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Actual Growth Hormone. Not a precursor.

In hundreds of clinical trials over the past 8 years, GH supplementation has been scientifically shown to: Increase Energy and Sex Drive Lessen Wrinkles and Gray Hair Reduce Fat and Cellulite Build New Muscle Strengthen the Immune System Quicken Wound Healing

Improve Vision Sharpen Memory and Thinking Restore Deep Sleep Lower Cholesterol Increase Exercise Performance And Much, Much More

Since 1990, GH has been used by celebrities and the super wealthy to rejuvenate their health, their energy, and their youthful looks — but it has been available only by painful injections and at great cost. Now a new oral delivery system has been developed that makes GH available to everyone at a fraction of the cost of injections, and with the ease and convenience of a breath spray. This is not sales hype, and it is not speculative theory. Clinical results provided.

Discover the Youth Restoring Benefits of

New advances in the science of health and aging now promise the possibility of living to be 100 and being as healthy and vigorous as we were at 50. In the next two decades, the length and the quality of the human lifespan will be pushed to astounding new limits.

Throughout history, medical science has maintained that aging, along with its chronic problems, debilities, and miseries, is an unavoidable process of nature that we must learn to live with and accept without question. Becoming old and weak, being shuffled off to the nursing home, navigating around in a wheelchair, suffering numerous aches and pains, battling chronic insomnia, becoming bedridden, lethargic, and depressed -- we assume these are all part of the natural order. Of course, we are likely to be given a few drugs along the way to ameliorate the symptoms (or perhaps more than a few drugs). However, nobody expects these drugs to reverse, or even assuage, the fundamental process of aging. Preventing this age-related degeneration (not to mention reversing it) has been nothing more than a fantasy, indulged in only by health faddists and the super-rich. The rest of us reluctantly head into old age, dutifully counting our gray hairs.

Which model is correct? We think both are to some extent. Nature is both our friend and our enemy. The wise course is to apply both theories to our ultimate benefit. Live well, secure optimum nutrition, remain active, and avoid the causes of disease in your life. That is the common sense approach to health, and we believe it will preserve us to a great extent. However, there is no reason to think that it will alter or retard the fundamental process of aging itself. To have any chance of doing that, we have to look deeper at what happens when we age. If "planned obsolescence" is built into the human body (as apparently it is), how does it come about? There is convincing evidence that it comes about by the withdrawal of life-preserving hormones, and chief among these is Growth Hormone, the most influential of all the body’s hormones. 2000

This dismal view of life is suddenly no longer valid. Science has changed everything, and it all starts with how we look at Nature. In one model, we see Nature as good and benevolent, as wanting to keep us young, fit and healthy, if only we would eat right, live right, and exercise. However, there is another model that says that by the time we are middle-aged, Nature is essentially done with us. We have passed on our genetic traits to our children, raised them to maturity, and now it is time for us to get out of the way. So the inexorable decline that we call "aging" sets in that eventually culminates in our death. Toll-free Order Number: 1-888-404-2420

1750 1500 1250


1000 750 500 250 0


10 yrs 20 yrs 30 yrs 40 yrs 50 yrs 60 yrs 70 yrs 80 yrs

See our prices, pg. 9

Growth Hormone is the hormone of Youth. When we are young, our bodies pump out huge amounts of it. But even by age 30, production declines. By age 40, we are producing less than half as much as we did at age 20. By age 60, we are producing less than 25% as much as we did at age 20. And by age 80, we are down to 5% of what we had at age 20. Restoring GH to youthful levels is the most effective means known to Medical Science to retard aging.

the most prestigious magazines in the medical world. The study was conducted by Daniel Rudman, M.D., and his colleagues at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Over a sixmonth period, they gave injections of Growth Hormone to twelve men, ranging in age from 61 to 81 years. The results were astonishing. The men in the study showed such changes as increased muscular strength, bone density and skin thickness, new muscle mass and

There is an exciting new book out that is exploding off the shelves entitled: Grow Young with HGH by Dr. Ronald Klatz, the president of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Listen to the opening words of Dr. Klatz: "What if I told you, you could live to be age one hundred in as healthy and vigorous condition as you are now? Or if you are already suffering the ill effects of aging, you could turn back the clock twenty years and stay that way until the century mark? Would you be interested? And what if that extra thirty years added to the average life span allowed you to live long enough to take advantage of new scientific breakthroughs so that your healthy functional life span could be extended to 120 or 130 years and beyond? And what if the launching pad to that wonderful prospect involved taking a substance that caused your body to lose unwanted fat and build muscle, regrew your organs, improved your heart and lung activity, made studs out of men, increased sexual pleasure in women, gave you the energy, sleep, and wonderful sense that the world is your oyster? Would you say, 'What is this substance and how can I get some?'" (p. 3)

reduced fat, improved hair quality, enhanced skin tone, resurgence of energy and stamina, even reinvigorated sex lives. The control group achieved no significant changes; they continued to age normally.

We realize that products claiming to be youth-restorers have come down the pike many times before: Hunza water, bee pollen, Gerovital, mega-enzymes, fetal tissue injections, etc. However, Growth Hormone is not in the same category as those nostrums. It is based upon the one thing that is lacking from the promotions of those other products: SCIENTIFIC STUDIES. For the past 8 years, GH has been intensely examined using the only kind of scientific testing methodology that has any real merit: placebo-controlled, double blind, clinical trials. The evidence for its effectiveness is not merely "anecdotal," i.e., derived solely from the subjective testimonials of users, such as J.M. from Seattle who said it made her feel better. Such testimonials saturate the health promotion literature that we see every day, but they can never stand alone.

Growth Hormone (known as GH or HGH) is that youth-restoring substance. GH is considered to be the "master hormone" of the body. It directs and supports the functions of every other gland and organ. Clinical studies conducted over the past eight years by doctors and researchers at A4M have demonstrated that GH depletion is a major cause of aging and the vast array of ailments and infirmities that go along with it. Replenishment of GH as we grow older has the potential to radically “slow the aging clock� and maintain far higher levels of vitality than ever thought possible. The story of this remarkable hormone burst upon the scene in the summer of 1990 in a decisive clinical study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of Toll-free Order Number: 1-888-404-2420

For sure, GH's performance has plenty of ardent testimonials as well. However, these personal accounts 3

See our prices, pg. 9

are backed up by irrefutable scientific evidence. No other rejuvenation product can make such a claim.

As Dr. Klatz puts it, "The only age-reversing drug that has passed placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trials with flying colors is Growth Hormone. Not once, but many times over." (p. 5)

Here is what healthseekers are saying about

GH Oral Spray

Dr. Rudman followed up on his original 1990 experiment with a second group of 26 elderly men. He reported equally beneficial results of improved muscle strength, regeneration of the liver and the spleen, and improved energy and vigor. "The overall deterioration of the body that comes with growing old is not inevitable," stated Dr. Rudman. "We now realize that some aspects of it can be prevented or reversed." (p. 5)

“I refer to Regenesis as the ultimate in regeneration. I have treated some 80 patients with this product. The recurring comment from these people is, ‘What an incredible sense of well being.’ And following that is a marked increase in energy...Eighty percent of the patients had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and hormonal imbalances, while 20 percent had various disorders such as Alzheimers.” — F.P. McBroom, M.D., Los Angeles, CA

The work of Dr. Rudman and his colleagues in 1990 unleashed a torrent of studies and clinical trials during the past eight years that have further documented the astounding benefits of GH replacement therapy. Medical researchers at the National Institute on Aging and at Stanford University have come to the conclusion that much of the "inevitable" deterioration of aging can be considerably lessened by restoring youthful levels of GH.

“I have specialized in hormone therapy and have used precursors, secretagogues, and GH injections. With injections, I felt great for three weeks and then a decline. I used these for six months, but did not want to increase my dosage as I felt this wasn’t healthy, so I stopped. Then I came across Regenesis and gave it a try. In 6 weeks, my IGF-1 levels (a measure of GH) increased from 240 to 349, and I’m over 70 years old. The injections never did that.” — Morty Jacobs, D.C., Las Vegas, NV

Hundreds of case histories are now available. There are thousands of doctors and numerous medical clinics around the world that are providing GH replacement therapy to middle age and elderly men and women. When combined with proper nutrition and exercise, GH replacement therapy is restoring optimum health and vigor like nothing else has.

“Let me tell you that I’m impressed with your company and its care of the customer. You don’t find companies like this much these days. I’ve had excellent results with Regenesis! After three months of using it, I have greatly increased energy and stamina!! Also, it’s fairly priced. I look forward to using Regenesis long into the future.” — G.G., North Platte, NE “I’ve been on Regenesis for the past year. I’m approaching my early 40’s and was concerned about getting old. But now I’m just ecstatic to look at my face everyday and see those small, fine lines around my eyes diminished. It’s been so exciting. This is a breakthrough. This product is exceptional.” — L.N., San Juan Capistrano, CA

The facts are now quite conclusive. The replacement of GH in those who are past 40 years of age will bring about dramatic rejuvenation of their bodies and their minds. Dr. Ronald Klatz writes in his book, Grow Young with HGH:

“I’ve used this product for approximately four months. The thing I noticed immediately was my eyesight was much better. Secondly, I’ve never experienced such a positive change in mental, emotional and physical well being, and I’m sleeping more soundly and restfully than I have in years. I’m sure I’ll use the Regenesis spray forever. Thank you!” — C.H., Pacific Palisades, CA

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"HGH is the ultimate anti-aging therapy. It affects every cell in the body, rejuvenating the skin and bones, regenerating the heart, liver, lung, and kidneys, bringing organ and tissue function back to youthful levels. It is the most effective anti-obesity agent ever discovered, revving up the metabolism to youthful levels, resculpting the body by selectively reducing the fat in the waist, See our prices, pg. 9

abdomen, hips and thighs, and at the same time increasing muscle mass. It may be the most powerful aphrodisiac ever discovered, reviving flagging sexuality and potency in men and women. It is cosmetic surgery in a bottle; restoring the elasticity, thickness and contours of youthful skin; reversing the loss of extracellular water that makes old people look like dried-up old prunes. It has healing powers that close ulcerated wounds and regrow burned skin. It reverses the insomnia of later life, restoring "slow-wave" or the deepest level of sleep. And it is a mood elevator, lifting the spirit along with the body, bringing back a zest for life that many people thought was long gone." (p. 8)

effectiveness. The test results are in, and they are irrefutable. For a thorough discussion of these results, please read Grow Young with HGH by Dr. Ronald Klatz, published by Harper Perennial in 1998. It is available at bookstores everywhere. Although replete with scientific documentation, it is written in layman's language, and it presents an overview of GH replacement therapy and all that it can do for us. But the question is, "Is GH therapy safe?" Those who are aware of the dangers of anabolic steroids taken by weightlifters and athletes fear that GH may fall into the same category. That assumption is totally false; GH is not a steroid! It is actually a protein. It is produced by the pituitary gland in large amounts when we are young, but secretion falls off sharply as we age. Just as one can become deficient in a vitamin, we all become deficient in GH as we age, and replacing it can only bring us benefit, not harm. The key to safety, as the scientific trials have shown, is to make sure that the dosage of GH is physiological, that is, in keeping with the body's own natural production and rhythm. This means that GH should be taken twice a day in small nanogram doses. When done this way, GH has been shown to be totally safe, with a record of zero side effects. No one below the age of 35 should use it because they simply don't need it (their bodies still produce enough), and pregnant women should avoid it as well (since the fetus doesn't need it either.) However, those are the only caveats. Anyone else who is over 35 and desires to stay young, and to actively oppose the aging process in their body, has nothing to lose and everything to gain by starting on GH supplementation right away.

According to Dr. Klatz, the list of demonstrated benefits from taking GH include an 8.8 percent increase in muscle mass on average after six months, and a 14.4 percent loss of body fat on average after six months, without altering diet or exercise. (Imagine what the results might be if you eat healthfully and exercise in addition to taking GH!) Other benefits observed were lower blood pressure, regrowth of hair, restoration of hair color, enhanced immune response, removal of cellulite, sharper vision, and enhanced memory. Simply stated, GH is the most potent therapeutic substance known to medical science, and it has proven anti-aging benefits.

Many people, when they first learn about the amazing power of GH and its vast effects upon the body, are either skeptical about its effectiveness or fearful about its safety. The hundreds of clinical trials that have been conducted to date should alleviate anyone's doubt about its Toll-free Order Number: 1-888-404-2420

The question that all of us face is: Do we want to just acquiesce to the debilitating process of aging, or do we want to actively intervene to slow the process and possibly even reverse its insidious course? Obviously health preservation starts with sound nutrition, regular exercise, stress reduction, and avoiding destructive habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs. Every healthseeker should make this the foundation of his or her health program. We strongly urge all Americans to eat and live as healthfully as they possibly can. But, can we do more? We believe the answer is "yes". And, we believe the answer is GH supplementation. 5

See our prices, pg. 9

AmeriVita Distributing of Dallas, Texas, in conjunction with health practitioners throughout the country, is pleased to offer the world's first effective oral GH spray called Regenesis. It was first introduced and used exclusively by many leading physicians. The results were extraordinary and it was found to be perfectly safe. Now, we are making it available to everyone at the lowest price possible.

What the results of GH studies have shown us is that in order to dramatically slow and reverse the ravages of old age, we need to replenish that which aging has taken away. We need to restore our "master hormone of the body" (GH) to the levels we enjoyed in our mid 30s. When we do this appropriately and prudently, the results are entirely beneficial, even spectacular, and the risks are zero. As Dr. Klatz tells us in his book, "By replenishing your supply of Growth Hormone, you can recover your vigor, health, looks, and sexuality. For the first time in human history, we can intervene in the aging process, restore many aspects of youth, resist disease, substantially improve the quality of life, and perhaps even extend the life span itself. The 'Fountain of Youth' lies within the cells of each of us. All you need to do is release it." (p. 15)

Until recently, the only way you could obtain GH was to go to one of the avant-guard medical clinics (that cater to movie stars and the super-rich) and begin a program of self-administered, twice-daily injections. The cost of this regimen is $700 to $1,200 a month. The great majority of us cannot afford that, and the prospect of twice-daily injections for the rest of our lives is hardly something to relish. After all, isn't the whole idea to stay fit and healthy so that we do not need injections and other painful medical procedures in our lives?

Keep in mind that this is genuine, biologically active GH derived from plant micro-organisms. It is not an herbal stimulant. It is not a precursor. It is not an amino acid concoction. Regenesis GH Oral Spray delivers actual growth hormone.

Fortunately for all of us, a remarkable new GH delivery system has been developed. This involves suspending GH in a liquid medium that can be sprayed into the mouth and directly through the oral mucosa. Keep in mind that it would do no good to swallow GH in a pill or capsule. Because it is a protein (consisting of 191 amino acids) it would readily undergo digestion in the stomach and break down and lose all of its properties. However, GH can be injested through the inside of the cheek when it is properly suspended in an effective delivery system. The result is the first orally administered GH that is as easy and convenient as a breath spray. Moreover, it is much less expensive -- at a fraction of the cost of injections. Now everyone can enjoy the benefits of restored GH levels that were previously reserved for the rich and famous. Toll-free Order Number: 1-888-404-2420

Be aware also that there are numerous Homeopathic precursor products on the market called GH releasors (with the letters “GH” or “HGH” in their names) that contain little or no actual Growth Hormone. They consist only of a combination of amno acids, herbs, and other nutrients. They function by attempting to make the pituitary gland produce more GH on its own. This is done by putting herbal stimulants into the formula. Such a method, however, is never as effective as supplementing with the hormone itself. None of the “Homeopathic and precursor products” have anywhere near the potency 6

See our prices, pg. 9

or effectiveness that Regenesis has. None of them are backed with the medical research and independent laboratory confirmation that stand behind Regenesis.

Regenesis. It is a special proprietary formula of lipids recently developed by research scientists that makes GH transportable. Without this special formula to encapsulate the GH molecule, it cannot be effectively absorbed into the body, and it cannot be preserved in a bottle for any length of time. Only Regenesis has the special proprietary formula.

Health practitioners throughout the country are now using Regenesis GH Oral Spray with impressive results. In a controlled double-blind study of Regenesis GH, the Waveland Wellness Center in Chicago, under the guidance of director, Steven Novil, Ph.D., reported weight loss in 75 percent of case studies, decreased blood pressure in 60 percent, and improvements in strength, sleep, skin, hair, sex drive, cholesterol levels, physical endurance and vitality in over 90 percent of participants.

Regenesis GH Oral Spray is a synthesized replica of the growth hormone protein molecule that your body produces. It has been shown to bring about a substantial elevation in blood levels of growth hormone (as high as 80 percent increase in just three months) in the Waveland Clinical trials, but without the painful needles and exorbitant cost of injection therapy. Regenesis GH Oral Spray (30ml bottle) is moderately priced throughout the country. You can purchase it through your local health practitioner where you received this report.

Various patient comments from the Waveland trials were: “ I get a deeper, more restful sleep.” “ I have noticed an increase in endurance and strength.” “I never thought my skin would look this good again.” “My sex life is back.” F. Pearl McBroom, MD, Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Preventive Medicine in Los Angeles, has achieved documented improvement in 95 percent of a group of 80 patients over a two year period using Regenesis GH. Dr. McBroom who is a graduate of the University of Chicago, Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, UCLA and USC, has the longest clinical experience with Regenesis GH. Her results include: increased energy in patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, improved mental clarity in Alzheimer’s, senile dementia and depressive reaction cases as well as restoration of hormone balance and an increased sense of well being.

Regenesis is the highest potency GH oral spray available. It is significantly more potent than any of the other versions on the market today. AmeriVita is committed to offering the highest quality GH product to the American public at the lowest possible price. Frankly, we think it is irrational to deny yourself the proven benefits of GH when now it can be purchased without a prescription, and in a form that is easy and convenient to take.

In the past year, Dr. McBroom also achieved normalization of five patients suffering from profound states of Hypothyroidism who reverted to normalcy within two months with the addition of Regenesis GH.

Because of its special proprietary delivery system,

Over the years we have seen many new health products come into the marketplace that have brought great benefit to the public. But never have we seen a product with the potential that Regenesis GH Oral Spray has. It is a powerful insurance policy for vitality and longevity in life.

Anybody can take synthesized GH and put it into a liquid base, but it will be ineffective without a means to deliver it through the cell membranes of the oral mucosa. This is what the delivery system does for Toll-free Order Number: 1-888-404-2420

The availability of oral GH is a major development on the health scene. It will change aging as we know it. You owe it to yourself to take advantage of its benefits. The future for health has never looked brighter for all of us. See our prices, pg. 9

Regenesis is the Cadillac of the GH oral supplements.


Is Regenesis FDA approved? GH Oral Spray is classified as a “dietary supplement” under the DSHEA act of Congress 1994 and therefore does not come under the regulatory purview of the FDA.

When will I start to see results? Everyone differs on this. The majority of people begin to see results within 1-2 months. There are some who require a slightly longer period. You must remember that this is not a quick fix; there is a cumulative effect that needs to take place. Quick, overnight rejuvenations never work; the human body can only be genuinely rebuilt over time. But if you will give GH supplementation a full and fair trial, the results will be most gratifying.

What side effects, if any, are there? When used in the manner described above, there have been zero side effects in over five years of use. Because the oral spray is calibrated in small (nanogram) doses, it is totally safe.

How long will I experience changes taking place? For a year or more. The more profound benefits that have been achieved (organ regeneration, strengthening of bones, lessening of wrinkles, etc.) require 6-12 months.

Direct three sprays into your mouth each day — one in the morning right after getting up, and two at night just before bed. By using it in this manner, the bottle will last for two months.

What can I do to enhance the results I will get using Regenesis? GH works better when it is combined with proper nutrition. There is a synergistic effect that takes place. So take a good vitamin-mineral supplement, eat more natural food, get regular exercise, and expose yourself to sunshine every day for at least 15 minutes. GH acts as the linchpin that dramatically reinvigorates the entire system, enhancing the effect of all these factors.

Direct the spray to the inside of your cheek. When taking two sprays at a time, direct one spray to one cheek and the other spray to the other cheek. Avoid swallowing, eating, or drinking for 60 seconds after you spray. Don’t take the spray with a meal. It gets injested much better if it doesn’t have to compete with the digestion of food. Always take it at least 10 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal.

How is Regenesis produced? It is produced by plant based micro-organisms through what is called recombinant DNA technology. It is grown and harvested like a field of corn, only inside a laboratory. It is a synthesized replica of the pituitary hormone (the 191 amino acid chain) your body produces.

When spraying, lean your head over slightly so that the bottle is somewhat perpendicular to the floor. This allows the plunger tube to get to all of the liquid in the bottle. Don’t store Regenesis in the refrigerator. Just keep it at room temperature somewhere away from sunlight and heat.

What about cycling on and off? Cycling, means laying off the supplement at regular intervals so that the body does not get lazy and stop its own production of the hormone. This is not mandatory with the oral spray, but those who do cycle appear to get better results, so it is recommended. A popular cycle is three months on - one week off.


At what age should one start taking Regenesis? Anyone under the age of 40 does not need it; their bodies produce enough GH on their own. There are some exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking, it’s a good guideline. After the age of 40, however, everyone can benefit from GH supplementation. Pregnant women should not take GH, for the fetus does not need it. Toll-free Order Number: 1-888-404-2420

This report is for information purposes only and is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice or as a treatment for any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Copyright 1999 by AmeriVita Distributing, Dallas, TX 75240.


See our prices, pg. 9

AmeriVita Distributing P.O. Box 801213, Dallas TX 75380-1213 Phone: 972-490-8512, Fax: 972-490-8513

Order Line: 1-888-404-2420

Regenesis GH Oral Spray Current Price List (One bottle is a 2 month supply) 1 btl of Regenesis Pro GH Oral Spray - $65 plus $4 S&H - total $69. 2 btls of Regenesis Pro GH Oral Spray - $60 each ($120) plus $7 S&H - total $127. 3 btls of Regenesis Pro GH Oral Spray - $55 each ($165) plus $9 S&H - total $174. 6 btls of Regenesis Pro GH Oral Spray - $45 each ($270) plus $12 S&H - total $282. 12 btls of Regenesis Pro GH Oral Spray - $38 each ($456) plus $16 S&H - total $472. 24 btls of Regenesis Pro GH Oral Spray - $33 each ($792) plus $22 S&H - total $814.

Regenesis Pro has a shelf life of two years! Each 30 ml btl. of Regenesis Pro GH Oral Spray contains the following: 180 sprays -- <500 ng of GH per spray -- <90,000 ng of GH per bottle. By taking 3 sprays per day, each bottle will last for two months.

Call toll-free, 1-888-404-2420 We'll process your order immediately!


AmeriVita Special Report -- April 2000 Actual Growth Hormone vs. GH Precursors There are two major sources for Growth Hormone today that the health community is using as an alternative to GH injections: oral sprays and precursors. Considerable differences in the quality and effectiveness of these two GH replacement methods exist, however, and the health consumer needs to be made aware of these differences. We began researching Growth Hormone many years ago after the Rudman clinical trials had been made public because of our interest in health and longevity. We studied carefully all of the options for GH replacement, keeping an open but critical mind -- fully aware that nutritional manufacturers were quite capable of glossing over the defects of their product while dwelling on only the benefits. What we were seeking was a convenient and effective alternative to the use of GH injections, which are just too unpleasant and costly to ever appeal to the great majority of people. Which of these two alternative methods being used today, oral sprays and precursors, is the best option? Here are the main reasons why we think the GH oral spray is the best, and why precursors fall short.

The Problem with Precursors Precursors are substances we consume that then induce our bodies to produce GH. They are an attempt to get the pituitary gland to secrete more GH on its own. They precede GH and help to bring it about; hence their name "precursor." There are three different forms of precursors being used by the health community today: 1) amino acid stacks, 2) herbal stimulants, and 3) homeopathic formulas. The most important reason why precursors are inferior to the oral spray is that they simply don't bring about as high an increase of GH. The precursor formulas achieve on average a 10%-20% increase in GH levels (see Klatz, Grow Young with HGH, p. 209). In comparison, the GH oral spray achieves on average a 40%-80% increase in GH blood levels. Clinical trials, such as the Waveland Wellness Center Study in Chicago, have documented this for Regenesis GH Oral Spray. Some early undocumented results showed over 100% increase. In order to achieve GH increases above 20% with precursors, it requires the consumption of massive amounts of amino acids -- a level that usually appeals only to weightlifters and high performance athletes.


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There are several other disadvantages to the use of precursors. Let's look into just a few of them: 1) Amino acid stacks consist of free-form amino acids such as arginine, lysine, glutamine, etc., which have proven to be moderately effective in bringing about a GH increase. Their downside is as follows: As stated, to achieve an average 20% increase in GH, the amount of amino acids that need to be consumed is huge. And you have to take several in what is called a "stack." The recommended amounts that need to be taken according to Mauro Di Pasquale, a world champion weight lifter and recognized expert in the field, are: 5 grams of arginine, 5 grams of glutamine, and 5 grams of lysine. Other experts recommend adding 2 grams each of ornithine and glycine for a total of 19 grams of amino acids daily. Amino acids come in ½ and 1 gram tablets, so this means 25-30 large "horse tablets" daily, which is not exactly a regimen to look forward to for the rest of our lives, especially if we have to add this amount of tablets to other vitamin and mineral supplements that we are taking. 2) Herbal stimulants. The above does not touch upon the major problem with amino acid precursors, however. Since 19 grams of amino acids is far too bulky of an amount to fit conveniently into 3-4 tablets or sprays to take daily, the manufacturers put only small token amounts of amino acids into their formulas, which of course negates the amino acid power of the precursor formula. How then is the precursor effective? In order to make it effective, the manufacturer includes in the formula an assortment of herbal stimulants that are known to "jump start" the body's pituitary gland and make it produce more GH on its own. One of the favorite herbal stimulants used in precursor formulas is from the plant extract "vishia fava major" which is an extract of the fava bean, which is known to be toxic. If you eat fava beans in sufficient quantity you will become acutely ill. Vishia fava major is also known to have anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic effects, which means that it interferes with sex hormone production in both males and females. The reader should understand, that there is a big difference between a nutrient and a stimulant. Nutrients are substances (such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, etc.) that are utilized by the body in its daily physiological processes. They are natural to the body and needed by it. On the other hand, stimulants are substances (such as caffeine) that are foreign to the body. They are not natural to it and not needed by it. The very presence of stimulants in the body arouses our internal defenses to neutralize them. This is why they stimulate us. They are actually small poisons that alarm the liver, kidney, and endocrine glands into hyperactivity. In our opinion, taking stimulants is not a good practice if done on a daily basis. The use of stimulants to effect a body response should be reserved for emergencies. This is one of the important reasons why the precursor formulas being sold today are not the best choice to bring about higher levels of GH in our body. They require that we partake in stimulants on a daily basis. All the 2

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precursor formulas contain herbal stimulants of some kind. The claim is that since the herbal stimulant is "natural" it is all right for us. Don't be fooled by this rationale that whatever is "natural" is all right. This is meant to convey the idea that since it comes from nature (rather than synthesized in a lab) it is automatically good for us. Well, there are plenty of stimulants and poisons that come from nature. For example, caffeine comes from coffee, which grows in nature. That doesn't make it good for us. Poisonous mushrooms are "natural," but they are certainly not good for us. We have to go further than just "natural" in determining what is nutritionally sound for human beings. We have to ask ourselves if the natural substance we are consuming is a nutrient or a stimulant to the body? If it is a stimulant, then we would be wise not to consume it on a daily basis. It should be pointed out here that nutritional scientists use the term "stimulate" rather loosely. They say that amino acids, which are necessary nutrients for the body, "stimulate" the pituitary gland to produce more GH on its own. They say that certain vitamins "stimulate" the body's immune system to ward off disease. This is true. And such stimulation is not dangerous in the sense that stimulation from caffeine is. In fact, the GH Oral Spray not only supplements Growth Hormone to the body, but it also gently stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more GH on its own. So it acts as both a supplement and a stimulant. But it is stimulation by nutritional means, i.e., by something necessary and natural to the body. Many things (meat, sugar, fats, sunshine, love) can be said to "stimulate" human beings. What we need to be wary of is the use of stimulants that are foreign to the body, i.e., non-nutritive substances that are not needed in the physiological processes of life. Where do the so called herbal stimulants fit in this analysis? They fit into the foreign classification. That is to say, they are not needed by the body in a nutritional sense, and therefore must be purged from the body whenever they are ingested. Exactly how harmful such foreign stimulants may be to our bodies is not an easy thing to discern. After all, many people consume caffeine all their adult lives. Many people consume nicotine and alcohol well into old age. The amount of the stimulant and the individual's genetic predispositions have to be taken into consideration. The point we wish to make is that there is a difference between nutritionally inducing a GH increase and stimulating a GH increase with a foreign substance to the body. The nutritional method is certainly a better and safer means to bring about higher levels of GH. Most precursor formulas being offered on the market today will increase GH in our bloodstream, but it is not because of the amino acids or other nutrients that they contain, which are very small. The increase is achieved because of the herbal stimulants that they contain. What's most important to remember, however, is that it is less of an increase than that which comes from supplementation of GH through the oral spray. So not only are these precursors inferior safety wise, they are inferior in the results they obtain. 3

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3) Homeopathic formulas. You can find in some stores today what is called "Homeopathic GH." It is touted as a genuine GH product and advertised as if it has a meaningful amount of GH in it. It usually sells for about $25.00 to $35.00 for a month's supply. You can always identify a homeopathic product by the fact that it has a number and an "X" on the label, e.g., 30X. Our purpose here is not to knock the homeopathic field; many of their products, no doubt, do a lot of good. Our purpose is merely to inform the reader as to which of the alternative methods of GH replacement are best. The problem with Homeopathic GH is that it does not have any meaningful amount of GH in it. It has less than a hundredth of a nanogram (ng). For comparison sake, Regenesis Pro, the most popular GH Oral Spray on the market, has 500 ng in every spray, over 50,000 times what "Homeopathic GH" has in it. What Homeopathic GH has is water, herbal stimulants, glandular extracts, amino acids, and other nutrients. Whatever effect you get from taking it does not come from its GH content, which is totally nil, nor from its amino acids, which are not nearly enough. It comes from its herbal stimulants. So the homeopathic formulas suffer the same disadvantage as other precursors. They operate by inducing a stimulating effect from a foreign substance, which makes them a poor means to bring about GH increase in our bodies. There simply is no genuine amount of GH in the homeopathic formulas. They are allowed to claim the presence of GH in their product because there is a fraction of a nanogram (ng) of GH in them. But this is like claiming Lake Michigan to suddenly be potent medicine after we put a drop of iodine in it.

The Superiority of GH Oral Spray In conclusion, all precursors are at best secondary methods to bring about a GH increase in our bodies because they do not achieve as high an increase of GH as the Oral Spray. Moreover, they operate on the stimulant principle, which in the long run is never as good as the nutritional principle. Or in the case of amino acid stacks, they require consuming a huge load of tablets tolerable only to weightlifters and high performance athletes. The GH Oral Spray has none of the disadvantages of the precursor products. It puts a sizeable amount of actual growth hormone (1,500-3,000 ng daily) into your body by means of several quick squirts from the spray. It brings about much higher levels of GH. And it does so at a very moderate cost. Consuming amino acid stacks, herbal stimulants, and homeopathic formulas can never match the results of the GH Oral Spray. While they are cheaper in price, they simply cannot deliver what the actual hormone can in terms of potency, benefits, and convenience. __________________ This report is published for general information purposes only, and is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice or as a treatment for any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Copyright Š 2000 by AmeriVita Distributing, Dallas, TX 75380.


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WAVELAND WELLNESS CENTER 1346 W. Waveland Ave., Chicago IL 60613

Micro-Dilution Oral Growth Hormone Supplementation: A Double-Blind Controlled Research Study on Regenesis Growth Hormone (somatotropin), the master anterior pituitary gland, has been used to combat age-related growth hormone decline. Recently an oral delivery system was developed that utilizesthe body through the oral mucosa. This delivery sygrowth hormone designed to mirror the pituitary's natural growth hormone secretions. The following are the results achieved with a placebo-controlled, double-blind study with Regenesis GH Oral Spray that administered dosage levels of 3 sprays of GH per day, 100 ng per spray. The study was conducted over a period of 3 months.

IGF-1 (Growth Hormone) levels raised as high as 80%. * LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) reduced an average of 20%. DHEA (another youth hormone) raised an average of 32%. Testosterone levels elevated an average of 18.5%. Systolic blood pressure reduced 12 points on average.

*(Anecdotal evidence at AmeriVita from hundreds of individuals has shown that this figure

increases to the 100% -120% range when Regenesis usage is extended to 6 months to a year.)

Sample Waveland Laboratory Results: Patient

Pre-test GH level

Post-test GH level

139 ng/ml 92 " 162 " 167 " 195 "

168 ng/ml 166 " 191 " 226 " 275 "

L.B. P.B. T.K. T.B. J.S.

Results Reported by Waveland Participants: Muscle Strength Body Fat Deeper Sleep Skin and Hair Sex Drive Endurance Overall Health Attitude

95% reported increase in strength. 75% reported significant weight loss. 90% reported deeper sleep. 95% showed marked improvement in skin and hair. 90% reported increased sex drive. 90% reported increased physical endurance. 95% reported improvement in overall health. 95% reported a renewed zest for living.

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Various Patient Comments: ¾ "I have increased my exercise programs and handle stress better." ¾ "I feel stronger emotionally, and I don't get upset as often." ¾ "Noticed an increase in endurance and strength." ¾ "I get a deeper, more restful sleep." ¾ "I never thought my skin would look this good again."

¾ "My sex life is back."

Test Summary: The direction in movement of hormone levels being brought back to youthful and regenerative levels is significant. The results of the chem 24 / chem 25 tests show the cholesterol, HDL, LDL returning to normalization. The results of the study show test patients had significant results in the body with a rise of 40% in IGF-1 (Growth Hormone) levels, 31.5% rise in DHEA, and 18.5% rise in testosterone levels. After compiling supporting data of the double blind study, there is a significant physiological change with the patients who had taken the Regenesis micro-dilution oral spray. The levels of IGF-1, Testosterone, and DHEA, along with the changes in the lipids, show that the patients consistently evidenced marked progressiveness towards balance. The resultant physiology of the patients was a gentle response with the body returning to a higher metabolism with greater efficiency and a more youthful level of chemistry. The subsequent blood draws show marked consistency of rise in chemistry for the patients and then setting a higher threshold for the level of homeostasis of the body.

February 26, 1999 Steven Novil, Ph.D., director Bernard Mizock, M.D. F.A.C.S.


This report is for information purposes only and is not meant to be interpreted as medical advice or as a treatment for any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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