7 minute read
BREEZY POINT RESORT – Deacon’s Lodge Golf Course
Named in honor of Arnold Palmer’s father “Deke”, Deacon’s Lodge is considered one of Palmer’s best designs. Sculpted from 500 acres of Northern Minnesota wilderness, Deacon’s Lodge combines the uncompromised beauty of surrounding lakes, woodlands and wetlands with a nationally acclaimed layout meticulously maintained to exceed your golf adventure expectations. Featuring massively wide bent grass fairways, masterfully designed green complexes, and native transition areas throughout, Deacon’s Lodge guests are greeted by 18 championship holes equally deserving of signature hole status.
BREEZY POINT RESORT – Traditional Golf Course
Patti Berg, Les Bolstad & Walter Hagen are some of the famous names that have golfed Breezy Point’s Traditional Golf Course. This is a “shot maker’s” course that rewards accuracy over power and is enjoyed by golfers of all abilities. The charming pro shop and clubhouse are open daily to meet all of your golfing needs.
BREEZY POINT RESORT – Whitebirch Golf Course
Whitebirch features over 6700 yards of lush fairways and huge undulating greens with multiple tee boxes. Add to that, trees, sand and water and you have what many consider the best championship golf value in the area. The pro shop offers the latest trends in men’s and women’s golf apparel, accessories and golf items.
Bobby’s Legacy, a Golf Digest 4 ½ star-rated course, was named after its famed designer, Robert Trent Jones, Jr. This is a “shot-makers” dream, with elevated tees, shorter holes and longer, more traditional par 4s and 5s, along with many split fairways and multiple tees that makes Bobby’s Legacy the ultimate in playability for all.
Dutch Legacy is the crown jewel of the Lakes Area’s golf courses and was rated 5 stars by the readers of Golf Digest. The brilliant design by Robert Trent Jones, Jr., the beauty of an Audubon Signature Sanctuary course and the skillful blend of par 3s, 4s and 5s, makes for a course for all golfing levels.
This is a unique, reversible par 3 golf course inspired by the classic St. Andrews in Scotland. The Reversible 9’s direction alternates daily and is ideal for novice, family and group play. The Reversible 9 also features the new game of FootGolf that combines the two sports of soccer and golf, a great game for golfers and non-golfers to enjoy.
Explore 27 holes designed as three 9-hole landscapes at this unique championship par 72 course. Five tees at each hole offer flexibility for all skill levels. The Pines’ practice facility features five separate putting greens, a two-sided driving range and a complete short game practice area is available.
Experience golf and nature in harmony as you make your way through this 18-hole, par 72 championship course. Scenic views from eleven elevated tees offer a spectacular experience of nature’s beauty. Five tees at each hole offer flexibility for all skill levels. Voted WCCO’s Best of MN 19th hole!
MADDEN’S ON GULL LAKE – The Classic at Madden’s
The Classic offers spectacular views, challenging shots and an unforgettable experience for anyone who values traditional “classic” golf. The towering oaks and northern Minnesota beauty provide a natural, tranquil and traditional golf experience that is truly unmatched.
The Pine Beach East course, designed by James Dalgleish, a Scottish golf course architect, was established in 1926. The lovingly maintained historic course retains its 1920’s charm but with rebuilt greens, added bunkers and natural fescue grass. Pine Beach East features a 618 yard, par 6 hole – A one-of-a-kind!
The most unique Brainerd Lakes Area golf course, this par 67 accommodates today’s golfer by being quick to get around and challenging to score. So challenging, you’ll need every club in your bag. Think Pine Beach West doesn’t fit into your trip? Take “The Owner’s challenge”, break par and your round is on them!
The Social 9, overlooking Gull Lake, is ideal for a quick nine and is perfect for juniors, beginners and more skilled players to work on short-game skills. This course is great for a warm-up to playing a full 18 on The Classic or a fun way to end the day with your golf group. Its postage stamp greens make it a great place for the accomplished player to practice. (218) 543-4900 www.whitefishgolf.com 7883 County Road 16, Pequot Lakes 18 Holes, Par 72, 6462 Yards
Tucked away in the tall pines and majestic oaks of the Minnesota’s Scenic Lakes Area is the Whitefish Golf Club, a Golf Digest 4 ½ star rated classic style 18 hole golf course that provides the perfect spot for a relaxing round of golf while taking in the breathtaking scenery.
(218) 568-6995 www.wildwedge.com 32792 Paul Bunyan Trail Dr., Pequot Lakes (on Hwy 371, 2 miles north of Pequot Lakes) 9 Holes, Par 27, 1200 Yards
One of Minnesota’s best short game courses, with a par 3 Golf Course and scenic holes from 75-175 yards winding through the great northwoods. Wildwedge has enough distance, sand and water to challenge the more experienced golfer without intimidating the beginners. Fun for the whole family with: Par 3 Golf, Mini Golf, Maze, RV Park, Motel Rooms.
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Wednesday,November25,2020• $1.50
TravisGrimler/EchoJournal Fallweatherthatfeelsmorelikewinterappearsheretostay.Betweencoldnights,snowonthegroundandearlysunsets—likethisoneSunday,Nov.22,bythe UnitedMethodistChurchonBarclayAvenueinPineRiver—it’slikelysafetosayit’llbespringbeforetheareagetsanytrulywarmdaysagain.ThanksgivingIt'sbeginningtolookalotlike ByTravisGrimler StaffWriter Therearemanybusinessdevelopmentsinthearea,withsomenew, someoldandsomeyettocome. Inthisuncertainclimate,here’s what’shappeningnearby. Recenthappenings In Pequot Lakes, a familiar, crookedbuildingonMainStreetonce knownasCalicoCottageandwhich most recently housed the Wobbly Wardrobe,hasopeneditsdoorsonce again,thistimeasPequotPedalto Paddle. Theshop,sportingafreshcoat ofbluepaintandlocatedjustwest ofBlissSpalon,lookstorentand/ orsellsbicycles,paddleboardsand more.Staytunedformoreinformation. Incaseyoumissedit ► Duringmostofthefirststate shutdown due to COVID-19, Pine River’sCozyCottageCaferemained closedratherthanoffertakeout,and itstayedthatwayafterotherbusinessesreopened.ThecafeonBarclay AvenuereopenedafterthelateSeptemberFallFestival,triggeringasign ofrelieffromlocalfans. Now,withthesecondstateshutdownofrestaurants,Facebookposts indicate that the cottage plans to
offertakeoutmeals. ► TheendofOctoberalsomarked theclosureofIronHillsNorthGun andPawninPineRiver.Asignon thedoorexplainstheclosure,but doesnotsaywhetherthisistheend orsomesortofnewbeginningunder anotherowner.Nophonecallsseekingcommentwerereturned. ► IntheJackPineCenterinPequot Lakes,aquietchangeoccurredin AugustwhenAnnieWoogpurchased the Sweet Life Bakery from Dani Sutin. Woog, busy with wedding cakesuntilnow,wasfinallyableto talkabouthernewventure.
ByNancyVogt Editor Family, friends and co-workers fondlyrecalledreporterBettyRyan’s loveofjournalismafter theretiredLakeCountryEchoreporterdied atage92,justoneday beforeher93rdbirthday. Ryan died Tuesday, Nov. 17, after having sufferedastroke.She workedattheEchofor more than 20 years, retiringinDecember2008atage81. “Journalismwassoimportanttoher andbeingabletoworkatthe Echowasalifesaverforher,especiallyafterDaddied,”herson,Rick Ryan,saidbyphone.“Shelovedit. Sheabsolutelylovedit.Shethought itwasthebestthingever.Itwas sogoodforher;itkepthermind active.” ByTravisGrimler StaffWriter Aswithmanygroupsand businesses, Christmas for Kidsorganizersareadapting tothedifficultiesofCOVID19. Those adaptations mean theprogramwilllookdifferentinthewayitisfundedand deliveredthisyear,butmost everythingelsewillproceed asusual. “(Inpastyears)we’vedone fundraisersatMaucieri’sand Riverside Restaurant,” said volunteer Corrie Craig. “We didaliveauctionandsilent auctionandRiversidedidabig dinnerwhereeveryonecould bringatoyandtheywould alsobringin$20aperson. We’renothavingthosetwo fundraisers.We’rejustasking fordonations.”The group is accepting donationsofbothmoneyand toys.Boxesfortoydonations are located at participating
locationsthroughoutthearea, while monetary donations maybesentto:Christmasfor Kids,P.O.Box5,Crosslake, MN56442.Kidswillreceiveatoylistedonthefamilyapplication, clothing, pajamas, toiletries, abookandselfcaresupplies. Thefamilywillgetamealand familygame.Asinpastyears,applicationsareavailableattheNisswa,PequotLakesandCross-
lake chamber offices, Lakes Area Food Shelf, Crosslake FoodShelfandthroughthe schooldistricts.Thoughspecificdetailsmay varyfromcommunitytocommunity, gift wrapping partieshavechangedthisyearas well.Craigsaidgiftwrappers whoparticipatedinpastyears arebeingaskedtoreturnthis year,withstaggeredschedules tolimitthenumberofpeople wrappingatonetime. Inthepast,volunteers— including area law enforcement agency volunteers —
FreeThanksgivingtakeoutmeal offeredWednesdayinPineRiver ByTravisGrimler Staff Writer With health concerns surrounding COVID-19, the annual community Thanksgiving meal at Grace United Methodist ChurchinPequotLakes BettyRyan remembered forherlove ofjournalism LongtimeLakeCountry Echoreporterdiesatage92
droppedoffgiftsatfamilies’ homesthedaybeforeChristmas. “This year because of COVID,we’regoingtoarrange forpeopletocometoourdifferentlocations,”Craigsaid. Applicants should contact organizerswheretheyapplied tofindoutwheredistribution willtakeplace.Applications for Christmas forKidsmustbeinbyFriday, Dec.4. TravisGrimlermaybereachedat218-8555853ortravis.grimler@pineandlakes.com. FollowhimonFacebookandonTwitterat www.twitter.com/@PEJ_Travis.
iscanceled,asistheJenkins VFW Thanksgiving meal. In Pine River, free meals served from the Pine River American Legionandsponsoredby the CommUnity Meals group will be available ascurbsidetakeoutfrom 3-6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov.25. Community ThanksgivingdinnersinPequot Lakes,JenkinsandPine Riverarelong-standing traditions. This year, noneofthesegroupswill host the massive gettogethers they have in pastyears.ThemealinPineRiver, startedmorethanaquartercenturyagobyLloyd and Violet Smith and theirfamily,willgoon withoutthe“gathering” part.In2019,thelocal
Free CommUnity Meals Committee took over preparation and hosted themealatthePineRiver AmericanLegion. The Lakes Area Food Shelf in Pequot Lakes offered a limited numberofThanksgivingmeal boxesbyreservation. TravisGrimlermaybereachedat 218-855-5853ortravis.grimler@ pineandlakes.com.Followhimon FacebookandonTwitteratwww. twitter.com/@PEJ_Travis. PequotLakes churchcancels mealthisyear Areabusinessdevelopmentshighlighted ChristmasforKidsseekstoy,monetarydonations Groupforcedtocancelmajorfundraisers RYAN: Page6BUSINESS:Page6 Mike Schwieters, who managesBoydLodgewith hiswife,Ruth,wasnamed theIdealCommunityServiceOrganization’sVolunteeroftheYearfor2020. Schwieters has served asamember/directorfor theWhitefishAreaLodging Association and the Community of Minnesota Resorts. He serves on the Paul BunyanScenicBywayGrant Committee for the Linda UllandMemorialScholarshipandisadirectorofthe BrainerdChamberofCommerce,whichpartnerswith theCrosslakeandPequot LakesChambersofCommerce. Heisinvolvedwiththe NationalLoonCenterand
MINNESOTA2021 FourSeasonsofFun!
Schwieters sitsontheIdealScholarshipFoundationSelection Committee.Hereceivedthis scholarshipwhenhegraduatedfrom Pequot Lakes HighSchool. SCHWIETERS:Page6
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