Pathways (2010)

Page 1

Believing In Bradley (continued from page 1)

For more information, please contact

He sold the business in 1997 and now owns Allegro Music Center, Inc., in Park Ridge. The center employs 20 young adults trying to make careers by “gigging” and teaching. About 375 students take instrumental and voice lessons at the center.

“I like being part of something bigger than myself, something that’s really enduring. It’s neat to know that after you’re gone, students will still be going here to learn. It gives me a sense of immortality in its own way.”

FALL 2010

PHONE: (309) 677-3661 TOLL-FREE: (800) 327-7886

In this issue... • Options and opportunities to consider in 2010


• Developing a personal strategy — why it’s important

The information in this publication is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are based on rates current at the time of printing and are subject to change. References to estate and income tax include federal taxes only; individual state taxes may further impact results.

Knowing How to Give has its Advantages This newsletter is designed to help you explore the many strategies you can use to carry out personal planning goals and to realize your desire to help others. If you have an interest in supporting Bradley University, we want you to be aware of the many gift options and opportunities available to you. Every gift is important. Knowing how to give increases both the impact of your gift and the personal satisfaction you experience.


He values the opportunity to give to Bradley. “You reflect on your own experience during a very formative part of your life and realize how the University influenced you and made you the person you are today. Things came together for me here.

Jerry D. Heller, CFRE Executive Director of Gift Planning


Bartel and his second wife, Lorie, give annually to increase the scholarship’s endowment. In addition, they have included Bradley in their estate.

A charitable planning guide for Bradley alumni and friends


“Bradley was an important part of Mary’s life,” said Bartel. “Her memory lives on in that scholarship. This is an opportunity to provide a resource for young women, to support them in their chosen path in life.”


PEORIA, IL 61625

Bartel met his first wife, Mary Fasulo Bartel ’70, when they were students at Bradley. They had just begun their lives together when Mary died at the age of 28. After her passing, Bartel established an endowed scholarship, given each year to a female student majoring in either international studies or communication.

Please take a moment to read this issue and return the enclosed card or contact us directly if we can be of service. Be sure to request our Taxpayer’s Home Companion for 2010. This handy guide highlights key tax information that can help you begin thinking about next year’s tax return. As always, it is our pleasure to help with any questions you or your advisors may have about gift planning.

Believing in Bradley Bradley University reflects the strength and stability of a respected university, coupled with the energy and enthusiasm that comes with a new president, new vision and new construction. That’s how Allan Bartel ’70 of Park Ridge describes Bradley today. “It really is an honor to be an alumnus, to come back to campus and see how it’s growing. The University is revitalizing with our new president. “At the same time, I see [communication professor] Ron Koperski, who is still as engaging as when I had him as a professor in 1968. What a great balance—this is one of the University’s strengths.” Bartel said the sense of anticipation on campus is Allan Bartel ’70 electric. The Markin Family Student Recreation Center and the Renaissance Coliseum (the new on-campus arena) are completed, and the Hayden-Clark Alumni Center and Westlake Hall expansion are well under way. “You can’t help but feel the energy here. This is a university on the move,” Bartel said during a visit to campus this fall. “All this, and Avanti’s is still here, too,” he said with a smile. He remembers his own experiences at Bradley: fine professors like Koperski and the late George Armstrong; his fraternity, Sigma Nu; and living in University Hall and at Sigma Nu. “Bradley gave me the social, interpersonal and academic tools I needed to succeed.” He credits the people he met at Bradley with instilling in him an entrepreneurial spirit that continues today. “The people I met and interacted with at Bradley nurtured those skill sets and that attitude,” said the former co-owner of Argus Press in Niles. continued on back page

Options Are Opportunities

carefully thought out to maximize planning and tax benefits.

Ways to Make a Difference

When you consider any charitable gift, it is important to know that various options are available to meet specific philanthropic goals. Knowing your options lets you choose a tax-efficient gift that makes sense for you and your family, and fulfills your charitable intent. As always, we stand ready to work with you and your advisors to help you examine the opportunities available to make a difference at Bradley University.

GIFT OF STOCK: Gifts of stock also allow you to complete a gift quickly and make an immediate impact. A gift of appreciated stock held over 12 months provides two attractive benefits: (1) an income tax charitable deduction, and (2) no capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock.

A Personal Approach has Many Advantages

Plan now, give later

Make a Personal Statement What do you care about? Is there a specific program or project you want to support? Is there a service you want to provide? Gifts to Bradley University can be directed to the services and programs that matter most to you. Remember, too, that a charitable giving strategy also benefits you and your family. From simple, revocable gifts to more complex charitable arrangements, your thoughtful giving benefits the University and assures that you and your family benefit from tax-efficient planning programs.

What do you want to accomplish? Once you have identified specific philanthropic and estate planning targets, it is time to think in terms of objectives. Is there a family member you want to provide for or honor? Is there a program, service, or giving opportunity that strongly resonates with you? Often, realizing a philanthropic goal is quite simple. Other times, achieving a goal may require more time and help from advisors. In all cases, however, strategic planning can increase the impact of your gift and yield greater personal satisfaction. Example: Justin recently sold a substantial business ownership interest. He is committed to using part of the proceeds to support charitable work and to offset some of the gains he realized from the sale. He decides to honor his mother with a gift to acknowledge her life-long dedication to Bradley University. With this gift, Justin realizes his personal planning objectives and accomplishes a specific philanthropic goal while honoring his mother.


Bradley University PATHWAYS

Whatever your philanthropic goals, planning now is the right thing to do. But planning now does not mean you have to give now. Some of the most meaningful and rewarding gifts are those that can be planned today and completed later. BEQUESTS: A charitable bequest lets you make a gift now that is realized in the future. Simply designate in your will that Bradley University receives a portion of your estate or a specific asset or dollar amount. If you already have a will, your attorney can easily amend it through a codicil. Since a bequest gift is not completed today, you have the opportunity to change the gift arrangement if your needs or goals change. BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS: Another way to plan now and give later is through a beneficiary designation. The University can be named the beneficiary of a life insurance policy that is no longer needed by your family or a qualified retirement plan account. We will be happy to help you explore the tax benefits that may be associated with these planning options. An advantage to these gifts is the freedom to change the designation. You are not locked into the arrangement.

Plan now, give now…and get something back A unique and compelling gift option is the life income gift. Life income gifts are truly a way to make a gift, get something in return, and benefit from an income tax charitable deduction.

Example: When Justin sold his business interest, he chose the charitable gift annuity as his gift option for honoring his mother. The gift annuity was set up to provide lifetime payments to his mother, age 80. In exchange for his gift of $50,000, we agreed to pay his mother annual payments of $3,600 for the rest of her life. Justin is eligible for an income tax deduction of $24,178.* THE CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST: The charitable remainder trust (CRT) is another meaningful and flexible way to give and receive. The CRT provides: • An income for you and/or others for life or a specified period up to 20 years

Plan now, give now You may prefer to plan and make a gift that has an immediate impact. One motivating factor behind an outright gift is that you receive current tax benefits. In addition, you have the opportunity to enjoy seeing completed gifts—and the impact your gift has on the Bradley community.

• Potential offset of capital gains taxes when the trust is funded with long-term appreciated property

income tax deduction and can be put to work immediately to support Bradley. All you need to do is write a check. Of course, a large cash gift should be

Please send a complimentary copy of the Taxpayer’s Home Companion for 2010, a brochure designed to help with tax return preparation and gift planning.

THE CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY: With this gift plan, in exchange for your gift, we agree to make fixed payments for the rest of your lifetime (or for the life of someone else you designate). You are eligible for an immediate income tax charitable deduction and your designated beneficiary will receive fixed payments every year that will not decrease, regardless of fluctuations in markets and interest rates.

• An immediate income tax charitable deduction

CASH GIFT: Easy to make, this gift provides a current

We hope you have found useful ideas in this issue of Pathways. To further aid your year-end planning, send for a complimentary copy of the brochure listed below, with no obligation. Simply fill out this tear-off card, fold, tape it on the open end, and drop it in the mail to us. We’ll pick up the postage.

• Possible estate planning benefits and reduced probate costs • Flexibility in meeting estate planning goals. When payments to the trust beneficiary or beneficiaries are completed, Bradley University uses remaining trust assets to support the University in the manner you designate.

I am interested in more information about gifts that provide income. I’m interested in discussing the various ways to support Bradley University. Please contact me ___ by phone

Your advisors can help you determine if a CRT should be part of your planning. We are happy to provide ideas about using a CRT to support the University.

___ by e-mail to talk about these possibilities. I/We have already included Bradley University in our estate plans.

Develop a Personal Strategy Although philanthropy is highly personal, there is much to be gained by consulting others. The charitable arrangements you choose, the property you select, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in individual gifts, the particular tax considerations—all affect your personal philanthropic decisions. That is why you may want to consult your financial advisors (including your attorney) and our development staff to assist you in planning your strategy.





Don’t forget to request our complimentary Taxpayer’s Home Companion for 2010. Designed to help you and your advisor identify and organize the information needed to complete your April return, it includes a helpful summary of gift ideas, tax tips, and key considerations for the tax year.



*Example is for illustrative purposes, based on an AFR of 2.6% and an annual payment.

Visit us online at


Options Are Opportunities

carefully thought out to maximize planning and tax benefits.

Ways to Make a Difference

When you consider any charitable gift, it is important to know that various options are available to meet specific philanthropic goals. Knowing your options lets you choose a tax-efficient gift that makes sense for you and your family, and fulfills your charitable intent. As always, we stand ready to work with you and your advisors to help you examine the opportunities available to make a difference at Bradley University.

GIFT OF STOCK: Gifts of stock also allow you to complete a gift quickly and make an immediate impact. A gift of appreciated stock held over 12 months provides two attractive benefits: (1) an income tax charitable deduction, and (2) no capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock.

A Personal Approach has Many Advantages

Plan now, give later

Make a Personal Statement What do you care about? Is there a specific program or project you want to support? Is there a service you want to provide? Gifts to Bradley University can be directed to the services and programs that matter most to you. Remember, too, that a charitable giving strategy also benefits you and your family. From simple, revocable gifts to more complex charitable arrangements, your thoughtful giving benefits the University and assures that you and your family benefit from tax-efficient planning programs.

What do you want to accomplish? Once you have identified specific philanthropic and estate planning targets, it is time to think in terms of objectives. Is there a family member you want to provide for or honor? Is there a program, service, or giving opportunity that strongly resonates with you? Often, realizing a philanthropic goal is quite simple. Other times, achieving a goal may require more time and help from advisors. In all cases, however, strategic planning can increase the impact of your gift and yield greater personal satisfaction. Example: Justin recently sold a substantial business ownership interest. He is committed to using part of the proceeds to support charitable work and to offset some of the gains he realized from the sale. He decides to honor his mother with a gift to acknowledge her life-long dedication to Bradley University. With this gift, Justin realizes his personal planning objectives and accomplishes a specific philanthropic goal while honoring his mother.


Bradley University PATHWAYS

Whatever your philanthropic goals, planning now is the right thing to do. But planning now does not mean you have to give now. Some of the most meaningful and rewarding gifts are those that can be planned today and completed later. BEQUESTS: A charitable bequest lets you make a gift now that is realized in the future. Simply designate in your will that Bradley University receives a portion of your estate or a specific asset or dollar amount. If you already have a will, your attorney can easily amend it through a codicil. Since a bequest gift is not completed today, you have the opportunity to change the gift arrangement if your needs or goals change. BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS: Another way to plan now and give later is through a beneficiary designation. The University can be named the beneficiary of a life insurance policy that is no longer needed by your family or a qualified retirement plan account. We will be happy to help you explore the tax benefits that may be associated with these planning options. An advantage to these gifts is the freedom to change the designation. You are not locked into the arrangement.

Plan now, give now…and get something back A unique and compelling gift option is the life income gift. Life income gifts are truly a way to make a gift, get something in return, and benefit from an income tax charitable deduction.

Example: When Justin sold his business interest, he chose the charitable gift annuity as his gift option for honoring his mother. The gift annuity was set up to provide lifetime payments to his mother, age 80. In exchange for his gift of $50,000, we agreed to pay his mother annual payments of $3,600 for the rest of her life. Justin is eligible for an income tax deduction of $24,178.* THE CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST: The charitable remainder trust (CRT) is another meaningful and flexible way to give and receive. The CRT provides: • An income for you and/or others for life or a specified period up to 20 years

Plan now, give now You may prefer to plan and make a gift that has an immediate impact. One motivating factor behind an outright gift is that you receive current tax benefits. In addition, you have the opportunity to enjoy seeing completed gifts—and the impact your gift has on the Bradley community.

• Potential offset of capital gains taxes when the trust is funded with long-term appreciated property

income tax deduction and can be put to work immediately to support Bradley. All you need to do is write a check. Of course, a large cash gift should be

Please send a complimentary copy of the Taxpayer’s Home Companion for 2010, a brochure designed to help with tax return preparation and gift planning.

THE CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY: With this gift plan, in exchange for your gift, we agree to make fixed payments for the rest of your lifetime (or for the life of someone else you designate). You are eligible for an immediate income tax charitable deduction and your designated beneficiary will receive fixed payments every year that will not decrease, regardless of fluctuations in markets and interest rates.

• An immediate income tax charitable deduction

CASH GIFT: Easy to make, this gift provides a current

We hope you have found useful ideas in this issue of Pathways. To further aid your year-end planning, send for a complimentary copy of the brochure listed below, with no obligation. Simply fill out this tear-off card, fold, tape it on the open end, and drop it in the mail to us. We’ll pick up the postage.

• Possible estate planning benefits and reduced probate costs • Flexibility in meeting estate planning goals. When payments to the trust beneficiary or beneficiaries are completed, Bradley University uses remaining trust assets to support the University in the manner you designate.

I am interested in more information about gifts that provide income. I’m interested in discussing the various ways to support Bradley University. Please contact me ___ by phone

Your advisors can help you determine if a CRT should be part of your planning. We are happy to provide ideas about using a CRT to support the University.

___ by e-mail to talk about these possibilities. I/We have already included Bradley University in our estate plans.

Develop a Personal Strategy Although philanthropy is highly personal, there is much to be gained by consulting others. The charitable arrangements you choose, the property you select, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in individual gifts, the particular tax considerations—all affect your personal philanthropic decisions. That is why you may want to consult your financial advisors (including your attorney) and our development staff to assist you in planning your strategy.





Don’t forget to request our complimentary Taxpayer’s Home Companion for 2010. Designed to help you and your advisor identify and organize the information needed to complete your April return, it includes a helpful summary of gift ideas, tax tips, and key considerations for the tax year.



*Example is for illustrative purposes, based on an AFR of 2.6% and an annual payment.

Visit us online at


Believing In Bradley (continued from page 1)

For more information, please contact

He sold the business in 1997 and now owns Allegro Music Center, Inc., in Park Ridge. The center employs 20 young adults trying to make careers by “gigging” and teaching. About 375 students take instrumental and voice lessons at the center.

“I like being part of something bigger than myself, something that’s really enduring. It’s neat to know that after you’re gone, students will still be going here to learn. It gives me a sense of immortality in its own way.”

FALL 2010

PHONE: (309) 677-3661 TOLL-FREE: (800) 327-7886

In this issue... • Options and opportunities to consider in 2010


• Developing a personal strategy — why it’s important

The information in this publication is not intended as legal advice. For legal advice, please consult an attorney. Figures cited in examples are based on rates current at the time of printing and are subject to change. References to estate and income tax include federal taxes only; individual state taxes may further impact results.

Knowing How to Give has its Advantages This newsletter is designed to help you explore the many strategies you can use to carry out personal planning goals and to realize your desire to help others. If you have an interest in supporting Bradley University, we want you to be aware of the many gift options and opportunities available to you. Every gift is important. Knowing how to give increases both the impact of your gift and the personal satisfaction you experience.


He values the opportunity to give to Bradley. “You reflect on your own experience during a very formative part of your life and realize how the University influenced you and made you the person you are today. Things came together for me here.

Jerry D. Heller, CFRE Executive Director of Gift Planning


Bartel and his second wife, Lorie, give annually to increase the scholarship’s endowment. In addition, they have included Bradley in their estate.

A charitable planning guide for Bradley alumni and friends


“Bradley was an important part of Mary’s life,” said Bartel. “Her memory lives on in that scholarship. This is an opportunity to provide a resource for young women, to support them in their chosen path in life.”


PEORIA, IL 61625

Bartel met his first wife, Mary Fasulo Bartel ’70, when they were students at Bradley. They had just begun their lives together when Mary died at the age of 28. After her passing, Bartel established an endowed scholarship, given each year to a female student majoring in either international studies or communication.

Please take a moment to read this issue and return the enclosed card or contact us directly if we can be of service. Be sure to request our Taxpayer’s Home Companion for 2010. This handy guide highlights key tax information that can help you begin thinking about next year’s tax return. As always, it is our pleasure to help with any questions you or your advisors may have about gift planning.

Believing in Bradley Bradley University reflects the strength and stability of a respected university, coupled with the energy and enthusiasm that comes with a new president, new vision and new construction. That’s how Allan Bartel ’70 of Park Ridge describes Bradley today. “It really is an honor to be an alumnus, to come back to campus and see how it’s growing. The University is revitalizing with our new president. “At the same time, I see [communication professor] Ron Koperski, who is still as engaging as when I had him as a professor in 1968. What a great balance—this is one of the University’s strengths.” Bartel said the sense of anticipation on campus is Allan Bartel ’70 electric. The Markin Family Student Recreation Center and the Renaissance Coliseum (the new on-campus arena) are completed, and the Hayden-Clark Alumni Center and Westlake Hall expansion are well under way. “You can’t help but feel the energy here. This is a university on the move,” Bartel said during a visit to campus this fall. “All this, and Avanti’s is still here, too,” he said with a smile. He remembers his own experiences at Bradley: fine professors like Koperski and the late George Armstrong; his fraternity, Sigma Nu; and living in University Hall and at Sigma Nu. “Bradley gave me the social, interpersonal and academic tools I needed to succeed.” He credits the people he met at Bradley with instilling in him an entrepreneurial spirit that continues today. “The people I met and interacted with at Bradley nurtured those skill sets and that attitude,” said the former co-owner of Argus Press in Niles. continued on back page

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