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Smile Fest
When: Thursday, August29th at 4:30PM
Where: BrainerdIndustrial Center
1801 Mill Ave, Brainerd, MN
Entertainmentbythe GrammyAward winning Okee Dokee Brothersand Seth Doud from 4:30-7PM.Bring your lawnchairsorblankets.

FREE admission. FREE food &beverages to first 1,000 attendees. Remember to smile, high five, limit time on electronic devices, and be kind!
Premiere Sponsors

Continued from page 5.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters
In a universe where giant creatures known as Titans have been exposed to the world, an experimental “Mothra” creature escapes the lab while Dr. Emma Russell (Farmiga) and her daughter, Madison (Brown), are attacked and kidnapped by ecoter- rorists. Emma’s ex-husband and Madison’s father, Dr. Mark Russell (Chandler), begrudgingly helps the Monarch Initiative find them.
Director:MichaelDougherty.Stars: KyleChandler,VeraFarmiga,Millie BobbyBrown,KenWatanabe,Ziyi Zhang,SallyHawkins,Charles Dance.2019.132min.Action.