Bradley Hilltopics, Winter 2010

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Bradley University Winter 2010


INSIDE Around-the-world photo journey p. 14 Students save MAP grants p. 32


THIS ISSUE of Bradley Hilltopics is especially poignant to me because it showcases Bradley alumni who have devoted much of their lives to fighting the war against cancer. From DR. LYNNE JALOVEC ’78, a cancer surgeon in Peoria, to DR. SUSAN KREBS-SMITH ’76, a noted researcher and branch chief at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, to ERIC BRINKER ’98, a leader in raising funds for breast cancer and the son of the founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Bradley graduates are at the forefront of this national crusade. They are making a difference — they are changing the world. I know this firsthand. Just a year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and subsequently underwent surgery. Fortunately, my cancer was found early. I underwent radiation and have recovered. I am healthy again. Now I feel a responsibility to tell my story to help raise awareness and to encourage others to be proactive about getting annual checkups. Early screening saves lives. I believe it saved mine. Indeed, today the five-year breast cancer survival rate is 98 percent, primarily because of early detection. To help carry that message, I am privileged to serve as the honorary chair of the 25th annual Race for the Cure in Peoria. The Race honors Susan G. Komen, a Peorian who died from breast cancer nearly 30 years ago at age 36. In her sister’s memory, Nancy Brinker started the Komen organization, and it is now the largest private source of breast cancer research funding in the world. The Peoria Race for the Cure will be May 8, and I am confident that Team Bradley will be out in full force to help support this most worthy cause. But I also want to invite members of the Bradley family — no matter where you live across the country or around the world — to participate in a Race this year in your community. Form a Team Bradley and send us a photograph of your experience. I’m sure it will be a fulfilling one for you and your fellow alums. Participating in a Race will truly make a difference and enrich the lives of others. This has been an extremely eventful fall on the Hilltop. We had not one, but two groundbreakings that will transform the campus in meaningful ways for our alumni and our students. On October 1, we broke ground for the spectacular Hayden-Clark Alumni Center, adjacent to Bradley Hall. Once completed, it will be a first-class home for alumni visiting our campus, with a library, Alumni Hall of Pride and lovely ballroom for entertaining. One of my favorite parts will be the balcony that will overlook our new alumni quad to the west of Bradley Hall. It will be a beautiful addition. Later in October we began work on a massive expansion and renovation of Westlake Hall, the second-oldest structure on campus. After 50 years without much remodeling, Westlake needed an extreme makeover. The new Westlake will be six times larger than the original. The home to the College of Education and Health Sciences will have state-of-the-art classrooms, modern labs and a much-needed auditorium, and will be where our STEM Center will teach future educators. Our acclaimed Institute for Principled Leadership in Public Service also will be housed there. This investment will make Bradley a leader in educating teachers, health care professionals and public servants for years to come. There is still more to be done, but I want to thank you for your support of our Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance. With more than $126 million committed toward our $150 million goal, we are well on our way to making Bradley a university of national distinction. I am humbled to continue to serve our faithful alumni and our wonderful University. Warm regards,

Winter 2010

Volume 16 Issue 1

Founder’s Day awards Faculty and alumni from across the nation were recognized for their achievements on Founder’s Day last October.




Cancer warriors


Each has a different specialty, but DR. LYNNE JALOVEC ’78, DR. SUSAN KREBS-SMITH ’76, and ERIC BRINKER ’98 share a commitment to conquering cancer and saving lives.

Photographer’s life


TOM GRIMM ’62 MA ’65 captures the world and its people

with his camera lens. He and his wife Michele spent almost five decades traveling to 130 countries.

Student activism saves MAP grants




Donning red and wielding signs, Bradley students united on campus and at the state capital to reinstate MAP grant funding. (Shown with State Sen. David Koehler and Gov. Pat Quinn)

Departments ViewPoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

InMemory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

NoteBook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

AlumniNews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

SportScene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

CampusView. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

ClassNotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18






NANCY RIDGEWAY associate editor

SHELLEY EPSTEIN associate vice president for university communications

GAYLE ERWIN McDOWELL ’77 associate editor ERIN WOOD ’09 assistant editor SARAH DUKES art director DUANE ZEHR university photographer


Cert no. SCS-COC-00648

KATHY FULLER assistant vice president for university relations

Student Staff Assistants ABBY WILSON ’10 MELISSA VOGRIN ’10 ANA SAMOYLOVA, MFA ’11 photographer

ON THE COVER: Breast cancer surgeon DR. LYNNE JALOVEC ’78 pauses in her Peoria office. The wall photo behind her was taken in 1988 by GREGG NEAL ’88 for a class assignment. Jalovec was a Bradley cheerleader, and Neal coached the squad for 24 years. Cover photo by DUANE ZEHR.

ViewPoint Music department praised

Pilot story brings back memories

I was attracted to Bradley because of the many opportunities for undergraduates to be involved in research and creative activities in collaboration with great professors and guest artists. I noticed in a recent Bradley Hilltopics that this tradition is still alive and well at Bradley in the music department, formalized through recognition by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). I also remember working closely with Drs. Greg Sanders and Dave Vroman to develop my foundational skills as a professional musician that served me well later in my own graduate studies at the University of North Texas, the largest music school in the U.S.

I enjoyed the article, “Her Story is World War II History,” about Mildred “Duke” Caldwell and her experiences in the WASP program, written by Scott Hilyard. Since I attended Bradley from 1963 to 1968, I can vaguely remember her teaching physical education. When I was an undergraduate in the civil engineering department, I remember going to Hewitt Hall when I lived on campus for some pick-up games with friends. Since I grew up in upstate New York, and have lived in the Albany area for the past 30 years, I noted in the article that she didn’t mention her alma mater. So, I was wondering if she attended the same college as my sister, and sure enough she did. My sister graduated from Russell Sage College in 1954. Again, I enjoyed the article about the WASP program and Prof. Caldwell, especially since she is getting a Congressional Gold Medal.


Hays, Kansas

Kiplinger’s viewpoint: BU is “best value” for 2009–10 Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine ranked Bradley 42nd on its list of the 50 best values among private universities in its December 2009 issue. Kiplinger’s measures value based on cost and academic quality. Acceptance rate, financial aid, student-per-faculty ratio, average debt at graduation, and graduation rate are also considered in the rankings. Bradley has the lowest total cost of the universities on the list, and the average debt Bradley graduates face is significantly lower than students from other universities. Bradley was one of online three Illinois universities Visit on the list, along with Northwestern and the for more information. University of Chicago.



Schenectady, N.Y.

Beanies and more I visited the campus some years ago, and my undergrad friend, KEN “MOOSE” GOLDIN ’64 MA ’72, who at the time of the visit was director of housing, mentioned the University was seeking memorabilia from past students. Since I am no longer maintaining a land-based residence, I am forwarding my half-century-old Bradley beanie from the fall of 1959, the “B” ashtrays, and a Bradley plate. I am currently refitting my sailboat, S/Y Soul Mate, for a more extensive, single-handed, three-year cruise. Therefore, I no longer have space to keep these nostalgic items and hope you have a use for them. ROSS W. TARR ’62

St. Petersburg, Fla.


1959 beanie. Read ClassNotes from members of the Class of ’59 on pages 18–20.

© Bradley University 2010 Bradley Hilltopics is published in winter, spring, summer, and fall by Bradley University for alumni, faculty, staff, parents of students, and other friends of the University. Send letters and address changes to: Hilltopics, Bradley University, 1501 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61625. 309-677-2249 fax 309-677-4055 e-mail: Web site: campus information: 309-676-7611 Bradley University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and the promotion of equal opportunities for all persons regardless of age, color, creed, disability, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The University also is committed to compliance with all applicable laws regarding non-discrimination, harassment, and affirmative action. Bradley Hilltopics reserves the right to edit all letters to the editor based on length and content.







More than 10 years ago, Dr. Kyle Dzapo, flutist and professor of music, entered a competition to become a pre-concert lecturer for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. She won that competition and has been lecturing there ever since. In spring 2009, she added the New York Philharmonic to her schedule. Both the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic have lecturers who introduce the compositions to be performed. The orchestras rehearse and perform different concerts each week during the season, which they repeat three or four times during the weekend. When Dzapo is in New York, she goes to the rehearsal on Thursday and gives the lecture before attending the concert that night. The next morning, she gives the lecture again and attends the concert, then spends the rest of Friday enjoying the research opportunities New York has to offer, particularly the resources at the Juilliard School, the New York Public Library, and local bookshops. online Saturday night is filled with Visit or a third lecture and concert. for more information. Dzapo’s first lecture for the New York Philharmonic was about the music of Handel. She traveled to New York again in September to deliver a lecture on Brahms and Schoenberg, two composers who lived in Vienna, where she spent part of the summer as a member of Bradley’s International Programs faculty. Dzapo, a faculty member at Bradley since 1993 and the 2007 Samuel Rothberg Award for Professional Excellence recipient, is passionate about music history. She was influenced by her teachers’ philosophy that performers

or audiences connect with and understand a piece much better if they know the intellectual background. Dzapo loves what she does. “It’s delightful to interact with the audience,” she says. Dzapo’s research and lectures also coincide with her classes at Bradley — she teaches the first year of a two-year sequence of music history courses. Dzapo’s love of music goes back to a flute teacher she had in high school. Walter Mayhall, a music professor at Youngstown State University at the time, inspired Dzapo to become the professor she is today. “He is a brilliant flute player, and I was fascinated by his ability to play,” she said. “He had a great way of inspiring me.” Dzapo decided she wanted to be a teacher just like him, so she chose to enter the University of Michigan as a music major. “I always said that when everybody else gave up after high school, I simply didn’t,” she said. Like her mentor, Mayhall, who played in a regional symphony, Dzapo is also the principal flutist in the Peoria Symphony Orchestra. Dzapo will continue to lecture in the spring. She will be in Chicago for lectures March 12–14 and 18–20.

Trade center garners top U.S. honor The International Trade Center (ITC) at Bradley was awarded one of 21 Presidential “E” Awards on November 5. The award is the government’s most prestigious honor given to firms, individuals, or organizations that contribute to increasing American exports. The ITC is part of the Foster College of Business Administration. Bradley’s ITC was the only trade center in the country to be recognized. In the last four years, Illinois companies using the ITC to become more involved in the international marketplace have increased their export sales from $35.8 million to $129.8 million. Peoria is currently ranked the 19th largest export market in the country. According to ITC director Jim Foley, the award communicates to Illinois companies that they have the opportunity to work in the international marketplace with one of the best trade centers. The ITC is part of the Turner Center for Entrepreneurship.

Jim Foley, left, and Dr. Robert Baer, right, accept a Presidential “E” award in Washington, D.C., on behalf of the International Trade Center (ITC) at Bradley from Gary Locke, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Foley is director of the ITC, and Baer is dean of the Foster College of Business. Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010



Founder’s Day Awards


Additional Founder’s Day awards appear on pages 6, 23, and 25.

Alumnus Award on Founder’s Day. The DAA recognizes a graduate whose professional or civic activities bring the highest distinction to themselves, their community, and to Bradley. Weinstein is an internationally known spine surgeon and researcher, recognized for his expertise in low back pain and as an advocate of non-invasive approaches to its treatment. He is a professor and chairman of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Dartmouth Medical School and the chairman of the Department of Orthopaedics at DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center. In 1988, he founded the Center for Shared Decision-Making, which created a revolutionary model for the way doctors and patients interact. He is also the editor-in-chief of Spine and the director of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, where he and his staff demonstrate that health care can be delivered more effectively, with better satisfaction and less cost. Weinstein also developed the first spine tumor classification system, used around the world, and was the lead author of the Dartmouth Atlas of Musculoskeletal Health Care. He is the principal investigator of the Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT). In total, he has

received more than $50 million in peer-reviewed research grants. Before joining Dartmouth, Weinstein taught at the University of Iowa and was co-director of the Spine Research Center. “I have had an incredible journey,” Weinstein told the audience on October 1. “I don’t know where it will end, but a lot of it began here.” Weinstein’s career path has been guided by the loss of his oldest daughter to leukemia. From that experience, he learned firsthand what patients go through and the importance of compassion. In 1972, he earned a chemistry degree from Bradley, where he was a member of Sigma Chi. He earned his doctorate of osteopathy from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1977. He completed a residency in orthopaedic surgery at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center in Chicago and later received a master’s in health services research from Dartmouth Medical School. He is a member of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons board of directors and a director of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. He and his wife Mimi live in Lyme, New Hampshire.

Professors receive Putnam, Rothberg awards On Founder’s Day, the 2009 Putnam Award for Teaching Excellence was awarded to Dr. John Williams (left), associate professor of history. Dr. Williams holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and has been at Bradley since 1997. DR. LARRY WEINZIMMER ’83 MBA ’85 (right) received the Samuel Rothberg Professional Excellence Award. The professor of management has been teaching at Bradley since 1993. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. The Charles M. Putnam Award began in 1957. The Rothberg Award has been given every year since 1973.


CENTURIONS BRING GOOD THINGS TO LIFE Six alumni inducted into the Bradley Centurion Society on Founder’s Day have at least one thing in common: they all have a track record of bringing good things to life. The new Centurions include an attorney, a legislator, a business owner, a retired director of a social service agency, and two surgeons. As the 2009 Distinguished Alumnus, Dr. Jim Weinstein (on preceding page) is also a new Centurion. There are now 159 members of the Centurion Society. At right, the medallion presented to all Centurions was adapted from the lion on the face of Westlake Hall’s clock tower. It was designed by BILL HARDIN ’50, who was inducted into the Society in 1993.

Jay Janssen ’59

Attorney Law firm owner The senior attorney and owner of the Janssen Law Center, he has been a trailblazer in the legal profession, recognizing the power of advertising in informing people about their legal rights. He opened his Peoria firm in 1961. He has tried jury trials in many of the state’s 102 counties. Janssen received a distinguished alumnus award from the University of Illinois College of Law, has been named an Illinois super lawyer, and was honored as one of America’s premier lawyers by Fortune Magazine. At Bradley, he was a member of the speech team and ODK honorary society. He has served on the alumni board (BUAA) and funds annual oratory scholarships. He and his wife, Bradley Trustee JOAN LORIG JANSSEN ’69, are members of the Bradley Renaissance Circle Society.

Dr. Robin L. Kelly ’78 MA ’82

Harold “Lanny” Lamont ’60

Kelly has been chief of staff for State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias since 2007. She announced her own candidacy for state treasurer last August. A Democratic state representative for the 38th District from 2002 to 2006, Kelly represented Cook County’s south suburbs. She worked to build economic development, improve public safety, streamline the election process, and ensure the safety of victims of domestic violence. Kelly holds a doctoral degree from Northern Illinois University. She is an instructor at Prairie State College. She served on Bradley’s Board of Trustees from 2002 to 2008. Kelly and her husband

Lamont founded Davlan Engineering in St. Louis just three years after graduation. He also operates Quality Screw Machine Products Inc., Carr Lane Manufacturing, Carr Lane Castings, and is the manufacturer of Switzer’s Licorice. Lamont’s company fabricated statues of Jack Buck and Ozzie Smith at the new Busch Stadium, along with 40 Ernest Trova sculptures at Laumeier Sculpture Park in St. Louis. In 2006, Carr Lane Castings created a bronze plate that marks the location of home plate from the days when games were played on campus. At Bradley, Lamont was an outstanding baseball player and a member of Sigma Chi. He and his wife Kay live in Lake St. Louis.

Chief of staff for state treasurer


reside in Matteson.

Business owner & manufacturer

Nancy Hunter Rakoff ’59 MLS ’93 Common Place executive director (retired)/activist

A high school home economics teacher in Peoria, Rakoff began volunteering at Common Place when it opened in 1967. She soon joined the agency full-time and was its executive director from 1983 to 2006. Adult literacy has been the inner-city agency’s focus, along with homework and life skills programs for children. Rakoff partnered with the Peoria Public Library to create the One City/One Book project known as Peoria Reads. Now the membership coordinator at Universalist Unitarian Church, she has won many community awards. At Bradley, Rakoff was a member of Chi Omega and the yearbook staff. She and her husband HENRY RAKOFF, MLS ’93 live in Peoria.

Dr. Lindsey Rolston ’85

Surgeon/inventor An orthopedic surgeon in New Castle, Indiana, Rolston spends a great deal of time training surgeons how to use the knee replacement implant he invented. Introduced in 2007, the Journey Deuce knee system gives patients a speedier, easier recovery while preserving parts of the knee that aren’t affected by osteoarthritis. Rolston earned his medical degree from the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Peoria. He is a member of a number of medical societies. A member of Sigma Nu, he turned down an offer from the Kansas City Royals in 1984, choosing to remain at Bradley where he was co-captain of the baseball team his senior year. Rolston and his wife Sheri live in New Castle.

Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


NoteBook BU news, views & updates

Faculty honored on Founder’s Day Two professors were awarded the Caterpillar Inc. New Faculty Award for Scholarship on Founder’s Day. Dr. Alexander Hertich, assistant professor of French, began teaching at Bradley in 2004. Dr. Kerrie Schattler, assistant professor of civil engineering and construction, came to Bradley in 2005. Dr. Timothy Koeltzow, assistant professor of psychology, received the Caterpillar Inc. New Faculty Award for Teaching. He arrived on campus in 2006.





PAUL MOORE ’62 and BU President

Joanne Glasser

Although M. PAUL MOORE ’62 traveled far and wide to Switzerland, China, Korea, and South Africa while working for Caterpillar, he never stopped advocating for Bradley University. Most notably, he served as coordinator of the fundraising efforts for Bradley’s Centennial Campaign in Asia. When Moore returned to Peoria permanently in 1999, he continued his active support of Bradley. He was elected to serve on the boards of the Braves Club, the B-Club, and the Bradley University Alumni Association (BUAA). Currently, Moore is the vice president of the B-Club, the president of BUAA, and serves on the organization’s



alumni center and strategic planning committees. He represented the BUAA on the search committee that selected Joanne Glasser as the new University president, and he has served on the BU Council and the athletic department’s long-term strategy review committee. On Founder’s Day, the BUAA commended Moore’s years of dedication and volunteer work by naming him the 2009 Lydia Moss Bradley Award winner. While attending Bradley on a track and field scholarship, Moore was named most valuable player all four years, and he earned more individual conference championship titles than any other Bradley athlete to date. A member of Theta Chi, he was voted most outstanding athlete in 1961, and in 1963, he was elected to the Bradley Athletics Hall of Fame. Moore then received the Orville Nothdurft Lifetime Achievement Award and was named to the MVC AllCentennial Track and Field Squad in 2008. Moore and his wife Diane attend nearly every Bradley athletic event, both at home and on the road.

With anticipated completion in late Spring 2010, winter weather is not hindering progress on the new 4,500-seat Athletic Performance Center on Main Street. By mid-November, floor decks were in place, the precast wall panels were erected, and the glass entry system was being installed, giving the arena its final shape. In its lower level, work continues on a chiller plant that will supply chilled water for HVAC systems on campus. A new boiler plant located below the adjacent parking deck will soon supply steam for the campus. Window framing, glass, and finish roofing materials continue to be installed. The structure’s barrel roof is reminiscent of the familiar roofline of Robertson Memorial Field House. The Hayden-Clark Alumni Center construction is underway with the demolition of sidewalks, pavement, and landscaping. Excavation has begun with the installation of a retaining wall system to protect the existing foundations of Bradley Hall. Installation of the footings and foundation walls will continue through the winter, keeping the two-year project on target for completion in 2011.


Stein admits to again revising the poem onstage prior to the ceremony.

Focusing on the living child With a desire to avoid politics, steer clear of ethical disputes regarding war, and beware of overt patriotism, Stein instead chose to focus on “the living child, on the maternal realities that deepened the relationship with that child, and to honor the ways mothers know of that human experience more richly and more lastingly than others.” He relied on his wife’s motherly insights as he read the poem to her numerous times. Stein also chose to “not churn up the boundless and unassuageable loss” these mothers were grieving. Addressing the audience of more than 300, Stein resolved to look as many of the mothers in the eye as possible. Their grief was fresh. online “To say the emotions at work Visit were powerful is to make the poet/poems to listen proverbial understatement. A to Dr. Kevin Stein few had lost a child in the last recite his poem. month.” Witnessing each of the 27 mothers come to the stage to receive a banner from the governor was an emotionally wrenching experience. Many a mother wore a white T-shirt bearing a photo of her child. Following the ceremony, several mothers and families shared with Stein that his poem moved them. “In many ways,” reflects Stein, “I felt like I contributed. I was told I had reached hearts.” At the request of Gov. Quinn, a copy of “To Illinois’s Gold Star Mothers, Who Lost a Child in Service to Country” will soon hang in the statehouse. Illinois has honored American Gold Star mothers annually following a Presidential Proclamation in 1936. Although the American Gold Star Mothers Inc. national organization was formally established on June 4, 1928, the group’s roots are traced back to World War I.

LaHood receives bipartisan award U.S. Secretary of Transportation RAY LAHOOD ’71 received the inaugural National Bipartisan Leadership Award from Bradley’s Institute of Principled Leadership in Public Service (IPL) in October. LaHood, a Republican, spent 14 years in Congress representing Illinois’s 18th district. He led efforts to establish a higher level of civility, decorum, and


{ When Illinois poet laureate Kevin Stein was asked by Gov. Pat Quinn to read an appropriate poem at the Gold Star Mother’s Day 73rd annual ceremony on September 27, Bradley’s Caterpillar Professor of English gave himself an assignment: create an original poem for the solemn event. Stein decided early on that no existing poem, not even the famous World War I poem, “In Flanders Fields” by Lt. Col. John McCrae, seemed to fit the occasion or the audience. Gold Star Mother’s Day ceremonies honor mothers who have lost children in service to the nation and are held annually throughout the country on the last Saturday of September. A prolific poet, editor, and critic, Stein eventually found this self-assigned task a bit daunting. “To be honest, writing this poem, ‘To Illinois’s Gold Star Mothers, Who Lost a Child in Service of Country,’ is perhaps the most challenging writing assignment I’ve ever taken on.” Intent on offering his personal version of solace through poetry, and following a few failed starts, Stein decided the audience he was most interested in serving — and honoring — was the Gold Star Mothers themselves. “More intimately than any others, they understand the nature of sacrifice and loss — no matter the politics or whatever. My sense was to raise the nation of mothers above all others. That’s why I designed the poem in the form of a poetic apostrophe addressed directly to them. And though not rhymed, the poem makes use of the traditional poetic gesture of anaphora — the repetition of a phrase for effect.” Stein worked on the poem nearly every day for three months. “It was always on the horizon of my attention, waving me onward.” After composing more than 30 drafts,


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bipartisanship in the House and was co-founder of the Congressional Bipartisan Retreat. He was named to President Obama’s Cabinet last January. He heads an agency that employs 55,000 people and has a budget of $70 billion. “Secretary LaHood is most deserving of this award in recognition of his distinguished public service career as a member of Congress and as a member of President Obama’s Cabinet,” said Brad McMillan, executive director of the IPL. The Institute plans to present the award each year to a national public servant who has modeled ethical, civil, and bipartisan leadership.

Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


NoteBook BU news, views & updates



Screaming, crying, cursing, and in-your-face confrontation made for an intimidating journey through Bradley’s 2009 Tunnel of Oppression, a student-sponsored November event most won’t forget. The Tunnel “ It was actually very scary is a nationally acclaimed project that strives to give a voice to the oppressed, while spurring to be yelled at and verbally bystanders to interact with an open mind mistreated … I had to keep and heart. Almost 1,100 people, campus and reminding myself that it community wide, experienced the Tunnel of Oppression in a “transformed” Michel Student was only a simulation.” Center ballroom. The free tours lasted about 30 minutes, and a debriefing took place — CAROLE GAFFNEY ’12 afterward. In the Tunnel, participants were guided through an interactive, simulated, and daunting experience, including a variety of role-playing scenarios, video clips, and activities designed to expose participants to ableism, war, ageism, religious persecution, child abuse, racism, domestic violence, sexual abuse, homophobia, and police brutality, all KOFI JONES ’12 and PHETSAMONE of which culminated in a call to action. “There were many PHOUANGPHIDOK ’11 tour the Tunnel statistics and facts that made the topics more intense, of Oppression on November 8, studying because these are all things that we hear about, but once the derogatory words and phrases you are bombarded with the information you actually that plastered the walls of the interactive exhibit. begin to feel things,” said KOFI JONES ’12.


Participants are exposed to the experiences of many oppressed groups. Racial and sexual slurs blare over the sound system, shocking statistics and photographs of the abused and their abusers plaster the walls, and Tunnel volunteers confront observers. It is a sensory overload, forcing participants to experience oppression themselves. In response to a skit where participants were treated like illegal immigrants being caught crossing the border, CAROLE GAFFNEY ’12 remarked, “It was actually very scary to be yelled at and verbally mistreated. I wanted it to stop. I felt belittled, and I had to keep reminding myself that it was only a simulation. I’m Mexican-American, so that skit was probably what hit me the hardest.” Jones agreed with Gaffney’s assessment, adding, “It was a bit too realistic having someone in my face yelling at me about green cards and calling me derogatory names. I really felt as if I were an immigrant.” The Tunnel aims to challenge participants to view each other with empathy and understanding, to stimulate discussion and potential solutions for oppression, and to process feelings and thoughts in a group setting with facilitators present. More than 100 student volunteers came from an array of campus organizations and groups, such as the NAACP, Greek life, the Garrett Cultural Center, and residence halls. Harambee, a student group formed in 2003 to raise awareness about oppression, and the Garrett Cultural Center sponsored the Tunnel. The Center’s director, FRANCES JONES, MA ’01, was the event’s academic adviser. Volunteers collaborated in groups for media, acting, art and design, tour guides, research, and publicity. “The walls were all built by students,” explained graduate student ELLEN HANSON ’09, vice president of Harambee. “Also, all the skits that are seen throughout the Tunnel have been created and acted by students.” Sound, lighting, taping off the room floor, and the debriefing were all done by professional staff who volunteered their time to the Tunnel. Hanson, Harambee president TEE JOHNSON ’10, and Frances Jones met frequently to discuss which topics to incorporate into the Tunnel. Their decisions were based upon current events and issues that are most relevant to Bradley’s campus. “This year’s event is very different from the past. We have added new skits and props, and there are new themes that have never been used before,” Hanson said. Though some of the walls were reused, the facts and designs were updated. “After finishing the Tunnel, I felt an array of emotions. I was scared, excited, saddened, and proud to have completed the experience,” Kofi Jones said.



Soccer CHRIS CUTSHAW ’10 was the subject of a feature story at earlier this year. Cutshaw ended his career tied for second on Bradley’s all-time goal-scoring list with 32 career tallies, and he was voted first-team All-Missouri Valley Conference after leading the league in scoring. Six seniors celebrated Senior Night with a 1-0 victory over Eastern Illinois on October 31. The Braves finished 6-11-1 this season.

Volleyball The volleyball team started out the season with three second-place finishes in the Hotels at Grand Prairie Invitational, the Radford Invitational, and the CEFCU Classic. The team finished 9-23 this season.

Cross Country All-conference runner NICOLE BENSON ’12 finished second at the MVC championship at Newman Golf Course to lead Bradley to a third-place finish, the team’s best conference showing since 2002. Benson finished the season with a 24th place showing at the NCAA Midwest regional, placing her on the USTFCCCA Midwest All-region team. KATIE NOWAK ’10 received the State Farm Good Neighbor award. In the men’s MVC race, the Braves were paced by JON RICHARDS ’13, who led Bradley to a fifth-place finish and the team’s best showing in 20 years. Combined with the women’s team, it was the team’s best MVC showing in a decade.

Golf BREANNE NEUFELD ’11 earned medalist honors at the

Duramed MAC Preview in October, leading the Braves to a fourth-place finish out of 15 teams. In her four tournaments this fall, Neufeld had three top-10 finishes and a scoring average of 74.4. COBY THOMPSON ’11 led the men’s team with a scoring average of 76.6. He had a top-10 finish at the Butler Fall Invitational.


Cross country runner AMANDA SWITZER ’10 competes in the MVC championship in Peoria on October 31.


NICOLE MILLER ’11 won the Flight A singles title at the Ball

State Fall Invitational in September. Miller finished the fall season with a 6-8 record to share the Braves’ win lead with KELLY DONOHUE ’10. The team finished the season 8-14. CALLEN FRAYCHINEAUD ’10 and MILOS ROMIC ’11 ended the season with a record of 5-1 in doubles play. BROCK REIMAN ’13 won the No. 1 flight and ERIC NGUYEN ’13 won the No. 2 flight at the Western Illinois Invitational. The team finished with an 8-13 record.

a free agent with the Cleveland Cavaliers in July, and as of press time had started every game. Parker is averaging about eight points per game after starting in 71 games for the Toronto Raptors in 2008–09. After finishing last season with the Boston Celtics, PATRICK O’BRYANT ’08 is back with the Raptors for the 2009–10 season.

WATCH BU HOOPS ON TV Chicago-area Bradley basketball fans will have more chances than ever before to watch the team from their own couches this season. The Braves are scheduled for 12 televised Missouri Valley Conference games in 2009–2010, which will be broadcast on Comcast SportsNet Chicago, ESPNU, and MVC TV. This TV schedule will allow fans to see at least one game against each team in the conference. It will also include both the January 30 and February 9 contests against I-74 rival Illinois State, as well as both meetings with defending conference champion Northern Iowa. Games aired on Comcast SportsNet Chicago will be on channel 102. For the fifth consecutive year, CBS will nationally televise the championship games of the MVC Tournament on March 7.

Dec. 29 Jan. 3 Jan. 9

Bradley at Drake (Comcast). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. Bradley at Wichita State (Comcast). . . . . . . . . 2 p.m. Bradley at Missouri State (Comcast). . . . . . . 2 p.m.

Jan. 12

Bradley at Northern Iowa (ESPNU). . . . . . . . . . . 8 p.m. *national telecast

Jan. 16 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Jan. 30 Feb. 6 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb. 16

Bradley vs. Missouri State (Comcast) . . . . . 2 p.m. Bradley at Southern Illinois (Comcast). . . . 7 p.m. Bradley vs. Creighton (Comcast). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. Bradley at Illinois State (MVC TV). . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30 p.m. Bradley at Evansville (MVC TV). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 p.m. Bradley vs. Illinois State (Comcast). . . . . . . . . 7 p.m. Bradley vs. Northern Iowa (MVC TV). . . . . . . . 1 p.m. Bradley at Indiana State (Comcast). . . . . . . . . 6 p.m. Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010



On a quest to conquer cancer, these alums are making a difference. BY GAYLE ERWIN McDOWELL ’77

CANCER WARRIORS Dr. Lynne Jalovec’s 22-year career as a surgeon has coincided with tremendous advances in awareness and treatment of breast cancer. 10

IT’S NINE O’CLOCK ON A SATURDAY — a morning when DR. LYNNE JALOVEC ’78 is meeting with a new patient

in her downtown office. Finding the breast cancer surgeon consulting with patients and their families until nine o’clock is just as likely on weeknights. “I don’t get interrupted in the evenings so I have quality time with the patients. I’m dealing with them when they’re most vulnerable,” says Jalovec, who spends about two hours with new breast cancer patients. “They need people to have that empathy with them.” In medical school, Jalovec initially dismissed the idea of specializing in surgery, believing

there wouldn’t be enough contact with patients. Mentors who approached patients with a gentle bedside manner showed her that didn’t have to be the case. Today, Jalovec’s practice is to follow patients for 10 years. The very first visit is scheduled when a woman is newly diagnosed with breast cancer. “We are the captain of the ship,” she says of her office and dedicated staff. “We make sure the patient is on the right path.” They schedule appointments with other physicians the patient might need to see — radiation oncologist, medical oncologist, breast imaging doctor, plastic surgeon, cardiologist, and primary care physician.



Incredible advances

National study

Two decades ago, mastectomies (removal of the breast) were the standard treatment. “Breast conservancy was very rarely done. The first article about it wasn’t published in the U.S. until 1985.” Jalovec was finishing her residency in surgery at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in 1987 just as the hospital was hiring a nationally known mammography specialist, Dr. William Eklund. He planned to start an off-site mammography center — the Susan G. Komen Breast Center — and approached Dr. Jalovec. “I was in the right place at the right time,” she comments. “He also wanted to beef up breast surgery in town. A group of us went to a conference on breast imaging in California.” The conference featuring Dr. Laszlo Tabar, a Swedish physician, energized Jalovec to investigate breast conservation (lumpectomies). “There was already good data that this was a good, safe procedure in Europe,” she explains. Jalovec came back enthusiastic about another revolutionary concept as well — the idea of a comprehensive or multidisciplinary approach to treatment. It involves a number of specialists sitting down together and weighing in on the best course of action for individual patients. In Peoria, at OSF Saint Francis and Methodist Medical Center the meetings are called “Tumor Board” and are held weekly. Wherever there was a conference in the U.S. about breast cancer, Jalovec was there. “Educational meetings for your specialty were common in the ’80s, but breast cancer meetings were almost nonexistent. There were no books for it. You couldn’t go read about it,” she explains. In the evenings, the female surgeons networked. “We would get together over dinner and talk about ‘how do you do this or how do you do that?’.”

A busy college life allowed the Bradley cheerleader and student aide to master time management skills, and prepare for the rigors of medical school and life as a doctor. During her four years on the squad,

The pendulum swings “The breast cancer death rate has dropped significantly — 2 percent per year — in the last decade. No other cancer has done that well in the last 10 years,” she is pleased to point out. According to Jalovec, the survival rates for lumpectomy candidates (which include about 80 percent of the patients), are identical to patients who have mastectomies. Lumpectomies are always followed by radiation treatments, she explains, because the breast is “sterilized” with the radiation. Recovery time from outpatient lumpectomies averages two weeks, whereas mastectomy recovery requires six to eight weeks. For about 15 years, lumpectomies gained so much favor that locally they outnumbered mastectomies about 70 percent to 30 percent. In the last two to three years, Jalovec notes, the numbers are more even. “Breast reconstruction is so much better than it used to be,” she explains, leading more women to opt for mastectomies. Patients and their family members often ask Jalovec which treatment she would choose if she were in their situation. “I don’t tell them what to do unless there’s a better choice,” she remarks.

Only 5-8% of breast cancer cases have a genetic link



contrary to recent suggested guidelines

cheerleaders traveled to away games. “The teachers understood I needed to be away. Sometimes I would finish a test and run to the bus for a game,” Jalovec remembers. “Bradley was very good to me.” During junior and senior years, Jalovec researched cyclic AMP in plant tumors. “That background was helpful when I applied to medical school,” she notes. “As a young girl, I loved science.” Jalovec has always stayed up on the very latest advances and strived to have topnotch facilities in her community. Statistics show that half her patients come from more than 50 miles away. Recently, OSF Saint Francis Komen Breast Center became accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), one of the first four centers in the nation. The American College of Surgeons developed the program, and Jalovec had volunteered the local center as a pilot program. She also has been a key part of a national clinical trial for sentinel lymph node biopsies. Run by the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project in Pittsburgh, the trial involved injecting patients with a harmless radioactive substance and blue dye in order to identify problematic lymph nodes. One of the first names appearing in the study that included 230 doctors is Dr. Lynne Jalovec. With 150 of her patients in the trial, she was #1 in the country for putting patients in the study. The advantage is a reduced risk of lymphedema (painful swelling of the arm) after surgery because fewer nodes are removed. Part of a group of general surgeons for her first 10 years after residency, Jalovec began her own practice in 1998. “Becoming a breast cancer surgeon was the best decision of my life,” she remarks. Hundreds of her patients are thankful she did.






women develop breast cancer Breast cancer has dropped to be the 2ND most deadly cancer for women. Lung cancer is 1ST .


surgeon; clinical assistant professor of surgery, University of Illinois School of Medicine, Peoria RESIDENCE: Peoria HOMETOWN: Summit

(Chicago suburb) EDUCATION: BS, Biology, Bradley;

MD ’82, U of I School of Medicine, Peoria; Surgical residency, OSF, completed ’87 INFLUENTIAL BU PROFESSORS:

Dr. Alan Galsky, Dr. John DePinto BRADLEY ACTIVITIES: cheerleader,

student aide, biology lab assistant INTERESTS: travel abroad,

gardening, photography FAMILY: parents retired in

Arkansas, two brothers

Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010






Visit to learn more about breast cancer.


Metro Leasing Co.; marketing consultant, JetBlue Airways RESIDENCE: Peoria; New York City HOMETOWN: Dallas, Texas EDUCATION: BS, Communication,


Dr. Paul Gullifor, Dr. Kalman Goldberg BRADLEY ACTIVITIES: Sigma Chi,

study abroad, server at Chili’s INTERESTS: Co-chair of 2010

Komen Peoria Race for the Cure, travel, fitness FAMILY: mother, Nancy Goodman

Brinker; aunt, Susan G. Komen (deceased)


appears to be a novel knickknack in the office of ERIC BRINKER ’98. Closer inspection reveals the Boeing 777 is there for a reason. It has something other planes don’t — a pink ribbon painted from nose to tail. Unveiled in August 2008, the jet reflects American Airlines’ dedication to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. A longtime Komen sponsor, the company committed to donating $1 million annually for eight years toward finding a cure for a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer. While the airplane carries what is probably the largest breast cancer ribbon in the world, many other “pink” products — from Yoplait yogurt to KitchenAid mixers to New Balance shoes — help fund breast cancer research as well. It hasn’t always been that way. The son of Komen founder Nancy Goodman Brinker, Eric Brinker remembers the early years when companies didn’t want to be associated with something negative like cancer. “My mother was very dedicated to fulfilling the promise she made to my aunt, and she was laughed out of board rooms. I think her outrage motivated her,” Brinker recalls from his youth. “The lesson I learned from it is, just don’t give up.” Brinker’s earliest memory is visiting his aunt while spending the summer in Peoria. “I never saw her as being sick,” Brinker recalls. “But my mom points out that she was very sick at that time.” Brinker’s aunt, Susan Goodman Komen, died at age 36 in 1980, and her dying wish provided the inspiration for the international organization bearing her name. It was an era when talking about breast cancer was still taboo. “My aunt asked my mom to promise to change the face of the disease. That promise started here in Peoria.” Two years later when Brinker was seven, his mother told him she had breast cancer. “It was very scary. I still remember exactly where I was when she told me. It was at the same time she was trying to build Komen,” Brinker says. A more positive memory is from just a few months back when Brinker happened to be in the room as his mother received an important phone

Pink ribbons are everywhere, and it all started with a family and a promise made in Peoria.

ERIC BRINKER ’98 and his grandmother Ellie Goodman were

at the White House when his mother Nancy Goodman Brinker received the Presidential Medal of Freedom last August. The founder of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, she is the World Health Organization’s Ambassador for Cancer Control. Eric grew up helping the organization created in honor of his late aunt, and is co-chair of the 2010 Komen Race for the Cure in Peoria.

call. The caller was President Barack Obama with news that Nancy Brinker was being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. That led to a once-in-a-lifetime moment — Eric was with her at the White House on August 12, 2009, when she received the nation’s highest civilian honor for her work with breast cancer. “Next to the U.S. government, we (Komen for the Cure) have contributed more money to research than any other source in the world,” he says proudly. “One hundred percent of what is raised by our 150-plus Affiliates goes toward our mission,” Brinker notes, adding that 75 percent of the funds raised from races stays in that community, and the other 25 percent funds global research. With a target of 25,000 participants and the goal of raising more funds to provide local grants for mammograms, registration for the 2010 race in Peoria begins on January 1, months earlier than other years. Bradley alumni are encouraged to register as part of Team Bradley. President Joanne Glasser, herself a breast cancer survivor, is honorary chair of Peoria’s 25th annual Komen race. The May 8th race will be Eric Brinker’s first as co-chair, although he has helped out at races in Peoria and other cities since they began in the ’80s. The event begins at 8 a.m. in the parking lot of the Metro Centre, the shopping center Brinker’s grandfather built 30-plus years ago. “My grandfather couldn’t have been happier that I picked Bradley University,” Brinker recalls. Chili’s, just across the street from the Metro Centre, is where Brinker worked as a server and trainer all through college. A highlight of his student days was helping open a Chili’s in Beijing, China. His father, Norman Brinker, founder of the Chili’s restaurant chain, died last June. He presented a McCord Lecture at Bradley in 1996. Brinker returned to Peoria in 2007 to oversee a portfolio of commercial real estate, including the Metro Centre, splitting his time with marketing consulting work in New York City. In addition, Brinker is a national spokesman for Susan G. Komen for the Cure. He always has time to devote to the organization that is now the global leader in the movement to eradicate breast cancer.


1985 Peoria’s ST Race for the Cure


2,000 men are diagnosed with

breast cancer each year


The 5-year survival rate for cancer confined to the breast has risen 73% 98% from 73% to 98%.* *over 30 years

new cancer cases each year are linked to obesity* *American Institute for Cancer Research 11/09


Susan G. Komen Affiliates


of women diagnosed with breast cancer have NO risk factors

Does what you eat really make a difference? This government researcher says yes. ONCOLOGISTS AND SURGEONS DEAL WITH

patients battling cancer, but prevention is the focus of other professionals who wage war against the disease. DR. SUSAN KREBS-SMITH ’76 researches how

diet and other factors affect an individual’s cancer risk. She has worked at the National Cancer DR. SUSAN KREBS-SMITH ’76 Institute since 1991, and became chief of the Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch in 1999. The branch is in the Applied Research Program in the division of cancer control and population sciences. The program researches physical activity, weight status, tobacco use, sun exposure, and genetics and family history. Krebs-Smith’s special interest, however, is trends in the intake of foods and nutrients — especially fruits and vegetables. “Nearly all Americans don’t get the recommended amount of dark green and orange vegetables, legumes, or whole grains,” she notes. Citing studies that show obesity is linked to cancer, Krebs-Smith is concerned that since 1970 the obesity rate in the U.S. has tripled for children and doubled for adults. One particularly troubling finding is that adult males over age 19 tend to consume more than 1,000 calories per day from foods that have empty calories. (The researchers call them SoFAAS — solid fats, alcoholic beverages, and added sugars.) “If you have to cut back on calories, it seems this would be the first place you’d want to cut back,” says the researcher. With so many foods a healthy person should consume on a daily basis,

there isn’t much room for empty calories, she DR. SUSAN notes. Originally a sociology major at Bradley, KrebsKREBS-SMITH ’76 Smith switched to dietetics during her sophomore year. As her career unfolded, it turned out to be a OCCUPATION: Chief of Risk Factor mix of social research and nutrition. “The area of Monitoring and Methods Branch, dietary research that I’m involved with is a narrow National Cancer Institute niche, but it’s a nice blend of things I learned at Bradley,” she remarks. RESIDENCE: Gaithersburg, Md. A member of the drafting committee for the HOMETOWN: St. Louis 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, Krebs-Smith EDUCATION: BA, Home Economics, also works on future demand for food commodities Bradley; MPH, Public Health, and the evaluation of the nation’s food supply. The Nutrition, University of possibility of “food deserts” in communities where Minnesota, 1980; Ph.D., healthy foods aren’t readily available is being Nutrition, Pennsylvania State studied. University, 1985 A challenge for her branch is finding methods for individuals to accurately report what they eat. INFLUENTIAL BU PROFESSORS: “Asking them to describe their diet is like asking Clara Gilgan, Dr. Nina Collins them to describe a kaleidoscope,” she comments. INTERESTS: Hiking, cooking, travel Her office has supported the collection of dietary FAMILY: husband Jim, two sons data in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (or NHANES, pronounced N-hanes). NHANES asks individuals to describe all the details of their food intake during the previous 24 hours, on two different days. Each person is also asked to complete a food frequency questionnaire. It asks questions such as “In the past 12 months, how often did you eat popcorn?” Other recent research includes a look back at food supply data since 1970. “I’m sorry to say the American diet hasn’t improved over all that time,” says Krebs-Smith, who holds advanced online degrees in public health and nutrition. Visit riskfactor.cancer. Now that the obesity issue is in the gov/diet/learned/ national spotlight, she hopes the monitor.html for summaries of what intake of fruit, vegetables, milk, has been learned and whole grains will increase, and about the American diet. that the American public will become healthier.


Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


“We became

travel photographers

by happenstance. You never know what the next day will bring, and that’s part of the of it.”


— TOM GRIMM ’62 MA ’65


(1) Woman in Mayan dress by Statue of

Sun God at Mayan ruins of Kohunlich in Yucatan, Mexico. (2) Portrait of Mennonite children. (3) Michele and

TOM GRIMM ’62 MA ’65.



Phot ographer’s




rom penguins in Antarctica to a close-up on communism behind the Iron Curtain, TOM GRIMM ’62 MA ’65 has taken on the world, one photograph at a time. Armed with his trusty fleet of cameras, he has captured compelling images and shared them through lectures and publications, including National Geographic. As a student at Whittier Grade School just down the street from Bradley, Grimm became a shutterbug. His interest grew as he worked on the newspaper and yearbook at Peoria High. At Bradley, he was vice president of the Student Senate and photo editor for the Scout and the Anaga yearbook. He worked part-time developing film at a photo studio. Grimm credits Dr. Paul Snider, professor emeritus of communication, with preparing him for a successful career as a journalist and photographer. “After I graduated, I decided I wanted to see the world before I wrote about it. I took a hitchhiking trip around the world. I wrote a piece for one of National Geographic’s school publications about the Ainu, the Aborigines of Japan, and another on elephants working in the teak industry in Burma. Mostly, I roamed around the world, traveling to 36 countries in a year and a half. When

Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


(1) The Huli Wigmen at Tari, Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. (2) Farm workers at Irvine Ranch in California. (3) Seahorse statue, Banderas Bay in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. (4) Tarahumara Indian children at San Ignacio Arareco Mission School in Copper Canyon, Mexico. (5) St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands of Alaska.





I came back, I started giving illustrated lectures about what I’d seen,” says Grimm, the son of the late biology professor and Bradley dean, Dr. Wilbur Grimm. Grimm returned to the Hilltop to earn a master’s degree in speech, then alternated between traveling overseas and sharing his experiences on a high school lecture online circuit. His travels took him to Europe, Visit tomgrimm. the Orient, and the South Pacific. In com for a direct link to his gallery 1968, he was hired by Chapman on College for its World Campus Afloat program. “A ship would sail around the world with students. They hired me to be the advance agent to make sure all arrangements were made when the ship came into ports. We were going through South America, Africa, Europe, and other countries around the world. That got me going. People knew I was a travel writer and photographer.” A tour company hired Grimm in 1970 as a writer and photographer to cover the first commercial trip around the world via the North and South Poles. The highlight, Grimm says, was meeting his wife Michele, a flight attendant. “We hit it off and were married three months later.” Michele, who has a degree in art, quickly learned photography under Grimm’s tutelage, and the couple led

photographers on a three-month tour of Europe shortly after they were married. With pen and lens, the Grimms have traveled on assignment throughout the U.S. and to 130 countries. One unforgettable trip was in 1975 when they backpacked the Black Forest for National Geographic. Their photos or monthly columns have also appeared in the L.A. Times, Travel-Holiday, Woman’s Day, Travel & Leisure, the New York Times, and many other publications. Their book, The Basic Book of Photography, now in its fifth edition, has sold more than 400,000 copies. They’ve also written books about darkroom basics and 35mm photography, as well as travel books and children’s books. Their latest title, The Basic Book of Digital Photography (above), was released in October. The Grimms have made their home in the Florida Keys; Bend, Oregon; San Clemente, Calif.; and recently the couple returned to Florida. Twice, they sold their possessions and traveled the country in a motor home. “We are intrigued with the people we meet around the world. We enjoy going to remote places on expedition trips. Carrying cameras and tripods gives you entry into places you normally wouldn’t get to go.”


cameras and tripods gives you entry into places. People are curious and come closer.” — TOM GRIMM ’62 MA ’65

3 4


Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


ClassNotes Class of ’59


A gallon of gas was 25 cents, and yearly tuition was $550. It was the year the Barbie doll was born and Bobby Darin’s “Mack the Knife” took to the airwaves. Students flocked to Bradley, resulting in groundbreaking for a new dorm — Wyckoff Hall. They spent their time out of class at places like the new Student Center, Western Tap, and the Tepee. Looking back at their days at BU, 1959 graduates shared their memories of homecoming stunt shows, tough professors, and the basketball team’s second-place finish in the NIT. Here are excerpts from the biographies that alumni shared prior to their 50th reunion last October.

DENNIS BARRY (Eau Claire, Wis.) was a coach,

teacher, and dean of students at Mundelein High School from 1961 to 1981 and was the principal of Lena High School from 1981 to 1999. He enjoys woodworking and outdoor activities. He and his wife DOROTHY McMANUS BARRY ’58 have two children and five grandchildren.


Nev.) has lived coast-to-coast. She retired from WFS Financial Information Technology in 2001 and moved to Nevada, where her son is the manager of Hoover Dam. She has survived cancer twice. She has three children and a grandchild. MARY ANN BURDICK LARSON (Springfield)

worked for a monthly magazine, People’s Gas, before becoming a secretary to a Chicago defense attorney. She then moved back to Peoria and was a secretary for Jefferson Bank, Aetna Life and Casualty, and Caterpillar. Mary Ann worked at the Department of Child Support Enforcement in Springfield until 1998. She has three children and one grandchild.


HEDY COLE STONE (Washington) taught at Trewyn

Middle School for four years and then was a stay-athome mom. She returned to teaching for 28 years. Hedy was an adjunct faculty member at Bradley from 2000 to 2007. She volunteers at Proctor Hospital. She has three children and eight grandchildren. WILLIAM COLE, MSEE ’61 (Peoria) began working

JEANETTE BEHRENDS, MA ’71 (Peoria) was a teacher

in Glasford for 42 years. Since retiring in 2001, she has enjoyed traveling. She is a 16-year breast cancer survivor and has been involved in the Komen Race for the Cure and the Bartonville Relay for Life.

Conference of Mayors, Dick and his wife Judy edited One Day USA, a book of photographs depicting life in America’s cities. They have four children and nine grandchildren.

RUSSELL CARLL (New Orleans) began his career

with 3M in Chicago. He went into insurance sales in the mid-1970s. He has been a registered investment adviser for the past 10 years. He and his wife Angela perform as clowns at nursing homes and senior centers. They have three children and three grandchildren. CHARLES CARLSON (Homewood) and his wife Paula

have four children and seven grandchildren. RICHARD CARVER (Clifton,

Va.) was mayor of Peoria from 1973 to 1984, when he resigned to become Assistant Secretary to the Air Force. He was also owner of Carver Lumber until 2000. Dick is president of MST AMERICA, a consulting firm. He is former chair of Competitive Technologies (AMEX) and former president of ZF Industries Inc. He has been an officer or director of many private and public organizations, including serving as Bradley University Trustee and chair of the advisory board of AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. In conjunction with the U.S.

for Caterpillar in June 1961 and retired from the Mossville engine plant in 1998. He is the chairman of the Northmoor Observatory at Donovan Golf Course. He and his wife Sarah have two children and five grandchildren. RAYMOND COXON and MARY LOU TOMSOVIC COXON

(Orr, Minn.) divide their time between Orr and Dunnellon, Fla. ELLEN CROSELL CORTI (Tucson, Ariz.) retired from

teaching at Buffalo Grove High School in 1994. She married DARRELL CORTI ’58 in 1960. He died in 1972. She has lived in Tucson for 15 years, where she plays golf and bridge and is involved in church activities. She has one child and one grandchild. NORMA FRANK DeLaBAR (Fillmore, Ind.) was a teacher

before the birth of her first son in 1962. She resumed teaching in 1974 and retired in 1994. She enjoys reading, gardening, and volunteering at her church’s daycare. She has two children. Norma and her husband Jim each have three grandchildren. MARILYN DIMMICK DAVIS (Louisville, Ky.) married BILL DAVIS, MSME ’65. She was a home economics teacher

before becoming a stay-at-home mom. She started the summer recreation program at Fondulac Park District and was named East Peoria’s “Outstanding Woman of the Year” in 1982. She and Bill have two children and five grandchildren. FRED FILIP (Peoria) was hired at the Peoria Journal

Star two months after graduation and worked there

Photojournalism skills brought students together in Kappa Alpha Mu in 1959. From left to right, members included ED VOVSI ’59, JIM ESTES ’59, FRED FILIP ’59 (seated), adviser Dr. Paul Snider, DAVE HOROWITZ ’59, and JIM KENDALL ’60 (seated). Photo from 1959 Anaga.

for 35 years. He was a reporter for 10 years and also held the positions of assistant city editor and Sunday editor. He was Metro Thursday editor from 1991 until retiring in 1995. He and his wife Ruth have four children and three grandchildren. R. BRUCE FUNSTON (Bonita Springs, Fla.) designed

some of the I-74 interchanges west of Peoria while working as a civil engineer for the Illinois Department of Public Works Division of Highways. Bruce retired from IDOT in 1991. He has been an amateur radio operator since 1958. He and his wife Janet have two children. They enjoy travel. CHARLES GOODALE, MSCE ’65 MBA ’79 (O’Fallon)

joined the Illinois Division of Highways in 1960. He was an assistant project engineer for Pabst Brewing from 1964 to 1982, then worked as manager of operations for engineering and maintenance at Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis until 2003. He and his wife Bonnie have three children, seven grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. ROBERT GRUBA (Galesburg) and his wife Ann Marie

have five children and nine grandchildren. HARRY GUNN (Peoria) worked for Cook County

Welfare and then earned a teaching certificate from Illinois State University. He spent 30 years teaching middle school and high school near Peoria, retiring at 57. He enjoys working out, travel, and cooking. Harry and his partner David live in Peoria and Palm Springs, Calif. JERELYN HASKIN MAHER (Peoria) was in charge of

three elementary school libraries in District 150 before becoming a stay-at-home mom. She was active in Pi Lambda Theta for more than 30 years. She has volunteered at Methodist Medical Center for 11 years. She served for 15 years on the board of the Central Illinois Bradley Alumni Chapter (CIBAC). Jeri has two children and two grandchildren. JERRY HAYDEN (Barrington Hills) served in the Army

during the Korean War, and then enrolled at Bradley. After his first year, he was awarded an athletic scholarship for track. He received an MBA from Northwestern University in 1970. He retired in 2007

after 35 years as chairman and CEO of Peacock Engineering. Jerry was inducted into Bradley’s Athletics Hall of Fame and is a Bradley Centurion. He and his wife MARILYN KELLER HAYDEN ’61 supported the Campaign for a Bradley Renaissance, and the Hayden-Clark Alumni Center is being named in their honor. They have two children and four grandchildren. (Photo on page 31.) ROGER HILL, MS ’60 (Grapevine, Texas) went to

Air Force pilot training and flew C-130s for tactical air command until 1966. Roger was a pilot for American Airlines for 31 years, flying to Hawaii and Puerto Rico. He served on his local school board from 1975 to 1984, and has taught English to immigrants for the past six years at his church. He and his wife Juliet have three children and 11 grandchildren.


earned her master’s degree in theater from St. Louis University. She taught stage costume design and did a local TV series called “Sewing Without Patterns.” She later developed the fashion design program at St. Louis Community College at Maramec. Fran spent the last 12 years of her career as the director of the Eugene Field House and St. Louis Toy Museum. She and her husband Bob enjoy antiquing, reading, and travel. JOELLEN LADLEY MILLIREN-EVANS (Towanda) helped

start a Chi Omega chapter at Illinois State University and later was the Gamma Phi Beta house director at ISU. She worked for State Farm, Hinsdale South High School, and as a substitute teacher in Normal. She and her husband Roger enjoy travel. Joellen has three sons and six grandchildren.

DAVID HOROWITZ, HON ’03 (Los Angeles) is the CEO

GENE MORSE (Morton) is a partner in Gene Morse

of, Fight Back Productions, and Fight Back! Inc. His company produced “Fight Back! With David Horowitz,” which ran for 18 years. He received his master’s degree from Northwestern. David received 14 Emmy Awards and is the author of eight books. In 2002, he was appointed by the FCC to a two-year term on the Consumer Advisory Committee. David is a Bradley Centurion and was named Distinguished Alumnus in 1983. He and his wife Suzanne have two children and two grandchildren.

& Associates, Lincoln National Life Insurance. He served as president of the Bradley University National Alumni Association and is a member of the Bradley University Council Board. He was awarded the 2006 Lydia Moss Bradley Award and the 2008–09 A.J. Robertson Lifetime Achievement Award. He and his wife JUDY GRAY MORSE ’62 have four children and 11 grandchildren.

WALLACE HOWARTER (Santa Maria, Calif.) and his

wife Joan have two children and four grandchildren. JAY JANSSEN (Peoria) received his juris doctorate

from the University of Illinois and began a private law practice in 1961. The Janssen Law Center, specializing in civil litigation, has represented hundreds of accident victims. Jay was inducted into the Bradley Centurion Society on Founder’s Day. (See page 5). He and his wife JOAN LORIG JANSSEN ’69 have three children and five grandchildren.


(San Antonio) received a master’s degree from the University of Texas, San Antonio, and taught high school English for 10 years. For the past 20 years, she has been an English professor at Palo Alto College. She received the Educator Yellow Rose of Texas Award in October. She is the editor of The Palo Alto Review: a journal of ideas. She has four children and eight grandchildren. Her husband JOHN SHULL ’56 died in 2008.

A. LAURICE JOSEPH, MA ’75 (Peoria) has taught in

several Peoria District 150 schools. She formed the Lebanese Line Dance troupe, Dubki, which performs in Peoria and St. Louis. She also prepares and delivers meals to food pantries daily and is writing a book about students on Peoria’s south side. LOUIS “BOB” KELLS (Peoria) and his wife PHYLLIS STERN KELLS ’56 MA ’58 ’97 have two children and a

ROLAND SCHOENBORN (Alton) worked on the first

rocket to the moon and installed one of the first computer-assisted registration systems in the country. He later returned to college and became a chiropractor, practicing for 19 years in Sheridan, Wyo. He volunteers at a library and composes music on his accordion. He and his wife have three children and two grandchildren.

grandchild. He was a technical adviser at Dynamic Graphics. Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


ClassNotes Class of ’59

ALLEN SCHUMACHER (Peoria) worked for 17 years

at the regional service center of Equitable Life Assurance Society in Fort Wayne, Ind. Al was transferred to Peoria in 1977 and retired in 1993. He and his wife Elaine have traveled to all 50 states and 20 countries. They have two sons. JOHN SHEETS (Presque Isle, Wis.) worked in industrial


Calif.) has been an appellate court justice in California since 1990. He received his law degree from the University of Illinois College of Law. He served in the Marines and

ANAGA 1959

engineering until the early 1970s, when he began helping his wife Patricia with her accounting and tax service business in Rockford. They also developed land and built 118 houses in Rockton. John collects antique convertibles. He and his wife enjoy travel. They have two children and two grandchildren. attained the rank of captain. David practiced law from 1965 to 1985 in Orange County. He served on the city council and as mayor of Irvine, where he and his wife Susan reside. JERRY SLACK (Stoughton, Wis.) was in the Air

National Guard in Illinois and Wisconsin and served as a fighter pilot for 27 years. Jerry was an adjutant general for the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs from 1989 to 1996. He and his wife Sherill have three children and six grandchildren.

DALE WILKEN (Fort Worth, Texas) helped design

and construct segments of the interstate highway system. He worked in administrative positions in Oregon, Texas, and Chicago. Dale retired as director of eastern field services in Baltimore after a 42-year career. He and his wife Marilyn have three sons. They enjoy travel. THOMAS WOTOVICH (Chicago) and his wife SHARON WOLFORD WOTOVICH ’60 have two children and four



FROM LEFT TO RIGHT, FRONT ROW: Jan Suhre Unruh, Hedy Cole Stone, Nancy Hunter Rakoff, Joellen Ladley Milliren-Evans, Jeri Haskin Maher, Jeanette Behrends, Frances Kerber Walrond,

Phyllis Stern Kells, Beverly Mateer Taylor. BACK ROW: Gene Morse, Tom Wotovich, Dale Wilken, Charles Goodale, Dennis Barry, Bill Pratt, Bill Cole, Harry Gunn, Fred Filip, Dwain Weese, Louis Kells, Roger Hill.


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BUILDING HONOR The American Red Cross Central Illinois Chapter dedicated its Peoria building in honor of ANNE MAPLE FOX ’63 last September. She joined the agency in 1983 and was named CEO in 1993. The recipient of numerous honors, Anne was inducted into the Bradley Centurion Society in 2006 and received the YWCA Legend Award in 2008. She and her husband Joe have one daughter and a granddaughter. They live in Peoria.


KEITH ALM ’65 was named

corporate director of the year for privately held corporations by the National Association of Corporate Directors. He serves on the boards of Follett Corp., McKee Foods Corp., the International Relations Council, and O-Sage Power Equipment. Keith is a Bradley Trustee and a Centurion. He lives in Kansas City, Mo.*


GRETCHEN FORNOFF HYNECKEAL ’67 and her husband Bob

are volunteering for Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders in Bridge City, Texas, rebuilding houses destroyed by Hurricane Ike. CURT IPPENSEN ’67 MBA ’68 and his wife Mary Ann have moved to El Dorado Hills, Calif., to establish Curtis A. Ippenson & Associates, a virtual brand consulting firm. Curt spent 18 years as senior vice president of strategic resources with Rhea & Kaiser Marketing in Naperville. They are the parents of one daughter.



moderated and participated in a panel discussing economic affairs at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, last July. He is president of the Right Approach Group at the EU Parliament. Pat and his wife ELLEN MILNOR BARRON, MA ’81 live in West Chester, Pa.*


PAUL HERZOG ’74 received

the Illinois High School

Association’s Distinguished Service Award. Paul has been the voice of the IHSA boys’ basketball tournament since the event moved to Peoria in 1996. He is a March Madness steering committee member and has emceed awards ceremonies for boys’ basketball and cross country. He is a chartered financial consultant with Mass Mutual Financial Group. Paul and his wife Colleen live with their two children in Germantown Hills. HENRY THOMAS ’74 has joined CAA Sports, a division of Creative Artists Agency, an entertainment and sports agency. His clients include many NBA players, including ANTHONY PARKER ’97. Henry holds a juris doctorate from DePaul University, where he established and taught a sports law course and served as adjunct professor of sports law for 23 years. He is based in Chicago.


CARL DRAPER ’76 has been

re-elected to the board of governors of the Illinois State Bar Association. He is a partner in the law firm of Feldman, Wasser, Draper & Cox in Springfield. He holds a juris doctorate from the University of Illinois. Carl lives in Springfield.* KATHY BISKIND GLAZER ’76 is the lead dietitian for the George Washington University Weight Management Program in Washington, D.C. Kathy also has a private nutrition practice and gives lectures to corporations on weight loss, wellness, and nutrition.

She holds a master’s degree from Case Western Reserve University. Kathy and her husband Craig have one son and live in Falls Church, Va. JENNIFER DRAKE GROGG ’76 received her doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Illinois State University last May. Retired from ISU, she was a faculty associate in the biology department, working with teacher education students. Jennifer and her husband Richard live in Tucson, Ariz.


HOWARD LANCE ’77 received

an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Central Florida, where he delivered the commencement address in May. Howard is the chairman, president, and CEO of Harris Corp. A Bradley Centurion, he recently was elected to the board of directors of Stryker Corp.



WIL BURNS ’80 was selected

as the Class of 1946 Visiting Distinguished Professor at the Center for Environmental Studies at Williams College in Williamstown, Mass., for the 2009–10 school year. He is a senior fellow at the Center for Global Law and Policy at Santa Clara University School of Law. He and his wife Tamar live in El Cerrito, Calif. CHERYL PROCTER-ROGERS ’80 is vice president for public relations and communications at DePaul University. She has served in management positions for HBO, Neilsen Marketing Research, and Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Company. Cheryl was the 2006 national president and CEO of the Public Relations Society of America. She holds an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management at Northwestern. She lives in Buffalo Grove.*



SAM MARCOSSON ’83 spoke at



Bradley in October about the California lawsuit that challenged the ban on same-sex marriage. A professor at the Louis D. Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville, Sam received the Distinguished Faculty Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


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Award for Teaching in 2009. He holds a juris doctorate degree from Yale Law School. He served on the board of directors of the National Lesbian and Gay Law Association. Sam is the author of Clarence Thomas and the Failure of the Constitutional Conservatives. He lives in Louisville.*



PAT NICHTING ’86 MBA ’92 was

elected treasurer of the city of Peoria last April. He served as a city councilman for 12 years prior. Pat and his wife Dawn live in Peoria with their four children.



named director of development at Lake Forest Place retirement

DAVE BOZEMAN ’91 and DAWN BONNER BOZEMAN ’92 * see photo

Attorney JULIE CAMPBELL ’82 is president of the Illinois Food Allergy Education Association.




DAVE BOZEMAN ’91 joined

was promoted to senior vice president at Bank of America. He is an operational risk manager in the credit strategies division. He and his wife Dianna live in Chandler, Ariz. Their son NATHAN AHART ’08 is currently pursuing his MBA at Bradley.

Caterpillar in 2008 and was promoted to vice president of the Core Components division last October. Previously he was vice president of

advanced manufacturing at HarleyDavidson. Dave holds a master’s degree from the Milwaukee School of Engineering. He and his wife DAWN BONNER BOZEMAN ’92 live in Dunlap with their five children.* CATHERINE FARRELL LESTERHUIS ’91 and PIETER LESTERHUIS ’91 welcomed twins Amalia Catherine and Alexia Wilhelmia on July 16, 2009. Pieter is a director with KPMG Financial Restructuring practice, and Catherine is a stay-at-home mom. They live in Winnetka with their three daughters.



the new Canton High School principal. She previously was the assistant principal at University High


Ever since JULIE CAMPBELL ’82 founded the Illinois Food Allergy Education Association (IFAEA) five years ago, she has been a major force in the fight to improve the quality of life for Illinois schoolchildren with food allergies. IFAEA is a nonprofit group that supplies educational materials about food allergies to numerous state facilities, serving not as a support group, but rather, as a news source. Julie founded the group after her daughter had an allergic reaction to peanuts. “It was then that I realized that I needed to educate the schools and to keep her environment as peanut-free as possible,” said Julie. As the president of IFAEA, she has led the group in relentlessly contacting state legislators, lobbying in Springfield, and hosting fundraising events such as September’s Hike for Lung Health. She also gave PowerPoint presentations to 825 schools to increase the public’s knowledge of food allergies and their potentially deadly consequences. Ultimately, IFAEA was instrumental in passing Illinois House Bill 281, which amended legislation regarding food allergy reaction treatment and prevention in schools. “As the kids age, it’s the cafeterias and the restaurants that need the most education because the kids are going out more without the parents,” Julie explained. She testified before the education committee of the Illinois House when the bill was initially introduced. The bill passed unanimously in the Illinois Senate and with overwhelming support in the House last August. It requires the State Board of Education and the Department of Public Health to develop specific guidelines online for managing students with life-threatening food allergies. The plan must be available to all Visit school boards statewide by July 1, 2010. Each school board must implement policies based on those guidelines, which will be designed to train school personnel how to respond to and for more information. prevent exposure to food allergens by January 1, 2011. Julie is working to convince schools to track epinephrine auto-injector use, because knowing which schools have the highest frequency of reactions helps manage food allergies. She resides in Wilmette with her two children.

{ 22

community. She had previously been director of development at Little Sisters of the Poor in Palatine. She lives in Lake Zurich.


COHEN COMMENDED BRAD COHEN ’96 was named the 2009 Outstanding Young Graduate

BRAD COHEN ’96 recently founded

Camp Twitch and Shout, an overnight camp in Winder, Ga., for children with Tourette syndrome.

School in Normal. She holds a master’s degree and a doctorate from Illinois State University. She and her two children live in Canton.


BILL CROWLEY, MA ’94 has been

named employee of the year by The Children’s Home Association for the second time in 13 years. Bill also was voted clinician of the year by the Peoria Area Foster Parent Association. He serves on the boards of the YMCA and The Friends of Fatherless Boys. Bradley’s Human Development Counseling Department presented Bill with the exemplary alumni award for community service in 2002. His wife, LAURA LUTHY CROWLEY, MA ’96, is market segmentation specialist for CEFCU. They live in Peoria with their two children. JENNIFER EGGERLING-BOECK ’94 recently started a freelance editing service, Word-by-Word Editing. She edits for academic and corporate clients. She has a Ph.D. in sociology

at Founder’s Day in October. The award recognizes a graduate who has gained early and exceptional professional or civic achievement with continued involvement in the University. Brad is a former second grade teacher and current school administrator in Georgia. He wrote about his struggle with Tourette syndrome in his best-selling book, Front of the Class: How Tourette Syndrome Made Me the Teacher I Never Had. Hallmark Hall of Fame turned Brad’s book into a movie, which aired on CBS in December 2008. Brad gives motivational talks and educates the public about Tourette syndrome, and he is also the founder and director of Camp Twitch and Shout. He has made several TV appearances, including The Oprah Winfrey Show and CNN. Brad and his wife Nancy live in Roswell, Ga.

from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She and her husband PAUL EGGERLING-BOECK ’94 live in Madison with their two daughters.


ADAM FARB ’95 and his wife

Amy announce the birth of their son Jacob Walker on August 3, 2009. They live in Gaithersburg, Md. MATTHEW FRIEDE ’95 and SHAWN CIAK FRIEDE ’98 welcomed their third child, Leah Catherine, on November 14, 2008. They live in Fort Wayne, Ind.


WENDY MARKUM ’96 received



a master’s degree in arts management and leadership from Webster University. She is the development and education coordinator for Dance St. Louis.*

a resident in emergency medicine and family medicine at St. James Olympia Fields Hospital. In 2009, she was elected as intern/

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resident representative to the American Osteopathic Association board of trustees and received the Humanism and Excellence in Teaching Award from the Arnold P. Gold Foundation. She has participated in several medical missionary trips to Honduras. Nicole and her husband GREG OTTENS ’97 live in Monee.*


AMY E. PETERSON ’98 and her

husband Demetrios Louis welcomed their son Demetrios John III on August 5, 2009. They live in Boston. DAWN CARTWRIGHT ROBERSON ’98 is a women’s health nurse practitioner at Adagio Health. She holds a master’s degree in nursing from the University of Illinois, Chicago. ERIC ROBERSON ’00 is a youth caseworker at Shuman Juvenile Detention Center. They live in Pittsburgh with their two children. ALLISON McDONALD VERSHAW ’98 MA ’01 and JAMES VERSHAW ’99 announce the birth of Kherington Ann on August 22, 2009. Allison is employed by the



SINGING WITH SPIRIT RACHEL WEST KRAMER ’94, a Christian music artist and

speaker, recently released the CDs, Redeeming Love and On This Silent Holy Night. She and her husband Scott, also a Christian music artist, started Hands of Love Ministry, a nonprofit gospel music ministry, in 1998. In addition to her singing and speaking schedule, Rachel hosts RiverLife Gospel Music Cruises aboard the Spirit of Peoria riverboat. She started a home Bible study series for women as she struggled to raise a son with autism. The Bible studies now are held in a local community room in Germantown Hills. Rachel leads another study group at Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, where she and Scott are worship leaders. They live in Germantown Hills with their two children.

GRANT SIEBELS ’97 married Missy



Lugari Siebels on October 3, 2008. Grant is self-employed. The couple lives in Dunlap.

Visit to listen to her music.

Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010



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Morton Chamber of Commerce as program coordinator. Jim is a financial representative for Country Financial. They live in Peoria.



and Ronald Thoman were married September 27, 2008. Melissa is a judicial law clerk for the U.S. District Court of Nashville, Tenn. The couple will live in Germany after his deployment to Iraq.


SARAH STUMPF SCHLOSSBERG ’99 and her husband Lewis

announce the birth of Jessica Leigh on June 24, 2009. Sarah is an attorney with Dechert LLP. They live in Bryn Mawr, Pa.



announce the birth of their second child, Cody Ryan, on July 24, 2009. The Gardners live in Plainfield. JIM WILSON ’00 became principal of Davenport Elementary School in Eureka last August. Jim taught at Hollis Grade School the previous six years. He holds an educational leadership degree from Western Illinois University. Jim and his wife Kelly live with their twins in Pekin.

YES, VIRGINIA encourages believers



and her husband Ryan welcomed their son Eian Mac on July 10, 2009. Mhairi works in the College of Education and Health Sciences at Bradley. They live in Washington. CAROL GOEDKE SCHWERHA ’01 and her husband Michael announce the birth of Lola Marie on April 19, 2009. Carol is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice and an adjunct faculty member at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. The family resides in Naperville.



inducted into the National Forensics Association Hall of Fame. She is a speech instructor and director of forensics at Kishwaukee College. Her husband ERIC LONG ’02 is a speech instructor at Elgin Community College. The Longs live in Byron.* ANGELA MARTIN-MOUSHON ’02 and her husband Scott welcomed twins

Dominic Christopher and Sophia Belle on December 11, 2008. Angela holds an MBA from the University of Connecticut. She works in dealer development at Caterpillar, where she is a Six Sigma Black Belt. The family lives in East Peoria.



announce the birth of their son Matthias on May 28, 2009. Mark is transportation manager for South Side Mission. Melissa is a preschool teacher in a home daycare. The Bowdens live in West Peoria. JESSICA OGULNIK FLIMAN ’03 is one of 13 educators nationwide to receive the inaugural Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching, a component of the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program. During summer 2010 she will conduct research and pursue a capstone project in Argentina. Jessica is director of activities at Niles West

Tune in DEC. 11 JWT NEW YORK




MATT MacDONALD ’98 learned the art of telling stories when he was a member


online of Bradley’s speech team. Now, a decade later, his stories reach a nationVisit wide audience. As a creative director at JWT New York (formerly J. Walter yesvirginiatv. Thompson), Matt works on the Macy’s account, including its holiday advercom. tising campaign, “Believe.” What began last year as a successful collection of TV commercials encouraging children to drop their letters to Santa Claus in red in-store mailboxes, has snowballed into an animated holiday special, Yes, Virginia, that will air at 7 p.m. CDT on December 11 on CBS. The movie tells the story of Virginia O’Hanlon, a young girl who wrote to the New York Sun in 1897, asking the editor if Santa Claus exists. “The entire point of the movie is celebrating that when you believe, you can make the world a better place,” Matt said. “It’s far more powerful than a 30-second TV commercial.” The half-hour special features the voices of Neil Patrick Harris, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and Alfred Molina. “I’m proud of it because it’s one of the few examples of an advertising agency producing branded content for broadcast television,” Matt added. Matt holds a master’s degree from the University of Texas, Austin. He and his wife Sandra live in Rowayton, Conn.

FACEBOOK FOR SCIENTISTS BY JUSTIN PHELPS ’05 BRIAN KRUEGER ’05 has had little spare time. After finishing his thesis in December 2009, Brian earned his

doctorate degree in molecular and cellular biology from the University of Iowa. online In his free time, he promotes science. The 27-year-old is the creator of LabSpaces, a Visit professional social networking Web site. It’s Facebook or MySpace specifically for scientists. “These communities are there for people to keep in touch with old friends,” said Brian, who for more information. came up with the idea as a senior at Bradley when he created a Facebook profile. “I thought turning that into a more productive network, such as sharing scientific ideas or talking about protocols, would be a good idea for the scientific community to stay in touch with each other. It’s a way to use the most recent technology to further the field.” Like many new Web sites, LabSpaces has progressed slowly, but Brian has increased the traffic by updating the news portion of the site regularly. His approach has taken him to 100,000 visitors per month since March 2006. The news portion, in which he posts science articles and allows viewers to interact through the comments section, is the most popular feature. It has gained traction through social networking applications like StumbleUpon, Twitter, Fark, Digg, and Reddit. An article in the science journal BioTechniques recently called LabSpaces “a great online resource for science news.” As a Bradley student, Brian created Web pages for the biology and chemistry departments without formal training. He would have taken Web design courses, but was busy with biology coursework, and working as a research assistant at the USDA lab for two years. He credits Dr. Barbara Frase with steering him toward graduate work in molecular biology. “I spent one summer with her doing research at her research site in Colorado,” he said. “She interested me in the scientific method and doing research and answering scientific questions.” The Schaumburg native accepted a postdoctoral position at the University of Florida, where he will conduct scientific research. All the while, he plans to promote science through LabSpaces. “I’ll keep up with it as long as people keep coming,” he said.


High School. She and her husband Gene live in Glenview.* CHUCK McNIEL ’03 began a year-long program at the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base in California last July. He earned his master’s degree from the Air Force Institute of Technology. He and his wife JULIA BESTERFELDT McNIEL ’02 were previously stationed at Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee. BETH BEDOE VanDeWOESTYNE ’03 and KEVIN VanDeWOESTYNE ’03 announce the birth of Olivia Mae on July 11, 2009. Beth is pursuing her master’s degree at North Park University. Kevin is a principal of Thomas Engineering Group. They live in Bolingbrook. MANDY WILSON ZILLER ’03 and MATT ZILLER ’03 announce the birth of their second child, Madeline Elizabeth, on May 14, 2009. They live in Dunlap.




presented with the Francis C. Mergen Award for Public Service on Founder’s Day in October. The award is given to an outstanding Bradley faculty or staff member by the Central Illinois Bradley Alumni Chapter (CIBAC). Sara is the director of the Lewis J. Burger Center for Student Leadership and Public Service at Bradley. She and her husband PADRAIG O’SHEA ’03 live in Morton.


married on September 20, 2008. Erin is a labor and delivery nurse at Methodist Medical Center. Luke is a business manager for the Women’s Health Institute and a football and basketball coach at Morton High School. They live in Morton.

while you’re on


welcomed Emma Grace on June 6, 2009. They live in Dubuque, Iowa. BRETT ELLIS ’04 and MANDY PIERCE-ELLIS ’04 MA ’07 announce the birth of Lydia Elizabeth on August 4, 2009. Mandy is a special education teacher at Wilder-Waite Grade School. Brett is the Internet director at AdCo Advertising Agency. They live in Dunlap. JOE SEYMOUR ’04 and his wife Jackie announce the birth of their daughter Camryn Jo on June 8, 2009. Joe is a continued on p. 26

Share the latest Bradley Hilltopics Take our survey TIMOTHY DORAN ’03 and his wife

Rebecca were married May 17, 2008. Tim is a genotyping and expression analyst for D.H.M. Research Institute. The Dorans live in Charlotte, N.C.

ALEX SMITH ’04 and JULIE McCLOUD SMITH ’06 were married

September 27, 2008. Alex is a fire protection engineer for Nexus Technical Services Corp. Julie is a catastrophe analyst for Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty. They live in Lisle. Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


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DAN LICHTHARDT ’05 and his


QURSHEED MOHAMMED, MSME ’07 is a design engineer,

wife Ashley welcomed their second daughter, Sophia Lorane, on April 18, 2009. Dan is an estimator for Everest Excavating & Underground. The family lives in Sycamore.

currently designing a high-pressure injector for diesel engines at Caterpillar. He lives in Peoria.* CHAD PACEY ’07 and his wife Rachel welcomed their son Dean Richard on May 17, 2009. Chad works in inside sales for American Precision Supply. The family lives in Sycamore.


LAURA HOGARD ’08 is a project

manager for Epic, a health care company that produces software for electronic medical records. She works in hospitals, helping to implement Epic’s pharmacy software. Laura lives in Madison, Wis.*

If BU alum, degree_______________________________________________ Advanced Degree(s)______________________________________________ Institution_____________________________________________________ Current Job Title(s)_______________________________________________ Employer’s Name________________________________________________ My news: (Please provide month/day/year for weddings and births.)_______________________

project manager for River City Construction. The family lives in Fairview Heights.


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

ALYCIA BACHKORA ’09 recently joined the Kansas University softball coaching staff as an assistant. She lives in Olathe, Kan.*


* see photo

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


PLEASE NOTE: ClassNotes are published in the order they are received. Please send

wedding and birth announcements within one year of the event.

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married on June 19, 2009. Jessica works with Hillel at Washington University. Nir is a field service engineer with Philips Healthcare. They live in Chesterfield, Mo.


DR. JOHN I. BREWER ’25 HON ’76 spent his life researching how to save others. COURTESY OF NORTHWESTERN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL

Instrumental in the research and treatment of choriocarcinoma, a malignant tumor of the placenta, Brewer was a pioneer in the use of chemotherapy for cancer patients. He died in 1997. Cancer research leader DR. JOHN I. BREWER ’25 HON ’76

wrote three textbooks and numerous articles on gynecology. He was captain of Bradley’s basketball team for the 1923–24 season.


online Visit bradley. edu/hilltopics/ go/brewer to view Brewer’s 1924 yearbook page.

Brewer, former chairman and professor emeritus of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University School of Medicine, founded the John I. Brewer Choriocarcinoma Research and Treatment Center at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. It was the first program in the nation, with the exception of the National Cancer Institute, to use chemotherapy as a form of cancer treatment. At the treatment center, Brewer provided specialized training in chemotherapy treatment of choriocarcinoma to residents and fellows. Under Brewer’s leadership as chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Passavant Memorial Hospital* in Chicago during the 1960s, the remission rate for choriocarcinoma skyrocketed. Thanks to the use of drugs in treatment, almost 100 percent of patients survived in cases where the cancer had not spread, and 80.5 percent of patients survived in cases where the cancer had spread. Part of that success was due to the development of a program that recognized patients at high risk for the cancer, which allowed for earlier treatment. In 1962, the John I. Brewer Trophoblastic Disease Center was founded at Northwestern University School of Medicine. Since 1981, almost all patients treated primarily at the center have been cured. Brewer served as president of the American College of Obstetricians and three other national organizations. During his time at Bradley, Brewer was involved in Sigma Phi fraternity and played basketball and football; he was captain of the basketball team for the 1923–24 season. He was inducted into the Bradley Athletics Hall of Fame. Brewer received the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1952, and was named an Honorary Alumnus in 1976. He was inducted into the Centurion Society as a charter member in 1982. Brewer was a member of the Founder’s Society and the 1897 Associates Society. *Passavant merged with Wesley Hospital in 1972 to form Northwestern Memorial Hospital.

Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


InMemory 1930s


Albuquerque, N.M. She lived in Houston and New Mexico for many years. Marjorie was a WASP during World War II, after learning to fly at Bradley. CLAYTON EIGSTI ’38, Aug. 4, 2009, Morton. A founder of Morton Metalcraft in 1963, Clayton was also an accountant with R.G. LeTourneau, retiring in 1973. He was a World War II Army veteran. His grandson survives. ELIZABETH SILZER MILES ’39, June 23, 2009, Elmwood. She retired from teaching in 1981. Survivors include three children, four grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.


ROBERTA ANDERSON JACOBS JOHNSON ’43, Dec. 17, 2008, Riverside, Calif. Bobbi was a member of Pi Beta Phi and Bradley’s 1897 Associates. HERMAN “BUD” GRONEWOLD ’44, June 18, 2009, Trivoli. Bud was a farmer and a director of the Peoria Soil and Water Conservation District. A World War II Navy veteran, Bud enjoyed flying and was involved in the Bradley Flying Association. He served on school boards and was active in his church. Three children, six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren survive. His wife Jean died in March. RAY RAMSEY ’47, Aug. 25, 2009, Springfield. A World War II Navy veteran, Ray taught and coached at Lanphier High School for 29 years. He played 10 seasons in the NFL and two seasons in the NBA. Ray earned 13 varsity letters at Bradley in football, basketball, and track, and was inducted into many sports halls of fame, including Bradley and Peoria. Survivors include seven children, nine grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. ANNE BEVENCY-WALTER ’49, Aug. 31, 2009, Bloomington. Anne was a professor of fine arts at Illinois State University for 30 years, retiring in 1993. She won several international awards for filmmaking. Anne’s three children, brother, and sisters LOUISE BEVENCY BULACH ’52, FRAN BEVENCY ERRION ’57, and MARGARET BEVENCY ERWIN ’61 survive. DELBERT “STEAMBOAT” REDMANN ’49, Aug. 23, 2009, Park Ridge. A World War II Army veteran, “IN MEMORY” GUIDELINES: In Memory is written from newspaper clippings, as well as published obituaries supplied by friends and family. Bradley Hilltopics attempts to identify spouses, parents, children, and siblings who are also Bradley alumni. Submit an obituary by mailing a newspaper clipping or memory card from the funeral home to Bradley Hilltopics, 1501 W. Bradley Ave., Peoria, IL 61625.


Delbert was a mechanical engineer in Wisconsin, Iowa, and California. He worked at John Crane, retiring at age 70. He volunteered as a ski patroller for many years. Survivors include his wife Mary, two daughters, and two grandchildren. FREDERICK WITZIG ’49, Aug. 14, 2009, Duluth, Minn. He held a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in geography from the University of Illinois. He was a professor at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, retiring in 1990. Frederick was the author of Voyageurs National Park: The Battle to Create Minnesota’s National Park. He was a World War II Navy veteran. His wife Lois, four children, 13 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren survive. CHARLES YOUNGMAN ’49, Aug. 3, 2009, Peoria. A World War II Army veteran, Chuck was a CPA with the Internal Revenue Service for 38 years. He was active in his church and the CPA Society. Three children, five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren survive.


EDWARD BRENNAN ’50, July 26, 2009, Huntington Beach, Calif. A World War II and Korean War Navy veteran, Edward worked at Great Central Insurance and Allstate in Illinois. He was an avid golfer. Survivors include his wife Darlene, two children, and four grandchildren. HARRY DUNN ’50 MS ’51, Sept. 16, 2009, Peoria. Harry was a teacher and an administrator. He held a doctoral degree from Indiana University and was superintendent of Peru Public Schools for 20 years, retiring in 1989. He was a World War II Army veteran and a member of Theta Chi at Bradley. Survivors include his wife HELEN JOOS DUNN ’51 MA ’70, daughters PAMELA DUNN BAUMANN ’78 MS ’79 and PATRICIA DUNN WORKLEY ’82 MA ’83, and five grandchildren. ROBERT GILLESPIE ’50, July 5, 2009, Peoria. He worked in advertising at Multi-Ad Services for more than 30 years, retiring in 1988. He was a World War II Army Air Corps veteran. Survivors include his wife Mary Jane, four children, and five grandchildren. JOHN MORTON ’50, Sept. 8, 2009, Loves Park. He retired from General Motors New Departure/ Hyatt Bearing Division, and worked 23 years at Atwood Golf Course. A World War II veteran, he was chairman of the Society of Automotive Engineers. John’s wife JOAN ROSE MORTON ’50, three children, and two granddaughters survive. FLOYD STEWART ’50, Sept. 1, 2009, Peoria. Floyd was an architect for LZT Architects and Caterpillar. A World War II Navy veteran, he was involved in Masonic work. Floyd’s wife Barbara,

three children, six grandchildren, and his greatgrandson survive. ROBERT PETRI ’51, July 27, 2009, Lenoir, N.C. He was a retired Caterpillar executive. A Navy veteran, he was involved in Masonic work. Two sons and three grandchildren survive. WILLIAM ROBB ’51, Aug. 6, 2009, Peoria. An Army veteran, Bill was an engineer for Caterpillar for 35 years, retiring in 1983. He enjoyed golf, skiing, and flying. Survivors include his wife Alice, two sons, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. MARK SOMMER ’51, Aug. 6, 2009, Chandler, Ariz. Mark worked for National Lock Co. and co-founded Mitchell-Sommer Accounting and MS Financial Services Inc. He was an active volunteer. Four children and six grandchildren survive. His wife Kathryn died in May. ROBERT McWILLIAMS ’52, July 25, 2009, Peoria. An Air Force veteran, Bob owned and operated Franklin Metal Manufacturing. He enjoyed fishing and golf. Bob was a member of Sigma Nu at Bradley. His wife MARGE HATLEY McWILLIAMS ’56, two daughters, and his grandson survive. MARCIA OAKLEY ZIEGLER ’52, Aug. 24, 2009, Peoria. Marcia worked at the Peoria Visitors and Convention Bureau, and previously was a Spanish translator at Caterpillar. She enjoyed repairing dolls. Survivors include four children. ALBERT KELLERSTRASS ’54, June 29, 2009, Springfield. Al retired after 34 years with the Illinois Division of Water Resources. He was a Korean War Air Force veteran. His wife Amy, two children, a granddaughter, and his brother ERNST KELLERSTRASS ’54 survive. BERNITA GILTNER POLLITT ’54, July 10, 2009, Lombard. Bernie was a surgical nurse before operating PC Services Inc. with her husband DAMON “ED” POLLITT ’53 for 30 years. She enjoyed sewing. Her husband, four children including KAREN POLLITT ’83, and seven grandchildren survive. FRANK CARONE ’55, June 26, 2009, Orland Park. Frank retired from Ford Motor Co. Stamping Plant in Chicago Heights as an industrial engineer. His wife Marilyn, two children, and six grandchildren survive. DONALD HELFER ’55, Sept. 5, 2009, East Peoria. Don was director of manufacturing technology at Caterpillar, retiring in 1987. He was active in his church and volunteered with AARP. His wife Myrle, three children, and seven grandchildren survive. SOL ROSENBERG, Ph.D. ’55, Aug. 10, 2009, Sarasota, Fla. A clinical psychologist in Peoria

and later in Florida, he had been president of the American Academy of Psychotherapists and wrote extensively for its publication, Voices. He taught at Bradley and Argosy University. He enjoyed tennis. His wife Bernice and their three children survive. JOYCE STRIBLING BAYLESS ’57, Aug. 15, 2009, Petersburg. Joyce was a speech pathologist for 30 years. She was a past state president of Children of the American Revolution and a 52-year member of DAR. Survivors include her husband LARRY BAYLESS ’57, seven children, and eight grandchildren. VIRGINIA COVEY BOSWELL ’57, July 31, 2009, Loves Park. After receiving her master’s degree from the University of Illinois, Virginia taught English, literature, and creative writing at the high school and college levels. She also wrote poetry greeting cards for 20 years for the Leanin’ Tree Co. of Boulder, Colo. Two daughters, her brother JOHN COVEY ’60, and three grandchildren survive. JANE STITT CIEPLY ’57, March 17, 2009, Lake Barrington. An active member of the Chicago Suburban Antiques Dealers Association, Jane owned Hypoint American Antiques and Folk Art for more than 35 years. She enjoyed traveling with her husband RICHARD CIEPLY ’56. Also surviving are two children and five grandchildren. WILLIS “TATER” ZOBRIST ’57, Aug. 24, 2009, Morton. He owned N. Zobrist & Sons Inc. and Zobrist Development which developed Field Shopping Center. He served on the boards of Lutheran Home, the Peoria Chiefs, and Morton Community Bank. His wife Nancy, six children, six siblings including LLOYD ZOBRIST ’54, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren survive. NORMAN HOWELLS ’58, Sept. 7, 2009, Peoria. Norman retired from Caterpillar Research Division in 1985 after 30 years of service. He was a World War II and Korean War Navy veteran. Norman was active in the Multiple Sclerosis Society and was a lifetime member of the Society of Automotive Engineers. His wife MARY JO HATFIELD HOWELLS ’52 MA ’60 survives. LARRY G. HUGHES ’58, June 29, 2009, Peoria. He was a civil engineer with McDougal-Hartmann for many years. Survivors include his wife Patricia, two daughters, and four grandchildren.


GEORGE POLKOW ’60, July 7, 2009, Lake Geneva, Wis. George was vice president of the Opus North Corporation in Rosemont, a commercial real estate development corporation. He was a member of Delta Upsilon at Bradley. His wife Ginny, three children, and six grandchildren survive.

ROBERTA GEHRIG ’61 MS ’66, Aug. 19, 2009, Pekin. Roberta worked for the Department of Children and Family Services for many years after earning her master’s degree in social work from the University of Illinois. Previously, she taught at East Peoria Community High School. She enjoyed travel. FRANK SCHOENER ’65, Aug. 15, 2009, Peoria. Frank retired from Caterpillar. He enjoyed bowling. His wife Linda, two sons, and four grandchildren survive.


DAVID GERKIN, EM ’71, July 10, 2009, Dunlap. He retired in 2001 after 36 years as an engineer at Caterpillar. Dave enjoyed golf and travel. His wife Mescal “Mick,” three children including SHELLEY GERKIN HERZOG, MBA ’94, and seven grandchildren survive. GLADYS HAHN ’71, Aug. 12, 2009, West Peoria. Gladys taught first grade in Norwood, retiring in 1984. She enjoyed dogs, walking, and reading. Her daughter SHERRILL HAHN FILZEN ’69, several grandchildren, and a great-granddaughter survive. JAMES UPCHURCH, MA ’71, Aug. 29, 2009, Leesburg, Fla. James was a psychologist and school administrator for Peoria District 150, retiring in 1987. He received his Ed.D. from Indiana University. He was a hospice volunteer. Survivors include his wife Mildred, three children, two stepchildren, and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. LAWRENCE VOGLER ’71, Aug. 1, 2009, Charlotte, N.C. Larry worked in commercial real estate and finance. He was the president of the Prime Group in Chicago, and previously was a vice president for NationsBank of North Carolina for 12 years. He held a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin. Survivors include his wife JANET PUTZ VOGLER ’73, one daughter, and his parents. NANCY BRADLEY WASSON ’71, Sept. 9, 2009, Chalfont, Pa. Nancy was director of development at Lutheran Community at Telford. Previously, she worked at Pearl S. Buck International and the Network of Victim Assistance. She served on the board of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Philadelphia Chapter. Survivors include three children, two grandchildren, and her mother. JOHN “SPENCE” DEPAUW ’72, June 24, 2009, Washington. He worked in various computer divisions at Caterpillar and retired from the

patent office after 38 years. Spence enjoyed woodworking and model railroads. His wife Shirley, their son, and two grandsons survive. ROGER A. JOHNSON ’72 MA ’75, Aug. 24, 2009, Peoria. A Vietnam War Navy veteran, Roger was a teacher and an administrator. He was active in the Special Olympics and the Council for Exceptional Children. He enjoyed travel and collecting antiques. Roger’s wife MARY RAYNETT JOHNSON ’70 MA ’71, three children, and three grandchildren survive. MARY KAY ROBINSON ’73 MA ’77, July 26, 2009, Dunlap. She was director of staff development at Methodist Medical Center prior to working for Maloof Realty. She was a member of the Bradley University Alumni Association and enjoyed bridge, golf, and travel. Survivors include her husband GENE C. ROBINSON, HON ’95, three children, and eight grandchildren.


GLENDA HOPPE FOSTER ’87, Sept. 2, 2009, Peoria. She was an affiliate instructor in Bradley’s art department from 1992 to 2004. Earlier, she worked in the audio-visual department. Glenda’s paintings and photos were in a variety of exhibitions. Survivors include her husband Dr. Merrill Foster of the biology department, one daughter LYNNOR McCURDY MATHENEY ’91, and three grandchildren.


MICHAEL MERTEN ’90, Sept. 3, 2009, Pewaukee, Wis. Mike was national sales manager for Consona Corp. He was a member of Pi Kappa Alpha at Bradley. Survivors include his wife Molly, four children, and his parents.


DENNIS PUTMAN, MBA ’03, Aug. 15, 2009, Peoria. Dennis retired last February from Caterpillar after 35 years. He ran marathons and was a member of the Illinois Valley Wheelmen and Illinois Valley Striders. His wife CLAIRE HORAN PUTMAN ’93 MBA ’03, three children, three stepchildren, and seven grandchildren survive.

Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010


AlumniNews people & events


January 12, tip-off at 8 p.m. CST BU vs. University of Northern Iowa Check for party updates! Baltimore Lucky’s Tavern, 10 Market Place, Baltimore, 8:30 p.m. Chicago Golf Nation, 339 N. Quentin Road, Palatine, 7:30 p.m. Chicago Joe’s Sports Bar, 940 W. Weed St., Chicago, 7:30 p.m. Houston Sherlock’s Baker Street Pub, 1952 W. Gray St., Houston, 7:30 p.m. Indianapolis Jillian’s, 141 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis, 8 p.m. Kansas City Fox and Hound, 10428 Metcalf Ave., Kansas City, 7:30 p.m. Minneapolis area O’Gara’s Bar and Grill, 164 Snelling Ave. North, St. Paul, 7:30 p.m. New York The Village Pourhouse, 64 Third Ave., New York, 8:30 p.m. Northern California First and Main Sports Lounge, 397 Main St., Los Altos, 5 p.m. Peoria Sully’s, 121 SW Adams St., Peoria, 7:30 p.m. Philadelphia Fox and Hound, 160 N. Gulph Road, King of Prussia, 8:30 p.m. Phoenix Half Moon Sports Grill, 2121 E. Highland Ave., Phoenix, 6:30 p.m. Rockford Garrett’s Cafe, 1631 N. Bell School Road, Rockford, 7:30 p.m. Seattle Buckley’s in Belltown, 2331 2nd Ave., Seattle, 5:30 p.m. Springfield Brickhouse Grill & Pub, 3136 W. Iles Ave., Springfield, Ill., 7 p.m. St. Louis Indigo Joe’s Sports Pub & Restaurant, 16721 Main St., Wildwood, Mo., 7:30 p.m. Quad Cities Buffalo Wild Wings, 4860 Utica Ridge Road, Davenport, 7:30 p.m. February 13 Peoria Alumni Weekend — Bradley vs. University of Northern Iowa March 4–7 St. Louis Men’s basketball MVC Tournament March 11–14 St. Louis Women’s basketball MVC Tournament

It was a fabulous Fall! Construction began on the Hayden-Clark Alumni Center. Old acquaintances were made new again at more than 50 Fiesta de Bradley events held throughout Homecoming weekend, and some of our most distinguished alumni, faculty, and staff were recognized on Founder’s Day. We have much to be proud of. This past October, nearly 1,000 new students were introduced to Bradley’s founder and the proud history and traditions of our alma mater. Facilitated by alumni volunteer “game show hosts,” students in the EHS 120 course played the BUAA-developed BU Who Knew? game (photo on next page). Among other things, the game is based on Forgotten Angel: The Story of Lydia Moss Bradley. Written in 1988 by Bradley’s first alumni director, ALLEN UPTON ’48 MA ’49, Forgotten Angel is the story of this larger-than-life woman who was determined that you and I would lead “independent, industrious, and useful lives by the aid of a practical knowledge of the useful arts and sciences.” Like Mr. Upton, your Alumni Association is equally determined that future Bradley alumni have the opportunity to “meet” Mrs. Bradley, and gain an early appreciation for the history and traditions of our alma mater through the pages of Upton’s book and the BU Who Knew? game. By telling her story, our story, we’re hoping to create a special bond of pride that will last a lifetime. If you would like to volunteer as a BU Who Knew? “host,” please contact us. But you don’t have to be a BUAA game show host to make a difference … sharing your Bradley experience with friends and relatives will ensure that the Bradley story is told around the world. Plus, new chapters of the BU story are being added all the time. I invite you to plan a visit back to campus to see what’s new since your college days. Alumni Weekend is a LORI WINTERS FAN wonderful way to reconnect! EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, ALUMNI RELATIONS


13 2010

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Markin Family Student Recreation Center pass Access to pool, weight rooms, track, climbing wall, etc. during regular Center hours Saturday and Sunday.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Alumni Night at Jimmy’s Jimmy’s Bar & Grill, 2801 W. Farmington Road Packages at the Hotel Pere Marquette and Hotels at Grand Prairie Turn your Alumni Weekend into a romantic getaway with an overnight package, available February 12, 13, or 14. Packages include two game tickets, one overnight guestroom, two Bradley T-shirts, plus extras, and range from $123 to $199.

Men’s basketball vs. University of Northern Iowa Carver Arena, Peoria Civic Center, 1:05 p.m. Purchase tickets through the Office of Alumni Relations at half price for upper bowl. Post-game party Civic Center Theater lobby after the game. Join us for complimentary “Sweetheart Sundae” bar, popcorn, and soft drinks, and meet the Bradley Braves for an autograph signing session. Bookstore discount The Bookstore will be open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 13. Alumni will receive 10% off their purchases.

For tickets and information, visit or call 309-677-2241 or 800-952-8258.




online Visit bradley. edu/hilltopics/ go/buwhoknew for more information.

BU Who Knew? MATT NOE ’02, center, hosted “BU Who Knew?” in an EHS 120 freshman experience course last fall. Teams of students answered trivia about Bradley’s history as they raced through a cartoon Founder’s Circle. Twenty-six alumni volunteers hosted “BU Who Knew?” in 44 sections of the course. The game is a result of the Bradley University Alumni Association’s (BUAA) student engagement plan.

Hayden-Clark Alumni Center groundbreaking JERRY HAYDEN ’59 and MARILYN KELLER HAYDEN ’61, left, and BOB CLARK ’67 and his wife Kathleen joined President Joanne Glasser in “breaking ground” for the new Hayden-Clark Alumni Center on October 1. Due to heavy rain, the ceremony was in the Markin Center.

Philadelphia Bradley Trustee ROBERT TURNER ’77 MBA ’78 and his wife Carolyn visit with BU President Joanne Glasser at an afternoon alumni event they hosted at their home on October 25.

Dinner for 10 KATIE McGURN ’07 and LESLIE SHULTZ ’07 hosted students from the Slane College of Communications and Fine Arts as part of the Dinner for 10 program. From left to right, front row: HEIDI HOFFMAN ’10, DANIELLE SHYLANSKI ’10, Schultz, LEAH MORAN ’10, and RACHEL BERG ’10. Back row, McGurn, STEPH MARX ’11, JEREMY GALLUS ’10, JAMIE RASMUSSEN ’10, MELISSA HOFFMAN ’10.

BFAN reunion The Bradley Forensics Alumni Network (BFAN) hosted about 45 Bradley speech team alumni on November 7 for an evening reunion during the annual Norton Speech Tournament in Peoria. Bradley Hilltopics Winter 2010





online Visit bradley. edu/spotlight/ 09/govmaprally for more on the rally. Read a blog at hilltopics/go/ maprally.


Wearing red and carrying signs, Bradley students united last fall in an effort to convince Illinois lawmakers to reinstate funding for the Monetary Awards Program (MAP), which are grants given to students based on need. In response to Bradley’s active approach, student body president KYLE MALINOWSKI ’11, above center, stated, “Bradley was one of the most, if not the most, influential and motivating schools in this fight.” After weeks of dedicated activism, the General Assembly rewarded the students’ work by voting to restore MAP appropriations. “It is still unclear how the legislation plans to pay for next semester’s MAP grants,” said D.J. PIEHOWSKI ’10 in October, “but this bill being approved can at least put students’ minds to rest, eliminating the thought of being forced to drop out of school after winter break.” MAP funding was in jeopardy for the spring semester because of the state budget crisis. The program costs the state $400 million annually, an amount that was initially cut in half by the six-month budget passed in July 2009. Currently, 1,451 Bradley students, totaling more than 28 percent of the student body, receive MAP grants. The mean household annual income for MAP grant recipients is $23,550.

After Dr. Alan Galsky, vice president for student affairs, informed the Student Senate that MAP funding was being cut, Bradley representatives drew up a unified student proclamation in support of reinstating MAP and mailed it to student body officers throughout the state. They received strong support in the form of signed petitions from more than 35 colleges and universities. Bradleys’ first student-driven campaign effort, a MAP grant summit, took place on October 8 at the Hartmann Center on campus. The schools that were sent the petition were invited. As a result, representatives from schools across the state came to hear the speakers and to urge the same point: MAP grants have been a vital part of education funding for many Illinois college students over the past 42 years, and without them, more than 137,000 students’ educations statewide are at risk. Gov. Quinn, above, had recently heard Malinowski speak at a MAP rally in Chicago. He was so impressed with the idea of organizing school leaders in one location, as well as with Malinowski’s message, that he decided to speak at Bradley’s rally. Other speakers included President Joanne Glasser; State Sen. David Koehler; Malinowski; and MAP recipients JADE PETERS ’10, JENNIFER DURHAM ’10, and NICOLE CARTER ’10. Durham summarized one of the main arguments when she pointed out, “For most students, there are not any other options if the state fails to fund the MAP program.” A week later on October 15, approximately 100 Bradley students traveled to Springfield to take part in a rally at the Illinois Education Association building. Malinowski emceed the event at Gov. Quinn’s request. As the rally ended, Quinn announced that the House had passed appropriations for reinstating MAP funding. “To help Bradley play such a crucial role was an honor,” Malinowski said. Afterward, Bradley students met with Koehler and State Rep. Jehan Gordon. During the ride home, Brad McMillan, executive director of the Institute for Principled Leadership, announced that the Senate had approved the MAP funding. “Bradley students showed tremendous leadership in advocating for the restoration of the spring semester MAP funding. Student power can make a huge difference in our state’s capital,” said McMillan.

Some competed in the chips and salsa eating competition. Others raced in the Gary R. Tippett Memorial 5K Run or enjoyed a cup of Joe at Coffee with the Coaches. Many attended the Pajama Game, above center, or the Last Lecture given by religion professor Dr. Bob Fuller. Others posed as a festive couple at the tailgate party and cheered on the soccer team at Shea Stadium. But everyone had a “muy bueno� Homecoming.


online View a slideshow at hilltopics/go/ homecoming09.

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