Boot Sequence GDD

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Game Design Document

Units of Measurement: Unit Symbol

Unit Meaning


Unset number, used only as placeholder for ratio work.


Unity Units


Newtons of Force

Flow Chart Key:

Note: All variables in this document are the currently set variables and are not set in stone.


Elements with this mark are not to be built for the vertical slice, but the other elements of the game are to be designed to avoid exclusion of them.

These types of ow chart segments are hyperlinked to their respective slides.


Concept Statement: In Boot Sequence, you play as fantasy adventurers exploring the catacombs of an ancient civilization using super-powered hover boots. Take on the role of the ironclad Knight, the arcane Mage, the cunning Rogue or enemy throwing monk and fight your way through sprawling dungeons and fast-paced challenge rooms that test your combat skills and agility. Gear up with boot chips that you find in the world to augment your hover, dash and kick abilities to help take down hordes of enemies and make your way towards the final challenges.

Target Audience: The target audience for Boot Sequence are young adults between the ages of 13 and 24. Quick sessions of couch co-op gameplay are a great fit for this active, highly-social age group. The game’s violence is not gratuitous nor gory, so it could also be popular among younger audiences.

Player Motivation: There are multiple forms of player motivation that boot sequence focuses on: Completion: The primary form of motivation for our game is that of completion, specifically completing the dungeons. To this point it is mainly the players wanting to maximize their set-ups and use of resources, as well as equipping chips to better improve their chances of success. In full, the levels and combat are built to make beating a playthrough of the game a challenging feat in of itself, even with more players. We hope to include a boss level which would serve as a definitive, climactic challenge. Exploration & Variety Seeking: By having randomly generated environments for a bulk of the game, as well as upgrades and various equipment chips scattered across the levels. The players will feel motivated to explore the levels to find new content learning how to use them and defeat each unique challenge. Cooperation: Being a multiplayer game, the motivation of coming together and working as a team is a powerful part of the player’s motivation to confront the challenges we present.

Distribution & Monetization: Marketing: Boot Sequence will be sold as a digital download on, Epic Games Store, Steam, Nintendo eShop, Playstation Store, and Xbox Marketplace. By forgoing a physical release, we save on manufacturing costs and have precise control over the time our game is released. We chose these outlets because we wanted to target the most popular platforms while also including emerging storefronts that give us a higher revenue share (e.g.’s open revenue sharing and Epic Games’ 18%). The game will be sold as a one-time purchase but we could potentially monetize further with downloadable content if the game gains long-term traction with users.

The marketing for the game will be broken up across the bulk of the production cycle. We would begin marketing once a bulk of the game is completed, but testing and content assembly are still underway, as to allow our content to not appear early access. We will introduce our game into the media market by sending out snapshots of our game and basic gameplay concept art. From there we would capitalise on our game’s four characters and release videos introducing the characters in seperate videos, showcasing their unique gameplay elements in relation to the boots. We will then include videos showcasing the environment and story, while showing more of our gameplay footage. Once the game is in a fully functional state, we would release game codes to certain gaming communities and game streamers, primarily those who are not single entity entertainers. This intent is to give them enough time to film, but not so much time to release their usual quality videos before the games release. Finally we would conduct a countdown to the games release and release more information teaser information to the games release.

Player Mechanics & Systems

Player Classes: General At the start of each play session, players must select a one of two characters to play as. The intent of this is to provide a greater sense of individuality while playing, as well as providing additional replayability when coupled with our other mechanics. In addition, each class provides a dierence in play styles, allowing range, mele, support and damage focused players to feel catered to. The exact class the player chooses only aects two core variables: Base Attack: Can be use repeatedly without issue. The player can attack and hover at the same time. The exact attack does not change, though this distinction is needed for other features. Special Action: This attack has a longer cooldown animation. When the players enact this action, a larger than normal event will occur. Players can enact their special while hovering. The inclusion of this special attack allows each class to feel more unique. Base Speed: 6 Uu/sec

Player Classes: Knight

The intent of this class is to make the player feel like a combative support, focusing mainly on keeping their distance. Their core data includes:

The intent of this class is to make the player feel like a damage heavy character who gets right into the action. Their core data includes: Attack: Slash: The knight conducts a horizontal swing of their sword, dealing damage to all items that cross it’s path. This attack needs to be heavy, and should act as the base comparison for other attacks.

Special: True Edge: The knight jumps into the air and does a slam slash downward. Doing this damages enemies around the impact as well as shooting an energy blade forward for a certain distance. Conducting this special stops the player from moving until the action, not cooldown, is completed. Power: 50 damage Impact Range: 0.75 Uu

Power: 25 damage

Projectile Range: 3 Uu

Range: 0.5 Uu Radius: 90 degrees

Wind Up Length: 120 (currently 45 frames) Action Length: 30 (currently 26 frames)

Wind Up Length: 75 (currently 2.5 frames) Action Length: 45 (currently 10 frames) Cooldown Length: 30 (currently 8 frames)

Cooldown Length: 60 (currently 75 frames)

Player Classes: Mage

The intent of this class is to make the player feel like a combative support, focusing mainly on keeping their distance. Their core data includes:

Attack: Casting Ball: The mage shoots a short-range energy, affected by gravity. If it is very close to an enemy when initially fired, shifts enough to hit that target.. This attack should feel powerful, but not a guarantee, allowing for the player to miss at the price of keeping their distance.

Special: Violent Vigor: A large area appears around the mage’s feet along the ground. Enemies within this field take damage. This special should feel like a helpful element that encourages the long range character to enter the fray from time to time.

Power: 25

Range: 2 Uu

Full Range: 4.5 Uu

Knockback: 0.1 Uu

Projectile Speed: 6Uu/sec

Wind Up Length: 150 (currently 15 frames)

Power: 50

Cooldown Length: 150 (currently 60 frames) Wind Up Length: 60 (currently 3 frames) Action Length: 45 (currently 10 frames) Cooldown Length: 60 (currently 10 frames)

Player Resources: Health: Points

Shared Lives: Points Hover Fuel: Gauge

Every player has a health bar. If the player’s health reaches 0 they are dead. Damage taken occurs in increments of one. When a player takes damage, the player is given a small window before they can take damage again, and any action they were conducting is canceled. Whenever a player dies, they are spawned at full health at the cost of a shared life.

At the start of each floor, players have a shared pool of lives that they use together. If a player dies, they respawn at full health back at the start of the level area. This action spend the point regardless of who died, and if there are no lives remaining, respawning won’t work again.

Base Maximum Health: 7 Health Regen Rate: N/A Invincibility Frames: 2 secs

Starting Shared Lives: 3

The player’s have a fuel gauge to run a boot hovering function. While the player hovers they will slowly deplete the related fuel. When they aren’t hovering, it with automatically regenerate. Base Maximum Fuel: 100 Fuel Regen Rate: 1 Fuel/sec The player will instantly fall if they don’t have enough fuel to conduct them.

Boot Special: Gauge Outside of hovering, there are the two actions of dashing and stun kicking. These actions use a seperate bar. This bar is divided into points, which the player uses to conduct the actions. So long as the player has 1 full bar, they can conduct the area. If the bar isn’t full, it will recharge until full again. Base Special Points: 2 Fuel Regen Rate: 1 Point/ 2.5 sec Actions will fail if they don’t have enough fuel to conduct them.

Player Boot Mechanic: Hover The hover ability is central to most gameplay elements such as platforming and avoiding certain hazards. While hovering, the player literally hovers above the ground while moving and isn’t considered grounded. While hovering the player also does not change their vertical height, regardless of changes in ground levels, allowing players to hover over pits or hazards. The intent of this mechanic for players to feel free in movement, and that pits are challenges, rather than barriers. Hover Height: 0.5 Uu Hover Speed: 4.5 Uu/sec Hover Fuel Cost: 1 Fuel/sec If the player runs out of fuel, they will fall back down until reaching a oor level. If the player attempts to hover while out of fuel, they will do a small hop without anything happening.

Player Boot Mechanic: Dash The dash action allows the player to shoot forward incredible fast in a very short time. The dash will continue until either they make contact with something, or they reach the maximum distance of the dash. While dashing the player isn’t considered grounded. The intent of this mechanic is to have the player feel like they have options for both retreat and entering the frey at their own pace. Dash Height: 0.5 Uu Dash Damage Rate: 0 Dash Push Power: 0.25Uu Dash Speed: 1 sec Dash Distance: 5 Uu Dash Fuel Cost: 1 Point If the player doesn’t have enough fuel, they will conduct a hop and fail to conduct the dash action.

Player Boot Mechanic: Stun Kick The stun kick is a basic offensive action for the player to take against enemies. They can conduct a kick which shoots out a shock wave area. Any enemy or object that is hit by this wave will take damage and be stunned for a short while. The key intent of this mechanic is to make the player feel powerful, and to make players feel like their chip powers provide a direct connection to the combat. Stun Kick Damage Rate: 1 damage Stun Kick Stun Time Rate: 1.5 sec Stun Kick Push Power: 0.5Uu Stun Kick Speed: 0.5 sec Stun Kick Range: 0.5 Uu Stun Kick Fuel Cost: 1 Point The length of time this action can stun, will be no longer than the length of time for the longest enemy cooldown time, as to avoid the enemies being able to reset their actions faster if hit by a player’s stun kick. If the player doesn’t have enough fuel, they will conduct a kick action which does nothing.

Boot Systems: Chips chips are unique items that players can collect and use to change the properties of their boot based actions (Hover, Dash, Stun Kick). Each player can only use one chip at a time. If a player finds a new chip, they can go up to it, and press the interaction key to equipped it. If the player already has a chip equipped, their prior chip will be dropped. IIf a player dies while using a chip, their body will drop it where they die, regardless of respawn occurrence.

chips: Boot Modifiers Each chip the player equipped affects the various boot based actions. The exact effect is based on the element of the chip, and is unaffected by any other player variables. chip powers are designed to do a different benefit for each of the boot powers: Hover: Mainly focus on changing base stats of the degree or affecting enemies that hit or get near the hovering player. hovering. This allows players to both not worry too much about new mechanics while hovering over pits, which are instant death. Dash: Mainly focus on changing base stats and damaging enemies at the start or end of the dash. This allows players to utilize the dash in more ways other than movement, mainly since the dash is used to both enter and exit combat. Stun Kick: Mainly focused on changing the base variables or adding more effects to the enemies hit by it. This is mainly to boost the stun kick as it is already used for combat and has the more easy to grasp method of modification. For a list of the currently design chips, see the chips sheets: HkpZiu0vcYq6Omow3PYjh6-r9gX4/edit?usp=sharing

chips: Hover Modifiers Hover: Mainly focus on changing base stats of the degree or affecting enemies that hit or get near the hovering player. hovering. This allows players to both not worry too much about new mechanics while hovering over pits, which are instant death. The affected variables for hovering modifications are: Hovering Status Effects: Affects what type of status effect, or other smaller instant effects. is applied when an enemy enters a certain range of the player while hovering. Hover Effect Radius: This variable affects what radius of entry for certain status effect systems to be applied to enemies. Status Effect Length: This affects how long the related status effect lasts.

For a list of the currently design chips, see the chips sheets: HkpZiu0vcYq6Omow3PYjh6-r9gX4/edit?usp=sharing

chips: Dash Modifiers Dash: Mainly focus on changing base stats and damaging enemies at the start or end of the dash. This allows players to utilize the dash in more ways other than movement, mainly since the dash is used to both enter and exit combat.

Standard Dash

The affected variables for dash modifications are: Dash Status Effect: Affects what type of status effect is applied from interactions:

Impact Style Dash

Impact style: Applied effect if player rams into a target while dashing. Drop Style: An object appears where the player was, that if entered by an enemy, they will be given the related status effect. Drop Style LifeSpan: This variable affects the lifespan of any object generated by a dash action.

Drop Style Dash

Status Effect Length: This affects how long the related status effect lasts.

For a list of the currently design chips, see the chips sheets: HkpZiu0vcYq6Omow3PYjh6-r9gX4/edit?usp=sharing

chips: Stun Kick Modifiers Stun Kick: Mainly focused on changing the base variables or adding more effects to the enemies hit by it. This is mainly to boost the stun kick as it is already used for combat and has the more easy to grasp method of modification. The affected variables for dash modifications are: Stun Kick Damage: This affects amount of raw damage that the player deals upon hitting an enemy or object from a dash. Stun Kick Stun Power: This affects the length of time enemies hit by the stun kick are stunned for. Stun Kick Push Power: This affects the distance enemies hit by the stun kick are pushed backwards. Stun Kick Status Effect: Affects what type of status effect is applied to enemies hit by the players stun kick. Status Effect Length: This affects how long the related status effect lasts.

For a list of the currently design chips, see the chips sheets: HkpZiu0vcYq6Omow3PYjh6-r9gX4/edit?usp=sharing

Game States:

Status Effects:

There are numerous game states within the game, many of which are connected to other systems outside of standard effects. These include.

From the effects of many of these chips, as well as basic gameplay, players and enemies can have the following effects:

Grounded: The player/enemy is on the ground and built, not hovering by any means. This in turn means that the related entity can be affected by ground elements.

Stunned: The target cannot move or conduct other actions, they will also enter a dazed state where they cannot defend themselves. If the target is hovering, they will fall to ground level. If the character/enemy was in the middle of an action, it will cancel the action no matter the stage of enaction, but won’t reverse any damage. This status effect is an automatic power of the player’s stun boots.

Hovering: The player/enemy is above the ground, hovering. This state is not the same as not-grounded, as falling and flying enemies are not hovering. Dead: In this state, the player is dead, they are out of the game and cannot provide inputs unless they are brought back by other player actions.

Burning: The target is lit ablaze, taking damage over the duration of the burn time. Chilled: The target is chilled, causing them to be slower than before. Invincible: The target cannot be hurt by any means. This stat is triggered after being hit by any attack, or while conducting a specific action.

Control Mapping: Xbox Hover Interact

Pause Special

Movement Selection Cursor

Attack Select Stun Kick Dash

These controls are not allowed to be touched to avoid issues with other console releases.

UI Systems

Player UI: Corner (D)

Player UI: Placement

(A) (B) (C)

Each player is given a UI display as an overlay on the screen. The information displayed on this UI is: A.) The player’s current health. This portion is segmented and will turn red if the health is at the bare minimum. B.) The player’s current hover fuel amount. This UI will turn red if the player is in a state where they can no longer hover. C.) The boot special fuel bar. There is no visual change if it cannot be used. D.) The current chip equipped. This element displays the chip information, primarily the color and symbol of the chip.

Each player’s UI is placed in a different corner of the screen.

Player UI: Game Space

Player UI: Placement

Each player also has a UI element hovering above their heads in order to convey certain base information, such as: A.) Current health. This display will not appear if the stat is at it’s maximum amount. B.) Current Hover Fuel. Like the corner UI, this display will turn red if the player cannot hover. It will also not be visible if the fuel amount is at maximum. C.) Current Special Fuel. This UI element will disappear if the current amount is at maximum. The UI elements above the player are as wide as the body is tall. The UI is tilted slightly towards the screen for better reading.

Game Loops: Full → Level

Win & Lose States: Level Win State:

Full Lose State:

The players win a level of Boot Sequence if they meet the current levels win conditions. It does not matter if some members died, so long as 1 player remains and meets the conditions. Upon starting the next level, all players will be revived, but shared lives will not recharge.

The players lose if all active players die during the process of completing a level and there are no remaining shared lives. It does not matter if they have completed any prior levels or collected any items, so long as all active players have died the game is considered lost.

There is no ďŹ nal level in this game, but rather is a challenge of completing more levels than you did before.

In the event of a Full Lose State, the players are presented a game over screen stating the number of levels they have completed before death. Players must conduct a hard reset, as there is no coming back from this event.

Full Game Loop: Core Body When the players begin boot sequence, they are presented with a start menu for selecting their characters. Once character selection is complete, the player is sent through multiple levels. If the player(s) are given game overs, they are brought to a game over menu, where they can choose to quit or restart the sequence again.

Character Selection: When the players start the game, they are brought to a character screen, On this screen, the ďŹ rst player and phantoms of the other character slots are shown in a grounded, idle state. When a new player joins, the related phantom character appears with the presets of Knight. The players can cycle through the starting options. They can cycle through the (4) character class by using the analog stick. Once the players are happy with their set-up, they can press the X command to submit their choicers. Doing so will put the player’s character models into the a hovering, idle state. Once all players submit their choices the players enter the actual game. These settings cannot be changed during the game.

Level Sequencing: When the game begins, the diďŹƒculty of the level is generated based on the number of players and the amount of rooms already cleared. When a level is completed, the next level is generated and the stats are increased accordingly.

The exact level number: Provides a base level of difficulty progression as it is to be expected that the challenge increases with each level. The number of players: Since more players fighting within a level will greatly affect the difficulty level of a game, it is important for levels to scale in difficulty based on the number of players active. Doing this will allow us to make the level still feel challenging when players play with new people. These variables are calculated and built around 5 key variables:

Number of Enemies

Affects the number of enemies spawned in the levels as a whole.

Strength of Enemies

The health and strength of all enemies.

Spawned Generators

The number of rewards scattered in levels, and given as rewards.

The room progression mainly affects the number of enemies and their strength, leaving the generator manipulation alone.

Level 1


The difficulty levels are based primarily on two key variables affecting the spawn rates of both goals and enemies. The exact escalation is based on:


General Difficulty Progression:

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Player count mainly affects the number of generators and the amount of enemies, while focusing less on the strength of said enemies.

1 Player

2 Player

3 Player

4 Player

For the current progression stats, see the following table: HkpZiu0vcYq6Omow3PYjh6-r9gX4/edit?usp=sharing

General Level Sequence: At the start of every level, players are teleported in on the starting platform and are left with their remaining health and whichever gem that previously had equipped. If any player died in the previous level, they appear at the generator regardless at half health. If a player dies while the group still has extra lives, a life is lost and they respawn at the starting area. If all players die and there are no more shared lives remaining, the game is over and they are brought to the game over screen. If all the generators in the level are destroyed, the barrier preventing the players from reaching the exit teleporter shrinks away. Once all living players get on the teleporter, they respawn in the next level.

Level Contents & Systems

Level Generation Chart: At the start of every level, players are teleported in on the starting platform and are left with their remaining health and whichever gem that previously had equipped. If any player died in the previous level, they appear at the generator regardless at half health. If a player dies while the group still has extra lives, a life is lost and they respawn at the starting area. If all players die and there are no more shared lives remaining, the game is over and they are brought to the game over screen. If all the generators in the level are destroyed, the barrier preventing the players from reaching the exit teleporter shrinks away. Once all living players get on the teleporter, they respawn in the next level.

Main Body: Every level comprised of one main area of generated room segments and 4 additional pre-built room segments on each side of the generated square. Size of the Main Body: 5x5room pieces A Spawn Pad: Showcasing their entrance. Within this main body enemies, items and generators will spawn based on two elements, difficulty progression and used room pieces. Difficulty Progression: This variable affects how much of each element is allowed to spawn within the given level. Generated Squares: This variable(s) affects where exactly the generated items are allowed to spawn. Around the level as a whole are walls and a half a room sized gap disconnecting the level from the walls.

Standard Room Piece Generator Room

Start Room End Room

Starting Rooms: Every level begins with a starting rooms. These areas are locked o to the rest of the level until the player’s approach the door. The contents of this room include: A Spawn Pad: Showcasing their entrance. Starting Items: At the start of each level a number of crates containing either health or random chips are there to be collected. The intent of these rooms is to give the players some breathing space between challenges. Within these rooms there are no challenges and no threats, and the players are able to think before entering, and even swap chips without concern of interruption. However, if they get too close to the entrance, any nearby enemies can begin to attack them. The segment connecting the starting room to the main area is a pit as well, forcing players to hover or dash to get across it.

Starting Room Piece Ground Area Pre-Built Generator Pit Area Spawn Pad Item Spawn Point

Exit Rooms: Every level has an exit room for the players to reach. Each of these rooms is locked with a dome barrier eect, with beams connecting it to every generator in the level. A Exit Pad: This provides the exit for the players to work with. Around the exit pad is a force ďŹ eld with all generators shooting a beam of energy towards it. The intent of these rooms are to make the player feel like they have accomplished something by removing the exit, as well as showing the player a way to the generators they need to destroy.

Example Room Piece Ground Area Pre-Built Turret Pit Area Exit Pad Exit Dome

Generator Rooms: These room segments are generated on the sides of the main body that do not have the start and end room pieces. These segments are comprised of three room pieces, always begin with a big bridge segment and have no turret or generator spawn points on them. They also have a pre-built generator on them. The inclusion of these elements prevents players from getting too lucky and getting all the generators to spawn next to the player at the main entrance. There are multiple pre-built generator rooms and which one is chosen is selected at random.

Example Room Piece Ground Area Enemy Spawn Point Pit Area Pre-Built Turret Pre-Built Generator

Room Pieces: Every level is built out of four pre built room segments and a number of generated room segments. Each room segment is based on a 7 by 7 unity units and has a number of smaller variables within it. Pits & Floor Segments: Every room segment is built out of oors and pits. This dictates how the room pieces can be pieced together and placed on edges. Set Enemy Spawn Points: Where enemies can potentially spawn. Set Turret Spawn Points: Where turrets can potentially spawn Item Placements: These points are where placed items can appear. The exact items to be placed are more based on the levels diďŹƒculty and player count. See other section for details. Generator Placement: These points are where generators are allowed to spawn. Each room piece can have one at most, and must be placed in a portion of the ground that is not wholly surrounded by pits.

Example Room Piece Ground Area Enemy Spawn Point Pit Area Turret Spawn Point Generator Spawn Point Item Spawn Point

Enemy AI Systems

General Enemy AI Details:

Rules for Enemy Creation:

The Enemy AI in Boot sequence should do two things above all else, they should get players to use all the combat mechanics and should in turn influence “dance like” player behavior in combat. Each enemy should have their own role in attacking the player and force player’s to think about the The trick to making enemies fun to fight is to not only make each one distinguishable from one another, but each one must encourage the player to use their abilities to outmaneuver and outplay the enemies.

When creating a new enemy, or adjusting an existing enemy, the following elements must be followed.

Each enemy has the following base information:

Targeting & Combat: These elements must be different from one another, or variables should be clearly noticed.

Health: The amount of damage needed from players to destroy it. Speed: How fast their base speed is. Enemies with zero speed cannot be pushed by players.

Stats: Enemies must be given information for all stats. Health: Enemy health should be proportional to enemies of their status. Faster enemies should have less health and vice versa. Speed: Enemy speeds should be focused on their attack style, and should be proportional to other enemies.

Knockback balancing: The enemies must have balanced knockback in relation to their design, size and effects.

Attack Pattern: How the enemy chooses to attack. Reward: The type of reward the player would get from the enemy: Health, Upgrades, chips, etc. Knockback Force: Certain enemies take more knockback from attacks than others, and thus they have a variable. See enemies sheet for more details on AI types:

See enemies sheet for more details on AI types: Ziu0vcYq6Omow3PYjh6-r9gX4/edit?usp=sharing Ziu0vcYq6Omow3PYjh6-r9gX4/edit?usp=sharing

Enemy Health Systems: Enemies are given a base health stat, with increasing variation as levels progress based on the level the players are on. The amount of change is built to only show significant difference at each horde level. Enemies can be dealt damage by both players and enemies. When an enemy takes damage from a player attack, not from a status effect, the enemy is knocked back while taking the damage. If the enemy is knocked back a distance of 1Uu or more, they will be canceled out of their current attack. If the enemy is pushed into a pit after being hit by a player, they fall into the pit, regardless of their ability to hover over gaps. This allows enemies to be killed by being pushed into pits.

Enemy Drop Systems: When enemies are killed by a player or status effect, they will drop items at different rates, based on their challenge rating and the style of enemies they are. The rates for each reward are based on their value, as well as the difficulty to kill the enemy. The general rules for drops are as follows: ● ● ●

All enemies should drop nothing at least 75% of the time. No enemies should drop full restore items. All enemies should drop small health packs at least 5% of the time.

Unlike player’s, enemies do not get invincibility frames, and can be combined by multiple players at the same time.

See reward data tables for details on each levels reward items: pys2Nt3yhWk7XFNsKaKgXK1KTk/edit?usp=sharing

Sound Design

Music: The music for Boot Sequence will be a heavily synth-based soundtrack with key themes of nostalgia and mystery. The music will rarely feature percussive instruments unless they’re tonal, such as bells or highly tuned drums. This way, the music does not clash with the heavy, percussive action sounds of the gameplay. Additional possible instruments include woodwinds, chimes, xylophones. The synths will be soft, warm, analog-emulating pads that have an air of timeless mystique, much like the ancient/sci-fi clash of the underground city-ruin setting. We will be using Ableton Live 10 Suite software to compose the music because we have a wide range of available sounds, instruments and effects in that software.

Moodboard/Reference Playlist: k1AXLeLw9IHTpwPZHv

Sound Design:

Wwise Integration:

The three goals for Boot Sequence sound design are identity, presence, and expression. In other words, sounds should communicate gameplay aordances clearly, immerse the player in the game world, and create an emotional reaction for the player.

We are using Audiokinetic Wwise, a third-party audio middleware to integrate all sound and music into the game. This helps us implement systems such as random sound cues, pitch/FX modulation, adaptive music (transitions between songs, stacking tracks on top of eachother, etc) without having to write all the code from scratch to handle those functions.

Bonus Content: DO NOT TOUCH

Do not touch the content of this section unless we are farther along than anticipated and our key content is complete enough to relieve focus to other areas. 74-hWOzCjzpugsYHtJh--d_sPrV9gU/edit?usp=sharing

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