1 minute read

Finishing your swing in balance

Cody Mager, Madden’s

The finish position that you obtain as your swing has concluded will be very telling of the swing you have just made. Golfers that can achieve a full, well balanced swing are typically using their bodies correctly through the backswing and downswing. If you find yourself watching some golf on TV, look closely at how those players on tour are able to finish their swing in balance. Most players you see on tour will hold their finish till their shot has landed, which is displaying how great of control and balance of their swing they have. That should be your goal when working on finishing your swing. When you are able to achieve swinging all the way through your shot to your finish, you will typically generate more club head speed through impact, which is a very vital part to great ball striking. Work on reaching a balanced finish while you find yourself practicing out on the practice facilities, and transfer those practices from the practice range to each shot while you are out on the course.

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