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Late Laughs
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert
In international parts of the world, it was announced that later this month [July 2024], a group of Russian schoolchildren will attend a summer camp in North Korea. ‘Cause nothing says summer fun like the words “North Korea” and “camp.” According to newly released photos, there’s all sorts of classic camp fun to be had, like scarf march before the business center, staying up late under the watchful eye of Dear Leader and meeting the camp mascot, Flippy the Seal Corpse.
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Hallmark announced that they’re launching a new streaming service called Hallmark+. Service launches in September. Oh, perfect.
Just in time for all those famous Hallmark Labor Day movies.
A gamer just broke a world record by playing video games for 75 hours straight. Seventy-five hours of video games, or, as most single guys call that, the weekend.
Late Night With Seth
Two men in Idaho recently set a Guinness World Record by passing a giant inflatable ball back and forth nearly 8,000 times. The record was for least weekend plans.
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit sudoku.org.uk.