Coronavirus Response Summary

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INTRODUCTION This is an overview of Bradley University’s plan for fall 2020. We are putting many steps in place to keep the Bradley community and our surrounding area safe. These policies and procedures are aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19 on and around our campus. This information is subject to change as we follow the science of the virus and make decisions and revisions based on the health and wellbeing of the Bradley community. Our RETURN TO CAMPUS TEAMS continue to develop plans and protocols so we may resume campus activities and welcome everyone back to the Hilltop this fall. EVERY MEMBER of the Bradley community is expected to assume personal responsibility to protect themselves and the entire campus. These expectations and guidelines include implementing personal health safety practices, respecting physical distancing and taking the necessary steps to keep themselves and our campus safe.

Bradley will continue to provide a QUALITY EDUCATION and empower all of our students for immediate and sustained success. Our plans will be BASED ON SCIENCE and we will continue to evolve as we learn more about COVID-19. We will do our very best to offer guidance and timely communication regarding changes resulting from this pandemic. We ask for continued patience as we navigate through this constantly changing landscape. Follow our coronavirus website for updates and information on all of the decisions thus far.

VIRUS TEAM LIST Dozens of employees have spent time this spring and summer helping us to navigate through the pandemic and now steer our path to return to campus. VIRUS RESPONSE TEAM The Virus Response Team began meeting in early March and continues to meet regularly. They were tasked with maneuvering through the initial crisis of the pandemic and setting the stage for the next phase. That team includes: • Nathan Thomas • Renee Charles • Jobie Skaggs • Erin Kastberg • Stephen Standifird • Jeff Blade • Walter Zakahi • Previously included Gary Roberts and Pratima Gandhi RETURN TO CAMPUS As we moved out of the immediate crisis of the pandemic in the spring semester and began looking at what it would take to get back to campus for the fall semester, we created the Return to Campus team. This team includes: • Nathan Thomas • Renee Charles • Jobie Skaggs • Erin Kastberg • Molly Cluskey • Jon Neidy Multiple committees make up the Return to Campus team: RETURN TO WORK • Erin Kastberg, chair – General Counsel and Vice President, Legal Affairs • Courtney Johnson – Assistant Director, Event Services • Crystal Elliott – Director, Human Resources • Jennifer Domaszewicz – Gift Records Coordinator • Dr. Jessica Higgs – Director, Health Services • Jocelyn Watkins – Clery Compliance, University Police • Helja Antola Crowe – Director, Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning • K aren Sorrel – Human Resource Administrator • L arry McGuire – Director, Facilities Management • Mike Gavic – Director, Admission • Teresa Drake – Assistant Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences • Wendy Vinglinsky – Assistant Director, Marketing and Communications • K aren Fragoso – Student


RETURN TO CLASS • Molly Cluskey, chair – Interim Dean, Education and Health Sciences • Anne Hollis – Executive Director, Student Support Services • Barb Kerns – Executive Director, Learning Design and Technology • Brad Brown – Chair, History • Dakota Horn – Lecturer and Basic Course Director, Communications • Haley Krus – Assistant Director of Public Relations • Helja Antola Crowe – Director, Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning • Jessica Clark – Associate Dean and Director, Nursing • Joshua Lewer – Chair, Economics • Marty Morris – Professor, Mechanical Engineering • Brandy Waye – Student RETURN TO STUDENT LIFE • Jon Neidy, Chair – Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs • Anne Hollis – Executive Director, Student Support Services • Aurea Toxqui – Associate Professor, History • Cara Wood – Director, Student Activities • Jen Jones – Senior Associate Athletic Director • Dr. Jessica Higgs – Director, Health Services • Jhoanna Vega Rocha – Assistant Director, Diversity and Inclusion • Julie Howe – Director, Residential Living and Student Conduct • Liz Wiest – Social Media Manager • Ryan Bair – Executive Director, Residential Living and Student Conduct • Sue Boettcher – Director, Dining Services • Nicholas Thanos – Dining Services • Tom Coy – Executive Director, Student Involvement • Michelle Riggio – Interim Executive Director, Continuing Education • Tracy Vanderheydt – Interim Custodial Services Supervisor • Brian Joschko – Associate Vice President for Public Safety, Chief of Police • Colleen Flynn – Student • Trent Lewis – Student • AJ Fidanzo – Student

EXPECTATIONS AND GUIDELINES We are all anxious to reunite with our friends and colleagues and to welcome our students back to Bradley, but we cannot underestimate the continued health threat posed by COVID-19. Bradley’s response to the pandemic prioritizes the safety of our students, employees, the Peoria community and the public. Of course, the logistics of bringing back thousands of people with different needs are very complex. Some of the steps we’re taking are small, while others are major moves. As our knowledge about this virus evolves, our plans may update per local orders and ordinances, state and federal guidance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, and other advisers. Every student, faculty and staff member will receive health and safety expectations and guidelines prior to beginning the fall semester, and they will be expected to follow those guidelines throughout the term. expectations-and-guidelines

EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS student-expectations


OMPLIANCE AND COMPLAINTS For students, failure to comply and/or consistently C disregard Bradley’s safety recommendations (distancing, masks, testing and contact tracing, etc.) may result in compliance grievances. They may also be reported to the student conduct office. Employees who fail to comply and/or consistently disregard Bradley’s safety recommendations (distancing, masks, testing and contact tracing, etc.) may be subject to disciplinary actions, up to but not limited to, being placed on administrative leave without pay. To report non-compliance, use the form listed above.

HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS MASK REQUIREMENTS Everyone will be required to wear a face covering in classrooms, common areas, shared workspaces, labs, etc. We will not require employees to wear a face covering when alone in their offices or outside with appropriate distancing. The university will provide each student and employee with one Bradley-branded mask or individuals can wear their own. It is not known if face shields provide any benefit to protect others from the spray of respiratory particles. The CDC does not recommend the use of face shields for normal everyday activities or as a substitute for cloth face coverings ( cloth-face-cover-guidance.html). It is recommended to wear a face shield in conjunction with a cloth face covering. Wearing a face covering is part of Bradley’s health and safety expectations and guidelines; all on campus are expected to follow these regulations. This is a public safety issue, not a political issue. D ISTRIBUTE MASKS Employee masks will be distributed via intercampus mail. Student masks will be distributed in the residence halls and tents will be set up to distribute during Welcome Week. The Bradley bookstore will also sell Bradley-branded face coverings. TESTING Surveillance testing process: Bradley plans to conduct COVID-19 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) surveillance testing of students, faculty and staff who will physically be on campus this fall. Approximately 250 –300 INDIVIDUALS will be randomly selected each week — FROM AUG. 24 TO NOV. 20 — for no-cost surveillance testing conducted through Bradley’s Health Services. We have received approval from the Peoria County Health Department on our testing plan. Additionally, we’ll conduct testing within Bradley’s Health Services for students (only) who are identified as a close contact to someone who has tested positive or who exhibit symptoms associated with COVID-19. Employees who are not part of the weekly sample are not allowed to test at Bradley’s Health Services. They must visit their primary physician or visit one of the testing sites in the Peoria area ( Testing is a component of Bradley’s health and safety expectations and guidelines, and everyone on campus is expected to participate.


C ONTACT TRACING Bradley is in the final stages of having a software application to assist with contact tracing. This application and our current testing protocols will allow us to generate a reporting mechanism of our results. As we fully implement this, we will make further assessments on how often we will generate these reports and where we will publish the results for the entire campus to view. Bradley will only contact those who are considered at risk for having been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. We will not notify the entire campus unless the case warrants as such. We must be mindful of federal HIPAA regulations. If someone is considered at risk based on contact tracing, we will use the following notification process: • C LOSE CONTACT If someone is identified as having been within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes with a person who tested positive for COVID-19, they will receive a phone call and/or text message from Bradley Health Services. Health Services will provide information regarding what actions they will need to take. • C ONTACT If a person is not at risk, but has had some connection with someone who tested positive (for example: a student in a class who tested positive, but with whom the other student was not in close contact), they will receive an email message from the university. According to the CDC, action in this case is NOT required because the risk of transmission is low.


POSITIVE TEST RESULTS All students and employees who test positive for COVID-19, regardless of their exhibiting symptoms, will be required to isolate. We have set aside beds on campus for student isolation and are working on contingency plans should more space be needed. Employees will be required to isolate at home.


ISOLATION VS. QUARANTINE Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.



Symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Know the symptoms of COVID-19, which can include the following:

Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Fever or chills

S YMPTOMS People with COVID-19 have reported a wide range of symptoms ranging from mild to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19: • Cough • Muscle Pain • Sore throat • Chills • Fever • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing • New loss of taste or smell This list does not include all possible symptoms. The CDC will continue to update this list as we learn more about COVID-19.

Muscle or body aches

Vomiting or diarrhea

New loss of taste or smell

Symptoms can range from mild to severe illness, and appear 2-14 days after you are exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19.


WHAT IF I FEEL ILL? Anyone who feels ill should take the usual steps to care for themselves and contact their health care provider if they believe it’s necessary. They should not attend class or go to work if they are contagious. Also, they should not show up at a clinic or health facility without calling first, since their provider will need to take special measures to protect others in the clinic.

Seek medical care immediately if someone has emergency warning signs of COVID-19. • Trouble breathing • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest • New confusion

• Inability to wake or stay awake • Bluish lips or face

This list is not all possible symptoms. Please call your healthcare provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you. 316475-A 07/21/2020

If someone hasn’t traveled internationally or been in contact with a person who has, but they have a respiratory illness plus a fever, they could have the flu or another virus. They should contact Health Services or their health care provider. Answers to additional questions can be found at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. (

b covid-response-protocol

EMPLOYEES EXPERIENCING COVID-19 SYMPTOMS These employees should immediately notify their supervisor and go home, keeping their distance from other employees, students, customers, vendors and visitors. Students experiencing symptoms should contact Bradley Health Services. (Please call in advance and do not walk in because extra precautions must be taken for those exhibiting symptoms.) All should follow the CDC-recommended steps for care and not return to work or class until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met.

RETURN TO WORK REMOTE WORKING PLANS As we learn more about COVID-19, we continue to evaluate our guidelines regarding the resumption of on-campus operations for the fall 2020 semester. The CDC and Restore Illinois plan recommend maximizing physical distance by encouraging remote work, whenever possible. To this end, we will allow those who are approved to work in remote locations to do so. This will help make our community safer by lowering the number of people on campus. FACULTY While in-person learning is a priority for the fall 2020 semester, we also must prepare for online learning. In nearly all classes, faculty members will have to plan for online/hybrid teaching. Members of the Return to Class work group developed a step-by-step process ( document/d/1vFJo6QVfIvNTCJ8XZCqpcu2y6iH7fvx3AybYoqjkmpo) for faculty members to consider when developing online/hybrid courses. Regardless of which format instructors choose, the syllabus must specify exactly when individual students will attend class and when they will participate remotely. All instructors must be prepared to pivot to 100% online teaching as they did in the spring, if the need arises. All faculty members will hold virtual office hours and virtual academic advising to reduce face-to-face contact between students and the faculty member. FACULTY OPT-OUT TEACHING REQUIREMENTS The faculty are an integral part of our plan to resume on-campus instruction. Having the faculty on campus is necessary. However, for those who are interested in teaching some or all of their classes online this fall, they should let their department chair know by no later than noon, Monday, Aug. 10. supervisor-considerations SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES Supervisors should assess and establish their workspaces in advance of their teams returning. For those who need assistance in making those determinations, the Return to Work team has created a supervisor checklist detailing office, personnel and other factors to consider.

RETURN TO WORK supply-champions PPE AND COVID-19 -RELATED SUPPLIES Bradley has assigned a COVID-19 supply champion for each building/department on campus. This individual is responsible for storage, access to and replenishment of PPE and COVID-19-related supplies for that office environment. For instance, if an employee forgets their cloth face covering, the COVID-19 champion for their unit can provide a disposable mask to wear for the day. Supervisors should determine their office’s needs and relay them to the COVID-19 champion who will place the order. All faculty and staff should familiarize themselves with their specific COVID-19 champion and report to that person for PPE and COVID-19 rated supply needs. Unless otherwise noted, these individuals will handle requests for all units within a building.

COVID-19 BUILDING CHAMPIONS • Admissions: Justin Ball • Aramark: Crystal Wirtjes • BECC: Heather McCord • Business Department: Heather McCord • Engineering Department: Julie Reyer • Bradley Hall: Pat Campbell • BUPD: Jocelyn Watkins • Burgess: Cara Burrit • Comstock: Jim Crone • Constance: Martha Schmitt • Dingeldine: Martha Schmitt • Garrett Center: Norris Chase • GCC: Martha Schmitt • CFA Dean’s Office: Martha Schmitt • Communications: Jennifer Reed • Interactive Media: Lorena Chica • Hartmann Center for the Arts: Martha Schmitt • HCAC: Amie Love • Heuser: Martha Schmitt • Library: Barbara Galik • Markin: Matt Panich • Campus Rec: Matt Panich • Counseling: Debra Montgomery-Coon • Michel Student Center: Courtney Johnson • Event Services: Courtney Johnson • Student Activities: Cara Wood

• • • • • • •

Morgan Hall: Barb Kerns Olin Hall: Pat Campbell Orientation: Anne Hollis Renaissance Coliseum: Bobby Parker Sisson: Tina Welsh • Advancement/Controllers: Alison Morrissey • Human Resources: Crystal Elliot • Student Affairs: Tina Welsh Swords: Tracy Zuercher • President: Fran Cox • Provost: Tracy Zuercher • CFO: Fran Cox • Advancement: Jenn Domaszewicz • Controller’s Office: Dennis Koch • Financial Aid: Deb Jackson • Institutional Effectiveness: Jenny Burge • Registrar: Andy Kindler Westlake: Cara Burritt

RETURN TO CLASS ACADEMIC CALENDAR In an effort to alleviate travel during the fall semester, Bradley’s academic calendar has been adjusted. We will begin the fall semester on time, with courses beginning Wednesday, Aug. 26. The semester will conclude Tuesday, Dec. 8. There will be no traditional Fall Break so we will hold class Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 12–13. We will not, however, hold class Monday or Tuesday, Nov. 23–24, prior to Thanksgiving. Bradley students will not return to campus after Thanksgiving, but will attend classes virtually through the end of the semester instead. Study Day will remain Wednesday, Dec. 9 and final exams will remain as scheduled, Dec. 10 through Dec. 16. All other academic calendar dates will stay as scheduled, in particular course add and withdraw dates.

VIRTUAL CLASSES Some students may not be able to return to campus, while others may want to continue taking classes virtually. Please note, there may be exceptions to virtual classes like a practicum or lab experience. Students who would like to apply to take their classes solely in a virtual environment must send a request to and include a brief description of why they’re making the request. All requests will be reviewed and shared with several offices across campus. PHYSICAL SPACE CHANGES All classrooms will be cleaned in a way that is CDC compliant. All classes will be required to follow proper physical distancing with no more than 50 people physically present per class, and where space allows for physical distancing to be maintained. Teams have measured the classrooms and determined the COVID-19 capacity of each. Approval is needed from the dean’s office and/or department chair to change rooms for current classes.


C LEANING PROTOCOLS Areas ordinarily cleaned and maintained by Facilities Management staff will continue to be cleaned and maintained by those staff. The department has increased cleaning and disinfecting high traffic areas (restrooms, lobbies, lounges) as well as high-touch surfaces in shared spaces (doorknobs, light switches, elevator buttons). Facilities Management continues to provide enhanced cleaning of public areas and will adjust its cleaning procedures according to changing CDC specifications and OSHA guidelines. Instructors and students should always wipe down commonly used surfaces before use.

V ENTILATION As Facilities Management brings campus buildings back up to occupied operating standards, the department is evaluating the functionality of each building’s HVAC system; when feasible, they are increasing the volume of outside air intake. 18 By increasing the volume of outside air intake the use of previously conditioned existing air within a building is minimized. We recognize there are numerous organizations, companies and publications offering guidance regarding best practices for HVAC systems during this pandemic, and we will continue to evaluate the available information with health and safety as our highest priority. INSTRUCTION OPTIONS In June, we announced the introduction of Canvas as an additional Learning Management System (LMS) platform. Investing in a new LMS allows Bradley to meet the expectations of both faculty and students and increases our competitive edge. The configuration of Canvas has begun. Faculty may participate in the Fundamentals of Online Learning and Design (FOLD) Institute to gain access to Canvas tutorials, contextualized guidance and the opportunity to start building their courses in Canvas. Students will have access to Canvas in August, including tutorials and contextualized guidance. Canvas will run alongside Sakai through May 31, 2021. Instructors will have access to both learning platforms through the 20FA and 21SP terms. Additional information about the Canvas implementation will be shared soon.

RETURN TO STUDENT LIFE MOVE-IN The move-in process has been carefully adjusted with the health and safety of the Bradley community and Bradley families as our top priority. Residence hall move-in will begin Friday, Aug. 21, for incoming students and Sunday, Aug. 23, for returning students. Each student must sign up for a move-in arrival time using SignUpGenius. The SignUpGenius link will be available for incoming students within 24 hours after housing assignments are released Aug. 10. Returning students received their SignUpGenius link July 11. Each student is permitted three guests to assist them during their designated move-in time. Move-in assistance will not be provided and students should be prepared to move their own belongings in. Please check the recommended packing list and bring COVID-19 recommended items such as a personal thermometer, disinfectant to clean surfaces in your room and additional cloth face coverings. Masks will be required during the move-in process. EVENTS These guidelines were developed with the understanding all students will abide by the campus protocols regarding face coverings, physical distancing and gathering capacities. We understand the importance of socialization and student-led events. Please note, if the State of Illinois restrictions are lifted or tightened, the campus will adapt and implement the new guidelines. We must remain nimble, but realistic. MARKIN CENTER The Markin Center will open Monday, Aug. 24. Masks will be required to enter. Please visit the URL above for full details on our policies and procedures for the fall semester.

RETURN TO STUDENT LIFE LIBRARY Public access to the Cullom-Davis Library is temporarily restricted. Until further notice, only Bradley University students, faculty and staff may enter the library. Members of the public who need to access government publications or need help searching government publications may visit the above URL. RESIDENCE HALLS The residence halls will have double occupancy across campus. There will be a limited number of additional single rooms made available in addition to the Singles Complex on the following priority basis:

LOORS IN RESIDENCE HALLS will be considered a living unit and private space for floor F residents. Floor lounges and restrooms should be utilized by residents of that floor only.

OOMMATES will complete a Roommate Agreement together, which will be distributed to R students via email after they arrive on campus. Roommates should minimize shared items, maintain a cleaning schedule, minimize any guests and sleep head to toe in relation to each other’s beds.

C OMMUNITY LOUNGES AND CONFERENCE ROOMS in residence halls will be available by reservation only and will have posted capacity limits, which are not to be exceeded. All Campus Safety Expectations and Guidelines and CDC recommendations will be enforced. DINING Bradley’s Dining Services is committed to the safety and well-being of students, faculty and staff as they return to campus. Additional safety processes and protocols have been implemented to help ensure the safety of campus operations.

RETURN TO STUDENT LIFE OUTSIDE GUESTS Non-Bradley guests, visitors and family members are not permitted in the residence halls, except for move-in and move-out. Each student can have up to three guests assist them during their designated move-in and move-out times. When holding a social gathering, please remember to follow CDC and Campus Safety Expectations and Guidelines. As for academic settings, all hosts must fill out a visitor form to have guests in classrooms settings.

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