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Vol. XXXIII No. 4
January 2014
Monthly Journal of the Brahma Kumaris (Hqs. Mount Abu)
Nosedive of moral values Whom to blame?
n recent times, many individuals occupying high positions, and others held in esteem by the public for their achievements and seemingly spotless lives, have fallen into disgrace after it was revealed that they had serious character flaws. The downfall of these men shocked the public, which used to respect and admire them. Such incidents fuel cynicism, convincing people that no one today can remain untouched by greed, lust, ego or other vices. Such cynicism turns into despair all too frequently when we are confronted with news reports of wanton brutality committed against defenceless individuals by their fellow human beings. All this has prompted a search for the reasons for the moral decay that we witness everywhere. Why are more and more people becoming slaves to their desires and lower instincts? Why is it that the moral restraints that have served mankind for ages are being abandoned by so many? Each scandal or atrocity is followed by hypotheses about the possible causes, and fingers are pointed at many things, from liquor consumption to the corrupting influence of the fare dished out in movies, video games and on television. The guardians of law are themselves accused of being corrupt,and some even attribute it to economic compulsions and the influence of the times we are living in. Each of these factors indeed plays a role. Over the past year, a string of highly publicised cases of crime against women have shakened the conscience of Indians. In many of the cases, the perpetrators were under the influence of alcohol.Given the depraved nature of some of the crimes, that is hardly surprising. No one in their right mind can act the way the accused in these cases did. There were countless discussions and recommendations about what could or should be done to prevent such crimes. But there was no serious consideration of limiting the sale and consumption of alcohol by creating awareness about its evil effects and
Chennai : Lighting lamps to inaugurate National Convention on ‘Ahimsa Parmodharma and Shrimad Bhagavad Gita’ are Hon’ble Dr. K.Rosaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu (R), Justice V.Eshwariah, Chairman, National Commission for Backward Classes, Padmashree D.R. Kaarthikeyan, former Director, CBI, BK Brij Mohan, BK Asha and BK Beena. (Also see pg.5)
by other means. Alcohol, after all, is a big source of revenue for governments. That they are unwilling to forego the money even when they know fully well the harm alcohol is doing to society is an example of our misplaced priorities. Then there is the media in all its forms. We are now bombarded with words and images that seek to promote a totally materialistic way of life defined by endless consumption and quick gratification of selfish desires. Advertising seeks to make people want what they don’t need, creating new desires throughout a person’s life. The consumption-driven economic model that is behind this is leading to unsustainable exploitation of Earth’s resources, playing havoc with the environment and threatening to make this planet unfit for human life. Even though climate change caused by man’s unsustainable activities is one of the biggest issues facing humanity, there is little change visible in the way governments, big business and ordinary humans operate. The grasping for more and more only seems to be increasing with each passing year. In this greed-based paradigm,
not only are all the earth’s resources commodified but so are human beings. Man is an economic resource to be utilised to increase nations’ GDP figures and to fill the coffers of those high up in the socio-economic hierarchy.This commodification does not even hesitate to rob humans of their dignity in its unscrupulous pursuit of profit. In such a world, where every immoral activity can be justified if it is made to look lucrative or fashionable enough, crime, corruption, exploitation and injustice are the norm. If we ask why we have reached such a state of affairs, it would be difficult to identify a single cause, as the reasons are many and intertwined. Many of the factors are beyond human control and so must be accepted as fate. The present condition of the world is, in fact, entirely in keeping with the times. We are now in the final stages of the Iron Age (Kaliyuga), at the end of the cycle of time. Human souls, who are the principal actors on the stage of this planet, have been playing their different parts in the drama of life from the Golden Age (Satyuga) onwards, when the cycle of time begins. Passing through the
‘Purity’ wishes its readers Happy New Year 2014 Silver (Tretayuga), Copper (Dwapur yuga) and Iron ages, they have gradually lost their powers and virtues and increasingly become slaves to matter. It is because of the loss of their powers to discern, judge, decide, tolerate and accommodate, that humans are now unable to take the right decisions even when they know that the consequences of their actions may not be good. This is a necessary part of the drama to precipitate the end, which will bring with it a renewal whereby all souls will settle the debts of their karma and get cleansed and unburdened so that they can again play their designated parts when the drama begins anew in the next cycle of time.V
(Purity Features)
Chennai : Dr. S.S. Badrinath, Founder and Chairman, Sankara Nethralaya being presented Godly gift by BK Beena.
January 2014
Dahod (Gujarat) : Inaugurating Akhil Gujarat Adivasi Jagruti Abhiyaan are Hon’ble Minister B.Chudasama, Dadi Ratan Mohini, Jt. Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Dr. Prabhaben Taviad, Member of Parliament, BK Sarla Didi, BK Dr. Niranjana, BK Sarla, BK Raju, Mt. Abu, BK Surekha, BK Kapila and MM Sevanand, Kachla Ashram, Limkheda.
News in Photos
Hyderabad (Shanti Sarovar) : Cutting cake during Christmas celebration are BK GBK Rao of Pragati Herbal Resorts, Mr. Govardhan Bose, Industrialist, Mr. Alexander, Miami, BK Kuldeep and Justice V. Eshwariah, Chairman, National Commission for Backward classes.
Kurukshetra : Hon’ble Jagannath Pahadia, Governor of Haryana being presented a frame of Shri Krishna by BK Saroj, BK Madhu and BK Lakshman during Gita Jayanti celebrations.
Itanagar : Hon. Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Mr. Nabam Tuki, Hon’ble Minister Newlai Tingkhatra (standing), Brahma Kumari Junu, Centre incharge, BK Prof. Dr. Jayadeba Sahoo, Rajiv Gandhi University, BK Rimar Tasso, Supdt. Engineer, PWD and others.
New Delhi (Lodhi Road) : In a public programme titled “Happiness Forever” lighting candles (L-R) GD Agrawal, Vice President, ITAT, BK Pius, Dr. PK Anand, IAS, Addl. Secretary, GOI, Dr. Savita Anand, IFS, JK Dadoo, IAS, Jt. Secretary, GOI, BK Mruthyunjaya, Justice Sunil Gaur, Judge, Delhi High Court, Justice V. Eshwariah, Chairman, National Commission for Backward classes, BK Pushpa and BK Girija.
Indonesia : Group photo of Brahma Kumaris and Kumars who attended the talk on Indonesian Heroes Day.
Let every word be filled with humility.
January 2014
Mind Your Intellect ntellect is the judgment Ithink faculty of the soul. People that since they have
their own intellect to use then there is no need to be relying on other support. Those, considering themselves to be intellectual develop a sense of ego. They feel that the decision taken by them is the best. So much so, that no questions or criticism are entertained by them nor are they open to any suggestions. Ideas like spiritual awakening become all the more difficult for the intellectuals to understand and accept. This is not limited to the so-called intellectuals. Each one feels that their intellect is the best. A person feels that his intellect and other people’s wealth is always more. If this is the case then all the decisions and judgments taken by the intellect should be accurate and should minimize suffering and maximize happiness. However, when we look around, we find that this is not happening practically. On the contrary grief and suffering are growing. Somewhere something has gone wrong. This calls for a check on the state of our intellect. We need to challenge our own decisions. We know that the intellect is the judging faculty of the soul, and therefore the state of the intellect would depend upon the state of the soul. In the original state when all souls are pure and perfect, their intellects are also pure and give 100% correct judgment. But slowly and steadily with the passage of time and while interacting with other souls as actors in the world drama, impurity enters in the form of weaknesses like lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. To the extent the soul becomes impure by the vices, its ‘thinking faculty the mind’ and ‘judging faculty the intellect’, also get influenced. Thereafter, intellect does not give neutral and right judgment. Instead it decides according to the likes and dislikes, inclinations and intentions of the soul. For instance, the intellect would not stop a thief from stealing but would guide him how to steal without getting caught. Functioning of the intellect can be compared
Om Shanti Retreat Centre (ORC, Gurgaon) : Cutting the cake during ‘Vijay Utsav’ of 1500 couples of Delhi zone who completed more than 15 years of pure lotus-like family life are Dadi Janki, Dadi Rukmani, Dadi Kamalmani, BK Brij Mohan, BK Asha, BK Shukla, BK Sundari, BK Rani, BK Pushpa, BK Hansa, BK Praveena and others.
As the soul becomes impure, intellect being its own faculty, also becomes impure to the same extent. with functioning of an eye with cataract. Although the affected portion reduces its capacity to see normally yet the unaffected portion still enables it to see. This sometimes makes the person believe that he still has proper vision. He now would probably see by positioning the eye at a particular angle and slowly get habituated to the partial vision. Unless the cataract is in an advance stage, he might not consider it damaged at all. Reflection on the functioning of intellect will reveal that it stops giving correct judgment after the decisions are not complied with or violated several times. For example, when a person attempts to steal for the first time, his intellect will warn him that it is not the right thing to do. But if he still steals and wants to steal again then intellect would strongly warn him 3-4 times. After he has violated its decisions several times, the intellect would stop warning him and then would start guiding him how to steal. In essence intellect is a fair weather friend. Still if the thief is caught, but
could escape if he kills the person who caught him, the intellect would strongly warn him not to kill. He may opt to get caught rather than kill. However, if he kills to escape and does so on several occasions, the intellect would stop warning him to kill as well. Extending the same example, if a person has become a robber and kills indiscriminately without his intellect stopping him, still his intellect will guide him not to kill his own relative who may happen to be in the crowd. However we do come across cases where individuals who have killed their own relatives without any remorse. Let us consider a strict vegetarian whose intellect will strongly stop him when he eats meat for the first time. But after he becomes habituated the intellect will not stop him. His intellect would stop him the first time and a few times more if he tries to kill for meat. Thereafter it would not. He may even become a butcher eventually. This shows that as the soul becomes impure its intellect, being its own faculty also becomes impure to the same extent. Intellect would give correct judgment to stop the soul from becoming more impure but would not warn about the impurity already acquired. Consequently, we cannot fully rely on the judgment of our own intellect. The intellect doesnot function
properly to the extent the soul has become impure. If there is worry, fear and suffering then obviously the decisions of the intellect would be defective. Intellects of virtuous and vicious souls i.e. of devatma, punyatma, mahatma, paap atma, dusht atma, would decide or judge according to their respective characteristics. This shows that we cannot rely on our own intellect for regaining
our original state of purity which was the foundation of peace and happiness. Hence the need to purify the intellect arises. In Rajyoga the soul connects with the Supreme Soul, the pure perfect being of light to regain purity. The regular practice of Rajyoga transforms the impure soul to its original pure form which in turn makes the intellect divine. V (Purity Bureau)
In Lighter Vein • • •
He who laughs last, thinks lowest. It’s not hard to meet expenses...they are everywhere. My dreams are not dead, they are only sleeping.
A happy life springs from a tranquil mind.
Wah Politicians!
Bill for electricity is 50% less...
if not that way, this way.
January 2014
Attention Please!
BK Prakash Talhati, Lagos, Nigeria
he entire world is conspiring T against you to steal your attention in some way or the other. The commander orders the soldiers to attention. The Judge hammers his table-top to get attention. In the mountain curves there are signboards cautioning ‘Savdhani hati, durghatana ghati’ (Lack of attention could result in accident). The power of thought is such that can transcend all limits of time and space. The mind can travel in the past or the future. A person could be physically present but mentally absent. This does not allow one to utilise the potential of the present moment. For example, if you are sitting in a gathering, people are enjoying a joke shared by the speaker, but you can’t smile because you are disturbed, as your attention frequently goes to the car which perhaps was not properly parked on the roadside. Lack of attention leads to tension. It is said - “Wherever attention goes energy flows, wherever energy goes life grows.” Wherever our attention goes, in effect our energy goes and that energy gives life to that thing which pulled our attention and makes it grow. For example when faced with a difficult situation our attention is pulled towards the problem again and again. The mind is filled with waste thoughts and questions like why? how? Who is to be blamed? Over thinking about a problem and creating a molehill out of nothing. This drains the energy with none left to find the solution. Samasya swarup nahi bano, samadhan swarup bano! Karanmurt nahi bano, nivaranmurt bano! Translated it means, never become embodiment of problem, become an embodiment of solution!
Practise silence to find solutions. Develop a habit to enjoy silence, communicate with self and the divine. A simple approach is to first accept a difficult situation as a challenge and focus on finding the solution. Many times the seed of the solution lies within the problem itself. Let’s look at the following stories. Once an old person wanted to plant potatoes at the backyard of his home. Every year he was doing it. This year also he wanted to do the same. He wrote a letter to his son. Dear John, I am feeling pretty bad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my potato garden this year. I hate to miss doing the garden, but, I am just getting too old to dig up the garden plot. If you were here, all my troubles would be over. Love, Dad On reading this mail the son felt very bad. The situation and circumstances he were in, made it nearly impossible for him to solve this problem. What can a person do when he is imprisoned to solve an impossible problem? He accepted his situation as a challenge and diverted all his attention to the solution of the problem. Shortly, the old man received a telegram: “For heaven’s sake, Dad, do not dig up the garden. That is where I have buried my guns!!” -- John At around 3.30-4.00 a.m. next day morning, a dozen of secret
service agents and 10-12 local police officers entered the old man’s house and went straight to the backyard and started digging up the garden. They finished the entire plot without any luck and returned. The confused father wrote to his son, telling him what happened and asked him what should he do? The son replied – ‘Go ahead and plant your potatoes, Dad. It is the best I could do from here.” In another case, a multinational healthcare company received a complaint from the customer that the soapbox he purchased amongst all other things from a grocery shop was found to be empty. Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to one defective machine. It was observed that for some reason, one soapbox went through the assembly line at a random order goes empty periodically. Management now started a post mortem - who ordered this plant? Who is the manufacturer? Was there any corrupt practice involved? And so on. They employed the entire team of research technologist, software engineers and other technicians to solve the problem. After working for days together finally the team developed a software programme which could notice the empty box, the management also posted two operators to pick up the empty packs manually. When the same problem was faced in a small unit in small scale industry, what did they do? The machine operator did not get into the complications of software, X-ray unit, research etc. but instead became solution-conscious (Nivaran murt) and came up with a very simple and a practical solution. He brought a strong industrial electric fan and focussed it to the assembly line. He
switched the fan on so that each soap-box passed the strong air blow from the fan. When an empty soapbox passed the delivery line it simply blew it away. Focussed attention results into concentration. In concentration all the energy converges into one point. Like Arjuna who saw nothing but the eye of the fish, you also need to focus your attention and have full determination to solve a difficult situation. Think out of the box. Never limit your mind. Don’t assume. Challenge your mind to look out for other options. Take time out, to question yourself, check your habits and sanskars and work towards transformation. Practice silence to find solutions. To use these points of wisdom in a practical way develop a habit to enjoy silence, communicate with the self and the Divine. A guiding inner voice will caution you, protect you.V
Top 20 useful Indian terms New english words and phrases are coined in every land, and India is no exception. Consider these useful Indianisms (and their variants, if any): • White money • Denting and painting • Convent-educated • Pin-drop silence • Airdash • Eve-teaser • Joint family • Out of station • Permit room • Cousin sister • Postpaid (SIM card) • Co-brother • Rice plate • Tutorial college • Fooding & lodging • Hawai slippers • Dhobi itch • Issueless couple • Love marriage • Till date
Pause-n-Ponder • • • • Guwahati (Assam) - Inaugurating 3-day campaign ‘Holistic Approach to Diabetes Management’ are Dr. Ramen Talukdar, Supdt. Guwahati Medical College, Dr. Santosh Adhikari, Jt. Secretary, North-East Diabetic Society, Dr. Shrimant Sahu, Mt. Abu, Mr. Ashok Verma, Director, AAI, Guwahati, BK Sheela didi and BK Jonali.
We are all prisoners of our experience.
Trust. It takes years to build and a second to break. Usefulness is not impaired by imperfection. You can drink from a chipped cup. Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be. People always call it luck when you’ve acted more sensibly than they have.
January 2014
Is Violence Justified?
This article is Brahma Kumaris response to some of the questions raised at the National Convention on Non-violence and Bhagavad Gita held in Chennai last month.
Chennai : Participants in panel discussion on ‘Its time for Repetition of Gita Episode’ at the National Convention on ‘Ahimsa Parmo Dharma and Bhagavad Gita’ (L-R) BK Asha, anchor, Dr. Pushpa Pandey, Thiru La Ganesan, Hon’ble Justice Mr. Rama Subramanian, Srimath Swami Buddhiadananda Maharaj, Padmashree D.R. Kaarthikeyan and BK Neelima.
e live in an age where W multimedia and information technology have
made a powerful influence on local cultures and created a kind of global culture that is identical in many ways across the planet. We have the pop music culture, the fast food culture, the tech savvy culture and many other fusion cultures that define the way people live in various places. But one culture that has spread worldwide through media in gross or subtle ways and impacted us gravely is the culture of violence. Whether through cartoons, comic books, video games, music videos, sports, movies, serials, websites, story books or news channels, people of all ages – even minors – are now constantly exposed to images and sounds of violence. The subtle attack on our senses and sensibilities by this barrage of violent content has made us increasingly insensitive and aggressive. We have become immune to common acts of violence. We only raise our voice or take notice of something when it crosses the limits of brutality and inhumanity. Or, violence rankles us only when it affects our lives or whatever we identify with. The public outrage and debates that ensue a shocking act of violence usually consist of loud rhetoric against violence and a call for legal and penal measures to deter such future occurrences. Hardly ever, anybody thinks about the root cause of violence and whether violence is a result of only criminal elements and inadequate law-enforcement
How about violence for self defence, against dacoits or terrorists or by soldiers or as a last resort when all other efforts fail? or is it the combined responsibility of each and every person living on this planet. Is violence justified at all? Why do we need big armies? Why do we need guns to protect us? There are many who point out that violence is required particularly for self defense. In order to save ourselves from harm we have to use violence as the last resort. However, nobody can know in advance what kind or level of security is needed for self defense if and when we are attacked. We have seen scores of incidents in which heavy security measures failed to defend the lives of leaders and common people. The best security that any person can have is the stock of good karma. It is our karma that protects or harms us. What we sow, we reap. The energy of our thoughts, feelings and actions return to us in the same intensity and measure in which we create and share them. Some others contend that violence is the best means to weed out the criminals and antisocial elements in a society. Killing
a dacoit, murderer or robber is a necessity for larger public interest. Similarly, they say, killing terrorists to save the lives of people is also essential for public security. We know that killing criminals has never reduced the rate of crime at any place. It may have temporary effect but in the long run we have to take measures to transform the root cause of violence and aim to create a society where no human being has to resort to violence either lawfully or unlawfully. We have seen how terrorism has grown over the years despite many of them being killed in armed operations. Many believe that violence is justified when used as the last resort for safety. In many countries possession of arms like guns by common people is legal. It works on the premise that an armed person will be able to defend himself more easily than others. If the intention itself is coloured with fear and violence then it is surely not going to make it easy for non-violent measures to take root. Besides upholding violence for safety and security we have also glorified it in many ways. We invest lot of time and energy in research and development of weapons and arms. We reward the soldiers and other men who kill our ‘enemies’. Violence in any form is a bad choice. History and our current realities are witness to the fact that violence begets more violence. No weapons can ever bring peace or harmony in the world. Fear will bring more fear and hatred will bring more hatred. One act of
violence whether in defense or retribution will trigger many more acts of violence. An eye for an eye will turn the whole world blind, said Mahatma Gandhi who led a non-violent freedom movement in India. The greatest enemies that we have to save ourselves from are lurking within us. Lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego are the biggest threat to our peace and happiness. When we act under the influence of negative traits such as greed, ego, selfishness, jealousy and attachment we harm ourselves, our destiny and our true wellbeing. Blinded by these vices we chase temporary gains
forgetting that whenever we violate our true values we are automatically creating conditions that are going to bring us suffering. All acts of crime and wrong doing stem from these vices. All human souls are pure in their original nature. They had no traces of vices. Purity is the harbinger of lasting peace and happiness. A pure soul cannot be harmed. The best way to secure and save ourselves from all kinds of harm or loss is: be good and do good and stay connected to one’s original pure self and God. Good intentions, good actions and living as God’s instrument will free the soul from all suffering.V (Purity Bureau)
Please Don’t Smile When I stopped the bus to pick up Sonu for preschool, I noticed an older woman hugging him as he left the house. “Is that your grandmother?” I asked. “Yes,” Sonu said. “She’s come to visit us for New Year.” “How nice,” I said. “Where does she live?” “At the airport,” Sonu replied. “Whenever we want her, we just go out there and get her.” vvv Mr. Sharma calls up the doc at 2 AM. “Doc, my wife is having severe abdomen pain. I think it’s her appendix.” “Not possible!” says the doc sleepily. “I took out your wife’s appendix two years ago. Go back to sleep.” Five minutes later, the phone rings and it’s Sharma again. “Doc, I’m sure it’s her appendix.” “Oh God!” the doctor groaned. “Did you ever hear of anyone having a second appendix?” “No...,” says Sharma. “But I’m sure you must have heard of someone having a second wife..!” vvv Sanjay, an eager young man entered his prospective boss’s office for an interview. “One thing our company is very particular about is cleanliness. I hope you wiped your shoe on the door mat while coming in?” said the boss. “Yes sir,” Sanjay replied promptly. The boss continued, “One more thing we’re very particular about is honesty. There is no door mat outside!”
The less you speak, the more you are listened to.
January 2014
Dharam Satta and Rajya Satta
ny society stands on two basic pillars – dharam satta and rajya satta. Dharam here refers to dhaarna or principles that one practises in life. Dharam satta, or the power of religion, comprises religious leaders and reformative groups that work to uplift the state of individual consciousness. They set an example and lead people to the path of righteousness, and discourage them against wrong actions. Rajya satta, or political power, goes from the individual to the social level and establishes the law and order machinery in the state. It works to make and execute laws that ensure harmony among people of variety. It draws individuals from within society who work together towards social development and public welfare. It is said as the ruler, so the subjects. This means that the principles and ideals which shape the political class determine the morality of the public, and the direction in which the society heads into. And since the political class today consists of individuals who are directly drawn from the public, the quality of the people in turn determines the quality of the political class. It is thus an indisputable fact that the individual is the building block of society. But today, due to changing lifestyle and value system, it is rare to find people with high integrity and unblemished character. Most are willing to compromise with their values in the face of external pressures or internal temptations from the senses. The dharam satta is unable to influence them as its strength is going down day by day. A weak dharam satta also means a weak rajya satta. Both these pillars are barely able to support the superstructure as they themselves have been corroded by moral corruption. We hear of shameful news about religious leaders, godmen and heads of state being involved in violence and cheating scandals. They are guilty of crimes that they are supposed to guard the society against. The dharam satta has collapsed because religion has been disconnected from the source of power, the Almighty. When there are too many belief systems about who and where God is, and there is confusion about our own identity as well, we are unable to connect to Him and draw strength. As a result, religious leaders are finding it a great personal challenge to practise what they preach. In the end we have a society where politics runs without principles and business without ethics. Though we try to amend our situation, we are unable to gain concrete and consistent results because we are indulging in symptomatic treatment of issues. If there is growing crime against women, we are focussing on a strong legal action and greater policing. If it is the case of corruption, we are stressing on a free and fair institution that can check public servants. However, simultaneously, we are not putting in place any preventive mechanism. We are not tackling the root cause, which is to raise the spiritual stamina of individuals. Our new measures make a little difference because their success is also dependant on the integrity of the individuals involved. The key is to motivate individuals to explore and express their inner goodness and rise above their weaknesses, the rest will fall in place. This would need planned and structured self study and great environmental support. The government, reformatory and spiritual groups, and media organisations should collaborate to take this cause forward in a big way. All individuals, young and old, educated and illiterate, belonging to all nationalities, religions, castes or classes must benefit from such training as this is the need of the hour. The Brahma Kumaris have been involved in the process of character building for the past 77 years. Taking spiritual classes and meditation sessions conducted at the organisation’s centres spread all over the globe, lakhs of people have directed themselves to the cause of self transformation. Its recently-introduced, certified value education course is running in various schools and colleges and igniting hope in many lives. Anyone who joins this journey, truly believes that only when we change, does the world around us change.V
Gleanings from the Press
Greenhouse gas emissions will dry up water resources A leaked draft of the UN scientific panel on climate change report has warned of freshwater availability being hit with increasing emissions of greenhouse gases.“Each degree of warming is projected to decrease renewable water resources by at least 20% for an additional 7% of the global population,” it adds. (The Hindu)
Obesity makes kids stressed Obesity may make children more stressed-out as compared to their normal-weight peers, a new study has found. Overweight children naturally produce higher levels of cortisol, a key stress hormone, than other youngsters, researchers said. (PTI)
Older people less tired than teenagers Senior citizens reported feeling less tired than younger people, including teenagers, in a new US study. To the researchers’ surprise, 15 to 24-year-olds — the youngest people in their study — said they felt the most fatigued of all during daily activities. (Reuters)
Drinking from plastic bottles gives migraine
Drinking water directly from plastic cups or bottles could be giving millions of people around the world a serious headache. A new research has confirmed that a chemical in synthetic packaging triggers migraines. Bisphenol A (BPA), which has been linked to obesity, infertility and heart attacks, has now been confirmed to be a serious trigger for a prolonged bout of migraine. (Times of India)
Bhoola Bhai
And our friend Bhoola Bhai on the Temple Street believes that if you are beset with adversities try and took back to see where you have gone wrong. You may feel that others are responsible but they too appear in your life when you attract them by the subtle force of your karma. You are the nucleus which attracts good or bad.
One-eighth of population live in slums Just under nine million households, or roughly one-eighth of India’s urban population lives in slums, according to data from the latest round of the National Sample Survey organisation released. Nearly 45 per cent of slums are located on private land, and 60 per cent of them have pucca structures. 71 per cent have tap water and over 90 per cent have electricity. (The Hindu)
50% of Bharat walks 5km a day for water Shwoing the dark side of emerging India, a new government surveys shows that half of the women in rural India have to walk up to 5km every day to fetch potable water. The National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) survey of as many as 95,000 households also found that the average time to fetch drinking water in rural India The heights was 35 minutes while it was 31 of corruption touched minutes in the urban areas. by you are receiving Half of this time gets lost in salutes even from queue waiting for one’s turns. Everest climbers. The survey said in 2012, 85.8% of households in the rural India and 89.6% of household in the urban India got sufficient water as compared to 86.2% and 91.1% households respectively in 2009-09. (News Item)
Constantly earn the blessings of all.
January 2014
Forgiveness and Mercy he earth’s atmosphere, over the T years, is increasingly becoming toxic not just due to the release of
poisonous gases, but also due to the growing burden of negative vibrations emanating from human minds. Clinging on to each other’s mistakes for life, we have become efficient garbage collectors who vitiate the air wherever we go. In offices, social gatherings and even homes, the air stinks of criticism, cynicism, ridicule and malice. So we often long to run away to gain some quiet. It is interesting how we find it easier to snap our friendly bonds nurtured over years for a few moments, sometimes just one instance, of unpleasantness. We think it is simpler to cease a relationship than sort it out – so we ‘leave them’ and ‘move on’ in life with other people. But very few of us truly ‘move on’ for we hoard the bitterness inside forever. These negative emotions keep rewinding our life, reminding us how wronged and abandoned we are, thus draining us endlessly. Our head stays heavy and our heart wounded; our disposition becomes irritable and moody, it even takes a toll on our sleeping pattern and eating habits. Our power to discern is blurred and faith in life hit drastically. Constantly looking behind, we lose sight of the opportunities on our way forward. We want to, but we are unable to break free from the past as we’re not ready to forgive. Forgiveness is a prerequisite to forgetting and moving on. But the question is if someone injures us and betrays our trust, why should we forgive him? Does he deserve it? The first thing that we must know about forgiveness is that it is an act of great self service than anything else. When we forgive someone, we are letting go of the sad and acidic emotions which had accumulated inside us, thus releasing us of their damage. We untangle ourselves from unhappy impressions stored in our memory so that we can begin with a clean slate. Our life is propelled into a zone of greater creativity and productivity. On the other hand, harbouring feelings of animosity and hatred is an act of inflicting injury on the self. When we shut the door at another person, our moist and tender feelings get locked under a hardened attitude and our life moves a step away from inner sweetness. We have to ask ourselves: how long do we want to suffocate ourselves for someone else’s wrong behaviour? Should we continue the blame game, or should we instead heal ourselves? In some heartfelt moments, we do long to send across an olive branch to the other side, but our ego raises its head and keeps us from it. It addicts us to the idea of ‘us
Sonepat (Haryana) : Unveiling the Plaque to inaugurate the newly built Sonepat Retreat Centre are Dadi Janki, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, BK Amirchand, BK Asha, BK Lakshman, Mr. A.K.Cheema and others.
Forgiveness and mercy are acts of the wise and brave. They increase the powers of humility, patience and tolerance. being right’ so much that we do not mind committing endless wrongs to sustain it. It tells us that we are too big to submit to others, and cheats us into doing the smallest, most undignified things. While the job of ego is to keep us away from our true self, forgiveness is our ticket back home, a gate-pass to our pure core. It acts as a coolant in relationships and heals both parties – the aggrieved and the guilty. When we pardon someone despite having the choice to retaliate, it increases our humility, patience and tolerance power. In fact, to respond to a bad behaviour with goodness is the highest form of kindness. Contrary to what is perceived today, forgiveness and mercy are acts of the brave. Those who take the blows and yet remain unaffected by it are the ones who will have the power to let go. These are deeds of the large hearted and far sighted who are able to see beyond ‘how I feel’. A weak, self-centred soul cannot fare well in this battle, and is misled into believing that his victory lies in getting revenge. Forgiveness is the act of the wise who choose the self over others; it is an act of visionaries who think they have dreams to pursue and little time to waste over others’ responses. It is a way of life
for people with a golden heart, who consider love far important than anything else. However difficult we may consider forgiveness to be, we do apply it in our day to day lives unconsciously. It is common experience that if someone accidentally strikes us and expresses sincere apology, we decide to let him go. We overlook the negativities of our family members for we love them, or don’t mind what children say. As employees, we have little choice so we accept our employer’s behaviour. We do forgive, but are partial while choosing the party that must receive our goodness. It means that it is not so much the art that we need to learn, but the will to do it that we must develop. There is a spiritual remedy for making forgiveness very easy and natural – it is understanding the Law of Karma, which ensures that every guilty person is punished and every good one rewarded. This universal law operates with impartiality on the principle of justice, not on mercy, and is inviolable. When we understand that the wrongdoer will be punished anyway, we refrain from taking law into our hands. In fact, if we understand the law deeply, a feeling of mercy naturally emerges in us, for we know that the wrongdoer is heaping karmic debt on himself. It also cautions us against wishing bad for others, for it will taint our karma and invite suffering. When we err, we go to God to seek mercy as we need the strength to survive the fruit of our own karma. He provides us with His unconditional love and support to face it, when our realisation is genuine. So He
Fortune favours the bold.
Think it Over • Laughter has no foreign accent. • Listen within, there is a friend inside. • Well done is better than well said. • Each day is little life. • Some people are wise, some are otherwise. • Pride comes before fall. is known as the most benevolent and all merciful Father. And as His children belonging to one family, He expects us to follow the same path. Another easy formula for forgiveness is developing an easy nature. In fact, many things in life don’t need to be taken to the stage of forgiveness. We can simply ignore or bypass the not-so-pleasant things over which we have little control. If we are not too sentimental, hypersensitive or judgmental, it saves us a lot of work. We must understand that just like us, everyone comes in mixed packages and are bound to err. In a not-so-perfect world, we don’t need to take things too seriously. It is good to lighten up. So, if there is a burden of the past that’s jeopardising your present, choose now to let go. Remember that by ‘forgiving’, you are ‘giving’ yourself the gift of love and life and the power to forget that which is best forgotten. So be sincere with yourself, and remember to delete the trash even from your recycle bin. V (Purity Features)
January 2014
Talking Mirror B
Ahmednagar (Mah.) : Hon’ble Srinivas Patil, Governor of Sikkim being presented Godly gift by BKs Suprabha, Deepak and Rajeshwari.
Magic Feather
orn into a circus, a baby elephant is rejected by others because of his unusually big ears. Jeered at by children, rejected by the other performers, poor Dumbo is demoted to appearing as a clumsy, bumbling creature in an act with the clowns. Only little Timothy Mouse befriends him, and devises a way to make lonely little Dumbo a star. He gets a crafty crow to inform Dumbo that magic flying feathers are what really make crows able to fly, and if Dumbo had just one such magic feather, then he would be able to fly too. Plucking a feather out of a friend’s tail and giving it to Dumbo, he says, “This is a magic flying feather for you”. And wonder of wonders — Dumbo flies on his first try, and because of this, is made part of a more daring performance, where he has to leap from a high platform as part of the clown’s fire rescue act. All goes well till one day, about to dive off the high platform in the middle of the act, Dumbo somehow loses the magic feather. Timothy Mouse, terrified, immediately yells and convinces him, “It isn’t really magic. You can fly on your own”. And Dumbo, flapping his enormous ears madly, discovers in that moment that it was not the feather at all which had the power of flight, but Dumbo himself. The feather was only a bridge to put him in touch with a gift that was his all along. In our lives, we are in need of magic feathers in the form of talismans or beliefs that can help us reach new heights. Our lesson is to utilise them for as long as we need them, but recognising them for the temporary gift they are, we are challenged to transcend the need for an outer reminder of what has been ours all along. V
Palam Vihar (Delhi) : Inaugurating 16th Annual Day of the BK Centre are Mr. Niyam Pal, ACP, BK Sunderlal, BK Virender, BK Sudesh, BK Urmil, Mr. Darshan Kumar, MD, T-Series, Dr.M.D.Gupta, Dr. Avdesh Sharma, Dr. Manju and others.
Indore (Om Shanti Bhawan) : BK Pandiamani speaking on “Human Values & Spirituality” at UGC Academic Staff college of Devi Ahilya University. On stage are Dr. Namrata Sharma, College Director, BK Sisters Shashi and Sonali.
Mumbai (Gamdevi) : At “The Future of Bharat” seminar (L-R) B.K. Aaspi (speaking), Mr. Prabodh Thakkar, Vice Chairman, Indian Merchants Chamber, Mr. Eruch Sabawalla, businessman, BK sisters Neha and Asha. Kathmandu (Nepal) : Inaugurating Seminar on ‘A New Dimension in Civil Aviation’ are Mr. Ratish Chandralal Suman, Director General, BK Raj didi and BK Kamlesh from Mumbai. 6
Vashi (Mah.) : Group photo of participants in a Talk by Brahma Kumaris at Rotary Club including Mr. Amar Nair, President, Mr. Naresh Gupta, Trustee, Manglam Foundation BK Sisters Sheela & Preeti.
Ooty : BK Ramnath from Mt. Abu (5th R) at Interfaith Conference organised by Ramakrishna Math to commemorate 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekanand. Others in pic include Swami Raghveshanand, head of Math, Bishop Dr. A.Amalraj, Dr. P.A. Sidheeque, Dy. Imam of Zakaria Masjid, Mr. A.K. Behrouz from Bahai’s and others.
Face is the index of the soul.
January 2014
Adidev Brahma - Unique Role in World Drama B
rahma stands out in the pantheon of Hindu deities by virtue of his depiction as a whitebearded elderly figure, in contrast to the other deities, who are shown as eternally youthful. According to the scriptures, Brahma, the Hindu deity of creation and one of the trinity that also includes Vishnu and Shankar, is the father of Manu, from whom all human beings are said to have descended. According to the Puraņas, Brahma is self-born on the lotus flower. One legend says that Brahma was born in water, or from a seed that later became the golden egg. From this golden egg, Brahma was born, while the remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the universe. Unlike most Hindu deities, Brahma holds no weapons. One of his hands holds a Lotus, another holds the Vedas, a third hand holds a
string of prayer beads and the fourth holds the Kamandal. One of the names of Brahma is Adi Dev, meaning the first deity or the deity who has existed from the beginning. This name has a story behind it. Brahma is the progenitor of humanity because he plays a key role in establishing a new world order. He is the medium through whom human souls receive knowledge of their true identity, knowledge about God, their relationship with Him, and about the cycle of time. By this knowledge human souls become free of their bondages, attain a divine status and then take birth as deities when a new cycle of time begins. They, the creation of Brahma, are the ancestors of the entire human race. Apart from being the instrument through whom God performs His task of turning humans into deities, Brahma also becomes the first among the deities. This task of transforming humans into deities takes place at the end of each cycle of time, when the world transitions from the Iron Age to the Golden Age. At the end
This task of transforming the world is now in progress. The Supreme Father is calling His children, through Brahma, to come to Him and get liberated.
45th ascension anniversary of Prajapita Brahma is being celebrated on 18th January as World Peace Day Here Brahma Baba lovingly writing a letter. (File Photo) of the Iron Age, which is the last of the four stages in the cycle of time, all souls are depleted of energy after having played different roles through successive births during the entire cycle. When the souls come to this planet in the beginning, they are full of virtues and powers. As they begin to play their roles, they slowly start losing these. At first, they are fully aware, knowing their spiritual identity and acting on the basis of their original qualities of peace, love, joy, truth and purity. As the souls come in contact with matter -- their bodies and the things around them – and the elements of nature, the influence of these begins to affect them. This reaches the point where they begin to see themselves in terms of their bodies and possessions, forgetting that they are souls, and as a result losing touch with their innate virtues. Identification with the body gives rise to vices – lust, anger, greed, ego, attachment, jealousy etc. When the souls start acting under the influence of these, discomfort, sorrow and conflicts begin. Their actions influence the elements of nature, causing upheaval and disorder. Nature also becomes a direct victim of humans, suffering exploitation and abuse. As the souls keep losing their powers, they are less able to resist the vices. In consequence, they experience more sorrow. Trapped in a cycle of doing wrong actions and experiencing sorrow, they begin to search for liberation, and for an experience of true and lasting love, happiness and peace. By the end of the cycle of time,
there is so much sorrow and pain that souls become desperate for salvation. This is the time when transformation takes place. Only the one who is not trapped in this world can free the souls from their bondage to vices. The Father of all souls, the Supreme Soul, comes to release His children from sorrow and pain. The incorporeal Father uses a human medium to speak to His children and remind them of who they are and to whom they belong. He tells them how, by remembering Him, they can draw power and virtues and become free of the influence of vices. This medium, the first among humans to receive spiritual knowledge from God and the instrument for giving that knowledge to humanity, comes to be known as Brahma. Those who receive this knowledge through Brahma and live by it are the true Brahmins -- the spiritual progeny of Brahma. They are
also known as the ‘praja’ or subjects of Brahma, who is, in turn, called Prajapita or father of the ‘praja’. This task of transforming the world is now in progress, with the world passing through the final stages of the current cycle of time. After leaving mortal coil on 18 January 1969, Adidev Brahma continues his task in angelic form. The Father is calling His children, through Brahma, to come to Him and get liberated. A better world is about to dawn, he tells them, and they only have to give up all that has given them sorrow so that they can go to a world without sorrow. Not all children, however, heed the call. Many are attached to the attractions of this world and unable to distinguish between the shortlived joys it offers and the experience of lasting peace and happiness. All children, however, receive liberation, with those who recognise the Father and accept His guidance getting transformed, through His powers, into divine beings who spread the light of God’s love to their fellow humans. These souls become deities in the Golden Age when the next cycle of time begins. They are remembered to this day as angels who come to the aid of humans, and as deities who are worshipped for all kinds of salvation and blessings. Brahma, God’s most obedient child and His incognito medium, keeps his low profile even in this, with very few temples dedicated to his worship even though almost all Hindu religious rites involve praying to him.V
Words of Wisdom Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Do the common thing in an uncommon way. Honesty is something you can’t wear out. You cannot buy back yesterday. It is not only kind but relaxing to help others. We do not conquer mountains; we conquer ourselves. Never fear to negotiate but never negotiate out of fear. Live in the present for the future guided by the past Do not live in the past - thre is no future in it.
Sweetness of speech brings the love of all.
(Purity Bureau)
January 2014
Nothing New, History Repeats! e understand and often find W ourselves saying – ‘nothing new, history repeats’. If anything is
to repeat over a period of time, then time should be cyclic in nature. The mere thought that ‘nothing is new’ is empowering in itself. Whatever occurred in the past, passed and would come to pass again. Therefore there is nothing to worry. Knowledge is power. The knowledge of cyclical nature of time gives us the power to handle and face any situation effectively, without fear or worry. We have witnessed the cycle of day and night many times. Morning, afternoon, evening, night and then morning occur repeatedly in a cyclical manner. There is knowledge that evening would definitely come during the course of a 24 hour period. This enables us to make future plans. A man could call his wife if he knows that he would come home late in the evening. It could happen that he may leave the body before evening comes, but so long as he is alive, he
can make plans of the evening. Similarly the seasons are also cyclical - winter, spring, summer and autumn. Before winter comes we prepare our woollens and check our room-heaters to prepare for the upcoming cold. We do this because we know the history. We understand that it would be cold this winter season too as it has happened in the past. Knowing the cyclical nature of time we can predict the future and prepare accordingly. In the same way while looking at a child we can predict that in due course he would grow into an adult, cross the middle age and finally would become old. Even a big tree grows from a small sapling, bears flowers, fruits, grows bigger, and one day dries up and decays. We know the cycle. Similarly it is said that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Whatever is now would not be there. If there is day it would go and night would come. Night also is not permanent but soon slips
into the morning with the first rays of the rising sun. Change is the law of nature. We have gone through it numerous times. We have surpassed it time and again. Cyclical pattern of world drama could take away all the fear and worry. The scene which occurs in the world drama would eventually go and pave way for the next one. Often a small problem could get a person to panic. Even if there is an insurmountable
Mumbai (Malad) : Lighting candles to inaugurate the Medical Camp are Dr. Alpa Bhanushali, Film Actor Rahul Roy, BK Kunti, Dr. Kaushal Bhanushali, TV & Film Actor Kunikalal and BK Chand Mishra.
problem or even a catastrophe, understand that ‘nothing is new’. We have seen this over and over again. All you need to remember — “Nothing new, history repeats”. V (Purity Bureau)
Non-violence and Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Vin today’s society.
iolence is an accepted norm Today a nation’s power is determined by the destructive potential of its weapons. Today an individual is deemed powerful as per his capacity to dominate. And yet, today’s society feels gravely concerned about the alarming growth in violence at all levels. What a paradox! Life is becoming unsafe with each passing day, if we look at
Drinking They drank for joy and became miserable. They drank for friendship and became enemies. They drank to help them sleep and awakened exhausted. They drank to gain strength, and it made them weaker. They drank for exhilaration and ended up depressed. They drank for “medical reasons” and acquired health problems. They drank to get more confidence and became afraid. They drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell.
The war described in the Bhagavad Gita was a non-violent spiritual war for victory over the vices. the growing number of killings and murders. Recent spurt in violence against women has put a frightening scare in the minds of our entire womenfolk. It is unfortunate that all this is happening in our great country Bharat, which is perhaps the only country in the world that subscribes to the concept of “Ahimsa Parmo Dharma” – complete non-violence. It is not a utopia. Bharat of the glorious past is sung of as the golden sparrow, land of the deities, where lion and cow drank water together at the same stream. Violence is a negative power described in Bhagwad Gita as the prime indicator of “Aasuri Sampada” (Devilish society). It instantly takes away one’s peace and tranquility. It has robbed the entire human race of peace and harmony. As per Bhagwad Gita, violence manifests itself in the form of kama, krodh, lobh,
moh and ahankar (lust, anger, greed,attachment and ego). These vices or different forms of violence are at the root of all sex-crimes, killings, exploitation, injustice and indignity that we find in our society today. All litigation is caused by these vices, so also all the suffering. Non-violence is a great power. It was effectively used by Mahatma Gandhi to free India from the mighty British empire. Non-violence is more powerful than violence, in the same way as, light is more powerful than darkness, truth is more powerful than falsehood. To think otherwise is fallacious. Religious beliefs greatly influence our perceptions and attitudes. The commonly held belief that violence is justified to obtain your rightful due, or for victory of good over evil and its
corollary that good has to be more violent than evil so as to defeat it, needs to be re-considered. It is not without reason that Gita is considered the Supreme Scripture. It is “Bhagwanuvach” God’s own versions. It contains God’s own wisdom or ‘Shrimat’ for totally finishing violence,adharma or Aasuri Sampada and reestablishing a completely nonviolent world order described as “Daivi Sampada”. The war described in the Gita was a non-violent spiritual war for victory over the vices of lust,anger,greed,attachment and ego. This is the most significant feature of Bhagwad Gita which holds the key to re-stablishing a non-violent society. V (Speech by BK Brij Mohan, Addl. Secretary General, Brahma Kumaris, at the National Convention held in Chennai last month.)
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Everyone you meet is your mirror.
On Time
BK Aruna Ladva, Kuwait
nimals by instinct do the same A thing each day at the same time of day without the need of a clock. I
remember a cat that used to come by our house every evening at 7pm – I don’t ever remember seeing her wearing a Cartier or a Rolex! So why is it that human beings need clocks? In times long gone we told the time by the sun, and it didn’t matter too much if we were an hour or so late, or a tad early. But now in the age of split second precision, even onehundredth of a second can make the difference between win and lose. We need to remember that clocks are our invention. Some may even say that time is our invention. Yet we run around like slaves under the command of the master on the wall. Because ‘time is money’ and there is ‘no time to lose’, we constantly have to jump to attention. A clock is merely a tool that helps keep our life and daily timetable on track. It’s very interesting how this otherwise insignificant piece of metal or the little numbers in the corner of your PC can create so much stress. And speaking of designer watches that can chew up your whole savings, it will tell the same time as will a one-dollar Casio watch, will it not? But that is a discussion for another time! We need clocks and watches to be our policemen when we try to cram too much into the day and like a machine push our body (and soul) to fulfill every contract and appointment. We keep ‘oiling’ the machine with caffeine in the hope that the clock will tick slower and the body will tick faster! Without realizing it we have replaced our internal body clock and intuition with the clocks on the walls, and watches on our wrists. Do we really need to make the clock our constant companion if we are
totally in tune and on pulse with our instinctual inner clock? In the noise of our busy-ness, we cannot sense our eating and sleeping needs. We skip meals and do not eat on time, or we burn the midnight oil thereby disturbing our equilibrium. All these habits keep us away from hearing the inner call of time. We often proclaim that time is speeding up, but are the hands of the clock really turning faster, or could it just be our minds that are racing? We may say that we are ‘running out of time’, or that we have ‘lost time’. Occasionally we have to ‘find time’ or ‘make time’ but in truth, time is the constant, it will continue to tick away minute by minute, hour by hour. It is how we perceive time and what we do with it that is important. By practicing meditation we do not slow down, rather it slows down our thoughts – we have fewer yet more powerful thoughts, which are able to manifest success as and when needed. We may just find that as we become more relaxed, we also become less ‘busy’ and probably a lot more efficient! We no longer have to live our life by clockwork, but we use time in the right way with the feeling of being a master. With peace and calm as our companions, we are able to make clear and immediate choices. When the mind is still like a lake, then it can also give serenity to those around it. So too when I am at peace, I am able to make those around me peaceful and focused. It’s Time…to live by our instinctual inner clock. Living life by clockwork is neither healthy for our body, mind or spirit. We can’t lose time or find it or make it, but by becoming a master, we will make time our best friend and not our Rolex! V
January 2014
Wealth that Grows with Spending I
magine yourself being blessed with a lot of wealth that keeps growing. The more you spend it, the more it grows. What a heavenly way of being that would be! Wealth is important to all but in our present materialistic age wealth is almost entirely equated with money. Today money does seem to make the world go round. Globalisation, liberalization, consumerism, modernization, education, entertainment, research—most of these are connected to the underlying goal to create more wealth and prosperity. While there are hundreds of methods to make money grow, the fundamentals are quite simple and few. There are people who use ingenious, smart, crooked and wicked ways to make money grow but if we understand true wealth we will also come to know that true growth of wealth happens only through noble means. The relationship that humans have with wealth reveals interesting aspects about their character traits. The way people think about growing their wealth depends a lot on their value systems. Some people think that they can have more money by being thrifty or even stingy. Some of them invest in banks, stocks etc. Some others try to make quick bucks through lottery, betting, gaming etc. There are lots of people who make money through illegal and unrighteous methods. There are also many religious minded and kind-hearted people who believe that money grows by donating it in charity. Money has this addictive effect, so much so that even those who have a lot of it live in a state of wanting more and more of it. So once someone becomes a millionaire he wants to be billionaire and once he becomes a billionaire he wants to be a multibillionaire and the game never ends. Wealth in a deeper sense means
Panipat : Hon’ble Chief Minister of Haryana Mr. Bhupinder Singh Hooda inaugurating Vishwa Shanti Sabhagar at Gyan Maansarovar alongwith BK Asha, BK Bharat Bhushan and BK Sarla.
Solutions come easily from your calm mind.
an asset or a quality that gives a sense of fulfillment and the power to share it with others and fulfil their needs as well. While material wealth diminishes with spending spiritual wealth grows with spending. What goes around (from you) comes back. This is an adage that we all have heard many times. This is also true for all types of wealth—money, emotions, wisdom, etc. As per the law of karma material wealth grows if you invest it in a good cause but the fruits manifest much later. With spiritual wealth the growth happens immediately and on a larger scale. When you share wisdom, love, joy and peace, you feel more wise, loved, happy and peaceful. Because when you share love you first feel love in your heart and when you make others feel loved they reflect it back to you and thus it grows instantly. Moreover, by sharing these treasures you experience instant happiness and inner power. To share and grow spiritual wealth, first we need to be rich ourselves. When we live a spiritually fulfilled life, we feel abundance and prosperity flowing from inside. Inner happiness and contentment are the greatest wealth that we can possess. It is said that a contented beggar is a king while a discontented king is a beggar. So wealth is a feeling of living in a state of inner joy, bliss, contentment and love. The more we are aware of our innate treasures and the opportunities we have to share them, the wealthier we become. Such wealth is also free from tension, worries, fear, possessiveness, and conceit. It grows from the core values of the soul and is continually replenished when we connect to God—who is the unlimited source of spiritual treasures. God has created each soul in His image i.e. perfect and full. Time, energy and thoughts are life’s greatest treasures. The ones who value these treasures are able to use them for the benefit of all and they never waste them. When these treasures are put to full and proper use, they attract the best material treasures too. By getting in touch with our inner self we are able to develop these inner treasures. These treasures keep us rich i.e. contented at all times, even when external circumstances are not so favourable. When we further share them it makes us richer and richer. Material wealth is only a means for temporary physical comfort but spiritual wealth is the source of lasting happiness. When we tap into the abundant resources that we have within ourselves we will be forever free from the feelings of want, lack and limitation. Good deeds, spiritual values and love for God are the keys to true prosperity. So let us explore the abundance that lies within each of us and share it to make this world truly prosperous and happy. V (Purity Features)
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Patna (Bihar) : Group photo of ‘the future of power’ programme held at Patliputra Exotica Hotel. Visit. www.futureofpower.com for more information.
It takes two to tango
Mr. Wise
Mr. Wise? Yes. Bhagavad Gita is considered to be the ‘Sarva Shastra Maei Shiromani’ Supreme Scripture? Yes, because it contains God’s wisdom directly spoken in 1st person as ‘Bhagwanuvach’. Where then is the need to read any other scripture than Bhagavad Gita? I cannot say. vvv And Mr. Wise? Yes. Every human being longs to become immortal? Of course, we all wish to gain immortality. Doesn’t God of Gita instantly grant us immortality by revealing we are not perishable body but an immortal soul? I cannot say. vvv Lastly… Yes. God of Gita takes ‘avtar’ (incarnates) to re-establish a righteous order every time it becomes unrighteous? Of course. This is the divine task of renewal which God alone can and does perform at the end of each world cycle. Then isn’t it wrong to believe that God of Gita is always present, everywhere in the world? Perhaps you are right. vvv
Mumbai (Borivali): Former Union Minister Mr. Ram Naik and former MLA Mr. Hemendra Mehta, felicitating BK Bindu for outstanding service to the society.
Tailpiece An elderly man took his little grandson for a walk around the local cemetery. Pausing before one gravestone, he said, “ “There lies a very honest man. He died owing me 15000 rupees, but he struggled to the end to pay off his debts and if anyone has gone to Heaven, he has.” They walked on a bit farther and then came to another grave. The old man pointed to the gravestone and said, “Now, there’s a different type of man altogether. He owed me 18000 rupees and he died without ever trying to pay me back. If anyone has gone to Hell, he has.” The little boy thought for awhile and then said, “You know, Granddad, you are very lucky.” “Why”? asked the old man in surprise. “Well, whichever place you go to, you’ll have some money waiting when you get there!” vvv
Printed and Published by B.K.Brij Mohan Anand for Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, (H.Q. Mt. Abu, Rajasthan) 25, New Rohtak Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: 23680496, 23670463 Fax:011-23680496 E-mail:purity@bkivv.org Printed at Rakesh Press, A-22, Sector-68, Noida-201301, UP. Associate Editor:BK Asha, Editor: BK Brij Mohan Anand.