28 minute read
Top employees could win big in Food’s ‘Giving You the Business’
The company CEOs will award a franchise opportunity to the workers who demonstrate their worth through actions and decision making.
“I loved the fact that it’s empowering people,” says Bond. “I think about my kids. When they were in the third grade, they had a teacher who would give them a sticker that said, ‘Caught being good.’
“I remembered that slogan, ‘Caught being good.’ I think about the show, and the employees that are going to win, they basically got caught being good. They’re doing the right things. They’re model employees. They believe in the brand. They’re drinking the Kool-Aid, so to speak. They’re going to get rewarded with their own franchises.
“I love people getting rewarded for doing the right thing.”
As to what impressed him about the employees competing, Bond says, “They all love the brand. Some people are just happy to have a job, thinking, ‘I can’t wait until it’s time to get off work. I hate my job.’ Every person on every episode absolutely loves their job. Not only that, but they absolutely love the brand that they work for.
“Even the contestants that lost, they still had the opportunity to show their love for the company. Across the board, they are really important to the franchise they work for.”
In the current economy, even moderately priced food franchises are under pressure.
“There’s not as much disposable income available,” says Bond, “so it makes the fast-food industry that much more competitive. My message for any fast-food system is that you can’t afford to be average. You can’t have an average burger. Your fries can’t be average.
“People are being very judicious with their dollars. When they go spend them on a Happy Meal deal or whatever you’re selling, it’s got to be really good.
“If you can be really good, you know what, you’re going to do fine.”
“Ride the Pine,” www.ridethepine.com
Alex Balcerski is host for this sports commentary show that mixes comedy and biting commentary, asking such important questions as “Are you recovered from Kevin Ware’s injury?” and “Do you want a ‘Ride the Pine’ sweatshirt?” The rest of the site offers sports news, “Bleacher Babes,” photo galleries, amusing GIFs and stuff labeled “Not Sports.”

“Long Haired Businessmen,” blip.tv/longhairedbusinessmen

It’s a comedy show about three businessmen who do what ordinary businessmen do, except they all have long hair and look a bit like the Three Musketeers. Some of the other guys in the office also have long hair, and a couple have really long beards. It stars Patrick O’Brien, Ben Wietmarschen and George Kareman.
“One Life to Live,” www. hulu.com/one-life-to-live
The long-lived network soap opera is reborn as a Web original on Hulu starting Monday, April 29. Filmed in Stamford, Conn., it follows the lives of the three main families of a small town - the rich Lords, the powerful Buchanans and the strongwilled Cramers. Emmy-winning soap-opera producer Agnes Nixon is creative consultant.

(AP) Ghostland, TNWildmanWildmanRiver Monsters (S) Ice Cold Gold (S) WildmanWildmanRiver Monsters (S) Ice Cold Gold (S) Ghostland, TNWildmanWildmanRiver Monsters (S)
(S) OranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/Atl.Housewives/OC ››› “The Queen of Versailles”HappensReal HousewivesLA ShrinksHousewives/Atl.HappensReal HousewivesPaidPaidPaidPaidMatchmaker (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportCNBC ReportsTreasure Det.The Car ChasersMad MoneyTreasure Det.The Car ChasersPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyKeyFturamaFturamaSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkDailyColbertAmy SchumerDailyColbertWork.ChapChapKeySunnyEntouPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Shipwreck Men (S) Ext. SmugglingShipwreck Men (S) Bering Sea GoldShipwreck Men (S) Ext. SmugglingBering Sea GoldShipwreck Men (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) ANT Shake ItAustin“Princess Protection”DogAustinJessieGood WizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasGaspard Octo (E!) E! News (N)
SoupRyanRyanJonasJonasChelseaE! News ChelseaRyanRyanChelseaSoupFashion PolicePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) MLB Baseball Washington Nationals at Atlanta Braves. (N) Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) MLB Baseball: Nationals at Braves SportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) SportsCenter Special 30 for 30 SportsNation Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NBA Tonight (N) NASCAR Now (N) NFL Live (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsNation (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassThe Journey HomeEvangeRosaryWorld Over LiveRememWomen Daily MassThe Journey HomeScienceServantHeavenHoly Wd.Saints GodOne MiraclesCarpenMorality
(FAM) Secret-TeenSecret-Teen
King”Defiance Defiance (N) Warehouse 13 (S) Defiance Warehouse 13 (S) ContinuumStargate AtlantisStargate UniversePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) (2:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon KickoffSpring Praise-A-Thon Kickoff Spring Praise-A-Thon Kickoff (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S)
Conan (N) (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) The Office (CC) › “Delta Farce” (2007, Comedy) Larry the Cable Guy, Bill Engvall. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried
(TCM) (5:15) ›› “Bittersweet Love”
›› “It Came From Outer Space” (1953) Barbara Rush
›› “The Magnetic Monster” (1953) Richard Carlson.
›› “Riders to the Stars” (1954) William Lundigan.
›› “The Power” (1968) George Hamilton, Suzanne Pleshette. (CC) ››› “Creature From the Black Lagoon” (1954) (CC)
›› “Tormented” (1960) Richard Carlson, Juli Reding. MGM Parade ›››› “The Southerner” (1945) (TLC) To Be AnnouncedTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTattoosTo Be AnnouncedPopoffPaidTo Be Announced CoupleCouple (TNT) Castle (S) (CC)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) Inside the NBA (N) Perception (CC) The Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel “Dead End” Smallville “Rabid” (TOON) RegularAdvenRegularMADKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenSealabSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) FoodFoodBizarre FoodsBurgerBurgerNewNewBizarre FoodsBurgerBurgerNewNewBizarre FoodsBizarre FoodsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) LizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardLizardWorkedWorkedThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Raymond Raymond Forever Young Forever Young King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Golden Girls Golden Girls Roseanne (S) Cosby Show Home Improve. Home Improve. Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS “Cracked” (S) (CC)
WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) (:05) NCIS: Los Angeles (S)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) (12:05) House “The Softer Side” (CC) (:05) ›› “Second in Command” (2006) Jean-Claude Van Damme. (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) Funny VideosFunny VideosFunny VideosNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid J. Meyer
(HBO) (5:00) “The Chronicles of Riddick” Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC) ››› “Prometheus” (2012, Science Fiction) Noomi Rapace. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) Game of Thrones (S) (CC)
(:15) Boxing Sergio Martinez vs. Martin Murray. (S) (CC) (:15) ››› “The Hurricane” (1999, Drama) Denzel Washington, Deborah Kara Unger. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:45) The Weight of the Nation “Part 2: Choices” (CC) (MAX) (5:20) › “The Haunting” (1999)
(:15) ›› “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” (2012) Steve Carell.
››› “Contagion” (2011, Suspense) Marion Cotillard. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(10:50) Sex Games Cancun Feature 3 (12:15) ›› “Last Man Standing” (1996, Action) Bruce Willis. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Life on Top (S) (:35) ›› “She Hate Me” (2004) Anthony Mackie. A man impregnates his ex-fiancee and lesbians.
›› “Sylvia” (2003, Biography) Gwyneth Paltrow, Daniel Craig. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “The Beaver” (2011) Mel Gibson. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “The Woman in Black” (2012) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (12:10) › “I Melt With You” (2011, Suspense) Thomas Jane. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ›› “I’m Still Here” (2010, Documentary) Joaquin Phoenix. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) › “Apollo 18” (2011) Lloyd Owen. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Tillamook”
››› “The Contender” (2000) ‘R’ (SHOW) “Elizabeth” ››› “The Help” (2011) Viola Davis. An aspiring writer captures the experiences of black women. The Big C: Hereafter (S) (CC) Nurse Jackie The Big C: Hereafter (S) (CC) The Borgias “Siblings” (S) (CC) All Access SuicideGirls: UK Holiday (S) (CC) “Hick” (2011, Drama) Chloe Grace Moretz. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:15) ›› “Swinging With the Finkels” (2010) ‘NR’ (CC) “Ceremony” (TMC) (5:30) “Your Sister’s Sister” (2011)
(AP) Wild West AlaskaBlue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasWild West AlaskaBlue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasOranguEden (BRAVO) Real HousewivesActor’s StudioTBATardyThe Kandi FactoryHappensMatchmakerReal HousewivesMatchmakerHappensMatchmakerPaidPaidPaidPaidFashionDukes of (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportCNBC ReportsCrowd RulesThe Car ChasersMad MoneyFast MoneyExecutive VisionPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyWork.Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Amy DailyColbertTosh.0Amy DailyColbertAmy Amy SchumerKrollSunnyComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Dual Survival (S) Dual Survival (S) Deadliest CatchAfrica (S) (CC) Dual Survival (S) Africa (S) (CC) Dual Survival (S) Dual Survival (S) PopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) ANT DogAustin ›› “Ella Enchanted” (S) PhineasAustinJessieGood WizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasGaspard Octo (E!) E! News (N)
Kourtney-KimJonasJonasRyanRyanChelseaE! News ChelseaKourtney-KimChelseaJonasJonasMiamiPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) E:60 (N) Audibles (N) (Live) Bryce BeginsBaseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) E:60 (N) 2012 CrossFit Games CrossFit Games CrossFit Games Audibles (N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NBA Tonight (N) NASCAR Now (N) NFL Live (CC) SportsNation (CC) E:60 SportsNation (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (EWTN) Daily MassMother AngelicaReliRosaryThreshold of HopeThoughtWomen Daily MassMother AngelicaScienceDefendReflecActs ThoughtPapal AudienceDoor CarpenJoy Mu (FAM) ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996, Comedy) › “The Hot Chick” (2002) Anna Faris The 700 Club (S)
H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) TenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsUr. TarTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsUr. TarTenantsTenantsTenantsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) Fact or FakedFact or FakedWeird or What?Weird or What? (N) Weird or What?Weird or What?Defiance “Pilot” Defiance Defiance PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) (2:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangLast Laugh? Big BangConan (N) (CC) Last Laugh? Conan (CC) The Office (CC) › “Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector” (2006) Larry the Cable Guy. Better Worse MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:00) ›› “The Angry Hills” (1959) ›› “A Stolen Life” (1946, Drama) Bette Davis, Glenn Ford. (CC)
›› “The Loves of Carmen” (1948, Drama) Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford.
››› “The Undercover Man” (1949) Glenn Ford. ›› “Babies for Sale” (1940) (:45) ››› “Framed” (1947) Glenn Ford, Janis Carter. (:15) ››› “Gilda” (1946, Romance) Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford. (CC) (:15) “The Doctor and the Girl” (CC) (TLC) Gypsy Wedding19 Kids19 Kids19 Kids-CountCoupleCouple19 Kids-CountCoupleCouple19 Kids19 KidsGypsy WeddingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) Castle (S) (CC) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) Inside the NBA (N) Perception (CC) The Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel “Belonging” Smallville “Echo” (TOON) JohnnyTeenLooneyAdvenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenSealabSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) FoodFoodAirport Airport Airport Airport The LayoverNo ReservationAirport Airport The LayoverNo ReservationAirport Airport PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnWorld’s Dumbest...PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnWorld’s Dumbest...The InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid
(TVLAND) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Raymond Raymond Forever Young Forever Young King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Forever Young Forever Young Forever Young Forever Young Forever Young Forever Young Roseanne (S) Cosby Show Home Improve. Home Improve. Paid Program Paid Program (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) House “The Social Contract” (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Cheers (CC) Psych (CC) (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) (5:15) “Mary and Martha” (2013) (S) ›› “Ice Age: Continental Drift” (2012) (S) ‘PG’ (CC) ›› “The Campaign” (2012) Will Ferrell. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Game of Thrones “Kissed by Fire”
VICE (S) (CC) Veep (S) (CC)
›› “Safe House” (2012, Action) Denzel Washington. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “The Campaign” (2012) Will Ferrell. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ››› “Elephant” (2003) Alex Frost. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “The Road to El Dorado” (2000) (MAX) (5:05) ›› “American Reunion” ‘R’ ››› “The Long Kiss Goodnight” (1996, Action) Geena Davis. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “In Time” (2011, Science Fiction) Justin Timberlake. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
The Jump Off (:20) ›› “American Reunion” (2012) Jason Biggs. ‘R’ (:15) Sex Games Cancun Feature 1 (S) (CC) (:40) “Stash House” (2012, Suspense) Dolph Lundgren. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:20) ›› “Mom and Dad Save the World” (1992) ‘PG’ (SHOW) ›› “Stepmom” (1998, Drama) Julia Roberts, Ed Harris. Premiere. ‘PG-13’ (:15) ››› “50/50” (2011) Joseph GordonLevitt, Seth Rogen. (S) ‘R’ (CC) The Big C: Hereafter (S) (CC)
› “From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money” (1999) ›› “From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman’s Daughter” (:05) ››› “The Mighty” (1998) Sharon Stone. ‘PG-13’ “The Apostle” (TMC) (5:30) ›› “The Decoy Bride” ‘PG’ ›› “Against the Ropes” (2004, Drama) Meg Ryan. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “Legendary” (2010, Drama) Patricia Clarkson, John Cena. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Nurse Jackie The Borgias “Siblings” (S) (CC) All Access
››› “War Horse” (2011) Emily Watson. A horse sees joy and sorrow during World War I. (S) ››› “Traffic” (2000, Crime Drama) Michael Douglas, Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro. (S) ‘R’
››› “Monsters” (2010) Scoot McNairy. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Lone Rider”
(2003) John Cusack, Ray Liotta, Amanda Peet. (CC)
“High Fidelity” (2000, Romance-Comedy) John Cusack, Iben Hjejle, Todd Louiso. (CC)
River MonstersRiver Monsters (S) River MonstersNorth Woods LawRiver Monsters (S) River MonstersNorth Woods LawRiver MonstersRiver Monsters (S) River MonstersNorth Woods LawOranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Rachel Zoe ProjectDukes of Dukes of HappensRachel Zoe ProjectBrad Dukes of Real HousewivesHappensRachel Zoe ProjectPaidPaidPaidPaidHousewives/OC (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportThe Car ChasersCeleb ApprenTreasure Det.Mad MoneyAmerican GreedAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyChapChapSouth PkSouth PkWork.South PkDailyColbertSouth PkSouth PkDailyColbertSouth PkSouth ParkFturamaSunnyUglyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) MythBusters (CC) MythBusters: Blast MythBusters (N) Big Brain Th.MythBusters (CC) Big Brain Th.MythBusters: Blast MythBusters (CC) PopoffPaidTelePaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) ANT Good JessieGravityDogAustinANT AustinJessieGood Kim PKim PDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasGaspard Octo (E!) E! News (N) Ready for Love “Love Connections” (N) SoupJonasChelseaE! News ChelseaSoupRyanChelseaMiamiMiamiMiamiPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N Subject to Blackout) (CC) Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N)
SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N)
NBA Tonight (N) NASCAR Now (N)
SportsCenter (N) MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (CC)
SportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) CrossFit Games CrossFit Games CrossFit Games CrossFit Games 2012 CrossFit Games NFL Live (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC)
SportsCenter (N) (CC)
SportsCenter (CC) SportsNation (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassEWTN Live (N) SaintRosaryReliVaticanoCatholicWomen Daily MassEWTN LiveScienceSwearFaithfulDevoSaintApo.Dogmatic T.CarpenRutler
(FAM) › “The Hot Chick” (2002) Anna Faris ››› “The Mask” (1994) Jim Carrey. The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerGrace
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N) (FSN) UFCTwins MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Detroit Tigers. Twins VikingsWorld Poker TourUFC UnleashedChamp.StuntPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FX) Two
(S) ››› “Scarface” (1983) Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. (S) (CC) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) Bar Rescue (S) RepoRepoRepoKnife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) Haunted CollectorHaunted CollectorGhost Hunters (N) ParanormalGhost Hunters (S) ParanormalKnifeKnifeThe Getaway › “Ghouls” (2008) Kristen Renton. PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) (2:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan (N) (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) The Office (CC)
››› “The Bank Job” (2008) Jason Statham, Saffron Burrows. (CC) Better Worse MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:15) ››› “Ransom” (1956)
››› “Brother Rat” (1938, Comedy) Priscilla Lane. (CC) (:45) ››› “Four Daughters” (1938) Claude Rains, Rosemary Lane. (CC)
›› “Silver Queen” (1942) Priscilla Lane, George Brent.
›› “Cowboy From Brooklyn” (1938) Pat O’Brien. (CC)
››› “Arsenic and Old Lace” (1944, Comedy) Cary Grant. (CC) (DVS) ›› “Varsity Show” (1937) Dick Powell, Fred Waring. › “Son of India” (1931, Romance) (TLC) ObsesObsesHoard-BuriedHoard-BuriedObsesObsesHoard-BuriedObsesObsesHoard-BuriedObsesObsesPopoffPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid19 Kids19 Kids (TNT) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) Inside the NBA (N) Cold Case “Bullet” Perception (CC) The Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville (CC) (TOON) RegularNinjaGoDragonsTeenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenSealabSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) FoodFoodBggg Bggg Toy HntrToy HntrDoomsday on Drive Thru ParaToy HntrToy HntrDoomsday on Drive Thru ParaBggg Bggg PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) PawnPawnPawnPawnRepoRepoRepoRepoRepoRepoPawnPawnRepoRepoRepoRepoRepoRepoThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Raymond Raymond Forever Young King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Raymond Forever Young ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Golden Girls Golden Girls Roseanne (S) Cosby Show Home Improve. Home Improve. Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS Man holds hostages in the lab. NCIS “Ships in the Night” (S) (CC) NCIS “Enemy on the Hill” (S) Psych Shawn runs for mayor. (N) (:01) NCIS “Recruited” (S) (CC) (:01) NCIS “Yankee White” (S) (CC) (12:01) Psych (CC) (:01) House “Brave Heart” (S) (CC) House “Known Unknowns” (S) (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent “All In” The Moment (CC) (WGN-A) Funny VideosRulesRulesRulesRulesNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (CC)
››› “Manhunt” (2013, Documentary) Premiere. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) Game of Thrones “Kissed by Fire” Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC) Veep (S) (CC) Louis C.K.: Oh My God (S) (CC)
››› “Bridesmaids” (2011, Comedy) Kristen Wiig, Rose Byrne. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:40) ››› “Manhunt” (2013, Documentary) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) Conchords “Harry PotterSorcerer’s” (MAX) “Very Harold & Kumar 3D”
›››› “The Silence of the Lambs” (1991) Jodie Foster. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) The Jump Off (:45) Lingerie (S) (12:15) Lingerie “Rags to Riches” (12:50) “Inhuman Resources” (2012) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “The Money Pit” (1986) Tom Hanks. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
›› “The Closer You Get” (2000) Ian Hart. ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Terminal” (SHOW) “Bulletprf” All Access All Access All Access 60 Minutes Sports (N) (S) (CC) All Access (N) All Access 60 Minutes Sports (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime (CC) The Borgias “Siblings” (S) (CC)
›› “Liberal Arts” (2012) Josh Radnor. ‘PG-13’ (CC) (:40)
Gigolos (CC)
› “Mother’s Day” (2010) Rebecca De Mornay, Jaime King. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Blue Valentine” (2010, Drama) Ryan Gosling. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:35) › “The Long Weekend” (2005) Chris Klein. ‘R’
(:10) “Alien Raiders” (2008) Carlos Bernard. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:40) “Touched” (2005, Romance) Jenna Elfman. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Legend”
›› “Timeline” (2003, Adventure) Paul Walker, Frances O’Connor. (S) ‘PG-13’ “Serenity” (CC) (TMC) (5:30) ›› “Last Call” (2002) Jeremy Irons. ›› “The Baxter” (2005) Michael Showalter. ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Wars (S) Natural
(N) (BRAVO) Housewives/OCHousewives/OCHousewives/OCTabatha Tk-OvrHappensKathy Housewives/OCKathy HappensHousewives/OCPaidPaidPaidPaidDukes of Brad (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportCrime Inc.American GreedAmerican GreedMad MoneyCrime Inc.To Be AnnouncedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM)
ColbertDailyFturamaFturamaTosh.0Tosh.0SunnySunnyDailyColbertAmy (:31) Tosh.0 (CC) DailyAmy Half Al MadrigalSunnyKeyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Hillbilly Blood (S) Hillbilly Blood (S) Hillbilly Blood (N) Buying Alaska (N) Hillbilly Blood (S) Buying Alaska (S) Hillbilly Blood (S) Hillbilly Blood (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) ANT ANT ››› “Enchanted” (2007) (S) (CC) GravityAustinJessieGood WizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasGaspard Octo (E!) E! News (N) SoupRyanKardashiansBlinging Up BabyChelseaE! News ChelseaJonasJonasChelseaSoupBlinging Up BabyPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) (5:00) SportsCenterCollege Softball Texas Tech at Baylor. Baseball TonightSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter
NFL Live (N) (CC) E:60 Boxing (CC) Boxing Friday Night Fights. (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR Now (N) NFL Live (CC) SportsNation (CC) E:60 SportsNation SportsNation (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassWorld Over LiveCrossingRosaryLife on the RockDefendWomen Daily MassWorld Over LiveScienceOctavaFaithfulSavoringWeb of Faith 2.0Living RightCarpenChoices
(FAM) ›› “A Walk to Remember” ›› “The Last Song” (2010) Miley Cyrus. The 700 Club (S)
FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye
College LacrosseCollege Lacrosse Due RoadsWe Love UFC Reloaded Relive all the action from UFC 146.
›› “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009, Action) AngerTwo Two BrandX WithBrandX WithBrandX WithMotherMotherPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, First Round. From Charlotte, N.C.
DadFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) (3:30) “Scarface”iMPACT Wrestling (N) (S) (CC) TenantsUr. TarTenantsUr. TarTenantsUr. TarTenantsUr. TarWays Ways Ways Ways PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(SYFY) › “Saw V” (2008) Tobin Bell. (CC) › “Saw VI” (2009, Horror) Tobin Bell. › “Saw IV” (2007) Tobin Bell. (CC) › “Saw V” (2008) Tobin Bell. (CC) › “Saw VI” (2009, Horror) Tobin Bell. Merlin (S) (CC) PaidPaid (TBN) (2:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon
(TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangMen at Work (N) Big BangConan (N) (CC) Men at Work Conan (CC) The Office (CC) › “Cop Out” (2010, Comedy) Bruce Willis, Tracy Morgan, Adam Brody. (CC)
MarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:15) ›› “Moonfleet” (1955) (CC)
››› “Duel in the Sun” (1946, Western) Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck, Joseph Cotten. (CC)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) Inside the NBA (N) Cold Case (CC) Perception “Light” The Closer (CC) NUMB3RS (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville (CC) (TOON) RegularAnnoyIncredRegularKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyFaceChilSquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyFaceSealabSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyHero: (TRAV) FoodFoodMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...UploadUploadMost ShockingWorld’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...UploadUploadMost ShockingThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show
››› “Comrade X” (1940) Clark Gable. (CC) MGM Parade (:15) “The Heart of New York” (1932) (TLC) TattoosTattoosCasinoCasinoTattoosTattoosNY Ink (N) (CC) TattoosTattoosNY Ink (S) (CC) CasinoCasinoTattoosTattoosPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidHappily19 Kids (TNT) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N)
›› “Ruby Gentry” (1952, Drama) Jennifer Jones. (CC) ›› “Lightning Strikes Twice” (1951) Ruth Roman. (:45) ››› “An American Romance” (1944, Drama) Brian Donlevy, Ann Richards, Walter Abel.
Girls Golden Girls Roseanne (S) Cosby Show Home Improve. Home Improve.
Program (USA) NCIS “Need to Know” (S) NCIS “Rekindled” (S) (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Playing With Fire” (S)
Moment A coaching position.
The Moment (CC) (:02) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (S) (:01) Law & Order:
Criminal Intent (S) Law & Order:
Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order:
Criminal Intent (CC) House “Teamwork” (S) (CC) (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNewsVideosFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) “Green Lantern” › “New Year’s Eve” (2011, RomanceComedy) Halle Berry. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) Game of Thrones “Kissed by Fire” Veep (S) (CC)
Katie Morgan KatieVICE (S) (CC) ›› “Green Lantern” (2011, Action) Ryan Reynolds. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Somewhere” (2010) Stephen Dorff. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ›› “The Merchant of Venice” (2004, Drama) Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Renée Fleming (MAX) (4:35) ››› “Forrest Gump” (1994) ›› “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “The Watch” (2012, Comedy) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:45) “Erotic Karma” (2012, Adult) (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
››› “Fright Night” (2011, Horror) Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(12:05) ››› “Seven” (1995, Suspense) Brad Pitt. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) “Recoil” (2011, Action) Steve Austin, Danny Trejo. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(3:50) ››› “The Tree of Life” (2011, Drama) Brad Pitt. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (SHOW) (:15) ››› “The Game” (1997, Suspense) Michael Douglas, Sean Penn. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Mayweather (S) (CC) All Access Gigolos (N) (S) The Borgias “Siblings” (S) (CC) Gigolos (CC) All Access ››› “Traffic” (2000, Crime Drama) Michael Douglas, Don Cheadle. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ SuicideGirls ››› “The King’s Speech” (2010) Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “The Ride” (S) (TMC) (5:25) › “Brake” (2012) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Goon” (2011) Seann William Scott. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:35) › “Bio-Dome” (1996) Pauly Shore. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (12:10) › “Book of Love” (2004) Frances O’Connor. ‘R’ (:35) “Brotherhood” (2010) Trevor Morgan. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Soldier’s Girl” (2003, Docudrama) Troy Garity. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Myth of the American”
CatBig Cat (BRAVO) Housewives/Atl.To Be Announced To Be Announced Movie
BeDon’t Be (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportTreasure Det.The Car ChasersAmerican GreedMad MoneyThe Celebrity Apprentice (S) (CC)
MoneySuze Orman ShowOptionsPaid (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers Morgan LiveAnderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Anderson CooperAnderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Anderson CooperAnderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Wk Early Start (COM) ColbertDailyTosh.0Tosh.0Amy Work.Tosh.0The Comedy Central RoastHalf Half ›› “Zack and Miri Make a Porno” (2008) (CC) Amy Half Half PaidPaidPaidPaid
(DISC) Sons of Guns: Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (N) Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISN) AustinAustinJessieJessieJessieJessieDogGood JessieShake ItShake ItShake ItAustinAustinGood “Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century” (S) ››› “Mulan” (1998) (S) OctoMickey (E!) E! News (N) Blinging Up BabyFashion PoliceFashion Police (N) ChelseaE! News ChelseaFashion PoliceChelseaRyanRyanSoupPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) NBA CountdownNBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) NBA Basketball SportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) NFL Live (N) (CC) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC)
NBA Tonight (N)
Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N Same-day Tape) (CC)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (CC) SportsNation
(EWTN) Daily MassLife on the RockCampusRosaryCrossingEvangeRutlerWomen of GraceDaily MassLife on the RockCampusCatholicRememSaints PortraitsShaking the EarthCarpenMy Faith
(FAM) (5:30) ››› “Big” (1988) ›› “The Goonies” (1985) Sean Astin. The 700 Club (S) PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrincePaidPaidPaid
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity FOX and Friends Saturday (N) (FSN) MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Cleveland Indians. (N)
Be Announced CrosPro TalkNHLPoker After DarkDarts Poker After DarkHang PaidPaidPaidPaidOutdoorOutsideOutd’rs (NICK) TurtlesTurtlesTurtlesTurtlesFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’sePeterPeter (SPIKE) “Remember the Titans” ››› “Remember the Titans” (2000, Drama) (S) ››› “Coach Carter” (2005, Drama) Samuel L. Jackson. Ways Ways Ways Ways Knife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) Merlin (S) (CC) WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (S) Merlin (N) (CC) Defiance Merlin (S) (CC) Defiance Warehouse 13 (S) Lost Girl (S) (CC) Lost Girl (S) (CC) Stargate AtlantisPaidPaid (TBN) (2:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) ›› “Old School” (2003, Comedy) Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell. (CC) (DVS) There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? There Yet? ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003) Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman. (CC) (DVS) MarriedMarriedMarriedJeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy MarriedMarried (TCM) (5:00) ››› “High Society” ››› “Alice in Wonderland” (1933) Charlotte Henry. ›› “No Greater Glory” (1934) George Breakston.
›› “The Bride Wore Red” (1937) Joan Crawford, Franchot Tone. (CC)
›› “I Take This Woman” (1940) Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr. (CC)
››› “Three Comrades” (1938) Robert Taylor. (CC) (:45) ›› “Parnell” (1937, Biography) Clark Gable, Myrna Loy. (CC) Now Playing (TLC) Say YesSay YesFour Weddings: Say YesSay YesGownGownSay YesSay YesGownGownFour Weddings: Say YesSay YesPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(TNT) The Mentalist (S) ››› “War of the Worlds” (2005) Tom Cruise. ››› “War of the Worlds” (2005) Tom Cruise. ››› “Face/Off” (1997) John Travolta, Nicolas Cage. (CC) Smallville (CC) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) RegularRegularCartoon PlanetKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenSealabSquidKing/HillKing/HillLooneyLooney (TRAV) FoodFoodGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresThe Dead Files (N) The Dead FilesGhost AdventuresThe Dead FilesThe Dead FilesGhost AdventuresPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) World’s Dumbest...Wipeout (S) (CC) Most ShockingWorld’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...Most ShockingMost ShockingThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid
(TVLAND) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Moment A coaching position. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) (:01) › “The Condemned” (2007,
(HBO) (4:45) “Million Dollar Baby” (2004)
“Wrath of the Titans” (2012) Sam Worthington. (CC) Candelabra Real Time With Bill Maher (N) (CC) VICE (N) (CC) Real Time With Bill Maher (S) (CC) VICE (S) (CC) “El Gringo” (2012) Scott Adkins. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:45) ››› “Die Hard” (1988, Action) Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Office Space” (1999) Ron Livingston. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Apollo 13” ‘PG’ (MAX) (:10) ›› “Life” (1999, Comedy-Drama) Eddie Murphy. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” (2005, Action) Brad Pitt. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) The Jump Off (:35) “Hidden Treasures” (2013) Premiere. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
›› “Varsity Blues” (1999) James Van Der Beek. (S) ‘R’ Femme Fatales (:15) ›› “Navy SEALS” (1990, Action) Charlie Sheen. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ›› “The Newton Boys” (1998) Matthew McConaughey. ‘PG-13’ (CC) (SHOW) Sebastian Maniscalco 30 Days in May (S) (CC) All Access All Access All Access All Access 60 Minutes Sports (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime (CC) All Access Gigolos (CC) Nurse Jackie ››› “Brokeback Mountain” (2005, Romance) Heath Ledger. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:45) › “Celtic Pride” (1996, Comedy) Damon Wayans. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) The Big C: He. (TMC) (5:00) “A
(CC) (AP) Pit Boss (S) Must Love Cats (S) To Be Announced To Be Announced
(BRAVO) Don’t BeDon’t BeDon’t BeDon’t BeDon’t Be TardyMatchmakerMatchmakerMatchmakerMatchmakerHousewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl. (CNBC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (CNN) Early Sat. CNN Saturday Morning (N) MoneySaturday MorningCNN Newsroom (N) CNN NewsroomMoneyNext ListTo Be Announced GuptaCNN NewsroomSituation Room (COM) PaidPaidFturamaFturama(:15) ›› “Encino Man” (1992) (CC) (:15) ›› “Year One” (2009) (CC) ChapChapChapChap“Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo” ››› “Trading Places” (DISC) PaidPaidPaidPaidOverhaulin’ (CC) Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) MythBusters (CC) MythBusters (CC) MythBusters (CC) MythBusters (CC) MythBusters (CC) (DISN) MickeyPiratesDoc SofiaPhineasGravityJessieJessieJessieJessieDogDogDogShake ItShake ItShake ItANT ANT ANT ANT Good DogAustinJessie (E!) › “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry”SoupE! News (N) Fashion PoliceKardashiansBlinging Up BabyReady for Love “Love Connections” (S) JonasJonasRyanRyanE! News (ESPN) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
(ESPN2) SportsNation English Premier League Soccer Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 30 for 30
CrossFitCrossFitCrossFitQB Sports.NASCARNASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Aaron’s 312. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)
NBA Face to FaceCollege Baseball Florida at LSU. (N) (Live)
CrossFit Games CrossFit Games 2012 CrossFit Games NHRA Drag Racing
(EWTN) ChapletRosaryDaily MassDevotionMorningAngelsKnightsHeritageRosaryHoly RosaryActs MiraclesEWTN on LocationMercyRosaryWeb of Faith 2.0Jesus, Living in MaryWisdom
(FAM) Boy... ››› “Michael” (1996) John Travolta. Premiere. ››› “Meet the Parents” (2000) Ben Stiller ››› “Big” (1988) Tom Hanks. ›› “Overboard” (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. ›› “The Goonies” (1985) Sean Astin. (FNC) (5:00) FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls & Bears BusinessForbes on FOX Cashin’ In (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News America’s News Headquarters (N) BusinessCashin’ In (N) The Five (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) (FSN) PaidPaid3 WideWe Love RoadsPaidWoodsOutdoorDW-TVAnglingDue Twins MLB Baseball Minnesota Twins at Cleveland Indians. (N) Twins College Lacrosse Game (FX) MotherMotherMotherMotherMotherTwo Two Two Two ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008) Liv Tyler ››› “Spider-Man 2” (2004, Action) Tobey Maguire. ››› “X-Men 2” (2003, Fantasy)
(GOLF) Morning Drive (N) (Live) European PGA Tour Golf Volvo China Open, Third Round. From Tianjin, China. (N Same-day Tape) Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Third Round. Golf Central LPGA Tour Golf Kingsmill Championship, Third Round. From Williamsburg, Va. (N) (Live)
Golf Central PGA Golf
(HGTV) DisasterBryanPropertyPropertyElbowGoingBathYardYardKitchenCrashersCrashersLove It or List ItCool Pools (CC) HawaiiHawaiiHawaiiHawaiiHawaiiHawaiiHuntersHunt Intl (HIST) Mankind The StoryMankind The StoryMankind The Story of All of Us (CC) Mankind The Story of All of Us (CC) Mankind The Story of All of Us (CC) Mankind The Story of All of Us (CC) Mankind The Story of All of Us (CC) (LIFE) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidTo Be AnnouncedMovie Movie Movie Movie (NBCSN) GAFF MartinFisher.ParkerB. DanceBassSltwtrBig FishSaltwaIntoCharlieOutdoorB. DanceParkerSportFishingTo Be AnnouncedMLS Soccer: Red Bulls at Crew TBA (NICK) ParentsParentsSponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.TurtlesMonSponge.RocketRangersSponge.ParentsParentsParentsParentsSponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge. (SPIKE) PaidPaidPaidPaidXtremeHorse.Trucks!MuscleSavageSavageSavageSavageSavageSavageSavageSavageSavage ››› “Braveheart” (1995) Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau. (S) (CC) (SYFY)
PaidPaid Program Warehouse 13 (S) “Merlin and the War of the Dragons” › “Dragon Wars” (2007) Jason Behr. “Fire & Ice” (2008) Amy Acker. › “Flying Monkeys” (2013) (CC) “Chupacabra” (TBN) (2:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon (TBS) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl House of Payne Meet the Browns There Yet? According-Jim King of Queens King of Queens Engagement ›› “Bruce Almighty” (2003) Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman. (CC) (DVS) ›› “Old School” (2003, Comedy) Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell. (CC) (DVS) Raymond Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) King of Queens King of Queens (TCM) Now Playing ››› “The Gangster” (1947) Barry Sullivan, Belita. ››› “Fire Over England” (1937) Laurence Olivier. (:45) ›› “The Falcon Takes Over” (1942, Mystery)
›› “Fighting Man of the Plains” (1949) Randolph Scott, Bill Williams.
››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (1960) Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. (CC) (:15) ››› “The Caine Mutiny” (1954, Drama) Humphrey Bogart, Jose Ferrer, Van Johnson. (CC) “Wild One” (TLC)
PaidPaidPaidPaidMoving Up (CC) Four Houses (S) Insane Bathrooms1st 1st Cellblock 6Cellblock 6Cellblock 6Cellblock 6Cellblock 6Cellblock 6 (TNT) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Rizzoli & IslesRizzoli & Isles“The Librarian: Quest for the Spear”NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (TOON) Scan2GoJohnnyBeyPokéBen 10NinjaGoLanternTeenJerryJerryJohnnyJohnnyJohnnyGumballGumballGumballMADIncredAdvenAdvenAdvenRegularRegularRegular (TRAV) When VacationsMysteries-MuseumRadical RidesMan v Man v FoodFoodFoodFoodFoodFoodRd- GarBurgerBurgerNewSturgis: Wild RideSturgis: CopsDoomsday on (TRUTV) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMost ShockingMost ShockingMost ShockingRepoRepoRepoRepoLizardLizardLizardLizardUploadUploadWipeout (S) (CC) (TVLAND) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S)
Brad Pitt. (CC) NCIS A murder victim in a taxi. (CC) NCIS “Angel of Death” (S) (CC) NCIS “Marine Down” (S) (CC) (WGN-A) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidLaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CI
(HBO) (5:30) ››› “Apollo 13” (1995, Historical Drama) Tom Hanks. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
Conchords ››› “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (2011) ‘PG-13’ (:15) ›› “Two Weeks Notice” (2002) Sandra Bullock. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Mary and Martha” (2013) Hilary Swank. (S) (CC) (:45) ››› “Manhunt” (2013, Documentary) (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
›› “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” (2012) (S) ‘PG’ “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (CC) (MAX) (:15) ›› “K-9” (1989, Comedy) James Belushi, Mel Harris. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “A Thousand Words” (2012) Eddie Murphy. ‘PG-13’ ›› “Along Came Polly” (2004) Ben Stiller. (S) ‘PG-13’ (:05) ›› “Stag Night” (2008) Kip Pardue. ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Man on a Ledge” (2012) Sam Worthington.
››› “Casino” (1995) Robert De Niro. A mob employee makes a play for power in 1970s Las Vegas. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “The Five-Year Engagement” (2012) Jason Segel, Rhys Ifans. ‘R’ (CC) “Dark Shad” (SHOW) The Big C: He. ››› “Mean Girls” (2004) Lindsay Lohan. ‘PG-13’ (:15) ›› “Bulletproof Monk” (2003, Action) Chow Yun-Fat. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
CutestTanked (S) (CC) America’s CutestTanked (S) (CC) My Cat From HellMy Cat From HellFreakFreakTapeTapeWeirdWeirdExtremeExtreme (BRAVO) Real HousewivesMovie Movie Movie
(CNBC) The Car ChasersTreasure Det.Suze Orman ShowThe Car ChasersAmerican GreedSuze Orman ShowPrincessPrincessPaidPaidHeads-Up PokerSuze Orman ShowSuze Orman ShowOptionsPaid (CNN) CNN NewsroomAnderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.Anderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.Anderson CooperAnthony Bourd.Anthony Bourd.Anderson CooperWk Early Start (COM) “Trading Places” ››› “I Love You, Man” (2009) (CC) ›› “Zack and Miri Make a Porno” (2008) (CC) Amy “Harold & Kumar Escape” (:02) ›› “Year One” (2009) (CC)
PaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) MythBusters (CC) Big Brain Th.MythBusters (CC) Sons of Guns (S) MythBusters (CC) Sons of Guns (S) Big Brain Th.MythBusters (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDavid (DISN) Good Luck CharlieGood DogJessieShake ItDogDogANT ANT ANT Shake ItShake ItShake ItGood ›› “Zenon: The Zequel”DeckDeckFish PhineasOctoMickey (E!) Blinging Up Baby ››› “Juno” (2007) Ellen Page. RyanRyanFashion PoliceSoupChelsea ››› “Juno” (2007) Ellen Page. SoupChelseaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) SportCtrCollege Softball Tennessee at Missouri. Baseball Tonight (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) NHRA Drag RacingBoxing (CC) Boxing From Feb. 10, 1990. (CC) 30 for 30 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC)
NBA Tonight (N)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (CC)
NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Aaron’s 312. (N Same-day Tape) NBA Tonight E:60
(EWTN) Holy RosarySt. Rita (Part 1 of 2) SistersLiving RightCampusThe Daily MassReligionSavoringEldest DaughtrWisdomMarriageConfraternities LivingR. CaeliCatholic
(FAM) Goonies ››› “Twister” (1996) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. ››› “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock. PrincePrincePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidZ. LevittPrinceMass
(FNC) FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) Red Eye (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) Red Eye Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) FOX and Friends Sunday (N)
(FSN) College Baseball Arkansas at Kentucky. (N) (Live) MLB Baseball: Twins at Indians World Poker TourMLB Baseball: Twins at Indians College Lacrosse StuntCar Warriors (S) (FX) (4:00) “X-Men 2” ›› “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) ››› “Iron Man” (2008, Action) Robert Downey Jr. AngerBrandX WithTwo BrandX WithArcherLegitPaidPaidPaidPaid
(GOLF) (5:30) PGA Tour Golf Champions: Insperity Championship, Second Round. (N Same-day Tape)
PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Third Round. From Charlotte, N.C. Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Champions: Insperity Championship, Second Round.
Central Golf Central (HGTV) House HuntersLove It or List ItLove It or List ItHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(HIST) PawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPawnPaidKnife Show/Cutlery CornerPaidPaid
(LIFE) (5:00) Movie“Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys”Movie
“Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys”Movie ChrisChrisPaidPaidPaidPaid
(NBCSN) College Lacrosse (N) (Live) To Be Announced Poker After DarkDarts (Taped) Poker After DarkPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidMartinWildLiFisher. (NICK) Sponge.Sponge.MarvinWendellNinjasWendellNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearFull H’seFull H’seRugratsRugrats (SPIKE) “Braveheart” (S) ›› “The Expendables” (2010, Action) Jet Li (S) ›› “The Expendables” (2010, Action) Jet Li (S) “Universal Soldier: Regeneration” (S) Ways Ways PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) “Chupacabra” ›› “Godzilla” (1998) Matthew Broderick. Premiere. (CC) › “Age of the Dragons” (2011) (CC) ›› “Wyvern” (2009) Nick Chinlund. ›› “Jabberwock” (2011) (CC) “Livin Dead”PaidPaid (TBN) (2:00) Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon Spring Praise-A-Thon (TBS) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangMen at Work Last Laugh?
›› “Runaway Bride” (1999, Romance-Comedy) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack. (CC)
››› “In Good Company” (2004) Dennis Quaid, Topher Grace. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedFriends (CC) Friends (CC) (TCM) (5:30) ››› “The Wild One” (1954)
››› “Gold Diggers of 1933” (1933) Joan Blondell, Ruby Keeler. (CC)
›› “Footlight Parade” (1933) James Cagney, Joan Blondell. (CC)
›››› “42nd Street” (1933) Ruby Keeler, Warner Baxter. (CC) (DVS)
›› “The Tempest” (1979, Drama) Heathcote Williams. (:45) ››› “Derek” (2008)
Narrated by Tilda Swinton. (:15) Now Playing “May 2013” ›› “The Firefly” (1937) (CC) (TLC) Cellblock 6Epic Pools (N) (S) Four Houses (N) Twisted Twisted Epic Pools (CC) Four Houses (S) Twisted Twisted Cellblock 6PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT)
NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) NBA Basketball First Round: Teams TBA. (N) ›› “Sahara” (2005) Matthew McConaughey. ››› “Ocean’s Eleven” (2001) George Clooney. Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) ›› “Planet 51” (2009) Jessica Biel VentureFam GuyFam GuyCleveDynaBoonBleachNarutoSoul Thundr.IGPXEureka 7TenchiTitanFullmetalCowboyInuyashaInuyashaLooneyLooney (TRAV) Extreme Survival Mysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresMysteries-MuseumGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresMysteries-MuseumPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC)
World’s Dumbest...Most ShockingMost ShockingMost ShockingWorld’s Dumbest...Most ShockingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Cosby Show Cosby Show (USA) NCIS “Left for Dead” (S) (CC) NCIS A Mafia dumping ground. NCIS A teen holds his school hostage. NCIS “Dead and Unburied” (CC)
››› “Friday” (1995, Comedy) Ice Cube, Chris Tucker, Nia Long. (CC) House “Remorse” (S) (CC) WWE A.M. Raw (N) (CC) House “The Tyrant” (S) (CC) House A businessman’s teenage son. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox at Kansas City Royals. (N) News at NineBones (S) (CC) Bones (S) (CC) 30 Rock30 Rock30 Rock30 RockChrisChris ››› “Glory Road” (2006, Drama) WorldPaid
(HBO) “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” (CC)
› “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” (2012, Action) Benjamin Walker. ‘R’ (CC) Game of Thrones “Kissed by Fire”
› “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” (2012) Benjamin Walker. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(11:50) ›› “Hall Pass” (2011) Owen Wilson. ‘R’ (CC) (:40) ››› “Die Hard With a Vengeance” (1995, Action) Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(3:50) ››› “The Union” (2011) (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (:20) › “Taxi” (MAX) (5:35) ›› “Dark Shadows”
(2012) Johnny Depp. ‘PG-13’ ››› “Red Eye” (2005) Rachel McAdams. (S) ‘PG-13’
›› “Savages” (2012) Taylor Kitsch. Three pot growers go to war against a Mexican drug cartel.
The Jump Off (11:50) “Sexy Wives Sinsations”
(:10) ›› “Savages” (2012, Crime Drama) Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Johnson. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (:20) ›› “The People Under the Stairs” (1991) (S) ‘R’ “Looney Tunes: Back in Action” (S) (SHOW) May Day Live: Countdown to Mayweather vs. Guerrero (N) (Live)
›› “Salmon Fishing in the Yemen” (2011) Ewan McGregor. ‘PG-13’ (CC) Gigolos (CC) The Borgias “Siblings” (S) (CC) Nurse Jackie “28 Hotel Rooms” (2012) Chris Messina. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) ›› “Blitz” (2011) Jason Statham. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “The Crow” (1994) Brandon Lee. Premiere. ‘R’ (:45) › “Albino Farm” (2009) Chris Jericho. ‘R’ (CC) (:15) ››› “The Crow” (1994, Fantasy) Brandon Lee. ‘R’
(:15) ››› “Fair Game” (2010, Drama) Naomi Watts. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
“Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil” ‘PG’ (TMC) (:15) ›› “Payback” (1999, Action) Mel Gibson. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
› “Albino Farm” (2009) Chris Jericho. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ›› “The Mechanic” (2011) Jason Statham. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “Accidents Happen” (2009) Geena Davis. ‘R’ “Fighting”