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When the barbecue’s over, TV keeps serving food shows

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“Geek Crash Course,” geekcrashcourse.com

Each week, Michael Nixon and Diana Dekajlo offer a short course on a topic related to geekdom, including comics, video games, sci-fi and more. Recent episodes look at “Game of Thrones,” “RoboCop,” “Doctor Who,” “Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell,” Wolverine from “X-Men” and Superman.

“Terrible Babysitters,” blip. tv/terriblebabysitters

Michael (Michael Kayne) and D’Arcy (D’Arcy Carden) — the stars are also the creators and writers of this Web original — are just two parents who’d like to find a baby sitter. As you might tell from the title, it doesn’t go well. At one point, a Jay Leno fetish is involved.

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