Flagler Parent - Summer 18

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Keep kids safe from the flu so they can stay in class. Set your children up for academic success by signing them up for no-cost immunizations. This past year’s flu epidemic was one of the worst in history, and it affected children nationwide, maybe even yours. The flu threatened their health—and their academic performance. The good news? Immunizations are effective. The even better news? Healthy Schools offers them to public school students, at no cost to parents, and during school hours, so kids don’t have to miss classes. Sign up at schoolflushot.com for health tips and in-school flu shot updates







Mom’s Toolbox of Summer Sanity Savers


The History of Mother’s Day


Appreciating Your Mother-In-Law


Best Cruises for Kids


2018 Summer Camp Guide


Birthday Party Basics


10 Items to Pack in Your Child’s Camp Lunch


3 Surprising Ways Pets Benefit Your Kids


Simple Steps to Save Lives


Ten Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice


Yolo! A Summer Bucket List for Your Middle School Daughter


Farmers Market Fun For The Whole Family


Protecting Children: Fostering Family Stability

departments education

Coming in August


Early Learning Coalition of Flagler & Volusia


College Savings Day

The Back-To-School Issue


National Teachers Day & Teacher Appreciation Week

Community Events, School News, Back-To-School Shopping, School Fashion Tips to Prepare Pre-Schoolers


Flagler County School News

On the Cover Mom, Nathalee, Jayden 7 Zander 15m, Mauricio 11

2 SUMMER 2018

every issue 8

Our Community


Reel Life with Jane


May 2018 Family Fun Guide


Florida Fashion

www.FlaglerParent.com (386) 437-0300

Reader Services Calendar Submissions: We publish information about family events within and surrounding our county. We would love to hear from you! If you have a family event, fundraiser or childrens activity/program please send your information to editor@bradymediainc.com Deadline for submitting information is approximately one month prior to the month in which the event will occur. Subscriptions We now have subscription service direct to your home. We are offering these services for only $10 per year for 11 issues of Flagler Parent Magazine. You can also subscribe for FREE to our digital edition for your iPad, iPhone, NOOK, Kindle Fire, or Android Device. Visit our website www.bradymediainc.com and click SUBSCRIBE. Feedback: We Welcome Your Feedback & Thoughts. In our continuous effort to improve our publications, we look forward to your thoughts, questions and feedback on how we can better tailor information to your families needs. Please feel free to send me an email at Charlie@bradymediainc.com.

SUMMER 2018 3


What’s New in Print & Online

Flagler Parent

Florida Baby - Fall 2018 New in Schools, On News Stands & Online

A special section that caters to pregnancy, birth, babies, and toddlers, showcasing products, services and ideas for young families. Publishing: September 2018 Advertising Deadline: August 1st

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Parent to Parent Publisher / Editor Charlene Michaux charlie@bradymediainc.com 386-547-0161 Graphic Artist Stephen Savidge Charlene Michaux Publisher/Editor charlie@bradymediainc.com When I created Flagler Parent Magazine, I had no idea that it would grow to become such a successful magazine. In fact, it was supposed to just bring in extra money so I could stay home with my infant son, Brady. Little did I know how successful it would become in such a short time and that’s because of continued community support, and readers like you. My goal starting out was to create a community based parenting magazine that would be a “go-to” resource for families when planning a night out, a family vacation or just a fun filled weekend... and according to our parent and advertiser’s feedback, that goal was met! These last few months have been an exciting whirlwind filled with mixed emotions. I re-married, bought a new home in St Augustine, started a new career, and yes, I have sold the magazines. This is a sad and joyful time for me as I am writing my last publisher’s letter. I decided it was time to begin a new chapter with my family. I have made arrangements with a buyer who really appreciates the magazines, is familiar with the community, and is keen and capable of developing the magazine’s potential i order to take the publications to the next level. The new publishers will take over with the August “Back to School” issue so be on the lookout for an exciting new look! It has been a pleasure serving you as the publisher of Volusia, Flagler and St. Johns Parent Magazines. It has meant a great deal to me and my family that you have supported us for over 10 years! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Finally, I would like to wish all of you Moms out there a wonderful Mother’s Day filled with love and joy ! Love,


6 SUMMER 2018

Photography Marina Pierre 386-283-8005 marina@marinas-photography.com

Contributors Lara Krupicka Deanne Haines Rachel Moshman Lisa A. Bean Sue LeBreton Pam Molnar Flagler Parent, Volusia Parent, and St. Johns Parent Magazines are published by Brady Media, Inc. and are copyrighted 2008. Brady Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission from Brady Media, Inc. is prohibited. Flagler Parent and Volusia Parent reserve the right to reject advertisements or listings that are not in keeping with the publication’s satndard. Submissions are welcome, but the publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited materials. Flagler Parent and Volusia Parent do not endorse or assume responsibility for information, products, services or statements made by advertisers or editorial contributors. The Flagler County or Volusia County School Boards are not affiliated with these publications in any manner, nor do they endorse ro assume any responsibility for any of the information or advertisements contained in therein.

Brady Media, Inc. 800 Belle Terre Parkway Ste. 200-207 Palm Coast, FL 32164 (386) 437-0300 Office (386) 246-2950 Fax www.BradyMediaInc.com Proud Member of

Our Community Events, Charities & Causes in Flagler County

Do you know an organization that deserves a spotlight? Send us an email 30 days prior to the event for consideration. editor@bradymediainc.com Events will be listed on a first-come first-served basis. 8 SUMMER 2018

SUMMER 2018 9



Mom’s Toolbox of Summer Sanity Savers by Lara Krupicka

“I'm bored.” “There's nothing to do!” Moms dread to hear these refrains, especially in the weeks after the school year ends. Between keeping the house running smoothly, and ensuring a good balance of entertainment, education and relaxation, it can be overwhelming. But with preparation and the right tools, you can save your sanity and make it a summer to remember. Here are a few proven summer-ready tools any mom can use... The Job Jar You know those tasks that always fall to the bottom of the list? Summer can be a great time to have the kids help you complete them. Breaking them into fifteen-minute jobs and setting up a lottery system for assigning them (where everyone has a chance of drawing a "day off") can make chores less like work. Create your own job jar by designating an empty container to fill with slips of paper containing the chores to be done, (along with some free day slips). Include tasks such as: wiping down kitchen cabinet fronts, dusting slats on wood blinds, and cleaning out the silverware drawer. Make the jobs simpler for younger children or plan on assisting, should they draw a more difficult job. Also, keep duties brief enough to be easily completed in fifteen minutes You can put an entire summer's worth of jobs in the jar and have children draw slips daily until the jar is empty. Or you can fill it weekly with enough chores for children to draw one apiece each day. Then make note of small tasks around the house as you notice them, to be added to the job jar later. The Reading Ratchet What will your kids be reading this summer or what will you read to them? Whether you live with kids who have an unending appetite for books, or have to bribe your child to crack one open, it helps to have a list to work from. Add this tool to your 20 • May 2014 / www.flaglerparent.com 10 SUMMER 2018

belt now and you'll be able to reach for it all summer long - whether in response to the occasional "I'm bored" or to fill the stretches of time during a long car ride or plane trip. Don't feel like you have to create a list all on your own (although if you've been meaning to have your kids read some of your favorites, now's your chance). There are plenty of reading lists available for kids of all ages. If your school hands out a summer reading list, start with that. Some kids enjoy the challenge of reading all the recent award-winners. And occasionally schools offer

rewards for those who complete a list. Book awards include the Caldecott Medal (for picture books), Geisel medal (beginning reader), Newbery (most distinguished children's book), and Coretta Scott King (African American authors and illustrators). Many states also have their own young readers' book awards, in which students can participate by reading a minimum number of books from the list of nominees before voting for their favorites. As a parent, you can also create your own reading list to target specific goals you have for your children.

Job Jar Ideas Kara Haas requires her two sons to read three different types of books each summer: one Christian biography, one historical fiction and one fiction. Then she asks them answer questions she and her husband have created. The Fun Friday Blueprint Every mom should have a master plan for fun. Decide when you'll make local excursions and where you'll go. Some moms, like Emily Neal, make the outings a weekly event and invite friends to join them. This makes planning ahead important. Involve your children in brainstorming destinations. You could include nearby water parks, new-toyou playgrounds, ice cream shops, museums, zoos, and gardens. Don't forget to have both indoor and outdoor options so you can flex with the weather. Even a trip to the party store to buy zany masks for at-home fun can make a difference, Neal points out. "Sometimes the simplest things are the coolest," she says. Having a plan for fun ensures that you won't be stuck at home wondering what to do. And you won't finish the summer regretting not visiting places you'd hoped to. "It's important to be deliberate about it," says Neal. "It's fun to look back and have all those memories."

The Life Skills Drill School is for learning the three R's. Home is where our children should be mastering life skills that enable them to navigate the everyday world. Start with the basics such as cleaning a bathroom and then progress in the tween and teen years to such skills as balancing a checkbook and changing the oil on a car. Haas has made skill development a priority for her boys' summers. "Every summer since they were ten they have learned a new skill that will help them when they own their own home or manage their homes. Some years it has been painting, placing sidewalk pavers, basic construction, and even sewing," she explains. "I'd watch their life and think, what are they old enough to do? Or what am I tired of doing for them?" Choose one or two new skills you'd like to see your child master. Then create a plan. How often will they practice the new skill - once a week, once a month, or repetitively for a short time during the course of a single longer project? Who will teach them the skill and how will the child demonstrate he has mastered it? Using these tools you'll be keeping your children active mentally and socially. And they'll be helping you out and developing abilities that will last long after the summer is over.

Wipe down fronts of kitchen cabinets Wash out insides of all household wastebaskets Wipe down baseboards (in one or two given rooms) Cean fingerprints from door jams (in one room) Vacuum off couches and chairs and under cushions Wipe down chair rungs in dining room Pull weeds in one flower bed Dust off fan blades of all ceiling fans

Life Skills Options Making an emergency phone call Cleaning pet cages and food bowls Cooking a simple meal Laundry, including folding and ironing Basic bicycle repair and maintenance Lawn mowing Replacing a fuse on circuit breaker Balancing a checkbook Painting walls and trim Basic vegetable and fruit canning

www.flaglerparent.com / May 2014 • 21 SUMMER 2018 11


The Greek Goddess Rhea

The History of Mother’s Day From the the ancient Greeks to modern times Mothers have been honored anually with a special day. But how did Mother’s Day begin? Let’s find out... Early Beginnings of Mother’s Day Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” Once a major tradition in the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, this celebration fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent and was originally seen as a time when the faithful would return to their “mother church”—the main church in the vicinity of their home—for a special service. Over time the Mothering Sunday tradition shifted into a more secular holiday, and children would present their mothers with flowers and other tokens of appreciation. This custom eventually faded in popularity before merging with the American Mother’s Day in the 1930s and 1940s. Mother’s Day Founding by Anna Jarvis The official Mother’s Day holiday arose in the 1900s as a result of the efforts of Anna Jarvis. Following her 20 SUMMER • May 12 2015 12 2018 SUMMER 2017

Anna Jarvis

mother’s 1905 death, Anna Jarvis conceived of Mother’s Day as a way of honoring the sacrifices mothers made for their children. In May 1908, after gaining financial backing from Philadelphia department store owner John Wanamaker, Anna Jarvis organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration at a Methodist church in Grafton, West Virginia. That same day also saw thousands of people attend a Mother’s Day event at a Wanamaker’s retail store in Philadelphia.

Following the success of her first Mother’s Day, Jarvis—who remained unmarried and childless her whole life—resolved to see her holiday added to the national calendar. She started a massive letter writing campaign to newspapers and prominent politicians urging the adoption of a special day honoring motherhood. By 1912 many states, towns and churches had adopted Mother’s Day as an annual holiday, and Jarvis had established the Mother’s Day International Association to help promote her cause. Her persistence paid off in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed a measure officially establishing the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. Anna Jarvis had originally conceived of Mother’s Day as a day of personal celebration between mothers and families. Her version of the day involved wearing a white carnation as a badge and visiting one’s mother or attending church services. But once Mother’s Day became a national holiday, it was not long before florists, card companies and other merchants capitalized on its popularity. By 1920 Anna Jarvis had become disgusted with how the holiday had been commercialized. She outwardly denounced the transformation and urged people to stop buying Mother’s Day flowers, cards and candies. Jarvis eventually resorted to an open campaign against Mother’s Day profiteers, speaking out against confectioners, florists and even charities. She also launched countless lawsuits against groups that had used the name “Mother’s Day,” eventually spending most of her personal wealth in legal fees. By the time of her death in 1948 Jarvis had disowned the holiday altogether, and even actively lobbied the government to see it removed from the American calendar.

Did You Know?

More phone calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year. These holiday chats with Mom often cause phone traffic to spike by as much as 37 percent.

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education education

heart-shaped poster with small ‘love’ notes for the teacher. Involve class parents and setup a week of pampering – parents take turns bringing the teacher a treat in the morning (like her favorite coffee), delivering lunch, or volunteering during the school day to give the teacher a little extra support. 4. A School-Wide Event Volunteer to coordinate a potluck breakfast for the teachers. Ask parents to sign up to bring breakfast goodies such as muffins, bagels and cream cheese, breakfast tacos, croissants, fresh fruit, coffee and doughnuts (being mindful that teachers are trying to eat healthy, too). Bonus: ask local salons, restaurants and movie theatres to donate discounts and gift cards as door prizes for teachers.

Teacher & Child Care Provider Provider WeekisisMay May7-11 2-6 Week Take the time to celebrate your child’s teachers and care givers! Careers in child care and education often come with low-to-moderate pay and long hours. Support from families can ease the difficult work teachers do. Now is the perfect time to personally thank these professionals for their sacrifices and support for children throughout the year. While appreciation alone will not reduce the challenges they face, it will let them know their efforts are not going unnoticed. Teachers and child care providers play a key role in children’s success and sometimes a simple “thanks” is all they need to feel valued. During this special week, consider doing a little something extra to show your gratitude. Here are five great nocost to low cost ideas to help you make your child’s teachers and care givers feel special all week long: 1. A Handwritten Thank You Note from You A heartfelt, handwritten thank you 16 SUMMER • May 20162018 14

note goes a long way to sharing the love. Make it even more meaningful by including something specific the teacher has said or done that has made a difference to your child.

2. A Handwritten Thank You Note from Your Child Teachers treasure personal notes from their students. Ask any teacher – she’ll likely have several stashed away for safe keeping. Here are some sentence starters to share with your kids:

5. Thanks that Keeps on Growing Have your child or the class decorate a flower pot and fill it with a beautiful plant. Add a note that says “Thanks for helping me grow this year!” It’s important for our community to recognize the efforts of teachers and child care providers everyday and to take the time to celebrate them in May! Visit: http://www.providerappreciationday.org/resources.php to learn more about this special week and what you can do to celebrate the important teachers and care providers who are there every day for you and your family!

• You’re extra special because… • Thank you for… • I love how you… • This year you’ve taught me… Make the gesture even more memorable by adding a hand-drawn picture or a photo of your child and teacher together. 3. A Classroom-Wide Effort Have each child bring one flower on a designated day and sign a big

The Early Learning Coalition of Flagler & Volusia (ELCFV) administers subsidized School Readiness early learning child care programs for children birth to age five and the Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program for four-year olds. For information about ELCFV programs and services, call 386 323-2400 or toll free 877 352-0065 or visit www.elcfv.org. Follow the ELCFV on Facebook: search ELCFV.


Hurry ... Camps fill quickly! SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMS

Half & Full Day Camps (Ages 5-12) Cub Club Programs (Ages 2-5) To register call 407.323.4450 x 123, email education@centralfloridazoo.org, or go online at www.centralfloridazoo.org 3755 W Seminole Blvd (I-4 exit 104), Sanford

SUMMER 2018 15


26 •SUMMER May 2012 / www.bradymediainc.com 16 2018

www.bradymediainc.com / May 2012 • 27

SUMMER 2018 17


Best Cruises For Kids Despite great strides made by cruise lines in accommodating children onboard in recent years, choosing the best cruises for families with kids is still complicated. Where once it was a struggle to find ships that were kid-friendly, the challenge now is wading through the bevy of activities, kids clubs, family cabins and child-themed bells and whistles many ships offer to determine which cruise ships are best for your youngsters. Some ships are still better for infants than others, and ditto for teens. Not all itineraries are created equal, either. (Alaska and the Caribbean are destinations that tend to be kid-friendly.) To make decisions even trickier, ships vary greatly, not just from line to line but within fleets, making some better than others in terms of onboard activities. We tend to recommend cruise lines’ newer ships because the facilities were designed for families from the outset, not just adapted. They also tend to be the biggest ships, offering more space for fun activities, such as bowling alleys, elaborate water parks with massive slides, ropes courses, bumper cars and surfing and skydiving simulators. They’re likely to have more dining options, family-specific accommodations and the latest brand-name partnerships. The ships -- and cruise lines -- that follow are our top cruises for kids. That said, you know your family’s tastes and preferences better than we ever could. By no means are they the only ships to consider. Think of them as a starting point as you narrow your choices for an unforgettable family vacation at sea.

#1 Royal Caribbean International

Ships: Anthem of the Seas, Harmony of the Seas, Allure of the Seas and Oasis of the Seas Why...? These ships, Royal Caribbean’s largest, are ideal for families with kids of all ages, as well as multigenerational family groups. The Oasis-class ships have an impressive selection of family-friendly activities and entertainment four fantastic pools, 10 hot tubs, a 3D theater, rock climbing walls, ice skating rink, two FlowRider surf simulators and a zipline -- and an array of family cabins to accommodate groups of varying sizes. And did we mention the ships’ indoor promenades, which feature all manner of parades and special events? Anthem of the Seas takes it up a notch with SeaPlex (featuring bumper cars, rollerskating, video games and more), the first skydiving attraction at sea and the North Star, a London Eye-esque ride that takes passengers in a glass capsule 300 feet above the ocean . 18 SUMMER 2018

A sizable amount of real estate is dedicated to the kids clubs on all of these ships, and the counselors are some of the friendliest and most engaging in the business. Parents and grandparents can enjoy adults-only Solariums and a plethora of dining and evening entertainment options. With nursery care, after-hours fun in the kids clubs and in-cabin babysitting, adults can enjoy grown-up time in the evenings while kids play or sleep. (Voyager- and Freedom-class ships are also great choices for families.)

The Program Royal Caribbean divides kids into Aquanauts (ages 3 to 5), Explorers (6 to 8) and Voyagers (9 to 11). Kids ages 12 to 14 can take part in “open mic” karaoke contests and rock wall challenges, while members of the oldest group (15 to 17) have their own toga parties and sports competitions.

The Program Royal Caribbean divides kids into Aquanauts (ages 3 to 5), Explorers (6 to 8) and Voyagers (9 to 11). Kids ages 12 to 14 can take part in “open mic” karaoke contests and rock wall challenges, while members of the oldest group (15 to 17) have their own toga parties and sports competitions. Both tweens and teens have access to a separate teen lounge, where they can come and go as they like. The Royal Tots and Royal Babies programs provide interactive classes and activities (when children are accompanied by a parent) for children from 6 months to 36 months old, as well as drop-off babysitting services. In-cabin babysitting is available for children who are at least 1 year old.

Kid-Friendly Features Plenty of family staterooms and loft suites mean room for the family to spread out. There’s even a Royal Family cabin that sleeps eight. The spa offers special treatments for teens. More than two dozen dining options, including casual eateries like a hot dog joint and a New York-style pizza joint, as well as a variety of upscale specialty restaurants, mean no taste is overlooked. Johnny Rockets, the 1950s-style luncheonette, is always a kid magnet (and parents think it’s pretty cool, too). Anthem of the Seas features an enormous family-friendly SeaPlex with bumper cars, roller-skating, a circus school, foosball and video games. Excellent Broadway-style shows in the evenings will keep the older crowd engaged, while the DreamWorks experience offers character breakfasts, parades and meet-and-greets with Shrek and the Kung Fu Panda for little ones.

Ships: Norwegian Escape, Norwegian Breakaway, Norwegian Getaway and Norwegian Epic Why...? Norwegian’s casual atmosphere makes it a great choice for kid cruises, particularly for families who don’t want to be beholden to strict dining times and venues. Norwegian’s newest ships, along with Norwegian Epic, offer all the mega-ship bells and whistles families have come to expect.

#2 Norwegian Cruise Line

The Program Norwegian’s Splash Academy features separate activities for kids ages 3 to 5, 6 to 9 and 10 to 12. Children can do arts and crafts, sing karaoke and play video games. Epic’s facility has a jungle gym, plenty of room to roam and a cool interactive light-up dance floor. The two-story Splash Academies on Norwegian Escape, Breakaway and Getaway are the line’s largest children’s spaces at sea, home to high-tech games, a circus school and a small cinema. Entourage is a space for teens 13 to 17, and it has air hockey, video games, plush couches and flat-screen TVs. Entourage turns into a teens-only nightclub at night. Late-night group babysitting is available for a fee. While all ships have parent-child play areas and programming for babies 6 months to 3 years, only Norwegian Escape offers drop-off, extra-fee childcare for very small children in the Guppies Nursery.

Kid-Friendly Features Popular activities throughout these ships include rock-climbing and rappelling walls, climbing cages, six bowling lanes and impressive water park areas. Epic has a 303-foot-long corkscrew tube and the Drainpipe, a 104-foot tube that empties into a giant funnel. Breakaway and Getaway have five multistory water slides, as well as The Plank, an 8-foot walk that extends off the edge of the ship and out over the sea. Escape offers the largest ropes

Kid-Friendly Features

#3 Princess Cruises

Ships: Regal Princess, Royal Princess, Ruby Princess, Crown Princess and Emerald Princess Why...? Princess’ ships include expansive programs, facilities and accommodations for parents and children. Princess’ newest and largest ships, Royal and Regal Princess, have even more great additions for families, including expanded kids club spaces, more dining options, a batting cage and laser shooting range, a bigger pool deck with a water and light show and poolside cabanas.

course at sea, as well as the largest water park at sea. All four have two main pools, including a separate kids pool. Norwegian Epic hosts “Priscilla Queen of the Desert the Musical,” a great show for kids of all ages. Epic also has 46 two-bedroom family villas that sleep up to six people, while Breakaway and Getaway have 20 two-bedroom villas. On Escape, the Haven has two-bedroom family suites that sleep up to six passengers, and there are an additional 40 family mini-suites that feature bathtubs.

The Program Dubbed Camp Discovery, the rebranded kids’ clubs include The Treehouse (formerly Pelicans) for ages 3 to 7, The Lodge (formerly Shockwaves) for ages 8 to 12, and The Beach House (formerly Remix) for ages 13 to 17. In addition to activities that inspire learning, children, tweens and teens will find story time, video game tournaments, movie nights, Skee-Ball play, scavenger hunts and themed parties on the agenda.

On Grand-class ships (Ruby Princess, Crown Princess, Emerald Princess), there are two large pools that are suitable for families (Calypso Reef and Pool and Neptune Reef and Pool), and there’s a splash pool dedicated to kids. Royal and Regal Princess have outdoor play areas with a jungle gym for kids ages 3 to 7, and another for teens with a teens-only hot tub and space for outdoor parties. Movies Under the Stars is the line’s huge outdoor movie theater that plays poolside features on the top deck after the sun sets. The 300-square-foot screen broadcasts kid- and teen-friendly movies, as well as fun-for-thewhole-gang blockbusters, and live sporting events and awards shows. Princess offers an Adventures Ashore tour program with shore excursions appropriate for families. Plus, the line’s Discovery at Sea program features special excursions and activities inspired by programming such as Shark Week. SUMMER 2018 19

Circle C pre-teens (12 to 14) and Club O2 teens (15 to 17) have their own spaces, and kids have access to regular dance and pool parties, special teens-only shore excursions and PlayStation and Xbox consoles.

#4 Carnival Cruise Line

Kid-Friendly Features A huge draw for kids on all ships is WaterWorks, an aqua park with a variety of water slides, sprayers, soakers and even a dump bucket. Kids can play in the pool, as well as SportSquare, an outdoor activity area with a mini-golf course, basketball courts and foosball tables, and the thrilling new SkyRide cycling attraction on Vista. A SplashZone (a tot-friendly section of WaterWorks with water sprayers and room for splashing) for younger kids also is on offer. Ships: Carnival Vista, Carnival Breeze, Carnival Dream and Carnival Magic Why...? Carnival Cruise Line’s Dream-class ships and its newest vessel, Vista, offer an array of onboard fun and do a great job accommodating kids of all ages, with separate clubs for the 2 to 11 set, tweens and teens. The ships offer a terrific variety of family activities and spaces, plus top-notch kids clubs. Families will make good use of two outdoor pools and SportsSquare; a multistory IMAX theater (Vista only); and some of the largest at-sea water parks. Ships Disney Dream, Disney Fantasy and Disney Magic Why...? Disney ships are ideal for families with kids ages 4 to 11, as Disney has the best facilities, dining schemes and programs for this age group. Disney Cruise Line has done a lot more to accommodate tweens and teens -- but its ships still hold the most appeal for the younger set. We prefer the line’s biggest ships, Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy, and the completely refurbished Disney Magic, though Disney Wonder can be a great choice, as well.

The Program Disney takes a separate-but-together approach to its kids programming, mainly to accommodate siblings and friends traveling together. The Oceaneer Club and Oceaneer Lab allow children ages 3 to 12 to access the same spaces but with programming geared toward each younger and older children. 20 SUMMER 2018

The Program The fleetwide Camp Ocean entertains cruisers ages 2 to 11 with marine-themes activities and more. Camp Ocean occupies a large chunk of upper-deck real estate, while the tween and teen clubs are separate from the little ones on lower decks. Toddlers ages 2 to 5 (called Penguins) have sing-alongs and dabble in arts and crafts. Stingrays ages 6 to 8 get to design custom aquariums and take part in Pirate Game Night. Sharks ages 9 to 11 play music Jeopardy, design their own cruise ships and play sports like basketball and volleyball.

Watch movies outside on the Dream-class ships at the Seaside Theatre, a 22-foot jumbo screen. Breeze is home to the Thrill Theater, a 3D-movie joint with “multidimensional effects” (think seats moving, wind blowing and even water splashing during films). On Vista, a huge Multiplex Lobby screens flicks in both an IMAX Theater and a Thrill Theater. Families can cavort on a deceptively scary ropes course or take part in Carnival’s “Hasbro, The Game” show, a friendly competition and stage show with games as prizes.

#5 Disney Cruise Line

On all three ships, the Oceaneer Club offers several themed play areas, including Andy’s Room (from “Toy Story”). On Fantasy, you’ll find Monsters Academy (inspired by “Monsters, Inc.”), while on Magic you’ll encounter Marvel’s Avengers Academy, a S.H.I.E.L.D. command post where kids can interact with the Avengers through a virtual game. A new addition to Dream is a replica of the Millennium Falcon from “Star Wars.”

Kid-Friendly Features Mickey’s Pool, for the youngest cruisers, is on one side of the ship, and an adults-only pool is located on the other, with Donald’s Pool in the center for families or general use. The popular AquaDuck waterslide is a big hit with families on Fantasy and Dream, while the AquaDunk thrills onboard Disney Magic. On Fantasy and Magic, the AquaLab has sprayers and geysers perfect for the smallest passengers.

City of Port Orange Parks and Recreation Presents

June 11 - August 3 Elementary Program Ages 5-12 $450 per camper Limited to 150 campers

Teen Travel Program

The Elementary Camp is a five (5) day a week program; Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Ages 12-14 $550 per camper Limited to 65 campers

Location: Silver Sands Middle School Loc

The Teen Travel Program is a four (4) day a week program; Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The Field Trip Package is $175 for ages 8-12 and consists of six (6) field trips throughout the program.

Location: Port Orange Gymnasium Loc

Registration starts on March 12, 2018 Register at the Port Orange Gymnasium - 4655 City Center Circle To reserve your spot in our program, a 25% deposit is required and all balances must be paid in full by June 8, 2018. For more information please contact Peter Ferreira at 386-506-5864 or pferreira@port-orange.org Parks and Recreation

SUMMER 2018 21

SUMMER Camps 2018 Academic Camps Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Advanced Robotics Camp Who: Students Ages 7-13 When: July 9 - July 13, 2018 Tuition: $400 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Aerospace Camp Who: Students Ages 15-18 When: July 15 - August 4, 2018 Tuition: $4,100 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Aerospace Career Exploration Camp Who: Students Ages 12-18 Alpha: June 17 - June 23, 2018 Bravo: June 24 – June 30, 2018 Charlie: July 8- July 14, 2018 Delta: July 29 - August 4, 2018 Tuition: $950 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Aviation Camp Who: Students Ages 7-12 When: June 18 - June 22, 2018 Tuition: $325 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Aviation Voyage Camp Who: Students Ages 12-18 When: July 22 - July 28, 2018 Tuition: $2,250 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Computer Engineering Camp Who: Students Ages 14-18 When: July 29 - August 4, 2018 Tuition: $950 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer

22 SUMMER 2018

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Computer Science & Animation Camp Who: Female Students Ages 12-14 When: June 11 - June 15, 2018 Tuition: $325 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Flight Exploration Camp Tuition for Flight Exploration includes supervised housing, on-campus meals, flight fees, flight instruction, ground lab instruction, flight materials and books. Who: Students Ages 12-18 When: Alpha: June 17 - June 23, 2018 Bravo: June 24 – June 30, 2018 Charlie: July 15 - July 21, 2018 Tuition: $2,050 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University GEMS Camp Who: Female Students Ages 7-12 When: June 4 - June 8, 2018 Tuition: $325 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Space Camp Who: Students Ages 7-12 When: July 23 - July 27, 2018 Where: Daytona Beach, FL Tuition: $325 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Physics and Astronomy Who: Students Ages 7-12 When: June 4 - June 8, 2018 Where: Daytona Beach, FL Tuition: $325 600 South Clyde Morris Blvd., Daytona Beach 386-226-7945; summer@erau.edu www.daytonabeach.erau.edu/summer

Stetson University Engineering for Kids Camp Adventures in Minecraft Weeks Offered: July 16-20, 2018 Hours: Half Day 1 pm - 4 pm Ages: Grades 1st to 6th Cost: $225.00 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, Florida 32723 386-822-7100 http://www.stetson.edu/administration/continuing-education/little-hatters Stetson University Engineering for Kids Camp 3D Modeling & Printing: Minecraft Creations Weeks Offered: July 16-20, 2018 Hours: Half Day 1 pm - 12 pm Ages: Grades 3rd to 6th Cost: $225.00 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, Florida 32723 386-822-7100 http://www.stetson.edu/administration/continuing-education/little-hatters Stetson University Engineering for Kids Camp Coding Games in Scratch Weeks Offered: July 16-20, 2018 Hours: Half Day 1 pm - 12 pm Ages: Grades 1st to 3rd Cost: $225.00 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, Florida 32723 386-822-7100 http://www.stetson.edu/administration/continuing-education/little-hatters Stetson University Engineering for Kids Camp Rescue Robots Weeks Offered: July 09-13, 2018 Hours: Half Day 1 pm - 4 pm Ages: Grades 1st to 6th Cost: $225.00 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, Florida 32723 386-822-7100 http://www.stetson.edu/administration/continuing-education/little-hatters Stetson University Engineering for Kids Camp Galaxy of the Last Engineer Weeks Offered: July 09-13, 2018 Hours: Half Day 1 pm - 12 pm Ages: Grades 1st to 6th Cost: $225.00 421 N. Woodland Blvd., DeLand, Florida 32723 386-822-7100 http://www.stetson.edu/administration/continuing-education/little-hatters

SUMMER Camps 2018 Odyssey Adventure Club STEM Camp Robotics and Coding - build, create, and compete with Lego Mindstorms, EV3, Dash and Dot, Ozobot robots; MakerSpace - creating, tinkering, building, become a Young Engineer! Weeks of July 24 and 31 Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Ages: 9 - 12 Cost: $225wk Pine Trail Elementary 386-871-0469 steve.oac@gmail.com odysseyadventureclub.com Integral Academy Summer Math/Reading/Science Camp Hours: 9:00 am - 12 pm or 3:00 - 6:00 pm Grades: Elementary, Middle & High School Cost: $60 per week, per program 2 Pine Lakes Parkway North, Suite 1 Palm Coast, Florida 32137 (386) 302-5710 website: www.integralmathacademy.com email: integralmathacademy@gmail.com Museum of Arts & Sciences ** Ad Inside ** 2018 Summer Learning Institute Focusing on art, science and history, with many integrated learning experiences for students. All classes are taught by education professionals with many years of teaching experience. Weeks Offered: June 11- August 3 Hours/Days: Monday through Friday (class time varies with age group) Grades/Ages: 4-13 years old Cost: Prices Vary from $85/$95 per class, to $170/$190 per class based on membership and class type 352 S. Nova Road, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386-255-0285 www.moas.org

Art Camps Atlantic Center for the Arts Summer Art Camp Ages: 6-12 Weeks Offered: June 5 – July 27, 2018 Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 AM - 2 PM Cost: $105 for ACA members; $130 nonmembers, Pre-registration required. Scholarships are available for each session 123 Douglas Street at the Yurick Studios, ACA Downtown 386-402-7517 community@atlanticcenterforthearts.org atlanticcenterforthearts.org/community/summerart-camp

Camp Create The Museum of Art - DeLand’s Camp Create weekly sessions provide a great platform for kids to explore ideas, study art, learn art vocabulary, and make connections between art and literacy through a variety of art media taught by professional Volusia County teachers. Ages: 6-12 Hours: 9:00 am -4:00 pm, Monday-Friday Cost: $160 per Week for Members $185 for Non-Members Museum Of Florida Art 600 North Woodland Blvd., Deland 386-734-4371 www.museumoffloridaart.org Creative Me! Art Studio Creative Me Art Studio will offer many different opportunities to immerse your child into the wonderful world of art. Camp Week: 5/28-6/1, 6/4-6/8, 6/11-6/15, 6/18-6/22, 6/25-6/29, 7/2-7/6, 7/9-7/13, 7/167/20, 7/23-7/27 Half/Full: Half Day Morning, Half Day Afternoon, Full Day Hours: Mon. thru Fri. Extended Care: 9:00 am - 12 pm or 1 pm - 4 pm Grades: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School Age: 5 and up Daily is $35 and weekly is $175 132 Everest Lane – Suite # 3, St. Johns, FL, 32259 904-770-2222 www.creativemeartstudio.com/calendar

Dance Camps European School of Performing Arts Each intensive offers approximately 18 - 20 hours of dance per week focusing on Classical Ballet Technique, Modern, Jazz, Hip Hop and Musical Theater Dance. 360 Tomoka Avenue, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-677-6316 espa@espadance.com www.espadance.com ACE Gymnastics Summer Dance Camp Join us for the BEST Summer ever! A great mix of fun, friends, arts & crafts with physical fitness and gymnastics!!! Weeks Offered: June 4 – August 10 Hours: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm Mon - Fri Ages: 5 and Up Cost: from $55 4431 Eastport Parkway, Port Orange, FL, 32127 (386) 760-1445 acedaytonagymnastics@gmail.com www.acegymnastics-daytona.com

Faith-Based Camps United Methodist Christian School Summer Camp Can-Do Ages: Preschool to 5th grade Weeks Offered: May 28th – Aug 3rd Hours: 7:30 am - 5:45 pm Grades: K-5 Cost: $50.00 reg fee 5200 Belle Terre Parkway, Palm Coast Hours: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm, Monday – Friday 386-445-2344; umcs.office@gmail.com www.palmcoastpreschool.com Esformes Hebrew Academy ** Ad Inside ** Camp Gan Israel of Volusia County 1079 W. Granada Blvd. Ormond Beach 386.672.9300; chabaddaytona@aol.com www.cgidaytonabeach.com Warner Christian Academy ** Ad Inside ** Hours: Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Weeks Offered: May 31st - August 3rd Ages: K5 - 6th grade Cost: $25 per day/$80 per week with additional field trips available Breakfast, lunch, and snack provided at no additional cost 1730 South Ridgewood Avenue, South Daytona (386) 767-5451 summercamp@wcaeagles.org www.wcaeagles.org/summercamp

Childcare & School Camps Kid City USA Join Kid City USA for an interactive, fun-filled Summer Camp Program. A place “Where Kids Can BEE Kids”. We will spend the summer exploring, learning and growing with hands-on activities at each of our beautiful Central Florida locations. We will travel on exciting field trips to the zoo, the movies, Orlando Science Center, Sea World, the Crayola Experience, bowling, and many more! Vsit us online at www.KidCityUSA.com Weeks Offered: May 30th – Aug 8th Ages: K-6th / 5 to 12 Years Old Hours: 6:00 am - 6:30 pm Cost: $130 a week Locations: Port Orange: 3911 S. Nova Road, (386) 763-2002 712 Reed Canal Rd. South Daytona FL 32119, (386)322-0103 Ormond Beach: 362 Hand Avenue, (386) 673-2339 50 Coolidge Ave. Ormond Beach FL 32174, (386)673-2339 SUMMER 2018 23

SUMMER Camps 2018 Flagler County Youth Center Summer Camp Weeks Offered: June 4th – July 28th Hours: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm Cost: $165 / $130 siblings 386-437-7540, ext. 5101 5510 East State Road 100, Palm Coast http://flagleryouthcenter.com/summer Flagler Schools Community Education Summer Camp Programs Summer Camp provides a safe and enriching environment for children from Kindergarten through 8th grade while their parents work. Weeks Offered: June 4th – July 28th Hours: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Mon – Fri Before & After Care Available at no add’l cost Grades: K-8 Cost: from $85wk $20 reg fee Includes Breakfast, Lunch, Trips & Supplies Wadworth Elementary – Buddy Taylor Middle (386) 446-6717 http://fce.flaglerschools.com/fce/summer-camp Roma Court Academy ** Ad Inside ** Summer Camp Program Our Summer Camp is a popular pick for area parents looking to make sure their child’s summer break is well balanced with fun, discovery and learning. Ages: 5-12 Hours: 6:30 am – 6:00pm Cost: $100Wk / $25 Day 515 Palm Coast Parkway SW Suite 27, Palm Coast 386-445-0834 info@romacourtacademy.com www.romacourtacademy.com Sunshine Academy Summer Camp Program Sunshine Academy Summer Camp Teachers Develop Lesson Plans Based Upon Our Themes. From These Themes, We Plan Our Weekly Field Trips to Ensure That Our Program Is Simultaneously Fun & Educational. Weeks Offered: May 28th – August 3rd Hours/ Days: Monday - Friday 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM (up to 10 hours per day) Grades/Ages: Kindergarten - 4th Grade Cost: $125 Full Time / $30 scheduled / $35 Drop In (Breakfast, Lunch and Snack Provided) 1230 Palm Coast Pkwy. Palm Coast 386-445-2822, academyofsunshine@yahoo.com 170 Old Kings Road South, Flagler Beach 386-439-9985, sunshineacademy@yahoo.com www.academyofsunshine.com

Volusia Flagler Family YMCA Best Summer Ever – Day Camp Arts & Crafts, Field Trips Games & Sports, Team Building , Making friends, Swimming, And so much more ... Days Offered: M-F Hours/ Days: 7am-6pm Grades/Ages: 5-12 Cost: Member $85, Community Participant $100 Locations: DeLand Family YMCA Hours: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (386) 736-6000 ggrumoli@vfymca.org http://vfymca.org/locations/deland-family-ymca/ Four Townes Family YMCA Hours: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (386) 532-9622 lkammer@vfymca.org http://vfymca.org/locations/four-townes-family-ymca/ Holly Hill YMCA Hours: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (386) 253-5675 dmartin@vfymca.org http://vfymca.org/locations/holly-hill-family-ymca/ Port Orange Family YMCA Hours: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (386) 760-9622 dmartin@vfymca.org http://vfymca.org/locations/port-orange-family-ymca/ Ormond Beach Family YMCA Hours: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (386) 673-9622 rshelton@vfymca.org http://vfymca.org/locations/ormond-beach-family-ymca/ Southeast Volusia Family YMCA Hours: Monday – Friday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm (386) 409-9622 jcory@vfymca.org http://vfymca.org/locations/southeast-volusia-ymca/ City & County Parks & Recreation CampsCity of Ormond Beach Summer Program Camp T-Rec A camp for children with special needs ages 7-18 years old. Planned activities include sports, playground activities, arts/crafts, gym play, field trip to YMCA per week plus two fun field trips to area locations. A partnership with the City of Ormond Beach and City of Port Orange. Weeks Offered: 2 sessions available: Session 1 June 18-July 6 (No camp July 4) , Session 2 July 9-July 27 Hours/ Days: Monday-Friday 8:30am-2:30pm Grades/Ages: 7-18 years old with special needs Cost: Resident $246.00 per 3wk session,

YMCA Super Summer Adventure Camp We’re proud to have been voted the BEST SUMMER CAMP in Jacksonville for 2017. And, here’s a hint about our plans for Summer 2018: imagination will get you everywhere! Campers will discover new adventures, interests, skills, build self-confidence, make new friends and feel a sense of achievement. Above all, we focus on nurturing the potential of every camper and making summer fun! We have listed the date, times, hours and rates below, but please visit the website for detailed locations. Clay & Baker Counties Dates: June 11 – August 10, may vary by location Ages: 5-15, vary by location Monday – Friday 6:30am – 6:00pm, may vary by location Registration Fee: $50 Deposit: $15 / week Member: $92-$116 Non-member: $115-$145 Duval County Dates: June 4 – August 10, may vary by location Ages: 5-15, vary by location Monday – Friday 6:30am – 6:00pm, may vary by location Registration Fee: $50 Deposit: $15 / week Member: $108-$124 Non-member: $145-$155 Nassau County Dates: May 29 – August 3 Ages: 5-12 Monday – Friday 6:30am – 6:00pm, may vary by location Registration Fee: $50 Deposit: $15 / week Member: $108 Non-member: $135 St Johns County Dates: May 29 – August 9, may vary by location Ages: 5-15, vary by location Monday – Friday 6:30am – 6:00pm, may vary by location Registration Fee: $50 Deposit: $15 / week Member: $116-$124 Non-member: $145-$155 City of Ormond Beach Summer Program Enviro Camp Enviro camp uses games, crafts, and activities to teach kids about the environment, nature, history, science and more! Weeks Offered: June 4-August 3 (No camp scheduled July 2nd- July 6th) Hours/ Days: Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Grades/Ages: 7-10 Cost: $106.00 per week Environmental Discovery Center -601 Division Ave. Ormond Beach, FL 32174 386-676-3216 www.ormondbeach.org or www.thecasements.net Summer Camps 2018 continued on page 26

24 SUMMER 2018

• archery • arts & crafts • canoeing • fishing • games • kayaking • paintball • swimming

• riflery • water toys • zip line • Corcl’s • Standup Paddle Boards • Wet Willie Slide


YMCA CAMP WINONA 898 Camp Winona Road DeLeon Springs, FL 32130 386.985.4544 | campwinona.org SUMMER 2018 25

SUMMER Camps 2018 City of Ormond Beach ~ Summer Program Summer Connection Day Camp Planned activities include sports, splash pad, playground activities, arts/crafts, tutoring, gym play, computer lab, 1 local field trip per week. Weeks Offered: (2) 4wk sessions ~ Session 1: 6/11/17 – 7/6/17 (closed July 4th) , Session 2: 7/9/17 – 8/3/17 Hours/ Days: Mon. thru Fri. 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Ages: 6 -13 Cost: City of Ormond Beach Residents $225 per 4-week Session, Non-city Residents $327 per 4-week Session City of Ormond Beach Residents $68 per week, Non-city Residents $ 102 per week, So. Ormond Neighborhood Center 176 Division Avenue, Ormond Beach 32174 676-3250 www.ormondbeach.org City of Palm Coast ~ Summer Program Fun in the Sun Summer Camp Your child’s day will be filled with a variety of age-appropriate, fun-filled, themed activities, such as arts and crafts, stories, recreational games, nature hikes, swimming, and special guest presentations. Campers registered for the Fun in the Sun Summer Camp are eligible for the free lunch program provided by the Flagler County School District (Flagler County is not a peanut free school district). Field trips are scheduled weekly. Field trips are optional and require pre-registration and payment of applicable fee. After-hours Camp Pick Up Your kids will have plenty of time to wind down from a full day of camp activities from 4:30-6pm as they relax waiting for pick-up during our After-Hours Camp care program. Days/Dates: Monday - Friday June 4 - Aug. 3 (No camp on Wednesday, July 4) Times: 7:30am-4:30pm Location: Palm Coast Community Center Grades: K-8 (grade just completed) Cost: $80/week www.palmcoastgov.com/camps City of Palm Coast ~ Firefighter Kids Camp Campers will visit a fire station and use regulation fire equipment. They will learn firefighting techniques, the concept of CPR and first aid, home and fire safety and how to properly use a fire extinguisher. Bring a bathing suit and towel on Wednesday for pool days! Days/Dates: Monday - Friday June 18 - June 22 Times: 8:30-11:30am Fire Station 25 Grades: 3-5 (grade just completed) Cost: $60/week www.palmcoastgov.com/camps 26 SUMMER 2018

City of Palm Coast ~ Golf Summer Camp Learn the game of golf during these fun-filled days of short game, full swing, putting, golf etiquette, sportsmanship, and friendly competition. Open to all skill levels. Lunch, snacks, & drinks included. Family discounts available. Pre-registration required. Days/Dates: Monday - Thursday June 11-14 (registration deadline: June 3) June 25-28 (registration deadline: June 18) July 9-12 (registration deadline: July 5) Times: 9am-1pm Palm Harbor Golf Course Ages: 6-16 years Cost: $185/participant/week www.palmcoastgov.com/camps City of Palm Coast ~ Tennis Summer Camp This camp uses team games and activities to introduce campers to tennis and develop athletic skills while fostering a love for the sport. Campers should come with athletic clothes and shoes, swimsuit (for pool days), water bottle, sunscreen, lunch, snacks and drinks. Sibling discount is available in the same transaction. Pre-registration is required. Days/Dates: Monday - Friday June 11 - Aug. 3 Times: 9am-4pm Belle Terre Park Ages: 6-13 years Cost: $179 per week OR $40 per day www.palmcoastgov.com/camps City of Palm Coast ~ Jr. Lifeguard Camp The Junior Lifeguard Camp offers step-by-step lifeguarding skill development. Learn water safety, lifeguard rescues, and First Aid CPR/AED in a weekend camp. Class attendees will receive a CPR mask, Red Cross whistle and T-shirt. Days/Dates: Saturday and Sunday June 16-June 17 Times: 8am-12pm Frieda Zamba Swimming Pool Ages: 11-15 years Cost: $70/person www.palmcoastgov.com/camps City of South Daytona Summer Camp ** Ad Inside ** Weeks Offered: June 4-August 10 (no camp July 4) Hours: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Ages: 1-5 Cost: $11.00 one time T-shirt & Insurance fee $85.00 week, per child (includes trips) $90.00 week, per child (no city residents, includes trips) Registration begins May 1 at the Piggotte Community Center Due at registration: The $11.00 fee and 1st week fee, per child (386) 322-3070 www.southdaytona.org

Nocatee Summer Camp Residency will be verified. Camp Week: 6/4-6/8, 6/11-6/15, 6/18-6/22, 6/25-6/29, 7/2-7/6, 7/9-7/13, 7/16-7/20, 7/237/27, 7/30-8/3 Half/Full: Full Day Hours: MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Extended Care: AFTER CARE CAMP FEE: $30 per Week AFTER CARE TIMES: 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Grades: Elementary, Middle School Age: 5-12 years old CHILDREN MUST BE BORN ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1, 2012. $195 per Child per Week | ADDITIONAL SIBLING FEE: $165 per Sibling per Week Discounts: Additional Child Area: North St. Johns County 245 Nocatee Center Way, Ponte Vedra, FL, 32081 (904) 924-6858 Erin@nocatee.com St Johns County Parks and Recreation EXPLORATION CAMP Campers will have an exciting week chock-full of field trips while expanding their understanding of our local ecosystems, sustainability, and how to collect and analyze data like a scientist. Campers will also study the amazing wildlife in St. Johns County and participate in hands-on activities. Weeks Offered: July 23-27, July 23-27 Hours: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Ages: 5-8 and 9-12 Cost: $100 Ketterlinus Gym 60 Orange St., St. Augustine Kelly Ussia, kussia@sjcfl.us (904) 209-0335 Volusia County Junior Lifeguard Camps Weeks Offered: June 11th – Aug 3rd Hours: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Ages 9-15 Cost: $150 / Advanced: $200 Volusia County Headquarters 515 South Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach 386-547-0246; jrlifegaurd@volusia.org http://www.volusia.org/services/public-protection/beach-safety/lifeguard-corps/junior-lifeguard-program.stml St Johns County Parks and Recreation FRESHWATER FISH CAMP Weeks Offered: July 23-27, July 23-27 Hours: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Ages: 5-8 and 9-12 Cost: $170, includes one rod and reel, tackle box, and tackle. Trout Creek Community Center 6795 Collier Rd. off of SR-13 AyoLane Halusky, ahalusky@sjcfl.us. (904) 209-0348 Summer Camps 2018 continued on page 28

SUMMER 2018 27

SUMMER Camps 2018 Volusia County Recreation Camp Children can take part in playground activities, arts and crafts, and field trips Hours / Days: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Grades/Ages: Ages 5 to 15 Cost: $65 a week plus a one-time $15 registration fee Daniel Marsh, 386-736-5953, ext. 16767 www.volusia.org/recreation

Music Camps Stetson University Musical Theater Technique Camp Ages: High School Juniors & Seniors, Incoming College Freshmen Dates: June 25th – 29th Hours: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday Cost: $300 per person *Box dinner included Stetson University Vocal Camp Week-long residential or day camp for high school singers Weeks Offered: July 9th – 13th Cost: $495 for residential campers $395 for commuters 421 N. Woodland Blvd, Deland, FL 32723 kshipper@stetson.edu (386) 682-0711 www.stetson.edu/music/community/music-workshops/ vocal-camp.php

Outdoor Adventure Camps Flagler Board Shack Surf Camp Weeks Offered: May 29th - August 3rd Ages: 7-17 Hours: 9am - 12:00pm Days: Monday - Thursday Cost: $200 per child 211 S. 3rd Street, Flagler Beach 32136 386-439-0055 info@flaglerboardshack.com Florida Agricultural Museum Summer Horse Camp Summer Camp is one of our most popular programs at the Florida Agricultural Museum. Your child will learn Horse safety and behavior, Grooming, Daily Riding, games and crafts... Weeks Offered: June 4th – July 27th Ages: 8-16 Hours: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, Monday- Friday Cost: $250 7900 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast, FL 32136 386-446-7630 info@floridaagmuseum.org www.floridaagmuseum.org/summer-camp.html

28 SUMMER 2018

Marineland Dolphin Adventure Seaside Eco-Adventures (S.E.A.) Camp I & II Join our S.E.A. Camp crew for a fun-filled week of science, activities, exploration, beachcombing and of course, dolphins! Campers will spend their days outside enjoying the beach and exploring the intracoastal hammock ecosystem. Science experiments, conservation projects and animal observations are all included in this oneof-kind day camp experience. Our S.E.A. camps will conclude with an exciting in-water dolphin encounter and a formal graduation ceremony. Weeks Offered: June 11– August 3 Ages: 7-9, S.E.A. Camp I Ages 10 – 12, S.E.A. Camp II Cost: $550 Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. *Friday will be a half-day 9600 Oceanshore Blvd, St Augustine, FL 32080 904-460-1330 education@marineland.net www.marineland.net

St Augustine Surf School We are family owned and operated. Includes fresh snacks, T-shirt and end of the week Mellow Mushroom pizza party. This will be our 8th year of running surf camp in St. Augustine. We look forward to seeing you at camp! Camp Week: 5/28-6/1, 6/4-6/8, 6/11-6/15, 6/18-6/22, 6/25-6/29, 7/2-7/6, 7/9-7/13, 7/167/20, 7/23-7/27, 7/30-8/3, 8/6-8/10, 8/13-8/17, 8/20-8/24, 8/27-8/31 Half/Full: Half Day Morning Monday - Thursday (Friday is a makeup day) Hours: 9am-12:30pm Grades: Elementary, Middle School, High School Age: 7-16 year olds $185.00 Area: St. Augustine 2 Mary Street, St. Augustine, FL (904) 806-4754 staugustinesurf@gmail.com www.staugustinesurf.com/surf-camp

Summer Camps 2018 continued on page 30

Register Today for Our Summer Camps! K

ids ages 7-12 and teens 13-17 can make a splash and have a blast at our S.E.A. and T.E.E.N. Camps! Head to Marineland Dolphin Adventure for a week overflowing with science, activities, exploration, beach combing, and dolphin fun!

Sessions run Monday–Friday from June–August. Space is limited, so reserve your child’s week of adventure today.


Located Just South of St. Augustine on Scenic A1A

Naturally More Fun

Marineland.net • 877.933.3402 9600 Oceanshore Boulevard • St. Augustine, Florida 32080

$10 OFF Camp Registration*

Frequently Asked Questions online: Find in “Notes” tab on Facebook @AbilityTreeFC Call Joanne for additional info (855) 288-6735 EXT. 5

Dates June 11 - August 3 8AM-3PM Extended Day Available

* Limit one per customer. Valid until 5/01/18. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Guests must present ad to receive discount. PMSC18

Special Needs rate: $250.00 per session or $60.00 per day

Each session is 1 week, Monday-Friday no session week of July 2

Sibling rate: $185.00 per session or $40.00 per day

Ahoy, Mateys! Out to Sea .1 How Does Your Garden Grow? .2 Master Chefs .3 Lights. Camera. Action. .4 The Sounds of Music .5 All creatures big and small .6 Little Picasos .7

Extended Day (3PM-5PM) $10.00 per day; not to exceed $20/family



SUMMER 2018 29

St. Augustine Alligator Farm & Zoological Park Summer Camp Kids will go wild over our exciting zoo camps! All camps include zoo tours, hands-on animal presentations, shows, crafts, games, and much more! Lunch and a snack will be provided each day. A camp t-shirt and water bottle is included in each week-long camp session. Weeks Offered: June 3rd – August 3rd Hours: 9am – 4pm Grades: For students entering 1st – 6th grade Cost: $225/members or $250/non-members (price for the week) 999 Anastasia Blvd., St. Augustine, FL 32080 904-824-3337 ext. 29, TMia@alligatorfarm.com www.alligatorfarm.com

Sports Camps Academy of Martial Arts ** Ad Inside ** Come Join us for fun exciting field trips, structured activities, Martial Arts classes, and bully prevention and resolution training. Hours / Days: 8:00 am-5:45 pm / Monday thru Friday Dates: May 31st thru August 10th Grades/Ages: (Must be going into Kindergarten in Fall) 4 -14 years old Cost: As low as 79 dollars a week! Ormond Beach- 615 S. Yonge St., Ormond Beach, Fl. 32174 South Daytona - 1973 S. Ridgewood Ave. South Daytona, Fl. 32119 386-677-6811 ukdfl@aol.com www.amafl.com Embry Riddle University Athletic Camps Baseball The Embry-Riddle Baseball Camps will provide instruction on the fundamentals of hitting, pitching and defense. The camp also includes swimming and games, lunch, a t-shirt, and awards ceremony and a certificate of participation. Weeks Offered: May 29 - June 1, June 18-22 Ages: 6-12 – Boys Only Cost: $215 / $380 for both sessions Embry-Riddle’s Sliwa Stadium Chuck Stegall stegallc@erau.edu or 386-323-5015 Steve Ridder Basketball Camps Individual Camps Weeks Offered: June 12-16 Coed Camp Ages 6-14 Cost: $235wk – Lunch Provided Weeks Offered: July 10-14 Coed Camp Ages 8-16 Cost: $235wk – Lunch Provided Embry Riddle ICI Center 386-323-5007, kellerc@erau.edu

30 SUMMER 2018

Pak’s Karate Summer Camp ** Ad Inside ** We offer a safe alternative to your Summer Break; our weekly themed Summer Camp is led by qualified instructors whom are Leaders within the Community. We start off the Summer with our Premiere Surf Camp; Traditional Martial Arts; Fitness Training; Weekly Arts & Crafts; Museum Tours and end the Summer with an awesome Beach Party! Weeks Offered: June 5-9; 12-16; 19-23; 26-30. July 10-14; 17-21; 24-28; 31-Aug 4 Hours: 9:00 am -4:00 pm *earlier drop off/pick up times available upon request* Ages: Elementary, Middle, High School Cost: $90 weekly 2323 N State Street Unit 6 386 868 6490 pakskarateacademy@gmail.com www.maofpc.com

Resident/Overnight Camps Gnarly Charley Surf Series Summer Overnight Surf Camps Weeks Offered: June 11th-15th / July 9th-13th Cost: $850 27th Avenue South, New Smyrna Beach 386-690-SURF gnarlycharley@hotmail.com www.gnarlycharleysurfseries.com YMCA Camp Winona Summer Camp Live the Experience At Camp Winona. Come Experience the YMCA Camp Winona activities this summer! You can swim, jump the Blob, ride down the Wet Willie Slide, paddle in our canoes, paddle boards, or kayaks, enjoy the gaga pit, campfires, hiking, archery, and so much more! Weeks Offered: June 4th – July 14th Cost: $550 Ages: 6-15 YMCA Camp Winona Teen Camp Weeks Offered: June 4-9 Cost: $550 Ages: 13-16 YMCA Camp Winona Mini Camps- Boys Weeks Offered: June 11th -13th Cost: $195 Ages: 6-8 YMCA Camp Winona Mini Camps- Girls Weeks Offered: June 11th -13th Cost: $195 Ages: 6-8 898 Camp Winona Road, DeLeon Springs, FL 32130 Phone: 386.985.4544 Website: campwinona.org

Special Needs Camps CampAbility Special Day Camp 2018 ** Ad Inside ** Ability Tree First Coast is a nonprofit agency with a mission to reach families impacted by disability through Recreation, Education, Support and Training (R.E.S.T.). CampAbility is our summer day camp. We provide educational and therapeutic summer services to elementary-aged children with special needs in a fun and safe environment. Camp Week: 6/11-6/15, 6/18-6/22, 6/25-6/29, 7/2-7/6, 7/9-7/13, 7/16-7/20, 7/23-7/27, 7/30-8/3 Half/Full: Full Day June 11 - August 3 Hours: 8:00AM - 5:00PM Grades: Elementary Age: entering kindergarten - 5th grade (this includes siblings) Full-time rate: child with special needs - $250/ session, sibling - $185/session Part-time/daily rate: child with special needs - $60/day, sibling - $40/day Area: St. Augustine St. Johns Academy, St. Augustine, FL, 32086 9044948583 firstcoast@abilitytree.org The Chase Academy CAMP CHASE Serving the Spectrum Community Summer does not have to be a time of languishing skills and lost learning. The Chase Academy has summer explorations available for each age group to help maintain and develop skills that are unique to kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Summer is a prime time to learn something different and something new. The Chase Academy is here to help build a better, more productive summer for kids with ASD. Weekly activity camps include games, activities and a field trip. Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, $125 per week, and one time registration fee of $25. TCAofVolusia.org 2400 S. Ridgewood, #17 South Daytona, FL 32119 386-690-0893

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www.HalifaxYouthSailing.org SUMMER 2018 31



Birthday Party Basics: Five Building Blocks for a Successful At-Home Bash by Lara Krupicka

Many parents face their children's birthdays with a mixture of joy and dread - joy at being able to celebrate with their child and dread over how they're going to go about that celebration and how much it will cost. The athome birthday party, once the universal form of celebration has been largely replaced by a variety of venues offering party services. And parents often turn to these places out of a desire to avoid the difficulty of hosting the party themselves. But planning and hosting a birthday party can be simple if you work with five basic building blocks. Theme The most basic building block and the foundation on which all the others will rest is your party theme. It also will be the easiest since most kids have an idea of what "kind" of party they'd like to have long before their birthday rolls 18 • Summer 2014 / www.flaglerparent.com


around. You'll find with a theme in mind, many of the other pieces will fall in place. Food A group of active kids is going to need fuel. You'll want to consider how much of your party you want to devote to eating when choosing the time of day to hold your bash. Mid-afternoon parties meaning serving lunch. Late afternoon parties lend themselves to fun munchies. As you lay out your party plan, be sure to leave time for eating, even if it's simply designating "cake time". And if you're serving a meal, make sure you've planned time (at the right time) to get everyone served and fed. Marnie Ann Pacino, author of Cool Party, Mom!, suggests keeping the food simple, particularly since kids can be picky eaters. But simple doesn't

have to be boring. "Make it fun!" says Pacino. "The simplest of snacks can be partied up by serving them in a new way." Check out the sidebar for two of her fun food ideas. Particularly if you've got a crowd of older kids, creating the food can become a bigger portion of your party time. Build-your-own mini pizzas make a great meal kids enjoy both preparing and consuming. Or set up a taco bar and let them get creative. Games and special activities Silly party games make up the body structure of a successful at-home party. This is your chance to let the crowd wiggle and giggle and run around. To prevent the wildness from getting out of hand, intersperse your games throughout the party. Play one game early on to get things rolling. Then switch to another activity before play-

ing another game. And always plan more games than you think you'll need. They tend to go much quicker than you realize when played by a group of lively kids. Three to five games usually fit well into a 2 to 2 ½ hour party. And remember to look for ways to customize the games to fit your party theme. A game of "Doggy, Doggy, Where's Your Bone?" can become "Slipper, Slipper, Who's Got the Glass Slipper?" for a princess party. You can also capitalize on your party's theme by planning themerelated activities, such as a treasure hunt for a Pirate party or an "archeological dig" for an Egyptian-themed party. These activities frequently become the highlight of home-based parties and kids will talk about them long after the party. Don't be afraid to break out the board games, particularly if they fit your theme. Engaging a few guests in a game of "Pretty, Pretty Princess" while the others work on a princess crown craft can make the process smoother and enjoyable for everyone. Be sure to pick one with a short game-play time to keep the party rolling. Some good websites for party games are: http://urbanext.illinois.edu/party/games .html (particularly good for older kids & tweens) http://www.partygameideas.com http://www.birthdaypartyideas.com Crafts Add some dimension to your party by offering a craft activity. Not big on crafts? As Pacino points out, "The best part of crafting with kids is that you do not need to be a craft diva with a glue stick tucked behind your ear". Giving kids a chance to make something with their hands builds both a quieter activity and a takehome gift into your party plan. For younger children you'll want to stay away from crafts involving glue or paint. Keep the activity as simple as possible and enlist a few parents to stick around for extra sets of hands during this part of your party. Take care in planning the timing of your craft. If the item involves a drying

or setting time to finish, make certain to do it early in your party to allow adequate time. Presents Presents cap off the at-home party. While many party sites discourage kids from opening presents with their friends, home parties make the ideal setting for this. Kids love to watch their friend's reaction to their gift and enjoy seeing what other gifts are given. Planning this activity into your party not only rounds out the schedule, but allows for some fun interaction. Make this an event by providing the birthday child a special place to sit while opening, so all the guests can see him. You can also add a second chair beside the first for the gift giver to watch up close as his present is opened. This helps avoid any complaints about missing out on the action. With these five building blocks, you're well on your way to building an amazing party. Simply adjust each element to reflect the particular theme of your child's party and you'll have a party you can be proud of.

Fun Party Food Ideas

Apple Smiles Spread peanut butter (or SunButter for those with nut allergies) between two apple slices. Add mini-marshmallow teeth and raisin cavities (from the book, Cool Party, Mom! The Classroom Edition).

Wormy Burgers The day before the party add chopped, cooked spaghetti noodles to mini-hamburger patties, and grill as usual. Refrigerate overnight and re-heat in the oven. Serve the Wormy Burgers on dollar rolls (from the book, Cool Party, Mom!)

www.bradymediainc.com /Summer 2014 • 19 SUMMER 2017 33

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10 Items to Pack in Your Child’s Camp Lunch My daughter plays hard at day camp and spends long hours in the heat. She comes home filthy and exhausted. She was also coming home absolutely starving until I figured out what to pack in her lunchbox to keep her fueled all day. The standard lunch I'd been sending to school just wasn't cutting it for camp. Here are some suggestions for items to pack in your campers lunchbox to keep them satisfied all day... by Rachel Moshman

Two sandwiches One just wasn't enough! She's having light bologna with mustard and 2% American cheese this week. Last week, it was ham, cucumber, avocado and carrots rolled up in a tortilla.

Fresh veggies My daughter is so hungry at camp that she'll even eat whatever vegetables I throw in there! I have given her celery, baby carrots, bell pepper slices and grape tomatoes. The baggie almost always comes home empty!

A breakfast bar or muffin My daughter is usually too sleepy or rushed to sit down for breakfast in the morning. Throwing something she can easily munch on once she gets to camp has worked out well. It's also a good midmorning snack on days that she does eat breakfast at home. I have a big batch of homemade carrot/zucchini muffins in the freezer and either toss one of those or an oats and fiber bar in her lunchbox.

Frozen grapes They help keep the lunch cool and are defrosted when it's time to eat. I throw in other fresh fruit as well.

Protein rich snacks Peanut butter on whole grain crackers, slices of lunch meat, turkey jerky and pistachios are commonly found in my daughter's lunchbox. Yogurt, hardboiled eggs and string cheese are also good options. 28 May 2016 2018 34 • SUMMER

A treat or money for the concession stand Sometimes I'll give her a brownie or small bag of chips. Other days, I toss in a dollar and let her choose something from the concession stand. She's active and burning off the calories, so I don't worry about her enjoying a treat. Sunscreen Putting it in the lunchbox helps remind kids to reapply it. It also keeps it cool, which feels refreshing on hot, sweaty skin.

Extra ice packs Most camps don't have refrigerators available and the lunches are sometimes outside for a long time before it is time to eat. No one wants to eat a warm lunch in the heat of summer. Invest in a good quality insulated lunchbox and ice packs. Love notes or mementos from home My daughter loves camp, but she misses home more than she does during a school day. Little notes or trinkets help her get through the day without too much homesickness. A refillable water bottle and flavor packets Fill the bottle with ice and water. Throw in some single serving pack drink mixes (lemonade, fruit punch, etc.) This will encourage your child to stay hydrated throughout the day. Playing outside in the hot sun all day takes a lot of energy. Most children need more food and hydration than normal. Pack plenty of healthy snacks and drinks, in addition to lunch, to keep them going strong.

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3 Surprising Ways Pets Benefit Your Kids It’s 6 a.m. and you hear your baby whimpering. He’s probably hungry, but you just want to sleep a little longer. Nevertheless, like any good parent, you get out of bed to feed him. But you’re not feeding your infant son. You’re feeding Rocky, your beloved golden retriever who is such an integral part of your family that you’re willing to get up at the crack of dawn for him. Why do you care so much? And what does this special bond mean to your family? As you incorporate a pet into your family’s daily rhythm, he quickly wiggles his way into your hearts. He flashes his “I’ll-missyou” puppy dog eyes whenever you leave the house and greets you at the door when you come home. He wags his tail when you talk to him and curls up next to your kids, giving them a built-in snuggle buddy. In turn, your family celebrates his birthday, takes selfies with him, plays with him and takes him on vacation. It’s a two-way love-fest. “When I’m watching TV, Shadow sits on my chest and rubs his head against me,” explains Kevin, the “parent” of a 25 lb. cat. “He’s so heavy that it’s a little hard to breathe. Even though I’m gasping for air 14 • May 2016 36 SUMMER 2018

after a few minutes, I love his affection.” Dr. Brian Benjamin of Ohio Drive Animal Hospital in Plano, TX, understands the special bond. “We have clients who celebrate Christmas and hang a stocking on the fireplace with their pet’s name just like a kid in the family,” says Dr. Benjamin. 3 Surprising Ways Pets Benefit Your Kids According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, growing up with a pet can usher in a host of benefits. They learn how to be responsible. “In many ways, the pet becomes like a child because it depends on its owner for food, water, bathing and a clean, healthy environment,” says Dr. Benjamin. “And the child becomes like a parent because he takes on the responsibility of helping to care for the pet.” They learn big-picture lessons about the circle of life, from birth and illnesses to accidents and death. “Loss of a pet is always difficult,” explains Dr. Benjamin.

by Lisa A. Beach

“This can be the first time a child experiences the loss of a loved one. It can lay the groundwork and set the stage for what it means to lose a family member.” They often confide in their pets, treating them like a trusted confidant. Pets listen with no judgment, which helps kids share their feelings. And pets cuddle and provide comfort, which helps kids develop compassion and non-verbal communication skills. “I have a son who has special needs,” points out Dr. Benjamin, “and he sometimes relates to pets in the house more easily than he relates to people.” It’s not just the kids who benefit from pet-ownership. Parents can get in on the tail-wagging benefits, too. “People who share their houses with pets can have less overall stress because the pets act as a comforting factor,” says Dr. Benjamin. “Studies have shown that petting a purring cat can reduce heart rate and stress level.” This might just make up for all those mornings when you sacrifice extra shut-eye to get up and feed your “baby.”


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SUMMER 2018 37

feature feature

Simple Steps to Save Lives Learn how simple safety steps save lives in and around pools and spas. Parents and families can build on their current safety systems at pools and spas by adopting additional water safety steps. Adding as many proven water safety steps as possible is the best way to assure a safe and fun experience, because you can never know which one might save a child’s life—until it does. • Never leave a child unattended in a pool or spa and always watch your child when he or she is in or near water

• Install and use a lockable safety cover on your spa.

Keep children away from pool drains, pipes and other openings to avoid entrapments

• If your house serves as a fourth side of a fence around a pool, install door alarms and always use them. For additional protection, install window guards on windows facing pools or spas.

• Have a telephone close by when you or your family is using a pool or spa

• Install pool and gate alarms to alert you when children go near the water

• If a child is missing, look for him or her in the pool or spa first

• Ensure any pool and spa you use has compliant drain covers, and ask your pool service provider if you do not know

• Teach children basic water safety tips

• Share safety instructions with family, friends and neighbors • Learn how to swim and teach your child how to swim • Learn to perform CPR on children and adults, and update those skills regularly

38 2018 22 •SUMMER May 2015

• Understand the basics of life-saving so that you can assist in a pool emergency • Install a four-foot or taller fence around the pool and spa and use self-closing and self-latching gates; ask your neighbors to do the same at their pools.

• Maintain pool and spa covers in good working order • Consider using a surface wave or underwater alarm For more information and up to date resources on pool safety visit poolsafety.gov.

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SUMMER 2018 39

JANE’S REEL RATING SYSTEM One Reel – Even the Force can’t save it. Two Reels – Coulda been a contender Three Reels – Something to talk about. Four Reels – You want the truth? Great flick! Five Reels – Wow! The stuff dreams are made of.

MOVIES FOR KIDS & TEENS SUMMER 2018 THE SON OF BIGFOOT Rated PG for action/peril, thematic elements and some language. In Theaters 5/4. Ok for kids 6+. Reel Review: Teenage outsider Adam sets out on an epic and daring quest to uncover the mystery behind his long-lost dad, only to learn that he’s none other than the legendary Bigfoot! He’s been hiding deep in the forest for years to protect himself and his family from HairCo., a giant corporation eager to run scientific experiments with his special DNA. As father and son start to make up for lost time, Adam soon discovers that he is also gifted with superpowers beyond his imagination. But little do they know, HairCo. is hot on their trail. Directed by Ben Stassen and Jeremy Degruson, this cute family movie features the voice talent of Pappy Faulkner, Chris Parson and Terrence Stone.

THE BOXCAR CHILDREN – SURPRISE ISLAND Not yet rated; likely PG. In theaters 5/8 (one day only). Ok for kids 7+. Reel Preview: The Alden children have a home with their grandfather now – but their adventure is just beginning! The first surprise comes when they learn they’ll be spending the summer on their private island. A kind stranger who lives there is always happy to help the children out, but does this new friend have a secret? Based on the second book from the series by Gertrude Chandler, this family movie features the voice talent of Martin Sheen, J.K. Simmons, Joey King and Dane DeHaan.

DIGIMON ADVENTURE TRI: COEXISTENCE Not yet rated; likely PG. In theaters 5/10 (one day only). Ok for kids 7+. Reel Preview: Meicoomon once again begins to rampage when she sees her partner Meiko injured by a mysterious man. Meicoomon, who disappeared into the Real World, is a distortion itself - in possession of too much power, and a key to destroying the world. The arrival of Meicoomon starts the countdown to the Real World’s collapse. A series of abnormal phenomena occur, but the Digimon who appear through the distortions were waiting for this time to come. The DigiDestined are cast out of the Digital World, and after returning to the Real World, are driven away by people because of their accompanying partner Digimon. Meanwhile, a cruel fate is imminent for Kari.

40 SUMMER 2018

LU OVER THE WALL Rated PG for some peril and thematic elements. In Theaters 5/11. Ok for kids 7+. Reel Preview: This movie is a family-friendly take on the classic fairy tale about a little mermaid who comes ashore to join a middle-school rock band and propel them to fame. Kai is talented but adrift, spending his days sulking in a small fishing village after his family moves from Tokyo. His only joy is uploading his original songs to the Internet. When his classmates invite him to play keyboard in their band, their practice sessions bring an unexpected guest: Lu, a young mermaid whose fins turn to feet when she hears the beats, and whose singing causes humans to dance - whether they want to or not.

SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY Not yet rated; likely PG-13. In theaters 5/25. Ok for kids 12+. Reel Preview: Through a series of daring escapades deep within a dark and dangerous criminal underworld, Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) befriends his mighty future copilot Chewbacca and meets the notorious gambler Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover), in a journey that will set the course of one of the “Star Wars” saga’s most unlikely heroes.

SHOW DOGS Rated PG for suggestive and rude humor, language and some action. In theaters 5/18. Ok for kids 7+. Reel Preview: This family movie stars a charming and lovable cast of talking canine characters, including our hero Max (voiced by Ludacris), a rugged lone-wolf Rottweiler NYPD police dog. Max and his human FBI partner (Will Arnett) are investigating the kidnapping of a baby panda by an underground network of illegal animal traders when they get a tip that the crime ring is planning to sell the panda at the prestigious Canini Invitational Dog Show. The ultra-macho Max must undergo a makeover with the help of a seasoned trainer (Natasha Lyonne), including mud baths and ballet lessons, to go undercover in order to thwart the plot. In the hands of his new human handler Frank, Max gets in touch with his inner show dog and learns that trusting the help of others can sometimes be more rewarding than working alone. Scarlett Johansson, Bryan Cranston, Tilda Swinton, Bill Murray and Greta Gerwig.

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SUMMER 2018 43



Ten Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice

by Sue LeBreton

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, June 21 marks the longest day of the year and heralds the start of our beloved summer season. The summer solstice presents another opportunity for families to celebrate, bond and think about adding new rituals to their lives. In The Book of New Family Traditions, author Meg Cox, author says, “rituals and celebrations help kids feel connected and valued.” She emphasizes that parents who practice rituals routinely and reliably, “are sending a message very loudly that their kids aren’t just a bothersome distraction from plowing through the to-dolist but are the central focus of life.” What could be more fitting than celebrating with our children on a day that reminds us how central the sun is to all our lives? Use the following list of suggestions 10 •SUMMER Summer2018 2014 44

/ www.flaglerparent.com

as a stepping off point to spark your own solstice ritual. With the solstice falling on a weekend this year, you will be able to let the children stay up a bit later to participate. 1) Plan a scavenger hunt for all ages. For smaller children, number or alphabetize clues leading to treats and or some fun summer supplies. Consider sunglasses, sunscreen, bug catchers, coupons for an ice cream outing on the next hot day or glow in the dark necklaces. For tweens and teens try a homemade coupon for a special privilege. Summer can be a good time to practice new skills and boundaries. 2) Eat outside so that you are tuning into nature on this special day. Although a backyard barbecue is great, a change of scenery can add to the festive feel. Pack a picnic dinner and head to a local park.

3) Try a family sun salutation to greet the sun. A sun salute is a great, overall body stretch for the whole family and kids will be amused by a group downward dog. If there are no yogis in your house check out You Tube or Google a beginner’s version. 4) Make a wish. The summer solstice can be a time to reflect on what has been happening in your life since the winter solstice back in December. Is there something you would like to invite into your life? Write a wish down and burn it, sending the wish into the universe. This is fun to do outside but if the weather does not cooperate there are wishing papers that you can light inside. They rise and turn quickly to ash. Make your own or go to flyingwishpaper.com to purchase. 5) Start some summer resolutions. Take your lead from the movie Judy

Moody and the Not Bummer Summer and see if you and your family can develop a Thrill Point List for summer. What could you add to your list to make the summer of 2014 an exciting summer for everyone? Pull out the poster board and markers and let the creativity flow. 6) Stay up after dark and star gaze together. Contact your local observatory to see if they have a special public event. For novice star searches, borrow a book from the library to help you determine what you are seeing or use a free star finding app such as Stellarium or SkyORB. 7) Involve water in your ritual. To mark the arrival of summer can you go swimming, or if the water is still too cold can you all dip your toes in? How about a family water gun or water balloon battle? Your willingness to embrace a little mess can be a signal that the more relaxed summer is here.

8) Get your hands dirty and embrace the earth. It is not too late to plant. Consider planting in your vegetable garden for a fall harvest or add an annual to your flower garden to mark the occasion. 9) Bury any negatives. Has anyone in the family been struggling with something, like a habit they want to leave behind? Write down any behaviors or experiences you want to put behind you and bury them. Use the solstice as a restart button. 10) Invite special friends to join your celebration. Their presence will add to the joyous feel of your event. When planning your festivities try to capture the “we always”. Kids love the tradition of we always eat or do a certain thing on a special day. Maybe you will always start solstice with a pancake breakfast. Ask your children for suggestions and they will likely come up with some fun options, the more unique to your family, the better. www.flaglerparent.com / Summer 2014 • 11

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pation of what will be found in the bottle and in returning the favor when it is your turn. Play glow in the dark bowling – When the sun goes down, the fun can still go on. Collect 10 empty two liter bottles. Purchase 10 cheap glow sticks from the dollar store, activate and insert in each bottle. Spray paint an old ball with glow-in-the-dark paint or cover with glow-in-the-dark Duct tape. Now your ball and your pins can be seen in the dark, adding another hour to your summer evening. Have a make-over party - Rainy days are a great opportunity for a spa day. Search videos on YouTube to find a new hairstyle or how to braid your hair. Check out Tumblr for nail designs and take turns giving each other a manicure. Raid your closets or old dress up clothes and put on a fashion show. Be sure to take some pictures and share them with friends on Instagram.


A Summer Bucket List for Your Middle School Daughter by Pam Molnar

Summer is finally here. What a great time to be a kid! As your middle-schooler steps off the bus, she envisions carefree days of sleeping in, hanging out with friends and hours of good times. While her intentions to have a spontaneous summer with her BFFs may be good, a little planning can go a long way. Ask your middle-schooler to get together with her friends and make a list of things they want to do over the summer. Encourage them to keep it within reason of their age level and budget. Stuck for ideas? Try some of these: Have a paint war – Purchase nontoxic, washable paint, brushes and a pair of safety goggles. Dress in old clothes that you don’t mind throwing out. Choose an open area for your battle so you don’t get paint on anything important. Start off nicely by painting a bullseye on your shirts. Then put on your goggles, grab a handful of paint and start throw46 30 •SUMMER Summer2018 2015 / www.flaglerparent.com

ing. Be sure to keep your mouth shut! Shower off outside by having a water fight with the hose. Open a lemonade stand – Don’t be afraid to alter this classic summertime event. Would popsicles be more refreshing on a hot day? How about snow cones? Consider donating the money you earn to a charity of your choice. Check out alexslemonade.org to donate money for childhood cancer or support an animal in need of surgery at your local animal shelter. Send a message in a bottle – Instead of sending the message to strangers, why not share your message with friends? Rinse out a large bottle with a cap or cork. Decorate it and place the bottle in a secret spot near your house. Take turns adding a note or a small gift (pencil, candy, etc.) to the bottle without being seen. The fun is in the antici-

Make a pizza fondue – Hungry? Pour a jar of ready-made pizza sauce in a fondue pot and turn on simmer. As it warms, slice string cheese and pepperoni logs in bite-sized pieces. You may also dip cubed French or focaccia bread or raw vegetables like green peppers and mushrooms. Use wooden kabob sticks as fondue forks and dip pizza items into the sauce when it is warm. Enjoy! Get discovered on YouTube – Get out your camcorder or phone and start recording. Although you may be tempted to perform a song, YouTube is not only for musicians. Write a comedy routine, make your own cooking show or create a parody of a TV show. If you know how to juggle, knit or throw a curveball, you can make a how-to video and share your talent with the rest of the world! Time capsule – Fill a large jar or water proof box with items from your summer. Add shells from the beach, movie ticket stubs, the speckled goggles from your paint war, and other items from your bucket list adventures. Be sure to include plenty of pictures of you and your friends! At the end of the summer, bury the box, along with your bucket list in a safe spot in the yard. Next year, dig up the time capsule and relive all those wonderful summer memories.

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Family Fun Guide Flagler Pickleball May 1, 2018 1:00PM - 3:00pm Belle Terre Park 339 Parkview Drive Palm Coast, FL 32137 Try out the paddle sport that combines tennis, badminton and ping-pong! This adult program is offered FREE at Belle Terre Park tennis courts. Equipment is provided during Open Court. For more info call Palm Coast Parks & Recreation at 386-986-2323. Tennis round robins May 1st 6:00PM - 8:00PM Palm Coast Tennis Center 1290 Belle Terre Pkwy. Palm Coast, FL 32137 Round Robins are offered three times a week: 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays; 9:30-11 a.m. Saturdays; and 9:30-11 a.m. Sundays at Palm Coast Tennis Center. $5 per person; free for pass-holders. For more info, call 386-986-2550 Farm Swamp and music jam May 3rd 8:00AM - 1:00PM 7900 Old Kings Rd. Palm Coast, FL 32137 Flagler Beach Famers Market May 4th - May 5th 6:00AM - 2:00PM 111 S Central Avenue Flagler Beach, FL 32136 Shop the Flagler Beach Farmer’s Market to find the freshest Florida produce, seafood, plants, honey, baked goods, handcrafted work and more. Only steps from the beach!

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First Friday May 4th 6:00PM - 9:00PM 105 S. 2nd Street Flagler Beach FL 32136 We celebrate our town with free live music, local vendors, kids activities, and a beautiful place to bring your family and friends. Our businesses and museum stay open late as the City of Flagler Beach plays hostess with the mostess to visitors and locals. Dedicated to putting the family back in Flagler Beach, First Fridays will hopefully become your choice each first Friday of the month. Palm Coast Song Writers Festival May 4th 6:00PM - 9:00PM 105 S 2nd Street Flagler Beach, FL 32136 Join us for three days of entertainment at three great venues in Flagler County on May 4th, 5th & 6th. Friday, at First Friday in Flagler Beach; Saturday at the Daytona State College Amphitheater; Sunday at the Palm Coast Arts Foundation Stage in Town Center. FREE ADMISSION to all shows - just bring your own concert chair. show is welcomed!

Arbor Day Celebration May 5th 9:00AM - 2:00PM 975 Central Avenue Palm Coast, FL 32137 Palm Coast’s love of trees and commitment to the natural environmental will be celebrated at Arbor Day 2018 on Saturday, May 5 – featuring a tree giveaway, butterfly release and tent, entertainment, paper-shredding service, and fun activities for all ages. The Arbor Day Celebration will be 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Central Park in Town Center, 975 Central Ave., Palm Coast. Admission and all activities and entertainment are free; refreshments and products from vendors will be available for purchase. Cycle Flagler Ride for Rotary May 6th 6:00AM. - 12:00PM 201 Airport Road Palm Coast, FL 32164 Please join us! This ride begins at Flagler Executive Airport and continues along Flagler Beach’s scenic Atlantic coast. You can ride up to 40 miles along the A1A Scenic Byway in beautiful Flagler County and St. John’s County. Salt Air Farmers Market May 6th 10:00AM - 2:00PM 9505 Oceanshore Blvd Marineland, FL 32080 Something good has sprouted! Fresh seasonal produce ALL year long at Marineland, just south of St. Augustine, Florida! Salt Air Farmer’s Market offers the freshest local produce, gourmet foods and artisan crafts. Whether you are looking for homegrown tomatoes, juicy watermelons, or creative local art, we have a wide assortment to choose from.

Palm Coast Farmers Market at European Village May 6th 12:00PM - 4:00PM The European Village 101 Palm Harbor Pkwy Palm Coast, FL 32137 Expect quality vendors at the Palm Coast Farmers Market which takes place at the Courtyard of the European Village. The Restaurants and Bars are also open for a sit down drink or meal for your enjoyment as well. As soon as you walk in to the Courtyard at European Village, you’ll be welcomed by dozens of vendors displaying their original work, selling quality food items, giftware and more. Sea Turtle Hospital Tour May 10th 10:00AM - 11:30AM 9505 N Ocean Shore Blvd St. Augustine, FL 32080 The Sea Turtle Hospital at Whitney Lab is now offering tours on the second and fourth Thursday of the month and second Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. Cost is $15 per person. There is a limit of 10 people per tour.

Pairings at Ocean Art Gallery May 11th 7:00PM - 9:00PM 206 Moody Blvd. Flagler Beach, FL 32136 Movies in The Park May 11th 8:20PM - 10:30PM 975 Central Avenue Palm Coast, FL 32164 The City of Palm Coast’s Parks and Recreation Department and Flagler Schools proudly present Movies in Central Park on the second Friday of each month (excluding January, February, November and December). The movie begins at dusk and admission is FREE. A different family feature is shown on the big screen in the stage area at the main entrance to the park. We remind all movie goers to bring blankets, chairs, picnic baskets, bug spray and make plans to come early with your family, friends and neighbors Food Truck Tuesdays 5:00PM - 8:00PM 975 Central Avenue Palm Coast, FL 32164

Picnic and Pops May 13th 8:00PM The Palm Coast Arts Foundation (PCAF) invites you to the 11th Annual Picnic and Pops featuring the Jacksonville Symphony performing on their new outdoor stage! Bring a picnic basket and enjoy an outdoor evening concert with one of the nation’s top regional orchestras, the Jacksonville Symphony, as they perform favorite show tunes, Broadway hits and popular film scores. The event will take place at 1500 Central Avenue located in Palm Coast’s Town Center on Sunday, May 13th. At 6:30p.m. the park opens and 8:00p.m. the concert begins. Tickets are $45 for members and $50 for the general public. Tables of 10 are $450 for members and $500 for the general public.

GTM & Marineland Lecture May 15th 10:00AM - 11:00AM 9600 Ocean Shore Blvd. St. Augustine, FL 32080 This program is one of an ongoing lecture series presented on the 3rd Tuesday of the month by the GTM Research Reserve and Marineland Dolphin Adventure. The series is designed to help learn more about your coastal natural world. These events are FREE. However, limited seating is available. Tickets must be purchased online. Please bring your ticket to the Marineland gift shop at 9:45 a.m. on the day of the scheduled presentation to gain entry. Participants without a ticket will not be allowed entry. Tickets for the following month will not go on sale until the conclusion of the current month’s event.

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Willy Wonka Kids Summer Camp MON, JUL 2, 2018 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Grades Kindergarten, First, Second & Third The delicious adventures experienced by Charlie Bucket on his visit to Willy Wonka’s mysterious chocolate factory light up the stage in this captivating adaptation of Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale.

Bandshell Summer Concert Series and Fireworks May 25, 2018 - September 29, 2018 Starting: 07:00 PM 70 Boardwalk Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Movies on the Halifax June 1, 2018 25 Riverside Drive Ormond Beach, FL 32176 Movies on the Halifax is a family friendly event that takes place on The Casements’ lawn in Rockefeller Gardens. Movie goers bring blankets and chairs to enjoy an outdoor movie along the banks of the Halifax River. First Sunday BBQ June 1, 2018 From: 02:00 PM to 06:00 PM 705 Main Street Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Join Dirty Harry’s on the 1st Sunday of every month for its customer appreciation party! Free food, drink specials, live music and prizes. Guys & Dolls Jr. Summer Camp MON, JUN 4, 2018 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Guys and Dolls JR. is an adaptation of the show considered by many to be the perfect musical comedy. Its namesake ran for 1,200 performances when it opened on Broadway in 1950 and won numerous Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Frank Loesser’s brassy, immortal score and witty book makes Guys and Dolls JR. a perennial crowd pleaser.

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Bandshell Summer Concert Series and Fireworks July 4, 2018 Starting: 07:00 PM 70 Boardwalk Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Water Works Ages 6-8 Fri, Jun 8, 2018 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm tag! You’re a scientist! Join the tag team mad scientists for mind-blowing adventures with water as you explore the mystery, magic, and power of water. Construct a water wheel, design a water run, and create art with wonderful water! $15 Hippie Fest June 16, 2018 3PM Street Festival; Concert at 7:30PM 600 Auditorium Blvd. Daytona Beach, FL 32118 A longed for summertime event, the “Peace, Rock and Positive Vibes” street festival grooves into a concert at the Peabody Auditorium featuring stellar performances by celebrated artists including The Grass Roots, Paul Revere’s Raiders, Rare Earth’s Peter Rivera, The Cyrkle and 1910 Fruitgum Company.

Fourth of July Fireworks July 4, 2018 1 Cathedral Street, St. Augustine, FL, 32084 St. Augustine’s Fourth of July celebration at the Castillo de San Marcos includes a live music concert and a spectacular fireworks display over the historic bayfront. “Fireworks Over the Matanzas” is one of the biggest and best fireworks displays on the East Coast, featuring 5,000 individual shells exploding as high as 2,000 feet and as low as 100 feet. Coca-Cola Firecracker 250 July 6, 2018 1801 West International Speedway Boulevard Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Watch NASCAR XFINITY Series stars race for 250 miles/100 laps toward a coveted victory under the lights at Daytona International Speedway!

Coke Zero Sugar 500 July 7, 2018 1801 West International Speedway Boulevard Daytona Beach, FL 32118 The Coke Zero Sugar 400 is a summer tradition as American as fireworks and cookouts. Be a part of one of the most anticipated races of the season as the stars and cars of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series battle for victory under the lights. If it’s Daytona Beach fireworks you’re looking for, immediately following the drop of the checkered flag, enjoy one of the biggest fireworks displays in the Southeast. It’s the perfect way to spend a summer night at one of America’s most festive times of year. Ripleys Summer Movie Series July 11th, 2018 8:30pm 27 St. George Street, St. Augustine, FL, 32084 Shriners Parade, Fireworks and Music July 17, 2018 250 North Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32118 Enjoy the festive Shriners Parade along A1A from Sunsplash Park to the Ocean Center. Music and fireworks to follow at the oceanfront Bandshell. This event is held during the 2018 Shriners Convention in Daytona Beach and is open to the public. Music by the sea July 18, 2018 350 A1A Beach Blvd., St. Augustine Beach, FL, 32080 This exciting concert series features a different delicious restaurant at each concert event along with a different local performer. The concerts are a family-friendly eventand a favorite thing to do among locals during the summer in St. Augustine.

Fins and Freedom Sail July 20, 2018 111 Avenida Menendez, St. Augustine, FL, 32084 Guests can sail with educators from the world’s first “oceanarium” and learn all about dolphins in their natural habitat, as well as the important conservation work going on at Marineland today. As with all sails offered by Schooner Freedom, guests are welcome to help the crew raise the sails and assist with other sailing duties. Sunset and Full Moon Paddle July 27, 2018 850 Anastasia Park Rd Saint Augustine, FL 32080 7:15pm - 8:45pm Experience breathtaking views as the sun sets and the full-moon rises illuminating the Salt Run tidal basin. Multiple watercraft options include single kayaks, tandem kayaks and stand-up paddleboards. Private boats welcome at a lower rate. Includes an interpretive, storytelling element during the paddle.

Second Saturday Jam Session July 28, 2018 3:00pm - 7:30pm 3100 S. Oceanshore Blvd. Flagler Beach Jam out at Gamble Rogers State Park. Musicians of all levels are encouraged to bring instruments and a chair to join the circle for a casual acoustic jam session. Music in the Park Summer Concert July 28, 2018 300 Anastasia Park Rd St. Augustine, FL 32080 5:00pm - 8:00pm As one of North Florida’s favorite beach culture pastimes for over 30 years, King Eddie with Pili Pili’s brand of Caribbean beats and calypso rhythms, combined with a blues and rock attitude, continue to inspire mass celebration.

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SUMMER 2018 57


Farmers Market Fun for the Whole Family

by Sara Barry

Farmers markets are cropping up all over. From town greens to city parks and rest stops on highways, farmers are gathering with their wares. Farmers markets are a great way to stock up on fresh local produce, but they can be a fun family outing too. If you haven’t made a farmer’s market visit part of your regular routine, you may just want to add it in. Discover new foods. You’ll find plenty of green beans and lettuce and tomatoes at most markets (in season, of course), but you’ll also find items you may not have enjoyed yet. Have you ever had celeriac or husk cherries? You might just find them at your farmers market. Don’t get intimidated by unusual vegetables. Ask questions: What is that? What does it taste like? How would you cook it? Choose something new to take home. 58 SUMMER 2018

Seek out a rainbow.

Get growing.

We know that eating a variety of different color vegetables and fruits is good for our health. See if you can find and buy a full rainbow. This may be easier in some seasons than in others, but by looking around you will discover foods in colors you never expected: black radishes, green tomatoes, purple carrots, blue potatoes … If you don’t try a new food, try a familiar food in a new color.

If you want to grow your own garden, farmers markets often have seedlings to get started. Ask vendors for advice on planting and growing the plants you are choosing. Notice what’s in season. With food shipped all over the country, we get used to having every kind of food available to us at any time. When we buy foods in season we are more closely connected to local changes. And when we have to wait

Make a meal. Going to the farmers market with a list of specific ingredients can be an exercise in frustration. Maybe the peaches aren’t ripe yet or they sold out of spinach. Instead, try going with a looser list: salad, fruit. Go with the intention of creating a meal. Start with whatever catches your eye and riff on that. See how many items for your meal you can get from the farmers market and supplement at home. Two ways to use almost anything you find: make pizza and top it with market veggies or use veggies and eggs and cheese from the market to make an omelet. Each market is different with different vendors and different feels. Some are like a festival. Others are more straightforward. There may be a handful of vendors or hundreds. You may find only farm raised foods or prepared foods, handcrafted items, and other goods. Find a farmers market that is convenient in location and time and make a family date to check it out. And then go back.

Farmers Markets in our Area: Flagler Beach Farmers Market Open Friday & Saturday 8:00 am – Early Afternoon 111 South Central Avenue, Flagler Beach

for a food, we appreciate it more. As an added benefit, you may find varieties bred for taste rather than sturdiness for shipping. Connect!

music and dancing to activities for kids, like stories, crafts, or visiting animals. Also look out for food swaps, workshops and demonstrations.

Some people catch up with friends and neighbors at their weekly farmers market. Parents chat, while kids run around together. Families make plans for dinner with the ingredients in hands. You can also connect with the vendors and learn about their farming or production practices.

The fruits and vegetables we eat make up many different plant parts. For example, we eat the seeds of peas, the roots of carrots, the leaves of lettuce, the stem of celery, the flowers of broccoli, and the fruit (along with the seeds they contain) of cucumber. See how many different parts of plants you can find for sale. How many different plant parts do you like to eat? Have a snack.

Have a scavenger hunt. Give your kids a list of things to look for while you shop. Think a red fruit, a green vegetable, the biggest vegetable, the smallest one, a fungus, an animal product. Remind them to be aware of other shoppers and to point out items rather than grab the, unless you plan to buy all the items on your list. Listen, dance, do. Some farmers markets offer more than shopping. You may find anything from live

Which part of the plant?

With the variety of food around, you are likely to get hungry. You can chomp on the carrots or nibble lettuce you buy—or you may find other tempting delicacies. Many markets feature bakeries and prepared food vendors too. I’ve sampled bread, flavored oils and vinegars, hummus, jerky, cheese, kimchi, pickles … and seen sandwiches, soup, gelato and other snacks ready to enjoy on the spot.

Farm Swap & Music Jam **New** Open Thursday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm 7900 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast Samsue Produce Open Friday & Saturday 7:30 am – 4:00 pm 2751 Moody Blvd, Flagler Beach St Augustine Amphitheatre Farmer’s Market Open Saturday 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Rype & Readi Elkton Farms Open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 7:00 pm 5780 County Road 305, Elkton City Island Farmer’s Market Open Saturday 7:00 am – 1:00 pm 104 E Magnolia Avenue, Daytona Beach Ormond Mainstreet Farmer’s Market Open Thursday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm 22 S Beach Street, Ormond Beach The Port Orange Pavilion Farmer’s Market Open Saturday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm 5501 S Williamson Blvd, Port Orange

SUMMER 2018 59

Social Sentinel Program

Keeping Our Kids Safe in the Digital Age

Flagler Schools Information Specialist Jason Wheeler and Executive Director of Leadership Development for Flagler Schools Dr. Earl Johnson

After the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida in February 2018, schools across the nation are taking a harder look at enhancing security and safety for students entrusted into their care. The Flagler County school district and school board have taken additional steps locally by engaging Social Sentinel, a digital watchdog to help with the effort. Stirring up concerns from parents, students and the community who are advocates of privacy, the program was introduced and unanimously approved by the Flagler School Board in April 2018. As with any unknown entity, or new concept, speculation has run rampant, and in order to help remove some of the mystery from the program, Dr. Earl Johnson, Executive Director of Leadership Development for Flagler Schools sat down to discuss what’s on the horizon. As required by Florida Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature with the signing of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act in 2018, each school district must designate a “safety specialist”. Johnson, a nearly three decade educator and administrator, has stepped into the role, acting as the liaison between the school district and Social Sentinel, the Vermont-based company providing the service. Addressing the rumors and speculation about the sentinel program, which will be launched before the start of the 2018-19 school year, Johnson was quick to clear up the misconceptions. • No, the program will not be installed on students’ computers issued by the school district. • No, there will not be any collection of personal data or profiling of students through the program. • No IP addresses of individuals – school issued or personal devices, will be collected. • No passwords or other personal identifiers, will be collected.

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So what will happen? How does it work? How will it be effective? As with any plan or program, especially dealing with safety, no single component is the answer. It’s the combination of multiple safe guards, including Social Sentinel that Flagler School officials hope will prevent what happened in Parkland from happening here. The Social Sentinel program’s algorithms are being specifically customized to meet the needs of Flagler County. Using public posts from individuals – youth and adult, across a number of social media platforms, the sentinel will alert key district officials of threats related to the school district, campus locations and personnel, which can range from imminent danger, self-harm or threats to harm others. The cost of the program, at $18,500 per year, doesn’t even come close to the value of a human life said Johnson. “One of the things we’ve been working on, even prior to Parkland, was to improve the safety and security of our campuses,” said Johnson. “At this time we are working closely with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office to do our vulnerability assessments on our campuses and that is another layer of what we’re doing because we’re looking at having a comprehensive safety and security plan to ensure we keep our students, faculty and staff safe,” he said. While the program is not linked to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, the first responders stand ready to address any threats deemed credible by the school district and see the added value a program like the Social Sentinel provides in the quest to keep students safe in the digital age. “FCSO will not be linked into the program. The school system will notify us if they feel they have located a potential threat to Flagler County,” said Chief Mark Strobridge, Organizational Services Division and spokesman for the agency. “Any time that information becomes available that could preempt a potential attack anywhere in our community is beneficial,” he said. Flagler School Board member Colleen Conklin has served the school district for 18 years and sees how needs have changed over the years as school shootings have become more prevalent. “The bottom line is, it’s another tool in the tool box that will allow us to connect students to services who may need them. It may prevent someone from self-harm and may also stop an act of violence on one of our campuses,” said Conklin. “I can tell you, as a school board member, this is the one thing that keeps you up at night. I know it’s no different than the folks surrounding Parkland – you never think it’s going to happen to you. If we can begin any initiatives to protect our students I think we need to do that.” For more info on Social Sentinel, visit www.socialsentinel.com.

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