29 minute read
SOLUTION client fill
Christmas in my household. You don’t eat meat in a Polish Christmas. It’s Wigilia, that’s the name of the meal. It’s a collection of fish dishes, but it starts with my favorite food to eat over all holidays, and it’s barszcz, which is just a red-beet soup, warm red-beet soup. My mom will do it with homemade pierogies stuffed with mushrooms and sauerkraut. She’ll make these little things, uszka, and you put one of those Polish dumplings inside the red barszcz. “But that, with barszcz, immediately takes me back to being a child. It’s something that I love dearly, and I’ve always loved.”
Pudi’s also a new parent, having had fraternal twins – son James and daughter Fiona – with wife Bridget last January. As to whether if he’s going to buy “baby’s first Christmas” ornaments, Pudi says, “Probably, yeah. My wife still has on our Christmas tree every single one of her ornaments that she got – she got an ornament every year of her life, from her parents.
“It’s fun to look back at. Maybe we’ll force that tradition on our children, because that’s what we do, right?”
Gillian Jacobs (Britta Perry): “Movie on Thanksgiving; movie on Christmas – like any red-blooded American.”
Joel McHale (Jeff Winger; also host of E!’s “The Soup”; recurring role on “Sons of Anarchy”): Famous for his droll, bullet-point answers, McHale names “peanut brittle” as his favorite food, and “skinning the Christmas possum” as his favorite holiday tradition. As for what he’ll be doing on Christmas Eve, McHale says, “I don’t know. I don’t remember what I did last year.”
“The 4 to 9ers,” www.hulu. com/the-4-to-9ers
Director James Widdoes (“Two and a Half Men”) and Tim O’Donnell (“Growing Pains”) write, produce and direct this teen sitcom, branded by Subway. Ashton Moio (“Dexter”) stars as a high-schooler who goes to work as a “sandwich artist,” where he meets an unusual coworker (Moses Jacob Storm), a mall cop (David H. Lawrence XVII) and a pretty girl (Galadriel Stineman) who works at a kiosk. In the first episode, the Subway even features its own “gossip girls.”

“Dinosaur Office,” dinosauroffice.com
If you think your workplace is full of strange creatures, welcome to this animated world in which prehistoric creatures navigate the ordinary problems of cubicle life, such as going on a coffee run, dressing up for Halloween, coping with a new boss, hearing about a buyout and dealing with reports of an onrushing asteroid. Rawr!

Bigfoot (S) Finding BigfootRattlesnakeFinding Bigfoot (S) Finding BigfootGator Boys (CC)
(CNBC) The Kudlow ReportHotel: MarriottSteve Jobs: Bil.American GreedMad MoneySteve Jobs: Bil.American GreedHang PaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyFturamaFturamaFturamaSouth PkBrickle.South PkDailyColbertSouth PkSouth PkDailyColbertColbert Work.ChapSunnyHalf Paid PaidPaidPaid (DISC) American ChopperAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperAmerican ChopperPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidAmeri (DISN) Shake ItAustin“Beethoven-Adv” DogGood PhineasGood JessieWizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittle Octo (E!) E! News (N) Studio E!Ice-Coco ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) ChelseaE! News ChelseaIce-CocoIce-CocoChelseaStudio E!Fashion PolicePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(ESPN) Monday Night Countdown (N) NFL Football New York Jets at Tennessee Titans. (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NFL PrimeTime (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter
(ESPN2) Around the Horn Interruption 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker SportsCenter Football Live NBA Tonight (N) NFL Presents SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsNation (CC) 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker SportsNation (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (EWTN) Daily MassThe Journey HomeGenesisRosaryWorld Over LiveVaticanoWomen Daily MassThe Journey HomeMother AngelicaJaney M.MarriageThe Life of Christ Vis.Vatican Catholic (FAM) “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas”“Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas”“The Mistle-Tones” (2012) Tia Mowry PaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerDrenda
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N) (FSN) NBA Basketball: Timberwolves at Magic WolvesWolvesWordsWorld Poker TourWorld Poker TourNBA Basketball WolvesPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FX) ›› “The Karate Kid” (2010, Drama) Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan. ›› “The Karate Kid” (2010, Drama) Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan. PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(GOLF) Champions
MysteryPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) (4:30) “Blade II” ›› “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” (2007) Johnny Depp. Riverworld (CC) Riverworld (CC) ZonePaidPaidPaidPaidHang Paid (TBN) Trinity PottersBehindLivingFranklinDupl’tis“A Christmas Snow” (2010, Drama) OsteenMannaTrinity CrefloChristmas at Maxwell’sHis Name Is Jesus“A Christmas Snow” (2010, Drama) Wom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S)
Conan (N) (CC) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl ›› “Runaway Bride” (1999, Romance-Comedy) Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:00) ››› “A Song Is Born” ››› “Destination Tokyo” (1943) Cary Grant. Sub captain navigates Tokyo Bay, depth charges.
››› “Battleground” (1949, War) Van Johnson, John Hodiak. (CC) (DVS) (:45) ››› “The Fighting 69th” (1940, War) James Cagney, Pat O’Brien. (CC) ››› “Never So Few” (1959, War) Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida. (CC) (:45) ›› “Salute to the Marines” (1943) Wallace Beery, Fay Bainter. (CC) “Thin Man” (TLC) Cake Boss:NextCake Boss:NextCake Boss:NextCakeCakeCake Boss:NextCakeCakeCake Boss:NextCake Boss:NextPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidTruth Be Told (S) (TNT) The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) The Mentalist (S) CSI: NY (S) (CC) CSI: NY (S) (CC) Cold Case (CC) Major CrimesThe Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville (CC) (TOON) AdvenAdvenRegularAnnoyKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenXavierAqua King/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) Bizarre FoodsThe LayoverThe LayoverHotel ImpossibleHotel ImpossibleThe LayoverHotel ImpossibleHotel ImpossibleThe LayoverPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...PawnPawnPawnPawnVegas Vegas
ConspiracyPawnPawnPawnPawnVegas Vegas ConspiracyThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaid Paid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond
King of Queens King of Queens (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC)
King of Queens Cleveland
Cleveland ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S)
WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC)
Roseanne (S) Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS: Los Angeles “Overwatch” (S)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) (12:05) ››› “3:10 to Yuma” (2007, Western) Russell Crowe, Christian Bale. (CC) Cheers (CC)
Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC)
Law & Order:
Criminal Intent (CC)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) Funny VideosFunny VideosFunny VideosNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) › “New Year’s Eve” (2011, RomanceComedy) Halle Berry. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Picture Paris (S) (:45) ›› “Red Tails” (2012, Historical Drama) Cuba Gooding Jr., Nate Parker. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(10:55) Boxing Jorge Arce vs. Nonito Donaire, Junior Featherweights. (S) (CC)
Fight Game ›› “Taking Lives” (2004) Angelina Jolie. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Les Miserables Namath (S) (CC) (MAX) (5:00) ››› “X-Men: First Class” (:15) ›› “Something to Talk About” (1995) Julia Roberts. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Hanna” (2011, Action) Saoirse Ronan, Eric Bana. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(10:50) ›› “Project X” (2012) Thomas Mann. (S) ‘R’ (:20) “Dark Secrets” (2012) ‘NR’
Zane’s Sex (:15) ››› “The American” (2010, Suspense) George Clooney. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Mo’ Better Blues” (1990, Drama) Denzel Washington. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (SHOW) (4:55) A Game of Honor (S) (CC) Untold History of the United States Homeland Carrie needs to decide. Dexter Dexter must protect himself. (S) Homeland Carrie needs to decide. Dexter Dexter must protect himself. (S)
››› “Ginger Snaps” (2000, Horror) Emily Perkins, Katharine Isabelle.
›››› “A Lonely Place to Die” (2011) Melissa George. (:45) “Chick Magnet” (2011) Rolando Millet. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
“Sexy Baby” (2012, Documentary) ‘NR’
› “U-Turn” (1997, Crime Drama) Sean Penn, Nick Nolte. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (:35) ›› “It’s About You” (2011) (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
(12:15) ››› “Buffalo 66” (1998, Drama) Vincent Gallo. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) “Giallo” (2009) Adrien Brody. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:40) ››› “Walking and Talking” (1996) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ››› “Lone Rider” (2008) ‘NR’
›› “Call of the Wild” (2009) ‘PG’ (TMC) (5:15) ›› “Rumble Fish” (1983) (S)
The Iranian Americans (N) (S) (CC) Frontline Life of Jesus; rise of Christianity. (S)
(S) Blue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasLife: Reborn (S) Frontier Earth (S) Blue Planet: SeasBlue Planet: SeasOranguEden (BRAVO) Real HousewivesStart-Ups Start-Ups DecoratorsStart-Ups Start-Ups DecoratorsHousewives/Atl.Shahs of SunsetPaidPaidPaidPaidReal Housewives (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportAmerican Greed60 Minutes onAmerican GreedMad Money60 Minutes onAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyWork.KeyTosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0DailyColbertTosh.0KeyDailyColbertTosh.0Brickle.Work.Mash UpSunnyHalf PaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchDeadliest CatchDeadly Seas (S) Deadliest CatchDeadly Seas (S) Deadliest CatchDeadliest CatchPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) Shake ItAustinDogGood JessieANT Good PhineasJessieANT WizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasLittleOcto (E!) E! News (N) Love SoupInfaH’woodE! Investigates (N) ChelseaE! News ChelseaE! InvestigatesChelseaSoupIce-CocoH’woodPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) (5:00) SportsCenterWomen’s College Basketball Coast to CoastSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) College Basketball Richmond at Kansas. (N) (Live) College Basketball Stanford at North Carolina State. (N) (Live) SportsNation (CC) NFL Live (N) (CC)
Tonight (N)
Series of Poker
World Series of Poker SportsNation (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (EWTN) Daily MassMother AngelicaChoirRosaryThreshold of HopePriestReflecDaily MassMother AngelicaTheater of WordYouth MiraclesPriestPapal AudienceEpistlesVatican Music
(FAM) “Miracle-34 St.” ››› “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) ››› “The Polar Express” (2004) “Willy Wonka & Chocolate” PaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ.
H’seFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearMattersFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (N) (S) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) TattooTattooTattooEntouEntouEntouPaidPaidPaidHang PaidPaid (SYFY) “Steve Niles’ Remains” (2011, Horror) ››› “Dawn of the Dead” (2004) Sarah Polley. “Steve Niles’ Remains” (2011, Horror) Syfy 20th Anniversary Special Stargate UniverseZonePaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) LovePottersBehindJ. MeyerPrinceParsley ››› “The Ten Commandments” (1956) Charlton Heston. Trinity Creflo“A Christmas Wish” (2011) The Wondrous GiftMasterpiece: ToymakerSonicWom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan (N) (CC) The Office “Stress Relief” (S) (CC) Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl ›› “The Out-of-Towners” (1999) Steve Martin, Goldie Hawn. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) Myrna Loy: Nice to Come Home To ››› “In the Good Old Summertime” (1949) Judy Garland. (CC) (DVS)
››› “Meet Me in St. Louis” (1944, Musical) Judy Garland. (CC) (DVS) ›› “On Moonlight Bay” (1951) Doris Day, Gordon MacRae, Jack Smith.
››› “The Seven Little Foys” (1955, Biography) Bob Hope, Milly Vitale.
›› “The Daughter of Rosie O’Grady” (1950) June Haver. (CC) ›› “Undercurrent” (1946) (TLC) SisterSisterLittle People Big Little People Big My Three WivesLittle People Big My Three WivesLittle People Big SisterSisterPaidPaidNopaleaPaidPaidPaidRestorerUnh (TNT) The Mentalist (S) Rizzoli & IslesRizzoli & Isles (N) Leverage (N) Rizzoli & IslesLeverage (CC) Cold Case (CC) Major CrimesThe Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel “Forgiving” Smallville (CC) (TOON) GumballLooneyLevel UpAdvenKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenXavierAqua King/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) Miami HotspotsBizarre FoodsDangerous Gr.NFLFoodNFLNFLDangerous Gr.NFLFoodNFLNFLBizarre FoodsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(TRUTV) World’s Dumbest...PawnPawnPawnHardCaughtCaughtWorld’s Dumbest...PawnPawnPawnHardCaughtCaughtWorld’s Dumbest...The InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens Happily Divorced Happily Divorced ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WWE Super SmackDown! (N) (S Live) (CC)
›› “Fast & Furious” (2009, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) ›› “Fast & Furious” (2009) (CC) (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) In Vogue: The Editor’s Eye (S) (CC)
›› “The Change-Up” (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (N) Mel Brooks Strikes Back! (S) (CC)
››› “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” (2011) Gary Oldman. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ›› “2 Days in the Valley” (1996) Danny Aiello. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (S)
› “Gloria” (1999, Crime Drama) Sharon Stone. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (MAX) “The Thing” (:45) ››› “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close” (2011) Tom Hanks. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “The Grudge” (2004) Sarah Michelle Gellar. ‘PG-13’ Life on Top (S) Strike Back (S) (CC)
(11:50) › “This Means War” (2012) Reese Witherspoon. ›› “Never Die Alone” (2004) DMX. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
› “The Gong Show Movie” (1980) Chuck Barris. ‘R’ (CC) (Off Air) (SHOW) (5:15) ››› “Panic” (2000) ‘R’ (6:50) ›› “Real Steel” (2011, Action) Hugh Jackman. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Homeland Carrie needs to decide. Dexter Dexter must protect himself. (S) ›› “Scream 4” (2011, Horror) Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “50/50” (2011) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. ‘R’ (CC) (:45) ››› “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” (2006) Robert Downey Jr.
››› “Fahrenheit 9/11” (2004, Documentary) (S) ‘R’ (:05) ›› “Blues Brothers 2000” (1998) Dan Aykroyd. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Tim and Eric’s Billion Dollar Movie” (2012) ‘R’ (CC) (12:05) “The Devil Dared Me To” (2007) Chris Stapp. ‘NR’ ›› “Mistress” (1992, Comedy-Drama) Robert Wuhl. Premiere. ‘R’ (:20) ›› “Once Fallen” (2010) Brian Presley. ‘R’ (CC) ›› “Walter and Henry” (2001) (CC)
(:15) “Heart of Stone” (2009) ‘NR’ (TMC) (5:35) “Intermedio” (2005) ‘R’ (CC)
NewsWheel of Fortune A Home for the Holidays Criminal Minds “Foundation” (S)
WDSE PBS NewsHour (N) (S) (CC)
Crime Scene Investigation (S) NewsLate Show With David Letterman Late Late Show/ Craig Ferguson
Nature “Christmas in Yellowstone” (S) NOVA “Riddles of the Sphinx” (S) NOVA Reconstructing a
“White Christmas” (1954, Musical Comedy) Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye. (CC) (:45)
“White Christmas” (1954) Bing Crosby. Four entertainers try to save an innkeeper from ruin. (CC) ›› “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken” (1966) Don Knotts, Joan Staley. (CC) ›› “The Reluctant Astronaut” (1967, Comedy) Don Knotts, Leslie Nielsen, Joan Freeman. (CC) Nopalea with Paid Program (AP) Finding BigfootFinding Bigfoot (S) River MonstersGator Boys (CC) Finding Bigfoot (S) River MonstersGator Boys (CC) Finding BigfootFinding Bigfoot (S) River MonstersGator Boys (CC) OranguEden (BRAVO) Housewives/Atl.Real HousewivesTop Chef: SeattleTop Chef: SeattleTop Chef: SeattleTop Chef: SeattleHousewives/Atl.Shahs of SunsetMatchmakerPaidYoungerPaidPaidWhat Happens (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportBMW: A Driv.Industrial LightAmerican GreedMad MoneyIndustrial LightAmerican GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyChapChapSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkSouth PkDailyColbertSouth PkBrickle.DailyColbert“Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke”SunnyWork.PaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) American Guns (S) American Guns (S) American Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) American Guns (S) Sons of Guns (S) American Guns (S) American Guns (S) PaidPaidTelePaidPaidPaidNopaleaCreflo (DISN) Shake ItAustinDog“Good Luck Charlie”Good PhineasAustinGood WizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasOctoGaspard (E!) E! News (N) InfaH’woodCelebrity Oops: SoupLove ChelseaE! News ChelseaSoupLove ChelseaH’woodGirlsGirlsPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) NBA Basketball: Nets at Knicks NBA Basketball: Bucks at Grizzlies SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) NBA Basketball: Nets at Knicks SportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) College Basketball Xavier at Cincinnati. (N) (Live) College Basketball North Carolina at Texas. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC)
NFL Live (N) (CC) NBA Tonight (N) SportsNation (CC) Super Bowl SportsCenter (N) (CC)
NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Memphis Grizzlies. (N Same-day Tape) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N) (EWTN) Daily MassEWTN LiveSaintRosarySaintsFaithCatholicRosaryDaily MassEWTN LivePath of the Messiah BackYoungLukeDogmatic T.IconsHymns
(FAM) ››› “The Polar Express” (2004) ›› “Disney’s A Christmas Carol”The 700 Club (S) ›› “Three Days” (2001, Romance) PaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerPaid (FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends (N) (FSN) WolvesWomen’s College Basketball UFCUFC Reloaded Frankie Edgar vs. Benson Henderson. FootballGameWorld Poker TourPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FX) Two Two ››› “The Hurt Locker” (2008, War) Jeremy Renner. ››› “The Hurt Locker” (2008, War) Jeremy Renner. Justified Justified Justified PaidPaidPaidPaid (GOLF) Golf Suzann Pro Challenge. From Oslo, Norway. ›› “The Greatest Game Ever Played” (2005, Drama) Shia LaBeouf, Stephen Dillane. Golf Central ›› “The Greatest Game Ever Played” (2005, Drama) Shia LaBeouf, Stephen Dillane. Golf Central Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Teeter HangUps Paid Program Paid Program Golf Central Golf Central (HGTV) House HuntersProperty BrothersBuying and SellingHuntersHunt IntlProperty BrothersBuying and SellingHuntersHunt IntlProperty BrothersProperty BrothersNopaleaPaidPaidPaidPaidDeserve
(HIST) Banned Bible IIAmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriInventionInventionThe Real StoryAmeriAmeriAmeriAmeriInventionInventionThe Real StoryPaidPaidPaidNuWaveNuWavePaid (LIFE) “Single Santa” ›› “A Nanny for Christmas” (2010) ››› “A Boyfriend for Christmas”(:02) ›› “A Nanny for Christmas”(:02) “A Boyfriend for Christmas” (CC) PaidSMARTPaidPaidPaidPaid (NBCSN) To Be Announced NFL Turning PointNFL Turning PointTBAMLS 36NFL Turning PointPoker After DarkPaidPaidPaidHang PaidPaidRedfernDanger. (NICK) iCarly (S) Figure ItFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seFull H’seNannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearMattersFull H’seFull H’se (SPIKE) “The Punisher” (S) ››› “Kick-Ass” (2010) Aaron Johnson. (S) ›› “The Punisher” (2004) Thomas Jane. (S) ››› “Kick-Ass” (2010) Aaron Johnson. (S) EntouPaidPaidPaidKnife Paid (SYFY) Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (S) Ghost Hunters (S) “The Lost Tribe” (2009) Emily Foxler. ›› “Sands of Oblivion” (2007) PaidPaidPaidPaid (TBN) “Greatest Story”BehindTurningPrinceEndMary and Joseph: A Story of Faith Dupl’tisThe CrefloThe Christmas ChildAvalon Christmas Gospel According to Scrooge Wom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Family Guy (S) Big BangBig BangConan (N) (CC) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl ››› “Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story” (2005, Drama) Kurt Russell. (CC) MarriedMarriedMarriedMarried (TCM) (5:15) ››› “She Couldn’t Say No”
›››› “Double Indemnity” (1944, Crime Drama) Fred MacMurray. (CC)
››› “The Strange Love of Martha Ivers” (1946) Barbara Stanwyck. (CC)
››› “Sorry, Wrong Number” (1948, Suspense) (CC) (:45) ›› “Clash by Night” (1952, Drama) Barbara Stanwyck. (CC) (DVS) (:45) ›› “Jeopardy” (1953) Barbara Stanwyck. (CC)
›› “Witness to Murder” (1954) Barbara Stanwyck. “CrimePassion” (TLC) Jersey on Ice (S) Cheer PerfectionToddlers & TiarasCheer PerfectionToddlers & TiarasCheer PerfectionCheer PerfectionJersey on Ice (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPeoplePeople (TNT) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) (CC) Castle (S) (CC) CSI: NY (S) (CC) CSI: NY (S) (CC) Cold Case (CC) Major CrimesThe Closer (CC) Las Vegas (CC) Angel (S) (CC) Smallville “Gone” (TOON) AdvenNinjaGoDragonsBen 10King/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenXavierAqua King/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) Bacon ParadiseBggg Bggg Toy HntrToy HntrFast Food-GlblMeatloaf ParadiseToy HntrToy HntrFast Food-GlblMeatloaf ParadiseBggg Bggg PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Full ThrottleFull ThrottleFull ThrottleBlack GoldBrawlersRepoFull ThrottleFull ThrottleBlack GoldBrawlersRepoThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid
(TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Cleveland Happily Divorced King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Cleveland Happily Divorced ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Home Improve. Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS “Jack Knife” (S) (CC) NCIS A Navy diver is murdered. (CC)
› “The Condemned” (2007, Action) Steve Austin, Vinnie Jones, Robert Mammone. (CC) House “Dead & Buried” (S) (CC) House Paralysis. (S) (CC) Cheers (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Stray” Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (WGN-A) Funny VideosRulesRulesRulesRulesNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
WWE Tribute to the Troops (N)
(HBO) (:15) ›› “The Big Year” (2011, Comedy) Steve Martin. (S) ‘PG’ (CC)
›› “Contraband” (2012, Action) Mark Wahlberg, Kate Beckinsale. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Picture Paris (S) Katie Does M. ›› “What’s Your Number?” (2011) Anna Faris, Chris Evans. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(12:50) ››› “Beginners” (2010) Ewan McGregor. ‘R’ (:35) ›› “The Statement” (2003, Suspense) Michael Caine. (S) ‘R’ (CC) This Is 40: 1st
››› “Shrek 2” (2004) (S) ‘PG’ (CC) (MAX) (5:20) ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) ›› “Green Lantern” (2011, Action) Ryan Reynolds. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “The Ring Two” (2005, Horror) Naomi Watts. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
Zane’s Sex (:40) “Naughty Reunion” (2011) Jayden Cole. ‘NR’ (CC)
(:05) ››› “Chronicle” (2012) Dane DeHaan. ‘PG-13’ ››› “In the Valley of Elah” (2007, Drama) Tommy Lee Jones. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “Broken Flowers” (2005, ComedyDrama) Bill Murray. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Lost in Translation” (2003) Bill Murray. ‘R’ (CC)
(:45) “MILF” (2010, Comedy) Jack Cullison. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (12:15) › “Dancing at the Blue Iguana” (2000, Drama) Charlotte Ayanna. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:20) › “The Scarlet Letter” (1995) Demi Moore. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:40) “The First Time” (2009) Devon Werkheiser. ‘R’ (CC)
(:35) ›››› “Lenny” (1974) Dustin Hoffman. ‘R’ (SHOW) (5:00) “The Three Musketeers” (CC) Homeland Carrie needs to decide. Inside the NFL (N) (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime (N) Inside the NFL (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime Dexter Dexter must protect himself. (S) ››› “Perfect Sense” (2011) Ewan McGregor. ‘R’ (:35) ›› “4:44 Last Day on Earth” (2011) Willem Dafoe. ›› “The Fighting Temptations” (2003) Cuba Gooding Jr. ‘PG-13’ (CC) (TMC) (5:25) “Far Cry” (2008) (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(BRAVO) Real HousewivesReal HousewivesReal HousewivesReal HousewivesReal HousewivesHousewives/Atl.Real HousewivesReal HousewivesReal HousewivesPaidPaidPaidPaidReal Housewives (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportCar CrashApocalypse 2012American GreedMad MoneyApocalypse 2012American GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidWorldwide Exchange (N) Squawk Box (N) (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperEarly Start With Berman & Sambolin (COM) ColbertDailyFturamaTosh.0Tosh.0The Comedy Central RoastDailyColbertTosh.0Tosh.0DailyColbert ›› “Scary Movie 4” (2006) (CC) SunnyHalf PaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Property Wars (S) Property Wars (S) AuctionAuctionTexas Car WarsAuctionAuctionTexas Car WarsProperty Wars (S) Property Wars (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidCreflo (DISN) Shake ItAustin“Nightmare-Christmas”Good Good PhineasANT JessieWizardsWizardsDeckDeckGood Good WizardsWizardsDeckDeckFish PhineasGaspard Jungle (E!) E! News (N) SoupLove Miss Universe ChelseaE! News ChelseaCelebrity Oops: ChelseaSoupIce-CocoIce-CocoPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) SportCtrFootballCollege Football: San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) College Football SportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) Audibles (N) (Live) ProFILE: 60 (N) ProFILE: 60 (N) ProFILE: 60 (N) NFL’s Greatest Games From Feb. 1, 2009. SportsCenter Sport Science NFL Live (N) (Live) (CC) SportsNation (CC) NFL Live (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsNation (CC) Mike and Mike in the Morning (N)
(EWTN) Daily MassWorld Over LiveChristRosaryLife on the RockCollin RayeDaily MassWorld Over LiveLady AngelsJoy of MusicThreshold of HopeSistersUniv. Concert 2012Choices
(FAM) ›› “Disney’s A Christmas Carol”“National Lamp. Christmas” The 700 Club (S) ›› “A Very Brady Christmas” (1988) PaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPrinceLifeJ. MeyerNopalea
(FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N)
Jail (S) Jail (N) iMPACT Wrestling (S) (CC) Ink Master (CC) Ink Master (CC) ››› “Enter the Dragon” (1973) Bruce Lee. (S) EntouEntouWays Knife Knife PaidPaid (SYFY) Haven “Reunion” “The 12 Disasters of Christmas” (2012) ›› “Ice Quake” (2010) Brendan Fehr. Countdown to Doomsday (S) (CC) 2012: Startling New Secrets (CC) ›› “2012: Supernova” (2009) PaidPaid (TBN) 10ComnPottersBehindOsteenPrinceHillsong ››› “King of Kings” (1961) Jeffrey Hunter, Robert Ryan. Trinity CrefloThe Christmas Box Annie Moses Midnight Clear Simple kindness. Wom (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) Family Guy “Road to the North Pole” Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangConan (N) (CC) The Office (CC) The Office (CC) Conan (CC) Name Is Earl Name Is Earl Paid Program Paid Program ›› “Call Me Claus” (2001) Whoopi Goldberg, Nigel Hawthorne. (CC) (DVS) MarriedMarried (TCM) (5:15) ›› “Ten Cents a Dance” ››› “Holiday Affair” (1949) Robert Mitchum. (CC) ›› “The Lemon Drop Kid” (1951) Bob Hope. (:15) ››› “Bachelor Mother” (1939) (CC) (:45) ›› “Never Say Goodbye” (1946) Errol Flynn, Eleanor Parker. (CC) (:45) › “Tenth Avenue Angel” (1948) Margaret O’Brien. (:15) ››› “Diner” (1982, Comedy-Drama) Steve Guttenberg, Mickey Rourke, Kevin Bacon. (CC) MGM Parade (TLC) Top 10 Weddings Sin City Rules (S) Four Weddings (N) The Big DayFour Weddings (S) The Big DaySin City Rules (S) Top 10 Weddings PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPeoplePeople (TNT) NBA Basketball: Thunder at Timberwolves NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Dallas Mavericks. Inside the NBA (N) Cold Case (CC) Perception “Light” The Closer (CC) NUMB3RS (CC) Angel “The Price” Smallville (CC) (TOON) AdvenAnnoyMADRegularKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChilDelocateSquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChilXavierAqua King/HillKing/HillLooneyAlmost (TRAV) Overboard BoatsMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumThe Dead FilesMysteries-MuseumMysteries-MuseumThe Dead FilesMysteries-MuseumPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC)
JokersJokersJokersJokersConspiracyMost ShockingJokersJokersJokersJokersConspiracyThe InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC)
King of Queens Cleveland Cleveland ’70s Show ’70s Show Roseanne (S)
Roseanne (S) Home Improve. ’70s Show ’70s Show Paid Program Paid Program (USA) NCIS “Rule FiftyOne” (S) (CC) NCIS “Psych Out” (S) (CC) (DVS) Burn Notice (Season Finale) Michael tries to leave the country. (N) (CC) Burn Notice “No Good Deed” (CC) Burn Notice Michael tries to leave the country. (CC)
› “Attack Force” (2006, Action) Steven Seagal, Lisa Lovbrand. (CC)
Law & Order:
Criminal Intent (CC) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (CC) Cheers (CC) Law & Order (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidPaidJ. Meyer
(HBO) (5:45) ›› “Johnny English Reborn” (2011) (S) ‘PG’ (CC) Fight Game ››› “Project Nim” (2011) Premiere. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
Les Miserables Atlantic City Hookers: Being a Ho (:05) In Vogue: The Editor’s Eye (CC)
(12:10) ›› “Wonderland” (2003, Crime Drama) Val Kilmer. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Bill Maher... But I’m Not Wrong (S) (CC) (:20) ››› “The Shape of Things” (2003) Gretchen Mol.
›› “Fairy Tale: A True Story” ‘PG’
(MAX) (5:35) › “The Sitter” (2011) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “The Brave One” (2007, Suspense) Jodie Foster. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
› “End of Days” (1999, Horror) Arnold Schwarzenegger. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:05) ›› “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas” (2011) (:35) Lingerie Feature 4: Model Perfection (S) (CC)
(:10) ››› “Romancing the Stone” (1984) Michael Douglas. (S) ‘PG’ (CC) ›› “Purple Violets” (2007, Romance) Selma Blair. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (SHOW) “Fightville” (S) (:25) ››› “Source Code” (2011) Jake Gyllenhaal. (CC)
›› “Drive Angry” (2011, Action) Nicolas Cage, Amber Heard. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Dave’s Old Porn Reality Show (N) Dave’s Old Porn Stop, Charlie Anthony Clark: Ambiguous (CC)
“Bad Girl Island” (2007) AnnaLynne McCord. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:45) “Love Shack” (2010) Mark Feuerstein. ‘NR’ (CC) (:15) ››› “A Better Life” (2011, Drama) Demián Bichir. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) (TMC) (5:15) ›› “Celebrity” (1998) ‘R’ (:15) ›› “The Perfect Score” (2004, Comedy) Erika Christensen. (S) ‘PG-13’ › “Loosies” (2011) Peter Facinelli. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) ›› “Cocktail” (1988) Tom Cruise. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (12:15) “Booty Hunter” (2011, Adult) ‘NR’ (:40) ›› “Conundrum” (1996) Marg Helgenberger, Ron White. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) (:20) ›› “The Doom Generation” (:35) “After the Storm” (2001) Benjamin Bratt. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Party” (1990) ››› “House Party” (1990) PaidPaidPaidPaidStart-Ups (CNBC) The Kudlow ReportApocalypse 2012Crime Inc.American GreedMad MoneyCrime Inc.American GreedPaidPaidPaidPaidMad MoneySuze Orman ShowOptionsPaid (CNN) E. B. OutFrontAnderson CooperPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperE. B. OutFrontPiers MorganAnderson CooperPiers MorganWk Early Start (COM) ColbertDailyTosh.0Tosh.0“Harold & Kumar Escape” Chris HardwickRalphie May ›› “National Lampoon’s Van Wilder”Ralphie MayComedyComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Flying Wild AlaskaDeadliest Catch (S) (CC) Flying Wild AlaskaDeadliest Catch (S) (CC) Flying Wild AlaskaFlying Wild AlaskaPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISN) Shake ItJessiePhineasPhineasGood DogANT Good Good AustinAustinGood PhineasJessieShake It“Ultimate Cmas Present”DeckDeckFish PhineasOctoMickey (E!) E! News (N) Ice-CocoIce-CocoCelebrity Oops: Fashion Police (N) ChelseaE! News ChelseaFashion PoliceChelseaLove Celebrity Oops: PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) FootballCollege Football: Beef ’O’ Brady’s Bowl St. Petersburg SportsCenter (N)
NFL Kickoff (N) (CC)
SportsCenter (N)
NFL Live (N) (CC)
NBA Tonight (N) SportsNation SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC)
NFL Live (CC)
SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) College Football SportsCenterSportsCenter (ESPN2) College Basketball Florida Atlantic at Indiana. (N) (Live) College Basketball BYU at Baylor. (N) (Live)
NFL’s Greatest Games (N) (CC)
(EWTN) Daily MassLife on the RockBackRosaryThe Gift of PeaceCarlowWomen Daily MassLife on the RockBackRosaryFootprints of God Jesus: The WorldOn Holy Ground Music (FAM) “National Lamp. Christmas” ››› “The Santa Clause” (1994) The 700 Club (S) ››› “Holiday in Handcuffs” (2007) PaidPaidThe 700 Club (S) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FNC) FOX Report With Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor (N) (CC) Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity On Record, Greta Van Susteren The Five Red Eye (N) The O’Reilly Factor (CC) Hannity FOX and Friends Saturday (N) (FSN) College Basketball UFC Reloaded Frankie Edgar vs. Benson Henderson. Action SportsGopherVikings; GridironPridePaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (FX) › “Armageddon” ›› “2012” (2009, Action) John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor. ››
(2009, Action) John Cusack, Chiwetel
LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearMattersPenguinPenguin (SPIKE) (5:30) ››› “Coming to America” (S) Eddie Murphy: One Night Only (S) ››› “Coming to America” (1988, Comedy) (S) Ways Ways Ways Ways Ways PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) “12 Disasters”WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) (S) Haven Haven Haven Countdown to Doomsday (S) (CC)
›› “2012: Ice Age” (2011) (CC) ZoneZonePaidPaid (TBN) Sid Roth PottersBehindLindseyHarvestP. StoneChristmas With a Capital CEbnerEver InDavid PhelpsCrefloGift Christmas ››› “Heidi” (1968, Drama) StoriesCharityKids ClbPhphy (TBS) Seinfeld (CC) Seinfeld (CC) House of Payne House of Payne Better Worse Better Worse
››› “Hitch” (2005) Will Smith. A smooth-talker helps a shy accountant woo an heiress.
› “Fool’s Gold” (2008, Action) Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson. (CC) MarriedPaid Program Paid Program
›› “The Mexican” (2001, ComedyDrama) Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts. (CC) Jeff Foxworthy Jeff Foxworthy (TCM) “World, the Flesh and Devil”
›› “The Love Parade” (1929) Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald. (CC)
›› “Monte Carlo” (1930) Jack Buchanan, Jeanette MacDonald. Premiere.
››› “The Merry Widow” (1934) Maurice Chevalier. (CC)
››› “Crumb” (1994) Robert Crumb, Aline Kominsky. Premiere.
››› “Antonio Gaudi” (1984, Documentary) “Little Dorrit Part I” (TLC) Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesBridesBridesSay YesSay YesBridesBridesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT) The Mentalist (S) Christmas 2012 ›› “Four Christmases” (2008) Christmas 2012 ›› “A Christmas Carol” (1999) Christmas 2012NUMB3RS (CC) Smallville (CC) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) RegularRegularCartoon PlanetKing/HillKing/HillAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenAqua SquidAmer.Amer.Fam GuyFam GuyChickenXavierAqua King/HillKing/HillLooneyLooney (TRAV) Ghost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresThe Dead Files (N) The Dead FilesGhost AdventuresThe Dead FilesThe Dead FilesGhost AdventuresPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) Killer Karaoke (N) Wipeout (S) (CC) World’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...Killer KaraokeWorld’s Dumbest...World’s Dumbest...The InvestigatorsForensicPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) M*A*S*H (CC) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens (:12) The King of Queens (S) (CC) King of Queens Happily Divorced Happily Divorced ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show 3’s Company 3’s Company 3’s Company 3’s Company 3’s Company (USA) Law & Order Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ›› “The Game Plan” (2007, Comedy) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Madison Pettis. (CC) Burn Notice Michael tries to leave the country. (CC)
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (S)
››› “Hairspray” (2007) John Travolta, Nikki Blonsky. (CC) House “Words and Deeds” (S) (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) Funny VideosMotherMotherMotherMotherNews at NineFunny VideosRulesRules30 RockScrubs30 RockSunnyFturamaDeathBill CunninghamPaidPaidSingAdelante
(HBO) ›› “In Time” (2011, Science Fiction) Justin Timberlake. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
› “New Year’s Eve” (2011, RomanceComedy) Halle Berry. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “The Change-Up” (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
Katie Does M. ›› “Taking Lives” (2004) Angelina Jolie. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:15) ››› “Thirteen” (2003, Drama) Holly Hunter, Nikki Reed. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(3:55) ›› “Hart’s War” (2002, War) Bruce Willis, Colin Farrell. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (MAX) “Larry Crowne” (:45) ››› “X-Men: First Class” (2011, Action) James McAvoy, Rose Byrne. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Project X” (2012) Thomas Mann. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Lingerie (CC)
“Sweet Prudence & the Erotic Adventure of Bigfoot” ››› “The Contender” (2000, Suspense) Joan Allen. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Femme Fatales (:10) ››› “The Mother” (2003, ComedyDrama) Anne Reid. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:05) ››› “Antz” (1998) ‘PG’ (SHOW) (4:30) “Red” ››› “War Horse” (2011) Emily Watson. A horse sees joy and sorrow during World War I. (S)
›› “Real Steel” (2011, Action) Hugh Jackman. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:10) Jim Rome on Showtime (12:10) Inside the NFL (S) (CC) Dave’s Old Porn (:40) ›› “Piranha” (2010) Elisabeth Shue. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Ransom” (1996, Suspense) Mel Gibson, Rene Russo. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:05) ›› “Steel Dawn” (1987) Patrick Swayze. (S) ‘R’
(:45) › “Strategic Command” (1998, Action) Michael Dudikoff. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“Attack on Darfur” (2010) Billy Zane. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:10) ›› “Metropia” (2009) Voices of Vincent Gallo. ‘NR’ (:40) › “Triggermen” (2002, ComedyDrama) Neil Morrissey. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Hoodwnk Too”
(:10) Joan Rivers: Don’t Start With Me (S) (CC) War Horse ››› “Dead Again” (1991) ‘R’ (TMC) (5:20) “Red” (2008) Brian Cox. ‘R’ (CC)
(1995, Fantasy) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Kirsten Dunst. (CC) (:45) ›››› “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947) (CC) (AP) Hillbilly Handfishin’Must Love Cats (S) Dogs 101 (CC) To Be AnnouncedTo Be AnnouncedTo Be AnnouncedTo Be AnnouncedTo Be AnnouncedTo Be AnnouncedTo Be AnnouncedTo Be AnnouncedTo Be Announced (BRAVO) Start-Ups Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Housewives/Atl.Shahs of SunsetShahs of SunsetShahs of SunsetReal HousewivesReal Housewives (CNBC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (CNN) Early Sat. CNN Saturday Morning (N) BottomCNN Saturday Morning (N) CNN NewsroomYour Money (N) CNN Newsroom (N) GuptaCNN NewsroomSituation Room
Jim Carrey. Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0Tosh.0
PaidPaidNarcolepsyAmerican Guns (S) American Guns (S) Almost, AwayAlmost, AwayAlmost, AwayAlmost, AwayAlmost, AwayAlmost, AwayAlmost, AwayAlmost, Away (DISN) PiratesDoc “Sofia the First”PhineasFish ANT Shake ItGood DogWizardsWizardsGood Good AustinShake ItGood Good Shake ItShake ItGood AustinAustinShake It (E!) 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown UpFashion PoliceE! News (N) SoupLove Leann RimesIce-CocoIce-CocoE! InvestigatesInfaH’woodCelebrity Oops: E! News “Sweet Home” (ESPN) SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College Football: R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl College Football: Maaco Bowl Las Vegas
(ESPN2) NFL’s Greatest English Premier League Soccer Wigan Athletic FC vs Arsenal FC. (N) (Live)
First Take (N) (S Live) (CC) College Basketball Gotham Classic -Syracuse vs. Temple. From New York.
College Basketball Texas at Michigan State. (N) (Live) College Basketball Marshall at Kentucky. (N) (Live) College Basketball Illinois vs. Missouri.
(EWTN) ChapletRosaryDaily MassDonutCatholicChildren ChoirCobblerRosaryDaily MassThe Life of Christ L. YoungChapletRosaryHymnsRosaryPath of the Messiah Music
(FAM) “Mickey’s Christmas”“Mickey’s Twice Upon”LandingPrep &MickeyWinnieChipRudolph/Misfit Toys Rudolph’s YearMiser BrothersSanta Santa Claus, Town“Santa Clause”
(FNC) (5:00) FOX and Friends Saturday (N) Bulls & Bears BusinessForbes on FOX Cashin’ In (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News Headquarters (N) The Journal Editorial Report (N) FOX News Watch (N)
America’s News Headquarters (N) America’s News Headquarters (N)
(FSN) WorldOutd’rHunterWoods...Due PaidWoodsOutdoorDW-TVFox Sports Prep ZoneWolvesCollege Basketball USC at Georgia. (N) GopherCollege Basketball WordsGopher
(2004) (CC) ›› “Holiday Wishes” (2006) (CC) ››› “Crazy for Christmas” (2005) “Dear Santa” (CC) (NBCSN) OutComingWhitetailWhitetail HuntingWhitetailBucksHuntingWinchOutdoorTo Be Announced To Be Announced (NICK) ParentsParentsSponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.TurtlesKung FuPenguinRobotPowerSponge.Kung FuKung FuAdventures/JimmySponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge.Sponge. (SPIKE) PaidPaidPaidPaidXtremeHorse.Trucks!MuscleRepoRepoRepoRepoTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTenantsTattooTattoo (SYFY) PaidPaidPaidPaidZoneStar Trek: Next ›› “Star Trek: the Motion Picture” (1979) (CC) ››› “Star Trek III: The Search for Spock” ››› “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” (1986) StarTrek (TBN) Dr. WonDooleyMouseStoryThe Auto GdComeGod RocMonsterHopkinsLassieGoliathIshineInspir.VeggiePenguinTailsHeroes & LegendsNewsJust Where I Belong Jacob’s (TBS)
Name Is Earl According-Jim There Yet? Meet the Browns House of Payne According-Jim Raymond Raymond ›› “The Mexican” (2001, Comedy-Drama) Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, James Gandolfini. (CC) ››› “Hitch” (2005) Will Smith. A smooth-talker helps a shy accountant woo an heiress. Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) Friends (CC) King of Queens King of Queens (TCM) (5:00) ››› “Little Dorrit Part One: Nobody’s Fault” (1988) Alec Guinness. (:15) ›› “Twist of Fate” (1954) Ginger Rogers. (:45) ›› “Blazing the Western Trail” (1946, Western) › “The Saint Meets the Tiger” (:15) ›› “The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold” (:45) ››› “Bush Christmas” (1947) Chips Rafferty. (:15) “Carol for Another Christmas” (1964) Sterling Hayden, Eva Marie Saint. “The Man Who Came to Dinner” (TLC) PaidPaidPaidPaidProperty LadderProperty LadderProperty LadderProperty LadderExtreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme ExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtremeExtreme (TNT) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Leverage (CC) Rizzoli & IslesLaw & Order (S) ›› “Monster-in-Law” (2005) (CC) ›› “A Christmas Carol” (1999) ›› “Four Christmases” (2008) (TOON) Scan2GoNinjaGoBeyPokeBen 10StarDragonsDragonsGumballGumballJohnnyJohnnyJohnnyMADAnnoyAnnoyGumballAdvenRegularOlive-ReindeerLooneyGrinchSmurfs
(S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show (USA) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Royal Pains The nuptials of Evan and Paige. (CC) Burn Notice Michael is caught. ›› “Next Friday” (2000, Comedy) Ice Cube, Mike Epps, Justin Pierce. (CC) (12:55) ›› “How Do You Know” (2010) Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson, Paul Rudd. (CC) ›› “The Game Plan” (2007, Comedy) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. (CC) “Ugly Truth” (WGN-A) PaidPaidPaidPaidMatlock (S) (CC) Matlock (S) (CC) Law Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CILaw Order: CI
(HBO) (:05) ›› “Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid” Conchords (:15) ›› “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” (2012) Dwayne Johnson. ‘PG’ REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (S) Fight Game ›› “Welcome to Mooseport” (2004) Gene Hackman. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “Girl With a Pearl Earring” (2003) Colin Firth.
(:15) ›› “Journey 2: The Mysterious Island” (2012) Dwayne Johnson. ‘PG’ › “Something Borrowed” (2011) (MAX) (5:05) “Antz” ›› “The X-Files” (1998, Science Fiction) David Duchovny. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) ›› “Hall Pass” (2011, Comedy) Owen Wilson. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(:20) ›› “Mr. Baseball” (1992) Tom Selleck. ‘PG-13’ (:10) “The Philly Kid” (2012) Wes Chatham. (S) ‘R’ (CC) (:45) › “Major League II” (1994, Comedy) Charlie Sheen. (S) ‘PG’ (CC) ›› “Antitrust” (2001, Suspense) Ryan Phillippe. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC) “Big Stan” (S) (SHOW) (5:00) ››› “Dead Again” ‘R’ Inside the NFL (S) (CC) Jim Rome on Showtime Kevin Nealon: Whelmed
›› “Beastly” (2011) Alex Pettyfer. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
››› “50/50” (2011) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. ‘R’ (CC) War Horse ››› “War Horse” (2011) Emily Watson. A horse sees joy and sorrow during World War I. (S) Untold History of the United States Dexter Dexter on 34th Street” (1947, Fantasy) Maureen O’Hara. (CC)
(1995, Fantasy) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Kirsten Dunst. (CC)
Stooges “Miracle” (AP) Too Cute! (S) Too Cute! (N) (S) Pup CultureToo Cute! (S) Pup CultureToo Cute! (S) Too Cute! (S) Too Cute! (S) FreakFreakTapeTapeWeirdWeirdExtremeExtreme (BRAVO) Real Housewives ››› “The Family Man” (2000) Nicolas Cage. ››› “The Family Man” (2000) Nicolas Cage. ›› “Overboard” (1987, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. RealPaidPaidPaidPaidDecorators
(CNBC) Money MillionsUltimate FactoriesSuze Orman ShowPrincessPrincessUltimate FactoriesSuze Orman ShowPrincessPrincessPaidPaidPrincessPrincessSuze Orman ShowSuze Orman ShowOptionsPaid (CNN) CNN NewsroomCNN PresentsPiers MorganPiers MorganCNN PresentsPiers MorganCNN NewsroomCNN PresentsPiers MorganCNN NewsroomPiers MorganWk Early Start (COM) Tosh.0Tosh.0South PkBeavisSouth PkBeavisSouth PkBeavisSouth PkBeavisSouth PkBeavisSouth PkBeavisSouth PkBeavisSouth PkBeavisSouth PkComedyPaidPaidPaidPaid (DISC) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Outlaw Empires (S) Hang PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidDavid (DISN) DogDog“Santa Paws” PhineasANT JessieShake ItGood ANT Shake ItAustinPhineasGood ›› “Smart House” (1999) DeckDeckFish PhineasLittleOcto (E!) “Sweet Home” ››› “Ocean’s Thirteen” (2007) Brad Pitt Love Fashion PoliceSoupChelseaLove E! InvestigatesChelseaSoupLove PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (ESPN) Monday Night Countdown (N) NFL Football Atlanta Falcons at Detroit Lions. (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) NFLCollege Football SportsCenterNFL (ESPN2) College Basketball Illinois vs. Missouri. College Basketball Florida at Kansas State. (N) (Live) SEC Storied (N) SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Tonight (N) World/ Poker 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC)
(EWTN) Mother AngelicaTime to Remember RosaryLiving RightTheater of WordDaily MassChristSavoringDana-ChristmasVaticanMusicEWTN LiveIconsLivingAngelusFeasts
(FAM) “Santa Clause” ›› “The Santa Clause 2” (2002) “Santa Clause 3: Escape Clause” ›› “The Santa Clause 2” (2002) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPrinceMass (FNC) FOX Report (N) Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) The Journal Editorial Report (CC) Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) Red Eye Huckabee Justice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large (S) (CC) FOX and Friends Sunday (N)
(FSN) VikingsWild To Be Announced Wild GopherWolvesWorld Poker TourTo Be Announced GopherCollege Basketball VikingsVikings Country (FX) “Smithsonian” ›› “Alvin and the Chipmunks”“Alvin and Chipmunks: Squeakquel”SunnyLeagueLeagueUnsuper.SunnyUnsuper.ArcherArcherTwo
(GOLF) (5:30) PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Final Round. From Charlotte, N.C. Golf Central PGA Tour Golf Wells Fargo Championship, Final Round. From Charlotte, N.C.
(HGTV) House HuntersLove It or List ItWhite HouseHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlWhite HouseHuntersHunt IntlHuntersHunt IntlLove It or List ItPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(HIST) Mankind The StoryMankind The Story of All of Us (CC) PawnPawnPawnPawn(:01) Mankind The Story of All of UsPawnPawnPawnPawnPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(LIFE) “Dear Santa” (CC) “The Merry In-Laws” (2012) (CC) “Finding Mrs. Claus” (2012) (CC) (:02) “The Merry In-Laws” (2012) (CC) (:02) “Finding Mrs. Claus” (2012) (CC) PaidNopaleaMy PilPaidPaidPaid
(NBCSN) IndyCar TBACollege Basketball Davidson at Drexel. To Be Announced To Be Announced Caught LookingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid
(NICK) iCarly (S) iCarly (S) iCarly (S) VictoRockiCarly (S) NannyNannyFriendsFriendsFriendsFriendsGeorge(:45) George LopezGeorgeGeorgeMy WifeMy WifeYesDearYesDearMattersGrownBarnyard (SPIKE) TattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooTattooWays Ways Ways Ways Hang PaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (SYFY) (5:30) ›› “Star Trek Generations”
››› “Star Trek: First Contact” (1996) ››› “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” (1982) ›› “Star Trek V: The Final Frontier” (1989) Star Trek: NextZonePaidPaid (TBN) Precious MemoriesIn Touch Hour of Power (S) ››› “Love’s Christmas Journey” (2011) Natalie Hall. Our First Christmas Trinity Christmas at Maxwell’sVeggie Tales: LitChristmas Visitor (TBS) King of Queens King of Queens Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangWedding Band (CC) Wedding Band (CC) ›› “The Replacements” (2000, Comedy) Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman, Orlando Jones. (CC) MarriedPaid Program Paid Program ›› “Yes Man” (2008, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel. (CC) MarriedMarried (TCM) “The Man Who Came to Dinner”
››› “Rebel Without a Cause” (1955) James Dean, Natalie Wood. (CC)
››› “The Wild One” (1954) Marlon Brando. (CC) Hidden Values: Movies of the ’50s ››› “Blackboard Jungle” (1955) Glenn Ford. (CC) (DVS) (:15) ››› “Anatomy of a Murder” (1959, Drama) James Stewart, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara. (CC) ››› “The Thing From Another World” (1951) “Great Rupert” (TLC) Holiday ER (CC) Deck HallsToddlers & TiarasFour Weddings: Deck HallsToddlers & TiarasFour Weddings: Holiday ER (CC) PaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TNT)
›››› “The Wizard of Oz” (1939) (:15) ›››› “The Wizard of Oz” (1939) ›› “Monster-in-Law” (2005) (CC) ›› “The Women” (2008) Meg Ryan. Premiere. Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) Law & Order (S) (TOON) ›› “Garfield’s Fun Fest” (2008) VentureFam GuyFam GuyCleveDynaBoonBleachNarutoTenchiThundr.SamuraiTitanEureka 7FullmetalCowboyCowboyInuyashaInuyashaLooneyLooney (TRAV) Barbecue ParadiseGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresGhost AdventuresPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TRUTV) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) Wipeout (S) (CC) World’s Dumbest...Most ShockingWorld’s Dumbest...Most ShockingWorld’s Dumbest...Most ShockingPaidPaidPaidPaidPaidPaid (TVLAND) Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Cleveland Cleveland (:43) That ’70s Show (S) (CC) ’70s Show Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) Roseanne (S) (USA) (5:30) › “The Ugly Truth” (2009) Katherine Heigl. (CC) › “The Back-up Plan” (2010, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin. Premiere. (CC)
› “The Ugly Truth” (2009) Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler, Eric Winter. (CC) NCIS Navy commander’s death. (S) WWE A.M. Raw (N) (CC) House “Merry Little Christmas” (S) House Cuddy receives gift. (CC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (WGN-A) NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Atlanta Hawks. Funny VideosNewsBones (S) (CC) Bones (S) (CC) 30 Rock30 Rock30 Rock30 RockChrisChris ››› “The Station Agent” (2003) WorldPaid
(HBO) (5:00) › “Something Borrowed” ›› “Joyful Noise” (2012) Queen Latifah. Premiere. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
›› “Johnny English Reborn” (2011) (S) ‘PG’ (CC) (:45) ›› “Joyful Noise” (2012) Queen Latifah, Dolly Parton. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)
(:45) › “Your Highness” (2011, Comedy) Danny McBride. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ››› “Die Hard 2” (1990, Action) Bruce Willis. (S) ‘R’ (CC) Conchords (:05) “Kit Kittredge: An American Girl”
(MAX) (5:20) ››› “Big Stan” (2007) (S) ‘R’ (:15) ›› “Hall Pass” (2011, Comedy) Owen Wilson. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “The Revenant” (2009, Comedy) David Anders. Premiere. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Dark Secrets” (2012, Adult) Kelli McCarty. (S) ‘NR’ (CC)
›› “The Revenant” (2009, Comedy) David Anders, Chris Wylde. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
›› “She Hate Me” (2004) Anthony Mackie. A man impregnates his ex-fiancee and lesbians. ‘R’
(4:50) ›› “One Day” (2011) (CC) (SHOW) Homeland Carrie needs to decide.
(2011) Paul Rudd. (S) ‘R’ (CC) ››› “50/50” (2011) Joseph Gordon-Levitt. ‘R’ (CC) (:10) › “Mother’s Day” (2010) Rebecca De Mornay. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
››› “Our Idiot Brother”
“Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare” (1991) (S) ‘R’
Cop 2” (1991) Robert Davi. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
(12:05) Homeland “The Choice” (S) (:05) Dexter “Surprise, Mother...”
“Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare” (1991) (S) ‘R’
Cop 2” (1991) Robert Davi. (S) ‘R’ (CC)
“Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll” (2010) Andy Serkis. (S) ‘NR’ (CC) “Raising Genius” (2004) Wendie Malick. (S) ‘R’ (CC) “Ronnie & Julie”
(:05) Jim Rome on Showtime Dave’s Old Porn Shaquille O’Neal: Comedy War Horse (:15) › “Celtic Pride” (1996) (CC) (TMC) “Twisted” ‘R’ › “Loosies” (2011) Peter Facinelli. (S) ‘PG-13’ (CC)