EJ binder for web

Page 1

Table of Contents Starting Your Day: Opening the Polling Place...................................................................1 Oath and Instructions........................................................................ 2 Preparing the Touch Screen & OS for Voting .................................... 3 Setting up the Laptop ........................................................................ 4 Certificate of Inspection .................................................................... 5 Stations One through Four ................................................................ 6

During Voting Hours: Pollwatcher/Candidate Register and Sample Credentials ................ 7 Polling Place List/Map Showing Precinct Boundaries ...................... 8 Ballot Entitlement and Provisional Voting ....................................... 9 Affidavits ......................................................................................... 10 Reports (Corrections, Affidavits, Signature ).……………………………...11 Track Your Numbers Sheet and Instructions ...................................12 Election Judge Sign-Up Sheet Working Judges and New ................13 Demonstrator Ballot and Narrative for Demonstration .................. 14

Closing the Polls: Closing the Polling Place ..................................................................15 Shutting Down the Touch Screen & Optical Scan ........................... 16 Ender Card .......................................................................................17 Official Ballot Record ...................................................................... 18 List of Valid Write-In Candidates.................................................... 19 Write-In Tally Sheet and Instructions............................................. 20 Election Expense Bill ........................................................................21 Sign for Displaying Results Tapes ................................................... 22 Election Judge Suggestions List ...................................................... 23 Election Official Sign/Return Supplies ........................................... 24


Pocket 1

OPENING THE POLLING PLACE Step 1:  Sign the Oath of Judge of Election, found in Pocket 2.  Put on your Name Badge, found in Pocket 2. Step 2:  Refer to “Preparing TS & OS for voting” instructions, found in Pocket 3.  All Judges sign the “Zero Tapes” for both Machines.  Set up the VOTESAFE laptop, using the instructions found in Pocket 4.  Remove the Certificate of Inspection from Pocket 5.  Verify you have all of the ballot styles listed for your Precinct Ballot Style Precinct

 We have grouped the ballots into bundles of 25 or 100 to make counting easier.  Verify the total numbers for each ballot style. Once you have verified you have all ballots, all Judges must sign the bottom of the Certificate of Inspection. NOTE: If you are missing ballots, notify the Clerk’s office IMMEDIATELY! (309-888-5270) Step 3:  Decide which Station each Judge will be working and decide on the location to process Same Day Registrations.  Remove the Station Instructions from Pocket 6.  Set out the supplies for each station (black duffle).  Verify all signs have been hung up (black duffle).  Put the Polling Place signs outside.  Measure out your 100’ “No Campaigning” zone and mark with a flag. Step 4:  At 6:00 a.m. unlock or open the polling place doors and let the voters inside.  Announce the polling place is open.  If you are in your home precinct, vote when time permits.

Pocket 2

Oath or Affirmation of Judge of Election (Type and date of Election) State of Illinois

) ) ss. County of McLean )

Precinct _____________________

I do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of Judge of Election, according to the best of my ability, and that I am entitled to vote in this election. Subscribed and sworn to before me this XX day of XXXX, 20XX. ________________________________ (Signature of Judge Administering Oath) Signatures of Subscribing Judges of Election: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

To fill vacancy of Judge of Election Subscribed and sworn to before me this XX day of XXXX, 20XX ________________________________ (Signature of Judge Administering Oath) Signatures of Judges Filling Vacancies: ________________________________ ________________________________

Place in manila envelope in flap of binder when completed. Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington Street, Room 102, Bloomington, IL 61701

Pocket 3

PREPARING THE OPTICAL SCAN FOR VOTING Use the RED KEY to unlock the printer panel on top of the Optical Scan machine. Remove the printer panel cover. Verify the precinct name and number printed at the top of the Zero Tape. If they do not match, call the office immediately. Record the security seal number on the track your numbers sheet found in pocket 12 of your binder. Have all the Judges sign the Zero Tape. Roll up the tape and tuck it into the storage compartment. Replace the printer panel cover and lock it with the RED KEY. Verify no ballots are in the black box. Close the front panel and use the BLACK KEY to lock the ballot box. If there are a lot of under/over votes you may leave this open for access to the yes/no buttons. The front LCD display should read “TOT COUNT = 0.” If it does NOT read “0,” call the office immediately. (309-888-5270)

Pocket 3

Preparing the Touch Screen for Voting

Have all the judges sign the Zero Tape.

Press “OK� and the tape will spool into the canister. Lock the canister with a security seal found in your Black Supply Bag. Record the seal number on the Track Your Numbers sheet in Pocket 12. Lock the printer housing and place the keypad on top of it.

The machine is ready to begin voting.

Pocket 4

SETTING UP THE LAPTOP Attention Judges! Techies are now instructed to set the laptops up to the voter lookup screen (as shown below)

If the screen does not appear as so, continue on with instructions. 1. Open the lid by pressing the button in the middle on the front edge. 2. Turn on the laptop by pressing the round silver button above the number keys in the middle of the laptop. 3. Click on “Election Judge.” 4. The laptop may take 1-2 minutes to load. 5. Double-click on the VoteSafe Icon. 6. Double-click on “Click here to start.” 7. Enter “VOTE” as the password and click “Login.” 8. Select “Click Here to Begin Pollplace and Worker Selection.” Make sure the laptop is running in “election day mode.”

**If computer isn’t in “election day mode” call your Techie!

Pocket 4

9. Click “Select Pollplace.”


Click on your Polling Location.


Click “Select Worker.”

Pocket 4


Click “General Pollworker 1.”


Click “Continue to Voter Lookup.”

Tab over to “Last Name” box to start looking up voters.

Pocket 5 This pocket will have the Certificate of Inspection Form that gives you the number of ballots per style. You will use these numbers at the end of the night when you balance.


Pocket 6

1. Greet the voter and ask them for their name and address. 2. Repeat their name and address in a loud voice. 3. On the laptop, enter the voter’s first four letters of their last name. The system will automatically take you to the First Name field. Enter the first four letters of the First Name and the system will automatically take you to the voters found. If the First/Last Name only have 3 letters you will click on Click on “Search.” If you try but cannot find the voter using their name, Click on “Return to Voter Search” try entering their name again including a birthdate.

If the voter is not found as seen below STOP and click on “Return to Voter Search”. Verify the spelling of their name and try to enter them again. If the voter is still not found send them to the Same Day Registration Area. Click on “Return to Voter Search” to be ready for the next voter.

Never click on the above or below choice “REGISTER NEW VOTER”. If you accidently find you have clicked on it or the “SEARCH FULL COUNTY” as shown below you will always be able to click on “Return to Voter Search”. If the voter is found select the voter by clicking on their name. If the address is NOT correct

send them to the designated Same Day Registration area.

AGAIN never click on “Register New Voter” or “Search Full County”

Pocket 6

4. If this is a Primary a Party must be selected. NOTE: If Nonpartisan is a choice it will display as seen below. If the voter requests Nonpartisan they will only be able to vote on the Referenda as there are no candidates on the Nonpartisan ballot.

After the party is selected, notice the ballot style and ballot-type will appear.

After you have selected the ballot-type one label will print out. 5. Have the voter sign the label and compare the signature on the signed label to the signature displayed on the laptop. Once you have verified, place the label in the binder, initial to the right of the label in the space provided. Click “Continue: and the screen will return to Voter Look Up. If the voter has selected paper ballot announce the ballot style to Station 2.

6. If the voter has selected Electronic circle the number to the right of their label. This will identify the TS voters for “Track Your Numbers”. You will see the window below. If this does not show up, look at the bottom of your screen at your task bar, VC Programmer will be the three lettered blocks, click on it to bring it up.

Insert a Voter Access card into the card coder. Select Create Card. Verify in the

“Card Status” field that the card has been created. Remove the card and the laptop will return to the Voter Lookup screen. Hand them their Voter Access Card and inform the voter to return the card after they have voted. If necessary check any additional settings.

STATION TWO (Ballot Station)

Pocket 6

Station Two Supplies - Ballots

- Dry Erase Markers

- Privacy Covers

- Demonstration Ballot

- Red Pen

- Black Markers - Spoiled Ballot Envelopes

Station Two Instructions 1. When Station One announces the ballot style, locate the correct ballot style in your stack. Please note, in a Primary Election a party affiliation will also be announced. If a voter brings a Post-a-Note with a ballot style and party written on it they are a New Registered Voter and will be handled as a regular voter would be. 2. Initial the top right corner of the ballot with RED pen. 3. Give the ballot to the voter with a marker and privacy cover. 4. Ask the voter if they would like an explanation on how to complete the ballot. If the voter requests a demonstration, refer to the Official Demonstrator Ballot and Narrative for Demonstration located in Pocket 14. 5. If the voter requests to see the Write-In Candidate List, they may view it at this time. They cannot take the Candidate List into the voter’s booth with them. The list can be found in Pocket 19. 6. If a voter spoils their ballot, give them a spoiled ballot envelope and ask them to place the ballot in the envelope. Once they have given the envelope back to you, you may give them a new ballot. Place the spoiled ballots to the side. You will need them for your totals when closing the polls.


Pocket 6

Station Three Supplies - Pens

- Precinct Maps

- Polling Place Addresses

- Ballot Entitlement Sheet

- Affidavits to Vote

- Provisional Packets

Station Three will assist voters with any problems. This station may also include Election Day Registration (see instructions in EDR Binder). Voters will be directed to your table for the following reasons: - the voter’s name did not appear on the laptop - the voter’s address is incorrect - the voter’s name is incorrect - the voter needs assistance - the voter believes they have received the incorrect ballot Using the Ballot Entitlement Sheet found in Pocket 9, you will work with the voter to determine if and how they can vote. Reassure the voter you will do whatever you can, legally, to permit them to vote. Provide direction if the voter is in the wrong polling place. There are maps and a polling place list in Pocket 8. Review the Ballot Entitlement Sheet to see if the voter can vote by affidavit. If you are unable to determine if the voter is eligible to vote, or have determined they need to vote provisionally CALL (309)888-5270. See Pocket 9 for the provisional voting instructions.

Pocket 6

STATION FOUR Station Four Supplies - “I Voted” Stickers

- Red Pen

- Track Your Numbers

The Station Four Judge is responsible for ensuring all ballots have been initialed before being deposited into the Optical Scan. 1. Request the voter use their privacy cover and show you the Judge’s initials. 2. If the ballot is not initialed, use the RED pen to initial it, making certain to maintain the secrecy of the ballot. 3. If the Optical Scan does not accept the ballot, read the display screen. 4. If the voter has under voted they may take back their ballot and complete the un-voted office or cast it as it is. If the voter has over voted** (see below), explain to them that they can spoil their ballot and get a new one. If they choose to cast the ballot as is, open the front cover of the black box using the black key. Have the voter press and hold the “Yes” button as they insert their ballot. 5. Once the voter has cast their ballot, hand them an “I Voted” sticker. 6. Retrieve the privacy cover and pen. 7. Retrieve voter access cards from Touch Screen voters. The Judge at Station Four will also be responsible for making sure the total votes recorded on the machines, match the number of signature labels. To do this you will need the “Track Your Numbers” sheet and instructions from Pocket 12. **An over vote occurs when a voter votes for more candidates than they should. For example, when they vote for President if they voted for more than one candidate, the Optical Scan will alert you to an over vote. If they choose to cast their ballot anyway, no votes for President on their ballot will count, have the voter press and hold yes as ballot is inserted.

Pocket 7

RIGHTS OF POLLWATCHERS  A pollwatcher must present to the Election Judges credentials obtained from the County Clerk’s office and signed by the County Clerk. These credentials must be presented immediately upon entering the polling place.  Pollwatchers may be in the polling place before the polls open, during the actual voting hours, and after the polls close. They may also observe the counting procedures.  Pollwatchers may request to inspect the ballot box prior to the casting of the first ballot to ensure it is empty.  Pollwatchers may observe as the Election Judges compare the applicant’s signature.  Pollwatchers may watch the Election Judges initial and distribute paper ballots also as the ballots are deposited into the ballot box.  Pollwatchers may challenge a person’s right to vote. They must state their reason for such challenge. The Judges then will determine whether or not to sustain the challenge.  If a pollwatcher questions a voter’s identity, he may request to view the applicant’s signature and compare it to the official record signature.  Pollwatchers are not allowed to touch any of the election supplies.  If overcrowding interferes with the orderly conduct of the election, the Judges of Election may limit the number of pollwatchers.  The Election Judges may cause the removal of any pollwatcher who is disrupting the election process.  If a pollwatcher should observe an administrative error or sees an apparent violation on the part of the Election Judges or voter, the pollwatcher should politely inform the Election Judges. If the error or violation continues, the pollwatcher should record his/her observations, immediately contact the County Clerk’s office, and remain at the polling place until proper authorities arrive. Under no circumstances should a pollwatcher argue with the Election Judges or interfere with the election process.

Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington Street, Room 102 Bloomington, IL 61701

10 ILCS 5/7-34, 17-23

Return to Pocket 4

Candidate Credentials To the Judges of Election: In accordance with the provisions of the Election Code, I ________________ (Candidate’s Name) hereby certify that I am a Candidate for _________________________ and (Office Title) seek admittance to _______________ Precinct of the ____________ Ward (if applicable) of the ______________________ of ___________________________ (Township or Municipality) at the __

________________ Election to be held on _______________. (Type of Election) (Month, Day, Year)

__________________________ (Candidate’s Signature)

__________________________ (Signature of Election Authority)

McLean County Clerk______ (Title)

___________________________ (Office Title for which Candidate seeks Nomination or Election)

Pocket 7 10 ILCS 5/7-34, 17-23, 29-10

Pollwatcher Credentials

To the Judges of Election: In accordance with the provisions of the Election Code, the undersigned hereby Appoints__________________ who resides at _____________________ (name of pollwatcher) (address) in the County of ____________________, ______________________ of (township or municipality) _____________________, State of Illinois and who is duly registered to vote from this address, to act as a pollwatcher in the _____________ precinct of the _____________ ward of the ________________________________ of (if applicable) (township or municipality) __________________ at the _____________ _ election to be held on _____________________. (insert month, day, and year) ________ (Signature of Election Authority)

_________________________ (Signature of Appointing Authority)

McLean County Clerk_______ Title: (County Clerk)

_________________________ Title: (party official, candidate, civic organization president, proponent or opponent group chairman)

Under penalties provided by law pursuant to 10 ILCS 5/29-10 the undersigned pollwatcher certifies that he or she resides at _________________________ (address) in the County of ____________________, ______________________ of (township or municipality) ___________________, State of Illinois and who is duly registered to vote in Illinois. ___________________________ (Precinct and/or Ward in which Pollwatcher resides)

_________________________ (Signature of Pollwatcher)

Pocket 7

__________________ Precinct Name Pollwatcher/Candidate Register All pollwatchers shall be required to have proper credentials. Pollwatchers must present their credentials to the Judges of Election upon entering the polling place. Pollwatcher credentials properly executed and signed shall be proof of the qualifications of the pollwatcher authorized thereby. Such credentials are retained by the Judges and returned to the Election Authority at the end of the day with the other election materials. Once a pollwatcher has surrendered a valid credential, he/she may leave and re-enter the polling place provided such continuing action does not disrupt the conduct of the election. Signature of Person Bearing Valid Credentials

Name of Candidate or Organization Represented

Arrival Time

Departure Time

Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington Street, Room 102, Bloomington, IL 61701

Pocket 8

Polling Place Addresses County Polling Places

0101 Allin Allin Township Building 203 N Blackstone Avenue Stanford, IL 61774

0901 Cropsey Cropsey Twp Hall 128 Main Street Cropsey, IL 61731

0201 Anchor Anchor Town Hall 237 Second Street Anchor, IL 61720

1001 Dale Dale Twp Bldg 8017 E 1100 North Road Bloomington, IL 61704

0301 Arrowsmith Arrowsmith Twp Comm Center 201 E Ulmer Street Arrowsmith, IL 61722

1101 Danvers 01 Danvers Twp Comm Bldg 898 N West Street Danvers, IL 61732

0401 Bellflower Bellflower Community Center 104 W Center Street Bellflower, IL 61724

1102 Danvers 02 Danvers Twp Comm Bldg 898 N West Street Danvers, IL 61732

0501 Bloomington 01 Bloomington Twp Bldg 2501 Fox Creek Road Bloomington, IL 61704

1201 Dawson Ellsworth American Legion Hall 106 N Main Street Ellsworth, IL 61737

0502 Bloomington 02 Bloomington Twp Fire House 14880 Old Colonial Road Bloomington, IL 61704

1301 Downs Downs Fire Department Bldg 102 W Main Street Downs, IL 61736

0601 Blue Mound Cooksville Fire Station 102 Jeffrey Street Cooksville, IL 61730

1401 Dry Grove Dry Grove Twp Bldg 8091 Old Peoria Road Bloomington, IL 61704

0701 Cheneys Grove Cheneys Grove Twp Bld 204 S State Street Saybrook, IL 61770

1501 Empire 01 LeRoy Christian Church 603 S East Street LeRoy, IL 61752

0801 Chenoa 01 Chenoa Fire Station 920 E Cemetery Ave Chenoa, IL 61726

1502 Empire 02 LeRoy Christian Church 603 S East Street LeRoy, IL 61752

0802 Chenoa 02 Chenoa Fire Station 920 E Cemetery Ave Chenoa, IL 61726

1501 Empire 03 LeRoy Christian Church 603 S East Street LeRoy, IL 61752

Pocket 8

1601 Funks Grove Funks Grove Twp Hall 5803 N 800 East Rd McLean, IL 61754

2301 Mt. Hope Mt. Hope Funks Grove Park Dist. 101 N West Street McLean, IL 61754

1701 Gridley 01 Gridley Comm Center 102 W Third Street Gridley, IL 61744

2401 Old Town 01 Old Town Twp Bldg 22034 E 1000 North Road Downs, IL 61736

1702 Gridley 02 Gridley Comm Center 102 W Third Street Gridley, IL 61744

2402 Old Town 02 Old Town Twp Bldg 22034 E 1000 North Road Downs, IL 61736

1801 Hudson 01 Hudson Fire Station 502 N Broadway Hudson, IL 61748 1802 Hudson 02 Hudson Fire Station 502 N Broadway Hudson, IL 61748 1901 Lawndale Immanuel Lutheran Church 34606 E 2450 North Road Colfax, IL 61728 2001 Lexington 01 Lexington Comm Center 207 W Main Street Lexington, IL 61753 2002 Lexington 02 Lexington Comm Center 207 W Main Street Lexington, IL 61753 2101 Martin Colfax Town Hall 125 E Main Street Colfax, IL 61728 2201 Money Creek Money Creek Twp Bldg 25397 N 1925 East Road Lexington, IL 61753

2501 Randolph 01 Christian Church of Heyworth 308 N Vine Street Heyworth, IL 61745 2502 Randolph 02 Christian Church of Heyworth 308 N Vine Street Heyworth, IL 61745 2503 Randolph 03 Christian Church of Heyworth 308 N Vine Street Heyworth, IL 61745 2601 Towanda Towanda Community Bldg 103 S Jefferson Street Towanda, IL 61776 2701 West Sabina Town Hall 4347 N 3200 East Road Arrowsmith, IL 61722 2801 White Oak White Oak Twp Community Center 202 N Lincoln Street Carlock, IL 61725 2901 Yates Yates Township Hall 33514 Maple Street Chenoa, IL 61726

Pocket 8

Normal Polling Places 3001 Normal 01 Grace Church 1311 W Hovey Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3011 Normal 11 Grace Church 1311 W Hovey Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3002 Normal 02 First Assembly of God 800 E Vernon Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3012 Normal 12 Normal West High School 501 N Parkside Drive Normal, IL 61761

3003 Normal 03 Jacob’s Well 304 Jersey Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3013 Normal 13 Parkside Jr High School 101 N Parkside Rd Normal, IL 61761

3004 Normal 04 Mt. Moriah/New Beginnings 814 Jersey Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3014 Normal 14 First United Methodist Church 211 N School Street Normal, IL 61761

3005 Normal 05 Mt. Moriah/New Beginnings 814 Jersey Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3015 Normal 15 Normal Township Hall 304 E Mulberry Street Normal, IL 61761

3006 Normal 06 First Assembly of God 800 E Vernon Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3016 Normal 16 Community Activity Center 1110 Douglas Street Normal, IL 61761

3007 Normal 07 Epiphany Church 1000 E College Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3017 Normal 17 College Avenue Baptist Church 1320 E College Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3008 Normal 08 Bone Student Center 100 N University Street Normal, IL 61761

3018 Normal 18 First Presbyterian Church 2000 E College Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3009 Normal 09 Grace Church 1311 W Hovey Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3019 Normal 19 Calvary United Methodist 1700 N Towanda Avenue Normal, IL 61761

3010 Normal 10 Evergreen Place 801 Gregory Street Normal, IL 61761

3020 Normal 20 Heartland Community Church 1811 N Linden Street Normal, IL 61761

Pocket 8 3021 Normal 21 McLean County Nursing Home 901 N Main Street Normal, IL 61761 3022 Normal 22 Calvary Baptist Church 1017 N School Street Normal, IL 61761 3023 Normal 23 Normal West High School 501 N Parkside Drive Normal, IL 61761 3024 Normal 24 Heartland Community Church 1811 N Linden Street Normal, IL 61761 3025 Normal 25 Ironwood Club House 1901 N Towanda Avenue Normal, IL 61761 3026 Normal 26 Calvary United Methodist 1700 N Towanda Avenue Normal, IL 61761 3027 Normal 27 North Bridge Baptist Church 2413 Ziebarth Road Normal, IL 61761 3028 Normal 28 First Presbyterian Church 2000 E College Avenue Normal, IL 61761 3029 Normal 29 Police Sub-Station 623 W Orlando Avenue Normal, IL 61761 3030 Normal 30 Bone Student Center 100 N. University Street Normal, IL 61761

Pocket 9

PROVISIONAL VOTING If you think a voter should vote provisionally CALL THE OFFICE!!!!

1. Call the office to help with any questions you may have. o If they do not live in your precinct, and still want to vote provisionally, only a portion of their ballot may count. o If they insist on voting but do not have the appropriate ID’s to register, they may vote Provisionally and have 7 days to bring the appropriate ID’s to the County Clerk’s office for their ballot to count. 2. Get a Provisional Packet from the green bag. 3. Have the voter fill out the Affidavit of Provisional Voter completely and sign it. Make sure it is legible. 4. While the voter is completing the Affidavit write the precinct name on the outside of the Secrecy Provisional Ballot Envelope. 5. If there is more than one ballot style in your precinct, call the office, 309-888-5270, to find out what ballot style the voter needs. 6. Give the Secrecy Envelope to the voter and direct them to place their voted ballot inside and seal the envelope. This ballot is NOT put through the Optical Scan. 7. While they are voting, fill out the bottom portion of the Affidavit. Please give us as much information as possible in the comments section. 8. After they have given you their ballot sealed in the Secrecy Envelope, give the voter the yellow copy of the Affidavit. 9. Remind the voter they have seven days to provide backup documentation to the County Clerk’s Office to support their vote being counted. They can go to the State Board of Elections website to see if their vote has counted. (www.elections.il.gov/VotingInformation/RovballotSearch.aspx) 10. Place the Secrecy Envelope in the windowed Provisional Ballot & Affidavit Envelope. 11. Put the Affidavit in the Provisional Ballot & Affidavit Envelope so that you can read it through the window. (See next page.) 12. Seal the Provisional Ballot & Affidavit Envelope and place in the RED BAG. ALL Provisional Ballots MUST go into the red bag.

Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington St, PO Box 2400, Bloomington, IL 61702-2400

Pocket 9

Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington St, PO Box 2400, Bloomington, IL 61702-2400

Pocket 9

Consolidated Election-April 4, 2017 BALLOT ENTITLEMENT CHART- A GUIDE FOR ILLINOIS ELECTION JUDGES Close of Regular Registration is March 7, 2017 Close of Paperless Online Voter Registration is March 19, 2017 Grace Period Registration and Voting – March 8, 2017 - Election Day, April 4th at the EA Office, polling place or other designated locations *Grace Period Registration and Voting in the EA Office, polling place or other designated locations require the voter to provide 2 forms of identification*

Circumstance of Voter

Required Forms or Action

Ballot Type the Voter is Qualified to Vote

(1) Registered voter who is registered at the correct provided address listed on your verification forms (poll book or application) (2) Registered voter who moved more than 30 days (prior to March 5th) within the jurisdiction and did not transfer his/her registration


Voter is qualified for a full ballot at his/her polling place or any designated early voting site

Registration is required through Grace Period Registration and Voting*

Voter is not qualified for a ballot; UNTIL the voter registers to vote through Grace Period Registration and Voting at one of the designated locations*

(3) Registered voter who moved more than 30 days (prior to March 5th) out of the jurisdiction and did not transfer his/her registration

Registration is required through Grace Period Registration and Voting*

(4) Registered voter who moved within 30 days (March 5th –April 4th) out of his/her precinct, but still resides in the State, and did not transfer registration

Application and Voter Affidavit

(5) Registered voter who moved during the 27 day period (March 8th –April 4th ) prior to the election in the same precinct

Application and Voter Affidavit

[10 ILCS 5/3-1, 5/17-10, 5/4-50, 5/5-50,5/ 6-100]

Voter is not qualified for a ballot; UNTIL the voter registers to vote through Grace Period Registration and Voting at one of the designated locations* [10 ILCS 5/3-1, 5/17-10, 5/4-50, 5/5-50,5/ 6-100]

Voter is qualified to vote a full ballot in his/her old polling place; OR the voter may update his/her registration through Grace Period Registration and Voting at one of the designated locations and cast a ballot for the districts and offices designated for his/her new address* [10 ILCS 5/3-1, 5/17-10, 5/4-50, 5/5-50,5/ 6-100]

Voter is qualified to vote a full ballot; OR the voter may update his/her registration through Grace Period Registration and Voting at one of the designated locations and cast a ballot for the districts and offices designated for his/her new address* [10 ILCS 5/4-16, 5/5-23,5/6-53, 5/17-10 , 5/4-50, 5/5-50, 5/6-100]

(6) Registered voter who changed his/her name before the election, still resides in the same precinct, is otherwise qualified, and did not update his/her registration information (7) Registered voter who changed his/her name before the election, moved outside of his/her precinct , prior to March 8th, and did not transfer or update his/her registration information

Application and Voter Affidavit

Voter is qualified to vote a full ballot at his/her polling place or designated early voting site [10 ILCS 5/4-16, 5/5-23,5/ 6-54,5/ 17-10]

Registration is required through Grace Period Registration and Voting*

Voter is not qualified for a ballot; UNTIL the voter registers to vote through Grace Period Registration and Voting at one of the designated locations* [10 ILCS 5/4-16,5/ 5-23,5/ 6-54, 5/4-50, 5/5-50,5/ 6-100]

*Grace Period Registration and Voting in the EA Office, polling place or other designated locations require the voter to provide 2 forms of identification*

For information regarding Provisional Voting please refer to the reverse of this chart or Page 2 PROVISIONAL VOTING

Pocket 9 [10 ILCS 5/18A-5(a)(1-7)] Any person who claims to be a registered voter is entitled to cast a provisional ballot under the seven following circumstances:

1. The person’s name does not appear on the official list of eligible voters for the precinct in which the person seeks to vote and the person has refused an opportunity to register at the polling location or another grace period registration site; 2. The person’s voting status has been challenged by an election judge, a poll watcher, or any legal voter and that challenge has been sustained by a majority of the election judges; 3. A federal or state court order extends the time for closing the polls beyond the time period established by State law and the person votes during the extended time period; 4. The voter registered to vote by mail and is required by law to present identification when voting either in person or by early voting ballot, but fails to do so; 5. The voter’s name appears on the list of voters who voted during the early voting period, but the voter claims not to have voted during the early voting period; or 6. The voter received a vote by mail ballot but did not return the vote by mail ballot to the election authority; or

7. The voter attempted to register to vote on Election Day, but failed to provide the necessary documentation Remember: Offer Grace Period Registration and Voting to a voter PRIOR to issuing a provisional ballot. Contact your Election Authority’s Office with questions regarding Provisional Voting. Note: If a provisional ballot is cast in an incorrect precinct due to a judge error, a portion of the ballot may be counted. [10 ILCS 5/18A-218.20]

Pocket 10

Pocket 10

Pocket 10

Pocket 10

Report of Corrections

Pocket 11

McLean County Clerk's Office We, the undersigned election officials in _____________________Precinct No. ________, in McLean County, Illinois at the Election held on ________________ do report to you the name of all registered persons in such precinct, whom we know, or upon information, we believe to have died or have moved from said precinct. Name


Deceased Approximate Date of Death - Month and Year

Moved From Precinct Date Moved

New Address

We certify, that to the best of our knowledge, the above information is true and correct.

(Judge of Election)

(Judge of Election) (Judge of Election)

(Judge of Election)

(Judge of Election)

Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington St, Room 102, Bloomington, IL 61701

Place in manila envelope when completed.

Report of Persons Voting by Affidavit

Pocket 11

McLean County Clerk's Office We, the election official in _________________________ precinct number, ___________________ in McLean County Illinois at the election held on _____________________ do report to you the names of all persons whom voted by Affidavit.

Voters Name



Reasons for Voting by Affidavit

Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington St, Room 102, Bloomington, IL 61701

Signature Report

Pocket 11

Election Date _____________________ Precinct _____________________________ Use this form for reporting signatures that are too light, the wrong signature for the voter, or missing signatures. PRINT YOUR NAME HERE

ID Number


Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E Washington St, Rm 102, Bloomington, IL 61701

Track Your Numbers

Precinct Name_________________________ Optical Scan (OS) Seal Number___________


Pocket 12

Election_________________________ Touch Screen (TS) Seal Number_____________

To Calculate add togther B+C and place this total in D. D-A=E A B C D E OS + TS Numbered Labels OS Total TS Total Total Difference Last Voter # from Label Binder PLUS New Display Reads Display Reads This should Registrations "TOT COUNT:____" "Ballots:____" be zero.

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 7:00 a.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 8:00 a.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 9:00 a.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 10:00 a.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______ _______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 11:00 a.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 12:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

Place in manila envelope in the front of your binder when completed. Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 W Washington St., Bloomington, IL 61701

Track Your Numbers

Pocket 12

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 1:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 2:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 3:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 4:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 5:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

_______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 6:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

______# Pct 1 Labels _______# Pct 2 Labels 7:00 p.m. _______#Voted Total _______# Displayed _______# Displayed ______ _______

Make any notes here:

Place in manila envelope in the front of your binder when completed. Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 W Washington St., Bloomington, IL 61701


Pocket 12

When you track your numbers throughout the day, your day will end more quickly. How to use this sheet:  Look at your Signature Labels sheets in your Label Binder.  The number to the right of the last label is the number that you will enter on the line in Column A.

 Go to the other precinct(s) in your polling place and record those totals as well.  Add the numbers together and place that total on the bottom line.

Pocket 12

 Go to your Optical Scan machine and record the total number of votes cast. The display reads “TOT COUNT:___”  Do the same with the Touch Screen Machine. At the bottom of the screen you will see “Ballots___”  Write these totals in the appropriate columns. Optical Scan Total

Touch Screen Total

 Add those two numbers together. Put that total here.

Pocket 12

 Compare the number of the last label in your black binder with the total number of votes on the machine. The difference should be zero. If it is not, make notes on the last page stating why there is a difference*.

Do this hourly when possible. Possible reasons your counts are off.  You have placed signature labels on the page but the voter decided not to vote and left with the ballot.  You had a ballot jammed in the reader that was counted but you ran it through again.  You have ballots in the emergency bin.  You re-checked in a voter and didn’t put the new labels on top of old ones.

Pocket 13


Polling Place_____________________________________ If you are interested in serving as an Election Judge on xxxx, please print your name below and check the appropriate box. Use the back for additional comments if needed.

1. Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________

I would like to work, but only at this location.

I would like to work at this location or another location if this one becomes filled.

2. Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________

I would like to work, but only at this location.

I would like to work st this location or another location if this one becomes filled.

3. Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________

I would like to work, but only at this location.

I would like to work at this location or another location if this one becomes filled.

4. Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________

I would like to work, but only at this location.

I would like to work at this location or another location if this one becomes filled.

5. Name: (please print) ____________________________________________________

I would like to work, but only at this location.

I would like to work st this location or another location if this one becomes filled.

6. Name: (please print)


I would like to work, but only at this location.

I would like to work at this location or another location if this one becomes filled.

Pocket 13 Sign Up Polling Place or Precinct:____________________________________ To Be An Election Judge For NEW Judges

Are you interested in becoming an Election Judge in McLean County? Thank you for providing the following information. We will be in contact soon.





Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk 115 E Washington St, Room 102, Bloomington, IL 61701 Place in manila folder in front of your binder

Party (R or D)

Pocket 14 This pocket would contain a laminated Demonstrator Ballot with a how to explanation.

Pocket 15

CLOSING THE POLLING PLACE  At 6:30 p.m. announce the Polls will be closing in 30 minutes.  At 7:00 p.m. announce the Polls are closed.  Do not permit any more voters to enter the polling place.  Any voter in line at 7:00 p.m. should be allowed to vote.  If the line extends outside the polling place, a Judge should stand in line behind the last voter.  Lock the door.  A pollwatcher may stay after closing and watch the closing procedure if they are inside the polling place. If you have locked the door they cannot be permitted back inside.  Shut down the Optical Scan Machine. See Pocket 16 for Instructions.  Make certain to place the signed results tape into the large clear bag.  Unlock the rear door of the black ballot box and remove all of the voted ballots.  Separate any ballots that have write-in votes. From the List of Valid Write-Ins in pocket 19 determine which are VALID.  Complete the Write-In Tally Sheet – Pocket 20.  If there are no valid write-ins, write “None” across the sheet. Write in your Precinct Name. This MUST be put in Manila Envelope!  This sheet must be signed by all Judges.

Pocket 15

 Place all voted and spoiled ballots in the large clear bag.  Once you have placed all voted and spoiled ballots and the Optical Scan results tape in the large, clear bag, close and secure it with a plastic security seal (found in small black supply bag).  Place the voted Provisional ballots in the red, nylon bag.  Secure this bag with a plastic security seal.  Fill out the Official Ballot Record – Pocket 18.  If there are any discrepancies, please explain them thoroughly.  This must be signed by all Judges and put in the manila envelope.  Fill out the Election Expense Bill – Pocket 21.  Write your Precinct name and number at the top of the sheet.  If you worked outside your home polling place include your roundtrip mileage.  Indicate who drove the supplies back to the Government Center and who rode along. Indicate by saying “yes” on the Return Driver/Return Rider as applicable and put in the manila envelope.  Put all colored pages in the manila envelope in the flap of the binder:         

Judges’ Oaths – Pocket 2 Reports of Corrections – Pocket 11 Track Your Numbers – Pocket 12 EJ Sign-Up Sheet – Pocket 13 Do you want to work? – Pocket 13 Official Ballot Record – Pocket 18 Write-in Tally Sheet – Pocket 20 Election Expense Bill – Pocket 21 Suggestion Sheet – Pocket 23

You will be asked for this envelope when you get back to the Government Center. It will speed up your check-in time if you have these in the envelope before you leave the polling place.

Pocket 15

 Put all other papers back in the appropriate pockets of the binder.  Put all of your supplies back in the appropriate bags – if you are unsure where something goes, go by the checklists on the bags.  Remove “Polling Place” sign from the door and the “Start Here” sign. Place it into the empty bottom pocket of the Totem. Roll the Totem up and place in its bag  Place all unused ballots back in the large green and yellow bag.  Place the label printer, cords and any extra rolls of labels back in its box.  Turn off the laptop and place it and the power cord into the laptop case.  Put all of the supply bags, label printer, and laptop case into the black duffle bag.  Two Judges – one Republican and one Democrat must drive together back to the Government Center to deliver ballots and supplies. NOTE: A high school student cannot be one of these two Judges.

Pocket 16

SHUTTING DOWN THE OPTICAL SCAN MACHINE  After ALL ballots have been run through, use the red key to unlock the printer panel cover on top of the Optical Scan machine. Remove the printer panel cover.  Open the access door on the front of the black ballot box using the black key. You should be able to see the “Yes” and “No” buttons on the front.  Press the “Yes” and “No” buttons at the same time, while you insert an ENDER CARD (Pocket 17) into the Optical Scan machine ballot slot. The Results Tape will print now.  Press the “Yes” button to print a second copy.  Post this second copy on a wall or door using the “Tape Totals Sign” (Pocket 22).  Replace and lock the printer panel cover.  All Judges must SIGN all of the tapes!  Turn the Optical Scan off with the switch on the back of the unit. Unplug the machine.  Slide the unit off the black ballot box. Pack the Optical Scan and its cord in its black bag.  Unlock the back of the ballot box and remove all ballots. Keep the ballots that have write-in votes separate from the others.

Closing Down the Touch Screen

Pocket 16

Insert Supervisor Card.

On the screen, it will ask you for your password. Press 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (six 1’s) then press “OK”.

The card will pop out. Remove it from the machine.

Set keypad on top of unit.


Unlock the printer cover. Raise the cover and leave it open.

Press “End Voting.� 3

You will receive this warning. Press “Yes.”


You will see this screen. Press “Start Take-Up.” You may hear a clicking sound when it is finished.

Once the machine has completed take-up, press “OK.”


If you are in a polling place with more than one precinct, press “Yes.” If you are not, press “No.”

Press “Yes.” If the message “Print Write-In Candidates?” appears, press “Yes.”


Press “No.”

As your reports begin to print, you will see this screen.

When your first results tape is finished printing, you will be asked if you need another copy. Press “Yes.” 7

When you say “Yes” to another copy, you will get this screen. Make sure the first report is signed by all Judges. Then press “Start Take-Up.” We want one of the signed tapes to be inside the security canister.

Once you are done printing the results tape, press “No.” 8

You will see this screen. Press “Shutdown.”

When you see this, select “Yes.”


This is the next screen you will see before the machine shuts down.

If the tapes are not already signed, sign the first results tape and cut or tear below the signatures on the first results tape. 10


Take the security canister out of the printer housing.

Wheel any remaining tape into the canister.


Once completed it will look like this. Place security canister in the clear bag.

While holding up the gold signature plate, press the lever towards you.


Raise the brown printer cover and pull out the paper.

Press the brown cover back down into place. 14

Remove the printer housing by lifting upward on the hook to unlatch.


Close lid and lift printer housing off unit. Place the printer housing into the Blue Printer Housing Bag.

Close and lock the printer panel.


Unplug the headphones and set aside.

Press the button on the top of the screen so that you may pull the screen forward.


Remove the keypad plug from the back of the screen and set keypad aside. Once removed, make sure screen is securely back in place.

Close the doors.


Unplug the cord from unit and wall and set the cord aside.

While holding the doors closed, gently lay the unit down on the doors. This may take two people.



Place keypad and headphones in their slots on the back of the unit.

Wrap the power cord around the pins on the back of the unit.


Starting with this leg, press in lock pins and lower leg.

Lower the footed legs. 22

Lower the middle pole by starting with the lock pins closest to the unit and working up.

Release the hinges on both sides and lower legs until they lay flat. (See below.) 23

Place the unit into the Blue TS Bag with the handle up. Place the Printer Housing Bag on top of the Blue TS Bag. The unit is now ready for transport back to the Government Center.


Official Ballot Record

Pocket 18

Precinct Name ____________ 1

Enter the total number of Ballots supplied to all precincts in your polling place. (See Certificate of Inspection.)

2 Enter the number on the OS machine for your precinct(s).


3 Enter number of Spoiled Ballots.


4 Enter number of Provisional Ballots for your precinct(s).



Enter number of unvoted ballots. To get this number, subtract numbers 2, 3, and 4 from number 1.

We certify that the foregoing is a true and correct accounting of all Ballots issued by the Election Authority and that the undersigned actually served as Judges of Election on ___________________ in the specified precinct and the polls were opened at 6:00 a.m. and closed at 7:00 p.m.

_______________________ (Judge of Election)

_______________________ (Judge of Election)

_______________________ (Judge of Election)

_______________________ (Judge of Election)

____________________ (Judge of Election)

Place in manila envelope when completed. Kathy Michael, McLean County Clerk, 115 E, Washington St., Bloomington, IL 61701

Pocket 19 This pocket will have a complete list of valid Write-In Candidates that have filed with the office of the County Clerk.

Pocket 20

Write-In Tally Sheet Instructions 1. Gather all the ballots from the black box with write-ins. 2. Retrieve the list of valid write-in candidates from pocket 19. Only candidates on this list are considered valid write-in votes. Note: Spelling does not have to be perfect in order to count a write-in vote but the voter’s intent must be clear. 3. Separate the valid write-in votes from invalid ones. 4. Retrieve the Write-In Tally Sheet from Pocket 20. Fill in the precinct name in which you are working and the election date on the top left of the sheet. 5. Record all valid write-in votes on the sheet. Fill in his/her Governmental Unit, Office, Name, and Party. Indicate each vote with a “hash mark” in the number boxes and then when finished, record the total in the total votes box (see below).

6. All judges must sign the Write-In Tally sheet! If you have no write-in candidates or no write-in votes, write “NONE” across the sheet (ALL judges still must sign).


Pocket 21

Election Expense Bill We, the undersigned Judges of Election in _________________________________ precinct for the election held on _____________________ in McLean County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct list of expenses for said Election in said precinct. Return driver was ___________________________ Assigned Set-Up Judge was _____________________________ Return rider was ____________________________ Mileage will be paid to judges working outside their home polling place. This mileage is equal to 2x the distance between the two polling places. It will be calculated by the County Clerk’s office. Check the box next to your name if you worked outside your home precinct. ************************************************************************************************ Name ___________________________________________

 I worked in a different precinct than my home precinct.

Mailing address for check ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________

 I worked in a different precinct than my home precinct.

Mailing address for check ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________

 I worked in a different precinct than my home precinct.

Mailing address for check ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________

 I worked in a different precinct than my home precinct.

Mailing address for check ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________

 I worked in a different precinct than my home precinct.

Mailing address for check ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________

 I worked in a different precinct than my home precinct.

Mailing address for check ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name ___________________________________________

 I worked in a different precinct than my home precinct.

Mailing address for check ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed, Judges of Election: 1) ______________________________

2) _________________________________

3)______________________________4) _________________________________ 5) _____________________________ 6)______________________________7) _________________________________ Place completed form in manila envelope.

Pocket 22

PLEASE NOTE: The following results are NOT included in the precinct totals posted: Absentee Early Grace Provisional The McLean County Clerk’s office is required to allow 14 days after the election for receipt of absentee ballots which were postmarked the day before the election.




Pocket 23

_________________________ Precinct/Polling Place

IMPORTANT: We have changed the Election Judge Suggestion Form to give you the opportunity to comment more specifically on both new and old processes. We value your comments and suggestions. Upon completion, please place this form in your Manila Envelope. You do not have to sign this form, but DO indicate your Precinct. (Use the back of this form for additional comments if needed.) GENERAL COMMENTS/PROBLEMS/SUGGESTIONS REGARDING ELECTION DAY. HOW DID YOUR DAY GO? Optical Scan (OS-Paper Ballot):__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Touch Screen: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Laptop: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE SAME-DAY REGISTRATION/VOTING PROCESS: If you had any voters come in to register to vote, and vote on Election Day, let us know how it went. (Use back of this form if needed.)

Pocket 23


WHERE TO PUT THIS FORM: Upon completion, please place this form in the Manila Envelope found in the front of your Election Judge Binder. No need to sign, just make sure to indicate your location so we can make note of any specific Polling Place problems, i.e. “not enough signs”, etc.

PRECINCT/OR POLLING PLACE LOCATION: _______________________________________________________

Pocket 24 This pocket will contain your Election Official sign you place in your front window when returning supplies.

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