current perspectives and issues: Identification, assessment, and instruction of students with EBD (Vol. 22). This text outlines legal issues, themes and other aspects related to the historical development of EBD and analyzes the current EBD conventional norms in education. Bakken, J. P., Obiakor, F. E., & Rotatori, A. F. (2012). Advances in special education: Behavioral disorders: Practice concerns and students with EBD (Vol. 23) Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. It is often difficult to know how to handle EBD in the classroom. In Advances in special education: Behavioral disorders: Practice concerns and students with EBD (Vol. 23), educational specialists make a convincing case for why students with EBD should be included in general education courses. The text offers research-based ways for teachers to generate this inclusive environment in the classroom and gives readers comprehensive, current information on EBD.

Bradley Works 2013


In Print Terpstra, V., James Foley, director of operations of the Bradley University International Trade Center and a certified global business professional, & Sarathy, R. (2012). International Marketing, Tenth Edition. Naperville, IL: Naper Publishing Group LLC. A classic textbook about international marketing, the tenth edition offers a new focus on global entrepreneurship. The book places greater emphasis on the role of an international marketing manager in small and midsized companies. It also discusses issues associated with international marketing in emerging markets. In addition to revising dated examples, this edition has a clearer and more practical tone, is shorter and more concise, and aligns with certified global business professional standards. The textbook provides information students can apply directly to their careers.

Engineering Physics Varga, K., & Driscoll, J. A. (2011). Computational nanoscience: Applications for molecules, clusters, and solids. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Yan, J. A., Driscoll, J. A., Wyatt, B. K., Varga, K., & Pantelides, S. T. (2011). Time-domain simulation of electron diffraction in crystals. Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84(22), doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevB.84.224117

English Glassmeyer, D. (2012). “A beautiful idea”: “The King and I” and the maternal promise of sentimental orientalism. Journal of American Culture, 35(2), 106–122. Jost, J. E. (2012). Marshy spaces in the Middle English “Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyne”: Physical and spiritual territory. Rural Space in Middle English and Early Modern Space Volume 9 (pp. 589–606). Berlin, Germany: Degroyter.


McBee Orzulak, M. J. (2012). Beyond what “sounds right”: Reframing grammar instruction. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 27(2), 21–24. McBee Orzulak, M. J. (2012). Positioning student teachers as powerful partners: Dancing without bruised toes. English Journal, 102(1), 84–87. Stein, K. (2012). A brief history of history. The North American Review, 297(1), 15. Stein, K. (2011). Adolescent hemlock; First day, container corporation of America, 1972; First Performance of the rock ’n’ roll band Puce Exit; and Our armor. And know this place: Poetry of Indiana (pp. 274–280). Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Society. Stein, K. (2012). Apple trees at petal fall with Li Po. Shenandoah: The Washington and Lee University Review, 61(1), http:// Stein, K. (2012). Of ten fifths and dog years. Fifth Wednesday Journal, 10(Spring 2012), 11–12. Stein, K. (2012, April 8). Poetry’s afterlife and the aesthetic hereafter. Philadelphia Inquirer, p. C1.

Family and Consumer Sciences Bishop, A J., Martin, P., Randall, G. K., McDonald, M., & Poon, L. W. (2012). Exploring life satisfaction in old age: The mediating role of positive and negative affect. Clinical Gerontologist 35(2), 105–125. Phillips, W. J., Asperin, A., & Wolfe, K. Investigating the effect of country image and subjective knowledge on attitudes and behaviors: U.S. Upper Midwesterners’ intentions to consume Korean food and visit Korea. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 32, 49–58. Phillips, W. J., Wolfe, K., Hodur, N., & Leistritz, F. L. (2012). Tourist word of mouth and revisit intentions to rural tourism destinations: A case of North Dakota, USA. International Journal of Tourism Research, 15(1), 93–104. Randall, G. K. (2012). Sharing my journey with my students: Applied assignments that first changed my relationships. Family Science Review, 17(1), 72–79.

symptoms: Effects of a preventive intervention on developmental pathways from early adolescence to young adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41(6), 788–801.

Randall, G. K. (2012). Sharpening our focus on family life education: Evidencebased curricula for strengthening close relationships. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 104(2), 24–30. Randall, G. K., Martin, P., Bishop, A. J., Poon, L.W., & Johnson, M.A. (2011). Age differences and changes in resources essential to aging well: A comparison of sexagenarians, octogenarians, and centenarians. Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, doi:10.1155/2011/357896

Finance and Quantitative Methods Webster, A. (2012). Introductory regression analysis: With computer applications for business and economics. New York, NY: Routledge.

Randall, G. K., Martin, P., Johnson, M. A., & Poon, L. W. (2012). Successful aging: A psychosocial resources model for very old adults. Journal of Aging Research, doi: 10.1155/2012/934649

Trudeau, L., Spoth, R. L., Randall, G. K., & Mason, A. W. (2012). Internalizing

Foreign Languages Harris, T. K. (2012). Judeo-Spanish and Yiddish: Historical, sociolinguistic and cultural comparisons. Selected papers from the Fifteenth British Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, London, 129–142.

Dr. D. Antonio Cantu, chair of the Department of Teacher Education. (2012). History/social studies education in the digital and standards-based classroom. El Cajon, CA: National Social Science Press. Technology is more important now than ever, with children using it more deftly than most adults. In History/social studies education in the digital and standardsbased classroom, Dr. D. Antonio Cantu examines ways to teach secondary history and social studies through the integration of primary and secondary documents in a digital classroom environment. He also looks at how this can be applied within the broader context of the many disciplines that make up social studies, including anthropology, civics/government, economics, geography, psychology and sociology. Combining both print and digital resources will make the learning of these imperative subjects more relevant and more accessible to middle school and high school students.

Hertich, A. (2012). A walk through the land of old age. Political writings (pp. 329–363). Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press.

Graduate School Bakken, J. P. (2012). Response to intervention in the core content areas: A practical approach for educators. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Bakken, J. P., Obiakor, F. E., & Rotatori, A. F. (2012). Advances in special education: Behavioral disorders: Current perspectives and issues: Identification, assessment, and instruction of students with EBD (Vol. 22). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Bakken, J. P., Obiakor, F. E., & Rotatori, A. F. (2012). Advances in special education: Behavioral disorders: Practice concerns and students with EBD (Vol. 23) Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Brigham, F. J., Bakken, J.P., & Rotatori, A. F. (2012). Families and students with EBD. Advances in special education: Behavioral disorders: Practice concerns and students with EBD (Volume 23, pp. 207–231). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Cuenca, Y., Douglas, K., & Bakken, J. P. (2012). Making data-based decisions. Response to intervention in the core content areas: A practical approach for educators (pp. 91–112). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Darnell, E., Simpson, C., & Bakken, J. P. (2012). Building home school partnerships: Implications for secondary schools. Texas Study Journal, 21(2), 24–27. Gueck, B. F., Simpson, C. G., & Bakken, J. P. (2012). Mnemonic instruction and social skills training for students with intellectual disabilities: A real life application. The Dialog, 40(2), 11–16. Harrison, T., Simpson, C., & Bakken, J. P. (2012). Self-determination skills equal empowerment: Improving student transitional planning for students with disabilities. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 16(2), 61–67.

Bradley Works 2013


In Print Kosuwan, K., Bakken, J. P., & Fulk, B. (2012). Using RtI in the science classroom. Response to intervention in the core content areas: A practical approach for educators (pp. 213–236). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

History Gates, R. (2012). Solving the “Manchurian Problem”: Uchida Yasuya and Japanese foreign affairs before the Second World War. Diplomacy & Statecraft, 23(1), 23–43. Hawkins, R. (2012). Industry cannot go on without the production of some noise: New York City’s street music ban and the sound of work in the New Deal-era. Journal of Social History, 46(1), 106–123. Kosiorek, J. (2012). Masquerading Indians and unsightly blacks: Racial policy, the American past, and national identity at colonial national monument. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 120(1), 32–61. Scott, A. (2012). Holding out for a hero: Patty Hearst and American culture in the seventies. Reviews in American History, 40(1), 139–144. Toxqui, A. (2011). Taverns and their influence on the suburban culture of late nineteenth-century Mexico City. The growth of non-western cities: Primary and secondary urban networking, c. 900–1900

(pp. 241–269). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Toxqui, A. (2012). Cultural exchange of alcohol between Asia and Mexico, 1565–1815. Proceedings from Drugs and Drink in Asia: New Perspectives from History, 346–360.

Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Chen, J. C., & Cox, R. (2012). Value stream management for lean office — A case study. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2, 17–29. Chen, J. C., & Collins, T. J. (2012). Creation of a RFID-based real-time tracking (R-RTT) system for small healthcare clinics. Journal of Medical Systems, doi: 10.1007/s10916-012-9858-7 Chen, J. C., & Thota, C. (2012). Implementing lean methodologies in healthcare systems — A case study. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 1046–1054.

Chen, K. M., Chen, J. C., & Cox, R. A. (2012). Real-time facility performance monitoring system using RFID technology. Assembly Automation, 32(2), 185–196. Gong, D. C., Lin, G., Kang, J. L., Ma, W. N., Lu, T. Y. Production lot size

determination in considering time-ofvalue and two imperfect key production subsystems. IIE Asian 2012 Conference Proceedings, 133–140. Li, Y., and Frank, M. C. (2012). Computing axes of rotation for setup planning using visibility of polyhedral CAD models. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 132, 1–9. Li, Y., Surisetti, N. P., & Chen, J. C. (2012). Measuring external profiles of porous objects using CMM. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, doi: 10.1007/s00170-012-4010-x Lin, G. (2012). Lot sizing for a production system with two imperfect components and a bivariate geometric distribution. IIE Asian 2012 Conference Proceedings, 74–81. Yoo, J., Kumara, S., & Simpson, T. W. Modular product design using cyberinfrastructure for global manufacturing. ASME Transactions: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 12(3), doi:10.1115/1.4007402

Interactive Media McGill, M. M. (2012). The curriculum planning process for undergraduate game degree programs in the United Kingdom and United States. Transactions on Computing Education, 12(2), art. no. 7.

Varga, K., & Dr. Joseph A. Driscoll, assistant professor of engineering physics. (2011). Computational nanoscience: Applications for molecules, clusters, and solids. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Computer simulations have become a vital way to research, model, understand and predict nanoscale phenomena. Dr. Driscoll’s text, Computational nanoscience: Applications for molecules, clusters, and solids, gives readers the key to develop their own codes for computer simulations and physical systems. Geared toward graduate students, the book explains advanced algorithms and provides practical ways for readers to apply concepts.


Jan Frazier, communication instructor. (2012). Pilgrims, Indians, Shakespeare, oh my! The time travelers’ saga. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press. A history lesson wrapped within an exciting fantasy adventure, Jan Frazier’s Pilgrims, Indians, Shakespeare, oh my! The time travelers’ saga will entertain young readers. On a mission with

Searby, L. & Tripses, J. S. (2012). Preparing future school leaders to be effective protégés. Dünyada Mentorluk (Mentoring in the world) (pp. 1–16). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi. Sherman, N. E., & Blundell, W. M. (2012). Understanding and treating victimization and abuse. Counseling boys and young men (pp. 247–262). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

her friend Smitty, a spirit from another world, to

Library Science

Plymouth Rock in 1620, J.C. Van Winkler finds

Chen, Xiaotian. (2012). Broken-link reports from SFX users: How publishers, vendors and libraries can do better. Serials Review, 38(4), 222–227.

this mission has more in store than she could have imagined. In a whirlwind of events, J.C. finds herself traveling with Pilgrim and Native American children to a variety of locations and times in history to free famous characters from a malevolent curse. It’s a novel of fun, adventure, history and fantasy.

Chen, Xiaotian. (2012). Google Books assessments: Comparing Google Books content with WorldCat content. Online Information Review, 36(4), 507–516.

Marketing McGill, M. M. (2012). Learning to program with personal robots: Influences on student motivation. Transactions on Computing Education, 12(1), art. no. 4. McGill, M. M., & Settle, A. (2012). Identifying effects of institutional resources and support on computing faculty research productivity, tenure, and promotion. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 7, 167–198. McGill, M. M., & Settle, A. (2012). Institutional support for computing faculty research productivity: Does gender matter? Proceedings of the 50th Annual Southeast Conference, 36–41.

Leadership in Education, Human Services and Counseling Davison Aviles, R., Skaggs, J. L. (2012). A primer on organizational ethics and leadership for professional school counselors. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(16), 52–59. Risen, M. D. (2012). Illinois State Board of Education, Due Process Hearing Decision.

Special Ed Connections. City of Chicago School District #299. Case No. 20100077.112 LRP 45099. Risen, M. D. (2012). Illinois State Board of Education, Due Process Hearing Decision. Special Ed Connections. Evanston CUSD #65. Case No. 2012-0121.112 LRP 39828. Risen, M. D. (2012). Illinois State Board of Education, Due Process Hearing Decision. Special Ed Connections. HomewoodFlossmoor SD #233. Case No. 20120126.112 LRP 45038. Risen, M. D. (2011). Illinois State Board of Education, Due Process Hearing Decision. Special Ed Connections. City of Chicago School District #299. Case No. 20100077.11 LRP 36563. Risen, M. D. (2011). Illinois State Board of Education, Due Process Hearing Decision. Special Ed Connections. Plainfield School District #202. Case No. 2010-0077.11 LRP 36563. Rybak, C. J. (2012). Nurturing positive mental health: Mindfulness for wellbeing in counseling. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, doi: 10.1007/ s10447-012-9171-7

Gehrt, K. C., Rajan, M. N., Shainesh, G., Czerwinski, D., & O’Brien, M. (2012). Emergence of online shopping in India: Shopping orientation segments. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 40(10), 742–758. Kupfer, J. M., & Bond, E. U. (2012). Patient satisfaction and patient-centered care: Necessary but not equal. Journal of the American Medical Association, 308(2), 139–140.

Mathematics Duchin, M., Lelièvre, S., & Mooney, C. (2012). Statistical hyperbolicity in groups. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 12(1), 1–18. Duchin, M., Lelièvre, S., & Mooney, C. (2012). The geometry of spheres in free abelian groups. Geometriae Dedicata, 16(1), 1–19. Guilbault, C., & Mooney, C. (2012). Cell-like equivalences and boundaries of CAT(0) groups. Geometriae Dedicata, 160(1), 119–145.

Bradley Works 2013


In Print Dr. Allen Webster, professor of finance and quantitative methods. (2012). Introductory regression analysis: With computer applications for business and economics. New York, NY: Routledge. If you’d like to predict sales for your company, it’s important to be able to use data to see how various factors will influence future revenue. In Dr. Allen Webster’s latest text, he shows readers how to understand and use the concept of regression analysis in order to solve a large range of real-world business problems like this one. Furthermore, his book breaks down the daunting process of statistical analysis into logical steps and gives the reader the tools needed to interpret statistics software. This multilayered, pragmatic book is perfect for students who wish to truly understand regression analysis and its application in business.

Liu, S., & Mou, L. (2012). Hydrodynamic lubrication of thrust bearings with rectangular fixed-incline-pads. Journal of Tribology, 134(2), art. no. 024503. McAsey, M., Mou, L., & Han, W. (2012). Convergence of the forward-backward sweep method in optimal control. Computational Optimization and Applications, 53(1), 207–226.

Ou, Y. L., Troutman, T., & Wilhelm, F. (2012). Infinity-harmonic maps and morphisms. Differential Geometry and its Application, 30(2), 164–178. Szeto, G. (2012). On Azumaya crossed products. Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 35(3), 529–535. Szeto, G., & Xue, L. (2012). A matrix representation of an Azumaya group ring.


Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 60(7), 769–774. Szeto, G., & Xue, L. (2012). On central Galois commutator subrings of a general Azumaya Galois extension. South Asian Journal of Mathematics, 2(1), 1–6. Szeto, G., & Xue, L. (2011). On Galois extensions of a Galois algebra. International Mathematical Forum, 6(61-64), 3093–3099. Szeto, G., & Xue, L. (2011). On Galois extensions for separable group rings. International Mathematical Forum, 6(5-8), 263–269. Szeto, G., & Xue, L. (2011). On Galois extensions with a one-to-one Galois map. International Journal of Algebra, 5 (17–20), 801–807.

Xue, L. (2012). On Azumaya Galois extensions. Bulletin of Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 35(2A), 583–589. Xue, L. (2012). On Galois correspondence of a general Azumaya Galois extension. International Journal of Algebra and Statistics, 1, 45–49.

Mechanical Engineering Deshpande, G., Nair, K., Hand, N., Magnuson, J., Davis, A., & Morris, M. J. (2012). A novel design for a jaw-thrust and head immobilization device and its successful testing using a human simulator. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 6(1), art. no. 011002.

Mattei, T. A., Bond, B. J., Hafner, J. W., Morris, M. J., Travis, J., Hannah, G., et al. (2011). Definition and measurement of rider-intrinsic physical attributes influencing all-terrain vehicle safety. Neurosurgical Focus, 31(5), art. no. E6. Mehta, D. P., & Vennapureddy, A. (2012). Biodiesel, an alternative fuel, and its effects on engine performances and environment. Technical Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI-Nanotech 2012, 467–470.

Parks, A. K., Eason, T. G., & AbantoBueno, J. (2012). Dynamic response of curved beams using 3D digital image correlation. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, 4, 283–290.

Music Dzapo, K. (2012). Joachim Andersen et Paul Taffanel. Traversières (Journal of the French Flute Association), 101, 14–15. Dzapo, K. (2012). Le cercle d’Andersen: Portrait d’un inconnu populaire. Traversières (Journal of the French Flute Association), 102, 17–23. Heinemann, S. (2012). Composition with intervals: Melodic invention in Elliott Carter’s recent concertos. Elliott Carter Studies (pp. 190–213). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Young, P. K. (2013). The clinical nurse educator as leader. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1), 29–34.

Philosophy and Religious Studies Kelley, A. (2012). Jankélévitch and Gusdorf on forgiveness of oneself. Sophia, doi: 10.1007/s11841-011-0290-0 Zaborowski, J. R. (2012). Coptic Christianity. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to African Religions (pp. 220–233). Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing.

Physical Therapy Tippett, S. R. (2011). Plyometrics in rehabilitation. Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training, 5th ed. (pp. 228–246). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Physics Chen, Y. Y., Hsu, J. C., Lee, C. Y., & Wang, P. W. (2012). Influence of oxygen partial pressure on structural, electrical, and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO film prepared by the ion beam co-sputtering method. Journal of Materials Science, doi: 10.1007/s10853-012-6863-7

Heinemann, S. (2011). Duo for violin and cello. Premiere performance May 27, 2011. Peoria Symphony Orchestra for first Illinois New Music Festival. Marcia Henry Liebenow (violin) & Carol Wessler (cello).

Chen, Y. Y., Wang, P. W., Hsu, J. C., & Lee, C. Y. (2012). Post-annealing properties of aluminum-doped zinc oxide films fabricated by ion beam co-sputtering. Vacuum, vacuum.2012.02.054

Heinemann, S. (2012). Spirals for jazz quintet and string orchestra. Premiere performance March 26, 2012. Peoria Symphony Orchestra. George Stelluto, conductor, with soloists Stephen Heinemann (soprano saxophone) & Todd Kelly (trumpet).

Hsu, J. C., Lin, Y. H., Wang, P. W., & Chen, Y. Y. (2012). Spectroscopic ellipsometry studies on various zinc oxide films deposited by ion beam sputtering at room temperature. Applied Optics, 51(9), 1209–1215.

Nursing Adelman-Mullally, T., Mulder, C. K., McCarter-Spalding, D. E., Hagler, D. A., Gaberson, K. B., Hanner, M. B., . . .

Political Science Gill, E. R. (2012). An argument for same-sex marriage: Religious freedom, sexual freedom, and public expressions

of civic equality. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Gill, E. (2012). Economic justice and freedom of conscience. Economic justice: Philosophical and legal perspectives (pp. 49–62). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Gizzi, M. C., Curtis, R. C., & Boldt, E. D. (2012). US courts of appeals and state supreme court responses to Arizona v. Gant: A study in judicial impact. Journal of Crime and Justice, doi: 10.1080/0735648X.2012.717382

Psychology Etaugh, C., & Bridges, J. S. (2013). Women’s lives: A psychological exploration (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Jonason, P., & Schmitt, D. P. (2012). What have you done for me lately? Friendship-selection in the shadows of the Dark Triad personality traits. Evolutionary Psychology, 10(3), 400–412. Jonason, P., Webster, G., Schmitt, D. P., Li, N., & Crysel, L. (2012). The antihero in popular culture: A life history theory of the Dark Triad. Review of General Psychology, 16(2), 192–199. Montgomery, D. E., & Fosco, W. (2012). The effect of delayed responding on Stroop-like task performance among preschoolers. Journal of Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development, 173(2), 142–157.

Neumann, C., Schmitt, D. P., Carter, R., Embley, I., & Hare, R. D. (2012). Psychopathic traits in males and females across the globe. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 30, 577–574. Schmitt, D. P. (2012). When the difference is in the details: A critique of Zentner and Mitura. Evolutionary Psychology, 10, 720–726. Schmitt, D. P., Jonason, P. K., Byerley, G. J., Flores, S. D., Illbeck, B. E., O’Leary, K. N., & Qudrat, A. (2012). A reexamination of sex differences in sexuality: New studies reveal old truths. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(2), 135–139.

Bradley Works 2013


In Print Shackelford, T. K., Weekes-Shackelford, V. A., Schmitt, D. P., & Salmon, C. A. (2012). Deadbeat dads: Evolutionary perspectives on providing child support. Oxford handbook of sexual conflict in humans (pp. 302–314). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Sociology Crawford, L. A., & Novak, K. B. (2013). The effects of public self-consciousness and embarrassability on college student drinking: Evidence in support of a protective self-presentational model. Journal of Social Psychology, doi: 10.1080/00224545.2012.711381

Teacher Education Cantu, D. A. (2012). History/social studies education in the digital and standardsbased classroom. El Cajon, CA: National Social Science Press.

Goode, C. T., Britner, S. L., Pecore, J. L., Demetrikopoulos, M. K., Williams, B. A., Carrauth, L. L., DeHaan, R. L., Frantz, K. J. (2012). Scientific research self-efficacy among undergraduates: Current contexts and approaches for measurement. Selfefficacy in school and community settings (pp. 21–52). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Hunzicker, J. (2012). Professional development and job-embedded collaboration: How teachers learn to exercise leadership. Professional Development in Education, 38(2), 267–289. Hunzicker, J., & Lukowiak, T. (2012). Effective teaching and student engagement in the college classroom: Using the Instructional Practices Inventory (IPI) as a tool for peer observation and selfreflection. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 23(1), 99–132. Hunzicker, J., Schifeling, J., Sattler, J., & Lathan, G. (2012). School-university partnerships: A model for educational reform in Peoria. InterBusiness Issues, August 2012, 48–51.


Kuester, D. A., & Zentall, S. S. (2012). Social interaction rules in cooperative learning groups for students at risk for ADHD. Journal of Experimental Education, 80(1), 69–95. Pardieck, S. C. (2012). Professional teaching portfolios: Immersed in the constructivist approach. CITE Critical Issues in Teacher Education, 19, 33–41. Pardieck, S. C. (2011–2012). Visual literacy: Reading and analyzing e-primary sources. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 40(1), 28–32. Pardieck, S. C., Nugent, P., Antola Crowe, H., & Bond, A. (2011). A comprehensive integrated service framework for school and university partnerships. Association of Teacher Educators, 2011(1), 33.

Siefken, J., Sangalli, M., Bernardi, E., & Pardieck, S. (2012). Assuming historical roles: Using point-of-view writing and Library of Congress e-primary sources. TPS Journal, Teaching and Learning with Primary Sources: Research and Practice, 3(June 2012). Retrieved from tpsjournalbradleyMarch12.html

Turner Center for Entrepreneurship Terpstra, V., Foley, J., & Sarathy, R. (2012). International Marketing, Tenth Edition, Naperville, IL: Naper Publishing Group LLC.

Interdepartmental collaborations Biology; Computer Science and Information Systems Stover, N. A., Punia, R. S., Bowen, M. S., Dolins, S. B., & Clark, T. G. (2012). Tetrahymena genome database wiki: A community-maintained model organism database. Database: The Journal

of Biological Databases and Curation, doi: 10.1093/database/bas007

Business Management and Administration; Leadership in Education, Human Services and Counseling Buchko, A. A., Buchko, K. J., & Meyer, J. M. (2012). Is there power in PowerPoint? A field test of the efficacy of PowerPoint on memory and recall of religious sermons. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 688–695.

Finance and Quantitative Methods; Mathematics Elshahat, A., Parhizgari, A., & Hong, L. (2012). The information content of the banking regulatory agencies and the depository credit intermediation institutions. Journal of Economics and Business, 64(1), 90–104.

Teacher Education; Family and Consumer Sciences; Leadership in Education, Human Services and Counseling; Nursing; and Physical Therapy Antola Crowe, H., Brandes, K., Davison Aviles, B., Erickson, D., & Hall, D. (2012). Developing cross-cultural competencies through interdisciplinary collaboration. 2012 Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (p. 238). Blacksburg, VA: Center for Instructional Development and Educational Research.

Dr. Claire Etaugh, professor of psychology. (2013). Women’s lives: A psychological exploration (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. In Dr. Claire Etaugh’s new text, Women’s lives: A psychological exploration, she draws on the lives of a rich range of women in order to educate readers on the issues and experiences facing females. This book integrates material about women from all walks of life. They differ in age, ethnicity, social class, nationality, sexual orientation and capability. Through their experiences and the struggles the women overcome, readers will better understand the diversity that surrounds the identity of women. This edition of Women’s lives reflects current social and scientific developments; it includes more than 2,100 new references. Moreover, the text’s conversational tone and innovative structure make it easy to read. The book approaches gender issues on a chronological basis, and its comprehensive chapters offer pragmatic solutions to problems. The authors challenge readers to engage and think critically through various exercises and activities. This text is especially useful for those who wish to do their part in promoting a more egalitarian society. Dr. Etaugh has authored more than 100 articles and four books on issues such as gender roles, developmental psychology, the psychology of women and child development.

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34th Biennial Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition Seoyeong Park of San Francisco created this screen print, titled “f(a problem)=problems,” using Post-it Notes. It is among 160 works by 108 artists featured in the 34th Biennial Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition. The second-longest running juried print and drawing competition in the nation was juried by Stephen Goddard, senior curator and curator of prints and drawings at the Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas. The artists featured in the 2013 exhibition hail from across the United States, as well as Thailand, Canada and Costa Rica. All traditional and non-traditional graphic media, including printmaking, drawing and book arts, are considered for the show and experimental techniques are encouraged. The exhibition runs March 9-April 20 at Bradley’s Heuser Art Center and at the Prairie Center of the Arts, the Contemporary Art Center of Peoria and the Peoria Art Guild. To view the works online, visit go/works-34print.

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