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relationship and the Amber situation. Hope, Brooke and Bill all demanded Amber prove she was pregnant and take a paternity test. Days of our Lives
Bo, Hope and Ciara had an emotional reunion, and Justin told them that Hope wouldn’t be going back to prison. Sami made love to impostor Rafe while the real Rafe remained in Stefano’s custody. Later, EJ introduced Rafe to his doppelganger. Nicole was unhappy to see Taylor bonding with Sami. Brady revealed to Victor that he’d tricked Vivian into signing control of Titan over to him. Kate tried to persuade Melanie to take Parker away from Chloe and raise him with Philip
— who told his mother to stay out of his relationship and leave Chloe alone. Chloe was baking cookies when she got a call from the pharmacy about Parker’s medication.
General Hospital
Brenda accused Carly of trashing her wedding gown, and the two women faced off. Sonny suggested they elope, but Brenda refused. Maxie pushed Lulu and Dante to get back together. Sonny told Michael he was proud of him and loved him no matter what happened in Pentonville. Someone caused a flood in the Archer Pavilion. Michael begged Dante not to quit PCPD on his account, while Dante struggled to convince Mi-